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大华股份:2023 Annual Report2024-05-06  

                                                                          2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

               Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                2023 Annual Report

                                                  Stock Code: 002236

                                                  Stock Abbreviation: DAHUA

                                                  Date of Disclosure: April 2024

This document is a translated version of the Chinese version 2023 Annual Report (“2023 年年度报告全文”),
and the published annual report in the Chinese version shall prevail.
The complete published Chinese 2023 Annual Report may be obtained at http://www.cninfo.com.cn.
                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

      Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions

    The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, Directors, Supervisors and Senior

Management hereby guarantee that the information presented in this report are true,

accurate, and complete without any false records, misleading statements or material

omissions, and they will bear joint and several liability for such information.

    Fu Liquan, the Company's legal representative, Xu Qiaofen, chief accountant, and

Zhu Zhuling, person in charge of accounting institution (Accounting Officer) hereby

declare and warrant that the financial statements in the annual report are authentic,

accurate, and complete. All directors attended the meeting of the Board of Directors for

deliberation of this annual report.

      During the reporting period, there was no significant change in the risks faced by

the Company. The Company has been trying to identify all kinds of risks and actively

take counter-measures to avoid and reduce the risks.

      (1) Risk of technology upgrading: The smart IoT industry is a typical

technology-intensive industry, featuring extremely fast upgrading. If the Company is

unable to keep up with development trends of industrial technologies, to pay full

attention to customers' diversified needs, and to devote sufficient R&D investments, it

may still face the risk of losing market competitiveness due to discontinuous innovation.

By increasing R&D investment, the Company continues to strengthen research on

such core technologies as multidimensional awareness, AI large model, video cloud,

big data, network communication, cyber security, machine vision, and reserves product,

technology, management talent resources for a broader market in the future, so as to

achieve sustainable and steady business development.

                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

      (2) Risk of business model change: With the development of IoT, artificial

intelligence, big data, cloud computing, network communications, among other

technologies, as well as the upgrades of smart device applications, the business model

in the IoT era may have an impact on the traditional industry development. If an

enterprise fails to grasp opportunities brought about by the business model

transformation in a timely manner, it may face the risk that the original market pattern

becomes broken. The Company continues to focus on and study the major changes in

global economy, industry and technology, analyze the industry development logic, and

predict the evolution of smart IoT industry, the continuous integration of video,

information communication and digital technologies, and the diversification and

uncertainty of customer demands. While consolidating its current advantageous

market, the Company is also actively exploring and piloting new businesses and new

commercial modes, with business and technical layout.

      (3) Risk of declined local fiscal payment capacity: At present, local fiscal debt

is relatively high. If the local fiscal payment capacity declines, it may slow down the

growth of industry demand, prolong the construction period of projects, extend the

collection of capital, and delay customers' payments. The Company continues to

improve the internal control system and optimize the project review methods, select

local projects carefully and assess project risks systematically with prudent

assessment of the market logic and cash flow balance logic, and reasonable control of

risks. In addition, it formulates plans to deal with potential risks such as cash flow

shortage, project delay, and payment delay.

      (4) Exchange rate risk: The Company's export transactions have been mostly

settled in U.S. dollars. As our overseas business is in continuous growth, the

                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

fluctuation of exchange rate may affect our profitability. The Company hedges and

avoids exchange rate risks by centralized management of foreign exchange funds and

hedging of purchase payments in line with its main use of U.S. dollars as the

settlement currency.

      (5) Risk of product safety: The Company attaches great importance to and

continuously strengthens resource investment to ensure safe and reliable system

operations so as to respond to product security risks on the Internet. However, hackers

attacks, computer viruses, physical security vulnerabilities, natural disasters, accidents,

power interruptions, telecommunications failures, terrorism, and warfare events may

still occur from time to time, resulting in security vulnerabilities, system failures, or

service interruptions. The Company has founded a cyber security committee, and set

up a professional security team to develop company-level product safety plans,

ensuring product safety in the whole process from demands, design, to coding and

testing. At the same time, the Company actively carries out technical exchanges and

cooperation with mainstream safety enterprises, safety evaluation agencies and

corresponding industry associations to provide customers with safe products and


      (6) Intellectual property risk: The promotion of the Company's globalization

strategy and its own brand strategy may expose the Company to intellectual property

rights risks and patent infringement, as well as such risks as business relations,

fluctuations in the public opinion environment, increased legal proceedings and rising

costs. With a high priority on technological innovation, the Company has established a

mechanism for the protection and management of intangible assets such as innovation

achievements, own brands and trade secrets, so as to continuously gather

                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

advantageous intellectual property assets; with the establishment of an intellectual

property compliance and risk control system, the Company continuously strengthens

its ability to understand and master intellectual property laws and regulations as well

as the administrative and judicial environment in the regions where it operates.

      (7) Risks of international operations: The Company's products and solutions

are available in over 100 countries and regions worldwide. As a result, the Company's

international operations may face risks such as trade protectionism, local political

conflicts, increasingly complex legal compliance requirements, and a sustained

slowdown in global economic growth. The Company actively guards against and

responds to risks of international operations by establishing an overseas compliance

risk control system. It continuously strengthens the understanding and adaptability of

the laws and regulations as well as the political and economic environment of the

regions where its business is involved, and formulates differentiated business

strategies in accordance with the changes in politics and economy of different regions

to reduce operational risks.

      (8) Supply chain security risks: The Company pays attention to the operating

risks of suppliers. By establishing an operating risk data management platform, it

monitors the operating conditions of suppliers in real time to avoid potential risks; it

promotes diversified supply sources to ensure supply delivery.

    The profit distribution proposal approved by the board of directors is: Based on the

share capital of 3,274,649,389 shares after deducting the Company's repurchased

shares (19,819,601 shares) as of December 31, 2023, RMB 3.82 (tax included) of

cash dividend and 0 bonus share (tax included) for every 10 shares will be distributed

to all shareholders, instead of common reserve capitalizing.

                                                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                        Table of Contents
Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions ............................................................................................... 2

Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators ................................................................................... 12

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis ................................................................................................... 17

Section IV Corporate Governance ................................................................................................................................. 143

Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities ....................................................................................... 170

Section VI Significant Events ........................................................................................................................................... 171

Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders........................................................ 197

Section VIII Information of Preferred Shares ........................................................................................................... 210

Section IX Situation on Corporate Bonds ................................................................................................................. 211

Section X Financial Report ................................................................................................................................................ 212

                                          2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                  Documents Available for Reference

    I. Financial statements signed and sealed by the Company's person in charge, the

chief accountant, and the person in charge of accounting department (accounting


    II. The original copy of the Audit Report with the seal of the Accounting Firm and

signed and stamped by Certified Public Accountants.

    III. The said documents are prepared and placed at the Company's Securities

Investment Department for reference by investors.

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

            Item of definition       Refers To                             Definitions
Reporting Period                     Refers To       From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
Dahua, company, the company          Refers To       Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Dahua System Engineering, System
                                     Refers To       Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd.
Engineering Company
Dahua Vision Technology              Refers To       Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd.
Dahua Security Network, Operation                    Zhejiang Dahua Security Network Operation Service
                                     Refers To
Company                                              Co., Ltd.
Dahua Ju'an                          Refers To       Zhejiang Dahua Ju'an Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangxi Dahua Information            Refers To       Guangxi Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                     Guangxi Dahua Yunlian Information Technology Co.,
Guangxi Yunlian                      Refers To
Xiaohua Technology, Hangzhou
                                     Refers To       Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology CO., LTD.
Dahua Zhilian                        Refers To       Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd.
Dahua Investment, Dahua
                                     Refers To       Zhejiang Dahua Investment Management Co., Ltd.
Investment Management
Guangxi Zhicheng, Dahua Zhicheng     Refers To       Guangxi Dahua Zhicheng Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Huacheng, Huacheng
                                     Refers To       Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Xinjiang Information                 Refers To       Xinjiang Dahua Zhixin Information Technology Co., Ltd.
HuaRay Technology                    Refers To       Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd.
Fuyang Hua'ao                        Refers To       Hangzhou Fuyang Hua'ao Technology Co., Ltd.
Huafei Intelligent                   Refers To       Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology CO., LTD.
Huachuang Vision                     Refers To       Zhejiang Huachuang Vision Technology Co., Ltd.
Guizhou Huayi                        Refers To       Guizhou Huayi Shixin Technology Co., Ltd.
Xinjiang Zhihe                       Refers To       Xinjiang Dahua Zhihe Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangxi Huacheng                     Refers To       Guangxi Huacheng Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                     Guizhou Meitan Dahua Information Technology Co.,
Meitan Dahua Technology              Refers To
                                                     Inner Mongolia Dahua Zhimeng Information Technology
Inner Mongolia Zhimeng               Refers To
                                                     Co., Ltd.
Xinjiang Zhitian                     Refers To       Xinjiang Dahua Zhitian Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Xinjiang Xinzhi                      Refers To       Xinjiang Dahua Xinzhi Information Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                     Xinjiang Dahua Huayue Information Technology Co.,
Xinjiang Huayue                      Refers To
Leapmotor Technology                 Refers To       Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd.
Leapmotor                            Refers To       Leapmotor Automobile Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Dahua Information, Tianjin
                                     Refers To       Tianjin Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Hunan Dahua Zhilong, Dahua
                                     Refers To       Hunan Dahua Zhilong Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Huaxiao Technology                   Refers To       Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd.
Vision Technology                    Refers To       Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co., Ltd.
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian, Xi'an Dahua     Refers To       Xi'an Dahua Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.
Huaruipin                            Refers To       Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co. Ltd.

                                          2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                              Beijing Huayue Shangcheng Information Technology
Beijing Huayue                Refers To
                                              Service Co., Ltd.
                                              Shanghai Huashang Chengyue Information Technology
Shanghai Huashang             Refers To
                                              Service Co., Ltd.
Dahua Jinzhi                  Refers To       Zhejiang Dahua Jinzhi Technology Co., Ltd.
Dahua Hong Kong, Dahua (HK)
                              Refers To       Dahua Technology (HK) Limited
                                              Zhejiang Zhoushan Digital Development Operation Co.
Zhoushan Operation            Refers To
Yunnan Zhili                  Refers To       Yunnan Zhili Technology Co., Ltd
Guangxi Dahua Technology      Refers To       Guangxi Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Huayixin                      Refers To       Zhejiang Huayixin Technology Co., Ltd.
Huaruijie                     Refers To       Zhejiang Huaruijie Technology Co., Ltd.
                                              Chengdu Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co.,
Chengdu Zhilian               Refers To
                                              Chengdu Dahua Zhian Information Technology Service
Chengdu Zhian                 Refers To
                                              Co., Ltd.
                                              Chengdu Dahua Zhishu Information Technology Service
Chengdu Zhishu                Refers To
                                              Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Zhichuang             Refers To       Chengdu Zhichuang Yunshu Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Smart Network         Refers To       Chengdu Huishan Smart Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Huakong Software              Refers To       Zhejiang Huakong Software Co., Ltd.
Huacheng Software             Refers To       Hangzhou Huacheng Software Co., Ltd.
Guizhou Dahua                 Refers To       Guizhou Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Henan Dahua                   Refers To       Henan Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Huajian                       Refers To       Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd.
                                              Zhengzhou Dahua Zhian Information Technology Co.,
Zhengzhou Dahua Zhian         Refers To
Dahua International           Refers To       Dahua Technology International Co., Ltd.
Anhui Zhilian                 Refers To       Anhui Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Anhui Zhishu                  Refers To       Anhui Dahua Zhishu Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Changsha Dahua                Refers To       Changsha Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Huajian               Refers To       Tianjin Huajian Technology Co., Ltd.
Wuhu Huajian                  Refers To       Wuhu Huajian Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Pixfra               Refers To       Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Huaxi                    Refers To       Yiwu Huaxi Technology Co., Ltd.
                                              Zhejiang Dahua Intelligent IoT Operation Service Co.,
Dahua Operation               Refers To
                                              Nanyang Dahua Intelligent Information Technology Co.,
Nanyang Intelligent           Refers To
Yibin Huahui                  Refers To       Yibin Huahui Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Huazhiwei             Refers To       Chengdu Huazhiwei Technology Co., Ltd.
IMOU Xi'an                    Refers To       Xi'an IMOU Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.
Luoyang Zhiyu                 Refers To       Luoyang Dahua Zhiyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Huaqi Intelligence            Refers To       Zhejiang Huaqi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
                                              Chengdu Dahua Wisdom Information Technology Co.,
Chengdu Information           Refers To
Huajian Technology            Refers To       Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd.

                                        2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Huaxiyue                    Refers To        Guangdong Huaxiyue Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
                                             Zhejiang Huajie New Energy Operation Service Co.,
Huajie Operation            Refers To
Shuhang Intelligent         Refers To        Zhejiang Shuhang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Dahua USA                   Refers To        Dahua Technology USA Inc.
Dahua Europe                Refers To        Dahua Europe B.V.
Dahua Middle East           Refers To        Dahua Technology Middle East FZE
Dahua Mexico                Refers To        Dahua Technology Mexico S.A. DE C.V
Dahua Chile                 Refers To        Dahua Technology Chile SpA
Dahua Malaysia              Refers To        Dahua Security Malaysia SDN. BHD.
Dahua Korea                 Refers To        Dahua Technology Korea Company Limited
Dahua Indonesia             Refers To        PT. Dahua Vision Technology Indonesia
Dahua Colombia              Refers To        Dahua Technology Colombia S.A.S
Dahua Australia             Refers To        Dahua Technology Australia PTY LTD
Dahua Singapore             Refers To        Dahua Technology Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Dahua South Africa          Refers To        Dahua Technology South Africa Proprietary Limited
Dahua Peru                  Refers To        Dahua Technology Perú S.A.C
Dahua Russia                Refers To        Dahua Technology Rus Limited Liability Company
                                             DAHUA TECHNOLOGY BRASIL COMRCIO
Dahua Brazil                Refers To
                                             ESERVIOS EM SEGURANA ELETRNICA LTDA
Dahua Canada                Refers To        Dahua Technology Canada INC.
Dahua Panama                Refers To        Dahua Technology Panama S.A.
Dahua Hungary               Refers To        Dahua Technology Hungary Kft
Dahua Poland                Refers To        Dahua Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Dahua Italy                 Refers To        Dahua Technology Italy S.R.L.
Dahua Tunisia               Refers To        Dahua Technology Tunisia Limited Liability Company
Dahua Kenya                 Refers To        Dahua Technology Kenya Limited
Dahua UK                    Refers To        Dahua Technology UK Limited
Dahua Germany               Refers To        Dahua Technology GmbH
Dahua Serbia                Refers To        Dahua Technology SRB d.o.o.
Dahua India                 Refers To        Dahua Technology India Private Limited
Dahua Turkey                Refers To        Dahua Guvenlik Teknolojileri Sanayive Ticaret A.S.
Dahua Czech                 Refers To        Dahua Technology Czech s.r.o.
Dahua Argentina             Refers To        Dahua Argentina S.A.
Dahua Spain                 Refers To        Dahua Iberia, S.L.
Dahua Kazakhstan            Refers To        Dahua Technology Kazakhstan LLP
Dahua Denmark               Refers To        Dahua Technology Denmark Aps.
Dahua France                Refers To        Dahua Technology France SAS
Dahua Technology Holdings   Refers To        Dahua Technology Holdings Limited
Dahua New Zealand           Refers To        Dahua Technology New Zealand Limited
Dahua Netherlands           Refers To        Dahua Technology Netherlands B.V.
Dahua Morocco               Refers To        Dahua Technology Morocco SARL
Dahua Romania               Refers To        Dahua Technology S.R.L

                                   2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Uzbekistan       Refers To       Dahua Vision LLc
Dahua Bulgaria         Refers To       Dahua Technology Bulgaria EOOD
Dahua Sri Lanka        Refers To       Dahua Technology China (Pvt) LTD
Dahua Pakistan         Refers To       Dahua Technology Pakistan (private) Limited
Dahua Thailand         Refers To       Dahua Technology (Thailand) Co.,LTD.
Dahua Nigeria          Refers To       Dahua Technology Nigeria Representative Ltd
Dahua Israel           Refers To       Dahua Technology Israel Ltd.
Dahua Mexico Service   Refers To       VISMEXTECH DHM SERVICIOS, S.A. DEC.V.
Huacheng Netherlands   Refers To       Imou Network Technology Netherlands B.V.
Dahua Japan            Refers To       Dahua Technology Japan LLC
Huacheng Hong Kong     Refers To       Huacheng Network (HK) Technology Limited
Dahua Qatar            Refers To       Dahua Technology QFZ LLC
Dahua Pacific          Refers To       Dahua Technology Pacific S.A
                                       INTELBRAS S.A. INDSTRIA DE
INTELBRAS S.A.         Refers To
                                       TELECOMUNICAO ELETRNICA BRASILEIRA
                                       Dahua Technology Middle East for Maintenance Single
Dahua Saudi Arabia     Refers To
                                       Person Company
Dahua Bengal           Refers To       Dahua Technology Bangladesh Private Limited
                                       IMOU NETWORK TECHNOLOGY AUSTRALIA PTY
IMOU Australia         Refers To
                                       CNG TY TNHH CNG NGH IMOU NETWORK VIT
IMOU Vietnam           Refers To
HuaRay Singapore       Refers To       HUARAY TECHNOLOGY SINGAPORE PTE. LTD.
Dahua Belgium          Refers To       Dahua Technology Belgium BV
Dahua Saudi Arabia     Refers To       Dahua Technology Regional Headquarters
Dahua Azerbaijan       Refers To       Dahua Technology Azerbaijan LLC
Dahua Vietnam          Refers To       Dahua Technology Vietnam Company Limited
HuaRay Germany         Refers To       Huaray technology GmbH
Dahua Angola           Refers To       Dahua Technology Angola S.U. lda

                                                       2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

       Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators

I. Company Information

  Stock Abbreviation          DAHUA                         Stock Code                   002236

  Stock Exchange              Shenzhen Stock Exchange

  Company Name in
  Company Abbreviation in
  Company Name in Foreign
                              ZHEJIANG DAHUA TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.
  Language (If any)
  Legal Representative        Fu Liquan
  Registered Address          1187 Bin'an Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City
  Post Code of Registered
  Change of the Company’s    On November 9, 2005, the Company’s registered address changed from the 15th floor
  Registered Address          of Tianyuan Building, 508 Wensan Road, Hangzhou to the present registered address.
  Office Address              No. 1399 Bixing Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City
  Post Code of Office
  Website                     www.dahuatech.com
  E-mail                      zqsw@dahuatech.com

II. Contact Person and Contact Information

                                              Secretary of the Board           Representative of Securities Affairs
Name                                   Wu Jian                                Li Sirui
                                       No. 1399 Bixing Road, Binjiang         No. 1399 Bixing Road, Binjiang
Contact Address
                                       District, Hangzhou City                District, Hangzhou City
Tel.                                   0571-28939522                          0571-28939522
Fax                                    0571-28051737                          0571-28051737
E-mail                                 zqsw@dahuatech.com                     zqsw@dahuatech.com

III. Information Disclosure and Location

  The stock exchange website where the Company
                                                            Shenzhen Stock Exchange (http://www.szse.cn)
  discloses the annual report
  The media outlets and their websites where the Company    Securities Times and Juchao Information Network
  discloses the annual report                               http://www.cninfo.com.cn/
  Location for Annual Report of the Company                 Securities Investment Department

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

IV. Registration Change

 Unified Social Credit Code                                     91330000727215176K
 Changes in Main Business Since Listing (If any)                No Change
 Change of Controlling Shareholders (If any)                    No Change

V. Other Related Information

Accounting Firm Hired by the Company
                                                                BDO China Shu Lun Pan CPAs (special general
 Name of the Accounting Firm
                                                                4/F, New Huangpu Financial Plaza, No.61, Nanjing East
 Office Address of the Accounting Firm
                                                                Road, Shanghai
 Name of Signing Public Accountant                              Du Na, Zhang Junhui

The sponsor institution hired by the company to perform the continuous supervision in the reporting period
 Applicable □ Not applicable

 Name of Sponsor                 Office Address of Sponsor      Name(s) of Sponsor          Continuous Supervision
 Institution                     Institution                    Representative(s)           Period
                                 5th Floor, Kaisiya Building,
                                 No. 105 Tiyuchang Road,                                    April 14, 2023 to December
 Guosen Securities co., Ltd.                                    Lou Yu, Sun Yu
                                 Hangzhou City, Zhejiang                                    31, 2024
The financial adviser hired by the company to perform the continuous supervision in the reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable

VI. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether the Company needs retroactive adjustment or restatement of accounting data in prior years or not
□ Yes  No

                                                                            Compared with the
                                   2023                      2022                                            2021
                                                                            Same Period of the
                                                                               Previous Year
 Operating revenue
                              32,218,317,636.77       30,565,370,012.64                  5.41%       32,835,479,336.85
 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of
                               7,361,892,404.52         2,324,356,092.20               216.73%        3,378,410,889.60
 the listed Company
 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of
 the listed company
                               2,961,742,139.01         1,580,552,515.57                87.39%        3,103,383,711.14
 after deducting non-
 recurring gains and
 losses (RMB)
 Net cash flow
 generated by                  4,598,778,654.47         1,053,587,649.46               336.49%        1,727,560,748.01
 operational activities

                                                          2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Basic Earnings per
                                              2.31                   0.79               192.41%                        1.15
 Share (RMB/Share)
 Diluted Earnings per
                                              2.31                   0.79               192.41%                        1.15
 Share (RMB/Share)
 Weighted Average
                                        22.43%                    9.49%                   12.94%                 15.58%
                                                                            Increase/Decrease at
                                                                                the End of the
                                                                                 Current Year
                                End of 2023            End of 2022                                       End of 2021
                                                                             Compared with the
                                                                             End of the Previous
 Total assets (RMB)         52,881,927,214.00        46,252,893,804.54                    14.33%       44,055,872,021.97
 Net assets
 attributable to
 shareholders of the        34,719,173,825.42        25,836,798,918.61                    34.38%       23,617,602,513.55
 listed company

The Company’s net profits before and after deducting non-recurring profits and losses, whichever is lower, are
negative in the last three fiscal years, and the audit report of last year shows that there is uncertainty in the
Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
□ Yes  No
The net profits before and after deducting non-recurring profits and losses, whichever is lower, is negative.
□ Yes  No

Ⅶ. Differences in Accounting Data Under Domestic and Foreign Accounting Standards

(1) Differences of net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed according to
the international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period of the company, there is no difference between the net profits and net assets in the
financial reports disclosed according to international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards.

(2) Differences between the net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed
according to the overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period of the company, there is no difference between the net profits and net assets in the
financial reports disclosed according to overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards.

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Ⅷ. Key Financial Indicators by Quarter

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                    Q1                       Q2                        Q3                        Q4
 Operating revenue            6,015,629,882.58          8,617,917,398.06         7,644,936,763.40          9,939,833,592.73
 Net Profit Attributable
 to Shareholders of             495,351,177.84          1,480,667,195.29           614,113,966.50          4,771,760,064.89
 the Listed Company
 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of
 the listed company
                                398,105,107.61          1,356,664,722.35           647,597,255.16            559,375,053.89
 after deducting non-
 recurring gains and
 Net cash flow
 generated by                 -1,339,410,329.62         1,602,107,075.33         1,062,555,492.77          3,273,526,415.99
 operating activities

Whether the above financial indicators or their totals are significantly different from the financial indicators disclosed
in the Company’s quarterly and semi-annual reports
□ Yes  No

Ⅸ. Non-recurring Gains and Losses Items and Their Amounts

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                  Item                      Amount in 2023           Amount in 2022          Amount in 2021           Note
 Gains or losses from disposal of
 non-current assets (including the
                                             4,778,983,828.56          694,299,856.79            47,555,142.92
 write-off for the accrued impairment
 of assets)
 Government subsidies included in
 the current profits and losses
 (except for those that are closely
 related to the normal business
 operations of the Company, comply
                                               199,003,183.46          245,885,438.60           217,227,114.97
 with national policy regulations, are
 enjoyed according to established
 standards, and have a continuous
 impact on the Company's profits
 and losses)
 Gains or losses from changes in the
 fair value of financial assets and
 liabilities, and from the disposal of
 financial assets and liabilities, held
                                               103,119,981.50           -14,286,907.57           81,148,682.33
 by non-financial enterprises, except
 for effective hedging businesses
 related to the normal operating
 business of the Company.
 Gains or losses from investment or
                                                  1,819,647.72          -40,735,247.48          104,368,534.48
 asset management entrusted to

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Reversal of the receivables
 depreciation reserves for separate                    4,513.91            2,151,340.72
 impairment test
 Gains or losses from debt
                                                -16,242,445.24              -414,996.80              -56,076.90
 Non-Operating Revenue and
                                                -18,035,840.08             5,535,034.55       -1,402,020.22
 expenses other than the above
 Other gains and losses items that fit
 the definition of non-recurring gains          -57,989,909.93         -134,254,380.85       -40,319,290.13
 and losses
 Less: Impact of income tax                    555,973,378.97            49,067,502.67        78,172,720.73
        Impact of minority equity (after
                                                 34,539,315.42           -34,690,941.34       55,322,188.26
 Total                                       4,400,150,265.51           743,803,576.63       275,027,178.46             --

Other gains or losses that fit the definition of non-recurring gains or losses:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company has no other gains or losses that fit the definition of non-recurring gains or losses.
Note for the definition of non-recurring gains and losses listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on
Information Disclosure for Companies Issuance Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring gains and losses, as
recurring gains and losses.
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company did not define any non-recurring gains and losses listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on
Information Disclosure for Companies Issuance Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring gains and losses as
recurring gains and losses.

                                                    2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

          Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Industry Overview during the Reporting Period

    In 2023, China's economy and society embarked on a path of comprehensive recovery and
normalization. Under the guidance of enhanced macroeconomic regulation, the economy
demonstrated positive momentum, with a growing number of bright spots emerging. Overall, the
economic trend was one of steady upward growth. However, the external environment became
increasingly complex and challenging, with frequent regional hotspots and growing uncertainties
surrounding global economic growth. These developments posed new challenges for the Company.
The Company forged ahead despite the fluctuations in the macro environment and intensified
market competition, and completed the goal of ''transitioning from stability to growth while
upholding high-quality development'' at the beginning of the year.
    The world is witnessing an accelerated phase of technological revolution and industrial
transformation, while China's economy is undergoing a critical period of transition towards high-
quality development, economic structure optimization, and growth driver transformation. Against
this backdrop, China is vigorously promoting the digital economy, actively advancing digital
industrialization and industrial digitalization, fostering the deep integration of digital technologies
with the real economy, and deepening research and application in big data, artificial intelligence,
and other fields. Simultaneously, the sound development of data infrastructure, vigorous promotion
of data openness and sharing, and utilization are all becoming driving forces for the sustained
development of the smart IoT industry. With the continuous advancement of AI large model
technologies, the smart IoT industry, driven by business needs across a wide range of industries, is
leveraging its accumulated experience in algorithm development and scenario applications to
effectively implement visual large models in various application domains. This is leading to
synchronized improvements in generalization, accuracy, and expressiveness, and accelerating the
development of digitalization and intellgentization in the industry, further solidifying the industry's
overall competitiveness. Additionally, the smart IoT industry is continuously advancing business
enablement by collecting data through multidimensional awareness and multi-source connectivity,
fully leveraging the "multiplier effect" of data elements, and empowering efficient urban governance
and enterprise digitalization upgrades.
    Digitalization and intellgentization have become crucial trends in societal development and
significant drivers of economic growth. The pervasiveness of new technologies like big data and
artificial intelligence in the smart IoT industry is fueling the demand for digital upgrades in traditional
sectors. This will inject fresh impetus into China's economic development and open up new
avenues for the growth of the smart IoT industry.

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

II. Main Businesses of the Company during the Reporting Period

1. Business overview

    Dahua is a world-leading video-centric smart IoT solutions and service provider. Supported by
two major technological strategies, AIoT and the IoT digital intelligence platforms, the Company
effectively integrates technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and IoT into its products
and solutions to serve the digital innovation of cities and the digital intelligence transformation of
    In the field of city businesses, we are committed to establishing a new smart city ecosystem
that promotes ''efficient urban governance, autonomous city operations, enhanced security
systems, and collaborative ecological management''. This ecosystem is built on the principles of
''unified architecture, backward compatibility, shared capabilities, and commercial availability''. We
are deeply engaged in city business scenarios across various industries, including transportation,
traffic management, ports, public services, and ecological environment. Our cutting-edge smart IoT
solutions empower urban sectors to embrace digital innovation and achieve a harmonious
coexistence between humans, nature, and society.
    In the field of enterprise business, by leveraging AI, big data, and other cutting-edge
technologies, we seamlessly integrate them with industry-specific scenarios to gain deep insights
into industry transformation trends. We delve into a wide range of industries, uncovering the digital
and intelligent needs of enterprises, and providing each customer with high-quality digital upgrade
solutions. We are actively engaged in innovative practices across various industries, including
construction, education, manufacturing, petrochemicals, coal, power, steel, agriculture, logistics,
cultural tourism, healthcare, finance, and commercial chains. Our focus is on delivering customer
value by ensuring production safety, enhancing production capacity, promoting operational
efficiency, and optimizing service quality. We strive to be a trusted partner for enterprises seeking
digital transformation.
    In the field of innovative business, by leveraging our deep understanding of diverse
customer needs and years of experience in smart IoT, we are continuously exploring emerging

                                                   2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

businesses. These include machine vision and mobile robotics, smart living, thermal imaging,
automotive electronics, smart security inspection, smart firefighting, and storage media.

    In a relentless pursuit of industry competitiveness, the Company embarked on a
comprehensive strategic overhaul in 2023, transitioning from Think#1.0 to Think#2.0. This evolution
seamlessly integrates multimodal, industry-specific large models, graph-based computing, and
multi-source connectivity, propelling us from Intelligence to Integrated Intelligence. By establishing
a broader AIoT framework, we have strengthened our intelligent intents-based integration and
connection capabilities, unlocking the value of video-centric data elements.
    In the technology field, the Company has continuously strengthened its technological
capabilities and entered stage 2.0 for its AIoT and IoT digital intelligence platforms. In the field of
AIoT, we are leveraging large models to build broader AIoT capabilities and integrating diverse
technologies to establish a wider range of connectivity options. By fusing multimodal technologies
such as image, speech, and text with the Company's industry expertise, we are constructing
industry-specific large models that further enhance video analysis capabilities. Tailored to industry-
specific business scenarios, we are developing and continuously refining industry-specific AI
systems, accumulating knowledge from generic large models to enable rapid replication across
industries. To drive the convergence of computing and networking for intelligent visual applications,
we are building integrated connectivity capabilities that cater to intelligent intent. In the field of IoT
digital intelligence platform, we are committed to unlocking the value of data elements centered on
video. We will continuously enhance our capabilities in visual data analysis and content description,
further elevating the value of sensor data and promoting data resource transformation. We will
establish a visual-centric integration of computing and network, enabling efficient collaboration
across cloud, network, edge, and device layers. Leveraging large visual models and integrating
multimodal capabilities, we will comprehensively enhance data asset's accuracy, effectiveness, and
usability, facilitating data asset transformation. We will foster a thriving data element ecosystem by
focusing on enhancing urban governance efficiency and enterprise digitalization. We will
continuously explore the value of multi-dimensional data integration, empowering partners to
unleash the potential of data and promoting data commoditization.

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    In the field of business, our urban and enterprise solutions have been revamped and
upgraded, empowering industry clients to unleash their business potential. In the City Business 2.0
stage, we will build a more efficient urban governance system and actively fulfill our social
responsibility for sustainable development. Our initiatives span a wide range, from improving urban
management to efficient urban governance, from ensuring orderly operations to autonomous city
operations, from enhancing public safety to upgrading safety systems, and from ecological
environment monitoring to collaborative ecological governance. We are promoting a shift from
collaborative response to proactive governance and driving the reengineering of digital processes
in cities. In the Enterprise Business 2.0 stage, we will continue to assist businesses in all industries
with their digital transformation and upgrading, enabling the realization of value across all
scenarios. Our efforts encompass optimizing security systems, building a comprehensive security
system, improving production efficiency, establishing intelligent manufacturing capabilities,
supporting business management, and enhancing business decision-making. Our enterprise
business is gradually transitioning from peripheral support to the core of production. By deeply
interacting with core production systems, we can learn about the value of production and
management data, reduce management costs, and enhance business management capabilities
and decision-making levels.

2. Organizational structure

    The Company has established five world-class research institutes: the Advanced Technology
Institute, the Big Data Institute, the Central Research Institute, the Cybersecurity Institute, and the
Future Communications Institute. These institutes provide the foundation for two major product
lines: the AloT and IoT digital intelligence platforms. These platforms, in turn, empower three
comprehensive solutions: City Business Solutions, Enterprise Business Solutions, and Overseas
Business Solutions. With our headquarters in Hangzhou, we have also established research

                                                    2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

centers in Xi'an, Chengdu, Europe, and Latin America. This global network of research centers
allows us to meet the ever-evolving needs of our businesses and explore the boundless
possibilities of technology. With years of dedication, our company has established a national-level
post-doctoral scientific research workstation, earning recognition as a national enterprise
technology center, national-level industrial design center, and national innovative pilot enterprise.
Driven by an unwavering commitment to innovation, we consistently make groundbreaking
contributions and lead the industry forward.
    Embracing globalization, the Company has systematically expanded its domestic and
international marketing and service networks to provide customers with comprehensive lifecycle
services, including product and solution consulting, design, sales, delivery, and after-sales support.
As of today, our domestic marketing centers span 100% of provinces, municipalities, and
autonomous regions, 100% of prefecture-level cities, and over 70% of districts and counties.
Additionally, we have established 69 overseas branches in 180+ countries and regions, with a
global network of over 1,000 service partners and 170+ spare parts centers and stations.

3. Main products and capabilities

    The Company continues to increase investment and construction in the foundation of its "5
Full" capabilities that include "full sensing, full intelligence, full connection, full computing, and full
ecosystem", to establish an industry-leading video-centric IoT infrastructure R&D and solution
closed-loop service, which includes "multimodal sensing of video and non-video, full coverage of
sensing cognitive intelligence, diversified connectivity, and synchronization of device, edge, and
cloud", based on an integrated technical support system from "basic IoT sensing, intelligent
synchronization, and integration of devices and edge, data intelligent processing, to full link
information security protection", thus continuously maintaining the leadership of its technologies
and products in the industry. At the same time, the Company actively creates an open, cooperative,
and win-win digital technology ecosystem to make digital infrastructure, industry paradigm
applications, algorithm capabilities and data intelligence available to partners and industry

                                                   2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    Full sensing: To establish an industry-leading all-round sensing system through visual, multi-
spectrum, time, space and other dimensions to maintain precise adaptation of products and
technology to scenarios, so as to faithfully present the physical world in the digital way.
    Full connection: To construct a data connectivity system that meets the needs of diverse
scenarios, consolidate the foundation of data value connectivity that integrates IoT sensing and
information interconnection, and continuously improve the ability of IoT sensing access and
    Full computing: To accumulate resources in image computing power, AI computing power,
general computing power, etc., and build a full-network computing architecture featuring unified
scheduling and collaborative computing power and algorithms of end-user, edge, and cloud.
    Full intelligence: To meet industry needs and realize the closed loop from sensing intelligence
to data intelligence and to business Intelligence, the Company has built an autonomous system
based on algorithms, big data, and business platforms to facilitate value identification in client data
and intelligent decision-making, namely full intelligence.
    Full ecosystem: To open up the ecology of business, software, algorithms, hardware, etc. for
cooperation, build an ecosystem featuring co-construction, win-win outcome and symbiosis, and
create a smart IoT community.

3.1 Full Sensing
    The Company is continuously expanding its multi-dimensional sensing capabilities with video
as its core, applying sensing technologies to a wider range of product forms to adapt to the specific
scenarios of various industries. It is also continuously researching visual enhancement, scene
recognition, and multi-dimensional data integration algorithms to improve the adaptability of
sensing products to business goals and scenarios.

3.1.1 Video sensory products

    Committed to delivering more realistic images and precise data in the visible spectrum, the
Company has unveiled its second-generation Dahua Zhiqiang depth sensing technology

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

architecture. This innovative architecture, built upon the Visual Engine and Thinking Engine,
significantly enhances the image self-adaptation capabilities of sensing devices in extreme
environments such as night and backlight conditions. It also improves the target recognition and
analysis capabilities in complex scenarios like mixed pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Furthermore,
the deep integration of AI technology into all aspects of the video sensing system accelerates the
comprehensive intellgentization and enhancement of cameras. This ongoing commitment to
innovation has resulted in a rich portfolio of products with sustained market competitiveness,
including the full-color ultra-sensitivity, panoramic multi-details, coaxial HD, and universe
intelligence series.
    (1) Full color ultra sensitivity

    The 4K ultra high-definition aurora product can achieve more realistic colors and accurate
restoration of target objects. The Skyscanner PRO Series has better environmental adaptability
against adverse scenarios such as rain, snow, and ultra-low illumination. In 2023, the Company
unveiled its "Glow" series of traffic cameras, ushering in a new era of true-color night vision for the
traffic management industry and paving the way for safer and more enjoyable journeys. The
Company also introduced its Mini Skyscanner series, offering customers a more cost-effective night
vision solution. Additionally, the Company enhanced its Aura products with improved lighting and
optical systems, ensuring clear, high-aperture imaging throughout the entire zoom range, even in
low-light conditions, providing unwavering safety around the clock.
    (2) Panoramic multi details

    Driven by evolving application needs and technological advancements, panoramic multi-
camera systems have emerged as the prevailing trend in intelligent video products. These systems
enable seamless integration of panoramic views, detailed close-ups, and pan-tilt-zoom functionality
within a single device, offering users a broader, clearer, and more comprehensive field of view.
Intelligent high-end product forms have evolved from single-direction single-camera to single-

                                                   2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

direction multi-camera and multi-direction multi-camera, adapting to various application scenarios,
providing a wider and clearer view. Dahua Starship Skyline can expand the functions of radar,
multi-code and laser light filling, so as to meet the needs of customers in more dimensions. The
Mini Star series has been upgraded with 4K high-definition resolution and a longer focal length lens
to meet the needs of wider deployment in urban areas. Aura PRO is designed with full-structure
intelligence and high optical zoom to achieve the application of omnidirectional panoramic view,
panoramic details, and the linkage of gun camera and ball camera. Enhanced resolution for
Universer Hubble's dual-spectrum camera movement enables sharper close-up images, while the
panoramic upgrade supports 360° single-channel output and arbitrary target stitching, expanding
application flexibility. Mini Hubble breaks through the technical problems in the industry such as
obvious seams and large blind areas of medium-and-low altitude multi-view stitching. It's more
suitable for B end scenario. Universe MAX supports both linked and independent capture modes,
achieving both breadth and depth.
    (3) Coaxial HD

    The Company's HDCVI technology and products are driven by customer business scenarios
and are based on years of business understanding and continuous innovation capabilities. Dahua
has launched its full-color products, achieving 7*24 hour color image output. The time-division light
compensation technology is adopted to effectively alleviate the light pollution problem. Leveraging
Smart Dual Light technology, we introduce our dual-light products, providing around-the-clock
surveillance illumination for any environment. Our versatile solutions offer multiple functionalities in
one device, reducing customer costs. Our cutting-edge active defense products are continuously
evolving, incorporating a suite of proprietary technologies such as intelligent dual-light, time-division
multiplexing, intelligent voice recognition, two-way intercom, and interference-free alert lights.
These innovations address the potential discomfort caused by alert screens and significantly
enhance the user experience.

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    (4) Universe intelligence

    As industry applications continue to evolve, intelligent products need to delve deeper into
business processes, providing more specialized and precise intelligent services. For example, we
have continuously iterated on our roadside parking series products, upgrading the vehicle 3D
chassis projection and multi-dimensional target tracking model, significantly improving the accuracy
of parking space status recognition. Our 4G solar-powered wireless high-position parking camera
further advances the intelligent development of urban parking facilities. Our vehicle-road
collaboration camera propels traffic management into a new era of collaborative intelligent
transportation that is safer and more efficient. Our dual-lens high-rise littering detection cameras
employ intelligent dual-channel monitoring to identify objects being thrown from high places.
Utilizing technologies such as lens hoods and adaptive heating, these cameras effectively
counteract environmental interferences caused by strong light, rain, and snow. Our electric bicycle
identification and blocking products provide real-time monitoring of elevator operating status and
upgrade elevator door opening and closing, passenger flow, and other algorithms to meet a wider
range of business applications. We have also launched a series of products for the energy industry
such as mining, explosion-proof, and low-power transmission lines, loaded with 5G, Wi-Fi6, long-
distance transmission technology, and various intelligent applications, to meet the application
needs of explosion-proof, anti-corrosion, and high-temperature resistance scenarios.

3.1.2 Integrated Sensing Products

    The Company is continuously refining its "Panoramic 6D Perception" product technology
architecture, with video as the core, integrating physical sensing layers such as tactility, and
continuously expanding multidimensional perception data such as vibration, temperature, and gas.
By incorporating AI-powered intelligent analysis, we have further enhanced our sensing
adaptability, integration, and connectivity. We are continuously launching a series of scenario-
defined sensing products to explore the value of the smart IoT industry.

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    (1) Panoramic 6D Perception

    Our Panoramic 6D Perception products go beyond the limitations of visible light, utilizing a
groundbreaking combination of spatial, temporal, color, brightness, and multispectral sensing
technologies to revolutionize sensing adaptability, integration, and connectivity, bringing the digital
world to life. The Panoramic Hubble Series achieves high-definition panoramic view, long-distance
target detection and tracking, and can be applied to industries such as forest fire prevention, land
and resource protection, river management, and border and coastal defense. The hyperspectral
water quality detector uses a large amount of data to stimulate AI neural network training iterations,
and multi-camera and multi-sensor modules to detect and ensure the safety of water quality in the
water area. The products of Radar Vision Series are widely used in business fields such as traffic
flow detection, safety warning, traffic event detection, and holographic display. The newly launched
Spotter speed measurement column series solves the speed measurement problems in the
scenarios where high-speed vehicles are merging or closely followed in multiple lanes, further
empowering traffic safety management.
    (2) Multi-frequency domain sensing
    As smart IoT applications continue to expand, single-stream video data is no longer sufficient
to meet the diverse business and scenario needs of various industries. While solidifying our
expertise in video sensing technology, we are continuously expanding our reach into vibration,
temperature, and gas sensing technologies. By integrating and applying passive infrared,
microwave, radar, vibration, audio, and video technologies, we are introducing more intelligent,
accurate, and multidimensional perception products, empowering digital transformation across
various industries in multifaceted ways.
    Our alarm product line continues to break new ground, integrating passive infrared,
microwave, vibration, and audio sensing technologies to introduce a range of key products,
including the Airshield 2.0 gateway series, glass break detectors, and outdoor PIRCAMs. We have
also released the Converter software product, which has successfully connected multiple alarm
operation centers, helping our products enter professional operation channels. In addition, we are
continuously improving the interconnection of alarm, building, and CCTV systems, optimizing

                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

cloud-based businesses, and enhancing the overall competitiveness of our solutions. Our wired
intrusion alarm solutions are constantly evolving to provide customers with even greater value. In
the transportation sector, our dynamic vehicle scales offer high accuracy, strong resistance to
deformation, and convenient calibration, enabling precise weighing without stopping vehicles, thus
supporting the management of overloaded trucks. Our suite of solutions, including speed detection
radars, traffic flow radars, visibility detection systems, Sentinel sonar, ETC, and RFID, is deeply
integrated into real-world applications, tailored to meet the specific needs of our industry
customers, and empowering them to effectively manage road safety.

3.1.3 Audio sensing products

    The Company offers a wide range of audio products and mature audio-visual product
solutions. By establishing and implementing enterprise-grade audio development processes, audio
system design specifications, and audio technology standards, we have continuously improved our
core technology stack for audio acquisition, transmission, and modulation-demodulation
processing. This has enhanced our ability to develop, verify, and manufacture a comprehensive
range of audio products and software for various acoustic environments. Leveraging a suite of
audio solutions, including audio codecs, audio quality processing, audio event detection, and
speech recognition, we meticulously ensure the audio quality and intelligence of our products, from
ideation to mass production. In the field of intelligent and interactive audio, we are constantly
breaking new ground in technology and product development, delivering highly competitive
audiovisual product solutions.

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    For intelligent audio, we have developed a series of products that encompass front-end
collection, edge analytics, and central business closed-loop control. Our solutions, which
incorporate modules such as video AI, voice recognition AI, and thermal imaging, can be applied to
a wide range of business scenarios, including industrial equipment anomaly detection, pipeline
leakage monitoring, animal voice recognition, school bullying control, and vehicle horn control.

    For interactive audio, we offer a full range of products and solutions, including public address
systems, professional sound reinforcement, and high-definition sound pickup. The broadcasting
system can be integrated with the platform and linked with video monitoring to achieve unified
control. The sensing of events through video monitoring, the analyzing and decision making on
business platforms, and the controlling executed by the broadcasting systems form the closed-loop
of business. The professional sound reinforcement system can be integrated with the large screen
display system to be applied in venues such as lecture halls, large, medium and small conference
rooms, opera houses, banquet halls, sports venues, etc., creating audio and video interaction and
immersive experience to meet customers' needs for high-quality audio scenarios.

3.1.4 Intelligent Interactive Products

    The world of physics is rich and colorful. In many scenarios, there are rich interactions
between people and people, as well as people and things. Multidimensional awareness is applied
to refine the real world, with multivariate connection to collect data and intelligent computing to
build scenarios of digital intelligence, so as to finally make things an extension of people's touch,
improve the interaction between people and things, and bring people closer. The Company has
launched a variety of intelligent interactive products in various fields and scenarios, including smart
office, vehicle management, personnel access control, door intercom and alarm, industry, and
safety supervision, empowering the development of these industries.
    (1) Residence sector

    ① Scenario of vehicle management and guidance

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    The Company has perfectly combined video with display, and mechanical control. To improve
entrance and exit scenario solutions, we have released the "Ruijie" all-in-one barrier gate, snap-
display all-in-one machine, and entrance and exit self-service device. We have released an
intelligent sound-light police parking space detection camera that supports electric micro PTZ
platform debugging for more convenient deployment. Our new-generation parking detector
supports functions such as new energy vehicle parking space management, VIP parking space
management, and non-standard parking alarm, bringing better parking guidance experience and
more standardized parking management. For the quick closed loop of parking business, we
released a series of products such as entrance and exit management terminals, guidance
managers, and parking management terminals to help reduce costs and increase efficiency. Our
stop-and-charge integrated solution effectively improves parking operation efficiency and user
experience. By connecting the parking management service to the cloud platform, the pre-payment
and non-contact payment can be realized, and finally vehicles can enter and leave the parking lot
with a non-contact passthrough, bringing the superlative experience to users.

    ② Scenario of personnel entrance and exit

    The Company is constantly optimizing and expanding our range of pedestrian turnstile
products, including full-height turnstiles, tripod turnstiles, wing turnstiles, and swing turnstiles, to
meet the personalized needs of various scenarios and provide customers with a new experience
and security control. We have recently launched our new intelligent integrated pedestrian turnstile,
catering to a wider range of personnel entry and exit applications.

    ③ Scenario of building access control

                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    This scenario has become deeply integrated into people's daily lives. The Company offers a
wide range of intelligent products, including access control systems, video intercoms, and
emergency alarms.
    Our smart access control products comprehensively enhance the security of access control
systems, meeting the fourth-level industry system construction requirements for password
application security evaluation. Additionally, they enable one-click cloud deployment, making device
mobile configuration management more convenient and user-friendly. The devices support
advertising functions and can be used as electronic door signs or park/community announcements
and commercial advertisements, empowering the value addition of business. Our visual intercom
series products for buildings streamline the business processes among visitors, owners, and
property management centers. They effectively improve the access efficiency and security
management capabilities of community entrances and exits, bringing more convenience to owners
and enhancing property management efficiency. Our emergency assistance devices can
automatically register with the management platform or management machine, enabling remote
visual intercom assistance. Through intelligent voice recognition, emergency assistance can be
triggered, buying time for those seeking assistance, deterring criminals, and safeguarding the
safety of public places.

    ④ Scenario of smart office

    Our "Stargaze" and "Starbright" smart tablets enhance both online and offline education
solutions, empowering a new era of educational growth. Our Deephub Board and Meeting software
deliver an unparalleled audio and video communication experience, redefining the meeting
landscape and expanding the reach of our conferencing solutions.

    ⑤ Scenario of display control

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    Our distributed splicing controller and KVM seat management system seamlessly integrate
large-scale displays and operator workstations, meeting the high-efficiency collaboration demands
of command centers in metropolises, core hub dispatch centers, and international sporting events.
Our 8K series decoders meet the dual 8K decoding and display needs of control centers. Our all-in-
one MLED controller enables a variety of scenarios, including always-on displays and gesture
recognition. Our minimalist assembler and disassembler, deployed to the SMB market, enable
efficient and rapid business loop control for customers and users in scenarios such as conference
rooms and control rooms. Our iSee unified display control software seamlessly integrates various
forms of content onto a single display, providing a real-time visual experience and establishing a
unified display portal.
    (2) Industrial sector

    We are revolutionizing smart electricity with our new line of compact, all-in-one AI load
identification intelligent circuit breakers, significantly enhancing the efficiency and safety of power
systems. Our intelligent energy solution seamlessly integrates with advanced smart lighting
systems, smart IoT meters, and smart HVAC control systems. It enables real-time monitoring of
energy data across the premises, automatically adjusts energy usage strategies, and achieves fine
energy management. This not only helps buildings save energy and reduce costs but also
promotes the development of green buildings and contributes to the realization of the "dual carbon"
    (3) Safety supervision sector

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    In the fields of emergency response, power, and rail transportation safety supervision, we
delve into business scenarios, gain insights into customer needs, and continuously optimize
product and business functions. We have created industry-specific products such as integrated
environmental monitoring machines, integrated data center patrol machines, IoT hosts, and power
and environmental monitoring hosts. These products enable remote monitoring and control of data,
helping enterprises achieve energy conservation and emission reduction, automated patrols,
production process optimization, and safety supervision. They also greatly improve the operational
efficiency and security of data centers and reduce operation and maintenance costs.

3.2 Full Connection
    The Company's "full connection" capabilities evolved to "integrated connection" in 2023. In the
era of intelligent video, the deep integration of network products and video systems is becoming
increasingly essential. To address this need, the Company has established the Future
Communications Institute. Focusing on three key areas – network connection technology, data
exchange technology, and cutting-edge network technology – we are building a "3+N" integrated
connection capability system. This system aims to achieve more reliable, efficient, and intelligent
data processing and decision-making, thereby supporting the upgrade of the IOT to the video IoT.
The "3" represents three key technology foundations: 1) ''End user-to-network integration and
unified management" to streamline network management; 2) "A new network operating system" to
deeply integrate network systems and business systems; 3) "Open visual network integration
protocols" to enable interconnection across the cloud, network, edge, and end users. The "N"
stands for a series of innovative features tailored to specific scenarios, such as wide temperature
range, lightning protection, long-distance power supply, and port prioritization, making the network
more user friendly and ensuring smoother business operations.

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

3.2.1 Wired Transmission

    Industrial grade switches provided by Dahua feature high-quality industrial design standards,
an excellent fast ring network, and multi-level management functions, provide data access
capabilities in demanding scenarios, and fulfill the scenario requirements of customers for high-
power access and efficient operation and maintenance. At the same time, with the advanced
distributed switch matrix architecture, the high-performance multi-core CPUs and switching chips
are used to build integrated business control. The ultra-high switching capacity and compact body
provide more access channels to meet the demands of different scenarios.
    Our new line of intelligent cloud-managed switches, launched in 2023, empowers customers to
achieve topology visualization for all connected and sensing devices in their networks, enabling
convenient delivery, unified management, and remote operation. This network product portfolio
integrates security and data, as well as end user and cloud, accelerating digital transformation
across all industries.

3.2.2 Wireless Transmission

    The Company has released UWB, Bluetooth AOA, Bluetooth Beacon, GPS/BD, active/passive
RFID, LoRa, and other gateway products to realize long-distance and low-power IoT coverage, and
cooperate with video applications to form a variety of integration solutions, so as to meet diversified
application needs of customers, and support the intelligent upgrading of apps in energy, building,
retail, education and other industries.
    Our wireless products, such as wireless AP/AC, Wi-Fi 6 wireless routers, industrial-grade
4G/5G routers, industrial-grade 5G CPE, and wireless bridges, solve the problem of full wireless
coverage in the 5G era, and significantly improve the wireless transmission performance under the
condition of constantly improving video resolution and increasing access quantity. We have
upgraded and optimized point-to-point and point-to-multipoint data feedback for wireless bridge

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products, separating data and video services and making the services more stable and reliable.
AP/AC enterprise wireless coverage has been integrated with routing control to provide full wireless
coverage with low latency, no wiring, and roaming Internet access for enterprise, office, and other
    Our newly launched cloud-managed wireless products in 2023, including wireless AP/ACs and
wireless routers, enable one-click network access for wireless sensing devices, reducing
deployment costs and greatly facilitating the installation of video devices. Additionally, we offer
specialized 4G/5G router products tailored for professional scenarios such as in-vehicle and
industrial applications.

3.2.3 Industrial Scenario Transmission

    For industrial scenarios, we have newly launched a full range of high-quality cloud-managed
industrial switches, which support excellent fast ring network and convenient cloud management
functions, provide users with data access capabilities in demanding scenarios, and realize the
integration of industrial Internet data and video data.

3.3 Full Computing
    As intelligent computing scenarios become increasingly diverse, a single type of computing
power is no longer able to efficiently meet the ever-changing demands. Therefore, computational
diversity is becoming an inevitable trend. The Company's intelligent computing and cloud
computing     have    made     breakthroughs    in     computing     power     construction,    architectural
complementation,      and    digital   intelligence     mid-end     platforms.    Through      virtualization,
containerization, and other deployment methods, they can quickly achieve full compatibility with
high-performance computing resources and adapt to various types of CPUs, GPUs, and NPUs,
fully realizing resource pooling. Our Company's "full-computing" architecture delivers enhanced
computing power, accelerated speeds, and robust security across diverse fields. This enables the
creation of sustainable, full-stack innovations that boost efficient urban governance and enterprise
digitalization advancements.

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3.3.1 Intelligent Computing

    (1) Computing power construction: Server + AI chip is the foundation for building various
computing, as well as enabling systems and software. The Company continues to carry out
technical work related to computing power construction. As domestic and independent controllable
open-source projects become increasingly mature, we have completed the domestic adaptation of
the entire chain of end user-edge-cloud computing products based on its solid accumulation of
technical capabilities and have realized the pooling of computing resources, such as image
computing, AI computing, general computing, and special computing. Leveraging our extensive
industry experience, we collaborate with partners to drive technological innovation in areas such as
virtualized computing power slicing of chips and specialized comparison computing, providing
powerful computing support for full-chain domestication. To meet our customers' high demands for
algorithm performance, we are continuously optimizing cross-hardware model quantization and
achieving cross-hardware accuracy alignment. This enables the coordinated use of computing
power across end user, edge, and cloud layers, maximizing the value of computing resources.
    (2) Complementary architecture: To address the diverse needs of long-tail scenarios, we
offer two computing architectures: a professional algorithm architecture and an open algorithm
architecture. These architectures cater to the unique requirements of different customers.
         Embedded computing architecture: By improving single chip performance and combined
         computing power, the Company attempts to fully unleash the performance and value of
         specified algorithms, and continuously launch leading and professional AI products;
         Video cloud computing architecture: By implementing the intelligent scheduling of pooled
         computing power, the unified scheduling of algorithm library end-user, edge, and cloud
         computing power resources across the entire network, and the access of third-party
         algorithms, the Company has achieved high concurrency, high throughput, and high
         efficiency computing, so as to continuously empower open and win-win AI services.

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         Training algorithm service: Our algorithm training service caters to new algorithm needs
         arising from business operations and incremental algorithm fine-tuning requirements
         stemming from scenario differentiation. It seamlessly integrates with end user, edge, and
         cloud, allowing for the seamless loading of open algorithms and enabling unified training
         and inference.
    (3) Digital intelligence mid-end platform: To fully leverage our computing power and
architecture strengths, the digital intelligence mid-end platform will focus on the capability layer,
providing intelligent services for the upper-layer application platform. It will connect various
capabilities such as professional algorithms, training algorithms, and data computing, enhance
open capabilities, facilitate the incubation of emerging intelligent businesses, and provide an
intelligent foundation for ecosystem partners.

    For the processing of massive data in AIoT, we have comprehensively upgraded products in the
field of intelligent computing, including central intelligent products, edge intelligent boxes, storage-
intelligence integration machines, and intelligent storage EVS. We continuously enrich industry
algorithms and improve product intelligence performance to promote the implementation of various
industry businesses. Edge Intelligent Computing

    The Company is constantly exploring business norms in various fields and upgrading the
performance of deep learning algorithms. It is committed to the in-depth application of edge
computing in the industry and the realization of highlight functions such as multi-channel multi-
intelligence, intelligent round patrol, tidal intelligence, intelligent clustering, and flexible exchange of
storage intelligence. At the same time, it effectively solves the problems of massive data
processing, real-time response, and data security faced by AI in industry applications. During the
reporting period, the company released a series of industry-specific intelligent integrated machines,
expanding intelligent applications to various sub-sectors such as energy security, power,
emergency management, financial compliance, natural resources, and behavioral analysis.
    Edge intelligent box IVD series integrates a variety of intelligent services, adapts to a variety of
application environments at the edge, realizes edge intelligent transformation, computing power
supplement and flexible deployment, and achieves the expansion capability of intelligent services.
Related products have a built-in high computing power chip, which can load various algorithms to
deal with intelligent management in small scenarios, so that AI can better serve as a new driving

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force for intelligent transformation.
    Our intelligent NVR products continuously deepen the application of artificial intelligence in
small and medium-sized scenarios, and combine IoT to continuously enrich industry intelligence.
We are committed to creating a video-centric product solution, with intelligence, interconnection,
integration, and management as the core, and playing a role in the fields of AI, IoT, and video data
intelligence. In the field of AI, leveraging the synergy between front-end and back-end intelligence,
we are reusing intelligently processed images and feature values, maximizing device performance,
and continuously improving the efficiency and accuracy of intelligent retrieval. In the field of IoT, our
NVR products have evolved from mere video access to encompassing the connection, control, and
interaction of a full-frequency domain IoT sensing devices. By integrating IoT sensing data,
intelligent computing, and visual presentation, we show industrial data in an intuitive and user-
friendly way for easy management. Real-time analysis of videos from production work scenarios
enables timely warnings of potential anomalies, ensuring the safety and reliability of the entire
industrial system. In the field of video data intelligence, by fully utilizing the low computing power
deployment for the edge and end users, we can maximize the value of historical data. This
collaborative approach between edge and end users enables a novel approach to feature value
retrieval, achieving fast and precise retrieval of historical data for business needs. Our innovative
Acupick solution significantly enhances retrieval efficiency and reduces TCO costs. Central Intelligent Computing

    In order to quickly respond to the current trend of digital intelligence transformation in the
market, the Company has built a unified open intelligence architecture for central intelligent
computing based on the mature architecture, and improved the layout by building a 2+2+N system,
that is, two engines of view intelligence + algorithm training, as well as two directions of awareness
and cognition. In 2023, we embarked on a comprehensive upgrade of our smart view engine,
establishing an AI middle-platform framework centered on five core components: training center,
algorithm center, parsing center, application center, and operation center. This lays the foundation
for our intelligent advancement, enhances our intelligent open capacity, incubates emerging
intelligent businesses, and constructs an intelligent ecosystem. To address diverse business needs,
we are building intelligent capabilities from the following two dimensions:
    In the field of specialized intelligence of storage, computing, and inspection, the
Company relies on a smart view engine, full-parsing, and full-comparison products to create a

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standard solution to optimize the data processing algorithm, provide industry-leading parsing
capabilities through heterogeneous computing, provide second-level comparison capabilities for
hundreds of billions of data through feature indexing, and provide extremely fast computing
capabilities for large-scale data processing services, realizing high-precision and high-performance
awareness parsing and retrieval comparison of various elements, and fully serving the big data
applications in various industries at the city level.
    In the emerging field of long-tail intelligence, the Company aims to meet the long-tail needs
of various industries and output an intelligent hierarchical grading system from L1 to L5. Through
the combination of algorithm training engine + algorithm center + algorithm package + rule engine,
N types of algorithm packages are quickly generated based on the algorithm training engine and
incorporated into the algorithm center, realizing the unified management, scheduling, and
arrangement of smart view engine. With the configuration of rules, we can realize the fast delivery
and flexible loading of algorithms and achieve the synergy of tasks, algorithms, and computing
power among cloud, end user, and edge, which gives full play to the intelligent value. The standard
northbound interface allows us to connect with platform providers. The standard southbound
interface allows us to collaborate with algorithm ecosystem partners to create smart ecosystems.
    Through in-house R&D and mainstream smart card adaptations, we offer our customers a
comprehensive range of smart cards and parsing cards, further enriching and expanding the
ecosystem compatibility in the cloud computing field. We offer a variety of product solutions to meet
the diverse needs and sales models of our customers, including integrated hardware and software
systems, pure hardware devices, and pure algorithms software. Our products fall into two main
categories: all-in-one and distributed products. All-in-one products are equipped with industry-
specific algorithms to meet the diverse needs of industries such as transportation and surveillance,
enabling closed-loop business control. Distributed products, on the other hand, allow for the
integration and deployment of various algorithms, including face recognition, vehicle detection,
structural analysis, and event detection, and support dynamic expansion to meet the requirements
of industries such as social governance. Intelligent Storage

    With the advent of the IoT information age, multidimensional perception data such as videos,
pictures, audio, and documents are growing explosively, and the diversification and complexity of
storage requirements have put forward higher requirements for data storage. Traditional storage
solutions are limited by hardware space, storage data access methods, and other factors, making
them unable to meet the increasing demand for large-scale data storage and high-performance
processing. Our intelligent storage solution is built on single-controller and dual-controller hardware
architectures and utilizes streaming storage capabilities. It integrates data redundancy, clustering
strategies, and encryption technologies to mitigate single-point-of-failure risks and ensure data
security and reliable storage. Combining technologies such as intelligent analysis, rapid data
structuring, and integration of storage, intelligence, and management, we can achieve rapid retrieval

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

of target data, long-term storage of valuable data, and closed-loop edge data services, giving new
value to centralized data storage. Our products cover both standalone and cluster solutions, catering
to the ever-growing demand for data storage and integrated applications.

    Our standalone storage series offers a comprehensive range of solutions, including single-
controller, dual-controller, dual-channel, and embedded video storage configurations, to meet the
long-term storage needs of diverse users while reducing overall TCO. All these products are now
made up of domestically produced components. By using a domestically developed operating
system, we have achieved independent control over core technologies. Equipped with integrated
encryption chips and utilizing domestically developed algorithms and two-way authentication
technology, our products can safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of user data. The unified
cloud cluster series, based on multi-machine cluster management technology, uniformly manages
front-end resources and storage resources. Related products can provide operation and
maintenance management functions, checking cluster recording status, hard disk and other
hardware operation information, and report fault alarms in real time, thus reducing user operation
and maintenance costs. We are also continuously optimizing our cluster fault tolerance strategies
to provide a centralized storage solution with high capacity, high performance, high reliability, and
high security for various video recording systems.

3.3.2 Cloud Computing

    Traditional data centers face numerous challenges during cloud transformation, such as siloed
construction and long construction cycles. To improve resource utilization, simplify management

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

and operations, and ensure the secure and stable operation of businesses, the Company has
launched a cloud computing solution that integrates underlying physical resources and provides a
rich suite of cloud services, including computing, storage, networking, and PaaS. We also provide
full lifecycle management of cloud infrastructure to help drive customers' digital transformation.
    (1) Cloud platform
    Our cloud platforms are next-generation, highly efficient, and agile cloud-native computing
platforms designed for diverse computing scenarios in the smart Internet of Things (IoT) era.
Powered by technologies such as Kubernetes, containers, application orchestration, and elastic
scheduling, they provide unified management of pooled infrastructure resources, mixed deployment
of big data, intelligent analysis, and application software, and meet the needs of unified
management, efficient resource utilization, flexible service deployment, and reliable disaster
recovery. Based on our deep understanding of cloud-native technologies and the video industry, we
offer a comprehensive suite of cloud products, including cloud management platforms, container
cloud platforms, hyper-converged infrastructure, and general-purpose storage. These products
cater to a wide range of needs, from standalone solutions to large-scale clusters, providing our
government and enterprise customers with cost-effective cloud solutions that empower them to
build next-generation digital infrastructure.
    (2) Cloud storage
    With over a decade of technological expertise, the Company provides large-scale video cloud
storage services to city-level and enterprise-level customers. We offer a variety of device access,
multi-channel large-scale video access and storage, and streaming media distribution capabilities.
Based on native distributed file system technology, field-specific optimization, software and
hardware integration, and dynamic fault tolerance, we have built an ultra-large-scale four-level
(disk-level, node-level, rack-level, and storage pool-level) reliable data storage capability. Our
diverse product portfolio, including multi-bay, single- and dual-controller, and single- and dual-
channel configurations, caters to the varied storage needs of industries such as government,
transportation, finance, energy, culture, education, health, and premises. We have successfully
delivered multiple cloud storage projects, and our petabyte-scale clusters have achieved a long-
term stable operation.
    (3) Cloud database
    Based on a decade of experience in real-time access, storage, and retrieval of massive sensor
data, as well as the processing demands of complex scenarios, we continue to make long-term
investments in our cloud database system in areas such as hardware and software integration,
dynamic fault tolerance, index optimization, reliability, distributed technology, and data security, and
have provided industry-specific centralized and distributed database services, enabling automatic
access to data from IoT sensing devices, automatic data balancing, and efficient retrieval services,
delivering an out-of-the-box experience that significantly reduces the development, operation, and
implementation costs of integrating databases into business platforms. Dahua Cloud Database
System is widely applicable to government and enterprise customers. We have successfully

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delivered numerous cloud database projects. Our large-scale database clusters have been running
stably, providing real-time, online data protection for our users.

3.4 Full Intelligence
    As artificial intelligence and big data technologies are rapidly transforming industries, the
Company is committed to developing scenario-based applications, conducting cutting-edge
research, and exploring new technologies such as foundation models and multimodal processing.
By strengthening our AI engineering capabilities, we are continuously driving the industrialization
and commercial success of AI. We are also delving into the underlying insights of view data to
unlock its value and fully support the digital transformation of cities and enterprises. This will enable
a closed-loop control from sensing intelligence to data intelligence and finally to business
intelligence, creating business value for our customers through our "full-intelligence" capabilities.

3.4.1 Artificial Intelligence
    AI is at the heart of the Company's strategy, and we are committed to being a global leader in
AI research and innovation. At present, we own national enterprise technology centers, national
post-doctoral scientific research workstations, Zhejiang Enterprise Research Institute, Zhejiang
Engineering Research Center, and Zhejiang Key Laboratory, as well as AI R&D teams with more
than 1,000 members. Dahua has won first place in more than 70 AI algorithm competitions and
evaluations at home and abroad, published more than 120 papers in core journals, applied for
more than 2,400 AI patents, and undertaken 22 national and provincial AI scientific research
projects. During the reporting period, we filed over 300 AI invention patents. Over 270 of them were
accepted for processing. We also undertook 6 national and provincial-level AI scientific research
projects. Development Trend of AI Technology
    As the new wave of technological revolution and industrial transformation deepens, data is
becoming a new factor of production, and AI is becoming an important production tool.
Digitalization and intelligent transformation has always been required in industry development. AI
technology is continuously being integrated into industry business, empowering all walks of life to
improve quality and efficiency, and driving rapid growth of the AI industry. The emergence of new
technologies such as foundation models and multimodal processing is driving innovation in AI
applications, accelerating the commercialization and value creation of new AI technologies, and
propelling AI to new heights. In the field of artificial intelligence, the Company insists to make high-
intensity investment in R&D to promote the large-scale implementation of the artificial intelligence
industry and continue to maintain its leading position in the industry.
    (1) Rapid advancements in technologies like Transformer have led to significant

improvements in algorithm performance.

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    Traditional small language model approaches rely heavily on supervised learning, which is
limited by the size of the training data, the structure of the network, and other factors. As a result,
these models have poor generalization ability and adaptability to new scenarios, and their accuracy
faces challenges in complex situations. Foundation models can learn rich cross-field knowledge
from vast amounts of diverse data due to their larger network parameters. This enables them to
develop general-purpose capabilities that are applicable across a wide range of scenarios and
tasks. Current mainstream foundation models are based on the Transformer architecture, which
excels at understanding and processing long sequences of text, videos, and other continuous
information. In the field of visual parsing, Transformers outperform traditional convolutional neural
networks in their ability to capture subtle nuances in data. This results in enhanced accuracy and
generalization performance for visual parsing tasks. In the field of image generation, diffusion
models solve the instability problem of GAN training and gradually become the mainstream image
generation model. Compared with other image generation models, the diffusion model can
generate better images.
    (2) The learning ability of foundation models has greatly improved, greatly improving

productivity and production efficiency.
    Traditional small language model approaches are trained and optimized based on individual
business scenarios. Due to the significant variations between different business scenarios, the
same model exhibits poor adaptability when applied across scenarios. This often necessitates the
development of new models tailored to specific scenarios, resulting in a substantial workload.
Foundation models have stronger scenario generalization capabilities because they are trained on
a massive amount of prior knowledge. Moreover, prompts in various modalities, such as images,
voice, and text, can stimulate the emergent intelligence of large models, enabling rapid definition of
new functionalities to cater to user needs in a personalized and differentiated manner, thereby
enhancing productivity. Fine-tuning large foundation models on small datasets for specific business
fields enables rapid capability transfer to new scenarios, effectively addressing diverse and
fragmented market demands, and enhancing development efficiency.

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    (3) Foundation model technology accelerates the diversification of AI applications.
    The rapid advancement of foundation model technology like Gemini and Sora has propelled AI
to new heights, achieving groundbreaking results in areas such as text generation, image
generation, and video generation. This is accelerating the diversification of AI applications. Gemini,
a multimodal foundation model, showcases exceptional capabilities in understanding images,
audio, videos, and text. It is poised to revolutionize natural language processing and multimodal
technologies, paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in text generation, search engines,
intelligent question answering, and more. Sora, a text-to-video model, possesses remarkable
comprehension and generation capabilities. It not only understands what users request in prompts,
but also understands how these things exist in the physical world, providing users with a highly
realistic and detailed visual experience.
    From sensing to cognition to generation, foundation models will continuously break through
capability boundaries, understand and communicate in more modalities, and have stronger parsing
and generation capabilities. They will achieve more complex behavior recognition, image and text
data retrieval, intelligent decision-making, and human-computer intelligent interaction functions.
This will accelerate the transformation of various industries towards intellgentization and
automation, bringing higher efficiency, better services, and more innovative products. Finally, they
will work together with industry chain partners to collaborate on innovation and embark on the new
journey of AGI. Building A "1+2" AI Capability System
    AI has emerged as a crucial productivity tool, and the adoption of visual AI is rapidly gaining
momentum across diverse industries. We remain committed to our core focus on visual technology,
continuously building comprehensive and leading AI research and engineering capabilities. We are
centered on industry-specific needs, aiming to make AI accessible to all. Driven by advanced AI
technologies, we are constantly solidifying our AI industrialization capabilities.
    Through years of continuous accumulation, we have established a "1+2" AI capability system,
which consists of an architectural framework and two supporting aspects: research capabilities and
engineering capabilities. Based on this AI capability system, we have enhanced our algorithm
delivery capabilities to address the vast array of fragmented demands, enabling more customers to
reap the benefits of AI and enjoy a superior user experience. This "1+2" AI capability system, based
on a four-layer technical architecture, establishes a framework for AI research and engineering
capabilities. At the scientific research level, we are establishing a comprehensive technical
framework    across    various   algorithm   domains,    continuously solidifying      our foundational
technologies, and actively exploring novel algorithms. At the engineering level, we have established
a research and development system centered on algorithm components, enabling flexible
customization of pipeline production and supporting efficient deployment of algorithms to the cloud,
edge, and end user. The "1+2" AI capability system has been upgraded from version 1.0, which
supports small language models, to version 2.0, which supports foundation models.

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(1) Continue to improve the four-layer architecture system to efficiently meet scenario-
based AI needs.
    At the same time, a four-layered technical architecture system composed of the Jinn platform,
operator components, general algorithm solutions, and industry algorithm solutions decouples from
the technical side, providing end-to-end efficient scenario-based customization and development
capabilities, and accelerating the implementation of industry intelligence.

    ① Continue to upgrade the Jinn Platform and improve the algorithm solution production

    To realize large-scale industrialization of AI, efficient end-to-end solution development and
delivery capabilities are needed. The Company continues to focus on building the Jinn Platform, a
one-stop AI development platform. Jinn Platform is a one-stop AI development platform for
developers, covering the entire AI development workflow from data processing, model training,
optimization and porting, algorithm management, and solution development to algorithm verification
and testing. In 2017, the Company established a high-performance computing center. In 2019, we
launched a full-stack algorithm development platform, enabling closed-loop management of the
entire chain from data management to solution delivery. In 2021, we upgraded and released a
compositional solution development platform. In 2023, we developed a workflow system for
scenario-based algorithm development, which can automatically orchestrate development
workflows such as data processing, training, model conversion, and testing. This enables online

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

and automated development of scenario-based algorithms, protocol-based operators, and a unified
algorithm library, providing model-as-a-service capabilities and enabling multimodal fusion analysis
and large model language service deployment.

    ② Standardize algorithm components to enhance algorithm replicability and

adaptability to diverse scenarios.
    Based on our expertise in scenario-based capabilities, we have streamlined algorithm
solutions for different application scenarios and standardized the solutions and their associated
algorithm components. By shifting the algorithm development model from "solution-centric" to
"algorithm component-centric," we have enhanced algorithm reusability. Additionally, we have
upgraded the "algorithm release equals solution release" approach to "model release equals
solution release," further shortening the development cycle for intelligent solutions in scenario-
based applications and reducing algorithm development costs.

    ③ Continuously improve algorithm solutions and enhance scenario-based AI

    In 2023, we upgraded our scenario-based AI capabilities by delving into customers' production
management processes. We provided a rich array of scenario-based AI applications to help
customers enhance quality, improve efficiency, and achieve win-win outcomes. We have enhanced
the functionality of our industry-specific algorithm solutions to address industry applications and
needs. With the multimodal visual analysis capabilities of our Galaxy foundation model, we have
upgraded our visual cognition capabilities, continuously improved visual analysis accuracy,
enhanced the ability to meet long-tail demand, and developed industry-specific intelligent solutions
based on multimodal visual large models. This has further enhanced the level of intelligence in
industry-specific businesses.

(2) Research capabilities in underlying AI technologies
    Dahua continues to strengthen its research on underlying AI technologies to ensure the
sustained advancement of its algorithms in the industry. By digging deep into the demand and
industry pain points, and combining the development trend of AI technologies, especially the
foundation model technology, we focus on such fields as single-model multi-tasking, small-sample
learning, deep genetic coding technology and trustworthy AI, to build the competitiveness of
intelligent products and solutions, and to accelerate the process of commercializing AI.

    ① Single-model multi-tasking, to maximize the utilization of computing power

    In the field of vision, the technical path of unified inference through single-model multi-tasking
remains powerful in the face of high computing power costs. During the reporting period, the
Company continued to delve into single-model multi-tasking technologies. For example, the original
algorithm scheme consisting of 5 models for detection, key point, pose, attribute analysis and

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recognition can now be completed by 1 model, with substantially lower complexity of arithmetic
scheduling and task scheduling, and 30% increase in the utilization rate of computing power.

    ② Small sample learning, to increase the efficiency of algorithm development

    The size of training samples directly affects the performance of deep learning algorithms.
Dahua proposed the RWSC-Fusion technology in 2023, which synthesizes massive samples close
to real scenes through a small number of samples to train algorithms, thus reducing the
dependence of partial algorithms on data. This technology has been applied to scenarios such as
security checks and transmission lines, with 10% improvement in the algorithmic recall rate and
30% reduction in the development cost. Related technologies were published in CVPR 2023, one
of the top conferences on computational vision.

    ③ Deep genetic coding, to enable end-to-end cloud feature synergy

    Due to the non-interpretability of deep learning, heterogeneous feature embeddings generated
by the encoders of different models are incompatible and unmeasurable, leading to problems such
as incomplete synergy between end-edge clouds in the deployment of small and large model
products, and high cost of upgrading product models. To address these issues, Dahua has
developed deep genetic coding techniques to allow the feature representation capability of
foundation models to be inherited to sub-family models, and in the process of genetic learning, the
sub-family models can be customized for different application scenarios and different computing
power, and feature embeddings generated by models of the same lineage can be metricated
among themselves, thus realizing feature synergy in end-edge clouds, and lowering the cost of
product upgrading and O&M.

    ④ Trustworthy AI, to ensure system security and stability

    Confronted with risky challenges to AI security, Dahua accelerates the research and
implementation of trustworthy AI technologies, such as anti-attack and defense and deep forgery
detection, to achieve AI security and trustworthiness. During the reporting period, Dahua continued
to research on anti-attack and defense technologies based on diffusion models, moving from the
digital domain to the physical domain to enhance the effectiveness of physical attacks. We also
developed robust defense methods to significantly improve system security and stability through
technologies such as forgery detection and perturbation purification. Relevant technologies have
been applied in scenarios such as entrance/exit license plate anti-counterfeiting and door access
control anti-counterfeiting detection.

(3) AI engineering capabilities
    In terms of AI engineering capabilities, Dahua has continuously deepened its efforts in areas
such as model compression and scenario-based algorithm engineering implementation, to enhance
product performance and competitiveness, and expedite AI implementation.

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    ① Deeply tap into model compression technologies to enhance product performance

and competitiveness.
    Currently, there are many chips with wide differences in capabilities; employing different model
compilers individually causes tremendous engineering investment in algorithm development.
Against this background, Dahua has developed its own adaptive model compression and tuning
tool. The self-developed hardware-aware adaptive quantization engine technology optimizes the
quantization method on the basis of hardware resources and network characteristics, assists in
achieving precision tuning with small samples, and optimizes the scale of quantization parameters
with less human involvement. Through hardware-aware adaptive model compilation, it is
compatible with different training frameworks and various chips, thus addressing the problems of
multiple platforms, multiple frameworks, and high threshold of performance tuning. Meanwhile, the
QAT quantization technology is employed to overcome the problem of traditional offline
quantization accuracy degradation, thus guaranteeing the accuracy of the model on low-bit
hardware to achieve training-as-you-get, i.e., consistent accuracy of the model deployed from
training to inference. Moreover, the enabled low-bit quantization compression significantly improves
the computing power utilization while guaranteeing the accuracy of the commercialized application.

    ② Enhance the efficiency of scenario-based algorithm implementation by relying on

standardized algorithm application paradigms and technical upgrades.
    Continuously improve the delivery capability of three algorithmic application paradigms,
namely "rapid customization by the Company", "convenient development by users" and "general
algorithmic paradigm". In order to improve scenario-based AI response capability, we have
extracted over 10 general algorithm paradigms from fragmented demand development to improve
reproducibility and delivery efficiency. For example, based on such paradigms as "Workwear
Compliance", "Changing Event Detection", and "Action Customization", we have undertaken more
than 200 algorithm customization requirements, and realized training-free delivery of algorithms,
with the delivery efficiency increased by more than 80%.
    Facing the problem of unstable algorithmic effect in complex scenes due to low accuracy of
traditional algorithms for extreme targets (extremely small targets, severely occluded targets, high
similarity targets, etc.) encountered in the process of intelligent industry transformation, we
investigate the visual cognition ability based on the Galaxy Foundation Model to enhance the
perception in complex scenarios, and deepen the level of intelligent industry transformation.

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. Constructing a 1+1+N Algorithm Training System

    Construct a 1+1+N algorithm training system, i.e., algorithm model training + algorithm
incremental training + algorithm orchestration. The 1+1+N algorithm training system enriches the
algorithm application scenarios, comes closer to clients' business processes, and greatly shortens
the algorithm delivery cycle. By providing clients with professional, timely and personalized training,
we can quickly build up algorithm capabilities for them, support a wide range of government
business needs, assist in corporate intelligent upgrading, renovation and transformation, and
establish good customer relations and trust.
    Two core platforms, i.e. the offline training all-in-one machine and the AI training online
platform, have been launched to support such capabilities as on-demand application of training
resources, dynamic allocation, multi-person collaboration, task assignment, online verification,
online deployment and upgrade, and provide round-the-clock expert technical support. With the
training platform, customers can conveniently obtain new algorithms and enjoy professional
technical support and services, powering a number of industries such as energy and water
conservancy. Boosting Corporate AI Capabilities with the Galaxy Foundation Model
    Dahua released Galaxy Foundation Model in 2023, a vision-based foundation model that
incorporates multimodal capabilities. Foundation models currently released in the industry are
mainly generative models, whereby a common model is extended for different industries to handle
various downstream tasks. In contrast, the Galaxy Foundation Model is oriented to visual parsing
tasks; by building several typical industry visual models, a set of computational framework is
extracted, on the basis of which more industry visual models can be built.

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(1) Advantages of the Galaxy Foundation Model

    ① Achieve accuracy and generalizability leap, enhance business competitiveness, and

accelerate intelligent market scale expansion.
    The Galaxy Foundation Model is pre-trained with tons of unlabeled data and fine-tuned on the
labeled data, so that the trained model is stable and reliable under extreme targets and extreme
scenes. For example, in various situations such as extremely small targets, multi-morphic targets,
targets with inconspicuous features, multi-angle targets, blurred images, strong backlight, complex
backgrounds, and multi-source images, the results are still stable and reliable, substantially better
than those of small models.

    ② Define new functions through graphic prompts to directly satisfy fragmented

functions and efficiently cover new long-tail markets.
    The Galaxy Foundation Model realizes the upgrading from generalization of algorithm
components to that of algorithm solutions. Originally, for small models, the development of an
algorithm requires four steps: data annotation, data training, algorithm deployment, and product
delivery. Now, the Foundation Model turns the four steps into just one step, with no customization
required. Simply with image and text prompts, it can quickly realize new functions, thus greatly
shortening the development cycle, and efficiently satisfying the fragmented needs of the long-tailed
market. For example, foreign objects such as bird's nests, kites, or plastic bags may cause great
potential danger to electric power safety in the power sector. Previously, customized training was
required based on specific scenarios and foreign objects, incurring extremely high development
costs. Nowadays, such development can be easily achieved by simply giving the foundation model
corresponding graphic and textual hints.

    ③ Break through visual cognition capabilities to understand the entire process of an

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event and open up new space in the intelligent market.
    Due to technical limitations, small models are unable to realize complex behaviors with many
objectives and multiple steps that are difficult to dismantle step by step, such as sweeping waste
into sewers, violently throwing objects, and regulating hand-washing. In contrast, the Galaxy
Foundation Model can not only extract image features, but fuse the features of different moments
so that it can better understand the whole process of an event and recognize complex behaviors. It
enables visual intelligence tasks to expand from the previous perceptual parsing and simple
cognitive needs to complex cognitive needs, which opens up a new space in the intelligence

    ④ Analyze all scenes autonomously, and streamline intelligent configurations for

improved intelligence and usability.
    Small models are not capable of understanding the whole scene, so rules need to be
configured for event analysis, which requires professional support and leads to time-consuming
and laborious deployment of algorithms. The Galaxy Foundation Model is capable of understanding
the whole scene, and can realize event analysis without rule configuration. Take the power sector
as an example, for climbing operation compliance business, the Galaxy Foundation Model
automatically understands the climbing scenario, without the need of configuration, which makes it
more convenient to use. The foundation model makes intelligent configuration no longer
cumbersome and improves the ease of use of intelligence.

(2) Coordinated small and foundation models to build affordable scenario-based foundation

    In the field of vision, foundation models have made great progress in effectiveness, but with
relatively high computing power costs. The input to the visual parsing tasks is visual images, which
involve a large amount of data and need to be analyzed 24/7, resulting in high cost for each
exclusive path. The cost of using models with ultra-large-scale parameters is high, so significantly
cutting the cost of visual parsing foundation model applications is a prerequisite for successful
commercialization. Dahua focuses on the large model downsizing techniques and the synergy
between small and foundation models to build affordable scenario-based foundation models.
    The large model downsizing techniques are the basis for building affordable scenario-based
large models, which can reduce the basic deployment cost of visual parsing foundation models.
The technical steps are as follows:
    First, control the number of parameters of the basic foundation model, and select the
appropriate parameter size based on the task needs, to keep it at the scale of 10 billion through
structural design, training and verification, and iterative optimization of a 100 billion foundation
model. Second, with the model downsizing technology, the 10 billion parameters are reduced to the
scale of one billion through domain distillation and domain quantization, so that the computing

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power demand is reduced to about 10% of that of a mainstream foundation model. Last, due to the
stronger comprehension and generalization ability of foundation models, one foundation model is
able to substitute dozens of original models, making the overall computing power of the foundation
model business controllable.

    Co-deployment of small and foundation models is the key to building an affordable foundation
model   system,   which   ensures    controllable   computing    power     costs   and    accelerates
commercialization. The system consists primarily of end-side cloud computing power for computing
network fusion and co-deployment of small and large models, whose architecture mainly
encompasses the following: the bottom layer of the system consists of a large number of end-side
computing power devices with different computing power sizes on the end-side, mostly for small
model inference applications, which can be optimized by combining the hardware characteristics to
improve the utilization rate of the computing power. The middle layer is the cloud-side computing
power pool, mainly for the unified pooling management of heterogeneous computing power, which
supports the integration of training and promotion, the fine-tuning of foundation models, and the
collaborative optimization of small and foundation models. The top layer is the computing network
integrated management and scheduling platform, which carries out unified modeling of small and
foundation computing power, constructs system-level computing power network, manages small
and foundation model warehouses, and distributes models according to the computing power
capacity to complete system-level optimization and scheduling.

(3) Foundation model application

    With visual parsing as the core, we follow up the development of cutting-edge technologies,
and make rapid iteration and optimization centering on real-world requirements, to realize value
realization from multiple perspectives. We actively promote localized deployment, and realize the

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application of foundation model-related technologies in industrial foundation models, development
efficiency, and small model technology upgrading.

    ① Pilot of industry foundation models

         Foundation models for urban governance
    Foundation models for urban governance help upgrade the AI capabilities of urban governance
by making the data more accurate and richer. Compared with small models, foundation models for
urban governance are more than 10% more accurate on average, with a 50% increase in the
number of functions, enabling the realization of a variety of complex cognitive functions in the
industry. With powerful comprehension capability, foundation models can simplify the deployment
and significantly reduce the deployment cost. A foundation model can replace dozens of small
models. With high accuracy of parsed data, such a foundation model is able to reproduce the real
twin of a city, which can be reconstructed in a real way, from the full view of the whole city to the
condition of each road and every passing vehicle at each intersection. Moreover, the foundation
model enable simulation and evaluation of urban road status, simulation and evaluation of urban
environment, simulation and deduction of event process, automatic generation of data report and
analysis report, among others, so as to realize efficient decision-making and analysis of urban
governance. In addition to these advantages, it also demonstrates its strengths in point
management. Daily urban management is often faced with the need to regulate numerous
decentralized points, which vary widely and thus require different functions to be configured. To
address this issue, the foundation model incorporates advanced point governance algorithms.
Based on merely one picture, it can automatically analyze and output detailed scene information,
and meanwhile intelligently recommends the appropriate function configuration for each point. The
launch of this foundation model product not only greatly enhances the functional performance, but
also greatly improves the convenience of user interaction.
         Foundation models for power
    Foundation models for the power sector can likewise make the data more accurate and richer,
thus boosting the upgrading of AI capabilities in the power sector. Compared with small models, the
average accuracy of foundation models for the power sector increases by more than 20%, with a
40% increase in the number of functions, which ensures the implementation of a variety of complex
cognitive functions in the power sector. Meanwhile, a foundation model not only realizes more than
80 functions of the whole industry, but enables the real twin reproduction of the power scene, from
the overall view of the entire substation scene to the operational status of transformers and other
instrumentation equipment. The foundation model can also realize functions such as the
construction operation drill training, and independent analysis and decision-making of O&M data,
so as to realize the efficient decision-making and analysis in the power sector. Moreover, it supports
all kinds of foreign object detection functions, such as birds' nests, plastic bags, and balloons.
Rather than having to do repetitive tasks such as collecting materials and re-training the model, the
corresponding foreign object recognition function can be realized simply through the corresponding

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graphic prompts.
         Foundation models for more industries
    In addition to foundation models for urban governance and power, Dahua is also actively
deploying algorithms in more industries, such as transportation, and advancing their scenario-
based deployments and applications.

    ② Automated annotation for higher development efficiency

     The use of foundation models to achieve intelligent pre-annotation, intelligent auxiliary
annotation, and annotation process optimization accelerates annotation speed and saves manual
input. Currently, intelligent annotation covers various types of materials such as pictures, videos,
and audios, and supports a variety of annotation tasks such as target, attribute, segmentation, and
tracking. It has achieved satisfactory results on hundreds of annotation categories including
motorized vehicles, non-motorized vehicles, various types of animals and objects, with significantly
improved annotation efficiency. Meanwhile, intelligent annotation can also substantially improve the
annotation quality of difficult cases.
    Going forward, the foundation model intelligent annotation technology will be applied to the
Genius AI open platform to upgrade the level of data processing intelligence, making data
processing more efficient and accurate, which will greatly facilitate the extraction and utilization of
information and accelerate the intelligent transformation of business processes.

    ③ Technical upgrading using Transformer-related technologies

    While developing foundation models for industries, Dahua is actively applying Transformer's
multimodal technologies to improve the effectiveness of its algorithms with comparable computing
power. The scene adaptability is dramatically improved for such tasks as scene classification,
behavioral analysis, and generic defect detection. In the scene classification task, the multimodal
model is capable of processing and understanding images and their related descriptions, providing
excellent classification results in a variety of complex settings. This technological breakthrough
enhances the accuracy of image retrieval systems. For behavioral analysis, the joint analysis of
video frames and audio signals enables more accurate recognition of human and vehicle
behaviors. In terms of generic defect detection, the Transformer technology shows greater
advantages in fault identification by extracting data such as voice, text and images, significantly
improving production quality and efficiency. Dahua will continue to innovate based on Transformer
technologies and explore more business value from them.

    ④ Deployment with domestic manufacturing

    Dahua actively explores technologies related to the deployment of foundation models in
domestically manufactured chips. We have introduced chips from major domestic chip companies,
migrated and verified visual and multimodal foundation models, and optimized their performance.
On this basis, we have successfully accomplished the localization of foundation models for urban

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governance and power.

    ⑤ Human-computer interaction

    While actively promoting the R&D of foundation models for industries with vision as the core,
Dahua is also actively exploring the application of these models in human-computer interaction and
big data retrieval. Currently, large language models are not only equipped with generative
capabilities, but also with semantic understanding and reasoning capabilities, which enable them to
act as the hub of an intelligent body, and realize task planning, external tool calling, and relevant
memory querying based on external knowledge by understanding voice or text prompting
information. Based on these capabilities, foundation models can automatically understand and
execute a variety of functions in products, such as knowledge quiz, task scheduling, database
retrieval, map relationship retrieval, report generation, and tool calling, thus lowering the threshold
of user use and interaction costs, and transforming the product interaction paradigm.

3.4.2 Data Intelligence

    Focusing on video IoT scenarios, Dahua is oriented to the digital intelligent transformation of
cities and enterprises, and looks into platform technologies and algorithmic capabilities that
enhance governance efficiency, mine data content, and enable data value. Relying on such
technologies as cloud native, big data framework, heterogeneous fusion computing, and data
center, Dahua provides a one-stop data intelligence base for vision and information fusion,
integration, governance, development, and services. Based on technologies such as artificial
intelligence, figure-digital fusion, data mining, and knowledge mapping, it digs deeply into the
connotation of view data, and builds figure-digital fusion high-value data warehouses, to unleash
the value of data, facilitate the digital transformation and development of cities and enterprises, and
jointly pioneer the new development of the digital society and economy.

    In 2023, Dahua continued to dig deep into the value of view data. By integrating production
and business data, it comprehensively stimulated view application innovation. Taking data value
calculation as an impetus, it consolidated the basic capability of big data platforms, and built up
industry-specific capabilities such as AI+big data fusion calculation frameworks and heterogeneous
calculation of diverse data, thus empowering data application innovation and boosting the digital

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and intellectual transformation of government and enterprises.
    (1) Continuously build industry-specific capabilities of big data platforms with data

value calculation as the impetus.
    Focusing on data value calculation, Dahua released Big Data Platform 3.0 in 2023, covering
such products as Data Calculation Platform, Data Hub, Data Exploration Platform, Data Low-Code
Platform, and Big Data Infrastructure Platform. It provides one-stop data integration, data
governance, data development, and data service capabilities to support governments' digital
intelligent governance and businesses' digital intelligent transformation. Driven by the strategy of
focusing on the value calculation of video data and unleashing the value of view data, the self-
access capability of a variety of IoT devices is embedded in data integration, leading to a number of
industrial data standards. In terms of data governance, the algorithmic capability loaded with
intelligent governance automatically achieves data mapping, standardization, and quality detection
to significantly improve governance efficiency. In data development, real-time unified development
and scheduling of offline tasks, as well as data-oriented applications relying on the self-developed
low-code engine technology enables the rapid configuration of business applications, greatly
improving the efficiency of delivery in fragmented scenarios. In heterogeneous computing of
diversified data, Dahua has built the AI + big data fusion computing framework and figure-number
fusion computing framework, which breaks the limitations of traditional big data computing
boundaries, making computing more efficient and business innovation more convenient. Dahua's
big data platform activates data potential with value computing, and drives digital transformation
with technological innovation to continuously serve numerous industries.
    (2) Stimulate the potential of view data to drive digital transformation through

technological innovation.
    Dahua has accumulated extensive hands-on experience during the long-term in-depth
informatization construction process for the digital and intellectual transformation of government
and enterprise clients. Based on the video IoT data and industry insights, Dahua has thoroughly
excavated the value of data and constructed data-to-information and to-knowledge systems. As of
2023, Dahua has cumulatively developed a variety of data algorithms and industry-specific models,
and accumulated extensive data element standards and specifications. Through full-process
intelligent tools and technologies, we ensure the high quality and efficiency of technical services
such as data governance and development, and achieve high-value refining and summarization of
view data, as well as assetization and asset servicing of view data, thus contributing to the
intelligent transformation of government and enterprise clients and driving the vertical development
of businesses.
    Dahua    continuously launches      series   of   products   and   services    with   technological
competitiveness and product differentiation advantages, and achieves impressive business
practices and results in the global market by leveraging the digital transformation opportunities of

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cities and enterprises.

3.5 Full Ecosystem
    Ecological development is one of the most important strategic initiatives of Dahua, as we are
committed to building a win-win ecosystem and jointly creating value with our partners. Our mission
is to enable clients to fulfill their dreams. Adhering to the concept of "Full Ecosystem", we focus on
realizing clients' value, and build comprehensive open capacities from technology, business to
services. Through hardware, software, algorithms to services, business ecosystem to industrial
clients, and full openness to developers, we join hands with eco-partners to open up new fields,
shape new momentum, and create unlimited possibilities for industrial development, empowering
industries to realize digital intelligence and achieve co-creation, symbiosis, and win-win

3.5.1 Business Opening-up and Ecological Cooperation Integrator Client Business Ecosystem
    Dahua continues to advance the construction of and resource investment into the integrator
cooperation system. Adhering to a service-oriented approach, Dahua is always committed to
providing partners with better quality industry-wide products and solution services, with greater
emphasis on ecological cooperation with partners to achieve win-win results.
    A special insight project has been launched to monitor client needs, delve into market
development trends, and focus on high-quality business, so as to upgrade the fine management of
clients and business opportunities, and enhance frontline operational capabilities. Meanwhile, a
special group has been set up to analyze and guide the business development of integrator
cooperation. Through the fine management of the Company, the focus is placed on value
customers, so that resources can be put into use more effectively and the investment-to-output
ratio can be strengthened.
    Empower and train clients through client eco-conferences, industry eco-salons, special circle
activities, overseas exhibitions, and Partner Day, and enhance the service awareness of Dahua's
business and technical staff, to strengthen all-around eco-cooperation with integrator partners in
terms of technology, business, and services, thus further enhancing the depth and breadth of
cooperation with clients, and forming stronger client adhesion. SMB Business Ecosystem
    Valuing new opportunities in the channel market, Dahua has officially released the channel
ecological cooperation concept of "Employee+Partner", which serves as the standard and baseline
for cooperation, and establishes a new market order and framework rules with partners to create a
healthy and sustainable ecosystem with win-win results for all parties. Meanwhile, Dahua focuses
on innovation in cooperation and management modes, and continues to explore and delegate

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distribution business, intensify the layout of special business, innovate e-commerce business,
further enhance non-video business, and empower cloud business in both directions. Going
forward, Dahua and its partners will adhere to the concept of "Employee+Partner", and
continuously pursue the integration and development of "New Opportunity, New Idea, New Order,
New Mode, New Management, New Goal, New Responsibility" so as to achieve mutual growth and
create a prosperous ecosystem featuring co-construction, symbiosis and win-win results. Industry Client Business Ecosystem
    Facing the digital transformation of governments, Dahua focuses on industrial scenarios and
integrates the ecological advantages of niche fields, to create "end-to-end closed-loop" solutions,
and to enhance their competitiveness and perfection. In intelligent water conservancy, Dahua
carries out product solution innovation and integration in collaboration with the industry ecosystem
to enhance the scientific and precise decision-making and management; in urban traffic
management, Dahua works with the industry ecosystem to carry out product solution innovation
and integration, to enhance the comprehensive management capability under the business
scenarios of urban traffic congestion mitigation, high-speed safety control, and rural safety
management, and to further expand the industry's business boundaries.
    To upgrade the digital intelligence of enterprises, Dahua centers on the goal of "Building a big
security system, constructing digitally-intelligent productivity, and boosting operational decision-
making power", and integrates the advantageous resources of each segment to create full-scene,
high-value solutions. In the energy business segment, we have launched product co-creation and
solution integration to enhance our digital intelligence solution capability in energy production safety
and efficiency improvement. In the industrial and commercial enterprise business segment, we
jointly craft specialized solutions for enterprise parks, logistics and warehousing, digital workshops,
digital stores, and digital marketing to empower corporate governance and enhance operational
efficiency. In the culture, education and healthcare business segment, we work to strengthen our
digital intelligence in this segment, so as to contribute more digital intelligence to the culture and
tourism, education and healthcare industries. In the construction business segment, we aim to
realize the closed loop of intelligent construction and operation management. In the financial
business segment, we dig deep into applications in financial scenarios, with comprehensively
improved services in outlets and enhanced user experience.

3.5.2 Technical Opening-up and Ecological Cooperation Software Open Platform and Ecological Cooperation
    As for the technical open system, the Company continues to build up core capabilities based
on the three key domains of IOT awareness, smart view and data intelligence, while expanding the
scope of open capabilities for various partners in response to their needs. Meanwhile, we continue
to improve the cooperation friendliness for cooperation scenarios and reduce the cost of technical

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integration of partners. Based on the technical requirements of partners, we keep optimizing the
form of open functions, and continuously enriching the content of eco-products and eco-solutions,
to build a flexible multi-level open system of "interface-component-module-product-solution".
Through the dual drive of "content+form", we make constant optimization to shape an integrated
open system of view functions for various cooperation scenarios.
    In terms of market cooperation, we classify and differentiate cooperation for customers'
demands by factors such as region, industry and customer nature, and continuously output value
for partners through various means including business opportunity sharing, product certification for
release, marketing channel merging and brand cooperation.
    Regarding the management system, we have set up a two-tier customer management
organization consisting of the headquarters and provincial districts, mobilizing all kinds of resources
and optimizing the process system internally, while extracting the value of existing partners and
analyzing and identifying new partners externally, with differentiated resources allocated to partners
of different levels. Moreover, we have made the software ecosystem management a priority for our
Company, with independent operations.
    As for empowerment and support, we have launched all kinds of technical services,
empowerment support and training and certification programs for our partners to continuously
reduce their learning costs and ensure that they can efficiently access and digest the various
competency values provided by our software open system and continue to profit from them.
Through these value co-creation and sharing actions, we aim to continuously enhance the breadth
and depth of technical cooperation and ultimately form a highly trustworthy and stable technical
    In 2023, Dahua held the Eco-Partner Conference "Building an Integrated Ecosystem and
Creating a Digitally Intelligent Internet of Things", exploring the development direction and future
opportunities of digital intelligence for industries around the roles and values of such technologies
as AIoT, big data, and AI in urban governance and corporate management, and seeking to deepen
the concept of and cooperation on the concepts of co-construction, win-win results, and symbiosis
for the intelligent IoT. Eco-salon technical exchanges and circle activities were carried out in various
provinces and districts across China to provide partners with a shared ecological stage. We have
built a mechanism of eco-partners' rights and interests, and work closely with them to innovate their
businesses. Hardware Open Platform and Ecological Cooperation

    It mainly includes the open access to device hardware capabilities (DHOP) and third-party
platforms (device network SDK, playback SDK, HTTP API).
    The Dahua Hardware Open Platform (DHOP) supports the decoupling of hardware and
software, and provides hardware resource services such as storage and computing power,
multimedia function services, AI acceleration engine services, and various basic information

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services to meet the diverse business needs of third-party developers, and offers a rich set of tools
for model conversion, compilation, packaging, debugging, and O&M, thus simplifying third-party
    Based on the DHOP, Dahua has self-developed dozens of industrial intelligence APPs, such
as pyrotechnic detection, helmet detection, and fire escape occupancy, to support the flexibility of
edge-side devices for dynamic intelligence loading. As of 2023, we signed cooperation with multiple
algorithmic vendors around the world to develop APPs in a variety of industrial scenarios in a
mutually beneficial way, thus quickly and effectively meeting the business needs of end-customers
and revitalizing the ecological application market of intelligent IoT.
    With the opening of third-party platform access capabilities, we have established mutually
beneficial partnerships with a number of industry platforms and actively integrated into the
ecosystem of various partners.
    The DHOP supports access to hardware functions of edge-side device matrices such as IPC,
PTZ, ITC, NVR, and IVSS. For exploring new intelligent scenarios, the supporting training servers
and view intelligences are also made open to realize the full-link closed-loop rapid implementation
of intelligent new scenarios. Algorithm Opening-up and Ecological Cooperation

    Empower partners with the ability to industrialize AI at scale to achieve business success and
mutual growth. In the trend of digital transformation, many clients from different industries use AI to
improve production efficiency. As AI industrialization represents a field with considerable
opportunities, the Company works together with its partners and clients to build an AI ecosystem.
The Company provides targeted empowerment tools for partners with different levels of demand,
thus accelerating the process of AI industrialization.
    (1) Mature algorithms, ready to use
    Through application and practices in industrial businesses, our AI algorithms have
accumulated plenty of mature algorithm solutions that are ready to use. With the following
advantages, we can help our partners expand their businesses:
    More choices: For different needs of various industries, we have developed specialized
algorithmic solutions that cover specific industries.
    Good results: After application and polishing in actual businesses, they not only fit the
businesses, but have strong scene generalization capabilities; these algorithms have won multiple
championships in international competitions in such fields as target detection and target
    Easy to use: Simply select the corresponding algorithm solution in the algorithm library as per
the business requirements, and then make some basic configurations. That's all you need to do to
realize corresponding functions.
    Economical to deploy: By means of single-model multi-tasking, end-to-end low-bit, and

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synchronization of end-user, edge and cloud, the algorithms have minimized the hardware
requirements for memory and computing power to the optimal level, greatly reducing the cost of
use for users.
    (2) AI Open Platform to build up partners' AI capabilities for independent development
    It targets users with no algorithmic ability with low threshold, who can quickly realize algorithms
through open platform development and implement them into products for commercial realization.
The AI Open Platform provides a one-stop graphical AI algorithm development platform for
partners, featuring the following five major capabilities: flexible platform deployment, zero-code
development, high-efficiency training, online validation, and one-click deployment. Users can
efficiently complete the development of desired algorithmic functions with low threshold by inputting
relevant data on the AI Open Platform, thus effectively enhancing their algorithmic development
capabilities for independent development.
    (3) AI open tool chain to accelerate the productization of partners' algorithms
    It mainly targets clients with algorithm self-development capabilities but without product
hardware capabilities. Users can realize algorithm development through self-development, and
then deploy their completed algorithms into our hardware products by adopting the "Genius AI
Algorithm Deployment Tool"; besides, they can also use the DHOP to realize the development and
implementation of business software productization, so as to rapidly productize their algorithms.

3.5.3 Service Opening-up and Ecological Cooperation

    Upholding the service concept of "Empowering Clients", Dahua has gradually built up four
service systems for the whole market and business, namely, integrated delivery system, technical
support system, O&M management system, and training and certification system. We are
committed to building the world's leading and efficient professional delivery platform, and becoming
an outstanding service value creator.
    Currently, the Company has formed a three-tier service network to provide technical services
to global customers, with 69 branches worldwide covering more than 180 countries. Meanwhile, it
integrates its resources and brings together the power of ecosystems to provide the market with full
life-cycle services of products and solutions. In 2023, it debuted the regional authorized service
centers to enable its partners, speed up customer response, improve service quality, and provide
customers and markets with highly efficient service support, with continued excellent service
experience for its customers.

3.6 Software Products and Business
    Data, as the fifth major factor of production after land, labor, capital and technology, will
certainly give rise to new industries, new markets and new models. It will also revolutionize the
original productivity and production relations.
    With the continuous implementation of technologies such as the IoT, big data and foundation

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models, and the successive introduction of data industry norms in major countries around the
world, the technical system of data elements is gradually maturing and the circulation system
gradually taking shape. Among these data, unstructured data, mainly video images, are
characterized by diversity, mobility, scale and privacy. Facing these problems and challenges,
Dahua centers on the process of adding value to data elements, and from the aspects of multi-
dimensional awareness, multi-connectivity, view intelligence, and open platform, we upgraded the
IoT Digital Intelligence Platform 2.0 in 2023, integrating Galaxy Foundation Model and figure-digital
fusion capabilities. On this basis, we developed highly efficient software engineering capabilities
and released industrial product series for cities and enterprises, boosting efficient urban
governance and corporate digital intelligence upgrading.
    Dahua continuously strengthens its "winning" ability by focusing on software products and
services, targeting at business success. In terms of products, the product team actively integrates
technical capabilities such as foundation model, digital twins, low-code, and figure-digital fusion, so
as to continuously innovate and improve product competitiveness. As for services, the development
centers in each province and region are fully integrated with front-line businesses, serving
customers closely and bolstering the development of software businesses. To quickly combine with
the industry's emerging technologies for business innovation, Dahua possesses efficient software
engineering capabilities, and provides powerful tool support in the design field such as the map
developer platform and micro-services architecture platform, based on the Hua Design design
system. It has accumulated multiple Firefly component malls throughout its operations, and by
organically combining these components, formed a low-code business engine for various scenarios
such as enterprise campus workstations and digital twins, thus making technology reuse and
business assembly a breeze. Based on the IoT Digital Intelligence Platform, we have formed three
modes of cooperation: program co-construction, product co-creation, and capability sharing around
our ecological clients, to jointly propel the upgrading of digital intelligence in industries, strengthen
our clients, and realize "co-construction, win-win results, and symbiosis".

3.6.1 Deeply Explore the Data Industry Chain to Boom the Data Market

    The upstream, midstream and downstream of the video-based data element industry chain
encounters multiple challenges. Firstly, upstream data providers, responsible for data collection and
aggregation, are facing the challenges of complex and diverse sensing scenarios, complicated and

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heterogeneous protocols of IoT devices, and cross-network interconnection of massive devices.
Midstream data processing service providers, offering data governance and data computing
services, are troubled by unsatisfied smart long-tail markets, inefficient synchronization of end-user,
edge, cloud, and network, and difficulties in heterogeneous data computation. Downstream players,
mainly from governments, finance, and manufacturing industries, whose demand is mainly for data
circulation and application, have been seriously affected by weak scenario-based innovation
capabilities, difficult presentation of data value, and inactive transaction circulation. In view of these
problems and challenges, focusing on the value realization process of data elements, the Company
actively plays the roles of data resource provider, data asset practitioner, and data commodification
enabler, starting from aspects such as multidimensional perception, multi-source connectivity, view
intelligence, and open platforms. Collaborating with partners and bridging gaps, it leverages the
"multiplier effect" of data elements to empower efficient urban governance and enterprise
digitalization upgrades.

3.6.2 Upgrade the IoT Digital Intelligence Platform to Enable Efficient Urban Governance and

Corporate Digital Intelligence

    Under the Think# strategic framework, Dahua released the IoT Digital Intelligence Platform in
2021, comprising an online data network and two intelligent engines of vision and data, so as to
empower the digital innovation of cities and the digital transformation of enterprises. With the rapid
development of IoT, foundation model and big data technologies, combined with our profound
thinking and accumulation in urban and enterprise business, we upgraded the IoT Digital
Intelligence Platform in 2023.
    Dahua digs into data application with its capability, and runs through the whole process of data

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as an asset, a resource and a commodity, boosting the release of new power for development.
During the data as a resource stage, we rely on the Panoramic 6D multidimensional perception and
multi-source connections for aggregating full-network data; the addition of AI will further enhance
the data collection and content description capabilities. During the data as an asset stage, the
Smart View Engine integrates the Galaxy Foundation Model capability, which breaks through the
boundary of visual cognition capability and realizes independent analysis of full scenarios with
stronger generalization capability and higher accuracy, opening up a new space for industry
expansion and scenario implementation. The Smart Data Engine, a one-stop engine for data
intelligence that consolidates the figure-digital fusion computing system breaks down computational
barriers between view data and business data, enabling multi-dimensional feature exploration and
multi-modal relationship establishment. Centering on the stage of data as a commodity, we have
improved the software engineering capability, so that industrial scenario modules can be quickly
combined with technologies such as foundation models and graph-data fusion, to realize free
scheduling, and build up the product systems for cities (Tianji) and enterprises (Tianyan). Being an
enabler, we work together with our partners to diversify the industrial applications.
    In terms of urban governance, Dahua is actively involved in urban governance from the four
dimensions of "secure society", "orderly city", "green city for the benefit of people", and "enhanced
governance efficiency". Coupled with the CV foundation model, computing network self-intelligence
and graph-data fusion technologies, Dahua has launched the Tianji series of products, comprising
four core products: industry model intelligent computing engine, twin scenario generation engine,
data asset management service, and data element operation center. These products enable urban
governance to realize self-optimization, self-learning and self-evolution, and gradually move
towards a new stage of cognitive intelligence and decision-making intelligence.
    In terms of enterprise business, Dahua has been expanding its capability boundaries for
enterprise customer service, from integrated security, intelligent IoT to business innovation in digital
intelligence. We have launched the Tianyan series of products, designed to provide enterprises
with four engines: data operation and management, intelligent computing and decision-making,
scenario application building, and digital twin interaction. Based on over ten thousand industry
projects every year, the Tianyan series carries massive business paradigms of business operation
activities and efficiency enhancement, and combined with the Galaxy Foundation Model during
business innovation, it allows enterprises to release manpower for high-risk and high-intensity
tasks, guards safe production, and supports decision-making for managers.

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3.6.3 Software Engineering Capability, a Multiplier for Data Commoditization

    In terms of data commercialization, since the launch of the very first industry software platform
product in 2010, Dahua has persisted in customer value guidance, business orientation, and
technology driving over the past 10 years, building up its understanding in industry paradigms. To
quickly integrate emerging technologies in industries to realize business innovation and build
efficient software engineering capabilities: In terms of design, we provide guidance and resources
for all design aspects based on the Hua Design design platform, which can effectively improve the
collaboration efficiency between designers and developers and reduce production costs. As for
development, we equip developers with powerful tools such as the Deepsea Microware Sharing
Platform, Map Developer Platform, and Microservice Architecture Platform, so as to build up agile
product development capabilities.
    To accumulate services, Dahua has built a four-layer componentized system of "G, B, F, M",
which has accumulated multiple components layer by layer. Through the organic combination of
these components, a core value engine based on perceptual, numerical and intellectual
capabilities, a highly resilient distributed operation architecture adaptable to a variety of
heterogeneous computing requirements, an end-to-end highly available and highly secure digital
immune system, an integrated and highly sensitive R&D service performance platform, and a
scenario-based business enablement engine for sustainable empowerment have been shaped,
making technology reuse and business assembly a breeze. In the process of empowering
thousands of industries, it is found that the accumulation of business modules and development
efficiency is a "Musashi curve". At the initial stage, with the increase of modules, business reuse
becomes simple with rapid improvement in efficiency; when components reach a certain scale, the
marginal benefit decreases, as no developer can master several thousand technical components
and business modules. Therefore, Dahua has developed a development suite oriented to data,
capabilities and scenarios, which forms a low-code platform with AI-assisted development
capabilities and business knowledge association. This can greatly reduce the mental burden of
developers, and support the further enhancement of the efficiency of business software

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development and the sustained and healthy business growth.
    Relying on the above software engineering capabilities, industry scenario modules can be
quickly loaded with emerging technologies, including the CV foundation model and graph-data
fusion; combined with knowledge of industry experts, these modules can be freely orchestrated to
build richer scenarios for industry applications, forming a "multiplier effect" and amplifying the value
of innovative business in the value chain of cities and enterprises in various industries. Based on
this, Dahua has released the Tianji series for cities and Tianyan series for enterprises, boosting the
efficient urban governance and digital intelligence upgrade of enterprises.

3.6.4 Dahua Public Cloud, Making Management More Efficient and Operations More


    Based on the capabilities of the cloud mid-end platform, our public cloud business provides
rich SaaS services for various industries, forging a comprehensive and open system of cloud mid-
end platform capabilities. The cloud mid-end platform integrates six core capabilities, namely,
business, IoT, AI, data, O&M, and operation, which makes it simpler for cloud access and more
efficient for business development. Based on the cloud mid-end platform, Dahua offers public cloud
SaaS products such as Yunrui, Cloud-Link, and DoLynk. Leveraging the advantages of low-cost,
highly flexible, scalable, and configurable SaaS services, Dahua delivers a new operating model for
enterprises, upgrading and transforming from manual to "data + intelligence", and empowering the
transformation of enterprises' digital and intelligent management.
    For domestic clients, Yunrui assists enterprises in optimizing management efficiency, boosting
business efficiency and avoiding operational risks through leading cloud-based intelligent
applications and open AI algorithm ecosystem. Focusing on the rapid development of various
industries, Yunrui is continuously deepening its SaaS business in chain, parking, education, and

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community scenarios to provide holistic intelligent IoT solutions. In view of the fragmentation of
intelligent IoT scenarios and demands, Yunrui further optimizes its open platform, strengthens its
low-code development capability, optimizes its cloud intelligence, and makes every effort to develop
its partners to jointly expand businesses for win-win results.
    For overseas clients, Dahua offers the DoLynk overseas cloud service, dedicated to providing
an accurate, intelligent and convenient platform. From the perspective of connecting devices,
solutions and business partners, we provide clients with scenario-based application solutions such
as cloud-based video management, equipment O&M, digital networks, wireless alarms, visual
intercom, access control and attendance, and chaining, to establish connections with partners,
build marketing links directly to terminals, and enable digital transformation so as to help
enterprises cut costs and increase efficiency. Meanwhile, we offer streamlined IoT integration
capabilities to help developers quickly build their own IoT cloud platforms and realize an ecological
platform for business co-construction. Our goal is to create a world of AIoT applications for
residential operations, business management, and consumers.

3.7 Security and Privacy Protection
    Dahua attaches great importance to cyber security and privacy protection. As the highest
decision-making organization, the Cyber Security Committee has been established to
comprehensively plan, coordinate, guide, supervise and review the development and
implementation of cyber security efforts from the Company's strategic level. As one of our five
major research institutes, the Cyber Security Research Institute is an independent internal organ
for cyber security supervision and capacity enhancement. With a focus on areas such as security
engineering capacity building, research and application of key security and privacy technologies,
and security incident response services, the Institute ensures the safety and reliability of its full
range of products, platforms and services through the combination of technological innovation
and engineering capabilities.

3.7.1 Security Products and Solutions

    The company has launched products such as security database, video security convergence
gateway, security data border, video protection system, video encryption server and video security

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certificate, integrating such security protection service capabilities as terminal security access,
video stream integrity verification, video stream encryption, user and data security key
management, digital certificates and security authentication.

    Dahua provides and implements security solutions such as level protection, confidentiality
assessment, video watermarking, and 35114. Based on the principle of "whoever collects encrypts
and whoever uses decrypts", we design and realize the end-to-end protection of user data
throughout the life cycle of data collection, transmission, storage, sharing and use, and meanwhile
achieve the security requirements for information systems in accordance with the confidentiality
evaluation standard.

3.7.2 Security Technologies and Engineering

    Dahua continuously steps up its research investment in key technologies such as trustworthy

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computing, end-to-end encryption and privacy protection, with related technological achievements
already integrated into its products to further enhance their security capabilities and enable users to
enjoy better security protection.
    During the product development stage, Dahua keeps improving the life cycle of security
software development, strengthening the security control requirements and capabilities during
software development, and improving and optimizing the security software development process
suitable for Dahua by carrying out in-depth maturity assessment of security activities. Meanwhile, it
optimizes and improves the correspondence between various security activities and further
deepens the automation capability of the security tool chain to ensure that security control activities
are implemented in a more refined manner.
    Within the product life cycle, PSIRT, the company's product security incident response team,
provides users with 24/7 security emergency response services to optimally safeguard users'
security rights and interests. In the meantime, PSIRT is actively involved in industry and public
activities, and has joined multiple authoritative vulnerability management and technical
organizations, including the China National Vulnerability Database (CNVD), China National
Vulnerability Database of Information Security (CNNVD), and China National Industrial Cyber
Security Vulnerability Database (CICSVD). By fully leveraging the role as a member within the
organizations, Dahua has established a collaborative mechanism for sharing information on cyber
security threats.

3.7.3 Data Security and Privacy Protection

    With the promulgation of the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, the Data
Security Law of the People's Republic of China, the Personal Information Protection Law of the
People's Republic of China, and the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union,
the regulatory and compliance requirements for cyber security, data security, and privacy protection
are becoming increasingly stringent globally. In response to these requirements, Dahua takes a
pragmatic attitude and strategy, and upholds a "positive, open, cooperative and responsible"
philosophy, to develop comprehensive security and privacy management systems. Relying on its
mature security engineering capabilities, Dahua strictly implements these systems during product
planning, design, development, and delivery stages, to ensure product security and privacy
    In addition, Dahua actively cooperates with third-party authorities, with external assessments
and certifications introduced. We have passed the ISO27001 Information Security Management
System Certification, ISO27701 Privacy Information Management System Certification, ISO27017
Security Management System Certification for Cloud Services, ISO27018 Security Management
System Certification for Personal Privacy Information in Public Clouds, ETSI EN 303645
Certification, CC EAL3+ Certification, and Commercial Cryptography Certification.

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4、Main businesses
4.1 Domestic Businesses

4.1.1 City-level Businesses Business Overview
    With the official operation of the National Data Administration and the successive
establishment of local data administrations, the construction of Digital China has entered a phase
of rapid development. As a vital component of Digital China, Digital Government provides strong
support for digital economy and digital society in terms of institutional rule innovation and digital
capacity building. Following a period of intensive development, the digital transformation of
governments has shown such trends as "scientific and unified management mechanisms,
intelligent and integrated digital platforms, upgrading government governance capacity driven by
the value of data elements, and demand-driven innovations in business and operation modes".
    Under the major trend of digital transformation of governments for quality and efficiency
enhancement, Dahua closely follows the pace of industrial development in digital infrastructure
construction, data as resources, and digital application implementation, and focuses on the four
urban business sectors of secure society, orderly city, enhanced governance efficiency, and
environmental protection for the benefit of people with video IoT sensing technology as the core.
Through digital intelligence integration and application innovation, Dahua safeguards the
deployment of urban businesses, and contributes to the realization of the beautiful vision of
"harmonious coexistence of man and city, man and society, and man and nature". Core Strategy

    Dedicated to implementing digital intelligence capabilities into various urban scenarios, Dahua
focuses on the main course of the IoT business, and continues to explore the scenarios of digital
intelligence-enabled digital innovation in cities. With the focus on new opportunities in such
industries as comprehensive transportation, natural resources, intelligent water conservancy, urban
parking, and emergency management, we have deep insight into the needs of industry scenarios,
and concentrated on implementing numerical intelligence capabilities to continuously build industry-
leading products and solutions, and empower city development and governance model innovation
with digital intelligence. Besides, the Company continues to deepen its ecological cooperation
strategy, and continuously strengthens technical co-creation and business sharing with its core
customers, industry experts, and outstanding vendors in urban governance, so as to jointly
empower the efficient urban governance, and create an intelligent IoT eco-community featuring co-
construction, win-win results, and symbiosis.

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    (1) Building an urban digital intelligence base
    Based on the AIoT 2.0 and the IoT Digital Intelligence Platform 2.0, the city platform has been
upgraded to a unified City Tianji base that focuses on the four core capabilities of the Smart
Computing Engine for Industry Models, the Twin Scenario Generation Engine, the Data Asset
Management Service, and the Data Element Operation Center to help users build urban data
assets and chain-wide assessment of data elements around a number of urban scenarios and to
rapidly build digital twin application scenarios with comprehensive management decision-making
capabilities coupled with the best business practice paradigms of various industry domains. In this
way, we aim to contribute to the realization of self-optimization, self-learning and self-evolution of
urban governance, and gradually move towards a new stage of cognitive intelligence and decision-
making intelligence.
    (2) Deepening Scenario-based Implementation
    Based on the unified City Tianji base, combined with years of in-depth experience in digital
government, intelligent transportation, social governance, intelligent emergency response,
intelligent water conservancy, and natural resources, among other business areas, we have
developed scenario-based solutions for different fields in various industries, to continuously
advance the urban digital intelligence process, and empower the efficient urban governance, thus
endeavoring to realize a new picture of urban governance for secure society, orderly city, enhanced
governance efficiency, and environmental protection for the benefit of people. Practice of Values in All Industries

    Dahua adheres to the social mission of "making the society safer, cities more orderly,
governance more efficient, and life better", It has been deepening its digital intelligence practices in
business areas such as social security, urban order, governance efficiency, and green benefits to the
people, and activating the value of urban IoT data elements based on the AIoT 2.0 and IoT Digital

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Intelligence Platform 2.0, so as to empower the urban digital transformation with digital intelligence
    (1) Making the Society Safer
    Focusing on the goal of ensuring a stable and orderly society, safe travel for the people, secure
life for the masses and safeguarded production for enterprises, Dahua actively fulfills its social
mission and is committed to strengthen security in China. Centering on the four business areas of
public safety, traffic safety, life safety and production safety, it connects the "urban lifelines" of water,
electricity, gas, heat and transportation, and creates a safety "immunization" system for cities.
Empowered by digital intelligence, it enables the upgrading of the overall urban security system.
    In the field of public security: In the year of the national 14th Five-Year Plan for high-quality
development, Dahua put its focus on deepening the vision system and actively embraced emerging
technologies. By continuously deepening the combination of intelligent IoT technologies with public
safety scenarios, the Company provides customers with more convenient urban IoT capabilities,
smarter integration and connectivity, and more efficient social governance capabilities, delivering
security protection from cities to villages, highways to railroads, and forests to river basins, and
contributing to the modernization of the urban public security system and capabilities. In 2023, the
Company focused on the mining of view data elements, particularly with the launch of visual
computing solutions. Investing in the innovation of view data applications to activate the potential of
view data elements, the Company aims to help customers improve the depth and efficiency of data
utilization, provide strong protection for the people and social security, and contribute to
strengthening security in China.
    In the field of traffic safety: Guided by the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Road Traffic
Safety, the Company further deepens the "reduction of traffic accidents and control of major ones" by
focusing on the three major scenarios of fine management of urban traffic safety, high-speed safety
prevention and control, and primary management of rural safety, so as to create a model of traffic
safety management that covers all scenarios and incorporates multiple means. Relying on
foundation models, the smart view engine is upgraded, to explore the applications of big data and
AI technologies in traffic control. Targeted at light pollution control scenarios, the "Fluorescent" series
of cameras was released in 2023 to address the problem of flashing light pollution at night. We
explored comprehensive management scenarios of electric vehicles to enhance the safety and law-
abiding awareness of electric vehicle drivers. For road hazard management scenarios, we
investigated hidden traffic hazards to achieve precise and targeted management. For high-speed
safety prevention and control scenarios, innovative products and programs for multi-scenario
monitoring were launched. Through these efforts, we have enabled traffic safety management to
transition to ex-ante prevention, and focused on solving the deep-rooted problems in traffic safety to
enhance its intrinsic safety.
    In the field of life safety: Surrounding on monitoring scenarios for urban lifeline safety such as
water, electricity, gas, heat and transportation, the Company aims at enhancing intrinsic safety with

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"efficient monitoring, early warning and quick handling". By building front-end IoT sensing of urban
infrastructures, intelligent video analysis and urban safety index modeling, Dahua realizes online
monitoring of safety operation data of lifeline projects as well as intelligent analysis and judgment of
various risk elements. This can meet the integrated business closed-loop of risk classification and
warning, intelligent research and judgment of trends, and linked handling of events, thus promoting
the transformation of safety supervision from "passive response" to "active supervision", and
creating a safety "immunization" system for city life.
    In the field of production safety: Taking "source management, process supervision and
graded handling" as the core principle, Dahua focuses on key supervisory fields such as hazardous
chemicals, mines, industry and trade, fireworks and explosives, as well as hazardous chemical
parks. Support is offered to front-line employees, business leaders, and supervisory authorities in
the areas of supervising major sources of danger, early warning of risks in operation processes, and
emergency rescue, so as to effectively safeguard the safety of corporate production and people's
lives and properties.
    (2) Making Cities More Orderly
    Oriented around urban traffic management and urban infrastructure management, the Company
integrates various digital capabilities such as holographic sensing, intelligent computing, graph-data
fusion, and visual foundation models, to provide advanced digital solutions for the business areas of
urban traffic and urban infrastructure management, thus building a standardized and orderly urban
management system with convenient travel and efficient management.
    In the field of urban traffic: Together with partners, we jointly create an autonomous service
system for urban traffic, bridging the full business chain of holographic perception, graph-data
computing, simulation and deduction, intelligent decision-making, and precise services. For
intersection scenarios, we collect all traffic data from vehicles, non-vehicles, people, and
infrastructure, to actively study and analyze intersection traffic risk/congestion levels, intelligently
adjust traffic light timing, objectively and quantitatively evaluate the effect of optimized autonomy,
and improve the efficiency and safety level of intersection traffic operation. Relying on the city-level
holographic perception network, we can actively predict traffic status of urban road networks, and
realize intelligent and autonomous decision-making of city-level traffic, so as to promote the
autonomy of traffic management and intelligence of services, and ultimately drive the transformation
of urban traffic management from "manual management" to "operation autonomy".
    In the field of urban infrastructure management: Taking the airport scenario as an
example, automated energy management for green airports has become the focus of airport
construction. Focusing on the four major categories of business scenarios, namely, monitoring,
controlling, analyzing, and decision-making of energy in airport energy centers, Dahua offers
intelligent energy automation management system solutions for airport energy centers by integrating
intelligent inspection robots and back-end intelligent analysis capabilities. In a 4F-class airport, the
intelligent transformation of its six 35KV substations, boiler rooms, and chiller rooms has enabled

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online collection, unmanned inspection, and automatic control of its energy management, which has
significantly improved management efficiency and reduced management costs.

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    (3) Making Governance More Efficient
    The company has always been practicing "business-guided, scenario-based deployment",
empowering efficient urban governance with digital intelligence. Holding on to the opportunities
arising from the modernization of urban governance systems and capabilities, the Company
provides unified solutions for management, urban governance, grassroots governance, and
community governance, solving various complex problems in urban governance with intelligent
means and real-time online data to improve urban governance efficiency and enhance public
    In terms of "Unified Solution for Urban Management": Dahua has built a "Unified Solution
for Urban Management" system with "comprehensive situational awareness, intelligent research and
judgment of trends, integrated scheduling of resources, and multi-sector synergy of operations", to
empower the modernization of urban governance with sensing data. The unified video IoT hub
realizes one-screen overview of the whole area, the unified algorithm supermarket for rapid
detection of urban events, the unified fusion command and scheduling system for integrated
scheduling of resources for event disposal, and the unified event center for multi-departmental
business cooperation. The "Unified Solutions for Urban Management" sensing system enables
timely detection and handling of urban governance events, effectively upgrading the intelligence
level of urban governance.
    In the field of urban management: With urban governance, operation safety and serving the
people as the goal, Dahua has built the operation management system of "Intelligent, Fine and Mass
Management of Big Cities". Focusing on street management, urban sanitation, and comprehensive
governance, intelligent detection and early warning of events such as street violations, illegal waste
dumping, urban flooding, dump trucks leaking, illegal urban construction, and missing manhole
covers have been realized. Moreover, innovative scenarios such as mobile AI inspection and mobile
vendor management have been introduced to build an urban governance model that integrates "real-
time monitoring, dynamic analysis, coordination, command and supervision", aiming to make urban
governance "smarter", urban operation "safer" and public services "more targeted".
    (4) Making People's Life Better
    "Powered by AI, we adhere to the protection of lucid waters and lush mountains and the
enhancement of people's welfare". Focusing on two major fields of natural ecology and
administrative services, Dahua provides integrated applications of IoT sensing in industry-specific
business scenarios including biodiversity monitoring, ecological protection, arable land red line
guarding, digital twins of water conservancy, intelligent elderly care, and food safety, to boost
ecological development and make people's life better.
    In the field of biodiversity protection: To realize intelligent monitoring of rare and protected
animals, Dahua's relevant industry solutions focus on business scenarios and needs, to efficiently
and accurately identify treasured species, analyze their activity patterns, manage human activities,
monitor forest and grass fires, and record data on such ecological factors as meteorology, hydrology

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and water quality, and soil, so as to give full play to and strengthen the application of ecological
perception and monitoring data fusion and analysis, and boost the construction of China's natural
protected area system. The Company has deployed biodiversity monitoring and protection solutions
in numerous national parks and nature reserves in China, loaded with hundreds of bird and mammal
identification algorithms to detect, identify and categorize wildlife protection animals, and realize real-
time accurate observation of animal habitats. Meanwhile, in response to the boundary management
requirements of various types of protected areas, we are strengthening the management and
guidance of human activities, reducing human interference with wildlife, and fully supporting
managers in carrying out more refined ecological protection efforts on the basis of abundant
monitoring data records and statistical analysis results.
    In the field of forest and grassland fire prevention: To improve the efficiency of forest and
grassland fire prevention and reduce the work intensity of administrative personnel, our
corresponding industry solutions, powered by digital intelligence, can realize the real-time early
warning of fire in multi-dimensional space, the precise positioning of multiple fire points, the
secondary analysis, filtering and comprehensive judgment of fire, and the closed loop of handling.
These solutions boost the accuracy of forest and grassland fire monitoring and alerting, and
enhance the emergency response capability for fire prevention and extinguishing, with more "golden
time" secured for early and quickly suppression of any fires. Meanwhile, the wildlife is also protected
with wider free green space, thus facilitating the harmony between human and nature.

4.1.2 Enterprise-level Businesses Business Overview

    In enterprise businesses, Dahua aims to become a preferred supplier of IoT infrastructure, a
professional service provider of scenario-based digital intelligence applications, and a key builder of
the IoT ecosystem. During the enterprise business 2.0 stage, Dahua is actively engaged in
innovation and practice, and continuously facilitates the digital intelligence upgrading of enterprises
in thousands of industries, including manufacturing, construction, electric power, petrochemicals,
coal, iron and steel, finance, education, healthcare, culture and tourism, agriculture, logistics, and
retail. By empowering the value realization of all scenarios, Dahua builds a big security system for its
users, forges their digital productivity, and enhances their operational decisiveness, dedicated to
becoming a trustworthy partner for customers' digital intelligence upgrading. In this process, through
technical co-creation and commercial sharing with partners, we aim to build an intelligent IoT
ecological community of co-construction, win-win results and symbiosis, so as to jointly empower the
upgrading of corporate digital intelligence. Core Strategy

    Dahua has rapidly built extensive basic business and industrial business applications on the

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unified framework through common mid-end platform capabilities while serving the digital
intelligence upgrading of enterprises. To more efficiently serve the digital transformation of
customers in various industries, the solution framework has been upgraded to a unified "1+6+2+N"
framework, with one set of unified framework to serve the digital transformation business, 6 major
mid-end platforms to build internal engines, and 2 major platforms to support N types of applications,
thus truly accelerating the roll-out of industrial applications and the coverage of industrial customers'
scenarios and businesses.

    (1) Strengthening mid-end platform capabilities of enterprises to build their digital
intelligence bases

         IoT Mid-end Platform: A set of intelligent IoT architecture is used to access evolving IoT
         devices in corporate business with low code, to solve the problem of unified elemental
         access to multi-manufacturers, multi-systems, and multi-kinds of IOT devices, while
         responding to the demand of group networking scales at the campus, provincial, regional
         and national levels.

         Data Mid-end Platform: It provides the ability to store, compute, explore, and secure a
         wide range of data including videos, images, and structured data. It solves the problem of
         continuously growing data scales and types in enterprise businesses, and mutual
         integration required. Meanwhile, it transforms the scenario awareness data into more
         valuable industrial business big data through comprehensive means such as big data,
         expert knowledge and experience accumulation.

         Smart Mid-end Platform: It provides an algorithm generation center to address the
         intelligent implementation of generic and personalized scenarios for enterprise businesses.
         Core algorithmic assets are managed and distributed through the algorithm asset center,
         while the computing power resources of intelligent devices are given full play through the
         computing power scheduling center.

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          Interaction Mid-end Platform: It perfects the twin capability by means of AR display, VR
          display, 3D display, real-world 3D, and video twins, improves the data expression capability
          by means of low-code walls, and refines the control capability by means of large-screen
          managers, so that the value of enterprise digital transformation can be materialized.

          Business Mid-end Platform: A variety of engines are accumulated to build a business
          mid-end platform, which improves the reusability of software, shortens the development
          cycle of various types of fragmented industrial applications, and meets the personalized
          business needs of customers.

          Open Mid-end Platform: On the one hand, it attracts professional manufacturers in the
          industry into a company's business system to jointly enhance the capability foundations; on
          the other, it opens the company's capability system to empower its eco-partners and
          provide services that are more convenient to its corporate customers.

     (2) Promoting the application of public cloud SaaS to facilitate the upgrading of
corporate services

     Targeting corporate customers, Dahua Yunrui facilitates the optimization of their management
efficiency, boosts their business efficiency, explores data value, and avoids operational risks through
leading cloud-based intelligent applications and an open AI algorithm ecosystem. Dahua Yunrui
comprises the public cloud SaaS application, the developer open platform and the AI capability
module, featuring low-cost, high-availability, easy deployment and flexible expansion, which is
instrumental to the building of the corporate software system. Focusing on the rapid development of
various industries, Yunrui is continuously deepening its SaaS business in chain, parking, education,
and community scenarios to provide holistic intelligent IoT solutions. In view of the fragmentation of
intelligent IoT scenarios and demands, Yunrui further optimizes its open platform, strengthens its
low-code development capability, optimizes its cloud intelligence, and makes every effort to develop
its partners to jointly expand businesses for win-win results.
     Yunrui's product applications cover various scenarios including chain operation, community
property, logistics, construction sites, farming, cultural tourism, general education, parking and parks.
The basic capabilities of Yunrui have been comprehensively decentralized, with six mid-end
platforms established covering IoT, business, intelligence, data, O&M and operations, providing
basic SaaS services for cloud products in various industries, and enhancing business reusability and
product stability.
     (3) Building a business engine pool to accelerate N types of applications
     Facing the different industrial and business needs of enterprises, the Company has built a pool
of business engines to shape business mid-end platform capabilities, accelerate the N types of
corporate digital intelligence applications, and develop solutions that fit customers' business and
scenario applications. While continuing to consolidate conventional businesses, Dahua rapidly
adapts to customers' businesses, thus constantly accumulating replicable and scalable business

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scenarios for digital intelligence.

    Based on the evolution of the corporate digital intelligence framework, the continuous
consolidation of corporate mid-end platform capabilities and business expansion, Dahua has
penetrated into various niche industrial scenarios such as factories, hospitals, schools, campuses,
and chemical parks, to continuously refine scenario-based solutions, and deeply extract industrial
business values, thus delivering scenario-based digital intelligence solutions that are implementable,
quantifiable, and of calculable value to customers. Practice of Values in All Industries

    With the constant mining of business scenarios, algorithms are no longer applied in business as
a generalized demand, but are deeply penetrated into production and operation scenarios and
various settings, infiltrating into daily business operations and management. Their value is gradually
recognized by customers and more widely applied, and corporate businesses are also upgraded to
2.0. Around building a large security system, casting digital intelligence productivity, and improving
operational decisiveness, we can effectively facilitate the digital intelligence transformation and
upgrading of thousands of industries, and empower the value realization in all scenarios.
(1) Building a comprehensive security system: From safety warning to security system building
    Safety production is a long-term national basic policy as well as the cornerstone of corporate
production and operation. The Company continues to delve into the actual production and
operation scenarios of customers, and combines the capabilities of video IoT with scenarios to
achieve visualization, digitalization and intellgentization based on actual scenarios with the five
capabilities of "Full Sensing, Full Connection, Full Intelligence, Full Computing and Full
Ecosystem". From safety prevention to safe production, with machines replacing manual work, we

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can realize unmanned or less-manned operations in dangerous scenarios. Besides, we also build a
safety knowledge system library to optimize the safety management and production process, so as
to ensure the safety of personnel, equipment and facilities, production conditions, and public order
during business operations.
(2) Casting digital intelligence productivity: From edge assistance to core production
    With the continuous development of digital economy, enterprises have an ever more clear
demand for digital transformation. Based on exceptional video technologies and intelligent IOT
capabilities, the Company applies such leading technologies as visual perception, AI intelligence, big
data, IoT, and blockchain to help enterprises realize efficient operation and management of parks
and digital upgrading of factories with digital intelligence. With deep interaction with the core
production and management systems, we empower IT+OT integration with digital intelligence,
optimize production and management business processes, and improve quality management and
production efficiency, so as to help enterprises transform and upgrade with digital intelligence.
(3) Enhancing operational decisiveness: From data aggregation to data-based decision-making
    Leveraging on its capabilities in sensing, connectivity, computing, intelligence and ecology,
Dahua aims to achieve online resources, business intelligence and data-based decision-making on
the basis of data aggregation. It deeply explores the value of production and management data to
reduce the management cost, and builds the operational and decision-making value of data for
enterprises based on multi-modal and foundation models, to facilitate business management while
enhancing decision-making.
    Focusing on enterprise business scenarios, the Company has been working intensively in
manufacturing, construction, education, electric power, petrochemical, coal, steel, finance,
healthcare, logistics, culture and tourism, agriculture, and retail. Particularly in the "5+X" core
scenarios (factory manufacturing, energy production, school education, healthcare and park
management), the Company provides customers with high-value digital intelligence solutions,
empowering enterprises to realize the value in all scenarios and enabling business innovation.
         Factory manufacturing: Multidimensional perception integrated with digital twin,
         empowering intelligent manufacturing with integrated intelligence

    In industries, new-generation IT such as IoT, big data and cloud computing are employed to
digitally express, control and optimize workshop production processes, realizing production
automation, unmanned sites, data interconnection and intelligent management decision-making.
    Giving full play to its advantage of multi-dimensional intelligence integration, Dahua applies
leading technologies including machine vision, automation, digitization, and AIoT, to build a human-
computer interaction platform for industrial scenarios with digital twin as the top-level presentation.
Via the digital twin platform, our factory scenario solution has expanded its coverage from single
scenario to multi-services, moving from factory security and workshop energy consumption to
production operations, thus comprehensively improving the depth and breadth of interconnection
among people, machines and systems. Through the digital integration of the product data flow,

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manufacturing control flow, and order delivery flow, we can more efficiently visualize the whole
production process from orders to finished products.
    Meanwhile, based on the comprehensive management platform for business enterprises,
Dahua has established intelligent management systems for energy consumption, vehicles,
perimeters, and security-fire protection integration, to enable all-weather dynamic sensing of
intelligent manufacturing operations, accurate control of abnormalities in personnel and vehicles, as
well as effective real-time control of fire protection and security IoT facilities in factories. More
importantly, the development of video systems in tandem with business data, coupled with
completed data collection, transmission, processing and analysis, provides scientific basis for
corporate management decisions, and data support for factory business decision-making, so as to
better guide corporate strategic planning, and facilitate the building of future-oriented factories.
    For a prominent photovoltaic component corporation, the Company has implemented digital twin
technology to establish a workshop information management platform. This platform showcases a
1:1 three-dimensional reproduction of the battery cell production process and equipment operation,
enabling real-time monitoring and intelligent analysis on personnel status, production lines, product
quality, equipment and facilities. This facilitates effective online remote management, leading to
improved efficiency in workshop control and ensuring adherence to production standards.
         Energy production: Integrating video AI with smart IoT to establish a new model for
         risk and hazard supervision

    Production scenarios within energy companies often encounter various risks and hazards,
characterized by monotonous traditional regulatory methods, limited operational staff, and complex
environments. The Company has long been dedicated to leveraging video AI and smart IoT
technology, combining technological advancements and human intervention to achieve automated
online monitoring of production scenario risks and intelligently provide early warnings. This reduces
production risks, enhances operational efficiency, and greatly supports safe production practices for
energy companies.
    Using comprehensive perception capabilities including observation, listening, inquiry, and tactile
feedback, the Company has developed a new model of machine-assisted online supervision.
Enhancing the AI capabilities of video processing, industrial television is revitalized, incorporating
infrared, laser, gas cloud imaging, voiceprint, and other smart IoT technologies for multidimensional
perception. This enables remote intelligent visualization monitoring of equipment operation status,
facilitating online compliance management of onsite operations and ensuring stable production
environments. In this way, it offers energy companies a novel approach to intelligent risks monitoring
and control.
    The Company has already implemented this approach in various energy sub-industries. For
example, in the petrochemical sector, online visual intelligent monitoring and early warning systems
have been established based on the new supervision model. This has significantly improved safety
production supervision, reduced accident rates, and minimized labor costs. The Company will

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continue to explore deep integration of smart IoT technology with productivity to promote the
digitization and intelligence of safety production within energy companies.
         School education: Providing a comprehensive solution for campus digitization
         focused on being "balanced, precise, efficient, and safe"

    The Company empowers digital reform in colleges and universities through digitization.
Leveraging video capabilities as a foundation, it has introduced a digital reform solution for
universities with campus multidimensional big data at its core, aiming to establish a smart campus
Internet of Things (IoT) mid-end platform. Focusing on innovative integration of university business
processes, it enables data value to support digital reform in universities. By integrating AI and big
data technology into video scenarios, the Company has developed various data analysis models
such as companion analysis, solitary individuals, absence for N days, and nocturnal activities. These
models help identify student issues such as student missing, high-frequency strangers, mental
health concerns, and abnormal returns to dormitory. With timely warnings about personal and
psychological safety issues, the Company's solution shifts from reactive responses to proactive
prevention, enabling data-driven decision-making for a safer campus environment. Simultaneously,
the Company prioritizes the development of campus-authority integrated and smart classroom-
related businesses and products. Traditional classrooms are transformed into smart classrooms to
enhance teaching efficiency, improve the learning environment, and assist in teaching evaluations,
thereby enhancing a more rewarding teaching process.
    For example, at a mining university, the Company has assisted in establishing smart dormitory
management, and implemented solutions for campus vehicle overspeeding, significantly improving
logistical satisfaction. At a university of finance and economics and political science, the Company
has addressed student missing issues through campus safety big data technology. At an aviation
university, the Company's construction of smart classrooms has facilitated interactive teaching
systems, online classroom platforms, and IoT central control, promoting efficient teaching and
enhancing the overall digitization capability of the university.
         Healthcare: Supporting the high-quality development of the medical industry under
         the guidance of "trinity" smart hospital construction

    Guided by the national standards for "integrated smart hospital" construction, the Company
supports the foundational development of smart hospitals, driving the high-quality development of
public hospitals. Comprehensively enhancing the intelligent management level of hospitals,
automating and digitizing nursing work, improving service efficiency, enhancing nursing precision,
and enhancing the patient experience are at the core in current smart hospital construction efforts.
While continuing to strengthen the construction of smart and safe hospitals, the Company actively
expands its presence in outpatient and inpatient ward scenarios, leveraging its own strengths to
support the high-quality development of the medical industry and complete its own business upgrade
and transformation.
    In 2023, by focusing on its key business area of smart hospital wards, the Company, in line with

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a series of documents released by the National Health Commission and with the goal of "promoting
the improvement of hospital nursing services and continuously enhancing patients' medical
experience," leveraged its accumulated core capabilities in audiovisual technology and AI to develop
smart ward solutions. Targeting medical, nursing, patient, and administrative entities, it delved into
system data, conducted information cleansing and governance, and presented data in a more
intuitive and convenient manner across various smart terminals in different scenarios.
Simultaneously, the Company developed a smart triage solution tailored for outpatient waiting
scenarios. By reducing patient wait times, in-hospital travel time, and intermediary process steps, the
Company tapped into its expertise in algorithms and big data models to cover scenarios from patient
admission to discharge, appointment scheduling to treatment, and from waiting areas to examination
rooms. Optimal treatment paths were matched using algorithms, and guidance for patient
consultations was provided through navigation screens and smart terminals in various scenarios,
further enhancing the service quality of hospitals.
    For instance, through collaboration with a 3A hospital in Hunan province, the Company
constructed an intelligent medical and nursing intercom system. It ensured data security in a large-
scale network environment during construction and usage, customized and upgraded isolation
between various wards as per requirements, facilitated effective information exchange among
medical staff, patients, and management personnel, and achieved refinement in the hospital's
general and surgical wards. This initiative served as a model for digital ward construction in the
            Park management: Harnessing AI as the core to build digital headquarters and smart
            parks, giving strong support to enterprises

    As the physical foundation and space for digital operations and smart city development, the
intelligence level of park management directly impacts corporate operations and management. With
the continuous advancement of technologies such as AI and smart IoT, the Company has been
expanding the scope of its smart park business from traditional security surveillance to
comprehensive digitized park solutions. This expansion has achieved the transition from single-
scenario coverage to collaborative coverage across multiple scenarios and businesses, and made
the improvement from peripheral operations to the core park management operations. The overall
park solution covers a comprehensive range of smart applications, including intelligent access
control, smart office, intelligent meetings, digital energy consumption, and smart park management
services. This approach facilitates multidimensional connections between architecture and the city,
environment and office, culture and leisure, creating a cohesive and warm intelligent architectural
ecosystem. Additionally, leveraging the park's intelligent brain, the integration of digital infrastructure
and park management is deepened, establishing a benchmark park that is "smart, efficient, safe,
and green."
    Taking the five-dimensional integrated smart headquarters building in Zhangzhou, Fujian
Province as an example, the Company has provided the following significant value propositions for

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     Low Energy Consumption: Centering around "source, grid, load, storage, charging, and
monitoring," the Company actively promotes energy saving and emission reduction, aligning with the
dual carbon goals and effectively reducing energy consumption in the buildings.
     Smart Office Solutions: Leveraging intelligent connectivity throughout the park, the Company
optimizes the working and meeting experiences for employees, unlocking the value of physical
     Efficient Access Control: The Company manages complex permissions and pedestrian-vehicle
access with a comprehensive management architecture, thereby reducing administrative costs.
     Intelligent Security Systems: Integrating intelligent scheduling, the Company establishes a
proactive three-dimensional security and control system, efficiently addressing potential risks and
enhancing security efficiency.
     Efficient Operations: Using digital twin to build the park's "brain", the Company creates a holistic
closed-loop business system characterized by online resources, intelligent business, and data-driven
decision-making, thereby enhancing park management efficiency.
           More industries: The Company is committed to engaging with various industries
           under policy guidance and driven by the inherent needs of customers, actively
           participating in the development of emerging opportunities across different sectors.

     In the cultural and tourism industry, the Company responds proactively to the requirements of
emphasizing the digitalization of cultural relic protection efforts as outlined in the Cultural Relics
Protection Law. The Company's offerings include smart museums, intelligent cultural relics
management (including preventive protection, digital preservation, warehouse management, and
intelligent conservation), and cultural heritage protection (covering immovable cultural relic
protection, preventive protection of cultural relics and historical sites, and AI-assisted cultural relic
protection), thereby making significant contributions to the digitization of cultural heritage protection
     In the financial sector, the construction of smart branches goes beyond traditional security
services, focusing on empowering branch services through digitalization. The Company incorporates
solutions such as screen display systems, intelligent electricity usage, and video twinning, covering
six major scenarios: comprehensive reception, product release, interactive marketing, non-cash
services, wealth management, and convenience services. This comprehensive approach aims to
elevate service standards and enhance user experience across all branches.
     Construction industry: The Company actively engages in affordable housing construction,
focusing on the operational management of affordable housing. Through the implementation of
"water meter, electricity meter, and door lock", the Company achieves effective management of
housing resources, beneficiary management, allocation management, and post-management
(including occupancy, lease, lease renewal, interviews, coordination, subsidies, etc.). Additionally,
leveraging general park capabilities, the Company facilitates on-site and property management,

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assisting customers in enhancing operational efficiency and increasing regulatory transparency.

4.1.3 SME Businesses
    For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), amidst the ongoing economic recovery in
2023 and gradual market revitalization, the Company proactively adjusts its channel strategies.
With a core focus on boosting channel confidence, the Company actively engages in market order
management, expands services to lower-tier markets, and establishes a presence in e-commerce.
Faced with the business characteristics of a "broad but fragmented" channel market, the Company
relies on "video + IoT" multidimensional intelligent applications to develop intelligent commercial
products and solutions for SMB customers. This approach aligns with the Company's philosophy of
"making society smarter and life better."
    (1) Broadening channels for comprehensive business outreach
    With the continuous growth in demand for intelligent applications within the IoT industry, the
Company leveraged its profound expertise in video-centric IoT technology, coupled with
outstanding capabilities in hardware integration, AI technology, and scenario solution integration,
and successfully launched solutions of multiple intelligent scenarios tailored for SMEs. These
solutions aim to delve deep into segmented markets across various industries, catering to specific
product demands while significantly enhancing the competitive advantage of terminal service
providers. Given the highly fragmented nature of the market, the key to success lies in improving
market both in width and depth. Therefore, the Company's SMB business not only focuses on
expanding market coverage and deepening market penetration but also prioritizes the expansion of
online channel operations and the establishment of a robust service provider system.
    (2) Market layout and leading product strategy
    In the smart hardware industry, the Company meticulously plans the market distribution of
three core sectors: security, telecommunications, and IoT applications. In the security sector, the
Company has launched three flagship series: Dahua Classic, Dahua Superpower, and Dahua
Special. These series, by refreshing the brand image, comprehensively showcase the value and
market competitiveness of the Company's security products to partners. In the digital
communication sector, the Company has strategically positioned itself with offerings in switches
and wireless network products, particularly its PoE switches which, boasting extended power
supply distances and intelligent power supply technology, demonstrates Dahua's extensive
research and technological expertise in this field accumulated over years. In the IoT applications,
the Company's product line covers access control systems, pedestrian passage gates, vehicle
barriers, conference tablets, public broadcasting systems, fire equipment, and smart charging
stations. All these showcase the Company's steadfast commitment to delivering high-quality
solutions and pursuing market growth in the realm of smart IoT.
    Regarding the application of cloud computing and AI technologies, the Company has
introduced intelligent networking solutions tailored for SMBs on the basis of the cloud

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

interconnection technology. This includes the highly acclaimed super MAX series of precision
search products, which have garnered widespread recognition and praise from customers.
    (3) Strengthening the digital marketing system for channels and advancing the digital
transformation of partners
    The Company's SMB business not only focuses on horizontally expanding market coverage
and vertically deepening market penetration but also prioritizes the expansion of online channel
operations and the establishment of a robust service provider system. By activating channels and
establishing a digital marketing system centered around "Dahua Cloud-Ecommerce," the Company
is dedicated to propelling the digital transformation of its partners. Simultaneously, it provides
support for "smart business" initiatives to partners, thus continuously expanding the network of
professional domain partners. This strategic approach not only further taps into the potential of the
SMB market but also ensures a significant enhancement in business efficiency and market

4.1.4 Operator Business Business Overview
    With the innovation of new-generation information technology, the release of the top-level
planning for Digital China, and the surge in demand for digital intelligence in the market, a wave of
digital economy is sweeping through. As a capability provider and service provider of smart IoT
infrastructure and scenario-based solutions, the Company leverages the operators' advantages in
customer scale, 5G, AI, computational power network, big data, capability mid-end platform,
security, etc. Through resource sharing and complementary advantages, the Company and its
partners jointly expand the market with an open mindset, co-create products, and load operational
services, forming a new growth curve for mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. Core Strategy
    (1) Capability complementarity to forge new information infrastructure The Company
possesses leading technologies and intelligent manufacturing capabilities in fields such as visual
IoT and connectivity, collaborating with operators' computational power network capabilities.
Together, they create deeply customized industry products such as AI terminals and integrated
industry applications.
    (2) Technological complementarity to build core technical capabilities The Company and
its partners jointly build core capabilities such as foundation models and big data, promoting the
transformation of traditional communication services into digital and intelligent services and
creating new business models and growth points. Leveraging its own video capabilities, the
Company assists in the construction of operators' video IoT platforms by facilitating video
convergence access, capability platform construction, AI scenario implementation, and application
development expansion.

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    (3) Resource complementarity to accelerate industrial digital development With the
construction of Digital China and the development of the digital economy, the extraction of data
value, and the digital intelligence transformation and upgrade of government and enterprise, the
Company possesses a strong R&D team and business innovation capabilities, while operators
have vast user resources and channel advantages. Both sides engage in deep cooperation in
industries such as social governance, smart transportation, education and tourism, natural
resources, industrial manufacturing, mining, and energy, jointly expanding and exploring new

4.2 Oversea Business

4.2.1 Business Overview

    Since 2003, the Company has implemented the "Go Global" strategy to enter international
markets. Starting from 2008, it intensified efforts to strengthen its independent brand by
comprehensively deploying channel construction, technical support, and after-sales service to
ensure the healthy development of overseas business. In recent years, leveraging accumulated
experience in the domestic market, coupled with increased investment in research and
development and technological innovation, the Company has continuously improved its overseas
business in product competitiveness, solution capabilities, and localization service levels. It has
showcased professional quality and excellent service to global customers, resulting in the
continuous enhancement of brand value and laying a solid foundation for the accelerated
expansion of the Company's overseas business. At present, the Company has established 69
overseas subsidiaries in major countries across all continents, with its products and services
covering over 180 countries and regions globally. With the continuously growing demand in the
global smart IoT industry, the Company will continue to accelerate its pace, actively improve global
marketing and service construction, and further explore international markets.

4.2.2 Core Strategy

    (1) Establishing professional localized operational organizations
    The Company maintains a prudent business strategy, continuously strengthening its
understanding and adaptability to the regulatory, political, and economic environments of regions
where it operates. Tailored country-specific business strategies are formulated under the principle
of "one country, one strategy". By actively recruiting local talents through continuous investment in
channel penetration, expansion of business with integrators, breakthroughs and replication in
various industries, and exploration of new business lines to build professional and diversified
organizational teams, the Company endeavors to adapt products and solutions to local needs,
thereby consistently providing efficient, professional, and nearby services to frontline customers.
    (2) Establishing an efficient supply and service system

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    To establish an efficient supply service system, the Company has set up six regional-level
supply centers in Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and other regions.
Additionally, it has established national warehouses in key countries globally, creating a three-tiered
supply system of headquarters, regional supply centers, and national warehouses to enhance
global supply delivery capabilities. In terms of service systems, the Company has established such
globally integrated systems as delivery system, technical support system, operation and
maintenance management system, customer service system, and training and certification system.
It has established over 100 overseas service sites, with more than half of the countries directly
providing overseas hotline services, significantly improving global service and delivery capabilities.
    (3) Broadening and enriching innovative business categories
    Leveraging its years of technical expertise and exploration in the smart IoT field, and in
collaboration with upstream and downstream partners, the Company is bringing the latest
digitalization products, solutions, and technological concepts from China to various regions
worldwide, catering to differentiated scenarios and demands overseas. As a prominent
representative of digitalization enterprises venturing into international markets, the Company has
continuously invested in technological innovation and product research and development,
consistently improved its service system, and gradually enhanced its localized operational
capabilities, all of which contribute to maintaining the Company's leading position in overseas
markets for products and solutions. While traditional video businesses maintain steady growth,
innovative businesses such as commercial displays, access control, alarms, and intercoms are also
experiencing rapid development, meeting the diverse business and scenario needs of different
countries and regions overseas.
    (4) Providing complete scenario-based solutions
    In recent years, the Company has actively expanded vertical industry markets worldwide in
collaboration with partners, providing comprehensive scenario-based solutions for industries such
as safe cities, intelligent transportation, retail, education, energy, and manufacturing. Particularly
noteworthy are the numerous successful implementations in digital urban governance, intelligent
traffic management, ecological environment protection, and digitalization of education. For
instance, at the southernmost tip of the Earth, the Company's smart IoT solutions silently safeguard
the Antarctic penguins in extreme cold environments. In many regions including the Middle East,
Latin America, and the Asia-Pacific, the deployment of the Company's intelligent traffic
management systems has led to a gradual decrease in traffic accident rates and improved road
efficiency, ensuring smoother traffic flow and enhanced travel efficiency. Simultaneously, the
Company's digitalized education solutions have contributed to the digitalization upgrade of
education in some overseas regions, enabling excellent educational resources to reach remote
areas and promoting the remote sharing of teaching resources and educational equity.

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4.2.3 Social Value Practice

    (1) Providing a multicultural integrated platform for international talent development
    The Company's localization rate of overseas employees has exceeded sixty percent, with over
half of the workforce sourced from talent pools in the respective countries of operation. On one
hand, they contribute significantly to the localized operations of the Company. On the other hand,
by employing them, the Company continually contributes to the local employment condition in the
form of nurturing high-tech professional talent. The Company prioritizes the growth and
development of its global workforce, continuously enhancing employee skills through knowledge
training, enriching welfare systems, and providing promotion opportunities. It is committed to
offering a fair, just, and high-quality growth system and platform for all employees worldwide.
    (2) Implementing the "dual carbon" strategy to support green development
    Adhering to sustainable development is a reflection of the Company's social responsibility and
commitment. The Company actively carries out innovative green design for products, reduces
product energy consumption and promotes green expansion and business upgrading in the global
market through clean technologies. All smart IoT solutions are designed to be intelligently energy-
saving and emission-reducing to promote global green solution applications, thus reducing global
carbon emissions. For instance, the Company provides solutions in various fields such as smart
supervision of natural reserves, water conservancy monitoring, and forest fire prevention, actively
participating in and promoting sustainable development. Leveraging digital intelligence to empower
environmental protection and green development, the Company contributes to building a better and
greener world. In 2022, being recognized as a national-level green supply chain and green factory,
the Company was honored with the title of "Leading Green Enterprise." In 2023, the Company
became a member of the United Nations Global Compact organization, making its own contribution
to the realization of United Nations sustainability goals. In the same year, the Company achieved a
silver rating in the global sustainability assessment conducted by the authoritative sustainability
rating agency EcoVadis, ranking among the top 15% of global enterprises.

4.3 Innovative Business
    In recent years, the boundaries of the smart IoT industry have been continuously expanding.
Based on a deep understanding of diverse customer demands and years of accumulated expertise
in the field of smart IoT, the Company remains committed to expanding innovative business
ventures in the industrial IoT sector, aiming to provide customers with more comprehensive and
enriched solutions. The Company has been looking for fields with great growth potential and
enormous market size, and has developed innovated business through talent selection and
corresponding incentive mechanism. The rapid development of innovated business has greatly
broadened the channel of the Company's smart IoT, which is an important driving force for the
Company to keep moving forward at a high speed. The Company's current innovative businesses
include machine vision and mobile robots, smart living, thermal imaging, automotive electronics,

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smart security inspection, smart fire protection, and storage media.

4.3.1 Machine Vision/Mobile Robot
    The Company's subsidiary, Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
"HuaRay Technology"), primarily engages in the research, development, production, and sales of
core components for machine vision and mobile robots. Additionally, HuaRay Technology provides
customized industry solutions to downstream customers. Driven by technological innovation,
HuaRay Technology assists customers in constructing digitalized workshops, fostering smart
factories, and enhancing manufacturing intelligence. HuaRay Technology remains steadfast in
addressing customer needs, aiming to reduce costs and create more value, thereby making
production more intelligent and operations more efficient.
    As a national high-tech enterprise, HuaRay Technology consistently upholds a commitment to
technological innovation, particularly in embedded software, image optimization, recognition
algorithms, network transmission, navigational positioning, scheduling, and motion control. HuaRay
products and solutions have been widely applied across industries such as lithium batteries,
photovoltaics, logistics, and 3C. HuaRay machine vision products primarily comprise 2D industrial
cameras, 3D industrial cameras, smart cameras, intelligent code readers, and acquisition cards.
Coupled with the Company's independently developed MVP (Machine Vision Platform), these
products can be used in various scenarios such as code reading and recognition, defect detection,
measurement, and positioning, providing customers with a one-stop service from product to visual
solution. The mobile robot lineup primarily includes various types of industrial mobile robots, such as
lurking lifting, fork-type, and transfer-type robots. Leveraging its independently developed RCS
(Robots Control System) and iWMS (Intelligent Warehouse Management System), HuaRay offers
applications in transportation, stacking, and towing. With technological expertise in machine vision
and mobile robots, HuaRay Technology is capable of providing solutions to multiple key industries.
    Also, HuaRay Technology continues to explore new terminal application scenarios, assisting
customers in improving quality and efficiency, reducing costs and inventory, ultimately achieving
"interconnection,   human-machine      collaboration,   data-driving,    intelligent   transformation,"
empowering various industries and driving the development of a new form of global intelligent

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. Machine Vision
    In 2023, HuaRay Technology launched a series of new machine vision products, including 150
MP large plane array cameras, 8K line-scan cameras, dual Full Cameralink acquisition cards, and
intelligent code readers. The resolution of these products ranges from 0.3 MP to 600 MP, and they
support interfaces such as GigE, USB, CameraLink, 10GigE, and CoaXPress. In the aspect of
machine vision hardware products, HuaRay Technology has transitioned from providing industrial
cameras alone to supplying core components and solutions of machine vision. The product series
cover plane array cameras, line array cameras, 3D cameras, smart cameras, code readers,
acquisition cards, lenses, and lighting sources, offering comprehensive solutions for vision
    During the reporting period, HuaRay Technology released the MVP (Machine Vision Algorithm
Platform) V4.0 and the MVT (Machine Vision Training) Platform V3.0.
    Developed independently by HuaRay Technology, the MVP aims to provide customers with
algorithmic tools for rapidly building vision applications. The platform integrates over a thousand
proprietary basic image algorithms and serves as the "brain" of machine vision. It connects
cameras with programmable logic controllers, robotic arms, and other devices to help form a
technological closed loop for perception, cognition, and decision-making. Simultaneously, the
platform combines deep learning algorithms for industrial component visual image perception,
cognition, and decision-making training. It establishes big data detection models capable of
achieving high-precision, high-efficiency functions such as visual positioning, image recognition,
and defect detection. With a GUI visualized interface, users can freely build vision processes
through drag-and-drop, swiftly configuring vision solutions. It supports multi-task synchronization
and multi-process asynchrony, offering a rich set of communication interfaces to meet the efficient
use of multiple products. The MVP algorithm platform provides an open deep learning interface,
supporting the inference application of AI models.
    HuaRay Technology's MVT is an industrial AI vision platform based on deep learning, providing

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customers with end-to-end full-process services to efficiently and cost-effectively construct an
"industry brain." The platform integrates sample annotation, sample augmentation, and model
training, with built-in neural network models including classification, detection, semantic
segmentation, character recognition, and more. Each type of task supports large, medium, and
small models to meet the diverse feature detection requirements in complex industrial
environments. Through MVT training models, it can be easily loaded into the MVP Machine Vision
Algorithm Platform and flexibly combined with other arithmetic operators. Simultaneously, MVT
offers various application scenarios including traditional learning, deep learning, and the
combination of traditional solutions and AI, significantly enhancing the generalization and versatility
of the algorithm platform products to meet the practical usage demands of various industries. Mobile Robot
    In 2023, HuaRay Technology launched a new generation of lurking robot series products,
offering faster deployment and maintenance, higher operating accuracy, and a load range covering
60Kg, 600Kg, 1000Kg, 1500Kg, 2000Kg, and 3000Kg. These include 5G communication-enabled
forklifts, reducing control latency and expanding operations from indoor to outdoor environments. It
achieved laser SLAM navigation, visual navigation, inertial navigation, and multi-sensor fusion
navigation, compatible with visual obstacle avoidance and TOF stereo obstacle avoidance.
Accompanied by a rich variety of network systems and intelligent charging systems, the products
have been successfully applied in multiple industries such as 3C, lithium batteries, and
    HuaRay Technology's independently developed RCS mobile robot dispatching system
integrates intelligent dispatching algorithms. Based on the algorithms of autonomous navigation,
high-performance cluster scheduling, trajectory planning, perception and recognition, motion
control, intelligent electronic control, high-precision intelligent electronic drive, and intelligent
electronic control, it achieves ultra-large-scale map construction and millisecond-level path
planning, supporting optimal allocation of thousands of concurrent tasks and multi-server cluster
scheduling. This enables functions such as multiple robot cluster path planning, collision avoidance
control, robot traffic management, intelligent task allocation, multi-vehicle avoidance, traffic balance
control, system load balancing, intelligent charging management, safety monitoring, warehouse
management, intelligent operation and maintenance management, and report statistics.
Additionally, HuaRay Technology has introduced the iWMS intelligent warehouse management
system, based on the RCS mobile robot dispatching system. It realizes various operational
scenarios such as goods-to-person sorting, point-to-point transportation, full-in full-out, and
automatic sorting, thereby reducing labor costs and improving operational efficiency. Various
configurable strategies, including putaway strategies, allocation strategies, wave picking strategies,
mixed placement strategies, etc., are employed to meet the business needs of different industries
and customers. Combined with algorithmic analysis such as material correlation analysis, shelf
usage rate analysis, popularity analysis, document clustering analysis, hit rate analysis, and dense

                                                    2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

storage reorganization analysis, they have enhanced inventory management and business
    Leveraging its years of accumulated AI technology expertise in the industrial sector and its
established ecosystem of industrial IoT, HuaRay Technology steadfastly upholds a commitment to
technological innovation and accumulation, continually delivering higher-quality products and more
specialized services to global customers. This dedication aids in industrial digitization, positioning
itself as an expert in improving industrial intelligence efficiency.

4.3.2 Smart Living
    Huacheng Network focuses on the intelligent home sector with visual technology as its core.
Leveraging AI capabilities and digital platform prowess, Huacheng Network has established four
major product systems: "IMOU Security, IMOU Interconnection, IMOU Robots, and IMOU Lighting."
These systems offer top-tier intelligent home products and services, including smart cameras,
smart door locks, home service robots, and routers, to millions of households and businesses
worldwide. Huacheng Network is dedicated to ensuring that every household enjoys a more
convenient and secure smart lifestyle.
    As of 2023, IMOU Cloud had experienced rapid growth in both global AIoT device connections
and user numbers. Overall, AIoT device connections had increased by over 25%, while global user
registrations had grown by more than 35%. The monthly active user count on the IMOU Cloud
platform worldwide had exceeded 17 million. Core Technologies
    Huacheng Network has always adhered to a user-centric approach, responding to user needs
and fostering independent technological innovation. By integrating resources and capabilities such
as cloud computing, big data, cloud storage, and AI, Huacheng Network has built a video-centric
IoT cloud platform known as the IMOU Cloud platform. Significant research achievements have
been made in AI algorithm technology, audio-video processing technology, cloud platform
technology, and low-power consumption technology. As of December 2023, Huacheng Network had
been granted over 50 invention patents.
    In the field of smart home products, Huacheng Network focuses on the intelligent upgrade and
transformation of various household devices, integrating smart technology into its products. This
includes a focus on general capabilities of devices such as visual analysis, visual interaction, and
multimodal correlation, continually iterating on technologies such as visual-text correlation, inter-
frame object correlation, action recognition, multidimensional perception, multi-camera vision,
comprehensive low-power consumption, and image adaptation. Specialized smart technology
revolves around Huacheng Network's four key smart home product categories, including camera
adaptation to home environment, smart lock structure and applications, sensor control device
capability expansion, and robot control and applications.
    In the IoT cloud platform business domain, IMOU Cloud constructed a digital framework

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targeting products and users in 2023. Huacheng Network uses physical models to define smart
hardware digitally, continuously accumulating and precipitating data around the entire product
lifecycle, refining digital capabilities to achieve a seamless connection and feedback loop between
products and users, thus establishing continuous, feedback-driven digital operational capabilities. Major Products and Services

    Based on its own technological advantages in AI algorithms and digital intelligence, Huacheng
Network focuses on user-centricity, continuously iterating to meet the diverse product needs of
consumers in home scenarios, and has fully deployed IMOU smart home products.
    IMOU Security: This contains categories such as home surveillance cameras, smart door
locks, smart doorbells, and smart peepholes. Through continuously upgrading its vision-centered
smart home security system, IMOU provides comprehensive protection for household safety. In
2023, Huacheng Network launched the dual-lens series home surveillance cameras and indoor
cameras with interactive screens. Additionally, outdoor battery-powered PTZs were launched,
enriching the range of home surveillance camera products. Across the board, wireless technology
has transitioned to Wi-Fi 6, with mid-to-high-end series supporting Bluetooth networking. While
meeting the rigid demands of home security, innovative enhancements have been made to improve
the user experience and richness of smart home usage.
    Smart door locks: In 2023, a brand-new Spark series video lock product was developed, with
continuous upgrades in visual basic capabilities and multidimensional perception capabilities. Core
functions such as door opening and recognition have been significantly improved. Continuous
investment in visual AI has led to the introduction of functions such as child departure detection,
package detection, and package guarding. The accuracy of alarm security systems for loitering,
coercion, high temperature, and illegal users has been enhanced. Additionally, services such as 24-
hour video monitoring, call services, and intelligent weather services are provided.
    IMOU interconnection: This category comprises network transmission products such as

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wireless routers, wireless relays, and wireless network cards. In 2023, targeting both domestic and
international sales channels, IMOU formed a product system featuring various specifications of
routers including Wi-Fi 4, Wi-Fi 5, and Wi-Fi 6. Simultaneously, IMOU routers, in conjunction with
IMOU IPC (Internet Protocol Camera), facilitated seamless and rapid networking, and accelerated
monitoring data transmission. While providing consumers with a stable wireless network
experience, IMOU routers also enable unique functionalities when paired with other IMOU smart
home products.
    IMOU robots: In 2023, further enhancements were made to the product lineup, achieving
comprehensive coverage with editions including charging dock edition, dust collection edition, and
all-in-one self-cleaning edition. Through optimizations in core algorithms such as navigation,
recharging, and repositioning, along with product design enhancements, IMOU has significantly
improved key performance indicators of robotic vacuum cleaners including mapping efficiency,
recharging efficiency, repositioning efficiency, cleaning and dust removal rate, and coverage.
    IMOU cloud platform: Tailored for ordinary consumers, IMOU Cloud offers personalized,
scenario-based paid value-added services including intelligent cloud storage, cloud space, hybrid
cloud recording, online monitoring, elderly care, telephone reminders, and device sharing. These
services are primarily focused on optimizing user experience around core functions such as device
preview, video playback, device addition, voice intercom, and smart scenarios. In 2023, based on
the usage and consumption habits of overseas users, and considering the differentiated scenarios
in different overseas regions, IMOU further consolidated its value-added service system for IMOU
Protect membership. Overseas value-added services were expanded and extended, currently
covering most major countries where cloud services are provided.
    For enterprise developers, IMOU Cloud provides an open software and hardware platform. The
open software platform offers third-party partners video-centric PaaS capabilities, providing IoT
basic access capabilities, video AI capabilities, and big data analysis capabilities. The open
hardware platform facilitates the rapid integration of third-party ecological products through SDKs,
IoT modules, video modules, Zigbee gateways, and other means, making it easier for more
customer products to connect to IMOU Cloud. At present, IMOU Cloud has more than 10,000 third-
party partners all over the world, and has established an open, sharing and cooperative IoT
    Huacheng Network will continue to deepen its focus on users, with video technology as the
core, emphasizing home security. The aim is to ensure clear, inclusive, and accurate visibility for
safety. Additionally, efforts will be made to further enhance AI algorithm capabilities and digital
platform capabilities, providing global consumers with richer and higher-quality products and

4.3.3 Thermal Imaging
    Our subsidiary Pixfra Technology takes thermal imaging as its core technology and provides

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movements, modules, complete products, vision products and complete solutions worldwide. The
Company focuses on the design, R&D, production, sales and technical services of thermal imaging
pan-security equipment, industrial temperature measurement and business vision products. Its
products and solutions are widely used in numerous fields such as industrial temperature
measurement, biological temperature measurement, natural ecology, new energy, carbon neutrality,
perimeter security, outdoor sports, smart elderly care, and consumer electronics. The Company is
dedicated to sensing the world with temperature, by developing cutting-edge thermal imaging
products and solutions to serve customers worldwide.
    In 2023, Pixfra Technology completed the integration of its parent company's existing thermal
imaging business, continuing to solidify its technological foundation. The Therm ISP and Smart
Thermal, two major technological pillars, were upgraded to version 4.0, further enhancing
technological competitiveness. Additionally, a series of new products were released, accompanied
by continuous penetration into segmented industries and markets and the introduction of novel
solutions. Technological Innovations

    Pixfra Technology continued to reinforce its technological foundation in 2023, maintaining its
leading position in core technology within the industry. The core imaging technologies, Thermal ISP
and the Smart Thermal algorithm family, were upgraded to the 4.0 era. In ISP 4.0, breakthroughs
were achieved in algorithms such as continuous clarity throughout zooming, super-resolution, gas
image enhancement, and image adaptive adjustment, ensuring sustained leadership in the field of
imaging. Smart Thermal 4.0 incorporates intelligent algorithms for tracking vehicles, ships, human
targets, aircraft, radar-linked tracking, and fire prevention against false alarms, thereby enhancing
the intelligence level of thermal imaging product applications.

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. Product Breakthroughs

    In terms of products, Pixfra Technology continues to maintain its leadership in the security field
by continuously developing new products. In 2023, it released a newly designed multidimensional
perception spherical PTZ camera, which features a spherical, low-drag exterior and a
comprehensive     corrosion-resistant   design,   demonstrating     strong   adaptability   to   various
environments. Particularly suitable for large-scale perimeter scenarios, this product ensures normal
operation under conditions of ultra-low temperatures, strong corrosion, high altitudes, and high
wind speeds, thereby enhancing the Company's competitiveness in the field of long-range large
    Building upon its foundation in the security sector, Pixfra Technology also continues to expand
into new product forms and application areas. In the outdoor sports sector, it has introduced a
variety of telescopes, short-range sights, and tube sights, achieving a comprehensive layout of
mainstream products and laying a solid foundation for continuous breakthroughs in business. In the
third-party integration field, a series of module products such as network cores and miniaturized
digital cores have been launched to continuously explore integrated customers, expand business
scope, and contribute proactive efforts to the thermal imaging ecosystem. Targeting areas such as
industry, energy, electronic maintenance, and scientific research, Pixfra Technology has released a
series of handheld thermal imaging thermometers, further enriching its product portfolio. Penetration into Segmented Industries

    In 2023, Pixfra Technology focused on segmented scenarios, explored customer needs,

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enhanced application effectiveness, and actively expanded the boundaries of thermal imaging
application industries and scenarios. Pixfra Technology focused on high-potential thermal imaging
application industries and segmented scenarios, conducting in-depth research into the
characteristics of industries such as petrochemicals, steel smelting, industrial manufacturing, and
new energy. It analyzed the specific production processes of each industry, summarized the
segments in which thermal imaging products could be applied, and developed standardized
professional solution promotion materials, aiming to provide better products and solutions for the
expansion and promotion of the thermal imaging market.

4.3.4 Automotive Electronics
     The Company's subsidiary, Hirige, specializes in intelligent automotive electronic products and
solutions. Fully leveraging its core technologies and product advantages in areas such as video
perception, AI, and digital IoT, Hirige is committed to providing comprehensive intelligent driving
products and services to both domestic and international customers in the passenger and
commercial vehicle sectors. Its main products include in-vehicle full-range cameras, in-vehicle
millimeter-wave radar, intelligent driving domain controllers, and systems, with comprehensive
capabilities in hardware, software, algorithm, and system research and development testing, as
well as lean manufacturing capabilities. Passenger Vehicle Market

     The passenger vehicle product lineup includes in-vehicle cameras, millimeter-wave radar,
intelligent driving domain controllers, and the Hi-Pilot intelligent driving system. Hirige possesses
comprehensive capabilities in hardware, software, algorithm, and system research and
development testing, as well as manufacturing capabilities. Hirige has established deep
collaborations with multiple major OEMs, enabling the mass production of L2+ driver assistance
systems and intelligent parking systems.
     Hirige has been consistently dedicated to cultivating partnerships with leading domestic
passenger vehicle brands. It has officially mass-produced fully automated parking products, driver
assistance systems, and 1R1V products based on the fusion of visual and ultrasonic radar
technologies. These achievements have led to project appointments and mass production
deliveries to numerous automotive manufacturers. Hirige will continue to increase its investment in
intelligent driving sensors, algorithms and system products, give full play to the technical
advantages of automotive electronics based on vision, ultrasonic and millimeter-wave radar
integrated with perception, and release more competitive solutions on intelligent driving and
intelligent cockpit.
     Hirige incorporates cutting-edge intelligent driving technology into the factory-installed market,
introducing a forward-looking assisted driving solution. Among these offerings are the entry-level,
cost-effective L2 driving solution 1V, which includes active safety features such as AEB and L2

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ADAS functionality, while also supporting adaptation to overseas market regulations. Additionally,
the mid-range, high-cost performance driving solution 1R1V provides stable and reliable single-lane
assisted driving capabilities. For flagship configurations, the ultimate cost-effective L2+ driving
solution 5R1V supports advanced features like highway driving without visual cues (NOA), blind
spot detection, and front/rear cross-traffic detection, meeting the 2024 five-star rating criteria set by
C-NCAP. In addition, Hirige has launched a lightweight driving-parking integrated solution, thus
providing a more adaptive version of intelligent driving products for the intelligent system of
automobile enterprises. The solution realizes more complex and reliable driving-parking integrated
function, supports active safety, HWA highway assisted driving, and intelligent parking assisted
APA, and gets ready to upgrade to a higher level intelligent driving system in the future.

    In the field of intelligent cockpit, Hirige determines the shifting of development orientation from
cockpit safety system to cockpit interactive system and cockpit health system. The mass production
of all kinds of vision sensors in the cockpit has been achieved, and intelligent algorithms in the
cockpit have been released to realize driver fatigue detection, dangerous driving behavior
recognition, gesture and emotion recognition, heart rate detection and other functions. Meanwhile,
360 circumnavigation algorithm has also been released in view of the performance improvement of
vehicle and engine. Hirige supports algorithm migration and adaptation for various platforms,
including Qualcomm's 8155 and 8295, assisting customers in creating intelligent cabins with
distinctive features to enhance the driving and riding experience within the vehicle.

    With the accelerated improvement of intelligent driving function, products of Hirige have made
advance in development by leaps and bounds. In the field of visual sensors, Hirige has achieved
the release and application of products with different resolutions for panoramic, front-view, and
surround-view capabilities. These products have been integrated into many leading domestic OEM
manufacturers with mass production, effectively increasing market share and laying a foundation
for further market expansion. In the field of millimeter-wave radar, in line with the trend of domestic
production of automotive radar, Hirige increased investment to introduce fourth-generation forward
and blind spot radars with superior performance. Additionally, Hirige has expanded product
coverage with newly developed in-cabin radars and door collision prevention radars.
Simultaneously, Hirige has initiated research and development into imaging radar, laying the
groundwork for rapid growth in the future.

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. Commercial Vehicle Market

    At present, the stock of commercial vehicles in China exceeds 20 million. A large number of
commercial vehicle resources carry a large number of passenger and freight besides aviation,
railway and water transportation, making commercial vehicles closely related to people's production
and life. However, safety problems such as traffic accidents, casualties and cargo damage have
become increasingly prominent, and major traffic accidents have been reported frequently. After
speeding and fatigue driving, traffic accidents caused by blind areas of vision have significantly
increased. Front-vehicle collision alarm, lane departure alarm, fatigue driving alarm and driving
behavior analysis have gradually become the standard configurations of active safety advanced
auxiliary driving construction projects of commercial vehicle all over the country. Hirige has deeply
studied vehicle operation scenarios, combined with the actual vehicle operation environment, and
conducted in-depth exploration in the effect and efficiency of the algorithm, so as to further improve
the performance of the product system and realize the factory-installed and after-market-installed
intelligent vehicle solutions through active safety products, auxiliary driving products, 360-degree
panoramic view system and other product systems, and intelligently empower commercial vehicles.
At present, the solution has been widely applied in the freight logistics, waste residue, "tourist bus,
Class C or above passenger car, and special vehicle for the transport of hazardous chemicals,
fireworks and crackers and civil explosives", public transportation, school buses, sanitation vehicles
and other fields, providing advanced automotive electronic products and solutions to the world.
    In 2023, Hirige made comprehensive efforts across various fronts in the commercial vehicle
market. Domestically, apart from enhancing traditional solutions for public transportation, taxi-
hailing services, and freight transport, Hirige expanded into emerging sectors such as sanitation
and school buses. Hirige established benchmark projects like the Guangdong Sanitation,
Hangzhou Public Transport, and Xiamen Heavy Cargo initiatives. Overseas, Hirige focused on
pivotal sectors such as public transportation, law enforcement vehicles, school buses, and freight
transport, achieving sustained high growth in 2023 and anticipating continued opportunities for
rapid expansion overseas in the next 2-3 years.

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    In 2023, Hirige's strategy in the commercial vehicle market involved deploying resources
strategically to target key industries. It introduced new national standards, 1R1V systems, Euro
R151 regulations, and 360-degree surround-view systems in the factory-installed market, further
enhancing its comprehensive services. In the categories of tourist bus, Class C or above
passenger car, and special vehicle for the transport of hazardous chemicals, fireworks and crackers
and civil explosives, heavy truck transportation, and freight transport, Hirige accelerated the
coverage and implementation of the new/old national standards trilogy (Ministerial Standard
Machinery/ADAS/DSM) in accordance with local policy implementations. In the public
transportation sector, Hirige aimed for complete coverage from provincial to municipal levels
nationwide and advanced the comprehensive implementation of second-generation integrated
public transportation solutions. This included dispatch management, active safety features, blind
spot monitoring, 360-degree surround view, passenger flow statistics, illegal bus lane occupation
detection, pedestrian crossing monitoring, and electronic rear-view mirrors. In the taxi-hailing
market, Hirige launched a full suite of products and capitalized on opportunities presented by
national regulations to capture a larger share of provincial capital markets.
    Hirige remains committed to investing in research and development for the commercial vehicle
market, continuously aligning its investments with customer business needs. By refining products
and solutions to deliver high-quality, high-value solutions, Hirige assists customers in overcoming
operational challenges and enhances their satisfaction, contributing to the advancement of the
transportation industry.

4.3.5 Smart Security Inspection
    Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, centers on core video
technology, AI, big data, and IoT. It is dedicated to becoming a leading provider of comprehensive
digital security solutions in China. Huajian Technology upholds a mission of "contributing to global
tranquility and enhancing peace of mind in daily life," focusing on innovative research and
development in the areas of security checks, retail theft prevention, and airspace security. With the
rapid development of technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and IoT, these
technologies have been deeply and innovatively integrated with the security check industry, and
global users are in need of reliable, convenient and advanced smart security check equipment and

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services, making security check intelligence usher in a new round of development opportunities.
With IoT technology and AI analysis technology as the core, Huajian Technology promotes the
reform and development of the security check industry, bringing new business opportunities and
new vitality to the industry. Security Inspection Machines

    In terms of products of security-check machine, Huajian Technology takes its own research
and development capability as the industry foothold, and continues to explore and innovate in the
fields including intelligent view, substance identification, civil aviation standards and other security
products and technical standards representing the top level of the industry. Huajian Technology
independently developed a new generation of image algorithm engine "Qingkong", which greatly
improves the precision and hierarchy of the imaging picture of the security-check machine, and
optimizes the working environment of manual and machine judgment under the premise of
ensuring the localization of components. Leveraging the advantages of AI deep learning training,
Huajian Technology's security inspection machines not only accurately identify organic, inorganic,
and mixed substances but also effectively recognize certain types of highly hazardous prohibited
items. Security Inspection Doors

    With profound technical expertise and project experience in the field of security inspection
doors, Huajian Technology discovers during its independent research and development process
that high-precision magnetic field technology combined with AI deep learning can precisely identify
prohibited items such as mobile phones and cutting tools. This technology aligns perfectly with the
market trend of "strict management of examination room order and recommendation of intelligent
security doors." In 2023, Huajian Technology pioneered the introduction of a matrix imaging
millimeter-wave security door domestically, enhancing precision in human body imaging detection
in China's sophisticated security landscape. In addition, in the field of fine metal identification,

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Huajian Technology was the first to introduce the acceptance standard of half a paper clip to the
market, which has been widely recognized by customers.
     Huajian Technology places great emphasis on the value and innovation of its product solutions
in practical application scenarios. Tailored for industries such as rail transit, large-scale events,
judiciary, hospitals, education, and logistics, it has launched products and solutions with strong
industry attributes, ensuring sustained high standards and multi-level competitiveness. In the
future, Huajian Technology will continue to implement the strategic policy of taking market demands
as the guide and R&D as the core productivity, and move towards the high-end security check
market. The core components of security check, quick imaging millimeter wave, CT security check
equipment and civil aviation security check equipment will be the main R&D investment directions
in the future. Huajian Technology will make full use of its own technical advantages and
characteristics to create a new generation of high-value security check equipment with unique

4.3.6 Smart Fire Protection
     Wisualarm Technology is an advanced provider of fire protection products, solutions, and
operational services, with a focus on IoT, big data, cloud computing, video AI, and other
technologies. It is dedicated to continuously enhancing fire safety for individuals, businesses, and
governmental customers worldwide. By offering advanced fire protection products, comprehensive
solutions, and operational services across all domains, Wisualarm Technology aims to achieve
early warning, prevention, and control of fires and other disasters, thereby elevating the overall
level of social fire safety. Fire Protection Products

     Wisualarm Technology focuses on the development of the fire protection industry and
consistently adheres to the development philosophy of driving market expansion through
technological innovation. In 2023, building upon the continuous iteration and enrichment of product
lines such as smart fire protection, safe power consumption, special equipment, industrial fire
protection, and traditional firefighting, Wisualarm Technology further enhanced the integration of
video, AI, and big data capabilities in products such as integrated fire and security solutions,
enterprise software platforms, and fire protection platforms. Wisualarm Technology continues to pay
attention to the development of overseas business, gradually releasing a variety of internationally
certified products. These offerings aim to provide overseas customers with more intelligent and
secure integrated fire and security products and solutions. Consequently, the brand has gained
increasing recognition in various national markets and among customers globally. Solutions

     Wisualarm Technology addresses the pain points and practical needs of fire management

                                                    2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

across various industries, continually deepening its application scenario design. With integrated fire
and security capabilities at its core, it has developed three major categories of smart fire solutions:
networked supervision of fire safety, integrated management of fire and security for enterprises,
and operational management of fire safety for small-, medium-, and micro-sized enterprise venues.
    In the government sector, Wisualarm Technology focuses on the social governance of fire
safety at the district and township levels. It implements smart fire perception infrastructure
construction in industrial enterprises, street-front shops, vulnerable groups, rental properties,
warehouses, and high-rise buildings. This effort aims to establish a smart fire IoT supervision
platform for government regulatory departments, enabling intelligent enhancement and
visualization of fire prevention and control capabilities across the jurisdiction.
    Within the corporate domain, Wisualarm Technology primarily offers integrated management
solutions for smart fire protection and security. It progressively expands application scenarios and
integrates traditional firefighting, smart firefighting, industrial firefighting, and smart security into a
single platform. The management platform gradually incorporates application modules such as shift
handover in control rooms, a comprehensive map of electrical safety, management of hot work
operations, mobile control rooms, and inspection of hidden dangers. For large enterprises,
Wisualarm Technology develops comprehensive networked supervision solutions, implementing a
two-tier management architecture to facilitate the digital transformation of fire safety during
production, thus assisting customers in achieving intelligent upgrades.
    In the domain of small-, medium-, and mirco-sized enterprises, Wisualarm Technology offers
cloud-based intelligent fire operational management solutions, containing functions such as
operational monitoring, fire maintenance, and hazard inspections. By leveraging third-party
operational service units, Wisualarm Technology minimizes end-user investments, centralizing the
scattered fire business of its customers for streamlined management. Additionally, tailored control
modules are developed to address specific business scenarios such as gas safety and smart
aging, enabling rapid and flexible responses to market demands.

                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

4.3.7 Storage Medium
    Zhejiang Huayixin Technology Co. Ltd. (Huayixin), a subsidiary of the Company, is an
innovative technology firm dedicated to the research, development, production, and sales of
storage media products. With product lines including solid-state drives (SSDs), storage cards, USB
drives, portable SSDs, and memory modules, Huayixin's business focuses on various application
scenarios such as end-consumer electronics, industrial control, in-vehicle monitoring, and video
    Against the backdrop of industrial development and upgrading, as well as a focus on industry-
driven research strategies, Huayixin achieved significant breakthroughs in storage product
research and technological innovation in 2023. Major strides were made in the development of
SSDs, storage cards, memory modules, USB drives, and portable solid-state drives (PSSDs).
Particularly noteworthy were the launches of flagship products in the core SSD product line,
including SSDs optimized for video surveillance and vehicle applications.
    (1) SSDs
    Huayixin focuses on the research and development of innovative SSDs, introducing the next-
generation V800 series video surveillance disks tailored for the monitoring sector. These products
use domestically produced controllers and storage chips, supporting the D.L.B.A intelligent

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algorithm. They boast stable video writing performance, ensuring seamless recording without
dropped frames for 24/7 surveillance, and seamless coordination with the underlying file system of
storage products. Addressing the demands of the vehicle-mounted products market, Huayixin
launches the domestically produced S820 series vehicle-mounted video surveillance SSDs,
specifically designed for vehicle-mounted video surveillance scenarios. These products are suitable
for frequent vibration environments within the automotive industry.
    (2) Memory products
    The X4000 series DDR5 RGB products tailored for the gaming market support speeds of up to
6800MHz and are compatible with XMP 3.0, enhancing the high-end product lineup. Additionally,
catering to the general consumer market, the C600 DDR5 RGB memory module is introduced,
boasting capacities of up to 32GB.
    (3) U-disk products
    Continuously rolling out a variety of mainstream USB 2.0/3.0 direct-insertion flash drives and
high-speed dual-interface protocol solid-state USB drives, supporting capacities of up to 1TB,
Huayixin meets consumers' diverse demands for high-speed and high-capacity storage solutions.
    (4) Storage cards
    Upgrading the existing surveillance series SD/Micro SD storage card solutions to support wide
temperature operating environments, the S100/H100 series is highly durable across the board,
catering to mainstream security surveillance and vehicle-mounted industry usage scenarios.
    (5) PSSDs
    Introducing the T70 and T80 series of mobile PSSDs based on the SATA and PCIe protocols
respectively, with a maximum capacity of up to 2TB, Huayixin meets the diverse mobile storage
needs of different users.
    Huayixin has vigorously strengthened its market promotion and marketing network
construction. While steadily developing channel markets, it actively expands industry markets,
demonstrating remarkable performance in industries such as PCs, rail transit, vehicle-mounted
products, industrial automation, security surveillance, cloud storage, cloud computing, and
healthcare. Simultaneously, a marketing network centered in Hangzhou has been established,
extending its reach to various countries and regions worldwide, covering all provinces in China and
exporting to over a hundred countries and regions globally.
    With the vision of being a "pioneer in secure storage", Huayixin is committed to providing
storage solutions with high quality, serving as the storage base of AloT development. With its global
partners, Huayixin is building an industrial ecosystem and embracing the smart upgrade of
solutions Made in China, to grow together with technologies, industries and users.

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

4.4 Develop Environmental Protection and Low-carbon Business
    To achieve the dual carbon goals, the Company steadfastly supports sustainable development
and environmental protection, actively implements environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
initiatives, and bases its overall strategy on "digital empowerment, low-carbon future, shared
ecology, and compliant operations." By integrating sustainable development with digital
empowerment, the Company empowers various sectors including biodiversity conservation,
environmental protection, intelligent traffic management, smart energy, smart buildings, smart
education, and safe production, thereby promoting sustainable, green, and high-quality
development across various industries.
    (1) The Company's intelligent industrial park adopts the national green building three-star
standard and applies the Company's smart IoT solutions. It focuses on the aspects of source, grid,
load, storage, charging, and inspection to achieve real-time monitoring of energy data in the park.
Energy strategies can be automatically adjusted, making the entire microgrid of the park self-
adaptive. Additionally, the flow of each energy source and the carbon footprint are tracked,
achieving fine energy management and assisting enterprises in energy saving and emission
reduction to implement the "dual carbon" strategy.
    With rooftop photovoltaic systems, buildings generate electricity for their own use. An
    intelligent detection system for operational electricity production assists in ensuring safe and
    stable equipment operation.
    To establish an intelligent microgrid within the park, energy usage is flexibly scheduled based
    on peak and off-peak electricity rates, transformer capacity, and predictive demand forecasts.
    An intelligent air conditioning gateway covers the entire park, automatically monitoring the
    operational status of all air conditioning units. It can remotely turn them on/off or set unified
    temperature levels. Using big data analysis of energy usage patterns of each space, it enables

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    adaptive environmental control, effectively reducing energy consumption by the air
    conditioning system and computers.
    The application of intelligent dimmable lighting fixtures allows for gradual brightness
    adjustment and smart management. Integrated with attendance, access control, and parking
    systems, each light can illuminate as needed, providing companion-style lighting.
    By combining peak and off-peak loads, platform strategies are employed to facilitate orderly
    charging for new energy vehicles, avoiding centralized fast charging and alleviating pressure
    on the power grid.
    An intelligent circuit breaker system provides round-the-clock coverage for detection,
    automatically warning and swiftly responding to safety hazards such as leakage, overload, and
    overvoltage, with timely traceability. Real-time tracking of energy trends further avoids energy
    wastage, achieving refined energy savings in buildings.
    (2) The water conservancy industry progresses towards digital transformation by enhancing
operational efficiency and bolstering water security capabilities. The Company actively participates
in formulating the "Technical Guidelines for the Construction of Digital Twin Water Networks (Trial)"
led by the Ministry of Water Resources. This initiative aims to aid in constructing digital twin
platforms, information infrastructure, operational scheduling, cyber security systems, and support
systems. By providing comprehensive technical guidance for the planning, design, construction,
and operation of water networks, it effectively promotes the digitization, networking, and
intelligence of water resources management. Drawing upon a profound understanding of water
conservancy business scenarios and long-term technological expertise, the Company has
developed sophisticated and comprehensive solutions for intelligent water resource visualization
and supervision. These solutions cater to various business scenarios such as hydrological
forecasting, river and lake patrols, sand mining regulation, and water source protection. They offer
systematic capabilities in intelligent perception, recognition, and early warning, empowering users'
business applications comprehensively.
    In terms of rivers and lakes, the Company has implemented an intelligent system for
    comprehensive river and lake management, aiming to streamline operations and contribute to
    the protection of the Yangtze River through practical actions, thereby enhancing the efficiency
    of water area management.
    Regarding reservoirs, the Company has collaborated on ecological initiatives to develop
    application solutions for safety and operation supervision of water conservancy projects,
    including dam safety monitoring. These efforts aim to elevate the level of fine management in
    water conservancy engineering.
    In the realm of water environment protection, the Company has introduced a hyperspectral
    water quality analyzer to enable rapid, automated monitoring and early warning of various
    water quality parameters such as turbidity and pH. This facilitates timely detection of changes
    in water quality, enhancing the efficiency of water quality monitoring efforts.

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    The Company continues to explore new avenues in "digital and smart water governance,"
accelerating the integration of digital technology with diverse water conservancy scenarios. This
integration empowers applications in disaster prevention (flood and drought) and mitigation,
efficient and sustainable use of water resources, optimization of water resource allocation, and
ecological conservation and governance of major rivers, lakes, and water bodies.
    (3) Relying on technologies, the Company continuously explores digital ecological
conservation models to actively protect biodiversity. In Antarctica, the Company has overcome the
challenges of extreme cold and donated intelligent equipment systems to multiple scientific bases,
facilitating research on animal populations and meteorology, and contributing to the protection of
Antarctic penguins. In high-altitude regions of China, the Company has developed specialized
product solutions to achieve long-term and stable observation of black-necked cranes. In Hainan,
the Company continuously trains algorithms through the Genius platform to assist in remote
detection of gibbons, providing scientific basis for understanding their population status. In Yunnan,
the Company has assisted the Yunnan Forestry and Grassland Department in implementing dual
monitoring and protection of green peacocks through video surveillance and voice recognition,
providing strong support for the research and protection of green peacocks. These initiatives not
only contribute to the protection of biodiversity but also make significant contributions to ecological
conservation and sustainable development.

III. Core Competitiveness Analysis
    During expanding its services to digital transformation of cities and enterprises, the Company
is facing increasingly prominent diversity and fragmentation in the smart IoT industry. Dahua is
enhancing its capabilities in diverse applications to tackle these challenges, and upgrading its
Dahua Think# strategy of "connecting all things with cloud and creating a future with digital
intelligence". The Company will continue to broaden its product range, strengthen its marketing
models, and focus on business penetration, employing a comprehensive approach to business
development. This entails iterative and optimized processes across multiple dimensions such as
research and development, marketing, supply chain, and delivery services, thus building
competitive advantages tailored to the diverse and fragmented smart IoT market. Through
collaborative efforts with partners, sustainable and high-quality development will be pursued.
    1. Invest in R&D and Innovation by Adhering to "Full Sensing, Full Connection, Full
Intelligence, Full Computing, and Full Ecosystem" as the Core Concept to Deepen Client-
Demand Orientation
    As digitization and intelligence advance, continuous changes are occurring in technology
evolution, industry demands, and business models. The Company has a deep understanding of
these development trends, firmly embracing two major technological strategies: AIoT and IoT digital
intelligence platform. It constructs a comprehensive "Full Sensing, Full Connection, Full
Intelligence, Full Computing, and Full Ecosystem" capability foundation, achieving three

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

enhancements in comprehensive 6D perception technology. This upgrade enhances video
perception capabilities across multiple dimensions and expands full-frequency domain perception
capabilities comprehensively. With visual analysis as the core, the Company constructs a "1+2" AI
capability system, ensuring rapid adaptation of products to specific scenarios. For visual analysis
tasks, the Company has released the integrated multi-modal Galaxy foundation model. Based on
several typical industries such as urban governance and power, it has developed a set of industry
visual foundation model computing frameworks. This framework can help continuously create more
industry visual foundation models, accelerating the expansion of the intelligent market. The
Company is building a "full-process control + full-product coverage" security assurance framework
to provide more secure and reliable products for customers. The Company provides full-domain
cloud-native, fully open, and fully-scenario-covered cloud products, fostering sharing, co-creation,
and mutual benefits with partners. Based on continuous investment in technology research and
development, the Company continuously develops competitive products such as Super Power,
Fluorescence, Cloud-Link and Yunrui. In the future, the Company will continue to strengthen
business model innovation, establish itself as the preferred brand in smart IoT, and collaborate with
partners to create new formats for the digital era.
    2. Continuously Optimizing the Global Marketing and Service System Layout to Expand
Customer Coverage
    The Company has a global marketing and service network. By the end of 2023, the Company
had set 32 provincial offices in China. Dahua steps up its effort at the marketing end to increase
client coverage and continues to provide service for small and medium-sized enterprises in low-
level administrative divisions, to build a win-win ecosystem. It continuously covers more industry
clients, and customers previously left behind have been reached. At the same time, the Company
focuses on building multidimensional eco-partners and comprehensive altruistic service platforms
to boost the sustainable innovation and development of our partners.
    The Company possesses an extensive and in-depth distribution network overseas, laying a
solid foundation for stable growth in core business, continuously expanding the influence of the
Dahua brand. Leveraging the Company's robust technical prowess, localized sales networks,
global logistics and after-sales service system, it consistently delves into business opportunities
and strengthens solution offerings and local market adaptation, gradually increasing the proportion
of solution-based revenue in overseas markets. By nurturing an international business
development and management team and continuously enhancing local business expansion and
organizational operational capabilities, the Company further penetrates into international markets.
    3、Deepen Intelligent Manufacturing and Construct a Digital Supply System Tailored to
Customer Needs
    Faced with increasing complexity and diversity of customer demands, and uncertainty in
supply chain, the Company has established manufacturing centers, HUB warehouses, and national
warehouses both domestically and internationally. This has formed a global multi-level supply
network, constructing an efficient, intelligent, and reliable supply chain system tailored to global

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

markets. It possesses capabilities for managing rapid market demands, mitigating order delivery
risks, and ensuring timely delivery worldwide. In the construction of supply chain ecosystems, a
stable and healthy supply chain is crucial for product and service quality assurance. Adhering to the
principles of "cooperation, win-win, transparency, and compliance", the Company continuously
optimizes its supplier management system, collaborating with suppliers to foster mutual growth.
    To enhance digital delivery capabilities tailored to customer needs, the Company is committed
to realizing customer value by establishing a customer-oriented digital delivery platform. This
facilitates the transparency and visualization of business opportunities from prediction to delivery,
ultimately enhancing the delivery experience. Using a real-time visualized supply chain system, the
Company monitors the status, processes, and key data of various supply chain segments to
promptly identify and address potential delivery issues. Rational delivery plans and strategies are
formulated based on market demands and capacity planning, ensuring sufficient capacity and
resources to meet customer needs. Internal departmental and external partner collaboration is
reinforced, including real-time communication and cooperation among production, logistics, and
sales segments, ensuring the efficiency and accuracy of deliveries. Appropriate logistics channels
and service providers are selected, optimizing the logistics network to reduce transportation costs
and delivery lead times, thereby enhancing delivery speed and reliability.
    Through the construction of digital supply chain capabilities, including visualizing the
manufacturing process, optimizing logistics, effectively managing suppliers, planning delivery
capacities, and fostering efficient internal collaboration, the Company achieves timely and reliable
delivery commitments to meet customer demands.
    4. Improve Delivery and Service Capabilities to Shape Great Client Experience
    With the customer-oriented core concepts, the Company is progressively establishing four
major service systems catering to the entire market and all business sectors. These include the
integrated delivery system, technical support system, operations and maintenance management
system, and training and certification system. Moreover, by integrating company resources and
harnessing the collective strength of the ecosystem, the Company offers full lifecycle services for
products and solutions to the market. This commitment aims to accelerate customer
responsiveness, enhance delivery efficiency, and strive towards building a globally leading,
efficient, and professional delivery platform. The ultimate goal is to provide customers with
unparalleled service and establish a distinguished brand in smart IoT services.
    Under the guidance of its global business strategy, the Company makes use of the layout and
ability of its global delivery and service centers, loads digitalized and smart service tools to provide
customers with accurate and intelligent services and solutions. The Company's three-tiered service
network, comprising headquarters, branch offices, and authorized service centers, delivers high-
quality services to global customers. With a service network spanning over 180 countries, bolstered
by nine spare parts distribution centers and 173 spare parts stations (including 46 domestic
stations), as well as over 2,000 delivery and service personnel and more than 1,000 service
partners, the Company provides efficient service support worldwide, enhancing service experience

                                                    2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

and user perception.
    As the smart IoT industry continues to evolve, leading to increasing delivery complexities, the
Company has established software capability centers in key provinces across China. These centers
provide software development support for the provinces and surrounding regions, enabling flexible
and swift responses to customers' personalized customization needs. Through efficient delivery,
Dahua aims to build its service competitiveness and enhance customer satisfaction amidst the
rising demand for software customization.
    5. Adhere to the Full Ecosystem Strategy and Build a Smart IoT Ecosystem Community
featuring Co-construction, Win-win Outcome and Symbiosis
    Ecological development is one of the most important strategic initiatives of Dahua, as we are
committed to building a win-win ecosystem and jointly creating value with our partners. Our mission
is to enable clients to fulfill their dreams. Adhering to the concept of "Full Ecosystem", we focus on
realizing clients' value, and build comprehensive open capacities from technology, business to
services. Through hardware, software, algorithms to services, business ecosystem to industrial
clients, and full openness to developers, we join hands with eco-partners to open up new fields,
shape new momentum, and create unlimited possibilities for industrial development, empowering
industries to realize digital intelligence and achieve co-creation, symbiosis, and win-win
    Through DHOP, the Company facilitates device integration capability openness. Leveraging
the IoT smart platform foundation, it builds a rich array of components, transitioning from PaaS to
SaaS capability openness. The Genius AI open platform offers a one-stop solution for algorithm
training services. For service and business partners, the Company adheres to the principle of
"leaving convenience to partners and complexity to itself" in its business operations. It tailors
corresponding marketing policies, resource support, and organizational optimizations around this
principle, fostering a virtuous shared and mutually beneficial ecosystem to realize the industry
vision of "connecting all things with cloud and creating a future with digital intelligence".
    6. Continuously Advance the Construction of the Company's Compliance System and
Effectively Safeguard the Compliant Operation and Steady Development of Businesses
    Adhering to the principles of integrity in business operations, upholding commercial ethics, and
complying with the laws and regulations of the countries where the business operates have been
core tenets advocated and practiced by the Company. Against the backdrop of globalized business
operations, the Company places great emphasis on compliance during business development and
operation processes. It continuously enhances the construction of its governance system and the
level of risk management, further promoting mature organizational mechanisms and capabilities of
risk prevention in compliance areas such as cyber security and data protection, export control and
economic sanctions, technology ethics, antitrust, anti-money laundering, anti-bribery, and anti-
corruption. As business globalization deepens, the Company maintains a prudent business
strategy, continuously solidifying region-tailored compliance risk management mechanisms, and
consistently increasing labor and financial investment to establish and enhance risk control

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

capabilities in various compliance areas, as well as risk control organizational mechanisms for
domestic and overseas branches. Through solid operations and implementation focused on
"starting compliance from the top, embedding compliance in processes, covering compliance for all,
and digitizing compliance management", the Company effectively prevents major compliance risks,
safeguarding the interests and reputable image of the Company. Simultaneously, the Company has
been committed to adhering to high standards of conduct and ethical norms, embodying the
principle of "be a clean company seeking success in the right way". It continuously optimizes
corporate governance and internal management, creating and maintaining a transparent, fair,
clean, and trustworthy business environment for employees, customers, suppliers, and partners.
    7. Adhering to the Principle of "Achieving Success for Customers and Stakeholders" to
Build a Platform for Mutual Development
    The Company consistently upholds "achieving success for customers and stakeholders" as its
core values. Placing customer success at the forefront, the Company is guided by customer needs,
aiming to create customer value continuously, supporting customers in achieving long-term
success, and realizing co-creation, symbiosis, and win-win results with customers. Simultaneously,
the Company serves as a platform for realizing dreams and fostering collective development. It
ensures that individuals who are committed to continuous efforts and contributions within the
platform receive deserved opportunities for development and rewards, leading to both material and
spiritual fulfillment. This fosters a collaborative environment where all stakeholders contribute to
and benefit from shared growth and development.

IV. Main Business Analysis

1. Overview

    The digital economy represents a transformative shift in economics, embodying a disruptive,
comprehensive, and fundamental new form of macroeconomic structure. Led by AI, the digital
economy is rapidly altering the landscape of the global economy, industries, and societies.
According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology,
China's digital economy has grown from 16.2 trillion yuan in 2014 to 50.2 trillion yuan in 2022, with
its share of GDP increasing from 25.1% to 41.5%. The digital economy is poised to become a
driving force behind China's economic growth, serving as the primary arena for accelerating the
cultivation of new productive forces. AI stands as a critical engine for developing new productive
forces, with accelerating the advancement of the new generation of AI holding significant
importance in seizing opportunities in the digital economy era and expediting the formation of new
productive forces.
    The emergence of higher value around AI-driven video applications, AI foundation models, and
IoT data underscores the continued expansion of market opportunities in the smart IoT field
centered around video applications. At present, the overall intelligent transformation and upgrading

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

of industries is still at an early stage, featuring both opportunities and challenges in the face of
digital intelligence development demands from thousands of industries. It has become a general
consensus for governments and enterprises to achieve high-quality development through digital
intelligence transformation, and there are also strong demands from industries for digital
intelligence transformation. However, such demands are fragmented and differentiated among
different industries or even within industries. The current challenge is how to reduce costs, quickly
meet the fragmented and differentiated market demands in a controlled way, and enhance the
economies of scale.
    With the expansion of the market room, the continuous emergence of new demands and the
acceleration of new technology upgrading and iteration, the economies of scale for the
transformation and upgrading of digital intelligence are bound to be achieved through a
continuously penetrating process. We will maintain sufficient strategic concentration and
investment, with great emphasis on the accumulation and investment in R&D innovation and the
exploration of cutting-edge technologies. On one hand, the Company persistently deepens its focus
on industry-specific solutions, maintaining a leading edge in key capabilities such as AIoT
perception, IoT digital intelligence platforms, scenario-based AI, AI foundation models, and data
elements. This expansion serves to fortify the Company's competitive advantages. On the other
hand, the Company continuously enhances its marketing and delivery service organizations,
expanding the scope of its ecosystem collaborations and closely engaging with customers to
ensure they benefit from comprehensive service experiences. In addition, we will continuously
deepen and broaden the transformation and upgrading business of industrial digital intelligence, to
satisfy and cultivate customers' business scenario habits, enhance their business adhesion,
strengthen our overall competitiveness, and consolidate our stronghold in the industry to maintain
our leading position.
    During the reporting period, despite various domestic and international factors, the Company
adhered to the principles of fine management and high-quality development, achieving an
operating revenue of RMB 32.218 billion yuan, representing a year-on-year growth of 5.41%. The
Company also achieved a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company, excluding
non-recurring gains and losses, of RMB 2.962 billion yuan, marking a year-on-year growth of
    1. Achieving Growth Based on Stability While Upholding High-Quality Development
    The Company adheres to the principle of high-quality development, aiming to stimulate growth,
strengthen ecosystems, enhance personnel efficiency, prioritize customer-centricity, and pursue
both commercial success and customer advancement. Emphasizing ecological development, the
Company seeks to build a new ecosystem of co-construction, symbiosis, and mutual benefit,
striving to create unique and differentiated value for partners and achieve mutual growth. Through
an emphasis on efficiency in management, the Company drives improvements in personnel
efficiency and organizational effectiveness. It maintains balanced business development to lay a
solid foundation for sustainable high-quality growth, thereby better serving its customers. Moreover,

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

the Company shoulders greater social responsibility by actively engaging in ESG (Environmental,
Social, and Governance), low-carbon initiatives, rural revitalization, poverty alleviation, and
technological equity, striving to complete its mission of "making society smarter and life better".
    2. Upgrading the Dahua Think# Strategy to Empower Urban and Corporate Digital
    As a world-leading video-centric smart IoT solutions and service provider, the Company
upgraded its Dahua Think# 2.0 strategy in 2023. This strategic shift from intelligence to integrated
intelligence continues to focus on two core businesses: urban and corporate sectors. Firmly
committed to the AIoT and IoT digital intelligence platform strategies, the Company fully activates
the value of data elements centered around video, empowering the construction of efficient urban
governance systems and the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises.
    3. Continuously Investing Precisely in R&D and Further Improving the Capabilities of
"Full Sensing, Full Connection, Full Intelligence, Full Computing, and Full Ecosystem"
    The Company takes technological innovation as the core and invests heavily in R&D to further
advance the capabilities of "Full Sensing, Full Connection, Full Intelligence, Full Computing, and
Full Ecosystem". In 2023, the Company invested RMB 3.967 billion in R&D, registering a year-on-
year increase of 2.17%, and accounting for 12.31% of the operating revenue. In addition to
maintaining investment in traditional video technology, the Company continues to strengthen its
research, development, and commercialization efforts in various technological fields, including
multidimensional perception, AI foundation models, data intelligence, intelligent computing, cloud
computing, software platforms, network communication, cyber security, and innovative businesses.
Deepening its capabilities of "Full Sensing, Full Connection, Full Intelligence, Full Computing, and
Full Ecosystem" and focusing on value business scenarios, the Company constructs industry-
leading solutions, products, and technological systems. In 2023, the Company launched the Galaxy
foundation model, which significantly enhances visual resolution capabilities by integrating multi-
modal data such as images, point clouds, text, and voice. Additionally, the Company established
the Future Communication Research Institute to focus on three aspects: network connection
technology, data exchange technology, and cutting-edge network technology. It aims to build a
"3+N" integrated connectivity system to support the upgrade from the IoT to the video IoT, enabling
more reliable, efficient, and intelligent data processing and decision-making.
    4. Enhancing Software Management Capabilities and Deepening Involvement in Data
Industry Chain
    Focusing on the value realization process of data elements, the Company actively plays the
roles of data resource provider, data asset practitioner, and data commodification enabler, starting
from aspects such as multidimensional perception, multi-source connectivity, view intelligence, and
open platforms. Collaborating with partners and bridging gaps, it leverages the "multiplier effect" of
data elements to empower efficient urban governance and enterprise digitalization upgrades. The
IoT digital intelligence platform undergoes a renewed upgrade, consolidating the graph-data fusion
computing system and establishing a one-stop data intelligence engine. It breaks down

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

computational barriers between view data and business data, enabling multi-dimensional feature
exploration and multi-modal relationship establishment, thereby empowering efficient urban
governance and enterprise digitalization. Leveraging software engineering capabilities, the
Company's industry scenario modules can quickly integrate CV foundation models and graph-data
fusion technology, enabling the flexible construction of diverse industry applications. This amplifies
the value of innovative businesses in various urban and enterprise value chain circulation. Based
on the developer platform, Dahua's public cloud provides various industries with rich SaaS services,
including Dahua Yunrui, Dahua Cloud-Link, DoLynk, and other public cloud products. It offers
enterprises a new operational model, transitioning from manual to "data + intelligence" driven,
thereby empowering enterprise with digital management transformation.
    5. Driving the Development of Innovative Businesses and Exploring New High-Growth
    In the field of innovative businesses, leveraging in-depth understanding of diverse customer
needs and years of accumulation in the field of intelligent IoT, the Company continues to explore
emerging business areas, including: machine vision and mobile robots, smart living, thermal
imaging, automotive electronics, smart security inspection, smart fire protection, storage media,
and other innovative businesses, aiming to continuously expand new high-growth points for the
    6. Joining Hands with Partners to Grow Together, Aiming to Build a Thriving Ecosystem
of Co-Creation, Symbiosis, and Mutual Benefit
    Facing unprecedented opportunities in the digital economy, the Company will continue to make
exploration and practice with its ecosystem partners, striving to build a comprehensive altruistic
service platform integrating technology, products, solutions, operations, services, and business
management consulting services. This will empower partners to innovate and develop continuously.
In China, we have accelerated front-line business response through city-based business
deployment, capacity deployment in forms of training empowerment and special support,
hierarchical management, business authority delegation, and management decision delegation.
Overseas distribution deployment has focused on customer grading, precise investment and
marketing, and brand coverage strengthening. Integrators deployment has focused on key markets
and customers, while reinforcing the deployment support system. The Company and its partners
will adhere to the "Employee + Partner" concept, continuously implementing the integrated
development of "new opportunities, new ideas, new order, new models, new management, new
goals, and new responsibilities". Upholding the altruistic mindset and strengthening the ecosystem,
the Company will comprehensively support the development of high-quality businesses.

2. Revenue and Costs

(1) Operating revenue structure

                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                         2023                                  2022
                                                Proportion in                         Proportion in     increase or
                              Amount             Operating           Amount            Operating         decrease
                                                  Revenue                               Revenue
   Total Revenue          32,218,317,636.77          100.00%     30,565,370,012.64        100.00%                5.41%
   By Industry
   Smart            IoT
                          32,218,317,636.77          100.00%     30,565,370,012.64        100.00%                5.41%
   By Product
   Smart        IoT
   Products    and        26,644,648,182.18           82.70%     25,187,418,289.20          82.40%               5.79%
   Software                1,797,226,644.00            5.58%      1,478,048,030.19           4.84%              21.59%
                           4,906,653,657.98           15.23%      4,116,225,405.96          13.47%              19.20%
   Business (Note)
   Others                    667,015,796.61            2.07%      1,261,726,317.48           4.13%              -47.13%
   By Region
   Domestic               16,891,274,970.99           52.43%     15,799,558,052.51          51.69%               6.91%
   Overseas               15,327,042,665.78           47.57%     14,765,811,960.13          48.31%               3.80%
  Domestic Sub-business Segment
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                        2023                                     2022
                                            Proportion in                               Proportion in
                                                                                                          increase or
                          Amount          Domestic Operating         Amount           Domestic Operating
                                              Revenue                                     Revenue
       To G           4,333,197,296.68                25.65%       4,325,525,354.94               27.38%        0.18%
       To B           9,087,212,028.79                53.80%       8,267,364,222.98               52.32%        9.92%
      Others          3,470,865,645.52                20.55%       3,206,668,474.59               20.30%        8.24%
       Total         16,891,274,970.99               100.00%      15,799,558,052.51              100.00%        6.91%
  Note: Innovative businesses mainly include corresponding businesses such as machine vision and mobile
  robots, smart living, thermal imaging, automotive electronics, smart security inspection, smart fire
  protection, and storage media.

  (2) Industry, product, region, or sales mode accounting for more than 10% of the Company's operating
  revenue or profit

   Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                             Increase or
                                                                         Increase or
                                                                         decrease of      Increase and
                                                                                                             of gross
                                                                         operating        decrease of
                                                                Gross    revenue          operating cost
                    Operating revenue     Operating Cost                                                     compared
                                                                margin   compared with    over the same
                                                                                                             with the
                                                                         the same         period of last
                                                                         period of last   year
                                                                                                             period of
                                                                                                             last year
By Industry
Smart         IoT
                     32,218,317,636.77     18,674,970,923.46    42.04%           5.41%            -1.66%         4.17%

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

By Product
Smart      IoT
Products and          26,644,648,182.18      14,925,853,403.30      43.98%               5.79%            -1.20%           3.96%
Software               1,797,226,644.00        591,429,713.59       67.09%               21.59%           29.40%           -1.99%
                       4,906,653,657.98       3,169,076,284.13      35.41%               19.20%           14.84%           2.45%
By Region
Domestic              16,891,274,970.99      10,462,264,668.17      38.06%               6.91%            -0.89%           4.87%
Overseas              15,327,042,665.78       8,212,706,255.29      46.42%               3.80%            -2.62%           3.54%
Domestic Sub-
To G                   4,333,197,296.68       2,360,838,585.93      45.52%               0.18%           -10.25%           6.33%
To B                   9,087,212,028.79       5,429,359,031.43      40.25%               9.92%             3.35%           3.80%
Others                 3,470,865,645.52       2,672,067,050.81      23.01%               8.24%             0.01%           6.33%
  When the statistical caliber of the company's main business data is adjusted in the reporting period, the company's
  main business data should be subject to the one after the statistical caliber at the end of the reporting period is
  adjusted in the most recent year.
  □ Applicable  Not applicable

  (3) Is the company's physical sales income greater than the labor income?

  Yes □ No

                                 Item                Unit                   2023                  2022            increase or
                            Sales volume            Unit/set                82,494,035            78,831,492               4.65%
   Smart            IoT      Production
                                                    Unit/set                79,919,254            78,017,213               2.44%
   Industry                    output
                                 Stock              Unit/set                10,493,991            13,068,772             -19.70%

  Reasons for over 30% changes in related data on year-on-year basis
  □ Applicable  Not applicable

  (4) Performance of major sales contracts and major procurement contracts signed by the Company as of
  the report period

  □ Applicable  Not applicable

  (5) Operating Cost Structure

  Industry Classification

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                    2023                                    2022                         Year-on-
   Industry                                                 Proportion to                            Proportion to         year
   Classification                          Amount            Operating             Amount             Operating        increase or
                                                                Cost                                     Cost           decrease

                                                          2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Smart       IoT   Operating
                                18,674,970,923.46          100.00%      18,989,797,670.92         100.00%           -1.66%
 Industry            Cost

Product Classification

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                 2023                                  2022                       Year-on-
 Product                                                Proportion to                         Proportion to         year
 Classification                         Amount           Operating           Amount            Operating        increase or
                                                            Cost                                  Cost           decrease
 Smart      IoT
 Products and                   14,925,853,403.30             79.92%    15,106,909,590.16           79.55%          -1.20%
 Software                          591,429,713.59              3.17%       457,050,171.52            2.41%          29.40%
 Innovative        Operating
                                 3,169,076,284.13             16.97%     2,759,497,499.20           14.53%          14.84%
 Businesses        Cost
 Others                            580,041,236.03              3.11%     1,123,390,581.56            5.92%         -48.37%

(6) Has the scope of consolidation changed during the reporting period?

Yes □ No

(1) The Company has established three domestic subsidiaries in this period: Zhejiang Shuhang Intelligent
Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Huaxiyue Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Huajie New Energy
Operation Service Co., Ltd. Additionally, it has established seven overseas subsidiaries: Dahua Technology
Belgium BV, Dahua Technology Regional Headquarters, Dahua Technology Azerbaijan LLC, Dahua Technology
Vietnam Company Limited, Huaray Technology Korea Company Limited, HuaRay Technology GmbH, and Dahua
Technology Angola S.U. lda. All the aforementioned subsidiaries have been consolidated into the financial reports
of the Company from their respective establishment dates.

(2) The Company's holding subsidiary, Huajian Technology, acquired 100% equity of Zhejiang Huajian Technology
Co., Ltd. in February 2023, thereby obtaining substantial control over it. Consequently, it has been consolidated into
the financial reports of the Company.

(3) The Company's subsidiary, Guizhou Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd., was deregistered during this
period and is no longer included in the financial report of the Company from the date of deregistration.

(7) Major changes or adjustments to the company's business, products, or services during the reporting

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(8) Major Clients and Suppliers

The Company's Major Clients

 Total sales amount of the top five customers                                                              3,524,879,758.55
 Proportion of the total sales amount of the top five                                                               10.94%

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 customers to the total annual sales
 Proportion of the total sales amount of the related parties
 in the top five customers to the total annual sales

Profiles of the Company's top five customers

                                                                                                 Proportion to the annual
             No.                     Name of customer                  Sales amount (RMB)
              1                           Company 1                           922,720,270.18                         2.86%
              2                  Company 2 (related party)                    865,178,578.92                         2.69%
              3                           Company 3                            755,011,698.83                        2.34%
              4                     Company 4 (Note 1)                        540,807,462.10                         1.68%
              5                           Company 5                           441,161,748.52                         1.37%
            Total                              --                            3,524,879,758.55                       10.94%

Note 1: Certain entities under the same control as Company 4 are related parties of the Company. The sales to
related parties amounted to RMB 535,229,822.82 yuan.
Other Information Notes for Major Clients
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Major suppliers
 Total Purchase Amount of Top Five Suppliers (yuan)                                                      2,804,668,334.92
 Proportion of the total purchase amount of top five
 suppliers to the total annual purchase amount
 Proportion of the total purchase amount of the related
 parties in top five suppliers to the total annual purchase                                                          0.00%
Profiles of the Company's top five suppliers
                                                                                                  Proportion to the total
             No.                       Supplier Name                  Purchase amount (RMB)
                                                                                                 annual purchase amount
              1                           Company 1                          1,014,239,959.03                        5.79%
              2                           Company 2                           681,353,779.99                         3.89%
              3                           Company 3                           380,171,785.65                         2.17%
              4                           Company 4                           374,291,935.60                         2.13%
              5                           Company 5                           354,610,874.65                         2.02%
            Total                              --                            2,804,668,334.92                       16.00%

Other Information Notes for Major Suppliers
□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Expenses

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Year-on-year          Statement on
                                   2023                        2022
                                                                               increase or decrease   Significant Changes
    Sales Expenses            5,292,570,225.69          5,115,163,159.61                      3.47%
                              1,257,429,514.27         1,143,968,823.89                       9.92%
                                                                                                      Due to fluctuations in
  Financial Expenses            -409,307,989.62          -510,976,797.98                    19.90%
                                                                                                      the exchange rate,

                                    2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                          gains from    foreign
Research and
development    3,967,248,795.22   3,883,005,582.82                2.17%

                                                        2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

4. R&D Investment

R&D personnel of the Company

                                          2023                          2022                     Change Ratio
 Number of R&D personnel                           12,372                        12,219                         1.25%
     Percentage of R&D
                                                  52.80%                        51.80%                          1.00%
 Education background of R&D personnel
          Bachelor                                  8,214                         7,900                         3.97%
      Master and above                              3,056                         3,242                       -5.74%
 Age of R&D personnel
          Under 30                                  6,537                         7,140                       -8.45%
            30-40                                   5,253                         4,652                       12.92%

Company's R&D investment

                                          2023                          2022                     Change Ratio
   R&D investment (yuan)                 3,967,248,795.22              3,883,005,582.82                         2.17%
    The proportion of R&D
   investment to operating                        12.31%                        12.70%                        -0.39%
      Capitalized R&D
                                                      0.00                          0.00                        0.00%
  Proportion of capitalized
  R&D investment to R&D                             0.00%                         0.00%                         0.00%

Causes and effects of significant changes in the composition of R&D personnel
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The reason for the significant change in the proportion of the total amount of R&D investment to operating revenue
compared with last year
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Reasons and rational explanations on the substantial change in capitalization rate of R&D investment
□ Applicable  Not applicable

5. Cash Flow

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                            Year-on-year increase or
             Item                         2023                          2022
 Subtotal of cash inflow
                                       37,198,634,257.76             36,530,473,767.40                          1.83%
 from operational activities
 Subtotal of cash outflow
                                       32,599,855,603.29             35,476,886,117.94                        -8.11%
 from operational activities
 Net cash flow generated by
                                         4,598,778,654.47              1,053,587,649.46                     336.49%
 operating activities
 Subtotal of cash inflow
                                         4,824,255,692.30              2,991,957,633.76                       61.24%
 from investment activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows               3,098,033,765.83              3,591,920,704.41                      -13.75%

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 from investment activities
 Net amount of cash flow
 generated by investment                      1,726,221,926.47               -599,963,070.65                      387.72%
 Subtotal of cash inflow
                                              8,465,159,516.11              5,909,237,490.28                          43.25%
 from financing activities
 Subtotal of cash outflow
                                              6,812,296,481.85              6,253,025,354.87                          8.94%
 from financing activities
 Net cash flow generated by
                                              1,652,863,034.26               -343,787,864.59                      580.78%
 financing activities
 Net Increase in Cash and
                                              8,002,194,542.32                260,888,200.31                    2,967.29%
 Cash Equivalents

Description of the main factors affecting the significant changes in related data over the same period of last year
 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. The net cash flow generated from operating activities increased by 336.49% compared to the same period of the
previous year, mainly due to a decrease in purchasing expenses compared to the same period of the previous year.

2. The net cash flow generated from investing activities increased by 387.72% compared to the same period of the
previous year, primarily due to a higher cash inflow from equity transfers during this period.

3. The net cash flow generated from financing activities increased by 580.78% compared to the same period of the
previous year, mainly due to an increase in funds received from investment absorption during this period.

Reasons for the significant difference between the net cash flow generated by the company's operating activities in
the reporting period and the net profit in the current year
□ Applicable  Not applicable

V. Non-Main Business Analysis

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                         Percentage of
                                                                                                            Whether it is
                                   Amount                    profit                 Reasons
                                                                          Mainly due to the disposal of
                                                                          a 7.88% equity stake in
 Investment income              4,495,973,812.03                55.36%    Leapmotor Technology, a                           No
                                                                          company in which the
                                                                          Company holds shares.

VI. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant changes in assets composition

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                              End of 2023                           Start of 2023              Proportion    Statement on
                      Amount                Proportion           Amount          Proportion    increase      Significant

                                                        2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                         To Total                          To Total    and           Changes
                                         Assets                            Assets      decrease
                                                                                                     The main reason
                                                                                                     is the receipt of
                                                                                                     funds raised from
 Cash and                                                                                            private
 Bank            15,971,005,114.47         30.20%       8,029,878,650.77     17.36%        12.84%    placements and
 Balances                                                                                            the disposal of
                                                                                                     equity interests in
 Accounts                                                                                            No           major
                 16,276,803,954.03         30.78%      15,411,908,561.50     33.32%         -2.54%   changes.
 Contract                                                                                            No             major
                      86,714,216.34         0.16%        106,335,405.35       0.23%         -0.07%   changes.
                                                                                                     This is primarily
                                                                                                     due to a decrease
 Inventory        5,332,608,544.02         10.08%      7,315,372,440.02      15.82%         -5.74%   in       inventory
                                                                                                     during the current
 Investment                                                                                          No           major
                    129,637,004.00          0.25%        423,035,823.82       0.91%         -0.66%   changes.
                                                                                                     This is attributed
                                                                                                     to the disposal of
                                                                                                     some        equity
 Equity             727,453,629.75          1.38%      1,461,099,644.55       3.16%         -1.78%
                                                                                                     interests        in
 Fixed                                                                                               No           major
                  4,937,180,876.88          9.34%      4,643,617,574.85      10.04%         -0.70%   changes.
 Projects                                                                                            No             major
 under                                                                                               changes.
                  1,008,612,408.49          1.91%        423,535,552.03       0.92%         0.99%
 Right-of-                                                                                           No             major
                    299,202,586.56          0.57%        314,700,977.50       0.68%         -0.11%   changes.
 use Assets
                                                                                                     This is primarily
 Short-term                                                                                          due     to     the
                    957,426,330.18          1.81%        257,943,618.51       0.56%         1.25%
 loan                                                                                                increase in bill
 Contract                                                                                            No           major
                  1,194,534,307.04          2.26%       1,219,548,011.88      2.64%         -0.38%   changes.
                                                                                                     This was mainly
 Long-term                                                                                           caused         by
                                            0.00%        453,825,000.00       0.98%         -0.98%
 loan                                                                                                repayment for the
                                                                                                     long-term loans.
 Lease                                                                                               No          major
                    176,580,049.57          0.33%        196,340,654.27       0.42%         -0.09%   changes.

The proportion of overseas assets is relatively high
□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                            Changes in
              At the                                                   Purchase     Sales
                            fair value    Cumulative   Impairment                                               At the end
              beginning                                                amount of    amount of
                            gains and     fair value   loss of the                                Other         of the
Item          of the                                                   the          the
                            losses in     changes in   reporting                                  variations    reporting
              reporting                                                reporting    reporting
                            the current   equity       period                                                   period
              period                                                   period       period
Financial Assets
1. Other
               931,043,13   101,037,45                                 500,000,00   2,971,341.3   6,633,141.0   1,535,742,3
                     0.33         5.74                                       0.00             7             1         85.71
               679,441,91                                                                         131,271,35    810,713,26
                     7.62                                                                               0.24          7.86
s Financing
3. Other      1,470,000.0                                                                                       1,470,000.0
events                  0                                                                                                 0
              1,611,955,0   101,037,45                                 500,000,00   2,971,341.3   137,904,49    2,347,925,6
                    47.95         5.74                                       0.00             7         1.25          53.57
              1,611,955,0   101,037,45                                 500,000,00   2,971,341.3   137,904,49    2,347,925,6
                    47.95          5.74                                      0.00             7         1.25          53.57
Financial     26,652,319.
                            26,590,919.                                                                          61,400.12
liabilities           25

Are there any significant changes in the measurement attributes of the company's main assets during the reporting
□ Yes  No

3. Restrictions on asset rights as of the end of the reporting period

As of December 31, 2023, restricted assets of the Company are as follows:

Item                                      Closing balance (RMB)                     Cause of restrictions
                                                                                    Guarantee letter security deposit and
Cash and Bank Balances                                           75,843,683.23
                                                                                    other restricted funds
                                                                                    Pledge used         to  issue bank
Notes receivable and receivables
                                                               951,747,362.20       acceptance bills and endorsed or
                                                                                    discounted notes not derecognized
                                                                                    Non-derecognition of supply chain
Accounts receivable                                                  7,238,385.64
                                                                                    finance discounting and factoring
Total                                                        1,034,829,431.07

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

VII. Investment Analysis

1. Overview

 Applicable □ Not applicable

  Investment in the Reporting Period         Investment for the same Period of
                                                                                                  Rate of Change
                (RMB)                                    Last Year
                      3,337,590,020.22                              512,368,718.70                                  551.40%

2. Significant equity investments acquired during the reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Major non-equity investments underway during the reporting period

 Applicable □ Not applicable
For details, refer to Section 5 "Utilization of Raised Funds".

4. Financial assets investment

(1). Securities investment

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such case as securities investment during the reporting period.

(2). Derivatives investment

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1) Derivative investments made during the reporting period for the purpose of hedging

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB ten thousand

                                            in fair
 Types of                                                 Cumulativ     Amount       Amount                        t amount
 derivative    Initial                                    e fair        purchased    sold                          in the
                              Opening       gains and                                               Closing
 s             investmen                                  value         during the   during the                    company’
                              balance       losses in                                               balance
 investmen     t amount                                   changes       reporting    reporting                     s net
 t                                                        in equity     period       period                        assets at
                                                                                                                   end of the
                                                                         514,817.4    540,120.7
 exchange                     55,141.49       2,659.09                                              29,838.25          0.86%
                                                                                 6            0
                                                                   514,817.4 540,120.7
 Total                        55,141.49       2,659.09                                        29,838.25          0.86%
                                                                             6            0
 Explanation of whether the        The Company calculated and presented its foreign exchange derivatives trading

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Company’s hedging               business in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 -
business accounting policies     Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, Accounting Standards for
and specific accounting          Business Enterprises No. 37 - Presentation of Financial Instruments and other
principles have changed          relevant provisions. Held-for-trading financial assets/held-for-trading financial liabilities
significantly during the         were adopted for initial and subsequent measurements of the foreign exchange
reporting period compared        contracts. The fair values of the foreign exchange contracts were basically determined
with the previous reporting      by referencing the different parameters of the financial institutions based on the then
period                           market conditions as well as the remaining term and duration of transaction, so as to
                                 be recognized as the held-for-trading financial assets or held-for-trading financial
                                 liabilities. There was no significant change in the fair values of the foreign exchange
                                 contracts compared with that in the previous reporting period.
Description of actual profit
                                 During this reporting period, the actual profit and loss amounted to RMB -44,929,400
and loss during the reporting
                                 The Company carried out foreign exchange hedging business appropriately as the
Descriptions of the effect of
                                 case may be, which could effectively reduce the risks in foreign exchange market and
                                 avoid exchange rate risks.
Sources of funds for
                                 Equity Fund
derivatives investment
Risk analysis and description
of control measures for
derivatives positions during
                                 For specific details regarding risk analysis and control measures, see the Company's
the reporting period
                                 announcement titled "Announcement on Carrying out Foreign Exchange Hedging
(including but not limited to
                                 Transactions" (Announcement No. 2023-030), disclosed on April 28, 2023.
market risk, liquidity risk,
credit risk, operational risk,
legal risk, etc.)
Changes in market prices or
                                 The Company recognized and measured its foreign exchange hedging business in
product fair value of invested
                                 accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition
derivatives during the
                                 and Measurement of Financial Instruments, Accounting Standards for Business
reporting period, and the
                                 Enterprises No. 37 - Presentation of Financial Instruments and other relevant
analysis of the fair value of
                                 provisions. The fair values of foreign exchange forward contracts were basically
derivatives should disclose
                                 measured and recognized by referencing the different parameters of the financial
the specific methods used
                                 institutions based on the then market conditions as well as the remaining term and
and the setting of related
                                 duration of the transaction. During the reporting period, the fair value change income
assumptions and
                                 of foreign exchange contracts was RMB 26,590,900 yuan.
Litigation involved (if
Disclosure date of board of
directors' announcement on
                                 April 28, 2023
the approval of derivatives
investment (if any)
Disclosure date of
shareholder meeting's
announcement on the              May 27, 2023
approval of derivatives
investment (if any)
Independent directors'
special opinions on the          For details, please refer to the "Independent Opinions of Independent Directors on
Company's derivatives            Related Matters" disclosed by the Company on April 28, 2023.
investment and risk control

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2) Derivatives investments for speculative purposes during the reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company had no derivatives investments for speculative purposes during the reporting period.

5. Utilization of raised funds

 Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Overview of utilization of raised funds

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                            Unit: RMB ten thousand

                                                                       Cumul    tion of
                                                             t of
                                                                       ative    cumula
                                          Total                        total    tive                          Amoun
                                                   Cumul     funds                                  Purpos
                                          amoun                        amoun    total     Total               t of
                                                   ative     whose                                  e and
                     Total      Net       t of                         t of     amoun     amoun               raised
                                                   total     purpos                                 disposi
           Metho     amoun      amoun     raised                       raised   t of      t of                funds
 Year of                                           amoun     e has                                  tion of
           d of      t of       t of      funds                        funds    raised    raised              unuse
 raising                                           t of      been                                   raised
           raising   raised     raised    used                         whose    funds     funds               d for
                                                   raised    chang                                  funds
                     funds      funds     during                       purpos   whose     not yet             over
                                                   funds     ed                                     not
                                          this                         e has    purpos    used                two
                                                   used      during                                 used
                                          period                       been     e has                         years
                                                                       chang    been
                                                                       ed       chang
           public                                                                                     Bank
                     509,99     508,98    389,16   389,16                                 124,63
 2023      issuan                                                  0        0    0.00%                  of            0
                       9.92       3.26      1.55     1.55                                   5.81
           ce of                                                                                    deposit
                     509,99     508,98    389,16   389,16                                 124,63
 Total     --                                                      0        0    0.00%                   --           0
                       9.92       3.26      1.55     1.55                                   5.81
 Explanation of overall use of raised funds
 1. According to the approval issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in the document titled "Approval
 for the Non-public Issuance of Shares by Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd." (CSRC Permit [2022] No. 853), the
 Company issued 293,103,400 shares to specific parties at a price of RMB 17.40 yuan per share. The total amount of
 funds raised in this issuance was RMB 5,099,999,160.00 yuan. After deducting expenses related to the issuance
 amounting to RMB 10,166,575.28 yuan (excluding value-added tax), the net amount of funds raised was RMB
 5,089,832,584.72 yuan. This amount has been verified by BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP
 (special general partnership), who issued the "Verification Report" (XKSBZ [2023] ZF10231).
 2. The Company has cumulatively used raised funds totaling RMB 3,891,615,500 yuan (including the upfront
 investment replacement amount of RMB 2,156,868,200 yuan). The net amount of bank interest received is RMB
 48.141 million yuan. As of December 31, 2023, the remaining balance of raised funds unused is RMB 1,246,358,100
 yuan (excluding unpaid issuance expenses of RMB 1.2728 million yuan).

                                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Status of projects for which the raised funds are promised to be used

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                             Unit: RMB ten thousand

            r there                                                                                           Whethe
 ted                   Total                          Cumula    Investm
            has                                                             Schedul                Whethe     r there
 investm               committ   Total     Amount     tive      ent
            been a                                                          ed date     Benefits   r          are
 ent                   ed        investm   Investe    amount    progres
            change                                                          for         achieve    expecte    significa
 projects              investm   ent       d in the   investe   s as of
            in                                                              projects    d during   d          nt
 and                   ent       amount    Current    d as of   the end
            projects                                                        to reach    the        benefits   change
 allocati              amount    after     Reporti    the end   of the
            (includi                                                        intende     reportin   have       s in
 on of                 of        adjustm   ng         of the    period
            ng                                                              d           g period   been       project
 excess                raised    ent (1)   Period     period    (3) = (2)
            partial                                                         usability              realized   feasibilit
 raised                funds                          (2)       / (1)
            change                                                                                            y
 Committed investment projects
 Solution            92,990.   92,990.     92,990.    92,990.    100.00                 3,391.5
             No                                                                2023                No         No
 R&D                       00       00         00         00         %                        5
 phase II
                                                                                        Not        Not
 of the              77,580.   77,580.     74,279.    74,279.
             No                                                 95.75%         2024     applica    applica    No
 smart                     00       00         88         88
                                                                                        ble.       ble.
 base in
 Project                                                                                Not        Not
                     88,960.   88,960.     58,444.    58,444.                                                 Please
 of Xi'an    No                                                 65.70%      2026        applica    applica
                           00       00         33         33                                                  refer to
 R&D                                                                                    ble.       ble.
 Center                                                                                                       the
 (Note 1)                                                                                                     explana
 New                                                                                                          tion of
 Southw                                                                                                       nt
 est                                                                                                          change
                                                                                        Not        Not        s       in
 R&D                100,470 100,470        13,335.    13,335.
             No                                                 13.27%      2026        applica    applica
 Center                   .00      .00         35         35                                                  project
                                                                                        ble.       ble.
 of                                                                                                           feasibilit
 Dahua                                                                                                        y
 (Note 1)
                                                                100.76      Not         Not        Not
 ment to            148,983 148,983        150,111    150,111
             No                                                 % (Note     applica     applica    applica    No
 working                  .26      .26         .99        .99
                                                                2)          ble.        ble.       ble.

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

total of
                       508,983     508,983    389,161    389,161                           3,391.5
ed              --                                                         --         --                     --         --
                            .26        .26        .55        .55                                 5
Allocation of excess funds
                       508,983     508,983 389,161 389,161                                  3,391.5
Total      --                                                                --        --                    --         --
                            .26            .26        .55       .55                               5
                                  1. The Smart IoT Solution Research and Industrialization Project did not achieve the
                                  expected benefits mainly due to (1) industry-wide influences resulting in lower-than-
Explanation of projects not
                                  expected project revenue; (2) adjustments made to product structure to address
meeting planned progress or
                                  market demands and expand into specific scenarios, leading to a decrease in gross
expected returns and
                                  profit margin for certain product lines; (3) the Company's continued emphasis on
reasons (including reasons
                                  research, development, and commercialization in areas such as software platforms,
for selecting "Not Applicable"
                                  cloud computing, and big data, resulting in increased R&D expenditure.
for "Whether expected
                                  2. The phase II construction project of the smart manufacturing base in Hangzhou is
benefits have been realized")
                                  still in the investment period, and there are no expected benefits corresponding to this
                                  reporting period.
                                  The Company convened the Fourth Meeting of the Eighth Board of Directors and the
                                  Third Meeting of the Eighth Supervisory Board on January 12, 2024, and held the
                                  First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2024 on January 29,
                                  2024. The meetings deliberated and approved the "Proposal on Adjusting the
                                  Investment Amount, Investment Structure, and Increasing the Implementation Entity
                                  and Implementation Location of Some Fundraising Projects," agreeing to adjust the
                                  investment amount, raised fund investment amount, internal investment structure,
                                  implementation methods and entities, implementation locations, and project names of
Explanation of significant        the "Construction Project of Xi'an R & D Center" and the "New project of Southwest
changes in project feasibility    R&D Center of Dahua Co., Ltd."
                                  As a result of the aforementioned adjustments, the Company simultaneously adjusted
                                  the construction area of the project sites and the investment amount of raised fund
                                  required for site construction. For the amount of raised fund already invested in and
                                  exceeding the amount required for site construction, the Company has exchanged a
                                  total of RMB 403.882 million yuan with its own funds on February 1, 2024, to replace
                                  the raised funds to be replaced and the interest calculated based on the raised funds
                                  invested in each year before this adjustment, calculated at the market loan interest
                                  rate for each respective year.
Usage and progress of
                                  Not applicable.
excess raised funds
Changes in the
implementation locations of
                                  Not applicable.
raised fund investment
                                  On May 19, 2023, the Company convened the Forty-third Meeting of the Seventh
                                  Board of Directors and the Thirtieth Meeting of the Seventh Supervisory Board,
Adjustments to the                approving the "Proposal on Increasing Some Fundraising Project Implementing
implementation methods of         Entities," agreeing to add Chengdu Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd., a
raised fund investment            wholly-owned subsidiary, as one of the implementing entities for the fundraising
projects                          project "New project of Southwest R&D Center of Dahua Co., Ltd." (now renamed as
                                  "5G, IoT, and Multidimensional Perception Product Solution Research and
                                  Development Project").
Advance investment and            On May 19, 2023, the Company convened the Forty-third Meeting of the Seventh
replacement status of             Board of Directors and the Thirtieth Meeting of the Seventh Supervisory Board,
fundraising investment            approving the "Proposal on Using Raised Funds to Replace Self-raised Funds

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 projects                           Previously Invested in Fundraising Projects and Issuance Expenses Already Paid,"
                                    agreeing to use a total of RMB 2,156.8682 million yuan of raised funds to replace self-
                                    raised funds previously invested in fundraising projects and to use RMB 2.2211 million
                                    yuan of raised funds to replace self-raised funds previously used to pay issuance
                                    expenses, totaling RMB 2,159.0893 million yuan of raised funds to replace the
                                    aforementioned previously invested and paid self-raised funds. During the reporting
                                    period, the Company has completed the aforementioned capital replacement with
                                    raised funds, in accordance with the regulation stipulating the replacement within six
                                    months of the receipt of raised funds.
 The temporary
 supplementation of working         Not applicable.
 capital with idle raised funds
 The amount and reasons for
 the surplus of raised funds
                                    Not applicable.
 during project
 Purpose and disposition of         Unused raised funds (including interest income from the raised funds account) are
 raised funds not used              kept in the Company's special account for raised funds.
 Issues or other
 circumstances regarding the
 use and disclosure of raised

Note 1: The project names were changed in January 2024. "Construction Project of Xi'an R & D Center" was changed
to "AI Technology Research and Application Project," and "New project of Southwest R&D Center of Dahua Co., Ltd."
was changed to "5G, IoT, and Multidimensional Perception Product Solution Research and Development Project."

Note 2: The actual investment in relevant supplementary working capital projects exceeds the committed total
investment of raised funds, due to bank deposit interest income.

(3) Changes to projects for which raised funds intended to be used

□ Applicable  Not applicable
There were no raised fund project changes during the reporting period.

VIII. Major Assets and Equity Sales

1. Major assets sales

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No major assets sales in the reporting period of the Company

2. Major equity sales

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                            Trans     The      The      The       Pricin   Whet     The      Whet     Whet
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                                                          2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

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                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                              the                affiliat
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IX. Analysis of Major Subsidiaries and Associates

 Applicable □ Not applicable
Major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies with a net profit impact of over 10%.

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

 Company       Company                     Registere      Total          Net         Operating    Operating
                            businesse                                                                           Net Profit
  Name           Type                      d Capital     Assets         Assets        revenue      Profit
                            on      and
 Zhejiang                   projects;
 Dahua                      technolog
 System       Subsidiary    y              500,000,0   3,347,849,      1,269,980,    1,060,066,   4,965,954.    19,904,35
 Engineeri    Company       developm       00.00           044.45          252.01        495.48           88         7.04
 ng    Co.,                 ent,
 Ltd.                       services,
                            on      and

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                           ring and
                           import and
                           export of
                           goods and
                           on,     and
Zhejiang                   of
Dahua                      computer
              Subsidiary                  1,306,810,   23,252,03   2,492,881,   21,737,92   134,019,6    123,665,4
Vision                     hardware
              Company                     000.00        0,866.78       654.80    3,298.19       42.77        95.71
Technolog                  and
y Co., Ltd.                software;
                           ring and
                           and safety

                                                        2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                         of     IOT
                         on,    and
                         ring and
                         ring and
Dahua       Subsidiary                1,885,800,   7,025,248,   1,593,231,   6,732,970,   140,622,9   40,503,13
Zhilian     Company                   000.00           134.94       586.71       923.10       28.61        0.39
Co., Ltd.
                         ts, safety
                         leasing of
                         import and
                         export of

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                             Method of acquisition and disposal of
                                                                                     Impact on    overall   production
 Company Name                                subsidiaries during the reporting
                                                                                     management and performance
                                                                                     No significant   impact on overall
 Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co.,
                                             Purchase of equity                      production,      operation,  and
                                                                                     No significant   impact on overall
 Zhejiang    Shuhang           Intelligent
                                             Established with investment             production,      operation,  and
 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     No significant   impact on overall
 Guangdong Huaxiyue            Intelligent
                                             Established with investment             production,      operation,  and
 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     No significant   impact on overall
 Zhejiang   Huajie    New        Energy
                                             Established with investment             production,      operation,  and
 Operation Service Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     No significant   impact on overall
 Dahua Technology Belgium BV                 Established with investment             production,      operation,  and
                                                                                     No significant   impact on overall
 Dahua Technology Regional
                                             Established with investment             production,      operation,  and
                                                                                     No significant   impact on overall
 Dahua Technology Azerbaijan LLC             Established with investment             production,      operation,  and
                                                                                     No significant   impact on overall
 Dahua Technology Vietnam
                                             Established with investment             production,      operation,  and
 Company Limited
 HUARAY TECHNOLOGY               KOREA                                               No significant   impact on overall
 COMPANY                                     Established with investment             production,      operation,  and
 LIMITED                                                                             performance
                                                                                     No significant   impact on overall
 Huaray technology GmbH                      Established with investment             production,      operation,  and
                                                                                     No significant   impact on overall
 Dahua Technology Angola S.U.
                                             Established with investment             production,      operation,  and
                                                                                     No significant   impact on overall
 Guizhou     Dahua          Information
                                             Deregistration                          production,      operation,  and
 Technology Co., Ltd.

X. Structured Entity Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable  Not applicable

XI. Prospects for the Future Development of the Company

1. Deepening High-Quality Development
     Dahua will continue to pay the most attention in the smart IoT industry, adhere to the strategic
positioning of a video-centric smart IoT solution and service provider, and focuses on two major
business directions of cities and enterprises. It will focus on two main business directions: urban and

                                                      2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

enterprise sectors. With insights into industry scenarios and profound understanding of customer
needs, the Company will provide good smart IoT solutions, so as to promote high-quality, green and
innovative development of economy and society. Simultaneously, adhering to the core values of
"achieving success for customers and stakeholders", the Company upholds the mission of "making
society smarter and life better". Grounded in the market with exceptional products and services, the
Company aims to create greater value for customers, enabling various industries to enjoy the benefits
of technology and contributing tirelessly to the construction of a better and harmonious world.
     In response to the rapid advancing of AI, the Company will continue to invest heavily in research
and development in relevant areas, driving the large-scale implementation of the AI industry. The
Company will deepen the research and application of its Galaxy industry model, exploring the value
of video-centric data elements, empowering efficient urban governance systems and facilitating the
transformation and upgrading of enterprises into intelligent entities. After years of accumulation, the
Company has garnered extensive business experience across various industries in government and
enterprises settings. Focusing on industry demands and leveraging multi-modal and foundation
model technology capabilities, the Company will prioritize the development and industrial
implementation of industry visual foundation models for industry-specific applications. This will further
accelerate the expansion of government and enterprise intelligence and enhance the penetration rate
of AI.
     To grasp the vast opportunities in the smart IoT industry, the Company will deepen altruistic
thinking and strengthen ecological construction, creating unique and differentiated value for partners
to realize a new ecosystem of "co-construction, symbiosis, and mutual benefit." By enhancing the
Company's capability to meet the digitalization needs across various industries, increasing investment
in innovative business ventures, optimizing the construction of the Company's global marketing
network and organizational capabilities, advancing operational decentralization, and strengthening its
global compliance system, the Company aims to maintain steady growth in its operational scale while
sustaining a healthy gross profit margin, continuously improving cash flow, targeting sustained growth
in net profits, and achieving balanced development of businesses. These efforts will lay a solid
foundation for sustainable high-quality development.

2. Focus on prioritized tasks
(1) The Company is committed to continuously increasing investments in innovation and core
     technologies, establishing barriers with core technological capabilities, and maintaining a focus
     on AIoT and IoT digital intelligence platforms as its two main technological directions. It aims to
     construct capabilities of "Full Sensing, Full Connection, Full Intelligence, Full Computing, and Full
     Ecosystem" to achieve triple enhancements in the comprehensive 6D perception technology,
     elevating video perception capabilities in multiple dimensions, and broadly expanding full-
     frequency domain perception capabilities. The Company is also strengthening its research and
     development in AI, integrating multimodal and foundation model capabilities to advance the
     development and industrial application of industry-specific vision-based foundation models,

                                                   2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    accelerating the AI industry upgrade, and further expanding the scale of digital and intelligent
    services for cities and enterprises.
(2) The Company adheres to a full ecosystem strategy, anchoring its focus on realizing customer
    value through services. By building all-round open capabilities from technology, business to
    service, and opening up to industry customers and developers with hardware, software,
    algorithms, services and business ecology, the Company works together with its partners to
    pioneer new fields and create new dynamics, so as to jointly develop infinite possibilities for
    industrial development and empower the digital transformation of various industries.
(3) The Company will optimize its global marketing network, continue to reach more customers in key
    domestic cities and key overseas countries, explore customers' needs, strengthen the front-line
    operation, technology and service capacity, accelerate the response in front-line business, find
    accurate resources and accumulate customers with value.
(4) In the field of innovative businesses, leveraging in-depth understanding of diverse customer needs
    and years of accumulation in the field of intelligent IoT, the Company continues to explore
    emerging business areas, including: machine vision and mobile robots, smart living, thermal
    imaging, automotive electronics, smart security inspection, smart fire protection, storage media,
    and other innovative businesses, aiming to continuously expand new high-growth points for the
(5) Deepen intelligent manufacturing and construct a digital supply system tailored to customer
    needs. Through the construction of digital supply chain capabilities, including visualizing the
    manufacturing process, optimizing logistics, effectively managing suppliers, planning delivery
    capacities, and fostering efficient internal collaboration, the Company achieves timely and
    reliable delivery commitments to meet customer demands.
(6) Enhancing operational efficiency within the enterprise, the Company focuses on high-quality
    business, so as to further upgrade the fine management of clients and business opportunities,
    and enhance frontline operational capabilities. The supply chain implements flexible sourcing to
    reduce delivery time and further lower costs. Strengthening quality management, the Company
    puts in comprehensive effort to enhance product delivery and quality, promoting the practical
    application of new technologies in intelligent software programming, intelligent pre-sales, and
    intelligent operations and maintenance.
(7) The Company will strengthen organizational capabilities, advance the deployment of operational
    talents into various operational areas; focus on employee development, cultivate a stable
    workforce structure, and foster a virtuous cycle involving both management personnel and
    technical professionals; advocate a high-performance culture, enhance organizational and
    individual efficiency; inspire hard work for reward, and continue to promote the "Employee
    Development Community Plan".
(8) The Company will continuously advance the construction of the compliance system and effectively
safeguard the compliant operation and steady development of businesses.

                                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

XII. Reception of Visits, Communication, Interviews, and Other Activities in the Report Period

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                   Main content
                                                                                       of the         Index of the
   Reception        Reception      Reception       Reception        Reception       discussion            basic
     Time            location       Method         target type       objects         and the         information of
                                                                                   information          research
                                                                                                     Records of
                                                                                   The business
                                                                  A total of 24                      Relations
                                                                                   summary in
                                                                  institutions                       Activities on
                                                                                   2022 and the
 February 6,                     Field                            including                          February 6th
                  Meeting room                   Institution                       development
 2023                            Investigation                    Sinolink                           and 8th, 2023
                                                                                   outlook for
                                                                  Securities and                     (Published on
                                                                                   2023 for the
                                                                  Bosra Funds                        Juchao
                                                                                   The               Records of
                                                                                   Company's         Investor
                                                                  A total of 10    Investments       Relations
                                                                  institutions     and Strategic     Activities on
                                                                  including        Positioning in    February 16th
 February 16,                    Field
                  Meeting room                   Institution      CITIC            Software, and     and 17th,
 2023                            Investigation
                                                                  Securities and   the Products      2023
                                                                  Caitong          and Intelligent   (Published on
                                                                  Securities       Advantages of     Juchao
                                                                                   Its Subsidiary    Information
                                                                                   IMOU              Network)
                                                                                                     Records of
                                                                  A total of 12    Business
                                                                  institutions     Development
                                                                                                     Activities on
                                 Field                            including        Outlook for
 March 1, 2023    Meeting room                   Institution                                         March 1, 2023
                                 Investigation                    Xinda Aoyin      2023 and the
                                                                                                     (Published on
                                                                  and Granford     Development
                                                                  Capital          Status of the
                                                                                   Dahua Haorui
                                                                                                     Records of
                                                                  A total of 15    Company's
                                                                  institutions,    High-
                                                                  including        Reusability
                                                                                                     Activities on
                                                                  Topsperity       Application
                                 Field                                                               March 9th and
 March 9, 2023    Meeting room                   Institution      Securities       Scenario
                                 Investigation                                                       10th, 2023
                                                                  Asset            Solutions and
                                                                                                     (Published on
                                                                  Management       the Extent of
                                                                  and Essence      Ecological
                                                                  Securities.      Collaboration
                                                                  A total of 9     The               Records of
                                                                  institutions     Company's         Investor
 March 13,                       Field
                  Meeting room                   Institution      including        Initiatives in    Relations
 2023                            Investigation
                                                                  China            Channel           Activities on
                                                                  Universal        Ecological        March 13th

                                                        2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                 Asset            Cooperation       and 14th,
                                                                 Management,      and Solutions     2023
                                                                 AXA SPDB         with High         (Published on
                                                                 Investment       Reusability in    Juchao
                                                                 Managers,        Application       Information
                                                                 etc.             Scenarios         Network)
                                                                                                    Records of
                                                                 A total of 7     Omni-
                                                                                                    Activities on
                                                                 institutions     Ecological
                                                                                                    March 23th
March 23,                       Field                            including        Architecture
                 Meeting room                   Institution                                         and 24th,
2023                            Investigation                    Harvest Fund     and the
                                                                 and First-       Implementatio
                                                                                                    (Published on
                                                                 Trust Fund       n of the
                                                                                  Company's AI
                                                                                                    Records of
                                                                                  The Overall
                                                                 A total of 282   Operational
                                                                 institutions     Status of the
                                                                                                    Activities on
                                                                 including        Company in
                                Field                                                               April 28th,
April 28, 2023   Meeting room                   Institution      CICC and         2022 and the
                                Investigation                                                       2023
                                                                 China            Outlook for
                                                                                                    (Published on
                                                                 Merchants        Cooperation
                                                                 Securities       with China
                                                                                  implementatio     Records of
                                                                                  n status of the   Investor
                                                                 A total of 10
                                                                                  Company's AI      Relations
                                                                                  technology        Activities on
                                Field                                             and the           May 11th and
May 11, 2023     Meeting room                   Institution      Changjiang
                                Investigation                                     Company's         12th, 2023
                                                                 Pension and
                                                                                  strategy and      (Published on
                                                                 China Life
                                                                                  execution in      Juchao
                                                                                  the               Information
                                                                                  multimodal        Network)
                                                                                  The co-
                                                                                  creation of
                                                                                  technology        Records of
                                                                                  with              Investor
                                                                 A total of 8     ecosystem         Relations
                                                                 institutions     partners by       Activities on
                                Field                            including        the Company,      May 16th and
May 16, 2023     Meeting room                   Institution
                                Investigation                    Sinolink         along with        17th, 2023
                                                                 Securities and   specific          (Published on
                                                                 Efunds           industry          Juchao
                                                                                  applications of   Information
                                                                                  intelligent       Network)
                                                                 A total of 30    The recent        Records of
                                                Institutions     institutions     development       Investor
May 26, 2023     Meeting room                   and              including        of the            Relations
                                                individuals      Harvest Fund     Company's         Activities on
                                                                 and Orient       industrial        May 26th,

                                                      2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                               Securities,      robots and          2023
                                                               and 6            machine             (Published on
                                                               individual       vision              Juchao
                                                               investors        businesses,         Information
                                                               including        and the             Network)
                                                               Zhen Rongjun     Company's
                                                                                support for
                                                                                n in
                                                                                                    Records of
                                                                                of the
                                                               A total of 6                         Relations
                                                               institutions                         Activities from
                              Field                            including                            June 7th to
June 7, 2023   Meeting room                   Institution                       business and
                              Investigation                    Bosra Funds                          9th, 2023
                                                               and Guolian                          (Published on
                                                               Securities                           Juchao
                                                                                between the
                                                                                Company and
                                                                                China Mobile
                                                               A total of 213                       Records of
                                                               institutions                         Investor
                                                               including                            Relations
                                                               Morgan                               Activities on
                              Telephone       Institutions                      in the first half
August 26,                                                     Stanley and                          August 26th,
               Meeting room   communicatio    and                               of 2023 and
2023                                                           Sequoia                              2023
                              n               individuals                       the outlook for
                                                               Capital, and 6                       (Published on
                                                               individual                           Juchao
                                                               investors such                       Information
                                                                                trends in the
                                                               as Xie Ziyou                         Network)
                                                                                second half
                                                                                                    Records of
                                                               A total of 11    Company's
                                                               institutions     progress in
                                                                                                    Activities on
                                                               including        foundation
September                     Field                                                                 September
               Meeting room                   Institution      Zheshang         model
19, 2023                      Investigation                                                         19, 2023
                                                               Securities and   research and
                                                                                                    (Published on
                                                               Essence          development,
                                                               Securities       and in
                                                                                software field
                                                               A total of 212                       Records of
                                                               institutions                         Investor
                                                               including                            Relations
                                                               CICC and                             Activities on
                              Telephone       Institutions                      in the first
October 21,                                                    Goldman                              October 21,
               Meeting room   communicatio    and                               three quarters
2023                                                           Sachs (Asia),                        2023
                              n               individuals                       of 2023 and
                                                               and 6                                (Published on
                                                                                the outlook for
                                                               individual                           Juchao
                                                               investors such                       Information
                                                               as Yang Yiran.                       Network)
                                                                                trends in the

                                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  The recent
                                                                                  release of the
                                                                  A total of 11                     Records of
                                                                  institutions                      Investor
                                                                                  "Dahua Think
                                                                  including                         Relations
                                                                                  #2.0" strategy,
                                                                  China                             Activities on
                                                                  International                     November
 November 10,                    Field                                            characteristics
                 Meeting room                    Institution      Fund                              10th and 13th,
 2023                            Investigation                                    of industry
                                                                  Management                        2023
                                                                  and China                         (Published on
                                                                                  model, and
                                                                  Universal                         Juchao
                                                                                  the progress
                                                                  Asset                             Information
                                                                                  of cooperation
                                                                  Management                        Network)
                                                                                  with China
                                                                                  of the
                                                                                  Company in
                                                                                                    Records of
                                                                                  the field of
                                                                  A total of 9    "Full
                                                                  institutions    Sensing", the
                                                                                                    Activities on
                                                                  including       introduction of
 December 1,                     Field                                                              December1st
                 Meeting room                    Institution      Changjiang      the
 2023                            Investigation                                                      and 4th, 2023
                                                                  Pension and     Company's
                                                                                                    (Published on
                                                                  Founder         lightweight
                                                                  Securities      Genius AI
                                                                                  open platform,
                                                                                  as well as the

XIII. The Implementation of the "Quality and Returns Enhancement" Action Plan

Has the Company disclosed the "Quality and Returns Enhancement" action plan?
Yes □ No

      To safeguard the interests of all shareholders and based on confidence in the Company's future
development prospects and recognition of the stock's value, the Company has formulated the
"Quality and Returns Enhancement" action plan. For specific details, see the announcement titled
"Announcement on the 'Quality and Returns Enhancement' Action Plan" disclosed on February 7,
2024, on the Juchao Information Network (announcement number: 2024-013).
      The Company consistently prioritizes high-quality development, adhering to the core values of
"achieving success for customers and stakeholders", and fulfilling the mission of "making society
smarter and life better." Leveraging two major technological strategies, AloT and IoT digital
intelligence platform, the Company empowers the construction of efficient urban governance systems
and the digital intelligence transformation and upgrading of enterprises. It deeply understands
industry scenarios, comprehends customer needs, provides comprehensive smart IoT solutions, and
is committed to building the preferred brand for smart IoT, promoting high-quality, green, and
innovative economic and social development.
      The Company continuously strengthens its corporate governance foundation by establishing
internal control systems and promoting the responsible performance of the shareholders meeting,

                                                      2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

board of directors, board of supervisors, and the management team. It regulates the rights and
obligations of the Company and shareholders, preventing the abuse of shareholder rights and the use
of management advantages to harm the interests of small and medium investors. The Company
enhances investor relations management, expands channels for institutional investors to participate in
corporate governance, guides small and medium investors to actively participate in shareholders'
meetings, facilitates the participation of various investor entities in major decision-making, and
enhances investors' voice and sense of participation.
     While solidifying its own development foundation, the Company has firmly established a sense of
rewarding the shareholders. Since its listing in 2008, it has adhered to the practice of annual cash
dividends, with the cumulative cash dividend amount exceeding RMB 5.7 billion yuan. In the fiscal
year 2023, the Company achieved a cumulative cash dividend of RMB 1.436 billion yuan through
methods such as mid-year cash dividends and share repurchases. With the aim of better rewarding
shareholders, and considering the capital needs for future business development and production
operations, the Company has formulated a plan for the distribution of profits for the fiscal year 2023. It
proposes to distribute cash dividends of RMB 3.82 yuan (including tax) per 10 shares to all
shareholders, amounting to approximately RMB 1.251 billion yuan (including tax) in cash dividends.
Taking into account the mid-term cash dividends already distributed, the amount spent on share
repurchases, and the proposed cash dividends for the fiscal year 2023, the total cash dividends for
the fiscal year 2023 amounted to RMB 2,686,469,500 yuan, accounting for 36.49% of the net profit
attributable to the shareholders of the Company for the fiscal year 2023.

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                            Section IV Corporate Governance

I. Basic Situation on Corporate Governance

Dahua has strictly established a "three meeting and one layer" corporate governance structure for the shareholders'
meeting, board of directors, supervisory board, and management by following the Company Law, Securities Law,
Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies and other relevant laws, regulations, and regulatory documents
of regulatory authorities. There are four special committees under the board of directors, including the Strategy
Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, and Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, with each having
clear responsibilities and coordinated operations.

During the reporting period, the Company constantly improved corporate governance structure, established a sou
internal control system, constantly improved the Company's standardized operation level, strictly performed the
information disclosure obligations, and focused on protection of the investors' interests. The actual situation of
corporate governance is in line with the laws, regulations, regulatory documents, and rules of self-regulation on the
governance of listed companies issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

(I)      Shareholders and shareholder meetings

The Company strictly adheres to the provisions and requirements of the Company Law, the Company's Articles of
Association, and the Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings to convene and conduct shareholders' meetings.
This ensures equal treatment of all shareholders and guarantees shareholders' rights to information, participation, and
voting on significant company matters. During the reporting period, a total of four shareholders' meetings were
convened, where resolutions were made on matters including regular reports, board elections, equity sales, and
adjustments to equity incentive plans. The Company hires a lawyer to issue legal opinions on the convening of the
General Meeting of Shareholders, the qualifications of the attenders, the qualifications of the convener, the voting
procedure, and the voting results to ensure that the operation mechanism of the General Meeting of Shareholders
complies with relevant provisions, and protects the legitimate rights and interests of the shareholders.

(II)     The Company and controlling shareholders

The Company operates independently from its controlling shareholder in terms of business, personnel, assets,
finances, and organization. Each operates with independent accounting, assuming individual responsibilities and risks.
During the reporting period, the controlling shareholders adhered strictly to regulations, exercising shareholder rights in
accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and the Company's articles of association. There were no instances of
abusing its controlling position to harm the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and other shareholders, nor
were there any cases of non-operational use of the Company's funds.

(III)    Directors and the Board of Directors

The Company elects the directors and appoints the independent directors in strict accordance with the selection and
employment procedure specified in the Company Law and the Articles of Association. At present, the Company has
nine directors, including three independent directors, all of whom are experts in corporate management and financial
accounting and other fields. The number and composition of the board of directors meet the requirements of relevant

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

laws and regulations and the Articles of Association. All of the Company's directors should perform their duties with
integrity and diligence in accordance with the principles of maximizing the interests of the company and shareholders.
The Board of Directors convened board meetings and implemented the resolutions of the shareholders' meeting in
strict accordance with "Articles of Association" and "Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors"; All the directors
were able to perform their due duties and conscientiously attended the Board meetings and shareholders' meetings to
safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and shareholders.

(IV)     Supervisors and the Board of Supervisors

The Company strictly elects the supervisors by the election and appointment procedures specified in the Company
Law and the Articles of Association. The Company currently has three supervisors. The number and composition of
the board of supervisors meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations and the Articles of Association. The
board of supervisors convenes supervisor meetings in strict accordance with the Articles of Association and the Rules
of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors. All the supervisors perform their duties conscientiously, and effectively
supervise and express independent opinions on the legitimacy and compliance of the corporate finance, directors, and
senior managers in fulfilling their duties,in an integral, diligent and conscientious manner, to safeguard the legitimate
rights and interests of the Company and shareholders.

(V)      Senior Management Personnel

The responsibilities of senior management personnel within the Company are clearly defined, and they diligently fulfill
their duties in strict accordance with various management systems, including the Company's Articles of Association.
They demonstrate diligence and responsibility, effectively implementing and executing resolutions made by the board
of directors.

(VI)     Performance Appraisal and Incentive and Constraint

To further establish and improve the Company's incentive mechanism and strengthen the Company's philosophy of
sustainable development of both management and core employees, the Company implements a stock option and
restricted stock incentive plan, aiming to reinforce the interest sharing and restraint mechanisms applied to
shareholders and core business personnel. It has maintained the stability of management teams and business leaders,
guaranteed the realization of the Company's development strategy and business objectives, and ensured the
Company's long-term sound development. The appointment of company executives is open, transparent and complies
with laws and regulations.

(VII)    Stakeholders

The Company fully respects and safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of stakeholders. While striving for
steady growth in company performance, it earnestly treats and protects the legitimate rights and interests of all
stakeholders. The Company strengthens communication and cooperation with various parties, continuously improves
product quality, attaches importance to corporate social responsibility, and achieves a balance of interests among
shareholders, employees, and society. This is done to promote the Company's sustained, stable, and healthy

(VIII)   Information Disclosure and Investor Relations

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

The Company performs obligations for truthful, accurate, timely, and complete information disclosure in strict
accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the Company's "Information Disclosure Management System" and
"Investor Relation Management System", and designates Securities Times and Juchao Information Network
(www.cninfo.com.cn) as the media channels for such disclosure; the Company strictly enforces the confidentiality of
undisclosed information. According to the Company's "Inside Information Confidentiality System", internal information
insiders have been properly registered and filed. The internal information insider filing system has been established
and submitted to the regulatory authorities for record in time as required, and the behavior of submitting company
information to external information users has been strictly regulated. During the reporting period, no incidence of stock
trading based on insider information has occurred.

At the same time, the Company actively engages in communication with investors by setting up an special column of
investor relations management on its official website, and answering investors' questions through the investor
interaction platform of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Company's investor hotline, so as to keep investors'
communication channels available, help investors understand and work with the Company, improve the Company's
transparency, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of all shareholders.

Whether the actual status of corporate governance significantly deviates from laws, administrative regulations and the
rules issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission regarding the governance of listed companies.
□ Yes  No
There is no significant difference between the actual situation of corporate governance and laws, administrative
regulations and the rules issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission regarding the governance of listed

II. The Company's Independence from the Controlling Shareholders, Actual Controllers in
Asset, Personnel, Finance, Organization, Business, etc.

The company and the controlling shareholders are completely separated in terms of business, personnel, assets,
organization, and finance, and has independent and complete businesses and capabilities of independent operation.

1.   Business independence

The Company's business is independent of the controlling shareholders, actual controllers and other enterprises under
their control, and has an independent and complete R&D, production, procurement, and sales system; the technology
required for production and operation is legal, independently owned, or licensed for use by the Company with no asset
disputes. The company has signed all external contracts independently, and has the ability to independently make
production and operation decisions and engage in production and business activities.

2.   Personnel independence

The Company's personnel are independent from the controlling shareholders, actual controllers and other companies
controlled by them. The company has an independent human resources department responsible for labor, personnel,
and payroll management. The Company has established an independent labor, personnel, and salary management
system. The production, operation, and administration are independent of the controlling shareholders, actual
controllers, and other companies controlled by them; the recommendation, election, and appointment of directors,
supervisors, and senior managers of the Company are conducted legally and independently; senior management
personnel such as the president, executive president, senior vice president, board secretary, and finance director did

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

not hold positions other than directors and supervisors for controlling shareholders, actual controllers, and other
companies controlled by them or receive salaries from them; the Company's financial staff do not have a part-time job
with the controlling shareholders, actual controllers, and other companies controlled by them.

3.   Asset independence

The Company's assets are independent from the controlling shareholders, actual controllers and other companies
controlled by them. The company's main assets include the ownership and use rights of complete land, plants,
machinery and equipment, trademarks, patents, non-patented technology required for the main business, and an
independent raw material procurement and product sales system. The property rights of the above assets are clear
and completely independent of the controlling shareholders and major shareholders. There was misappropriation of
the company's assets by the controlling shareholders and major shareholders.

4.   Organization independence

The Company's organizations are independent from the controlling shareholders, actual controllers and other
companies controlled by them. The Company has established decision-making, implementation, and supervision
bodies for general meeting of shareholders, board of directors and board of supervisors. It has also appointed senior
managers such as president, executive president, senior vice president, board secretary, and chief financial officer; the
Company has set up specialized departments equipped with the necessary personnel independently responsible for
domestic/overseas sales, R&D, supply chain, delivery and service, quality and service, finance, legal affairs, securities,
internal audit, human resources, administration, IT, and other functions. The internal organizations perform their
respective operational management responsibilities under the leadership of the board of directors and the president in
accordance with the rules and regulations; there have been no cases in which the controlling shareholders, actual
controllers, and other companies controlled by them are confused with their identities and duties; There is no
circumstance in which the controlling shareholder or actual controller interferes with its organizational setup.

5.   Finance independence

The Company's finance is independent from the controlling shareholders, actual controllers and other companies
controlled by them. The company has established an independent financial department with full-time financial
accounting personnel, and has established an independent financial accounting system for independent financial
decisions. It has a standardized financial accounting system and financial management system for subsidiaries; the
company has independently opened a basic deposit account so that there is no sharing of bank accounts with actual
controllers, controlling shareholders, and other companies controlled by it; the company handled tax registrations with
the Zhejiang Provincial State Tax Bureau and the Zhejiang Provincial Local Tax Bureau and paid taxes independently
as required by law.

III Horizontal competition

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                       2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

IV. Relevant Situation of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and the Extraordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders Held in the Reporting Period

1. The shareholders' meetings for this reporting period

                                     Percentage of
 Conference                                             Date of            Date of            Conference
                   Conference Type   Investors
 Session                                                Conference         Disclosure         Resolution
                                                                                              For details, see
                                                                                              of Resolutions at
                                                                                              the First
 First                                                                                        Extraordinary
 Extraordinary                                                                                General Meeting
 General Meeting                              39.75%    March 6, 2023      March 7, 2023      of Shareholders
                   General Meeting
 of Shareholders                                                                              in 2023
 in 2023                                                                                      published on
                                                                                              For details, see
                                                                                              of Resolutions at
                                                                                              the 2022 Annual
 2022 Annual                                                                                  General Meeting
                   Annual General
 General Meeting                              52.63%    May 26, 2023       May 27, 2023       of Shareholders
 of Shareholders                                                                              published on
                                                                                              For details, see
                                                                                              of Resolutions at
                                                                                              the Second
 Second                                                                                       Extraordinary
 Extraordinary                                                                                General Meeting
                   Extraordinary                        September 11,      September 12,
 General Meeting                              51.13%                                          of Shareholders
                   General Meeting                      2023               2023
 of Shareholders                                                                              in 2023
 in 2023                                                                                      published on
 Third                                                                                        For details, see
 Extraordinary                                                                                the
                   Extraordinary                        November 6,        November 7,
 General Meeting                              46.15%                                          Announcement
                   General Meeting                      2023               2023
 of Shareholders                                                                              of Resolutions at
 in 2023                                                                                      the Third

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                      General Meeting
                                                                                                      of Shareholders
                                                                                                      in 2023
                                                                                                      published on

2. Convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders upon request of the
preferred stockholders whose voting rights are restored

□ Applicable  Not applicable

IV. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

1. Basic information

                                                                           Numb     Numb
                                                                  er of
                                                                           er of    er of             Numb
                                                                           share    share             er of
                                                         Termi    s held                     Other             Reasons
                                               Startin                     s        s                 share
                                      Positi             nation   at the                     chang             for increase
         Gend                                  g date                      increa   decre             s held
Name              Age        Post     on                 Date     begin                      es                and
         er                                    of                          sed in   ased              at the
                                      status             of       ning                       (share            decrease in
                                               tenure                      the      in the            end of
                                                         tenure   of the                     )                 shares
                                                                           period   period            the
                                                                           (share   (share            period
                                                                           )        )
Fu                                             April              1,023,                              1,023,
                             Chair    Incum              mber
Liqua    Male           57                     1,                  868,9       0        0        0     868,9
                             man      bent               10,
n                                              2005                   80                                  80
                             Vice              April
Wu                                    Incum              mber     69,17                                69,17
         Male           52   Chair             1,                              0        0        0
Jun                                   bent               10,      2,886                                2,886
                             man               2005
Chen     Femal               Direct   Incum              mber     71,26                                71,26
                        57                     1,                              0        0        0
Ailing   e                   or       bent               10,      2,813                                2,813
                                                                                                               n in the
                                                         Septe                                                 incentive
Zhao                                           March                                             -
                             Direct   Incum              mber     1,639,                              1,312,   plan, with a
Yunin    Male           47                     6,                              0        0    326,4
                             or       bent               10,         000                                 600   portion of
g                                              2023                                             00
                                                         2026                                                  the held
                                                                                                               d and

                                                    2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                       Septe    Septe
Yuan                  Direct   Incum   mber     mber
         Male    57                                          0        0       0        0        0
Lihua                 or       bent    11,      10,
                                       2023     2026
                                       Septe    Septe
                      Direct   Incum   mber     mber
Xiaom    Male    53                                          0        0       0        0        0
                      or       bent    11,      10,
                                       2023     2026
                      enden            Augus
Liu                            Incum            mber
         Male    61   t                t 12,                 0        0       0        0        0
Hanlin                         bent             10,
                      Direct           2020
                                       Dece     Septe
Cao                   enden
                               Incum   mber     mber
Yanlo    Male    49   t                                      0        0       0        0        0
                               bent    20,      10,
ng                    Direct
                                       2021     2026
                      enden            Augus
Zhang                          Incum            mber
         Male    59   t                t 12,                 0        0       0        0        0
Yuli                           bent             10,
                      Direct           2020
Song                  of the           April
         Femal                 Incum            mber
Maoy             42   Board            3,                    0        0       0        0        0
         e                     bent             10,
uan                   of               2008
Zheng                                  Augus
         Femal        Super    Incum            mber     50,20                              50,20
Jiepin           43                    t 12,                          0       0        0
         e            visor    bent             10,          0                                  0
g                                      2020
                                       Septe    Septe
                      Super    Incum   mber     mber
Jia Qi   Male    47                                          0        0       0        0        0
                      visor    bent    11,      10,
                                       2023     2026
                                       Febru    Septe
                      Presid   Incum   ary      mber
Liqua    Male    57
                      ent      bent    27,      10,
                                       2020     2026
                      Execu            Dece     Septe
                      tive     Incum   mber     mber
Yunin    Male    47
                      Presid   bent    19,      10,
                      ent              2022     2026
                                                                                                    n in the
                      Senior                    Septe
                                       Octob                                           -            incentive
Liu                   Vice     Incum            mber    1,059,                              805,5
         Male    43                    er 12,                         0       0    254,4            plan, with a
Ming                  Presid   bent             10,        900                                 00
                                       2020                                           00            portion of
                      ent                       2026
                                                                                                    the held
                                                                                                    d and

                                                    2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                    n in the
                      Senior           Febru    Septe                                               incentive
Li                    Vice     Incum   ary      mber    1,195,                              940,6   plan, with a
         Male    49                                                   0       0    254,4
Zhijie                Presid   bent    27,      10,        000                                 00   portion of
                      ent              2020     2026                                                the held
                                                                                                    d and
                                                                                                    n in the
                      Senior                    Septe                                               incentive
                                       Octob                                           -
Song                  Vice     Incum            mber     546,0                              327,6   plan, with a
         Male    46                    er 12,                         0       0    218,4
Ke                    Presid   bent             10,         00                                 00   portion of
                                       2020                                           00
                      ent                       2026                                                the held
                                                                                                    d and
                                                                                                    n in the
                      ary of
                                       Dece     Septe                                               incentive
                      Board                                                            -
Wu                             Incum   mber     mber    1,879,                             1,624,   plan, with a
         Male    50   and                                             0       0    254,4
Jian                           bent    1,       10,        335                                935   portion of
                      Senior                                                          00
                                       2005     2026                                                the held
                                                                                                    d and
                                                                                                    n in the
                      CFO                                                                           equity
                      and              Febru    Septe                                               incentive
Xu                                                                                     -
         Femal        Senior   Incum   ary      mber    1,047,                              828,6   plan, with a
Qiaof            52                                                   0       0    218,4
         e            Vice     bent    27,      10,        000                                 00   portion of
en                                                                                    00
                      Presid           2020     2026                                                the held
                      ent                                                                           shares
                                                                                                    d and
                                                                                                    n in the
                      Senior                    Septe
Xu                                     March                                           -            equity
                      Vice     Incum            mber    1,137,                              882,6
Zhich    Male    58                    22,                            0       0    254,4            incentive
                      Presid   bent             10,        000                                 00
eng                                    2018                                           00            plan, with a
                      ent                       2026
                                                                                                    portion of
                                                                                                    the held

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                      d and
                                                                                                                      n in the
                              Senior                       Septe                                                      incentive
Zhu                                              March                                                  -
                              Vice       Incum             mber        1,330,                                1,075,   plan, with a
Jianta   Male         42                         22,                                 0          0   254,4
                              Presid     bent              10,            225                                   825   portion of
ng                                               2018                                                  00
                              ent                          2026                                                       the held
                                                                                                                      d and
Zuo                                              April
         Femal                Super      Resig             mber
Pengf                 46                         3,                        0         0          0       0        0
         e                    visor      ned               10,
ei                                               2008
                                                                       1,174,                            -   1,172,
Total    --            --     --         --      --        --           188,3        0          0   2,035,    153,1   --
                                                                           39                          200       39
Whether there is any outgoing directors, supervisors, or dismissal of senior management in their term of office during
the reporting period.
Yes □ No
During the reporting period, Ms. Zuo Pengfei, a supervisor of the Company, left her position upon the expiration of her
term and ceased to serve as a company supervisor.
Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of the Company
 Applicable □ Not applicable

         Name                         Title                     Type                     Date                  Causes
                                                                                                        Resigned upon term
                                                      Resigned upon term                                expiry and no longer
 Zuo Pengfei                Supervisor                                          September 11, 2023
                                                      expiry                                            served      as     a
 Zhao Yuning                Director                  Elected                   March 6, 2023           Elected
 Yuan Lihua                 Director                  Elected                   September 11, 2023      Elected
 Zhang Xiaoming             Director                  Elected                   September 11, 2023      Elected
 Jia Qi                     Supervisor                Elected                   September 11, 2023      Elected

2. Positions

Professional backgrounds, major work experiences and current main responsibilities in the Company for incumbent
directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company

Mr. Fu Liquan, Chinese nationality, born in 1967, with master degree in EMBA of Zhejiang University. As one of the
main founders of the Company, he served as chairman and president of the Company, and now serves as chairman
and president of the Company. He has won the honors of "Top Ten Influential Zhejiang Entrepreneurs", "Model Worker
of Zhejiang Province", "Excellent Constructor of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era of Non-Public
Economy in Zhejiang Province", "Excellent Enterprise Operator with Outstanding Contributions to the Information
Economy", "Outstanding Contributions Award in ‘Ingenuity for a Safe China’", Global Security Contribution Award, Top
Ten Figures in Security and Protection Industry, and the Best CEO of listed companies of Forbes, and more.
Mr. Wu Jun, Chinese nationality, born in 1972, with a bachelor's degree, engineer, served as vice chairman and vice

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

president of the Company and general manager of Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd. He now serves as
vice chairman of the Company and executive director of Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd.
Ms. Chen Ailing, Chinese nationality, born in 1967, holding a bachelor's degree. As one of the main founders of the
Company, she served as director and CFO of the Company, and now serves as director of the Company.
Mr. Zhao Yuning, Chinese nationality, was born in 1977 and graduated from National University of Singapore with a
master degree in science. From July 2017 to December 2022, he served as Vice President of the Company, General
Manager of the Overseas Marketing Center, Senior Vice President of the Company, and President of the Overseas
Marketing Center in turn. He is currently the director and executive president of the Company.

Mr. Yuan Lihua, Chinese nationality, born in 1968, holds a Master's degree. He previously served as a director and
deputy general manager of China Mobile Communications Group Terminal Co., Ltd., and deputy general manager of
the Foreign Investment Management Department of China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. He currently
serves as a director of the Company, a director, deputy general manager, and the Chief Legal Counsel of China
Mobile Capital Holdings Co., Ltd.

Mr. Zhang Xiaoming, Chinese nationality, born in 1972, holds a Master's degree. He previously served as the Deputy
General Manager of the Marketing Center at China Mobile Communications Group Beijing Co., Ltd., the Manager of
the Key Customer Department at China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd., and the Deputy General Manager at
China Mobile Aspire Holdings Limited. He currently holds a position as a director in the Company.

Mr. Cao Yanlong, Chinese nationality, born in 1975, is a member of the Communist Party of China and holds a
doctoral degree. He has previously served as a lecturer/postdoctoral fellow at the College of Biosystems Engineering
and Food Science at Zhejiang University, a visiting scholar at the Center for Precision Measurement at the University
of Huddersfield in the United Kingdom, and an assistant director of the Hangzhou Municipal Commission of Economy
and Informatization. Currently, he holds the position of professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering at Zhejiang
University. He concurrently serves as the director of the Shandong Industrial Technology Research Institute of
Zhejiang University and an independent director of the Company.

Mr. Liu Hanlin, Chinese nationality, born in 1963, holds a postgraduate degree. He has held various positions at
Hangzhou Dianzi University, starting as an assistant, lecturer, associate professor, and eventually becoming a
professor in the field of accounting. Previously, he served as the Vice Dean of the School of Economics and the Party
Secretary of the School of Accounting at Hangzhou Dianzi University. Currently, Mr. Liu holds the position of professor
at Hangzhou Dianzi University. Additionally, he serves as a member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public
Accountants, a director of the Electronic Branch of the Accounting Society of China, a director and committee member
of the Accounting Society of Zhejiang Province, an executive director of the Zhejiang Institute of Certified Public
Accountants, and a deputy director of the Expert Consultation Committee on Management Accounting in Zhejiang
Province. Furthermore, he acts as an independent director for Litian Pictures Holdings Ltd., Zhejiang Runyang New
Material Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Great Shengda Packaging Co., Ltd. He is Independent Director of the

Mr. Zhang Yuli, Chinese nationality, born in 1965, holds a doctoral degree. He previously served as the Executive
Deputy Director of the MBA Center, Vice Dean of the Graduate School, Vice Dean and Dean of the Business School
at Nankai University. Currently, he holds positions as a Professor and PhD Supervisor at the Nankai University Nankai
Business School, as well as the Dean of the Nankai University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute. Additionally,
he serves as a member of the Management Science Department of the Ministry of Education's Science and

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Technology Committee, the China High-Quality MBA Education Accreditation Working Committee, the Tianjin
Discipline Review Group, and the Professional Degree Education Guidance Committee. Furthermore, he holds
positions as an expert reviewer for the National Natural Science Foundation and the National Social Science
Foundation, as well as serving as an independent director for Tianjin Port Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Benefo Tejing Electric
Co., Ltd. He was awarded the Special Allowance by the State Council in 2004 and was selected as a "Changjiang
Scholar" Distinguished Professor by the Ministry of Education in 2013. He is Independent Director of the Company.

Ms. Song Maoyuan, Chinese nationality, was born in 1982, holding a bachelor's degree. She currently serves as the
President's Secretary and Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors at the Company.

Ms. Zheng Jieping, Chinese nationality, born in 1979, holds a Bachelor's degree. She currently serves as the
President of HR Center and a supervisor of the Company.

Mr. Jia Qi, Chinese nationality, born in 1978, holds a Bachelor's degree. He previously served as the General Manager
of the Comprehensive Department and Research and Development Department of China Mobile Communications
Group Terminal Co., Ltd., and as the General Manager of its Beijing Branch. He currently serves as a Departmental
General Manager of China Mobile Capital Holdings Co., Ltd. and a supervisor of the Company.

Mr. Wu Jian, Chinese nationality, born in 1974, holds a Master's degree. In the past five years, he has served as the
Secretary of the Board of Directors and Vice President of the Company. He currently serves as the Secretary of the
Board of Directors and Senior Vice President of the Company.

Ms. Xu Qiaofen, Chinese nationality, born in 1972, holds a college degree. She served as the chief financial officer of
the Company's Finance Center from January 2015 to January 2017, the deputy general manager of the Company's
Finance Center from January 2017 to December 2017, and the general manager of the Company's Finance Center
since December 2017. She now serves as the CFO, Senior Vice President, and President of the Finance Center of the
Mr. Liu Ming, Chinese nationality, born in 1981, holds a Master's degree. He joined the Company in 2006 and has
served in various roles over the past 5 years, including Director of Hardware Platform Development Department,
General Manager of R&D Center Front-end Product Line, General Manager of R&D Center Product Development
Department, and Deputy General Manager of the R&D Center. He has been a standing deputy general manager of the
R&D Center since March 2020. He now serves as a Senior Vice President of the Company and President of the R&D
Mr. Li Zhijie, Chinese nationality, born in 1975, holds a Master's degree. He served as technical engineer, director of
the Delivery and Service Department of the Representative Office, national delivery representative, and president of
Regional Delivery Department of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. from March 2005 to August 2017, and has been
serving as general manager of the Delivery and Service Center of the Company since September 2017. He now
serves as a senior vice president of the Company and President of Delivery and Service Center of the Company, and
President of Zhejiang Dahua Smart IoT Services Co., Ltd.

Mr. Song Ke, Chinese nationality, born in 1978, holds a master degree. He previously served as a manager of IT
Department of Hangzhou H3C Co., Ltd., the General Manager of IT Center of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.,
and a supervisor of the Company. He now serves as a senior vice president of the Company and president of the
Process IT Center.

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Mr. Xu Zhicheng, Chinese nationality, born in 1966, holds a college degree. He successively served as deputy general
manager, general manager and supervisor of the Marketing Department of the Company from September 2013 to
June 2015, has been serving as general manager of the Internal Audit Department of the Company since June 2015,
and now serves as a senior vice president of the Company and general manager of the Company's Quality
Management Center.

Mr. Zhu Jiantang, Chinese nationality, born in 1982, holds a Bachelor's degree. From March 2012 to January 2015, he
has successively served as Product Director of R&D and Deputy General Manager of R&D Center. Since January
2015, he has been the general manager of the Company's Supply Chain Management Center. He is currently a senior
vice president of the Company and the president of the Supply Chain Management Center.

Position held in shareholders entities
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Position held in other entities
 Applicable □ Not applicable

  Name of office-                                                      Position held in
                                   Name of other entity                                       received from
     holder                                                             other entities
                                                                                            other entity or not
                       Ningbo Huayang Venture Capital Investment
 Fu Liquan                                                           Executive Partner     No
                       Partnership (Limited Partnership)
                       Hangzhou Gulin Equity Investment
 Fu Liquan                                                           Executive Partner     No
                       Partnership (limited partnership)
                       Ningbo Huaqi Investment Management
 Fu Liquan                                                           Executive Partner     No
                       Partnership (Limited Partnership)
                       Zhejiang Huashi Investment Management
 Fu Liquan                                                           Executive Director    No
                       Co., Ltd.
 Chen Ailing           Zhejiang Huanuokang Technology Co., Ltd.      Chairman              No
                       Zhejiang Huashi Investment Management
 Chen Ailing                                                         General Manager       No
                       Co., Ltd.
                                                                     Executive Director
                       Hangzhou Huaxi Information Technology Co.,
 Chen Ailing                                                         and General           No
                       Ningbo Hualing Venture Capital Investment
 Chen Ailing                                                         Executive Partner     No
                       Partnership (Limited Partnership)
                       Ningbo Huagu Enterprise Management
 Chen Ailing                                                         Executive Partner     No
                       Partnership (Limited Partnership)
                       Ningbo Huaqi Enterprise Management
 Chen Ailing                                                         Executive Partner     No
                       Partnership (Limited Partnership)
                       Huayan Capital (Hangzhou) Private Equity
 Chen Ailing                                                         Chairman              No
                       Fund Management Co., Ltd.
                       Hangzhou Huazhen Equity Investment
 Chen Ailing                                                         Executive Partner     No
                       Partnership (Limited Partnership)
                       Hangzhou Jikang I Enterprise Management
 Chen Ailing                                                         Executive Partner     No
                       Partnership (Limited Partnership)
                       Hangzhou Jikang II Enterprise Management
 Chen Ailing                                                         Executive Partner     No
                       Partnership (Limited Partnership)
                       Hangzhou Jikang III Enterprise Management
 Chen Ailing                                                         Executive Partner     No
                       Partnership (Limited Partnership)
                       Hangzhou Jikang IV Enterprise Management
 Chen Ailing                                                         Executive Partner     No
                       Partnership (Limited Partnership)
                       Hangzhou Ruipin Enterprise Management
 Chen Ailing                                                         Executive Partner     No
                       Partnership (Limited Partnership)

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                    Hangzhou Huaxiao 02 Corporate
 Chen Ailing        Management Partnership Enterprise (limited          Executive Partner     No
                    Hangzhou Huaxiao 01 Corporate
 Chen Ailing        Management Partnership Enterprise (limited          Executive Partner     No
                    Hangzhou Huatan Corporate Management
 Chen Ailing                                                            Executive Partner     No
                    Partnership Enterprise (limited partnership)
                    Ningbo Huakun Venture Capital Investment
 Wu Jun                                                                 Executive Partner     No
                    Partnership (Limited Partnership)
                                                                        Executive Director
                    Zhoushan Xinhao Technology Development
 Wu Jun                                                                 and General           No
                    Co., Ltd.
                    Central Enterprise Rural Industry Investment
 Yuan Lihua                                                             Vice Chairman         No
                    Fund Co., Ltd.
 Yuan Lihua         China Mobile Investment Holding Co., Ltd.           Director              No
                                                                        Director, deputy
 Yuan Lihua         China Mobile Capital Holdings Co., Ltd.             general manager,      Yes
                                                                        chief legal advisor
                    Zhejiang Runyang New Material Technology            Independent
 Liu Hanlin                                                                                   Yes
                    Co., Ltd.                                           Director
 Liu Hanlin         Litian Pictures Holdings Limited                                          Yes
 Liu Hanlin         Zhejiang Great Shengda Packaging Co., Ltd.                                Yes
 Liu Hanlin         Hangzhou Crysound Electrical Co., Ltd.                                    No
 Zhang Yuli         Tianjin TEDA Construction Group Co., Ltd.           Director              No
 Zhang Yuli         Tianjin Benefo Tejing Electric Co., Ltd.                                  Yes
 Zhang Yuli         Tianjin Port Holdings Co., Ltd.                                           Yes
 Cao Yanlong        Hangzhou Hanmo Industrial Group Co., Ltd.           Supervisor            No
                                                                        Executive Director
                    Shandong Chuangzhi Intelligent Technology
 Cao Yanlong                                                            and General           No
                    Co., Ltd.
 Cao Yanlong        Hangzhou Xiaotu Technology Co., Ltd.                Manager               No
                    Hangzhou Huaxi Information Technology Co.,
 Song Maoyuan                                                           Supervisor            No
                    Hangzhou Huarong Investment Management
 Zheng Jieping                                                          General Manager       No
                    Co., Ltd.
 Jia Qi             China Mobile Capital Holdings Co., Ltd.                                   Yes
                                                                        General Manager
Penalties imposed by CSRC on incumbent or outgoing directors, supervisors, and senior management during the
reporting period in the last three years
□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

The followings are the decision-making program, determination basis and actual payment of remuneration for
directors, supervisors, and senior management.

Top management of the Company shall be evaluated by the performance commitments of senior management and the
department managers and those above shall be evaluated by their work report at the end of the year. The managers
have made a system of responsibility for business objectives in their term of office, and formulated the assessment

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

method in which the company-level KPI index commitments are combined with individual performance commitments.
They have met these indexes, meaning that they are able to complete their respective tasks in the latest term of office.
The Company will increase their remuneration or adopt other incentive measures, as appropriate, based on their
completion of objectives.

Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management in the reporting period of the Company

                                                                                                Unit: RMB ten thousand

                                                                                                Total        Whether to
                                                                                           remuneration        receive
     Name          Gender        Age                  Post                                    from the     remuneration
                                                                                             Company        from related
                                                                                             before tax    parties or not
  Fu Liquan         Male         57            Chairman, President          Incumbent             99.65         No
   Wu Jun           Male         52               Vice Chairman             Incumbent              8.99         No
  Chen Ailing      Female        57                   Director              Incumbent                 0         No
                                                Director, Executive
  Zhao Yuning       Male         47                                         Incumbent            243.78         No
  Yuan Lihua        Male         57                   Director              Incumbent                 0         Yes
                    Male         53                  Director               Incumbent             43.07         No
   Liu Hanlin       Male         61            Independent Director         Incumbent             25.75         No
  Zhang Yuli        Male         59            Independent Director         Incumbent             25.75         No
 Cao Yanlong        Male         49            Independent Director         Incumbent             25.75         No
                   Female        42            Employee Supervisor          Incumbent             66.43         No
 Zheng Jieping     Female        45           Employee Supervisor           Incumbent            162.69         No
     Jia Qi         Male         47                Supervisor               Incumbent                 0         Yes
    Liu Ming        Male         43           Senior Vice President         Incumbent            219.54         No
    Li Zhijie       Male         49           Senior Vice President         Incumbent            206.16         No
    Song Ke         Male         46           Senior Vice President         Incumbent            200.65         No
                                              Senior Vice President
    Wu Jian         Male         50           and Secretary of the          Incumbent            204.13         No
                                              Senior Vice President
   Xu Qiaofen      Female        52            and Chief Financial          Incumbent            191.18         No
  Xu Zhicheng       Male         58           Senior Vice President         Incumbent            216.53         No
  Zhu Jiantang      Male         42           Senior Vice President         Incumbent            225.98         No
  Zuo Pengfei      Female        46           Employee Supervisor            Resigned             34.92         No
      Total           --          --                    --                      --             2,200.95          --

Other notes
□ Applicable  Not applicable

VI. The Performance of the Duties of Directors During the Reporting Period

1. The Board for this reporting period

     Conference Session                Date of Conference             Date of Disclosure        Conference Resolution
                                                                                              For details, see the
 The 39th meeting of the                                                                      Announcement of
                                February 17, 2023                February 18, 2023
 7th board of directors                                                                       Resolutions at the 39th
                                                                                              meeting of the 7th board of

                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                             directors published on
                                                                             Juchao Information
                                                                             For details, see the
                                                                             Announcement of
                                                                             Resolutions at the 40th
The 40th meeting of the                                                      meeting of the 7th board of
                              March 17, 2023     March 21, 2023
7th board of directors                                                       directors published on
                                                                             Juchao Information
                                                                             For details, see the
                                                                             Announcement of
                                                                             Resolutions at the 41st
The 41st meeting of the 7th                                                  meeting of the 7th board of
                              April 7, 2023      April 8, 2023
board of directors                                                           directors published on
                                                                             Juchao Information
                                                                             For details, see the
                                                                             Announcement of
                                                                             Resolutions at the 42nd
The 42nd meeting of the                                                      meeting of the 7th board of
                              April 27, 2023     April 28, 2023
7th board of directors                                                       directors published on
                                                                             Juchao Information
                                                                             For details, see the
                                                                             Announcement of
                                                                             Resolutions at the 43rd
The 43rd meeting of the                                                      meeting of the 7th board of
                              May 19, 2023       May 20, 2023
7th board of directors                                                       directors published on
                                                                             Juchao Information
                                                                             For details, see the
                                                                             Announcement of
                                                                             Resolutions at the 44th
The 44th meeting of the                                                      meeting of the 7th board of
                              June 16, 2023      June 17, 2023
7th board of directors                                                       directors published on
                                                                             Juchao Information
                                                                             For details, see the
                                                                             Announcement of
                                                                             Resolutions at the 45th
The 45th meeting of the                                                      meeting of the 7th board of
                              June 25, 2023      June 27, 2023
7th board of directors                                                       directors published on
                                                                             Juchao Information
                                                                             For details, see the
                                                                             Announcement of
The 46th meeting of the
                              August 25, 2023    August 26, 2023             Resolutions at the 46th
7th board of directors
                                                                             meeting of the 7th board of
                                                                             directors published on

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                             Juchao Information
                                                                                             For details, see the
                                                                                             Announcement of
                                                                                             Resolutions at the 1st
 The 1st meeting of the 8th                                                                  meeting of the 8th board of
                                  September 11, 2023            September 12, 2023
 board of directors                                                                          directors published on
                                                                                             Juchao Information
                                                                                             For details, see the
                                                                                             Announcement of
                                                                                             Resolutions at the 2nd
 The 2nd meeting of the 8th                                                                  meeting of the 8th board of
                                  October 20, 2023              October 21, 2023
 board of directors                                                                          directors published on
                                                                                             Juchao Information
                                                                                             For details, see the
                                                                                             Announcement of
                                                                                             Resolutions at the 3rd
 The 3rd meeting of the 8th                                                                  meeting of the 8th board of
                                  October 26, 2023              October 26, 2023
 board of directors                                                                          directors published on
                                                                                             Juchao Information

2. Attendance of directors at the BOD meetings and shareholders' general meetings

 Attendance of directors at the BOD meetings and shareholders' general meetings
                 Number of                       Number of
                                                                                             absent from     Number of
                    board         Number of     attendances      Number of
                                                                                Number of       board       attendance
                 meetings to       attending      of board      attendances
   Name of                                                                     absences at   meetings in         of
                   attend          the board    meetings by       of board
   director                                                                       board       person for    shareholder
                 during the       meetings on     means of      meetings by
                                                                                meetings          two        s' general
                  reporting           site      telecommun       entrustees
                                                                                             consecutive     meetings
                   period                          ications
 Fu Liquan                 11              10              1              0              0   No                        4
 Wu Jun                    11              11              0              0              0   No                        4
 Chen Ailing               11              11              0              0              0   No                        4
                          10               10              0              0              0   No                        4
 Yuan Lihua                   3             1              2              0              0   No                        2
                              3             3              0              0              0   No                        2
 Liu Hanlin                11               3             8               0              0   No                        4
 Zhang Yuli                11               1            10               0              0   No                        3
                           11               3              8              0              0   No                        1
Explanation for failure to attend the board meeting in person twice in a row

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

3. Objections of directors to related issues of the company

Whether the directors challenge the company's related issues?
□ Yes  No
During the reporting period, no director raised objections to the company's related issues.

4. Other information on directors' performance of duties

Whether director's proposals on the company issues are accepted?
Yes □ No
Note on the acceptance or rejection of director's proposals on company issues.

During the reporting period, the directors of the Company diligently attended the board meetings and shareholder
meetings in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the "Rules Governing the Listing of Shares on
Shenzhen Stock Exchange" and the Company's Articles of Association. They conscientiously fulfilled their duties and
provided constructive opinions or suggestions on the Company's development decisions. Simultaneously, they
proactively monitored the Company's operational and financial status, as well as significant matters, to promote the
continuous, stable, and healthy development of the Company's operations.

The independent directors demonstrated diligence and dedication by actively understanding the Company's
operational status, internal control system construction, and the implementation of resolutions of the board of directors
and shareholder meetings. They particularly scrutinized matters such as related-party transactions and profit
distribution plans, offering prudent oversight and expressing professional opinions. Their active and effective
performance of directorial duties served to uphold the overall interests of the Company and the legitimate rights and
interests of all shareholders, especially minority shareholders. They played a positive role in promoting the Company's
standardized, stable, and healthy development.

VII. Performance of the Special Committee Under the Board of Directors During the Reporting

                                                                                          Offered     The
                                                                                         Important   Perfor
 Commit                         er of                                                                           Details of
                                             Date of                                       Ideas     mance
   tee          Members         Meeti                            Meeting Content                                Objection
                                            Conference                                      and      of the
  Name                           ngs                                                                            s (if any)
                                                                                          Suggesti   Others
                                                                                            ons      Duties
                                                             Communicating with
             Liu Hanlin, Chen                                the auditing firm
                                         March 27, 2023
             Ailing, Cao                                     regarding the initial
             Yanlong, Zhang                                  audit draft
             Yuli, (appointed                                Deliberating on matters
 Audit       for this role on                                such as the 2022
 Commit      September 11,           6   April 20, 2023      annual report, the 2023
 tee         2023, Yuan                                      first-quarter report, and
             Lihua (appointed                                other related issues
             for this role on                                Deliberating on matters
             September 11,                                   such as the 2023 semi-
                                         August 23, 2023
             2023)                                           annual report and other
                                                             related issues

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                 Reviewing and verifying
                                                 the information of the
                               September 11,
                                                 appointed Chief
                                                 Financial Officer and
                                                 Head of Internal Audit
                                                 Deliberating on the
                               October 18,
                                                 2023 third quarter
                               December 28,      Communicating on the
                               2023              2023 annual audit plan
                                                 Deliberated and
                                                 determined the
                                                 remunerations for the
                                                 directors, supervisors,
                                                 and the senior
                               April 20, 2023
                                                 executives, the
Remun                                            repurchase and
eration                                          cancellation of
and       Zhang Yuli, Fu                         restricted shares under
Apprais   Liquan, Liu      3                     equity-based incentives
al        Hanlin                                 Deliberating on and
Commit                                           verifying adjustments to
                               June 9, 2023
tee                                              the 2022 equity
                                                 incentive plan
                                                 Reviewing the
                                                 compensation scheme
                               August 24, 2023   for independent
                                                 directors of the 8th
                                                 board of directors
                                                 Deliberating on the
                                                 proposal for the
                                                 nomination of
                               February 16,
                                                 candidates for non-
                                                 independent directors
                                                 of the 7th board of
                                                 Deliberating on the
Nomina                                           proposal for the
          Cao Yanlong,
tion                                             nomination of
          Liu Hanlin, Fu   3
Commit                                           candidates for non-
          Liquan               August 24, 2023
tee                                              independent directors
                                                 and independent
                                                 directors of the 8th
                                                 board of directors
                                                 Deliberating and
                                                 verifying the
                               September 11,
                                                 information of the
                                                 senior management
          Fu Liquan,                             Deliberating on the
          Zhang Yuli, Wu                         2023 development
Strateg                        April 20, 2023
          Jun, Zhao                              strategy of the
          Yuning           2                     Company
          (appointed for                         Deliberating on the
          this role on         August 24, 2023   Company's share
          March 6, 2023)                         repurchase plan

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

VIII. Performance of the Supervisory Committee

Has the supervisory board discovered any risk in the company during the supervision in the reporting period
□ Yes  No
The supervisory board had no objection to the supervisory matters in the report period.

IX. Employees in the Company

1. Number, profession composition and educational background of the employees

 Number of incumbent employees in the parent company
 at the end of the reporting period (person)
 Number of incumbent employees in major subsidiaries at
 the end of the reporting period (person)
 Total number of incumbent employees at the end of the
 reporting period (person)
 Number of employees receiving salaries in current period
 Number of retired employees requiring the parent
 company and major subsidiaries to bear their costs
                                                 Profession composition
                                                                  Number of employees for profession composition
               Type of profession composition
 Salesperson                                                                                                     4,859
 R&D personnel                                                                                                  12,372
 Supply chain                                                                                                    3,988
 Management personnel                                                                                              450
 Professional support staff                                                                                      1,783
 Total                                                                                                          23,452
                                                Educational background
               Type of educational background                              Number of employees (person)
 Master and above                                                                                                3,963
 Bachelor                                                                                                       13,581
 College, technical secondary school                                                                             3,172
 Others                                                                                                          2,736
 Total                                                                                                          23,452

2. Remuneration policies

The Company has established complete remuneration management systems and incentive mechanismsin strict
accordance with Labor Law, Labor Contract Law and other relevant laws and regulations, departmental rules, and
normative documents, providing the employees with competitive remunerations. The Company links its remuneration
system and performance appraisal system with the business performance of the Company, which fully arouses the
enthusiasm of the employees and effectively improves the executive force and responsibility consciousness of
employees, thus better attracting and retaining talents and providing guarantee for sustainable, stable development of
the Company in respect of human resources.

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

3. Training plan

The Company has been dedicated to the building of employee education and training system, established the internal
lecturer management measures including new employee training and in-service employee training, implemented
training credits management system, improved the comprehensive quality of the Company's employees, created good
leaning atmosphere, established learning organization and comprehensively helped employees to improve their ability
to meet challenges and reforms in the future, thus providing powerful talent guarantee and support for sustainable, fast
growth of the Company and achieving joint development of employees and the Company.

4. Labor outsourcing

□ Applicable  Not applicable

X. Profits Distribution of the Company and Capitalization of Capital Reserves

Profits Distribution policies during the reporting period, especially the formulation, implementation, or adjustment of the
cash dividend policies
 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. The Company held its annual shareholders' meeting for the year 2022 on May 26, 2023, and approved the profit
distribution plan for the year 2022: Based on a total share capital of 3,326,264,570 shares, a cash dividend of RMB
2.41 yuan (including tax) was distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares held. The total cash dividend amount
was RMB 801,629,761.37 yuan. No bonus shares were issued, and no increase in share capital from reserves was
carried out. The remaining undistributed profits were carried over to the next financial year. This profit distribution plan
was successfully implemented on June 6, 2023.

2. The Company convened its third extraordinary shareholders' meeting for the year 2023 on November 6, 2023, and
approved the profit distribution proposal for the first three quarters of 2023: Based on the remaining shares
3,274,649,389 after deducting the repurchased 19,819,601 shares from a total share capital of 3,294,468,990 shares,
a cash dividend of RMB 3.101383 yuan per 10 shares (including tax) was distributed to all shareholders. The total
cash dividend amount was RMB 1,015,594,194.60 yuan. No bonus shares were issued, and no increase in share
capital from reserves was carried out. The remaining undistributed profits were retained for future distribution. This
profit distribution plan was successfully implemented on Thursday, November 16, 2023.

 Special notes on cash dividend policies
 Whether they comply with the requirements of the
 Company's articles of incorporation or the resolutions of      Yes
 the General Meeting of Shareholders:
 Whether the dividend standards and proportions are
 distinct and clear:
 Whether the relevant decision-making procedures and
 mechanisms are complete:
 Whether the independent directors performed their duties
 and played their due role:
 The Company should disclose specific reasons for not
 conducting cash dividends (if so planned), and outline the     Not applicable.
 next steps and measures planned to enhance investor

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Whether the minority shareholders have the opportunity
 to fully express their opinions and appeals, and whether
 their legitimate rights and interests have been fully
                                                                  The Company has formulated a "Shareholder Return
                                                                  Plan for the Next Three Years (2024-2026)", which
 Whether relevant conditions and procedures are
                                                                  involves cash dividend planning in compliance with
 compliant and transparent when the cash dividend
                                                                  relevant regulations and provisions of the Company's
 policies are being adjusted or changed:
                                                                  Articles of Association, and has undergone the required
                                                                  review procedures as stipulated.
The Company's profits during the reporting period and the parent company's shareholders' profits distribution are
positive but a cash dividend distribution preplan is not proposed.
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Profit Distribution and Capital Reserve Converted to Share Capital in the Reporting Period
 Applicable □ Not applicable

 Number of bonus shares per 10 shares (shares)                                                                          0
 Number of dividend payout per 10 shares (RMB) (tax
 Equity base in the distribution preplan (shares)                                                          3,274,649,389
 The amount of cash dividends (yuan) (including tax)                                                    1,250,916,066.60
 The amount of cash dividends (yuan, Note 1) in other
 ways (such as share repurchase)
 The total amount of cash dividends (including in other
 ways) (yuan)
 Distributable profits (RMB)                                                                           24,448,835,337.15
 The ratio of the total amount of cash dividends (including
 in other ways) to the total amount of profit distribution
 Latest cash dividend
 If the Company is in a growth stage with significant capital expenditure arrangements, the proportion of cash dividends
 in the current profit distribution should be at least 20%.
 Details of the preplans on profit distribution or capitalization of capital reserves
 Based on a total share capital of 3,274,649,389 shares as of December 31, 2023, after deducting the Company's
 repurchased shares (19,819,601 shares), a cash dividend of RMB 3.82 yuan per 10 shares (including tax) will be
 distributed to all shareholders. The total amount of this cash dividend distribution is RMB 1,250,916,066.60 yuan
 (including tax). No bonus shares will be issued, and no increase in share capital from reserves will be carried out. Any
 remaining undistributed profits will be reserved for future distribution.
 If the Company's share capital entitled to profit distribution rights changes due to convertible bond conversions, share
 repurchase, exercise of stock options in equity incentives, or additional shares listed through refinancing before the
 implementation of the distribution plan, the distribution ratios will be adjusted accordingly while maintaining the total
 distribution amount unchanged.
Note 1: The "other forms of cash dividends" include cash dividends for the first three quarters of 2023 and the amount
spent on share repurchase in 2023.

XI. Implementation of the Company's Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Ownership Plan
or Other Employee Incentive Measures

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

1. Equity incentive

1. On April 27, 2023, the Company held the 42nd meeting of the 7th board of directors and the 29th meeting of the 7th
board of supervisors, approving "the Proposal on the Cancellation of a Portion of Restricted Stock from the 2022 Stock
Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan" and "the Proposal on the Cancellation of a Portion of Stock Options from
the 2022 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan." In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "2022
Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft)," due to the Company's performance for the year 2022 not
meeting the first unlocking condition as stipulated, and 208 incentive recipients leaving their positions or experiencing
changes in control at subsidiary companies leading to non-compliance with incentive conditions, the Company decided
to cancel/repurchase a total of 31,861,466 stock options and 31,795,580 restricted shares held by 4,249 incentive
2. On June 16, 2023, the Company convened the 44th meeting of the 7th board of directors and the 31st meeting of
the 7th board of supervisors., approving "the Proposal Regarding the Company's Revised Draft of the 2022 Stock
Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan along with its Summary" and "the Proposal Regarding the Company's
Revised Draft of the Implementation and Assessment Management Measures of the 2022 Stock Option and Restricted
Stock Incentive Plan," aiming to better align the individual interests of incentive recipients with the interests of
shareholders and the Company and revising the performance evaluation indicators at the corporate level for the period
2023-2024 in the 2022 incentive plan.

On September 11, 2023, the Company held the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2023, ,
approving "the Proposal Regarding the Company's Revised Draft of the 2022 Stock Option and Restricted Stock
Incentive Plan along with its Summary" and "the Proposal Regarding the Company's Revised Draft of the
Implementation and Assessment Management Measures of the 2022 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive

Share incentives for the Company's directors, supervisors, and senior executives
 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                Unit: share

                            Num                        ise
                                                                          Mark     Num               ber of
                            ber of   Num      Num      price                                                  The      Num
                   Num                                           Num      et       ber of            restri
                            stock    ber of   ber of   of the                                                 granti   ber of
                   ber of                                        ber of   price    restri   Num      cted
                            optio    vestin   veste    veste                                                  ng       restri
                   stock                                         stock    at the   cted     ber of   stock
                            ns       g        d        d                                                      price    cted
                   optio                                         optio    end      stock    unloc    s
                            newly    share    share    share                                                  of       stock
                   ns                                            ns       of the   s        ked      newly
 Nam                        grant    s        s        s                                                      restri   s
          Post     held                                          held     report   held     share    grant
 e                          ed       durin    durin    durin                                                  cted     held
                   at the                                        at the   ing      at the   s in     ed
                            durin    g the    g the    g the                                                  stock    at the
                   begin                                         end      perio    begin    this     durin
                            g the    report   report   report                                                 s        end
                   ning                                          of the   d        ning     perio    g the
                            report   ing      ing      ing                                                    (yuan    of the
                   of the                                        perio    (yuan    of the   d        report
                            ing      perio    perio    perio                                                  /shar    perio
                   year                                          d        /shar    perio             ing
                            perio    d        d        d                                                      e)       d
                                                                          e)       d                 perio
                            d                          (yuan
 Zhao     Direct
                   544,0                                         326,4             816,0                               489,6
 Yunin    or,                   0        0        0        0              18.45                 0        0     8.16
                      00                                            00                00                                  00
 g        Exec

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Liu      r Vice   424,0                                      254,4            636,0                             381,6
                                 0      0       0        0            18.45                0       0     8.16
 Ming     Presi       00                                         00               00                                00
 Li       r Vice   424,0                                      254,4            636,0                             381,6
                                 0      0       0        0            18.45                0       0     8.16
 Zhijie   Presi       00                                         00               00                                00
 Song     r Vice   364,0                                      218,4            546,0                             327,6
                                 0      0       0        0            18.45                0       0     8.16
 Ke       Presi       00                                         00               00                                00
          of the
 Wu                424,0                                      254,4            636,0                             381,6
          direct                 0      0       0        0            18.45                0       0     8.16
 Jian                 00                                         00               00                                00
          r vice
 Xu       Senio
                   364,0                                      218,4            546,0                             327,6
 Qiaof    r Vice                 0      0       0        0            18.45                0       0     8.16
                      00                                         00               00                                00
 en       Presi
          r Vice   424,0                                      254,4            636,0                             381,6
 Jiant                           0      0       0        0            18.45                0       0     8.16
          Presi       00                                         00               00                                00
          r Vice   424,0                                      254,4            636,0                             381,6
 Zhich                           0      0       0        0            18.45                0       0     8.16
          Presi       00                                         00               00                                00
                   3,392                                      2,035            5,088                             3,052
 Total    --                     0      0       0       --                --               0       0        --
                    ,000                                       ,200             ,000                              ,800
Evaluation and Incentive Mechanisms for Senior Management

    Top management of the Company shall be evaluated by the performance commitments of senior management
and the department managers and those above shall be evaluated by their work report at the end of the year. The
managers have made a system of responsibility for business objectives in their term of office, and formulated the
assessment method in which the company-level KPI index commitments are combined with individual performance
commitments. They have met these indexes, meaning that they are able to complete their respective tasks in the latest
term of office. The Company will increase their remuneration or adopt other incentive measures, as appropriate, based
on their completion of objectives.

2. Implementation of employee stock ownership plan

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

3. Other employee incentive measures

 Applicable □ Not applicable
The Company advocates for a "employee-based" philosophy, which emphasizes valuing employees who are dedicated
and hardworking. Building upon long-term incentives based on equity in the listed company, the Company has
launched an employee co-investment incentive plan centered around specific innovative business subsidiaries. The
goal is to organically align the interests of the Company and its employees, ensuring sustainable and healthy
development while fostering employees' enthusiasm for innovation and entrepreneurship.

XII. Development and Implementation of Internal Control System During the Reporting Period

1. Development and implementation of internal control system

 The Company has established and effectively implemented a sound internal control system in accordance with the
"Basic Norms of Enterprise Internal Control" and its supporting guidelines, as well as other internal control regulatory
requirements, and in light of the Company's current situation. The internal control system covers all business links
related to financial reporting and information disclosure affairs in the company's business activities, including the Rules
of Procedure of the Board of Directors, Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors, Supervision and Management
of Subsidiaries, Seal Management, Investment and Financing Management, Human Resources Management,
Information System Management, Capital Activities, Procurement Management, Asset Management, Sales and
Collection Management, Cost and Expense Management, Information System Security Management, and Information
Disclosure Affairs Management.

The Company has set up the Audit Committee under the board of directors, leading internal audit institutions, to
inspect and supervise the establishment and implementation of the company's internal control, and to conduct
systematic internal audit and supervision of the Company's economic activities. The Company has established a "risk-
oriented, system-based, process-bonded, control-enabled, and IT-supported" risk management system framework to
provide excellent support for the realization of corporate strategies. Through identifying risks and evaluating their
levels in terms of severity, likelihood and effectiveness of existing measures, the Company improves the hierarchical
decision-making authorization system according to the acceptable level of risks, establishes or optimizes systems and
processes, promotes the IT-supported processes and other control activities, and perfects process systems, to
comprehensively address the internal and external risks that may be foreseen in production and operation activities.
The Company emphasizes the cultivation of risk awareness and regularly organizes risk management training for all
departments, so as to strengthen the Company's risk warning and handling capabilities and develop the risk control
awareness among all staff.

According to the identification of material weaknesses in the financial reporting internal control of the Company, as of
the base date of the internal control assessment report, there is no material weakness in the internal control over
financial reports, and the Company has maintained effective internal control on financial reports in all material aspects
in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise internal control system and relevant regulations. According to
the identification of material weaknesses in non-financial reporting internal control of the Company, no material
weaknesses in non-financial reporting internal control were found as of the base date of the internal control
assessment report.

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Details of material weakness in internal control found during the reporting period

□ Yes  No

XIII. Company's Management of Subsidiaries During the Reporting Period

Not applicable.

XIV. Internal Control Evaluation Report or Internal Control Audit Report

1. Internal Control Evaluation Report

Date of full-text disclosure for internal
                                            April 16, 2024
control assessment report
Full-text disclosure index for internal
control assessment report
Percentage of total asset from units
included in the assessment out of the
total asset from the company's
consolidated financial statements
The proportion of operating revenue
of parties included in the assessment
to the operating revenue from the           100.00%
Company's consolidated financial
Defect identification criteria
Category                                    Financial Report                          Non-financial reports
                                            Signs of material weakness in             The identification of non-financial
                                            financial reporting include:              report defects is mainly determined
                                            (1) Corrupt practices of directors,       by the extent of their influence on
                                            supervisors, and senior managers of       validity of business process and the
                                            the Company;                              probability of occurrence.
                                            (2) Material misstatements in the         If the defect is less likely to occur,
                                            current Financial Report discovered       which may reduce the work efficiency
                                            by the Certified Public Accountants       or result, or with a greater
                                            but not recognized by the internal        uncertainty, or make it deviate from
                                            control of the Company;                   the expected goal, then it should be
                                            (3) Invalid internal control and          defined as a common defect;
                                            supervision of the External Financial     If the defect is likely to occur and will
                                            Report and the Financial Report of        significantly lower the work efficiency
Qualitative standards
                                            the Company by the Audit Committee        or effect, significantly increase the
                                            and the Audit Department.                 uncertainty, or make it deviate from
                                            Signs of significant deficiencies in      the expected goal, then it is a
                                            financial reporting include:              significant defect. If the defect is
                                            (1) Failure to select and apply the       likely to occur and will seriously lower
                                            accounting policies in accordance         the work efficiency or effect, or
                                            with    the    accepted      accounting   seriously increase the uncertainty, or
                                            standards;                                make it seriously deviate from the
                                            (2) Failure to establish anti-fraud       expected goal, then it is a major
                                            procedure and control measures;           defect.
                                            (3)     No      appropriate     control   Signs of material weakness in non-
                                            mechanism          established       or   financial reporting internal control
                                            appropriate compensating control          include:

                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                         implemented         for      accounting     1) The decision-making procedures
                         treatment of irregular or special           of the Company are not scientific,
                         transactions;                               such as decision-making errors,
                         (4) There are one or more defects in        causing failure to meet the desired
                         the control of final financial reporting    objectives      after    mergers    and
                         process,     and      no    reasonable      acquisitions.
                         guarantee      that     the     financial   2) Violation of national laws and
                         statements can achieve the goal of          regulations, resulting in investigation
                         being true and complete.                    by     relevant     departments     and
                         General deficiencies refer to the           regulatory bodies;
                         control deficiencies other than the         3) Loss of management personnel or
                         material deficiencies and important         key technical personnel;
                         deficiencies described above.               4) Frequent negative news in the
                                                                     5) The results of internal control
                                                                     assessment, especially major or
                                                                     important deficiencies, have not been
                                                                     Institutional controls are lacking or
                                                                     experiencing systemic failures in
                                                                     critical business operations.
                                                                     The quantitative criteria are based on
                         Losses which have been or may be            operating revenue and total assets.
                         incurred due to internal control            Losses which have been or may be
                         deficiencies and are related to the         incurred due to internal control
                         profit statement should be measured         deficiencies and are related to the
                         by the operating revenue indicators.        profit statement should be measured
                         If the misreporting amount in the           by the operating revenue indicators If
                         financial statement, which may be           the misreporting amount in the
                         incurred by the deficiencies alone or       financial statement, which may be
                         together with other deficiencies, is        incurred by the deficiencies alone or
                         less than 0.5% of the operating             together with other deficiencies, is
                         revenue, it is considered as a general      less than 0.5% of the operating
                         defect; If it exceeds 0.5% of the           revenue, it is considered as a general
                         operating revenue but is less than          defect; If it exceeds 0.5% of the
                         1%, then it is an significant defect; If    operating revenue but is less than
                         it exceeds 1% of the operating              1%, then it is an significant defect; If
                         revenue, then it is considered as a         it exceeds 1% of the operating
Quantitative standards   major defect.                               revenue, then it is considered as a
                         Losses which have been or may be            major defect.
                         incurred due to internal control            Losses which have been or may be
                         deficiencies and are related to the         incurred due to internal control
                         asset management should be                  deficiencies and are related to the
                         measured by the total asset                 asset management should be
                         indicators. If the misstated amount in      measured by the total asset
                         the financial statement, which may          indicators. If the misstated amount in
                         be incurred by the defect alone or          the financial statement, which may
                         together with other deficiencies, is        be incurred by the defect alone or
                         less than 0.5% of the total asset, it is    together with other defects, is less
                         considered as a general defect; If it       than 0.5% of the total asset, it is
                         exceeds 0.5% of the total asset but         considered as a common defect; If it
                         less than 1%, it is an important            exceeds 0.5% of the total asset but is
                         defect; If it exceeds 1% of the total       less than 1%, then it is considered as
                         asset, it is considered as a major          an important defect; If it exceeds 1%
                         defect.                                     of the total asset, it is considered as
                                                                     a major defect.

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Number of material weakness in
financial reports
Number of material weakness in non-
financial reports
Number of significant deficiency in
financial reports
Number of significant deficiency in
non-financial report

2. Internal control audit report

 Applicable □ Not applicable

 Deliberations Paragraph in the Internal Control Audit Report
 Dahua is deemed having maintained effective internal control, in all material respects, with respect to the financial
 statements in accordance with the "Basic Norms of Enterprise Internal Control" and relevant regulations, as of
 December 31, 2023.
 Disclosure in the internal control audit report                Disclosure
 Date of full-text disclosure for the internal control audit
                                                                April 16, 2024
 Full-text disclosure index for the internal control audit
 Opinion type in the internal control audit report              Standard unqualified opinion
 Whether there are material deficiencies in the non-
 financial reports

Whether the accounting firm has issued an internal control audit report with modified opinions
□ Yes  No
Whether the opinions in the internal control audit report issued by the accounting firm are consistent with those in the
self-evaluation report issued by the board of directors
Yes □ No

XV. Rectification of Self-inspection Problems of Special Actions for Corporate Governance of
Listed Companies


                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

         Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

I. Major Environmental Issues

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries belong to the key pollutant discharging units announced by the
environmental protection department
□ Yes  No
Administrative penalties for environmental offences during the reporting period
Not applicable.
See other environmental information disclosed by key pollutant discharge units.
Not applicable.
Measures taken during the reporting period to reduce carbon emissions and their effectiveness
 Applicable □ Not applicable
See the 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report released on the same day on Juchao Information
Network (www.cninfo.com.cn).
Reasons for not disclosing other environmental information
During the reporting period, the Company and its subsidiaries do not fall under the category of key pollutant
discharging units announced by the environmental protection department.

II. Social Responsibilities

See the "2023 Social Responsibility Report" and "2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report" released on
the same day on Juchao Information Network (www.cninfo.com.cn).

III. Consolidation and Expansion of Poverty Alleviation Achievements and Rural Revitalization

In the reporting period, there have been no targeted poverty alleviation and rural revitalization activities in the

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Section VI Significant Events

I. Performance of Commitments

1. Commitments that have been fulfilled by the Company's actual controller(s), shareholders,
related parties, acquirers, the Company and the relevant parties during the reporting period
and those that have not been fulfilled by the end of the reporting period

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                 Party making    Commitment
Commitments                                      Content                              Time         Term    manc
                 commitments     Type
                                                 The number of shares
                                                 transferred each year during
                                                 his/her term of service shall not
                                                 exceed 25 percent of the total
                                                 number of shares he/she holds
Commitments                                      in the Company; he/she shall                              Being
made during      Fu Liquan,      Commitment      not transfer his/her shares in the                        fulfille
                                                                                      July 15,     Long-
initial public   Chen Ailing,    on restricted   Company within half a year after                          d
                                                                                      2007         term
offerings or     Wu Jun          shares          he/she leaves the Company;                                norm
refinancing                                      within the next twelve months,                            ally
                                                 the number of shares sold
                                                 through the stock exchange
                                                 listing transactions shall not
                                                 exceed 50% of the total shares
                                                 he/she holds.
                                                 The number of shares
                                                 transferred each year during
                                                 his/her term of service shall not
                                                 exceed 25 percent of the total
                                                 number of shares he/she holds
Commitments                                      in the Company; he/she shall
made during                      Commitment      not transfer his/her shares in the                June
                 Zhu                                                                  July 15,             Comp
initial public                   on restricted   Company within half a year after                  17,
                 Jiangming                                                            2007                 leted
offerings or                     shares          he/she leaves the Company;                        2023
refinancing                                      within the next twelve months,
                                                 the number of shares sold
                                                 through the stock exchange
                                                 listing transactions shall not
                                                 exceed 50% of the total shares
                                                 he/she holds.
Commitments                                                                                                Being
                                                 Commitment to practical
made during      All directors                                                                             fulfille
                                 Other           fulfilment of the measures for       March 26,    Long-
initial public   and senior                                                                                d
                                 commitments     return filling involved in non-      2021         term
offerings or     executives                                                                                norm
                                                 public offering
refinancing                                                                                                ally
Commitments                                                                                                Being
                                                 Commitment to practical
made during                                                                                                fulfille
                 Fu Liquan,      Other           fulfilment of the measures for       March 26,    Long-
initial public                                                                                             d
                 Chen Ailing     commitments     return filling involved in non-      2021         term
offerings or                                                                                               norm
                                                 public offering
refinancing                                                                                                ally

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                   For a period of 36 months from
                                                   the date of completion of the
                                                   stock issuance by Dahua to
                                                   specific investors (i.e., the first
                                                   day of listing of the newly issued
                                                   shares), our company will not
Commitments                                        transfer the Dahua shares                                  Being
                 China Mobile
made during                        Commitment      subscribed in this issuance in                     36      fulfille
                 Communicatio                                                             April 14,
initial public                     on restricted   any manner, nor will Dahua                         mont    d
                 ns Group Co.,                                                            2023
offerings or                       shares          repurchase these shares. After                     hs      norm
refinancing                                        this issuance is completed, any                            ally
                                                   additional shares our company
                                                   acquires from Dahua due to
                                                   bonus shares, capital stock
                                                   increases, or similar reasons
                                                   must also comply with the
                                                   above agreement.
                                                   (1) He/she will not directly
                                                   engage in operational activities
                                                   that constitute horizontal
                                                   competition with the stock
                                                   company's business; (2) for
                                                   companies he/she held or
                                                   indirectly held, he/she will fulfill
                                                   the obligations under this                                 Being
                                   Commitment      commitment through agencies                                fulfille
to minority      Fu Liquan,                                                               June 30,    Long-
                                   on horizontal   and personnel (including but not                           d
shareholders     Chen Ailing                                                              2007        term
                                   competition     limited to directors and                                   norm
of the
                                                   managers); (3) if the stock                                ally
                                                   company further expands its
                                                   range of products and business
                                                   scope, he/she and the company
                                                   held by him/her will not compete
                                                   with the expanded range of
                                                   products or businesses of the
                                                   stock company.
Whether the
commitment is
fulfilled on
Where the
commitment is
overdue, the
reasons for
                 Not applicable.
and the
following work
plan shall be
explained in

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2. If there is a profit forecast for the Company's assets or projects, and the reporting period is
still within the profit forecast period, the Company shall make an explanation on the fulfillment
and its reasons

□ Applicable  Not applicable

II. Non-operational capital occupation over listed companies by controlling shareholders and
their related parties

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, there is no non-operational capital occupation over listed companies by controlling
shareholders and their related parties.

III. Illegal external guarantees

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No illegal external guarantees during the reporting period.

IV. Statement by the Board of Directors on the "Non-Standard Audit Report" of the Last Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

V. Explanations Made by the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, and Independent
Directors (If Any) on the "Non-standard Audit Report" from the Accounting Firm during the
Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VI. Changes in Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates or Correction of Significant
Accounting Errors Compared with the Previous Year's Financial Report

 Applicable □ Not applicable
For changes in accounting policies and accounting methods during the reporting period, please refer to "Section X:
Financial Reports/V: Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates/38: Changes in Important Accounting
Policies and Accounting Estimates."

VII. Changes in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements Compared with the Previous
Year's Financial Report

 Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) The Company has established three domestic subsidiaries in this period: Zhejiang Shuhang Intelligent Technology
Co., Ltd., Guangdong Huaxiyue Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Huajie New Energy Operation Service
Co., Ltd. Additionally, it has established seven overseas subsidiaries: Dahua Technology Belgium BV, Dahua
Technology Regional Headquarters, Dahua Technology Azerbaijan LLC, Dahua Technology Vietnam Company
Limited, Huaray Technology Korea Company Limited, HuaRay Technology GmbH, and Dahua Technology Angola S.U.

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

lda. All the aforementioned subsidiaries have been consolidated into the financial reports of the Company from their
respective establishment dates.

(2) The Company's holding subsidiary, Huajian Technology, acquired 100% equity of Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co.,
Ltd. in February 2023, thereby obtaining substantial control over it. Consequently, it has been consolidated into the
financial reports of the Company.

(3) The Company's subsidiary, Guizhou Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd., was deregistered during this period
and is no longer included in the financial report of the Company from the date of deregistration.

VIII. Appointment and Dismissal of Accounting Firms

Currently appointed accounting firms
                                                                BDO China Shu Lun Pan CPAs (special general
 Names of domestic accounting firms
 Remuneration to domestic accounting firms (Unit: RMB
 ten thousand)
 Years of continuous audit service of domestic accounting
 Names of Certified Public Accountants from domestic
                                                                Du Na, Zhang Junhui
 accounting firms
 The continuous period of audit service for certified public    Du Na has been in service for 1 year and Zhang Junhui
 accountants in domestic accounting firms                       has been in service for 4 consecutive years.

Whether to reappoint accounting firms for current period
□ Yes  No
Appointment of accounting firms, financial advisers, or sponsors for internal control auditing
 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. During the 2023 reporting period, the Company engaged BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP
(special general partnership) as the internal control audit accounting firm, with a total of internal audit expense of RMB
400,000 yuan paid.

2. During the reporting period, the Company completed the issuance of shares to specific investors and paid
underwriting fees totaling RMB 3 million yuan to the sponsor institution Guosen Securities Co., Ltd.

IX. Delisting after Disclosure of the Annual Report

□ Applicable  Not applicable

X. Bankruptcy and Restructuring

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such case as bankruptcy and reorganization related event during the reporting period.

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

XI. Significant Lawsuits and Arbitrations

□ Applicable  Not applicable
There is no major lawsuit or arbitration during this reporting period.

XII. Penalties and Rectification

□ Applicable  Not applicable

XIII. Integrity of the Company, Its Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers

□ Applicable  Not applicable

XIV. Significant Related-party Transactions

1. Related transactions relevant to daily operations

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such case as significant related-party transactions connected with daily operations.

2. Related transactions in acquisition or sale of assets or equities

 Applicable □ Not applicable
For details, see "7. Other significant related-party transactions" in this section.

3. Significant related-party transactions arising from joint investments on external parties

 Applicable □ Not applicable
For details, see "7. Other significant related-party transactions" in this section.

4. Related-party creditor's rights and debts

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such case as related credits and debts during the reporting period.

5. Transactions with related financial companies

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the Company and the related financial company and the
related parties.

6. Transactions between the financial company controlled by the Company and the related

□ Applicable  Not applicable
There are no deposit, loan, credit, or other financial business between the financial company controlled by the
Company and the related parties.

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

7. Other significant related-party transactions

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. On February 17, 2023, the Company convened the 39th meeting of the 7th board of directors and the 27th meeting
of the 7th board of supervisors, during which the "Proposal on Capital Increase by Certain Senior Management and
Core Employees of the Company and Related Transactions to the Planned Spin-off Subsidiary" was deliberated and
approved. The proposal sanctioned that certain senior management and core employees of the Company would
collectively increase their investment in the holding subsidiary, Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as "HuaRay Technology"), by a total of RMB 6,049,190 yuan (increasing the registered capital by RMB
1,675,676 yuan , with the remaining portion allocated to capital surplus). Among them, 11 natural persons, including
senior management Zhao Yuning and Zhu Jiantang, would collectively invest RMB 4,839,353 yuan directly. Following
this capital increase, the Company's equity stake in HuaRay Technology changed from 42.2280% to 41.0878%.
HuaRay Technology continues to be a holding subsidiary within the consolidated financial statements of the Company.
2. On March 17, 2023, the Company convened the 40th meeting of the 7th board of directors, deliberating and
approving the "Proposal on Increasing Capital and Shares of Holding Subsidiaries and Introducing Investors, as well
as Related Transactions." In the meeting, the Company's holding subsidiary, HuaRay Technology, was approved to
introduce a total of 8 investors, including Yibin Green Energy Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), and
Zhu Jiangming, among others. The investors planned to inject a total of RMB 260,000,061 yuan in cash into HuaRay
Technology (RMB 8,934,710 yuan as additional registered capital, with the remainder credited to capital surplus),
thereby collectively obtaining a 12.58% equity in HuaRay Technology after capital increase. Following this capital
increase, the Company's equity stake in HuaRay Technology changed from 41.0878% to 35.9171%. HuaRay
Technology continues to be a holding subsidiary within the consolidated financial statements of the Company.
3. On April 7, 2023, the Company convened the 41st meeting of the 7th board of directors, deliberating and approving
the "Proposal on Waiving the Priority Right of First Refusal of Holding Subsidiary and Related Transactions." This
pertained to the transfer of a 20% equity stake in Zhejiang Wisualarm Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
Wisualarm Technology) by its shareholder, Zhejiang Huashi Investment Management Co., Ltd., to the Wisualarm
Technology Employee Shareholding Platform and core management. The Company's board of directors agreed to
waive the aforementioned equity stake's priority right of first refusal.
4. Additionally, on April 7, 2023, the Company convened both the 41st meeting of the 7th board of directors and the
28th meeting of the 7th board of supervisors. At these meetings, during which the "Proposal on Implementing Equity
Incentives for Holding Subsidiaries and Related Transactions" was deliberated and approved. It was agreed to
implement equity incentives for certain directors, supervisors, executives, and core employees of Hangzhou Huacheng
Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huacheng Network") through a capital increase. Among
these, director Zhao Yuning, supervisor Zheng Jieping, and senior executives Liu Ming, Zhu Jiantang, Li Zhijie, Xu
Zhicheng, Wu Jian, Song Ke, and Xu Qiaofen, collectively increased Huacheng Network's capital by RMB
7,881,049.75 yuan (leading to an additional registered capital of RMB 2,236,316 yuan). Following the completion of
this equity incentive implementation, the Company's equity stake in Huacheng Network changed from 51.00% to
44.61%, while Huacheng Network continues to be a holding subsidiary within the consolidated financial statements of
the Company.
5. On June 25, 2023, the Company convened the 45th meeting of the 7th board of directors and the 32nd meeting of
the 7th board of supervisors. During the meetings, the "Proposal on Capital Increase for Holding Subsidiaries,
Implementation of Equity Incentives, and Related Transactions" was deliberated and approved. The Company agreed
to increase its investment in Zhejiang Huagan Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huagan Technology")
by valuing the assets of the thermal imaging business asset group at RMB 539,864,700 yuan and injecting the

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

business into Huagan Technology, increasing the registered capital of Huagan Technology by RMB 2,81,091,690 yuan.
Simultaneously, Huagan Technology incentivized certain directors, supervisors, executives, core employees, and their
core management team through a capital increase, priced at RMB 1 yuan per share.
6. On October 26, 2023, the Company held the 3rd meeting of the 8th board of directors and convened the third
extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of 2023 on November 6, 2023. The "Proposal on Transfer of Equity in
the Invested Company and Related Transactions" was deliberated and approved. The Company agreed to transfer 90
million shares (of which 45 million shares are "fully tradable" H shares and the other 45 million shares are domestic
shares) of Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Leapmotor") to STELLANTIS N.V. at a
price of HK$3,492.90 million. In November 2023, the Company completed the delivery of the fully tradable H shares
and domestic shares of Leapmotor involved in this transaction to STELLANTIS N.V. as agreed, and the Company no
longer holds any shares of Leapmotor.

Website for disclosing the interim report on significant related-party transactions

 Announcement name                                   Disclosure date                  Website for the disclosure
 Announcement on the Capital Increase by
 Certain Senior Management and Core
                                                                                      Juchao Information Network
 Employees of the Company and Related                February 18, 2023
 Transactions for the Planned Spin-off
 Announcement on Increasing Capital and
                                                                                      Juchao Information Network
 Shares of Holding Subsidiaries and Introducing      March 21, 2023
 Investors, as well as Related Transactions
 Announcement on Waiving the Priority Right of
                                                                                      Juchao Information Network
 First Refusal of Holding Subsidiary and             April 8, 2023
 Related Transactions
 Announcement on Implementing Equity
                                                                                      Juchao Information Network
 Incentives for Holding Subsidiaries and             April 8, 2023
 Related Transactions
 Announcement on Capital Increase for Holding
                                                                                      Juchao Information Network
 Subsidiaries, Implementation of Equity              June 27, 2023
 Incentives, and Related Transactions
 Announcement on Transfer of Equity in the                                            Juchao Information Network
                                                     October 26, 2023
 Invested Company and Related Transactions                                            http://www.cninfo.com.cn/

XV. Significant Contracts and Performance

1. Matters on trusteeship, contracting, and leasehold

(1) Matters on trusteeship

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such case as custody during the reporting period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such case as contracting during the reporting period.

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(3) Leasing

 Applicable □ Not applicable
Explanations on leases

During the reporting period, some of the Company's own real estate properties were used for rental, and there are no
other leases of major property except for the leased real estate property used for office, warehouse, and production

Cases that brought the profit and loss accounted for more than 10% of the Company's total profit during the reporting
□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such leases that brought the profit and loss accounted for more than 10% of the Company's total profit during the
reporting period.

2. Significant guarantees

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                             Unit: RMB ten thousand

External guarantees from the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding guarantees to the subsidiaries)
                      ement                     Actua
                      date of                   l        Actual                                            Due
                                  Guarantee                            Type of                                   relate
Guaranteed party      disclosur                 occur    guarantee                   Term of guarantee     or
                                  amount                               guarantee                                 d
                      e of the                  rence    amount                                            not
                      guarante                  date
                                                                                                                 s or
                      e cap

                                                         Total amount of
Total amount of guarantees
                                                         guarantees actually
approved during the reporting
                                                         occurred during the
period (A1)
                                                         reporting period (A2)
Total amount of guarantees                               Total balance of
approved by the end of the                               guarantees at the end of
reporting period (A3)                                    the reporting period (A4)
Company's guarantees to subsidiaries
                      ement                     Actua
                      date of                   l        Actual                                            Due
                                  Guarantee                            Type of                                   relate
Guaranteed party      disclosur                 occur    guarantee                   Term of guarantee     or
                                  amount                               guarantee                                 d
                      e of the                  rence    amount                                            not
                      guarante                  date
                                                                                                                 s or
                      e cap
                                                                                     Two years after
                                                Augu                   Joint
                                                                                     the maturity of the
                                                st 12,   60,000.00     liability                           Yes   No
                                                                                     debts in the
Zhejiang Dahua                                  2020                   guarantee
                      April 28,                                                      master contract
Vision Technology                 840,000.00
                      2023                                                           Two years after
Co., Ltd.                                       Augu                   Joint
                                                                                     the maturity of the
                                                st 18,   33,000.00     liability                           Yes   No
                                                                                     debts in the
                                                2020                   guarantee
                                                                                     master contract

           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Augu                  Joint        From August 1,
st 1,    3,500.00     liability    2021 to July 31,      Yes   No
2020                  guarantee    2023

Septe                              Three years after
mber                               the maturity of the
         90,000.00    liability                          Yes   No
27,                                debts in the
2021                               master contract
                                   Three years after
June                  Joint
                                   the maturity of the
10,      30,000.00    liability                          Yes   No
                                   debts in the
2022                  guarantee
                                   master contract
                                   From effective
                                   date of the
                                   Letter to three
                                   years after the
June                  Joint
                                   maturity date of
10,      20,000.00    liability                          Yes   No
                                   each note
2022                  guarantee
                                   discounted by the
                                   China Merchants
                                   Bank within the
                                   credit extension
                                   Three years after
July                  Joint
                                   the maturity of the
25,      35,000.00    liability                          Yes   No
                                   debts in the
2022                  guarantee
                                   master contract
                                   From the effective
                                   date of the letter
                                   of commitment
                                   until three years
June                  Joint        after the maturity
9,      20,000.00    liability    date of each bill     Yes   No
2023                  guarantee    discounted by the
                                   Hangzhou Branch
                                   of China
                                   Merchants Bank in
                                   the credit period.
                                   Two years after
Octob                 Joint
                                   the maturity of the
er 13,   22,000.00    liability                          No    No
                                   debts in the
2017                  guarantee
                                   master contract
Septe                              Two years after
         28,330.80    Joint
mber                               the maturity of the
         ( US$ 40     liability                          No    No
21,                                debts in the
         million)     guarantee
2018                               master contract
April                 Joint
                                   From April 7, 2020
7,       53,000.00    liability                          No    No
                                   to March 31, 2024
2020                  guarantee
Septe                              Five years upon
mber                               expiration of debt
         30,000.00    liability                          No    No
1,                                 period of master
2020                               contract
                                   Three years after
Febru                 Joint
                                   the maturity of the
ary 4,   100,000.00   liability                          No    No
                                   debts in the
2021                  guarantee
                                   master contract
                                   Three years after
July                  Joint
                                   the maturity of the
26,      44,000.00    liability                          No    No
                                   debts in the
2021                  guarantee
                                   master contract
Octob                 Joint        Three years after
er 20,   20,000.00    liability    the maturity of the   No    No
2021                  guarantee    debts in the

          2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                  master contract
                                  Three years after
July                 Joint
                                  the maturity of the
22,     20,000.00    liability                           No   No
                                  debts in the
2022                 guarantee
                                  master contract
Septe                             From September
mber                              19, 2022 to
        60,000.00    liability                           No   No
19,                               September 18,
2022                              2024
                                  From the effective
                                  date of the
                                  guarantee until
                                  three years after
                                  the maturity date
                                  of each loan or
                                  other financing
                                  under the "Credit
                                  Agreement," or
                                  the maturity date
                                  of accounts
                                  receivable rights
                                  acquired by the
June                 Joint
                                  Hangzhou Branch
9,     40,000.00    liability                           No   No
                                  of China
2023                 guarantee
                                  Merchants Bank,
                                  or the date of
                                  each advance
                                  payment. In the
                                  event of any
                                  specific credit
                                  extension, the
                                  guarantee period
                                  shall extend until
                                  three years after
                                  the expiration of
                                  the extension
                                  The guarantee
                                  period extends to
                                  three years after
June                              the maturity date
                                  of each bill
25,    20,000.00    liability                           No   No
                                  discounted by the
2023                 guarantee
                                  Hangzhou Branch
                                  of China
                                  Merchants Bank in
                                  the credit period.
                                  From the date of
                                  expiration of each
                                  individual main
                                  debt obligation
                                  until three years
July                 Joint
                                  after the expiration
24,     40,000.00    liability                           No   No
                                  of the
2023                 guarantee
                                  performance term
                                  of all main debt
                                  obligations under
                                  the entire main
                                  From the effective
                                  date of the
July                 Joint        "Maximum
25,     50,000.00    liability    Guarantee              No   No
2023                 guarantee    Contract" until
                                  three years after
                                  the expiration of

                                                       2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                               the performance
                                                                               term of each debt
                                                                               under the credit
                                                                               calculated for
                                                                               each individual
                                                                               credit facility
                                                                               arranged by
                                                                               Dahua Technology
                                                                               for the debtor, i.e.
                                                                               from the date of
                                             July                 Joint
                                                                               signing the main
                                             26,     90,000.00    liability                           No    No
                                                                               contract for the
                                             2023                 guarantee
                                                                               individual credit
                                                                               facility until three
                                                                               years after the
                                                                               expiration of the
                                                                               performance term
                                                                               of the debtor
                                                                               under that main
                                                                               Three years
                                                                               starting from the
                                             July                 Joint        expiration of the
                                             26,     33,000.00    liability    performance term       No    No
                                             2023                 guarantee    of the debtor as
                                                                               stipulated in the
                                                                               main debt contract
                                                                               Three years
                                                                               starting from the
                                                                               day following the
                                             Nove                              promise by the
                                             mber                              Qingchun Branch
                                                     20,000.00    liability                           No    No
                                             20,                               of the Industrial
                                             2021                              and Commercial
                                                                               Bank of China to
                                                                               make external
                                             Nove                              Three years after
                                             mber                              the maturity of the
                                                     20,000.00    liability                           Yes   No
                                             10,                               debts in the
                                             2021                              master contract
                                             Marc                 Joint        From March 25,
                                             h 25,   8,000.00     liability    2022 to December       Yes   No
                                             2022                 guarantee    31, 2023
                                                                               One years upon
                                             April   42,496.20    Joint
                                                                               expiration of debt
                                             29,     (US$ 60      liability                           Yes   No
                                                                               period of master
                                             2022    million)     guarantee
                                                                               One years upon
                                             April                Joint
                                                                               expiration of debt
Zhejiang Dahua      April 28,                29,     1,000.00     liability                           Yes   No
                                270,000.00                                     period of master
Zhilian Co., Ltd.   2023                     2022                 guarantee
                                             May     38,954.85    Joint        From May 14,
                                             14,     (US$ 55      liability    2022 to May 14,        Yes   No
                                             2022    million)     guarantee    2023
                                                                               Three years after
                                             June                 Joint
                                                                               the maturity of the
                                             10,     16,000.00    liability                           Yes   No
                                                                               debts in the
                                             2022                 guarantee
                                                                               master contract
                                                                               From effective
                                             June                 Joint        date of the
                                             10,     16,000.00    liability    Commitment             Yes   No
                                             2022                 guarantee    Letter to three
                                                                               years after the

           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                   maturity date of
                                   each note
                                   discounted by the
                                   China Merchants
                                   Bank within the
                                   credit extension
         15,581.94    Joint
mber                               2022.11.16-
         (US$ 22      liability                          Yes   No
16,                                2023.05.14
         million)     guarantee
                                   From the effective
                                   date of the letter
                                   of commitment
                                   until three years
June                  Joint        after the maturity
9,       16,000.00    liability    date of each bill     Yes   No
2023                  guarantee    discounted by the
                                   Hangzhou Branch
                                   of China
                                   Merchants Bank in
                                   the credit period.
Septe                              Two years after
mber                               the maturity of the
         30,000.00    liability                          No    No
24,                                debts in the
2020                               master contract
                                   Three years after
July                  Joint
                                   the maturity of the
26,      16,500.00    liability                          No    No
                                   debts in the
2021                  guarantee
                                   master contract
         3,541.35     Joint        From December
         (US$ 5       liability    3, 2021 to            No    No
         million)     guarantee    December 2, 2024
Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
st 25,   20,000.00    liability    to August 25,         No    No
2022                  guarantee    2025
Septe                              From September
mber                               19, 2022 to
         15,000.00    liability                          No    No
19,                                September 18,
2022                               2024
                                   From the effective
                                   date of the
                                   guarantee until
                                   three years after
                                   the maturity date
                                   of each loan or
                                   other financing
                                   under the "Credit
                                   Agreement," or
                                   the maturity date
                                   of accounts
                                   receivable rights
June                  Joint
                                   acquired by the
9,       16,000.00    liability                          No    No
                                   Hangzhou Branch
2023                  guarantee
                                   of China
                                   Merchants Bank,
                                   or the date of
                                   each advance
                                   payment. In the
                                   event of any
                                   specific credit
                                   extension, the
                                   guarantee period
                                   shall extend until
                                   three years after
                                   the expiration of

                                                    2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                            the extension

                                           June                Joint
                                                                            June 19, 2023 to
                                           19,    12,000.00    liability                           No    No
                                                                            June 18, 2024
                                           2023                guarantee

                                           June                Joint
                                                                            June 19, 2023 to
                                           19,    35,000.00    liability                           No    No
                                                                            June 18, 2024
                                           2023                guarantee

                                           July   8,853.38     Joint
                                                                            July 13, 2023 to
                                           13,    (US$ 12.5    liability                           No    No
                                                                            July 12, 2024
                                           2023   million)     guarantee

                                                                            From the date of
                                                                            expiration of each
                                                                            individual main
                                                                            debt obligation
                                                                            until three years
                                           July                Joint
                                                                            after the expiration
                                           24,    50,000.00    liability                           No    No
                                                                            of the
                                           2023                guarantee
                                                                            performance term
                                                                            of all main debt
                                                                            obligations under
                                                                            the entire main
                                           Nove                             Three years after
                                           mber                             the maturity of the
                                                  6,000.00     liability                           Yes   No
                                           10,                              debts in the
                                           2021                             master contract
                                                                            Three years after
                                           June                Joint
                                                                            the maturity of the
                                           10,    4,000.00     liability                           Yes   No
                                                                            debts in the
                                           2022                guarantee
                                                                            master contract
                                                                            From effective
Zhejiang Dahua                                                              date of the
System             April 28,                                                Commitment
Engineering Co.,   2023                                                     Letter to three
Ltd.                                                                        years after the
                                           June                Joint
                                                                            maturity date of
                                           10,    4,000.00     liability                           Yes   No
                                                                            each note
                                           2022                guarantee
                                                                            discounted by the
                                                                            China Merchants
                                                                            Bank within the
                                                                            credit extension
                                           July                Joint        Three years after
                                                  5,000.00                                         Yes   No
                                           25,                 liability    the maturity of the

                                                      2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                           2022                  guarantee    debts in the
                                                                              master contract
                                                                              Two years after
                                           Augu                  Joint
                                                                              the maturity of the
                                           st 30,   1,000.00     liability                          No    No
                                                                              debts in the
                                           2019                  guarantee
                                                                              master contract
                                           Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                           st 25,   500.00       liability    to August 25,         No    No
                                           2022                  guarantee    2025
                                                                              From the effective
                                                                              date of the
                                                                              guarantee until
                                                                              three years after
                                                                              the maturity date
                                                                              of each loan or
                                                                              other financing
                                                                              under the "Credit
                                                                              Agreement," or
                                                                              the maturity date
                                                                              of accounts
                                                                              receivable rights
                                                                              acquired by the
                                           June                  Joint
                                                                              Hangzhou Branch
                                           9,       4,000.00     liability                          No    No
                                                                              of China
                                           2023                  guarantee
                                                                              Merchants Bank,
                                                                              or the date of
                                                                              each advance
                                                                              payment. In the
                                                                              event of any
                                                                              specific credit
                                                                              extension, the
                                                                              guarantee period
                                                                              shall extend until
                                                                              three years after
                                                                              the expiration of
                                                                              the extension
                                                                              From the effective
                                                                              date of the
                                                                              Contract" until
                                           July                  Joint
                                                                              three years after
                                           25,      5,000.00     liability                          No    No
                                                                              the expiration of
                                           2023                  guarantee
                                                                              the performance
                                                                              term of each debt
                                                                              under the credit
                                                                              One year from the
                                                                              date of signing the
                                                                              project contract or
                                                                 Joint        upon the stable
                                                    160.21       liability    operation of the      No    No
                                                                 guarantee    system for six
                                                                              (whichever comes
                                           Marc     1,416.54     Joint
                                                                              March 25, 2022 to
                                           h 25,    (US$ 2       liability                          Yes   No
                                                                              March 25, 2023
Dahua Technology   April 28,               2022     million)     guarantee
(HK) Limited       2023                    April    1,416.54     Joint
                                                                              April 21, 2023 to
                                           21,      (US$ 2       liability                          No    No
                                                                              April 21, 2024
                                           2023     million)     guarantee
DAHUA                                      Septe    708.27       Joint        September 1,
                   April 28,
TECHNOLOGY                     8,000.00    mber     (US$ 1       liability    2021 to December      Yes   No
MEXICO S.A. DE                             1,       million)     guarantee    1, 2023

                                                       2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

C.V                                         2021

                                            Octob    3,541.35     Joint        October 21, 2022
                                            er 21,   (US$ 5       liability    to October 20,        Yes   No
                                            2022     million)     guarantee    2023
                                            Octob    708.27       Joint        October 18, 2023
                                            er 18,   (US$ 1       liability    to October 20,        No    No
                                            2023     million)     guarantee    2024
                                                                               Two years after
                                            Augu                  Joint
                                                                               the maturity of the
                                            st 30,   5,000.00     liability                          No    No
                                                                               debts in the
                                            2019                  guarantee
                                                                               master contract
                                                                               Three years after
Huacheng Network    April 28,               July                  Joint
                                17,000.00                                      the maturity of the
Technology  Co.,    2023                    26,      5,500.00     liability                          No    No
                                                                               debts in the
Ltd.                                        2021                  guarantee
                                                                               master contract
                                            Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                            st 25,   6,500.00     liability    to August 25,         No    No
                                            2022                  guarantee    2025
                                                                               August 12, 2020
                                            Augu     1,048.77     Joint
Dahua Technology    April 28,                                                  to the date of
                                2,000.00    st 12,   (GBP 1.16    liability                          No    No
UK Limited          2023                                                       signing
                                            2020     million)     guarantee
                                                                               termination notice
                                                                               From effective
                                                                               date of the
                                                                               Letter to three
                                                                               years after the
                                            June                  Joint
                                                                               maturity date of
                                            10,      1,000.00     liability                          Yes   No
                                                                               each note
                                            2022                  guarantee
                                                                               discounted by the
                                                                               China Merchants
                                                                               Bank within the
                                                                               credit extension
                                                                               From the effective
                                                                               date of the letter
                                                                               of commitment
                                                                               until three years
                                            June                  Joint        after the maturity
Zhejiang Huayixin                           9,       1,000.00     liability    date of each bill     Yes   No
                    April 28,
Technology  Co.,                4,500.00    2023                  guarantee    discounted by the
Ltd.                                                                           Hangzhou Branch
                                                                               of China
                                                                               Merchants Bank in
                                                                               the credit period.
                                                                               Three years after
                                            April                 Joint
                                                                               the maturity of the
                                            29,      1,000.00     liability                          No    No
                                                                               debts in the
                                            2022                  guarantee
                                                                               master contract
                                                                               Three years after
                                            May       1,416.54    Joint
                                                                               the maturity of the
                                            16,      (US$ 2       liability                          No    No
                                                                               debts in the
                                            2022     million)     guarantee
                                                                               master contract
                                            Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                            st 25,   200.00       liability    to August 25,         No    No
                                            2022                  guarantee    2025
                                            Octob                 Joint        October 21, 2022
                                            er 21,   800.00       liability    to September 18,      No    No
                                            2022                  guarantee    2024
                                                                               From effective
                                                                               date of the
Zhejiang Fengshi                            June                  Joint
                    April 28,                                                  Commitment
Technology  Co.,                15,000.00   10,      2,000.00     liability                          Yes   No
                    2023                                                       Letter to three
Ltd.                                        2022                  guarantee
                                                                               years after the
                                                                               maturity date of

                                                      2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                              each note
                                                                              discounted by the
                                                                              China Merchants
                                                                              Bank within the
                                                                              credit extension
                                                                              From the effective
                                                                              date of the letter
                                                                              of commitment
                                                                              until three years
                                           June                  Joint        after the maturity
                                           9,       2,000.00     liability    date of each bill     Yes   No
                                           2023                  guarantee    discounted by the
                                                                              Hangzhou Branch
                                                                              of China
                                                                              Merchants Bank in
                                                                              the credit period.
                                           Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                           st 25,   10,000.00    liability    to August 25,         No    No
                                           2022                  guarantee    2025
                                           Octob                 Joint        October 21, 2022
                                           er 21,   2,000.00     liability    to September 18,      No    No
                                           2022                  guarantee    2024
                                                                              The guarantee
                                                                              period extends to
                                                                              three years after
                                                                              the maturity date
                                           June                  Joint
                                                                              of each bill
                                           25,      2,000.00     liability                          No    No
                                                                              discounted by the
                                           2023                  guarantee
                                                                              Hangzhou Branch
                                                                              of China
                                                                              Merchants Bank in
                                                                              the credit period.
                                                                              Three years after
                                           Octob                 Joint
                                                                              the maturity of the
                                           er 20,   1,000.00     liability                          Yes   No
                                                                              debts in the
                                           2021                  guarantee
                                                                              master contract
                                                                              From effective
                                                                              date of the
                                                                              Letter to three
                                                                              years after the
                                           June                  Joint
                                                                              maturity date of
                                           10,      1,000.00     liability                          Yes   No
                                                                              each note
                                           2022                  guarantee
                                                                              discounted by the
                                                                              China Merchants
                                                                              Bank within the
Jiangsu Huaruipin                                                             credit extension
                    April 28,
Technology   Co.                4,500.00                                      period
Ltd.                                                                          From the effective
                                                                              date of the letter
                                                                              of commitment
                                                                              until three years
                                           June                  Joint        after the maturity
                                           9,       1,000.00     liability    date of each bill     Yes   No
                                           2023                  guarantee    discounted by the
                                                                              Hangzhou Branch
                                                                              of China
                                                                              Merchants Bank in
                                                                              the credit period.
                                           Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                           st 25,   800.00       liability    to August 25,         No    No
                                           2022                  guarantee    2025

                                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                              Octob                 Joint        October 21, 2022
                                              er 21,   1,500.00     liability    to September 18,     No    No
                                              2022                  guarantee    2024

                                                                                 From effective
                                                                                 date of the
                                                                                 Letter to three
                                                                                 years after the
                                              June                  Joint
                                                                                 maturity date of
                                              10,      1,000.00     liability                         Yes   No
                                                                                 each note
                                              2022                  guarantee
                                                                                 discounted by the
                                                                                 China Merchants
                                                                                 Bank within the
                                                                                 credit extension
                                                                                 From the effective
Zhejiang Huaxiao                                                                 date of the letter
                      April 28,
Technology Co.,                   2,000.00                                       of commitment
Ltd.                                                                             until three years
                                              June                  Joint        after the maturity
                                              9,       1,000.00     liability    date of each bill    Yes   No
                                              2023                  guarantee    discounted by the
                                                                                 Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                 of China
                                                                                 Merchants Bank in
                                                                                 the credit period.
                                              Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                              st 25,   200.00       liability    to August 25,        No    No
                                              2022                  guarantee    2025
                                              Octob                 Joint        October 21, 2022
                                              er 21,   800.00       liability    to September 18,     No    No
                                              2022                  guarantee    2024
                                                                                 From effective
                                                                                 date of the
                                                                                 Letter to three
                                                                                 years after the
                                              June                  Joint
                                                                                 maturity date of
                                              10,      5,000.00     liability                         Yes   No
                                                                                 each note
                                              2022                  guarantee
                                                                                 discounted by the
                                                                                 China Merchants
                                                                                 Bank within the
                                                                                 credit extension
                                                                                 From the effective
                                                                                 date of the letter
                                                                                 of commitment
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian                                                              until three years
                      April 28,
Technology Co.,                   20,000.00   June                  Joint        after the maturity
Ltd.                                          9,       5,000.00     liability    date of each bill    Yes   No
                                              2023                  guarantee    discounted by the
                                                                                 Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                 of China
                                                                                 Merchants Bank in
                                                                                 the credit period.
                                              Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                              st 25,   10,000.00    liability    to August 25,        No    No
                                              2022                  guarantee    2025
                                              Octob                 Joint        October 21, 2022
                                              er 21,   2,500.00     liability    to September 18,     No    No
                                              2022                  guarantee    2024
                                                                                 The guarantee
                                              June                  Joint
                                                                                 period extends to
                                              25,      5,000.00     liability                         No    No
                                                                                 three years after
                                              2023                  guarantee
                                                                                 the maturity date

                                                        2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                of each bill
                                                                                discounted by the
                                                                                Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                of China
                                                                                Merchants Bank in
                                                                                the credit period.
                                                                                From effective
                                                                                date of the
                                                                                Letter to three
                                                                                years after the
                                             June                  Joint
                                                                                maturity date of
                                             10,      5,000.00     liability                         Yes   No
                                                                                each note
                                             2022                  guarantee
                                                                                discounted by the
                                                                                China Merchants
                                                                                Bank within the
                                                                                credit extension
                                                                                From the effective
                                                                                date of the letter
                                                                                of commitment
                                                                                until three years
Zhengzhou Dahua                              June                  Joint        after the maturity
Zhian Information    April 28,               9,       5,000.00     liability    date of each bill    Yes   No
Technology Co.,      2023                    2023                  guarantee    discounted by the
Ltd.                                                                            Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                of China
                                                                                Merchants Bank in
                                                                                the credit period.
                                             Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                             st 25,   3,000.00     liability    to August 25,        No    No
                                             2022                  guarantee    2025
                                                                                The guarantee
                                                                                period extends to
                                                                                three years after
                                                                                the maturity date
                                             June                  Joint
                                                                                of each bill
                                             25,      5,000.00     liability                         No    No
                                                                                discounted by the
                                             2023                  guarantee
                                                                                Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                of China
                                                                                Merchants Bank in
                                                                                the credit period.
                                                                                From effective
                                                                                date of the
                                                                                Letter to three
                                                                                years after the
                                             June                  Joint
                                                                                maturity date of
                                             10,      10,000.00    liability                         Yes   No
                                                                                each note
                                             2022                  guarantee
                                                                                discounted by the
                                                                                China Merchants
                                                                                Bank within the
Chengdu Dahua
                                                                                credit extension
Zhian Information    April 28,
                                 15,000.00                                      period
Technology Service   2023
                                                                                From the effective
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                date of the letter
                                                                                of commitment
                                                                                until three years
                                             June                  Joint        after the maturity
                                             9,       8,000.00     liability    date of each bill    Yes   No
                                             2023                  guarantee    discounted by the
                                                                                Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                of China
                                                                                Merchants Bank in
                                                                                the credit period.

                                                    2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                            The guarantee
                                                                            period extends to
                                                                            three years after
                                                                            the maturity date
                                         June                  Joint
                                                                            of each bill
                                         25,      8,000.00     liability                         No    No
                                                                            discounted by the
                                         2023                  guarantee
                                                                            Hangzhou Branch
                                                                            of China
                                                                            Merchants Bank in
                                                                            the credit period.
                                                                            From effective
                                                                            date of the
                                                                            Letter to three
                                                                            years after the
                                         June                  Joint
                                                                            maturity date of
                                         10,      1,000.00     liability                         Yes   No
                                                                            each note
                                         2022                  guarantee
                                                                            discounted by the
                                                                            China Merchants
                                                                            Bank within the
                                                                            credit extension
                                                                            From the effective
                                                                            date of the letter
                                                                            of commitment
                                                                            until three years
                                         June                  Joint        after the maturity
                                         9,       1,000.00     liability    date of each bill    Yes   No
Changsha Dahua                           2023                  guarantee    discounted by the
                  April 28,
Technology Co.,               8,000.00                                      Hangzhou Branch
Ltd.                                                                        of China
                                                                            Merchants Bank in
                                                                            the credit period.
                                         Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                         st 25,   3,000.00     liability    to August 25,        No    No
                                         2022                  guarantee    2025
                                         Octob                 Joint        October 21, 2022
                                         er 21,   2,000.00     liability    to September 18,     No    No
                                         2022                  guarantee    2024
                                                                            The guarantee
                                                                            period extends to
                                                                            three years after
                                                                            the maturity date
                                         June                  Joint
                                                                            of each bill
                                         25,      1,000.00     liability                         No    No
                                                                            discounted by the
                                         2023                  guarantee
                                                                            Hangzhou Branch
                                                                            of China
                                                                            Merchants Bank in
                                                                            the credit period.
                                                                            From effective
                                                                            date of the
                                                                            Letter to three
                                                                            years after the
                                         June                  Joint
                                                                            maturity date of
                                         10,      500.00       liability                         Yes   No
                                                                            each note
                                         2022                  guarantee
                                                                            discounted by the
Zhejiang Pixfra
                  April 28,                                                 China Merchants
Technology Co.,               1,000.00
                  2023                                                      Bank within the
                                                                            credit extension
                                                                            From the effective
                                                                            date of the letter
                                         June                  Joint
                                                                            of commitment
                                         9,       500.00       liability                         Yes   No
                                                                            until three years
                                         2023                  guarantee
                                                                            after the maturity
                                                                            date of each bill

                                                     2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                             discounted by the
                                                                             Hangzhou Branch
                                                                             of China
                                                                             Merchants Bank in
                                                                             the credit period.
                                          Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                          st 25,   500.00       liability    to August 25,        No    No
                                          2022                  guarantee    2025
                                                                             From effective
                                                                             date of the
                                                                             Letter to three
                                                                             years after the
                                          June                  Joint
                                                                             maturity date of
Zhejiang Huafei                           10,      500.00       liability                         Yes   No
                                                                             each note
Intelligent        April 28,              2022                  guarantee
                               700.00                                        discounted by the
Technology CO.,    2023
                                                                             China Merchants
                                                                             Bank within the
                                                                             credit extension
                                          Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                          st 25,   200.00       liability    to August 25,        No    No
                                          2022                  guarantee    2025
                                                                             From effective
                                                                             date of the
                                                                             Letter to three
                                                                             years after the
                                          June                  Joint
                                                                             maturity date of
                                          10,      500.00       liability                         Yes   No
                                                                             each note
                                          2022                  guarantee
                                                                             discounted by the
                                                                             China Merchants
                                                                             Bank within the
                                                                             credit extension
Zhejiang Huajian
                   April 28,                                                 From the effective
Technology Co.,                1,000.00
                   2023                                                      date of the letter
                                                                             of commitment
                                                                             until three years
                                          June                  Joint        after the maturity
                                          9,       500.00       liability    date of each bill    Yes   No
                                          2023                  guarantee    discounted by the
                                                                             Hangzhou Branch
                                                                             of China
                                                                             Merchants Bank in
                                                                             the credit period.
                                          Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                          st 25,   200.00       liability    to August 25,        No    No
                                          2022                  guarantee    2025
                                                                             From effective
                                                                             date of the
                                                                             Letter to three
                                                                             years after the
                                          June                  Joint
                                                                             maturity date of
                                          10,      500.00       liability                         Yes   No
Hangzhou Xiaohua                                                             each note
                   April 28,              2022                  guarantee
Technology CO.,                700.00                                        discounted by the
LTD.                                                                         China Merchants
                                                                             Bank within the
                                                                             credit extension
                                          Augu                  Joint        August 25, 2022
                                          st 25,   200.00       liability    to August 25,        No    No
                                          2022                  guarantee    2025

                                                      2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Dahua
                                           Augu                  Joint         August 25, 2022
Security Network      April 28,
                                  500.00   st 25,   500.00       liability     to August 25,       No    No
Operation Service     2023
                                           2022                  guarantee     2025
Co., Ltd.
                                                     114.50      Joint         From December
Dahua Technology      April 28,            mber
                                  700.00            (EUR         liability     7, 2023 to August   No    No
France SAS            2023                 7,
                                                    145,700)     guarantee     31, 2029
Zhejiang Dahua
                      April 28,
Jinzhi Technology                 500.00   No such case during the reporting period
Co., Ltd.
Guangxi Dahua
Information           April 28,
                                  500.00   No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co.,       2023
Guangxi Dahua
                      April 28,
Technology Co.,                   300.00   No such case during the reporting period
Anhui Dahua
Zhilian Information   April 28,
                                  800.00   No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co.,       2023
Anhui Dahua
Zhishu Information    April 28,
                                  800.00   No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co.,       2023
Chengdu Dahua
Zhilian Information   April 28,
                                  800.00   No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co.,       2023
Chengdu Dahua
Zhishu Information    April 28,
                                  800.00   No such case during the reporting period
Technology Service    2023
Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Huishan
Smart Network         April 28,
                                  800.00   No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co.,       2023
Zhichuang Yunshu      April 28,
                                  800.00   No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co.,       2023
Hangzhou Fuyang
                      April 28,
Hua'ao Technology                 500.00   No such case during the reporting period
Co., Ltd.
Henan Dahua
Zhilian Information   April 28,
                                  800.00   No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co.,       2023
Hunan Dahua
Zhilong Information   April 28,
                                  500.00   No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co.,       2023
Tianjin Dahua
Information           April 28,
                                  500.00   No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co.,       2023
Tianjin Huajian
                      April 28,
Technology Co.,                   200.00   No such case during the reporting period
Yiwu Huaxi
                      April 28,
Technology Co.,                   500.00   No such case during the reporting period
Zhejiang Dahua        April 28,
                                  500.00   No such case during the reporting period
Intelligent IoT       2023

                                                          2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Operation Service
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Huakong       April 28,
                                   500.00      No such case during the reporting period
Software Co., Ltd.     2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   15,000.00   No such case during the reporting period
USA Inc.               2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00      No such case during the reporting period
Japan LLC              2023
DAHUA EUROPE           April 28,
                                   10,000.00   No such case during the reporting period
B.V.                   2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   200.00      No such case during the reporting period
Singapore Pte.Ltd.     2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   1,000.00    No such case during the reporting period
Poland Sp.Zo.O.        2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   1,000.00    No such case during the reporting period
Hungary Kft            2023
Dahua Technology
                       April 28,
India Private                      2,000.00    No such case during the reporting period
COMRCIO E              April 28,
                                   1,000.00    No such case during the reporting period
SERVIOS EM             2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   1,000.00    No such case during the reporting period
Middle East FZE        2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   1,000.00    No such case during the reporting period
Perú S.A.C            2023

Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   500.00      No such case during the reporting period
Australia PTY LTD      2023

Dahua Technology
                       April 28,
South Africa                       500.00      No such case during the reporting period
Proprietary Limited
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   1,000.00    No such case during the reporting period
Canada INC.            2023
Dahua Guvenlik
                       April 28,
Teknolojileri Sanayi               1,000.00    No such case during the reporting period
ve Ticaret A.S.
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00      No such case during the reporting period
SRB d.o.o.             2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00      No such case during the reporting period
Bulgaria EOOD          2023
                       April 28,
Dahua Iberia, S.L.                 100.00      No such case during the reporting period
Dahua Security
                       April 28,
Malaysia SDN.                      100.00      No such case during the reporting period
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00      No such case during the reporting period
Kazakhstan LLP         2023
PT. Dahua Vision
                       April 28,
Technology                         100.00      No such case during the reporting period
Dahua Technology
                       April 28,
Korea Company                      100.00      No such case during the reporting period
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00      No such case during the reporting period
S.R.L.                 2023

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                       April 28,
Dahua Vision LLc                   500.00         No such case during the reporting period
Dahua Technology
                       April 28,
New Zealand                        100.00         No such case during the reporting period
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   300.00         No such case during the reporting period
GmbH                   2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   500.00         No such case during the reporting period
Colombia S.A.S.        2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00         No such case during the reporting period
Panama S.A.            2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00         No such case during the reporting period
Chile SpA              2023
Dahua Technology
                       April 28,
Tunisia Limited                    100.00         No such case during the reporting period
Liability Company
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00         No such case during the reporting period
Kenya Limited          2023
Dahua Technology
                       April 28,
Pakistan (private)                 100.00         No such case during the reporting period
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00         No such case during the reporting period
Morocco SARL           2023
Dahua Argentina        April 28,
                                   100.00         No such case during the reporting period
S.A.                   2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00         No such case during the reporting period
Czech s.r.o.           2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00         No such case during the reporting period
Denmark ApS            2023
                       April 28,
Technology(Thailan                 100.00         No such case during the reporting period
d) Co.,LTD.
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00         No such case during the reporting period
Italy S.R.L.           2023
Luoyang Dahua
Zhiyu Information      April 28,
                                   500.00         No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co.,        2023
Dahua Technology       April 28,
                                   100.00         No such case during the reporting period
Belgium B.V.           2023
                       April 28,
DHM SERVICIOS,                     100.00         No such case during the reporting period
S.A. DE C.V.
                                                           Total amount of
Total amount of guarantees to                              guarantees to
subsidiaries approved during                1,360,000.00   subsidiaries actually                             508,252.90
the reporting period (B1)                                  occurred during the
                                                           reporting period (B2)
                                                           Total balance of
Total amount of guarantees to                              guarantees actually paid
subsidiaries approved by the                1,360,000.00   to subsidiaries at the end                        969,990.35
end of the reporting period (B3)                           of the reporting period
Subsidiaries' guarantees to subsidiaries
                       ement                      Actua
                       date of                    l        Actual                                           Due
                                   Guarantee                             Type of                                  relate
Guaranteed party       disclosur                  occur    guarantee                    Term of guarantee   or
                                   amount                                guarantee                                d
                       e of the                   rence    amount                                           not
                       guarante                   date
                                                                                                                  s or
                       e cap

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                       Total amount of
Total amount of guarantees to                          guarantees to
subsidiaries approved during                           subsidiaries actually
the reporting period (C1)                              occurred during the
                                                       reporting period (C2)
                                                       Total of actual guarantee
Total amount of guarantees to
                                                       balance for subsidiaries
subsidiaries approved at the
                                                       at the end of the
end of the reporting period (C3)
                                                       reporting period (C4)
Total amount of company guarantees (namely sum of the previous three major items)
                                                       Total amount of
Total amount of guarantees                             guarantees actually
approved during the reporting           1,360,000.00 occurred during the                                     508,252.90
period (A1+B1+C1)                                      reporting period
                                                       Total balance of
Total amount of guarantees                             guarantees actually paid
approved by the end of the              1,360,000.00 at the end of the                                       969,990.35
reporting period (A3+B3+C3)                            reporting period
Total amount of actual guarantees (A4+B4+C4) as a
percentage of the Company's net assets
Balance of guarantees to the shareholders, actual
controllers and their related parties (D)
Balance of debt guarantees directly or indirectly offered
to guaranteed objects with asset-liability ratio            924,330.14
exceeding 70% (E)
Amount of the guarantees with the total volume
exceeding 50% of the net assets (F)
Total amount of the above three guarantees (D+E+F)          924,330.14
Notes on unexpired guarantees with guarantee
responsibilities occurred or possible joint liabilities
within the reporting period (if any)
Notes on providing external guarantees in violation of
specified procedures (if any)

Explanation of guarantee using a composite method


3. Entrusting Others to Manage Cash Assets

(1) Entrusted Financing

 Applicable □ Not applicable
Entrusted financing during the reporting period

                                                                                                Unit: RMB ten thousand

                                                                                  Overdue             amount accrued
                                           Entrusted           Unexpired
 Specific type        Funding source                                              outstanding         for       overdue
                                           amount              balance
                                                                                  amount              financial
 Financial            Equity Fund                 50,000.00          100,000.00

                                                                       2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

        products        of
        Total                                             50,000.00             100,000.00

    Specific matters on high-risk entrusted capital management with a large amount for a single item, or with low security
    and poor liquidity
     Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB ten thousand

         Tr                                                                                          Act                   Wh
         us                                                                                          ual                   ethe
Na       te                                                                                  Act     reco    Am            r
me       e                                                                                   ual     very    ount          ther   Item
                                                                           Ref                                      Wh
of       or                                                                                  profi   of      of            e      over
                                                                  Pay      ere                                      ethe
trust    ga                                                                                  t       profi   prov          will   vie
                                                                  men      nce     Exp                              r it
ee       ni                           St                                                     and     ts      isio          be     w
                                                                  t        for     ecte                             pas
org      za                   Capit   ar                                                     loss    and     n             entr   and
                Pro                         Termi    Investme     dete     ann     d                                sed
aniz     tio           Am     al      tin                                                    duri    loss    for           uste   relat
                duct                        nation   nt           rmin     uali    ear                              the
atio     n             ount   Sourc   g                                                      ng      es      imp           d      ed
                type                        date     direction    atio     zed     ning                             lega
n        (o                   e       da                                                     the     duri    airm          fina   que
                                                                  n        rate    s (if                            l
(or      r                            te                                                     rep     ng      ent           ncia   ry
                                                                  met      of      any)                             proc
nam      tr                                                                                  ortin   the     accr          l      inde
                                                                  hod      retu                                     edu
e of     us                                                                                  g       rep     ued           plan   x (if
                                                                           rn                                       res
trust    te                                                                                  peri    ortin   (if           in     any)
ee)      e)                                                                                  od      g       any)          the
         ty                                                                                          peri                  futu
         pe                                                                                          od                    re
                                      F              fund
                Ass                                               t of
Guo                                   eb             products,
                et                                                prin
sen      S                            ru             fixed
                Man                                               cipa
Sec      ec            100,   Equit   ar    Febru    income                                          Une
                age                                               l                          181.
uriti    uri           000.   y       y     ary 9,   assets,                                         xpir           Yes    No
                men                                               and                          96
es       tie             00   Fund    10    2031     equity                                          ed
                t                                                 inco
co.,     s                            ,              assets,
                Pla                                               me
Ltd.                                  20             public
                n                                                 at
                                      21             equity
Total                  000.   --      --    --       --           --       --                        --             --     --     --
    Cases of entrusted financing expected to be unable to recover the principal or cases that may result in impairment
    □ Applicable  Not applicable

    (2) Entrusted Loans

    □ Applicable  Not applicable
    No such case as entrusted loan during the reporting period.

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

4. Other Significant Contracts

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such case as other significant contract during the reporting period.

XVI. Explanations on Other Significant Matters

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Repurchase of company shares through centralized competitive bidding trading
On August 25, 2023, the Company held its 46th meeting of the 7th board of directors, during which the "Proposal on
the Repurchase of Shares" was deliberated and approved. The Company planned to use its own funds to repurchase
a portion of its shares through centralized competitive bidding. This repurchase was intended for implementing equity
incentives or an employee stock ownership plan. The total amount allocated for the repurchase would be no less than
RMB 400 million yuan and no more than RMB 600 million yuan. The repurchase price per share would not exceed
RMB 31.71.
As of October 27, 2023, the Company had repurchased 19,819,601 shares through its designated securities account
via centralized competitive bidding, accounting for 0.60% of the Company's total share capital. The highest transaction
price was RMB 21.70 per share, and the lowest was RMB 19.70 yuan per share. The total transaction amount was
RMB 419,959,211.27 yuan (excluding transaction fees). This share repurchase plan has been completed.
2. Equity distribution for the first three quarters
On October 21, 2023 and November 6, 2023, the Company convened the 2nd meeting of the 8th board of directors
and the 3rd extraordinary general meeting of shareholders for the year 2023, respectively. Both meetings deliberated
and approved the "Profit Distribution Proposal for the First Three Quarters of 2023." Based on a total share capital of
3,294,468,990 shares, excluding the repurchased 19,819,601 shares, resulting in a base of 3,274,649,389 shares, the
Company proposed to distribute cash dividends of RMB 3.101383 yuan per 10 shares (including tax) to all
shareholders. The total cash dividend amount is RMB 1,015,594,194.60 yuan. No bonus shares were issued, and no
increase in share capital from reserves was carried out. The remaining undistributed profits were retained for future
distribution. This equity distribution has been fully implemented.

The announcements above have been disclosed through the designated media Securities Times and Juchao
Information Network (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

XVII. Significant Events of the Company’s Subsidiaries

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

          Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about


I. Changes in Shares

1. Changes in shares

                                                                                                          Unit: share
            Before the change     Increase or decrease in the change (+, -)                    After the change
                                  Shares                    converte
                       Percenta                Bonus                                                       Percenta
            Quantity              newly                     d from     Others       Subtotal   Quantity
                       ge                      shares                                                      ge
                                  issued                    capital
I. Shares
with                                                                           -
            1,075,05              293,103,                                          260,405,   1,335,45
limited                 35.44%                          0          0    32,697,6                            40.54%
               3,850                  400                                               706       9,556
sales                                                                         94
                   0     0.00%             0            0          0            0          0          0       0.00%
held by
held by
                                  293,103,                                          293,103,   293,103,
state-             0     0.00%                          0          0            0                             8.90%
                                      400                                             400.00       400
                                                                               -           -
Other       1,075,05                                                                           1,042,35
                        35.44%             0            0          0    32,697,6    32,697,6                31.64%
domestic       3,850                                                                              6,156
                                                                              94          94
held by            0     0.00%             0            0          0            0          0          0       0.00%
es held
                                                                               -           -
by          1,075,05                                                                           1,042,35
                        35.44%             0            0          0    32,697,6    32,697,6                31.64%
domestic       3,850                                                                              6,156
                                                                              94          94
                   0     0.00%             0            0          0            0          0          0       0.00%

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

held by              0        0.00%          0           0            0           0           0            0      0.00%
es held
                     0        0.00%          0           0            0           0           0            0      0.00%
             1,958,10                                                                              1,959,00
without                   64.56%             0           0            0    902,114     902,114                  59.46%
                7,320                                                                                 9,434
RMB          1,958,10                                                                              1,959,00
                          64.56%             0           0            0    902,114     902,114                  59.46%
ordinary        7,320                                                                                 9,434
shares               0        0.00%          0           0            0           0           0            0      0.00%
listed in
                     0        0.00%          0           0            0           0           0            0      0.00%
listed in
                     0        0.00%          0           0            0           0           0            0      0.00%
             3,033,16                 293,103,                                         261,307,    3,294,46
III. Total                100.00%                        0            0   31,795,5                             100.00%
                1,170                     400                                              820        8,990
Reasons for changes in shares
 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. During the reporting period, the Company successfully completed the issuance of shares to China Mobile
Communications Group Co., Ltd. The 293,103,400 shares issued became listed on April 14, 2023.
2. Throughout the reporting period, the Company repurchased and canceled a portion of the restricted shares granted
but not yet unlocked under the 2022 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan. The repurchase involved a
total of 31,795,580 shares.
3. According to relevant regulations, the Company shall lock the shares held by its directors, supervisors and senior
executives through reverification at the beginning of each year and shall lock the shares held by the resigned directors,
supervisors and senior executives in different proportions at different stages based on their resignation dates and
former terms of office.

Approval for changes in shares

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. On April 18, 2022, the Company's application for the issuance of shares to China Mobile Communications Group
Co., Ltd was approved by the Issuance Examination Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission
(CSRC). Subsequently, on April 24, 2022, the Company obtained from the CSRC the "Approval for the Non-public
Issuance of Shares by Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd." (CSRC Permit [2022] No. 853).
2. The Company's repurchase and cancellation of a portion of the restricted shares under the 2022 Stock Option and
Restricted Stock Incentive Plan have been approved at the 42nd meeting of the 7th Board of Directors and the 29th
meeting of the 7th Board of Supervisors, held on April 27, 2023, and subsequently endorsed at the 2022 Annual
General Meeting held on May 26, 2023.

Transfer for changes in shares
 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. During the reporting period, the Company successfully completed the issuance of shares to China Mobile
Communications Group Co., Ltd. The 293,103,400 shares issued became listed on April 14, 2023.
2. Throughout the reporting period, the Company repurchased and canceled a portion of the restricted shares granted
but not yet unlocked under the 2022 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan. The repurchase involved a
total of 31,795,580 shares.

Effects of changes in shares on the basic earnings per share ("EPS"), diluted EPS, net assets per share, attributable to
common shareholders of the Company, and other financial indexes over the last year and last period
 Applicable □ Not applicable

During the reporting period, changes in the Company's share capital occurred due to the issuance of shares to specific
parties and the cancellation of some restricted stock repurchases. The impact of these changes on the Company's
basic earnings per share, diluted earnings per share, and net assets per share attributable to ordinary shareholders of
the Company for the most recent year and period can be found in detail in "Section II. VI. Key Accounting Data and
Financial Indicators."

Other contents that the Company considers necessary or are required by the securities regulatory authorities to
□ Applicable  Not applicable

2. Changes in restricted stocks

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                             Unit: share

                   Number Of        Number of        Number of         Number of
                   Shares With      increased        unlocked          shares with
 Name of           Limited Sales    shares with      shares with       limited sales    Reasons for       Date of
 Shareholder       Condition At     limited sales    limited sales     condition at     limited sales     unlocking
                   The Beginning    condition in     condition in      the end of the
                   Of The Period    current period   current period    period
                                                                                        Lock-up           relevant
                                                                                        Shares of         regulations on
                                                                                        Directors,        the
 Fu Liquan           767,901,735                 0                 0     767,901,735
                                                                                        Supervisors,      management
                                                                                        and Senior        of shares held
                                                                                        Management        by directors,

                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                       and senior
China Mobile
                         0    293,103,400          0     293,103,400   shares to       April 13, 2026
ns Group Co.,
                                                                       Lock-up         regulations on
                                                                       Shares of       the
Zhu                                                                    Directors,      management
                120,433,117            0     301,500     120,131,617
Jiangming                                                              Supervisors,    of shares held
                                                                       and Senior      by directors,
                                                                       Management      supervisors,
                                                                                       and senior
                                                                       Lock-up         regulations on
                                                                       Shares of       the
                                                                       Directors,      management
Chen Ailing      53,447,110            0           0      53,447,110
                                                                       Supervisors,    of shares held
                                                                       and Senior      by directors,
                                                                       Management      supervisors,
                                                                                       and senior
                                                                       Lock-up         regulations on
                                                                       Shares of       the
                                                                       Directors,      management
Wu Jun          51,860,164        19,500           0      51,879,664
                                                                       Supervisors,    of shares held
                                                                       and Senior      by directors,
                                                                       Management      supervisors,
                                                                                       and senior
                                                                                       regulations on
                                                                       Shares and
                                                                       Shares under
                                                                                       of shares held
Zhang                                                                                  by directors,
                  2,710,153            0    1,109,538      1,600,615   Incentive
Xingming                                                                               supervisors,
                                                                       Plans for
                                                                                       and senior
                                                                                       as well as
                                                                       and Senior
                                                                       Lock-up         Follow
                                                                       Shares and      relevant
                                                                       Restricted      regulations on
Wu Jian           1,401,251            0     246,150       1,155,101   Shares under    the
                                                                       Equity          management
                                                                       Incentive       of shares held
                                                                       Plans for       by directors,

                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                         Directors,      supervisors,
                                                                         Supervisors,    and senior
                                                                         and Senior      management,
                                                                         Management      as well as
                                                                                         regulations on
                                                                         Shares and
                                                                         Shares under
                                                                                         of shares held
                                                                                         by directors,
Zhao Yuning      1,132,750             0       25,900       1,106,850    Incentive
                                                                         Plans for
                                                                                         and senior
                                                                                         as well as
                                                                         and Senior
                                                                         Lock-up         regulations on
                                                                         Shares of       the
                                                                         Directors,      management
Chen Yuqing      1,073,963        19,500            0       1,093,463
                                                                         Supervisors,    of shares held
                                                                         and Senior      by directors,
                                                                         Management      supervisors,
                                                                                         and senior
                                                                                         regulations on
                                                                         Shares and
Other                                                                    Shares under
                                                                                         of shares held
executives                                                               Equity
                                                                                         by directors,
and equity      75,093,607             0    31,053,606     44,040,001    Incentive
incentive                                                                Plans for
                                                                                         and senior
recipients                                                               Directors,
                                                                                         as well as
                                                                         and Senior
Total         1,075,053,850   293,142,400   32,736,694   1,335,459,556   --              --

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

II. Issuance and listing of securities

1. Securities (excluding preferred share) issued in reporting period

 Applicable □ Not applicable

 Name of                                                               Number of
                               Issuance                                             Transactio
 the stock                                 Quantity                    approved
               Issue           price (or                 Listing                    n             Disclosure   Date of
 and its                                   of                          listed
               Date            interest                  date                       terminatio    Index        Disclosure
 derivative                                issuance                    transactio
                               rate)                                                n date
 securities                                                            ns
               March 23,                   293,103,4     April 14,     293,103,4                               April 12,
 DAHUA                         17.4                                                               n Network
               2023                               00     2023                 00                               2023
 Convertible corporate bonds, separately-traded convertible corporate bonds, corporate bonds
 Other derivative securities

Description of the issuance of securities (not including preferred stocks) during the reporting period
According to the approval issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in the document titled "Approval for
the Non-public Issuance of Shares by Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd." (CSRC Permit [2022] No. 853), the
Company issued 293,103,400 shares to China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. at a price of RMB 17.40 yuan
per share. These shared became listed on April 14, 2023 on Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

2. Explanation on changes in total number of the Company's shares & the structure of
shareholders and the structure of assets and liabilities

 Applicable □ Not applicable
1. According to the approval issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in document "Approval for the
Non-public Issuance of Shares by Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd." (CSRC Permit [2022] No. 853), during the
reporting period, the Company issued 293,103,400 shares to China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd., and
these shared were listed on April 14, 2023.
2. Upon approval at the 42nd meeting of the 7th Board of Directors, the 29th meeting of the 7th Board of Supervisors,
and the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders , the Company repurchased and canceled a portion of the
restricted shares (totaling 31,795,580 shares) held by 4,249 incentive recipients on August 15, 2023.
Following the issuance of the aforementioned shares and the cancellation of restricted shares, the total share capital
of the Company changed to 3,294,468,990 shares.

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

3. Existing shares held by internal staff of the Company

□ Applicable  Not applicable

III. Particulars about the shareholders and actual controller

1. Total number of shareholders and their shareholdings

                                                                                                                 Unit: share

                                                       Number of
                           Total                       Preferred
                           number of                   Sharehold
 Total                     common                      ers (If
                                                                                    Total number of
 Number of                 sharehold                   Any)
                                                                                    preferred shareholders
 Common                    ers at the                  (Refer to
                                                                                    (if any) (refer to Note 8)
 Sharehold                 end of                      Note 8)
                                                                                    with resumed voting
 ers at The     141,936    previous        173,354     Whose                   0                                             0
                                                                                    rights at the end of
 End of                    month                       Voting
                                                                                    previous month before
 The                       before the                  Rights
                                                                                    the disclosure date of
 Reporting                 disclosure                  have been
                                                                                    the annual report
 Period                    date of the                 Recovere
                           annual                      d at the
                           report                      End of the
 Shareholding list of shareholders with over 5% shares or top ten shareholders (excluding shares lent through stock
 pledge repos)
                                                                                    Number of     Pledges, markings or
                                         Number of                     Number of
                                                                                    shares        freezing
                           Sharehold     shares        Changes         shares
 Name of      Nature of                                                             held
                           ing           held at the   in the          held with
 Sharehold    Sharehold                                                             without
                           Percentag     end of the    reporting       limited                    State Of
 er           er                                                                    limited                       Quantity
                           e             reporting     period          sales                      Shares
                                         period                        conditions
                                         1,023,868,                    767,901,7    255,967,2                     192,307,6
 Fu Liquan    Natural           31.08%                             0                              Pledge
                                                980                           35           45                            93
 Mobile       State-
 Communi      owned                      293,103,4     293,103,4       293,103,4
                                8.90%                                                         0   applicable                 0
 cations      Legal                             00            00              00
 Group        Person
 Co., Ltd.
              Domestic                                                                            Not
 Zhu                                     160,175,4                     120,131,6    40,043,87
              Natural           4.86%                              0                              applicable                 0
 Jiangming                                      90                            17            3
              Person                                                                              .
 Chen                                    71,262,81                     53,447,11    17,815,70                     31,800,00
              Natural           2.16%                              0                              Pledge
 Ailing                                          3                             0            3                             0
              Domestic                                                                            Not
                                         69,172,88                     51,879,66    17,293,22
 Wu Jun       Natural           2.10%                              0                              applicable                 0
                                                 6                             4            2
              Person                                                                              .
 Hong         Overseas          1.95%    64,339,74                 -           0    64,339,74     Not                        0

                                                          2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Kong          Legal                              4   93,794,86                         4   applicable
Securities    Person                                         4                             .
Co. Ltd.
Social                                   54,000,00   54,000,00                 54,000,00
              Others           1.64%                                      0                applicable            0
Security                                         0           0                         0
Fund 103
              Non-state-                                                                   Not
Securities                               39,611,24                             39,611,24
              owned            1.20%                          0           0                applicable            0
Finance                                          1                                     1
              Legal                                                                        .
Co., Ltd.
China Life
Conventio                                                                                  Not
                                         24,321,73   24,321,73                 24,321,73
nal-         Others           0.74%                                      0                applicable            0
                                                 6           6                         6
Common                                                                                     .
al Bank of
China Co.,
al    Fund                                                                                 Not
                                         19,853,09   19,853,09                 19,853,09
Managem       Others           0.60%                                      0                applicable            0
                                                 4           4                         4
ent                                                                                        .
t Fund
Strategic investors or
general legal entities
becoming top 10            China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. is a strategic investor in the Company and
shareholders as a result   has committed not to transfer any subscribed shares of the Company in any way during the
of the placement of new    36 months following the first day of its listing.
shares (if any) (see
Note 3)
Description of the
association relationship   Mr. Fu Liquan and Ms. Chen Ailing are husband and wife. The Company Is Unaware Of
or concerted action of     Whether Other Shareholders Have Associated Relationship Or Are Persons Acting In
above-mentioned            Concert
Explanation of the
above shareholders
                           Not applicable.
involved in
proxy/trustee voting

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

rights and abstention
from voting rights
Special note on the
existence of repurchase
special accounts
                           Not applicable.
among the top 10
shareholders (if any)
(see Note 10)
Shareholding of the top ten shareholders without limited sales condition
                                                                                              Type of shares
                           Number of shares held without limited sales condition at the end
Name of Shareholder                                                                           Type   of
                           of the reporting period                                                        Quantity
Fu Liquan                                                                     255,967,245     common
Hong Kong Securities                                                                                       64,339,74
                                                                               64,339,744     common
Clearing Co. Ltd.                                                                                                  4
National Social Security                                                                                   54,000,00
                                                                               54,000,000     common
Fund 103                                                                                                           0
Zhu Jiangming                                                                  40,043,873     common
China Securities                                                                                           39,611,24
                                                                               39,611,241     common
Finance Co., Ltd.                                                                                                  1
New China Life
Insurance Company
Ltd.-Conventional-                                                                                       24,321,73
                                                                               24,321,736     common
Common Insurance                                                                                                   6
Agricultural Bank of
China Co., Ltd.- China
International Fund                                                                                         19,853,09
                                                                               19,853,094     common
Management Emerging                                                                                                4
Power Hybrid Securities
Investment Fund
Chen Ailing                                                                    17,815,703     common
Wu Jun                                                                         17,293,222     common
National Social Security                                                                                   16,362,58
                                                                               16,362,587     common
Fund 101                                                                                                           7
Explanation on
associated relationship
or persons acting in
                           Mr. Fu Liquan and Ms. Chen Ailing are husband and wife. The Company Is Unaware Of
concert among top ten
                           Whether Other Shareholders Have Associated Relationship Or Are Persons Acting In
shareholders without
limited shares, and
between top ten
shareholders without

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 limited shares and top
 ten shareholders
 Explanation on Top Ten
 Common Shareholders’
 Participation in
 Securities Margin
 Trading (If Any) (see
 Note 4)
 Special Note Regarding
                           It is hereby stated that, as of December 31, 2023, the Company's securities repurchase
 Repurchase Accounts
                           account holds 19,819,601 ordinary A shares of the Company, representing 0.60% of the
 Among the Top 10
                           total shares outstanding. As per the requirement, these shares are not included in the list of
                           the Company's top 10 unrestricted shareholders.

Participation of the Top Ten Shareholders in Lending out Shares under Stock Pledge Repo Transactions
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Changes of the top 10 shareholders compared with the previous period
 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                             Unit: share

                 Changes of the top 10 shareholders compared with at the end of the previous period
                                                                                    The total quantity of shares held in
                      Newly added to      The quantity of shares lent through        shareholder's ordinary accounts,
                      /removed from      stock pledge repo transactions at the        credit accounts, and shares lent
    Name of                                  end of the period and not yet               through stock pledge repo
                     the previous Top
 Shareholder (full                                     returned                    transactions at the end of the period
     name)                                                                                  and not yet returned
                            List                                  Proportion to                          Proportion to
                                          Total quantity                             Total quantity
                                                                  total shares                           total shares
 China Mobile
 Communications      Newly added                           0              0.00%        293,103,400                8.90%
 Group Co., Ltd.
 National Social
 Security Fund       Newly added                           0              0.00%          54,000,000               1.64%
 New China Life
 Company Ltd.-
 Common              Newly added                           0              0.00%          24,321,736               0.74%
 Agricultural Bank
 of China Co.,
 Ltd.- China
 Fund                Newly added                           0              0.00%          19,853,094               0.60%
 Emerging Power
 Hybrid Securities
 Investment Fund
 China Galaxy
                     Removed                               0              0.00%          35,914,160               1.18%
 Securities Co.,

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Liu Wenhua           Removed                              0              0.00%            13,838,281                0.46%
 China Life
 Company Ltd. -
 traditional -
                      Removed                              0              0.00%            10,799,739                0.36%
 CT001 S.
 PICC Life
                      Removed                              0              0.00%             8,621,950                0.28%
 dividends of
Whether the Company's top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders without limited shares agree
on any repurchase transaction in the reporting period
□ Yes  No
None of the Company's top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders without limited shares agreed
on repurchase in the reporting period.

2. Particulars about the controlling shareholder

Nature of the controlling shareholder: Natural person-owned
Type of the controlling shareholder: Natural person

                                                                                        Whether he/she has obtained the
  Name of the controlling shareholder                   Nationality                   right of residence in another country
                                                                                                     or region
 Fu Liquan                                China                                       No
 Main occupation and title                Chairman and President of the Company
                                          As of December 31, 2023, Mr. Fu Liquan, the Company's controlling
                                          shareholder, directly holds 6.82% of the shares of Leapmotor (HK.09863). In
 Shares     held    in   other listed
                                          addition to his direct holdings, Mr. Fu Liquan, together with Mr. Zhu
 companies by controlling or holding
                                          Jiangming, Mrs. Liu Yunzhen (Mr. Zhu Jiangming's wife), and Mrs. Chen
 in the reporting period
                                          Ailing (Mr. Fu Liquan's wife), collectively and ultimately hold approximately
                                          23.47% of Leapmotor's shares, maintaining consistent actions.
Change of the controlling shareholders in the reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable
No change has happened to the controlling shareholder in the reporting period of the Company

3. The actual controller of the Company and persons acting in concert

Nature of the actual controller: Domestic natural person
Type of the actual controller: Natural person

                                                                                                   Whether he/she has
     Name of the actual         Relationship with the actual                                       obtained the right of
        controller                       controller                                                residence in another
                                                                                                     country or region

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Fu Liquan                      Himself                        China                         No
 Chen Ailing                    Himself                        China                         No
                                Mr. Fu Liquan holds the position of the chairman and president of the Company; Ms.
 Main occupation and title
                                Chen Ailing holds the position of the director of the Company
 Information about other
 listed companies at home
 and abroad controlled in
 the last ten years

Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable
No change has happened to the actual controller in the reporting period
Block Digram for Property Right and Control Relationship between the Company and Actual Controllers

The actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management
□ Applicable  Not applicable

4. The accumulated number of shares pledged by the controlling shareholder or the first
majority shareholder of the Company and his/her persons acting in concert accounted for 80%
of all the shares held by him/her in the Company

□ Applicable  Not applicable

5. Particulars about other corporate shareholders with shareholding proportion over 10%

□ Applicable  Not applicable

6. Particulars on share reduction restricted for controlling shareholders, actual controller,
restructuring party or other commitment entities

□ Applicable  Not applicable

IV. Specific Implementation of Share Repurchase in the Reporting Period

The progress on share repurchases
 Applicable □ Not applicable

 Proposal       Proposed         Proportion      Proposed      Proposed     Purpose of      Quantity     Percentage
 disclosur     Repurchase         to total      Repurchase    Repurchase    Repurchase      Already          of

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   e time       Quantity           shares       Amount          Period                      Repurchase    Repurchase
                (Shares)                                                                    d (Shares)     d Quantity
                                                                                                          Relative to
                                                                                                           the Stock
                                                                                                             Plan (if
             shares         to
             18,921,476                                                     For
                                              RMB      400
             shares                                                         employee
                                              million         August 25,
             (calculated                                                    stock
 August                          0.38%-       (inclusive)     2023    to
             based on the                                                   ownership       19,819,601
 26, 2023                        0.57%        to       600    August 24,
             upper       limit                                              plans      or
                                              million         2024
             repurchase                                                     equity
             price of 31.71                                                 incentives
             RMB          per
The progress in reduction of re-purchase shares by means of centralized competitive bidding transaction
□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Section VIII Information of Preferred Shares

□ Applicable  Not applicable
There are no preferred shares in the reporting period.

                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Section IX Situation on Corporate Bonds

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                       2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Section X Financial Report

I. Audit Reports

 Audit opinion type                                                      Standard Unqualified Opinion
 Signature Date of audit report                                          April 15, 2024
                                                                         BDO China Shu Lun Pan CPAs (special general
 Name of audit institution
 Audit report ref.                                                       XKSBZ [2024] No.ZF10311
 Name of Certified Public Accountant                                     Du Na, Zhang Junhui

                                                             Audit Report Text

To the shareholders of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.:

I. Opinion
     We have audited the financial statements of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
Dahua), including the parent company's and the consolidated balance sheet dated December 31, 2023, the parent
company's and the consolidated income statement, the parent company's and the consolidated cash flow statement
and the parent company's and the consolidated statement of changes in owners' equity in 2023, as well as the notes
to relevant financial statements.
     In our opinion, the attached financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with
“Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises”, which fairly reflected the financial position of the merged companies
and the parent company as at December 31, 2023 and the operating results and cash flows of the merged companies
and the parent company in 2023.
II. Basis for Our Opinion
     We conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards for Certified Public Accountants in China. Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the CPA's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial
Statements section of our report. According to the “Code of Ethics for Chinese Certified Public Accountants”, we are
independent of Dahua and have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. We believe that
the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinions.
III. Key Audit Matters
     Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of
the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial
statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

The key audit matters that we identified in the audit are as follows:

                     Key Audit Matters                                          How the matter was addressed in the audit

A. Recognition of revenue

The operating revenue of Dahua in 2023 was RMB                 The main audit procedure we implemented for the above key audit item includes:

32,218,317,600 yuan, which is an important part of Dahua's     ① Understand the design and implementation of the internal control system and

profit statement. Since the revenue is one of Dahua's key      the financial accounting system in relation to revenue recognition, and test the

performance indicators, there is an inherent risk that the     effectiveness of their operation; ② Check the agreements of relevant contracts

                                                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

management may alter the time point of revenue recognition      for different sales types in accordance with the actual situation of the specific

in order to meet specific targets or expectations. Therefore,   businesses, and evaluate whether the revenue recognition meets the

we identify the recognition of revenue as a key audit item.     requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises; ③ Perform an

Based on the accounting policy of Dahua, the Company's          analytical procedures to judge the reasonableness of the changes in sales

main products include security standard products, system        revenue and gross profit margin; ④ Perform verification procedures: for the

integration and other labor services. Among them, the           annual sales amount and the outstanding amount at the end of the year, sample

security standard products for domestic sales were              and confirm with customers by letter, and the export sales income shall be

delivered to customers or picked up by customers based on       certified by the customs; ⑤ Sampling inspection for different types of income: For

the contractual terms in the sales contract. The revenue        standard products for domestic sales and overseas sales of overseas

was recognized after customers received and accepted the        subsidiaries, sample the out-of-stock records, shipping orders, customer

goods and the Company obtained the evidence proving the         countersign records, received payment records and so on; for standard products

customers' receipt of goods; for the security standard          exported by domestic companies, check the out-of-stock records, customs

products exported by domestic companies, the revenue was        declaration, bill of lading, and received payment records; for integrated system

recognized after the goods were declared and exported,          sales, check the product delivery records, shipping list and contract list,

and for the security standard products sold overseas by         unpacking acceptance report, acceptance report for the completion of installation

overseas subsidiaries, the revenue was recognized after the     and commissioning, received payment records and so on. ⑥ Sample the

customer received and accepted the goods; the revenue           transactions made before or after the balance sheet date and check their out-of-

from the system integration sales was recognized after the      stock records, customs declaration, and other relevant supportive documents to

acceptance of goods by customers; the revenue from the          confirm whether the revenues have been recognized in an appropriate

labor services sales was recognized when relevant labor         accounting period.

services were provided. See Notes III (26) for details.

B. Recoverability of accounts receivable

At the end of 2023, Dahua’s net value of receivables was       We evaluated the recoverability of accounts receivable by the following

RMB 16,276,804,000 yuan. The management needs to                procedure: ① Understand the management's internal controls of key financial

make significant judgments about the identification of          reporting related to credit control, account recovery and assessment of

accounts receivable impairment accounts, the likelihood of      impairment provision for receivables, and evaluate the effectiveness of the design

inward cash flows of future customers. The management's         and operation of the internal controls; ②          Understand the Company's

estimates and assumptions are uncertain. Since the amount       management procedures for customers' credit and the collection measures for

of accounts receivable is significant to the financial          overdue debts; ③ For accounts receivable for which the expected credit loss is

statements as a whole and the recoverability involves the       calculated based on the combination of credit risk characteristics, review the

estimation and judgment of future cash flows, we recognize      management's division of the combination, and assess the reasonableness of the

the recoverability of accounts receivable as a key audit        expected credit loss rate based on the estimates including historical credit loss

matter.                                                         rate, current circumstance and prediction of the future economic condition. We

                                                                assessed the reasonableness of the accrued proportion with reference to the

                                                                historical audit experience and prospective information, tested the accuracy of

                                                                the portfolio classification and aging division of the accounts receivable, and

                                                                recalculated the accuracy of the accrued amount of the expected credit loss; we

                                                                sampled the accounts receivable subject to separate bad debt provision, and

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                       reviewed the basis for the Management’s assessment of the expected credit loss

                                                       based on the financial position and credit position of the customer, historical

                                                       repayment records and prediction of the future economic condition. We validated

                                                       the management's assessment against the evidence we have obtained during the

                                                       audit process, including background information, transaction history and payment

                                                       status of the customer, and forward-looking considerations; ④ Test the payment

                                                       received after the balance sheet date; ⑤ Perform the correspondence-based

                                                       confirmation procedure and check whether the confirmation results are

                                                       consistent; ⑥ Analyze whether there are amounts of accounts receivable that

                                                       cannot be recovered and need to be written off.

IV. Other Information
    The management of Dahua (hereinafter referred to as the Management) is responsible for the other information.
The other information includes the information covered in Dahua's annual report in 2023, but excludes the financial
statements and our audit report.
    Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not and will not express
any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
    In combination with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in
doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our
knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
    If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other
information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

V. Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial
    The Management is responsible for preparing the financial statements in accordance with the requirements of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises to achieve a fair presentation, and design, implement and maintain
necessary internal control to ensure that the financial statements are free from material misstatements, whether due to
frauds or errors.
    In preparing the financial statements, the Management is responsible for assessing Dahua's ability to continue
operating, disclosing matters related to continuous operation (if applicable) and using the hypothesis of continuous
operation unless there is a plan to liquidate, terminate operations or no other realistic options.
    The management is responsible for supervising the financial reporting process of Dahua.

VI. CPA's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

    Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an audit report that includes our opinion.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with
the audit standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or
error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence
the economic decisions of users made on the basis of these financial statements.

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    As part of an audit in accordance with the audit standards, we exercise professional judgment and maintain
professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
    (I) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error,
design and perform audit procedures to address those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is
higher than one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations,
or the override of internal control.
    (II) Understand the internal control related to the audit in order to design appropriate audit procedure.
    (III) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used, and the reasonableness of accounting estimates
and related disclosures made, by the Management.
    (IV) Conclude on the appropriateness of using the going concern assumption by the Management. At the same
time, draw a conclusion, based on the audit evidence obtained, on whether there is significant uncertainty in matters or
situations that may cause major doubts about Dahua's ability in continuous operation. If we conclude that a material
uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our audit report to the related disclosures in the financial
statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the information
available up to the date of our audit report. However, future events or conditions may result in Dahua's inability to
continue operating.
    (V) Evaluate the overall presentation (including the disclosures), structure and content of the financial statements,
and whether the financial statements fairly reflect the relevant transactions and events.
    (VI) Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business
activities within Dahua to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for guiding,
supervising, and implementing the group audit, and remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
    We have communicated with those charged with governance on such matters as the scope of audit as planned,
the schedule and material audit findings, including the defects in the internal control that are worth paying attention to
found in this audit.
    We have also provided those charged with governance with a statement on observing the professional ethics
related to independence, and communicated with those charged with governance on all the relationships and other
matters that might be reasonably deemed to affect our independence, and relevant preventative measures.
    From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of
most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters.
We describe these matters in our audit report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or
when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because
the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such

   BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP                                   Chinese CPA: Du Na

   (Special general partnership)                                                             (Project partner)

                                                                                        Chinese CPA: Zhang Junhui

   Shanghai, China                                                                                April 15, 2024

                                                        2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

II. Financial Statements

Units of financial reports in the notes: yuan

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                   Item                         December 31, 2023                     January 1, 2023
 Current Assets:
   Cash and Bank Balances                               15,971,005,114.47                      8,029,878,650.77
   Deposit Reservation for Balance
   Loans to Banks and Other
 Financial Institutions
   Trading Financial Assets                                  1,470,000.00                          1,470,000.00
   Derivative Financial Assets
   Notes receivable                                        813,039,192.75                        872,302,071.18
   Accounts receivable                                  16,276,803,954.03                     15,411,908,561.50
   Receivables Financing                                   810,713,267.86                        679,441,917.62
   Prepayments                                             189,388,716.99                        121,691,239.14
   Premium Receivable
   Reinsurance Accounts Receivable
   Reinsurance Contract Reserves
   Other Receivables                                       337,524,688.36                        401,849,246.88
      Including: interest receivable
             Dividends Receivable                            5,784,225.02                          8,519,063.17
   Buying Back the Sale of Financial
   Inventory                                             5,332,608,544.02                      7,315,372,440.02
   Contract Assets                                          86,714,216.34                        106,335,405.35
   Holding for-sale assets
   Non-current Assets Due within 1
                                                           303,454,116.40                        476,871,949.75
   Other Current Assets                                    939,374,868.31                      1,352,406,151.72
 Subtotal of Current Assets                             41,062,096,679.53                     34,769,527,633.93
 Non-current Assets:
   Granting of loans and advances
   Investment in Creditor's Rights
   Investment in Other Creditor's
   Long-term Receivables                                   946,659,309.70                      1,436,256,651.54
   Long-term Equity Investment                             727,453,629.75                      1,461,099,644.55
   Investment in Other Equity

                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Other Non-current Financial Assets           1,535,742,385.71                       931,043,130.33
  Investment Property                           129,637,004.00                        423,035,823.82
  Fixed Assets                                 4,937,180,876.88                      4,643,617,574.85
  Projects under Construction                  1,008,612,408.49                       423,535,552.03
  Productive Biological Assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use Assets                           299,202,586.56                        314,700,977.50
  Intangible Assets                             594,679,018.11                        557,183,251.12
  Development Expenditure
  Goodwill                                         6,615,294.18                          6,615,294.18
  Long-term Deferred Expenses                   135,335,273.95                        130,626,422.97
  Deferred Income Tax Assets                   1,287,903,482.65                      1,014,419,944.15
  Other Non-current Assets                      210,809,264.49                        141,231,903.57
Subtotal of Non-current Assets                11,819,830,534.47                     11,483,366,170.61
Total assets                                  52,881,927,214.00                    46,252,893,804.54
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term loan                               957,426,330.18                        257,943,618.51
  Borrowings from the Central Bank
  Borrowings from Banks and Other
Financial Institutions
  Transactional financial liabilities                 61,400.12                         26,652,319.25
  Derivative Financial Liabilities
  Notes Payable                                3,296,294,946.26                      4,364,097,761.17
  Accounts Payable                             5,815,123,195.55                      7,340,277,388.29
  Received Prepayments
  Contract liabilities                         1,194,534,307.04                      1,219,548,011.88
  Financial      Assets        Sold     for
  Deposit      Taking    and     Interbank
  Receiving from Vicariously Traded
  Receiving from Vicariously Sold
  Payroll payable                              1,933,955,631.12                      1,583,203,165.43
  Tax Payable                                  1,243,482,361.08                       326,881,747.78
  Other Payables                                812,424,146.52                       1,004,056,999.91
    Including: interest payable
             Dividends Payable                   23,667,047.02
  Service Charge and Commission
  Reinsurance Accounts Payable
  Holding for-sale liabilities
  Non-current Liabilities Due within 1          901,722,028.75                       2,558,010,785.73

                                                                      2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    Other Current Liabilities                                             155,182,705.02                                   166,004,612.27
 Subtotal of Current Liabilities                                      16,310,207,051.64                                18,846,676,410.22
 Non-current Liabilities:
    Insurance Contract Reserves
    Long-term loan                                                                                                         453,825,000.00
    Bonds Payable
      Including: Preferred Stocks
              Perpetual Bonds
    Lease Liabilities                                                     176,580,049.57                                   196,340,654.27
    Long-term Payables
    Long-term payroll payable
    Expected Liabilities                                                  224,542,626.90                                   227,764,387.93
    Deferred Income                                                       166,711,673.04                                   104,663,047.38
    Deferred Income Tax Liabilities                                            737,367.19                                     1,168,473.33
    Other Non-current Liabilities                                         119,054,046.66                                   204,084,072.08
 Subtotal of Non-current Liabilities                                      687,625,763.36                                1,187,845,634.99
 Total Liabilities                                                    16,997,832,815.00                                20,034,522,045.21
 Shareholders' Equity:
   Share Capital                                                        3,294,468,990.00                                3,033,161,170.00
   Other Equity Instruments
     Including: Preferred Stocks
            Perpetual Bonds
   Capital Reserves                                                     7,124,125,996.49                                3,950,209,243.25
   Less: Treasury Share                                                   746,699,863.45                                  609,859,632.00
   Other Comprehensive Incomes                                             65,993,020.83                                   36,942,339.77
    Special Reserves
   Surplus Reserves                                                     1,647,234,495.00                                1,553,691,005.92
   General Risk Reserves
   Undistributed Profits                                              23,334,051,186.55                                17,872,654,791.67
 Total       Shareholders'      Equity
                                                                      34,719,173,825.42                                25,836,798,918.61
 Attributable to the Parent Company
   Minority Shareholders' Equity                                       1,164,920,573.58                                   381,572,840.72
 Total Shareholders' Equity                                           35,884,094,399.00                                26,218,371,759.33
 Total Liabilities and Shareholders'
                                                                      52,881,927,214.00                                46,252,893,804.54

Legal representative: Fu Liquan   Person in charge of accounting: Xu Qiaofen   Person in charge of the accounting institution: Zhu Zhuling

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                     Item                                  December 31, 2023                                 January 1, 2023
 Current Assets:
    Cash and Bank Balances                                              9,624,679,601.93                                4,022,841,447.49
    Trading Financial Assets
    Derivative Financial Assets
    Notes receivable                                                      368,774,122.18                                   178,821,430.81

                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Accounts receivable                         6,640,946,970.53                      4,837,478,515.65
  Receivables Financing                        698,297,307.69                       1,061,433,149.01
  Prepayments                                   31,587,070.13                          11,881,594.83
  Other Receivables                          11,736,609,900.41                    13,025,162,686.64
    Including: interest receivable
             Dividends Receivable
  Inventory                                    447,927,880.25                        950,125,105.39
  Contract Assets                               12,985,980.46                          27,158,633.27
  Holding for-sale assets
  Non-current Assets Due within 1
                                                10,032,002.75                          35,911,131.98
  Other Current Assets                         348,700,342.87                        627,219,565.83
Subtotal of Current Assets                   29,920,541,179.20                    24,778,033,260.90
Non-current Assets:
  Investment in Creditor's Rights
  Investment     in    Other    Creditor's
  Long-term Receivables                           5,359,168.22                         12,287,217.89
  Long-term Equity Investment                 8,191,802,935.85                      5,482,249,288.75
  Investment      in    Other      Equity
  Other Non-current Financial Assets          1,513,272,385.71                       908,573,130.33
  Investment Property                             1,817,925.82                       317,849,081.03
  Fixed Assets                                1,814,451,576.60                      1,627,286,403.38
  Projects under Construction                     3,556,445.35                         34,991,576.38
  Productive Biological Assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use Assets                           94,348,785.64                         114,223,037.09
  Intangible Assets                            140,815,043.41                        132,109,501.05
  Development Expenditure
  Long-term Deferred Expenses                   66,926,895.55                          69,447,374.46
  Deferred Income Tax Assets                      1,008,929.69                         39,347,253.53
  Other Non-current Assets                      18,782,264.32                          25,825,038.50
Subtotal of Non-current Assets               11,852,142,356.16                      8,764,188,902.39
Total assets                                 41,772,683,535.36                    33,542,222,163.29
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term loan                              600,266,666.67                           3,632,141.60
  Transactional financial liabilities
  Derivative Financial Liabilities
  Notes Payable                                221,026,659.43                        485,319,623.33
  Accounts Payable                             884,748,949.13                       1,074,133,501.08
  Received Prepayments

                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Contract liabilities                          125,050,543.58                      169,956,348.75
   Payroll payable                          1,354,637,328.45                      1,116,235,627.09
   Tax Payable                              1,008,009,000.74                         140,279,695.45
   Other Payables                           1,193,481,602.34                      1,328,875,885.44
      Including: interest payable
              Dividends Payable                   23,667,047.02
   Holding for-sale liabilities
   Non-current Liabilities Due within 1
                                                 787,284,456.59                   2,393,499,176.95
   Other Current Liabilities                      22,753,109.13                       85,397,527.74
 Subtotal of Current Liabilities            6,197,258,316.06                      6,797,329,527.43
 Non-current Liabilities:
   Long-term loan                                                                    350,000,000.00
   Bonds Payable
      Including: Preferred Stocks
              Perpetual Bonds
   Lease Liabilities                              48,328,489.38                       64,598,842.13
   Long-term Payables
   Long-term payroll payable
   Expected Liabilities                            1,550,020.50                        2,204,024.80
   Deferred Income
   Deferred Income Tax Liabilities
   Other Non-current Liabilities                    144,070.84                          392,972.39
 Subtotal of Non-current Liabilities              50,022,580.72                      417,195,839.32
 Total Liabilities                          6,247,280,896.78                      7,214,525,366.75
 Shareholders' Equity:
   Share Capital                            3,294,468,990.00                      3,033,161,170.00
   Other Equity Instruments
     Including: Preferred Stocks
            Perpetual Bonds
   Capital Reserves                         6,881,563,679.88                      3,788,412,149.09
   Less: Treasury Share                       746,699,863.45                        609,859,632.00
   Other Comprehensive Incomes
   Special Reserves
   Surplus Reserves                         1,647,234,495.00                      1,553,691,005.92
   Undistributed Profits                   24,448,835,337.15                     18,562,292,103.53
 Total Shareholders' Equity                35,525,402,638.58                     26,327,696,796.54
 Total Liabilities and Shareholders'
                                           41,772,683,535.36                     33,542,222,163.29

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                     Item                 2023                                2022
 I. Total Operating Revenue                32,218,317,636.77                     30,565,370,012.64
   Including: Operating Revenue            32,218,317,636.77                     30,565,370,012.64

                                       2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

          Interest Income
          Earned Premiums
       Service Charge and
Commission Income
II. Total Operating Cost               29,058,697,666.07                    28,808,656,031.31
  Including: Operating Cost            18,674,970,923.46                    18,989,797,670.92
          Interest Expenditures
       Service Charge and
Commission Expenses
          Surrender Value
          Net Claims Paid
         Net Amount of Withdrawn
Reserve for Insurance Liability
          Policyholder Dividend
          Reinsurance Cost
          Taxes and Surcharges           275,786,197.05                        187,697,592.05
          Sales Expenses                5,292,570,225.69                      5,115,163,159.61
          Administration expenses       1,257,429,514.27                      1,143,968,823.89
          Research and development
                                        3,967,248,795.22                      3,883,005,582.82
          Financial Expenses             -409,307,989.62                       -510,976,797.98
            Including: interest
                                          95,985,194.10                        129,841,192.93
                   Interest Income       345,537,378.77                        197,933,592.28
  Add: Other income                      942,767,172.83                        988,838,317.21
       Investment Income (Mark "-"
                                        4,495,973,812.03                       280,749,308.20
for Loss)
          Including: Investment
Income from Affiliates and Joint         -242,631,295.52                       -399,809,570.81
                  Profits from
recognition Termination of Financial      -16,573,899.23                         -1,731,597.86
Assets at Amortized Cost
      Exchange Gains (Mark "-" for
      Profit of Net Exposure
Hedging (Mark "-" for Loss)
       Incomes from changes in fair
                                         127,628,374.87                         -46,015,577.97
value (losses marked with "-")
      Credit Impairment Losses
                                         -412,457,117.43                       -596,505,944.29
(Mark "-" for Loss)
      Asset Impairment Losses
                                         -174,514,315.74                       -106,653,049.64
(Mark "-" for Loss)
        Asset Disposal Income (Mark
                                            2,007,798.39                          2,965,788.77
"-" for Loss)

                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

III. Operating Profit (Mark "-" for
                                            8,141,025,695.65                       2,280,092,823.61
  Add: Non-operating Revenues                  13,528,994.25                          17,921,304.59
  Less: Non-operating Expenses                 32,849,032.26                          10,836,066.92
IV. Total Profit (Mark "-" for Total
                                            8,121,705,657.64                       2,287,178,061.28
  Less: Income Tax Expense                    646,438,172.09                          25,327,807.96
V. Net Profit (Mark "-" for Net Loss)       7,475,267,485.55                       2,261,850,253.32
   (I) Classified by operation
      1. Net Profit as a Going Concern
                                            7,475,267,485.55                       2,261,850,253.32
(Mark "-" for Net Loss)
      2. Net Profit of Discontinued
Operation (Mark "-" for Net Loss)
   (II) Classified by the attribution of
      1. Net Profit Attributable to
                                            7,361,892,404.52                       2,324,356,092.20
Shareholders of Parent Company
      2. Minority Shareholders' Profit
                                              113,375,081.03                         -62,505,838.88
and Loss
VI. Net Amount of Other
                                               29,150,995.25                         -39,267,173.55
Comprehensive Incomes after Tax
   Net Amount of Other
Comprehensive Incomes after Tax
                                               29,050,681.06                         -39,063,452.72
Attributable to the Parent Company's
      (I) Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified into profit
or loss
         1. Re-measure the variation of
the defined benefit plan
         2. Other comprehensive
income that cannot be transferred to
P/L under the equity method
         3. Changes in the fair value of
investment in other equity
         4. Changes in the fair value of
the credit risk of the enterprise
         5. Others
      (II) Other comprehensive income
                                               29,050,681.06                         -39,063,452.72
that will be reclassified as P/L
         1. Other comprehensive
income that can be transferred to P/L
under the equity method
         2. Changes in the fair value of
investment in other creditor's rights
         3. Financial assets reclassified
into other comprehensive income
         4. Provisions for the credit
impairment of investment in other
creditor's rights
         5. Cash flow hedge reserves
         6. Currency translation
                                               29,050,681.06                         -39,063,452.72

                                                                      2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

         7. Others
   Net Amount of Other
 Comprehensive Incomes After Tax                                                 100,314.19                                      -203,720.83
 Attributable to Minority Shareholders
 VII. Total Comprehensive Income                                        7,504,418,480.80                                  2,222,583,079.77
   Total Comprehensive Income
 Attributable to the Parent Company's                                   7,390,943,085.58                                  2,285,292,639.48
   Total Comprehensive Income
                                                                          113,475,395.22                                     -62,709,559.71
 Attributable to Minority Shareholders
 VIII. Earnings per Share
   (I) Basic Earnings per Share                                                          2.31                                             0.79
   (II) Diluted Earnings per Share                                                       2.31                                             0.79

Legal representative: Fu Liquan   Person in charge of accounting: Xu Qiaofen     Person in charge of the accounting institution: Zhu Zhuling

4. Income Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                     Item                                          2023                                               2022
 I. Operating Revenue                                                 10,675,914,320.02                                    8,458,444,111.37
    Less: Operating Cost                                                1,691,024,232.43                                  1,230,036,081.64
         Taxes and Surcharges                                             146,495,115.07                                     122,607,735.59
         Sales Expenses                                                 2,462,570,281.18                                  2,337,221,204.22
         Administration expenses                                          680,831,535.05                                     615,717,298.20
       Research and development
                                                                        2,864,986,091.20                                  2,714,151,497.47
         Financial Expenses                                                -91,154,399.90                                    -18,613,854.17
            Including: interest expenses                                   81,261,266.60                                      93,567,329.76
                    Interest Income                                       213,951,362.84                                     110,285,473.81
    Add: Other income                                                     679,492,419.86                                     797,553,509.91
        Investment Income (Mark "-"
                                                                        4,314,965,696.38                                    -302,194,016.65
 for Loss)
          Including: Investment
 Income from Affiliates and Joint                                        -309,247,666.73                                    -455,385,100.70
                Profits from
 Derecognition of Financial Assets at                                          -4,044,983.67                                   -3,752,816.76
 Amortized Cost (Mark "-" for Loss)
       Profit of Net Exposure
 Hedging (Mark "-" for Loss)
        Incomes from changes in fair
                                                                          101,037,455.74                                     -10,144,713.55
 value (losses marked with "-")
       Credit Impairment Losses
                                                                           -43,204,243.79                                      -1,310,481.21
 (Mark "-" for Loss)
       Asset Impairment Losses
                                                                                -449,430.51                                    -6,453,322.10
 (Mark "-" for Loss)
         Asset Disposal Income (Mark
                                                                          539,633,345.30                                        1,109,370.89
 "-" for Loss)

                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 II. Operating Profit (Mark "-" for Loss)      8,512,636,707.97                      1,935,884,495.71
   Add: Non-operating Revenues                        1,578,964.62                       4,169,504.86
   Less: Non-operating Expenses                       1,596,176.55                       5,180,651.11
 III. Total Profit (Mark "-" for Total
                                               8,512,619,496.04                      1,934,873,349.46
   Less: Income Tax Expense                         725,580,252.78                       4,336,964.90
 IV. Net Profit (Mark "-" for Net Loss)        7,787,039,243.26                      1,930,536,384.56
    (I) Net Profit as a Going Concern
                                               7,787,039,243.26                      1,930,536,384.56
 (Mark "-" for Net Loss)
    (II) Net Profit of Discontinued
 Operation (Mark "-" for Net Loss)
 V. Net Amount of Other
 Comprehensive Incomes After Tax
       (I) Other comprehensive income
 that cannot be reclassified into profit
 or loss
          1. Re-measure the variation of
 the defined benefit plan
          2. Other comprehensive
 income that cannot be transferred to
 P/L under the equity method
          3. Changes in the fair value of
 investment in other equity
          4. Changes in the fair value of
 the credit risk of the enterprise
          5. Others
       (II) Other comprehensive income
 that will be reclassified as P/L
          1. Other comprehensive
 income that can be transferred to P/L
 under the equity method
          2. Changes in the fair value of
 investment in other creditor's rights
          3. Financial assets reclassified
 into other comprehensive income
          4. Provisions for the credit
 impairment of investment in other
 creditor's rights
          5. Cash flow hedge reserves
          6. Currency translation
          7. Others
 VI. Total Comprehensive Income                7,787,039,243.26                      1,930,536,384.56
 VII. Earnings per Share
    (I) Basic Earnings per Share                              2.45                               0.65
    (II) Diluted Earnings per Share                           2.44                               0.65

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                  Item                       2023                                2022
 I. Cash Flow Generated by
 Operational Activities:

                                       2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Cash from Sales of Merchandise
                                       34,442,145,403.42                    33,784,604,846.55
and Provision of Services
  Net Increase in Customer's Bank
Deposits and Interbank Deposits
  Net Increase in Borrowings from
the Central Bank
  Net Increase in Borrowings from
Other Financial Institutions
  Cash Arising from Receiving
Premiums for the Original Insurance
  Net Amount Arising from
Reinsurance Business
  Net Increase in Deposits and
Investments from Policyholders
  Cash Arising from Interests,
Service Charges and Commissions
  Net Increase in Borrowings from
Banks and Other Financial
  Net Increase in Repurchase
Business Funds
   Net Amount of Cash Received
from the Vicariously Traded
  Tax Refund                            1,297,555,479.60                      1,494,092,979.78
  Other Received Cashes Related to
                                        1,458,933,374.74                      1,251,775,941.07
Operational Activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                       37,198,634,257.76                    36,530,473,767.40
operational activities
  Cash Paid for Merchandise and
                                       21,282,073,936.41                    23,777,092,221.87
  Net Increase in Loans and
Advances to Customers
  Net Increase in Deposits with
Central Bank and Other Financial
  Cash Paid for Original Insurance
Contract Claims
  Net increase of funds lent
  Cash Paid for Interests, Service
Charges and Commissions
  Cash Paid for Policy Dividends
    Cash Paid to and for Employees      7,048,918,522.07                      7,458,518,121.11
    Cash Paid for Taxes and
                                        1,924,186,453.49                      2,068,760,288.72
    Other Paid Cashes Related to
                                        2,344,676,691.32                      2,172,515,486.24
Operational Activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                       32,599,855,603.29                     35,476,886,117.94
operational activities
Net cash flow generated by operating
                                        4,598,778,654.47                      1,053,587,649.46
II. Cash Flow from Investment

                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Cash Arising from Disposal of
                                         4,741,623,320.96                       2,264,115,058.67
   Cash Arising from Investment
                                            28,682,909.98                          24,768,046.36
   Net Cash Arising from Disposal of
Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and           4,137,565.27                         11,943,847.27
Other Long-term Assets
   Net Cash Arising from Disposal of
Subsidiaries and Other Business                                                  665,433,193.86
   Other Received Cashes Related to
                                             49,811,896.09                         25,697,487.60
Investment Activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                         4,824,255,692.30                       2,991,957,633.76
investment activities
   Cash Paid for Purchase and
Construction of Fixed Assets,
                                         1,445,917,821.13                       1,295,439,929.32
Intangible Assets and Other Long-
term Assets
   Cash Paid for Investments             1,566,078,364.60                       2,238,484,786.11
  Net Increase in Pledge Loans
    Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of
Subsidiaries and Other Business
    Other Paid Cashes Related to
                                            86,037,580.10                          57,995,988.98
Investment Activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                         3,098,033,765.83                       3,591,920,704.41
investment activities
Net amount of cash flow generated
                                         1,726,221,926.47                        -599,963,070.65
by investment activities
III. Cash Flow from Financing
    Cash Arising from Absorbing
                                         5,835,668,662.56                        642,408,134.84
    Including: Cash Arising from
Subsidiaries Absorbing Investments         739,669,502.56                          32,548,502.84
by Minority Shareholders
    Cash Arising from Borrowings         2,629,490,853.55                       5,266,376,091.63
    Other Received Cashes Related to
                                                      0.00                            453,263.81
Financing Activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                          8,465,159,516.11                      5,909,237,490.28
  Cash Paid for Debts Repayment          4,075,180,609.51                       4,841,487,732.91
   Cash Paid for Distribution of
Dividends and Profits or Payment of      1,868,381,166.79                        910,569,303.98
   Including: Dividends and Profits
Paid to Minority Shareholders by              1,104,770.95
   Other Paid Cashes Related to
                                           868,734,705.55                        500,968,317.98
Financing Activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                         6,812,296,481.85                       6,253,025,354.87
financing activities
Net cash flow generated by financing
                                         1,652,863,034.26                        -343,787,864.59
IV. Impact of Fluctuation in Exchange       24,330,927.12                        151,051,486.09

                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Rate on Cash and Cash Equivalents
 V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                                8,002,194,542.32                         260,888,200.31
    Add: Cash and Cash Equivalents
                                                7,878,465,052.63                      7,617,576,852.32
 at the Commencement of the Period
 VI. Cash and Cash Equivalents at the
                                               15,880,659,594.95                      7,878,465,052.63
 End of the Period

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                    Item                   2023                                   2022
 I. Cash Flow Generated by
 Operational Activities:
     Cash from Sales of Merchandise
                                                9,580,658,235.54                      8,412,862,445.50
 and Provision of Services
     Tax Refund
     Other Received Cashes Related to
                                                  995,036,096.41                      1,025,365,997.09
 Operational Activities
 Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                               10,575,694,331.95                      9,438,228,442.59
 operational activities
     Cash Paid for Merchandise and
                                                  894,299,605.11                         805,027,908.27
     Cash Paid to and for Employees             4,148,209,445.47                      4,335,058,098.20
     Cash Paid for Taxes and
                                                  980,532,790.15                      1,263,894,274.07
     Other Paid Cashes Related to
                                                1,218,042,054.87                      1,275,450,400.47
 Operational Activities
 Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                7,241,083,895.60                      7,679,430,681.01
 operational activities
 Net cash flow generated by operating
                                                3,334,610,436.35                      1,758,797,761.58
 II. Cash Flow from Investment
     Cash Arising from Disposal of
                                                4,438,176,060.20                      1,235,609,621.67
     Cash Arising from Investment
                                                    5,321,510.33                           9,173,028.68
     Net Cash Arising from Disposal of
 Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and                6,507,850.94                          18,870,107.90
 Other Long-term Assets
     Net Cash Arising from Disposal of
 Subsidiaries and Other Business
     Other Received Cashes Related to
 Investment Activities
 Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                4,450,005,421.47                      1,263,652,758.25
 investment activities
     Cash Paid for Purchase and
 Construction of Fixed Assets,
                                                  306,866,259.04                         480,624,220.25
 Intangible Assets and Other Long-
 term Assets
     Cash Paid for Investments                  4,253,829,235.00                         989,118,779.17
     Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of
 Subsidiaries and Other Business

                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    Other Paid Cashes Related to
Investment Activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                         4,560,695,494.04                       1,469,742,999.42
investment activities
Net amount of cash flow generated
                                           -110,690,072.57                       -206,090,241.17
by investment activities
III. Cash Flow from Financing
    Cash Arising from Absorbing
                                         5,095,999,160.00                        609,859,632.00
    Cash Arising from Borrowings         1,200,000,000.00                       1,893,632,141.60
    Other Received Cashes Related to
                                         1,931,048,415.78                       2,488,594,518.78
Financing Activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                         8,227,047,575.78                       4,992,086,292.38
    Cash Paid for Debts Repayment        2,553,632,141.60                       1,393,066,910.69
    Cash Paid for Distribution of
Dividends and Profits or Payment of      1,846,648,732.12                        875,930,736.99
    Other Paid Cashes Related to
                                         1,363,667,384.09                       2,751,592,825.48
Financing Activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                         5,763,948,257.81                       5,020,590,473.16
financing activities
Net cash flow generated by financing
                                         2,463,099,317.97                         -28,504,180.78
IV. Impact of Fluctuation in Exchange
                                            -38,899,297.35                            613,656.19
Rate on Cash and Cash Equivalents
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                         5,648,120,384.40                       1,524,816,995.82
    Add: Cash and Cash Equivalents
                                         3,933,169,520.92                       2,408,352,525.10
at the Commencement of the Period
VI. Cash and Cash Equivalents at the
                                         9,581,289,905.32                       3,933,169,520.92
End of the Period

                                                                                                                     2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity

    Amount of this period

                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                  Shareholders' Equity Attributable to the Parent Company's Owner
                          Other Equity
                          Instruments                                                                   Gene                                              Minority
   Item         Shar                                                    Other     Speci                                                                                    Total
                       Pref   Perp                         Less:                                         ral                                              Sharehol
                  e                         Capital                   Compreh       al      Surplus                 Undistribute   Other                               Shareholders'
                                                         Treasury                                       Risk                                 Subtotal      ders'
                Capi   erre   etua         Reserves                    ensive     Reser    Reserves                  d Profits       s                                    Equity
                                     Oth                                                                                                                   Equity
                        d       l                         Share                                         Reser
                 tal                 ers                              Incomes      ves
                       Stoc   Bon                                                                        ves
                        ks     ds
I. Balance      3,03
at the End      3,16                       3,950,209,2   609,859,63    36,942,3            1,553,691,               17,872,654,7           25,836,798,9   381,572,     26,218,371,7
of Last         1,17                             43.25         2.00       39.77                005.92                      91.67                  18.61     840.72            59.33
Year            0.00

g Policies
of Errors
in the
II.                                        3,950,209,2   609,859,63    36,942,3            1,553,691,               17,872,654,7           25,836,798,9   381,572,     26,218,371,7
Balance                                          43.25         2.00       39.77                005.92                      91.67                  18.61     840.72            59.33
                                                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
at the       0.00
Start of
This Year
Decrease     261,
s in This    307,   3,173,916,7   136,840,23   29,050,6   93,543,489   5,461,396,39           8,882,374,90    783,347,    9,665,722,63
Period       820.         53.24         1.45      81.06          .08           4.88                   6.81      732.86            9.67
(Mark "-"      00
(I) Total
Comprehe                                       29,050,6                7,361,892,40           7,390,943,08    113,475,    7,504,418,48
nsive                                             81.06                        4.52                   5.58      395.22            0.80
ers'         261,
             307,   4,819,307,2   136,840,23                                                  4,943,774,85    797,188,    5,740,962,95
             820.         62.43         1.45                                                          0.98      107.34            8.32
on and         00
in Capital
1. Com
mon stock    261,
             307,   4,569,028,5   136,840,23                                                  4,693,496,12    739,669,    5,433,165,62
             820.         34.26         1.45                                                          2.81      502.56            5.37
by the         00
2. Capit
Holders of

                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
3. Amou
nt of
               250,278,72                                       250,278,728.    57,518,6    307,797,332.
                     8.17                                                 17       04.78              95
ers' Equity
4. Other
(III) Profit                                        -                      -                           -
Distributio                              1,903,104,71           1,809,561,22                1,809,561,22
n                                                0.27                   1.19                        1.19

1. Appro
priation of                 93,543,489
Surplus                            .08
2. Appro
priation of
3. Distrib
ution to
                                                    -                      -                           -
                                         1,809,561,22           1,809,561,22                1,809,561,22
(or                                              1.19                   1.19                        1.19
4. Other
Carry-                                   2,608,700.63           2,608,700.63                2,608,700.63
forward of
                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
ers' Equity
1. Capit
d into
Capital (or
2. Surpl
d into
Capital (or
3. Surpl
4. Carry-
of the
of the
5. Other
              2,608,700.63           2,608,700.63                2,608,700.63
of the
                                                                                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
6. Others
1. Withd
rawal in
this period
2. Used
in This
                                                    -                                                                                                      -             -                -
                                          1,645,390,5                                                                                           1,645,390,50      127,315,     1,772,706,27
Others                                          09.19                                                                                                   9.19        769.70             8.89
Balance        3,29
               4,46                       7,124,125,9    746,699,86      65,993,0                 1,647,234,             23,334,051,1           34,719,173,8      1,164,92     35,884,094,3
at the End
               8,99                             96.49          3.45         20.83                     495.00                    86.55                  25.42      0,573.58            99.00
of This        0.00

     Amount of Previous Period

                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                         Shareholders' Equity Attributable to the Parent Company's Owner
                                          Other Equity                               Oth
                                          Instruments                     Less       er
                                                                                           Spe                   Gene                                           Minority          Total
              Item                                                          :       Com
                                                               Capital                     cial                   ral                                          Sharehold      Shareholders
                            Share     Prefer   Perpe                      Trea      preh              Surplus              Undistribut   Oth
                                                               Reserv                      Res                   Risk                           Subtotal       ers' Equity      ' Equity
                            Capital    red      tual     Oth              sury      ensi             Reserves              ed Profits    ers
                                                                 es                        erve                  Reser
                                      Stock    Bond      ers              Shar       ve
                                                                                            s                     ves
                                        s         s                        e        Inco
                                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                  277,   76,0
                              2,994,5   2,939,5
I. Balance at the End of                          169,   05,7   1,553,691    16,331,012          23,617,602    552,741,99   24,170,344,5
                              50,730.   12,235.
Last Year                                         524.   92.4      ,005.92      ,273.48             ,513.55          4.59          08.14
                                  00        75
                                                   09       9
    Add: Changes in
Accounting Policies
          Correction of
Errors in the Previous
                                                  277,   76,0
                              2,994,5   2,939,5
II. Balance at the Start of                       169,   05,7   1,553,691    16,331,012          23,617,602    552,741,99   24,170,344,5
                              50,730.   12,235.
This Year                                         524.   92.4      ,005.92      ,273.48             ,513.55          4.59          08.14
                                  00        75
                                                   09       9
III. Increases or                                 332,
                                        1,010,6          39,0                                                           -
Decreases in This             38,610,             690,                       1,541,642,           2,219,196,                2,048,027,25
                                        97,007.          63,4                                                  171,169,15
Period (Mark "-" for           440.00             107.                           518.19               405.06                        1.19
                                            50           52.7                                                        3.87
Decreases)                                         91
                                                         39,0                                                           -
(I) Total Comprehensive                                                      2,324,356,           2,285,292,                2,222,583,07
                                                         63,4                                                  62,709,559
Income                                                                           092.20               639.48                        9.77
                                                         52.7                                                         .71
(II) Shareholders'                       476,97
                              38,610,             690,                                           182,892,05    87,713,091   270,605,146.
Contribution and                        1,722.7
                               440.00             107.                                                 4.80           .86             66
Reduction in Capital                          1
                                         278,01                                                           -                            -
1. Common stock              38,610,             690,
                                        8,905.0                                                  16,060,762    848,502.84   15,212,260.0
invested by the owner          440.00             107.
                                              2                                                         .89                            5
2. Capital Invested by
Holders of Other Equity
3. Amount of Share-                     198,95
                                                                                                 198,952,81    86,864,589   285,817,406.
based Payments                          2,817.6
                                                                                                       7.69           .02             71
Recorded into                                 9
                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Shareholders' Equity
4. Others
                                     -                   -                            -
(III) Profit Distribution   782,713,57          782,713,57                 782,713,574.
                                  4.01                4.01                           01
1. Appropriation of
Surplus Reserves
2. Appropriation of
General Risk Reserves
3. Distribution to                  -                   -                            -
Owners (or                  782,713,57          782,713,57                 782,713,574.
Shareholders)                     4.01                4.01                           01
4. Others
(IV) Internal Carry-
forward of Shareholders'
1. Capital Reserves
Transferred into Capital
(or Share Capital)
2. Surplus Reserves
Transferred into Capital
(or Share Capital)
3. Surplus Reserves
Covering Losses
4. Carry-forward
retained earnings of the
variation of the defined
benefit plan
5. Other Carry-forward
Retained Earnings of the
Comprehensive Income
6. Others
(V) Special Reserves
1. Withdrawal in this

                                                                                                                     2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
2. Used in This Period
                                                                 533,72                                                                                            -
                                                                                                                                           533,725,28                   337,552,598.
(VI) Others                                                     5,284.7                                                                                   196,172,68
                                                                                                                                                 4.79                             77
                                                                      9                                                                                         6.02
                                                                            609,   36,9
                              3,033,1                           3,950,2
IV. Balance at the End of                                                   859,   42,3         1,553,691            17,872,654            25,836,798     381,572,84    26,218,371,7
                              61,170.                           09,243.
This Period                                                                 632.   39.7            ,005.92              ,791.67               ,918.61           0.72           59.33
                                  00                                25
                                                                             00       7

   8. Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity of the Parent Company

   Amount of this period

                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                Other Equity
                                Instruments                                                 Other     Speci
   Item         Share       Prefer   Perpe              Capital        Less: Treasury     Compreh       al       Surplus          Undistributed   Other        Total Shareholders'
                Capital      red      tual     Oth     Reserves            Share           ensive     Reser     Reserves            Profits         s                 Equity
                            Stock    Bond      ers                                        Incomes      ves
                              s         s
I. Balance
at the End      3,033,16                             3,788,412,149.0      609,859,632.0                       1,553,691,005.9   18,562,292,103
of Last         1,170.00                                           9                  0                                     2              .53
g Policies
of Errors
in the

                                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
II. Balance
at the        3,033,16   3,788,412,149.0   609,859,632.0   1,553,691,005.9   18,562,292,103
Start of      1,170.00                 9               0                 2              .53
This Year
in This       261,307,   3,093,151,530.7   136,840,231.4                     5,886,543,233.
                                                            93,543,489.08                                    9,197,705,842.04
Period          820.00                 9               5                                 62
(Mark "-"
(I) Total
Comprehe                                                                     7,787,039,243.
nsive                                                                                    26
              261,307,   4,831,835,630.3   136,840,231.4
Contributio                                                                                                  4,956,303,218.94
                820.00                 9               5
n and
in Capital
1. Comm
on stock
              261,307,   4,569,028,534.2   136,840,231.4
invested                                                                                                     4,693,496,122.81
                820.00                 6               5
by the
2. Capita
l Invested
by Holders
of Other
                                     2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
3. Amou
nt of
Payments       262,807,096.13                                                     262,807,096.13
ers' Equity
4. Others
(III) Profit                                                 -
Distributio                     93,543,489.08   1,903,104,710.                 -1,809,561,221.19
n                                                           27
1. Appro
priation of
                                93,543,489.08   -93,543,489.08
2. Distrib
ution to
                                                1,809,561,221.                 -1,809,561,221.19
3. Others
                                                  2,608,700.63                      2,608,700.63
forward of
ers' Equity
1. Capita
l Reserves
d into
              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Capital (or
2. Surplu
d into
Capital (or
3. Surplu
4. Carry-
of the
of the
5. Other
Earnings                   2,608,700.63                      2,608,700.63
of the
6. Others

                                                                                                                       2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
 1. Withdr
 awal in
 this period
 2. Used
 in This
                                                         1,738,684,099.6                                                                                          -1,738,684,099.60
 Balance at
                 3,294,46                                6,881,563,679.8    746,699,863.4                      1,647,234,495.0     24,448,835,337
 the End of                                                                                                                                                      35,525,402,638.58
                 8,990.00                                              8                5                                    0                .15
     Amount of Previous Period

                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                    Other Equity                                             Other
                                    Instruments                                             Compr     Speci
   Item                                                                          Less:
                                Prefer   Perpe                 Capital                      ehensiv     al       Surplus                                 Other   Total Shareholders'
               Share Capital                                                   Treasury                                          Undistributed Profits
                                 red      tual     Oth        Reserves                         e      Reser     Reserves                                   s            Equity
                                Stock    Bond      ers                                      Income     ves
                                  s         s                                                  s

I. Balance
at the End     2,994,550,730.                              2,925,020,649.    277,169,524.                     1,553,691,005.9
                                                                                                                                  17,370,986,709.52                24,567,079,571.03
of Last                    00                                          68              09                                   2
                                                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
of Errors in
II. Balance
at the Start   2,994,550,730.   2,925,020,649.   277,169,524.   1,553,691,005.9
                                                                                   17,370,986,709.52                 24,567,079,571.03
of This                    00               68             09                 2
in This                         863,391,499.4    332,690,107.
               38,610,440.00                                                        1,191,305,394.01                  1,760,617,225.51
Period                                      1              91
(Mark "-"
(I) Total
                                                                                    1,930,536,384.56                  1,930,536,384.56
                                419,952,914.6    332,690,107.
Contributio    38,610,440.00                                                                                            125,873,246.72
                                            3              91
n and
in Capital
1. Comm
on stock
                                278,018,905.0    332,690,107.
invested       38,610,440.00                                                                                            -16,060,762.89
                                            2              91
by the

                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
2. Capital
by Holders
of Other
3. Amoun
t of Share-
Payments       141,934,009.6
Recorded                   1
ers' Equity
4. Others
(III) Profit
Distributio                                -782,713,574.01                   -782,713,574.01
1. Appro
priation of
2. Distrib
ution to
Owners (or                                 -782,713,574.01                   -782,713,574.01
3. Others
forward of
ers' Equity
1. Capital

               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
d into
Capital (or
2. Surplu
d into
Capital (or
3. Surplu
4. Carry-
earnings of
variation of
the defined
5. Other
of the

                                                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
6. Others
(V) Special
1. Withdr
awal in this
2. Used
in This
(VI) Others                                                                            43,482,583.46                    486,921,168.24
Balance at
               3,033,161,170.   3,788,412,149.   609,859,632.   1,553,691,005.9
the End of                                                                         18,562,292,103.53                 26,327,696,796.54
                           00               09             00                 2

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

III. Basic Information about the Company

Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company" or "the Company") was incorporated
under the official approval document No. 18 [2002] issued by Zhejiang Provincial People's Government Work Leading
Group for Enterprise Listing in June 2002, a stock corporation established on the basis of overall change of the former
Hangzhou Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd. It was co-founded by five natural persons, including Fu Liquan,
Chen Ailing, Zhu Jiangming, Liu Yunzhen and Chen Jianfeng.

On April 22, 2008, the Company issued 16.8 million shares of common stock in RMB to the general public for the first
time under the approval document No. 573 [2008] Securities Regulatory Issuance, issued by China Securities
Regulatory Commission ("CSRC"). It was listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 20, 2008 with a registered
capital of RMB 66.8 million and the change registration filed with Administration for Industry and Commerce was
completed on May 23, 2008. The Company's unified social credit code is 91330000727215176K. The Company falls
within the intelligent Internet of Things industry.

As of December 31, 2023, the Company has issued a total of 3,294,468,990 shares, with a registered capital of RMB
3,294,468,990.00 yuan. The registered address is No.1187, Bin'an Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, and the
headquarters address is No.1399, Binxing Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou.

The Company’s main operation activities include: R&D, production and sales of smart IoT products, and provision of
video-centric smart IoT solutions and services.

The actual controllers of the Company are Fu Liquan and Chen Ailing.

This financial statement has been approved by Board of Directors on April 15, 2024.

IV. Basis for Preparing the Financial Statement

1. Basis for the preparation

The Company prepares the financial statement, as a going concern, based on transactions and matters that have
actually occurred, in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Basic Standards issued by the
Ministry of Finance and all specific accounting standards, application guidelines for accounting standards for business
enterprises, explanations on the accounting standards for business enterprises and other related regulations
(hereinafter referred to as "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises" collectively), and the disclosure provisions
in the Preparation Rules for Information Disclosures by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 15 - General
Provisions on Financial Reports issued by CSRC.

2. Going concern

The Company has the capability to continue as a going concern for at least 12 months as of the end of current
reporting period, without any significant item affecting the capability for continuing as a going concern.

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates

The following disclosures cover the specific accounting policies and accounting estimates formulated by the Company
according to the characteristics of its production and operation.

1. Statement on compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

This financial statement is in compliance with the requirements in the “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises”
promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and presents truly and completely the financial position of the merged
companies and the parent company as at December 31, 2023 and the operating results and cash flows of the merged
companies and the parent company in 2023.

2. Accounting period

The fiscal year of the Company is from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year.

3. Operating cycle

The Company's operating cycle is 12 months.

4. Functional currency

For the domestic operating entities of the Company and its overseas operating entity Dahua Technology (HK) Limited,
the functional currency is Renminbi ("RMB"). The other overseas operating entities take the appropriate currency as
the functional currency on the basis of the currency in the major economic environment in which they operate. This
financial statement is presented in RMB.

5. Method for determination and basis for selection of the importance criteria

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                             Item                                                  Importance criteria
 Important accounts receivable with the bad debt provision      Amount accrued based on single item accounting for
 accrued based on single item                                   0.5% of the total asset at the end of the period
                                                                Amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision of
 Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt
                                                                the receivables in this period exceeding 0.5% of the total
 provision of the receivables in this period
                                                                asset at the end of the period
                                                                Amount of accounts receivable written off based on single
 Important accounts receivable written off                      item exceeding 0.5% of the total asset at the end of the
                                                                Project investment budget exceeding 0.5% of the total
 Important projects under construction
                                                                Prepayments aged over 1 year exceeding 0.1% of the
 Important prepayments aged over 1 year
                                                                total asset
                                                                Payables aged over 1 year exceeding 0.5% of the total
 Important accounts payable aged over 1 year
                                                                Other payables aged over 1 year exceeding 0.5% of the
 Other important payables aged over 1 year
                                                                total asset
                                                                Contract liabilities aged over 1 year exceeding 0.5% of
 Important contract liabilities aged over 1 year
                                                                the total asset

                                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Important cash flow from investment activities                    Projects with cash flow exceeding 5% of the total asset
                                                                   Overseas business entities with any of the total
 Important overseas business entities                              asset/gross revenue/total profit exceeding 15% of the
                                                                   Group’s total asset/gross revenue/total profit
                                                                   Non-wholly owned subsidiaries with any of the total
 Important non-wholly owned subsidiaries                           asset/gross revenue/total profit exceeding 15% of the
                                                                   Group’s total asset/gross revenue/total profit
                                                                   Investment income from the joint ventures or associates
 Important joint ventures or associates                            exceeding 10% of the audited profit of the Company in
                                                                   the last period

6. The accounting treatment of business combinations involving entities under common
control and business combinations involving entities not under common control

Business combination involving entities under common control: The assets and liabilities acquired by the merging
party in business combination (including goodwill incurred in the acquisition of the merged party by ultimate controlling
party) shall be measured at the book value of the assets and liabilities of the merged party in the consolidated financial
statements of the ultimate controlling party on the date of combination. The difference between the book value of the
net assets obtained and the book value of the consideration paid for the combination (or total nominal value of the
issued shares) is adjusted to capital premium in capital reserve. Adjustments shall be made to retained earnings in the
event that the share premiums in the capital reserves are not sufficient for write-down.

Business combination involving entities not under common control: The cost of combination is the fair value of the
assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed, and the equity securities issued by the acquirer to acquire the control
of the acquiree on the date of acquisition. Where the cost of combination is higher than the fair value of the identifiable
net assets acquired from the merging party in business combination, such difference shall be recognized as goodwill;
where the cost of combination is less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired from the merging party
in business combination, such difference shall be charged to the profit or loss for the period. The identifiable assets,
liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquiree obtained in the combination that satisfy the recognition criteria shall
be measured by the fair value on the date of acquisition.

The fees which are directly related to the business combination shall be recognized as the profit or loss in the period
when the costs are incurred; the transaction expenses of issuing equity securities or debt securities for business
merger shall be initially capitalized for equity securities or debt securities.

7. Criterion for judgment of control and preparation method of consolidated financial

(1) Criterion for judgment of control

The scope of consolidation of the consolidated financial statements is based on controlling interests and includes the
Company and all the subsidiaries. Control means that the Company has the power with respect to the investee to
obtain variable returns by engaging in relevant activities of the investee, and has the ability to influence the amount of
its returns by applying its power with respect to the investee.

(2) Preparation method of consolidated financial statements

                                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

The Company treats the enterprise group as a single accounting entity and prepares the consolidated financial
statements in accordance with the unified accounting policy to reflect the Group's overall financial position, operating
results, and cash flow. The influence from the internal transactions between the Company and the subsidiaries or
between different subsidiaries shall be eliminated. Internal transactions show that impairment loss of relevant assets
shall be recognized as such loss in full. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, where the accounting
policies and the accounting periods are inconsistent between the Company and subsidiaries, the financial statements
of subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies and accounting period of the Company.

The shares belonging to minority shareholders in owner's equity, the net profit or loss and the comprehensive income
of the subsidiary of the current period are presented separately under the owners' equity in the consolidated balance
sheet, the net profits, and the total comprehensive income in the consolidated income statement respectively. Where
losses attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary of the current period exceed the minority shareholders'
interest entitled in the shareholders' equity of the subsidiary at the beginning of the period, the excess shall be offset
against the equity of minority shareholders.

①   Acquisition of Subsidiaries or Business

For acquisition of subsidiaries or business due to business combination involving entities under common control during
the reporting period, the operating results and cash flow of such subsidiaries or business from the beginning to the end
of the reporting period when the merger occurs are included in the consolidated income statement; and the opening
balance and comparative figures of the consolidated financial statements should be adjusted simultaneously as if the
consolidated reporting entity has been in existence since the beginning of the control by the ultimate controlling party.
In connection with imposing control over the investee under common control due to additional investment and other
reasons, the equity investment held before gaining the control of the combined party is recognized as relevant profit or
loss, other comprehensive income and changes in other net assets at the later of the date of acquisition of the original
equity and the date when the combining and the merged parties are under common control, and shall be written down
to the opening balance retained earnings or current profit or loss in the comparative reporting period.

Additional subsidiaries or business due to business combination involving entities not under common control during
the reporting period will be included in the consolidated financial statements as of the date of acquisition on the basis
of the fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities determined on the date of acquisition.

In connection with imposing control over the investee not under common control due to additional investment and
other reasons, the equity of acquiree held before acquisition date shall be remeasured at the fair value of such equity
on the acquisition date and the difference between fair value and book value shall be recognized as investment
income in current period. Other comprehensive income that may later be reclassified into profit or loss and changes in
other owner's equity accounted by equity method contained in the acquiree's equity held before the acquisition date
shall be transferred to current investment gains on the date of acquisition.

②   Disposal of Subsidiaries or Business

a. General Treatment

When losing control of the investee due to partial disposal of the equity investment, or any other reasons, the
remaining equity investment is remeasured at fair value at the date in which control is lost. The sum of consideration

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

received from disposal of equity investment and the fair value of the remaining equity investment, net of the difference
between the sum of the Company's previous share of the subsidiary's net assets recorded from the acquisition date or
combination date and the sum of goodwill, is recognized in investment income in the period in which control is lost.
Other comprehensive income that may later be reclassified into profit or loss and changes in other owner's equity
accounted by equity method in connection with the equity investment of the original subsidiaries shall be transferred to
the current investment gains when the control is lost.

b. Disposal of Subsidiary Achieved by Stages

When the equity investment of subsidiaries is disposed of through multiple transactions until the control is lost, such
multiple transactions are generally treated as a package deal if the terms, conditions, and economic impact of the
transactions to dispose of the subsidiary's equity investment satisfy one or more of the following conditions:

 These transactions are achieved at the same time or the mutual effects on each other are considered;

 A complete set of commercial results can be achieved with reference to the series of transactions as a whole;

 Achieving a transaction depends on achieving of at least one of the other transaction;

 One transaction recognized separately is not economical, but it is economical when considered together with other

If multiple transactions are recognized as a package deal, these transactions shall be subject to accounting treatment
as a transaction to dispose of the subsidiaries and lose control. The differences between the price on each disposal
and disposal of investment on the subsidiary's net assets shall be recognized in other comprehensive income in the
consolidated financial statements, and included in profit or loss for the period when the control is lost.

If the transactions are not a package deal, accounting treatment for partial disposal of equity investments of the
subsidiary without losing control shall be applied before control is lost. When the control is lost, general accounting
treatment for disposal of a subsidiary shall be used.

③   Acquisition of Minority Interest of Subsidiaries

The Company shall adjust the share premium in the capital reserve of the consolidated balance sheet with respect to
any difference between the long-term equity investment arising from the purchase of minority interest and the net
assets attributing to the parent company continuously calculated on the basis of the newly increased share proportion
as of the acquisition date or date of combination or, adjust the retained earnings if the share premium in the capital
reserve is insufficient for write-down.

④ Partial Disposal of Equity Investment in Subsidiaries without Losing Control

The difference between the disposal consideration and the share of net assets in the subsidiaries calculated from
disposal of long-term equity investment as of the date of acquisition or combination date shall be adjusted to share
premium in the capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet. Adjustments shall be made to retained earnings in
the event that the share premiums in the capital reserves are not sufficient for write-down.

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

8. Classification of joint venture arrangement and accounting treatment methods for joint

Joint venture arrangement is classified into joint operation and joint venture.
Joint operation means the joint venture arrangement in which the joint venture parties have the assets and assume the
liabilities related to such arrangement.
The Company recognizes the following items related to the share of interests in the joint operation:
(1) The assets separately held by the Company and assets jointly held as recognized by the share of the Company;
(2) The liabilities separately assumed by the Company and liabilities jointly assumed as recognized by the share of the
(3) Income from selling the share of the Company in the output of the joint operation;
(4) Income from joint operation of the sold output as recognized by the share of the Company;
(5) The expenses separately incurred and expenses jointly incurred as recognized by the share of the Company;
The Company adopts the equity method for the investment of the joint venture. For details, refer to this section
Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 20. Long-term equity investment.

9. Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents

Cash means the cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time of the Company.
Cash equivalents mean the investments held by the Company which are short-term, highly liquid, easy to be converted
into known amounts of cash and have little risk of value change.

10. Conversion of transactions and financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

(1) Foreign currency transactions

Foreign currency transactions shall be translated into functional currency at the spot exchange rate on the day when
the transactions occurred.

The Balance of foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet
date. The resulting exchange differences are recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except for those
differences related to the principal and interest on a specific-purpose borrowing denominated in foreign currency for
acquisitions, construction, or production of the qualified assets, which should be incuded in current profit and loss.

(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

All assets and liabilities in balance sheet are translated based on spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date;
owners' equity items other than "undistributed profit" are translated at a spot exchange rate when accrued. Revenue
and expense items in the income statement are translated at a spot exchange rate at the transaction occurrence date.
For disposal of overseas operation, the translation difference as stated in the foreign currency financial statements
relating to overseas operation, is accounted for in the profit and loss account in the current period from owners' equity

                                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

11. Financial instruments

A financial asset, financial liability or equity instrument is recognized when the Company becomes a party to the
financial instrument contract.
(1) Classification of the financial instruments
According to the Company's business model for management of the financial assets and the contractual cash flow
features of the financial assets, the financial assets, when initially recognized, are classified as: financial assets at
amortized cost, financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments) and financial
assets at fair value through profit or loss.
The financial assets which satisfy the following conditions, and are not designated as financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss will be classified by the Company as financial assets at amortized cost:
① The business model is designed to collect the contractual cash flow;
② The contractual cash flow is only used to pay the principal and the interests based on the outstanding principal
The financial assets which satisfy the following conditions, and are not designated as financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss will be classified by the Company as the financial assets (equity instruments) at fair value through
other comprehensive income:
① The business model is designed to both collect the contractual cash flow and sell the financial assets;
② The contractual cash flow is only used to pay the principal and the interests based on the outstanding principal
For non-trading investments in equity instruments, the Company may, at the time of initial recognition, irrevocably
designate them as financial assets (equity instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income. Such
designation is based on the individual investments, and relevant investments fall within the definition of the equity
instrument from the perspective of the issuer.
Except for the financial assets at amortized cost, and financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive
income, all the remaining financial assets are classified as the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. At the
time of initial recognition, the financial assets which should have been classified as financial assets at amortized cost
or financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income can be irrevocably designated by the Company
as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss if the accounting mismatch can be eliminated or significantly
The financial liabilities, when initially recognized, are classified as: financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
and financial liabilities at amortized cost.
Financial liabilities which meet one of the following conditions will be, when initially measured, designated as financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss:
① Such designation may be able to eliminate or significantly reduce the accounting mismatch;
② The portfolio of financial liabilities or the portfolio of financial assets and financial liabilities shall be subject to
management and performance evaluation on the basis of fair value according to the enterprise risk management or
investment strategy contained in the formal documentations, and a report shall be made to the key management
personnel within the enterprise on this basis;
③ Such financial liabilities shall contain embedded derivatives to be split separately.
(2) Recognition and measurement of financial instruments
① Financial assets at amortized cost
Financial assets at amortized cost include notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, long-term
receivables and creditors investment, which shall be initially measured at fair value, and the relevant transaction
expenses should be initially capitalized; The accounts receivable that do not contain material financing compositions

                                                                    2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

and those for which the Company decides to not take into account the financing compositions of no more than one
year shall be initially measured at the contract transaction price.
The interest calculated by effective interest method during the holding period is recorded into the current profit and
At the time of recovery or disposal, the difference between the price obtained and the book value shall be included in
the current profit or loss.
② Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income (debt
Financial assets measured at fair value and its changes are included in other comprehensive income (debt
instruments) include receivables financing and investments in other creditor's rights. They are initially measured at fair
value, and the relevant transaction expenses should be initially capitalized. These financial assets are subsequently
measured at fair value, and the change in fair value, other than the interest, the impairment loss or profit and the profit
or loss on foreign exchange, shall be included in other comprehensive income.
Upon derecognition, the cumulative profits or losses previously included in other comprehensive income shall be
removed from other comprehensive income and included in the profit or loss for the period.
③ Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income (equity
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity instruments) include investment in other
equity instruments. They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction expenses shall be initially capitalized.
These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and the change in fair value shall be included in other
comprehensive income. The dividends obtained shall be included in the profit or loss for the period.
Upon derecognition, the cumulative profits or losses previously included in other comprehensive income shall be
removed from other comprehensive income and included in the carry-forward retained earnings.
④ Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profit or loss
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, and
other non-current financial assets. They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction expenses related to
them are included in the current profit or loss. These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and the
change in fair value shall be included in the profit or loss for the period.
⑤ Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss in this period
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities.
They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction expenses related to them are included in the profit or loss
for the period. These financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value, and the change in fair value shall be
included in the profit or loss for the period.
Upon derecognition, the difference between their book value and the consideration paid is included in the profit or loss
for the period.
⑥ Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Financial liabilities at amortized cost include short-term loans, notes payable, accounts payable, other payables, long-
term loans, bonds payable, and long-term payables. They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction
expenses shall be initially capitalized.
The interest calculated by effective interest method during the holding period is recorded into the current profit and
Upon derecognition, the difference between the consideration paid and the book value of these financial liabilities is
included in the current profit or loss.
(3) Derecognition and transfer of financial assets

                                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

When one of the following conditions is met, financial assets are derecognized by the Company:
① The contractual right to receive cash flows from financial assets is terminated;
② The financial assets have been transferred and nearly all the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the
financial assets have been transferred to the transferee;
③ The financial assets have been transferred and although the Company neither transfers or retains all the risks and
rewards related to the ownership of the financial assets, the Company retains no control of the financial assets;
If the Company and the counterpary modify or re-negotiate the contract, which constitute material modifications, the
original financial assets will be derecognized and a new financial asset will be recognized according to the modified
The financial assets when transferred will not be derecognized if the Company has retained nearly all the risks and
rewards related to the ownership of the financial assets.
The substance-over-form principle shall be adopted while making judgment on whether the transfer of financial assets
satisfies the above conditions for termination of recognition.
The transfer of financial assets can be classified into entire transfer and partial transfer. If the transfer of an entire
financial asset satisfies the conditions for termination of recognition, the difference between the two amounts below
shall be recorded into profit or loss for the period:
① The book value of the financial asset transferred;
② The consideration received as a result of the transfer, plus the accumulative amount of the change in fair value
previously recorded into the owners' equity (in cases where the transferred financial assets are financial assets
measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income (debt instruments)).
If the partial transfer of financial assets satisfies the conditions for termination of recognition, the overall book value of
the transferred financial asset shall be apportioned according to their respective relative fair value between the
recognition terminated part and the remaining part, and the difference between the two amounts below shall be
recorded into profit or loss for the current period:
① The book value of the derecognized portion;
② The sum of consideration of the derecognized portion and the corresponding portion of accumulated change in fair
value previously recorded into owners' equity (in cases where the transferred financial assets are financial assets
measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income (debt instruments)).
Financial assets will still be recognized if they fail to satisfy the conditions for termination of recognition, with the
consideration received recognized as a financial liability.
(4) Derecognition of financial liabilities
When the current obligation under a financial liability is completely or partially discharged, the recognition of the whole
or relevant portion of the liability is terminated; an agreement is entered between the Company and a creditor to
replace the original financial liabilities with new financial liabilities with substantially different terms, terminate the
recognition of the original financial liabilities as well as recognize the new financial liabilities.
If all or part of the contract terms of the original financial liabilities are substantially amended, the recognition of the
original financial liabilities will be terminated in full or in part, and the financial liabilities whose terms have been
amended shall be recognized as a new financial liability.
When recognition of financial liabilities is terminated in full or in part, the difference between the book value of the
financial liabilities terminated and the consideration paid (including transferred non-cash assets or new financial liability)
is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
Where the Company repurchases part of its financial liabilities, the book value of such financial liabilities will be
allocated according to the relative fair value between the continued recognized part and terminated part on the

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

repurchase date. The difference between the book value of the financial liabilities terminated and the consideration
paid (including transferred non-cash assets or new financial liability) is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
(5) Method of determining the fair values of financial assets and liabilities
The fair value of a financial instrument that is traded in an active market is determined at the quoted price in the active
market. The fair value of a financial instrument that is not traded in an active market is determined by using a valuation
technique. The Company uses the valuation technique when it is applicable under current conditions and there are
enough available data and other information to support and the technique should maximize the use of relevant
observable. It chooses the inputs which are consistent with the asset or liability's characteristics considered by market
participants in the transaction of the relevant asset or liability and makes the maximum use of relevant observable
inputs. Unobservable inputs are used under the circumstance that the relevant observable inputs cannot be obtained
or not feasible.
(6) Test method and accounting treatment for impairment of financial assets
The Company bases its impairment accounting treatment on the expected credit loss on the financial assets at
amortized cost, the financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments), and the
financial guarantee contracts.
Taking into the reasonable and well-grounded information including past matters, current situation and prediction of
future economic conditions, the Company calculates the possibly weighted amount of the present value of the
difference between the cash flows receivable under the contract and the cash flows expected to be received, taking
the risk of default as the weight, and recognizes the expected credit loss.
The Company will always measure the loss provision for the accounts receivable and contract assets arising from the
transactions regulated by "Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.14 - Revenue", whether they contain
material financing compositions or not, by the amount of the expected credit loss throughout the duration.
For the lease receivables arising from the transactions regulated by "Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.
21 - Lease", the Company will always measure the loss provision for the accounts receivable, by the amount of the
expected credit loss throughout the duration.
For other financial instruments, the Company assesses at each balance sheet date the changes in the credit risk of
relevant financial instruments since initial recognition.
By comparing the risk of default of financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the risk of default on the initial
recognition date, the Company determines the relative change in the risk of default over the expected life of financial
instruments to assess whether the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly since initial
recognition. If the financial instrument becomes overdue for more than 30 days, the Company believes that the credit
risk of this financial instrument has been significantly increased, unless there are concrete evidences that the credit
risk of this financial instrument has not been significantly increased upon initial recognition.
If the financial instrument carries low credit risk at the balance sheet date, the Company believes that the credit risk of
this financial instrument is not significantly increased upon initial recognition.
If the credit risk of this financial instrument has been significantly increased upon initial recognition, the Company
measures its loss provision in accordance with the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss of the financial
instrument throughout the duration; if the credit risk of this financial instrument is not significantly increased upon initial
recognition, the Company will measure the loss provision of this financial instrument by the amount of its expected
credit loss in the 12 months to come. The increased or reversed amount of the loss provision resulting therefrom is
included in the current profit or loss as the impairment loss or profit. For the financial assets measured at fair value and
whose changes are included in other comprehensive income (debt instruments), their loss reserve is recognized in
other comprehensive income and the impairment loss or gain is included in the current profit or loss without reducing
the book value of such financial assets listed in the balance sheet.

                                                                   2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

If there are objective evidences showing that a certain account receivable has been subject to credit impairment, the
Company will accrue impairment provision for this account receivable on the individual item basis.
The Company divides the financial instruments other than the above accounts receivable with the bad debt provision
accrued based on single item into several combinations based on the credit risk characteristics, and determines the
expected credit loss on a combined basis. The combination categories of the Company for which the expected credit
loss is accrued, including notes receivable, accounts receivable, receivables financing, other receivables, contract
assets (including contract assets presented in other non-current assets) and long-term receivables (including long-
term receivables due within 1 year presented in non-current assets due within 1 year) and the basis for determination
thereof are shown as follows:
Item                                        Combination
                                                                    Basis of Determination
Notes receivable                                                    With reference to the historical credit loss experience,
                                                                    combined with the current situation and the prediction
                                            Bill type               of future economic conditions, the expected credit
Receivables Financing                                               loss is calculated through the exposure at default and
                                                                    the expected credit loss rate throughout the duration.
                                                                    With reference to the historical credit loss experience,
                                                                    combined with the current situation and the prediction
Accounts receivable, other receivables                              of future economic conditions, the expected credit
                                                                    loss is calculated through the exposure at default and
                                                                    the expected credit loss rate throughout the duration.
                                            Related parties         With reference to the historical credit loss experience,
                                            that         are        combined with the current situation and the prediction
                                            included in the         of future economic conditions, the expected credit
Accounts receivable, other receivables      scope         of        loss is calculated through the exposure at default and
                                            consolidated            the expected credit loss rate throughout the duration.
                                                                    With reference to the historical credit loss experience,
Contract assets (including contract                                 combined with the current situation and the prediction
                                            Nature      of   the
assets presented in other non-current                               of future economic conditions, the expected credit
assets)                                                             loss is calculated through the exposure at default and
                                                                    the expected credit loss rate throughout the duration.
                                                                    With reference to the historical credit loss experience,
Long-term receivables (including long-
                                                                    combined with the current situation and the prediction
term receivables due within 1 year          Nature      of   the
                                                                    of future economic conditions, the expected credit
presented in non-current assets due         funds
                                                                    loss is calculated through the exposure at default and
within 1 year)
                                                                    the expected credit loss rate throughout the duration.
If the Company no longer reasonably expects that the cash flow of the financial asset contract can be recovered as a
whole or in part, the book balance of such financial assets will be directly reduced.

12. Notes receivable

Refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial

13. Accounts receivable

Refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

14. Receivables financing

Refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial

15. Other receivables

Refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial

16. Contract assets

(1) Recognition method and criteria of contract assets
The Company lists contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet according to the relationship between
performance obligations and customer payments. Considerations that the Company has the right to collect for
commodities transferred or services provided to customers (and such right depends on other factors than passing of
time) are presented as contract assets. The contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are
presented in net amount. The Company separately presents the right possessed to collect consideration from
customers unconditionally (only depending on the passing of time) as accounts receivable.
(2) Determination method and accounting treatment method for the expected credit loss of contract assets
For details, refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11.
Financial instruments

17. Inventories

(1) Category of inventory
Inventories are classified as raw materials, commodity stocks, products in progress and materials commissioned for
The inventories are initially measured at cost, which comprises the cost of purchase, cost of conversion and other
expenditure incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.
(2) Determination of cost
Cost of inventories is determined using the weighted average method.
(3) Basis for the determination of net realizable value and different type of inventories
At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. When the cost of
inventories is higher than their net realizable value, reserve for stock depreciation shall be accrued. The net realizable
value means the amount after deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses and relevant
taxes from the estimated selling price of inventories in the daily activities.
Net realizable value of held-for-sale commodity stocks, such as finished goods, goods-in-stock, and held-for-sale raw
materials, during the normal course of production and operation, shall be determined by their estimated sales less the
related selling expenses and taxes; the net realizable value of material inventories, which need to be processed,
during the normal course of production and operation, shall be determined by the amount after deducting the
estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes from the estimated selling price of
finished goods; the net realizable value of inventories held for execution of sales contracts or labor contracts shall be
calculated on the ground of the contracted price. If an enterprise holds more inventories than the quantity stipulated in

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the sales contract, the net realizable value of the exceeding part shall be calculated on the ground of general selling
If the Company accrues the reserve for stock depreciation based on the combination, the combination category and
the basis for determination thereof as well as the basis for determination of the net realizable value of different types of
inventories are shown as follows:
Combination category of              Basis for determination of the                Basis for determination of the net
inventories                          combination                                   realizable value
Raw materials                        Inventory category                            Estimated selling price of inventories -
Work-in-progress                     Inventory category                            estimated cost of completion -
                                                                                   estimated selling expenses - relevant
Finished goods                       Inventory category
Contract performance costs           Inventory category
If the factors influencing the write-down of the inventory value have disappeared, resulting in higher net realizable
value of inventories than their book value after the reserve for stock depreciation is accrued, a reversal shall apply in
the amount of reserve for stock depreciation previously accrued, and the reserved amount shall be included in the
current profit or loss.
(4) Inventory system
The perpetual inventory system is adopted.
(5) Amortization of low-value consumables and packaging materials
① Low-value consumables are amortized using the immediate write-off method;
② Packaging materials are amortized using the immediate write-off method.

18. Holding assets for sale

(1) Recognition criteria and accounting treatment method

An asset of which the book value is recovered mainly through sale (including exchange of non-monetary asset of a
commercial nature), rather than continuous use of a non-current asset or a disposal group, is classified as a holding
asset for sale.

A non-current asset or disposed group is classified by the Company as holding for sale if it meets the following criteria
at the same time:

① Immediate sale could be made under the current circumstances in accordance with the convention of selling such
kind of assets or disposal groups in similar transactions;

② Selling is highly likely to occur, i.e., the Company has made a resolution on a sales plan and obtained confirmed
purchase commitments, and the sales is predicted to be completed within 1 year. If required by relevant provisions that
selling shall only be made after approved by the relevant competent authority or supervision department of the
Company, such approval should have been obtained.

If the book value of the non-current assets (excluding financial assets, deferred income tax assets, and assets to
constitute payroll payable) or disposal groups classified as holding for-sale assets is higher than the net amount after
deducting the selling expenses from the book value, the book value will be written down to the net amount after
deducting the selling expenses from the fair value, and the amount written down will be recognized as the impairment
loss of assets and included in the current profit or loss. At the same time, the impairment provision for holding for-sale
assets will be accrued.

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(2) Identification criteria and presentation method for termination of business

Termination of business is a separately distinguishable constituent part that satisfies one of the following conditions
and that has been disposed of or classified by the Company as held for sale:

②   This constituent part represents an independent primary business or a separate principal operating area;

② This constituent part is part of an associated plan to dispose of an independent primary business or a separate
principal operating area;

③ This constituent part is a subsidiary acquired for resale.

The profit or loss from going concern and the profit or loss from discontinued operation will be separately presented in
the income statement. The operating profit or loss and the profit or loss from disposal, including impairment loss and
reversed amount from discontinued operation, will be presented as the profit or loss from discontinued operation. For
the discontinued operation presented in the current period, the Company will present the information previously
presented as the profit or loss from going concern as the profit or loss from discontinued operation during the
comparable accounting period.

19. Long-term receivables

Refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial

20. Long-term equity investment

(1) Criterion of joint control and significant influence

Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, and exists only when requiring the
unanimous consent of the parties sharing control before making decisions about the relevant activities of the
arrangement. The Company together with the other joint venture parties can jointly control over the investee and are
entitled to the right of the net assets of the investee, as the investee is joint venture of the Company.

Significant influence refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the financial and operating policies of an
enterprise, but not the power to control, or jointly control, the formulation of such policies with other parties. Where the
Company can exercise significant influence over the investee, the investee is an associate of the Company.

(2) Determination of initial investment cost

① Long-term equity investments formed through business combination

For the long-term equity investment in the subsidiaries arising from business combination involving entities under
common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the share with reference to the book
value of the shareholders' equity of the combined party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate
controlling party on the date of combination. The share premium in the capital reserve shall be adjusted according to
the difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment and the carrying amount of the

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

consideration paid; if the share premium in the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be
adjusted. In connection with imposing control over the investee under common control as a result of additional
investment and other reasons, the share premium shall be adjusted according to the difference between the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment as recognized by the above principle and the carrying value of the
long-term equity investment before combination and the sum of carrying value of newly paid consideration for
additional shares acquired on the date of combination. If the share premium is insufficient for write-down, the retained
earnings shall be offset.

For the long-term equity investment in the subsidiaries arising from business combinations involving entities not under
common control, the cost of the combination ascertained on the date of acquisition shall be taken as the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment. In connection with imposing control over the investee not under
common control as a result of additional investment and other reasons, the initial investment cost shall be the sum of
the book value of the equity investment originally held and the newly increased initial investment cost.

② Long-term equity investments acquired by the means other than business combination

The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by cash payment shall be the purchase costs actually paid.
The initial cost of investment of a long-term equity investment obtained by means of issuance of equity securities shall
be the fair value of the equity securities issued.

(3) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

① Long-term equity investment calculated by cost method

Long-term equity investment in subsidiaries of the Company is calculated by cost method, unless the investment
meets the conditions for holding for sale. except for the actual consideration paid for the acquisition of investment or
the declared but not yet distributed cash dividends or profits which are included in the consideration, investment gains
are recognized as the Company' shares of the cash dividends or profits declared by the investee.

② Long-term equity investment accounted for by equity method

Long-term equity investments of associates and joint ventures are calculated using equity method. Where the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment exceeds the investor's interest in the fair value of the investee's
identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investment cost; where the
initial investment cost is less than the investor's interest in the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the
acquisition date, the difference shall be charged to the profit or loss for the current period. At the same time, the cost of
the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted.

The Company recognizes the investment income and other comprehensive income according to the shares of net
profit or loss and other comprehensive income realized by the investee which it shall be entitled or shared respectively,
and simultaneously makes adjustment to the book value of long-term equity investment; The book value of long-term
equity investment shall be reduced by attributable share of the profit or cash dividends for distribution declared by the
investee. In relation to other changes in the owner's equity except for net profits and losses, other comprehensive
income and profit distributions of the investee (hereinafter referred to as “Changes in Other Owner's Equity”), the book
value of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and included in owner's equity.

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When determining the amount of proportion of net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and other changes in the
owner's equity in the investee which it entitles, the fair value of each identifiable net assets of the investee at the time
when the investment is obtained shall be used as basis, and according to the accounting policies and accounting
period of the Company, adjustment shall be made to the net profit and other comprehensive income of the investee.

The unrealized profit or loss resulting from transactions between the Company and its associates or joint venture shall
be eliminated in proportion to the investor's equity interest of investee, based on which investment income or loss shall
be recognized, except for those assets invested or sold constituting a business. Any losses resulting from transactions,
which are attributable to impairment of assets, shall be fully recognized.

The net loss incurred by the Company to the joint ventures or affiliates is capped when the carrying amount of long-
term equity investment and the long-term equity that substantially constitutes the net investment in the joint ventures or
affiliates have been wrote down to zero, except to the extent that the Company has an additional loss obligation. If the
joint ventures or affiliates later realize net profit, the Company will resume recognition of the income share after the
income share makes up the unrecognized loss share.

③   Disposal of long-term equity investments

For disposal of long-term equity investment, the difference between the book value and the consideration actually
received shall be included in the current profit or loss.

If the remaining equity is still subject to the equity method in partial disposal of the long-term equity investment under
the equity method, other comprehensive income recognized in the original equity investment shall be carried forward
at the appropriate proportion on the same basis used by the investee for direct disposal of relevant assets or liabilities,
and other changes in the owner's equity shall be carried forward into the current profit or loss at the appropriate
proportion. When losing the control or material influence over the investee due to disposal of the equity investment
and other reasons, other comprehensive income recognized in the original equity investment due to adoption of the
equity method shall be subject to accounting treatment on the same basis used by the investee for direct disposal of
relevant assets or liabilities when ceasing to use the equity method, and other changes in the owner's equity shall be
carried forward into the current profit or loss in full when ceasing to use the equity method.

If the control over the investee is lost due to partial disposal of the equity investment and other reasons, and if the
remaining equities can exercise common control or material influence over the investee in preparing the individual
financial statements, the remaining equities shall be accounted by the equity method and shall be adjusted as if such
remaining equities have been accounted for under the equity method since they are obtained. Other comprehensive
income recognized before the control over the investee is obtained shall be carried forward pro rata on the same basis
used by the investee for direct disposal of relevant assets or liabilities, and other changes in the owner's equity
recognized under the equity method shall be carried forward into the current profit or loss pro rata. The remaining
equities which cannot exercise common control or material influence over the investee shall be recognized as financial
assets, and the difference between their fair value and book value on the date when the control is lost shall be
included in the current profit or loss. Other comprehensive income recognized and other changes in the owner's equity
recognized before the control over the investee is obtained shall be carried forward in full.

If the disposal of the equity investment in the subsidiaries through multiple transactions until loss of the control is a
package deal, each transaction shall be subject to accounting treatment as a transaction to dispose of the equity

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investment in the subsidiaries and to lose the control; the difference between the price for each disposal before loss of
the control and the book value of the long-term equity investment of the equity disposed of shall be first recognized as
other comprehensive income in the individual financial statements and shall then be carried forward to the profit or loss
for the very period when the control is lost. If it is not a package deal, each transaction shall be subject to accounting

21. Investment properties

Investment property refers to the real estate held to generate rental income or capital appreciation, or both, including
leased land use rights, land use rights held for transfer after appreciation, and leased buildings (including buildings that
are leased after completion of self-construction or development activities and buildings in construction or development
that are used for rental in the future).

The Company adopts the cost mode to measure the existing investment property. The subsequent expenditure related
to the investment property will be included in the cost of the investment property when relevant economic benefits are
likely to flow in and costs can be measured reliably, or otherwise be included in the current profit or loss when
occurred. Investment property measured at cost - buildings held for leasing shall adopt the same depreciation policy
for fixed assets of the company, land use rights held for leasing shall adopt the same amortization policy for the
intangible assets.

22. Fixed assets

(1) Conditions for recognition of fixed assets

Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to
others, or for administrative purposes; and have a service life of more than one fiscal year. Fixed asset is recognized
when it meets the following conditions at the same time: ① It is probable that the economic benefits associated with
the fixed asset will flow to the enterprise; ② Its cost can be reliably measured.

The fixed assets are initially measured at cost (with the impact of predicted discard expense taken into account).

The subsequent expenditure related to the fixed assets will be included in the cost of the fixed assets when the
economic benefits in connection therewith are likely to flow in and costs can be measured reliably; the book value of
the replaced part will be derecognized; all other subsequent expenditure will be included in the current profit or loss
when occurred.

(2) Methods for depreciation

                                                    Useful     lives     of                           Annual depreciation
 Category                  Depreciation method                                Residual Ratio
                                                    depreciation                                      rate
 Housing and building      Straight-line method     20                        5%                      4.75%
 Machinery        and
                           Straight-line method     5-10                      5%                      19.00%-9.50%
 Means of transport        Straight-line method     4-8                       5%                      23.75%-11.88%
 Electronic and other
                           Straight-line method     3-5                       5%                      31.67%-19.00%

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Fixed assets are depreciated by categories using the straight-line method, and the annual depreciation rates are
determined by categories based upon their estimated useful lives and their estimated residual values. Where the parts
of a fixed asset have different useful lives or cause economic benefits for the enterprise in different ways, different
depreciation rates or depreciation methods shall apply, and each part is depreciated separately.

(3) Disposal of fixed assets

When fixed assets are disposed of or when no economic benefits can be expected through use or disposal thereof,
such fixed assets will be derecognized. The income from disposal of the fixed assets through sale, transfer, scrapping
or damage with the book value thereof and relevant taxes deducted is included in the current profit or loss.

23. Projects under construction

The projects under construction are measured at the actual cost. The actual cost comprises the building cost,
installation cost, borrowing cost qualified for capitalization and other necessary expenditures incurred to bring the
projects under construction to the conditions before they are made ready for the intended use. The projects under
construction will be converted into fixed assets when they are ready for intended use and will be depreciated from the
next month on. The criterion and time point for the projects under construction of the Company to be carried forward
into fixed assets are shown as follows:

Category                              Criterion and time point for carrying forward into fixed assets
Housing and building                  When the housing and buildings meet the criteria for living by people after the
                                      completion acceptance and fire acceptance are completed and the water and
                                      power are available
Machinery and equipment               When the equipment is installed, commissioned and available for normal use
Electronic and other equipment        When the equipment is installed, commissioned and available for normal use

24. Borrowing costs

(1) Criteria for recognition of capitalized borrowing costs

For borrowing costs incurred by the Company that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production
of assets qualified for capitalization, the costs will be capitalized and included in the costs of the related assets. Other
borrowing costs shall be recognized as expense in the period in which they are incurred and included in the profit or
loss for the current period. Assets qualified for capitalization are assets (fixed assets, investment property, inventories,
etc.) that necessarily take a substantial period of time for acquisition, construction or production to get ready for their
intended use or sale.

(2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs

The capitalization period shall refer to the period between the commencement and the cessation of capitalization of
borrowing costs, excluding the period in which capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended. Capitalization of
borrowing costs begins when the following three conditions are fully satisfied:

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① Asset expenditures (including cash paid, transferred non-currency assets or expenditure for holding debt liability for
the acquisition, construction or production of assets qualified for capitalization) have been incurred;

② Borrowing costs have been incurred;

③ The acquisition, construction or production necessary to enable the asset reach its intended state of serviceability
or marketability have commenced. Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which the
qualifying asset under acquisition and construction or production ready for the intended use or sale.

(3) Suspension of capitalization period

Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction or
production of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally, when the interruption is for a continuous period of more than
3 months; if the interruption is a necessary step for making the qualifying asset under acquisition and construction or
production ready for the intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall continue. The borrowing
costs incurred during such period shall be recognized as profits and losses of the current period. When the acquisition
and construction or production of the asset resumes, the capitalization of borrowing costs commences.

(4) Calculation of capitalization rate and amount of borrowing costs

Specific borrowings for the acquisition, construction or production of assets qualified for capitalization, borrowing costs
of the specific borrowings actually incurred in the current period minus the interest income earned on the unused
borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as investment income earned from temporary investment will be used to
determine the amount of borrowing costs for capitalization.

General borrowings for the acquisition, construction or production of assets qualified for capitalization, the to-be-
capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing shall be calculated and determined by multiplying the
weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the specifically
borrowed loans by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and
determined according to the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing.

During the capitalization, the difference between the principal and interest of special borrowings in foreign currency
shall be capitalized and included in the cost of assets qualified for capitalization. The difference between the principal
and interest of the borrowings in foreign currency other than the special borrowings in foreign currency shall be
included in the current profit or loss.

25. Intangible assets

(1) Service life and its basis of determination, estimation, amortization method or review

① Valuation method of intangible assets
a. Intangible assets are initially measured at cost upon acquisition;
The costs of an externally purchased intangible asset include the purchase price, relevant taxes and expenses paid,
and other expenditures directly attributable to putting the asset into condition for its intended use.
b. Subsequent measurement

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The service life of intangible assets shall be analyzed and judged upon acquisition.
As for intangible assets with a finite service life, they are amortized using the straight-line method over the term in
which economic benefits are brought to the firm; If the term in which economic benefits are brought to the firm by an
intangible asset cannot be estimated, the intangible asset shall be taken as an intangible asset with indefinite service
life, and shall not be amortized.
② Estimation of service life of the intangible assets with limited service life
Item                            Estimated useful lives                                   Basis
Land use rights                 40 or 50 years                                           Land use certificate
Non-patented technology         5-10 years                                               Expected benefited period
Software                        2-5 years                                                Expected benefited period
Trademark rights                6 years                                                  Expected benefited period
Software copyright              10 years                                                 Expected benefited period
For an intangible asset with a finite service life, review on its service life and amortization method is performed at the
end of each end.
Upon review, service life and amortization method for the intangible assets are the same with the previous estimate at
the end of this period.
③ The basis for the judgment of intangible assets with uncertain service life and the procedure for reviewing their
service life
As at the balance sheet date, the Company has no intangible assets with uncertain service life.

(2) Scope of accumulation and relevant accounting treatment method for R&D expenditures

① Scope of accumulation for R&D expenditures
The expenditures incurred by the Company during the research and development include employee compensations of
the personnel who are engaged in the R&D activities, costs of materials consumed, costs of depreciation and
amortization and other relevant expenditures.
② Specific criteria for the division of research phase and development phase
The expenses for internal research and development projects of the Company are divided into expenses in the
research phase and expenses in the development phase.
Research phase: Scheduled innovative investigations and research activities to obtain and understand scientific or
technological knowledge.
Development phase: Apply the research outcomes or other knowledge to a plan or design prior to a commercial
production or use in order to produce new or essentially-improved materials, devices, products, etc.
③ Specific condition for capitalizing expenditure during the development phase
Expenses in the research phase are recorded into the profits and losses for the current period when they occur. The
expenses in the development phase are recognized as intangible assets if the following conditions are fulfilled, and are
included in the current profit or loss if following conditions are not fulfilled:
a. It is technically feasible to complete such intangible asset so that it will be available for use or for sale;
b. There is intention to complete the intangible asset for use or sale;
c. The ways in which intangible asset generates economic benefits, including there is evidence that the products
produced using the intangible asset has a market or the intangible asset itself has a market; if the intangible asset is
for internal use, there is evidence that there exists usage for the intangible asset;
d. There is sufficient support in terms of technology, financial resources and other resources in order to complete the
development of the intangible asset, and there is capability to use or sell the intangible asset;
e. The expenses attributable to the development stage of the intangible asset can be measured reliably.

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If the expenses in the research phase and expenses in the development phase cannot be distinguished, all the
expenses incurred for R&D are included in the current profit or loss.

26. Impairment of long-term assets

Long-term assets, such as long-term equity investment, investment properties that are measured at cost, fixed assets,
construction in progress, intangible assets with limited service life and oil and gas assets are tested for impairment if
there is any indication that an asset may be impaired at the balance sheet date. If the result of the impairment test
indicates that the recoverable amount of the asset is less than its book value, a provision for impairment and an
impairment loss are recognized for the amount by which the asset's book value exceeds its recoverable amount. The
recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future cash
flows expected to be derived from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is determined and recognized on the
individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable
amount of a group of assets to which the asset belongs to is determined. A group of assets is the smallest group of
assets that is able to generate cash inflows independently.
For the goodwill arising from business combination, intangible assets with uncertain service life, and intangible assets
which are not ready for intended use, impairment test shall be conducted at least at the end of each year, regardless
of whether there are signs of impairment or not.
When the Company carry out impairment test to goodwill, the Company shall, as of the purchasing day, allocate on a
reasonable basis the book value of the goodwill formed by merger of enterprises to the relevant asset groups, or if
there is a difficulty in allocation, to allocate it to the sets of asset groups. Relevant asset groups or the sets of asset
groups mean those can benefit from the synergy of business combination.
For the purpose of impairment test on the relevant asset groups or the sets of asset groups containing goodwill, if any
evidence shows that the impairment of asset groups or sets of asset groups related to goodwill is possible, an
impairment test will be made first on the asset groups or sets of asset groups not containing goodwill, thus calculating
the recoverable amount and comparing it with the relevant book value so as to recognize the corresponding
impairment loss. An impairment test will be made on the asset groups or sets of asset groups containing goodwill to
compare the book value of these asset groups or sets of asset groups with the recoverable amount. Where the
recoverable amount is lower than the book value, the amount of impairment loss shall set off and be apportioned to the
book value of the goodwill in the asset groups or sets of asset groups, and then set off the book value of other assets
pro rata according to the proportion of the book value of other assets other than the goodwill in the asset groups or
sets of asset groups.
Once the above asset impairment loss is recognized, it will not be reversed in the subsequent accounting periods.

27. Long-term deferred expenses

Long-term deferred expenses are expenses which have occurred but will benefit over 1 year and shall be amortized
over the current period and subsequent periods.
The amortization period and amortization method of various expenses are:

Item                                                                    Amortization         Amortization period
Improvement expenditure of fixed assets leased by operating             Straight-line        By period of benefit
lease                                                                   method
Renovation Cost                                                         Straight-line        By period of benefit

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28. Contract liabilities

The Company lists contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet according to the relationship between
performance obligations and customer payments. The Company lists the obligation to transfer commodities or offer
services to customers for the consideration received or receivable from customers as contract liabilities. The contract
assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are presented in net amount.

29. Employee compensation

(1) Accountant treatment of short-term remuneration

During the accounting period when the staff provides service, the Company will recognize the short-term remuneration
actually incurred as liabilities, and the liabilities would be charged into current profits and loss or costs of assets.
The Company will pay social insurance and housing funds, and will make provision of trade union funds and staff
education costs in accordance with the requirements. During the accounting period when the staff provides service,
the Company will determine the relevant amount of employee benefits in accordance with the required provision basis
and provision ratios.
Employee compensation actually incurred by the Company will be included in the current profit or loss or relevant
asset costs when actually incurred, in which non-monetary benefits will be measured at the fair value.

(2) Accountant treatment of retirement benefit plan

① Defined contribution scheme
The Company will pay basic pension insurance and unemployment insurance in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the local government for the staff. During the accounting period when the staff provides service, the
Company will calculate the amount payable in accordance with the local stipulated basis and proportions which will be
recognized as liabilities, and the liabilities would be charged into current profits and loss or costs of assets.
② Defined benefit scheme
The welfare responsibilities generated from defined benefit scheme based on the formula determined by projected unit
credit method would be vested to the service period of the staff and charged into current profits and loss or costs of

(3) Accountant treatment of termination benefits

If the dismissal welfare is provided by the Company to employees, the employee compensation liabilities arising from
the dismissal welfare shall be determined at the earliest of the following two, and included in the current profits and
losses: When the company cannot unilaterally withdraw the dismissal welfare provided due to the termination of labor
relations plan or layoff proposal; When the company determines the costs or expenses associated with the
restructuring involving the payment of dismissal welfare.

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30. Estimated liabilities

The Company shall recognize the obligations related to contingencies as estimated liabilities, when all of the following
conditions are satisfied:
(1) The obligation is a present obligation of the Company;
(2) It is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation;
(3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.
Estimated liabilities shall be initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related
present obligation.
Factors pertaining to a contingency such as risk, uncertainties, and time value of money shall be taken into account as
a whole in reaching the best estimate. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the best estimate shall
be determined by discounting the related future cash outflow.
The expenses required have a successive range, in which the possibilities of occurrence of each result are the same,
and the best estimate should be determined as the middle value for the range; in other circumstances, the best
estimate will be handled as follows, respectively:
(1) For the contingencies involving a single item, it will be determined according to the amount most likely to occur.
(2) For the contingencies involving several items, it will be determined according to the possible results and the
relevant possibilities.
Where some or all of the expenditure required to settle an estimated liability is expected to be reimbursed by a third
party, the reimbursement is separately recognized as an asset when it is virtually certain that the reimbursement will
be received. The amount recognized for the reimbursement is limited to the book value of the estimated liability.
The Company will review the book value of the estimated liabilities on the balance sheet date, and if there are
concrete evidences that such book value cannot reflect the current best estimate, the book value will be adjusted
according to the current best estimate.

31. Share-based payment

The Company's share-based payment refers to a transaction in which an enterprise determines the liabilities on the
basis of equity instruments granting or bearing for the acquisition of service from its employees or other parties. The
Company's share-based payment is equity-settled.
As to an equity-settled share-based payment in return for services of employees, calculation will be based on the fair
value of the equity instrument granted to the employees. The share-based payment transactions vested immediately
after the date of grant will be included in the relevant cost or expense based on the fair value of the equity instrument
on the date of grant, and the capital reserve will be increased accordingly. For the services within the waiting period or
the share-based payment transactions that may only be vested when the specified performance conditions are met
after the date of grant, the Company will include the services obtained in the current period in relevant cost or expense
and increase the capital reserve at the fair value on the date of grant according to the best estimate of the number of
the exercisable equity instruments on each balance sheet date in the waiting period.
If the terms of the equity-settled share-based payment are amended, the Company shall recognize the services
received at least based on the situation before the amendment was made. In addition, any amendment resulting in the
increase of the fair value of the equity instrument granted or changes that are beneficial to the staff on the amendment
date, will be recognized as an increase in the service received.
If the equity instruments vested are canceled during the waiting period, the Company will take the vested equity
instruments canceled as accelerated exercise, and immediately include the amount to recognized during the waiting
period in the current profit or loss. At the same time, the capital reserve will be recognized. However, if new equity

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

instruments are vested and they are verified at the vesting date of new equity instrument as alternatives vested to
canceled equity instruments, the treatment on the new equity instrument is in conformity with the modified treatment
on disposal of equity instrument.

32. Revenue

(1) Accounting policies for revenue recognition and measurement
If the Company performed the obligations in the contract, revenue shall be recognized when the customer acquires the
right of control over relevant commodities or services. Acquisition of control over relevant commodities or services
means gaining the ability to direct the use of such commodities or services and obtain nearly all the economic benefits
If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company shall apportion the transaction price to
each individual performance obligation on the contract commencement date according to the relative proportion of the
individual selling price of the commodities or services promised by each individual performance obligation. The
Company measures the revenue according to the transaction price apportioned to each individual performance
The transaction price refers to the amount of consideration that the Company is expected to be entitled to collect due
to the transfer of commodities or services to customers, excluding the payments collected on behalf of third parties
and the payments expected to be returned to customers. The Company will determine the transaction price according
to the contract provisions and its past practices, and may take into account the impact from the variable consideration,
the major financing components in the contract, the non-cash consideration, the payable customer consideration and
other factors when determining the transaction price. The Company shall determine the transaction price containing
the variable consideration according to the amount not exceeding the amount by which the accumulative recognized
revenue is much more unlikely to be significantly reversed when relevant uncertainties are eliminated. If there are
major financing components in the contract, the Company shall determine the transaction price according to the
amount due assumed to be paid in cash when the customer acquires the control over the commodities or services,
and shall amortize the difference between such transaction price and the contract consideration using the effective
interest rate method during the contract period.
When one of the following conditions is met, it belongs to the performance obligation within a certain period of time, or
otherwise it belongs to the performance obligation at a certain point of time:
① The customer acquires and consumes the economic benefits arising from the Company's performance while the
company performs the contract;
② The customer can control the commodities in progress during the Company's performance;
③ The commodities produced by the Company during the performance possess irreplaceable usage, and the
Company has the right to collect payment for the performance part accumulated so far during the whole contract
For the performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company shall recognize the revenue
according to the performance progress within that period of time, except that the performance progress cannot be
reasonably determined. The Company will determine the performance progress through the output or input method by
taking into account the nature of commodities or services. If the performance progress cannot be reasonably
recognized and the costs incurred are expected to be compensated, the Company will recognize the revenue
according to the amount of costs incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably recognized.
For the performance obligations performed at a certain point of time, the Company will recognize the revenue when
the customer acquires the right of control over relevant commodities or services. While determining whether the
customer has acquired the control over the commodities or services, the Company shall take the following into

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

① The Company has the current collection right for the such commodities or services, that is, the customer has the
current payment obligation for such commodities or services;
② The Company has transferred the legal title of such commodities to the customer, that is, the customer already has
the legal title of such commodities;
③ The Company has transferred the physical commodities to the customer, that is, the customer has possessed the
physical commodities;
④ The Company has transferred the major risks and rewards of the commodity title to the customer, that is, the
customer has acquired the major risks and rewards of the commodity title;
⑤ The customer has accepted such commodities or services.
The Company will judge whether it is a principal or agent at the time of transaction based on the fact as to whether the
Company has the right of control over the commodities or services before such commodities or services are
transferred to the clients. If the Company has control over the commodities or services before such commodities or
services are transferred to the clients, the Company is a principal and the income is recognized by the total
consideration received or receivable; or otherwise, the Company is an agent, and the income is recognized by the
amount of commission or service charge that the Company is expected to be entitled to collect.
(2) Recognition and measurement of the specific income disclosed per business type
① Principle for recognizing revenue from the domestic sales of standard products: The Company's security standard
products are sold, through both direct sale and distribution, to the project clients, dealers and other customers. The
Company and customers sign sales contracts and send the goods to customers according to the contractual terms of
delivery, or the customers pick up goods. The revenue is recognized after the customer receives and accepts the
goods and the Company obtains the evidence proving the client's receipt of goods;
② Principle for recognizing revenue from the overseas sales of standard products: If the domestic company makes
direct export, the FOB and CIF terms are generally adopted and the Company recognizes the sale income after the
product is declared and exported. If a foreign subsidiary sells the goods abroad, the goods will be sent to the customer
or the customer will collect the goods according to the delivery method agreed with the customer, and the income will
be recognized when the customer receives and accepts the goods;
③ Principle for recognizing system-integrated sales revenue: The sales of the system-integrated products of the
Company include providing the supporting services such as plan design, supporting products, installation, debugging
and system trial operation. The sales income will be recognized upon acceptance;
④ Principle for recognizing the income from labor services: The income is recognized when the labor service is

33. Contract costs

The contract costs comprise the contract performance cost and the cost to obtain a contract.

The costs incurred by the Company for contract performance which fall outside the scope of the enterprise accounting
standards such as inventories, fixed assets or intangible assets will be identified as an asset of the contract
performance costs upon satisfying all of the following conditions:

(1) The costs are directly related to one existing contract or one contract that is expected to be obtained;

(2) The costs enrich the Company's resources for future contract performance;

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(3) The costs are estimated to be recovered.

The incremental costs which are incurred by the Company to obtain the contract and are expected to be recovered will
be identified as an asset of the costs to obtain a contract.

The assets related to the contract costs will be amortized on the same basis for recognition of the income from
commodities or services related to the assets; but if the amortization period of the costs to obtain the contract is no
more than 1 year, the Company will include such costs in the current profit or loss once occurred.

In case that the book value of assets related to contract costs is higher than the difference between the two items
below, the Company will accrue the impairment provision for the extra part, and recognize that part as impairment loss:

(1) Estimated residual consideration to be obtained from transfer of commodities or services related to the assets;

(2) Estimated costs incurred from transfer of relevant commodities or services.

If the factors for impairment in the previous periods are subsequently changed, making the aforesaid difference higher
than the book value of the assets, the Company will reverse the accrued impairment provision and include it in the
current profit or loss, provided that the book value of the reversed assets does not exceed the book value of the assets
without impairment provision accrued on such date of reversal.

34. Government subsidies

(1) Type
Government grants are monetary assets and non-monetary assets acquired by the Company from the government
free of charge. Government grants are classified into government grants related to assets and government grants
related to revenue.
Government grants related to assets refer to government grants acquired by the Company for the purpose of
purchasing or constructing or otherwise forming long-term assets. Government grants related to revenue refer to the
government grants other than those related to assets.
(2) Confirmation of time point
Government grants related to assets will be measured at the actual amount of money received at the time of receipt.
The assets (bank deposits) and deferred income shall be period by period included in the profits and losses of the
current period in a reasonable and systematic manner from the time the assets are available for use (those related to
the Company's daily activities shall be included in other income; those unrelated to the Company's daily activities shall
be recognized as non-operating revenue). When the relevant assets are disposed of (sold, transferred, scrapped, etc.)
at or before the end of their service life, the balance of the deferred income that has not yet been apportioned will be
transferred to the current-period income from the disposal of the assets on an one-time manner, and will not be
For government grants related to revenue, they will be recognized as profit and loss of the current period according to
the amount receivable for government grants obtained under fixed quota standards, otherwise, they will be recognized
as profit and loss of the current period when it is actually received.
(3) Accounting treatment
Government grants related to assets shall write off the book value of relevant assets or be recognized as deferred
income. When recognized as deferred income, the government grant related to assets will be period by period credited

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

to the profits and losses of the current period in a reasonable and systematic manner within the service life of relevant
assets (those related to the Company's daily activities shall be recognized as other income; those unrelated to the
Company's daily activities shall be recognized as non-operating revenue).
The revenue-related government grants shall be recognized as deferred income if they are used to compensate
relevant expenses or losses in subsequent periods, and they shall be included in profit and loss of the current period
(those related to Company's routine activities shall be included in other income; those unrelated to the Company's
routine activities shall be included in non-operating revenue) or used to offset relevant expenses or losses during the
recognition of related expenses or losses; the grants used to compensate related expenses or losses incurred shall be
included in profit and loss of the current period (those related to Company's routine activities shall be included in other
income; those unrelated to the Company's routine activities shall be included in non-operating revenue) or used to
offset relevant expenses or losses.
The policy-oriented concessional loan discount interests obtained by the Company will be subject to accounting
treatment in the following two circumstances:
① Where the finance allocates the discount interest funds to the lending bank, and the lending bank provides loans to
the Company at the policy preferential interest rate, the Company will take the actually received loan amount as the
entry value of the loan, and the relevant borrowing costs shall be calculated according to the loan principal and the
policy preferential interest rate;
② If the finance directly allocates the discount interest funds to the Company, the Company shall set off the
corresponding discount interest against the relevant borrowing costs.

35. Deferred income tax assets / deferred income tax liabilities

Income tax comprises current income tax and deferred income tax. Except for the income taxes arising from the
business combination and the transactions or matters that are directly included in the owner's equity (including other
comprehensive income), the Company will include the current income tax and deferred income tax into the current
profit or loss.
Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities will be calculated and recognized according to the
difference (temporary difference) between the tax basis and the book value of assets and liabilities.
Deferred income tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable income will be available
against which deductible temporary differences can be utilized. For deductible losses and tax credits that can be
reversed in the future period, deferred income tax assets shall be recognized to the extent that it is probable that
taxable income will be available in the future to offset the deductible losses and tax credits.
Save as the exceptions, deferred income tax liabilities shall be recognized for the taxable temporary difference.
The exceptions where deferred income tax assets and liabilities are not recognized include:
(1) Initial recognition of the goodwill;
(2) Transactions or events that are neither business combinations nor affect profit and taxable income (or deductible
loss) when occurring.
Taxable temporary difference related to investment in the subsidiaries, affiliates and joint ventures will be recognized
as deferred income tax liabilities, unless the Company can control the time to reverse such temporary difference and
such temporary difference is much more unlikely to be reversed in the predictable future. Deductible temporary
difference related to investment in the subsidiaries, affiliates and joint ventures will be recognized as deferred income
tax assets when such temporary difference is much more likely to be reversed in the predictable future and is much
more likely to be obtained to deduct the taxable income of the deductible temporary difference.

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On the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities will be measured at
the tax rate applicable during the recovery of relevant assets or payment of relevant liabilities as expected according to
the provisions of the tax law.
On the balance sheet date, the Company will review the book value of the deferred income tax assets. If no sufficient
taxable income is likely to be obtained to offset the benefits of deferred income tax assets in the future, the book value
of deferred income tax assets shall be written down. The amount written down shall be reversed when it is likely to
obtain sufficient taxable income.
After granted the legal rights of net settlement and with the intention to use net settlement or obtain assets and repay
debt at the same time, the net amount after offsetting its current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities
shall be recorded.
On the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities will be presented by
the net amount after offsetting when the following conditions are fulfilled:
(1) The taxpayer is granted the legal rights to settle current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities on a
net basis;
(2) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are related to income tax to be paid by the same
entity liable for paying tax to the same tax collection and management authority or related to different entities liable for
paying tax, but the relevant entity liable for paying tax is intended to apply net settlement of current income tax assets
and liabilities or, at the same time, obtain assets, repay debt whenever every deferred income tax assets and liabilities
with importance would be reversed in the future.

36. Lease

Lease means the contract by which the lessor transfers the right to use the assets to the lessee for a given period to
obtain the consideration. On the commencement of the contract, the Company will assess whether the contract is a
lease or contains the lease. If a party to the contract conveys the right to control the use of one or more identified
assets for a given period to obtain a consideration, this contract is a lease or contains the lease.
If a contract contains several individual leases, the Company will split the contract and conduct accounting treatment
of each individual lease separately. If a contact contains both lease and non-lease, the lessee and the lessor will split
the lease and non-lease parts.
If all the following conditions are met, the Company will simplify all the lease options without assessing whether the
lease is changed or reassessing the lease classification:
(1) The lease consideration after reduction is less or remains substantially the same compared with the lease
consideration before reduction, and the lease consideration may either be undiscounted or discounted by the discount
rate before reduction;
(2) Other terms and conditions of lease are identified without significant change after taking the qualitative and
quantitative factors into full account.

(1) The Company as a lessee

① Right-of-use assets
The Company recognizes the right-to-use assets for the lease other than short-term lease and low-value asset lease
on the commencement of the lease term. The right-to-use assets are initially measured at cost which includes:
a. Initial measurement amount of lease liabilities;
b. For the lease payment paid on or before the commencement of the lease term, if there are lease incentives, the
relevant amount of lease incentives enjoyed shall be deducted;

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c. Initial direct cost incurred by the Company;
d. The estimated costs incurred by the Company for dismantling and removing the leased asset, restoring the site
where the leased asset is located or restoring the leased asset to the state agreed in the lease terms, but excluding
the cost incurred to produce the inventory.
The Company will depreciate the right-to-use assets through the straight-line method. If it can be reasonably
recognized that the title of the leased asset is acquired at the expiration of the lease term, the Company shall accrue
depreciation within the remaining service life of the leased asset; or otherwise, the leased asset shall be depreciated
within the shorter of the lease term and the remaining service life of the leased asset.
The Company will determine whether the right-of-use assets are impaired and conduct accounting treatment over the
identified impairment loss according to the principles set out in this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting
Polices and Accounting Estimates - 26. Impairment of long-term assets.
② Lease liabilities
The Company recognizes the lease liabilities for the lease other than short-term lease and low-value asset lease on
the commencement of the lease term. Lease liabilities shall be initially measured at the present value of the unpaid
lease payments. Lease payments include:
a. Fixed payment (including actual fixed payment), deducting lease incentives (if any);
b. Variable lease payment depending on the index or ratio;
c. Predicted payment on the basis of the guaranteed residual value provided by the Company;
d. Exercise price of the call option, provided that the Company will exercise such option, as reasonably determined;
e. Payment for exercise of the lease termination option, provided that the lease term reflects the Company’s future
exercise of the lease termination option.
The interest rate implicit in lease is applied by the Company as the discount rate. If the interest rate implicit in lease
cannot be reasonably determined, the Company's interest rate on incremental borrowings is applied as the discount
The Company shall calculate the interest expense of the lease liabilities during each period of the lease term at a fixed
periodic interest rate and include it in the current profit or loss or relevant asset cost.
The variable lease payment which is not included in the measurement of lease liabilities shall be included in the
current profit or loss or relevant asset cost when actually incurred.
If any of the following circumstances happens on commencement of the lease term, the Company will remeasure the
lease liabilities and adjust the corresponding right-of-use assets, and if the book value of the right-of-use assets has
been reduced to zero, but the lease liabilities still need to be further reduced, the difference shall be included in the
current profit or loss:
a. When the assessment result of the call option, renewal option or termination option is changed or the actual
exercise of the aforesaid option is inconsistent with the original assessment result, and the Company remeasures the
lease liabilities at the present value worked out according to the changed lease payment and the revised discount rate;
b. When there are changes in the actual fixed payment, the estimated payable amount of guaranteed residual value,
or the index or ratio applied to determine the amount of lease payments, the Company remeasures the lease liabilities
at the present value worked out according to the changed lease payment and the original discount rate. If the change
in the lease payment originates from the change in the floating interest rate, the present value will be calculated using
the revised discount rate.
③ Short-term lease and low-value asset lease
The Company chooses not to recognize the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for the short-term lease and low-
value asset lease, and records relevant lease payment into the current profit or loss or relevant asset cost according to
the straight-line method in each period of the lease term. Short-term lease means the lease of no more than 12

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

months and excluding the call option on the commencement of the lease term. Low-value asset lease means a lease
of lower value when the single leased asset is brand-new. If the Company sublets or is expected to sublet the leased
assets, the original lease is not a low-value asset lease.
④      Lease change
If the lease is changed and meets all of the following conditions, the Company will conduct accounting treatment with
respect to such lease change as a single lease:
a. Such lease change has expanded the scope of lease by adding the right to use one or more leased assets;
b. The increased consideration is equivalent to the amount of the separate consideration for the expanded part of the
scope of lease adjusted according to this contract.
If the lease change is not taken as a separate lease for accounting treatment, on the effective date of the lease change,
the Company will re-apportion the consideration of the changed contract, re-determine the lease term, and remeasure
the lease liabilities at the present value worked out according to the changed lease payment and the revised discount
If the lease change results in narrower scope of lease or shorter lease term, the Company will reduce the book value
of the right-of-use assets accordingly, and will include relevant gain or loss from partial or full termination of the lease
in the current profit or loss. If other lease changes result in re-measurement of the lease liabilities, the Company will
adjust the book value of the right-to-use assets accordingly.

(2) The Company as a lessor

On commencement of the lease term, the Company will divide the lease into financial lease and operating lease.
Financial lease means the lease that has substantially transferred almost all the risks and rewards related to the title of
the leased assets, whether or not the title will be finally transferred. Operating lease means any lease other than
financial lease. When the Company serves as a lessor of the sublease, the sublease will be classified on the basis of
the right-to-use assets resulting from the original lease.
① Accounting treatment of operating lease
The lease receipts for the operating lease will be recognized as the rental income according to the straight-line method
during each period of the lease term. The initial direct fee related to the operating lease to be incurred by the Company
will be capitalized and will be apportioned and included in the current profit or loss on the same basis as that for
recognition of the rental income in the lease term. The variable lease payments that are not included in the lease
receipts shall be included in the current profit or loss when they actually occur. In case of a change to the operating
lease, the Company will conduct accounting treatment with respect to the changed operating lease as a new lease as
of the effective date of the change, and the lease payments received in advance or receivable with respect to the lease
before the change will be taken as the lease receipts for the new lease.
② Accounting treatment of financial lease
On the commencement of the lease term, the Company will recognize the financial lease receivables for the financial
lease, and derecognize the financial lease assets. The Company will take the net lease investment as the entry value
of the financial lease receivables when initially measuring the financial lease receivables. The net lease investment is
the sum of the unguaranteed residual value and the present value of the unreceived lease receipts discounted
according to the interest rate implicit in lease on the commencement of the lease term.
The Company will calculate and recognize the interest income during each period of the lease term at a fixed periodic
interest rate. The derecognition and impairment of the financial lease receivables will be subject to accounting
treatment according to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11.
Financial instruments.

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The variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of the net lease investment shall be included in
the current profit or loss when they actually occur.
If the financial lease is changed and meets all of the following conditions, the Company will conduct accounting
treatment with respect to such change as a single lease:
a. Such change has expanded the scope of lease by adding the right to use one or more leased assets;
b. The increased consideration is equivalent to the amount of the separate consideration for the expanded part of the
scope of lease adjusted according to this contract.
If the change in the financial lease is not subject to accounting treatment as a single lease, the Company will treat the
changed lease in the following circumstances:
a. If the change takes effect on commencement of the lease term and the lease is classified as operating lease, the
Company will conduct accounting treatment with respect to such lease as a new lease as of the effective date of the
lease change, and will take the net lease investment before the effective date of the lease change as the book value of
the leased asset;
b. If the change takes effect on the commencement date of the lease, and such lease is classified as the financial
lease, the Company will conduct accounting treatment according to the policy regarding modification or re-negotiation
of the contract in this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11.
Financial instruments.

(3) Sale and leaseback transaction

The Company evaluates and determines whether the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction belongs to a
sale in accordance with the provisions of this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and
Accounting Estimates - 32. Income.

①   Acting as a lessee

If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company as the lessee shall measure the
right-of-use asset arising from the sale and leaseback according to the part related to the right of use acquired from
the leaseback in the original book value of the asset, and only recognize relevant gain or loss on the rights transferred
to the lessor; if the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is not a sale, the Company as the lessee shall
continue to recognize the transferred asset, and recognize a financial liability equal to the transfer income. For
accounting treatment of the financial liabilities, refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices
and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial instruments.

② Acting as a lessor

If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company as the lessee shall conduct
accounting treatment with respect to the asset purchase and conduct accounting treatment with respect to the asset
lease according to the policy in the foregoing "(2) The Company as a lessor"; if the asset transfer in the sale and
leaseback transaction is not a sale, the Company as the lessor shall derecognize the transferred asset, but recognize
a financial asset equal to the transfer income. For accounting treatment of the financial assets, refer to this section
Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial instruments.

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

37. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Repurchase of the Company's shares

The Company's shares repurchased by the Company for reducing the registered capital or rewarding employees shall
be treated as the treasury shares based on the actual amount paid, and shall be checked and registered at the same
time. If the repurchased shares are canceled, the difference between the actual amount paid for the repurchase and
the total par value of shares calculated based on the par value of the canceled shares and the number of canceled
shares will be set off against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient, the retained earnings will be
written off; if the repurchased shares are awarded to the employees of the Company, it shall be categorized as equity-
settled share-based payment. When the Company receives the payment made by employees who exercise their rights
to purchase such shares, the amount shall be used to write off the cost of treasury shares delivered to employees and
the capital reserve in the waiting period and meanwhile, the capital reserve (stock premium) shall be adjusted
according to the difference.

(2) Debt restructuring

① The Company as a creditor

The Company will derecoginize the creditor's rights when its contractual right to collect the cash flow for the creditor's
rights is terminated. If the debts are restructured by repaying the debts with assets or converting the debts into equity
interments, the Company will recognize relevant assets within the meaning of their definitions and recognition

If the debts are restructured by repaying the debts with assets, when initially recognized by the Company for
acceptance, the non-financial assets will be measured at cost. The costs of inventories include the fair value of the
creditor's rights abandoned and the taxes, transportation costs, handling charges, insurance premiums and other costs
directly attributable to such assets, which are incurred to realize the current position and state of such assets. The
costs of investments in the associates or joint ventures include the fair value of the creditor's rights abandoned and the
taxes and other costs directly attributable to such assets. The costs of investment properties include the fair value of
the creditor's rights abandoned and the taxes and other costs directly attributable to such assets. The costs of fixed
assets include the fair value of the creditor's rights abandoned and the taxes, transportation costs, handling charges,
installation costs, professional service fees and other costs directly attributable to such assets, which are incurred for
such assets to become ready for their intended use. The costs of biological assets include the fair value of the
creditor's rights abandoned and the taxes, transportation costs, insurance premiums and other costs directly
attributable to such assets. The costs of intangible assets include the fair value of the creditor's rights abandoned and
the taxes and other costs directly attributable to such assets, which are incurred for such assets to become ready for
their intended use. If the creditor converts its creditor’s rights into equity investments in the associates or joint ventures
arising from the debt restructuring by converting the debts into equity instruments, the Company will measure its initial
investment cost according to the fair value of the creditor's rights abandoned and the taxes and other costs directly
attributable to such assets. The difference between the fair value and the book value of the creditor’s rights abandoned
shall be included in the current profit or loss.

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

If the debts are restructured by modifying other terms, the Company will recognize and measure creditor’s rights
restructured according to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates -
11. Financial instruments.

If the debts are restructured by repaying the debts with several assets or through combination, the Company will first
recognize and measure the financial assets accepted and creditor’s rights restructured according to this section
Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial instruments, then
distribute the net amount derived from deducting the recognized amount of the financial assets accepted and creditor’s
rights restructured from the fair value of the creditor’s rights abandoned according to the proportion of the fair value of
the assets other than the financial assets accepted, and on this basis, determine the costs of various assets
respectively by the aforesaid means. The difference between the fair value and the book value of the creditor’s rights
abandoned shall be included in the current profit or loss.

②   The Company as a debtor

The Company will derecognize the debts when the current obligation under the debts is discharged.

If the debts are restructured by repaying the debts with assets, the Company will derecognize relevant assets and the
debts repaid within the meaning of their derecognition conditions, and the difference between the book value of the
debts repaid and the book value of the assets transferred shall be included in the current profit or loss.

If the debts are restructured by converting the debts into equity interments, the Company will derecognize the debts
repaid within the meaning of their derecognition conditions. When initially recognized by the Company, the equity
instruments will be measured at its fair value, and if the fair value of the equity instruments cannot be reliably
measured, at the fair value of the debts repaid. The difference between the book value of the debts repaid and the
recognized amount of the equity instruments shall be included in the current profit or loss.

If the debts are restructured by modifying other terms, the Company will recognize and measure the debts restructured
according to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial

If the debts are restructured by repaying the debts with several assets or through combination, the Company will
recognize and measure the equity instruments and debts restructured by the aforesaid means, and the difference
between the book value of the debts repaid and the sum of the book value of the assets transferred and the
recognized amount of the equity instruments and the debts restructured shall be included in the current profit or loss.

38. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Changes in significant accounting policies

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
 Content and Reasons for Change in Accounting          Item Names of the Statements
                                                                                                Amount of Influence
 Policies                                              Significantly Affected
 The provision of the Accounting Standards for
                                                       No effect                                                        0.00
 Business    Enterprises  No.16    that  “The

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 accounting treatment of deferred income taxes
 related to the assets and liabilities arising from a
 single transaction which shall not be exempted
 from initial recognition”

As of January 1, 2023, the Company implemented the provision of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
No.16 promulgated by the Ministry of Finance that “The accounting treatment of deferred income taxes related to the
assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction which shall not be exempted from initial recognition”, and such
change in the accounting policy has no influence on the financial statements of the Company.

(2) Changes in significant accounting estimates

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) The first implementation of new accounting criteria from 2023 to adjust the relevant items of the financial
statements implemented at the beginning of the year for the first time

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Ⅵ. Taxes

1. Major categories of taxes and tax rates

 Tax Type                                  Taxation basis                             Tax rate
                                           According to the provisions of the tax
                                           law, the sales tax shall be calculated
                                           on the basis of the income by selling
                                           goods and taxable services. After          13%, 9%, 6%, simple collection rate
 VAT                                       deducting the input tax that is            of 5%, simple collection rate of 3%,
                                           allowed to be deducted from the            0% and tax-free
                                           sales tax in the current period, the
                                           difference shall be the value added
 Urban Maintenance and Construction
                                           Actually paid turnover tax                 7%、5%
 Enterprise Income Tax                     Taxable income                             15%、16.5%、20%、25%
 Education Surcharges                      Actually paid turnover tax                 3%
 Local Education Surcharges                Actually paid turnover tax                 2%
If there are multiple taxpayers with different enterprise income tax rates, specify the situation

 Name of taxpayer                                                Income tax rate
 Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.                             15%
 Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd.                     15%
 Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd.                            15%
 Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd.                           15%
 Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology CO., LTD.                15%
 Zhejiang Huaruijie Technology Co., Ltd.                         15%
 Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd.                           15%
 Hangzhou Huacheng Software Co., Ltd.                            15%
 Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd.                            15%
 Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co. Ltd.                           15%
 Xinjiang Dahua Zhixin Information Technology Co., Ltd.          15%
 Xinjiang Dahua Zhihe Information Technology Co., Ltd.           15%

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Xinjiang Dahua Zhitian Information Technology Co., Ltd.       15%
 Xinjiang Dahua Huayue Information Technology Co., Ltd.        15%
 Xinjiang Dahua Xinzhi Information Technology Co., Ltd.        15%
 Inner Mongolia Dahua Zhimeng Information Technology
 Co., Ltd.
 Guangxi Dahua Zhicheng Co., Ltd.                              15%
 Guangxi Huacheng Technology Co., Ltd.                         15%
 Guizhou Meitan Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.         15%
 Zhejiang Dahua Ju'an Technology Co., Ltd.                     20%
 Guangxi Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.                            20%
 Zhejiang Huakong Software Co., Ltd.                           20%
 Dahua Technology (HK) Limited                                 16.50%
 Yunnan Zhili Technology Co., Ltd                              20%
 Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology CO., LTD.                         20%
 Chengdu Zhichuang Yunshu Technology Co., Ltd.                 20%
 Chengdu Huishan Smart Network Technology Co., Ltd.            20%
 Guizhou Huayi Shixin Technology Co., Ltd.                     20%
 Zhejiang Zhoushan Digital Development Operation Co.
 Tianjin Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.                20%
 Chengdu Dahua Zhishu Information Technology Service
 Co., Ltd.
 Chengdu Huazhiwei Technology Co., Ltd.                        20%
 Chengdu Dahua Wisdom Information Technology Co.,
 Nanyang Dahua Intelligent Information Technology Co.,
 Zhejiang Huaqi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.               20%
 Luoyang Dahua Zhiyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.          20%
 Guangdong Huaxiyue Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.           20%
 Guangxi Dahua Yunlian Information Technology Co., Ltd.        20%
 Zhejiang Huajie New Energy Operation Service Co., Ltd.        20%
 Other domestic companies                                      25%
 Other overseas companies                                      Applicable to local tax rate

2. Preferential tax rate

(1) According to the Announcement on the Filing of High-tech Enterprises Certified and Reported by the Certification
Body of Zhejiang Province in 2023 issued by the Office for the Administration of the Certification of National High-tech
Enterprises on December 28, 2023, the Company was certified as a high-tech enterprise, valid for 3 years. The
corporate income tax for this year was paid at a reduced rate of 15%.
(2) According to the Announcement on the Filing of the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises of Zhejiang Province
Certified in 2021 issued by the Office for the Administration of the Certification of National High-tech Enterprises on
January 24, 2022, our subsidiaries Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Wisualarm Technology Co.,
Ltd. were certified as high-tech enterprises, valid for 3 years. The corporate income tax for this year was paid at a
reduced rate of 15%.
(3) According to the Announcement on the Filing of High-tech Enterprises Certified and Reported by the Certification
Body of Zhejiang Province in 2023 issued by the Office for the Administration of the Certification of National High-tech
Enterprises on December 28, 2023, our subsidiaries Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang
Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd. were certified as high-tech enterprises, valid for 3 years. The corporate income tax for this
year was paid at a reduced rate of 15%.

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(4) According to the Notice on the Filing and Publicity of High-tech Enterprises Certified by the Certification Body of
Zhejiang Province in 2022 issued by the Office for the Administration of the Certification of National High-tech
Enterprises on December 24, 2022, our subsidiaries Zhejiang Huaruijie Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huajian
Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Huacheng Software Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd. were
certified as high-tech enterprises, valid for 3 years. The corporate income tax for this year was paid at a reduced rate
of 15%.
(5) According to the Announcement on the Filing of the Second Batch of High-tech Enterprises Certified and Reported
by the Certification Body of Jiangsu Province in 2023 issued by the Office for the Administration of the Certification of
National High-tech Enterprises on January 4, 2024, our subsidiary Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co. Ltd. was
certified as a high-tech enterprise, valid for 3 years. The corporate income tax for this year was paid at a reduced rate
of 15%.
(6) According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Further
Implementing the Preferential Income Tax Policies for Micro and Small Enterprises (CaiShui [2022] No. 13) and the
Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on the Preferential Income Tax
Policies for Small Low-Profit Enterprises and Individual Industrial and Commercial Households (CaiShui [2023] No. 6),
the annual taxable income of the following subsidiaries that is no more than RMB 1 million shall be taxed at a reduced
rate of 25% for tax purpose, and the enterprise income tax shall be paid at a rate of 20%; and the annual taxable
income exceeding RMB 1 million but no more than RMB 3 million shall be taxed at a reduced rate of 25% and the
enterprise income tax shall be paid at a rate of 20%: Zhejiang Dahua Ju'an Technology Co., Ltd., Guangxi Dahua
Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huakong Software Co., Ltd., Yunnan Zhili Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Xiaohua
Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Zhichuang Yunshu Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Huishan Smart Network
Technology Co., Ltd., Guizhou Huayi Shixin Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Zhoushan Digital Development Operation
Co. Ltd., Tianjin Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Dahua Zhishu Information Technology Service Co.,
Ltd., Chengdu Huazhiwei Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Dahua Wisdom Information Technology Co., Ltd., Nanyang
Dahua Intelligent Information Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huaqi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Luoyang Dahua
Zhiyu Information Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Huaxiyue Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Guangxi Dahua
Yunlian Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Huajie New Energy Operation Service Co., Ltd.
(7) According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the General
Administration of Customs on Tax Policy Issues Concerning Further Implementing the Western China Development
Strategy (CaiShui [2011] No. 58) and the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration
and the National Development and Reform Commission on Continuing the Enterprise Income Tax Policies for the
Western China Development (CaiShui [2020] No. 23), the following subsidiaries can enjoy preferential tax policies
related to the Western China Development Program from 2011 to 2030: Xinjiang Dahua Zhixin Information Technology
Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Dahua Zhihe Information Technology Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Dahua Zhitian Information Technology Co.,
Ltd., Xinjiang Dahua Huayue Information Technology Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Dahua Xinzhi Information Technology Co.,
Ltd., Inner Mongolia Dahua Zhimeng Information Technology Co., Ltd., Guangxi Dahua Zhicheng Technology Co., Ltd.,
Guangxi Huacheng Technology Co., Ltd. and Guizhou Meitan Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd. The corporate
income tax for this year was paid at a reduced rate of 15%.
(8) According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Value-added Tax
Policies for Software Products (CaiShui [2011] No.100), the sales of software products independently developed by
Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology
Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huaruijie
Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Wisualarm Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang
Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Huacheng Software Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. shall

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

be subject to a value-added tax at the rate of 13% first, and the actual tax exceeding 3% will be refunded after being
reviewed and approved by the competent tax authorities.
(9) According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Clarifying the
Value-Added Tax Reduction and Exemption Policies for Small-Scale Value-Added Tax Taxpayers and Other Policies
(CaiShui [2023] No. 1), in 2023, the taxpayers from the productive and consumer-oriented service sectors may
increase 5% and 10% of current deductible input tax, respectively, to offset the taxable amount (hereinafter referred to
as “Additional Deduction Policy”) The subsidiaries of the Company, Zhejiang Dahua Security Network Operation
Service Co., Ltd., Beijing Huayue Shangcheng Information Technology Service Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huashang
Chengyue Information Technology Service Co., Ltd., Chengdu Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd.,
Guangxi Dahua Zhicheng Co., Ltd., Tianjin Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Xinjiang Dahua Zhihe
Information Technology Co., Ltd. meet the requirements in the Additional Deduction Policy for value-added taxes and
have enjoyed preferential tax policies for additional deduction of input taxes from 2022.
(10) According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on the Additional Value-
Added Tax Deduction Policy for Advanced Manufacturing Enterprises (Announcement [2023] No. 43 of the Ministry of
Finance and the State Administration of Taxation), from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2027, the advanced
manufacturing enterprises are allowed to increase 5% of the current deductible input tax to offset the amount subject
to value-added taxes. Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. meets the requirements in the Additional Deduction
Policy for value-added taxes for advanced manufacturing enterprises and have enjoyed preferential tax policies for
additional deduction of value-added taxes for advanced manufacturing enterprises from 2023.

Ⅶ. Notes to the Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Cash and bank balances

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                    Item                             Closing balance                         Opening balance
 Cash on Hand                                                           2,642.58                               2,535.81
 Digital Currency                                                     160,820.00
 Bank Balance                                                 15,827,819,644.89                       7,787,399,232.70
 Other Cash and Bank Balances                                    143,022,007.00                        242,476,882.26
 Deposits with Financial Companies
 Total                                                        15,971,005,114.47                       8,029,878,650.77
    Including: Total Amount Deposited
                                                                 930,951,357.54                       1,259,307,799.53
 in Overseas Banks

Other notes: The monetary funds restricted for use due to mortgage, pledge or freeze, restricted for withdrawal due to
centralized management and deposited in overseas banks and restricted for repatriation are detailed as follows:

                                                                                   Balance at the end of the previous
Item                                     Closing balance
Bid/performance bond                                             68,981,082.99                        110,737,143.60
Frozen funds                                                      6,862,600.24                          19,900,398.75
Total                                                            75,843,683.23                         130,637,542.35

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Trading Financial Assets

Unit: RMB
 Item                                     Closing balance                         Opening balance
 Financial assets at fair value through
                                          1,470,000.00                            1,470,000.00
 profit or loss in this period
 Including: Financial Products            1,470,000.00                            1,470,000.00
 Total                                    1,470,000.00                            1,470,000.00

3. Notes Receivable

(1) Disclosure of Notes Receivable

Unit: RMB
 Item                                     Closing balance                         Opening balance
 Bank Acceptance Notes                    665,341,998.76                          631,542,296.47
 Commercial Acceptance Notes              147,697,193.99                          240,759,774.71
 Total                                    813,039,192.75                          872,302,071.18

(2) Categorical disclosure by methods for provision by bad debts

Unit: RMB
            Closing balance                                        Opening balance
            Book balance          Bad debt provision               Book balance         Bad debt provision
 y                                           Accrued     Book                                       Accrued    Book
                       Percent                           value               Percent                           value
            Amount                Amount     proporti              Amount               Amount      proporti
                       age                                                   age
                                             on                                                     on
 ble with
 the Bad
            834,798    100.00     21,758,                813,039   911,616   100.00     39,314,                872,302
 n                                           2.61%                                                  4.31%
            ,129.64    %          936.89                 ,192.75   ,343.99   %          272.81                 ,071.18
            672,300               6,958,6                665,341   638,799              7,257,6                631,542
 accepta               80.53%                1.04%                           70.07%                 1.14%
            ,691.46               92.70                  ,998.76   ,974.81              78.34                  ,296.47
 nce bill
 rcial      162,497               14,800,                147,697   272,816              32,056,                240,759
                       19.47%                9.11%                           29.93%                 11.75%
 accepta    ,438.18               244.19                 ,193.99   ,369.18              594.47                 ,774.71
 nce bill
            834,798    100.00     21,758,                813,039   911,616   100.00     39,314,                872,302
            ,129.64    %          936.89                 ,192.75   ,343.99   %          272.81                 ,071.18

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Bad Debt Provision Accrued Based on Combinations: RMB 21,758,936.89
Unit: RMB
                                Closing balance
                                Book balance                  Bad debt provision            Accrued proportion
 Bank Acceptance Notes          672,300,691.46                6,958,692.70                  1.04%
 Commercial    Acceptance
                                162,497,438.18                14,800,244.19                 9.11%
 Total                          834,798,129.64                21,758,936.89

If the bad debt provisions of notes receivable are made according to the general model of expected credit losses:
□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

Unit: RMB

                                        Amount of Changes in the Current Period
 Category          Opening balance                   Recovered        or                             Closing balance
                                        Accrued                            Written Off   Others
 Acceptance        7,257,678.34                      298,985.64                                      6,958,692.70
 Acceptance        32,056,594.47                     17,256,350.28                                   14,800,244.19
 Total             39,314,272.81                     17,555,335.92                                   21,758,936.89

Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:
□ Applicable  Not applicable

(4) Notes receivable that the Company has pledged at the end of the period

Unit: RMB
 Item                                                         Pledged amount by the end of period
 Bank Acceptance Notes                                        384,608,856.94
 Total                                                        384,608,856.94

(5) Notes receivable that the Company has endorsed or discounted at the end of the period
and that have not yet expired on the balance sheet date

Unit: RMB
                                           Derecognised amount at the end of       Not derecognised amount at the end
                                           period                                  of period
 Bank Acceptance Notes                                                             39,320,431.95
 Total                                                                             39,320,431.95

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

4. Accounts Receivable

(1) Disclosure by age

Unit: RMB

 Aging                                     Closing balance                         Opening balance
 Within 1 year (including 1 year)          14,458,581,851.85                       13,084,171,203.70
 1 to 2 years                              1,675,541,614.13                        2,108,343,765.62
 2 to 3 years                              914,682,001.04                          913,526,456.01
 3 years or above                          2,359,337,149.65                        2,367,104,303.90
   3 to 4 years                            627,873,130.02                          1,023,194,700.91
   4 to 5 years                            605,039,214.61                          728,883,845.46
   5 years or above                        1,126,424,805.02                        615,025,757.53
 Total                                     19,408,142,616.67                       18,473,145,729.23

(2) Categorical disclosure by methods for provision by bad debts

Unit: RMB
             Closing balance                                        Opening balance
             Book balance           Bad debt provision              Book balance         Bad debt provision
 y                                            Accrued    Book                                         Accrued    Book
                       Percent                           value                Percent                            value
             Amount                 Amount    proporti              Amount               Amount       proporti
                       age                                                    age
                                              on                                                      on
 with the
 debt        467,182                433,667              33,515,    591,779              591,779      100.00
                       2.41%                  92.83%                          3.20%
 provisio    ,946.91                ,151.15              795.76     ,632.41              ,632.41      %
 ble with
             467,182                433,667              33,515,    591,779              591,779      100.00
 cant                  2.41%                  92.83%                          3.20%
             ,946.91                ,151.15              795.76     ,632.41              ,632.41      %

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 n of bad
 with the
            18,940,              2,697,6                  16,243,      17,881,             2,469,4              15,411,
            959,669   97.59%     71,511.       14.24%     288,158      366,096   96.80%    57,535.     13.81%   908,561
            .76                  49                       .27          .82                 32                   .50
 Analysi    18,940,              2,697,6                  16,243,      17,881,             2,469,4              15,411,
 s          959,669   97.59%     71,511.       14.24%     288,158      366,096   96.80%    57,535.     13.81%   908,561
 Portfoli   .76                  49                       .27          .82                 32                   .50
            19,408,              3,131,3                  16,276,      18,473,             3,061,2              15,411,
                      100.00                                                     100.00
 Total      142,616              38,662.                  803,954      145,729             37,167.              908,561
                      %                                                          %
            .67                  64                       .03          .23                 73                   .50

Bad Debt Provision Accrued Based on Single Item: RMB 433,667,151.15
Unit: RMB
                 Opening balance                        Closing balance

 Name                                                                                                     Reason for
                                   Bad debt                               Bad debt        Accrued
                 Book balance                           Book balance                                      making bad
                                   provision                              provision       proportion
                                                                                                          debt provision
                                                                                                          Expected to
                 225,140,645.3     225,140,645.3        225,140,645.3     225,140,645.3
 Customer 1                                                                               100.00%         be unable to
                 6                 6                    6                 6
                                                                                                          Expected to
 Customer 2      49,001,963.55     49,001,963.55        49,001,963.55     49,001,963.55   100.00%         be unable to
                                                                                                          Expected to
 Customer 3      38,693,240.50     38,693,240.50        38,612,198.42     38,612,198.42   100.00%         be unable to
                                                                                                          Expected to
 Customer 4                                             20,596,426.50     20,596,426.50   100.00%         be unable to
                                                                                                          Expected to
 Customer 5      18,790,253.00     18,790,253.00        18,790,253.00     18,790,253.00   100.00%         be unable to
                                                                                                          Expected to
                 260,153,530.0     260,153,530.0
 Customer 6                                                                                               be unable to
                 0                 0
 Other                                                  115,041,460.0     81,525,664.32   70.87%          Expected to

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Customers                                           8                                                  be unable to
                   591,779,632.4     591,779,632.4   467,182,946.9     433,667,151.1
                   1                 1               1                 5
Bad Debt Provision Accrued Based on Combinations: RMB 2,697,671,511.49
Unit: RMB
                                Closing balance
                                Book balance                  Bad debt provision           Accrued proportion
 Within 1 year (including 1     14,438,917,770.02             721,945,888.49
 1 to 2 years                   1,662,886,767.62              166,288,676.76               10.00%
 2 to 3 years                   889,329,864.90                266,798,959.48               30.00%
 3 to 4 years                   591,304,387.67                295,652,193.84               50.00%
 4 to 5 years                   557,675,433.13                446,140,346.50               80.00%
 5 years or above               800,845,446.42                800,845,446.42               100.00%
 Total                          18,940,959,669.76             2,697,671,511.49

If the bad debt provisions of accounts receivable are made according to the general model of expected credit losses:
□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

Unit: RMB

                                     Amount of Changes in the Current Period
                   Opening                                                                              Closing
 Category                                            Recovered or
                   balance           Accrued                           Written Off     Others           balance
 Bad       debt    3,061,237,167     415,017,021.5                     338,946,977.9                    3,131,338,662
                                                     7,777,603.62                      1,809,054.95
 provision         .73               5                                 7                                .64
                   3,061,237,167     415,017,021.5                     338,946,977.9                    3,131,338,662
 Total                                               7,777,603.62                      1,809,054.95
                   .73               5                                 7                                .64
Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:


(4) Accounts receivable actually written off in this period

Unit: RMB
 Item                                                         Write-off amount
 Accounts receivable actually written off                     338,946,977.97

Important accounts receivable written off:


(5) Accounts receivable and contract assets of the top five closing balances at the end of the
period collected by debtors

Unit: RMB

                                                                     2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                   Balance of Bad
                                                                                                                   Debt Provisions
                                                                         Balance of           As a Percentage
                         Balance of                                                                                of Accounts
                                               Balance of                Accounts             of Total Other
                         Accounts                                                                                  Receivable and
                                               Contract Assets           Receivable and       Receivables and
 Name of Unit            Receivable at                                                                             Provisions for
                                               at the End of the         Contract Assets      Contract Assets
                         the End of the                                                                            Impairment of
                                               Period                    at the End of the    at the End of the
                         Period                                                                                    Contract Assets
                                                                         Period               Period
                                                                                                                   at the End of the
 Customer 1              831,284,534.60                                  831,284,534.60       4.24%                41,564,226.73
 Customer 2              476,390,669.20                                  476,390,669.20       2.43%                23,822,012.23
 Customer 3              399,216,383.81                                  399,216,383.81       2.04%                19,960,819.19
 Customer 4              392,685,817.67                                  392,685,817.67       2.00%                19,634,290.88
 Customer 5              331,966,086.53                                  331,966,086.53       1.70%                200,044,285.91
                         2,431,543,491.8                                 2,431,543,491.8
 Total                                                                                        12.41%               305,025,634.94
                         1                                               1

5. Contract Assets

(1) Contract assets

Unit: RMB
                    Closing balance                                              Opening balance
 Item                                     Bad debt                                                   Bad debt
                    Book balance                               Book value        Book balance                         Book value
                                          provision                                                  provision
 but unsettled      33,413,988.93         421,118.95           32,992,869.98     8,632,619.32        100,346.47       8,532,272.85
 O&M service        6,198,950.93          66,600.03            6,132,350.90      6,968,929.49        71,994.55        6,896,934.94
 Quality                                  14,755,441.70        47,588,995.46
 guarantee          62,344,437.16                                                                    22,828,089.70    90,906,197.56
                    101,957,377.0         15,243,160.68        86,714,216.34     129,335,836.0                        106,335,405.3
 Total                                                                                               23,000,430.72
                    2                                                            7                                    5

(2) Categorical disclosure by methods for provision by bad debts

Unit: RMB

               Closing balance                                                Opening balance
               Book balance          Bad debt provision                       Book balance            Bad debt provision
 y                                                    Accrued    Book                                             Accrued    Book
                          Percent                                value                     Percent                           value
               Amount                Amount           proporti                Amount                  Amount      proporti
                          age                                                              age
                                                      on                                                          on
 n             101,957    100.00     15,243,                     86,714,      129,335      100.00     23,000,                106,335
                                                      14.95%                                                      17.78%
 Based         ,377.02    %          160.68                      216.34       ,836.07      %          430.72                 ,405.35

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 ation of
            101,957     100.00     15,243,               86,714,      129,335    100.00        23,000,                106,335
 Nature                                         14.95%                                                    17.78%
            ,377.02     %          160.68                216.34       ,836.07    %             430.72                 ,405.35
 of the
           101,957 100.00      15,243,             86,714,   129,335             100.00        23,000,                106,335
 Total                                   14.95%                                                           17.78%
           ,377.02    %        160.68              216.34    ,836.07             %             430.72                 ,405.35
Bad Debt Provision Accrued Based on Combinations: RMB 15,243,160.68
Unit: RMB
                                 Closing balance
                                 Book balance                  Bad debt provision                Accrued proportion
 Combination of Nature of
                                 101,957,377.02                15,243,160.68                     14.95%
 the Funds
 Total                           101,957,377.02                15,243,160.68

Bad debt provisions made according to the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Unit: RMB

                                                   Recovered or
                         Provisions of this                                Write-off in this
 Item                                              reversed in this                                      Causes
                         period                                            period
 Completed        but
 unsettled assets
 O&M service                                       5,394.52
 Quality    guarantee
 Total                   320,772.48                8,078,042.52                                          ——

Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:


6. Receivables Financing

(1) Disclosure of receivables financing

Unit: RMB
 Item                                     Closing balance                           Opening balance
 Bank acceptance bill                     810,713,267.86                            679,441,917.62
 Total                                    810,713,267.86                            679,441,917.62

(2) Financing of accounts receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period

Unit: RMB
 Item                                                          Pledged amount by the end of period
 Bank acceptance bill                                          527,818,073.31
 Total                                                         527,818,073.31

                                                      2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(3) Financing of accounts receivable that the Company has endorsed or discounted at the end
of the period and that have not yet expired on the balance sheet date

Unit: RMB
                                    Derecognised amount at the end of     Not derecognised amount at the end
                                    period                                of period
 Bank acceptance bill               92,886,786.46
 Total                              92,886,786.46

7. Other Receivables

Unit: RMB
 Item                               Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Dividends Receivable               5,784,225.02                          8,519,063.17
 Other Receivables                  331,740,463.34                        393,330,183.71
 Total                              337,524,688.36                        401,849,246.88

(1) Dividends Receivable

1) Classification of Dividends Receivable

Unit: RMB
 Project (or investee)              Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Intelbras S.A.                     5,784,225.02                          8,519,063.17
 Total                              5,784,225.02                          8,519,063.17

(2) Other receivables

1) Other receivables categorized by the nature of the funds

Unit: RMB
 Nature of the funds                Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Deposits                           148,419,383.42                        189,076,400.18
 Prepaid or advance expense         129,465,778.21                        117,681,402.84
 Equity Transfer Fund               44,693,899.47                         41,929,391.85
 Export tax rebate                  26,923.43                             1,759,198.88
 Employee home loan                 89,695,884.00                         108,572,799.00
 Others                             402,441.33                            14,710,466.36
 Total                              412,704,309.86                        473,729,659.11

2) Disclosure by age

Unit: RMB

 Aging                              Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Within 1 year (including 1 year)   175,351,662.59                        287,714,109.96
 1 to 2 years                       117,075,815.72                        80,884,486.86
 2 to 3 years                       57,728,030.61                         44,394,417.54

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 3 years or above                        62,548,800.94                                 60,736,644.75
   3 to 4 years                          31,838,007.64                                 28,019,284.25
   4 to 5 years                          17,297,622.38                                 10,600,033.09
   5 years or above                      13,413,170.92                                 22,117,327.41
 Total                                   412,704,309.86                                473,729,659.11

(3) Categorical disclosure by methods for provision by bad debts

 Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB
            Closing balance                                            Opening balance
            Book balance          Bad debt provision                   Book balance          Bad debt provision
 y                                             Accrued    Book                                            Accrued    Book
                      Percent                             value                   Percent                            value
            Amount                Amount       proporti                Amount                Amount       proporti
                      age                                                         age
                                               on                                                         on
 n          412,704   100.00      80,963,                 331,740      473,729    100.00     80,399,                 393,330
                                               19.62%                                                     16.97%
 Based      ,309.86   %           846.52                  ,463.34      ,659.11    %          475.40                  ,183.71
            412,704   100.00      80,963,                 331,740      473,729    100.00     80,399,                 393,330
 s                                             19.62%                                                     16.97%
            ,309.86   %           846.52                  ,463.34      ,659.11    %          475.40                  ,183.71
           412,704 100.00      80,963,             331,740 473,729                100.00     80,399,                 393,330
 Total                                   19.62%                                                           16.97%
           ,309.86    %        846.52              ,463.34   ,659.11              %          475.40                  ,183.71
Bad Debt Provision Accrued Based on Combinations: RMB 80,963,846.52
Unit: RMB
                                Closing balance
                                Book balance                      Bad debt provision            Accrued proportion
 Within 1 year (including 1
                                175,351,662.59                    8,767,583.13                  5.00%
 1 to 2 years                   117,075,815.72                    11,707,581.57                 10.00%
 2 to 3 years                   57,728,030.61                     17,318,409.18                 30.00%
 3 to 4 years                   31,838,007.64                     15,919,003.82                 50.00%
 4 to 5 years                   17,297,622.38                     13,838,097.90                 80.00%
 5 years or above               13,413,170.92                     13,413,170.92                 100.00%
 Total                          412,704,309.86                    80,963,846.52
Bad debt provisions made according to the general model of expected credit losses:
Unit: RMB
                        Phase One                  Phase Two                 Phase Three

 Bad debt provision     Expected credit            Expected credit           Expected credit            Total
                        losses in the next 12      losses for the entire     losses for the entire
                        months                     extension (without        extension (with credit

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                     credit impairment)        impairment)
 Balance on January
                            42,812,272.88            36,962,447.67             624,754.85              80,399,475.40
 1, 2023
 Balance in the
 current period on
 January 1, 2023
 --Transfer to phase
                            -3,023,125.80            3,023,125.80
 --Transfer to phase
                            -104,392.42              -38,426.36                142,818.78
 Provisions of this
                            783,901.43                                         998,508.58              1,782,410.01
 Reversals in this
                                                     784,696.20                                        784,696.20
 Write off in this
                            461,534.82               231,451.54                44,901.87               737,888.23
 Other variations           304,545.54                                                                 304,545.54
 Balance as of
                            40,311,666.81            38,930,999.37             1,721,180.34            80,963,846.52
 December 31, 2023

Book balance changes with significant changes in loss provision in the current period
□ Applicable  Not applicable

4) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

Unit: RMB

                                      Amount of Changes in the Current Period
                      Opening                                                                                Closing
 Category                                               Recovered or
                      balance         Accrued                             Write-off           Others         balance
 Bad       debt
                      80,399,475.40   1,782,410.01      784,696.20        737,888.23          304,545.54     80,963,846.52
 Total                80,399,475.40   1,782,410.01      784,696.20        737,888.23          304,545.54     80,963,846.52

Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period

5) Accounts receivable actually written off in this period

Unit: RMB
 Item                                                             Write-off amount

 Other accounts receivable actually written off                   737,888.23

Other important accounts receivable written off:


                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

6) Other receivables of the top five closing balances collected by debtors

Unit: RMB
                                                                                     As a percentage
                                                                                     of total other        Bad debt
                      Nature of the
 Name of Unit                               Closing balance     Aging                receivables at        provision at the
                                                                                     the end of the        end of the period
                      Equity Transfer
 Company 1                                  44,393,899.47       1-2 years            10.76%                4,439,389.95
 Company 2            Deposits              11,832,000.00       2-3 years            2.87%                 3,549,600.00
                      Prepaid      or
 Company 3            advance               7,815,138.70        Within 1 year        1.89%                 390,756.94
                      Prepaid      or
 Company 4            advance               5,500,000.00        3-4 Years            1.33%                 2,750,000.00
 Company 5            Deposits              5,000,000.00        1-2 years            1.21%                 500,000.00
 Total                                      74,541,038.17                            18.06%                11,629,746.89

8. Prepayments

(1) Aging analysis of prepayments is as follows

Unit: RMB
                          Closing balance                                   Opening balance
                          Amount                   Percentage               Amount                  Percentage
 Within 1 year            168,576,768.97           89.01%                   98,788,464.16           81.18%
 1 to 2 years             11,544,945.31            6.10%                    11,055,223.64           9.08%
 2 to 3 years             5,759,402.22             3.04%                    8,871,438.20            7.29%
 3 years or above         3,507,600.49             1.85%                    2,976,113.14            2.45%
 Total                    189,388,716.99                                    121,691,239.14

(2) Advance payment of the top five closing balances by prepayment parties

The advance payment of the top five closing balances by the concentration of prepayment parties was summed up to
RMB 108,822,849.38, accounting for 57.46% of the total closing balance of the advance payment.

9. Inventories

Does the Company follow the disclosure requirements in the real estate industry?

(1) Categories of inventories

Unit: RMB
                    Closing balance                                     Opening balance
 Item                                 Provision for                                        Provision for
                    Book balance                      Book value        Book balance                         Book value
                                      Impairment of                                        Impairment of

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                 Inventories or                                       Inventories or
                                 Provision for                                        Provision for
                                 Impairment of                                        Impairment of
                                 Performance                                          Performance
                                 Cost                                                 Cost
                 1,817,465,527   64,749,700.02    1,752,715,827     2,938,477,842                      2,895,383,180
 Raw materials                                                                        43,094,661.62
                 .90                              .88               .47                                .85
 Work-in-        419,964,218.0   8,473,870.92     411,490,347.1     442,498,919.9                      433,456,491.4
                 5                                3                                   9,042,428.50
 progress                                                           7                                  7
 Finished        2,305,873,410   86,615,979.53    2,219,257,430     3,045,977,790                      2,993,401,370
                 .13                              .60                                 52,576,420.27
 goods                                                              .56                                .29
 Contract        727,101,492.7   22,396,500.68    704,704,992.0
                 6                                8                 756,000,501.2                      746,955,840.5
 performance                                                                          9,044,660.74
                                                                    5                                  1
                 244,439,946.3                    244,439,946.3     246,175,556.9                      246,175,556.9
                 3                                3                 0                                  0
                 5,514,844,595   182,236,051.1    5,332,608,544     7,429,130,611     113,758,171.1    7,315,372,440
                 .17             5                .02               .15               3                .02

(2) Provision for impairment of inventories and provision for impairment of contract
performance cost

Unit: RMB
                                 Increased in the current period    Decreased in the current period
                 Opening                                                                               Closing
 Item                                                               Reversals    or
                 balance         Accrued          Others                              Others           balance
 Raw materials   43,094,661.62   89,987,465.93                      68,788,994.97     -456,567.44      64,749,700.02
                 9,042,428.50    24,046,422.91                      24,909,530.21     -294,549.72      8,473,870.92
                 52,576,420.27   85,227,269.39                      52,079,752.27     -892,042.14      86,615,979.53
 performance     9,044,660.74    23,047,899.27                      9,696,059.33                       22,396,500.68
                 113,758,171.1   222,309,057.5                      155,474,336.7                      182,236,051.1
 Total                                                                                -1,643,159.30
                 3               0                                  8                                  5

10. Non-current Assets Due within 1 Year

Unit: RMB
 Item                                 Closing balance                            Opening balance
 Long-term accounts receivables due
                                      303,454,116.40                             476,871,949.75
 within 1 year
 Total                                303,454,116.40                             476,871,949.75

11. Other Current Assets

Unit: RMB

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Item                                         Closing balance                            Opening balance
 Not deducted input tax                       555,798,264.68                             790,981,344.36
 Prepaid enterprise income tax                34,017,571.59                              27,989,091.94
 Return cost receivable                       11,228,032.04                              8,005,696.54
 National debt reverse repurchase             338,331,000.00                             520,497,000.00
 Issue expenses                                                                          4,933,018.88
 Total                                        939,374,868.31                             1,352,406,151.72

12. Long-term Receivables

(1) Long-term receivables

Unit: RMB
               Closing balance                                       Opening balance                                      Rang
                                                                                           Bad                            e of
 Item                             Bad debt                                                 debt                           disco
               Book balance                     Book value           Book balance                    Book value           unt
                                  provision                                                provisi
                                                                                           on                             rate
 Payment       957,523,390.9      10,864,0      946,659,309.7
                                                                     1,436,256,651.54                1,436,256,651.54
 for           7                  81.27         0

               128,884,735.8                    128,884,735.8                                                             %-
 d                                                                   203,616,598.02                  203,616,598.02
               6                                6                                                                         7.62

               957,523,390.9      10,864,0      946,659,309.7
 Total                                                               1,436,256,651.54                1,436,256,651.54     -
               7                  81.27         0

(2) Categorical disclosure by methods for provision by bad debts

Unit: RMB
              Closing balance                                            Opening balance
              Book balance          Bad debt provision                   Book balance           Bad debt provision
 y                                               Accrued     Book                                           Accrued    Book
                        Percent                              value                    Percent                          value
              Amount                Amount       proporti                Amount                 Amount      proporti
                        age                                                           age
                                                 on                                                         on
              1,086,4                                        1,075,5     1,639,8                                       1,639,8
 n                      100.00      10,864,                                           100.00
              08,126.                            1.00%       44,045.     73,249.                                       73,249.
 Based                  %           081.27                                            %
              83                                             56          56                                            56
 Combin       1,086,4   100.00      10,864,      1.00%       1,075,5     1,639,8      100.00                           1,639,8

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 ation of    08,126.        %         081.27                  44,045.   73,249.     %                                      73,249.
 Nature      83                                               56        56                                                 56
 of the
           1,086,4                                 1,075,5   1,639,8                                                       1,639,8
                      100.00   10,864,                                              100.00
 Total     08,126.                       1.00%     44,045.   73,249.                                                       73,249.
                      %        081.27                                               %
           83                                      56        56                                                            56
Bad Debt Provision Accrued Based on Combinations: RMB 10,864,081.27
Unit: RMB
                                   Closing balance
                                   Book balance                    Bad debt provision                 Accrued proportion
 Combination of Nature of
                                   1,086,408,126.83                10,864,081.27                      1.00%
 the Funds
 Total                             1,086,408,126.83                10,864,081.27

(3) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Unit: RMB

                                          Amount of Changes in the Current Period
                     Opening                                                                                      Closing
 Category                                                 Recovered or
                     balance              Accrued                          Write-off          Others              balance
 Bad       debt
                     0.00                 10,864,081.27                                                           10,864,081.27
 Total               0.00                 10,864,081.27                                                           10,864,081.27

Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:


13. Long-term equity investments

Unit: RMB
                                 Decrease/Increase in the current period
                                                     ment                                                                   Closin
                       Openi                                  Adjust
                                                     profit                       Cash                                      g
            Openi      ng                                     ment                                               Closin
                                                     and                          divide    Provis                          balan
 The        ng         balan                                  on                                                 g
                                 Invest     Invest   loss               Other     nds or    ion for                         ce of
 invest     balan      ce of                                  other                                              balan
                                 ments      ment     recog              chang     profit    impair      Other               provisi
 ed         ce         provisi                                compr                                              ce
                                 increa     decre    nized              es in     declar    ment        s                   on for
 entity     (book      on for                                 ehens                                              (book
                                 sed        ased     under              equity    ed to     accru                           declin
            value)     impair                                 ive                                                value)
                                                     the                          distrib   ed                              e in
                       ment                                   incom
                                                     equity                       ute                                       value
 Ⅰ. Joint ventures
 Ⅱ. Affiliates
 Intelbr    570,2                           145,5    67,28                        20,95                 9,013,   480,0
 as         82,56                           50,71    7,895.                       2,913.                070.4    79,90
 S.A.       6.46                            1.48     93                           24                    1        8.08
 Ruicit     71,17                                    7,055,                                                      78,23
 y          5,718.                                   847.2                                                       1,566.

                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Digital   81                       9                                                   10
Leap                               -
          650,4            392,2            2,608,   50,08
motor                              310,8
          70,25            62,37            700.6    1,247.
Techn                              97,82
          9.18             8.85             3        47
ology                              8.43
Inform             723,4                                                                        723,4
ation              96.39                                                                        96.39
Securi    504,3            504,3
ty        75.75            75.75
Digital                                                                       333,9
Techn                                                                         95.11
e         63,05                    4,377,                                              67,43
Capita    4,968.                   586.7                                               2,554.
l         03                       7                                                   80

                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

           3,407,                                                    3,444,
Inform              37,23
           519.6                                                     758.2
ation               8.63
           3                                                         6
           1,291,   -                                                1,121,
et of
           851.5    170,0                                            844.5
           4        06.98                                            6
Park       461,5    136,7                                            598,2
Techn      29.12    58.25                                            87.37
o Cida
           1,638,   -                                                1,163,
           200.5    474,2                                            912.7
           9        87.86                                            3
Huach               -
           98,81                  6,218,                             95,38
uang                9,650,
           2,655.                 646.4                              0,797.
Vision              504.0
           44                     2                                  85
Techn               1

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

            1,461,                      538,3            2,608,    56,29     20,95            9,347,        727,4
 Subtot              723,4                      242,6                                                               723,4
            099,6                       17,46            700.6     9,893.    2,913.           065.5         53,62
 al                  96.39                      31,29                                                               96.39
            44.55                       6.08             3         89        24               2             9.75
            1,461,                      538,3            2,608,    56,29     20,95            9,347,        727,4
                     723,4                      242,6                                                               723,4
 Total      099,6                       17,46            700.6     9,893.    2,913.           065.5         53,62
                     96.39                      31,29                                                               96.39
            44.55                       6.08             3         89        24               2             9.75
The recoverable amount is determined according to the net amount of the fair value less the cost of disposal
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined according to the present value of the expected future cash flow
□ Applicable  Not applicable

14. Other Non-current Financial Assets

Unit: RMB
 Item                                     Closing balance                          Opening balance
 Investment in equity instruments         478,782,601.67                           375,902,994.01
 Investment in financial products         1,056,959,784.04                         555,140,136.32
 Total                                    1,535,742,385.71                         931,043,130.33

15. Investment Properties

(1) Investment properties measured by cost method

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

                          Buildings and                                     Projects under
 Item                                            Land use rights                                    Total
                          constructions                                     Construction
 Ⅰ. Original book
     1. Opening
                             505,929,279.97       15,815,729.08                                     521,745,009.05
     2. Increased in
                             207,345,187.79       13,538,219.52                                     220,883,407.31
 the Current Period
 (1) Purchase
 (2) Transfer of fixed
 assets\intangible           207,345,187.79       13,538,219.52                                     220,883,407.31
 (3) Acquisition
     3. Decreased in
                             539,160,477.48       29,353,948.60                                     568,514,426.08
 the Current Period
 (1) Disposal
 (2) Transfer to fixed
 assets/intangible           539,160,477.48       29,353,948.60                                     568,514,426.08
 (3) Other transfer-out

                                                   2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    4. Closing
                         174,113,990.28                                               174,113,990.28
Ⅱ. Accumulated
Depreciation and
    1. Opening
                         96,192,178.83    2,517,006.40                                 98,709,185.23
    2. Increased in      53,434,070.91    2,691,276.92                                 56,125,347.83
the Current Period
(1) Accrual or           23,617,545.18    354,085.01                                   23,971,630.19
(2) Transfer of fixed    29,816,525.73    2,337,191.91                                 32,153,717.64
(3) Acquisition
    3. Decreased in
                         105,149,263.46   5,208,283.32                                110,357,546.78
the Current Period
(1) Disposal
(2) Transfer to fixed
assets/intangible        105,149,263.46   5,208,283.32                                 110,357,546.78
(3) Other transfer-out
    4. Closing
                         44,476,986.28                                                44,476,986.28
Ⅲ. Impairment
    1. Opening
    2. Increased in
the Current Period
(1) Accrual
    3. Decreased in
the Current Period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other Transfer-
    4. Closing
Ⅳ. Book value
    1. Closing
Balance on Book          129,637,004.00                                                129,637,004.00
    2. Opening
Balance on Book          409,737,101.14   13,298,722.68                                423,035,823.82

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Investment properties measured at fair value

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Investment properties with certificates of title not granted

There are no investment properties with certificates of title not granted at the end of the period.

16. Fixed Assets

Unit: RMB
 Item                                      Closing balance                            Opening balance
 Fixed Assets                              4,937,180,876.88                           4,643,617,574.85
 Total                                     4,937,180,876.88                           4,643,617,574.85

(1) Fixed assets

Unit: RMB
                      Housing and          Machinery and        Means of              Electronic and
 Item                                                                                                    Total
                      building             equipment            transport             other equipment
 Ⅰ. Original book
     1. Opening       4,094,635,347.7                                                 1,709,315,308.3    6,373,267,960.8
                                           535,141,351.73       34,175,953.10
 Balance              3                                                               2                  8
      2. Increased
 in the Current       815,017,655.45       83,600,606.88        2,429,358.28          227,809,729.62
 (1) Purchase         134,418,249.12       83,600,606.88        2,429,358.28          227,809,729.62     448,257,943.90
 (2) Transferred
                      141,438,928.85                                                                     141,438,928.85
 Construction in
 (3) Acquisition
 (4) Transfer of
 investment           539,160,477.48                                                                     539,160,477.48
 Decreased in the     209,615,008.35       812,130.98           8,165,420.42          29,507,018.33      248,099,578.08
 Current Period
 (1) Disposal or
                      2,269,820.56         812,130.98           8,165,420.42          29,507,018.33      40,754,390.29
 (2) Transfer to
 investment real      207,345,187.79                                                                     207,345,187.79
 (3) Disposal of
      4. Currency
 Translation          173,211.10           105,849.71           307,989.47            1,069,325.47       1,656,375.75

                                                        2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    5. Closing                                                              1,908,687,345.0    7,255,682,108.7
                    4,700,211,205.93   618,035,677.34    28,747,880.43
Balance                                                                     8                  8
II. Accumulated
    1. Opening                                                              1,074,037,853.8    1,729,650,386.0
                    466,625,531.84     164,408,002.72    24,578,997.58
Balance                                                                     9                  3
     2. Increased
in the Current      307,214,921.87     52,277,475.99     3,232,073.42       283,716,623.16     646,441,094.44
(1) Accrual         202,065,658.41     52,277,475.99     3,232,073.42       283,716,623.16     541,291,830.98
(2) Transfer of
investment          105,149,263.46                                                             105,149,263.46
Decreased in the    30,087,877.28      332,279.22        6,222,073.02       22,008,206.16      58,650,435.68
Current Period
(1) Disposal or
                    271,351.55         332,279.22        6,222,073.02       22,008,206.16      28,833,909.95
(2) Transfer to
investment real     29,816,525.73                                                              29,816,525.73
(3) Disposal of
     4. Currency
Translation         38,972.50          99,986.14         185,100.04         736,128.43         1,060,187.11
    5. Closing                                                              1,336,482,399.3    2,318,501,231.9
                    743,791,548.93     216,453,185.63    21,774,098.02
Balance                                                                     2                  0
Ⅲ. Impairment
    1. Opening
     2. Increased
in the Current
(1) Accrual
Decreased in the
Current Period
(1) Disposal or
    4. Closing
Ⅳ. Book value
    1. Closing
                    3,956,419,657.0                                                            4,937,180,876.8
Balance on Book                        401,582,491.71    6,973,782.41       572,204,945.76
                    0                                                                          8
    2. Opening
                    3,628,009,815.8                                                            4,643,617,574.8
Balance on Book                        370,733,349.01    9,596,955.52       635,277,454.43
                    9                                                                          5

                                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Fixed Assets Leased by Operating Lease

Unit: RMB
 Item                                                     Book value at the end of the period
 Buildings and constructions                              329,733,097.17
 Electronic and other equipment                           113,479,267.18

(3) Fixed Assets with Certificates of Title Not Granted

Unit: RMB
                                                                              Reasons for certificates of title not
 Item                                 Book value
 Marketable housing at Cisco Smart                                            In the process of obtaining the real
 Technology Park                                                              estate certificates

(4) Impairment Test of Fixed Assets

□ Applicable  Not applicable

17. Construction in Progress

Unit: RMB
 Item                                 Closing balance                         Opening balance
 Projects under Construction          1,008,612,408.49                        423,535,552.03
 Total                                1,008,612,408.49                        423,535,552.03

(1) Construction in progress

Unit: RMB
                  Closing balance                                 Opening balance
 Item                               for                                             Provision for
                  Book balance                  Book value        Book balance                      Book value
                                    impairme                                        impairment
 Phase I,
 Information      37,183,163.71                 37,183,163.71     37,183,163.71                     37,183,163.71
 The phase II
 project of the
 smart                                                            16,685,912.78                     16,685,912.78
 base in
 Project of
 Smart IoT                                                        19,100,734.18                     19,100,734.18
 Solution R &

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 D and
 New project of
 R&D Center           263,076,398.23                 263,076,398.23      84,276,952.86                        84,276,952.86
 of Dahua Co.,
 New projects
                                                                         154,424,552.6                        154,424,552.6
 China                335,849,207.03                 335,849,207.03
                                                                         7                                    7
 Center of
 Smart IoT
 Base of
                      111,780,241.11                 111,780,241.11      36,643,528.49                        36,643,528.49
 Dahua in
 Project of
 Smart Product
                      101,525,907.86                 101,525,907.86
 Base of
 Others               159,197,490.55                 159,197,490.55      75,220,707.34                        75,220,707.34
                      1,008,612,408.4                1,008,612,408.4     423,535,552.0                        423,535,552.0
                      9                              9                   3                                    3

(2) Changes in significant construction in progress

Unit: RMB
                                                                                                   ng:       Capita
                                                  Other               accu               Accu
                                                                                                   capital   lizatio
                                                  amou                mulati             mulat
                                Increa   Transf                                                    ized      n rate
                                                  nts                 ve                 ed
                       Openi    sed in   er                Closin              Projec              intere    of the    Capita
               Bu                                 decre               invest             capital
 Item                  ng       the      amou              g                   t                   st        intere    l
               dg                                 ased                ment               ized
 Name                  balan    curren   nts in            balan               Progr               amou      st in     Sourc
               et                                 in                  as a               intere
                       ce       t        this              ce                  ess                 nt in     the       e
                                                  curren              perce              st
                                period   period                                                    the       curren
                                                  t                   ntage              amou
                                                                                                   curren    t
                                                  period              of the             nt
                                                                                                   t         period
 Project of
 Smart         R
 IoT           MB                                                     144.0                                            Equity
                       19,10    41,76    60,86
 Solution      91                                                     5%       100.0                                   funds/
                       0,734.   5,974.   6,708.
 R&D           2                                                      (Note    0%                                      raised
                       18       21       39
 and           mill                                                   1)                                               funds
 Industriali   ion
 phase II      R
 constructi    MB                                                     114.0                                            Equity
                       16,68    57,96    74,65
 on            82                                                     0%       100.0                                   funds/
                       5,912.   7,128.   3,041.
 project of    7                                                      (Note    0%                                      raised
                       78       63       41
 the smart     mill                                                   2)                                               funds
 manufact      ion

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 base in
 project of
               MB                                                                                           Equity
 Southwe              84,27    178,7                    263,0
               41                                                68.71     68.71                            funds/
 st R&D               6,952.   99,44                    76,39
               7                                                 %         %                                raised
 Center of            86       5.37                     8.23
               mill                                                                                         funds
 Co., Ltd.
 Southwe              154,4    181,4                    335,8
               39                                                92.34     92.34                            Equity
 stern                24,55    24,65                    49,20
               6                                                 %         %                                Fund
 China                2.67     4.36                     7.03
 n Center
 of Dahua
 Project of
 Smart                         101,5                    101,5
               60                                                18.44     18.44                            Equity
 Product                       25,90                    25,90
               0                                                 %         %                                Fund
 Manufact                      7.86                     7.86
 Base of
                      274,4    561,4   135,5            700,4
 Total                88,15    83,11   19,74            51,51
                      2.49     0.43    9.80             3.12
Note 1: Fixed assets of RMB 1,144,353,421.58 were transferred to the project in 2022.
Note 2: Fixed assets of RMB 443,849,828.33 were transferred to the project in 2021, and fixed assets of RMB
346,497,144.84 were transferred to the project in 2022.

(3) Impairment test of construction in progress

□ Applicable  Not applicable

18. Right-of-use Assets

(1) Right-of-use assets

Unit: RMB
 Item                            Housing and building       Machinery and equipment     Total
 Ⅰ. Original book value
        1. Opening Balance       469,271,896.25             8,884,640.73                478,156,536.98
     2. Increased in the
                                 135,826,421.70                                         135,826,421.70
 Current Period
     3. Decreased in the
                                 90,628,018.17                                          90,628,018.17
 Current Period
     4. Currency
                                 4,267,209.05                                           4,267,209.05
 Translation Difference
        5. Closing Balance       518,737,508.83             8,884,640.73                527,622,149.56
 II. Accumulated
        1. Opening Balance       162,419,018.11             1,036,541.37                163,455,559.48

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     2. Increased in the
                                  139,557,044.29               888,463.92                    140,445,508.21
 Current Period
       (1) Accrual                139,557,044.29               888,463.92                    140,445,508.21
     3. Decreased in the
                                  76,685,796.85                                              76,685,796.85
 Current Period
       (1) Disposal               76,685,796.85                                              76,685,796.85
     4. Currency
                                  1,204,292.16                                               1,204,292.16
 Translation Difference
       5. Closing Balance         226,494,557.71               1,925,005.29                  228,419,563.00
 Ⅲ. Impairment Provision
       1. Opening Balance
     2. Increased in the
 Current Period
       (1) Accrual
     3. Decreased in the
 Current Period
       (1) Disposal
       4. Closing Balance
 Ⅳ. Book value
    1. Closing Balance on
                                  292,242,951.12               6,959,635.44                  299,202,586.56
 Book Value
    2. Opening Balance on
                                  306,852,878.14               7,848,099.36                  314,700,977.50
 Book Value

(2) Impairment test of right-to-use assets

□ Applicable  Not applicable

19. Intangible Assets

(1) Details of intangible assets

Unit: RMB
                Land        use    Paten     Non-patented                                   Software
Item                                                        Software          Trademark                     Total
                rights             t right   technology                                     copyright
Ⅰ. Original
book value
                569,345,909.7                68,530,508.7   158,597,696.3     2,056,299.2   4,000,000.0     802,530,414.0
                9                            0              3                 0             0               2
Increased in
                70,574,548.60                               28,260,718.18                                   98,835,266.78
the Current
                41,220,600.00                               15,946,818.69                                   57,167,418.69
(2) Internal

                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(4) Transfer
of                                            12,313,899.49                               12,313,899.49
in progress
(5) Transfer
               29,353,948.60                                                              29,353,948.60
in the         13,538,219.52                  13,079,300.22                               26,617,519.74
(1) Disposal                                  13,079,300.22                               13,079,300.22
(2) Transfer
               13,538,219.52                                                              13,538,219.52
real estate
4. Currency
Translation    21,815.00                      37,499.94       20,942.40                   80,257.34
               626,404,053.8   68,530,508.7   173,816,614.2   2,077,241.6   4,000,000.0   874,828,418.4
               7               0              3               0             0             0
                               53,757,725.6   131,322,703.2   2,056,299.2   4,000,000.0   245,347,162.9
Opening        54,210,434.77
                               7              6               0             0             0
Increased in
               18,832,959.57   4,771,977.45   25,963,058.28                               49,567,995.30
the Current
(1) Accrual    13,624,676.25   4,771,977.45   25,963,058.28                               44,359,711.98
(2) Transfer
               5,208,283.32                                                               5,208,283.32
in the         2,337,191.91                   12,488,194.97                               14,825,386.88
(1) Disposal                                  12,488,194.97                               12,488,194.97
(2) Transfer
               2,337,191.91                                                               2,337,191.91

                                                          2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

real estate
                                                        38,686.57        20,942.40                    59,628.97
                                       58,529,703.1     144,836,253.1    2,077,241.6   4,000,000.0    280,149,400.2
Closing        70,706,202.43
                                       2                4                0             0              9
Increased in
the Current
(1) Accrual
in the
(1) Disposal
Ⅳ. Book
Closing        555,697,851.4           10,000,805.5                                                   594,679,018.1
Balance on     4                       8                                                              1
Book Value
Opening        515,135,475.0           14,772,783.0                                                   557,183,251.1
Balance on     2                       3                                                              2
Book Value

The intangible assets from internal research and development of the Company at the end of this period account for
0.00% of the intangible assets balance.

(2) No land use right with certificates of title not granted at the end of the period

20. Goodwill

(1) Original book value of goodwill

Unit: RMB
 The   invested   Opening         Increased in the current period   Decreased in the current period   Closing

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 entity     or    balance                                                                                 balance
 matters which
                                     from business                      Disposal
 Technology       6,615,294.18                                                                            6,615,294.18
 Italy S.R.L.
 Total            6,615,294.18                                                                            6,615,294.18

(2) Impairment provision for goodwill

Unit: RMB
 The invested                        Increased in the current period    Decreased in the current period
 entity     or
                  Opening                                                                                 Closing
 matters which
                  balance            Accrued                            Disposal                          balance
 Technology       0.00                                                                                    0.00
 Italy S.R.L.
 Total            0.00                                                                                    0.00

(3) Information about the asset group or asset group combination where the goodwill is

                                Composition and basis of                                    Whether it remains the
                                                               Operation subsection and
Name                            the asset group or                                          same with the previous
                                combination                                                 year
                                The asset group relating to
                                the goodwill formed by
                                acquisition of Dahua
                                Technology Italy S.R.L.,
Dahua Technology Italy          that is, the long-term asset
S.R.L.                          group, including fixed
                                assets and intangible
                                assets, formed for Dahua
                                Technology Italy S.R.L. on
                                December 31, 2023.

(4) Specific method for determination of the recoverable amount

The recoverable amount is determined according to the net amount of the fair value less the cost of disposal
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined according to the present value of the expected future cash flow
 Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

                                                                               Key           Key           Basis for
                                                                Years of the
                                 Recoverabl      Impairment                    parameters    parameters    determinati
 Item            Book value                                     forecast
                                 e amount        amount                        for the       for the       on of key
                                                                               forecast      steady        parameters

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  period         period        for the
                                                                                  In the         In the
                                                                                                               In the
                                                                                  forecast       forecast
                                                                                  period, the    period, the
 DahuaTech                                                                        revenue        revenue
                  96,758,357.    199,959,15                                                                    there is no
 nologyItalyS                                     0.00            2024-2028       growth rate    growth rate
                  72             4.35                                                                          revenue
 .R.L.                                                                            is 9%-10%;     is 0%; the
                                                                                                               growth, as
                                                                                  the discount   discount
                                                                                  rate is        rate is
                                                                                  15.60%         15.60%
                  96,758,357.    199,959,15
 Total                                            0.00
                  72             4.35

(5) Fulfillment of performance commitments and impairment of corresponding goodwill

Performance commitments have been made when the goodwill is formed and the reporting period or the previous
reporting period is covered by the performance commitment period
□ Applicable  Not applicable

21. Long-term Deferred Expenses

Unit: RMB
                                              Increased in the                        Other Amounts
 Item                  Opening balance                            Expenses in This                        Closing balance
                                              current period                          Decreased
 expenditure     of
 fixed      assets     73,500,488.41          36,967,119.14       40,993,188.61       -488,464.81         69,962,883.75
 leased         by
 operating lease
 Renovation Cost       57,125,934.56          27,135,437.72       18,888,982.08                           65,372,390.20
 Total                 130,626,422.97         64,102,556.86       59,882,170.69       -488,464.81         135,335,273.95

22. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets not written off

Unit: RMB
                            Closing balance                                   Opening balance
 Item                       Deductible temporary     Deferred Income Tax      Deductible temporary    Deferred Income Tax
                            difference               Assets                   difference              Assets
 Provision         for
                            2,945,448,093.79         561,492,926.21           2,926,506,726.22        578,958,458.15
 Impairment of Assets
 Unrealized      Profit
 from         Internal      1,849,888,966.76         436,702,186.90           871,706,793.72          172,050,495.83
 Deductible Losses          615,050,031.87           101,761,861.84           819,688,449.21          143,540,714.98
 Equity         incentive   291,671,905.31           45,689,152.55            27,100,033.66           4,227,763.19

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Expected Liabilities       170,920,678.13            26,157,016.58              192,813,041.57             29,194,206.38
 Payroll payable            253,599,826.64            41,664,283.10              255,864,043.82             42,002,714.30
 Costs     from       Tax
 Increase Due to            557,868,000.15            107,970,125.57             358,704,786.40             75,803,754.22
 Absence of Invoice
 Changes in fair value
                            1,458,799.36              364,699.84                 1,458,799.36               364,699.84
 gains and losses
 Book-tax difference
                            188,753,783.73            35,399,648.53              167,625,574.63             28,803,549.48
 of lease Liabilities
 Investment in non-
                            520,408,538.53            78,061,280.78
 monetary assets
 Others                     111,452,227.57            17,921,647.45              113,086,781.94             21,087,983.51
 Total                      7,506,520,851.84          1,453,184,829.35           5,734,555,030.53           1,096,034,339.88

(2) Non-offset deferred income tax liabilities

Unit: RMB
                            Closing balance                                      Opening balance
 Item                       Taxable    temporary      Deferred Income Tax        Taxable    temporary       Deferred Income Tax
                            difference                Liabilities                difference                 Liabilities
 The gross profit of
                            58,360,423.87             10,150,707.92              77,645,933.88              13,600,068.25
 sales by installments
 Changes in fair value
 of            financial    378,324,828.79            56,893,999.27              273,376,308.00             41,006,446.20
 Book-tax difference
                            182,618,578.98            34,371,567.43              114,223,037.07             28,176,354.61
 of right-of-use assets
 Investment in non-
                            430,682,928.47            64,602,439.27
 monetary assets
 Total                      1,049,986,760.11          166,018,713.89             465,245,278.95             82,782,869.06

(3) Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities Listed by Net Amount after Offset

Unit: RMB
                            Amount of Deferred        Balance of Deferred        Amount of Deferred         Balance of Deferred
                            Income Tax Assets         Income Tax Assets or       Income Tax Assets          Income Tax Assets or
 Item                       Offset          against   Liabilities after Offset   Offset           against   Liabilities after Offset
                            Liabilities at the End    at the End of the          Liabilities at the Start   at the Start of the
                            of the Period             Period                     of the Period              Period
 Deferred Income Tax
                            165,281,346.70            1,287,903,482.65           81,614,395.73              1,014,419,944.15
 Deferred Income Tax
                            165,281,346.70            737,367.19                 81,614,395.73              1,168,473.33

(4) Deferred income tax assets or liabilities listed by net amount after offset

Unit: RMB
 Item                                         Closing balance                             Opening balance
 Deductible temporary difference              562,186,328.66                              428,369,185.61

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Deductible Losses                        1,660,894,695.64                            1,228,910,987.48
 Total                                    2,223,081,024.30                            1,657,280,173.09

(5) Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

Unit: RMB
 Year                          Closing balance                  Opening balance                   Notes
 2023                                                           31,938,173.71
 2024                          123,399,991.24                   123,444,991.24
 2025                          260,522,250.84                   260,585,329.81
 2026                          331,413,381.74                   331,765,660.29
 2027                          476,126,194.63                   481,176,832.43
 2028                          469,432,877.19
 Total                         1,660,894,695.64                 1,228,910,987.48

23. Other Non-current Assets

Unit: RMB
                   Closing balance                                        Opening balance
 Item                                Provision for                                            Provision for
                   Book balance                         Book value        Book balance                         Book value
                                     impairment                                               impairment
                   80,729,279.52     5,837,202.88       74,892,076.64     29,115,751.74                        29,115,751.74
 for purchase      129,167,069.1                        129,167,069.1
                                                                          50,986,092.83                        50,986,092.83
 of engineering    9                                    9
 for acquisition                                                          40,020,000.00                        40,020,000.00
 of land
 for acquisition   5,893,664.25                         5,893,664.25      21,110,059.00                        21,110,059.00
 of real estate
 Others            856,454.41                           856,454.41
                   216,646,467.3                        210,809,264.4     141,231,903.5                        141,231,903.5
 Total                               5,837,202.88
                   7                                    9                 7                                    7

24. Assets with restricted ownership rights or rights to use

Unit: RMB
               At the End of the Period                                 At the Start of the Period

 Item                                                    Descriptio                                                Descriptio
               Book         Book          Type of                       Book          Book           Type of
                                                         n of                                                      n of
               balance      value         restriction                   balance       value          restriction
                                                         restriction                                               restriction
                                          Guarantee                                                  Guarantee
                                          letter                                                     letter
 Cash and
               75,843,68    75,843,68     security       Restricted     130,637,5     130,637,5      security      Restricted
               3.23         3.23          deposit        for use        42.35         42.35          deposit       for use
                                          and other                                                  and other
                                          restricted                                                 restricted

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                          funds                                                    funds
                                          Pledge                                                   Pledge
                                          used to                                                  used to
                                          issue                                                    issue
                                          bank                                                     bank
                                          acceptanc                                                acceptanc
                                          e bills and                                              e bills and
 and           951,747,3     951,747,3                   Restricted   1,156,827,    1,156,827,                   Restricted
                                          endorsed                                                 endorsed
 receivable    62.20         62.20                       for use      692.59        692.59                       for use
                                          or                                                       or
                                          discounte                                                discounte
                                          d notes                                                  d notes
                                          not                                                      not
                                          derecogni                                                derecogni
                                          zed                                                      zed
                                          Non-                                                     Non-
                                          derecognit                                               derecognit
                                          ion of                                                   ion of
                                          supply                                                   supply
 Accounts      7,238,385.    7,238,385.                  Restricted   7,912,141.    7,912,141.                   Restricted
                                          chain                                                    chain
 receivable    64            64                          for use      60            60                           for use
                                          finance                                                  finance
                                          discountin                                               discountin
                                          g and                                                    g and
                                          factoring                                                factoring
                                                                                                   Pledge for
                                                                      120,632,0     120,632,0      bank          Restricted
                                                                      81.66         81.66          borrowing     for use
                                                                                                   Pledge for
                                                                      27,786,15     27,786,15      bank          Restricted
                                                                      9.55          9.55           borrowing     for use
 Due within
 1 Year
               1,034,829,    1,034,829,                               1,443,795,    1,443,795,
               431.07        431.07                                   617.75        617.75

25. Short-term loans

(1) Categories of short-term loan

Unit: RMB
 Item                                     Closing balance                           Opening balance
 Pledged loans                            400,000,000.00
 Fiduciary loans                          549,800,000.00                            249,800,000.00
 Factoring loans of supply chain
                                          7,238,385.64                              7,912,141.60
 finance etc.
 Interest payable for short-term loan     387,944.54                                231,476.91
 Total                                    957,426,330.18                            257,943,618.51

Notes on categories of short-term loan:

The pledged loans are acceptance bills and letters of credit issued between the related parties included in the scope of
consolidation, and will be listed as short-term loans in the consolidated statements.

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Unpaid short-term loans that have been overdue

At the end of the current period, the Group has no unpaid short-term loans that have been overdue.

26. Transactional financial liabilities

Unit: RMB
 Item                                        Closing balance                        Opening balance
 Transactional financial liabilities         61,400.12                              26,652,319.25
 Of      which:   Derivative     financial
                                             61,400.12                              26,652,319.25
 Total                                       61,400.12                              26,652,319.25

27. Notes payable

Unit: RMB
 Types                                       Closing balance                        Opening balance
 Commercial acceptance bill                  2,050,859,385.48                       2,821,289,185.08
 Bank acceptance bill                        1,245,435,560.78                       1,542,808,576.09
 Total                                       3,296,294,946.26                       4,364,097,761.17

28. Accounts payable

(1) Details of accounts payable

Unit: RMB
 Item                                        Closing balance                        Opening balance
 Payment for purchase of materials           5,295,784,509.14                       6,577,743,073.06
 Payment for engineering equipments          519,338,686.41                         762,534,315.23
 Total                                       5,815,123,195.55                       7,340,277,388.29

(2) Important accounts payable aged over 1 year

There are no important accounts payable aged over 1 year.

29. Other payables

Unit: RMB
 Item                                        Closing balance                        Opening balance
 Dividends Payable                           23,667,047.02
 Other Payables                              788,757,099.50                         1,004,056,999.91
 Total                                       812,424,146.52                         1,004,056,999.91

(1) Dividends payable

Unit: RMB
 Item                                        Closing balance                        Opening balance

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Equity Incentive Restricted Stock
 Total                                   23,667,047.02

(2) Other payables

1) Other payables listed by nature of funds

Unit: RMB
 Item                                    Closing balance                        Opening balance
 Deposits                                119,727,924.44                         118,085,781.49
 Temporarily borrowed and advance
                                         325,491,021.42                         230,952,097.15
 Restricted share repurchase
                                         326,740,652.18                         609,859,632.00
 Others                                  16,797,501.46                          45,159,489.27
 Total                                   788,757,099.50                         1,004,056,999.91

2) Other important payables aged over 1 year or overdue

There are no other important payables aged over 1 year or overdue.

30. Contract liabilities

Unit: RMB
 Item                                    Closing balance                        Opening balance
 Payments for sales of goods             248,523,384.39                         378,029,459.81
 Pre-payments from construction          606,995,011.21
 Sales of points                         40,987,601.52                          55,754,785.19
 Service expense collected in            298,028,309.92
 Total                                   1,194,534,307.04                       1,219,548,011.88

31. Payroll payable

(1) Details of payroll payable

Unit: RMB
                                                Increased in the        Decreased in the
 Item                    Opening balance                                                         Closing balance
                                                current period          current period
 Ⅰ. Short-term
                         1,562,938,094.00       7,010,504,873.69        6,645,977,061.18         1,927,465,906.51
 Ⅱ. Dimission
 benefits - defined      2,988,616.11           350,360,521.00          348,992,178.96           4,356,958.15
 contribution plan
 Ⅲ. Dismissal welfare   17,276,455.32          38,805,593.07           53,949,281.93            2,132,766.46
 Total                   1,583,203,165.43       7,399,670,987.76        7,048,918,522.07         1,933,955,631.12

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Details of short-term remuneration

Unit: RMB
                                                  Increased in the        Decreased in the
 Item                       Opening balance                                                        Closing balance
                                                  current period          current period
 1. Wages or salaries,
 bonuses, allowances        1,265,686,016.61      6,169,213,457.32        5,804,204,972.24         1,630,694,501.69
 and subsidies
 2. Staff welfare           21,457.48             126,373,634.97          126,395,092.45
 3. Social insurance
                            1,414,489.58          203,164,857.12          202,804,392.74           1,774,953.96
     Including: medical
                            1,243,067.14          193,268,276.22          192,959,564.20           1,551,779.16
            Work injury
                            171,422.44            8,915,352.27            8,864,433.03             222,341.68
 insurance premium
                                                  981,228.63              980,395.51               833.12
 insurance premium
 4. Housing funds           70,886.51             400,355,402.94          400,305,028.02           121,261.43
 5. Labor union and
                            295,745,243.82        111,397,521.34          112,267,575.73           294,875,189.43
 education funds
 Total                      1,562,938,094.00      7,010,504,873.69        6,645,977,061.18         1,927,465,906.51

(3) Details of defined contribution plans

Unit: RMB
                                                  Increased in the        Decreased in the
 Item                     Opening balance                                                          Closing balance
                                                  current period          current period
 1. Basic pension
                          2,740,907.32            334,554,328.00          333,343,909.34           3,951,325.98
 2. Unemployment
                          247,708.79              15,806,193.00           15,648,269.62            405,632.17
 Total                    2,988,616.11            350,360,521.00          348,992,178.96           4,356,958.15

32. Taxes and fees payable

Unit: RMB
 Item                                      Closing balance                        Opening balance
 VAT                                       363,245,736.32                         174,205,171.22
 Enterprise Income Tax                     762,303,704.91                         94,127,161.97
 Individual income tax                     34,441,288.75                          27,792,426.06
 Urban Maintenance and Construction
                                           21,936,677.77                          8,019,521.09
 Stamp duty                                10,066,368.59                          7,984,104.22
 Education surcharges (including local
                                           15,669,021.79                          5,728,229.41
 education surcharges)
 House property tax                        30,701,891.59                          8,992,842.44
 Others                                    5,117,671.36                           32,291.37
 Total                                     1,243,482,361.08                       326,881,747.78

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

33. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

Unit: RMB
 Item                                       Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Long-term debt due within one year         750,000,000.00                        2,376,950,000.00
 Lease liabilities due within 1 year        116,027,750.99                        123,421,101.68
 Interest payable due within 1 year         694,277.76                            2,639,684.05
 Other loans due within 1 year              35,000,000.00                         55,000,000.00
 Total                                      901,722,028.75                        2,558,010,785.73

34. Other current liabilities

Unit: RMB
 Item                                       Closing balance                       Opening balance
 To-be-transferred sales      taxes    in   34,104,924.61
 To-be-transferred sales      taxes    of   81,757,348.46
 contract liabilities
 Notes not derecognised                     39,320,431.95                         24,731,965.07
 Total                                      155,182,705.02                        166,004,612.27

35. Long-term loans

Unit: RMB
 Item                                       Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Pledged loans                                                                    77,000,000.00
 Fiduciary loans                                                                  376,825,000.00
 Total                                                                            453,825,000.00

36. Lease liabilities

Unit: RMB
 Item                                       Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Lease payments                             313,410,607.81                        343,827,129.39
 Less:    Derecognized       financing      20,802,807.25                         24,065,373.44
 Less: Lease liabilities due within 1       116,027,750.99                        123,421,101.68
 Total                                      176,580,049.57                        196,340,654.27

37. Estimated liabilities

Unit: RMB
 Item                            Closing balance               Opening balance             Causes
 Pending litigation              27,829,629.48                 1,111,463.96                Pending litigation
 Others                          469,642.57                    135,647.46                  Loss-making contract
 Expected       after-sales
                                 178,727,096.75                213,524,280.22              After-sales maintenance
 maintenance cost

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Expected return     amount
                                17,516,258.10                  12,992,996.29                  Expected sales return
 after the period
 Total                          224,542,626.90                 227,764,387.93

38. Deferred income

Unit: RMB
                                           Increased in the    Decreased in the
 Item                Opening balance                                                 Closing balance     Causes
                                           current period      current period
 Government                                                                                              government
                     104,663,047.38        61,122,500.00       13,941,174.36         151,844,373.02
 subsidies                                                                                               subsidies related
                                                                                                         to assets
                                           29,734,600.00       14,867,299.98         14,867,300.02       subsidies related
                                                                                                         to income
 Total               104,663,047.38        90,857,100.00       28,808,474.34         166,711,673.04      --

39. Other non-current liabilities

Unit: RMB
 Item                                      Closing balance                           Opening balance
 To-be-transferred   sales    taxes   in
                                           119,054,046.66                            169,084,072.08
 Other loans                                                                         35,000,000.00
 Total                                     119,054,046.66                            204,084,072.08

40. Share capital

Unit: RMB
                                Increased or decreased amount in this period (+/-)

                Opening                                        Shares                                         Closing
                balance                         Bonus          converted                                      balance
                                newly                                          Others         Subtotal
                                                shares         from capital
                3,033,161,1     293,103,40                                                    261,307,82      3,294,468,9
 Total shares                                                                  31,795,580.
                70.00           0.00                                                          0.00            90.00
Other notes:

(1) According to the Proposal on the Company’s Plan for the Non-public Issuance of Shares in 2021 and other
issuance-related proposals reviewed and approved at the Company’s 12th, 19th, 23rd, 29th and 31st sessions of the
7th board of directors and 2020 shareholders’ general meeting as well as the Proposal on Extension of the Validity
Period of the Resolutions and Authorizations of the Shareholders' General Meeting on Non-public Issuance of Shares
reviewed and approved by the first interim shareholders' meeting in 2022, the Company issued 293,103,400 ordinary
shares (A shares) in RMB to specific objects and increased the registered capital by RMB 293,103,400.00 upon
approval by the China Securities Regulatory Commission through the Reply on Approving the Non-public Issuance of
Shares by Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. (Zheng Jian License [2022] No. 853). The above contribution has
been verified through Verification Report Xin Kuai Shi Bao Zi [2023] No. ZF10231 issued by BDO China Shu Lun Pan

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

CPAs (special general partnership), and the Company has accomplished the industrial and commercial registration of
changes in June 2023.

(2) According to the resolution of the 42nd session of the 7th board of directors of the Company held on April 27, 2023
and the amended Articles of Association and the resolution of the 2022 shareholders’ general meeting of the Company,
the Company repurchased and canceled 31,795,580 granted but locked restricted ordinary shares (A shares) in RMB
from 4,249 incentive objects, reducing the registered capital by RMB 31,795,580.00, and the registered capital after
the change was reduced to RMB 3,294,468,990.00. The above capital reduction has been verified through Verification
Report Xin Kuai Shi Bao Zi [2023] No. ZF11079 issued by BDO China Shu Lun Pan CPAs (special general
partnership), and the Company has accomplished the industrial and commercial registration of changes in August

41. Capital reserve

Unit: RMB
                                                  Increased in the        Decreased in the
 Item                    Opening balance                                                          Closing balance
                                                  current period          current period
 Capital premium
 (capital share          1,982,401,079.59         4,967,342,743.71        247,132,716.28          6,702,611,107.02
 Other capital
                         1,967,808,163.66         306,389,676.44          1,852,682,950.63        421,514,889.47
 Total                   3,950,209,243.25         5,273,732,420.15        2,099,815,666.91        7,124,125,996.49

Other notes, including increases or decreases in this period and their reasons:

(1) The amount of employee service fee that the Company received in exchange by equity payments in this period was
RMB 288,440,579.53, where the capital reserve (other capital reserve) was increased by RMB 242,983,029.13 and
the capital reserve (capital share premium) was increased by RMB 45,457,550.40; in the equity-settled share-based
payment, minority shareholders enjoyed RMB 57,518,604.78, where the capital reserve (other capital reserve) was
reduced by RMB 41,428,548.80 and the capital reserve (capital share premium) was reduced by RMB 16,090,055.98.
The impact amount of the income tax on the part that the amount deductible before tax exceeded the share-based
payment related cost which the accounting standards allows to recognize, was RMB 7,106,753.42, increasing other
capital reserves.

(2) In this period, the Company repurchased and canceled 31,795,580 granted but locked restricted shares from equity
incentive objects, reducing the share capital by RMB 31,795,580.00 and the capital reserve (capital share premium) by
RMB 227,656,352.80;

(3) According to the Proposal on the Company’s Plan for the Non-public Issuance of Shares in 2021 and other
issuance-related proposals reviewed and approved at the Company’s 12th, 19th, 23rd, 29th and 31st sessions of the
7th board of directors and 2020 shareholders’ general meeting as well as the Proposal on Extension of the Validity
Period of the Resolutions and Authorizations of the Shareholders' General Meeting on Non-public Issuance of Shares
reviewed and approved by the first interim shareholders' meeting in 2022, the Company issued 293,103,400 ordinary
shares (A shares) in RMB to specific objects and increased the capital reserve (share capital premium) by RMB
4,796,729,184.72 upon approval by the China Securities Regulatory Commission through the Reply on Approving the
Non-public Issuance of Shares by Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. (Zheng Jian License [2022] No. 853).

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(4) The impact of changes in other owners' equity of the affiliates that the Company should enjoy under the current
equity method increased other capital reserves by RMB 56,299,893.89.

(5) During the disposal of the equities in the affiliates in the current period, the owner's equities which were recognized
due to changes in other owner's equities of the investees except for net profits and losses and other comprehensive
income and profit distributions were carried over into the current investment income, reducing the capital reserve
(other capital reserve) by RMB 1,811,254,401.83.

(6) In the current period, the capital reserve (share capital premium) was reduced by RMB 3,342,009.84 in total due to
the acquisition and disposal of minority interests of the subsidiaries; the change in the net assets, which amounted to
RMB 112,906,008.59, enjoyed by the Company according to its shareholding ratio when the subsidiaries increased
their registered capital was included in the capital reserve (share capital premium), .

(7) According to the resolution of the 46th session of the 7th board of directors of the Company held on August 25,
2023, the Company repurchased its shares in a centralized competitive bidding with a total amount for repurchase of
not less than RMB 400 million (inclusive) and not more than RMB 600 million (inclusive), which will be used to
implement subsequent equity incentives or employee stock ownership plans. In the current period, the Company
repurchased 19,819,601 shares. The total repurchase cost was RMB 420,003,508.93 (including transaction costs of
RMB 44,297.66), and the capital reserve (share premium) was reduced by RMB 44,297.66.

(8) Some employees of the Company indirectly accepted part of the equities from Zhejiang Healnoc Technology Co.,
Ltd. controlled by the actual controller, where share-based payment was involved, and the share-based payment fee,
which was RMB 12,250,000.00, was included in the capital reserve (share capital premium).

42. Treasury share

Unit: RMB
                                                   Increased in the          Decreased in the
 Item                     Opening balance                                                            Closing balance
                                                   current period            current period
 Restricted shares        609,859,632.00                                     283,118,979.82          326,740,652.18
 Share repurchase                                  419,959,211.27                                    419,959,211.27
 Total                    609,859,632.00           419,959,211.27            283,118,979.82          746,699,863.45

Other notes, including increases or decreases in this period and their reasons:

(1) In the current period, the Company repurchased 19,819,601 shares. The total repurchase cost was RMB
420,003,508.93 (including transaction costs of RMB 44,297.66), and the treasure shares were increased by RMB

(2) In the current period, the Company repurchased 31,795,580 granted but locked restricted shares, reducing the
share capital by RMB 31,795,580.00, reducing the capital reserve (share premium) by RMB 227,656,352.80, and
reducing the corresponding treasury shares by RMB 259,451,932.80.

(3) The cash dividends allocated to restricted share holders reduced treasury shares and related liabilities. The cash
dividends allocated to related former employees were recovered due to their departure, reducing the treasure shares
by RMB 23,667,047.02 in total.

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

43. Other comprehensive income

Unit: RMB
                              Amount Occurred in the Current Period
                                            Less:         Recorded
                                            recorded      into other
                                            into other    comprehe
                                            comprehe      nsive
                                            nsive         incomes
                Opening                                                Less:      Attributabl      e to the      Closing
 Item                         Before tax    incomes       in
                balance                                                Income     e to the         minority      balance
                              balance in    in            previous
                                                                       Tax        Company          sharehold
                              this period   previous      period and
                                                                       Expense    after tax        ers after
                                            period and    transferre
                                            transferre    d to
                                            d to P/L in   retained
                                            current       earnings
                                            period        in current
 I.    Other
                36,942,33     29,150,99                                           29,050,68        100,314.1     65,993,02
                9.77          5.25                                                1.06             9             0.83
 that will be
 d into P/L
                36,942,33     29,150,99                                           29,050,68        100,314.1     65,993,02
                9.77          5.25                                                1.06             9             0.83
                36,942,33     29,150,99                                           29,050,68        100,314.1     65,993,02
                9.77          5.25                                                1.06             9             0.83
 in total

44. Surplus reserves

Unit: RMB
                                                    Increased in the       Decreased in the
 Item                       Opening balance                                                          Closing balance
                                                    current period         current period
 Statutory surplus
                            1,553,691,005.92        93,543,489.08                                    1,647,234,495.00
 Total                      1,553,691,005.92        93,543,489.08                                    1,647,234,495.00

Notes on the surplus reserve, including increases or decreases in this period and their reasons:

According to the provisions in the Company Law and the Company's Articles of Association, the Company will take the
statutory surplus reserve at 10% of the net profit of the parent company, which will be no more than 50% of the share
capital of the parent company.

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

45. Undistributed profits

Unit: RMB
 Item                                       Current Period                          Previous Period
 Undistributed Profit before
 Adjustment at the End of Previous          17,872,654,791.67                       16,331,012,273.48
 Undistributed Profit after Adjustment
                                            17,872,654,791.67                       16,331,012,273.48
 at the Start of the Period
 Add: net profit attributable to parent
                                            7,361,892,404.52                        2,324,356,092.20
 company's owner in current period
 Less: withdrawal for statutory surplus
     Payable dividends on ordinary
                                            1,817,223,955.97                        808,528,697.10
 Add: Common stock dividends
 corresponding to repurchase and            7,662,734.78                            25,815,123.09
 cancellation of restricted stocks
 Others                                     2,608,700.63
 Undistributed Profit at the End of the
                                            23,334,051,186.55                       17,872,654,791.67

46. Operating revenue and operating cost

(1) Operating revenue and operating cost
Unit: RMB
                          Amount Occurred in the Current Period            Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
                          Income                   Cost                    Income                     Cost
 Main Business            31,843,580,629.17        18,396,945,561.74       30,161,716,309.37          18,684,304,073.94
 Other businesses         374,737,007.60           278,025,361.72          403,653,703.27             305,493,596.98
 Total                    32,218,317,636.77        18,674,970,923.46       30,565,370,012.64          18,989,797,670.92

Whether the lower of audited net profit before or after non-recurring gains and losses is negative
□ Yes  No
(2) Information related to operating revenue and operating cost (by product)
Unit: RMB
                                          Amount Occurred in the Current Period
                                          Income                                  Cost
Smart IoT Products and Solutions          26,644,648,182.18                       14,925,853,403.30
Including: Software Business              1,797,226,644.00                        591,429,713.59
Innovative Businesses                     4,906,653,657.98                        3,169,076,284.13

Others                                    667,015,796.61                          580,041,236.03

Total                                     32,218,317,636.77                       18,674,970,923.46

(3) Information related to operating revenue and operating cost (by region)
Unit: RMB

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                       Amount Occurred in the Current Period
                                       Income                                    Cost
Domestic                               16,891,274,970.99                         10,462,264,668.17
Overseas                               15,327,042,665.78                         8,212,706,255.29
Total                                  32,218,317,636.77                         18,674,970,923.46

Information about performance of obligations:

The Company fulfills its performance obligations in a timely manner as agreed in the contract and recognizes the
related income when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods, which is mainly divided into fulfilling the
performance obligations at a certain point in time and fulfilling the performance obligations within a certain period of
The Company recognizes income from the sales of goods when control of the goods passes, i.e., when the goods are
delivered to the counterparty's designated location, or to the counterparty's designated carrier, or when they are
delivered to the counterparty for acceptance.
The Company identifies part of the business as a performance obligation to be fulfilled within a certain period of time
according to the nature of the business. The Company shall recognize the income according to the performance
progress within that period of time, except where the performance progress cannot be reasonably recognized. The
Company employs the output method or input method to determine the performance progress. If the performance
progress cannot be reasonably recognized and the costs incurred are expected to be compensated, the income shall
be recognized according to the amount of costs incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably recognized.

47. Taxes and surcharges

Unit: RMB
                                          Amount Occurred in the Current           Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                          Period                                   Period
 Urban Maintenance and Construction
                                          106,501,298.77                           85,046,979.25
 Education Surcharges                     76,094,343.54                            60,753,558.66
 House property tax                       59,855,960.89                            20,430,778.31
 Land usage tax                           7,903,136.79                             1,722,816.00
 Vehicle and vessel use tax               56,476.48                                57,285.50
 Stamp duty                               22,285,309.84                            17,295,563.62
 Others                                   3,089,670.74                             2,390,610.71
 Total                                    275,786,197.05                           187,697,592.05

48. Administrative expenses

Unit: RMB
 Item                                     Amount of this period                    Amount of Previous Period
 Labor cost                               742,212,609.53                           737,894,844.39
 Depreciation cost and asset              159,254,353.46                           133,589,218.51
 Administrative expenses                  90,685,611.32                            81,062,193.37
 Consumables and service fees             39,845,264.04                            37,687,414.35
 Knowledge resource fee                   147,815,551.33                           88,112,477.47

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Transportation and vehicle expenses      3,451,347.31                          3,181,164.59
 Traveling expense                        11,774,618.38                         5,526,857.80
 Business entertainment                   11,246,490.69                         8,796,525.93
 Others                                   51,143,668.21                         48,118,127.48
 Total                                   1,257,429,514.27                       1,143,968,823.89

49. Selling expenses

Unit: RMB
 Item                                    Amount of this period                  Amount of Previous Period
 Labor cost                              3,290,466,360.63                       3,054,002,350.17
 After-sales service expense             384,247,693.06                         347,770,558.29
 Transportation and vehicle expenses     49,041,851.21                          38,162,453.78
 Marketing expense                       457,846,542.52                         507,623,672.50
 Administrative expenses                 150,970,949.50                         164,392,490.70
 Traveling expense                       287,167,778.90                         242,619,313.30
 Business entertainment                  250,873,194.98                         205,931,581.17
 Taxation and insurance expense          112,356,918.50                         212,677,239.07
 Communication expense                   25,008,755.46                          24,856,805.07
 Knowledge resource fee                  55,724,443.18                          74,744,704.72
 Depreciation     cost   and    asset    175,742,287.43                         158,905,072.75
 Others                                  53,123,450.32                          83,476,918.09
 Total                                   5,292,570,225.69                       5,115,163,159.61

50. R&D expenses

Unit: RMB
 Item                                    Amount of this period                  Amount of Previous Period
 Labor cost                              3,543,375,607.63                       3,436,548,913.49
 Research consumables and service        172,532,981.67                         216,082,660.80
 Depreciation    cost    and asset       117,315,005.47                         95,196,552.16
 Traveling expense                       57,860,404.79                          49,067,671.55
 Administrative expenses                 34,045,660.92                          40,756,648.46
 Communication expense                   28,994,641.13                          25,135,407.16
 Others                                  13,124,493.61                          20,217,729.20
 Total                                   3,967,248,795.22                       3,883,005,582.82

51. Financial expenses

Unit: RMB
                                         Amount Occurred in the Current         Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                         Period                                 Period
 Interest expense                        95,985,194.10                          129,841,192.93
 Including: interest expenses on lease    14,312,541.58                         13,841,181.48
 Less: interest income                   345,537,378.77                         197,933,592.28

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 The profit or loss on foreign            -180,137,872.79                        -481,747,756.10
 Others                                   20,382,067.84                          38,863,357.47
 Total                                     -409,307,989.62                       -510,976,797.98

52. Other incomes

Unit: RMB
                                          Amount Occurred in the Current         Amount Occurred in the Previous
 Sources of other incomes
                                          Period                                 Period
 Government subsidies                     932,712,195.04                         980,662,878.33
 Additional input tax deduction           134,932.81                             883,220.53
 Refund of individual income tax and
                                          9,920,044.98                           7,292,218.35
 service charge
 Total                                    942,767,172.83                         988,838,317.21

53. Income from changes in fair value

Unit: RMB
 Source of the income from changes        Amount Occurred in the Current         Amount Occurred in the Previous
 in fair value                            Period                                 Period
 Trading Financial Assets                                                        -1,132,045.17
 Including: gains from changes at fair
 value of derivative financial                                                   -1,132,045.17
 Transactional financial liabilities      26,590,919.13                          -26,652,319.25
 Other Non-current Financial Assets       101,037,455.74                         -18,231,213.55
 Total                                    127,628,374.87                         -46,015,577.97

54. Investment income

Unit: RMB
                                          Amount Occurred in the Current         Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                          Period                                 Period
 Long-term equity investment income
                                          -242,631,295.52                        -399,809,570.81
 measured by equity method
 Investment income from disposal of
                                          4,777,818,657.97                       633,376,394.76
 long-term equity investment
 Investment income of transactional
 financial assets during holding period
 Investment Income from Disposal
                                          -44,929,416.02                         -18,304,555.76
 Trading Financial Assets
 After losing control, the remaining
 equity is re-measured at fair value
 Gain on debt restructuring               -16,242,445.24                         -414,996.80
 Investment income on other non-
 current financial assets during the      11,870,549.61                          9,173,028.68
 holding period
 Investment income from disposal of       10,370,120.76

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 other non-current financial assets
 Investment income from national
                                           1,256,871.91                           791,371.25
 debt reverse repurchase
 Profits from recognition termination of
                                           -1,539,231.44                          -2,527,190.80
 financial assets
 Total                                     4,495,973,812.03                       280,749,308.20

55. Credit impairment losses

Unit: RMB
                                           Amount Occurred in the Current         Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                           Period                                 Period
 Bad debt losses of notes receivable       17,555,335.92                          -257,089.31
 Bad debt      losses    of   accounts
                                           -415,017,021.55                        -618,126,859.84
 Bad debt losses of other receivables      -997,713.81                            21,878,004.86
 Bad debt losses         of   long-term
 accounts receivable
 Total                                     -412,457,117.43                        -596,505,944.29

56. Asset impairment losses

Unit: RMB
                                           Amount Occurred in the Current         Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                           Period                                 Period
 I. Impairment Losses on Inventories
                                           -176,434,382.90                        -96,658,687.52
 and Performance Cost
 II. Impairment Losses on Long-term
 Equity Investment
 III. Impairment Losses on Contract
                                           1,920,067.16                           -9,270,865.73
 Total                                     -174,514,315.74                        -106,653,049.64

57. Asset disposal income

Unit: RMB
                                           Amount Occurred in the Current         Amount Occurred in the Previous
 Sources of the asset disposal income
                                           Period                                 Period
  Income from disposal of fixed assets     1,679,018.49                           1,146,254.67
  Income from the disposal of right-of-
                                           328,779.90                             1,819,534.10
 use assets
  Total                                    2,007,798.39                           2,965,788.77

58. Non-operating income

Unit: RMB
 Item                           Amount Occurred in the         Amount Occurred in the      Amount recorded into non-

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                Current Period                Previous Period             recurring profit and loss in
                                                                                          current period
 Government subsidies                                         2,100,000.00
 Gains and losses of non-
                                1,229,426.37                  1,648,667.29                1,229,426.37
 current asset retirement
 Others                         12,299,567.88                 14,172,637.30               12,299,567.88
 Total                          13,528,994.25                 17,921,304.59               13,528,994.25

59. Non-operating expenses

Unit: RMB
                                                                                          Amount recorded into non-
                                Amount Occurred in the        Amount Occurred in the
 Item                                                                                     recurring profit and loss in
                                Current Period                Previous Period
                                                                                          current period
 Donations                      1,103,243.16                  1,796,127.69                1,103,243.16
 Gains and losses of non-
                                2,072,054.17                  2,030,871.71                2,072,054.17
 current asset retirement
 Water conservancy fund         441,570.13                    167,592.46
 Others                         29,232,164.80                 6,841,475.06                29,232,164.80
 Total                          32,849,032.26                 10,836,066.92               32,407,462.13

60. Income tax expense

(1) Income tax expense statement

Unit: RMB
                                          Amount Occurred in the Current         Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                          Period                                 Period
 Current income tax expense               895,325,041.21                         155,717,141.34
 Deferred income tax expense              -248,886,869.12                        -130,389,333.38
 Total                                    646,438,172.09                         25,327,807.96

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expenses

Unit: RMB
 Item                                                         Amount Occurred in the Current Period
 Total Profit                                                 8,121,705,657.64
 Income tax expense calculated at statutory/applicable tax
 Impact by applying different tax rates to subsidiaries       65,510,669.97
 Impact of income tax before adjustment in this period        -31,121,028.44
 Impact of the non-deductible costs, expenses and losses      32,717,362.49
 Impact of additional deduction of the research and
 development expenses
 Others                                                       -120,322,704.16
 Income tax expense                                           646,438,172.09

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

61. Other comprehensive incomes

See Note 43 for details.

62. Items of Cash Flow Statement

(1) Cashes relating to operating activities

Other cash receipts relating to operating activities
Unit: RMB
                                            Amount Occurred in the Current         Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                            Period                                 Period
 Interest Income                            273,381,345.10                         115,853,521.82
 Government subsidies                       994,760,820.70                         991,467,035.95
 Tender and performance guarantee
                                            123,948,827.72                         34,276,474.54
 Incomings and outgoings and
                                            42,723,390.94                          96,874,605.04
 advance payments
 Others                                     24,118,990.28                          13,304,303.72
 Total                                      1,458,933,374.74                       1,251,775,941.07

Other cash payments relating to operating activities
Unit: RMB
                                            Amount Occurred in the Current         Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                            Period                                 Period
 Administrative expenses                    336,994,816.98                         355,623,778.96
 Communication expense                      79,071,144.89                          59,345,879.58
 Business entertainment                     262,962,826.23                         216,201,652.45
 Traveling expense                          360,761,388.26                         296,659,094.56
 Marketing expense                          446,017,073.08                         391,397,115.26
 Transportation and vehicle expenses        78,953,292.07                          44,409,896.02
 Knowledge resource fee                     204,781,766.16                         133,575,452.95
 Research       and      development        102,571,135.69                         100,723,946.02
 consumption and external inspection
 Taxation and insurance expense             65,040,612.10                          77,631,185.38
 Tender and performance guarantee           76,473,405.90                          86,652,672.09
 Incomings and outgoings and                17,324,949.79                          131,684,066.18
 advanced payments
 Consumables and service fees               275,055,483.06                         248,782,048.70
 Others                                     38,668,797.11                          29,828,698.09
 Total                                      2,344,676,691.32                       2,172,515,486.24

(2) Cashes relating to investing activities

Other cash receipts relating to investing activities
Unit: RMB
                                            Amount Occurred in the Current         Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                            Period                                 Period

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Receipts of cash from forward
                                            40,049,759.39                            25,697,487.60
 exchange contracts
 Recovered frozen funds relating to
 the investment
 Total                                      49,811,896.09                            25,697,487.60

Important cash receipts relating to investing activities
 Unit: RMB
                                            Amount Occurred in the Current            Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                            Period                                    Period
 Cashes received from equity transfer       3,505,457,225.01                          29,000,000.00
 Investment recovered from reverse
                                            1,221,761,539.51                          825,789,959.23
 repurchase of treasury bonds
 Others                                     14,404,556.44                             1,409,325,099.44
 Total                                                 4,741,623,320.96                       2,264,115,058.67

Other cash payments relating to investing activities
Unit: RMB
                                            Amount Occurred in the Current           Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                            Period                                   Period
 Cash paid for forward exchange
                                            84,979,175.41                            44,002,044.90
 Paid frozen funds relating to the
                                            1,058,404.69                             13,993,944.08
 Total                                      86,037,580.10                            57,995,988.98

Important cash payments relating to investing activities


(3) Cashes relating to financing activities

Other cash receipts relating to financing activities
Unit: RMB
                                            Amount Occurred in the Current           Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                            Period                                   Period
 Recovered loan deposits                                                             453,263.81
 Total                                                                               453,263.81

Other cash payments relating to financing activities
Unit: RMB
                                            Amount Occurred in the Current           Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                            Period                                   Period
 Leasing fees paid                          171,319,524.76                           130,670,138.16
 Listing fees paid                          3,312,739.06                             3,695,037.14
 Cashes paid for purchasing minority
                                            14,647,000.00                            82,140,000.00
 Equity repurchase cash paid                679,455,441.73                           284,463,142.68
 Total                                      868,734,705.55                           500,968,317.98

Notes to other cash payments relating to financing activities:

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Changes in liabilities generated by financing activities
 Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

                                      Increased in the current period   Decreased in the current period
                    Opening                                                                               Closing
 Item                                                  Non-cash                         Non-cash
                    balance           Cash changes                      Cash changes                      balance
                                                       changes                          changes
 Short-term         257,943,618.5     1,528,087,858                     839,701,387.2                     957,426,330.1
 loan               1                 .03                               9                                 8
 Long-term          453,825,000.0     400,000,000.0                                     853,825,000.0
 loan               0                 0                                                 0
 Dividends                                             1,809,561,221    1,785,894,174
 Payable                                               .19              .17
 Lease              196,340,654.2                      133,919,671.7                    116,053,209.6     176,580,049.5
 Liabilities        7                                  3                                6                 7
                    2,558,010,785                      1,005,547,028    2,661,835,785                     901,722,028.7
 Liabilities Due
                    .73                                .75              .73                               5
 within 1 Year
 (Restricted        609,859,632.0                                       259,451,932.8                     326,740,652.1
 Share              0                                                   0                                 8
 Other       Non-
 current            35,000,000.00                                                       35,000,000.00
                    4,110,979,690     1,928,087,858    2,960,124,162    5,584,510,346   1,028,545,256     2,386,136,107
                    .51               .03              .60              .76             .68               .70

63. Supplementary information on Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplementary information about the Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB
 Supplementary information                 Amount of this period                   Amount of Previous Period
 1. Reconciliation of net profit to
 cash flows from operational activities
   Net Profit                              7,475,267,485.55                        2,261,850,253.32
   Add: provision for impairment of
                                           586,971,433.17                          703,158,993.93
        Depreciation of fixed assets,
 oil and gas assets, productive            564,909,376.16                          503,479,252.70
 biological assets
       Depreciation of Right-of-use
                                           140,445,508.21                          132,164,519.81
       Amortization of Intangible
                                           44,713,796.99                           46,736,670.60
        Amortization of long-term
                                           59,882,170.69                           39,510,946.43
 deferred expenses

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

        Losses on disposal of fixed
 assets, intangible assets and other
                                            -2,007,798.39                           -2,965,788.77
 long-term assets (mark "-" for
       Losses on scrapping of fixed
                                            842,627.80                              382,204.42
 assets (mark "-" for incomes)
       Losses on fair value changes
                                            -127,628,374.87                         46,015,577.97
 (mark "-" for incomes)
        Financial expenses (mark "-"
                                            -84,152,678.69                          -367,030,819.99
 for incomes)
         Losses on investment (mark "-
                                            -4,513,755,488.71                       -283,691,495.80
 " for incomes)
        Decrease on deferred income
                                            -188,315,504.30                         -74,076,700.95
 tax assets (mark "-" for increases)
         Increase on deferred income
                                            -65,033,545.41                          -60,610,031.11
 tax liabilities (mark "-" for decreases)
          Decrease on inventories (mark
                                            1,804,686,410.40                        -1,007,449,606.32
 "-" for increases)
        Decrease on operational
                                            -650,869,567.85                         -512,792,543.01
 receivables (mark "-" for increases)
       Increase on operational
                                            -747,867,775.81                         -656,911,190.48
 payables (mark "-" for decreases)
        Others                              300,690,579.53                          285,817,406.71
        Net cash flow generated by
                                            4,598,778,654.47                        1,053,587,649.46
 operating activities
 2. Major investing and financing
 activities that do not involve cash
 receipts and payment
   Conversion of Debt into Capital
   Convertible corporate bond within
 1 year
   Fixed Assets under Finance Lease
 3. Net changes in cash and cash
   Closing balance of cash                  15,880,659,594.95                       7,878,465,052.63
   Less: opening balance of cash            7,878,465,052.63                        7,617,576,852.32
   Add: closing balance of cash
   Less: opening balance of cash
   Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                            8,002,194,542.32                        260,888,200.31

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

Unit: RMB
 Item                                       Closing balance                         Opening balance
 Ⅰ. Cash                                   15,880,659,594.95                       7,878,465,052.63

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Including: cash on hand                  2,642.58                                2,535.81
        Bank deposit for payment at
                                          15,806,616,028.36                       7,746,722,778.16
 any time
        Other cash and bank balances
                                          74,040,924.01                           131,739,738.66
 for payment at any time
 Ⅲ. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                          15,880,659,594.95                       7,878,465,052.63

(3) Monetary funds which are not cash and cash equivalents

Unit: RMB
                                                                                             Why the monetary funds
 Item                           Amount of this period         Amount of Previous Period      are not cash and cash
 Other Cash       and   Bank                                                                 Guarantee letter security
                                68,981,082.99                 110,737,143.60
 Balances                                                                                    deposit, restricted for use
                                                                                             Frozen funds, restricted for
 Bank Balance                   6,862,600.24                  19,900,398.75
                                                                                             Unexpired bank deposits
 Bank Balance                   14,501,836.29                 20,776,055.79                  and interests, listed in the
                                                                                             Cash and Bank Balances
 Total                          90,345,519.52                 151,413,598.14

64. Notes to the items in the Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity

Matters including names of “Other” items adjusting the balance at the end of the previous year and the adjusted


65. Monetary items in foreign currencies

(1) Monetary items in foreign currencies

Unit: RMB
                                Closing balance in foreign    Exchange rate for              Closing Balance Converted
                                currencies                    conversion                     into RMB
 Cash and Bank Balances
 Including: USD                 171,065,224.74                7.0827                         1,211,603,667.27
         EUR                    32,733,022.04                 7.8592                         257,255,366.82
         HKD                    3,525,498,379.15              0.9062                         3,194,891,052.99
 INR                            1,092,222,470.45              0.0851                         92,998,397.59
 THB                            262,564,074.69                0.2074                         54,445,634.98
 PLN                            16,904,647.15                 1.8107                         30,609,413.64
 Total amount      of   other
 Accounts receivable
 Including: USD                 533,716,357.33                7.0827                         3,780,152,844.06
         EUR                    118,313,842.79                7.8592                         929,852,153.26

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

        HKD                      3,022,129.24                 0.9062                      2,738,725.89
 INR                             5,758,609,355.66             0.0851                      490,322,674.10
 AED                             117,522,588.14               1.9326                      227,118,277.71
 AUD                             46,365,409.19                4.8484                      224,798,049.92
 Total amount       of   other
 Long-term loan
 Including: USD
 Accounts Payable
 Including: USD                  103,694,084.74               7.0827                      734,434,093.99
 INR                             2,381,510,335.43             0.0851                      202,776,129.43
 EUR                             1,359,034.19                 7.8592                      10,680,921.51
 AED                             2,876,615.98                 1.9326                      5,559,204.21
 HUF                             198,712,875.49               0.0205                      4,079,466.96
 BRL                             2,556,421.34                 1.4596                      3,731,454.84
 Total amount of         other

(2) Notes on overseas business entities, including that for the important overseas business
entities, the overseas main premises, functional currency and selection basis shall be
disclosed. If there are changes on its functional currency, the causes for the changes shall be
disclosed as well.

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Since the overseas business entity of the Company, Dahua Technology (HK) Limited, does not have autonomy over
its business activities, which are the extension of the business activities of the Company, constituting the business
activities of the Company, RMB shall be used as its functional currency.

66. Lease

(1) The Company as a lessee

 Applicable □ Not applicable
Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Simplified leasing expenses for short-term leases or low-value assets
 Applicable □ Not applicable

Item                                                     Amount of this period         Amount of Previous Period

Interest expenses on lease liabilities                   14,312,541.58                 13,841,181.48
Simplified short-term leasing expenses included in
                                                         59,174,978.85                 86,310,571.91
relevant asset cost or the current profit or loss
Total cash outflows relating to lease                    230,494,503.61                216,980,710.07

Information on sale and leaseback transaction

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


(2) The Company as a lessor

Operating lease as a lessor
 Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB
                                                                                    Including: Income relating to variable
 Item                                     Rental income                             lease payments not included in the
                                                                                    lease receipts
 Lease of buildings                       41,297,042.90
 Lease of equipment                       103,366,881.74
 Total                                    144,663,924.64

Financial lease as a lessor
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Lease receipts undiscounted in each of the five years to come
□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Recognition of profit or loss from financial lease or sale as a manufacturer or distributor

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VIII. R&D Expenditure

Unit: RMB
                                          Amount Occurred in the Current            Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                          Period                                    Period
 Labor cost                               3,543,375,607.63                          3,436,548,913.49
 Research consumables and service         172,532,981.67
 Depreciation    cost    and asset        117,315,005.47
 Traveling expense                        57,860,404.79                             49,067,671.55
 Administrative expenses                  34,045,660.92                             40,756,648.46
 Communication expense                    28,994,641.13                             25,135,407.16
 Others                                   13,124,493.61                             20,217,729.20
 Total                                    3,967,248,795.22                          3,883,005,582.82
 Including:  Expense-based          R&D
                                          3,967,248,795.22                          3,883,005,582.82

IX. Changes in the Scope of Consolidation

1. Consolidation not under the common control

(1) Consolidation not under the common control in this period

Unit: RMB
 Name of     Time        Cost for     Percenta   Acquisiti      Acquisiti   Basis for   Income       Net        Cash

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Acquiree      Point for   Equity      ge           on           on Date      Determin     of          Profit of   Flow of
               Equity      Acquisiti   Acquired     Method                    ing          Acquiree    Acquiree    Acquiree
               Acquisiti   on                                                 Acquisiti    from the    from the    from the
               on                                                             on Date      Acquisiti   Acquisiti   Acquisiti
                                                                                           on Date     on Date     on Date
                                                                                           to the      to the      to the
                                                                                           End of      End of      End of
                                                                                           the         the         the
                                                                                           Period      Period      Period
               February                             Equity       February     Transferr
 Technolo                  0.00        100.00%                                             0.00        0.00
               24, 2023                             transfer     24, 2023     ed
 gy Co.,
Other notes:

Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd. was established on December 7, 2022. As at the date of this equity transfer,
the original shareholder failed to make the contribution or engage in any operation. The Company purchased 100% of
its equities with zero consideration and completed the industrial and commercial change on February 24, 2023.

2. No business consolidation under common control during this period

3. Disposal of subsidiaries

Is there any transaction or matter that results in loss of control over the subsidiaries in the current period
□ Yes  No
Is there any situation where disposal of investment in subsidiaries is achieved through multiple transactions in various
stages, causing loss of control in this period
□ Yes  No

4. Changes in the Scope of Consolidation for Other Reasons

Explanations on the changes in the scope of consolidation caused by other reasons (for example, newly established
subsidiaries, subsidiaries clearing, etc.) and relevant information:

(1) The Company has established three domestic subsidiaries in this period: Zhejiang Shuhang Intelligent Technology
Co., Ltd., Guangdong Huaxiyue Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Huajie New Energy Operation Service
Co., Ltd. Additionally, it has established seven overseas subsidiaries: Dahua Technology Belgium BV, Dahua
Technology Regional Headquarters, Dahua Technology Azerbaijan LLC, Dahua Technology Vietnam Company
Limited, Huaray Technology Korea Company Limited, HuaRay Technology GmbH, and Dahua Technology Angola S.U.
lda. All the aforementioned subsidiaries have been consolidated into the financial reports of the Company from their
respective establishment dates.

(2) The Company's subsidiary Guizhou Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd. is canceled in the current period and
has not been included in the scope of consolidation from the date of cancellation.

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

X. Equity in Other Entities

1. Equity in Subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the enterprise group

 Name      of                                                                    Shareholding Percentage   Acquisiti
                Registered    Main Place of     Registered        Business
 Subsidiarie                                                                                               on
                Capital       Business          Address           Nature         Direct       Indirect
 s                                                                                                         Method
 Dahua          RMB           Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
 System         500,000,00    District,         District,         and            100.00%
 Engineering    0             Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
 Dahua          RMB           Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
 Vision         1,306,810,0   District,         District,         and            100.00%
 Technology     00            Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
 Dahua          RMB           Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
 Security       100,000,00    District,         District,         and            100.00%
 Network        0             Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
                              Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
 Dahua          RMB                                                                                        Establish
                              District,         District,         and            51.00%
 Ju'an          10,000,000                                                                                 ment
                              Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
 Guangxi                                                          Electronics
                 RMB          Youjiang          Youjiang                                                   Establish
 Dahua                                                            and            100.00%
                66,800,000    District, Baise   District, Baise                                            ment
 Information                                                      information
                              Qingxiu           Qingxiu
 Guangxi        RMB                                                                                        Establish
                              District,         District,         Service        100.00%
 Yunlian        20,000,000                                                                                 ment
                              Nanning           Nanning

                              Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
 Hangzhou       RMB                                                              78.00%                    Establish
                              District,         District,         and
 Xiaohua        10,000,000                                                       (Note 1)                  ment
                              Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information

                RMB           Fuyang            Fuyang            Electronics
 Dahua                                                                           94.1669%                  Establish
                1,885,800,0   District,         District,         and
 Zhilian                                                                         (Note 2)                  ment
                00            Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information

                RMB           Fuyang            Fuyang            &
 investment                                                                                                Establish
                1,000,000,0   District,         District,         investment     75.00%
 manageme                                                                                                  ment
                00            Hangzhou          Hangzhou          manageme
                RMB                                               Electronics
 Guangxi                      Youjiang          Youjiang                                                   Establish
                109,542,90                                        and            65.00%
 Zhicheng                     District, Baise   District, Baise                                            ment
                0                                                 information

                              Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
 Hangzhou       RMB                                                              32.73%                    Establish
                              District,         District,         and
 Huacheng       77,905,182                                                       |(Note 3)                 ment
                              Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information

 Xinjiang       RMB           Shihezi,          Shihezi,                                                   Establish
                                                                  and                         92.00%
 Information    60,000,000    Xinjiang          Xinjiang                                                   ment
                              Binjiang          Binjiang          Sci-tech
 HuaRay         RMB                                                              32.58%                    Establish
                              District,         District,         popularizati
 Technology     78,264,756                                                       (Note 4)                  ment
                              Hangzhou          Hangzhou          on       and

                                                          2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                           Fuyang            Fuyang            Electronics
Fuyang        RMB                                                                                      Establish
                           District,         District,         and           51.00%
Hua'ao        10,000,000                                                                               ment
                           Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information

                           Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
Huafei        RMB                                                            60.50%                    Establish
                           District,         District,         and
Intelligent   50,000,000                                                     (Note 5)                  ment
                           Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information

                           Guanshanhu        Guanshanhu        Electronics
Guizhou       RMB                                                                                      Establish
                           District,         District,         and           100.00%
Huayi         22,500,000                                                                               ment
                           Guiyang           Guiyang           information
                           Qira County,      Qira County,      Electronics
Xinjiang      RMB                                                                                      Establish
                           Hotan,            Hotan,            and                       97.00%
Zhihe         38,284,600                                                                               ment
                           Xinjiang          Xinjiang          information
Guangxi       RMB          Wuzhou,           Wuzhou,                                                   Establish
                                                               and                       90.00%
Huacheng      35,800,000   Guangxi           Guangxi                                                   ment
Meitan                                                         Electronics
              RMB          Zunyi,            Zunyi,                                                    Establish
Dahua                                                          and                       100.00%
              10,000,000   Guizhou           Guizhou                                                   ment
Technology                                                     information
                           New District,     New District,
Inner                      Bai County,       Bai County,       Electronics
              RMB                                                                                      Establish
Mongolia                   Chahar Right      Chahar Right      and                       95.00%
              20,000,000                                                                               ment
Zhimeng                    Wing      Back    Wing      Back    information
                           Banner            Banner
                           Hetian            Hetian
Xinjiang      RMB          County,           County,                                                   Establish
                                                               and                       97.00%
Zhitian       25,652,600   Hetian,           Hetian,                                                   ment
                           Xinjiang          Xinjiang
                           Shache            Shache
              RMB          County,           County,           Electronics
Xinjiang                                                                                               Establish
              335,567,20   Kashgar           Kashgar           and                       100.00%
Xinzhi                                                                                                 ment
              0            District,         District,         information
                           Xinjiang          Xinjiang
Xinjiang      RMB          Kashgar,          Kashgar,                                                  Establish
                                                               and                       100.00%
Huayue        37,841,300   Xinjiang          Xinjiang                                                  ment
Tianjin       RMB          Tianjin Binhai    Tianjin Binhai                                            Establish
                                                               and                       100.00%
Dahua         36,000,000   New Area          New Area                                                  ment
                           Shuangpai         Shuangpai
Dahua         RMB          County,           County,                                                   Establish
                                                               and                       90.00%
Zhilong       39,480,000   Yongzhou          Yongzhou                                                  ment
                           City              City
                           Fuyang            Fuyang
                           District,         District,         Electronics
Vision        RMB                                                                                      Establish
                           Hangzhou          Hangzhou          and           100.00%
Technology    10,000,000                                                                               ment
                           City, Zhejiang    City, Zhejiang    information
                           Province          Province
                           Fuyang            Fuyang
                           District,         District,         Electronics
Huaxiao       RMB                                                                                      Establish
                           Hangzhou          Hangzhou          and           51.00%
Technology    70,000,000                                                                               ment
                           City, Zhejiang    City, Zhejiang    information
                           Province          Province
              RMB          Xi'an     City,   Xi'an     City,   Electronics
Xi'an                                                                                                  Establish
              989,600,00   Shaanxi           Shaanxi           and           100.00%
Dahua                                                                                                  ment
              0            Province          Province          information
                           Wuxi      City,   Wuxi      City,   Electronics
              RMB                                                                                      Establish
Huaruipin                  Jiangsu           Jiangsu           and           51.00%
              50,000,000                                                                               ment
                           Province          Province          information
Beijing       RMB          Xicheng           Xicheng           Electronics                             Establish
Huayue        10,000,000   District,         District,         and                                     ment

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                            Beijing          Beijing            information

                            Putuo                               Electronics
Shanghai       RMB                           Putuo District,                                             Establish
                            District,                           and           100.00%
Huashang       1,000,000                     Shanghai                                                    ment
                            Shanghai                            information
                            Wucheng          Wucheng
                            District,        District,          Electronics
Dahua          RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            Jinhua City,     Jinhua City,       and           100.00%
Jinzhi         60,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Zhejiang         Zhejiang           information
                            Province         Province
               RMB          Zhoushan         Zhoushan           Electronics
Zhoushan                                                                                                 Establish
               100,000,00   City, Zhejiang   City, Zhejiang     and           58.80%
Operation                                                                                                ment
               0            Province         Province           information
                            Lijiang City,    Lijiang City,      Electronics
Yunnan         RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            Yunnan           Yunnan             and           90.00%
Zhili          50,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Province         Province           information
                            Liuzhou City,    Liuzhou City,
Guangxi        RMB          Guangxi          Guangxi            Electronics
Dahua          100,000,00   Zhuang           Zhuang             and           100.00%
Technology     0            Autonomous       Autonomous         information
                            Region           Region
                            Binjiang         Binjiang           Electronics
               RMB                                                                                       Establish
Huayixin                    District,        District,          and           51.00%
               80,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Hangzhou         Hangzhou           information
               RMB          Binjiang         Binjiang
                                                                Automotive                               Establish
Huaruijie      150,000,00   District,        District,                        51.00%
                                                                electronics                              ment
               0            Hangzhou         Hangzhou
               RMB          Longquanyi       Longquanyi         Electronics
Chengdu                                                                                                  Establish
               600,000,00   District,        District,          and           100.00%
Zhilian                                                                                                  ment
               0            Chengdu          Chengdu            information
               RMB          Longquanyi       Longquanyi         Electronics
Chengdu                                                                                                  Establish
               554,700,00   District,        District,          and           100.00%
Zhian                                                                                                    ment
               0            Chengdu          Chengdu            information
                            Longquanyi       Longquanyi         Electronics
Chengdu        RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            District,        District,          and           100.00%
Zhishu         50,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Chengdu          Chengdu            information
                            Longquanyi       Longquanyi         Electronics
Chengdu        RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            District,        District,          and           100.00%
Zhichuang      15,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Chengdu          Chengdu            information
Chengdu                                                         Electronics
               RMB          Dayi County,     Dayi County,                                                Establish
Smart                                                           and           90.00%
               50,000,000   Chengdu          Chengdu                                                     ment
Network                                                         information
Huakong        RMB          Wuyi County,     Wuyi County,                                                Establish
                                                                and           100.00%
Software       50,000,000   Jinhua City      Jinhua City                                                 ment
                            Binjiang         Binjiang           Electronics
Huacheng       RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            District,        District,          and                        100.00%
Software       30,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Hangzhou         Hangzhou           information
Henan          RMB          Zhengzhou,       Zhengzhou,                                                  Establish
                                                                and           100.00%
Dahua          30,000,000   Henan            Henan                                                       ment
                            Binjiang         Binjiang           Electronics
               RMB                                                            45.00%                     Establish
Huajian                     District,        District,          and
               50,000,000                                                     (Note 6)                   ment
                            Hangzhou         Hangzhou           information
Zhengzhou                                                       Electronics
               RMB          Zhengzhou,       Zhengzhou,                                                  Establish
Dahua                                                           and           100.00%
               30,000,000   Henan            Henan                                                       ment
Zhian                                                           information
Dahua                                                           Electronics
               RMB                                                                                       Establish
Internationa                Singapore        Singapore          and           100.00%
               1,000,000                                                                                 ment
l                                                               information
Anhui          RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            Hefei, Anhui     Hefei, Anhui       and           100.00%
Zhilian        30,000,000                                                                                ment
Anhui          RMB                                              Electronics                              Establish
                            Hefei, Anhui     Hefei, Anhui                     100.00%
Zhishu         30,000,000                                       and                                      ment

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Wuhu           RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            Wuhu, Anhui       Wuhu, Anhui       and                        100.00%
Huajian        10,000,000                                                                                ment
               RMB                                              Electronics
Changsha                    Changsha,         Changsha,                                                  Establish
               100,000,00                                       and           100.00%
Dahua                       Hunan             Hunan                                                      ment
               0                                                information
Tianjin        RMB          Hexi District,    Hexi District,                                             Establish
                                                                and                        100.00%
Huajian        30,000,000   Tianjin           Tianjin                                                    ment
               RMB          Xiaoshan          Xiaoshan          Electronics
Zhejiang                                                                                                 Establish
               442,140,44   District,         District,         and           75.11%
Pixfra                                                                                                   ment
               8            Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
                            Yiwu      City,   Yiwu      City,   Electronics
               RMB                                                                                       Establish
Yiwu Huaxi                  Zhejiang          Zhejiang          and                        100.00%
               10,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Province          Province          information
               RMB          Xiaoshan          Xiaoshan          Electronics
Dahua                                                                                                    Establish
               100,000,00   District,         District,         and           100.00%
Operation                                                                                                ment
               0            Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
                            Nanyang           Nanyang City,     Electronics
Nanyang        RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            City, Henan       Henan             and           100.00%
Intelligent    10,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Province          Province          information
                            Yibin     City,   Yibin     City,   Electronics
Yibin          RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            Sichuan           Sichuan           and           100.00%
Huahui         20,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Province          Province          information
                            Chengdu           Chengdu City,     Electronics
Chengdu        RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            City, Sichuan     Sichuan           and           100.00%
Huazhiwei      10,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Province          Province          information
                            Xi'an     City,   Xi'an     City,   Electronics
               RMB                                                                                       Establish
IMOU Xi'an                  Shaanxi           Shaanxi           and                        100.00%
               20,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Province          Province          information
                            Luoyang City,     Luoyang City,     Electronics
Luoyang        RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            Henan             Henan             and           100.00%
Zhiyu          10,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Province          Province          information
               RMB          Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
Huaqi                                                                                                    Establish
               100,000,00   District,         District,         and                        100.00%
Intelligence                                                                                             ment
               0            Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
                            Chongzhou         Chongzhou         Electronics
Chengdu        RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            City,             City, Chengdu     and           100.00%
Information    20,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Chengdu City      City              information
                            Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
Huajian        RMB                                                                                       ion not
                            District,         District,         and                        100.00%
Technology     20,000,000                                                                                under
                            Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
                            Xiaoshan          Xiaoshan          Electronics
Shuhang        RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            District,         District,         and                        100.00%
Intelligent    10,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
                            Haizhu            Haizhu            Electronics
               RMB                                                                                       Establish
Huaxiyue                    District,         District,         and           100.00%
               10,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Guangzhou         Guangzhou         information
                            Xiaoshan          Xiaoshan          New
Huajie         RMB                                                                                       Establish
                            District,         District,         Energy                     100.00%
Operation      50,000,000                                                                                ment
                            Hangzhou          Hangzhou          Operation
               RMB                                              Electronics
Dahua                                                                                                    Establish
               669,687,34   Hong Kong         Hong Kong         and           100.00%
Hong Kong                                                                                                ment
               7                                                information
               USD                                                                                       Establish
Dahua USA                   USA               USA               and                        100.00%
               600,000                                                                                   ment
Dahua          EUR                                                                                       Establish
                            Netherlands       Netherlands       and                        100.00%
Europe         200,000                                                                                   ment

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua          AED           United Arab    United Arab                                                 Establish
                                                               and                        100.00%
Middle East    1,000,000     Emirates       Emirates                                                    ment
Dahua          MXN                                                                                      Establish
                             Mexico         Mexico             and                        100.00%
Mexico         90,000,000                                                                               ment
               CLP                                             Electronics
Dahua                                                                                                   Establish
               360,000,00    Chile          Chile              and                        100.00%
Chile                                                                                                   ment
               0                                               information
               COP                                             Electronics
Dahua                                                                                                   Establish
               4,616,709,0   Columbia       Columbia           and                        100.00%
Colombia                                                                                                ment
               16                                              information
Dahua          AUD                                                                                      Establish
                             Australia      Australia          and                        100.00%
Australia      150,000                                                                                  ment
Dahua          USD                                                                                      Establish
                             Singapore      Singapore          and                        100.00%
Singapore      220,000                                                                                  ment
Dahua          ZAR                                                                                      Establish
                             South Africa   South Africa       and                        100.00%
South Africa   5,000,000                                                                                ment
               PEN                                                                                      Establish
Dahua Peru                   Peru           Peru               and                        100.00%
               2,200,000                                                                                ment
Dahua          BRL                                                                                      Establish
                             Brazil         Brazil             and                        100.00%
Brazil         41,334,811                                                                               ment
Dahua          RUB                                                                                      Establish
                             Russia         Russia             and                        100.00%
Russia         30,000,000                                                                               ment
Dahua          CAD                                                                                      Establish
                             Canada         Canada             and                        100.00%
Canada         250,000                                                                                  ment
Dahua                                                                                                   Establish
               USD 10,000    Panama         Panama             and                        100.00%
Panama                                                                                                  ment
               HUF                                             Electronics
Dahua                                                                                                   Establish
               303,000,00    Hungary        Hungary            and                        100.00%
Hungary                                                                                                 ment
               0                                               information
Dahua          PLN                                                                                      Establish
                             Poland         Poland             and                        100.00%
Poland         2,200,000                                                                                ment
Dahua                                                                                                   Establish
               USD 89,000    Tunisia        Tunisia            and                        100.00%
Tunisia                                                                                                 ment
Dahua          KES                                                                                      Establish
                             Kenya          Kenya              and                        100.00%
Kenya          15,000,000                                                                               ment
               GBP                                                                                      Establish
Dahua UK                     UK             UK                 and                        100.00%
               100,000                                                                                  ment
Dahua          BGN                                                                                      Establish
                             Bulgaria       Bulgaria           and                        100.00%
Bulgaria       350,000                                                                                  ment
Dahua          RSD                                                                                      Establish
                             Serbia         Serbia             and                        100.00%
Serbia         23,000,000                                                                               ment
Dahua          EUR                                                                                      Establish
                             Germany        Germany            and                        100.00%
Germany        150,000                                                                                  ment
Dahua          MYR                                                                                      Establish
                             Malaysia       Malaysia           and                        100.00%
Malaysia       1,000,000                                                                                ment
               KRW                                             Electronics
Dahua                                                                                                   Establish
               1,500,000,0   South Korea    South Korea        and                        100.00%
Korea                                                                                                   ment
               00                                              information

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                 IDR                                           Electronics
Dahua                                                                                                   Establish
                 2,600,000,0   Indonesia     Indonesia         and                        67.00%
Indonesia                                                                                               ment
                 00                                            information
                 INR                                           Electronics
Dahua India      234,000,00    India         India             and                        100.00%
                 0                                             information
Dahua            TRY                                                                                    Establish
                               Turkey        Turkey            and                        100.00%
Turkey           840,000                                                                                ment
Dahua            CZK           Czech         Czech                                                      Establish
                                                               and                        100.00%
Czech            5,400,000     Republic      Republic                                                   ment
Dahua            ARS                                                                                    Establish
                               Argentina     Argentina         and                        100.00%
Argentina        27,288,503                                                                             ment
Dahua            EUR                                                                                    Establish
                               Spain         Spain             and                        100.00%
Spain            150,000                                                                                ment
Dahua            KZT                                                                                    Establish
                               Kazakhstan    Kazakhstan        and                        100.00%
Kazakhstan       23,000,000                                                                             ment
Dahua            DKK                                                                                    Establish
                               Denmark       Denmark           and                        100.00%
Denmark          1,500,000                                                                              ment
Dahua            EUR                                                                                    Establish
                               France        France            and                        100.00%
France           100,000                                                                                ment
Dahua                                                          Electronics
                 HKD                                                                                    Establish
Technology                     Hong Kong     Hong Kong         and           100.00%
                 10,000,000                                                                             ment
Holdings                                                       information
Dahua            MAD                                                                                    Establish
                               Morocco       Morocco           and                        100.00%
Morocco          500,000                                                                                ment
                                                                                                        ion not
Dahua Italy      EUR 12,000    Italy         Italy             and                        100.00%
                 UZS                                           Electronics
Dahua                                                                                                   Establish
                 3,200,000,0   Uzbekistan    Uzbekistan        and                        100.00%
Uzbekistan                                                                                              ment
                 00                                            information
Dahua                                                                                                   Establish
                 EUR 10,000    Netherlands   Netherlands       and                        100.00%
Netherlands                                                                                             ment
Dahua      Sri   LKR                                                                                    Establish
                               Sri Lanka     Sri Lanka         and                        100.00%
Lanka            48,000,000                                                                             ment
Dahua            PKR                                                                                    Establish
                               Pakistan      Pakistan          and                        100.00%
Pakistan         20,000,000                                                                             ment
Dahua New        NZD                                                                                    Establish
                               New Zealand   New Zealand       and                        100.00%
Zealand          300,000                                                                                ment
Dahua            THB                                                                                    Establish
                               Thailand      Thailand          and                        99.98%
Thailand         25,000,000                                                                             ment
Dahua            RON                                                                                    Establish
                               Romania       Romania           and                        100.00%
Romania          1,000,000                                                                              ment
Dahua            NGN                                                                                    Establish
                               Nigeria       Nigeria           and                        100.00%
Nigeria          10,000,000                                                                             ment
Dahua            USD                                                                                    Establish
                               Israel        Israel            and                        100.00%
Israel           300,000                                                                                ment

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Dahua                                                              Electronics
                 MXN                                                                                              Establish
 Mexico                         Mexico            Mexico            and                           100.00%
                 50,000                                                                                           ment
 Service                                                            information
 Huacheng        EUR                                                                                              Establish
                                Netherlands       Netherlands       and                           100.00%
 Netherlands     900,000                                                                                          ment
 Dahua           JPY                                                                                              Establish
                                Japan             Japan             and                           100.00%
 Japan           6,000,000                                                                                        ment
 Dahua           QAR                                                                                              Establish
                                Qatar             Qatar             and                           100.00%
 Qatar           2,184,000                                                                                        ment
 Huacheng        HKD                                                                                              Establish
                                Hong Kong         Hong Kong         and                           100.00%
 Hong Kong       12,023,000                                                                                       ment
 Dahua                                                                                                            Establish
                 USD 10,000     Panama            Panama            and                           100.00%
 Pacific                                                                                                          ment
 Dahua                                                              Electronics
                 SAR                                                                                              Establish
 Saudi                          Saudi Arabia      Saudi Arabia      and                           100.00%
                 500,000                                                                                          ment
 Arabia                                                             information
 Dahua           BDT                                                                                              Establish
                                Bangladesh        Bangladesh        and                           100.00%
 Bengal          5,000,000                                                                                        ment
 IMOU            USD                                                                                              Establish
                                Australia         Australia         and                           100.00%
 Australia       1,000,000                                                                                        ment
                 VND                                                Electronics
 IMOU                                                                                                             Establish
                 6,930,000,0    Vietnam           Vietnam           and                           100.00%
 Vietnam                                                                                                          ment
                 00                                                 information
 HuaRay          USD                                                                                              Establish
                                Singapore         Singapore         and                           100.00%
 Singapore       100,000                                                                                          ment
                 KRW                                                Electronics
 HuaRay                                                                                                           Establish
                 100,000,00     South Korea       South Korea       and                           100.00%
 Korea                                                                                                            ment
                 0                                                  information
 HuaRay                                                                                                           Establish
                 EUR 23,000     Germany           Germany           and                           100.00%
 Germany                                                                                                          ment
 Dahua           EUR                                                                                              Establish
                                Belgium           Belgium           and                           100.00%
 Belgium         100,000                                                                                          ment
 Dahua                                                              Electronics
 Saudi           SAR 10,000     Saudi Arabia      Saudi Arabia      and                           100.00%
 Arabia                                                             information
 Dahua           USD                                                                                              Establish
                                Azerbaijan        Azerbaijan        and                           100.00%
 Azerbaijan      100,000                                                                                          ment
                 VND                                                Electronics
 Dahua                                                                                                            Establish
                 2,363,600,0    Vietnam           Vietnam           and                           100.00%
 Vietnam                                                                                                          ment
                 00                                                 information
                 AOA                                                Electronics
 Dahua                                                                                                            Establish
                 176,303,00     Angola            Angola            and                           100.00%
 Angola                                                                                                           ment
                 0                                                  information

Explanations on the fact that the proportion of the shares held by a subsidiary differs from that of voting rights:

(1) The Company previously held 45% equity in Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology Co., Ltd. and accepted 33% equity
from individual shareholders in 2023. After the change, the Company directly holds 78% equity in Hangzhou Xiaohua
Technology Co., Ltd. and exercises the voting rights according to its equity ratio.

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Based on the industrial and commercial registration data, the CDB Development Fund holds equity in the Company.
According to the cooperation agreement between the Company and CDB Development Fund, CDB Development
Fund shall not appoint senior management personnel, such as directors and supervisors, to Dahua Zhilian; regarding
its investment, the Company shall pay an annual investment profit of 1.2% to CDB Development Fund through
dividends, repurchase premiums, etc. In addition, the Company shall redeem the CDB Development Fund's equity in
Dahua Zhilian period by period from 2022 to 2024, using its amount of investment as other non-current liabilities, and
reclassifying those due within one year to "non-current liabilities due within one year". The Company effectively holds
100% voting rights and equity in Dahua Zhilian.

(3) In 2023, the registered capital of Huacheng Network was increased from RMB 50,000,000 to RMB 77,905,200
through capital increase and share expansion several times. Due to the Company's abandonment of the right to
increase capital in the same proportion, the Company's original 51.00% equity was diluted to 32.73%. After the dilution
of equity, the Company is still the largest shareholder of Huacheng Network. Huacheng Network is still a holding
subsidiary of the Company, and is included in the scope of consolidation of the Company.

(4) In 2023, the registered capital of the holding subsidiary HuaRay Technology was increased from RMB 60,386,500
to RMB 78,264,800 through capital increase, share expansion and equity transfer several times. Due to the
Company's abandonment of the right to increase capital in the same proportion and the right of preemption, the
Company's original 42.23% equity was diluted to 32.58%. After the dilution of equity, the Company is still the largest
shareholder of HuaRay Technology. The remaining shareholders have a low and dispersed shareholding ratio, and
HuaRay Technology is still a holding subsidiary of the Company, and is included the scope of consolidation of the
(5) In August 2023, the Company acquired 15.00% equity in Huafei Intelligent held by Hangzhou Hua’ao Enterprise
Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) with a consideration of RMB 13,347,000. After the acquisition of equity,
the Company’s original 45.50% equity in Huafei Intelligent was increased to 60.50%, and after the change, the
Company exercises the voting rights according to its equity ratio.

(6) The Company directly holds 45% equity in Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd., and as agreed upon, Ningbo
Hualing Venture Capital Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) grants its voting rights of 35% to the Company.
The Company effectively holds 80% of the voting rights in Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd., which constitutes
working control so as to incorporate it into the scope of consolidation.

2. The transactions that lead to changes in the shareholder's equity in the subsidiaries while
still has working control over the subsidiary

(1) Explanation of the changes in the shareholder's equity in the subsidiaries

1) In June 2023, the Company acquired the 33.00% equity held by 3 individual shareholders in Hangzhou Xiaohua
Technology Co., Ltd. with a consideration of RMB 3,300,000. After the acquisition of equity, the Company’s original
45.00% equity in Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology Co., Ltd. was increased to 78.00%, and after the change, the
Company exercises the voting rights according to its equity ratio.

2) In August 2023, the Company acquired 15.00% equity in Huafei Intelligent held by Hangzhou Hua’ao Enterprise
Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) with a consideration of RMB 13,347,000. After the acquisition of equity,

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

the Company’s original 45.50% equity in Huafei Intelligent was increased to 60.50%, and after the change, the
Company exercises the voting rights according to its equity ratio.

3) In October 2023, the registered capital of the holding subsidiary Pixfra Technology was increased from RMB
100,000,000 to RMB 442,140,400 through capital increase and share expansion. The Company’s original 51.00%
equity in Pixfra Technology was changed to 75.11%, and after the change, the Company exercises the voting rights
according to its equity ratio.

4) In 2023, the registered capital of the holding subsidiary HuaRay Technology was increased from RMB 60,386,500
to RMB 78,264,800 through capital increase, share expansion and equity transfer several times. Due to the
Company's abandonment of the right to increase capital in the same proportion and the preemptive right, the
Company's original 42.23% equity was diluted to 32.58%. After the dilution of equity, the Company is still the largest
shareholder of HuaRay Technology. The remaining shareholders have a low and dispersed shareholding ratio, and
HuaRay Technology is still a holding subsidiary of the Company, and is included the scope of consolidation of the

5) In 2023, the registered capital of the holding subsidiary Huacheng Network was increased from RMB 50,000,000 to
RMB 77,905,200 through capital increase and share expansion several times. Due to the Company's abandonment of
the right to increase capital in the same proportion, the Company's original 51.00% equity was diluted to 32.73%. After
the dilution of equity, the Company is still the largest shareholder of Huacheng Network. Huacheng Network is still a
holding subsidiary of the Company, and is included in the scope of consolidation of the Company.

(2) The effect of the transactions on the equity of the minority shareholders and the shareholder's equity
attributable to the parent company

Unit: RMB
                    Xiaohua         Huafei            Xinjiang        Pixfra            Huacheng         HuaRay
                    Technology      Intelligent       Information     Technology        Network          Technology
 -- Cash            3,300,000.00    13,347,000.00
 -- Fair value of
 cost/ Total
                    3,300,000.00    13,347,000.00
 Less: the
 share of net
 assets of the
                                                                      -                                  157,420,514.5
 calculated         571,110.85      12,733,879.31     -254,678.93                       -3,242,181.69
                                                                      41,017,645.38                      9
 based on the
 ratio of equity
 Difference         2,728,889.15    613,120.69        254,678.93      41,017,645.38     3,242,181.69     -

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Among them:
 adjust the                                                          -                                   157,420,514.5
                   -2,728,889.15   -613,120.69       -254,678.93                      -3,242,181.69
 capital                                                             41,017,645.38                       9
 d surplus

3. Equity in joint venture arrangements or affiliates

(1) Financial summary of non-essential joint ventures and affiliates

Unit: RMB
                                          Closing balance / amount occurred in   Opening balance / amount occurred
                                          the current period                     in the previous period
 Joint ventures:
 The total count of the following items
 based on the shareholding ratios
 Total book value of investments          727,453,629.75                         1,461,099,644.55
 The total count of the following items
 based on the shareholding ratios
 --Net profit                             -242,631,295.52                        -399,809,570.81
 --Other comprehensive income             9,013,070.41                           -448,230.26
 --Total comprehensive income             -233,618,225.11                        -400,257,801.07
Note: The affiliate Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd. has been disposed of in the current period, and the
opening balance/amount occurred in the previous period contains the amount of Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co.,

XI. Government Subsidies

1. Government subsidies recognized as the amount receivable at the end of the reporting

□ Applicable  Not applicable
Reasons for failure to receive the estimated amount of government subsidies at the estimated timepoint
□ Applicable  Not applicable

2. Liabilities related to government subsidies

 Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                 Amount            Other                           Related
 Acco                            The amount of      as non-
                                                                 transferred to    change                          to
 unting     Opening balance      new subsidies      operating                                  Closing balance
                                                                 other income in   s in this                       assets/
 item                            in this period     revenue
                                                                 this period       period                          income
                                                    in this
            104,663,047.38       61,122,500.00                   13,941,174.36                 151,844,373.02      to
                                 29,734,600.00                   14,867,299.98                 14,867,300.02       to

3. Government subsidies recorded into the current profit or loss

 Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB
                                            Amount Occurred in the Current          Amount Occurred in the Previous
 Accounting item
                                            Period                                  Period
 Other Incomes                              932,712,195.04                          980,662,878.33
 Non-operating Revenue                                                              2,100,000.00

XII. Risks Relating to Financial Instruments

1. Risks arising from the financial instruments

In the business operation, the Company is facing with various financial risks: credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk
(including exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risks).

The overall objective of the Company's risk management is to formulate risk management policies that can minimize
risks without affecting the Company's competitiveness and adaptability to changes too much.

(I) Credit risk

The credit risk refers to the risk of financial loss to the Company as a result of a counterparty's failure to fulfill its
contractual obligations. The Company is mainly facing with the customer credit risk arising from sales on account.
Before signing a new contract, the Company will assess the new customer's credit risk, including external credit rating
and the credibility letter from a bank under some circumstances (if such information is available). The Company has
set a credit limit for sales on account for each customer. Such limit shall be the maximum amount with no additional
approval needed.

The Company ensures that the overall credit risk is within the controllable range through quarterly monitoring of credit
ratings of existing customers, and monthly review of aging analysis on accounts receivable. When monitoring
customers' credit risk, the Company groups them according to their credit characteristics. Customers rated as "high
risk" will be placed on the restricted customer list. The Company can provide them with O/A in the future period only
when additional approval is obtained. Otherwise they must make relevant payment in advance.

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

For overseas customers, the Company mainly uses wire transfer as a payment method. According to the credit
evaluation of each customer, the Company gives different credit lines and credit account periods, and agrees on the
payment method and account period in the commodity procurement contract between the two parties. After the sales
of products, the Company has a dedicated person responsible for tracking, reconciliation, and payment reminding. In
addition, the Company introduced export credit insurance to ensure that the return risk from overseas customers is
within controllable range.

(II) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk refers to the risk of a shortage of funds when an enterprise fulfills its obligation of settlement by cash or
other financial assets.

The Company's policy is to ensure that there is sufficient cash to repay the liabilities due. The liquidity risk is under the
concentrated control of the Company's Financial Department. Through monitoring the balance of cash and securities
cashable at any time and rolling forecasting the cash flow in the next 12 months, the Financial Department ensures
that the Company has sufficient funds to repay its debts under all reasonable predictions.

The financial liabilities of the Company are listed as follows based on the undiscounted contractual cash flow:
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                      December 31, 2023
                      Within 1 year                         1 years or above        Total
                      961,559,707.96                                                961,559,707.96
                      3,296,294,946.26                                              3,296,294,946.26
                      5,815,123,195.55                                              5,815,123,195.55
                      812,424,146.52                                                812,424,146.52
Liabilities Due       924,321,195.99                                                924,321,195.99
within 1 Year
                                                            187,049,189.60          187,049,189.60
                      11,809,723,192.28                     187,049,189.60          11,996,772,381.88

                                 December 31, 2022
                                 Within 1 year                     1 years or above              Total
Short-term loan                          260,776,817.68                                              260,776,817.68
Notes Payable                     4,364,097,761.17                                               4,364,097,761.17
Accounts Payable                  7,340,277,388.29                                               7,340,277,388.29
Other Payables                    1,004,056,999.91                                               1,004,056,999.91
Non-current     Liabilities       2,612,356,720.16                                               2,612,356,720.16
Due within 1 Year
Long-term loan                   12,189,009.07                     460,171,666.67                472,360,675.74
Lease Liabilities                                                   209,266,176.61               209,266,176.61
Total                             15,593,754,696.28                669,437,843.28                16,263,192,539.56

                                                                       2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

       (III) Market Risk
       The market risk of financial instruments refers to the risk of fluctuation at fair value of financial instruments or future
       cash flows with the change of market prices, including exchange rate risks, interest rate risks and other price risks.
       1. Interest rate risk
       The interest rate risk refers to the risk in which the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments changes due
       to the change of market interest rate. The interest rate risk faced with by the Company is mainly from bank loans. The
       Company's assets and liabilities relating to interest rate are respectively bank deposits and short-term loans, whose
       interest rate risk is low.
       2. Exchange rate risk
       The exchange rate risk refers to the risk in which the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments changes due
       to the change of foreign exchange rate. The Company will try its best to match the revenues with the expenses in
       foreign currency, to lower the exchange rate risk. In addition, the Company may also sign forward foreign exchange
       contracts or currency swap contracts to avoid exchange rate risks.
       The exchange rate risk faced with by the Company is mainly from financial assets and liabilities in USD. The amounts
       of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies and converted into RMB are listed as below:
       Unit: RMB
Item         Closing balance                                                   Opening balance
             USD                    Other foreign          Total               USD                   Other foreign      Total
                                    currencies                                                       currencies
Cash and
Bank         1,211,603,667.27       3,821,528,161.46       5,033,131,828.73    1,014,793,102.46      593,320,421.14     1,608,113,523.60
             3,780,152,844.06       2,615,801,053.40       6,395,953,897.46    4,171,664,421.39      2,134,877,260.22   6,306,541,681.61
              734,434,093.99         242,813,777.12        977,247,871.11      1,764,995,765.35      342,688,103.07     2,107,683,868.42
Total        5,726,190,605.32       6,680,142,991.98       12,406,333,597.30   6,951,453,289.20      3,070,885,784.43   10,022,339,073.63

       2. Financial assets

       (1) Classification of transfer methods

        Applicable □ Not applicable

       Unit: RMB

                                    Nature of financial      Amount of financial     Dereco    Basis for judgment of
        Transfer method
                                    assets transferred       assets transferred      gnition   derecognition
                                                                                               The bank acceptance bills and
                                                                                               commercial acceptance bills in the
                                                                                               notes receivable are accepted by
                                    Unexpired bank                                             the banks or enterprises with low
                                    acceptance bills and                             Not       credit ratings. The recourses of
        Endorsement or
                                    commercial               39,320,431.95           derecog   the endorsed or discounted bills
                                    acceptance bills in                              nised     will not be impaired, but the credit
                                    the notes receivable                                       risks and deferred payment risks
                                                                                               related to the notes have not been
                                                                                               transferred yet. The notes are
                                                                                               therefore not derecognized.
                                    Unexpired bank                                             The bank acceptance bills in the
        Endorsement or                                                               Dereco
                                    acceptance bills in      92,886,786.46                     receivables financing are
        discounting                                                                  gnised
                                    the receivables                                            accepted by the banks with high

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                           financing                                                credit ratings, incurring low credit
                                                                                    risks and deferred payment risks,
                                                                                    and the interest rate risks related
                                                                                    to the notes have been transferred
                                                                                    to the banks. It can be judged that
                                                                                    the major risks and rewards of the
                                                                                    notes title have been transferred
                                                                                    and the notes are therefore
                                                                                    The supply chain finance in the
                                                                                    accounts receivable is accepted
                                                                                    by enterprises. The recourses of
                                                                                    the discounted or factored
                           Unexpired supply                              Not        accounts receivable will not be
 Discounting or
                           chain finance in the    7,238,385.64          derecog    impaired, but the credit risks and
                           accounts receivable                           nised      deferred payment risks related to
                                                                                    the accounts receivable have not
                                                                                    been transferred yet. The
                                                                                    accounts receivable are therefore
                                                                                    not derecognized.
                                                                                    The accounts receivable
                                                                                    transferred in accordance with the
                                                                                    non-recourse accounts receivable
 Factoring of              Unexpired accounts                            Dereco
                                                   14,041,249.40                    factoring agreement are
 accounts receivable       receivable                                    gnised
                                                                                    derecognised as the majors risks
                                                                                    and rewards of their title have
                                                                                    been transferred.
 Total                                             153,486,853.45

(2) Financial assets derecognised due to transfer

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

                                 Transfer method of           Amount of financial assets   Gains or losses related to
                                 financial assets             derecognized                 derecognition
 Unexpired bank
 acceptance bills in the         Endorsement/Discounting      92,886,786.46                -1,207,777.45
 receivables financing
                                 Factoring of accounts
 Accounts receivable                                          14,041,249.40                -331,453.99
 Total                                                        106,928,035.86               -1,539,231.44

XIII. Disclosure of Fair Values

1. Fair values of the assets and liabilities at the end of the period

Unit: RMB
                           Fair values at period-end

 Item                      First level             Second level          Third level
                           measurement ata fair    measurement at fair   measurement at fair     Total
                           value                   value                 value
 I. Constant               --                      --                    --                      --

                                          2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

measurement at fair
(I) Trading Financial
                              1,470,000.00                                   1,470,000.00
1. Financial assets
measured at fair
                              1,470,000.00                                   1,470,000.00
value through profit
or loss in this period
(1) Investment in
debt instrument
(2) Investment in
equity instrument
(3) Derivative
Financial Assets
(4) Others                    1,470,000.00                                   1,470,000.00
(II) Receivables
                              810,713,267.86                                 810,713,267.86
(III) Other Non-
current Financial             1,056,959,784.04        478,782,601.67         1,535,742,385.71
  1. Financial assets
measured at fair
                              1,056,959,784.04        478,782,601.67         1,535,742,385.71
value through profit
or loss in this period
  (1) Investment in
debt instrument
  (2) Investment in
                                                      478,782,601.67         478,782,601.67
equity instrument
  (3) Derivative
Financial Assets
  (4) Others                  1,056,959,784.04                               1,056,959,784.04
  2. Financial assets
that are designated
to be measured at
fair value through
profit or loss in this
  (1) Investment in
debt instrument
  (2) Others
Total assets
constantly measured           1,869,143,051.90        478,782,601.67         2,347,925,653.57
at fair value
(Ⅳ) Transactional
                              61,400.12                                      61,400.12
Financial Liabilities
Of which: Derivative
                              61,400.12                                      61,400.12
financial liabilities
Total amount of
liabilities constantly
                              61,400.12                                      61,400.12
measured at their fair
II. Non-constant
measurement at fair      --   --                      --                     --

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2. For the continuous and non-continuous second-level fair value measurement items, the
valuation techniques adopted and the qualitative and quantitative information of important

The fair value of the derivative financial assets/derivative financial liabilities is measured and recognized with reference
to different parameters determined by the financial institutions on the basis of the market conditions then existing as
well as the remaining term and transaction term of such transaction.
Due to the short remaining term of the receivables financing, the book value is close to the fair value, and the nominal
amount is used as the fair value.
Other non-current financial assets are valued on the basis of quotations provided by financial institutions.

3. For the continuous and non-continuous third-level fair value measurement items, the
valuation techniques adopted and the qualitative and quantitative information of important

Evaluate the value and net book assets based on the income method and asset-based method.

4. The fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value

The fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities measured by the Company at amortized cost is equivalent to
the book value.

XIV. Related Parties and Related-party Transactions

1. The Company's Parent Company

                                                                                                          Proportion of
Name of parent       Registered                                Registered                                 voting rights of
                                          Business Nature                            ratio of the
company              Address                                   Capital                                    the parent
                                                                                     parent company
                                          The controlling
Fu Liquan                                 shareholder and                            31.08%               31.08%
                                          actual controller
                                          The actual
Chen Ailing                                                                          2.16%                2.16%
The final controllers of the Company are Mr. Fu Liquan and Ms. Chen Ailing.

2. Information about the Company's subsidiaries

For details of subsidiaries of the Company, see Note "X. Equities in Other Entities".

3. Information about the Company's joint ventures and affiliates

For details of significant joint ventures and affiliates of the Company, see Note "X. Equities in Other Entities".
Here are the information about other joint ventures and affiliates that have related-party transactions with the Company
in the current period or have balance from related-party transactions with the Company in the previous period:

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Names of joint ventures and affiliates                        Relationship with the Company
 Intelbras S.A.                                                Affiliate
 Guangdong Zhishi Digital Technology Co., Ltd.                 Affiliate
 Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates    Former affiliate and enterprise where the actual controller
 (Note 1)                                                      has significant influence
 Ruicity Digital Technology Co., Ltd.                          Affiliate
 Hangzhou Juhuanyan Information Technology Co., Ltd.           Affiliate
 Dezhou Shuzhi Information Technology Co., Ltd.                Affiliate
 Zhejiang Huachuang Vision Technology Co., Ltd.                Affiliate
 Ningbo Cida Yongshun Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.         Affiliate
 Guangxi FTZ Huaqin Wisdom Park Technology Research
 Institute Co., Ltd.
 Shaoxing Dahua Security Services Co., Ltd. (Note 2)           Former affiliate
Other notes:

Note 1: "Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates" include a total of eight companies that have
related transactions with the Company, namely Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd., Leapmotor Automobile Co.,
Ltd., Hangzhou Leapmotor Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Lingxiao Energy Technology Co., Ltd.,
Zhejiang Leapmotor Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd., Jinhua Leapmotor New Energy Automotive Parts Technology
Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Lingsheng Power Technology Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Leapmotor Automobile Marketing Service
Co., Ltd,.
Note 2: Shaoxing Dahua Security Services Co., Ltd. ended its affiliated relationship in March 2023.

4. Information about other related parties

                                                              Relationship between the Company and other related
Names of other related parties
Zhejiang Huanuokang Technology Co., Ltd.                      Enterprise controlled by the actual controller
Huayan Capital (Hangzhou) Private Equity Fund
                                                              Enterprise controlled by the actual controller
Management Co., Ltd.
China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. and its
                                                              Shareholders with shareholding proportion over 5%
                                                              Enterprise once controlled by the spouse of senior
Hangzhou Nuojia Technology Co., Ltd. (Note 1)
                                                              manager of the Company
Zhejiang Zhihua Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              Subsidiary of a former affiliate
(Note 2)
Company A and other companies under its control               Related parties
                                                              Enterprise where the actual controller served as a
Lorex Technology Inc. (Note 3)
                                                              director within 12 months
                                                              Enterprise where the actual controller served as a
Lorex Corporation (Note 3)
                                                              director within 12 months
                                                              Enterprise where the actual controller served as a
Zhejiang Lancable Technology Co., Ltd. (Note 4)
                                                              director within 12 months
                                                              Enterprise significantly influenced by the major
Hangzhou Vision Robot Technology Co., Ltd. (Note 4)
                                                              shareholder of the Company within 12 months
                                                              Enterprise controlled by the major shareholder of the
Hangzhou Xintu Technology Co., Ltd. (Note 4)
                                                              Company within 12 months
Zhejiang Huayuxin Technology Co., Ltd.                        Enterprise controlled by the actual controller
Other notes:

Note 1: Hangzhou Nuojia Technology Co., Ltd. was a business controlled by the spouse of a senior manager of the
Company. The spouse disposed of shares and lost the control over the business in January 2022, but it was still

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

recognized as an associated party within 12 months after the disposal, and the associated relationship ended in
January 2023. In February 2023, it was changed to “Hangzhou Nuojia Yunlian Technology Co., Ltd.”
Note 2: Zhejiang Zhihua Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd. was a holding subsidiary of Shaoxing Dahua Security
Services Co., Ltd. and ended its affiliated relationship in March 2023.
Note 3: Lorex Technology Inc. and Lorex Corporation were subsidiaries within the scope of consolidation and 100%
equity of them was disposed of on December 27, 2022. In consideration that their actual controller was a former
director, they were still deemed to maintain an affiliated relationship within 12 months upon disposal and ended the
affiliated relationship in December 2023.
Note 4: Zhejiang Lancable Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Vision Robot Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Xintu
Technology Co., Ltd. ended the affiliated relationship in April 2024.

5. Information about related-party transactions

(1) Related-party transactions involving purchase and selling of merchandise and provision
and acceptance of labor services

Merchandise purchase and acceptance of labor services

Unit: RMB

                      Content of the        Amount                                  Over the            Amount
 Related parties      related - party       Occurred in the                         transaction limit   Occurred in the
                                                                transaction limit
                      transaction           Current Period                          or not              Previous Period
 Company A and
                      Purchase of
 other companies                            220,043,806.51                          No                  426,715,803.76
 under its control
                      Purchase of
 Vision                                     86,413,751.62                           No                  28,553,150.81
 Technology Co.,
 China Mobile         Material
 Communications       procurement,
                                            65,645,012.10                           No                  29,900,094.13
 Group Co., Ltd.      acceptance of
 and its affiliates   services
 Ruicity Digital
                      Purchase of
 Technology Co.,                            8,967,655.86                            No                  188,679.25
 Technology Co.,                            1,228,401.43                            No                  24,065.76
                      acceptance of
 Ltd. and its
 Hangzhou             Material
 Xunwei Robotics      procurement,
                                            174,659.74                              No                  86,820.97
 Technology Co.,      acceptance of
 Ltd.                 services
 Zhejiang             Material
 Huanuokang           procurement,
                                            157,371.67                              No                  426,548.59
 Technology Co.,      acceptance of
 Ltd.                 services
 Hangzhou Nuojia      Acceptance of
                                                                                    No                  743,921.51
 Technology Co.,      services

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Lancable            Purchase of
                                                                               No                  212,400.00
 Technology Co.,     materials
Sales of merchandise and provision of services

Unit: RMB

                                Content of the related -    Amount Occurred in the      Amount Occurred in the
 Related parties
                                party transaction           Current Period              Previous Period
 Intelbras S.A.                 Sales of merchandise        865,178,578.92              885,573,057.86
 Lorex Corporation              Sales of merchandise        478,643,886.67
 Zhejiang Leapmotor
                                Sales of merchandise and
 Technology Co., Ltd. and                                   311,398,339.87              380,507,828.89
                                provision of services
 its affiliates
 China Mobile
                                Sales of merchandise and
 Communications Group                                       196,450,005.15              296,167,428.28
                                provision of services
 Co., Ltd. and its affiliates
 Lorex Technology Inc.          Sales of merchandise        56,585,936.15
 Ruicity Digital Technology
                                Sales of merchandise        12,502,503.49               26,862,367.12
 Co., Ltd.
 Ningbo Cida Yongshun
                                Sales of merchandise and
 Intelligent Technology Co.,                                8,905,782.27                8,809,463.47
                                provision of services
 Zhejiang Huachuang             Sales of merchandise and
                                                            4,227,590.71                1,820,337.98
 Vision Technology Co., Ltd.    provision of services
 Guangdong Zhishi Digital
                                Sales of merchandise        3,635,895.54                13,638,759.40
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Dezhou Shuzhi Information      Sales of merchandise and
                                                            2,199,876.09                2,177,472.29
 Technology Co., Ltd.           provision of services
 Zhejiang Huanuokang
                                Sales of merchandise        1,100,912.16                3,183,710.56
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Guangxi FTZ Huaqin
 Wisdom Park Technology         Sales of merchandise        145,836.73
 Research Institute Co., Ltd.
 Company A and other
 companies under its            Sales of merchandise        30,913.16                   152,369.23
 Zhejiang Lancable
                                Sales of merchandise        22,761.06
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Hangzhou Xunwei
 Robotics Technology Co.,       Sales of merchandise        13,761.08                   20,973.45
 Hangzhou Xintu                 Sales of merchandise and
                                                            5,424.92                    4,716.96
 Technology Co., Ltd.           provision of services
 Hangzhou Nuojia
                                Sales of merchandise                                    1,014,877.85
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Zhihua Internet of
 Things Technology Co.,         Sales of merchandise                                    1,769.91

(2) Related leasing

The Company being the lessor:
Unit: RMB

                                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                   Rental income confirmed in      Rental income confirmed in
 Name of the lessee             Type of the leased assets
                                                                   this period                     the previous period
 Zhejiang       Huanuokang
                                Buildings and constructions        1,875,248.10                    738,825.30
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang         Huayuxin
                                Buildings and constructions        738,194.50
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang        Leapmotor
 Technology Co., Ltd. and       Buildings and constructions        268,975.94                      258,595.24
 its affiliates
 Huayan              Capital
 (Hangzhou) Private Equity
                                Buildings and constructions        93,489.58                       29,766.33
 Fund Management Co.,
 Zhejiang        Huachuang
                                Buildings and constructions        20,091.73
 Vision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Company A and other
 companies      under     its   Transport equipment                                                15,486.73
The Company being the lessee:

Unit: RMB

                      Simplified rental   Variable lease
                      expenses for        payments not
                                                                                        Interest expense
                      short-term leases   included in the                                                      Increased right-
                                                                   Rent paid            on lease
                      and low-value       measurement of                                                       of-use assets
                                                                                        liabilities borne
                      asset leases (if    lease liabilities (if
             Type     applicable)         applicable)
             of the   Amoun     Amoun     Amoun       Amoun        Amoun       Amoun    Amoun      Amoun       Amoun     Amoun
 of the
             leased   t         t         t           t            t           t        t          t           t         t
             assets   Occurr    Occurr    Occurr      Occurr       Occurr      Occurr   Occurr     Occurr      Occurr    Occurr
                      ed in     ed in     ed in       ed in        ed in       ed in    ed in      ed in       ed in     ed in
                      the       the       the         the          the         the      the        the         the       the
                      Curren    Previo    Curren      Previo       Curren      Previo   Curren     Previo      Curren    Previo
                      t         us        t           us           t           us       t          us          t         us
                      Period    Period    Period      Period       Period      Period   Period     Period      Period    Period
 otor        Machin
 Techno      ery
                                                                   1,034,      1,034,   241,04     266,40                8,884,
 logy        and
                                                                   915.00      915.00   0.11       1.09                  640.73
 Co.,        equip
 Ltd.        ment
 and its

(3) Related guarantee

The Company being the guarantor:

Unit: RMB
                                                                                                       Guarantee     fulfilled
Secured parties         Amount guaranteed         Starting date                Maturity date
                                                                                                       completely or not
Zhejiang Dahua                                                                 Two years after the
                        600,000,000.00            August 12, 2020                                      Yes
Vision Technology                                                              maturity of the debts

                                                      2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.                                                        in the master
                                                                 Two years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                                 maturity of the debts
Vision Technology      330,000,000.00     August 18, 2020                                 Yes
                                                                 in the master
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua
Vision Technology      35,000,000.00      August 1, 2021         July 31, 2023            Yes
Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                                 maturity of the debts
Vision Technology      900,000,000.00     September 27, 2021                              Yes
                                                                 in the master
Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                                 maturity of the debts
Vision Technology      300,000,000.00     June 10, 2022                                   Yes
                                                                 in the master
Co., Ltd.
                                                                 From effective date
                                                                 of the Commitment
                                                                 Letter to three years
Zhejiang Dahua                                                   after the maturity
Vision Technology      200,000,000.00     June 10, 2022          date of each note        Yes
Co., Ltd.                                                        discounted by the
                                                                 China Merchants
                                                                 Bank within the credit
                                                                 extension period
                                                                 Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                                 maturity of the debts
Vision Technology      350,000,000.00     July 25, 2022                                   Yes
                                                                 in the master
Co., Ltd.
                                                                 From effective date
                                                                 of the Commitment
                                                                 Letter to three years
                                                                 after the maturity
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                                 date of each note
Vision Technology      200,000,000.00     June 9, 2023                                    Yes
                                                                 discounted by the
Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Hangzhou Branch of
                                                                 China Merchants
                                                                 Bank within the credit
                                                                 extension period
                                                                 Two years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                                 maturity of the debts
Vision Technology      220,000,000.00     October 13, 2017                                No
                                                                 in the master
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                                 Two years after the
Vision Technology
                                                                 maturity of the debts
Co., Ltd. (guarantee   40,000,000.00      September 21, 2018                              No
                                                                 in the master
currency is US
Zhejiang Dahua
Vision Technology      530,000,000.00     April 7, 2020          March 31, 2024           No
Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Five years upon
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                                 expiration of debt
Vision Technology      300,000,000.00     August 15, 2020                                 No
                                                                 period of master
Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                                 maturity of the debts
Vision Technology      1,000,000,000.00   February 4, 2021                                No
                                                                 in the master
Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                                 maturity of the debts
Vision Technology      440,000,000.00     July 26, 2021                                   No
                                                                 in the master
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua                                                   Three years after the
Vision Technology      200,000,000.00     October 20, 2021       maturity of the debts    No
Co., Ltd.                                                        in the master

                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                           Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                           maturity of the debts
Vision Technology   200,000,000.00   July 22, 2022                                  No
                                                           in the master
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua
Vision Technology   600,000,000.00   September 19, 2022    September 18, 2024       No
Co., Ltd.
                                                           From effective date
                                                           of the Letter of
                                                           Guarantee to three
                                                           years after the
                                                           maturity date of each
                                                           loan or any other
                                                           fund raised under the
                                                           Credit Agreement or
                                                           the creditor’s rights
                                                           in the accounts
Zhejiang Dahua                                             receivable accepted
Vision Technology   400,000,000.00   June 9, 2023          by Hangzhou Branch       No
Co., Ltd.                                                  of China Merchants
                                                           Bank or the date of
                                                           each advance
                                                           payment. If any
                                                           specific credit is
                                                           renewed, the period
                                                           of guarantee is
                                                           extended to three
                                                           years after expiration
                                                           of the renewed
                                                           From the period of
                                                           guarantee to three
                                                           years after the
                                                           maturity date of each
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                           note discounted by
Vision Technology   200,000,000.00   June 25, 2023                                  No
                                                           the Hangzhou
Co., Ltd.
                                                           Branch of China
                                                           Merchants Bank
                                                           within the credit
                                                           extension period
                                                           From date of maturity
                                                           of each principal debt
Zhejiang Dahua                                             to three years after
Vision Technology   400,000,000.00   July 24, 2023         the date of maturity     No
Co., Ltd.                                                  of the last-to-expire
                                                           principal debt under
                                                           the master contract.
                                                           From effective date
                                                           of the Maximum
                                                           Amount Guarantee
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                           Contract to three
Vision Technology   500,000,000.00   July 25, 2023                                  No
                                                           years from the date
Co., Ltd.
                                                           of maturity of each
                                                           debt under the Credit
                                                           Business Agreement.
                                                           As per every single
                                                           credit business
                                                           requested by Dahua
                                                           Technology as a
Zhejiang Dahua                                             debtor, from date of
Vision Technology   900,000,000.00   September 26, 2023    execution of the         No
Co., Ltd.                                                  master contract for
                                                           each credit business
                                                           to three years after
                                                           the date of maturity
                                                           of the debts of the

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                             debtor under such
                                                             master contract
                                                             Three years from the
                                                             date of maturity of
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                             the debts of the
Vision Technology     330,000,000.00   September 26, 2023                             No
                                                             debtor set out in the
Co., Ltd.
                                                             master contract for
                                                             creditor’s rights
                                                             Three years from the
                                                             date immediately
Zhejiang Dahua                                               following the date of
Vision Technology     200,000,000.00   November 20, 2023     honor by Qingchun        No
Co., Ltd.                                                    Branch of Industrial
                                                             and Commercial
                                                             Bank of China
                                                             Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua                                               maturity of the debts
                      200,000,000.00   November 10, 2021                              Yes
Zhilian Co., Ltd.                                            in the master
Zhejiang Dahua
                      80,000,000.00    March 25, 2022        December 31, 2023        Yes
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua                                               One years upon
Zhilian Co., Ltd.                                            expiration of debt
                      60,000,000.00    May 1, 2022                                    Yes
(guarantee currency                                          period of master
is US dollar)                                                contract
                                                             One years upon
Zhejiang Dahua                                               expiration of debt
                      10,000,000.00    May 1, 2022                                    Yes
Zhilian Co., Ltd.                                            period of master
Zhejiang Dahua
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                      55,000,000.00    May 14, 2022          May 14, 2023             Yes
(guarantee currency
is US dollar)
                                                             Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua                                               maturity of the debts
                      160,000,000.00   June 10, 2022                                  Yes
Zhilian Co., Ltd.                                            in the master
                                                             From effective date
                                                             of the Commitment
                                                             Letter to three years
                                                             after the maturity
Zhejiang Dahua
                      160,000,000.00   June 10, 2022         date of each note        Yes
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                                                             discounted by the
                                                             China Merchants
                                                             Bank within the credit
                                                             extension period
Zhejiang Dahua
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                      22,000,000.00    November 16, 2022     May 14, 2023             Yes
(guarantee currency
is US dollar)
                                                             From effective date
                                                             of the Commitment
                                                             Letter to three years
                                                             after the maturity
Zhejiang Dahua                                               date of each note
                      160,000,000.00   June 9, 2023                                   Yes
Zhilian Co., Ltd.                                            discounted by the
                                                             Hangzhou Branch of
                                                             China Merchants
                                                             Bank within the credit
                                                             extension period
                                                             Two years after the
Zhejiang Dahua                                               maturity of the debts
                      300,000,000.00   March 28, 2019                                 No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.                                            in the master
                                                             Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                      165,000,000.00   July 26, 2021         maturity of the debts    No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                                                             in the master

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Dahua
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                      5,000,000.00     December 3, 2021      December 2, 2024         No
(guarantee currency
is US dollar)
Zhejiang Dahua
                      200,000,000.00   August 25, 2022       August 25, 2025          No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua
                      150,000,000.00   September 19, 2022    September 18, 2024       No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                                                             From effective date
                                                             of the Letter of
                                                             Guarantee to three
                                                             years after the
                                                             maturity date of each
                                                             loan or any other
                                                             fund raised under the
                                                             Credit Agreement or
                                                             the creditor’s rights
                                                             in the accounts
                                                             receivable accepted
Zhejiang Dahua
                      160,000,000.00   June 9, 2023          by Hangzhou Branch       No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                                                             of China Merchants
                                                             Bank or the date of
                                                             each advance
                                                             payment. If any
                                                             specific credit is
                                                             renewed, the period
                                                             of guarantee is
                                                             extended to three
                                                             years after expiration
                                                             of the renewed
Zhejiang Dahua
                      120,000,000.00   June 19, 2023         June 18, 2024            No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua
                      350,000,000.00   June 19, 2023         June 18, 2024            No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                      12,500,000.00    July 13, 2023         July 12, 2024            No
(guarantee currency
is US dollar)
                                                             From date of maturity
                                                             of each principal debt
                                                             to three years after
Zhejiang Dahua
                      500,000,000.00   July 24, 2023         the date of maturity     No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                                                             of the last-to-expire
                                                             principal debt under
                                                             the master contract.
                                                             Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                             maturity of the debts
System Engineering    60,000,000.00    November 10, 2021                              Yes
                                                             in the master
Co., Ltd.
                                                             Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                             maturity of the debts
System Engineering    40,000,000.00    June 10, 2022                                  Yes
                                                             in the master
Co., Ltd.
                                                             From effective date
                                                             of the Commitment
                                                             Letter to three years
Zhejiang Dahua                                               after the maturity
System Engineering    40,000,000.00    June 10, 2022         date of each note        Yes
Co., Ltd.                                                    discounted by the
                                                             China Merchants
                                                             Bank within the credit
                                                             extension period
Zhejiang Dahua                                               Three years after the
                      50,000,000.00    July 25, 2022                                  Yes
System Engineering                                           maturity of the debts

                                                  2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.                                                    in the master
                                                             Two years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                             maturity of the debts
System Engineering    10,000,000.00   August 30, 2019                                 No
                                                             in the master
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua
System Engineering    5,000,000.00    August 25, 2022        August 25, 2025          No
Co., Ltd.
                                                             From effective date
                                                             of the Letter of
                                                             Guarantee to three
                                                             years after the
                                                             maturity date of each
                                                             loan or any other
                                                             fund raised under the
                                                             Credit Agreement or
                                                             the creditor’s rights
                                                             in the accounts
Zhejiang Dahua                                               receivable accepted
System Engineering    40,000,000.00   June 9, 2023           by Hangzhou Branch       No
Co., Ltd.                                                    of China Merchants
                                                             Bank or the date of
                                                             each advance
                                                             payment. If any
                                                             specific credit is
                                                             renewed, the period
                                                             of guarantee is
                                                             extended to three
                                                             years after expiration
                                                             of the renewed
                                                             From effective date
                                                             of the Maximum
                                                             Amount Guarantee
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                             Contract to three
System Engineering    50,000,000.00   July 25, 2023                                   No
                                                             years from the date
Co., Ltd.
                                                             of maturity of each
                                                             debt under the Credit
                                                             Business Agreement.
                                                             One year from
                                                             execution of the
Zhejiang Dahua                                               project contract or 6
System Engineering    1,602,100.00    September 11, 2023     months in which the      No
Co., Ltd.                                                    system runs stably
                                                             after going live
                                                             (whichever is later)
Dahua Technology
(HK) Limited
                      2,000,000.00    March 25, 2022         March 25, 2023           Yes
(guarantee currency
is US dollar)
Dahua Technology
(HK) Limited
                      2,000,000.00    April 21, 2023         April 21, 2024           No
(guarantee currency
is US dollar)
                      1,000,000.00    September 1, 2021      December 1, 2023         Yes
C.V (guaranteed
currency is US
                      5,000,000.00    October 21, 2022       October 20, 2023         Yes
C.V (guaranteed
currency is US

                                                   2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                       1,000,000.00    October 18, 2023       October 20, 2024         No
C.V (guaranteed
currency is US
                                                              Two years after the
Hangzhou Huacheng
                                                              maturity of the debts
Network Technology     50,000,000.00   August 30, 2019                                 No
                                                              in the master
Co., Ltd.
                                                              Three years after the
Hangzhou Huacheng
                                                              maturity of the debts
Network Technology     55,000,000.00   July 26, 2021                                   No
                                                              in the master
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Huacheng
Network Technology     65,000,000.00   August 25, 2022        August 25, 2025          No
Co., Ltd.
Dahua Technology
UK Limited                                                    Sign the Termination
                       1,160,000.00    August 12, 2020                                 No
(guaranteed currency                                          Notice Letter
is GBP)
                                                              Three years after the
Zhejiang Huayixin                                             maturity of the debts
                       10,000,000.00   April 29, 2022                                  No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                          in the master
Zhejiang Huayixin                                             Three years after the
Technology Co., Ltd.                                          maturity of the debts
                       2,000,000.00    May 16, 2022                                    No
(guarantee currency                                           in the master
is US dollar)                                                 contract
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
                                                              after the maturity
Zhejiang Huayixin
                       10,000,000.00   June 10, 2022          date of each note        Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              discounted by the
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
                                                              after the maturity
Zhejiang Huayixin                                             date of each note
                       10,000,000.00   June 9, 2023                                    Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.                                          discounted by the
                                                              Hangzhou Branch of
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
Zhejiang Huayixin
                       2,000,000.00    August 25, 2022        August 25, 2025          No
Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Huayixin
                       8,000,000.00    October 21, 2022       September 18, 2024       No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
                                                              after the maturity
Zhejiang Fengshi
                       20,000,000.00   June 10, 2022          date of each note        Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              discounted by the
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
Zhejiang Fengshi                                              Letter to three years
                       20,000,000.00   June 9, 2023                                    Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.                                          after the maturity
                                                              date of each note
                                                              discounted by the

                                                   2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                              Hangzhou Branch of
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
Zhejiang Fengshi
                       100,000,000.00   August 25, 2022       August 25, 2025          No
Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Fengshi
                       20,000,000.00    October 21, 2022      September 18, 2024       No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              From the period of
                                                              guarantee to three
                                                              years after the
                                                              maturity date of each
Zhejiang Fengshi                                              note discounted by
                       20,000,000.00    June 25, 2023                                  No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                          the Hangzhou
                                                              Branch of China
                                                              Merchants Bank
                                                              within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              Three years after the
Jiangsu Huaruipin                                             maturity of the debts
                       10,000,000.00    October 20, 2021                               Yes
Technology Co. Ltd.                                           in the master
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
                                                              after the maturity
Jiangsu Huaruipin                                             date of each note
                       10,000,000.00    June 9, 2023                                   Yes
Technology Co. Ltd.                                           discounted by the
                                                              Hangzhou Branch of
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
                                                              after the maturity
Jiangsu Huaruipin
                       10,000,000.00    June 10, 2022         date of each note        Yes
Technology Co. Ltd.
                                                              discounted by the
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
Jiangsu Huaruipin
                       8,000,000.00     August 25, 2022       August 25, 2025          No
Technology Co. Ltd.
Jiangsu Huaruipin
                       15,000,000.00    October 21, 2022      September 18, 2024       No
Technology Co. Ltd.
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
                                                              after the maturity
Zhejiang Huaxiao
                       10,000,000.00    June 10, 2022         date of each note        Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              discounted by the
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
                                                              after the maturity
Zhejiang Huaxiao                                              date of each note
                       10,000,000.00    June 9, 2023                                   Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.                                          discounted by the
                                                              Hangzhou Branch of
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
Zhejiang Huaxiao
                       2,000,000.00     August 25, 2022       August 25, 2025          No
Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                   2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Huaxiao
                       8,000,000.00     October 21, 2022      September 18, 2024       No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
                                                              after the maturity
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian
                       50,000,000.00    June 10, 2022         date of each note        Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              discounted by the
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
                                                              after the maturity
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian                                           date of each note
                       50,000,000.00    June 9, 2023                                   Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.                                          discounted by the
                                                              Hangzhou Branch of
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian
                       100,000,000.00   August 25, 2022       August 25, 2025          No
Technology Co., Ltd.
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian
                       25,000,000.00    October 21, 2022      September 18, 2024       No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              From the period of
                                                              guarantee to three
                                                              years after the
                                                              maturity date of each
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian                                           note discounted by
                       50,000,000.00    June 25, 2023                                  No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                          the Hangzhou
                                                              Branch of China
                                                              Merchants Bank
                                                              within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
Zhengzhou Dahua                                               after the maturity
Zhian Information      50,000,000.00    June 10, 2022         date of each note        Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.                                          discounted by the
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
                                                              after the maturity
Zhengzhou Dahua
                                                              date of each note
Zhian Information      50,000,000.00    June 9, 2023                                   Yes
                                                              discounted by the
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              Hangzhou Branch of
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
Zhengzhou Dahua
Zhian Information      30,000,000.00    August 25, 2022       August 25, 2025          No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              From the period of
                                                              guarantee to three
                                                              years after the
                                                              maturity date of each
Zhengzhou Dahua
                                                              note discounted by
Zhian Information      50,000,000.00    June 25, 2023                                  No
                                                              the Hangzhou
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              Branch of China
                                                              Merchants Bank
                                                              within the credit
                                                              extension period

                                                   2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
Chengdu Dahua
                                                              after the maturity
Zhian Information
                       100,000,000.00   June 10, 2022         date of each note        Yes
Technology Service
                                                              discounted by the
Co., Ltd.
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
Chengdu Dahua                                                 after the maturity
Zhian Information                                             date of each note
                       80,000,000.00    June 9, 2023                                   Yes
Technology Service                                            discounted by the
Co., Ltd.                                                     Hangzhou Branch of
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              From the period of
                                                              guarantee to three
                                                              years after the
Chengdu Dahua                                                 maturity date of each
Zhian Information                                             note discounted by
                       80,000,000.00    June 25, 2023                                  No
Technology Service                                            the Hangzhou
Co., Ltd.                                                     Branch of China
                                                              Merchants Bank
                                                              within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
                                                              after the maturity
Changsha Dahua
                       10,000,000.00    June 10, 2022         date of each note        Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              discounted by the
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
                                                              Letter to three years
                                                              after the maturity
Changsha Dahua                                                date of each note
                       10,000,000.00    June 9, 2023                                   Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.                                          discounted by the
                                                              Hangzhou Branch of
                                                              China Merchants
                                                              Bank within the credit
                                                              extension period
Changsha Dahua
                       30,000,000.00    August 25, 2022       August 25, 2025          No
Technology Co., Ltd.
Changsha Dahua
                       20,000,000.00    October 21, 2022      September 18, 2024       No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              From the period of
                                                              guarantee to three
                                                              years after the
                                                              maturity date of each
Changsha Dahua                                                note discounted by
                       10,000,000.00    June 25, 2023                                  No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                          the Hangzhou
                                                              Branch of China
                                                              Merchants Bank
                                                              within the credit
                                                              extension period
                                                              From effective date
                                                              of the Commitment
Zhejiang Pixfra
                       5,000,000.00     June 10, 2022         Letter to three years    Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                              after the maturity
                                                              date of each note

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                            discounted by the
                                                            China Merchants
                                                            Bank within the credit
                                                            extension period
                                                            From effective date
                                                            of the Commitment
                                                            Letter to three years
                                                            after the maturity
Zhejiang Pixfra                                             date of each note
                       5,000,000.00   June 9, 2023                                   Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.                                        discounted by the
                                                            Hangzhou Branch of
                                                            China Merchants
                                                            Bank within the credit
                                                            extension period
Zhejiang Pixfra
                       5,000,000.00   August 25, 2022       August 25, 2025          No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                            From effective date
                                                            of the Commitment
                                                            Letter to three years
Zhejiang Huafei
                                                            after the maturity
                       5,000,000.00   June 10, 2022         date of each note        Yes
Technology CO.,
                                                            discounted by the
                                                            China Merchants
                                                            Bank within the credit
                                                            extension period
Zhejiang Huafei
                       2,000,000.00   August 25, 2022       August 25, 2025          No
Technology CO.,
                                                            From effective date
                                                            of the Commitment
                                                            Letter to three years
                                                            after the maturity
Zhejiang Huajian
                       5,000,000.00   June 10, 2022         date of each note        Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                            discounted by the
                                                            China Merchants
                                                            Bank within the credit
                                                            extension period
                                                            From effective date
                                                            of the Commitment
                                                            Letter to three years
                                                            after the maturity
Zhejiang Huajian                                            date of each note
                       5,000,000.00   June 9, 2023                                   Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.                                        discounted by the
                                                            Hangzhou Branch of
                                                            China Merchants
                                                            Bank within the credit
                                                            extension period
Zhejiang Huajian
                       2,000,000.00   August 25, 2022       August 25, 2025          No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                            From effective date
                                                            of the Commitment
                                                            Letter to three years
Hangzhou Xiaohua                                            after the maturity
Technology CO.,        5,000,000.00   June 10, 2022         date of each note        Yes
LTD.                                                        discounted by the
                                                            China Merchants
                                                            Bank within the credit
                                                            extension period
Hangzhou Xiaohua
Technology CO.,        2,000,000.00   August 25, 2022       August 25, 2025          No
Zhejiang Dahua
Security Network
                       5,000,000.00   August 25, 2022       August 25, 2025          No
Operation Service
Co., Ltd.

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Technology
France Sas
                        145,690.20               December 7, 2023          August 31, 2019         No
(guaranteed currency
is EUR)

The Company being the secured party


(4) Asset transfer and debt restructuring of related parties

Unit: RMB
                                Content of the related -      Amount Occurred in the         Amount Occurred in the
 Related parties
                                party transaction             Current Period                 Previous Period
 Zhejiang Huachuang
                                Selling of fixed assets       612,608.16
 Vision Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Huanuokang
                                Selling of fixed assets       2,792.34                       3,078.06
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Leapmotor
                                Procurement of fixed
 Technology Co., Ltd. and                                                                    842,105.08
 its affiliates
 China Mobile                                                  1,767,786.05
                                Procurement of fixed
 Communications Group
 Co., Ltd. and its affiliates
 Zhejiang Huachuang             Procurement of fixed           40,630.42
 Vision Technology Co., Ltd.    assets

(5) Remuneration to key management personnel

Unit: RMB
                                          Amount Occurred in the Current           Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                          Period                                   Period
 Salary of key management personnel       22,009,460.55                            22,367,156.79

(6) Other related-party transactions

(1) On February 17, 2023, the Company convened the 39th meeting of the 7th board of directors and the 27th meeting
of the 7th board of supervisors, during which the "Proposal on Capital Increase by Certain Senior Management and
Core Employees of the Company and Related Transactions to the Planned Spin-off Subsidiary" was deliberated and
approved. It was agreed that some senior managers and core employees of the Company increased the capital of
RMB 6,049,190 to the holding subsidiary Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “HuaRay
Technology”) (where the registered capital was increased by RMB 1,675,676 and the balance was included in the
capital reserves). 11 natural persons consisting of senior managers including Zhao Yuning, Zhu Jiantang, Xu Zhicheng,
Liu Ming, Wu Jian, Li Zhijie, Song Ke and Xu Qiaofen, the supervisor Zheng Jieping and core employees including
Hao Chunshan and Chenqiang increased directly the capital by RMB 4,839,353 in total, and the management team
and core employees of the Company increased the capital by RMB 1,209,837 in total through holding shares in the
platforms including Hangzhou Jurui Lingyi Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Hangzhou
Jurui Lingsan Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership). After this capital increase, the equity of the
Company in HuaRay Technology is changed from 42.2280% to 41.0878%, and HuaRay Technology is still a holding
subsidiary of the Company covered by the Company’s consolidated statements.
(2) On March 17, 2023, the Proposal on Capital Increase and Share Expansion in the Holding Subsidiary to Introduce
Investors and Related Transactions was reviewed and approved at the 40th session of the 7th board of directors held
by the Company. It was agreed that the holding subsidiary of Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. introduced
through capital increase and share expansion a total of 8 investors (hereinafter referred to as “Investors”) including

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Yibin Lvneng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), Wuxi Xinchuang No.1 Venture Capital Investment
Partnership (Limited Partnership), Hefei Guoxuan High-tech Power Energy Co., Ltd. and Zhu Jiangming. The investors
planned to inject a total of RMB 260,000,061 yuan in cash into HuaRay Technology (RMB 8,934,710 yuan as
additional registered capital, with the remainder credited to capital surplus), thereby collectively obtaining a 12.58%
equity in HuaRay Technology after capital increase. Following this capital increase, the Company's equity stake in
HuaRay Technology changed from 41.0878% to 35.9171%. HuaRay Technology continues to be a holding subsidiary
within the consolidated financial statements of the Company.
(3) On April 7, 2023, the Proposal on Giving up the Holding Subsidiary's Right of First Refusal (ROFR) and Related-
party Transactions was reviewed and approved at the 41st meeting of the 7th board of directors held by the Company,
where Huashi Investment intended to transfer its 20% equity in Wisualarm Technology to the employee shareholding
platforms and core management of Wisualarm Technology. The employee shareholding platforms Hangzhou Huaxiao
01 Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Huaxiao 02 Enterprise Management Partnership
(Limited Partnership) accepted the 15.5% equity of Huaxiao Technology at a total price of RMB 10,850,000; Zhu
Jiantang, who is a senior executive of the Company and the chairman of Huaxiao Technology, accepted the 2.4%
equity of Huaxiao Technology at a price of RMB 1,680,000; and Wang Feng, who is the CEO of Huaxiao Technology,
accepted the 2.10% equity of Huaxiao Technology with a price of RMB 1,470,000. The board of directors agreed to
give the ROFR of the above equity.
(4) On April 7, 2023, the Proposal on the Implementation of Equity Incentives and Related-party Transactions of the
Holding Subsidiary was reviewed and approved at the 41st session of the 7th board of directors and the 28th session
of the 7th board of supervisors, where the Company intended to implement an equity incentive for some directors,
supervisors and senior executives of the Company and the core employees of the holding subsidiary Hangzhou
Huacheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. through capital increase in Huacheng Network. In this equity incentive, the
incentive objects increased the capital of Huacheng Network by RMB 25,243,400.06 in total directly or indirectly
through the shareholding platforms (where the registered capital was increased by RMB 7,163,033 and the balance
was included in the capital reserves), where: the director of the Company Zhao Yuning, the supervisor Zheng Jieping
and the senior executives including Liu Ming, Zhu Jiantang, Li Zhijie, Xu Zhicheng, Wu Jian, Song Ke and Xu Qiaofen
increased the capital of Huacheng network by RMB 7,881,049.75 in total (where a new registered capital of RMB
2,236,316 was obtained); the core employees of the Company including Hao Chunshan and Chen Qiang increased
the capital of Huacheng Network by RMB 2,014,624.08 in total (where a new registered capital of RMB 571,667 was
obtained); the chairman of Huacheng Network Ying Yong and the general manager Xie Yun increased the capital of
Huacheng Network by RMB 11,564,937.51 (where a new registered capital of RMB 3,281,651 was obtained); the core
employees of Huacheng Network increased the capital of Huacheng Network by RMB 3,782,788.71 in total (where a
new registered capital of RMB 1,073,399 was obtained) through Hangzhou Chengyi No. 1 Enterprise Management
Partnership (Limited Partnership) (which is a shareholding entity established with the contributions of core employees
of Huacheng Network, hereinafter referred to as “Employee Shareholding Platform”). The Company gave up the
priority to subscribe for the above new registered capital. Meanwhile, in order to adjust the shareholding form of some
incentive objects in Huacheng Network, the Company intended to transfer the contribution of RMB 302,260 indirectly
held by its directors and senior directors including Zhao Yuning, Zhu Jiantang, Li Zhijie, Xu Zhicheng, Wu Jian, Song
Ke and Xu Qiaofen in Huacheng Network through Ningbo Huayu Investment Management Partnership Enterprise
(Limited Partnership) according to the Management Methods for Business Startup and Investment of Core Employees
to such directors and senior executives for their direct holding at the price of RMB 218,745.56 by which they previously
obtained such contribution. The board of directors of the Company consented to the decision of Ningbo Huayu to
transfer the equity in Huacheng Network to the above directors and senior executives, and gave up the right of
preemption. Following the completion of this equity incentive implementation, the Company's equity stake in Huacheng
Network changed from 51.00% to 44.61%, while Huacheng Network continues to be a holding subsidiary within the
consolidated financial statements of the Company.
(5) On June 25, 2023, the Proposal on the Capital Increase, Implementation of Equity Incentives and Related-party
Transactions of the Holding Subsidiary was reviewed and approved at the 45th session of the 7th board of directors
and the 32nd session of the 7th board of supervisors, where the Company intended to increase the capital of the
holding subsidiary Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd. by RMB 53,986.47 (where the registered capital was
increased by RMB 28,109.169) by assessing and valuing the imaging business-related asset groups. The executive
director of Pixfra Technology Jiang Xiaolai and the general manager Yang Zhiqiang directly increased the capital of
Pixfra Technology by RMB 1,238,000 and RMB 2,642,500 respectively at a price of RMB 1/registered capital. The
Company gave up the priority to subscribe for the above new registered capital. After the above transaction was
completed, the equity of the Company in Pixfra Technology is changed from 51.00% to 75.11%, and the registered
capital of Pixfra Technology is increased from RMB 100,000,000 to RMB 442,140,448. Pixfra Technology is still a

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

holding subsidiary of the Company covered by the Company’s consolidated statements.
(6) During the reporting period, the Company repurchased the equity held by the employees in the holding subsidiary
Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology Co., Ltd. with the consideration of RMB 1/registered capital based on its business
strategy and arrangement for Xiaohua Technology, where the Company accepted the 1% equity held by Zuo Pengfei
in Xiaohua at a transaction price of RMB 100,000.
(7) During the reporting period, the Company repurchased the 15% equity held by the employee shareholding platform
Hangzhou Hua’ao Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) at a price of RMB 1.7796/registered
capital which was the original price for the employees to obtain the equity in the holding subsidiary Zhejiang Huafei
Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. based on its business strategy and arrangement for Huafei Intelligent, and the
transaction price totaled RMB 13,347,000.
(8) During the reporting period, in consideration of the strategy and actual business development of the holding
subsidiary Huacheng, Huacheng introduced a capital of RMB 44,200,000 in total from China Mobile Capital Holdings
Co., Ltd. through capital increase and share expansion (where the corresponding new registered capital was RMB
9,717,716), and after the capital increase, China Mobile Capital Holdings Co., Ltd. held 12.82% equity in Huacheng.
(9) The Proposal on the Transfer of Equity and Related-party Transactions of the Joint-stock Companies was reviewed
and approved at the 3rd session of the 8th board of directors held by the Company on October 26, 2023 and the 3rd
interim shareholders' meeting in 2023 held on November 6, 2023. It was agreed that the Company transferred
90,000,000 shares (including 45,000,000 “Fully-tradable” H shares and 45,000,000 domestic shares) of Zhejiang
Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd. to STELLANTIS N.V. at a price of HKD 3,492,900,000, and after the transaction was
completed, the Company no longer held any shares in Leapmotor.

6. Receivables and payables of the related parties

(1) Receivables

Unit: RMB
                                          Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Item Name           Related parties                         Bad debt                               Bad debt
                                          Book balance                          Book balance
                                                             provision                              provision
                     Intelbras S.A.       399,216,383.81     19,960,819.19      397,867,692.70      19,895,705.61
                     China Mobile
 Accounts            Communications
                                          140,286,722.77     15,390,276.69      169,771,631.78      13,418,528.87
 receivable          Group Co., Ltd.
                     and its affiliates
                     Technology Co.,      158,504,082.59     7,998,998.48       125,228,191.88      6,287,574.59
                     Ltd. and its
                     Vision               1,503,214.40       75,211.10          66,484,746.14       6,468,047.41
                     Technology Co.,
                     Ruicity Digital
                     Technology Co.,      18,610,308.67      1,161,880.61       18,091,127.92       904,556.40
                     Ningbo Cida
                     Intelligent          4,955,930.01       247,796.50         6,944,214.63        347,210.73
                     Technology Co.,
 Accounts            Guangdong            4,757,349.37       267,081.04         7,558,397.45        377,919.87

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

receivable        Zhishi Digital
                  Technology Co.,
Accounts          Huanuokang
                                        5,512,687.07         766,592.10          5,029,172.47      319,416.79
receivable        Technology Co.,
                  Company A and
                  other companies       2,708,124.52         1,194,095.64        2,703,192.68      694,554.83
                  under its control
                  Information                                                    1,208,000.00      344,113.20
                  Technology Co.,
Accounts          Lancable
                                        15,000.00            750.00
receivable        Technology Co.,
                  Hangzhou Xintu
                  Technology Co.,       81.60                4.08                81.66             4.08
                  Huayan Capital
Accounts          Private Equity
                                        181.50               9.08                181.50            9.08
receivable        Fund
                  Co., Ltd.
                  Hangzhou Nuojia
Accounts                                Not    applicable    Not    applicable
                  Technology Co.,                                                652,335.00        32,616.75
receivable                              (Note 1)             (Note 1)
                  Shaoxing Dahua
Accounts          Security              Not    applicable    Not    applicable
                                                                                 50,000.00         25,000.00
receivable        Services Co.,         (Note 1)             (Note 1)
Accounts          Xunwei Robotics
                                                                                 850.00            42.50
receivable        Technology Co.,
                  Guangxi FTZ
                  Huaqin Wisdom
                  Park Technology       31,200.00            1,560.00
                  Institute Co., Ltd.
Accounts          Lorex                  Not applicable       Not applicable     421,294,479.95    22,971,174.01
receivable        Corporation           (Note 1)             (Note 1)
Accounts          Lorex                  Not applicable       Not applicable     1,589,271.42      87,438.04
receivable        Technology Inc.       (Note 1)             (Note 1)
                  China Mobile
Accounts          Communications
Prepaid           Group Co., Ltd.
                  and its affiliates
                  Company A and
                  other companies       685,807.08
                  under its control
                  China Mobile
Contract Assets                         7,708,740.44         1,807,246.75        7,126,589.32      1,219,481.49

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                      Group Co., Ltd.
                      and its affiliates
                      Ruicity Digital
 Contract Assets      Technology Co.,        206,733.38         20,141.74           481,393.33          24,069.67
                      China Mobile
 Other                Communications
                                             1,965,652.24       265,848.14          1,523,267.68        401,163.38
 Receivables          Group Co., Ltd.
                      and its affiliates
                      Technology Co.,        64,850.00          3,242.50
                      Ltd. and its
Note 1: It ended the affiliated relationship in 2023;

(2) Payables

Unit: RMB
 Item Name                      Related parties                 Closing balance              Opening balance
                                China Mobile
 Accounts Payable               Communications Group            38,418,336.92                40,781,816.94
                                Co., Ltd. and its affiliates
                                Zhejiang Huachuang
 Accounts Payable                                               12,132,312.24                4,578,103.79
                                Vision Technology Co., Ltd.
                                Zhejiang Huanuokang
 Accounts Payable                                               61,513.26                    586,402.95
                                Technology Co., Ltd.
                                Ruicity Digital Technology
 Accounts Payable                                               9,167,655.86                 200,000.00
                                Co., Ltd.
                                Zhejiang Leapmotor
 Accounts Payable               Technology Co., Ltd. and        730,299.40                   19,080.00
                                its affiliates
                                Zhejiang Lancable
 Accounts Payable                                               3,970.00                     175,176.90
                                Technology Co., Ltd.
                                Hangzhou Nuojia
 Accounts Payable                                               Not applicable (Note 1)      1,346,249.09
                                Technology Co., Ltd.
                                China Mobile
 Contract liabilities           Communications Group            12,139,953.98                7,772,167.32
                                Co., Ltd. and its affiliates
                                Zhejiang Leapmotor
 Contract liabilities           Technology Co., Ltd. and        1,648,066.02                 491,074.23
                                its affiliates
                                Hangzhou Xintu
 Contract liabilities                                           1,362.58                     1,362.62
                                Technology Co., Ltd.
                                Dezhou Shuzhi Information
 Contract liabilities                                                                        105,185.84
                                Technology Co., Ltd.
                                Zhejiang Zhihua Internet of
 Contract liabilities           Things Technology Co.,          Not applicable (Note 1)      2,830.19
                                Zhejiang Huanuokang
 Contract liabilities                                           340,855.09
                                Technology Co., Ltd.
                                Zhejiang Huayuxin
 Contract liabilities                                           0.02
                                Technology Co., Ltd.
                                China Mobile
 Other Payables                 Communications Group            5,363,787.00                 1,070,000.00
                                Co., Ltd. and its affiliates

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                 Zhejiang Leapmotor
 Other Payables                  Technology Co., Ltd. and          173,520.00                    173,520.00
                                 its affiliates
                                 Zhejiang Huanuokang
 Other Payables                                                    63,070.00                     63,070.00
                                 Technology Co., Ltd.
Note 1: It ended the affiliated relationship in 2023;

XV. Share-based Payment

1. Overview of share-based payment

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

 Categorie     Granted in the Current       Exercised in the             Unlocked in the Current    Expired in the Current
 s of          Period                       Current Period               Period                     Period
 Objects       Quantity       Amount        Quantity         Amount      Quantity      Amount       Quantity      Amount
 managers                                                                                           31,795,58     259,451,9
 and                                                                                                0.00          32.80
                                                                                                    31,795,58     259,451,9
                                                                                                    0.00          32.80
Stock options or other equity instruments outstanding at the end of the period
 Applicable □ Not applicable

                           Stock Options Outstanding at the End of the          Other Equity Instruments Outstanding at the
 Categories of             Period                                               End of the Period
 Objects                   Range of Exercise            Remaining Period of     Range of Exercise      Remaining Period of
                           Price                        the Contract            Price                  the Contract
 Senior    managers,
 other managers and        RMB 16.59/share              6-30 months             RMB 8.16/share         6-30 months
 business backbones
Other notes:

(1) The employees of the Company and its subsidiaries hold the equity of the subsidiary HuaRay Technology through
capital increase, direct or indirect equity transfers. According to the fair value of the investors recently introduced by
the subsidiary Huaray Technology, the confirmed share-based payment fee is RMB 100,553,280.70.
(2) The employees of the Company and its subsidiaries hold the equity of Huacheng Network through capital increase,
direct or indirect equity transfers. According to the fair value of the investors recently introduced by Huacheng Network,
the confirmed share-based payment fee is RMB 5,355,507.96.
(3) The employees of the Company and its subsidiaries hold the equity of Pixfra Technology through capital increase,
direct or indirect equity transfers. According to the fair value of the investors recently introduced by Pixfra Technology,
the confirmed share-based payment fee is RMB 5,071,951.59.

                                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Situation of equity-settled share-based payment

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

                                                             The fair value of the restricted stocks shall be determined
                                                             based on the stock price and the grant cost of the
 The method for determining the fair value of equity         restricted stocks or stock price of the most recent external
 instruments on the day of granting                          investor entry as at the grant date, while the fair value of
                                                             the stock options shall be determined under the Black-
                                                             Scholes Model
 The basis for determining the amount of exercisable         Estimated according to equity instruments held by the
 equity instruments                                          employees
 Reason for the significant difference between the
 estimation of current period and the previous period
 The accumulated amount of equity-settled share-based
 payment counted into the capital reserve
 Amount of equity-settled share-based payment confirmed
 in current period

3. Situation of cash-settled share-based payment

□ Applicable  Not applicable

4. Share-based payment in the current period

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

 Categories of Objects                   Equity-settled Share-based Payment      Cash-settled Share-based Payment
 Senior managers, other managers
 and business backbones
 Total                                   288,440,579.53

5. Modification and termination of share-based payment

According to the Proposal on the Company's Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan in 2022 (Amended
Draft) and its Abstracts and the Proposal on the Company’s Measures for the Assessment and Administration of the
Implementation of the Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan in 2022 (Amendment), which had been
reviewed and approved at the 44th session of the 7th board of directors and the 2nd interim shareholder’s meeting of
the Company in 2023, the Company amended the Company-level performance assessment indicators in the Stock
Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan in 2022.
After the amendment, the performance assessment indicators for the stock options and restricted stocks are shown in
the following table:
Period of Unlocking                  Performance Assessment Indicator
                                     Based on the operating revenue in 2021, the annual revenue growth rate in
First period of unlocking            2022 was not less than 16%; or based on the net profit in 2021, the net profit
                                     growth rate in 2022 was not less than 16%

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                        Based on the operating revenue in 2022, the annual revenue growth rate in
Second period of unlocking              2023 was not less than 35%; or based on the net profit in 2022, the net profit
                                        growth rate in 2023 was not less than 35%
                                        Based on the operating revenue in 2022, the annual revenue growth rate in
Third period of unlocking               2024 was not less than 83%; or based on the net profit in 2022, the net profit
                                        growth rate in 2024 was not less than 83%
Note: “Operating revenue” refers to the operating revenue as applied in the audited consolidated financial statements
of listed companies; “net profit” above refers to the net profit value attributable to the shareholders of the Company as
applied in the audited consolidated financial statements of listed companies for the first period of exercise/unlocking, or
the net profit value attributable to the shareholders of the Company, less the non-recurring gains and losses, as
applied in the audited consolidated financial statements of listed companies for the second and third periods of
In consideration of the factors including changes in the macro market environment, the appropriate proportion
coefficient is set as follows according to the performance accomplishment rate (R) in the current period for the
assessment years of 2023 and 2024:
                                                               100%          〉
Accomplishment Rate        R≥100%                                                90%〉R≥80%          R〈80%
Coefficient for R          1                                   0.9                0.8                  0
Note: 1. The performance accomplishment rate (R) in the current period refers to the higher of the accomplishment
rate of operating revenue in the current period or the accomplishment rate of net profit less the non-recurring gains
and losses in the current period.
2. Accomplishment rate of operating revenue in the current period = actual growth rate of operating revenue in the
current period/target growth rate of operating revenue in the current period * 100%; accomplishment rate of net profit
in the current period = actual growth rate of net profit in the current period/target growth rate of net profit in the current
period * 100%.
3. The Company unlocks the restricted stocks held by the incentive objects in the assessment year according to the
indicator of the performance accomplishment rate (R), and the specific number of restricted stocks unlocked is as
follows: number of restricted stocks held by the incentive objects in the corresponding assessment year * coefficient
for R; and confirms the number of exercisable stock options held by the incentive objects in the assessment year, and
the specific number of exercisable stock options is as follows: number of stock options held by the incentive objects in
the corresponding assessment year * coefficient for R.

XVI. Commitments and Contingencies

1. Significant commitments

Important commitments on the balance sheet day

As of December 31, 2023, the Company's pledge information was as follows:
(1) On June 20, 2023, the Company and Hangzhou Branch of Zheshang Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the Guarantee
Contract for Pledge of Asset Pool, with the number (33100000) Zheshang Asset Pool Quality (2023) No. 08879 (the
contract term is from June 20, 2023 to January 12, 2024), to provide a guarantee for the Asset Pool Business
Cooperation Agreement signed by the Company together with the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co.,
Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co.,
Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Branch of Zheshang Bank Co.,
Ltd. The financing amount for the fund pledge pool cannot be more than RMB 2.5 billion.

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Under the notes pool business, as of December 31, 2023, the Company had undue notes receivable of RMB
346,067,483.72 (where RMB 340,000,000.00 was related party notes receivable that should be included in the scope
of consolidation), the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB
329,676,985.18 (where RMB 154,679.33 was related party notes receivable that should be included in the scope of
consolidation), and the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB
Under the pledge, the Company issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 9,717,792.00 and the
subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB
(2) On June 21, 2023, the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Branch of Zheshang Bank Co.,
Ltd. entered into the Guarantee Contract for Pledge of Asset Pool, with the number (33100000) Zheshang Asset Pool
Quality (2023) No. 08817 (the contract term is from June 21, 2023 to January 12, 2024), to provide a guarantee for the
Asset Pool Business Cooperation Agreement signed by Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. together with Hangzhou
Branch of Zheshang Bank Co., Ltd. The financing amount for the fund pledge pool cannot be more than RMB 0.5
Under the notes pool business, as of December 31, 2023, RMB 279,022,406.34 of undue notes receivable (of which
RMB 100,000,000.00 was related party notes that should be included in the scope of the consolidated financial
statements) of the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. was pledged for the issuance of acceptance bills.
Under the pledge, the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of
RMB 200,360,503.20.
(3) On June 1, 2022, the Company and Hangzhou Branch of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. signed the Credit
Agreement for Notes Pool Business (No.: 571XY2022013930), which promised a special credit limit of RMB 1.5 billion
for the notes pool, and allocated the same limit to the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd., the
subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology
Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology
Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Huayixin Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Wisualarm Technology Co.,
Ltd.,, the subsidiary Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Xi'an Dahua Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.,
the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Intelligent IoT Operation Service Co., Ltd., and the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian
Co., Ltd.
Under the notes pool business, the Company had undue notes receivable of RMB 341,468,067.10 as of December 31,
2023 (where RMB 335,000,000.00 was related party notes receivable that should be included in the scope of
consolidation), the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB
193,322,790.90 (where RMB 304,460.67 was related party notes receivable that should be included in the scope of
consolidation), the subsidiary Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB 151,750.00,
the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB 2,167,116.73, the
subsidiary Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB 623,801.31, the subsidiary
Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd. has undue notes receivable of RMB 22,903,870.00, and the subsidiary
Zhejiang Dahua Intelligent IoT Operation Service Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB 470,000.00 pledged for
issuing bank acceptance bills.
Under the pledge, the subsidiary Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills
in the amount of RMB 83,435,711.64, the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank
acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 39,539,772.23, the subsidiary Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co., Ltd. issued
the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 247,734,066.84, the subsidiary Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 497,374.83 and the subsidiary Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology
Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 122,979.03.
(4) On May 26, 2021, the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. and Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd.
entered into the Pledge Contract for Maximum Amount of Individual Asset Management (No.:7514ATMG202100073,
the contract term is from May 26, 2021 to May 25, 2024), to provide a guarantee for the Asset Management Service
Agreement signed by the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Bank Co., Ltd. The
credit limit of the notes pool cannot be more than RMB 0.2 billion.
Under the notes pool business, as of December 31, 2023, RMB 36,192,984.00 of undue notes receivable of the
subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. were pledged for the issuance of acceptance bills.
Under the pledge, the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the
amount of RMB 0.
(5) Under the Asset Pool Charge-off Agreement PPHJQZCZ 20230731 No.001 made by and between the Company
and Ping An Bank Limited Hangzhou Branch on August 18, 2023, a special credit line of RMB 1 billion in note pool
was granted and was also allocated to the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary
Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd. and the subsidiary
Changsha Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Under the notes pool business, as of December 31, 2023, the Company had undue notes receivable of RMB
150,000,000.00 (where RMB 150,000,000.00 was related party notes receivable that should be included in the scope
of consolidation), the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB
100,000,000.00 (where RMB 100,000,000.00 was related party notes receivable that should be included in the scope
of consolidation), and the subsidiary Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB
3,120,396.00, the subsidiary Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB 1,869,905.04
pledged for issuing bank acceptance bills.
Under the pledge, the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the
amount of RMB 98,101,540.06, the subsidiary Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance
bills in the amount of RMB 4,937,925.81, the subsidiary Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank
acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 199,795.30 and the subsidiary Changsha Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. issued
the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 5,190,022.25.
(6) The subsidiary Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Branch of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
entered into the Credit Agreement for Notes Pool Business, agreeing on a credit limit of RMB 0.2 billion for notes pool
business. Under the notes pool business, as of December 31, 2023, RMB 130,709,513.93 of undue notes receivable
of the subsidiary Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. were pledged for the issuance of acceptance bills. Under the
pledge, the subsidiary Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB

2. Contingencies

(1) Important contingent matters on the balance sheet day

No important contingent matters on the balance sheet day.

(2) If no important contingent matter to be disclosed by the Company, it should also be noted

No important contingent matter needs to be disclosed by the Company.

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

XVII. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

1. Significant non-adjustments


2. Distribution of profits

 Number of dividend payout to be distributed per 10
 shares (RMB)
                                                              Based on the share capital of 3,274,649,389 shares in
                                                              which the shares repurchased by the Company have
                                                              been deducted (19,819,601 shares have been
                                                              repurchased) as at December 31, 2023, the Company will
                                                              distribute RMB 3.82 (tax included) to all shareholders for
 Profit Distribution Plan
                                                              every 10 shares, with a total cash dividend of RMB
                                                              1,250,916,066.60 (tax included), and no capital reserves
                                                              will be capitalized and no bonus share will be given. The
                                                              undistributed profits will be reserved for future

3. Other events after the balance sheet date

On January 3, 2024, the subsidiary Dahua Technology (HK) Limited, Dahua Canada and CENTRAL MOTION
PICTURE USA CORPORATION entered into the Share Acquisition Agreement, in which it was agreed that CENTRAL
MOTION PICTURE USA CORPORATION accepted 100% equity in Dahua USA at a price of USD 15 million and
acquired the inventories owned by Dahua Canada with a value of USD 1 million at a price of USD 1 million. The
Company completed the corresponding equity and asset transfer procedures in January and from the date of transfer,
Dahua USA will be no longer included in the scope of consolidation.

XVIII. Other Significant Events

1. Subsection information

(1) Basis for determining the reporting subsection and the accounting policy

The Company determines the operation subsection based on internal organization structure, management
requirements, internal reporting system, etc. The Company has only one operational subsection, namely the R&D,
production, and sales of intelligent IoT products. The accounting policy of the reporting subsection is consistent with
that of the Company.

(2) Financial information of the reporting subsection

Regional subsection
Unit: RMB
Item                            Operating revenue                          Operating Cost
Domestic                        16,891,274,970.99                          10,462,264,668.17
Overseas                        15,327,042,665.78                          8,212,706,255.29
Total                           32,218,317,636.77                          18,674,970,923.46

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Product subsection
Unit: RMB
Item                         Operating revenue                             Operating Cost
Smart IoT Products and
                             26,644,648,182.18                             14,925,853,403.30
Including: Software Business  1,797,226,644.00                              591,429,713.59
Innovative Businesses          4,906,653,657.98                            3,169,076,284.13
Others                       667,015,796.61                                580,041,236.03
Total                           32,218,317,636.77                          18,674,970,923.46

XIX. Notes to Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Parent Company

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Disclosure by age

Unit: RMB
 Aging                                     Closing balance                         Opening balance
 Within 1 year (including 1 year)          6,181,011,320.94                        4,435,372,460.31
 1 to 2 years                              220,370,669.05                          288,995,411.49
 2 to 3 years                              205,500,322.81                          158,183,517.59
 3 years or above                          209,345,603.19                          89,620,990.72
     3 to 4 years                          139,992,165.49                          53,215,275.56
     4 to 5 years                          48,597,714.50                           15,437,090.50
     5 years or above                      20,755,723.20                           20,968,624.66
 Total                                     6,816,227,915.99                        4,972,172,380.11

(2) Categorical disclosure by methods for provision by bad debts

Unit: RMB
            Closing balance                                         Opening balance
            Book balance            Bad debt provision              Book balance         Bad debt provision
 y                                            Accrued      Book                                       Accrued    Book
                        Percent                            value              Percent                            value
            Amount                  Amount    proporti              Amount               Amount       proporti
                        age                                                   age
                                              on                                                      on
 with the
 bad        39,711,                 39,711,   100.00                38,693,              38,693,      100.00
                        0.58%                                                 0.78%
 debt       390.05                  390.05    %                     240.50               240.50       %

                                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 ble with
 amount      39,711,            39,711,   100.00                38,693,             38,693,   100.00
                       0.58%                                              0.78%
 but         390.05             390.05    %                     240.50              240.50    %
 n of bad
 with the
             6,776,5                                 6,640,9    4,933,4                                  4,837,4
 debt                           135,569                                             96,000,
             16,525.   99.42%             2.00%      46,970.    79,139.   99.22%              1.95%      78,515.
 provisio                       ,555.41                                             623.96
             94                                      53         61                                       65
 o      1:
             5,668,8                                 5,668,8    3,990,0                                  3,990,0
             00,812.   83.17%                        00,812.    54,640.   80.25%                         54,640.
             35                                      35         72                                       72
 o      2:
 Aging       1,107,7
                                135,569              972,146    943,424             96,000,              847,423
 Analysi     15,713.   16.25%             12.24%                          18.97%              10.18%
                                ,555.41              ,158.18    ,498.89             623.96               ,874.93
 s           59
           6,816,2                                  6,640,9   4,972,1                                    4,837,4
                      100.00   175,280                                    100.00    134,693
 Total     27,915.                                  46,970.   72,380.                                    78,515.
                      %        ,945.46                                    %         ,864.46
           99                                       53        11                                         65
Bad Debt Provision Accrued Based on Single Item: RMB 39,711,390.05
Unit: RMB
 Name             Opening balance                  Closing balance

                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                        Reason      for
                                     Bad       debt                    Bad       debt   Accrued
                    Book balance                      Book balance                                      making     bad
                                     provision                         provision        proportion
                                                                                                        debt provision
                                                                                                        Expected       to
 Customer 1         38,693,240.50    38,693,240.50    38,612,198.42    38,612,198.42    100.00%         be unable      to
                                                                                                        Expected       to
                                                      1,099,191.63     1,099,191.63     100.00%         be unable      to
 Total              38,693,240.50    38,693,240.50    39,711,390.05    39,711,390.05
Bad Debt Provision Accrued Based on Combinations: RMB 135,569,555.41
Unit: RMB
                                Closing balance
                                Book balance                  Bad debt provision            Accrued proportion
 Within 1 Year                  737,681,101.35                36,884,055.08                 5.00%
 1 to 2 years                   169,801,648.93                16,980,164.89                 10.00%
 2 to 3 years                   131,736,024.38                39,520,807.31                 30.00%
 3 to 4 years                   49,384,226.64                 24,692,113.32                 50.00%
 4 to 5 years                   8,101,487.38                  6,481,189.90                  80.00%
 5 years or above               11,011,224.91                 11,011,224.91                 100.00%
 Total                          1,107,715,713.59              135,569,555.41

If the bad debt provisions of accounts receivable are made according to the general model of expected credit losses:
□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
Unit: RMB
                                     Amount of Changes in the Current Period
                    Opening                                                                             Closing
 Category                                             Recovered or
                    balance          Accrued                           Written Off      Others          balance
 Bad       debt     134,693,864.4                                                                       175,280,945.4
                                     47,376,642.70    4,513.91         6,785,047.79
 provision          6                                                                                   6
                    134,693,864.4                                                                       175,280,945.4
 Total                               47,376,642.70    4,513.91         6,785,047.79
                    6                                                                                   6
Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:


(4) Accounts receivable actually written off in this period

Unit: RMB
 Item                                                         Write-off amount
 Accounts receivable actually written off                     6,785,047.79

Important accounts receivable written off:


                                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(5) Accounts receivable and contract assets of the top five closing balances at the end of the
period collected by debtors

Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Balance of Bad
                                                                                                      Debt Provisions
                                                              Balance of          As a Percentage
                       Balance of                                                                     of Accounts
                                         Balance of           Accounts            of Total Other
                       Accounts                                                                       Receivable and
                                         Contract Assets      Receivable and      Receivables and
 Name of Unit          Receivable at                                                                  Provisions for
                                         at the End of the    Contract Assets     Contract Assets
                       the End of the                                                                 Impairment of
                                         Period               at the End of the   at the End of the
                       Period                                                                         Contract Assets
                                                              Period              Period
                                                                                                      at the End of the
                       4,972,055,767.8                        4,972,055,767.8
 Customer 1                                                                       72.55%
                       2                                      2
 Customer 2            260,115,233.75                         260,115,233.75      3.80%
 Customer 3            171,008,953.76    4,972,876.68         175,981,830.44      2.57%               27,271,001.90
 Customer 4            102,942,991.14                         102,942,991.14      1.50%
 Customer 5            81,501,834.21                          81,501,834.21       1.19%
                       5,587,624,780.6                        5,592,597,657.3
 Total                                   4,972,876.68                             81.61%              27,271,001.90
                       8                                      6

2. Other receivables

Unit: RMB
 Item                                    Closing balance                          Opening balance
 Other Receivables                       11,736,609,900.41                        13,025,162,686.64
 Total                                   11,736,609,900.41                        13,025,162,686.64

(1) Other receivables

1) Other receivables categorized by the nature of the funds

Unit: RMB
 Nature of the funds                     Closing balance                          Opening balance
 Deposits                                42,885,100.54                            42,975,357.36
 Prepaid or advance expense              55,413,467.31                            42,425,892.12
 Employee home loan                      70,683,455.00                            84,743,250.00
 Incomings and outgoings                 11,602,342,723.04                        12,872,094,567.04
 Others                                  401,773.49                               14,709,388.90
 Total                                   11,771,726,519.38                        13,056,948,455.42

2) Disclosure by age

Unit: RMB
 Aging                                   Closing balance                          Opening balance
 Within 1 year (including 1 year)        11,151,113,722.07                        11,740,672,677.06
 1 to 2 years                            152,050,338.67                           880,224,982.17
 2 to 3 years                            103,271,253.97                           190,441,001.10
 3 years or above                        365,291,204.67                           245,609,795.09

                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     3 to 4 years                          156,024,115.87                                57,005,895.73
     4 to 5 years                          38,468,597.33                                 185,039,868.32
     5 years or above                      170,798,491.47                                3,564,031.04
 Total                                     11,771,726,519.38                             13,056,948,455.42

(3) Categorical disclosure by methods for provision by bad debts

Unit: RMB
             Closing balance                                             Opening balance
             Book balance           Bad debt provision                   Book balance          Bad debt provision
 y                                               Accrued    Book                                          Accrued      Book
                        Percent                             value                   Percent                            value
             Amount                 Amount       proporti                Amount                Amount     proporti
                        age                                                         age
                                                 on                                                       on
             11,771,                                        11,736,      13,056,                                       13,025,
 n                      100.00      35,116,                                         100.00     31,785,
             726,519                             0.30%      609,900      948,455                          0.24%        162,686
 Based                  %           618.97                                          %          768.78
             .38                                            .41          .42                                           .64
 o      1:
             11,602,                                        11,602,      12,872,                                       12,872,
             342,723    98.56%                              342,723      094,567    98.58%                             094,567
             .04                                            .04          .04                                           .04
 o      2:
             169,383                35,116,                 134,267      184,853               31,785,                 153,068
 Analysi                1.44%                    20.73%                             1.42%                 17.20%
             ,796.34                618.97                  ,177.37      ,888.38               768.78                  ,119.60
           11,771,                                 11,736,   13,056,                                                   13,025,
                      100.00   35,116,                                              100.00     31,785,
 Total     726,519                                 609,900 948,455                                                     162,686
                      %        618.97                                               %          768.78
           .38                                     .41       .42                                                       .64
Bad Debt Provision Accrued Based on Combinations: RMB 35,116,618.97
Unit: RMB
                                  Closing balance
                                  Book balance                      Bad debt provision            Accrued proportion
 Within 1 year (including 1
                                  79,434,455.19                     3,971,722.76                  5.00%
 1 to 2 years                     35,281,870.59                     3,528,187.06                  10.00%
 2 to 3 years                     21,337,446.21                     6,401,233.86                  30.00%
 3 to 4 years                     21,025,938.31                     10,512,969.16                 50.00%
 4 to 5 years                     8,007,899.55                      6,406,319.64                  80.00%
 5 years or above                 4,296,186.49                      4,296,186.49                  100.00%
 Total                            169,383,796.34                    35,116,618.97

Bad debt provisions made according to the general model of expected credit losses:

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Unit: RMB
                           Phase One                Phase Two                  Phase Three
                                                    Expected credit            Expected credit
 Bad debt provision        Expected credit                                                              Total
                                                    losses for the entire      losses for the entire
                           losses in the next 12
                                                    extension (without         extension (with credit
                                                    credit impairment)         impairment)
 Balance on January
                           25,225,412.46            6,120,196.70               440,159.62               31,785,768.78
 1, 2023
 Balance     in  the
 current period on
 January 1, 2023
 --Transfer to phase
                           -1,344,040.03            1,344,040.03
 --Transfer to phase
                           -22,153.40               -2,520.00                  24,673.40
 Provisions    of   this
                                                    3,776,967.83               1,013,206.77             4,790,174.60
 Reversals     in   this
                           917,816.38                                                                   917,816.38
 Write off     in   this
                           511,508.03               11,000.00                  19,000.00                541,508.03
 Balance   as     of
                           22,429,894.62            11,227,684.56              1,459,039.79             35,116,618.97
 December 31, 2023

Book balance changes with significant changes in loss provision in the current period
□ Applicable  Not applicable

4) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
Unit: RMB
                                     Amount of Changes in the Current Period
                    Opening                                                                                     Closing
 Category                                              Recovered or
                    balance          Accrued                                Write-off         Others            balance
 Bad       debt
                    31,785,768.78    4,790,174.60      917,816.38           541,508.03                          35,116,618.97
 Total              31,785,768.78    4,790,174.60      917,816.38           541,508.03                          35,116,618.97

Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:


5) Accounts receivable actually written off in this period

Unit: RMB
 Item                                                            Write-off amount
 Other accounts receivable actually written off                  541,508.03
Other important accounts receivable written off:


                                                               2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

6) Other receivables of the top five closing balances collected by debtors

Unit: RMB
                                                                                   As a percentage
                                                                                   of total other      Bad debt
 Name of          Nature of the
                                  Closing balance      Aging                       receivables at      provision at the
 Unit             funds
                                                                                   the end of the      end of the period
                  Incomings                            RMB 7,701,619,823.45
                  and             7,702,205,020.30     within 1 year, RMB          65.43%
                  outgoings                            585,196.85 for 1-2 years
                  and             2,391,792,112.16     Within 1 year               20.32%
                                                       RMB 507,415,321.86
                                                       within 1 year, RMB
                  Incomings                            4,400,100.00 for 1-2
                  and             554,210,671.85       years, RMB 5,100,400.00     4.71%
                  outgoings                            for 2-3 years, RMB
                                                       37,294,849.99 for 3-4
                                                       RMB 271,440,813.99
                                                       within 1 year, RMB
 Company                                               73,400,000.00 for 1-2
                  and             392,450,907.34                                   3.33%
 4                                                     years, RMB
                                                       47,610,093.35 for 2-3
                                                       RMB 9,080,630.14 within
                                                       1 year, RMB
                                                       10,170,475.10 for 1-2
                                                       years, RMB 8,757,718.98
 Company                                               for 2-3 years, RMB
                  and             205,295,149.55                                   1.74%
 5                                                     8,822,249.05 for 3-4
                                                       years, RMB 9,052,406.35
                                                       for 4-5 years, RMB
                                                       159,411,669.93 for five
                                                       years or above
 Total                                                                             95.53%

3. Long-term equity investment

Unit: RMB
                     Closing balance                                    Opening balance
 Item                                  Provision for                                      Provision for
                     Book balance                      Book value       Book balance                      Book value
                                       impairment                                         impairment
 Investment in       8,003,642,515                     8,003,642,515    4,651,487,417                     4,651,487,417
 subsidiaries        .21                               .21              .05                               .05
 Investment in
                     188,883,917.0                     188,160,420.6    831,485,368.0                     830,761,871.7
 affiliates and                        723,496.39                                         723,496.39
                     3                                 4                9                                 0
 joint ventures
                     8,192,526,432                     8,191,802,935    5,482,972,785                     5,482,249,288
 Total                                 723,496.39                                         723,496.39
                     .24                               .85              .14                               .75

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(1) Investment in subsidiaries

Unit: RMB
                             Opening      Decrease/Increase in the current period
                Opening      balance of                                                      Closing
 The                                                                Provision                             balance of
                balance      provision    Investmen    Investmen                             balance
 invested                                                           for                                   provision
                (book        for          ts           t                            Others   (book
 entity                                                             impairmen                             for decline
                value)       impairmen    increased    decreased                             value)
                                                                    t accrued                             in value
 System         535,013,1                 9,704,750.                                         544,717,8
 Engineeri      30.42                     46                                                 80.88
 ng      Co.,
                102,150,0                                                                    102,235,9
 Network                                  85,918.92
                77.26                                                                        96.18
 Co., Ltd.
                5,100,000.                                                                   5,100,000.
                00                                                                           00
 y Co., Ltd.
 Informatio     6,159,547.                                                                   6,221,853.
 n              73                                                                           65
 y Co., Ltd.
 Technolog      668,941,1                 746,235.0                                          669,687,3
 y      (HK)    12.00                     0                                                  47.00
                1,295,016,                6,479,861.                                         1,301,496,
                312.10                    97                                                 174.07
 y Co., Ltd.
                20,002,58                                                                    20,002,58
                0.76                                                                         0.76
 y Co., Ltd.
                5,851,433.                3,612,386.                                         9,463,819.
                47                        32                                                 79
 y      CO.,
                1,001,657,                852,225,0                                          1,853,882,
                517.59                    70.39                                              587.98

                                         2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.
               62,175,00                                                 62,175,00
               0.00                                                      0.00
ent     Co.,
Dahua          71,262,26                                                 71,342,56
Zhicheng       4.85                                                      4.89
Co., Ltd.
               30,102,81    3,350,008.                                   33,452,82
               4.35         98                                           3.33
y Co., Ltd.
HuaRay         33,919,74    9,122,776.                                   43,042,52
Technolog      8.87         49                                           5.36
y Co., Ltd.
               5,110,520.                                                5,131,561.
Hua'ao                      21,041.28
               63                                                        91
y Co., Ltd.
Intelligent    25,619,30    13,401,49                                    39,020,80
Technolog      9.34         9.89                                         9.23
y       CO.,
               1,800,000.                                                1,800,000.
               00                                                        00
y Co., Ltd.
Fengshi        9,028,975.                                                9,076,201.
Technolog      38                                                        62
y Co., Ltd.
Technolog      8,102,000.                                                8,102,000.
y Holdings     00                                                        00
Huaxiao        38,317,40    1,185,790.                                   39,503,19
Technolog      5.37         16                                           5.53
y Co., Ltd.
               100,718,7    890,684,8                                    991,403,6
               98.71        94.39                                        93.10
y Co., Ltd.
               17,927,21    139,029.1                                    18,066,24
               1.61         2                                            0.73

                                             2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

y Co. Ltd.
              10,675,12    311,131.4                                         10,986,25
              5.73         9                                                 7.22
y Service
Co., Ltd.
              60,000,00                                                      60,000,00
              0.00                                                           0.00
y Co., Ltd.
Informatio    1,931,398.   693,288.6                                         2,624,687.
n             93           4                                                 57
y Service
Co., Ltd.
              17,640,00                                                      17,640,00
              0.00                                                           0.00
Co. Ltd.
Dahua         30,000,00                                                      30,000,00
Technolog     0.00                                                           0.00
y Co., Ltd.
Zhili         4,500,000.                4,500,000.
Technolog     00                        00
y Co., Ltd
Huayixin      41,380,25                                                      41,057,90
Technolog     8.10                                                           5.45
y Co., Ltd.
Huaruijie     52,349,27    2,410,090.                                        54,759,36
Technolog     8.69         33                                                9.02
y Co., Ltd.
              50,346,03    550,621,6                                         600,967,7
              2.57         78.60                                             11.17
y Co., Ltd.
Dahua         100,000,0    454,700,0                                         554,700,0
Zhian         00.00        00.00                                             00.00

                                        2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

y Service
Co., Ltd.
Smart         5,800,000.                                                5,800,000.
Network       00                                                        00
y Co., Ltd.
Huajian       23,520,80    1,917,792.                                   25,438,59
Technolog     2.07         17                                           4.24
y Co., Ltd.
Informatio    2,055.08                                                  2,055.08
y Co., Ltd.
Huacheng      123,727.0                                                 181,131.0
Technolog     3                                                         7
y Co., Ltd.
Huacheng      1,838,147.   2,699,065.                                   4,537,212.
Software      19           42                                           61
Co., Ltd.
              72,864.00                                                 72,864.00
y Canada
Informatio    10,000,00                                                 10,000,00
n             0.00                                                      0.00
y Service
Co., Ltd.
u Dahua
              30,000,00                                                 30,000,00
              0.00                                                      0.00
y Co., Ltd.
y             1,000,000.                                                1,000,000.
Internation   00                                                        00
al     Pte.
              100,009,8                                                 100,029,5
Dahua                      19,716.48
              58.24                                                     74.72

                                                              2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 y Co., Ltd.
 Pixfra         50,982,18                  541,528,5                                               592,510,7
 Technolog      1.36                       83.84                                                   65.20
 y Co., Ltd.
                15,285,36                  764,843.2                                               16,050,20
                0.32                       0                                                       3.52
 Co., Ltd.
                                           109,134.6                                               163,701.9
 Informatio     54,567.30
                                           0                                                       0
 y Co., Ltd.
                                           26,184.84                                               26,184.84
 y Co., Ltd.
                                           10,000,00                                               10,000,00
                                           0.00                                                    0.00
 y Co., Ltd.
 Zhilian                                   43,251.72                                               43,251.72
 y Co., Ltd.
 Huaxiyue                                  126,189.8                                               126,189.8
 Intelligent                               7                                                       7
 y Co., Ltd.
                4,651,487,                 3,356,655,     4,500,000.                               8,003,642,
                417.05                     098.16         00                                       515.21

(2) Investment in affiliates and joint ventures

Unit: RMB

                     Openi     Decrease/Increase in the current period                                              Closin
            Openi                                                                                          Closin
                     ng                          Invest    Adjust               Cash     Provis                     g
 The        ng                                                                                             g
                     balan     Invest   Invest   ment      ment        Other    divide   ion for                    balan
 invest     balan                                                                                          balan
                     ce of     ments    ment     profit    on          chang    nds or   impair    Other            ce of
 ed         ce                                                                                             ce
                     provisi   increa   decre    and       other       es in    profit   ment      s                provisi
 entity     (book                                                                                          (book
                     on for    sed      ased     loss      compr       equity   declar   accru                      on for
            value)                                                                                         value)
                     impair                      recog     ehens                ed to    ed                         declin

                                                 2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                     ment            nized    ive               distrib                           e    in
                                     under    incom             ute                               value
                                     the      e
Ⅰ. Joint ventures
Ⅱ. Affiliates
Digital   71,17                      7,055,                                              78,23
Techn     5,718.                     847.2                                               1,566.
ology     81                         9                                                   10
Leap                                 -
          650,4              392,2            2,608,   50,08
motor                                310,8
          70,25              62,37            700.6    1,247.
Techn                                97,82
          9.18               8.85             3        47
ology                                8.43
Inform               723,4                                                                        723,4
ation                96.39                                                                        96.39
Capita    63,05                      4,377,                                              67,43
l         4,968.                     586.7                                               2,554.
Invest    03                         7                                                   80
u         3,407,                                                                         3,444,
Shuzh     519.6                                                                          758.2
i         3                                                                              6

                                                            2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

            1,291,                             -                                                         1,121,
 et of
            851.5                              170,0                                                     844.5
            4                                  06.98                                                     6
 uang       41,36                                                 6,218,                                 37,92
 Vision     1,554.                                                646.4                                  9,696.
 Techn      51                                                    2                                      92
            830,7                     392,2              2,608,   56,29                                  188,1
 Subtot              723,4                     309,2                                                              723,4
            61,87                     62,37              700.6    9,893.                                 60,42
 al                  96.39                     47,66                                                              96.39
            1.70                      8.85               3        89                                     0.64
            830,7                     392,2              2,608,   56,29                                  188,1
                     723,4                     309,2                                                              723,4
 Total      61,87                     62,37              700.6    9,893.                                 60,42
                     96.39                     47,66                                                              96.39
            1.70                      8.85               3        89                                     0.64
The recoverable amount is determined according to the net amount of the fair value less the cost of disposal
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined according to the present value of the expected future cash flow
□ Applicable  Not applicable

4. Operating revenue and operating cost

Unit: RMB
                         Amount Occurred in the Current Period             Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
                         Income                  Cost                      Income                 Cost
 Main Business           10,606,267,041.51       1,653,964,589.27          8,401,027,073.37       1,188,553,267.61
 Other businesses        69,647,278.51           37,059,643.16             57,417,038.00          41,482,814.03
 Total                   10,675,914,320.02       1,691,024,232.43          8,458,444,111.37       1,230,036,081.64

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

5. Investment income

Unit: RMB
                                             Amount Occurred in the Current         Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                             Period                                 Period
 Long-term equity investment income
 calculated by cost method
 Long-term equity investment income
                                             -309,247,666.73                        -455,385,100.70
 measured by equity method
 Investment income from disposal of
                                             4,603,860,940.85                       147,553,843.81
 long-term equity investment
 Investment income on other non-
 current financial assets during the         11,870,549.61                          9,173,028.68
 holding period
 Investment income from disposal of
 other non-current financial assets
 Investment income from national
                                             1,256,871.91                           791,371.25
 debt reverse repurchase
 Profits from recognition termination of
                                             -4,294,983.66                          -4,157,038.98
 financial assets
 Gain on debt restructuring                                                         -170,120.71
 Total                                       4,314,965,696.38                       -302,194,016.65

XX. Supplementary Information

1. Breakdown of non-recurring gains and losses for this period

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

 Item                                        Amount                                 Note
 Gains and losses from disposal of
 non-current assets
 Government subsidies included in
 the current gains and losses (except
 for those that are closely related to
 the regular business operations of
 the Company, in line with national          199,003,183.46
 policies, received according to
 established standards, and having a
 continuous impact on the Company's
 gains and losses)
 Gains or losses from changes in the
 fair value of financial assets and
 liabilities, and from the disposal of
 financial assets and liabilities, held by
 non-financial enterprises, except for
 effective hedging businesses related
 to the regular business operations of
 the Company.
 Gains or losses from investment or
 asset management entrusted to

                                                                2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Reversal of the receivables
 depreciation reserves for separate         4,513.91
 impairment test
 Gains or losses from debt
 Non-Operating Revenue and
 expenses other than the above
 Other gains and losses items that fit
 the definition of non-recurring gains      -57,989,909.93
 and losses
 Less: Impact of income tax                 555,973,378.97
        Impact of minority equity (after
 Total                                      4,400,150,265.51                          --

Other gains or losses that fit the definition of non-recurring gains or losses:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company has no other gains or losses that fit the definition of non-recurring gains or losses.
Note for the definition of non-recurring gains and losses listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on Information
Disclosure for Companies Issuance Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring gains and losses, as recurring gains
and losses.
□ Applicable  Not applicable

2. Return on net assets and earnings per share

                                                                 Earnings per share
 Profit for the reporting
                                   Weighted Average ROE          Basic Earnings per Share    Diluted Earnings per Share
                                                                 (RMB/Share)                 (RMB/Share)
 Net profit attributable to
 common shareholders of            22.43%                        2.31                        2.31
 the Company
 Net profit attributable to
 common shareholders of
 the Company after                 9.03%                         0.93                        0.93
 deducting non-recurring
 gains and losses

3. Differences in accounting data between domestic and overseas accounting standards

(1) Differences of net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed according to the
international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Differences of net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed according to the
overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                           2023 Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(3) Reasons for accounting data differences under domestic and overseas accounting
standards. For difference adjustment on the data already audited by an overseas audit
institution, name of the audit institution should be noted.

□ Applicable  Not applicable
                                                       Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                             Legal representative: Fu Liquan
                                                                                 April 16, 2024
