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大华股份:2024 Third Quarter Report2024-10-26  

                                                                                         Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

Stock Code: 002236                             Stock Na me: Dahua Technology                          Announcement No.: 2024-077

                                Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
                                          2024 Third Quarter Report
     The Company a nd all members of the Board of Directors hereby guarantee that the i nformation disclosed herein is

a uthentic, a ccurate and complete a nd free of a ny false records, misleading statements, or material omissions .

Important Content Reminder:

1. The Boa rd of Di rectors , the Boa rd of Supervisors, di rectors , supervisors and senior management members of the Company

hereby guarantee tha t the informa tion presented in this qua rterl y report is authentic, a ccura te, complete and free of any false

records, misleading statements or material omissions, a nd they will bear joint and several liability for such information.

2. The Company's legal representa ti ve, chief accountant, and person in cha rge of a ccounti ng ins titution (Accounting Offi cer)

hereby declare and warrant that the financial statements i n the quarterly report a re authentic, accurate, a nd complete.

3. Whether the Q3 report has been a udited.

□ Yes No

This document is a translated version of the Chinese version 2024 Q3report("2024 年第三季度报告"), and the
published Q3Report in the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                               Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

I. Key Financial Data

(I) Key Accounting Data and Financial Indexes

Whether the Company needs retroactive adjustment or restatement of accounting data in prior years or not
□ Yes No

                                                                                                            Increase/Decrease of
                                                                                                             the Peri od from the
                                                        Increase/Decrease of
                                                                                 From the Beginning of      Begi nning of the Year
                                                       the Current Reporting
                                 Current reporting                               the Yea r to the End of       to the End of the
                                                       Peri od Compared with
                                      peri od                                    the Current Reporting        Current Reporting
                                                       the Sa me Period of the
                                                                                        Peri od            Peri od Compared with
                                                            Previ ous Year
                                                                                                           the Sa me Period of the
                                                                                                                 Previ ous Year
 Opera ting revenue
                                    7,583,459,308.10                   -0.80%        22,450,081,877.91                        0.77%
 Net profit a ttributable
 to s ha reholders of the             735,420,826.51                  19.75%           2,545,010,271.97                    -1.74%
 l i sted Company (RMB)
 Net profit a ttributable
 to s ha reholders of the
 l i sted company a fter
                                      499,230,279.03                  -22.91%          2,261,467,748.56                    -5.87%
 deducting non-
 recurri ng gains a nd
 l osses (RMB)
 Net ca s h flow
 generated by
                                        —                       —                     -124,915,721.70                  -109.43%
 operational a ctivi ties
 Ba s ic Earnings per
                                                0.23                  21.05%                        0.78                   -4.88%
 Sha re (RMB/Share)
 Di l uted Ea rnings per
                                                0.23                  21.05%                        0.78                   -4.88%
 Sha re (RMB/Share)
 Wei ghted Average ROE                        2.05%                    0.17%                      7.16%                      -1.36%
                                                                                 Increase/decrease ra tio at the end of the current
                              End of thi s reporting
                                                        End of the last year      reporti ng period compared with the end of last
                                     peri od
                                                                                                       yea r
 Tota l a ssets (RMB)              50,983,661,105.93       52,881,927,214.00                                                 -3.59%
 Owners' Equity
 Attri butable to
 Sha reholders of the              35,763,617,090.35       34,719,173,825.42                                                  3.01%
 Li s ted Company (Unit:

(II) Non-recurring Gains and Losses and Their Amounts

Appl icable □ Not a pplicable
                                                                                                                       Uni t: RMB
                                                                                     The Amount from the
                                                        Amount i n the Current      Begi nning of the Year to
                       Item                                                                                            Note
                                                          Reporting Period          the End of the Current
                                                                                       Reporting Period

                                                                    Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

 Profi ts or losses from disposal of non-current
 a s sets (including the wri te-off for the a ccrued                     -427,851.56              104,462,047.17
 i mpairment of assets)
 The government s ubsidies i ncluded in the
 current profits a nd l osses (excluding the
 government s ubsidies closely related to regular
 bus inesses of the Company, i n line with national                    30,227,022.82              111,696,703.53
 pol icies, entitled to a ccording to the established
 s ta ndard, and continuously i mpacting the
 Compa ny’s profits and losses)
 Profi ts and losses resulting from the changes in
 fa i r va lue for fi nancial a ssets and financial
 l i abilities held by non-financial enterprises, and
 from di sposal of financial a ssets and liabilities,                  68,525,969.55               23,031,427.10
 excl uding the effective hedging businesses
 rel ated to the regular business operation of the
 Compa ny
 Ga i ns or l osses from i nvestment or asset
                                                                      177,349,278.44               81,972,848.20
 ma nagement entrusted to others
 Reversal of the receivables depreciation reserves
                                                                        1,627,771.57                 4,195,555.37
 for s eparate impairment test
 Profi ts and losses on debt restructuring                                                             -70,000.00
 Non-Operating Revenue a nd expenses other than
                                                                        3,731,650.01                 7,724,746.02
 the a bove
 Other ga ins a nd l osses i tems that fit the
 defi nition of non-recurring gains a nd l osses
 Les s: Impact of income ta x                                          40,381,267.94               31,937,349.50
      Impa ct of mi nority equity (after tax)                           4,462,025.41               15,699,614.88
 Tota l                                                               236,190,547.48              283,542,523.41              --
Other ga ins or l osses that fit the definition of non-recurring gains or l osses:
□ Appl icable  Not a pplicable
The Company has no other gains or losses that fit the definition of non-recurring gains or losses.
Explana tion of si tua tions where non-recurring gains and losses specified i n the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on Informa tion
Dis closure for Compa nies Issuance Thei r Securi ties to the Publi c - Non-recurring Gains and Losses are classified as recurring gains
a nd l osses
□ Appl icable  Not a pplicable

The Company did not define any non-recurring gains and losses listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on Informa tion
Di s closure for Companies Issuance Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurri ng gains a nd l osses as recurring gains a nd l osses.

(III) The Changes in key accounting data and financial ind exes and the reasons for such changes

Appl icable □ Not a pplicable

(I) The changes in the Balance Sheet items and the reasons for s uch changes
1. Moneta ry funds decreased by 43.87% compa red to the beginning of the year, mainl y due to the purchase of la rge-
denomination certificates of deposit a nd repayment of l oans during the period;
2. Trading financial assets increased by 24,933.41% compa red to the beginning of the year, mainl y due to the adjus tment of the
i nvestments in SMARTSENS to tra ding financial assets for a ccounting purpose;
3. The amount of prepa yments increased by 79.47% compa red to the beginning of the yea r, mainl y due to the increase in
prepa yments for ra w materials;

                                                                    Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

4. Di vidends recei vable decreased by 100.00% compa red to the beginning of the yea r, due to the collection of di vidends
recei vable during the period;
5. Other current assets decreased by 31.65% compa red to the beginning of the yea r, mainl y due to the decrease in the amount
of revers e repurchase of national debt a t the end of the period compared to the beginning of the period;
6. Other non-current assets increased by 1,929.06% compa red to the beginning of the yea r, mainl y due to the purchase of la rge-
denomination certificates of deposit from banks;
7. Short-term loans increased by 35.26% compa red to the beginning of the yea r, mainl y due to the increase in the a mount of
di s counted bills compared to the beginning of the period;
8. Trading financial liabilities increased by 5,305.92% compa red to the beginning of the yea r, mainl y due to the change in the fair
va l ue of contingent consideration;
9. Salaries and wages pa ya ble to employees decreased by 50.59% compa red to the beginning of the yea r, mainl y due to the
pa yment of last period's year-end bonuses during the period;
10. Ta xes pa yable decreased by 75.01% compa red to the beginning of the yea r, mainl y due to the decrease in value-added ta x
pa ya ble a nd corporate i ncome tax paya ble at the end of the period compared to the same period l ast year;
11. Non-current liabilities due wi thin one year decreased by 85.73% compa red to the beginning of the yea r, mainl y due to the
repa yment of matured l oans during the period;
12. Lease liabilities decreased by 32.19% compa red to the beginning of the yea r, mainl y due to the pa yment of rental income
duri ng the period;
13. Deferred income ta x liabilities decreased by 38.18% compa red to the beginning of the year, mainl y due to the decrease in
ta xa ble temporary differences;
14. Other comprehensi ve income increased by 74.59% compa red to the beginning of the yea r, mainl y due to the i ncrease in
forei gn currency conversion differences caused by exchange rate fl uctuations.
(II) The changes of i tems i n the income statement and the reasons
1. Interes t expenses decreased by 48.79% compa red to the same peri od las t yea r, prima ril y due to the reduction in borrowings
a nd i nterest expenses during the period;
2. Interest i ncome increased by 64.36% compared to the same period last year, mainly due to th e increase i n deposit i nterest;
3. Investment income increased by 325.33% compa red to the same period las t yea r, mainl y due to the increase in investment
i ncome recognized for the joint-stock companies in the current period compared to the same period l ast year;
4. Gains from changes in fair value decreased by 72.24% compa red wi th the same period last yea r, mainl y due to cha nges in fair
va l ue of tra ding financial a ssets and other non-current financial assets;
5. Credi t impai rment losses increased by 34.94% compa red to the same period last yea r, mainl y due to the increase in a ccrued
ba d debt during the period compared to the same period last year;
6. Non-opera ting revenue i ncreased by 54.94% compa red to the same period last year, mainl y due to the increase in liquida ted
da mages during the period compared to the same period last year;
7. Income ta x expense decreased by 110.80% compa red to the sa me period last yea r, mainl y due to the increase in the key
s oftware enterprises' impact on the i ncome tax during the period compared to the same period last year.
(III) The changes of i tems i n the cash fl ow statement and the reasons
1. Net cash flow from opera ting acti vi ties decreased by 109.43% compa red to the same period last yea r, mainl y due to the
i ncrease in purchasing expenditures, ca sh paid to employees, a nd taxes paid compared to the same period l ast year.
2. Net cash flow from inves ting a cti vi ties decreased by 341.57% compa red to the same period last yea r, mainl y due to the
increase in the expenditure on la rge -denomi nation certifi ca tes of deposit during the period compa red to the same period last
yea r;
3. Net cash fl ow from financing acti vi ties decreased by 178.97% compa red to the same period las t yea r, mainl y due to the receipt
of ra i sed funds a mounting to RMB 50.96 bi llion in the same period last year.

                                                                 Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

II. Information on Shareholders

(I) The total number of common stock shareholders, the number of preferred stock shareholders whose
voting rights have been restored, and the shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders

                                                                                                                         Uni t: s hare
 Tota l Number Of Common                                    Tota l Number of Pre ferred Shareholders (If Any)
 Sha reholders At The End Of The                182,930 Whos e Voting Rights have been Recovered at the End                           0
 Reporting Period                                           of the Reporting Period
                           Sha reholdings of the top 10 s hareholders (excluding shares lent by refinancing)
                                                                                  Number of          Pl edges, ma rkings or freezings
     Na me of           Na ture of      Sha reholding         Number of           s ha res held
   Sha reholder       Sha reholder        Percentage          s ha res held      wi th l imited   Sta te Of Shares        Qua ntity
                                                                               s a les conditions
 Fu Li quan                                      31.10%      1,023,868,980          767,901,735 Pl edge                   154,200,000
                    Na tural Person
 Chi na Mobile
 Communication Sta te-owned
                                                  8.90%         293,103,400         293,103,400 Not a pplicable                       0
 s Group Co.,       Lega l Person
 Zhu Ji angming                                   4.82%         158,669,490                     0 Not a pplicable                     0
                    Na tural Person
 Chen Ai ling                                     2.16%          71,262,813          53,447,110 Pl edge                     31,800,000
                    Na tural Person
 Wu Jun                                           2.10%          69,172,886          51,879,664 Not a pplicable                       0
                    Na tural Person
 Hong Kong
 Securi ties        Overs eas Legal
                                                  2.05%          67,632,357                     0 Not a pplicable                     0
 Cl ea ring Co.     Pers on
 Chi na
                    Domestic Non-
 Securi ties
                    s ta te-owned                 1.20%          39,611,241                     0 Not a pplicable                     0
 Fi nance Co.,
                    Lega l Person
 Industrial and
 Ba nk of China
 Li mi ted -
 Hua tai-
 Pi neBridge CSI
                    Others                        1.17%          38,501,630                     0 Not a pplicable                     0
 300 Excha nge-
 tra ded Open-
 end Index
 Securi ties
 Ins urance
 Compa ny
                    Others                        1.07%          35,219,084                     0 Not a pplicable                     0
 Li mi ted -
 pa rti cipating
 i ns urance
 Chi na
 Cons truction
                    Others                        0.77%          25,240,743                     0 Not a pplicable                     0
 Ba nk Stock
 Corpora tion - E

                                                                  Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

 Fund CSI 300
 Excha nge
 Tra ded Open-
 End Index-
 Ini tiated
 Securi ties
  Sha reholding of the top 10 unlimited sale condition shareholders (excluding shares l ent through refinancing and lock-up s hares
                                                        for s enior management)
                                             Number of shares held without limited sales                 Types a nd quantities of shares
         Na me of Shareholder
                                                                condi tion                            Type of s hares        Qua ntity
                                                                                                      RMB common
 Fu Li quan                                                                         255,967,245                              255,967,245
                                                                                                      s tock
                                                                                                      RMB common
 Zhu Ji angming                                                                     158,669,490                              158,669,490
                                                                                                      s tock
 Hong Kong Securities Cl earing Co.                                                                   RMB common
                                                                                     67,632,357                                67,632,357
 Ltd.                                                                                                 s tock
                                                                                                      RMB common
 Chi na Securities Finance Co., Ltd.                                                 39,611,241                                39,611,241
                                                                                                      s tock
 Industrial and Commercial Bank of
 Chi na Limited - Huatai-PineBridge
                                                                                                      RMB common
 CSI 300 Excha nge-traded Open-                                                      38,501,630                                38,501,630
                                                                                                      s tock
 end Index Securities Investment
 FORESEA Li fe Insurance Company                                                                      RMB common
                                                                                     35,219,084                                35,219,084
 Li mi ted - participating insurance                                                                  s tock
 Chi na Construction Bank Stock
 Corpora tion - E Fund CSI 300
                                                                                                      RMB common
 Excha nge Traded Open-End Index-                                                    25,240,743                                25,240,743
                                                                                                      s tock
 Ini tiated Securities Investment
                                                                                                      RMB common
 Na ti onal Social Security Fund 103                                                 25,000,000                                25,000,000
                                                                                                      s tock
 New Chi na Li fe Insurance
 Compa ny Li mited - Tra ditional -                                                                   RMB common
                                                                                     24,321,736                                24,321,736
 general i nsurance - 018L-CT001                                                                      s tock
 New Chi na Li fe Insurance
 Compa ny Li mited - dividend-                                                                        RMB common
                                                                                     21,146,696                                21,146,696
 pers onal dividend - 018L-FH002                                                                      s tock
                                                             Mr. Fu Li quan and Ms . Chen Ai ling a re husband and wife. The Company
 Des cription of the a ssociation relationship or
                                                             Is Unaware Of Whether Other Shareholders Have Associated
 concerted action of above-mentioned s hareholders
                                                             Rel ationship Or Are Persons Acti ng In Concert
 Expl a nation On Top Ten Shareholders’ Participation In
                                                             Not a pplicable
 Securi ties Ma rgin Trading (If Any)
Sha reholders holding more than 5% of sha res , the top 10 s hareholders and the top 10 sha reholders wi thout limi ted outstanding
s ha res participating in the l ending of shares through refinancing

Appl icable □ Not a pplicable

                                                                                                                           Uni t: s hare

 Sha reholders holding more than 5% of shares, the top 10 s hareholders and the top 10 s hareholders without limited outstanding
                                s ha res participating in the l ending of shares through refinancing
  Na me of       Sha res held i n ordinary       Sha res l ent through         Sha res held i n ordinary       Sha res l ent through
 Sha reholde      a ccounts a nd credit        refi nancing but have not        a ccounts a nd credit        refi nancing but have not

                                                                 Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

   r (ful l     a ccounts a t the beginning     been returned yet a t the   a ccounts a t the end of the   been returned yet a t the
   na me)             of the period             begi nning of the period             peri od                  end of the period
                                  Proporti on                 Proporti on                  Proporti on                      Proporti on
                  Tota l            to tota l     Tota l        to tota l      Tota l        to tota l       Tota l           to tota l
                 qua ntity           s ha re     qua ntity       s ha re      qua ntity       s ha re       qua ntity          s ha re
                                    ca pi tal                   ca pi tal                    ca pi tal                        ca pi tal
 a nd
 l Ba nk of
 Chi na
 Li mi ted -
 Hua tai-
 Pi neBridge
                 14,723,730            0.45%       146,800         0.00%     38,501,630          1.17%                  0        0.00%
 CSI 300
 Excha nge-
 tra ded
 Securi ties
 Chi na
 Cons tructio
 n Ba nk - E
 Fund CSI
 Excha nge
 Tra ded
                  5,466,300            0.17%        83,900         0.00%     25,240,743          0.77%                  0        0.00%
 s ponsored
 Securi ties
 Corpora tio
Cha nges in top 10 s hareholders and top 10 s hareholders without li mited outs tanding sha res over the previous period due to
refi nancing, lending/returning

□ Appl icable  Not a pplicable

(II) The total number of preferred stock shareholders and the shareholdings of th e top 10 preferred stock

□ Appl icable  Not a pplicable

III. Other Significant Matters

Appl icable □ Not a pplicable

1. Duri ng the reporting period, the company, a fter joint review and approval by the Boa rd of Di rectors and the general meeting
of sha reholders , implemented the 2024 semi-annual profi t dis tribution s cheme. Based on the company's sha re ca pital of
3,272,527,089 sha res a fter deducting the repurchased sha res, a cash di vidend of 1.84 Yuan (ta x included) will be dis tributed to

                                                                   Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

all sha reholders for every 10 sha res owned, totaling 602,144,984.38 Yuan in cash di vi dends . This dis tribution will not invol ve the
conversion of ca pital reserve into sha re capital and will not issue bonus sha res ; the remaining undistributed profi t will be
res erved for s ubsequent distribution.

2. Duri ng the reporti ng period, the company implemented the semi -annual profit dis tribution plan. According to the provisions
of the Stock Option and Res tri cted Sha re Incenti ve Plan (Dra ft Revised) for 2022, and wi th the authori zation of the company's
Annual General Meeti ng of Sha reholders for 2021, the exercise pri ce of s tock options was jointl y reviewed and approved by the
Boa rd of Directors, a nd i t has been a djusted from 15.657 Yua n/share to 15.473 Yuan/share.

3. The exercise condi tions for the second exercise peri od of the company's 2022 s tock option and restri cted sha re incenti ve p lan
ha ve been met. The exercise period is from Jul y 11, 2024 to Jul y 10, 2025. The exercise method is volunta ry exercise. For details,
please refer to the "Indi ca ti ve Announcement on the Volunta ry Exercise of the Second Exercise Peri od of the 2022 Stock Option
and Restri cted Sha re Incenti ve Plan" disclosed by the company on Juchao Informa tion Network on Jul y 10, 2024. As of
September 30, 2024, 12,380 s tock options ha ve been exercised in the second exercise period, and the company's total sha re
ca pi tal has increased from 3,292,334,310 s hares to 3,292,346,690 s hares.

IV. Quarterly Financial Statements

(I) Financial Statements

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepa red by: Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                         September 30, 2024
                                                                                                                             Uni t: RMB
                    Item                                     Cl os ing Balance                             Opening Balance
 Current As sets:
   Ca s h a nd Bank Balances                                             8,965,269,014.67                             15,971,005,114.47
   Deposit Reservation for Balance
   Loa ns to Banks a nd Other Fi nancial
 Ins titutions
   Tra di ng Financial Assets                                              367,991,114.86                                   1,470,000.00
   Deri vative Financial Assets
   Notes receivable                                                        608,434,973.63                                813,039,192.75
   Accounts receivable                                                  17,181,089,487.07                             16,276,803,954.03
   Receivables Financing                                                   723,159,318.96                                810,713,267.86
   Prepa yments                                                            339,901,304.33                                189,388,716.99
   Premi um Receivable
   Rei nsurance Accounts Receivable
   Rei nsurance Contract Reserves
   Other Receivables                                                       316,275,940.02                                 337,524,688.36
       Incl uding: i nterest receivable
               Di vi dends Receivable                                                                                       5,784,225.02
   Buyi ng Back the Sale of Financial
 As s ets
   Inventory                                                             6,019,242,901.64                               5,332,608,544.02
      Among them: Data resources
    Contra ct As sets                                                      100,133,893.54                                  86,714,216.34
    Hol ding for-sale assets
    Non-current Assets Due within 1 Yea r                                  257,042,202.23                                 303,454,116.40

                                            Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

  Other Current Assets                             642,057,999.35                             939,374,868.31
Subtotal of Current Assets                      35,520,598,150.30                          41,062,096,679.53
Non-current Assets:
  Gra nting of loans a nd advances
  Investment in Creditor's Rights
  Investment in Other Creditor's Rights
  Long-term Receivables                            796,816,674.37                             946,659,309.70
  Long-term Equity Investment                      726,998,235.10                             727,453,629.75
  Investment in Other Equity
Ins truments
  Other Non-current Financial Assets             1,187,293,242.95                           1,535,742,385.71
  Investment Property                              141,574,760.35                             129,637,004.00
  Fi xed Assets                                  4,955,756,535.70                           4,937,180,876.88
  Projects under Construction                    1,228,521,630.12                           1,008,612,408.49
  Producti ve Biological Assets
  Oi l a nd gas assets
  Ri ght-of-use a sset                             245,133,098.36                             299,202,586.56
  Inta ngible Assets                               577,526,998.01                             594,679,018.11
    Among them: Data resources
  Development Expenditure
    Among them: Data resources
   Goodwill                                          6,615,294.18                               6,615,294.18
   Long-term Deferred Expenses                     111,399,790.46                             135,335,273.95
   Deferred Income Tax As sets                   1,207,979,205.30                           1,287,903,482.65
   Other Non-Current Assets                      4,277,447,490.73                             210,809,264.49
Subtotal of Non-current Assets                  15,463,062,955.63                          11,819,830,534.47
Tota l a ssets                                  50,983,661,105.93                          52,881,927,214.00
Current Li abilities:
   Short-term loan                               1,295,000,000.00                             957,426,330.18
   Borrowi ngs from the Central Bank
   Borrowi ngs from Banks and Other
Fi nancial Institutions
   Tra ns actional financial l iabilities             3,319,240.55                                  61,400.12
   Deri vative Financial Liabilities
   Notes Payable                                 3,603,100,014.98                           3,296,294,946.26
   Accounts Payable                              5,252,853,406.31                           5,815,123,195.55
   Received Prepayments
   Contra ct l iabilities                        1,125,435,556.31                           1,194,534,307.04
   Fi nancial Assets Sold for Repurchase
   Deposit Ta king and Interbank Deposit
   Receiving from Vicariously Tra ded
Securi ties
   Receiving from Vicariously Sold
Securi ties
   Pa yrol l payable                               955,527,886.37                           1,933,955,631.12
   Ta x Pa ya ble                                  310,771,093.78                           1,243,482,361.08
   Other Pa ya bles                                594,647,826.15                             812,424,146.52
      Incl uding: i nterest payable
               Di vi dends Payable                  22,951,560.23                              23,667,047.02
   Servi ce Charge and Commission
Pa ya ble
   Rei nsurance Accounts Payable
   Hol ding for-sale liabilities
   Non-current Liabilities Due within 1
                                                   128,691,999.39                             901,722,028.75
Yea r
   Other Current Li abilities                      140,723,666.93                             155,182,705.02

                                                                 Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

 Subtotal of Current Li abilities                                    13,410,070,690.77                              16,310,207,051.64
 Non-current Liabilities:
    Ins urance Contract Reserves
    Long-term loan
    Bonds Payable
       Incl uding: Preferred Stocks
                 Perpetual Bonds
    Lea se l iabilities                                                 119,740,094.32                                  176,580,049.57
    Long-term Payables
    Long-term payroll payable
    Expected Liabilities                                                228,258,336.04                                  224,542,626.90
    Deferred Income                                                     160,049,024.56                                  166,711,673.04
    Deferred Income Tax Li abilities                                        455,839.92                                      737,367.19
    Other Non-current Liabilities                                       110,004,972.43                                  119,054,046.66
 Subtotal of Non-current Liabilities                                    618,508,267.27                                  687,625,763.36
 Tota l Li abilities                                                 14,028,578,958.04                              16,997,832,815.00
 Sha reholders' Equity:
    Sha re Capital                                                    3,292,346,690.00                               3,294,468,990.00
    Other Equity Instruments
       Incl uding: Preferred Stocks
                 Perpetual Bonds
    Ca pi tal Reserves                                                7,245,483,824.19                               7,124,125,996.49
    Les s: Treasury Share                                               564,654,524.63                                  746,699,863.45
    Other Comprehensive Incomes                                         115,214,246.57                                   65,993,020.83
    Special Reserves
    Surpl us Reserves                                                 1,647,234,495.00                               1,647,234,495.00
    General Risk Reserves
    Undi stributed Profits                                           24,027,992,359.22                              23,334,051,186.55
 Tota l Shareholders' Equity Attributable
                                                                     35,763,617,090.35                              34,719,173,825.42
 to the Pa rent Company
    Mi nori ty Shareholders' Equity                                   1,191,465,057.54                               1,164,920,573.58
 Tota l Shareholders' Equity                                         36,955,082,147.89                              35,884,094,399.00
 Tota l Li abilities and Shareholders' Equity                        50,983,661,105.93                              52,881,927,214.00
Lega l representative: Fu Li quan Statutory representative: Xu Qiaofen Pers on i n charge of the a ccounting i nstitution: Zhu Zhuling

2. Consolidated Income Statement for the Period from the Beginning of the Year to the End of the Reporting

                                                                                                                         Uni t: RMB
                      Item                     Amount Occurred in the Current Period       Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
 I. Tota l Operating Revenue                                       22,450,081,877.91                           22,278,484,044.04
     Incl uding: Operating Revenue                                 22,450,081,877.91                           22,278,484,044.04
             Interest Income
             Ea rned Premiums
             Servi ce Charge and
 Commi ssion Income
 II. Total Operating Cost                                            20,479,553,255.38                             19,682,357,352.26
    Incl uding: Operating Cost                                       13,289,136,725.24                             12,777,077,332.38
           Interest Expenditures
         Servi ce Charge and
 Commi ssion Expenses
           Surrender Value
           Net Cl a ims Pa id
           Extra cted Net Amount of

                                               Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

Res erve for Insurance Li ability
            Pol i cyholder Dividend Expense
            Rei nsurance Cost
            Ta xes a nd Surcharges                    158,769,418.18                             177,294,208.00
            Sa l es Expenses                        3,517,742,685.53                           3,425,427,717.75
            Admi nistration expenses                  791,951,815.79                             864,955,493.63
            Res earch a nd development
                                                    2,963,468,860.53                           2,747,587,038.30
            Fi nancial costs                         -241,516,249.89                            -309,984,437.80
              Incl uding: i nterest expenses           39,674,726.41                              77,474,478.95
                      Interest Income                 321,556,480.66                             195,636,440.39
   Add: Other i ncome                                 715,671,983.83                             620,883,016.92
          Investment Income (Mark "-" for
                                                      200,387,783.50                              -88,930,817.84
Los s )
          Incl uding: Investment
Income from Affiliates and Joint                       14,333,289.80                            -220,706,198.89
                     Profi ts from
recognition Termination of Financial                      -868,841.91                                -315,687.54
As s ets at Amortized Cost
         Excha nge Gains (Mark "-" for
Los s es)
        Profi t of Net Exposure Hedging
(Ma rk "-" for Loss)
         Incomes from changes in fair
                                                       23,044,036.30                              83,022,903.98
va l ue (losses marked with "-")
          Credi t Impairment Losses (Mark
                                                     -273,581,881.25                            -202,741,060.32
"-" for Los s)
          As s et Impairment Losses (Mark "-
                                                       -68,754,496.66                             -80,391,199.99
" for Los s)
          As s et Disposal Income (Mark "-"
                                                         1,177,286.72                               1,560,039.61
for Los s)
III. Operating Profit (Mark "-" for Loss)           2,568,473,334.97                           2,929,529,574.14
   Add: Non-operating Revenues                         11,576,723.73                               7,471,604.33
   Les s: Non-operating Expenses                        5,200,907.98                               5,181,888.81
IV. Tota l Profit (Mark "-" for Total Loss)         2,574,849,150.72                           2,931,819,289.66
   Les s: Income Tax Expense                          -24,330,512.03                             225,322,486.28
V. Net Profi t (Ma rk "-" for Net Loss)             2,599,179,662.75                           2,706,496,803.38
   (I) Cl a ssified by operation continuity
      1. Net Profi t as a Going Concern
                                                    2,599,179,662.75                           2,706,496,803.38
(Ma rk "-" for Net Loss)
      2. Net Profi t of Discontinued
Opera tion (Ma rk "-" for Net Loss)
   (II) Cl assified by the a ttribution of
      1. Net Profi t Attributable to
Sha reholders of Parent Company (Net                2,545,010,271.97                           2,590,132,339.63
Los s to be filled in a s “-”)
      2. Mi nority Shareholders' Profit and
                                                       54,169,390.78                             116,364,463.75
Los s (Net Loss to be filled i n as "-”)
VI. Net Amount of Other Comprehensive
                                                       48,910,092.07                                 -199,810.57
Incomes after Tax

                                                                   Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

    Net Amount of Other Comprehensive
 Incomes after Tax Attri butable to the                                    49,221,225.74                                    -56,871.07
 Pa rent Company's Owner
        (I) Other comprehensive income
 tha t ca nnot be reclassified into profit or                                                                              941,710.18
 l oss
           1. Re-measure the va riation of
 the defined benefit plan
           2. Other comprehensive income
 tha t ca nnot be tra nsferred to P/L under                                                                                941,710.18
 the equity method
           3. Cha nges in the fair va lue of
 i nvestment i n other equity i nstruments
           4. Cha nges in the fair va lue of the
 credi t ri sk of the enterprise
           5. Others
        (II) Other comprehensive income
                                                                           49,221,225.74                                  -998,581.25
 tha t wi ll be reclassified as P/L
           1. Other comprehensive income
 tha t ca n be transferred to P/L under the
 equity method
           2. Cha nges in the fair va lue of
 other creditor i nvestments
           3. Fi nancial assets reclassified
 i nto other comprehensive income
           4. Provi s ions for the credit
 i mpairment of investment i n other
 credi tor's ri ghts
           5. Ca s h flow hedge reserves
           6. Foreign currency financial
                                                                           49,221,225.74                                  -998,581.25
 s ta tement conversion difference
           7. Others
    Net Amount of Other Comprehensive
 Incomes After Ta x Attributable to                                           -311,133.67                                 -142,939.50
 Mi nori ty Shareholders
 VII. Total Comprehensive Income                                        2,648,089,754.82                             2,706,296,992.81
    (I) Tota l Comprehensive Income
 Attri butable to the Owner of the Pa rent                              2,594,231,497.71                             2,590,075,468.56
 Compa ny
    (II) Total Comprehensive Income
                                                                           53,858,257.11                               116,221,524.25
 Attri butable to Minority Shareholders
 VIII. Earnings per Share:
    (I) Ba sic Earnings per Share                                                    0.78                                         0.82
    (II) Diluted Ea rnings per Share                                                 0.78                                         0.82

Lega l representative: Fu Li quan Statutory representative: Xu Qiaofen Pers on i n charge of the a ccounting i nstitution: Zhu Zhuling

3. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the Period from the Beginning of the Year to the End of the
Reporting Period

                                                                                                                       Uni t: RMB
                     Item                          Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
 I. Ca s h Flow Generated by Operational
 Acti vi ti es:
     Ca s h from Sales of Merchandise and
                                                                       23,953,796,287.86                           23,883,101,840.08
 Provi s ion of Services

                                              Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

  Net Increase i n Customer's Bank
Deposits a nd Interbank Deposits
  Net Increase i n Borrowings from the
Centra l Bank
  Net Increase i n Borrowings from
Other Fi nancial Institutions
  Ca s h Arising from Receiving Premiums
for the Ori ginal Insurance Contract
  Net Amount Arising from Reinsurance
Bus iness
  Net Increase i n Deposits and
Investments from Policyholders
  Ca s h Arising from Interests, Service
Cha rges and Commissions
  Net Increase i n Borrowings from
Ba nks and Other Financial Institutions
  Net Increase i n Repurchase Business
  Net Amount of Ca sh Received from
the Vi cariously Tra ded Securities
  Ta x Refund                                        913,794,211.98                             829,406,103.23
   Other Ca s h Receipts Relating to
                                                   1,053,722,520.92                             930,003,416.52
Opera ting Activities
Subtotal of ca sh inflow from operational
                                                  25,921,313,020.76                          25,642,511,359.83
a cti vi ties
  Ca s h Paid for Merchandise a nd
                                                  16,171,889,578.67                          15,829,648,766.62
Servi ces
  Net Increase i n Loans and Advances to
Cus tomers
  Net Increase i n Deposits with Central
Ba nk a nd Other Financial Institutions
  Ca s h Paid for Ori ginal Insurance
Contra ct Cl aims
  Net i ncrease of funds lent
  Ca s h Paid for Interests, Service
Cha rges and Commissions
  Ca s h Paid for Policy Dividends
    Ca s h Paid to and for Employees               6,181,340,629.44                           5,476,008,617.90
    Ca s h Paid for Ta xes a nd Surcharges         1,947,752,603.44                           1,390,361,176.28
    Other Ca s h Payments Relating to
                                                   1,745,245,930.91                           1,621,240,560.55
Opera ting Activities
Subtotal of ca sh outflow from
                                                  26,046,228,742.46                          24,317,259,121.35
operational a ctivi ties
Net ca s h flow generated by operating
                                                    -124,915,721.70                           1,325,252,238.48
a cti vi ties
II. Ca s h Flow from Investment Activities:
    Ca s h Arising from Disposal of
                                                   4,389,058,802.53                           1,275,269,172.84
    Ca s h Arising from Investment Incomes            23,994,083.48                              28,199,284.38
    Net Ca s h Arising from Disposal of
Fi xed Assets, Intangible Assets a nd Other             1,475,177.62                               3,985,726.76
Long-term Assets
    Net Ca s h Arising from Disposal of               73,178,296.48

                                                Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

 Subs idiaries and Other Business Units
    Other Ca s h Receipts Relating to
                                                        30,549,909.77                                7,731,220.78
 Investing Activities
 Subtotal of ca sh inflow from i nvestment
                                                     4,518,256,269.88                           1,315,185,404.76
 a cti vi ties
    Ca s h Paid for Purchase a nd
 Cons truction of Fixed As sets, Intangible            742,666,230.32                           1,020,886,264.64
 As s ets and Other Long-term Assets
   Ca s h Paid for Investments                       8,236,759,253.43                           1,223,451,286.75
   Net Increase i n Pl edge Loans
    Net Ca s h Paid for Acquisition of
 Subs idiaries and Other Business Units
    Other Ca s h Payments Relating to
                                                          6,082,657.62                             82,528,381.07
 Investing Activities
 Subtotal of ca sh outflows from
                                                     8,985,508,141.37                           2,326,865,932.46
 i nvestment a ctivities
 Net a mount of cash flow generated by
                                                     -4,467,251,871.49                          -1,011,680,527.70
 i nvestment a ctivities
 III. Ca sh Flow from Financing Acti vities:
    Ca s h Arising from Absorbing
                                                           193,833.66                           5,505,773,563.01
        Incl uding: Ca sh Arising from
 Subs idiaries Absorbing Investments by                                                           409,774,403.01
 Mi nori ty Shareholders
    Ca s h Arising from Borrowings                   2,214,437,200.00                           2,373,225,673.47
    Other Ca s h Receipts Relating to
 Fi nancing Acti vities
 Subtotal of ca sh inflow from financing
                                                     2,214,631,033.66                           7,878,999,236.48
 a cti vi ties
   Ca s h Paid for Debts Repayment                   2,661,814,753.64                           3,067,680,609.51
    Ca s h Paid for Distribution of Dividends
                                                     1,889,155,961.29                             850,997,501.96
 a nd Profits or Payment of Interests
        Incl uding: Di vidends a nd Profits
 Pa i d to Minority Shareholders by                       7,978,707.94                               1,104,770.95
 Subs idiaries
    Other Pa i d Cashes Related to
                                                       172,595,533.37                             783,092,316.63
 Fi nancing Acti vities
 Subtotal of ca sh outflow from financing
                                                     4,723,566,248.30                           4,701,770,428.10
 a cti vi ties
 Net ca s h flow generated by fi nancing
                                                     -2,508,935,214.64                          3,177,228,808.38
 a cti vi ties
 IV. Impact of Fluctuation in Exchange
                                                        83,152,871.90                              18,635,906.58
 Ra te on Ca sh a nd Ca sh Equivalents
 V. Net Increase in Ca sh a nd Ca sh
                                                     -7,017,949,935.93                          3,509,436,425.74
 Equi valents
    Add: Ca s h and Cash Equivalents at the
                                                    15,880,659,594.95                           7,878,465,052.63
 Commencement of the Period
 VI. Ca s h and Cash Equivalents at the End
                                                     8,862,709,659.02                          11,387,901,478.37
 of the Peri od

(II) Adjustments to relevant items of financial statements as of the beginning of the year in
which the new accounting standards are first implemented starting in 2024

□ Appl icable  Not a pplicable

                                                         Zheji a ng Da hua Technol ogy Co., Ltd. 2024 Thi rd Qua rter Report

(III) Audit Report

Whether the Q3 report has been audited.
□ Yes No
The Q3 report of the Company has not been audited yet.

                                                         Board of Directors of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                      October 26, 2024
