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                                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                               2021 Semi-annual Report

This document is a translated version of the Chinese version 2021 Semi-annual Report “2021 年半年度报告”),
and the published 2021 Semi-annual Report in the Chinese version shall prevail.
The complete published Chinese 2021 Semi-annual Report may be obtained at http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                          August, 2021

                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

        Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions

    The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior
executives of the Company hereby guarantee that the information presented in this
semi-annual report is authentic, accurate, complete and free of any false records,
misleading statements or material omissions, and they will bear joint and several liability for
such information.

    Fu Liquan, the Company's legal representative, Xu Qiaofen, chief accountant, and Zhu
Zhuling, person in charge of accounting institution (Accounting Officer) hereby declare and
warrant that the financial statements in the Semi-Annual Report are authentic, accurate,
and complete.

    All directors attended the meeting of the Board of Directors for deliberation of this
annual report.

    During the reporting period, there was no significant change in the risks faced by the
Company. The Company has been trying to identify all kinds of risks and actively take
countermeasures to avoid and reduce the risks:

    1. Covid-19 risks: In the face of the Covid-19 outbreak, the Company has taken
stringent prevention and control measures to protect the health of employees at home and
abroad. In addition, the Company offers technological solutions to contribute to the global
effort against the pandemic.

    2. Supply chain security risks: In terms of supply security, the Company has
comprehensively reviewed various potential supply risks through dedicated operations, and
strengthened the sustainable and safe supply of key materials by means of research and
development of backup scheme and diversified supply sources to ensure the security of the
supply chain.

    3. International operation risks: The Company's products and solutions cover more
than 100 countries and regions overseas. International business operation may face trade

                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

protection risks. In addition, the resurgence of Covid-19 around the world has resulted in
more uncertainties to the overseas economic environment, which may adversely affect the
development of the Company's local business. To actively prevent and respond to
international business risks, the Company has established an overseas compliance and
risk control system, continuously strengthened its understanding of and ability to adapt to
the laws and regulations as well as the political and economic environment of the regions in
which the Company operates, and formulated differentiated "One Country, One Strategy"
national business strategies according to the political and economic changes in different
regions to minimize business risks.

    4. Foreign exchange risks: The Company's export transactions are mostly settled in
United States Dollars ("USD"), while overseas business continues to grow. Therefore,
fluctuations in the foreign exchange rate may affect the profits of the Company. The
Company attaches great importance to exchange rate risk control and adopts various
means to effectively control such risks: on the one hand, it manages various currencies by
category, guides the contracting in mainstream currencies and using such currencies to
hedge against the U.S. dollar while increasing the proportion of overseas localized
contracting; for the countries contracted in non-mainstream currencies, exchange rate
protection clauses and price adjustment mechanisms will be set in advance in the contracts
to reduce the risk of exchange rate fluctuations; on the other hand, the Company effectively
uses foreign exchange hedging and a series of derivative instruments, among others, to
offset and hedge exchange rate risks without speculative purposes.

    5. Business model change risks: With the development of technologies such as
network communications, cloud computing, big data, and AI, and the upgraded uses of
smartphones, business models in the IOT era may have an impact on the traditional
industry development. If an enterprise cannot grasp opportunities brought about by the
business model transformation in a timely manner, it may face the risk that the original
market structure becomes broken. The Company continues to focus on and study the
major changes in global economy, industry and technology, analyze the industry
development logic, and predict the evolution of global security industry and IoT industry, the

                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

continuous integration of video, information communication and digital technologies,
diversification   and   uncertainty   of   customer      demands.       While     consolidating         the
advantageous market, The Company actively explores and pilots new businesses and new
commercial mode, and carry out business and technical layout.

    6. Technology upgrading risks: The video surveillance industry is a typical
technology-intensive industry, featuring extremely fast changes. If the Company is unable
to keep up with development trends in the industry's technology, to pay full attention to
customers' diversified individual needs, and to be followed by sufficient R&D investments, it
will still face the risk of losing market competitiveness due to discontinuous innovation. By
increasing R & D investment, the Company continues to strengthen research on core
technologies in AI, video cloud, machine vision and other fields, and reserves product,
technology, management and talent resources for a broader market in the future, so as to
achieve sustainable and steady development of business.

    7. Product safety risks: The Company attaches great importance to and continuously
strengthens resource investment to ensure safe and reliable operations of the security
system so as to respond to the product security risks on the Internet. However, hackers
attacks, computer viruses, physical security vulnerabilities, natural disasters, accidents,
power interruptions, telecommunications failures, terrorism, and warfare events may still
occur from time to time, resulting in security vulnerabilities, system failures, or service
interruptions. The Company has founded a cyber security committee, and set up a
professional security team to develop company-level product safety plan, ensuring product
safety in whole process from requirements to design, coding, and testing process. At the
same time, the Company actively carry out technical exchanges and cooperation with
mainstream safety enterprises, safety evaluation agencies and corresponding industry
associations to provide customers with safe products and solutions.

    8. Intellectual property risks: The promotion of the Company's globalization and
self-owned brand strategy will likely bring about intellectual property risks and patent
infringement, which may cause fluctuation in business relations and public opinions,
increasing lawsuits and rising costs. The Company attaches great importance to

                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

technological innovation and has established protection and management mechanism for
intangible assets such as innovation achievements, self-owned brands, trade secrets, and
constantly gathers advantageous IP assets; With IP compliance risk control system, the
Company continues to strengthen its ability to understand and grasp the IP laws and
regulations, administrative and judicial environment of the region where the company's
business is located in.

    The Company plans to pay no cash dividends, no bonus shares and no capital
increase by way of capitalization of provident fund.

                                           2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions ........................................ 2

Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators ...............................12

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis ..........................................15

Section IV Corporate Governance ..................................................................33

Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities ....................................36

Section VI Significant Events ..........................................................................37

Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders ............61

Section VIII Information of Preferred Shares ..................................................68

Section IX Situation on Corporate Bonds .......................................................69

Section X Financial Report ..............................................................................70

                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                    Documents Available for Reference

I. Financial statements signed and sealed by Mr. Fu Liquan, the Company's legal
representative, Ms. Xu Qiaofen, chief accountant, and Ms. Zhu Zhuling, the person in
charge of accounting institution.
II. Original copies of all the Company's documents and announcements published on
media designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission within the reporting period.
III. Documents available for review at the securities department of the Company.

                                            2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


                     Item             Refers To                             Definitions

Reporting Period                      Refers To January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021

Dahua, company, the company           Refers To Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua System Engineering              Refers To Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd.

Dahua Vision Technology               Refers To Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Security Network                Refers To Zhejiang Dahua Security Network Operation Service Co., Ltd.

Dahua Ju'an                           Refers To Zhejiang Dahua Ju'an Technology Co., Ltd.

Guangxi Dahua Information             Refers To Guangxi Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Security                        Refers To Zhejiang Dahua Security Service Co., Ltd.

Guangxi Security                      Refers To Guangxi Dahua Security Service Co., Ltd.

Huatu Microchip                       Refers To Zhejiang Huatu Microchip Technology Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Xiaohua                      Refers To Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology CO., LTD.

Dahua Zhilian                         Refers To Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd.

Dahua investment management           Refers To Zhejiang Dahua Investment Management Co., Ltd.

South North United                    Refers To South-North United Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Guangxi Zhicheng                      Refers To Guangxi Dahua Zhicheng Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Huacheng                     Refers To Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Xinjiang Information                  Refers To Xinjiang Dahua Zhixin Information Technology Co., Ltd.

HuaRay Technology                     Refers To Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd.

Fuyang Hua'ao                         Refers To Hangzhou Fuyang Hua'ao Technology Co., Ltd.

Huafei Intelligent                    Refers To Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology CO., LTD.

Huachuang Vision                      Refers To Zhejiang Huachuang Vision Technology Co., Ltd.

Guizhou Huayi                         Refers To Guizhou Huayi Shixin Technology Co., Ltd.

Xinjiang Zhihe                        Refers To Xinjiang Dahua Zhihe Information Technology Co., Ltd.

China Standard Intelligent Security   Refers To China Standard Intelligent Security Technology Co., Ltd.

Guangxi Huacheng                      Refers To Guangxi Huacheng Technology Co., Ltd.

Meitan Dahua Technology               Refers To Guizhou Meitan Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Inner Mongolia Zhimeng                Refers To Inner Mongolia Dahua Zhimeng Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Xinjiang Zhitian                      Refers To Xinjiang Dahua Zhitian Information Technology Co., Ltd.

                                         2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Xinjiang Xinzhi                    Refers To Xinjiang Dahua Xinzhi Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Xinjiang Huayue                    Refers To Xinjiang Dahua Huayue Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Leapmotor Technology               Refers To Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd.

Leapmotor                          Refers To Leapmotor Automobile Co., Ltd.

Tianjin Dahua                      Refers To Tianjin Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Zhilong                      Refers To Hunan Dahua Zhilong Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Huaxiao Technology                 Refers To Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd.

Vision Technology                  Refers To Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co., Ltd.

Xi'an Dahua Zhilian, Xi'an Dahua   Refers To Xi'an Dahua Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.

Wuxi Ruipin                        Refers To Wuxi Dahua Ruipin Technology Co., Ltd.

Huaxuan Technology                 Refers To Zhejiang Huaxuan Technology Co., Ltd.

                                               Beijing Huayue Shangcheng Information Technology Service Co.,
Beijing Huayue                     Refers To

                                               Shanghai Huashang Chengyue Information Technology Service
Shanghai Huashang                  Refers To
                                               Co., Ltd.

Dahua Jinzhi                       Refers To Zhejiang Dahua Jinzhi Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Guangxun                     Refers To Sichuan Dahua Guangxun Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.

Huajuan Technology                 Refers To Hangzhou Huajuan Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Hong Kong                    Refers To Dahua Technology (HK) Limited

Zhoushan Operation                 Refers To Zhejiang Zhoushan Digital Development Operation Co., Ltd

Yunnan Zhili                       Refers To Yunnan Zhili Technology Co., Ltd

Guangxi Dahua Technology           Refers To Guangxi Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Storage                      Refers To Zhejiang Dahua Storage Technology Co., Ltd.

Huaruijie                          Refers To Zhejiang Huaruijie Technology Co., Ltd.

Chengdu Zhilian                    Refers To Chengdu Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Chengdu Zhian                      Refers To Chengdu Dahua Zhian Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.

Chengdu Zhishu                     Refers To Chengdu Dahua Zhishu Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.

Chengdu Zhichuang                  Refers To Chengdu Zhichuang Yunshu Technology Co., Ltd.

Chengdu Smart                      Refers To Chengdu Huishan Smart Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Huakong Software                   Refers To Zhejiang Huakong Software Co., Ltd.

Xinsheng Electronic                Refers To Zhejiang Xinsheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

Huacheng Software                  Refers To Hangzhou Huacheng Software Technology Co., Ltd.

Guizhou Dahua                      Refers To Guizhou Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Henan Dahua                        Refers To Henan Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Waythcan                           Refers To Zhejiang Waythcan Technology Co., Ltd.

                              2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhengzhou Dahua Zhian   Refers To Zhengzhou Dahua Zhian Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua USA               Refers To Dahua Technology USA Inc.

Dahua Europe            Refers To Dahua Europe B.V.

Dahua Middle East       Refers To Dahua Technology Middle East FZE

Dahua Mexico            Refers To Dahua Technology Mexico S.A. De C. V

Dahua Chile             Refers To Dahua Technology Chile SPA

Dahua Malaysia          Refers To Dahua Security Malaysia SDN. Bhd.

Dahua Korea             Refers To Dahua Technology Korea Company Limited

Dahua Indonesia         Refers To Pt. Dahua Vision Technology Indonesia

Dahua Colombia          Refers To Dahua Technology Colombia S.A. S

Dahua Australia         Refers To Dahua Technology Australia Pty Ltd.

Dahua Singapore         Refers To Dahua Technology Singapore PTE. Ltd.

Dahua South Africa      Refers To Dahua Technology South Africa Proprietary Limited

Dahua Peru              Refers To Dahua Technology Perú S.A.C

Dahua Russia            Refers To Dahua Technology Rus Limited Liability Company

                                    Dahua Technology Brasil Comércio E Servios Em Segurana
Dahua Brazil            Refers To
                                    Eletrnica Ltda

Dahua Canada            Refers To Dahua Technology Canada Inc.

Dahua Panama            Refers To Dahua Technology Panama S.A.

Dahua Hungary           Refers To Dahua Technology Hungary KFT

Dahua Poland            Refers To Dahua Technology Poland SP. Z O.O.

Dahua Italy             Refers To Dahua Technology Italy S.R.L.

Dahua Tunisia           Refers To Dahua technology tunisia limited liability company

Dahua Kenya             Refers To Dahua Technology Kenya Limited

Dahua UK                Refers To Dahua Technology UK Limited

Dahua Germany           Refers To Dahua Technology Gmbh

Dahua Serbia            Refers To Dahua Technology Srb D.O.O.

Dahua India             Refers To Dahua Technology India Private Limited

Dahua Turkey            Refers To Dahua Guvenlik Teknolojileri Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S.

Dahua Czech             Refers To Dahua Technology Czech S.R.O.

Dahua Argentina         Refers To Dahua Argentina S.A.

Dahua Spain             Refers To Dahua Iberia, S.L.

Dahua Kazakhstan        Refers To Dahua Technology Kazakhstan LLP

Dahua Denmark           Refers To Dahua Technology Denmark APS.

                                         2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua France                       Refers To Dahua Technology France SAS

Dahua Lorex (US) Corporation       Refers To Lorex corporation

Dahua Technology Holdings          Refers To Dahua Technology Holdings Limited

Dahua New Zealand                  Refers To Dahua Technology New Zealand Limited

Dahua Netherlands                  Refers To Dahua Technology Netherlands B.V.

Dahua Morocco                      Refers To Dahua Technology Morocco Sarl

Dahua Romania                      Refers To Dahua Technology S.R.L

Dahua Uzbekistan                   Refers To Dahua Vision LLC

Dahua Lorex (Canada) Corporation   Refers To Lorex Technology Inc.

Dahua Bulgaria                     Refers To Dahua Technology Bulgaria Eood

Dahua Sri Lanka                    Refers To Dahua Technology China (PVT) Ltd

Dahua Pakistan                     Refers To Dahua Technology Pakistan (Private) Limited

Dahua Thailand                     Refers To Dahua Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Dahua Nigeria                      Refers To Dahua Technology Nigeria Representative Ltd

Dahua Israel                       Refers To Dahua Technology Israel Ltd.

Dahua Mexico                       Refers To Vismextech Dhm Servicios, S.A. De C.V.

Imou Netherlands                   Refers To Imou Network Technology Netherlands B.V.

Dahua Loris (UK) Corporation       Refers To Lorex Technology UK Limited

Dahua Japan                        Refers To Dahua Technology Japan

Imou Hong Kong                     Refers To Imou Network (Hong Kong) Technology Co., Ltd

Dahua Qatar                        Refers To Dahua Technology QFZ LLC

Dahua Panama SEM Regional
                                   Refers To Dahua Technology Pacific S.A.

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

         Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators

I. Company Profile

Stock Abbreviation            DAHUA                                 Stock Code                  002236

Stock Exchange                Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company Name in Chinese 浙江大华技术股份有限公司

Company Abbreviation in
Chinese (If any)

Company Name in Foreign
                              ZHEJIANG DAHUA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
Language (If any)

Legal Representative          Fu Liquan

II. Contact Person and Contact Information

                                                    Secretary of the Board          Representative of Securities Affairs

Name                                      Wu Jian                                 Zhu Leiqian

                                          No. 1199 Binan Road, Binjiang District, No. 1199 Binan Road, Binjiang District,
Contact Address
                                          Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province        Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Tel.                                      0571-28939522                           0571-28939522

Fax                                       0571-28051737                           0571-28051737

E-mail                                    zqsw@dahuatech.com                      zqsw@dahuatech.com

III. Other Information

1. Company Contact Information

Whether the Company’s registered address, office address, postal code, website and e-mail address has changed during
the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company’s registered address, office address, postal code, website and e-mail address have not changed during the
reporting period, which can be found in the 2020 Annual Report.

2. Information Disclosure and Location

Whether information disclosure and location has changed during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The name of the Company’s selected information disclosure newspaper, the URL of the website designated by the CSRC

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

where the semi-annual report is posted, and the place where the Company’s semi-annual report is available have not
changed during the reporting period, which can be found in the 2020 Annual Report.

IV. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether the Company needs performed retroactive adjustment or restatement of accounting data in prior years or not
□ Yes √ No

                                                                                                     Increase/Decrease of the
                                              The Current Reporting        The Same Period of        Current Reporting Period
                                                      Period                   Last Year             Compared with the Same
                                                                                                    Period of the Previous Year

Operating income (RMB)                             13,505,005,733.89          9,838,328,853.62                          37.27%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                    1,643,175,887.55          1,368,974,364.44                          20.03%
the listed Company (RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                  1,439,592,047.22          1,290,258,785.10                          11.57%
non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)

Net cash flow generated by operational
                                                      -871,108,797.99          -106,927,963.95                        -714.67%
activities (RMB)

Basic Earnings per Share (RMB/Share)                                0.56                     0.47                       19.15%

Diluted Earnings per Share
                                                                    0.56                     0.47                       19.15%

Weighted Average ROE                                            7.92%                      8.35%                         -0.43%

                                                                                                     Increase/Decrease at the
                                             At the End of the Current      At the End of the       End of the Current Reporting
                                                 Reporting Period            Previous Year           Period Compared with the
                                                                                                     End of the Previous Year

Total assets (RMB)                                 39,765,934,297.15         36,595,034,080.75                           8.66%

Net assets attributable to shareholders
                                                   21,502,466,967.23         19,773,030,426.40                           8.75%
of the listed company (RMB)

V. Differences in Accounting Data Under Domestic and Foreign Accounting

(1) Differences of net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed according to the
international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period of the company, there is no difference between the net profits and net assets in the financial
reports disclosed according to international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards.

                                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Differences between the net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed
according to the overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period of the company, there is no difference between the net profits and net assets in the financial
reports disclosed according to overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards.

VI. Non-recurring Gains and Losses Items and Their Amounts

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                      Item                                           Amount                   Note

Profits or losses from disposal of non-current assets (including the
write-off for the accrued impairment of assets)

The government subsidies included in the current profits and losses
(excluding the government subsidies closely related to regular
businesses of the Company and issued in the quota or quantity based
on the national standards)

Gains or losses from investment or asset management entrusted to

Profits and losses resulting from the changes in fair value for holding
trading financial assets, derivative financial assets and trading financial
liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and investment income from
disposal of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading             78,425,697.53
financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities, and other obligatory
right investment, excluding the effective hedging businesses related to
the regular business operation of the Company

Non-Operating Revenue and expenses other than the above                                  2,069,343.56

Other gains and losses items that fit the definition of non-recurring gains
and losses

Less: Impact of income tax                                                             42,970,480.79

     Impact of minority equity (after tax)                                             10,776,144.14

Total                                                                                 203,583,840.33           --

For items defined as non-recurring gains and losses according to the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to Public - Non-recurring Gains and Losses, or non-recurring gains
and losses items listed in the said document defined as recurring ones, please specify the reasons.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In the reporting period, the Company did not define any non-recurring gains and losses items defined and listed in the No.
1 Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to Public - Non-recurring
Gains and Losses, as recurring gains and losses items.

                                                 2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

               Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. The Principal Business of the Company during the Reporting Period

During the reporting period, there was no major change in the Company's principal business. For details, please refer to
the 2020 Annual Report.

II. Core Competitiveness Analysis

During the reporting period, there was no major change in the Company's core competitiveness. For details, please refer
to the 2020 Annual Report.

III. Main Business Analysis

Is it the same as the disclosure of the Company’s main businesses during the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No

     In the first half of 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic intertwined with the changes in the international

situation, and commodity prices around the world rose sharply under multiple factors such as

demand-side recovery, supply-side constraints, and liquidity easing. Coupled with the continued

sanctions and restrictions imposed by the United States on some Chinese technology companies, the

global semiconductor supply chain experienced phased and structural dislocations. In the face of the

complex market environment changes, the Company made every efforts to ensure project delivery by

various means. On the one hand, it adhered to various R&D strategies to ensure stable product

substitution and update; on the other hand, it maintained the stability of raw material supply by

increasing inventory and strengthening strategic cooperation with suppliers. Meanwhile, the Company

kept on technological innovation, with continuous investment in core technologies, and accelerated

layout of new directions and new products, greatly enriching the application scenarios of solutions.

     During the reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenue of 13.505 billion yuan, a

year-on-year increase of 37.27%, and a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of

1.643 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.03%.

     Main business strategies of the Company include:

     1. Continuously increase investments in R&D, enhance the capacity for technological innovations

and core technologies

                                             2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    The Company continued to step up its investment in core technologies such as AI, cloud computing

and big data, as well as software capacity building. During the reporting period, the Company invested

RMB 1.406 billion in R&D, accounting for 10.41% of the operating revenue in the first half of 2021.

    The Company's AI continued to achieve good results in technology competitions and real-world

tests. In the first half of 2021, the Company won the first place in a number of algorithm evaluations in

the field of text recognition, such as the single character recognition and character line recognition of the

ICDAR ReCTS Chinese sign recognition challenge and the Cityscapes dataset-Instance-Level Semantic

Labeling Task instance segmentation task. In response to the changing application scenarios of AI, the

Company keeps improving the system and continuously enriches its functions, thus enhancing the

real-world effect. Among them, the Genius AI open platform was further improved and perfected to assist

its partners and customers efficiently facilitate the implementation of intelligence in the industry.

    The Company invested heavily in the basic software platform to build a smart IOT operating system

for the pan-IOT industry and established the technical base of “One System and Two Platforms” for cities

and enterprises, thus rapidly improving the overall software architecture capability and software opening

capability. Meanwhile, the Company's software module development and management capabilities were

continuously enhanced by relying on the internal software modular development and application

management platform. In the first half of 2021, the Company's software business modules continued to

refine and improve, with continuous improvement in software reusability and reduction in software

development costs. The continuous accumulation of software modularity boosted the efficiency of the

Company's basic platform and the rapid incubation of business, and contributed to the rapid response

and delivery of customer business in all regional R&D teams.

    Facing the wave of digital transformation of enterprises, the Company vigorously invested in the

cloud business represented by “Yunrui”, and established the “digital intelligence” technology base of

enterprises in the public cloud field, including the intelligent middle platform, IOT middle platform,

business middle platform and big data middle platform. On this basis, the Company established 6 major

SaaS application product lines of Yunrui, providing universal smart IOT solutions for smart education,

smart community, smart chain, smart agriculture, smart logistics, and smart construction sites.

Meanwhile, the Company also built opening capabilities from PaaS to SaaS and AIopen capabilities, and

partnered with ecological partners to build an open, co-constructed and win-win solution ecology,

combined with the Company's software and hardware open capabilities, to fuel industrial change and

                                           2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

empower thousands of industries to upgrade their digital intelligence.

    During the reporting period, the Company has further optimized the investment structure for

software architecture capability, basic software platform, enterprise application software, government

application software, Yunrui cloud business system and overseas software, which continuously

enhanced the degree of its professionalism; through more comprehensive open APIs at the PaaS, DaaS,

and VSaas levels, the application development support capability of partners was continuously

enhanced; through the sinking of software technical resources to the front line, the response speed of

software in close proximity was accelerated and the software delivery service capability was improved.

    2. Continuously development of high-quality innovative businesses

    The Company attaches great importance to the cultivation of innovative businesses, and vigorously

innovate and continuously expand new high growth fields by relying on its R&D accumulation in the

video IOT industry as well as its supply chain integration capability and market ability. The main

innovative businesses of the Company are machine vision, video collaboration, smart home, smart

fire-fighting, smart storage, automotive electronics, smart drone, smart security inspection, smart display

control and smart control. With deep accumulation of industry development, strong technical foundation,

comprehensive insight into customer needs and in-depth understanding of segmented industries, the

Company's machine vision, video collaboration and smart home businesses are developing rapidly,

providing new impetus for the Company's sustained high growth and high quality development;

meanwhile, other innovative businesses are further advanced in an orderly manner in accordance with

the Company's established strategic plan. During the reporting period, the Company achieved an overall

revenue of RMB 1.197 billion in innovative business, an increase of 94.25% percent year-on-year,

building up strength for the Company's future high-speed growth.

    3. Continuously optimize the construction of marketing network and enhance the synergy between

technology and business

    The Company continues to optimize the construction of its marketing network, sinking its domestic

business to the county and township level; regarding its overseas business, it continues to deepen its

country-centric business sinking to improve customer coverage and response speed. Meanwhile, the

Company further strengthens the regional technical marketing system, enhances the synergy between

technology and business, and comprehensively improves the technical marketing capability.

    During the reporting period, the Company continued to expand its enterprise business and

                                             2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

accelerate towards the digital transformation. For large corporate clients, the Company implemented a

tiered and graded service strategy, with one strategy for each client, digging deeper into customers'

needs in production and management and providing systematic solutions and services. At present, the

Company has released dozens of solutions for the large enterprise market based on its digital

intelligence base, providing comprehensive services for digital upgrading of enterprises. For small and

medium-sized corporate clients, the Company continued to sink its business and simultaneously joined

hands with partners to promote the common construction and sharing of customers, focusing on the

ecological construction of value customers to achieve comprehensive market coverage.

     The Company attaches great importance to the construction of integration cooperation ecosystem,

implements hierarchical and graded management for integration eco-partners, and gives full play to their

role as amplifier through good services. During the reporting period, the Company stepped up its

investment in the downward coverage of this business direction, with the number of eco-partners

increasing rapidly, fueling a more robust business structure.

     4. Maintain supply chain stability and strengthen global delivery and service capabilities

     Faced with the complex and ever-changing supply environment, the Company has strengthened its

ability to continuously and safely supply key materials and ensure supply chain security by developing

backup solutions, optimizing the supply chain partner system, actively stocking up and diversifying

supply sources. Meanwhile, the Company continues to expand the scale of delivery system cooperation

ecology, strengthen training and certification while expanding the coverage of regional partners to

improve the delivery service capability of partners, further strengthening the Company's systematic

delivery and service capability for the global market.

     5. Improve organizational capacity and operational efficiency, and continuously promote high-quality


     The Company continues to promote fine management, fully implement high-performance

management and continuously reinforce its pursuit for high quality and steady growth.

     The Company builds an elite organization and strengthens its platform capability; strengthens the

investment in finance and IT to enhance the digital management of the Company; deepens the talent

mechanism and continues to stimulate the vitality of talents through a diversified business

incentive-oriented mechanism.
Year-on-year changes in key financial data

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                         The Current      The Same Period
                                                              increase or                Reasons for changes
                       Reporting Period     of Last Year

                                                                            This is mainly because that the Company
                                                                            focuses on the smart IOT industry, increasing
                                                                            the development of enterprise business and
Operating income 13,505,005,733.89 9,838,328,853.62               37.27%
                                                                            channel expansion to cover lower-tier cities,
                                                                            overlaid with the global economic recovery
                                                                            after the epidemic

                                                                            Increases with the growth of operating
Operating Cost         7,910,714,928.97 5,099,250,150.57          55.13%

Sales Expenses         2,059,001,711.42 1,805,227,134.27          14.06% No Significant Change

                         393,272,171.06     355,781,491.22        10.54% No Significant Change

Financial                                                                   Mainly due to the increase in foreign exchange
                          77,676,041.15     -24,567,529.26       416.17%
Expenses                                                                    losses

                                                                            This is mainly due to the inconsistency in the
                                                                            recognition period of income tax settlement
Income tax                                                                  and tax difference caused by the inconsistency
                         -38,451,185.77     169,559,416.73      -122.68%
expense                                                                     of the Company’s key software enterprises
                                                                            during the evaluation period (the last year was
                                                                            evaluated in the third quarter)

R&D investment         1,406,249,326.81 1,314,612,940.95            6.97% No Significant Change

Net cash flow
generated by                                                                Mainly due to the increase in stocking in this
                        -871,108,797.99    -106,927,963.95      -714.67%
operating                                                                   period

Net amount of
cash flow
generated by            -975,034,182.68 -1,247,540,391.99         21.84% No Significant Change

Net cash flow
generated by           1,073,002,256.78 1,401,333,857.62          -23.43% No Significant Change
financing activities

Net additions to
                                                                            Mainly due to the increase in stocking in this
balance of              -808,743,871.72      46,435,465.25    -1,841.65%

Significant changes in the composition of the Company’s profit or sources of profit during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

No significant changes in the composition of the Company’s profit or sources of profit during the reporting period.
Operating revenue structure
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                             The Current Reporting Period              The Same Period of Last Year
                                               Proportion in                            Proportion in
                                                                                                           increase or
                              Amount             Operating               Amount           Operating
                                                 Revenue                                  Revenue

Total Revenue           13,505,005,733.89                   100%     9,838,328,853.62             100%             37.27%

By Industry

Video IoT industry      13,505,005,733.89             100.00%        9,838,328,853.62          100.00%             37.27%

By Product

Smart IoT products
                        11,574,586,946.32              85.71%        8,654,135,036.80           87.97%             33.75%
and solutions

Of which: software
                           551,302,402.99                   4.08%      332,891,072.72            3.38%             65.61%

Innovation business
                         1,197,068,199.15                   8.86%      616,238,387.82            6.26%             94.25%

Others                     733,350,588.42                   5.43%      567,955,429.00            5.77%             29.12%

By Region

Domestic                 7,777,087,103.47              57.59%        5,789,716,423.38           58.85%             34.33%

Overseas                 5,727,918,630.42              42.41%        4,048,612,430.24           41.15%             41.48%

Domestic business segment

                        The Current Reporting Period                  The Same Period of Last Year

                                                                                        Proportion in     Year-on-year
                                            Proportion in
                                                                                         Domestic          increase or
                        Amount          Domestic Operating             Amount
                                                                                         Operating          decrease

To G                 2,181,268,061.15                 28.05%        1,968,901,971.97            34.01%             10.79%

To B                 3,596,476,335.61                 46.24%        2,442,778,493.48            42.19%             47.23%

Others               1,999,342,706.71                 25.71%        1,378,035,957.93            23.80%             45.09%

Total                7,777,087,103.47               100.00%         5,789,716,423.38           100.00%             34.33%

Note: Innovative businesses of the Company mainly includes machine vision, video collaboration, smart home, smart
fire-fighting, smart storage, automotive electronics, smart drone, smart security inspection, smart display control, smart
control and other corresponding businesses. The same below.
Industry, product, or region accounting for more than 10% of the Company’s operating revenue or profit
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                          Increase or
                                                                                           Increase and       Increase or
                                                                          decrease of
                                                                                           decrease of        decrease of
                                                               Gross                      operating cost      gross profit
                      Operating income      Operating Cost                  income
                                                               margin                     over the same     compared with
                                                                        compared with
                                                                                           period of last   the same period
                                                                        the same period
                                                                                               year           of last year
                                                                          of last year

By Industry

Video IoT industry    13,505,005,733.89 7,910,714,928.97 41.42%                 37.27%            55.13%             -6.75%

By Product

Smart IoT
products and          11,574,586,946.32 6,477,078,712.53 44.04%                 33.75%            54.40%             -7.49%

Of which: software
                          551,302,402.99     163,767,869.40 70.29%              65.61%            53.49%              2.34%

By Region

Domestic                7,777,087,103.47 4,685,553,053.26 39.75%                34.33%            39.70%             -2.32%

Overseas                5,727,918,630.42 3,225,161,875.71 43.69%                41.48%            84.81%           -13.20%

business segment

To G                    2,181,268,061.15 1,190,084,301.76 45.44%                10.79%            15.62%             -2.28%

To B                    3,596,476,335.61 2,067,000,177.07 42.53%                47.23%            59.15%             -4.30%

Others                  1,999,342,706.71 1,428,468,574.43 28.55%                45.09%            39.23%              3.00%

When the statistical caliber of the Company’s main business data is adjusted in the reporting period, the Company’s main
business data in the most recent period should be subject to the one after the statistical caliber adjusted at the end of the
reporting period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Reasons for over 30% changes in related data on year-on-year basis
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company's operating revenue increased by 37.27% compared with the same period of
last year, mainly due to the Company's focus on the smart IOT industry, increasing the development of enterprise
business and channel expansion to cover lower-tier cities, overlaid with the global economic recovery after the epidemic.
The operating costs increased by 55.13% compared with the same period of last year, mainly due to the increase of
revenue during the reporting period, and the product structure changes such as infrared thermal imaging.

IV. Non-main Business Analysis

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

V. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant changes in assets composition

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                   At the End of the Current
                                                  At the End of the Previous Year Proportion
                       Reporting Period
                                                                                   Increase     Statement on Significant
                                     Proportion                       Proportion
                                                                                     and                Changes
                     Amount           To Total         Amount          To Total
                                      Assets                           Assets

Cash and
Bank              6,690,863,029.69      16.83% 7,471,652,634.66          20.42%      -3.59% No major changes

                 12,779,041,456.90      32.14% 12,857,519,110.16         35.13%      -2.99% No major changes

                    111,283,472.17        0.28%       84,825,834.82       0.23%       0.05% No major changes

                                                                                               Mainly due to the increase
Inventory         7,312,285,468.20      18.39% 4,928,019,838.00          13.47%       4.92%
                                                                                               in stocking

                   320,218,828.49         0.81%      336,008,869.13       0.92%       -0.11% No major changes

                                                                                               Mainly due to the
                                                                                               confirmation of other
Equity             820,449,863.74         2.06%      455,977,616.16       1.25%       0.81%
                                                                                               changes in equity of

                                                                                               Mainly due to the
                                                                                               completion of Phase II,
                                                                                               Dahua Intelligent (IoT)
Fixed Assets      1,979,508,213.29        4.98% 1,515,594,629.97          4.14%       0.84% Industrial Park
                                                                                               Construction Project and
                                                                                               its conversion to fixed

                                                                                               Mainly due to increasing
Projects under
                  1,250,289,385.41        3.14% 1,164,130,453.03          3.18%      -0.04% investments in
                                                                                               construction projects

                                                                                               Impact of the
                   205,470,210.43         0.52%                                       0.52% implementation of new
                                                                                               lease standards in 2021

                                                                                               Mainly due to the increase
                  1,104,598,520.22        2.78%      250,177,083.34       0.68%       2.10% in demand for short-term
                                                                                               capital turnover

                                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                Mainly due to the increase
                                895,221,177.02             2.25%     671,120,385.08       1.83%        0.42% in advance payment of the
                                                                                                                current contract

         Long-term                                                                                              Mainly due to the increase
                              1,903,000,000.00             4.79%     878,000,000.00       2.40%        2.39%
         loan                                                                                                   in long-term bank loans

                                                                                                                Impact of the
                                107,606,799.04             0.27%                                       0.27% implementation of new
                                                                                                                lease standards in 2021

     2. Major overseas assets

     □ Applicable √ Not applicable

     3. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

     √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                          Changes in fair                                              Sales
                                                            Cumulative Impairment      Purchase
                       At the beginning    value gains                                                amount
                                                             fair value   loss of the amount of the                   Other         At the end of the
     Item              of the reporting    and losses in                                               of the
                                                            changes in    reporting     reporting                   variations       reporting period
                           period           the current                                               reporting
                                                              equity       period        period
                                              period                                                   period


1. Trading

2. Derivative
financial                  1,005,680.45      7,123,015.25                                                               16,283.27         8,144,978.97

3. Investment
in other

4. Investment
in other

                                                            2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


5. Others                1,470,000.00                                                                                            1,470,000.00

assets                   2,475,680.45     7,123,015.25                                                            16,283.27      9,614,978.97




                       360,087,786.34   117,273,994.45                           500,000,000.00             -39,438,199.19     937,923,581.60

                   1,207,879,654.58                                                                        -306,686,795.99     901,192,858.59

Total              1,570,443,121.37     124,397,009.70                           500,000,000.00            -346,108,711.91    1,848,731,419.16

                                           450,380.67                                                               516.85         450,897.52

        Are there any significant changes in the measurement attributes of the company's main assets during the reporting
        □ Yes √ No

        4. Restrictions on asset rights as of the end of the reporting period

        As of June 30, 2021, restricted assets of the Company are as follows:
                       Item               Ending balance (RMB)                            Cause of restrictions
        Cash and Bank Balances                    105,139,382.31 Guarantee security deposit
        Notes receivable and                      807,838,701.82 Pledge applied to issue bank acceptance bills; Bank acceptance
        accounts receivable financing                               bill endorsed but not derecognized

        Long-term Receivables                     178,385,721.02 Pledge for bank loans

        Non-current Assets Due                      31,073,678.03 Pledge for bank loans
        within 1 Year
        Total                                    1,122,437,483.18

                                                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

VI. Investment analysis

1. Overview

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

   Investment In the Reporting Period                                   Investment Over the Corresponding
                                                                                                                                                           Rate Of Change
                             (RMB)                                                   Period of Last Year

                                          63,998,186.36                                                      447,786,608.55                                                                  -85.71%

2. Significant equity investments acquired during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Major non-equity investments underway during the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB


                                                                                                                                                     Cumulative         For
                                              The                                           Cumulative
                                                          Involved                                                                                   Income as    Unreached
                                        Investment in                  Amount Invested         Actual                                                                           Disclosing     Disclosing
                                                         industry in                                          Capital     Progress     Anticipated   of the End     Planned
  Item Name         Investment Mode      The Fixed                      in The Current    Investment as of                                                                        Date (If      Index (If
                                                         investment                                           Source      of Project    Income         of The      Progress
                                         Assets or                     Reporting Period      the End of                                                                            Any)           Any)
                                                          projects                                                                                   Reporting          and
                                              Not                                         Reporting Period
                                                                                                                                                       Period     Anticipated


The Phase II

Construction                                                                                                                                                                                  Juchao

Project of the                                                                                                                                                                                Information
                                                        Video IoT                                            Self-raise                                           Not           March 27,
Smart               Self-construction   Yes                             215,741,729.84     818,079,406.91                   52.67%                                                            Website
                                                        industry                                             d funds                                              applicable.   2021
Manufacturing                                                                                                                                                                                 http://cninfo.

Base in                                                                                                                                                                                       com.cn/



Construction                                                                                                                                                                                  Information
                                                        Video IoT                                            Self-raise                                           Not           March 27,
Project of Xi'an    Self-construction   Yes                             106,501,691.69     314,900,316.55                   26.92%                                                            Website
                                                        industry                                             d funds                                              applicable.   2021
R & D Center                                                                                                                                                                                  http://cninfo.


Project of Smart
IoT Solution R &                                        Video IoT                                            Self-raise                                           Not           March 27,
                    Self-construction   Yes                             221,236,190.49     771,334,141.65                   47.50%                                                            Website
D and                                                   industry                                             d funds                                              applicable.   2021

                                                                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

New Project of
Southwest R&D                                                    Video IoT                                                   Self-raise                                              Not           March 27,
                   Self-construction          Yes                                          41,284.40             41,284.40                      0.00%                                                              Website
Center of                                                        industry                                                    d funds                                                 applicable.   2021

Total                          --                    --                --             543,520,896.42 1,904,355,149.51              --           --                                         --             --             --

4. Financial assets investment

(1). Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case as securities investment during the reporting period.

(2). Derivatives investment

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: ten thousand RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Proportion of


                                                                                                                                           Amount                     Amount of                     amount in      Actual profit
  Name of                                                                   Initial                                                                    Amount sold                   Investment
                 Relation           Whether it is     Types of                                                           Initial        purchased                    provision for                      the          and loss
 derivatives                                                           amount of         Starting      Termination                                      during the                   amount at
                with related         a related       derivatives                                                      investment          during the                 impairment                     company’s      during the
 investment                                                           derivatives          date           date                                          reporting                    the end of
                   party            transaction     investments                                                         amount            reporting                  accrued (if                   net assets at     reporting
  operator                                                            investment                                                                         period                      the period
                                                                                                                                           period                        any)                       end of the        period



                                                    Structured                         January 26, June 30,
Construction No relations No                                            50,000.00                                                          50,000.00     50,000.00                                                       849.32
                                                    deposits                           2021          2021

                                                                                       November      May 18,
Bank           No relations No                      exchange                                                            40,904.41         656,822.84    625,354.94                     30,751.21           1.43%       1,357.07
                                                                                       27, 2020      2022

Total                                                                   50,000.00             --            --          40,904.41         706,822.84    675,354.94                     30,751.21           1.43%       2,206.39

Sources of funds for derivatives investment                          Equity Fund

Litigation involved (if applicable)                                  N/A

Disclosure date of board of directors' announcement on
                                                                     March 24, 2021
the approval of derivatives investment (if any)

Disclosure date of shareholder meeting’s

announcement on the approval of derivatives                          April 24, 2021

investment (if any)

                                                                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Risk analysis and description of control measures for
                                                                For details of risk analysis and control measures, please refer to the "Announcement on the Use of Own Funds to Purchase Bank Wealth
derivatives positions during the reporting period
                                                                Management Products" (Announcement No. 2021-031) and "Announcement on Carrying out Foreign Exchange Hedging Transactions"
(including but not limited to market risk, liquidity risk,
                                                                (Announcement no. 2021-027), which were disclosed on March 24, 2021.
credit risk, operational risk, legal risk, etc.)

Changes in market prices or product fair value of
                                                                For the structured deposits signed between the Company and bank during the reporting period, the gains and losses of fair value shall be
invested derivatives during the reporting period, and the
                                                                determined according to the association between interest rate and the foreign exchange options. For the foreign forward contracts signed
analysis of the fair value of derivatives should disclose
                                                                between the Company and bank, the transactional financial assets or transactional financial liabilities shall be determined i n accordance
the specific methods used and the setting of related
                                                                with the difference between the forward foreign exchange settlement contract quotation and the forward foreign exchange price.
assumptions and parameters.

Explanation of whether the Company’s derivatives

accounting policies and specific accounting principles
have changed significantly during the reporting period

compared with the previous reporting period

Independent directors' special opinions on the                  For details, please refer to the "Independent Opinions of Independent Directors on Related Matters" disclosed by the Company on March

Company's derivatives investment and risk control               24, 2021.

VII. Major Assets and Equity Sales

1. Major assets sales

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No major assets sales in the reporting period of the Company

2. Major equity sales

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Analysis of Major Holding and Equity Participation Companies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies with a net profit impact of over 10%.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                        Company              Main
Company Name                                                 Registered Capital         Total Assets              Net Assets         Operating income         Operating Profit             Net Profit
                           Type          businesses



Zhejiang Dahua                         production,

System                 Subsidiary installation
                                                             500,000,000.00            4,434,143,774.95 1,328,435,651.49                 536,915,726.21          -32,877,996.20           -12,859,072.55
Engineering            Company         and sales of

Co., Ltd.                              electronic



                                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                              on products;

                              the design,



                              installation of










                              sales, and



                              related to


                              software, as
Zhejiang Dahua
                              well as the
Vision           Subsidiary
                              design,           646,810,000.00   23,342,782,226.15 1,340,836,969.69 11,894,804,803.64   245,463,199.70    181,793,126.65
Technology Co., Company

                              and sales of




                              products and


                              ons products


                              and sales of


                              products and


Zhejiang Dahua Subsidiary
                              technological 1,110,000,000.00      4,259,134,733.79   635,314,901.76 1,659,289,918.82    -195,287,805.19   -137,775,208.75
Zhilian Co., Ltd. Company



                              and services,



                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                       of computer





                       ons products,

                       and digital




                       house lease;



                       import and

                       export of


Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                          Method of acquisition and disposal of          Impact on overall production
            Company Name
                                         subsidiaries during the reporting period       management and performance

Hangzhou Huajuan Technology Co.,                                                    No significant impact on overall
Ltd.                                                                                production, operation and performance

Zhejiang Waythcan Technology Co.,                                                   No significant impact on overall
                                         Established with investment
Ltd.                                                                                production, operation and performance

Zhengzhou Dahua Zhian Information                                                   No significant impact on overall
                                         Established with investment
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                production, operation and performance

Imou Network (Hong Kong) Technology                                                 No significant impact on overall
                                         Established with investment
Co., Ltd                                                                            production, operation and performance

                                                                                    No significant impact on overall
Dahua Technology QFZ LLC                 Established with investment
                                                                                    production, operation and performance

                                                                                    No significant impact on overall
DAHUA TECHNOLOGY PACIFIC S.A. Established with investment
                                                                                    production, operation and performance

No significant holding companies and joint stock companies information should be disclosed during the reporting period.

IX. The structured entity controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

X. Risks and Countermeasures

       During the reporting period, there was no significant change in the risks faced by the Company. The

                                            2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Company has been trying to identify all kinds of risks and actively take countermeasures to avoid and

reduce the risks:

    1. Covid-19 risks: In the face of the Covid-19 outbreak, the Company has taken stringent prevention

and control measures to protect the health of employees at home and abroad. In addition, the Company

offers technological solutions to contribute to the global effort against the pandemic.

    2. Supply chain security risks: In terms of supply security, the Company has comprehensively

reviewed various potential supply risks through dedicated operations, and strengthened the sustainable

and safe supply of key materials by means of research and development of backup scheme and

diversified supply sources to ensure the security of the supply chain.

    3. International operation risks: The Company's products and solutions cover more than 100

countries and regions overseas. International business operation may face trade protection risks. In

addition, the resurgence of Covid-19 around the world has resulted in more uncertainties to the overseas

economic environment, which may adversely affect the development of the Company's local business.

To actively prevent and respond to international business risks, the Company has established an

overseas compliance and risk control system, continuously strengthened its understanding of and ability

to adapt to the laws and regulations as well as the political and economic environment of the regions in

which the Company operates, and formulated differentiated "One Country, One Strategy" national

business strategies according to the political and economic changes in different regions to minimize

business risks.

    4. Foreign exchange risks: The Company's export transactions are mostly settled in United States

Dollars ("USD"), while overseas business continues to grow. Therefore, fluctuations in the foreign

exchange rate may affect the profits of the Company. The Company attaches great importance to

exchange rate risk control and adopts various means to effectively control such risks: on the one hand, it

manages various currencies by category, guides the contracting in mainstream currencies and using

such currencies to hedge against the U.S. dollar while increasing the proportion of overseas localized

contracting; for the countries contracted in non-mainstream currencies, exchange rate protection

clauses and price adjustment mechanisms will be set in advance in the contracts to reduce the risk of

exchange rate fluctuations; on the other hand, the Company effectively uses foreign exchange hedging

and a series of derivative instruments, among others, to offset and hedge exchange rate risks without

                                            2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

speculative purposes.

    5. Business model change risks: With the development of technologies such as network

communications, cloud computing, big data, and AI, and the upgraded uses of smartphones, business

models in the IOT era may have an impact on the traditional industry development. If an enterprise

cannot grasp opportunities brought about by the business model transformation in a timely manner, it

may face the risk that the original market structure becomes broken. The Company continues to focus

on and study the major changes in global economy, industry and technology, analyze the industry

development logic, and predict the evolution of global security industry and IoT industry, the continuous

integration of video, information communication and digital technologies, diversification and uncertainty

of customer demands. While consolidating the advantageous market, The Company actively explores

and pilots new businesses and new commercial mode, and carry out business and technical layout.

    6. Technology upgrading risks: The video surveillance industry is a typical technology-intensive

industry, featuring extremely fast changes. If the Company is unable to keep up with development trends

in the industry's technology, to pay full attention to customers' diversified individual needs, and to be

followed by sufficient R&D investments, it will still face the risk of losing market competitiveness due to

discontinuous innovation. By increasing R & D investment, the Company continues to strengthen

research on core technologies in AI, video cloud, machine vision and other fields, and reserves product,

technology, management and talent resources for a broader market in the future, so as to achieve

sustainable and steady development of business.

    7. Product safety risks: The Company attaches great importance to and continuously strengthens

resource investment to ensure safe and reliable operations of the security system so as to respond to

the product security risks on the Internet. However, hackers attacks, computer viruses, physical security

vulnerabilities, natural disasters, accidents, power interruptions, telecommunications failures, terrorism,

and warfare events may still occur from time to time, resulting in security vulnerabilities, system failures,

or service interruptions. The Company has founded a cyber security committee, and set up a

professional security team to develop company-level product safety plan, ensuring product safety in

whole process from requirements to design, coding, and testing process. At the same time, the

Company actively carry out technical exchanges and cooperation with mainstream safety enterprises,

safety evaluation agencies and corresponding industry associations to provide customers with safe

products and solutions.

                                          2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    8. Intellectual property risks: The promotion of the Company's globalization and self-owned brand

strategy will likely bring about intellectual property risks and patent infringement, which may cause

fluctuation in business relations and public opinions, increasing lawsuits and rising costs. The Company

attaches great importance to technological innovation and has established protection and management

mechanism for intangible assets such as innovation achievements, self-owned brands, trade secrets,

and constantly gathers advantageous IP assets; With IP compliance risk control system, the Company

continues to strengthen its ability to understand and grasp the IP laws and regulations, administrative

and judicial environment of the region where the company's business is located in.

                                                 2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                            Section IV Corporate Governance

I. Relevant Situation of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and the
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Held in the Reporting Period

1. The shareholders' meetings for this reporting period

                                 Percentage of
 Conference      Conference
                                   Investors     Date of Conference Date of Disclosure     Conference Resolution
   Session           Type

                                                                                         No proposal was voted
                                                                                         down at the General
First                                                                                    Meeting. The
Extraordinary                                                                            Announcement of
General                                                                                  Resolutions of the First
                General                51.52% January 22, 2021      January 23, 2021
Meeting of                                                                               Extraordinary General
Shareholders                                                                             Meeting of 2021 (2021-006)
in 2021                                                                                  is published on Juchao
                                                                                         Information Website

                                                                                         No proposal was voted
                                                                                         down at the General
                                                                                         Meeting. The
2020 Annual
                                                                                         Announcement of
General         Annual General
                                       46.66% April 23, 2021        April 24, 2021       Resolutions of the 2020
Meeting of      Meeting
                                                                                         Annual General Meeting
                                                                                         (2021-064) is published on
                                                                                         Juchao Information Website

                                                                                         No proposal was voted
                                                                                         down at the General
Second                                                                                   Meeting. The
Extraordinary                                                                            Announcement of
General                                                                                  Resolutions of the Second
                General                44.65% June 11, 2021         June 15, 2021
Meeting of                                                                               Extraordinary General
Shareholders                                                                             Meeting of 2021 (2021-076)
in 2021                                                                                  is published on Juchao
                                                                                         Information Website

                                                 2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Convening of the interim shareholders' general meetings upon request of the preferred
stockholders whose voting rights are restored

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

     Name               Title         Type            Date                               Causes

                  Senior Vice                                      Voluntarily resigned from the post of Senior Vice
Ying Yong                          Dismissal   March 24, 2021
                  President                                        President but remained in the Company

                                                                   Voluntarily resigned from the post of Vice President
Wu Yunlong        Vice President Dismissal     March 24, 2021
                                                                   but remained in the Company

                                                                   Voluntarily resigned from the post of Vice President
Chen Yuqing       Vice President Dismissal     March 24, 2021
                                                                   but remained in the Company

III. Profit Distribution and Capital Reserve Converted to Share Capital in the
Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company plans to pay no cash dividends, no bonus shares and no capital increase by way of capitalization of
provident fund for the half-year

IV. Implementation of the Company’s Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock
Ownership Plan or Other Employee Incentive Measures

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

     1. On April 1, 2021, the "Proposal of Restricted Share Incentive Plan for the Second Unlock Period

of the First Grant and Reserving the Achievement for the First Unlock of Year 2018" was reviewed and

approved at the Thirteenth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors and the Ninth Meeting of the

Seventh Board of Supervisors of the Company. The Board of Directors agreed to unlock 29,431,520

restricted stocks held by 2,889 incentive objects who met the unlocking conditions. The matter was

completed on April 15, 2021.

     2. On April 23, 2021, the "Proposal on Buy-back and Cancellation of Some Granted but not

Unlocked Restricted Stocks" was deliberated and approved at the Company's General Meeting of

Shareholders in 2020, which agreed to buy back and cancel 1,028,860 authorized but not unlocked

restricted stocks held by 65 incentive objects who are no longer eligible for hte qualification (of which,

882,360 shares were first granted at the buy-back price of 8.17 yuan per share; reserved grant of

                                         2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

146,500 shares at a buy-back price of 8.75 yuan per share). The aforesaid buy-back and cancellation

matter is still in process.

     3. On June 25, 2021, the "Proposal on the Unlocking Conditions for the Restricted Stock Incentive

Plan on the First Unlocking Period in 2020" was deliberated and approved at the Seventeenth Meeting of

the Seventh Board of Directors and the Eleventh Meeting of the Seventh Board of Supervisors of the

Company. At which the Board of Directors agreed to unlock 6,695,740 restricted stocks held by 10

incentive objects who meet the unlocking conditions. The matter was completed on July 9, 2021.

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

           Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

I. Major Environmental Issues

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries belong to the key pollutant discharging units announced by the
environmental protection department
□ Yes √ No

II. Social Responsibilities

The Company has not carried out targeted poverty alleviation and rural revitalization work during the reporting period.

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                  Section VI Significant Events

I. Commitments made by the Company’s controlling shareholders, shareholders,
related parties, purchasers and purchasing companies have been fulfilled during the
reporting period and those that have not been fulfilled by the end of the reporting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no commitments, made by the Company’s controlling shareholders, shareholders, related parties, purchasers
and purchasing companies, that have been fulfilled during the reporting period and that have not been fulfilled by the end
of the reporting period.

II. Non-operational capital occupation over listed companies by controlling
shareholders and their related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, there is no non-operational capital occupation over listed companies by controlling
shareholders and their related parties.

III. Illegal external guarantees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No illegal external guarantees during the reporting period.

IV. Appointment and dismissal of accounting firms

Whether the semi-annual report has been audited
□ Yes √ No
The Company’s semi-annual report has not been audited.

V. Explanations made by the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors on the
“Non-Standard Audit Report” from the accounting firm during the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Statement by the Board of Directors on the “Non-Standard Audit Report” of the
previous year

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

VII. Bankruptcy and Restructuring

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case as bankruptcy and reorganization related event during the reporting period.

VIII. Litigation Matters

Significant lawsuits and arbitrations
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no major lawsuit or arbitration during this reporting period.
Other litigation matters
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                             Outcome and
                                             Whether an                                      Enforcement
                                  Amount                      Litigation       impact of
Basic information on litigation               estimated                                       of litigation       Date of   Disclosure
                                  involved                   (arbitration)     litigation
          (arbitration)                       liability is                                   (arbitration) Disclosure         Index
                                  (yuan)                      progress       (arbitration)
                                               formed                                         judgments

Other litigation not meeting
                                                                             Not             Not
the disclosure standards for      14,574.53 177.57           On trial                                         -             N/A
                                                                             applicable.     applicable.
material litigation

IX. Penalties and Rectification

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case as penalty and rectification during the reporting period.

X. Integrity of the Company, Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI. Significant Related-party Transactions

1. Related transactions relevant to daily operations

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case as significant related-party transactions connected with daily operations.

2. Related transactions in acquisition or sale of assets or equities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case as related-party transactions arising from the acquisition or sale of assets or equity.

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

3. Significant related-party transactions arising from joint investments on external parties

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
For details, see "6. Other Significant Related-party Transactions" in this Section.

4. Related-party creditor's rights and debts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case as related credits and debts during the reporting period.

5. Transactions with related financial companies and financial companies controlled by the

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the Company and the related financial company, or between
the financial company controlled by the Company and the related parties.

6. Other major related transactions

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

     1. On January 8, 2021, the Eighth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors of the Company

deliberated and approved the "Proposal on Joint Capital Increase and Related Party Transactions", and

agreed that the Company and related parties Zhang Xingming, He Chao, Ningbo Huaqi Investment

Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), Hangzhou Kangpi Enterprise Management Partnership

(Limited Partnership) and non-related party Yao Weizhong to sign the "Agreement on Equity Transfer

and Capital Increase of Zhejiang Healnoc Technology Co., Ltd.". The Company and related parties

Zhang Xingming, He Chao, Ningbo Huaqi Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership),

Hangzhou Kangpi Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) and non-related party Yao

Weizhong contributed RMB 50 million in total to Zhejiang Healnoc Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as

"Healnoc") as capital increase. Among them, the Company invested RMB 20 million of its own funds,

holding 20% of Healnoc equity, and Healnoc became a shareholding company. The change of industrial

and commercial registrations for the above matter was completed in February 2021.

     2. On January 22, 2021, the First Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders in 2021 deliberated and

approved the “Proposal on Giving up Shareholding Companies' Equity Increase Rights and Related

Party Transactions”. A total of 14 investors, including Zhu Jiangming, Gao Dong, Chen Jinxia, and

Ningbo Huaqi Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), made a B-1 round of capital

                                          2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

increase in Leapmotor Technology. The related transaction amount involved in companies giving up the

right to increase capital in the same proportion was RMB 458.459 million. The change of industrial and

commercial registrations for the above matter was completed in January 2021.

    3. On January 27, 2021,the Ninth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors of the Company

deliberated and approved the “Proposal on Giving up Shareholding Companies' Equity Increase Rights

and Related Party Transactions”. A total of 10investors, including Zhejiang Mituo Investment Co., Ltd.,

Gao Dong, Huzhou Heninghai Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), intended to make a B-2

round of capital increase in Leapmotor. The amount of related party transactions involved in the

companies' giving up the right to increase capital in the same proportion was RMB 0.16683546 billion.

The change of industrial and commercial registrations for the above matter was completed in January


    4. On April 22, 2021, the "Proposal on Giving Up the Right to Increase Capital and Pre-emptive

Rights of a Subsidiary in the Same Proportion and Related Transaction" was deliberated and approved

at the Fourteenth Meeting of the Seventh Session of the Board of Directors of the Company, in which a

total of 5 investors, including CICC Huarui Technology Employee Shareholding No. 1 Single Asset

Management Plan, intended to increase capital to Zhejiang Huarui Technology Co., Ltd., with a total

capital increase of RMB 9,545,783.     Based on the shareholding structure after the above capital

increase, Ningbo Huayu Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), shareholder of

Huarui Technology, intended to transfer its 44.10% shareholding of Huarui Technology to a total of

24investors including CICC Huarui Technology Employee Shareholding No. 1Single Asset Management

Plan, at a total price of RMB 244,309,237. The Company waived the preferential subscription right and

the preemptive right to purchase the above-mentioned equity interests. The change of industrial and

commercial registrations for the above matter was completed in April 2021.

    5. On June 7, 2021, the "Proposal on Capital Increase and Related Transaction of Holding

Subsidiary" was deliberated and approved at the Sixteenth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors of

the Company, which agreed that the Company and the related legal person Zhejiang Huashi Investment

Management Co., Ltd. jointly increased the capital of the holding subsidiary Zhejiang Huaxiao

Technology Co., Ltd. in the same proportion. The company increased its capital by RMB10.2 million

with its own funds, and after the completion of the capital increase, the registered capital of Huaxiao

Technology increased from RMB 50 million to RMB 70 million. The change of industrial and commercial

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

registrations for the above matter was completed in June 2021.

     6. On June 29, 2021, the "Proposal on Joint Investment and Establishment of Industrial Fund and

Related Transaction with Related Parties" was deliberated and approved at the Eighteenth Meeting of

the Seventh Session of the Board of Directors of the Company, which agreed to establish Zhoushan

Huayan Chuangxi Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) with a total of 19 investors,

including Huayan Capital (Hangzhou) Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd. The form of the

Industrial Fund is a limited partnership with a total fund scale of RMB 150.1 million; Huayan Capital, as

the fund manager, contributes RMB 100,000 in currency, holding 0.07% of the shares, and Dahua

Shares contributes RMB 50 million in currency, holding 33.32% of the shares. The matter is still in


Website for disclosing the interim report on significant related-party transactions

                          Announcement name                                  Disclosure date   Website for the disclosure

Announcement on Joint Investment and Related Transactions with
                                                                          January 9, 2021      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Related Parties

Announcement On Giving Up the Shareholding Company's Right to
Increase Capital with The Same Percentage and Related-party               January 9, 2021      http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Announcement On Giving Up the Shareholding Company's Right to
Increase Capital with The Same Percentage and Related-party               January 28, 2021     http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Announcement On Giving Up the Subsidiaries' Right to Increase
Capital with The Same Percentage, Right of Preemption, And                April 23, 2021       http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Related-party Transactions

Announcement On Increasing Capital in Holding Subsidiaries and
                                                                          June 08, 2021        http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Related-party Transactions

Announcement on Joint Investment on the Establishment of Industrial
                                                                          June 30, 2021        http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Fund and Related Transactions with Related Parties

XII. Significant Contracts and Performance

1. Matters on trusteeship, contracting, and leasehold

(1) Matters on trusteeship

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case as custody during the reporting period.

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case as contracting during the reporting period.

(3) Leasing

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Explanations on leases
During the reporting period, some of the Company's own real estate properties were used for rental, and the leased real
estate property was used for office, warehouse and production workshops. There was no other major real estate leasing.
Cases that brought the profit and loss accounted for more than 10% of the Company's total profit during the reporting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such leases that brought the profit and loss accounted for more than 10% of the Company's total profit during the
reporting period.

2. Significant guarantees

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                 Unit: ten thousand RMB

         External guarantees from the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding guarantees to the subsidiaries)

                        ment date
                            of                     Actual        Actual
                                     Guarantee                                  Type of    Term of    Due or for related
  Guaranteed party      disclosure               occurrence    guarantee
                                      amount                                guarantee     guarantee    not     parties or
                          of the                    date        amount

                                                              Total amount of
Total amount of guarantees
                                                              guarantees actually
approved during the reporting
                                                              occurred during the
period (A1)
                                                              reporting period (A2)

Total amount of guarantees                                    Total balance of
approved by the end of the                                    guarantees at the end of
reporting period (A3)                                         the reporting period (A4)

                                          Company's guarantees to subsidiaries

                        Announce                   Actual        Actual                                        Guarantee
                                     Guarantee                                  Type of    Term of    Due or
  Guaranteed party      ment date                occurrence    guarantee                                       for related
                                      amount                                guarantee     guarantee    not
                            of                      date        amount                                         parties or

                                                2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                    disclosure                                                                                    not
                      of the

                                                                           Joint liability 2018.03.20-
                                              2018.03.27     50,000.00                                      Yes   Yes
                                                                            guarantee        2021.03.19

                                                                                             Three years
                                                                                              after the
                                              February 25,                 Joint liability maturity of
                                                             30,000.00                                      Yes   Yes
                                                 2020                       guarantee the debts in
                                                                                             the master

                                                                                             Two years
                                                                                              after the
                                                                           Joint liability maturity of
                                              10/13/2017     22,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                                                            guarantee the debts in
                                                                                             the master

                                                                                             Two years
                                                                                              after the
                                                                           Joint liability maturity of
                                              2018.09.21     (40 million                                    No    Yes
                                                                            guarantee the debts in
Zhejiang Dahua                                               US dollars)
                    May 6,                                                                   the master
Vision Technology                698,685.74
                    2021                                                                      contract
Co., Ltd.
                                                                           Joint liability 2019.06.26-
                                              2019.06.26     18,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                                                            guarantee        2022.06.25

                                                                                             Two years
                                                                                              after the
                                                                           Joint liability maturity of
                                              2019.07.22     44,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                                                            guarantee the debts in
                                                                                             the master

                                                                                             Three years
                                                                                              after the
                                                                           Joint liability maturity of
                                              2019.09.29     20,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                                                            guarantee the debts in
                                                                                             the master

                                                                                             Two years
                                              February 17,                 Joint liability    after the
                                                             25,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                                 2020                       guarantee        maturity of
                                                                                             the debts in

  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                              the master

                                                April 7,
                            Joint liability     2020 -
April 7, 2020   53,000.00                                   No   Yes
                             guarantee        March 31,

                                              Two years
                                               after the
                            Joint liability maturity of
April 13, 2020 24,000.00                                    No   Yes
                             guarantee the debts in
                                              the master

                                              Two years
                                               after the
 August 3,                  Joint liability maturity of
                50,000.00                                   No   Yes
    2020                     guarantee the debts in
                                              the master

                                              Two years
                                               after the
 August 12,
                            Joint liability maturity of
    2020        60,000.00                                   No   Yes
                             guarantee the debts in
                                              the master

                                              Two years
                                               after the
 August 18,                 Joint liability maturity of
                33,000.00                                   No   Yes
    2020                     guarantee the debts in
                                              the master

                                              Five years
                            Joint liability expiration of
  9/1/2020      30,000.00                                   No   Yes
                             guarantee        debt period
                                               of master

                                              Three years
                                               after the
 September                  Joint liability maturity of
                40,000.00                                   No   Yes
  27, 2020                   guarantee the debts in
                                              the master

                                              2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                          Three years
                                                                                           after the
                                            February 4,                 Joint liability maturity of
                                                           100,000.00                                     No    Yes
                                               2021                      guarantee the debts in
                                                                                          the master

                                                                                          Three years
                                                                                           after the
                                            February 23,                Joint liability maturity of
                                                           30,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                               2021                      guarantee the debts in
                                                                                          the master

                                            February 25,                Joint liability 25, 2021 -
                                                           10,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                               2021                      guarantee        September
                                                                                           26, 2021

                                                                                           May 12,
                                                                        Joint liability     2021 -
                                           May 12, 2021     8,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                                                         guarantee        December
                                                                                           31, 2022

                                                                                          three years
                                                                                           from the
                                                                                          date of the
                                                                                          letter to the
                                                                        Joint liability    maturity
                                           May 29, 2021    20,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                                                         guarantee date of each
                                                                                           by China
                                                                                          Bank during
                                                                                           the credit

                                                                                          One years
Zhejiang Dahua      March 24,                                           Joint liability expiration of
                                320,000.00 April 9, 2020   10,000.00                                      Yes   Yes
Zhilian Co., Ltd.     2021                                               guarantee        debt period
                                                                                           of master

  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                One years
                              Joint liability expiration of
May 1, 2020    (60 million                                    Yes   Yes
                               guarantee        debt period
              U.S. dollars)
                                                 of master

                                                Three years
                                                 after the
 September                    Joint liability maturity of
               16,000.00                                      Yes   Yes
  29, 2020                     guarantee the debts in
                                                the master

                              Joint liability 2018.10.12-
 10/12/2018    30,000.00                                      No    Yes
                               guarantee        2021.10.12

                                                Two years
                                                 after the
                              Joint liability maturity of
 2019.08.30    10,000.00                                      No    Yes
                               guarantee the debts in
                                                the master

                                                Two years
                                                 after the
 September                    Joint liability maturity of
               30,000.00                                      No    Yes
  24, 2020                     guarantee the debts in
                                                the master

                                                Two years
                                                 after the
 September                    Joint liability maturity of
               16,500.00                                      No    Yes
  25, 2020                     guarantee the debts in
                                                the master

                                                Three years
                                                 after the
 September                    Joint liability maturity of
               7,500.00                                       No    Yes
  27, 2020                     guarantee the debts in
                                                the master

                                                One years
                              Joint liability      upon
April 29, 2021 10,000.00                                      No    Yes
                               guarantee expiration of
                                                debt period

                                               2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                              of master

                                                                                             One years
                                                              38,760.60                         upon
                                             April 29, 2021 (60 million Joint liability expiration of
                                                                                                             No    Yes
                                                              U.S. dollars) guarantee        debt period
                                                                                              of master

                                                                                              April 30,
                                                              (55 million Joint liability
                                             April 29, 2021                                  2021 - May      No    Yes
                                                              U.S. dollars) guarantee
                                                                                              14, 2022

                                                                                             three years
                                                                                              from the
                                                                                             date of the
                                                                                             letter to the
                                                                           Joint liability    maturity
                                             May 29, 2021      16,000.00                                     No    Yes
                                                                            guarantee date of each
                                                                                              by China
                                                                                             Bank during
                                                                                              the credit

                                                                                             Three years
                                                                                              after the
                                             February 25,                  Joint liability maturity of
                                                               4,000.00                                      Yes   Yes
                                                 2020                       guarantee the debts in
                                                                                             the master
Zhejiang Dahua
                     March 24,                                                               Two years
System Engineering               50,000.00
                     2021                                                                     after the
Co., Ltd.
                                                                           Joint liability maturity of
                                              2019.08.30       1,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                                                            guarantee the debts in
                                                                                             the master

                                             November 7,                   Joint liability Two years
                                                               6,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                                 2019                       guarantee         after the

                                              2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                               maturity of
                                                                                               the debts in
                                                                                               the master

                                                                                               Two years
                                                                                                after the
                                              August 3,                      Joint liability maturity of
                                                              5,000.00                                         No   Yes
                                                2020                          guarantee the debts in
                                                                                               the master

                                                                                               three years
                                                                                                from the
                                                                                               date of the
                                                                                               letter to the
                                                                             Joint liability    maturity
                                            May 29, 2021      4,000.00                                         No   Yes
                                                                              guarantee date of each
                                                                                                by China
                                                                                               Bank during
                                                                                                the credit

                                                                                               Two years
                                                                                                after the
                                                                             Joint liability maturity of
                                             2019.11.25       (7 million                                       No   Yes
                                                                              guarantee the debts in
Dahua Technology   March 24,                                 U.S. dollars)
                               130,000.00                                                      the master
(HK) Limited       2021

                                                               768.62                           April 25,
                                                                             Joint liability
                                            April 20, 2021    (1 million                       2021 - April    No   Yes
                                                                euros)                          25, 2022

                                                                                               October 27,
                                             October 27,                     Joint liability     2020 -
DAHUA                                                        (6.5 million                                      No   Yes
                                                2020                          guarantee October 20,
TECHNOLOGY         March 24,                                 U.S. dollars)
                                10,000.00                                                         2021
MEXICO S.A. DE C. 2021
                                                               646.01                          September
V                                                                            Joint liability
                                              9/1/2020        (1 million                        1, 2020 -      No   Yes
                                                             U.S. dollars)                     August 31,

                                                 2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


                                                                                            Three years
                                                                                              after the
                                                August 3,                 Joint liability maturity of
                                                              10,000.00                                     Yes   Yes
                                                  2020                     guarantee the debts in
                                                                                            the master

                                                                                             Two years
                                                                                              after the
                                                                          Joint liability maturity of
                                               2019.08.30     5,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                                                           guarantee the debts in
                                                                                            the master

                                                                                             Two years
                                                                                              after the
                                               September                  Joint liability maturity of
                                                              5,500.00                                      No    Yes
                                                25, 2020                   guarantee the debts in
                                                                                            the master
                       March 24,                                                            Three years
Huacheng Network                   65,000.00
                       2021                                                                   after the
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                               September                  Joint liability maturity of
                                                              5,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                                27, 2020                   guarantee the debts in
                                                                                            the master

                                                                                            Six months
                                                                                            expiration of
                                               February 4,                Joint liability     the debt
                                                              2,000.00                                      No    Yes
                                                  2021                     guarantee performanc
                                                                                            e period of

                                                                                            Three years
                                                                                              after the
                                               February 23,               Joint liability maturity of
                                                              10,000.00                                     No    Yes
                                                  2021                     guarantee the debts in
                                                                                            the master

                                                              1,037.16                      August 12,
Dahua Technology       March 24,               August 12,                 Joint liability
                                    2,000.00                  (GBP 1.16                        2020 -       No    Yes
UK Limited             2021                       2020                     guarantee
                                                               million)                       Signing

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


                                                                                               Three years
                                                                                               after the
Zhejiang HuaRay        March 24,               February 23,                  Joint liability maturity of
                                   35,000.00                  5,000.00                                         No    Yes
Technology Co., Ltd. 2021                      2021                          guarantee         the debts in
                                                                                               the master

                                                                                               Three years
                                                                                               after the
                                                              1,292.02 (2
                                                                             Joint liability maturity of
                                               April 29, 2021 million U.S.                                     No    Yes
                                                                             guarantee         the debts in
                                                                                               the master

                                                                                               three years
                                                                                               from the
Zhejiang Dahua
                       May 6,                                                                  date of the
Storage Technology                  2,314.26
                       2021                                                                    commitment
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                               letter to the
                                                                             Joint liability maturity
                                               May 29, 2021 1,000.00                                           No    Yes
                                                                             guarantee         date of each
                                                                                               by China
                                                                                               Bank during
                                                                                               the credit

                                                                                               Three years
                                                                                               after the
                       March 24,                                             Joint liability maturity of
Huachuang Vision                   25,000.00 May 11, 2021 5,000.00                                             No    Yes
                       2021                                                  guarantee         the debts in
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                               the master

                                                                                               three years
                                                                                                 from the
Zhejiang Fengshi       March 24,                                             Joint liability
                                    2,000.00 May 29, 2021       2,000.00                         effective      No     Yes
Technology Co., Ltd. 2021                                                     guarantee
                                                                                               date of the
                                                                                               letter to the

                                           2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                date of each
                                                                                  by China
                                                                                Bank during
                                                                                  the credit

                                                                                three years
                                                                                from the
                                                                                date of the
                                                                                letter to the
Wuxi Dahua Ruipin March 24,                                       Joint liability maturity
                                1,000.00 May 29, 2021 1,000.00                                  No   Yes
Technology Co., Ltd. 2021                                         guarantee     date of each
                                                                                by China
                                                                                Bank during
                                                                                the credit

                                                                                three years
                                                                                from the
                                                                                date of the
Zhejiang Huafei                                                                 letter to the
Intelligent         March 24,                                     Joint liability maturity
                                1,000.00 May 29, 2021 1,000.00                                  No   Yes
Technology CO.,     2021                                          guarantee     date of each
LTD.                                                                            note
                                                                                by China
                                                                                Bank during
                                                                                the credit

Zhejiang Huaxiao    March 24,                                     Joint liability Additional
                                2,000.00 May 29, 2021 1,000.00                                  No   Yes
Technology Co., Ltd. 2021                                         guarantee     three years

                                            2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  from the
                                                                                  date of the
                                                                                  letter to the
                                                                                  date of each
                                                                                  by China
                                                                                  Bank during
                                                                                  the credit

                                                                                  three years
                                                                                  from the
                                                                                  date of the
                                                                                  letter to the
Zhejiang Dahua
                    March 24,                                      Joint liability maturity
Jinzhi Technology                1,000.00 May 29, 2021 1,000.00                                    No   Yes
                    2021                                           guarantee      date of each
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                  by China
                                                                                  Bank during
                                                                                  the credit

                                                                                  three years
                                                                                  from the
                                                                                  date of the
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian March 24,                                      Joint liability letter to the
                                30,000.00 May 29, 2021 5,000.00                                    No   Yes
Technology Co., Ltd. 2021                                          guarantee      maturity
                                                                                  date of each
                                                                                  by China
                                                                                  Bank during

                                               2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                   the credit

Guangxi Dahua
                       March 24,
Information                         1,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.

Chengdu Dahua
Zhian Information      March 24,
                                   30,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
Technology Service 2021
Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Dahua
Security Network       March 24,
                                    1,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
Operation Service      2021
Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Xiaohua
                       March 24,
Technology CO.,                     1,000.00               No such case during the reporting period

Zhejiang Dahua
                       March 24,
Security Service                    1,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
Co., Ltd.

Guangxi Dahua          March 24,
                                    5,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd. 2021

Zhengzhou Dahua
                       March 24,
Zhian Information                  20,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Waythcan March 24,
                                    1,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd. 2021

Zhejiang Huaxuan       March 24,
                                   1,000.00                No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd. 2021

Dahua Technology       March 24,
                                     100.00                No such case during the reporting period
Japan                  2021

DAHUA EUROPE           March 24,
                                   15,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
B.V.                   2021

Dahua Technology       March 24,
                                    5,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
USA Inc.               2021

Dahua Technology       March 24,
                                     200.00                No such case during the reporting period
Singapore Pte.Ltd.     2021

Dahua Technology       March 24,
                                    2,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
Poland sp.zo.o.        2021

Dahua Technology       March 24,
                                    2,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
Hungary Kft            2021

                                               2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

TECHNOLOGY              March 24,
                                    4,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
INDIA PRIVATE           2021

BRASIL                  March 24,
                                    2,000.00               No such case during the reporting period

                        March 24,
TECHNOLOGY                          1,000.00               No such case during the reporting period

                        March 24,
TECHNOLOGY                          4,000.00               No such case during the reporting period

Dahua Technology
                        March 24,
Rus Limited Liability               3,000.00               No such case during the reporting period

Dahua Technology        March 24,
                                     500.00                No such case during the reporting period
Australia Pty Ltd.      2021

Dahua Technology
                        March 24,
South Africa                         500.00                No such case during the reporting period
Proprietary Limited

Dahua Technology        March 24,
                                    1,000.00               No such case during the reporting period
Canada Inc.             2021

                        March 24,
SANAYI VE                           1,000.00               No such case during the reporting period

Dahua Technology        March 24,
                                     100.00                No such case during the reporting period
SRB d.o.o.              2021

Dahua Technology        March 24,
                                     100.00                No such case during the reporting period
Bulgaria EOOD           2021

                        March 24,
Dahua Iberia, S.L.                   100.00                No such case during the reporting period

Dahua Security
                        March 24,
Malaysia SDN.                        100.00                No such case during the reporting period

                                           2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Technology    March 24,
                                 100.00                No such case during the reporting period
Kazakhstan LLP      2021

PT. Dahua Vision
                    March 24,
Technology                       100.00                No such case during the reporting period

Dahua Technology
                    March 24,
Korea Company                    100.00                No such case during the reporting period

Dahua Technology    March 24,
                                 100.00                No such case during the reporting period
S.R.L.              2021

Dahua Technology    March 24,
                                 700.00                No such case during the reporting period
France SAS          2021

                    March 24,
Dahua vision LLC                 500.00                No such case during the reporting period

Dahua Technology
                    March 24,
New Zealand                      100.00                No such case during the reporting period

Dahua Technology    March 24,
                                 300.00                No such case during the reporting period
GmbH                2021

                    March 24,
TECHNOLOGY                      2,000.00               No such case during the reporting period

                    March 24,
TECHNOLOGY                       100.00                No such case during the reporting period

Dahua Technology    March 24,
                                 100.00                No such case during the reporting period
Chile SpA           2021

Dahua technology
                    March 24,
tunisia limited                  100.00                No such case during the reporting period
liability company

                    March 24,
TECHNOLOGY                       100.00                No such case during the reporting period

                    March 24,
TECHNOLOGY                       100.00                No such case during the reporting period

TECHNOLOGY          March 24,
                                 100.00                No such case during the reporting period
PAKISTAN            2021

                                                 2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                     March 24,
TECHNOLOGY                            100.00                   No such case during the reporting period

DAHUA                March 24,
                                      100.00                   No such case during the reporting period
ARGENTINA S.A.       2021

Dahua Technology     March 24,
                                      100.00                   No such case during the reporting period
Czech s.r.o.         2021

Dahua Technology     March 24,
                                      100.00                   No such case during the reporting period
Denmark ApS          2021

Dahua Technology     March 24,
                                      100.00                   No such case during the reporting period
Netherlands B.V.     2021

TECHNOLOGY           March 24,
                                      100.00                   No such case during the reporting period
(THAILAND) CO.,      2021

                     March 24,
TECHNOLOGY                            100.00                   No such case during the reporting period

LOREX                March 24,
                                     2,000.00                  No such case during the reporting period

LOREX                March 24,
                                     2,000.00                  No such case during the reporting period
CORPORATION          2021

                                                             Total amount of
Total amount of guarantees to                                guarantees to
subsidiaries approved during                    1,487,000.00 subsidiaries actually                        308,351.79
the reporting period (B1)                                    occurred during the
                                                             reporting period (B2)

                                                             Total balance of
Total amount of guarantees to                                guarantees actually paid
subsidiaries approved by the                    1,487,000.00 to subsidiaries at the end                      885,096.50
end of the reporting period (B3)                             of the reporting period

                                        Subsidiaries' guarantees to subsidiaries

                      ment date
                            of                    Actual        Actual
                                   Guarantee                                   Type of     Term of    Due or for related
 Guaranteed party     disclosure                occurrence     guarantee
                                    amount                                   guarantee    guarantee    not    parties or
                        of the                     date         amount

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                     Total amount of
Total amount of guarantees to                                        guarantees to
subsidiaries approved during                                         subsidiaries actually
the reporting period (C1)                                            occurred during the
                                                                     reporting period (C2)

                                                                     Total of actual guarantee
Total amount of guarantees to
                                                                     balance for subsidiaries
subsidiaries approved at the
                                                                     at the end of the reporting
end of the reporting period (C3)
                                                                     period (C4)

Total amount of company guarantees (namely sum of the previous three major items)

                                                                     Total amount of
Total amount of guarantees                                           guarantees actually
approved during the reporting                      1,487,000.00 occurred during the                     308,351.79
period (A1+B1+C1)                                                    reporting period

                                                                     Total balance of
Total amount of guarantees
                                                                     guarantees actually paid
approved by the end of the                         1,487,000.00                                             885,096.50
                                                                     at the end of the reporting
reporting period (A3+B3+C3)
                                                                     period (A4+B4+C4)

Total amount of actual guarantees (A4+B4+C4) as a
percentage of the Company's net assets


Balance of guarantees to the shareholders, actual
controllers and their related parties (D)

Balance of debt guarantees directly or indirectly offered to
guaranteed objects with asset-liability ratio exceeding 70%                                             862,096.50

Amount of the guarantees with the total volume exceeding
50% of the net assets (F)

Total amount of the above three guarantees (D+E+F)                                                          862,096.50

Notes on unexpired guarantees with guarantee
responsibilities occurred or possible joint liabilities within the
reporting period (if any)

Notes on providing external guarantees in violation of
specified procedures (if any)

3. Entrusted financing

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                          2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: ten thousand RMB

                                                                                                                                                             Overdue                         amount accrued
   Specific type                        Funding source                        Entrusted amount Unexpired balance                                            outstanding                              for overdue
                                                                                                                                                                amount                                financial

Bank financial
                                Equity Fund                                                50,000.00                                            -                                        -                                     -

products of
                                Equity Fund                                                50,000.00                             50,000.00                                               -                                     -

Total                                                                                     100,000.00                             50,000.00                                               -                                     -

Specific matters on high-risk entrusted capital management with a large amount for a single item, or with low security,
poor liquidity and no capital preservation guarantee.
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: ten thousand RMB

                                                                                                                                                                Actual                       Whethe     Whether        Item
                                                                                                                                                 Actual                     Amount of
 Name of                                                                                                              Reference                              recovery of                       r it     there will   overview
                 Trustee                                                                                                                       profit and                  provision for
  trustee                                                                                                Payment         for      Expected                   profits and                     passed          be        and
               organization    Product                   Capital   Starting    Terminatio Investment                                           loss during                  impairment
organizatio                                 Amount                                                      determinatio annualized earnings (if                    losses                         the     entrusted     related
               (or trustee)      type                    Source      date        n date    direction                                                the                    accrued in the
n (or name                                                                                               n method      rate of      any)                     during the                       legal     financial     query
                   type                                                                                                                        reporting                    current year
of trustee)                                                                                                            return                                 reporting                      procedu plan in the     index (if
                                                                                                                                                 period                       (if any)
                                                                                                                                                                period                         res          future     any)

China                                                                                                                                                        Recovered
                              Structured                Equity     January     June 30,   Financial
Constructio Bank                            50,000.00                                                   By contract      4.00%                      849.32 at                                Yes       Yes
                              deposits                  Fund       26, 2021    2021       derivatives
n Bank                                                                                                                                                       expiration


                                                                                          equity fund



                                                                                          income        Payment of
Guosen                        Asset
              Securities                                Equity     February February 9, assets,         principal
Securities                    Manageme      50,000.00                                                                                            6,445.65 Unexpired                          Yes       No
              company                                   Fund       10, 2021    2031       equity        and income
co., Ltd.                     nt Plan
                                                                                          assets,       at maturity





Total                                      100,000.00      --          -           --             --         --          --                      7,294.97         --                            --            --        --

Cases of entrusted financing expected to be unable to recover the principal or cases that may result in impairment

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Major contracts in daily operations

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such case as other significant contract during the reporting period.

XIII. Explanations on Other Significant Matters

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

     On March 26, 2021, the "Proposal on the Company's Non-public Offering of Shares for 2021" and

other related proposals were deliberated and approved at the Twelfth Meeting of the Seventh Session of

the Board of Directors and the Eighth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Supervisors of the Company. The

Company planned to issue 312,151,600 non-public shares, and the total amount of funds raised did not

exceed RMB 5.6 billion (including RMB 5.6 billion). The target companies of this non-public issuance is

China Mobile Capital Holdings Co., Ltd., which is the wholly-owned subsidiary of China Mobile

Communications Group Co., Ltd. The matters related to this non-public offering of shares have been

deliberated and approved at the Company's 2020 Annual General Meeting.

     The Company disclosed "Announcement on Application for Non-public Offering of Shares Accepted

by the China Securities Regulatory Commission" and "Announcement on Receipt of "

(Announcement No. 2021-073, 2021-078) on June 3, 2021 and June 17, 2021 respectively.

     On July 5,2021, the Nineteenth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors and the Twelfth Meeting

of the Seventh Board of Supervisors of the Company deliberated and approved the "Proposal on

Adjustment of the Non-public Offering of Shares for 2021" and other proposals related to the Offering.

After the adjustment, the Company planned to issue not more than 288,624,700 non-public shares and

raise total funds of not more than RMB 5,100 million (including RMB 5,100 million). The target of this

non-public issue was China Mobile Capital Holdings Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Mobile

Communications Group Corporation, and on the same day, the “Report on the Response to Feedback

on the Non-public Offering Stock Application Document of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.” was

                                           2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


     The proposal of the non-public offering of shares is subject to the approval of the China Securities

Regulatory Commission before implementation, and the above relevant announcement documents have

been disclosed on the Securities Times and Juchao Information Network (http://www.cninfo.com.cn), the

designated information disclosure media of the Company.

XIV. Significant Events of the Company’s Subsidiaries

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

             Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about


I. Changes in Shares

1. Changes in shares

                                                                                                                                Unit: share

                            Before the change                 Increase or decrease in the change (+, -)             After the change

                                                     Shares             converted
                           Number        Percentage newly                 from        Others       Subtotal        Number       Percentage
                                                     issued              capital


I. Shares with limited
                         1,137,297,716      37.97%                                  -94,627,408 -94,627,408 1,042,670,308          34.81%
sales condition

1. Other domestic
                         1,137,278,516      37.97%                                  -94,617,808 -94,617,808 1,042,660,708          34.81%

       Shares held by
domestic natural         1,137,278,516      37.97%                                  -94,617,808 -94,617,808 1,042,660,708          34.81%


2. Foreign
                               19,200        0.00%                                        -9,600          -9,600        9,600       0.00%

     Shares held by
foreign natural                19,200        0.00%                                        -9,600          -9,600        9,600       0.00%

II. Shares without
                         1,858,281,874      62.03%                                   94,627,408    94,627,408 1,952,909,282        65.19%

1. RMB ordinary
                         1,858,281,874      62.03%                                   94,627,408    94,627,408 1,952,909,282        65.19%

III. Total               2,995,579,590     100.00%                                             0              0 2,995,579,590     100.00%

Reasons for changes in shares
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. In April, 2021, the conditions for the first granting of the second unlock period and reserved granting of the first
unlock period in 2018 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan were satisfied.
     2. In June, 2021, the conditions for the first unlock period in 2020 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan were satisfied.
Approval for changes in shares

                                                        2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
    1. On April 1, 2021, the "Proposal of Restricted Share Incentive Plan for the Second Unlock Period of the First Grant
and Reserving the Achievement for the First Unlock of Year 2018" was reviewed and approved at the Thirteenth Meeting
of the Seventh Board of Directors and the Ninth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Supervisors of the Company. The Board
of Directors agreed to unlock 29,431,520 restricted stocks held by 2,889 incentive objects who met the unlocking
    2. On June 25, 2021, the "Proposal on the Unlocking Conditions for the Restricted Stock Incentive Plan on the First
Unlocking Period in 2020" was deliberated and approved at the Seventeenth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors
and the Eleventh Meeting of the Seventh Board of Supervisors of the Company. The Board of Directors agreed to unlock
6,695,740 restricted stocks held by 10 incentive objects who meet the unlocking conditions.
Transfer for changes in shares
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
    1. According to the Thirteenth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors of the Company, the Company completed
the unlocking of the second unlocking period granted for the first time and of the reserved grant of the first unlocking
period as stated in 2018 Restricted Share Incentive Plan, with the unlocking date, also known as the date of listing and
circulation, is April 15, 2021.
    2. According to the Seventeenth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors of the Company, the Company completed
the unlocking of the first unlocking period of 2020 Restricted Share Incentive Plan, with the unlocking date, also known as
the date of listing and circulation, is July 9, 2021.
The progress on share repurchases
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The progress on reduction of re-purchase shares by means of centralized competitive bidding
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Effects of changes in shares on the basic earnings per share ("EPS"), diluted EPS, net assets per share, attributable to
common shareholders of the Company, and other financial indexes over the last year and last period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other contents that the Company considers necessary or are required by the securities regulatory authorities to disclose
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes in restricted stocks

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: share

                                  Number of      Number of
                  Number of        unlocked      increased            Number of
                   restricted       shares       restricted        restricted shares
   Name of          shares        with limited shares in the       at the end of the Reasons for limited
                                                                                                             Date of unlocking
 Shareholder         at the         sales      current period           period             sales
                 beginning of      condition       at the          at the beginning
                  the period      in current    beginning of         of the period
                                    period       the period

Fu Liquan          811,561,410 43,659,675                      0       767,901,735 According to the        According to the

                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                  relevant provisions     relevant provisions of
                                                                  of executives shares executives shares
                                                                  management              management

                                                                  According to the        According to the
Zhu                                                               relevant provisions     relevant provisions of
              139,846,117 19,413,000         0      120,433,117
Jiangming                                                         of executives shares executives shares
                                                                  management              management

                                                                  According to the        According to the
                                                                  relevant provisions     relevant provisions of
Chen Ailing    53,447,110         0          0       53,447,110
                                                                  of executives shares executives shares
                                                                  management              management

                                                                  Per relevant
                                                                                          Per relevant
                                                                  regulations of equity
Wu Jun        51,938,164          0          0       51,938,164                           regulations of equity
                                                                  incentives and
                                                                                          incentives and senior
                                                                  senior managers'
                                                                                          managers' shares

                                                                  Per relevant
                                                                                          Per relevant
Zhang                                                             regulations of equity
                3,622,540   590,370          0        3,032,170                           regulations of equity
Xingming                                                          incentives and
                                                                                          incentives and senior
                                                                  senior managers'
                                                                                          managers' shares

                                                                  Per relevant
                                                                                          Per relevant
                                                                  regulations of equity
Ying Yong       2,271,937         0    417,313        2,689,250                           regulations of equity
                                                                  incentives and
                                                                                          incentives and senior
                                                                  senior managers'
                                                                                          managers' shares

                                                                  Per relevant
                                                                                          Per relevant
                                                                  regulations of equity
Zhao Yuning     2,515,000   333,000          0        2,182,000                           regulations of equity
                                                                  incentives and
                                                                                          incentives and senior
                                                                  senior managers'
                                                                                          managers' shares

                                                                  Per relevant
                                                                                          Per relevant
                                                                  regulations of equity
Wu Jian         2,167,001   255,000          0        1,912,001                           regulations of equity
                                                                  incentives and
                                                                                          incentives and senior
                                                                  senior managers'
                                                                                          managers' shares

Chen Yuqing     1,376,963         0    458,988        1,835,951 Per relevant              Per relevant

                                                 2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  management                management
                                                                                  regulations of equity regulations of equity
                                                                                  incentives and            incentives and senior
                                                                                  senior managers'          managers' shares

                                                                                  Per relevant
                                                                                                            Per relevant
                                                                                  regulations of equity
Jiang Xiaolai        2,004,400    222,200                 0          1,782,200                              regulations of equity
                                                                                  incentives and
                                                                                                            incentives and senior
                                                                                  senior managers'
                                                                                                            managers' shares

                                                                                  Per relevant
                                                                                                            Per relevant
Other senior                                                                      management
executives                                                                        regulations of equity
                   66,547,074 31,030,464                  0         35,516,610                              regulations of equity
and incentive                                                                     incentives and
                                                                                                            incentives and senior
targets                                                                           senior managers'
                                                                                                            managers' shares

Total           1,137,297,716 95,503,709         876,301         1,042,670,308                --                      --

II. Issuance and listing of securities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Total Number of Shareholders and Their Shareholdings

                                                                                                                           Unit: share

                                                               Total Number of Preferred
Total Number of Common                                         Shareholders (If Any) (Refer to Note
Shareholders at The End of                        153,835 8) Whose Voting Rights have been                                          0
The Reporting Period                                           Recovered at the End of the
                                                               Reporting Period

                  Shareholding list of common shareholders with over 5% shares or top ten shareholders

                                            Number of                        Number of       Number of      Pledges, markings or
                                  Shareh    common                            common         common                freezings
                                                              Changes in
    Name of          Nature Of    olding shares held at                      shares held shares held
                                                          the reporting                                      State
  Shareholder      Shareholder Percent the end of the                        with limited     without
                                                                period                                        Of           Number
                                   age      reporting                           sales       limited sales
                                             period                          conditions      condition

Fu Liquan          Natural        34.18% 1,023,868,980                   0                  255,967,245 Pledge 151,287,942

Zhu Jiangming      Domestic        5.36%    160,577,490                  0 120,433,11        40,144,373 Pledge         10,600,000

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                    Natural                                                     7

Hong Kong
Securities                          3.91%     117,056,918   16,521,433          0 117,056,918
                    Legal Person
Clearing Co. Ltd.

(Limited            Others          3.34%     100,000,000                       0 100,000,000
Partnership) -
Gaoyi Linshan
No.1 Yuanwang

Chen Ailing         Natural         2.38%      71,262,813            0 53,447,110   17,815,703 Pledge     21,100,000

Wu Jun              Natural         2.31%      69,250,886            0 51,938,164   17,312,722

China Galaxy
Securities Co.,                     1.50%      44,930,751    -9,706,649         0   44,930,751
                    Legal Person

China Securities Non-state-ow
                                    1.32%      39,611,241            0          0   39,611,241
Finance Co., Ltd. ned Legal

Central Huijin
Asset               State-owned
                                    1.05%      31,448,750            0          0   31,448,750
Management          Legal Person
Co., Ltd.

Management          Others          0.95%      28,361,893    -2,255,500         0   28,361,893
Co., Ltd. -
Global Fund

Description of the association     Mr. Fu Liquan And Ms. Chen Ailing Are Husband and Wife. The Company Is Unaware of
relationship or concerted action Whether Other Shareholders Have Associated Relationship or Are Persons Acting in
of above-mentioned                 Concert.

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Explanation of the above
shareholders involved in
proxy/trustee voting rights and
abstention from voting rights

                       Shareholding list of top ten common shareholders without limited sales condition

                                    Number of common shares held without limited                 Type of shares
       Name of Shareholder
                                    sales condition at the end of the reporting period    Type of shares          Number

Fu Liquan                                                                 255,967,245 RMB common stock       255,967,245

Hong Kong Securities Clearing
                                                                          117,056,918 RMB common stock       117,056,918
Co. Ltd.

Shanghai Perseverance Asset
Management (Limited
                                                                          100,000,000 RMB common stock       100,000,000
Partnership) - Gaoyi Linshan
No.1 Yuanwang Fund

China Galaxy Securities Co.,
                                                                           44,930,751 RMB common stock        44,930,751

Zhu Jiangming                                                              40,144,373 RMB common stock        40,144,373

China Securities Finance Co.,
                                                                           39,611,241 RMB common stock        39,611,241

Central Huijin Asset
                                                                           31,448,750 RMB common stock        31,448,750
Management Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Greenwoods Asset
Management Co., Ltd. -                                                     28,361,893 RMB common stock        28,361,893
Greenwoods Global Fund

National Social Security Fund
                                                                           23,599,431 RMB common stock        23,599,431
一一一 portfolio

Agricultural Bank of China Co.,
Ltd. - Shanghai Investment
Morgan Emerging Power                                                      18,384,960 RMB common stock        18,384,960
Hybrid Securities Investment

Explanation on associated
relationship or persons acting
in concert among top ten
                                   Mr. Fu Liquan And Ms. Chen Ailing Are Husband and Wife. The Company Is Unaware of
common shareholders without
                                   Whether Other Shareholders Have Associated Relationship or Are Persons Acting in
limited shares, and between
top ten common shareholders
without limited shares and top
ten common shareholders

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Whether the Company's top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders without limited shares agree on
any repurchase transaction in the reporting period
□ Yes √ No
None of the Company's top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders without limited shares agreed on
repurchase in the reporting period.

IV. Shareholding Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no changes in the shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company during the
reporting period. For details, please refer to the 2020 Annual Report.

V. Change of the Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controller

Change of the controlling shareholders in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No change has happened to the controlling shareholder in the reporting period of the Company
Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No change has happened to the actual controller in the reporting period

                                                 2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                    Section VIII Information of Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no preferred shares in the reporting period.

                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                       Section IX Situation on Corporate Bonds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                    Section X Financial Report

I. Audit Reports

Has the semi-annual report been audited?
□ Yes √ No
The Company’s semi-annual financial report has not been audited.

II. Financial Statements

Units of financial reports in the notes: yuan

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                     June 30, 2021
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                  Item                             June 30, 2021                     December 31, 2020

Current Assets:

     Cash and Bank Balances                                6,690,863,029.69                      7,471,652,634.66

     Deposit Reservation for

     Loans to Banks and Other
Financial Institutions

     Trading Financial Assets                                  9,614,978.97                          2,475,680.45

     Derivative Financial Assets

     Notes receivable                                        265,137,658.91                        232,857,354.55

     Accounts receivable                                  12,779,041,456.90                     12,857,519,110.16

     Receivables Financing                                   901,192,858.59                      1,207,879,654.58

     Prepayments                                             182,899,790.83                        162,250,648.05

     Premium Receivable

     Reinsurance Accounts

     Reinsurance Contract Reserves

     Other Receivables                                       922,620,846.22                        970,427,893.48

       Including: interest receivable

                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

               Dividends Receivable

    Buying Back the Sale of
Financial Assets

    Inventory                                   7,312,285,468.20                       4,928,019,838.00

    Contract Assets                               111,283,472.17                          84,825,834.82

    Holding for-sale assets

    Non-current Assets Due within
                                                  622,854,205.58                         635,956,549.07
1 Year

    Other Current Assets                          720,101,094.63                         558,434,219.93

Subtotal of Current Assets                     30,517,894,860.69                      29,112,299,417.75

Non-current Assets:

    Granting of loans and advances

    Investment in Creditor's Rights

    Investment in Other Creditor's

    Long-term Receivables                       2,069,432,687.70                       2,250,315,769.50

    Long-term Equity Investment                   820,449,863.74                         455,977,616.16

    Investment in Other Equity

    Other Non-current Financial
                                                  937,923,581.60                         360,087,786.34

    Investment Property                           320,218,828.49                         336,008,869.13

    Fixed Assets                                1,979,508,213.29                       1,515,594,629.97

    Projects under Construction                 1,250,289,385.41                       1,164,130,453.03

    Productive Biological Assets

    Oil and gas assets

    Right-of-use Assets                           205,470,210.43

    Intangible Assets                             587,307,545.91                         406,777,323.39

    Development Expenditure

    Goodwill                                       42,685,490.30                          42,685,490.30

    Long-term Deferred Expenses                    34,259,213.84                          32,280,430.67

    Deferred Income Tax Assets                    923,271,010.59                         832,453,676.69

    Other Non-current Assets                       77,223,405.16                          86,422,617.82

Subtotal of Non-current Assets                  9,248,039,436.46                       7,482,734,663.00

Total Assets                                   39,765,934,297.15                      36,595,034,080.75

                                          2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Current Liabilities:

     Short-term loan                                1,104,598,520.22                         250,177,083.34

     Borrowings from the Central

     Borrowings from Banks and
Other Financial Institutions

    Transactional financial liabilities                   450,897.52

     Derivative Financial Liabilities

     Notes Payable                                  3,610,134,581.74                       3,258,552,758.17

     Accounts Payable                               6,781,697,701.64                       6,444,787,705.28

     Received Prepayments

     Contract liabilities                             895,221,177.02                         671,120,385.08

     Financial Assets Sold for

     Deposit Taking and Interbank

     Receiving from Vicariously
Traded Securities

     Receiving from Vicariously Sold

     Payroll payable                                  931,580,109.46                       1,805,464,535.31

     Tax Payable                                      353,698,201.33                         900,144,863.67

    Other Payables                                    717,772,801.38                         970,552,877.22

       Including: interest payable

                Dividends Payable                      17,855,221.21                          12,982,399.27

     Service Charge and
Commission Payable

     Reinsurance Accounts Payable

     Holding for-sale liabilities

     Non-current Liabilities Due
                                                      258,830,507.33                         151,891,709.34
within 1 Year

    Other Current Liabilities                         261,106,901.25                         209,401,914.77

Subtotal of Current Liabilities                    14,915,091,398.89                      14,662,093,832.18

Non-current Liabilities:

    Insurance Contract Reserves

     Long-term loan                                 1,903,000,000.00                         878,000,000.00

                                                        2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     Bonds Payable

         Including: Preferred Stocks

                Perpetual Bonds

     Lease Liabilities                                                 107,606,799.04

     Long-term Payables

     Long-term payroll payable

     Expected Liabilities                                              261,028,749.21                                  282,427,517.82

     Deferred Income                                                   107,015,834.93                                  110,469,806.29

     Deferred Income Tax Liabilities                                    74,325,425.30                                    67,272,768.46

     Other Non-current Liabilities                                     358,620,950.30                                  391,128,045.90

Subtotal of Non-current Liabilities                                  2,811,597,758.78                                1,729,298,138.47

Total Liabilities                                                  17,726,689,157.67                               16,391,391,970.65

Shareholders' Equity:

     Share Capital                                                   2,994,550,730.00                                2,995,579,590.00

     Other Equity Instruments

         Including: Preferred Stocks

                Perpetual Bonds

     Capital Reserves                                                2,592,929,671.76                                1,989,655,334.05

     Less: Treasury Share                                              325,372,156.35                                  581,968,930.89

     Other Comprehensive Incomes                                        90,890,444.47                                    61,157,523.13

     Special Reserves

     Surplus Reserves                                                1,553,691,005.92                                1,553,691,005.92

     General Risk Reserves

     Undistributed Profits                                         14,595,777,271.43                               13,754,915,904.19

Total Shareholders' Equity
                                                                   21,502,466,967.23                               19,773,030,426.40
Attributable to the Parent Company

     Minority Shareholders' Equity                                     536,778,172.25                                  430,611,683.70

Total Shareholders' Equity                                         22,039,245,139.48                               20,203,642,110.10

Total Liabilities and Shareholders'
                                                                   39,765,934,297.15                               36,595,034,080.75

Legal representative: Fu Liquan   Person in charge of accounting: Xu Qiaofen   Person in charge of the accounting institut ion: Zhu Zhuling

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                          2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                  Item                     June 30, 2021                       December 31, 2020

Current Assets:

    Cash and Bank Balances                          2,025,259,800.74                       3,130,479,311.55

    Trading Financial Assets

    Derivative Financial Assets

    Notes receivable                                   87,323,059.42                          74,284,006.99

    Accounts receivable                             4,896,685,881.86                       2,740,152,239.35

    Receivables Financing                             824,238,249.20                         169,109,529.24

    Prepayments                                        35,872,413.73                          48,203,550.97

    Other Receivables                              12,569,808,120.45                      13,796,603,550.30

         Including: interest receivable

                Dividends Receivable

    Inventory                                         174,404,826.80                         171,756,222.72

    Contract Assets                                     8,015,054.45                           8,338,657.15

    Holding for-sale assets

    Non-current Assets Due within
                                                       59,447,481.09                          61,828,724.54
1 Year

    Other Current Assets                               13,503,095.37                               12,592.38

Subtotal of Current Assets                         20,694,557,983.11                      20,200,768,385.19

Non-current Assets:

    Investment in Creditor's Rights

    Investment in Other Creditor's

    Long-term Receivables                              84,172,743.65                         100,221,713.49

    Long-term Equity Investment                     4,080,499,755.47                       3,660,410,557.29

    Investment in Other Equity

    Other Non-current Financial
                                                      911,867,081.60                         355,853,684.59

    Investment Property                               166,276,925.08                         173,003,549.71

    Fixed Assets                                      582,009,977.21                         550,991,444.04

    Projects under Construction                       592,328,669.32                         438,014,907.22

    Productive Biological Assets

    Oil and gas assets

    Right-of-use Assets                                86,093,925.51

                                          2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    Intangible Assets                                 149,118,648.79                         156,335,152.97

     Development Expenditure


     Long-term Deferred Expenses                       17,074,922.32                          21,149,342.55

     Deferred Income Tax Assets                       117,342,881.29                         135,371,242.86

    Other Non-current Assets                            5,058,584.78                          35,774,247.16

Subtotal of Non-current Assets                      6,791,844,115.02                       5,627,125,841.88

Total Assets                                       27,486,402,098.13                      25,827,894,227.07

Current Liabilities:

     Short-term loan                                  250,023,003.47                         250,177,083.34

    Transactional financial liabilities

     Derivative Financial Liabilities

     Notes Payable                                    271,118,597.42                         303,660,579.62

     Accounts Payable                                 614,175,514.19                         752,373,890.95

     Received Prepayments

     Contract liabilities                              50,494,831.34                          85,275,423.36

     Payroll payable                                  582,075,190.23                       1,127,500,408.14

     Tax Payable                                      237,773,945.08                         627,351,201.46

    Other Payables                                    760,021,878.84                       1,002,654,121.27

       Including: interest payable

                Dividends Payable                      17,855,221.21                          12,982,399.27

     Holding for-sale liabilities

     Non-current Liabilities Due
                                                      184,129,502.07                         150,643,750.02
within 1 Year

    Other Current Liabilities                          43,129,441.92                          26,870,130.42

Subtotal of Current Liabilities                     2,992,941,904.56                       4,326,506,588.58

Non-current Liabilities:

     Long-term loan                                 1,800,000,000.00                         750,000,000.00

     Bonds Payable

       Including: Preferred Stocks

                Perpetual Bonds

     Lease Liabilities                                 42,559,262.89

     Long-term Payables

     Long-term payroll payable

                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     Expected Liabilities                            3,515,158.54                           8,333,634.18

     Deferred Income

     Deferred Income Tax Liabilities                43,117,540.51                          29,407,289.24

     Other Non-current Liabilities                   6,823,336.37                          10,599,934.34

Subtotal of Non-current Liabilities              1,896,015,298.31                         798,340,857.76

Total Liabilities                                4,888,957,202.87                       5,124,847,446.34

Shareholders' Equity:

     Share Capital                               2,994,550,730.00                       2,995,579,590.00

     Other Equity Instruments

         Including: Preferred Stocks

               Perpetual Bonds

     Capital Reserves                            2,589,617,306.53                       1,976,156,775.91

     Less: Treasury Share                          325,372,156.35                         581,968,930.89

     Other Comprehensive Incomes                       537,733.09                             522,554.00

     Special Reserves

     Surplus Reserves                            1,553,691,005.92                       1,553,691,005.92

     Undistributed Profits                      15,784,420,276.07                      14,759,065,785.79

Total Shareholders' Equity                      22,597,444,895.26                      20,703,046,780.73

Total Liabilities and Shareholders'
                                                27,486,402,098.13                      25,827,894,227.07

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                    Item               2021 Semi-Annual                      2020 Semi-Annual

I. Total Operating Revenue                      13,505,005,733.89                       9,838,328,853.62

     Including: Operating Revenue               13,505,005,733.89                       9,838,328,853.62

             Interest Income

             Earned Premiums

             Service Charge and
Commission Income

II. Total Operating Cost                         11,947,184,367.94                      8,605,447,370.85

     Including: Operating Cost                    7,910,714,928.97                      5,099,250,150.57

             Interest Expenditures

             Service Charge and
Commission Expenses

                                           2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

              Surrender Value

              Net Claims Paid

              The Net Amount
Withdrawn for Insurance Liability

              Policyholder Dividend

              Reinsurance Cost

              Taxes and Surcharges                     100,270,188.53                          55,143,183.10

              Sales Expenses                          2,059,001,711.42                      1,805,227,134.27

              Administration expenses                  393,272,171.06                         355,781,491.22

              Research and
                                                      1,406,249,326.81                      1,314,612,940.95
development expense

              Financial Expenses                        77,676,041.15                         -24,567,529.26

                Including: interest
                                                        44,547,319.17                          36,633,828.03

                       Interest Income                 114,759,041.30                          82,236,920.48

    Add: Other income                                  426,519,272.06                         458,546,321.24

            Investment Income (Mark "-"
                                                       -127,515,259.00                        -32,178,746.19
for Loss)

            Including: Investment
Income from Affiliates and Joint                       -155,395,120.84                        -44,335,467.10

                Profits from recognition
Termination of Financial Assets at
Amortized Cost

            Exchange Gains (Mark "-"
for Losses)

            Profit of Net Exposure
Hedging (Mark "-" for Loss)

            Incomes from changes in fair
                                                       123,946,629.03                          17,009,143.17
value (losses marked with "-")

            Credit Impairment Losses
                                                       -368,461,594.95                        -87,762,680.91
(Mark "-" for Loss)

            Asset Impairment Losses
                                                         -9,923,448.05                        -42,303,107.35
(Mark "-" for Loss)

            Asset Disposal Income
                                                        33,002,441.01                              10,307.31
(Mark "-" for Loss)

                                             2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

III. Operating Profit (Mark "-" for Loss)               1,635,389,406.05                      1,546,202,720.04

     Add: Non-operating Revenues                            6,539,902.55                          6,124,434.50

     Less: Non-operating Expenses                           4,968,968.32                         12,034,840.16

IV. Total Profit (Mark "-" for Total Loss)              1,636,960,340.28                      1,540,292,314.38

     Less: Income Tax Expense                             -38,451,185.77                        169,559,416.73

V. Net Profit (Mark "-" for Net Loss)                   1,675,411,526.05                      1,370,732,897.65

  (I) Classified by operation continuity

     1. Net Profit as a Going Concern
                                                        1,675,411,526.05                      1,370,732,897.65
(Mark "-" for Net Loss)

     2. Net Profit of Discontinued
Operation (Mark "-" for Net Loss)

  (II) Classified by the attribution of

     1. Net Profit Attributable to the
                                                        1,643,175,887.55                      1,368,974,364.44
Parent Company's Owner

     2. Minority Shareholders' Profit
                                                          32,235,638.50                           1,758,533.21
and Loss

VI. Net Amount of Other
                                                          29,802,949.19                           1,838,733.32
Comprehensive Incomes after Tax

  Net Amount of Other
Comprehensive Incomes after Tax
                                                          29,732,921.34                           1,838,745.43
Attributable to the Parent Company's

     (I) Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified as P/L

             1. Re-measure the
variation of the defined benefit plan

             2. Other comprehensive
income that cannot be transferred to
P/L under the equity method

             3. Changes in the fair
value of investment in other equity

             4. Changes in the fair
value of the credit risk of the

             5. Others

     (II) Other comprehensive income                      29,732,921.34                           1,838,745.43

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

that will be reclassified as P/L

             1. Other comprehensive
income that can be transferred to P/L
under the equity method

             2. Changes in the fair
value of investment in other creditor's

             3. Financial assets
reclassified into other comprehensive

             4. Provisions for the credit
impairment of investment in other
creditor's rights

             5. Cash flow hedge

             6. Currency translation
                                                                 31,016,888.78                           1,838,745.43

             7. Others                                            -1,283,967.44

  Net Amount of Other
Comprehensive Incomes After Tax                                      70,027.85                                 -12.11
Attributable to Minority Shareholders

VII. Total Comprehensive Income                               1,705,214,475.24                      1,372,571,630.97

     Total Comprehensive Income
Attributable to the Parent Company's                          1,672,908,808.89                      1,370,813,109.87

     Total Comprehensive Income
                                                                 32,305,666.35                           1,758,521.10
Attributable to Minority Shareholders

VIII. Earnings per Share:

     (I) Basic Earnings per Share                                          0.56                                     0.47

     (II) Diluted Earnings per Share                                       0.56                                     0.47

Legal representative: Fu Liquan        Person in charge of accounting: Xu Qiaofen    Person in charge of the accounting
institution: Zhu Zhuling

4. Income Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                    Item                          2021 Semi-Annual                       2020 Semi-Annual

I. Operating Revenue                                          4,167,159,930.09                      3,624,985,329.95

                                         2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     Less: Operating Cost                            526,172,609.28                         464,299,570.21

           Taxes and Surcharges                       53,634,639.42                          37,785,882.54

           Sales Expenses                            823,745,443.38                         763,855,586.98

           Administration expenses                   211,532,912.39                         209,844,615.20

           Research and
                                                   1,068,320,197.31                       1,047,270,644.13
development expense

           Financial Expenses                         -19,195,740.24                          5,634,218.96

             Including: interest
                                                      32,381,777.40                          32,511,309.24

                     Interest Income                  54,366,366.58                          29,029,575.89

     Add: Other income                               357,721,494.76                         384,657,520.57

           Investment Income (Mark
                                                    -156,962,757.83                         -37,634,661.64
"-" for Loss)

           Including: Investment
Income from Affiliates and Joint                    -171,271,964.55                         -45,152,368.00

                Profits from
Derecognition of Financial Assets at
Amortized Cost (Mark "-" for Loss)

           Profit of Net Exposure
Hedging (Mark "-" for Loss)

           Incomes from changes in
                                                      95,451,596.20                          16,604,759.61
fair value (losses marked with "-")

           Credit Impairment Losses
                                                      -15,404,331.60                          -5,673,952.18
(Mark "-" for Loss)

           Asset Impairment Losses
                                                        -634,899.32                           -4,696,447.86
(Mark "-" for Loss)

           Asset Disposal Income
                                                      33,259,190.66                              10,000.01
(Mark "-" for Loss)

II. Operating Profit (Mark "-" for
                                                   1,816,380,161.42                       1,449,562,030.44

     Add: Non-operating Revenues                       4,455,730.54                           2,972,951.40

     Less: Non-operating Expenses                        581,042.68                           6,055,686.02

III. Total Profit (Mark "-" for Total
                                                   1,820,254,849.28                       1,446,479,295.82

     Less: Income Tax Expense                          -7,414,161.31                        105,871,539.11

IV. Net Profit (Mark "-" for Net Loss)             1,827,669,010.59                       1,340,607,756.71

                                        2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

      (I) Net Profit as a Going
                                                  1,827,669,010.59                       1,340,607,756.71
Concern (Mark "-" for Net Loss)

      (II) Net Profit of Discontinued
Operation (Mark "-" for Net Loss)

V. Net Amount of Other
Comprehensive Incomes After Tax

      (I) Other comprehensive
income that cannot be reclassified
as P/L

             1. Re-measure the
variation of the defined benefit plan

             2. Other comprehensive
income that cannot be transferred to
P/L under the equity method

             3. Changes in the fair
value of investment in other equity

             4. Changes in the fair
value of the credit risk of the

             5. Others

      (II) Other comprehensive
income that will be reclassified as                      15,179.09

             1. Other comprehensive
income that can be transferred to
P/L under the equity method

             2. Changes in the fair
value of investment in other
creditor's rights

             3. Financial assets
reclassified into other
comprehensive income

             4. Provisions for the
credit impairment of investment in
other creditor's rights

             5. Cash flow hedge

             6. Currency translation

                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

           7. Others                                      15,179.09

VI. Total Comprehensive Income                   1,827,684,189.68                       1,340,607,756.71

VII. Earnings per Share:

     (I) Basic Earnings per Share                              0.62                                     0.46

     (II) Diluted Earnings per Share                           0.62                                     0.46

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                 Item                  2021 Semi-Annual                      2020 Semi-Annual

I. Cash Flow Generated by
Operational Activities:

     Cash from Sales of
Merchandise and Provision of                    15,020,513,603.09                      12,453,860,700.45

     Net Increase in Customer's
Bank Deposits and Interbank

     Net Increase in Borrowings
from the Central Bank

     Net Increase in Borrowings
from Other Financial Institutions

     Cash Arising from Receiving
Premiums for the Original Insurance

     Net Amount Arising from
Reinsurance Business

     Net Increase in Deposits and
Investments from Policyholders

     Cash Arising from Interests,
Service Charges and Commissions

     Net Increase in Borrowings
from Banks and Other Financial

     Net Increase in Repurchase
Business Funds

     Net Amount of Cash Received
from the Vicariously Traded

                                        2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     Tax Refund                                   1,098,611,055.94                        1,193,492,111.32

     Other Received Cashes
                                                    149,033,785.99                         139,593,191.08
Related to Operational Activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                 16,268,158,445.02                      13,786,946,002.85
operational activities

     Cash Paid for Merchandise and
                                                 10,963,754,585.76                       8,806,532,224.04

     Net Increase in Loans and
Advances to Customers

     Net Increase in Deposits with
Central Bank and Other Financial

     Cash Paid for Original
Insurance Contract Claims

     Net increase of funds lent

     Cash Paid for Interests, Service
Charges and Commissions

     Cash Paid for Policy Dividends

     Cash Paid to and for
                                                  3,831,211,412.30                       3,126,225,617.57

     Cash Paid for Taxes and
                                                  1,263,501,986.02                       1,114,316,698.90

     Other Paid Cashes Related to
                                                  1,080,799,258.93                         846,799,426.29
Operational Activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                 17,139,267,243.01                      13,893,873,966.80
operational activities

Net cash flow generated by
                                                   -871,108,797.99                        -106,927,963.95
operating activities

II. Cash Flow from Investment

     Cash Arising from Disposal of
                                                    803,318,288.20                         212,000,000.00

     Cash Arising from Investment
                                                     12,730,576.24                           7,031,342.00

     Net Cash Arising from Disposal
of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets                   47,268,105.91                             851,832.61
and Other Long-term Assets

     Net Cash Arising from Disposal
of Subsidiaries and Other Business

                                        2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


     Other Received Cashes
                                                     56,003,510.94                         135,010,923.00
Related to Investment Activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                    919,320,481.29                         354,894,097.61
investment activities

     Cash Paid for Purchase and
Construction of Fixed Assets,
                                                    579,246,808.15                         250,327,215.67
Intangible Assets and Other
Long-term Assets

     Cash Paid for Investments                    1,302,000,000.00                       1,272,547,000.00

     Net Increase in Pledge Loans

     Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of
Subsidiaries and Other Business

     Other Paid Cashes Related to
                                                     13,107,855.82                          79,560,273.93
Investment Activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                  1,894,354,663.97                       1,602,434,489.60
investment activities

Net amount of cash flow generated
                                                   -975,034,182.68                      -1,247,540,391.99
by investment activities

III. Cash Flow from Financing

     Cash Arising from Absorbing
                                                     52,905,784.31                          59,440,000.00

     Including: Cash Arising from
Subsidiaries Absorbing Investments                   52,905,784.31                          59,440,000.00
by Minority Shareholders

     Cash Arising from Borrowings                 2,728,079,926.55                       3,324,530,906.01

     Other Received Cashes
Related to Financing Activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                  2,780,985,710.86                       4,251,747,843.17
financing activities

     Cash Paid for Debts
                                                    829,079,926.55                       1,663,711,726.38

     Cash Paid for Distribution of
Dividends and Profits or Payment of                 829,253,962.62                         418,919,503.17

     Including: Dividends and Profits
Paid to Minority Shareholders by

                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


    Other Paid Cashes Related to
                                                 49,649,564.91                         767,782,756.00
Financing Activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                               1,707,983,454.08                      2,850,413,985.55
financing activities

Net cash flow generated by
                                               1,073,002,256.78                      1,401,333,857.62
financing activities

IV. Impact of Fluctuation in
Exchange Rate on Cash and Cash                   -35,603,147.83                           -430,036.43

V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                                -808,743,871.72                         46,435,465.25

    Add: Cash and Cash
Equivalents at the Commencement                7,358,452,769.53                      2,734,185,976.41
of the Period

VI. Cash and Cash Equivalents at
                                               6,549,708,897.81                      2,780,621,441.66
the End of the Period

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                 Item               2021 Semi-Annual                      2020 Semi-Annual

I. Cash Flow Generated by
Operational Activities:

    Cash from Sales of
Merchandise and Provision of                   1,594,534,564.89                      7,212,656,097.72

    Tax Refund                                  313,656,061.60                         395,396,831.40

    Other Received Cashes
                                                 93,670,216.79                          68,383,248.19
Related to Operational Activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                               2,001,860,843.28                      7,676,436,177.31
operational activities

    Cash Paid for Merchandise and
                                                623,359,985.97                         507,090,103.14

    Cash Paid to and for
                                               2,116,190,187.65                      1,905,848,316.86

    Cash Paid for Taxes and
                                                818,858,618.53                         670,752,521.48

    Other Paid Cashes Related to                557,213,500.36                         452,566,064.54

                                        2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Operational Activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                  4,115,622,292.51                       3,536,257,006.02
operational activities

Net cash flow generated by
                                                  -2,113,761,449.23                      4,140,179,171.29
operating activities

II. Cash Flow from Investment

     Cash Arising from Disposal of
                                                    803,318,288.20                         199,900,000.00

     Cash Arising from Investment
                                                      3,629,417.41                           7,031,342.00

     Net Cash Arising from Disposal
of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets                   58,522,097.94                           7,862,105.25
and Other Long-term Assets

     Net Cash Arising from Disposal
of Subsidiaries and Other Business

     Other Received Cashes
Related to Investment Activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                    865,469,803.55                         278,286,943.71
investment activities

     Cash Paid for Purchase and
Construction of Fixed Assets,
                                                    178,160,791.03                         137,011,698.40
Intangible Assets and Other
Long-term Assets

     Cash Paid for Investments                    1,348,140,000.00                       1,309,807,000.00

     Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of
Subsidiaries and Other Business

     Other Paid Cashes Related to
Investment Activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                  1,526,300,791.03                       1,446,818,698.40
investment activities

Net amount of cash flow generated
                                                   -660,830,987.48                      -1,168,531,754.69
by investment activities

III. Cash Flow from Financing

     Cash Arising from Absorbing

                                                                                2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

       Cash Arising from Borrowings                                                                1,679,079,926.55                                                 1,889,800,000.00

       Other Received Cashes
                                                                                                   2,243,043,904.46                                                 1,487,145,393.24
Related to Financing Activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                                                                   3,922,123,831.01                                                 3,376,945,393.24
financing activities

       Cash Paid for Debts
                                                                                                     629,079,926.55                                                    599,800,000.00

       Cash Paid for Distribution of
Dividends and Profits or Payment of                                                                  822,052,988.68                                                    410,133,298.68

       Other Paid Cashes Related to
                                                                                                     814,356,149.58                                                 5,735,303,661.46
Financing Activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                                                                   2,265,489,064.81                                                 6,745,236,960.14
financing activities

Net cash flow generated by
                                                                                                   1,656,634,766.20                                                -3,368,291,566.90
financing activities

IV. Impact of Fluctuation in
Exchange Rate on Cash and Cash                                                                                  -55,649.44                                                       -73,606.83

V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                                                                                   -1,118,013,319.95                                                  -396,717,757.13

       Add: Cash and Cash
Equivalents at the Commencement                                                                    3,090,496,504.00                                                    860,741,299.14
of the Period

VI. Cash and Cash Equivalents at
                                                                                                   1,972,483,184.05                                                    464,023,542.01
the End of the Period

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity

Amount of this period
                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                   2021 Semi-Annual

                                                                Shareholders' Equity Attributable to the Parent Company's Owner

                                     Other Equity Instruments                              Other                                                                             Minority      Total
                                                                               Less:                                          General
                                                                   Capital               Comprehe     Special     Surplus                Undistribut                        Sharehold Sharehold
                                    Preferre Perpetu
                    Share Capital                                             Treasury                                          Risk                   Others   Subtotal
                                                                 Reserves                  nsive     Reserves    Reserves                ed Profits                         ers' Equity ers' Equity
                                       d        al     Others
                                                                               Share                                          Reserves
                                    Stocks   Bonds                                       Incomes

I. Balance at the   2,995,579,59                                 1,989,655, 581,968,9 61,157,52                  1,553,691,              13,754,91              19,773,03 430,611,6 20,203,64

End of Last Year             0.00                                    334.05      30.89        3.13                  005.92                 5,904.19              0,426.40        83.70    2,110.10

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     Add: Changes

in Accounting


Correction of

Errors in the

Previous Period


under the Same



II. Balance at the     2,995,579,59    1,989,655, 581,968,9 61,157,52      1,553,691,   13,754,91    19,773,03 430,611,6 20,203,64

Start of This Year             0.00       334.05      30.89         3.13      005.92     5,904.19     0,426.40      83.70   2,110.10

III. Increases or

Decreases in This                      603,274,3 -256,596,7 29,732,92                   840,861,3    1,729,436, 106,166,4 1,835,603,
Period (Mark "-" for                       37.71      74.54         1.34                    67.24       540.83      88.55     029.38


(I) Total
                                                               29,732,92                1,643,175,   1,672,908, 32,305,66 1,705,214,
                                                                    1.34                   887.55       808.89       6.35     475.24

(II) Shareholders'

Contribution and                       87,107,86 -256,596,7                                          342,675,7 69,441,53 412,117,3
Reduction in                                3.62      74.54                                              78.16       3.51      11.67


1. Common stock
                                       -7,461,896 -256,596,7                                         248,106,0 51,074,26 299,180,2
invested by the        -1,028,860.00
                                              .20     74.54                                              18.34       9.52      87.86

2. Capital

Invested by

Holders of Other

Equity Instruments

3. Amount of


Payments                               94,569,75                                                     94,569,75 18,367,26 112,937,0

Recorded into                               9.82                                                          9.82       3.99      23.81



4. Others

(III) Profit                                                                            -802,314,5   -802,314,5             -802,314,

                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Distribution                                              20.31         20.31          520.31

1. Appropriation

of Surplus


2. Appropriation

of General Risk


3. Distribution to
                                                      -802,314,5    -802,314,5    -802,314,
Owners (or
                                                          20.31         20.31          520.31

4. Others

(IV) Internal

Carry-forward of



1. Capital


Transferred into

Capital (or Share


2. Surplus


Transferred into

Capital (or Share


3. Surplus

Reserves Covering


4. Carry-forward

retained earnings

of the variation of

the defined benefit


5. Other


Retained Earnings

of the



6. Others

(V) Special

                                                                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


1. Withdrawal in

this period

2. Used in This


                                                                       516,166,4                                                                                            516,166,4 4,419,288. 520,585,7
(VI) Others
                                                                           74.09                                                                                                74.09               69        62.78

IV. Balance at the     2,994,550,73                                   2,592,929, 325,372,1 90,890,44                      1,553,691,               14,595,77                21,502,46 536,778,1 22,039,24

End of This Period                0.00                                    671.76        56.35        4.47                     005.92                7,271.43                 6,967.23        72.25         5,139.48

Amount of Previous Period
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                                              2020 Semi-Annual

                                                                    Shareholders' Equity Attributable to the Parent Company's Owner

                                         Other Equity Instruments                                Other                                                                                  Minority           Total
                                                                                    Less:                                              General
                          Share                                        Capital                Comprehe         Special    Surplus                Undistribute                         Shareholde Shareholde
                                                   Perpetual                       Treasury                                             Risk                    Others    Subtotal
                         Capital                                                                 nsive                                                                                 rs' Equity        rs' Equity
                                           ed                  Others Reserves                                Reserves Reserves                   d Profits
                                                    Bonds                           Share                                             Reserves
                                         Stocks                                                 Incomes

I. Balance at the      3,003,713,23                                  1,882,855, 1,057,584, 12,308,27                     1,553,691,              10,248,023,             15,643,007 333,160,68 15,976,167,

End of Last Year              0.00                                       119.53      258.31         6.23                    005.92                    654.54                ,027.91          3.75            711.66

     Add: Changes

in Accounting


Correction of

Errors in the

Previous Period


under the Same



II. Balance at the     3,003,713,23                                  1,882,855, 1,057,584, 12,308,27                     1,553,691,              10,248,023,             15,643,007 333,160,68 15,976,167,

Start of This Year            0.00                                       119.53      258.31         6.23                    005.92                    654.54                ,027.91          3.75            711.66

III. Increases or

Decreases in This      -2,247,700.0                                   -48,671,3    -428,452, 1,838,745.                                          971,781,988             1,351,154, 60,254,389. 1,411,408,7

Period (Mark "-" for                0                                     49.18      683.70              43                                               .66               368.61             76             58.37


(I) Total                                                                                     1,838,745.                                         1,368,974,3             1,370,813, 1,758,521.1 1,372,571,6

Comprehensive                                                                                            43                                            64.44                109.87                  0         30.97

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


(II) Shareholders'

Contribution and      -2,247,700.0    -49,972,1   -428,452,                                       376,232,86 59,440,000. 435,672,86

Reduction in                    0        23.11      683.70                                              0.59         00         0.59


1. Common stock
                      -2,247,700.0   -119,640,3   -428,452,                                       306,564,61 59,440,000. 366,004,61
invested by the
                                0        68.28      683.70                                              5.42         00         5.42

2. Capital

Invested by

Holders of Other

Equity Instruments

3. Amount of


Payments                             69,668,24                                                    69,668,245              69,668,245.

Recorded into                             5.17                                                           .17                      17



4. Others

(III) Profit                                                                        -397,192,37   -397,192,3              -397,192,37

Distribution                                                                              5.78         75.78                    5.78

1. Appropriation

of Surplus


2. Appropriation

of General Risk


3. Distribution to
                                                                                    -397,192,37   -397,192,3              -397,192,37
Owners (or
                                                                                          5.78         75.78                    5.78

4. Others

(IV) Internal

Carry-forward of



1. Capital


Transferred into

Capital (or Share


                                                                                 2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Surplus


Transferred into

Capital (or Share


3. Surplus

Reserves Covering


4. Carry-forward

retained earnings

of the variation of

the defined benefit


5. Other


Retained Earnings

of the



6. Others

(V) Special


1. Withdrawal in

this period

2. Used in This


                                                                 1,300,773.                                                                                  1,300,773. -944,131.3
(VI) Others                                                                                                                                                                             356,642.59
                                                                          93                                                                                          93            4

IV. Balance at the    3,001,465,53                               1,834,183, 629,131,5 14,147,02                1,553,691,               11,219,805,         16,994,161 393,415,07 17,387,576,

End of This Period           0.00                                   770.35       74.61        1.66                005.92                    643.20              ,396.52          3.51         470.03

8. Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity of the Parent Company

Amount of this period
                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                     2021 Semi-Annual

                                           Other Equity Instruments                             Less:           Other
         Item                                                                                                               Special       Surplus      Undistribute            Total Shareholders'
                       Share Capital     Preferred   Perpetual             Capital Reserves    Treasury      Comprehens                                               Others
                                                                 Others                                                     Reserves      Reserves       d Profits                   Equity
                                          Stocks      Bonds                                     Share        ive Incomes

I. Balance at the     2,995,579,590.00                                     1,976,156,775.91 581,968,930.8     522,554.00               1,553,691,005.9 14,759,065,7             20,703,046,780.73

                                                2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

End of Last Year                                                        9                              2         85.79

     Add: Changes

in Accounting


Correction of

Errors in the

Previous Period


II. Balance at the                                           581,968,930.8                1,553,691,005.9 14,759,065,7
                       2,995,579,590.00   1,976,156,775.91                   522,554.00                                   20,703,046,780.73
Start of This Year                                                      9                              2         85.79

III. Increases or

Decreases in This                                            -256,596,774.                                 1,025,354,49
                          -1,028,860.00    613,460,530.62                     15,179.09                                    1,894,398,114.53
Period (Mark "-" for                                                   54                                         0.28


(I) Total
Comprehensive                                                                 15,179.09                                    1,827,684,189.68

(II) Shareholders'

Contribution and                                             -256,596,774.
                          -1,028,860.00     94,706,282.63                                                                   350,274,197.17
Reduction in                                                           54


1. Common stock
invested by the           -1,028,860.00      -7,461,896.20                                                                  248,106,018.34

2. Capital

Invested by

Holders of Other

Equity Instruments

3. Amount of


                                           102,168,178.83                                                                   102,168,178.83
Recorded into



4. Others

(III) Profit                                                                                                -802,314,52
Distribution                                                                                                      0.31

1. Appropriation

of Surplus

                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


2. Distribution to
Owners (or                                                                    -802,314,520.31

3. Others

(IV) Internal

Carry-forward of



1. Capital


Transferred into

Capital (or Share


2. Surplus


Transferred into

Capital (or Share


3. Surplus

Reserves Covering


4. Carry-forward

retained earnings

of the variation of

the defined benefit


5. Other


Retained Earnings

of the



6. Others

(V) Special


1. Withdrawal in

this period

2. Used in This


                                                                                2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(VI) Others                                                                 518,754,247.99                                                                                              518,754,247.99

IV. Balance at the                                                                            325,372,156.3                           1,553,691,005.9 15,784,420,2
                       2,994,550,730.00                                   2,589,617,306.53                        537,733.09                                                         22,597,444,895.26
End of This Period                                                                                         5                                         2             76.07

Amount of Previous Period
                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                                     2020 Semi-Annual

                                           Other Equity Instruments                                       Other
          Item                                                             Capital                      Comprehen       Special     Surplus          Undistributed                  Total Shareholders'
                       Share Capital    Preferred Perpetual                               Treasury                                                                         Others
                                                               Others     Reserves                         sive        Reserves    Reserves              Profits                          Equity
                                          Stocks     Bonds                                  Share

I. Balance at the      3,003,713,230.                                   1,867,489,901. 1,057,584,2                                1,553,691,005.
                                                                                                                                                   10,397,488,836.58                 15,764,798,715.23
End of Last Year                  00                                                 04        58.31                                          92

     Add: Changes

in Accounting


Correction of

Errors in the

Previous Period


II. Balance at the     3,003,713,230.                                   1,867,489,901. 1,057,584,2                                1,553,691,005.
                                                                                                                                                   10,397,488,836.58                 15,764,798,715.23
Start of This Year                00                                                 04        58.31                                          92

III. Increases or

Decreases in This                                                                         -428,452,68
                        -2,247,700.00                                   -49,250,688.72                                                               943,415,380.93                   1,320,369,675.91
Period (Mark "-" for                                                                            3.70


(I) Total

Comprehensive                                                                                                                                       1,340,607,756.71                  1,340,607,756.71


(II) Shareholders'

Contribution and                                                                          -428,452,68
                        -2,247,700.00                                   -49,250,688.72                                                                                                  376,954,294.98
Reduction in                                                                                    3.70


1. Common stock
                                                                        -119,640,368.2 -428,452,68
invested by the         -2,247,700.00                                                                                                                                                   306,564,615.42
                                                                                     8          3.70

2. Capital

Invested by

Holders of Other

Equity Instruments

                             2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

3. Amount of


                      70,389,679.56                                                    70,389,679.56
Recorded into



4. Others

(III) Profit
                                                                    -397,192,375.78   -397,192,375.78

1. Appropriation

of Surplus


2. Distribution to

Owners (or                                                          -397,192,375.78   -397,192,375.78


3. Others

(IV) Internal

Carry-forward of



1. Capital


Transferred into

Capital (or Share


2. Surplus


Transferred into

Capital (or Share


3. Surplus

Reserves Covering


4. Carry-forward

retained earnings

of the variation of

the defined benefit


5. Other


Retained Earnings

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

of the



6. Others

(V) Special


1. Withdrawal in

this period

2. Used in This


(VI) Others

IV. Balance at the   3,001,465,530.          1,818,239,212. 629,131,574            1,553,691,005.
                                                                                                    11,340,904,217.51   17,085,168,391.14
End of This Period              00                      32          .61                       92

III. Basic Information about the Company

Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company” or “the Company”) was incorporated under
the official approval document No. 18 [2002] issued by Zhejiang Provincial People's Government Work Leading Group for
Enterprise Listing in June 2002, a stock company limited established on the basis of overall change of the former
Hangzhou Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd., co-founded by 5 natural persons, Fu Liquan, Chen Ailing, Zhu
Jiangming, Liu Yunzhen and Chen Jianfeng.
On April 22, 2008, the Company issued RMB 16.8 million shares of common stock to the general public for the first time
under the approval document No. 573 [2008] Securities Regulatory Issuance, issued by China Securities Regulatory
Commission (“CSRC”). It was listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 20, 2008 with a registered capital of RMB
66.8million and the change registration filed with Administration for Industry and Commerce was completed on May 23,
2008. The Company’s unified social credit code is 91330000727215176K. The Company falls within the video IOT
As of June 30, 2021, the Company has issued a total of 2,995,579,590shares, with a registered capital of RMB
2,995,579,590.00. The registered address is No.1187, Bin’an Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, and the headquarters
address is No.1199, Bin’an Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou. The Company's main operation activities include the
development, services & sales of computer software, the design, development, production, installation & sales of
electronic products and communication products, the development, system integration & sales of network products, the
design & installation of electronic engineering products, information technology consulting service, import & export
businesses. (Refer to the “Importer and Exporter Qualification” for the details of the scope). (For items subject to approval
according to law, business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments)
The actual controllers of the Company are Fu Liquan and Chen Ailing.
This financial statement has been approved by Board of Directors on August 27, 2021.
For details of the scope of the consolidated financial statement for the current period, refer to Notes IX “Equity in Other
Entities”, and for details of the changes in the scope of the consolidated financial statement for the current period, please
refer to Notes VIII “Changes in the Scope of Consolidation”.

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

IV. Basis for Preparing the Financial Statement

1. Basis for the preparation

The Company prepares the financial statement, on a going concern basis, based on actual transactions and matters, in
accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Basic Standards issued by the Ministry of Finance and
all specific accounting standards, application guidelines of accounting standards for business enterprises, explanations on
the accounting standards for business enterprises and other related regulations (hereinafter referred to as “Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises” collectively, and the disclosure provisions in the Preparation Rules for Information
Disclosures by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reports issued by

2. Going concern

The Company has the capability to continue operation for at least 12 months from the end of the current reporting period,
without any significant event affecting the continuing operation.

V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates

Notes to specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:
The following disclosures cover the specific accounting policies and accounting estimates formulated by the Company
according to the characteristics of its production and operation.

1. Statement on compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

This financial statement is in compliance with the requirements on the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and presents truly and completely the financial position of the consolidated
companies and the parent company as at June 30, 2021 and the operating results and cash flows of the consolidation and
the parent company for the first half of 2021.

2. Accounting period

The accounting period of the Company is from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year.

3. Operating cycle

The Company's operating cycle is 12 months.

4. Functional currency

For the domestic operating entities of the Company and its overseas operating entity Dahua Technology (HK) Limited, the
reporting currency is Renminbi ("RMB"). The remaining overseas operating entities determine the appropriate currency to
be their functional currency based on the currency of the primary economic environment in which they operate.

                                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

5. The accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under common
control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control

Business combination under common control: The assets and liabilities acquired by the merging party in business
combination shall be measured at the book value of the assets, liabilities of the merged party (including goodwill incurred
in the acquisition of the merged party by ultimate controlling party) in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate
controlling party on the date of combination. The difference between the book value of the net assets obtained and the
book value of the consideration paid for the combination (or total nominal value of the issued shares) is adjusted to capital
premium in capital reserve. Adjustments shall be made to retained earnings in the event that the share premiums in the
capital reserves are not sufficient for write-down.
Business combinations involving entities not under common control: The assets paid and liabilities incurred or committed
as a consideration of business combination by the merging party were measured at fair value on the date of acquisition
and the difference between the fair value and its book value shall be charged to the profit or loss for the period. Where the
cost of combination is higher than the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired from the merging party in business
combination, such difference shall be recognized as goodwill; where the cost of combination is less than the fair value of
the identifiable net assets acquired from the merging party in business combination, such difference shall be charged to
the profit or loss for the period.
The fees which are directly related to the business combination shall be recognized as the profit or loss in the period when
the costs are incurred; the transaction expenses of issuing equity securities or debt securities for business merger shall be
initially capitalized for equity securities or debt securities.

6. Preparation method of consolidated financial statements

(1) Scope of Consolidation
The scope of consolidation of the consolidated financial statements is based on controlling interests and includes the
Company and all the subsidiaries. Control means that the Company has the power over the investee, enjoys variable
returns by participating in the relevant activities of the investee, and has the ability to use the power over the investee to
influence its return amount.
(2) Procedures of consolidation
The Company treats the whole enterprise group as a single accounting entity and prepares consolidated financial
statements in accordance with unified accounting policies to reflect the overall financial status, operating results and cash
flow of the enterprise group. The impact of internal transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries and among the
subsidiaries shall be offset. If internal transactions indicate impairment losses of related assets, the losses shall be
recognized in full. If the accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by subsidiaries are inconsistent with those of
the company, necessary adjustments shall be made according to the accounting policies and accounting periods of the
company when preparing the consolidated financial statements.
The owner's equity, the net profit or loss and the comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders of a
subsidiary of the current period are presented separately under the owners' equity in the consolidated balance sheet, the
net profit and the total comprehensive income in the consolidated income statement respectively. Where losses
attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary of the current period exceed the minority shareholders' interest
entitled in the shareholders' equity of the subsidiary at the beginning of the period, the excess is allocated against the
minority shareholders’ interest.
① Acquisition of subsidiaries or business
During the reporting period, if there are new subsidiaries or businesses due to business consolidation under common
control, the operating results and cash flows from the beginning of the current period to the end of the reporting period of

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the consolidated subsidiaries or businesses will be included in the consolidated financial statements, and at the same time,
the opening amount of the consolidated financial statements and related items in the comparison statements will be
adjusted, which will be regarded as the consolidated reporting entity that has existed since the ultimate controlling party
started to control.
If the investee under common control can be controlled due to additional investment and other reasons, the equity
investment held before gaining the control of the consolidated party is recognized as relevant profit and loss, other
comprehensive income and changes in other net assets at the later of the date of acquisition of the original equity and the
date when the consolidating and consolidated parties are under common control, and shall be written down to the opening
balance retained earnings or the current profit and loss in the comparative reporting period.
During the reporting period, if subsidiaries or businesses are added due to the consolidation of enterprises not under
common control, the fair values of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities determined on the purchase date
shall be included in the consolidated financial statements from the acquisition date.
In connection with imposing control over the investee not under common control due to additional investment and other
reasons, the equity of acquiree held before the acquisition date shall be remeasured at the fair value of such equity on the
acquisition date and the difference between fair value and book value shall be recognized as investment income in the
current period. Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified into the profit and loss in the future and other
changes in the owner's equity under the equity method, which are related to the equity of the purchased party held before
the acquisition date, are converted into the current investment income of the acquisition date.
② Disposal of subsidiaries or business
a. General treatment
When losing control of the investee due to partial disposal of the equity investment, or any other reasons, the remaining
equity investment shall be remeasured at fair value at the date the control right is lost. The sum of consideration received
from disposal of equity investment and the fair value of the remaining equity investment, net of the difference between the
sum of the Company's previous share of the subsidiary's net assets recorded from the acquisition date or combination
date and the sum of goodwill, is recognized in investment income in the period in which control is lost. Other
comprehensive income related to the original subsidiary's equity investment and can be reclassified into profit and loss in
the future as well as other changes in the owner's equity accounted using the equity method, shall be converted into
current investment income when the control right is lost.
b. Disposal of subsidiary achieved by stages
When disposal of equity interests of subsidiaries via multiple transaction until the control is lost, generally transactions in
stages are treatment as a package deal if the transaction terms, conditions, and economic impact of disposal of the
subsidiary's equity interests comply with one or more of the following:
i. These transactions are achieved at the same time or the mutual effects on each other are considered;
ii. A complete set of commercial results can be achieved with reference to the series of transactions as a whole;
iii. Achieving a transaction depends on at least achieving of one of the other transaction;
iv. One transaction recognized separately is not economical, but it is economical when considered together with other
If these transactions belong to a package of transactions, such transactions shall be treated as the transactions in which
the subsidiaries concerned will be disposed and the control is lost. However, the differences between price on each
disposal and disposal of investment on the subsidiary's net assets shall be recognized in other comprehensive income in
the consolidated financial statements, and included in the current profit and loss when the control right is lost.
If such transactions do not belong to a package transaction, accounting treatment for partial disposal of equity
investments of subsidiary without losing control shall be applied before the control right is lost. When the control right is
lost, general accounting treatment for disposal of a subsidiary shall be used.

                                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

③ Acquisition of minority interest of subsidiaries
The Company shall adjust the share premium in the capital reserve of the consolidated balance sheet with respect to any
difference between the long-term equity investment arising from the acquisition of minority interest and the net assets
attributing to the parent company continuously calculated on the basis of the newly increased share proportion as of the
acquisition date or date of consolidation, adjust the retained earnings if the share premium in the capital reserve is
insufficient for write-down.
④ Partial disposal of equity Investment in subsidiaries without losing control
The difference between disposal consideration and the share of net assets continuously calculated by the subsidiary from
the acquisition date or the consolidation date corresponding to the disposal of long-term equity investment shall be
adjusted to share premium in the capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet. Adjustments shall be made to retained
earnings in the event that the share premiums in the capital reserves are not sufficient for write-down.

7. Classification of Joint Venture Arrangement and Accounting Treatment Method of Joint

A joint arrangement includes a joint operation and a joint venture.
Joint operation refers to a joint arrangement in which the parties to the joint venture possess the assets related to the
arrangement and assume the liabilities related to the arrangement.
The Company recognizes the following items related to the share of interests in the joint operation:
(1) The assets held separately by the Company and the assets held jointly according to the Company's share;
(2) The liabilities borne separately by the Company and liabilities jointly borne according to the Company's share;
(3) The income generated from the sale of the Company's share of joint operating output;
(4) The income generated from the sale of output in the joint operation according to the Company's share;
(5) The expenses incurred separately, and recognize the expenses incurred in the joint operation according to the
Company's share;
The Company’s investments in joint ventures are accounted by the equity method. For details, please refer to the financial
report under this section - (V) Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 19. Long-term Equity Investment.

8. Criteria for Recognition of Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash refers to the Company's cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time. Cash equivalents
refer to the investments held by the Company which are short-term, highly liquid, easy to be converted into known
amounts of cash and have little risk of value change.

9. Foreign currency transactions and translation of foreign currency statements

(1) Foreign currency transactions
Foreign currency transactions shall be translated into RMB at the spot exchange rate on the day when the transactions
Balance sheet date foreign currency monetary items shall be translated using the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet
date. The resulting exchange differences are recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except for those
differences related to the principal and interest on a specific-purpose borrowing denominated in foreign currency for
acquisitions, construction or production of the qualified assets, which should be capitalized as cost of the assets.
(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements
All assets and liabilities items in balance sheet are translated based on spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date; the

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owner’s equity items other than “undistributed profit” are translated at a spot exchange rate when incurred. Revenue and
expense items in the income statement are translated at a spot exchange rate at the transaction occurrence date.
For disposal of overseas operation, the translation difference as stated in the foreign currency financial statements
relating to overseas operation, is accounted for in the profit and loss account in the current period from owners' equity

10. Financial Instruments

A financial asset, financial liability or equity instrument shall be recognized when the Company becomes a party to the
financial instrument contract.
(1) Classification of the financial instruments
According to the Company's business model for management of the financial assets and the contractual cash flow
features of the financial assets, the financial assets, when initially recognized, are classified as: financial assets at
amortized cost, financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments) and financial assets
at fair value through profit or loss.
The financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not required to be measured at fair value and whose
changes are incorporated to the current profit and loss shall be classified by the Company as financial assets measured at
amortized cost:
- The business model aims at collecting contractual cash flow;
- The contractual cash flow is only the payment of principal and interest based on the outstanding principal amount.
The financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not required to be measured at fair value and whose
changes are included in the current profit and loss shall be classified by the Company as financial assets (debt
instruments) measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income:
- The business model aims at collecting contract cash flow and selling the financial assets;
- The contractual cash flow is only the payment of principal and interest based on the outstanding principal amount.
For non-trading investments in equity instruments, the Company may irrevocably designate, at the time of initial
recognition, them as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity instruments). The
designation is made on a single investment basis, and the relevant investment meets the definition of equity instrument
from the issuer's perspective.
Except for the above-mentioned financial assets measured at amortized cost and at fair value and whose changes are
included in other comprehensive income, the Company classifies all other financial assets as financial assets measured at
fair value and whose changes are included in the current profit and loss. At the time of initial recognition, the Company
may irrevocably designate financial assets that should have been classified as amortized cost or measured at fair value
and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income as financial assets measured at fair value and whose
changes are included in the current profit and loss, provided that the accounting mismatches can be eliminated or
significantly reduced.
The financial liabilities, when initially recognized, are classified as: financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and
financial liabilities at amortized cost.
Financial liabilities which meet one of the following conditions will be, when initially measured, designated as financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss:
1) Such designation may be able to eliminate or significantly reduce the accounting mismatch.
2) The portfolio of financial liabilities or the portfolio of financial assets and financial liabilities shall be subject to
management and performance evaluation on the basis of fair value according to the enterprise risk management or
investment strategy contained in the formal documentations, and a report shall be made to the key management

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personnel within the enterprise on this basis.
3) Such financial liabilities shall contain embedded derivative instruments to be split separately.
Subject to the conditions above, the Company has no such designated financial liabilities.
(2) The basis for recognition of and the method for measurement of financial instruments
① Financial assets at amortized cost
Financial assets at amortized cost include notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, long-term receivables
and creditors investment, which shall be initially measured at fair value, and the relevant transaction expenses should be
initially capitalized; The accounts receivable that do not contain material financing compositions and those for which the
Company decides to not take into account the financing compositions of no more than one year shall be initially measured
at the contract transaction price.
The interest calculated by effective interest method during the holding period is recorded into the current profit and loss.
At the time of recovery or disposal, the difference between the price obtained and the book value shall be included in the
current profit or loss.
② Financial assets measured at fair value and its changes are included in other comprehensive income (debt
Financial assets measured at fair value and its changes are included in other comprehensive income (debt instruments)
include receivables financing and investments in other creditor's rights. They are initially measured at fair value, and the
relevant transaction expenses should be initially capitalized. These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair
value, and the change in fair value, other than the interest, the impairment loss or profit and the profit or loss on foreign
exchange, shall be included in other comprehensive income.
Upon derecognition, the cumulative profits or losses previously included in other comprehensive income shall be removed
from other comprehensive income and included in the profit or loss for the period.
③ Financial assets measured at fair value and those change are included in other comprehensive income (equity
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity instruments) include investment in other equity
instruments. They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction expenses shall be initially capitalized. These
financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and the change in fair value shall be included in other
comprehensive income. The dividends obtained shall be included in the profit or loss for the period.
Upon derecognition, the cumulative profits or losses previously included in other comprehensive income shall be removed
from other comprehensive income and included in the carry-forward retained earnings.
④ Financial assets measured at fair value and those change are included in profit or loss in the current period
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include trading financial assets, derivative financial assets and other
non-current financial assets. They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction expenses related to them are
included in the profit or loss for the period. These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and the
change in fair value shall be included in the profit or loss for the period.
⑤ Financial liabilities measured in fair Value with changes recorded into current profit and loss
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities.
They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction expenses related to them are included in the profit or loss for
the period. These financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value, and the change in fair value shall be
included in the profit or loss for the period.
Upon derecognition, the difference between their book value and the consideration paid is included in the profit or loss for
the period.
⑥ Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Financial liabilities at amortized cost include short-term loans, notes payable, accounts payable, other payables, long-term

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loans, bonds payable, and long-term payables. They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction expenses
shall be initially capitalized.
The interest calculated by effective interest method during the holding period is recorded into the current profit and loss.
Upon derecognition the difference between the consideration paid and the book value of these financial liabilities is
included in the current profit or loss.
(3) Derecognition of financial assets and transfer of financial assets
When one of the following conditions is met, the Company will derecognize the financial assets:
- The contractual right to receive cash flows from financial assets has been terminated;
- The financial assets have been transferred, and almost all risks and rewards in the ownership of financial assets have
been transferred to the transferee;
- The financial assets have been transferred, and the Company has not retained control over financial assets although it
has neither transferred nor retained almost all risks and rewards in the ownership of financial assets.
When a financial asset is transferred, the financial asset shall not be derecognized if almost all risks and rewards on the
ownership of the financial asset are retained.
The substance-over-form principle shall be adopted while making judgment on whether the transfer of financial assets
satisfies the above conditions for termination of recognition.
The transfer of financial assets can be classified into entire transfer and partial transfer. If the transfer of an entire financial
asset satisfies the conditions for termination of recognition, the difference between the two amounts below shall be
recorded into profit or loss for the period:
① The book value of the financial asset transferred;
② The consideration received as a result of the transfer, plus the accumulative amount of the change in fair value
previously recorded into the owners' equities (in cases where the transferred financial assets are financial assets (debt
instruments) measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income)
If the partial transfer of financial assets satisfies the conditions for termination of recognition, the overall book value of the
transferred financial asset shall be apportioned according to their respective relative fair value between the recognition
terminated part and the remaining part, and the difference between the two amounts below shall be recorded into profit or
loss for the current period:
① The book value of the recognition terminated portion;
② The sum of consideration of the recognition terminated portion and the corresponding portion of accumulated change
in fair value previously recorded into owners' equity (in cases where the transferred financial assets are financial assets
measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income (debt instruments)).
Financial assets will still be recognized if they fail to satisfy the conditions for termination of recognition, with the
consideration received recognized as a financial liability.
(4) Derecognition of financial liabilities
When the current obligation under a financial liability is completely or partially discharged, the recognition of the whole or
relevant portion of the liability is terminated; an agreement is entered between the Company and a creditor to replace the
original financial liabilities with new financial liabilities with substantially different terms, terminate the recognition of the
original financial liabilities as well as recognize the new financial liabilities.
If all or part of the contract terms of the original financial liabilities are substantially amended, the recognition of the original
financial liabilities will be terminated in full or in part, and the financial liabilities whose terms have been amended shall be
recognized as a new financial liability.
When recognition of financial liabilities is terminated in full or in part, the difference between the book value of the financial
liabilities terminated and the consideration paid (including transferred non-cash assets or new financial liability) is
recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

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Where the Company repurchases part of its financial liabilities, the book value of such financial liabilities will be allocated
according to the relative fair value between the continued recognized part and terminated part on the repurchase date.
The difference between the book value of the financial liabilities terminated and the consideration paid (including
transferred non-cash assets or new financial liability) is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
(5) Method for determining the fair values of financial assets and liabilities
The fair value of a financial instrument that is traded in an active market is determined at the quoted price in the active
market. The fair value of a financial instrument that is not traded in an active market is determined by using a valuation
technique. The Company uses the valuation technique when it is applicable under current conditions and there are
enough available data and other information to support and the technique should maximize the use of relevant observable.
It chooses the inputs which are consistent with the asset or liability's characteristics considered by market participants in
the transaction of the relevant asset or liability and makes the maximum use of relevant observable inputs. Unobservable
inputs are used under the circumstance that the relevant observable inputs cannot be obtained or not feasible.
(6) Test method and accounting treatment for impairment of financial assets
The Company estimates the expected credit loss on the financial assets at amortized cost and the financial assets at fair
value and whose changes are included other comprehensive income (debt instruments), either alone or in combination.
In consideration of reasonable and well-founded information about past events, current situation and forecast of future
economic situation, the Company calculates the probability weighted amount of the present value of the difference
between the cash flow receivable and the cash flow expected to be received under the Contract with the risk of default as
weight factors, and confirms the expected credit loss.
If the credit risk of this financial instrument has been significantly increased upon initial recognition, the Company shall
measure its loss provision in accordance with the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss of the financial instrument
throughout the duration. If the credit risk of this financial instrument is not significantly increased upon initial recognition,
the Company shall measure the loss provision of this financial instrument by the amount of its expected credit loss in the
12 months to come. The increased or reversed amount of the loss provision resulting therefrom is included in the current
profit or loss as the impairment loss or profit.
By comparing the default risk of financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the default risk on the initial
recognition date, the Company may determine the relative change of default risk during the expected duration of financial
instruments to assess whether the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly since the initial
recognition. If the financial instrument becomes overdue for more than 30 days, the Company will consider that the credit
risk of this financial instrument has been significantly increased, unless there are concrete evidences indicating that the
credit risk of this financial instrument has not been significantly increased upon initial recognition.
If the financial instrument carries low credit risk at the balance sheet date, the Company believes that the credit risk of this
financial instrument is not significantly increased upon initial recognition.
If there are objective evidences showing that a certain financial asset has been subject to credit impairment, the Company
will accrue impairment provision for this financial asset on the individual asset basis.
For accounts receivable and contract assets arising from transactions regulated by Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue (2017), the Company always measures its loss provision at an amount equivalent to the
expected credit loss throughout the duration, regardless of whether it contains significant financing components.
The Company will always measure the loss provision for lease receivables by the amount of the expected credit loss
throughout the duration.
Where the Company no longer reasonably expects the contractual cash flow of financial assets to be fully or partially
recovered, the book balance of the financial assets shall be directly written down.

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

11. Notes Receivable

Refer to the financial report under this section - (V) Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 10.
Financial Instruments.

12. Accounts Receivable

Refer to the financial report under this section - (V) Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 10.
Financial Instruments.

13. Account Receivable Financing

Refer to the financial report under this section - (V) Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 10.
Financial Instruments.

14. Other Accounts Receivable

Determination method and accounting treatment for the expected credit loss of other receivables
Refer to the financial report under this section - (V) Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 10.
Financial Instruments.

15. Inventories

(1) Category of inventory
Inventories are classified as raw materials, turnover materials, commodity stocks, products in progress and materials
commissioned for processing.
Inventories are initially measured at cost, which includes purchasing costs, processing costs and other expenses incurred
to bring inventories to their present location and condition.
(2) Pricing method for issuing inventories
Cost of inventories is determined using the weighted average method.
(3) Basis for the determination of net realizable value of different types of inventories
On the balance sheet date, inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Where the cost of
inventories is higher than its net realizable value, provision for inventory depreciation shall be made. The net realizable
value refers to the estimated selling price of inventory in daily activities minus the estimated cost of completion, the
estimated selling expenses and related taxes and fees.
Net realizable value of held-for-sale commodity stocks, such as finished goods, goods-in-stock, and held-for-sale raw
materials, during the normal course of production and operation, shall be determined by their estimated sales less the
related selling expenses and taxes; the net realizable value of material inventories, which need to be processed, during
the normal course of production and operation, shall be determined by the amount after deducting the estimated cost of
completion, estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes from the estimated selling price of finished goods; the net
realizable value of inventories held for execution of sales contracts or labor contracts shall be calculated on the ground of
the contracted price. If an enterprise holds more inventories than the quantity stipulated in the sales contract, the net
realizable value of the exceeding part shall be calculated on the ground of general selling price.
After the provision for inventory depreciation has been made, if the factors affecting the previous write-down of the
inventory value have disappeared, resulting in the net realizable value of inventory being higher than its book value, it

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shall be reversed within the original provision for inventory depreciation, and the reversed amount shall be included in the
current profit and loss.
(4) Inventory system
The perpetual inventory system is adopted.
(5) Amortization of low-value consumables and packaging materials
① Low-value consumables are amortized using the immediate write-off method;
② Packaging materials are amortized using the immediate write-off method.

16. Contract Assets

(1) Methods and standards for recognition of contract assets
The Company lists contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relationship between
performance obligations and customer payments. The Company’s right to receive consideration for the goods transferred
or services provided to customers (and such right depends on factors other than the passage of time) is listed as a
contract asset. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are presented on a net basis. The
Company's right to receive consideration from customers unconditionally (depending only on the passage of time) is listed
separately as account receivable.
(2) Determination method and accounting treatment for the expected credit loss of contract assets
For the determination method and accounting treatment of the expected credit loss of contract assets, please refer to the
financial report under this section - (V) Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 10. Financial

17. Contract Costs

Contract costs include the cost of fulfilling a contract and the cost for obtaining the contract.
The costs incurred by the Company for contract performance, which do not fall within the scope of relevant standards
such as inventories, fixed assets or intangible assets, shall be recognized as an asset as the costs for contract
performance when the following conditions are met:
Such costs are directly related to a current contract or a contract expected to be obtained.
Such costs increase the resources of the Company for fulfilling its obligations in the future.
Such costs are expected to be recovered.
Where the incremental cost incurred by the Company for obtaining the contract is expected to be recovered, it shall be
recognized as an asset as the costs for obtaining the contract.
Assets related to contract costs are amortized on the same basis as income from goods or services related to the assets.
However, if the amortization period of the costs for obtaining the contract does not exceed one year, the Company will
include it in the current profit and loss when incurred.
Where the book value of an asset related to the contract costs is higher than the difference between the following two
items, the Company shall make provision for impairment of the excess and recognize it as an asset impairment loss:
(1) The remaining consideration expected to be obtained due to the transfer of goods or services related to such asset;
(2) The estimated cost to be incurred for the transfer of the relevant goods or services.
If the factors of impairment in the previous period change subsequently, making the aforesaid difference higher than the
book value of the said asset, the Company shall reverse the impairment reserve originally accrued and include it in the
current profit and loss, but the book value of the asset after reversal does not exceed that on the reversal date assuming
that no impairment reserve is accrued.

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18. Holding Assets for Sale

If the book value is recovered mainly through sale (including exchange of non-monetary assets with commercial
substance) instead of continuous use of a non-current asset or disposal group, it shall be classified as held for sale.
A non-current asset or disposed group is classified by the Company as holding for sale if it meets the following criteria at
the same time:
(1) Immediate sale could be made under the current circumstances in accordance with the practice of selling such assets
or disposal groups in similar transactions;
(2) Selling is extremely likely to occur, i.e., the Company has made a resolution on a selling plan and obtained confirmed
purchase commitments, and the selling is predicted to be completed within 1 year. If required by relevant provisions that
selling shall only be made after approved by the relevant competent authority or supervision department of the Company,
such approval should have been obtained.
Where the book value of non-current assets (excluding financial assets, deferred income tax assets and assets formed by
staff remuneration) or disposal groups classified as held for sale is higher than the net amount after fair value less
disposal expenses, the book value is written down to the net amount after fair value less disposal expenses, and the
written down amount shall be recognized as an asset impairment loss and included in the current profit and loss, while
provision for impairment of assets held for sale is made.

19. Long-term Equity Investment

(1) Criteria for judgment of joint control or significant influence
Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, and exists only when requiring the
unanimous consent of the parties sharing control before making decisions about the relevant activities of the arrangement.
The Company together with the other joint venture parties can jointly control over the investee and are entitled to the right
of the net assets of the investee, as the investee is joint venture of the Company.
Significant influence refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the financial and operating policies of an
enterprise, but not the power to control, or jointly control, the formulation of such policies with other parties. Where the
Company can exercise significant influence over the investee, the investee is an associate of the Company.
(2) Determination of initial investment cost
① Long-term equity investments formed through business consolidation
For the long-term equity investment in subsidiaries formed by business consolidation under common control: the initial
investment cost of long-term equity investments is the share with reference to the book value of the shareholders' equity
of the consolidated party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party on the consolidation date.
For the difference between the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and the book value of payment
consideration, the equity premium in capital reserve shall be adjusted. When the equity premium in capital reserve is
insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. If the investee under common control can be controlled due
to additional investment and other reasons, the equity premium shall be adjusted based on the difference between the
initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment recognized according to the above principles and the sum of the
book value of the long-term equity investment prior to the consolidation plus the book value of the newly paid
consideration for the shares obtained on the consolidation date. If the equity premium is insufficient to offset, the retained
earnings shall be offset.
For the long-term equity investment in subsidiaries formed by business consolidation under common control, the cost of
the consolidation ascertained on the acquisition date shall be taken as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investments. In connection with imposing control over the investee not under common control due to additional investment
and other reasons, the initial investment cost shall be the sum of the book value of the equity investment originally held

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and the newly increased initial investment cost.
② Long-term equity investments acquired by other means other than business combination
The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by cash payment shall be the purchase costs actually paid.
The initial cost of investment of a long-term equity investment obtained by means of issuance of equity securities shall be
the fair value of the equity securities issued.
(3) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit and loss
① Long-term equity investment calculated by cost method
Long-term equity investment in subsidiaries of the Company is calculated by cost method, provided that the investment
meets the criteria for held-for-sale. except for the actual consideration paid for the acquisition of investment or the
declared but not yet distributed cash dividends or profits which are included in the consideration, investment gains are
recognized as the Company' shares of the cash dividends or profits declared by the investee.
② Long-term equity investment calculated by equity method
Long-term equity investments of associates and jointly controlled entities are calculated using equity method. Where the
initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the investor's interest in the fair value of the investee's
identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investment cost. Where the initial
investment cost is less than the investor's interest in the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the
acquisition date, the difference shall be included to the current profit and loss, and at the same time, the cost of long-term
equity investment is adjusted.
The Company shall recognize the investment income and other comprehensive income respectively based on the shares
of net profit and loss and other comprehensive income realized by the investee which it shall be entitled or shared, and at
the same time makes adjustment to the book value of long-term equity investments. The book value of long-term equity
investment shall be reduced by attributable share of the profit or cash dividends for distribution declared by the investee.
In relation to other changes of the owner's equity except for the investee’s net profit and loss, other comprehensive
income and profit distributions (“other changes in the owner’s equity”), the book value of long-term equity investments
shall be adjusted and included in the owner's equity.
When determining the investee’s net profit and loss, other comprehensive income and share of changes in the owner's
equity, fair value of each identifiable assets of the investee at the time when the investment is obtained shall be used as
basis, and the investee’s net profit and other comprehensive income shall be recognized after adjustment according to the
accounting policies and accounting period of the Company.
The unrealized profit and loss resulting from transactions between the Company and its affiliates or joint ventures shall be
eliminated in portion to the investor's equity interest of investee, based on which investment income or loss shall be
recognized, provided that the assets invested or sold constitute a business. Any losses resulting from transactions, which
are attributable to impairment of assets, shall be fully recognized.
The Company shall be obligated to bear additional losses incurred by net loss of joint ventures or affiliates. In addition, the
book value of long-term equity investment and other long-term interests that substantially constitute the net investment in
the joint ventures or affiliates shall be written down to zero. When the joint ventures or affiliates realize the net profit in the
future, the Company shall resume the recognition of the income share after the income share makes up for the
unrecognized loss share.
③ Disposal of long-term equity investments
For disposal of long-term equity investment, the difference between the book value and the consideration actually
received shall be included in the current profit or loss.
If the long-term equity investment calculated by equity method is partially disposed of, and the remaining equity is still
calculated by equity method, other comprehensive income recognized by the original equity method shall be carried
forward based on the corresponding proportion on the same basis as the investee directly disposes of relevant assets or

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liabilities, and other changes in the owner's equity shall be transferred into the current profit and loss on a pro rata basis.
Where the joint control of or significant impacts on the investee is lost due to the disposal of equity investment, other
comprehensive income recognized by the original equity investment due to the adoption of the equity method shall be
calculated in the same way as the investee's direct disposal of related assets or liabilities at the termination of the equity
method, and all other changes in the owner's equity shall be transferred to the current profit and loss at the termination of
the equity method.
If the control right of the investee is lost due to the disposal of some equity investments and other reasons, and if the
remaining equity can exert joint control or significant influence on the investee when individual financial statements are
prepared, it shall be calculated based on the equity method instead, and the remaining equity shall be regarded as being
calculated and adjusted by the equity method immediately upon acquisition. Other comprehensive income recognized
before obtaining the control right of the investee shall be carried forward proportionally on the same basis as the direct
disposal of related assets or liabilities by the investee, and other changes in the owner's equity confirmed by the equity
method shall be transferred into the current profit and loss in proportion. If the remaining equity cannot exercise joint
control or exert significant impacts on the investee, it is recognized as a financial asset, and the difference between its fair
value and book value on the date of loss of control is included in the current profit and loss, and all other comprehensive
income and other changes in the owner's equity recognized before obtaining the control right of the investee are carried
If the equity investment of a subsidiary is disposed of step by step through multiple transactions until the control right is
lost, which belongs to a package transaction, accounting treatment shall be performed for each transaction as a
transaction that disposes of the equity investment of a subsidiary and loses the control right. The difference between the
disposal price before the loss of control right and the book value of the long-term equity investment corresponding to the
disposed equity is first recognized as other comprehensive income in individual financial statements, and then included in
the current profit and loss of the loss of control right when the control right is lost. If it is not a “package deal”, accounting
treatment shall be made for each transaction separately.

20. Investment Real Estate

Investment property refers to the real estate held to generate rental income or capital appreciation, or both, including
leased land use rights, land use rights held for transfer after appreciation, and leased buildings (including buildings that
are leased after completion of self-construction or development activities and buildings in construction or development
that are used for rental in the future).
The Company adopts the cost mode to measure the existing investment property. Subsequent expenditures related to
investment real estate shall be included in the cost of investment real estate when the relevant economic benefits are
likely to flow in and its cost can be measured reliably. Otherwise, it shall be included in the current profit and loss when
incurred. Investment property measured at cost - buildings held for leasing shall adopt the same depreciation policy for
fixed assets of the company, land use rights held for leasing shall adopt the same amortization policy for the intangible

21. Fixed Assets

(1) Conditions for recognition of fixed assets

Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others,
or for administrative purposes; and have a service life of more than one accounting year. Fixed asset is recognized when it
meets the following conditions: ① It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the fixed asset will flow to the

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enterprise; ② Its cost can be reliably measured. Fixed assets shall be measured at cost (and considering the impact of
expected abandonment cost factors). Subsequent expenditures related to fixed assets shall be included in the cost of
fixed assets when the related economic benefits are likely to flow in and the cost can be measured reliably. The book
value of the replaced part shall be terminated. All other subsequent expenditures shall be included in the current profit and
loss when incurred.

(2) Methods for depreciation

                                                         Useful lives of                               Annual depreciation
       Category            Depreciation method                                   Residual Ratio
                                                          depreciation                                         rate

Housing and building     Straight-line method      20                       5%                       4.75%

Machinery and
                         Straight-line method      5-10                     5%                       19.00%-9.50%

Means of transport       Straight-line method      4-8                      5%                       23.75%-11.88%

Electronic and other
                         Straight-line method      3-5                      5%                       31.67%-19.00%

Fixed assets are depreciated by categories using the straight-line method, and the annual depreciation rates are
determined by categories based upon their estimated useful lives and their estimated residual values. Where the parts of
a fixed asset have different useful lives or cause economic benefits for the enterprise in different ways, different
depreciation rates or depreciation methods shall apply, and each part is depreciated separately.

(3) Disposal of fixed assets

When a fixed asset is disposed of, or no economic benefit is expected to be generated through the use or disposal, the
recognition of the fixed asset shall be terminated. The disposal income from the sale, transfer, scrapping or damage of
fixed assets after deducting their book value and relevant taxes is included in the current profit and loss.

22. Projects under Construction

Projects under construction are measured at the actual costs incurred. Actual costs include construction cost, installation
cost, borrowing costs eligible for capitalization, and other expenditures necessary to bring the project under construction
to its intended usable condition. When projects under construction reach the intended usable condition, they shall be
turned into fixed assets and shall be depreciated from the next month.

23. Borrowing Costs

(1) Criteria for recognition of capitalized borrowing costs
For borrowing costs incurred by the Company that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of
assets qualified for capitalization, the costs will be capitalized and included in the costs of the related assets. Other
borrowing costs shall be recognized as expense in the period in which they are incurred and included in profit or loss for
the current period.
Assets qualified for capitalization are assets (fixed assets, investment property, inventories, etc.) that necessarily take a
substantial period of time for acquisition, construction or production to get ready for their intended use or sale.

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(2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs
The capitalization period shall refer to the period between the commencement and the cessation of capitalization of
borrowing costs, excluding the period in which capitalization of borrowing costs is temporarily suspended.
Capitalization of borrowing costs begins when the following three conditions are fully satisfied:
① expenditures on assets (including cash paid, transferred non-currency assets or expenditure for holding debt liability
for the acquisition, construction or production of assets qualified for capitalization) have been incurred;
② borrowing costs have been incurred;
③ acquisition, construction or production that are necessary to enable the asset reach its intended usable or salable
condition have commenced.
Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which the qualifying asset under acquisition and
construction or production ready for the intended use or sale.
(3) Suspension of capitalization period
Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended if the abnormal interruption occurs in the acquisition, construction or
production process of the assets eligible for capitalization, and such interruption lasts for 3 consecutive months or above.
If the interruption is a necessary step for making the eligible asset under acquisition and construction or production ready
for the intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall continue. The borrowing costs incurred during
such period shall be recognized as profits and losses of the current period. When the acquisition and construction or
production of the asset resumes, the capitalization of borrowing costs commences.
(4) Calculation of capitalization rate and amount of borrowing costs
Specific borrowings for the acquisition, construction or production of assets qualified for capitalization, borrowing costs of
the specific borrowings actually incurred in the current period minus the interest income earned on the unused borrowing
loans as a deposit in the bank or as investment income earned from temporary investment will be used to determine the
amount of borrowing costs for capitalization.
General borrowings for the acquisition, construction or production of assets qualified for capitalization, the
to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing shall be calculated and determined by multiplying the
weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the specifically
borrowed loans by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and
determined according to the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing.
During the capitalization period, the exchange difference of the principal and interest of the special foreign currency loan
shall be capitalized and included in the cost of the assets eligible for capitalization. The exchange difference of principal
and interest of foreign currency borrowings except for special foreign currency borrowings shall be included in the current
profit and loss.

24. Intangible Assets

(1) Valuation method, service life, impairment test

     (1) Valuation method of intangible assets
     ① Intangible assets are initially measured at cost upon acquisition
     The costs of an externally purchased intangible asset include the purchase price, relevant taxes and expenses paid,
and other expenditures directly attributable to putting the asset into condition for its intended use.
     ② Subsequent measurement
     The service life of intangible assets shall be analyzed and judged upon acquisition.
     As for intangible assets with a finite service life, they are amortized using the straight-line method over the term in
which economic benefits are brought to the firm; If the term in which economic benefits are brought to the firm by an

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intangible asset cannot be estimated, the intangible asset shall be taken as an intangible asset with indefinite service life,
and shall not be amortized.
     (2) Estimated useful lives for the intangible assets with limited-service life

                     Item                             Estimated useful lives                             Basis

Land use rights                                           40 or 50 years                         Land use certificate

Non-patented technology                                     5-10 years                        Expected benefited period

Softwares                                                    2-5 years                        Expected benefited period

Trademark rights                                              6 years                         Expected benefited period

Software copyright                                           10 years                         Expected benefited period

     For an intangible asset with a finite service life, review on its service life and amortization method is performed at the
end of each end.
     Upon review, service life and amortization method for the intangible assets are the same with the previous estimate
at the end of this period.
     (3) The basis for judgment of intangible assets with uncertain service life and the procedure for reviewing
their service life
     As at the balance sheet date, the Company has no intangible assets with uncertain service life.
     (4) Specific criteria for the division of research phase and development phase
     The expenses for internal research and development projects of the Company are divided into expenses in the
     research phase and expenses in the development phase.
     Research phase: Scheduled innovative investigations and research activities to obtain and understand scientific or
     technological knowledge.
     Development phase: Apply the research outcomes or other knowledge to a plan or design prior to a commercial
     production or use in order to produce new or essentially-improved materials, devices, products, etc.
     (5) Specific condition for capitalizing expenditure during the development phase
     Expenditures in the research phase are recorded into the current profit and loss when incurred. Expenditure at the
development phase shall be recognized as intangible assets if it meeting the following conditions at the same time;
expenditure in the development phase shall be included in the current profit and loss if it fails to meet the following
     ①It is technically feasible to complete such intangible asset so that it will be available for use or for sale;
     ②There is intention to complete the intangible asset for use or sale;
     ③The intangible asset can produce economic benefits, including there is evidence that the products produced using
the intangible asset has a market or the intangible asset itself has a market; if the intangible asset is for internal use, there
is evidence that there exists usage for the intangible asset;
     ④There is sufficient support in terms of technology, financial resources and other resources in order to complete the
     development of the intangible asset, and there is capability to use or sell the intangible asset;
     ⑤The expenses attributable to the development stage of the intangible asset can be measured reliably.
     If it is impossible to distinguish the expenditure at the research phase from the expenditure at the development
     phase, all the R&D expenditure incurred shall be booked into the current profit and loss.

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25. Impairment of Long-term Assets

Long-term assets, such as long-term equity investment, investment properties, fixed assets, construction in progress,
intangible assets, oil and gas assets and other long-term assets that measured at cost are tested for impairment if there is
any indication that an asset may be impaired at the balance sheet date. If the result of the impairment test indicates that
the recoverable amount of the asset is less than its book value, a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are
recognized for the amount by which the asset's book value exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is
the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived
from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is determined and recognized on the individual asset basis. If it is not
possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of a group of assets to which
the asset belongs to is determined. A group of assets is the smallest group of assets that is able to generate cash inflows
For the goodwill arising from business consolidation and intangible assets with uncertain service life, and intangible assets
that have not reached the usable condition, impairment test shall be conducted at the end of every year, regardless of
whether there are signs of impairment or not.
When the Company carry out impairment test to goodwill, the Company shall, as of the purchasing day, allocate on a
reasonable basis the book value of the goodwill formed by merger of enterprises to the relevant asset groups, or if there is
a difficulty in allocation, to allocate it to the sets of asset groups. Related asset groups or asset group combinations are the
asset groups or asset group combinations that can benefit from the synergistic effect of the business consolidation.
For the purpose of impairment test on the relevant asset groups or the sets of asset groups containing goodwill, if any
evidence shows that the impairment of asset groups or sets of asset groups related to goodwill is possible, an impairment
test will be made first on the asset groups or sets of asset groups not containing goodwill, thus calculating the recoverable
amount and comparing it with the relevant book value so as to recognize the corresponding impairment loss. Then, an
impairment test shall be conducted for the asset group or combination of asset groups containing goodwill, and the book
value is compared with the recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is lower than the book value, the amount of
impairment loss shall first be offset against the book value of goodwill allocated to the asset group or combination of asset
groups. Next, based on the proportion of the book value of the assets except for goodwill in the asset group or portfolio of
the asset group, the book value of other assets shall be deducted proportionally. Once the above asset impairment loss is
recognized, it will not be reversed in the subsequent accounting periods.

26. Long-term Deferred Expenses

Long-term deferred expenses are the expenses that have occurred but should be amortized in the current period and
subsequent periods with amortization period longer than 1 year, mainly including improvement expenditure of fixed assets
leased. Long-term deferred expenses shall be evenly amortized by installments over the expected benefit period.

27. Contract Liabilities

The Company lists contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relationship between
performance obligations and customer payments. The Company lists the obligation to transfer commodities or offer
services to customers for the consideration received or receivable from customers as contract liabilities. Contract assets
and contract liabilities under the same contract are presented on a net basis.

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28. Employee Compensation

(1) Accountant Treatment of Short-term Remuneration

During the accounting period when the staff provides service, the Company will recognize the short-term remuneration
actually incurred as liabilities, and the liabilities would be charged into current profits and loss or costs of assets.
The Company will pay social insurance and housing funds, and will make provision of trade union funds and staff
education costs in accordance with the requirements. During the accounting period when the staff provides service, the
Company will determine the relevant amount of employee benefits in accordance with the required provision basis and
provision ratios.
The welfare expense of staff incurred in the Company shall be included in the current profits and losses at the actual
amounts incurred, in which non-monetary welfare expense shall be measured at fair value.

(2) Accountant Treatment of Retirement Benefit Plan

①Defined contribution scheme
The Company will pay basic pension insurance and unemployment insurance in accordance with the relevant provisions
of the local government for the staff. During the accounting period when the staff provides service, the Company will
calculate the amount payable in accordance with the local stipulated basis and proportions which will be recognized as
liabilities, and the liabilities would be charged into current profits and loss or costs of assets. Additionally, the Company
has also joined in the enterprise annuity plan/supplementary pension insurance fund approved by the related national
department. The Company conducts payment/payment of annuity plan to local social insurance institutions according to
certain proportion of employees' wages and corresponding expenditures are included in current profits and losses or
relevant asset costs.
②Defined benefit scheme
The welfare responsibilities generated from defined benefit scheme based on the formula determined by projected unit
credit method would be vested to the service period of the staff and charged into current profits and loss or costs of

(3) Accountant Treatment of Termination Benefits

For the dismissal welfare provided to employees, the employee compensation liabilities arising from the dismissal welfare
shall be determined at the earliest of the following two, and included in the current profits and losses: When the
Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the dismissal welfare provided due to the termination of labor relations plan or
layoff proposal; When the Company determines the costs or expenses associated with the restructuring involving the
payment of dismissal welfare.

29. Estimated Liabilities

The Company shall recognize the obligations related to contingencies as estimated liabilities, when all of the following
conditions are met:
(1) The obligations are current obligations undertaken by the Company.
(2) The performance of such obligation may cause the outflow of economic benefits from the Company.
(3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.
Estimated liabilities shall be initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related present

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Factors pertaining to a contingency such as risk, uncertainties, and time value of money shall be taken into account as a
whole in reaching the best estimate. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the best estimate shall be
determined by discounting the related future cash outflow.
The expenses required have a successive range, in which the possibilities of occurrence of all results are the same, and
the best estimate shall be determined according to the middle value within the range. In other cases, the best estimate
shall be determined by the following conditions:
Where the contingency involves a single item, the amount most likely to occur.
Where the contingency involves multiple items, is shall be determined in accordance with various possible outcomes and
related probability.
Where some or all of the expenditure required to settle an estimated liability is expected to be reimbursed by a third party,
the reimbursement is separately recognized as an asset when it is virtually certain that the reimbursement will be received.
The amount recognized for the reimbursement is limited to the book value of the estimated liability.
On the balance sheet date, the Company reviewed the book value of the estimated liability. If there is conclusive evidence
indicating that the book value cannot reflect the current best estimate, the book value should be adjusted according to the
current best estimate.

30. Share-based Payment

The Company's share-based payment refers to a transaction in which an enterprise determines the liabilities on the basis
of equity instruments granting or bearing for the acquisition of service from its employees or other parties. The Company's
share-based payment is equity-settled.
Equity-settled share-based payment and equity instrument:
As to an equity-settled share-based payment in return for services of employees, calculation will be based on the fair
value of the equity instrument granted to the employees. Share-based payment vested immediately after grant shall be
included in the relevant cost or expense at the fair value of equity instrument on the date of grant, and the capital reserve
will be increased accordingly. For share-based payment vested when the services in the waiting period are offered or the
specified performance requirements are satisfied after the date of grant, the service obtained in the current period is
included in the relevant cost or expense on each balance sheet date during the waiting period based on the best estimate
of the number of vesting equity instruments and the fair value on the date of grant, and the capital reserve will be
increased accordingly.
If the terms of the equity-settled share-based payment are amended, the Company shall recognize the services received
at least based on the situation before the amendment was made. In addition, any amendment resulting in the increase of
the fair value of the equity instrument granted or changes that are beneficial to the staff on the amendment date, will be
recognized as an increase in the service received.
If the equity instrument granted is cancelled during the waiting period, it will be accounted for as accelerated exercise and
the amount recognizable in the remaining waiting period should be immediately included in the current profits and losses.
The capital reserve should also be recognized. However, if new equity instruments are vested and they are verified at the
vesting date of new equity instrument as alternatives vested to canceled equity instruments, the treatment on the new
equity instrument is in conformity with the modified treatment on disposal of equity instrument.

31. Revenue

Accounting policies for revenue recognition and measurement

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The Company shall recognize the revenue when it has performed its obligations hereunder (i.e., when the customer
obtains control over relevant goods or services). Acquiring the right of control over relevant commodities or services
means leading use of such commodities or services and obtaining almost all economic benefits from such commodities or
If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company shall apportion the transaction price to each
individual performance obligation on the contract commencement date according to the relative proportion of the
individual selling price of the commodities or services promised by each individual performance obligation. The Company
measures the revenue according to the transaction price apportioned to each individual performance obligation.
The transaction price refers to the amount of consideration that the Company is expected to be entitled to collect due to
the transfer of commodities or services to customers, excluding the payments collected on behalf of third parties and the
payments expected to be returned to customers. The Company determines the transaction price according to the contract
terms and in combination with old practices. When the transaction price is determined, factors such as variable
consideration, major financing components in the contract, non-cash consideration, consideration payable to a customer
shall be taken into account. The Company determines the transaction price, including variable consideration, according to
the amount by which the accumulative recognized revenue is much more unlikely to be significantly reversed when
relevant uncertainties are eliminated. If there are major financing components in the contract, the Company shall
determine the transaction price according to the amount payable in cash when the customer acquires the right of control
over the commodities or services, and amortize the difference between the transaction price and the contract
consideration by effective interest method during the contract period.
When one of the following conditions is met, it shall be deemed to perform obligation within a certain period of time,
otherwise it belongs to the performance of obligation at a certain point of time:
 The customer acquires and consumes the economic benefits arising from the Company's performance while performing
the contract.
 The customer can control the commodities in production during the Company's performance.
 The commodities produced by the Company during the performance are irreplaceable, and the company has the right to
collect payment for the accumulated performance to date during the whole contract period.
For the performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company shall recognize the revenue
according to the performance progress within that period of time, except that the performance progress cannot be
reasonably recognized. In consideration of the nature of commodities or services, the Company determines the
performance progress by output method or input method. If the performance progress cannot be reasonably recognized
and the costs incurred are expected to be compensated, the Company will recognize the revenue according to the amount
of costs incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably recognized.
For the performance obligations performed at a certain point of time, the Company will recognize the revenue when the
customer acquires the right of control over relevant commodities or services. While determining whether the customer has
acquired the right of control over the commodities, the Company shall take the followings into consideration:
 The Company has the current right to collect payment for the commodity or service, that is, the customer is obligated to
pay for the commodity or service.
 The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the commodity to the customer, that is, the customer already has
the legal ownership of the commodity.
 The Company has transferred the physical commodity to the customer, that is, the customer has possessed the physical
 The Company has transferred the major risks and rewards of the commodity ownership to the customer, that is, the
customer has acquired the major risks and rewards of the commodity ownership.
 The customer has accepted the commodity or service.

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The difference in accounting policies for revenue recognition caused by same business in different business models

32. Government Subsidies

(1) Type
Government grants are monetary assets and non-monetary assets acquired by the Company from the government free of
charge. Government grants are classified into government grants related to assets and government grants related to
Government grants related to assets refer to government grants acquired by the Company for the purpose of purchasing
or constructing or otherwise forming long-term assets. Government grants related to revenue refer to the government
grants other than those related to assets.
(2) Confirmation of Time Point
Government grants related to assets will be measured at the actual amount of money received at the time of receipt. The
assets (bank deposits) and deferred income shall be period by period included in the profits and losses of the current
period in a reasonable and systematic manner from the time the assets are available for use (those related to the
Company's daily activities shall be included in other income; those unrelated to the Company's daily activities shall be
recognized as non-operating income). When the relevant assets are disposed of (sold, transferred, scrapped, etc.) at or
before the end of their service life, the balance of the deferred income that has not yet been apportioned will be
transferred to the current-period income from the disposal of the assets on an one-time manner, and will not be deferred.
For government grants related to revenue, they will be recognized as profit and loss of the current period according to the
amount receivable for government grants obtained under fixed quota standards, otherwise, they will be recognized as
profit and loss of the current period when it is actually received.
(3) Accounting Treatment
Government grants related to assets shall write off the book value of relevant assets or be recognized as deferred income.
When recognized as deferred income, the government grant related to assets will be period by period credited to the
profits and losses of the current period in a reasonable and systematic manner within the service life of relevant assets
(those related to the Company's daily activities shall be recognized as other income; those unrelated to the Company's
daily activities shall be recognized as non-operating income).
The revenue-related government grants shall be recognized as deferred income if they are used to compensate relevant
expenses or losses in subsequent periods, and they shall be included in profit and loss of the current period (those related
to Company's routine activities shall be included in other income; those unrelated to the Company's routine activities shall
be included in non-operating income) or used to offset relevant expenses or losses during the recognition of related
expenses or losses; the grants used to compensate related expenses or losses incurred shall be included in profit and
loss of the current period (those related to Company's routine activities shall be included in other income; those unrelated
to the Company's routine activities shall be included in non-operating income) or used to offset relevant expenses or
The Company performs accounting treatment of policy-oriented concessional loan discount interest in the following cases:
①Where the finance allocates the discount interest funds to the lending bank, and the lending bank provides loans to the
Company at the policy preferential interest rate, the actually received loan amount shall be taken as the entry value of the
loan, and the relevant borrowing costs shall be calculated according to the loan principal and the policy preferential
interest rate.
②If the finance directly allocates the discount interest funds to the Company, the Company will offset the relevant
borrowing costs against the corresponding discount interest.

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

33. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

Income tax includes the current income tax and the deferred income tax. The Company includes the current income tax
and the deferred income tax into the current profits and losses, except for the income tax arising from business
combination and transactions or events directly included in the owner's equity (including other comprehensive income).
The deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be calculated and recognized according to the
difference between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their book value.
Deferred income tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available
against which deductible temporary differences can be utilized. For deductible losses and tax credits that can be reversed
in the future period, deferred tax assets shall be recognized to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be
available in the future to offset the deductible losses and tax credits.
Save as the exceptions, deferred income tax liabilities shall be recognized for the taxable temporary difference.
The followings are special circumstances in which deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities are not
 Initial recognition of goodwill.
 Transactions or events not involving business combination or not having influence on accounting profits and taxable
income upon occurrence of business combination (or deductible losses).
For the taxable temporary difference related to investment of subsidiaries, affiliates, and joint ventures, the deferred
income tax liabilities shall be recognized unless the reversal time of the temporary difference can be controlled and it is
unlikely to be reversed in the foreseeable future. For the deductible temporary difference related to investment of
subsidiaries, affiliates, and joint ventures, the deferred income tax assets shall be recognized if the temporary difference is
likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future and it is likely to obtain the taxable income to offset the deductible temporary
On the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities are calculated at the
applicable tax rate during the expected recovery of the assets or settlement of the liabilities according to the tax law.
On the balance sheet date, the book value of deferred income tax assets shall be reviewed. If no sufficient taxable income
is likely to be obtained to offset the benefits of deferred income tax assets in the future, the book value of deferred incom e
tax assets shall be written down. The amount written down shall be reversed when it is likely to obtain sufficient taxable
After granted the legal rights of net settlement and with the intention to use net settlement or obtain assets and repay debt
at the same time, the net amount after offsetting its current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities shall be
On the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be presented by net
amount after offset if the following conditions are met at the same time:
 The taxpayer has the legal right to settle current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities on a net basis.
 The deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities are related to income tax to be paid by the same
taxpayer to the same tax collection and management authority or related to different taxpayers, but the relevant taxpayer
is intended to apply net settlement of current income tax assets and liabilities or, at the same time, obtain assets, repay
debt whenever every deferred income tax asset and liability with importance would be reversed in the future.

34. Lease

Lease refers to the contract whereby a lessor transfers the right to use assets to a lessee in return for consideration within
a period of time.
On the commencement date of a contract, the Company shall assess whether the contract is a lease or includes a lease.

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Where a party to a contract transfers the right to control the use of one or more identified assets for a certain period of time
in return for consideration, the contract is a lease or includes a lease.
Where a contract concurrently contains multiple separate leases, the lessee and lessor shall split the contract and
conduct accounting treatment respectively for all separate leases.
(1) The Lessee
①Right-of-use Assets
The Company recognizes the right-of-use assets for the lease other than short-term lease and low-value asset lease on
the lease inception date. The right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost, which includes: initial measurement
amount of lease liabilities; lease payment paid on or before the commencement of the lease term (if there are lease
incentives, the relevant amount of lease incentives enjoyed shall be deducted); initial direct costs incurred by the lessee;
the estimated cost to be incurred by the lessee for dismantling and removing the leased asset, restoring the site where the
leased asset is located or restoring the leased asset to the state agreed in the lease terms.
The Company depreciates the right-of-use assets according to the straight-line method. If it can be reasonably recognized
that the title of the leased asset is acquired at the expiration of the lease term, the Company shall accrue depreciation
within the remaining service life of the leased asset. If it cannot be reasonably recognized that the title of the leased asset
is acquired at the expiration of the lease term, the

leased assets shall be depreciated within the shorter of the lease term and the remaining service life of the leased asset.
②Lease Liabilities
On the lease inception date, the Company recognizes the lease liabilities for the lease other than short-term lease and
low-value asset lease. Lease liabilities shall be initially measured at the present value of the unpaid lease payment. Lease
payment includes: Where there are lease incentives in the fixed payment and substantial fixed payment, the amount
related to the lease incentives shall be deducted; the variable lease payment that depends on the index or ratio shall be
determined on the basis of the index or ratio on the lease inception date at the initial measurement; the exercise price of
the purchase option, provided that the Company reasonably determines that the option will be exercised; the funds to be
paid for the termination of the lease option, provided that the lease period reflects that the Company will terminate the
lease option; the funds expected to be paid on the basis of the guaranteed residual value provided by the Company. The
interest rate implicit in lease is applied as the discount rate. If the interest rate implicit in lease cannot be determined, the
Company's incremental borrowing rate shall be applied as the discount rate.
The Company shall calculate the interest expense of the lease liability during each period of the lease term at a fixed
periodic interest rate and include it into the current profits and losses or relevant asset costs. The variable lease payment
which is not included in the measurement of lease liabilities shall be included into the current profits and losses or relevant
asset costs when actually incurred.
After the lease inception date, the Company remeasures the lease liability according to the present value of the changed
lease payment in the following circumstances: Changes in the evaluation results of the call option, renewal option or lease
termination option, or inconsistency between actual exercise of the renewal option or lease termination option and the
original evaluation results; changes in the payable amount estimated according to guaranteed residual value; changes in
the index or ratio applied to determine the amount of lease payments. When remeasuring the lease liability, the Company
shall accordingly adjust the book value of right-of-use assets. If the book value of the right-of-use assets has been
reduced to zero, but the lease liability still needs to be further reduced, the remaining amount shall be included into the
current profits and losses.
③ Short-term Leases and Low-value Asset Leases
The Company does not recognize the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for the short-term leases and low-value
asset leases, and include the relevant lease payments into the current profits and losses or relevant asset costs according

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

to the straight-line method during each period of the lease term. Short-term leases refer to, on the lease inception date,
the leases with a lease term of no more than 12 months and excluding the call option. Low-value asset leases refer to
leases with low value when a single leased asset is brand-new. If the Company sublets or is expected to sublet the leased
assets, the original lease shall not be recognized as the low-value asset lease.
④Lease Change
If there is a change in lease and all of the following conditions are met, the Company shall take the changed lease as an
individual lease for accounting treatment: Such lease change expands the lease scope by increasing the right of use of
one or more lease assets; the increased consideration and the separate price for the expanded lease range shall be
equivalent to the amount adjusted by the contract.
If the changed lease does not be accounted as an individual lease, on the effective date of such changed lease, the
Company shall reapportion the changed contract consideration, redetermine the lease term, and remeasures the lease
liabilities according to the changed lease payment and revised discount rate.
(2) The Lessor
On the lease inception date, the Company shall classify a lease as a finance lease or an operating lease. Finance lease
refers to the lease by which almost all the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the leased asset are essentially
transferred, regardless of whether the ownership is finally transferred or not. Operating lease refers to the lease other than
a finance lease.
As the lessor for sublease, the Company shall classify the sublease based on the right-of-use assets generated from
original lease. If the original lease is a short-term lease and the Company does not recognize the right-of-use assets and
lease liabilities for it, the Company shall classify the sublease as an operating lease.
① Accounting Treatment of Operating Lease
The lease expense received by the Company for the assets leased out shall be amortized in a straight-line basis over the
lease term without deducting the rent-free periods, and recognized as leasing income. The initial direct fee related to the
leasing transactions paid by the Company shall be included into current expenses; in case of large amount, it shall be
capitalized and included into current profits and losses evenly on the same basis as the leasing income is recognized over
the lease term.
When the Company bears the lease related expenses which should be undertaken by the lessee, the Company shall
deduct this part of expense from the rent income, and amortize the net amount over the lease term.
②Accounting Treatment of Finance Lease
On the commencement date of the lessee, the difference between the recorded amount of the leased asset and the
minimum lease receivables shall be accounted for as unrecognized finance income and recognized as rental income in
each period in which the rent will be received in the future. Initial direct costs shall be included in the initial accounting of
the lease payment receivables and deduct by the revenue recognized over the lease term.

35. Other Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

(1) Termination of Operation
Termination of business is a separately distinguishable constituent part that satisfies one of the following conditions and
that has been disposed of or classified by the Company as held for sale:
①This constituent part represents an independent primary business or a separate principal operating area;
②This constituent part is part of an associated plan to dispose of for an independent primary business or a separate
principal operating area;
③This constituent part is a subsidiary acquired for resale.
(2) Repurchase of the Company's Shares

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

The Company's shares repurchased by the Company for reducing the registered capital or rewarding employees shall be
treated as the treasury shares based on the actual amount paid, and shall be checked and registered at the same time. If
the repurchased shares are canceled, the difference between the actual amount paid for the repurchase and the total par
value of shares calculated by the par value of the canceled shares and the number of canceled shares will write off the
capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient, the retained income will be written off; if the repurchased shares are
awarded to the employees of the Company, it shall be categorized as equity-settled share-based payment. When the
Company receives the payment made by employees who exercise their rights to purchase such shares, the amount shall
be used to write off the cost of treasury shares delivered to employees and the capital reserve in the waiting period and
meanwhile, the capital reserve (stock premium) shall be adjusted according to the difference.

36. Changes in Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

(1) Changes in Significant Accounting Policies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

  Content and Reasons for Change in
                                                  Procedure for Approval                             Notes
          Accounting Policies

                                                                                    According to the new lease criteria, the
                                                                                    right-of-use assets and lease liabilities
                                                                                    for all leased assets shall be
                                                                                    recognized according to the minimum
                                                                                    present lease value of the rent payable
Accounting Standards for Enterprises
                                                                                    in the future (except for short-term
No.21 – Lease (CaiKuai [2018] No.35)
                                                                                    leases and low-value asset leases with
(hereinafter referred to as "new lease
                                                                                    simplified treatment), and the
criteria") issued by the Ministry of
                                                                                    depreciation expense and the
Finance on December 7, 2018 specify
                                                                                    unrecognized financing expense are
that the new lease criteria should be
                                          Proposal on Change in Accounting          also recognized separately since
implemented by the enterprises
                                          Policies has been approved at the         January 1, 2021. Since January 1,
concurrently listed at home and abroad
                                          eleventh meeting of the seventh           2021, the Company discloses the
and those who adopt International
                                          session of the Board of Directors of the financial statement according to the
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
                                          Company on March 23, 2021.                new lease criteria, and only adjusts the
or Accounting Standards for
                                                                                    amount of related items in the financial
Enterprises for preparing financial
                                                                                    statement at the beginning of the year
statement since January 1, 2019 and
                                                                                    when the new lease criteria is first
by other enterprises implementing
                                                                                    implemented, without retroactive
Accounting Standards for Enterprises
                                                                                    adjustment of information in the
since January 1, 2021.
                                                                                    comparable periods. The changes in
                                                                                    accounting policies have no significant
                                                                                    impact on the financial position,
                                                                                    operating results and cash flow of the

     From January 1, 2021, the Company implements Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.21 – Lease (Revised)
(hereinafter referred to as "new lease criteria") issued by the Ministry of Finance in 2018. The new lease criteria has the

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

following effects on the items in the financial statement as of January 1, 2021:
     ①Content of and Reasons for Change in Accounting Policies
     For the operating lease contracts existed before first implementation of the new lease criteria, the Company
     distinguishes different connection methods according to the remaining lease term:
     Where the remaining lease term is longer than 1 year, the Company recognizes the lease liabilities according to the
remaining lease payment and incremental borrowing rate on January 1, 2021, and initially recognizes the right-of-use
assets according to the amount equivalent to the lease liabilities plus the prepaid rent transferred from other assets.
Where the remaining lease term is less than 1 year, the Company does not recognize the right-of-use assets and the
lease liabilities by simplified method, without significant impact on the financial statement.
     For the operating lease contracts with low-value assets existed before first implementation of the new lease criteria,
the Company does not recognize the right-of-use assets and the lease liabilities by simplified method, without significant
impact on the financial statement.
     ② Affected Item and Amount

                      Item                                    Impact on Balance on January 1, 2021

                                            Consolidated Balance Sheet         Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

Prepayments                                                    -9,255,773.15                             -7,480,693.68

Other Receivables                                              -1,452,172.37                               -141,861.28

Other Current Assets                                              102,047.54

Right-of-use Assets                                          155,673,708.67                             82,586,983.09

Non-current Liabilities Due within 1 Year                     58,971,448.27                             29,457,938.99

Lease Liabilities                                             86,096,362.42                             45,506,489.14

(2) Changes in significant accounting estimates

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) The first implementation of new lease criteria from 2021 to adjust the relevant items of the
financial statements implemented at the beginning of the year for the first time

Whether the accounts of the balance sheet at the beginning of the year shall be adjusted
√ Yes □ No
Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

               Item                December 31, 2020                 January 1, 2021             Adjusted amount

Current Assets:

     Cash and Bank
                                          7,471,652,634.66                 7,471,652,634.66

     Deposit Reservation

                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

for Balance

    Loans to Banks and
Other Financial Institutions

    Trading Financial
                                   2,475,680.45                2,475,680.45

    Derivative Financial

    Notes receivable             232,857,354.55              232,857,354.55

    Accounts receivable        12,857,519,110.16          12,857,519,110.16

                               1,207,879,654.58            1,207,879,654.58

    Prepayments                  162,250,648.05              152,994,874.90                 -9,255,773.15

    Premium Receivable

Accounts Receivable

    Reinsurance Contract
Reserves Receivable

    Other Receivables            970,427,893.48              968,975,721.11                 -1,452,172.37

         Including: interest


    Buying Back the Sale
of Financial Assets

    Inventory                  4,928,019,838.00            4,928,019,838.00

    Contract Assets               84,825,834.82               84,825,834.82

    Holding for-sale

    Non-current Assets
                                 635,956,549.07              635,956,549.07
Due within 1 Year

    Other Current Assets         558,434,219.93              558,536,267.47                   102,047.54

Subtotal of Current Assets     29,112,299,417.75          29,101,693,519.77               -10,605,897.98

Non-current Assets:

    Granting of loans and

    Investment in
Creditor's Rights

                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     Investment in Other
Creditor's Rights

                              2,250,315,769.50           2,250,315,769.50

     Long-term Equity
                               455,977,616.16              455,977,616.16

     Investment in Other
Equity Instruments

     Other Non-current
                               360,087,786.34              360,087,786.34
Financial Assets

     Investment Property       336,008,869.13              336,008,869.13

     Fixed Assets             1,515,594,629.97           1,515,594,629.97

     Projects under
                              1,164,130,453.03           1,164,130,453.03

     Productive Biological

     Oil and gas assets

     Right-of-use Assets                                   155,673,708.67               155,673,708.67

     Intangible Assets         406,777,323.39              406,777,323.39


     Goodwill                   42,685,490.30               42,685,490.30

     Long-term Deferred
                                32,280,430.67               32,280,430.67

     Deferred Income Tax
                               832,453,676.69              832,453,676.69

     Other Non-current
                                86,422,617.82               86,422,617.82

Subtotal of Non-current
                              7,482,734,663.00           7,638,408,371.67               155,673,708.67

Total Assets                 36,595,034,080.75          36,740,101,891.44               145,067,810.69

Current Liabilities:

     Short-term loan           250,177,083.34              250,177,083.34

     Borrowings from the
Central Bank

     Borrowings from
Banks and Other Financial

                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     Transactional financial

     Derivative Financial

     Notes Payable              3,258,552,758.17           3,258,552,758.17

     Accounts Payable           6,444,787,705.28           6,444,787,705.28


     Contract liabilities        671,120,385.08              671,120,385.08

     Financial Assets Sold
for Repurchase

     Deposit Taking and
Interbank Deposit

     Receiving from
Vicariously Traded

     Receiving from
Vicariously Sold Securities

     Payroll payable            1,805,464,535.31           1,805,464,535.31

     Tax Payable                 900,144,863.67              900,144,863.67

     Other Payables              970,552,877.22              970,552,877.22

        Including: interest

                                  12,982,399.27               12,982,399.27

     Service Charge and
Commission Payable

Accounts Payable

     Holding for-sale

     Non-current Liabilities
                                 151,891,709.34              210,863,157.61                58,971,448.27
Due within 1 Year

     Other Current
                                 209,401,914.77              209,401,914.77

Subtotal of Current
                               14,662,093,832.18          14,721,065,280.45                58,971,448.27

Non-current Liabilities:

                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     Insurance Contract

     Long-term loan              878,000,000.00              878,000,000.00

     Bonds Payable

        Including: Preferred


     Lease Liabilities                                        86,096,362.42                86,096,362.42

     Long-term Payables

     Long-term payroll

     Expected Liabilities        282,427,517.82              282,427,517.82

     Deferred Income             110,469,806.29              110,469,806.29

     Deferred Income Tax
                                  67,272,768.46               67,272,768.46

     Other Non-current
                                 391,128,045.90              391,128,045.90

Subtotal of Non-current
                                1,729,298,138.47           1,815,394,500.89                86,096,362.42

Total Liabilities              16,391,391,970.65          16,536,459,781.34               145,067,810.69

Shareholders' Equity:

     Share Capital              2,995,579,590.00           2,995,579,590.00

     Other Equity

        Including: Preferred


     Capital Reserves           1,989,655,334.05           1,989,655,334.05

     Less: Treasury Share        581,968,930.89              581,968,930.89

     Other Comprehensive
                                  61,157,523.13               61,157,523.13

     Special Reserves

     Surplus Reserves           1,553,691,005.92           1,553,691,005.92

     General Risk

                                              2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     Undistributed Profits            13,754,915,904.19          13,754,915,904.19

Total Shareholders' Equity
Attributable to the Parent            19,773,030,426.40          19,773,030,426.40

     Minority Shareholders'
                                        430,611,683.70              430,611,683.70

Total Shareholders' Equity            20,203,642,110.10          20,203,642,110.10

Total Liabilities and
                                      36,595,034,080.75          36,740,101,891.44               145,067,810.69
Shareholders' Equity

Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

             Item              December 31, 2020             January 1, 2021              Adjusted amount

Current Assets:

     Cash and Bank
                                       3,130,479,311.55           3,130,479,311.55

    Trading Financial

     Derivative Financial

     Notes receivable                    74,284,006.99               74,284,006.99

     Accounts receivable               2,740,152,239.35           2,740,152,239.35

                                        169,109,529.24              169,109,529.24

     Prepayments                         48,203,550.97               40,722,857.29                 -7,480,693.68

    Other Receivables                 13,796,603,550.30          13,796,461,689.02                  -141,861.28

         Including: interest


    Inventory                           171,756,222.72              171,756,222.72

     Contract Assets                       8,338,657.15               8,338,657.15

     Holding for-sale

     Non-current Assets
                                         61,828,724.54               61,828,724.54
Due within 1 Year

    Other Current Assets                     12,592.38                   12,592.38

Subtotal of Current Assets            20,200,768,385.19          20,193,145,830.23                 -7,622,554.96

                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Non-current Assets:

    Investment in
Creditor's Rights

    Investment in Other
Creditor's Rights

                                100,221,713.49              100,221,713.49

     Long-term Equity
                               3,660,410,557.29           3,660,410,557.29

    Investment in Other
Equity Instruments

    Other Non-current
                                355,853,684.59              355,853,684.59
Financial Assets

    Investment Property         173,003,549.71              173,003,549.71

     Fixed Assets               550,991,444.04              550,991,444.04

     Projects under
                                438,014,907.22              438,014,907.22

     Productive Biological

    Oil and gas assets

     Right-of-use Assets                                     82,586,983.09                82,586,983.09

    Intangible Assets           156,335,152.97              156,335,152.97



     Long-term Deferred
                                 21,149,342.55               21,149,342.55

     Deferred Income Tax
                                135,371,242.86              135,371,242.86

    Other Non-current
                                 35,774,247.16               35,774,247.16

Subtotal of Non-current
                               5,627,125,841.88           5,709,712,824.97                82,586,983.09

Total Assets                  25,827,894,227.07          25,902,858,655.20                74,964,428.13

Current Liabilities:

     Short-term loan            250,177,083.34              250,177,083.34

    Transactional financial

                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


     Derivative Financial

     Notes Payable              303,660,579.62              303,660,579.62

     Accounts Payable           752,373,890.95              752,373,890.95


     Contract liabilities        85,275,423.36               85,275,423.36

     Payroll payable           1,127,500,408.14           1,127,500,408.14

     Tax Payable                627,351,201.46              627,351,201.46

     Other Payables            1,002,654,121.27           1,002,654,121.27

        Including: interest

                                 12,982,399.27               12,982,399.27

     Holding for-sale

     Non-current Liabilities
                                150,643,750.02              180,101,689.01                29,457,938.99
Due within 1 Year

     Other Current
                                 26,870,130.42               26,870,130.42

Subtotal of Current
                               4,326,506,588.58           4,355,964,527.57                29,457,938.99

Non-current Liabilities:

     Long-term loan             750,000,000.00              750,000,000.00

     Bonds Payable

        Including: Preferred


     Lease Liabilities                                       45,506,489.14                45,506,489.14

     Long-term Payables

     Long-term payroll

     Expected Liabilities         8,333,634.18                8,333,634.18

     Deferred Income

     Deferred Income Tax         29,407,289.24               29,407,289.24

                                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


      Other Non-current
                                                 10,599,934.34                   10,599,934.34

Subtotal of Non-current
                                                798,340,857.76                  843,847,346.90                   45,506,489.14

Total Liabilities                             5,124,847,446.34                5,199,811,874.47                   74,964,428.13

Shareholders' Equity:

      Share Capital                           2,995,579,590.00                2,995,579,590.00

      Other Equity

        Including: Preferred


      Capital Reserves                        1,976,156,775.91                1,976,156,775.91

      Less: Treasury Share                      581,968,930.89                  581,968,930.89

      Other Comprehensive
                                                    522,554.00                       522,554.00

      Special Reserves

      Surplus Reserves                        1,553,691,005.92                1,553,691,005.92

      Undistributed Profits                 14,759,065,785.79                14,759,065,785.79

Total Shareholders' Equity                  20,703,046,780.73                20,703,046,780.73

Total Liabilities and
                                            25,827,894,227.07                25,902,858,655.20                   74,964,428.13
Shareholders' Equity

(4) Explanation of data comparison for early stage of retroactive adjustment due to first
implementation of the new lease criteria from 2021

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Ⅵ. Taxes

1. Major Categories of Taxes and Tax Rates

      Tax Type                                    Taxation Basis                                         Tax Rate

                        According to the provisions of the tax law, the sales tax shall be
                                                                                             13%, 9%, 6%, simple collection
                        calculated on the basis of the income by selling goods and
VAT                                                                                          rate of 5%, and simple collection
                        taxable services. After deducting the input tax that is allowed to
                                                                                             rate of 3%, 0%, tax-free
                        be deducted from the sales tax in the current period, the

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                    difference shall be the value added tax

Maintenance and Actually paid turnover tax                                               7%、5%
Construction Tax

Enterprise Income
                    Calculated based on the taxable income                               12.5%、15%、16.5%、20%、25%

                    Actually paid turnover tax                                           3%

Local Education
                    Actually paid turnover tax                                           2%

If there are multiple taxpayers with different enterprise income tax rates, specify the situation

                             Name of taxpayer                                                 Income tax rate

Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.                                            15%

Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd.                                    15%

Zhejiang Dahua Security Network Operation Service Co., Ltd.                    15%

Zhejiang Huachuang Vision Technology Co., Ltd.                                 15%

Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd.                                           15%

Xinjiang Dahua Zhixin Information Technology Co., Ltd.                         15%

Xinjiang Dahua Zhihe Information Technology Co., Ltd.                          15%

Xinjiang Dahua Zhitian Information Technology Co., Ltd.                        15%

Xinjiang Dahua Huayue Information Technology Co., Ltd.                         15%

Xinjiang Dahua Xinzhi Information Technology Co., Ltd.                         15%

Inner Mongolia Dahua Zhimeng Information Technology Co., Ltd.                  15%

Guangxi Dahua Zhicheng Co., Ltd.                                               15%

Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology CO., LTD.                               15%

Zhejiang Dahua Ju'an Technology Co., Ltd.                                      20%

Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd.                                          20%

Zhejiang Huaxuan Technology Co., Ltd.                                          20%

Sichuan Dahua Guangxun Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.                      20%

Guangxi Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.                                             20%

Beijing Huayue Shangcheng Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.             20%

Shanghai Huashang Chengyue Information Technology Service Co., Ltd. 20%

Zhejiang Dahua Storage Technology Co., Ltd.                                    20%

Zhejiang Huakong Software Co., Ltd.                                            20%

Yunnan Zhili Technology Co., Ltd                                               20%

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Guizhou Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.                                20%

Henan Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd.                          20%

Dahua Technology (HK) Limited                                                 16.50%

Chengdu Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd.                        20%

Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology CO., LTD.                                         20%

Chengdu Dahua Zhishu Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.                 20%

Chengdu Zhichuang Yunshu Technology Co., Ltd.                                 20%

Chengdu Huishan Smart Network Technology Co., Ltd.                            20%

Guizhou Huayi Shixin Technology Co., Ltd.                                     20%

Zhejiang Zhoushan Digital Development Operation Co., Ltd                      20%

Tianjin Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.                                20%

Other Domestic Companies                                                      25%

Other Overseas Companies                                                      Applicable to local tax rate

2. Preferential Tax Rate

(1) According to the "Reply on the Filing of the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises in Zhejiang Province in 2020" (Guo Ke
Huo Zi [2020] No. 251) issued by the Office of National Leading Group for Identification and Management of High-tech
Enterprises on December 29, 2020, the Company was identified as a high-tech enterprise, which is valid for 3 years. The
corporate income tax for this year was reduced at a rate of 15%.
(2) According to the "Reply on the Filing of the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises in Zhejiang Province in 2019" (Guo Ke
Huo Zi [2020] No.32) issued by the Office of National Leading Group for Identification and Management of High-tech
Enterprises on January 20, 2020, our subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd. was identified as a
high-tech enterprise, valid for 3 years. The corporate income tax of this year was reduced at the tax rate of 15%.
(3) According to the "Reply on the Filing of the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises in Zhejiang Province in 2020" (Guo Ke
Huo Zi [2020] No. 251) issued by the Office of National Leading Group for Identification and Management of High-tech
Enterprises on December 29, 2020, our subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Security Network Operations Services Co., Ltd. was
identified as a high-tech enterprise, which is valid for 3 years. The corporate income tax of this year was reduced at the tax
rate of 15%.
(4) According to the “Notice on Publicizing Zhejiang Province's List of Proposed High-tech Enterprises in 2018” issued by
the Office for the Administration of the Certification of National High-tech Enterprises on November 30, 2018, the
subsidiary - Zhejiang Huachuang Vision Technology Co. Ltd. was certified as a high-tech enterprise, which is valid for
3years. As of the approval date of this report, it is still in the stage of re-examination and declaration of high-tech
enterprise qualification in 2021. According to the Announcement of the State Taxation Administration on Issues
Concerning the Implementation of Preferential Policies for Income Tax of High-tech Enterprises, the enterprise income tax
of high-tech enterprises can be paid in advance temporarily at the tax rate of 15% within the year when the qualification
expires and before it is re-recognized, so the enterprise income tax of this year is calculated and paid at a reduced tax rate
of 15%.
(5) According to the “Notice on Publicizing Zhejiang Province's List of Proposed High-tech Enterprises in 2018” issued by
the Office for the Administration of the Certification of National High-tech Enterprises on November 30, 2018, the
subsidiary - Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. was certified as a high-tech enterprise, which is valid for 3 years. As of

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

the approval date of this report, it is still in the stage of re-examination and declaration of high-tech enterprise qualification
in 2021. According to the Announcement of the State Taxation Administration on Issues Concerning the Implementation of
Preferential Policies for Income Tax of High-tech Enterprises, the enterprise income tax of high-tech enterprises can be
paid in advance temporarily at the tax rate of 15% within the year when the qualification expires and before it is
re-recognized, so the enterprise income tax of this year is calculated and paid at a reduced tax rate of 15%.
(6) According to the "Reply on the Filing of the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises in Zhejiang Province in 2020" (Guo Ke
Huo Zi [2020] No.251) issued by the Office of National Leading Group for Identification and Management of High-tech
Enterprises on December 29, 2020, our subsidiary Zhejiang Huafei Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. was identified as a
high-tech enterprise, which is valid for 3 years. The corporate income tax for this year was reduced at the tax rate of 15%.
(7) According to the Notice on the Implementation of Inclusive Tax Reduction and Exemption Policies for Small and
Micro-Enterprises (Cai Shui [2019] No.13), the following subsidiaries should pay the corporate income tax at the tax rate
of 20% of their taxable income: Zhejiang Dahua Ju'an Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd.,
Zhejiang Huaxuan Technology Co., Ltd., Sichuan Dahua Guangxun Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd., Guangxi Dahua
Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing Huayue Shangcheng Information Technology Service Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huashang
Chengyue Information Technology Service Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Dahua Storage Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huakong
Software Co., Ltd., Yunnan Zhili Technology Co., Ltd., Guizhou Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd., Henan Dahua
Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Xiaohua
Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Dahua Zhishu Information Technology Service Co., Ltd., Chengdu Zhichuang Yunshu
Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Huishan Smart Network Technology Co., Ltd., Guizhou Huayi Shixin Technology Co., Ltd.,
Zhejiang Zhoushan Digital Development Operation Co., Ltd., and Tianjin Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.
(8) According to the document (CaiShui [2011] No.58) jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of
Taxation, and the General Administration of Customs, and the announcement (CaiShui [2020] No.23) issued by the
Ministry of Finance, the following subsidiaries can enjoy preferential tax policies related to the Development of the West
Regions Program from 2011 to 2030: Xinjiang Dahua Zhixin Information Technology Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Dahua Zhihe
Information Technology Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Dahua Zhitian Information Technology Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Dahua Huayue
Information Technology Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Dahua Xinzhi Information Technology Co., Ltd., Inner Mongolia Dahua
Zhimeng Information Technology Co., Ltd., and Guangxi Dahua Zhicheng Co., Ltd. The corporate income tax of this year
was reduced to a rate of 15%.

Ⅶ. Notes to the Items in the Consolidated Financial Statement

1. Cash and bank balances

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                 Balance at the End of the        Balance at the Start of the
                                                                           Period                           Period

Cash on Hand                                                                        23,851.15                        24,145.51

Bank Balance                                                               6,444,134,464.33                  7,336,459,974.17

Other Cash and Bank Balances                                                 246,704,714.21                    135,168,514.98

Total                                                                      6,690,863,029.69                  7,471,652,634.66

  Including: Total Amount Deposited in Overseas Banks                      1,693,137,203.87                  1,625,638,746.76

          The total amount restricted for use due to                         105,139,382.31                    101,126,967.62

                                                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

mortgage, pledge or freeze

The amount restricted for use due to mortgage, pledge or freeze:

                       Item                                    Balance at the End of the Period                          Balance at the Start of the Period

 Bid / Performance bond                                                                      105,139,382.31                                                 101,126,967.62

 Total                                                                                       105,139,382.31                                                 101,126,967.62

2. Trading Financial Assets

                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                           Item                                        Balance at the End of the Period                     Balance at the Start of the Period

Financial assets at fair value through profit or
                                                                                                      9,614,978.97                                               2,475,680.45
loss in this period


Derivative Financial Assets                                                                           8,144,978.97                                               1,005,680.45

Financial products                                                                                    1,470,000.00                                               1,470,000.00

Total                                                                                                 9,614,978.97                                               2,475,680.45

3. Notes Receivable

(1) Disclosure of Notes Receivable

                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                     Item                                   Balance at the End of the Period                           Balance at the Start of the Period

Bank Acceptance Notes                                                                       67,400,083.22                                                   57,617,340.08

Commercial acceptance bill                                                                197,737,575.69                                                  175,240,014.47

Total                                                                                     265,137,658.91                                                  232,857,354.55

                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                           Balance at the End of the Period                                                 Balance at the Start of the Period

                           Book balance                   Bad debt provision                                 Book balance                 Bad debt provision

                                                                         Accrued       Book value                                                        Accrued      Book value
                      Amount         Percentage         Amount                                           Amount        Percentage        Amount
                                                                        proportion                                                                      proportion


Notes Receivable

with the Bad Debt

Provision Accrued   290,756,778.94        100.00%     25,619,120.03            8.81%   265,137,658.91 248,409,731.28      100.00%     15,552,376.73          6.26% 232,857,354.55

Based on


                                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Bank Acceptance
                      68,775,595.12      23.65%      1,375,511.90       2.00%       67,400,083.22   58,793,204.17   23.67%      1,175,864.09    2.00%    57,617,340.08

                     221,981,183.82      76.35%     24,243,608.13       10.92%     197,737,575.69 189,616,527.11    76.33%     14,376,512.64    7.58% 175,240,014.47
acceptance bill

Total                290,756,778.94      100.00%    25,619,120.03                  265,137,658.91 248,409,731.28    100.00%    15,552,376.73            232,857,354.55

Bad debt provision based on combinations
                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                                 Balance at the End of the Period
                                                   Book balance                          Bad debt provision                        Accrued proportion

Bank Acceptance Notes                                      68,775,595.12                                 1,375,511.90                                      2.00%

Commercial acceptance bill                               221,981,183.82                                24,243,608.13                                     10.92%

Total                                                    290,756,778.94                                25,619,120.03 --

If the provision for bad debts of notes receivable is accrued according to the general model of expected credit losses,
please refer to the disclosure method of other receivables for disclosure of the information relating to the bad debts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                         Balance at the                        Amount of Changes in the Current Period                                         Balance at the
        Category          Start of the                                 Recovered or                                                              End of the
                                                   Accrued                                          Written Off               Others
                             Period                                      Reversed                                                                  Period

Acceptance                 1,175,864.09             199,647.81                                                                                   1,375,511.90

                         14,376,512.64             9,867,095.49                                                                                24,243,608.13
acceptance bill

Total                    15,552,376.73         10,066,743.30                                                                                   25,619,120.03

Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Notes receivable pledged by the company at the end of the period

No notes receivable that the company has pledged at the end of the period

                                                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(4) Notes receivable endorsed or discounted by the company at the end of the period and that
have not yet expired on the balance sheet date

                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                       Item                       Derecognised amount at the end of period Not derecognised amount at the end of period

Bank Acceptance Notes                                                                                                                                                         32,558,357.84

Total                                                                                                                                                                         32,558,357.84

4. Accounts Receivable

(1) Categorical disclosure of accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                     Balance at the End of the Period                                                    Balance at the Start of the Period

                                      Book balance                  Bad debt provision                                  Book balance                  Bad debt provision

                                                                                   Accrued        Book value                                                          Accrued         Book value
                                  Amount          Percentage       Amount                                            Amount        Percentage       Amount
                                                                                  proportion                                                                         proportion

Accounts receivables

with the bad debt
                                555,237,732.63         3.69%     555,237,732.63     100.00%                       669,736,293.01        4.53%     313,697,573.83         46.84%      356,038,719.18
provision accrued based

on single item


Accounts receivable with

insignificant single

amount but accrued for          555,237,732.63         3.69%     555,237,732.63     100.00%                       669,736,293.01        4.53%     313,697,573.83         46.84%      356,038,719.18

separate provision of

bad debt

Accounts receivables

with the bad debt                                                                                12,779,041,456 14,106,509,538.
                              14,482,272,449.11       96.31% 1,703,230,992.21           11.76%                                         95.47%   1,605,029,147.17           11.38% 12,501,480,390.98
provision accrued based                                                                                     .90               15

on combinations


Portfolio 2: Aging                                                                               12,779,041,456 14,106,509,538.
                              14,482,272,449.11       96.31% 1,703,230,992.21           11.76%                                         95.47%   1,605,029,147.17           11.38% 12,501,480,390.98
Analysis Portfolio                                                                                          .90               15

                                                                                                 12,779,041,456 14,776,245,831.
Total                         15,037,510,181.74      100.00% 2,258,468,724.84                                                        100.00%    1,918,726,721.00                   12,857,519,110.16
                                                                                                            .90               16

Bad debt provision based on single item
                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

Name                                                                                         Balance at the End of the Period

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                     Reason for making bad
                         Book balance                Bad debt provision      Accrued proportion
                                                                                                     debt provision

                                                                                                     No recovery is
Customer 1                         225,140,645.36           225,140,645.36                 100.00%

                                                                                                     No recovery is
Customer 2                         260,153,530.00           260,153,530.00                 100.00%

                                                                                                     No recovery is
Customer 3                           18,790,253.00           18,790,253.00                 100.00%

                                                                                                     No recovery is
Customer 4                           51,153,304.27           51,153,304.27                 100.00%

Total                              555,237,732.63           555,237,732.63 --                        --

Bad debt provision based on combinations
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                              Balance at the End of the Period
                                         Book balance                Bad debt provision            Accrued proportion

Within 1 year (including 1
                                           11,166,163,761.03                    558,317,864.04                          5.00%

1 to 2 years                                1,433,638,437.00                    143,363,843.70                         10.00%

2 to 3 years                                  879,732,640.04                    263,919,792.01                         30.00%

3 to 4 years                                  456,095,367.69                    228,047,683.84                         50.00%

4 to 5 years                                  185,302,173.62                    148,241,738.89                         80.00%

5 years or above                              361,340,069.73                    361,340,069.73                        100.00%

Total                                      14,482,272,449.11                 1,703,230,992.21 --

Please refer to the disclosing methods of other receivables for the information disclosure of bad debts provisions, if the
bad debt provisions of accounts receivable are made according to the general model of expected credit losses:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Disclosure by age
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                             Aging                                            Balance at the End of the Period

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                          11,166,163,761.03

1 to 2 years                                                                                              1,433,638,437.00

2 to 3 years                                                                                              1,383,817,068.40

3 years or above                                                                                          1,053,890,915.31

  3 to 4 years                                                                                              456,095,367.69

  4 to 5 years                                                                                              236,455,477.89

  5 years or above                                                                                          361,340,069.73

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Total                                                                                                   15,037,510,181.74

(2) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                  Amount of Changes in the Current Period
              Balance at the Start                                                                        Balance at the
 Category                                              Recovered or
                  of the Period         Accrued                        Written Off          Others      End of the Period

Bad debt
                  1,918,726,721.00 353,620,673.67                     12,563,422.37       -1,315,247.46 2,258,468,724.84

Total             1,918,726,721.00 353,620,673.67                     12,563,422.37       -1,315,247.46 2,258,468,724.84

(3) Accounts receivable actually written off in this period

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                             Item                                                    Write-off amount

Accounts receivable actually written off                                                                    12,563,422.37

(4) Accounts receivable of the top five closing balances collected by debtors

The accounts receivables of the top five closing balance collected by the arrears is summed up to 1,384,695,461.81 yuan,
accounting for 9.21% of the total closing balance of the accounts receivables, the closing balance of bad debt provisions
accrued is summed up to 688,274,933.44 yuan.

(5) Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets

1) According to the accounts receivable acquisition agreement without recourse signed between the subsidiary Dahua
Hong Kong and JPMorgan Chase Bank in the current period, the Company transferred accounts receivable of USD
5,784,951.68 to JPMorgan Chase Bank, equivalent to RMB 37,371,366.35 and the recognition of accounts receivable
after the transfer.
2) According to the accounts receivable acquisition agreement without recourse signed between the subsidiary Dahua
Hong Kong and JPMorgan Chase Bank in the current period, the Company transferred accounts receivable of USD
2,035,418.14 to JPMorgan Chase Bank, equivalent to RMB 13,149,004.73, and terminated the recognition of accounts
receivable after the transfer.

5. Receivables Financing

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                      Item                   Balance at the End of the Period         Balance at the Start of the Period

Bank Acceptance Notes                                            882,840,084.73                          1,191,810,834.58

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Supply chain finance                                                 18,352,773.86                            16,068,820.00

                   Total                                          901,192,858.59                           1,207,879,654.58

The increase and decrease of accounts receivable financing in the current period and the changes in the fair value.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Please refer to the disclosing methods of other receivables for the information disclosure of depreciation provisions, if the
depreciation provisions of accounts receivable financing are made according to the general model of expected credit
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

6. Prepayments

(1) Aging analysis of prepayments is as follows

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                  Balance at the End of the Period                Balance at the Start of the Period
                                  Amount                Percentage                   Amount                Percentage

Within 1 year                     161,401,258.38                  88.25%             139,389,298.38                   91.11%

1 to 2 years                       15,263,798.22                     8.34%            11,346,933.87                    7.42%

2 to 3 years                        4,025,492.64                     2.20%              575,066.34                     0.37%

3 years or above                    2,209,241.59                     1.21%             1,683,576.31                    1.10%

Total                             182,899,790.83             --                      152,994,874.90             --

(2) Advance payment of the top five closing balances by prepayment parties

The total amount of the top five advance payments of closing balance collected according to the concentration ratio of
advance payment objects is RMB 55,124,551.62, accounting for 30.14% of the total closing balance of the advance

7. Other Receivables

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                   Item                      Balance at the End of the Period           Balance at the Start of the Period

Other Receivables                                                 922,620,846.22                             968,975,721.11

Total                                                             922,620,846.22                             968,975,721.11

1) Other receivables categorized by the nature of the funds

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

           Nature of the funds                       Closing balance                          Opening book balance

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Deposits                                                             193,243,653.12                         149,004,407.45

Prepaid or advance expense                                           135,590,425.70                         106,409,461.12

Equity Transfer Fund                                                 588,000,000.00                         588,000,000.00

Export refunds                                                                                              100,115,398.53

Employee home loan                                                   100,477,712.99                         114,008,578.27

Others                                                                  5,828,784.85                              6,018,587.80

Total                                                              1,023,140,576.66                       1,063,556,433.17

2) Bad debt provision

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                              Phase One                 Phase Two                  Phase Three

                                                  Expected credit losses
                            Expected credit                                   Expected credit losses
  Bad debt provision                              for the entire extension                                        Total
                           losses in the next                                 for the entire extension
                                                      (without credit
                              12 months                                       (with credit impairment)

Balance on January 1,
                                  72,640,383.80             21,183,679.76                  756,648.50        94,580,712.06

Balance in the Current
Period on January 1,               ——                    ——                        ——                       ——

--Transfer to phase two           -4,310,189.22              4,310,189.22

--Transfer to phase
                                     -10,409.96                 -79,068.62                    89,478.58

Provisions of this
                                   2,026,627.51              4,025,319.14                                         6,051,946.65

Reversal of the current
                                                                  77,476.64                   25,028.10             102,504.74

Other variations                     -10,423.53                                                                     -10,423.53

Balance on June 30,
                                  70,335,988.60             29,362,642.86                  821,098.98       100,519,730.44

Book balance changes with significant changes in loss provision in the current period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Disclosure by age
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                            Aging                                              Balance at the End of the Period

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                            845,320,220.80

1 to 2 years                                                                                                 84,848,763.38

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2 to 3 years                                                                                                  32,656,049.04

3 years or above                                                                                              60,315,543.44

  3 to 4 years                                                                                                30,471,131.28

  4 to 5 years                                                                                                25,539,747.20

  5 years or above                                                                                             4,304,664.96

Total                                                                                                      1,023,140,576.66

3) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                   Balance at the                  Amount of Changes in the Current Period                   Balance at the
    Category         Start of the                       Recovered or                                           End of the
                                        Accrued                            Written Off         Others
                       Period                             Reversed                                               Period

Portfolio 2:
Aging Analysis       94,580,712.06     6,051,946.65          102,504.74                         -10,423.53 100,519,730.44

Total                94,580,712.06     6,051,946.65          102,504.74                         -10,423.53 100,519,730.44

4) Accounts receivable actually written off in this period

There's no actual written-off accounts receivable in this period.

5) Other receivables of the top five closing balances collected by debtors

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                   As a percentage of
                                                                                                          Bad debt provision
                                           Balance at the End                            total other
   Name of Unit      Nature of the funds                               Aging                               at the end of the
                                             of the Period                          receivables at the
                                                                                    end of the period

                     Equity Transfer
Company 1                                     196,000,000.00 Within 1 year                      19.16%         9,800,000.00

                     Equity Transfer
Company 2                                     107,800,000.00 Within 1 year                      10.54%         5,390,000.00

                     Equity Transfer
Company 3                                        66,150,000.00 Within 1 year                      6.47%        3,307,500.00

                     Equity Transfer
Company 4                                        64,680,000.00 Within 1 year                      6.32%        3,234,000.00

Company 5            Equity Transfer             62,720,000.00 Within 1 year                      6.13%        3,136,000.00

                                                         2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Total                           --              497,350,000.00                --                          48.62%        24,867,500.00

6) Accounts receivable not related to government subsidies

There are no other accounts receivable related to government subsidies.

7) Other accounts receivable derecognised due to transfer of financial assets

There are no other accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets.

8) Assets and liabilities generated due to other transferred receivables that the Company still
keeps recourse or retains part of corresponding rights or interests

There are no assets and liabilities generated due to other transferred receivables that the Company still keeps recourse or
retains part of corresponding rights or interests.

8. Inventory

(1) Categories of inventories

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                              Balance at the End of the Period                             Balance at the Start of the Period

                                        Provision for                                                 Provision for
                                       Impairment of                                                 Impairment of
        Item                            Inventories or                                                Inventories or
                    Book balance                              Book value           Book balance                           Book value
                                        Provision for                                                 Provision for
                                       Impairment of                                                 Impairment of

                                      Performance Cost                                              Performance Cost

Raw materials      2,950,939,755.21      29,768,503.82 2,921,171,251.39 1,775,145,593.83               26,591,186.48 1,748,554,407.35

Work-in-progress   1,479,391,068.29      21,306,985.49 1,458,084,082.80 1,230,145,494.18               33,254,762.89 1,196,890,731.29

Finished goods     2,679,971,318.04      80,993,196.17 2,598,978,121.87 1,904,284,563.26               87,368,092.93 1,816,916,470.33

                     334,052,012.14                          334,052,012.14        165,658,229.03                        165,658,229.03

Total              7,444,354,153.68     132,068,685.48 7,312,285,468.20 5,075,233,880.30              147,214,042.30 4,928,019,838.00

(2) Provision for stock depreciation and for contract performance cost impairment

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                   Balance at the      Increased in the current period         Decreased in the current period         Balance at the
        Item         Start of the                                                                                        End of the
                                          Accrued              Others              Reversals or          Others
                       Period                                                                                              Period

                                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Raw materials        26,591,186.48        7,048,661.98                        3,871,344.64                       29,768,503.82

                     33,254,762.89        2,044,463.95                       13,992,241.35                       21,306,985.49

Finished goods       87,368,092.93        9,662,433.94                       15,928,978.76         108,351.94    80,993,196.17

Total               147,214,042.30       18,755,559.87                       33,792,564.75         108,351.94 132,068,685.48

9. Contract assets

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                               Balance at the End of the Period                     Balance at the Start of the Period

                                         Provision for                                           Provision for
                         Book balance     decline in        Book value        Book balance         decline in    Book value
                                            value                                                    value

Completed but
unsettled assets
arising from                158,780.49        3,175.61         155,604.88        1,017,240.04        28,227.92     989,012.12

Operation and
maintenance              59,167,778.43     932,903.74       58,234,874.69       33,574,009.14       599,464.04 32,974,545.10

Quality deposit          62,327,099.97    9,434,107.37      52,892,992.60       58,308,795.21 7,446,517.61 50,862,277.60

Total                121,653,658.89 10,370,186.72          111,283,472.17       92,900,044.39 8,074,209.57 84,825,834.82

If the bad debt provisions of accounts receivable are accrued according to the general model of expected credit losses,
please refer to the disclosing methods of other receivables for disclosure of the information relating to bad debts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Provisions for impairment of contract assets of this period
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                          Provisions of this      Reversal of the       Offset / Write-off in
                  Item                                                                                            Causes
                                               period             current period        the current period

Completed but unsettled assets
arising from construction contracts

Operation and maintenance

Quality deposit                                 1,987,589.76

Total                                           2,321,029.46                25,052.31                                --

                                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

10. Non-current assets due within one year

                  Item                          Balance at the End of the Period          Balance at the Start of the Period

Long-term accounts receivables due
                                                                     622,854,205.58                              635,956,549.07
within 1 year

Total                                                                622,854,205.58                              635,956,549.07

Other notes:
The amount of long-term receivables due within one year pledged by the Company at the end of the period is RMB
31,073,678.03 . For details, please refer to “Ⅶ. Consolidated Financial Statements Project Notes /63, Assets with
Restricted Ownership or Right of Use”.

11. Other current assets

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                  Item                          Balance at the End of the Period          Balance at the Start of the Period

Not deducted input tax                                               647,355,012.36                              447,082,394.96

Prepaid enterprise income tax                                         66,520,940.04                                  91,891,780.90

Receivable return cost                                                 6,225,142.23                                  19,562,091.61

Total                                                                720,101,094.63                              558,536,267.47

12. Long-term receivables

(1) Long-term receivables

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                         Balance at the End of the Period                Balance at the Start of the Period
                                                                                                                        Range of
        Item                        Bad debt                                          Bad debt
                  Book balance                     Book value      Book balance                     Book value        discount rate
                                    provision                                         provision

Payment for
                 2,069,432,687.70               2,069,432,687.70   2,250,315,769.50               2,250,315,769.50

                   331,270,718.55                 331,270,718.55    375,421,302.27                 375,421,302.27 3.69%-10.93%

Total            2,069,432,687.70               2,069,432,687.70   2,250,315,769.50               2,250,315,769.50         --

Book balance changes with significant changes in loss provision in the current period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Assets/liabilities generated due to transferred long-term receivables that the Company still
keeps recourse or retains part of corresponding rights or interests

There are no assets/liabilities generated due to transferred long-term receivables that the Company still keeps recourse or
retains part of corresponding rights or interests.
Other notes
The amount of long-term receivables pledged by the Company at the end of the period is RMB 178,385,721.02 . For
details, please refer to “Ⅶ. Consolidated Financial Statements Project Notes /63, Assets with Restricted Ownership or
Right of Use”.

13. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                              Decrease/Increase in the current period
                 Balance at the                                Investment profit
                                                                                   Adjustment                           Cash                                           Balance at the     balance of
The invested      Start of the                                     and loss                                                           Provision for
                                    Investments   Investment                        on other     Other changes in    dividends or                                     End of the Period   provision
    entity       Period (book                                    recognized                                                           impairment        Others
                                     increased    decreased                        comprehensi        equity        profit declared                                     (book value)      for decline
                      value)                                   under the equity                                                         accrued
                                                                                    ve income                        to distribute                                                         in value

Ⅰ. Joint ventures

Ⅱ. Affiliates

                 376,829,395.58                                  15,500,136.45                                       8,909,387.47                     -1,835,013.29     381,585,131.27


                  57,944,111.48                                  -3,588,203.81                                                                                           54,355,907.67

Co., Ltd.



                     9,665,399.07                                -1,209,353.29                                                                                            8,456,045.78


Co., Ltd.



Internet of
                     4,403,222.69                                 1,442,574.58                                                                                            5,845,797.27


Co., Ltd.

                                                               -164,798,905.92                    518,754,247.99                                                        353,955,342.07

                                         2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Co., Ltd.



Technology      2,400,000.00   -134,417.30                                                  2,265,582.70


Co., Ltd.



Information     1,148,962.20   -425,465.81                                                   723,496.39


Co., Ltd.



                1,136,743.24    -78,167.35                                                  1,058,575.89

Services Co.,




Security         845,387.15    155,744.92                                                   1,001,132.07

Services Co.,



                 736,351.40     10,372.11                                                    746,723.51

Co., Ltd.



Security         524,006.45      -7,521.21                                                   516,485.24

Services Co.,




Security         327,520.78     53,487.51                                                    381,008.29

Services Co.,


Lishui Dahua

                  16,516.12      9,569.99                                                      26,086.11

Co., Ltd.

                                                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Dahua Zhishi
                                                             142,478.81                                                     -142,478.81

Co., Ltd.


                                12,000,000.00              -2,467,450.52                                                                    9,532,549.48

Co., Ltd.

Subtotal       455,977,616.16   12,000,000.00            -155,395,120.84         518,754,247.99   8,909,387.47           -1,977,492.10    820,449,863.74

Total          455,977,616.16   12,000,000.00            -155,395,120.84         518,754,247.99   8,909,387.47           -1,977,492.10    820,449,863.74

14. Other non-current financial assets

                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                          Item                                  Balance at the End of the Period                 Balance at the Start of the Period

Equity instrument investment                                                          373,467,039.68                                        360,087,786.34

Investment in financial product                                                       564,456,541.92

Total                                                                                 937,923,581.60                                        360,087,786.34

15. Investment properties

(1) Investment properties measured by cost method

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                Buildings and                                              Projects under
                Item                                                       Land use rights                                                      Total
                                                constructions                                               Construction

 Ⅰ. Original book value

 1. Balance at the Start
                                                387,536,763.70                 9,893,017.27                                                397,429,780.97
 of the Period

 2. Increased in the
                                                   1,849,820.55                    23,027.59                                                   1,872,848.14
 Current Period

 (1) Outsourcing

 (2) Transfer of fixed
 assets\intangible                                 1,849,820.55                    23,027.59                                                   1,872,848.14

 (3) Acquisition

 3. Decreased in the
                                                   8,045,870.07                1,076,293.88                                                    9,122,163.95
 Current Period

                                           2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(1) Disposal

(2) Transfer of fixed
assets / intangible         8,045,870.07           1,076,293.88                                 9,122,163.95

(3) Other transfer-out

4. Balance at the End
                          381,340,714.18           8,839,750.98                              390,180,465.16
of the Period

Ⅱ. Accumulated
Depreciation and

1. Balance at the Start
                           59,861,557.64           1,559,354.20                                61,420,911.84
of the Period

2. Increased in the
                            9,875,894.88             132,316.15                                10,008,211.03
Current Period

(1) Accrual or
                            9,504,345.73             130,934.49                                 9,635,280.22

(2) Transfer of fixed
assets\intangible            371,549.15                1,381.66                                   372,930.81

3. Decreased in the
                            1,398,299.19              69,187.01                                 1,467,486.20
Current Period

(1) Disposal

(2) Transfer of fixed
assets / intangible         1,398,299.19              69,187.01                                 1,467,486.20

(3) Other transfer-out

4. Balance at the End
                           68,339,153.33           1,622,483.34                                69,961,636.67
of the Period

Ⅲ. Provision for

1. Balance at the Start
of the Period

2. Increased in the
Current Period

(1) Accrual

3. Decreased in the
Current Period

(1) Disposal

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 (2) Other Transfer-out

 4. Balance at the End
 of the Period

 Ⅳ. Book value

 1. Closing Balance on
                                   313,001,560.85             7,217,267.64                                320,218,828.49
 Book Value

 2. Opening Balance on
                                   327,675,206.06             8,333,663.07                                336,008,869.13
 Book Value

(2) Investment properties measured at fair value

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

16. Fixed assets

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                    Item                      Balance at the End of the Period        Balance at the Start of the Period

Fixed Assets                                                     1,979,508,213.29                        1,515,594,629.97

Total                                                            1,979,508,213.29                        1,515,594,629.97

(1) Fixed assets

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                            Housing and       Machinery and      Means of transport   Electronic and
         Item                                                                                                  Total
                              building         equipment                              other equipment

Ⅰ. Original book

  1. Balance at the
                           1,210,289,116.15    295,906,750.90        49,627,842.50      994,587,982.50    2,550,411,692.05
Start of the Period

  2. Increased in
                            442,655,979.29       9,514,093.55           725,472.83      161,349,090.92      614,244,636.59
the Current Period

(1) Purchase                                     9,514,093.55           725,472.83      161,349,090.92      171,588,657.30

(2) Transferred
From Construction           434,610,109.22                                                                  434,610,109.22
in Progress

(3) Acquisition

(4) Investment
                              8,045,870.07                                                                    8,045,870.07
property transfer

  3. Decreased in            19,671,457.32          652,389.49          233,298.55       14,004,758.53       34,561,903.89

                                             2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

the Current Period

(1) Disposal or
                        17,821,636.77       652,389.49         233,298.55      14,004,758.53      32,712,083.34

  (2) Transfer to
investment               1,849,820.55                                                              1,849,820.55

  4. Currency
Translation                -134,503.60       -82,657.22        -111,408.52        -631,567.77        -960,137.11

  5. Balance at the
                      1,633,139,134.52   304,685,797.74     50,008,608.26    1,141,300,747.12   3,129,134,287.64
End of the Period

II. Accumulated

  1. Balance at the
                       274,599,746.80     97,659,790.39     29,106,542.75     633,450,982.14    1,034,817,062.08
Start of the Period

  2. Increased in
                        35,596,043.47     13,380,323.54      3,153,805.14      86,050,236.24     138,180,408.39
the Current Period

(1) Accrual             34,197,744.28     13,380,323.54      3,153,805.14      86,050,236.24     136,782,109.20

  (2) Investment
                         1,398,299.19                                                              1,398,299.19
property transfer

  3. Decreased in
                         11,305,895.07      261,337.65         233,298.55       11,079,910.10     22,880,441.37
the Current Period

(1) Disposal or
                        10,934,345.92       261,337.65         233,298.55       11,079,910.10     22,508,892.22

  (2) Transfer to
investment                 371,549.15                                                                371,549.15

  4. Currency
Translation                 -22,193.10       -72,232.48         -66,092.09        -330,437.08        -490,954.75

  5. Balance at the
                       298,867,702.10    110,706,543.80     31,960,957.25     708,090,871.20    1,149,626,074.35
End of the Period

Ⅲ. Provision for

  1. Balance at the
Start of the Period

  2. Increased in
the Current Period

(1) Accrual

                                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  3. Decreased in
the Current Period

(1) Disposal or

  4. Balance at the
End of the Period

Ⅳ. Book value

  1. Closing
Balance on Book            1,334,271,432.42       193,979,253.94        18,047,651.01      433,209,875.92      1,979,508,213.29

  2. Opening
Balance on Book             935,689,369.35        198,246,960.51        20,521,299.75      361,137,000.36      1,515,594,629.97

17. Construction in progress

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                    Item                         Balance at the End of the Period        Balance at the Start of the Period

Projects under Construction                                        1,250,289,385.41                           1,164,130,453.03

Total                                                              1,250,289,385.41                           1,164,130,453.03

(1) Details of construction in progress

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                              Balance at the End of the Period                      Balance at the Start of the Period

                                       Provision for                                          Provision for
                      Book balance       decline in        Book value       Book balance        decline in      Book value
                                              value                                               value

Phase I, Urban
                       33,180,772.50                       33,180,772.50     33,127,985.19                      33,127,985.19

The Phase II
                      193,642,526.09                      193,642,526.09    449,783,408.47                     449,783,408.47
Project of the

                                                                                        2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Base in

Project of Xi'an                  280,270,686.55                                           280,270,686.55                 173,768,994.86                                          173,768,994.86
R & D Center

project of the                    120,072,023.53                                           120,072,023.53                  66,257,152.93                                           66,257,152.93
center in Xi'an

Project of Smart
IoT Solution R &
                                   579,711,423.57                                          579,711,423.57                 428,273,059.98                                          428,273,059.98
D and

Others                               43,411,953.17                                          43,411,953.17                  12,919,851.60                                           12,919,851.60

Total                            1,250,289,385.41                                        1,250,289,385.41 1,164,130,453.03                                                  1,164,130,453.03

(2) Changes in significant construction in progress

                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                             Project                                Including:
                                                                                                                          accumulative               Accumulated    capitalized    Capitalization
                                                                             Transfer       amounts      Balance at the
                                  Balance at the       Increased in the                                                    investment     Project     capitalized    interest       rate of the      Capital
     Item Name      Budget                                                amounts in this decreased in     End of the
                                 Start of the Period   current period                                                         as a        Progress     interest     amount in      interest in the   Source
                                                                              period        current         Period
                                                                                                                          percentage                   amount       the current    current period
                                                                                                                          of the budget                               period

 Project of

 Smart IoT

 Solution R &      RMB 0.912                                                                                                                                                                         Equity
                                    428,273,059.98 151,438,363.59                                        579,711,423.57        63.57%      63.57%
 D and                 billion                                                                                                                                                                       Fund



 The Phase II


 Project of the
                   RMB 0.827                                                                                                                                                                         Equity
 Smart                              449,783,408.47 178,454,833.99 434,595,716.37                         193,642,526.09        75.96%      75.96%
                       billion                                                                                                                                                                       Fund

 g     Base   in


 Construction      RMB 0.734                                                                                                                                                                         Equity
                                    173,768,994.86 106,501,691.69                                        280,270,686.55        38.20%      38.20%
 Project      of       billion                                                                                                                                                                       Fund

                                                                             2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Xi'an R & D




 project of the       RMB 0.3                                                                                                                 Equity
                                    66,257,152.93   53,814,870.60                       120,072,023.53     40.02%   40.02%
 marketing              billion                                                                                                               Fund

 center        in


 Phase I,


                    RMB 39.33                                                                                                                 Equity
 Information                        33,127,985.19      52,787.31                         33,180,772.50     84.36%   84.36%
                       million                                                                                                                Fund



 Total                            1,151,210,601.43 490,262,547.18 434,595,716.37                           --        --                         --

18. Right-of-use assets

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                  Item                                    Buildings and constructions                        Total

 Ⅰ. Original book value:

     1. Balance at the Start of the Period                                                   155,673,708.67                          155,673,708.67

     2. Increased in the Current Period                                                        94,766,699.23                          94,766,699.23

     3. Decreased in the Current Period                                                          2,056,658.96                          2,056,658.96

     4. Currency Translation Difference                                                         -1,174,034.78                         -1,174,034.78

     5. Balance at the End of the Period                                                     247,209,714.16                          247,209,714.16

 II. Accumulated depreciation

     1. Balance at the Start of the Period

     2. Increased in the Current Period                                                        42,053,689.80                          42,053,689.80

 (1) Accrual                                                                                   42,053,689.80                          42,053,689.80

     3. Decreased in the Current Period                                                            316,293.86                           316,293.86

 (1) Disposal                                                                                      316,293.86                           316,293.86

     4. Currency Translation Difference                                                                  2,107.79                          2,107.79

     5. Balance at the End of the Period                                                       41,739,503.73                          41,739,503.73

 Ⅲ. Provision for Impairment

     1. Balance at the Start of the Period

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

      2. Increased in the Current Period

 (1) Accrual

      3. Decreased in the Current Period

 (1) Disposal

      4. Balance at the End of the Period

 Ⅳ. Book value

      1. Closing Balance on Book Value                           205,470,210.43                         205,470,210.43

      2. Opening Balance on Book Value                           155,673,708.67                         155,673,708.67

19. Intangible assets

(1) Details of intangible assets

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                Non-patented                   Trademark    Software
       Item      Land use rights Patent right                   Softwares                                    Total
                                                 technology                       rights    copyright

Ⅰ. Original
book value

Balance at
                 373,911,184.43                 72,512,508.78 142,373,035.57 2,085,200.00 4,000,000.00 594,881,928.78
the Start of
the Period

Increased in
                 197,040,823.17                   307,999.92    5,913,671.27                            203,262,494.36
the Current

                 195,964,529.29                   307,999.92    2,404,183.62                            198,676,712.83

research and

(4) Transfer
                                                                3,509,487.65                              3,509,487.65
in progress
                   1,076,293.88                                                                           1,076,293.88

                                         2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Decreased in
                          23,027.59                     60,234.36                                 83,261.95
the Current

                                                        60,234.36                                 60,234.36
(2) Transfer
to investment             23,027.59                                                               23,027.59

(3)       Disposal
                         -16,940.00                    -277,131.29   -16,262.40                  -310,333.69

Balance at
                     570,912,040.01   72,820,508.70 147,949,341.19 2,068,937.60 4,000,000.00 797,750,827.50
the End of
the Period


Balance at
                      29,762,345.53   47,600,274.66 104,656,785.20 2,085,200.00 4,000,000.00 188,104,605.39
the Start of
the Period

Increased in
                       5,541,559.71    3,399,560.57 13,634,881.81                             22,576,002.09
the Current

                       5,472,372.70    3,399,560.57 13,634,881.81                             22,506,815.08
                          69,187.01                                                               69,187.01

                           1,381.66                     60,234.36                                 61,616.02
Decreased in

                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

the Current

                                                   60,234.36                                 60,234.36
(2) Transfer
to investment
                      1,381.66                                                                 1,381.66

                                                  -159,447.47   -16,262.40                  -175,709.87

Balance at
                 35,302,523.58   50,999,835.23 118,071,985.18 2,068,937.60 4,000,000.00 210,443,281.59
the End of
the Period

Ⅲ. Provision

Balance at
the Start of
the Period

Increased in
the Current


Decreased in
the Current


Balance at
the End of

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

the Period

Ⅳ. Book

                535,609,516.43               21,820,673.47 29,877,356.01                                        587,307,545.91
Balance on
Book Value

                344,148,838.90               24,912,234.12 37,716,250.37                                        406,777,323.39
Balance on
Book Value

(2) Land Use Rights with Certificates of Title Not Granted

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                                       Reasons for certificates of title not
                   Item                                 Book value

                                                                                     In the process of obtaining the real
Chengdu Project Land                                              163,641,982.09
                                                                                     estate certificates

                                                                                     In the process of obtaining the real
Zhengzhou Project Land                                               30,396,000.00
                                                                                     estate certificates

20. Goodwill

(1) Original book value of goodwill

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                        Increased in the current       Decreased in the
                                   Balance at the               period                   current period         Balance at the
  The invested entity or matters
                                     Start of the     Generated from                                              End of the
         which formed goodwill
                                       Period             business                    Disposal                     Period

Dahua Technology Italy S.R.L.        6,615,294.18                                                                 6,615,294.18

Lorex Technology Inc.              36,070,196.12                                                                36,070,196.12

                 Total             42,685,490.30                                                                42,685,490.30

(2) Provision of impairment in goodwill

Information about the asset group or asset group combination where the goodwill is located

 The invested entity or matters        Amount of               Information about the asset group or asset group
     which formed goodwill              goodwill                         combination where it is located

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Technology Italy S.R.L.            6,615,294.18     The asset group relating to the goodwill generated for the
                                                          acquisition of Dahua Technology Italy S.R.L., namely, the
                                                          long-term asset group, including fixed assets and
                                                          intangible assets, formed for Dahua Technology Italy
                                                          S.R.L. on June 30, 2021.
Lorex Technology Inc.                    36,070,196.12 The asset group relating to the goodwill generated for the
                                                          acquisition of Lorex Technology Inc., namely, the long-term
                                                          asset group, including fixed assets and intangible assets,
                                                          formed for Lorex Technology Inc. on June 30, 2021.
Explain the goodwill impairment test process, key parameters (e.g., growth rate at forecast period, growth rate at steady
period, profit rate, discount rate, forecast period, etc. when the present value of future cash flow is estimated) and the
confirmation method of goodwill impairment loss:
The recoverable amount is determined according to the present value of the expected future cash flow of the relevant
asset group. Its future cash flows shall be determined according to the five-year financial budget from 2021 to 2025
approved by the management, and the discount rate of 15% to 18% is applied. Cash flows over 5 years are calculated on
the basis of zero growth rate. The growth rate is determined based on the growth forecast of the relevant industry and
does not exceed the long-term average growth rate of the industry. Future cash flow estimates are based on
management’s estimated sales amount, cost of sales, and operating expenses during the forecast period based on past
performance and expectations of market development.
Result of goodwill impairment test
The company has evaluated the recoverable amount of goodwill and there is no evidence that the recoverable amount of
goodwill of relevant asset groups is lower than its book value, and there is no indication of impairment.

21. Long-term deferred expenses

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                        Balance at the
                                             Increased in the   Prepaid Expenses      Other Amounts      Balance at the End
         Item             Start of the
                                              current period     in This Period         Decreased           of the Period

Housing rent                 491,299.17                               491,299.17

expenditure of fixed
                          31,789,131.50         14,665,459.69      12,144,539.27             50,838.08       34,259,213.84
assets leased by
operating lease

Total                     32,280,430.67         14,665,459.69      12,635,838.44             50,838.08       34,259,213.84

22. Deferred income tax assets / Deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets not written off

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

          Item                  Balance at the End of the Period                   Balance at the Start of the Period

                                                        2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                            Deductible temporary        Deferred Income Tax         Deductible temporary         Deferred Income Tax
                                   difference                   Assets                    difference                     Assets

Provision for
                                  2,242,651,712.06             460,259,512.44            1,909,935,626.30               398,764,404.73
Impairment of Assets

Unrealized Profit from
                                    775,645,396.25             151,162,598.99              614,859,671.43               133,692,510.71
Internal Transactions

Deductible Losses                   651,246,145.50             115,683,114.86              520,264,565.80                81,682,494.52

Equity incentive
                                    419,645,927.83              66,189,161.13              587,174,173.32                91,434,898.97

Expected Liabilities                235,702,333.03              35,873,648.95              249,218,594.89                37,770,815.89

Payroll payable                     267,407,865.84              44,823,664.36              248,689,069.67                41,294,136.66

Costs from Tax
Increase Due to                     198,411,132.06              42,493,581.51              215,743,240.70                46,777,204.87
Absence of Invoice

Changes in fair value
                                        433,943.84                  108,485.96
gains and losses

Others                               39,821,318.15                6,677,242.39                4,545,104.94                 1,037,210.34

Total                             4,830,965,774.56             923,271,010.59            4,350,430,047.05               832,453,676.69

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities not written off

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                     Balance at the End of the Period                      Balance at the Start of the Period
           Item                Taxable temporary        Deferred Income Tax          Taxable temporary           Deferred Income Tax
                                    difference                Liabilities                 difference                   Liabilities

The gross profit of sales
                                    189,429,234.07              31,760,088.22              235,151,871.90                27,236,997.72
by installments

Changes in fair value of
                                    280,472,003.17              42,565,337.08              180,909,531.20                40,035,770.74
financial instruments

Total                               469,901,237.24              74,325,425.30              416,061,403.10                67,272,768.46

(3) Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities Listed by Net Amount after Offset

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                             Amount of Deferred         Balance of Deferred          Amount of Deferred          Balance of Deferred
                              Income Tax Assets         Income Tax Assets or         Income Tax Assets           Income Tax Assets or
          Item                  Offset against          Liabilities after Offset        Offset against           Liabilities after Offset
                            Liabilities at the End of     at the End of the        Liabilities at the Start of     at the Start of the
                                  the Period                    Period                    the Period                     Period

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Deferred Income Tax
                                                           923,271,010.59                                     832,453,676.69

Deferred Income Tax
                                                            74,325,425.30                                      67,272,768.46

(4) Deferred income tax assets or liabilities listed by net amount after offset

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                      Item                   Balance at the End of the Period         Balance at the Start of the Period

Deductible temporary difference                                   327,646,206.06                              335,677,986.45

Deductible Losses                                                 778,887,491.06                              666,511,990.20

Total                                                           1,106,533,697.12                         1,002,189,976.65

(5) Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                  Amount at the end of the
               Year                                                 Opening balance                      Notes

2021                                          18,283,602.90                    20,311,684.07

2022                                          13,558,094.01                    21,549,664.58

2023                                          57,185,450.24                    59,777,478.08

2024                                         202,915,989.17                   212,857,740.29

2025                                         309,141,006.00                   352,015,423.18

2026                                         177,803,348.74

Total                                        778,887,491.06                   666,511,990.20                  --

23. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                   Balance at the End of the Period                Balance at the Start of the Period

                                              Provision for                                     Provision
                             Book balance      decline in      Book value       Book balance    for decline        Book value
                                                   value                                         in value

Prepayments for
purchase of engineering      77,223,405.16                    77,223,405.16     10,822,617.82                  10,822,617.82

Advance payment for
                                                                                75,600,000.00                  75,600,000.00

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Total                           77,223,405.16                  77,223,405.16       86,422,617.82              86,422,617.82

24. Short-term loans

(1) Categories of short-term loan

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                   Item                         Balance at the End of the Period        Balance at the Start of the Period

Fiduciary loans                                                   1,099,000,000.00                           250,000,000.00

Interest payable for short-term loan                                  5,598,520.22                               177,083.34

Total                                                             1,104,598,520.22                           250,177,083.34

25. Trading financial liabilities

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                   Item                         Balance at the End of the Period        Balance at the Start of the Period

Transactional financial liabilities                                     450,897.52

Including: Derivative financial liabilities                             450,897.52

Total                                                                   450,897.52

26. Notes payable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                  Types                         Balance at the End of the Period        Balance at the Start of the Period

Commercial acceptance bill                                        2,252,402,114.75                         2,322,699,486.30

Bank acceptance bill                                              1,357,732,466.99                           935,853,271.87

Total                                                             3,610,134,581.74                         3,258,552,758.17

27. Accounts payable

(1) Details of accounts payable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                   Item                         Balance at the End of the Period        Balance at the Start of the Period

Payment for purchase of materials                                 6,374,629,384.82                         6,186,065,780.61

Payment for engineering equipments                                 407,068,316.82                            258,721,924.67

Total                                                             6,781,697,701.64                         6,444,787,705.28

                                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2)Important accounts payable aged over 1 year

There is no important account payable aged more than one year.

28 Contract liabilities

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                   Item                       Balance at the End of the Period         Balance at the Start of the Period

Advance payment for product sales                                  335,633,797.01                           186,958,669.05

Pre-payments from construction
                                                                   467,174,817.43                           458,335,908.05

Points sales                                                         25,892,534.51                           25,825,807.98

Advance payment for service                                          66,520,028.07

Total                                                              895,221,177.02                           671,120,385.08

29. Payroll payable

(1) Details of payroll payable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                  Balance at the Start Increased in the       Decreased in the        Balance at the End of
                                      of the Period        current period        current period            the Period

Ⅰ. Short-term remuneration          1,798,899,948.47 2,830,486,976.04            3,705,444,706.05          923,942,218.46

Ⅱ. Dimission benefits -
                                          6,564,586.84      119,869,776.30           118,796,472.14            7,637,891.00
defined contribution scheme

Ⅲ. Dismissal welfare                                         6,970,234.11             6,970,234.11

Total                                1,805,464,535.31 2,957,326,986.45            3,831,211,412.30          931,580,109.46

(2) List of short-term remuneration

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                           Balance at the Start of      Increased in the      Decreased in the        Balance at the End of
                                 the Period              current period          current period            the Period

1. Wages or salaries,
bonuses, allowances             1,525,308,786.25          2,500,239,591.61        3,426,690,763.77          598,857,614.09
and subsidies

2. Staff welfare                                             35,435,575.79           35,435,575.79

3. Social insurance
                                    5,721,208.70             80,391,201.93           80,524,182.03             5,588,228.60

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

      Including: medical
                                    3,945,349.33            77,861,462.02            77,704,565.02            4,102,246.33

             Work injury
                                       347,114.77             2,202,111.45            2,324,389.45              224,836.77
insurance premium

                                    1,428,744.60               327,628.46               495,227.56            1,261,145.50
insurance premium

4. Housing funds                        54,890.86          149,779,209.02           149,784,512.44               49,587.44

5. Labor union and
                                  267,815,062.66            64,641,397.69            13,009,672.02          319,446,788.33
education funds

Total                           1,798,899,948.47         2,830,486,976.04         3,705,444,706.05          923,942,218.46

(3) Defined contribution scheme (Note)

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                           Balance at the Start of     Increased in the      Decreased in the        Balance at the End of
                                 the Period             current period           current period           the Period

1. Basic pension
                                    6,005,826.98           115,259,086.81           114,136,642.38            7,128,271.41

2. Unemployment
                                      558,759.86             4,610,689.49             4,659,829.76              509,619.59

Total                               6,564,586.84           119,869,776.30           118,796,472.14            7,637,891.00

30. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                   Item                       Balance at the End of the Period         Balance at the Start of the Period

VAT                                                               124,732,187.49                            324,985,170.91

Enterprise Income Tax                                             168,714,378.96                            528,220,256.03

Individual income tax                                               26,091,883.24                            12,804,973.65

Urban Maintenance and Construction
                                                                     7,538,722.18                            13,569,797.71

Education surcharges (including local
                                                                     6,868,471.30                            13,930,579.23
education surcharges)

Sales tax                                                           12,976,148.44                             3,587,770.62

Others                                                               6,776,409.72                             3,046,315.52

Total                                                             353,698,201.33                            900,144,863.67

                                               2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

31. Other payables

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                 Item                     Balance at the End of the Period     Balance at the Start of the Period

Dividends Payable                                              17,855,221.21                         12,982,399.27

Other Payables                                               699,917,580.17                         957,570,477.95

Total                                                        717,772,801.38                         970,552,877.22

(1) Dividends payable

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                 Item                     Balance at the End of the Period     Balance at the Start of the Period

Equity Incentive Restricted Stock
                                                               17,855,221.21                         12,982,399.27

Total                                                          17,855,221.21                         12,982,399.27

(2) Other payables

1) Other payables listed by nature of funds

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                 Item                     Balance at the End of the Period     Balance at the Start of the Period

Deposits                                                     105,489,820.71                          74,208,249.14

Temporarily borrowed and advance
                                                             213,592,183.29                         275,423,794.55

Equity Transfer Fund                                           29,325,000.00

Restricted share repurchase
                                                             325,372,156.35                         581,968,930.89

Others                                                         26,138,419.82                         25,969,503.37

Total                                                        699,917,580.17                         957,570,477.95

2) Other important payables aged over 1 year

There are no other important payables aged over 1 year.

32. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                 Item                     Balance at the End of the Period     Balance at the Start of the Period

                                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Long-term debt due within one year                                 175,000,000.00                            150,000,000.00

Lease liabilities due within one year                                81,973,170.49                            58,971,448.27

Interest payable due within 1 year                                    1,857,336.84                             1,891,709.34

Total                                                              258,830,507.33                            210,863,157.61

33. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                      Item                    Balance at the End of the Period         Balance at the Start of the Period

To-be-transferred sales taxes in
                                                                     64,956,557.08                            70,570,174.49

Contract liabilities pending write-off tax                           85,235,954.42                            79,678,501.51

Non-derecognized notes                                              110,914,389.75                            59,153,238.77

Total                                                              261,106,901.25                            209,401,914.77

34. Long-term loans

(1) Categories of long-term loans

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                      Item                    Balance at the End of the Period         Balance at the Start of the Period

Pledged loans                                                      103,000,000.00                            128,000,000.00

Fiduciary loans                                                   1,800,000,000.00                           750,000,000.00

Total                                                             1,903,000,000.00                           878,000,000.00

35. Lease liabilities

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                      Item                    Balance at the End of the Period         Balance at the Start of the Period

Lease Liabilities                                                  107,606,799.04                             86,096,362.42

                      Total                                        107,606,799.04                             86,096,362.42

36. Estimated liabilities

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                   Balance at the End of the     Balance at the Start of the
               Item                                                                                       Causes
                                             Period                        Period

Pending litigation                               1,775,746.00                                  Pending litigation

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Others                                                                                 423,933.76 Loss-making contract

Expected after-sales
                                                252,138,141.48                   258,303,127.48 After-sales maintenance cost
maintenance cost

Expected return amount after
                                                   7,114,861.73                    23,700,456.58 Expected sales return
the period

Total                                           261,028,749.21                   282,427,517.82                   --

37. Deferred income

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

               Balance at the                Decreased in
                                  in the                      Balance at the End
  Item          Start of the                  the current                                             Causes
                                  current                        of the Period
                  Period                         period

                                                                                      Received government subsidies related to
ent            110,469,806.29                 3,453,971.36        107,015,834.93

Total          110,469,806.29                 3,453,971.36        107,015,834.93                         --

Projects related to government subsidies:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                  The                                        The
                                              Amount        The Amount
                                amount                                     Amount                                       Related to
               Balance at the               recorded as Recorded as                                Balance at the
                                 of new                                    Written        Other                        assets/relat
 Liabilities     Start of the               non-operating      Other                                 End of the
                                subsidies                                  off Costs variations                           ed to
                   Period                    revenue in      Income in                                 Period
                                 in this                                    in This                                      income
                                             this period     This Period
                                 period                                     Period

award for
                                                                                                                       Related to
industrial      52,348,286.44                               1,929,499.23                            50,418,787.21

Phase I
fund for                                                                                                               Related to
                53,505,000.00                                                                       53,505,000.00
security                                                                                                               assets
e product

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


enterprise                                                                                                      Related to
               4,616,519.85                             1,524,472.13                             3,092,047.72
technologi                                                                                                      assets

Total                                                   3,453,971.36                          107,015,834.93

Other notes:
1. According to the Economic Development Zone Management Committee, Hangzhou Fuyang District Financial Bureau
FJG【2017】No. 35 and FCQ【2017】No. 506documents, the company received 31.66 million yuan of special subsidy from
Fuyang Dahua Intelligent (IOT) Industrial Park in 2015 and 2017 respectively, a total of 63.32 million yuan, as the
government subsidy related to assets, which is recognized as deferred income, and shall be recognized as other income
in installments according to the estimated service life (20 years).
2. According to Fuyang Economic Development Zone Management Committee, Hangzhou Fuyang District Financial
Bureau FJG【2019】No. 18, 【2020】No. 39and FCQ【2019】No. 286 documents, the company received investment
financial reward fund of 27.455 million yuan and 26.05 million yuan in 2019 and 2020 respectively for security video
surveillance product production base project phase one, as the government subsidy related to assets, which is recognized
as deferred income.      As of June 30, 2020, this part of assets has not been completed and has not been amortized.
3. According to Hangzhou Fuyang District Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, Hangzhou Fuyang District
Bureau of Finance FJXC【2019】No. 49 and FCQ【2019】No. 804 documents, the company received project fund of 9.1977
million yuan for the first batch of technical renovation project of municipal manufacturing enterprises in 2019, as the
government subsidy related to assets, which is recognized as deferred income, and shall be recognized as other income
in installments according to the estimated service life (15-111 months).

38. Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                  Item                        Balance at the End of the Period         Balance at the Start of the Period

To-be-transferred sales taxes in
                                                                  248,620,950.30                            281,128,045.90

Other loans                                                           110,000,000.00                        110,000,000.00

Total                                                             358,620,950.30                            391,128,045.90

Other notes:
The company has reached a cooperation intention with CDB Development Fund to increase the capital of Dahua Zhilian
Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company. It is agreed that CDB Development Fund will not assign directors, supervisors and

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

other senior managers to Dahua Zhilian; The company shall pay the investment income with an annualized yield of 1.2%
to CDB Development Fund through dividends and call premium and other means, and the company shall redeem the
equity of CDB Development Fund to Dahua Zhilian from 2022 to 2024, and recognize it as other non-current liabilities.

39. Share capital

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                               Increased or decreased amount in this period (+/-)

                  Balance at the       Shares                                                                Balance at the
                                                   Bonus     converted
                 Start of the Period   newly                                  Others          Subtotal     End of the Period
                                                   shares   from capital

Total shares     2,995,579,590.00                                          -1,028,860.00 -1,028,860.00 2,994,550,730.00

Other notes:
According to the company's thirteenth meeting of the seventh board of directors held in April 2021 and the revised articles
of association of the company, which have passed by the company at 2020 annual general meeting of shareholders, the
company repurchased and canceled 1,028,860 restricted shares granted but not unlocked held by the resigned equity
incentive objects, reduced the registered capital by RMB 1,028,860.00 , with the company's registered capital reduced to
2,994,550,730.00 yuan. The above capital reduction matters are being handled.

40. Capital reserve

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                          Balance at the Start of       Increased in the       Decreased in the        Balance at the End of
                                 the Period              current period          current period             the Period

Capital premium
(capital share                  1,345,746,389.28            182,546,901.94             21,612,609.65       1,506,680,681.57

Other capital reserves             643,908,944.77           624,886,947.36          182,546,901.94         1,086,248,990.19

Total                           1,989,655,334.05            807,433,849.30          204,159,511.59         2,592,929,671.76

Other notes, including increases or decreases in this period and their reasons:
1. The amount of employee services exchanged by the company for equity payment in the current period is RMB
84,708,381.89, of which minority shareholders enjoy amount of RMB 6,804,324.44. The employee service amount offset
due to the repurchase and cancellation of restricted shares held by equity incentive objects that have been granted but not
yet unlocked is RMB 3,864,873.97, and other capital reserves are increased by RMB 74,039,183.48. If the amount
deductible before tax exceeds the cost related to share-based payment recognized in the accounting standards, the
income tax impact amount is RMB 32,093,515.89, increasing other capital reserves.
2.The company repurchased and canceled 1,028,860 granted but unlocked restricted shares held by equity incentive
objects in the current period, reduced the share capital by 1,028,860.00 yuan, and reduced the capital reserve (share
capital premium) by 7,461,896.20 yuan.
3.In the equity settled share-based payment, the minority shareholders possess a portion of 11,562,939.55 yuan, reducing
the capital reserve (capital stock premium) by 11,562,939.55 yuan.

                                                               2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

4.Since the performance conditions in 2020 have met the unlocking conditions for the second unlocking period for the first
time and the unlocking conditions for the first unlocking period reserved for the first time set in the incentive plan, except
for the incentive objects who have resigned, the restricted shares held by the incentive objects for the second unlocking
period and the restricted shares held by the incentive objects reserved for the first unlocking period are unlocked. Among
other capital reserves, the recognized related expenses of restricted shares unlocked in the current period are
134,025,460.59 yuan, the income tax impact amount of the amount that can be deducted before tax exceeding the cost
related to share based payment recognized in the accounting standards is 48,521,441.35 yuan, a total of 182,546,901.94
yuan which is transferred to the capital reserve (share capital premium).
5. Due to the failure to increase the capital of subsidiaries in the same proportion, the shareholding ratio of subsidiaries
decreased, and the capital reserve (capital stock premium) decreased by 2,587,773.90 yuan.
6. The impact of other changes in other owners’ equity of Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd. that the company
should enjoy under the equity method in the current period increased other capital reserves by RMB 518,754,247.99.

41. Treasury share

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                  Balance at the Start of         Increased in the           Decreased in the            Balance at the End of
                                        the Period                  current period               current period                 the Period

Restricted shares                        581,968,930.89                                            256,596,774.54                   325,372,156.35

Total                                    581,968,930.89                                            256,596,774.54                   325,372,156.35

Other notes, including increases or decreases in this period and their reasons:
1. Due to the resignation of some employees, the Company repurchased this part of restricted shares in the current period,
with a total of 1,028,860 restricted shares repurchased, a corresponding reduction in the share capital of 1,028,860.00
yuan, and a corresponding reduction in the amount of treasury shares of 8,490,756.20 yuan.
2. Since the second phase of grant for the first time and the first phase of the reserved grant of the restricted stock
incentive plan in 2018 met the unlocking conditions, a total of 29,431,520 restricted shares were unlocked, and the
treasury shares and related liabilities were reduced by 243,233,196.40 yuan.
3. The cash dividends distributed to restricted stock holders reduced treasury shares and related liabilities, the restricted
stock unlocked the actual distribution of some escrow cash dividends and the recovery of cash dividends distributed to
relevant resigned personnel due to employee resignation, resulting in a total reduction of treasury shares and related
liabilities of 4,872,821.94 yuan.

42. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                   This Period's Amount of Occurrence

                                                         Less: recorded Less: Recorded
                      Balance at the                       into other       into other     Less:                      Attributable to Balance at the
                                         Before tax                                                 Attributable to
        Item           Start of the                      comprehensive comprehensive Income                            the minority     End of the
                                       balance in this                                               the Company
                         Period                            incomes in      incomes in      Tax                        shareholders       Period
                                           period                                                       after tax
                                                         previous period previous period Expense                        after tax

                                                         and transferred and transferred

                                                           2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                    to P/L in current    to retained

                                                         period           income in

                                                                        current period

II. Other


income that will    61,157,523.13   29,802,949.19                                                29,732,921.34       70,027.85 90,890,444.47

be reclassified

into P/L


conversion          54,715,972.03   30,978,213.12                                                31,016,888.78       -38,675.66 85,732,860.81


Others               6,441,551.10   -1,175,263.93                                                 -1,283,967.44     108,703.51   5,157,583.66


comprehensive       61,157,523.13   29,802,949.19                                                29,732,921.34       70,027.85 90,890,444.47

incomes in total

43. Surplus reserve

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                             Balance at the Start of           Increased in the             Decreased in the         Balance at the End of
                                    the Period                    current period             current period                the Period

Statutory surplus
                                    1,553,691,005.92                                                                      1,553,691,005.92

Total                               1,553,691,005.92                                                                      1,553,691,005.92

44. Undistributed profits

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                         Item                                           Current Period                            Previous Period

Undistributed Profit before Adjustment at the
                                                                               13,754,915,904.19                         10,248,023,654.54
End of Previous Period

Undistributed Profit after Adjustment at the
                                                                               13,754,915,904.19                         10,248,023,654.54
Start of the Period

Add: net profit attributable to parent
                                                                                1,643,175,887.55                          1,368,974,364.44
company's owner in current period

Less: s Common Stock Dividends Payable                                             802,815,330.12                           397,654,658.45

Add: Common stock dividends corresponding
to repurchase and cancellation of restricted                                             500,809.81                              462,282.67

Undistributed Profit at the End of the Period                                  14,595,777,271.43                         11,219,805,643.20

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

45. Operating income and operating costs

(1) Operating income and operating costs
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                               This Period's Amount of Occurrence             Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence
                                 Income                    Cost                    Income                     Cost

Main Business                13,306,440,228.58          7,773,003,019.77        9,602,675,069.68         4,920,046,273.00

Other businesses                 198,565,505.31           137,711,909.20           235,653,783.94           179,203,877.57

Total                        13,505,005,733.89          7,910,714,928.97        9,838,328,853.62         5,099,250,150.57

(2) Information about operating income and operating costs (by product)

                   Item                                         This Period's Amount of Occurrence

                                                         Income                                      Cost

 Smart IoT products and solutions                              11,574,586,946.32                            6,477,078,712.53

 Of which: software business                                      551,302,402.99                             163,767,869.40

 Innovative business                                            1,197,068,199.15                             805,660,868.12

 Others                                                           733,350,588.42                             627,975,348.32

 Total                                                         13,505,005,733.89                            7,910,714,928.97

(3) Information about operating income and operating costs (by district)

                   Item                                         This Period's Amount of Occurrence

                                                         Income                                      Cost

 Domestic                                                       7,777,087,103.47                            4,685,553,053.26

 Overseas                                                       5,727,918,630.42                            3,225,161,875.71

 Total                                                         13,505,005,733.89                            7,910,714,928.97

Information about performance of obligations:
The Company shall timely fulfill its performance obligations in accordance with the contract, and recognize the relevant
revenue when the customer obtains the control right of related commodities, which is mainly divided into fulfilling its
performance obligations at a certain point of time and performing the performance obligations within a certain period of
The Company shall recognize the revenue from the sales of goods when the control over the goods is transferred, namely,
when the goods are transported to the designated place of the other party, or delivered to the carrier designated by the
other party, or when they are delivered to the other party for acceptance.
If the Company identifies part of the business as performance obligations fulfilled within a certain period of time according
to the nature of the business, the Company shall recognize the revenue according to the performance progress within that

                                               2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

period of time, except that the performance progress cannot be reasonably recognized. If the Company cannot
reasonably recognize the performance progress using the output method or the input method, but the costs incurred are
expected to be compensated, the revenue shall be recognized according to the amount of costs incurred until the
performance progress can be reasonably recognized.

46. Taxes and surcharges

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                 Item                  This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Urban Maintenance and Construction
                                                             44,660,286.58                           23,318,746.92

Education Surcharges                                         31,900,534.13                           16,649,481.08

House property tax                                            2,351,433.37                             2,429,673.54

Land usage tax                                                  656,297.10                              939,532.57

Vehicle and vessel use tax                                       23,707.54                                34,922.82

Stamp duty                                                    5,084,326.28                             4,827,847.03

Others                                                       15,593,603.53                             6,942,979.14

Total                                                       100,270,188.53                           55,143,183.10

47. Selling expenses

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                 Item                  This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Labor cost                                                1,044,869,188.90                          883,747,948.12

After-sales service expense                                 151,149,337.68                          188,026,183.46

Transportation and vehicle expenses                         228,486,216.43                          162,242,677.25

Marketing expense                                           158,441,695.91                          125,951,940.36

Taxation and insurance expense                              114,258,333.64                          117,797,928.06

Administrative expenses                                      77,325,742.64                          106,886,558.37

Business entertainment                                       92,867,175.49                           68,957,545.58

Traveling expense                                            85,796,783.51                           62,166,335.57

Communication expense                                         7,644,337.28                           26,252,604.63

Knowledge resource fee                                       25,449,407.98                           21,141,479.54

Depreciation cost and asset
                                                             55,213,618.90                           15,640,480.09

Others                                                       17,499,873.06                           26,415,453.24

Total                                                     2,059,001,711.42                        1,805,227,134.27

                                             2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

48. Administration expenses

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                   Item               This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Labor cost                                               272,130,616.85                         258,180,429.50

Depreciation cost and asset
                                                          41,179,216.36                          36,171,195.90

Administrative expenses                                   32,286,309.59                          26,698,756.21

Knowledge resource fee                                    20,467,417.96                          17,269,047.77

Consumables and service fees                               4,673,608.79                           8,690,430.41

Business entertainment                                     3,377,855.85                           3,527,325.45

Transportation and vehicle expenses                        3,149,317.93                           2,405,347.17

Traveling expense                                          3,425,734.01                           1,599,133.76

Others                                                    12,582,093.72                           1,239,825.05

Total                                                    393,272,171.06                         355,781,491.22

49. R&D expenses

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                   Item               This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Labor cost                                             1,238,777,601.85                       1,142,032,536.26

Research consumables and service
                                                          84,653,952.01                         105,243,650.19

Depreciation cost and asset
                                                          40,480,759.70                          27,160,042.95

Traveling expense                                         22,875,356.11                          17,825,255.20

Administrative expenses                                   13,009,916.31                          13,410,737.82

Communication expense                                      4,368,448.13                           6,041,044.08

Others                                                     2,083,292.70                           2,899,674.45

Total                                                  1,406,249,326.81                       1,314,612,940.95

50. Financial expenses

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                   Item               This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Interest expense                                          44,547,319.17                          36,633,828.03

Less: interest income                                    114,759,041.30                          82,236,920.48

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

P/L on foreign exchange                                       131,529,465.80                           5,140,375.51

Others                                                         16,358,297.48                          15,895,187.68

Total                                                          77,676,041.15                         -24,567,529.26

51. Other incomes

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

         Sources of other incomes         This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Value-added tax refund                                        355,601,489.70                         373,851,655.76

Special subsidies                                              70,558,018.03                          84,531,537.83

VAT additional deduction                                          359,764.33                               163,127.65

Total                                                         426,519,272.06                         458,546,321.24

52. Investment incomes

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                  Item                   This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Long-term equity investment income
                                                             -155,395,120.84                         -44,335,467.10
measured by equity method

Investment income from disposal of
                                                                  281,454.95                           6,255,168.49
long-term equity investment

Investment Income from Disposal
                                                               22,063,805.80                           -1,616,153.94
Trading Financial Assets

Investment income from possession of
                                                                5,364,955.30                           7,307,215.11
other non-current financial assets

Investment income from treasury bond
                                                                  169,645.79                               210,491.25
reverse repurchase

Total                                                        -127,515,259.00                         -32,178,746.19

53. Income from changes in fair value

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                        This Period's Amount of       Previous Period's Amount of
 Source of the income from changes in fair value
                                                              Occurrence                      Occurrence

Trading Financial Assets                                              7,123,015.25                     2,431,780.82

     Including: gains from changes at fair value of
                                                                      7,123,015.25                     2,431,780.82
derivative financial instruments

Transactional financial liabilities                                    -450,380.67

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Other Non-current Financial Assets                                   117,273,994.45                      14,577,362.35

Total                                                                123,946,629.03                      17,009,143.17

54. Credit impairment losses

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                    Item                   This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Bad debt losses of other receivables                            -5,949,441.91                             -4,374,932.26

Bad debt losses of accounts receivable                        -353,620,673.67                           -80,445,242.05

Bad debt losses from receivable

Bad debt losses on notes receivable                            -10,066,743.30

Contract assets impairment losses                                                                         -2,942,506.60

Total                                                         -368,461,594.95                           -87,762,680.91

55. Impairment losses of assets

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                      This Period's Amount of         Previous Period's Amount of
                                                            Occurrence                         Occurrence

II. Losses of inventory falling price and losses
                                                                    -7,627,470.90                       -42,303,107.35
of contract performance cost impairment

Ⅻ. Contract assets impairment losses                               -2,295,977.15

Total                                                               -9,923,448.05                       -42,303,107.35

56. Asset disposal income

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

 Sources of the asset disposal income This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Income from disposal of fixed assets                            33,113,440.14                                 10,307.31

Income from disposal of right-of-use

57. Non-operating income

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                              Amount recorded into
                                  This Period's Amount of    Previous Period's Amount of
             Item                                                                          non-recurring profit and loss
                                        Occurrence                    Occurrence
                                                                                                 in current period

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Government subsidies                                 171,808.80                      877,665.31                  171,808.80

Gains and losses of
                                                     679,706.38                      398,527.61                  679,706.38
non-current asset retirement

Others                                          5,688,387.37                       4,848,241.58                 5,688,387.37

Total                                           6,539,902.55                       6,124,434.50                 6,539,902.55

Government subsidies recorded into current period P/L:
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                           Influence                    This      Previous
                                                                         Special                                Related to
  Subsidy     Distributing Distributing     Types of      Profit and                  period's    period's
                                                                        Subsidy or                             assets/related
    items         Entity       Reason        Nature       Loss in the                amount of    amount of
                                                                             not                                 to income
                                                           Current                   occurrence occurrence
                                                          Year or not

                                          due to
City          Developme
                                          in specific
allocates     nt and
special       Reform
                                          and trades
funds to      Bureau of                                                                                        Related to
                            Subsidy       encouraged Yes                No                         50,000.00
actively      Changzhou                                                                                        income
support and District,
cultivate     Wuzhou
                                          by the State
eligible      City
                                          (obtained by
                                          policies and

                                          due to
2019 Top
Ten Merit     Economic
                                          in specific
Enterprise    and
(Excellent    Information
                                          and trades                                                           Related to
Entrepreneu Bureau of       Reward                       Yes            No                        300,000.00
                                          encouraged                                                           income
r) Award in   Fuyang
Fuyang        District,
District,     Hangzhou
                                          by the State
                                          (obtained by
                                          policies and

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


                                        received by
Subsidies                               functions of
for overseas                            the state to
employees                               ensure the
                s of other                                                                               Related to
to stay in                    Subsidy   supply or       Yes        No          111,808.80   511,665.31
                countries                                                                                income
office during                           price control
the                                     of certain
epidemic                                public
                                        utilities or

                                        due to local
Subsidy for
                Hangzhou                policies
elimination                                                                                              Related to
                Finance       Subsidy   such as         Yes        No                        16,000.00
of old                                                                                                   income
                Bureau                  investment
vehicles in
                                        by local

                                        due to
2020 China
                                        in specific
"Internet +
Transportati Guangdong
                                        and trades
on"             Traffic                                                                                  Related to
                              Reward    encouraged Yes             No           60,000.00
Innovation      E-payment                                                                                income
and             Association
                                        by the State
                                        (obtained by
                                        policies and

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

58. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                                 Amount recorded into
                                    This Period's Amount of    Previous Period's Amount of
               Item                                                                           non-recurring profit and loss
                                         Occurrence                   Occurrence
                                                                                                    in current period

Donations                                         115,939.69                 9,139,267.32                       115,939.69

Gains and losses of
                                                1,337,107.72                     819,686.61                   1,337,107.72
non-current asset retirement

Including: Losses on
                                                1,337,107.72                     819,686.61                   1,337,107.72
disposal of fixed assets

Water conservancy fund                             12,816.79                       7,139.14

Others                                          3,503,104.12                 2,068,747.09                     3,503,104.12

Total                                           4,968,968.32                12,034,840.16                     4,956,151.53

59. Income tax expenses

(1) Income tax expenses table

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                       Previous Period's Amount of
                      Item                  This Period's Amount of Occurrence

Current income tax expense                                         10,662,968.22                           140,980,035.67

Deferred income tax expense                                       -49,114,153.99                            28,579,381.06

Total                                                             -38,451,185.77                           169,559,416.73

(2) Reconciliation of accounting profits and income tax expenses

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                             Item                                        This Period's Amount of Occurrence

Total Profit                                                                                             1,636,960,340.28

Income tax expense calculated at statutory/applicable tax

Impact by applying different tax rates to subsidiaries                                                     -12,634,599.61

Impact of income tax before adjustment in this period                                                     -195,277,436.51

Impact of the non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                                     37,271,664.04

Impact of additional deduction of the research and
development expenses

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Others                                                                                                  61,449,974.35

Income tax expense                                                                                      -38,451,185.77

60. Other comprehensive income

See the notes to this section for details.

61. Items of cash flow statement

(1) Other cash receipts relating to operating activities

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                  Item                       This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Interest Income                                                  31,424,004.92                          17,443,454.89

Government subsidies                                             62,592,472.14                          78,834,593.67

Tender and performance guarantee
                                                                 25,458,692.40                          28,166,941.19

Others                                                           29,558,616.53                          15,148,201.33

Total                                                           149,033,785.99                         139,593,191.08

(2) Other cash payments relating to operating activities

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                  Item                       This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Administrative expenses                                         148,852,318.30                         140,230,672.86

Communication expense                                            19,886,351.20                          15,732,684.76

Business entertainment                                          101,210,043.24                          71,195,825.63

Traveling expense                                               118,402,918.50                          82,296,281.44

Marketing expense                                               118,471,634.44                          77,354,370.79

Transportation and vehicle expenses                             204,194,430.33                         163,643,754.38

Knowledge resource fee                                           43,764,104.24                          34,596,983.79

Research and development
consumption and external inspection                              14,958,712.93                          20,323,161.02

Taxation and insurance expense                                     8,896,959.13                         24,354,809.36

Tender and performance guarantee
                                                                 58,034,090.23                          13,108,747.03

Incomings and outgoings and                                      81,594,660.65                          34,877,860.45

                                                2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

advanced payments

Consumables and service fees                                149,595,572.15                         152,728,533.48

Others                                                       12,937,463.59                          16,355,741.30

Total                                                     1,080,799,258.93                         846,799,426.29

(3) Other cash receipts relating to investing activities

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                  Item                   This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Cash arising from investment in
                                                             26,678,510.94                          71,517,426.54
financial derivatives

Advance payment for equity transfer                          29,325,000.00                          60,000,000.00

Receipts of loans from non-financial

Total                                                        56,003,510.94                         135,010,923.00

(4) Other cash payments related to investing activities

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                  Item                   This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Cash paid for investment in financial
                                                             13,107,855.82                          72,348,580.48

Net cash from disposal of subsidiaries                                                                7,211,693.45

Total                                                        13,107,855.82                          79,560,273.93

(5) Other cash receipts related to financing activities

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                  Item                   This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Withdrawn documentary credit deposit                                                               767,782,756.00

Equity incentive subscription                                                                       99,994,181.16

Total                                                                                              867,776,937.16

(6) Other cash payments related to financing activities

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                  Item                   This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Paid documentary credit deposit                                                                    767,782,756.00

                                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Cash paid for the repayment of lease

Total                                                                 49,649,564.91                            767,782,756.00

62. Supplementary information about the cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary information about the Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                       Supplementary information                        Amount of this period        Amount of Previous Period

1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operational
                                                                                 --                             --

     Net Profit                                                                1,675,411,526.05              1,370,732,897.65

     Add: provision for impairment of assets                                     378,385,043.00                130,065,788.26

              Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets,
                                                                                 146,286,454.93                131,141,539.18
productive biological assets

              Depreciation of Right-of-use Assets                                 42,053,689.80

              Amortization of Intangible Assets                                   22,637,749.57                 24,767,627.82

              Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses                          12,635,838.44                 12,452,944.39

              Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                  -33,002,441.01                     -10,307.31
and other long-term assets (mark "-" for incomes)

              Losses on scrapping of fixed assets (mark "-" for
                                                                                       657,401.34                    421,159.00

              Losses on fair value changes (mark "-" for incomes)               -123,946,629.03                 -17,009,143.17

              Financial expenses (mark "-" for incomes)                           52,271,024.16                 15,327,107.25

              Losses on investment (mark "-" for incomes)                        127,515,259.00                 32,178,746.19

              Decrease on deferred income tax assets (mark "-"
                                                                                -108,136,559.40                  1,505,192.29
for increases)

              Increase on deferred income tax liabilities (mark "-"
                                                                                      7,052,656.84                1,938,115.51
for decreases)

              Decrease on inventories (mark "-" for increases)                -2,369,120,273.38               -675,761,590.32

              Decrease on operational receivables (mark "-" for
                                                                                -230,579,623.21              1,756,139,392.57

              Increase on operational payables (mark "-" for
                                                                                -552,073,423.01              -2,965,863,025.21

              Others                                                              80,843,507.92                 75,045,591.95

              Net cash flow generated by operating activities                   -871,108,797.99               -106,927,963.95

2. Major investing and financing activities not involving cash                  --                             --

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

receipts and payment:

       Conversion of Debt into Capital

       Convertible Bonds Due within 1 Year

       Fixed Assets under Finance Lease

3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:                                   --                           --

       Closing balance of cash                                                6,549,708,897.81            2,780,621,441.66

       Less: Balance at the Start of the Period of cash                       7,358,452,769.53            2,734,185,976.41

       Add: closing balance of cash equivalents

       Less: Balance at the Start of the Period of cash

       Net additions to balance of equivalents                                 -808,743,871.72               46,435,465.25

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                    Item                         Balance at the End of the Period      Balance at the Start of the Period

Ⅰ. Cash                                                          6,549,708,897.81                        7,358,452,769.53

Including: cash on hand                                                   23,851.15                               24,145.51

         Bank deposit for payment at any
                                                                  6,408,119,714.76                        7,324,387,076.66

         Other monetary capital for
                                                                    141,565,331.90                           34,041,547.36
payment at any time

Ⅱ. Cash equivalents

Ⅲ. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                                  6,549,708,897.81                        7,358,452,769.53

Including: restricted cash and cash
equivalents used by the parent company
or subsidiaries within the group

63. Assets with restricted ownership rights or rights of use

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                              Book value at the end of
             Item                                                               Cause of restrictions
                                      the period

Cash and Bank Balances                   105,139,382.31 Guarantee security deposit

Notes receivable and
                                                          Pledge applied to issue bank acceptance bills; Bank acceptance
accounts receivable                      807,838,701.82
                                                          bill endorsed but not derecognized

                                          2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Long-term Receivables         178,385,721.02 Pledge for bank loans

Non-current Assets Due
                               31,073,678.03 Pledge for bank loans
within 1 Year

Total                       1,122,437,483.18                                    --

64. Monetary items in foreign currencies

(1) Monetary items in foreign currencies

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                          Closing balance in foreign                                      Closing Balance Converted
                Item                                    Exchange rate for conversion
                                 currencies                                                       into RMB

Cash and Bank Balances                             --                                --

Including: USD                       276,531,466.74                          6.4601                1,786,420,928.29

        EUR                           30,332,705.33                          7.6862                  233,143,239.71

        HKD                           31,490,079.12                          0.8321                   26,202,210.93

INR                                  440,078,738.69                          0.0869                   38,263,158.10

ZAR                                   82,346,607.70                          0.4501                   37,061,347.36

AED                                   20,192,437.43                          1.7587                   35,511,833.94

Total amount of other

Accounts receivable                                --                                --

Including: USD                       414,254,529.88                          6.4601                2,676,125,688.48

        EUR                           48,305,751.95                          7.6862                  371,287,670.64


INR                                3,582,881,535.50                          0.0869                  311,517,804.88

PLN                                   62,270,833.80                          1.7009                  105,917,083.92

Russian ruble                        724,940,450.19                          0.0892                   64,686,396.91

Total amount of other

Long-term loan                                     --                                --

Including: USD



Accounts Payable

Including: USD                       238,225,290.88                          6.4601                1,538,959,201.61

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

INR                                          1,227,728,425.79                        0.0869             106,746,276.82

MXN                                             20,510,565.96                        0.3260                6,685,975.15

EUR                                                729,698.63                        7.6862                5,608,609.61

Australian dollar                                  524,672.91                        4.8528                2,546,132.70

BRL                                                792,477.35                        1.3033                1,032,827.81

Total amount of other

(2) Notes on overseas business entities, including that for the important overseas business
entities, the overseas main premises, functional currency and selection basis shall be disclosed.
If there are changes on its functional currency, the causes for the changes shall be disclosed as

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Since the Company's overseas business entity, Dahua Technology (HK) Limited, does not have autonomy over its
business activities, which are the extension of the Company's business activities. For the part constituting the Company's
business activities, RMB shall be used as its functional currency.

65. Government subsidies

(1) Basic information about government subsidies

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                                     Amount taken to
                           Types                                   Amount         Items reported
                                                                                                       current P&L

VAT refund                                                       355,601,489.70   Other Incomes         355,601,489.70

District-level funding for the creation of an international
                                                                  10,000,000.00   Other Incomes           10,000,000.00
software city

Provincial Science and Technology Development Special
                                                                   8,340,000.00   Other Incomes            8,340,000.00
Fund Subsidy

Tax refund                                                         6,023,635.39   Other Incomes            6,023,635.39

Subsidy for the central pilot project of modern supply
chain system construction in the circulation field in              6,012,500.00   Other Incomes            6,012,500.00

District supporting funds for the first batch of technological
                                                                   6,000,000.00   Other Incomes            6,000,000.00

Funding for provincial key industrial Internet platform
                                                                   5,000,000.00   Other Incomes            5,000,000.00

Patent subsidies                                                   4,835,720.00   Other Incomes            4,835,720.00

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Special subsidies for development of the integrated circuit
                                                                    4,089,100.00    Other Incomes             4,089,100.00
industry in Hangzhou

Other special subsidies                                             3,745,573.60    Other Incomes             3,745,573.60

Funding for industrial chain pilot projects for emergency in
                                                                    3,000,000.00    Other Incomes             3,000,000.00
Zhejiang province

Funding for Hangzhou 5G Industry Project                            2,884,000.00    Other Incomes             2,884,000.00

Fund for Hangzhou Intelligent Manufacturing
Demonstration and Manufacturing Digital Transformation              1,500,000.00    Other Incomes             1,500,000.00

Return from social security                                         1,464,864.34    Other Incomes             1,464,864.34

Subsidies for job stability                                         1,438,653.34    Other Incomes             1,438,653.34

Fund for intellectual property award                                1,042,000.00    Other Incomes             1,042,000.00

Subsidy funds for industrial technology basic public
                                                                     885,000.00     Other Incomes               885,000.00
service platform projects

Subsidies for high-tech enterprise                                   800,000.00     Other Incomes               800,000.00

Government subsidies during the epidemic                              43,000.00     Other Incomes                43,000.00

VAT additional deduction                                             359,764.33     Other Incomes               359,764.33

Subsidies for overseas employees to stay in office during                           Non-operating
                                                                      111,808.80                                111,808.80
the epidemic                                                                           Revenue

2020 China (Xiaoguwei) "Internet + Transportation"                                  Non-operating
                                                                      60,000.00                                  60,000.00
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition                                            Revenue

Phase I investment financial incentive fund for security
                                                                53,505,000.00      Deferred Income
video surveillance product production base project

                                                                                   Deferred income /
Fuyang Dahua Intelligent (IOT) Industrial Park                  63,320,000.00                                 1,929,499.23
                                                                                     Other income

Hangzhou City's funding for technological transformation                           Deferred income /
                                                                    9,197,700.00                              1,524,472.13
of manufacturing enterprises                                                         Other income

(2) Repayment of government subsidies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                         Item                              Amount                            Causes

 Preferential loan discount funds for provincial                       Due to the prepayment of the epidemic loan, the

 epidemic prevention and control key guarantee         102,326.40      excess subsidy of the financial discount was

 enterprises                                                           refunded

                                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

VIII. Changes in the Scope of Consolidation

1. Consolidation not under the common control

(1) Profits or losses arising from re-measurement of the equity held before acquisition date in fair

Is there any transaction that leads to business consolidation achieved through multiple transactions in various stages with
control acquired within the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No

2. Disposal of subsidiaries

Is there any situation where disposal of investment in subsidiaries in a single transaction causes loss of control?
□ Yes √ No
Is there any situation where disposal of investment in subsidiaries is achieved through multiple transactions in various
stages, causing loss of control in this period?
□ Yes √ No

3. Changes in the scope of combination for other reasons

Explanations on the changes in the scope of consolidation caused by other reasons (for example, newly established
subsidiaries, subsidiaries clearing, etc.) and relevant information:
(1) The company invested and established two domestic subsidiaries, Zhejiang Huashi Zhijian Technology Limited and
Zhengzhou Dahua Zhian Information Technology Limited, as well as three overseas subsidies, Huacheng Network (Hong
Kong) Technology Limited, Dahua Technology QFZ LLC, and DAHUA TECHNOLOGY PACIFIC S.A., the above
subsidiaries have been included in the scope of consolidation since the date of establishment.
(2) Hangzhou Huajun Technology Limited, a subsidiary of the company, was canceled in the current period and will not be
included in the scope of consolidation from the date of cancellation.

IX. Equity in Other Entities

1. Equity in Subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the enterprise group

                          Main Place of         Registered                          Shareholding Percentage     Acquisition
Name of Subsidiaries                                            Business Nature
                            Business              Address                               Direct      Indirect      Method

Dahua System            Binjiang District, Binjiang     District, Electronics and
                                                                                    100%                       Establishment
Engineering             Hangzhou           Hangzhou             information

Dahua Vision            Binjiang District, Binjiang District,   Electronics and
                                                                                    100%                       Establishment
Technology              Hangzhou           Hangzhou             information

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Security         Binjiang District, Binjiang District,   Electronics and
                                                                                   51%                      Establishment
Network                Hangzhou           Hangzhou             information

                       Binjiang District, Binjiang District,   Electronics and
Dahua Ju'an                                                                        51%                      Establishment
                       Hangzhou           Hangzhou             information

Guangxi Dahua          Youjiang District, Youjiang District,   Electronics and
                                                                                   100%                     Establishment
Information            Baise              Baise                information

                       Binjiang District, Binjiang District,
Dahua Security                                                 Service                               100%   Establishment
                       Hangzhou           Hangzhou

                       Qingxiu District, Qingxiu District,
Guangxi Security                                               Service             100%                     Establishment
                       Nanning            Nanning

                       Binjiang District, Binjiang District,   Electronics and
Hangzhou Xiaohua                                                                   45% (Note 1)             Establishment
                       Hangzhou           Hangzhou             information

                       Fuyang District, Fuyang District,       Electronics and
Dahua Zhilian                                                                      90.09% (Note 2)          Establishment
                       Hangzhou           Hangzhou             information

                                                               Investment &
Dahua investment       Fuyang District, Fuyang District,
                                                               investment          75%                      Establishment
management             Hangzhou           Hangzhou

                       Youjiang District, Youjiang District,   Electronics and
Guangxi Zhicheng                                                                   65%                      Establishment
                       Baise              Baise                information

                       Binjiang District, Binjiang District,   Electronics and
Hangzhou Huacheng                                                                  51%                      Establishment
                       Hangzhou           Hangzhou             information

                                                               Electronics and
Xinjiang Information   Shihezi, Xinjiang Shihezi, Xinjiang                                           92%    Establishment

                       Binjiang District, Binjiang District,   popularization
HuaRay Technology                                                                  45.9% (Note 3)           Establishment
                       Hangzhou           Hangzhou             and application
                                                               services industry

                       Fuyang District, Fuyang District,       Electronics and
Fuyang Hua'ao                                                                      51%                      Establishment
                       Hangzhou           Hangzhou             information

                       Binjiang District, Binjiang District,   Electronics and
Huafei Intelligent                                                                 45.50% (Note 4)          Establishment
                       Hangzhou           Hangzhou             information

                       Binjiang District, Binjiang District,   Electronics and
Huachuang Vision                                                                   51%                      Establishment
                       Hangzhou           Hangzhou             information

                       Guanshanhu         Guanshanhu           Electronics and
Guizhou Huayi                                                                      45% (Note 5)             Establishment
                       District, Guiyang District, Guiyang     information

                       Cele County,       Cele County,         Electronics and
Xinjiang Zhihe                                                                                       97%    Establishment
                       Hotan, Xinjiang    Hotan, Xinjiang      information

                       Wuzhou,                                 Electronics and
Guangxi Huacheng                          Wuzhou, Guangxi                                            90%    Establishment
                       Guangxi                                 information

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Meitan Dahua                                                 Electronics and
                     Zunyi, Guizhou     Zunyi, Guizhou                                         100%    Establishment
Technology                                                   information

                     New District, Bai New District, Bai
Inner Mongolia       County, Chahar County, Chahar           Electronics and
                                                                                               95%     Establishment
Zhimeng              Right Wing Back Right Wing Back         information
                     Banner             Banner

                     Hetian County,     Hetian County,       Electronics and
Xinjiang Zhitian                                                                               97%     Establishment
                     Hetian, Xinjiang Hetian, Xinjiang       information

                     Shache County, Shache County,
                                                             Electronics and
Xinjiang Xinzhi      Kashgar District, Kashgar District,                                       100%    Establishment
                     Xinjiang           Xinjiang

                     Kashgar,                                Electronics and
Xinjiang Huayue                         Kashgar, Xinjiang                                      100%    Establishment
                     Xinjiang                                information

                     Tianjin Binhai     Tianjin Binhai New Electronics and
Tianjin Dahua                                                                                  65%     Establishment
                     New Area           Area                 information

                     Shuangpai          Shuangpai
                                                             Electronics and
Dahua Zhilong        County,            County, Yongzhou                                       90%     Establishment
                     Yongzhou City      City

                     Fuyang District,
                                        Fuyang District,
                     Hangzhou City,                          Electronics and
Vision Technology                       Hangzhou City,                         100%                    Establishment
                     Zhejiang                                information
                                        Zhejiang Province

                     Fuyang District,
                                        Fuyang District,
                     Hangzhou City,                          Electronics and
Huaxiao Technology                      Hangzhou City,                         51%                     Establishment
                     Zhejiang                                information
                                        Zhejiang Province

                     Xi'an City,
                                        Xi'an City, Shaanxi Electronics and
Xi'an Dahua          Shaanxi                                                   100%                    Establishment
                                        Province             information

                                                             Electronics and
Wuxi Ruipin          Wuxi City          Wuxi City                              51%                     Establishment

                     District,          Xiaoshan District,
                                                             Electronics and
Huaxuan Technology Hangzhou City,       Hangzhou City,                         100%                    Establishment
                     Zhejiang           Zhejiang Province

                     Xicheng District, Xicheng District,     Electronics and
Beijing Huayue                                                                 100%                    Establishment
                     Beijing            Beijing              information

                     Putuo District,    Putuo District,      Electronics and
Shanghai Huashang                                                              100%                    Establishment
                     Shanghai           Shanghai             information

                                                2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                       Wucheng District,
                    District, Jinhua                        Electronics and
Dahua Jinzhi                           Jinhua City,                           100%                  Establishment
                    City, Zhejiang                          information
                                       Zhejiang Province

                    Chengdu            Chengdu              Electronics and
Dahua Guangxun                                                                100%                  not under
                    High-tech Zone     High-tech Zone       information

                    Zhoushan City,
                                       Zhoushan City,       Electronics and
Zhoushan Operation Zhejiang                                                   58.8%                 Establishment
                                       Zhejiang Province information

                    Lijiang City,      Lijiang City,        Electronics and
Yunnan Zhili                                                                  90%                   Establishment
                    Yunnan Province Yunnan Province         information

                    Liuzhou City,      Liuzhou City,
Guangxi Dahua       Guangxi Zhuang Guangxi Zhuang           Electronics and
                                                                              100%                  Establishment
Technology          Autonomous         Autonomous           information
                    Region             Region

                    Binjiang District, Binjiang District,   Electronics and
Dahua Storage                                                                 51%                   Establishment
                    Hangzhou           Hangzhou             information

                    Binjiang District, Binjiang District,   Automobile
Huaruijie                                                                     51%                   Establishment
                    Hangzhou           Hangzhou             manufacturing

                                       Longquanyi           Electronics and
Chengdu Zhilian     District,                                                 100%                  Establishment
                                       District, Chengdu information

                                       Longquanyi           Electronics and
Chengdu Zhian       District,                                                 100%                  Establishment
                                       District, Chengdu information

                                       Longquanyi           Electronics and
Chengdu Zhishu      District,                                                 100%                  Establishment
                                       District, Chengdu information

                                       Longquanyi           Electronics and
Chengdu Zhichuang District,                                                   100%                  Establishment
                                       District, Chengdu information

                    Dayi County,       Dayi County,         Electronics and
Chengdu Smart                                                                 90%                   Establishment
                    Chengdu            Chengdu              information

                                       Wucheng District, Electronics and
Huakong Software    District, Jinhua                                          100%                  Establishment
                                       Jinhua City          information

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                     Binjiang District, Binjiang District,   Electronics and
Huacheng Software                                                                             100%    Establishment
                     Hangzhou            Hangzhou            information

                                         Nanming District,   Electronics and
Guizhou Dahua        District, Guiyang                                         100%                   Establishment
                                         Guiyang City        information

                     Zhengzhou City, Zhengzhou City,         Electronics and
Henan Dahua                                                                    100%                   Establishment
                     Henan Province Henan Province           information

                     Binjiang District, Binjiang District,   Electronics and
Waythcan                                                                       45% (Note 6)           Establishment
                     Hangzhou            Hangzhou            information

Zhengzhou Dahua      Zhengzhou City, Zhengzhou City,         Electronics and
                                                                               100%                   Establishment
Zhian                Henan Province Henan Province           information

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua Hong Kong      Hong Kong           Hong Kong                             100%                   Establishment

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua USA            USA                 USA                                                  100%    Establishment

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua Europe         Netherlands         Netherlands                                          100%    Establishment

                     United Arab         United Arab         Electronics and
Dahua Middle East                                                                             100%    Establishment
                     Emirates            Emirates            information

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua Mexico         Mexico              Mexico                                               100%    Establishment

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua Chile          Chile               Chile                                                100%    Establishment

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua Colombia       Columbia            Columbia                                             100%    Establishment

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua Australia      Australia           Australia                                            100%    Establishment

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua Singapore      Singapore           Singapore                                            100%    Establishment

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua South Africa   South Africa        South Africa                                         100%    Establishment

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua Peru           Peru                Peru                                                 100%    Establishment

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua Brazil         Brazil              Brazil                                               100%    Establishment

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua Russia         Russia              Russia                                               100%    Establishment

                                                             Electronics and
Dahua Canada         Canada              Canada                                               100%    Establishment

                                             2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Panama       Panama         Panama                                                 100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Hungary      Hungary        Hungary                                                100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Poland       Poland         Poland                                                 100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Tunisia      Tunisia        Tunisia                                                100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Kenya        Kenya          Kenya                                                  100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua UK           UK             UK                                                     100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Bulgaria     Bulgaria       Bulgaria                                               100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Serbia       Serbia         Serbia                                                 100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Germany      Germany        Germany                                                100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Malaysia     Malaysia       Malaysia                                               100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Korea        South Korea    South Korea                                            100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Indonesia    Indonesia      Indonesia                                              67%     Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua India        India          India                                                  100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Turkey       Turkey         Turkey                                                 100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Czech        Czech Republic Czech Republic                                         100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Argentina    Argentina      Argentina                                              100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Spain        Spain          Spain                                                  100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Kazakhstan   Kazakhstan     Kazakhstan                                             100%    Establishment

                                                       Electronics and
Dahua Denmark      Denmark        Denmark                                                100%    Establishment

                                               2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                         Electronics and
Dahua France           France        France                                                100%    Establishment

Dahua Lorex (US)                                         Electronics and
                       USA           USA                                                   100%    Establishment
Corporation                                              information

Dahua Technology                                         Electronics and
                       Hong Kong     Hong Kong                             100%                    Establishment
Holdings                                                 information

                                                         Electronics and
Dahua Morocco          Morocco       Morocco                                               100%    Establishment

Dahua Technology                                         Electronics and
                       Italy         Italy                                                 100%    not under
Italy                                                    information

                                                         Electronics and
Dahua Uzbekistan       Uzbekistan    Uzbekistan                                            100%    Establishment

                                                         Electronics and
Dahua Netherlands      Netherlands   Netherlands                                           100%    Establishment

                                                         Electronics and
Dahua Sri Lanka        Sri Lanka     Sri Lanka                                             100%    Establishment

Dahua Lorex                                              Electronics and
                       Canada        Canada                                                100%    not under
(Canada) Corporation                                     information

                                                         Electronics and
Dahua Pakistan         Pakistan      Pakistan                                              100%    Establishment

                                                         Electronics and
Dahua New Zealand New Zealand        New Zealand                                           100%    Establishment

                                                         Electronics and
Dahua Thailand         Thailand      Thailand                                              99.98% Establishment

                                                         Electronics and
Dahua Romania          Romania       Romania                                               100%    Establishment

                                                         Electronics and
Dahua Nigeria          Nigeria       Nigeria                                               100%    Establishment

                                                         Electronics and
Dahua Israel           Israel        Israel                                                100%    Establishment

                                                         Electronics and
Dahua Mexico           Mexico        Mexico                                                100%    Establishment

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                               Electronics and
Imou Netherlands        Netherlands       Netherlands                                                100%     Establishment

Dahua Loris (UK)                                               Electronics and
                        UK                UK                                                         100%     Establishment
Corporation                                                    information

                                                               Electronics and
Dahua Japan             Japan             Japan                                                      100%     Establishment

                                                               Electronics and
Dahua Qatar             Qatar             Qatar                                                      100%     Establishment

                                                               Electronics and
Imou Hong Kong          Hong Kong         Hong Kong                                                  100%     Establishment

Dahua Panama SEM
                                                               Electronics and
Regional                Panama            Panama                                                     100%     Establishment

Explanations on the fact that the proportion of the shares held by a subsidiary differs from that of voting rights:
(1) The company directly holds 45% of the equity of Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology Limited, and Zhejiang Huashi
Investment Management Limited grants 12% of its voting rights to the company according to the agreement. The
company actually holds 57% of the voting rights of Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology Limited, which constitutes actual
control and include it in the scope of consolidation.
(2) According to the industrial and commercial registration data, CDB Development Fund holds the equity of the company.
According to the cooperation agreement between the company and CDB Development Fund, CDB Development Fund
shall not assign directors, supervisors and other senior managers to Dahua Zhilian; regarding its investment, the company
shall pay the investment income with an annualized rate of return of 1.2% to CDB Development Fund every year by
means of dividend and repurchase premium, etc., and the company shall redeem the equity of CDB Development Fund to
Dahua Zhilian phase by phase from 2022 to 2024, and the company regards its investment amount as other non-current
liabilities. The company actually holds 100% voting rights and interests of Dahua Zhilian.
(3) On April 30, 2021, the registered capital of Zhejiang Huarui Technology Limited increased from RMB 50 million to RMB
55,555,556. As the Company waived the right to increase capital in the same proportion and the right of preemption of
Huarui Technology, the original 51% equity of Huarui Technology held by the Company was diluted to 45.9%. After the
equity dilution, the Company remained the largest shareholder of Huarui, and the remaining shareholders had a low and
diversified shareholding, and Huarui was still a subsidiary of the Company. On June 26, 2021, “Zhejiang Huarui
Technology Limited.” was renamed as “Zhejiang Huarui Technology Co., Ltd.”
(4) The company directly holds 45.50% of the equity of Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology Limited, and at the same
time, Zhejiang Huashi Investment Management Limited grants 16% of the voting rights to the company according to the
agreement. The company actually holds 61.50% of the voting rights of Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology Limited,
which constitutes actual control and includes it in the scope of consolidation.
(5) The company directly holds 45% of the equity of Guizhou Huayi Shixin Technology Limited, and at the same time,
Guizhou Yiyun Investment Limited grants 6% of the voting rights to the company according to the agreement. The
company actually holds 51% of the voting rights of Guizhou Huayi Shixin Technology Limited, which constitutes actual
control and includes it in the scope of consolidation.
(6) The company directly hold 45% equity of Zhejiang Huashi Zhijian Technology Limited, and at the same time, Ningbo
Hualing Investment Management Partnership (limited partnership) grants 40% of the voting rights held to the company in
accordance with the agreement. The company effectively holds 85% of the voting rights of Zhejiang Huashi Zhijian

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Technology Limited, which constitutes actual control and includes it in the scope of consolidation.

2. The transactions that lead to changes in the shareholder's equity in the subsidiaries while still
has working control over the subsidiary

(1) Explanation of the changes in the shareholder's equity in the subsidiaries

On April 30, 2021, the registered capital of Zhejiang Huarui Technology Limited increased from RMB 50 million to RMB
55,555,556. As the Company waived the right to increase capital in the same proportion and the right of preemption of
Huarui Technology, the original 51% equity of Huarui Technology held by the Company was diluted to 45.9%. After the
equity dilution, the Company remained the largest shareholder of Huarui, and the remaining shareholders had a low and
diversified shareholding. Huarui was still a subsidiary of the Company, and included in the scope of consolidation.

3. Equity in joint venture arrangements or affiliates

(1) Financial summary of non-essential joint ventures and affiliates

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                              Closing balance / accrual of current     Balance at the Start of the Period /
                                                             period                        accrual of previous period

Joint ventures:                                                 --                                      --

The total count of the following items
                                                                --                                      --
based on the shareholding ratios

Affiliates:                                                     --                                      --

Total book value of investments                                      820,449,863.74                          455,977,616.16

The total count of the following items
                                                                --                                      --
based on the shareholding ratios

--Net profit                                                         -155,395,120.84                         -44,335,467.10

--Other comprehensive income                                           -1,835,013.29                              -63,899.99

--Total comprehensive income                                         -157,230,134.13                         -44,399,367.09

X. Risks Relating to Financial Instruments

     The company faces various financial risks in the course of operation: credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk
(including exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risks).
The overall objective of the Company's risk management is to formulate risk management policies that can minimize risks
without affecting the Company's competitiveness and adaptability to changes too much.
     (一) Credit risk
     Credit risk refers to the risk of financial loss to the company due to the failure of the counterparty to perform its
contractual obligations. The Company is mainly facing with the customer credit risk arising from sales on account. Before
signing a new contract, the Company will assess the new customer's credit risk, including external credit rating and the
credibility letter from a bank under some circumstances (if such information is available). The Company has set a credit

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

limit for sales on account for each customer. Such limit shall be the maximum amount with no additional approval needed.
    The Company ensures that the overall credit risk is within the controllable range through quarterly monitoring of credit
ratings of existing customers, and monthly review of aging analysis on accounts receivable. When monitoring customers'
credit risk, the Company groups them according to their credit characteristics. The customers rated as "high risk" will be
placed in the list of restricted customers, and the company can sell on credit to such company in the future only with
additional approval, otherwise they must make relevant payment in advance.
    For overseas customers, the Company mainly uses wire transfer as a payment method. According to the credit
evaluation of each customer, the Company gives different credit lines and credit account periods, and agrees on the
payment method and account period in the commodity procurement contract between the two parties. After the sales of
products, the Company has a dedicated person responsible for tracking, reconciliation, and payment reminding. In
addition, the Company introduced export credit insurance to ensure that the return risk from overseas customers is within
controllable range.
    (Ⅱ) Liquidity risk
    Liquidity risk refers to the risk of capital shortage when an enterprise performs its obligation to settle by cash or other
financial assets.
The Company's policy is to ensure that there is sufficient cash to repay the liabilities due. The liquidity risk is under the
concentrated control of the Company's Financial Department. By monitoring the cash balance, negotiable securities
available for cash at any time and rolling forecast of cash flow in the next 12 months, the financial department ensures that
the company has sufficient funds to repay its debts under all reasonable forecasts.
    The financial liabilities of the Company are listed as follows based on the undiscounted contractual cash flow:

            Item                                                June 30, 2021
                                     Within 1 year             More than 1 year                  Total
Short-term loan                         1,104,598,520.22                                       1,104,598,520.22
Notes Payable                           3,610,134,581.74                                       3,610,134,581.74
Accounts Payable                        6,781,697,701.64                                      6,781,697,701.64
Other Payables                            717,772,801.38                                         717,772,801.38
Non-current Liabilities Due
                                          267,905,114.96                                         267,905,114.96
within 1 Year
Lease Liabilities                                                    111,686,035.50              111,686,035.50
Long-term loan                                                    1,903,000,000.00             1,903,000,000.00
            Total                      12,482,108,719.94          2,014,686,035.50           14,496,794,755.44

            Item                                             December 31, 2020
                                     Within 1 year             More than 1 year                  Total
Short-term loan                           250,177,083.34                                         250,177,083.34

Notes Payable                           3,258,552,758.17                                       3,258,552,758.17

Accounts Payable                        6,444,787,705.28                                       6,444,787,705.28

Other Payables                            970,552,877.22                                         970,552,877.22

Non-current Liabilities Due               151,891,709.34                                         151,891,709.34
within 1 Year

                                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Long-term loan                                                           878,000,000.00              878,000,000.00

             Total                         11,075,962,133.35             878,000,000.00           11,953,962,133.35

(Ⅲ) Market risk
     Market risk of financial instruments refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments
fluctuates due to changes in market prices, including exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risks.
     1. Interest rate risk
     Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments fluctuates due to
changes in market interest rates. The interest rate risk faced with by the Company is mainly from bank loans. The
Company's assets and liabilities relating to interest rate are respectively bank deposits and short-term loans, whose
interest rate risk is low.
     2. Exchange rate risk
     Exchange rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments fluctuates due to
changes in foreign exchange rates. The Company will try its best to match the revenues with the expenses in foreign
currency, to lower the exchange rate risk. In addition, the Company may also sign forward foreign exchange contracts or
currency swap contracts to avoid exchange rate risks.
     The exchange rate risk faced with by the Company is mainly from financial assets and liabilities in USD. The amounts
of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies and converted into RMB are listed as below:

    Item                     Balance at the End of the Period                           Balance at the Start of the Period
                     USD              Other foreign              Total             USD            Other foreign             Total
                                       currencies                                                  currencies
Cash and 1,786,420,928.29             535,775,944.04 2,322,196,872.33 2,066,290,327.08            722,490,474.86 2,788,780,801.94
Accounts      2,676,125,688.48 1,137,493,473.51 3,813,619,161.99 2,758,289,939.69 1,026,362,106.74 3,784,652,046.43
Accounts      1,538,959,201.61        126,180,451.19 1,665,139,652.80 1,435,207,173.38             78,343,376.34 1,513,550,549.72
Total         6,001,505,818.38 1,799,449,868.74 7,800,955,687.12 6,259,787,440.15 1,827,195,957.94 8,086,983,398.09

XI. Disclosure of Fair Values

1. Fair values of the assets and liabilities at the end of the period

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                             Fair values at period-end

                                                       First level       Second level          Third level
                                                      measurement measurement at fair measurement at                  Total
                                                      ata fair value        value               fair value

 I. Constant measurement at fair value                      --                --                    --                 --

                                              2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(Ⅰ). Trading financial assets                                   9,614,978.97                       9,614,978.97

Financial assets measured at fair value and
                                                                 9,614,978.97                       9,614,978.97
whose changes are included in current
profits and losses

(1) Debt instrument investment

(2) Equity instrument investment

(3) Derivative financial assets                                  8,144,978.97                       8,144,978.97

(4) Others                                                       1,470,000.00                       1,470,000.00

2. Financial assets designated to be
measured at fair value and whose changes
are included in current profits and losses

(1) Debt instrument investment

(2) Equity instrument investment

(Ⅱ) Other creditor's rights investment

(Ⅲ) Other equity instrument investment

(Ⅳ) Investment property

1. Right to use the land for lease

2. The buildings for lease

3. Land use rights held and prepared to
transfer after appreciation

(Ⅴ) Biological assets

1. Consumable biological assets

2. Productive biological assets

(Ⅵ) Accounts receivables financing                            901,192,858.59                     901,192,858.59

(Ⅶ) Other non-current financial assets                                         937,923,581.60    937,923,581.60

Total assets constantly measured at fair
                                                               910,807,837.56 937,923,581.60 1,848,731,419.16

(Ⅵ) Trading financial liabilities                                 450,897.52                         450,897.52

Including: Issued trading bonds

Derivative Financial Liabilities                                   450,897.52                         450,897.52


(Ⅶ) Financial liabilities designated to be
measured at fair value and included in
current profits or losses

Total amount of liabilities constantly                             450,897.52                         450,897.52

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 measured at their fair values

 II. Non-constant measurement at fair values           --                  --                    --                 --

 (Ⅰ) Assets held for sale

 Total assets not continuously measured at
 fair value

 Total liabilities not continuously measured at
 fair value

2. The valuation techniques adopted and the qualitative and quantitative information of important
parameters for continuous and non-continuous second-level fair value measurements

The fair value of derivative financial assets shall be recognized according to the difference between the quotation of
forward foreign exchange settlement and the forward foreign exchange price;
Due to the short remaining term of the receivables financing, the book value is close to the fair value, and the nominal
amount is used as the fair value.

3. The valuation techniques adopted and the qualitative and quantitative information of important
parameters for continuous and non-continuous third-level fair value measurements

Evaluate the value and net book assets based on the income method and asset-based method.

4. The fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value

The fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities measured by the Company at amortized cost is equivalent to the
book value.

XII. Related Parties and Related-party Transactions

1. The Company's Parent Company

                                                                                    Shareholding ratio      Proportion of
 Name of parent          Registered
                                           Business Nature     Registered Capital        of the parent    voting rights of the
     company                 Address
                                                                                          company          parent company

Fu Liquan                                                                                        34.18%               34.18%

Chen Ailing                                                                                       2.38%                  2.38%
The ultimate controllers of the Company are Mr. Fu Liquan and Ms. Chen Ailing.

2. Information about the Company's subsidiaries

For details of subsidiaries of the Company, see Note "IX. Equities in other entities".

                                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

3. Information about the Company's joint ventures and affiliates

Here is the information about joint ventures and affiliates that have related-party transactions with the Company in the
current period or have balance from related-party transactions with the Company in the previous period:

            Names of joint ventures and affiliates                              Relationship with the Company

Intelbras S.A.                                                   Affiliate

Guangdong Dahua Zhishi Technology Limited (Note 1)               Affiliate

Lishui Dahua Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.                    Affiliate

Ningbo Dahua Anbang Security Services Co., Ltd.                  Affiliate

Shaoxing Dahua Security Services Co., Ltd.                       Affiliate

Shenzhen Congwen Security Electronics Limited (Note 2)           Affiliate, such relationship was terminated in June 2021.

Taizhou Dahua Security Services Co., Ltd.                        Affiliate

Wenzhou Dahua Security Services Co., Ltd.                        Affiliate

Zhejiang Zhian Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd.
(Note 3)

Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Limited and its affiliates         Affiliate, and enterprise controlled by the Company's actual
(Note 4)                                                         controller

China Standard Intelligent Security Technology Co., Ltd.         Affiliate

Ruicity Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates (Note 5) Affiliate

Zhoushan Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.                              Affiliate

Digital Dongyang Technology Operation Co., Ltd.                  Affiliate

Hangzhou Juhuanyan Information Technology Co., Ltd.              Affiliate

Other notes
Note 1: On July 6, 2021, Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. transferred all the shares held by Guangdong Dahua Zhishi
Technology Limited to Zhejiang Huashi Zhijian Technology Limited, a subsidiary within the scope of consolidation.
"Guangdong Dahua Zhishi Technology Limited" was renamed "Guangdong Zhishi Digital Technology Limited".
Note 2: Shenzhen Congwen Security Electronics Limited is an affiliate company of the company. The company
transferred its equity in June2020, but within 12 months, Shenzhen Congwen Security Electronics Limited was still
recognized as the company's associated legal person of the company, the relationship ended in June 20216.
Note 3: On April 28, 2021, “Zhejiang Dahua Zhian Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd.” was renamed as “Zhejiang
Zhian Internet of Things Engineering Co., Ltd.”
Note 4: On April 30, 2021, “Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Limited” was renamed as “Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology
Co., Ltd.” “Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates” include a total of five companies, namely Leapmotor
Automobile Limited, Hangzhou Leapmotor Automobile Sales Service Limited, Zhejiang Youchong New Energy
Technology Limited, Wuhan Lingchao Automobile Sales Service Limited, and Zhejiang Leapmotor Automobile Sales
Service Limited, which have related transactions with the Company.
Note 5: “Ruicity Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates” include Ruicity Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiary
Ruicity (Shandong) Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                 2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

4. Information about other related parties

                                                               Relationship between the Company and other related
                Names of other related parties

                                                            Enterprises controlled by spouses of senior executives of
Hangzhou Nuojia Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                            the company

                                                            Enterprise significantly influenced by the senior manager of
Hangzhou Xunwei Robotics Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                            the Company

                                                            Enterprise controlled by the senior manager of the
Hangzhou Xintu Technology Co., Ltd.

Ningbo Hualing Investment Management Partnership
                                                            Enterprise controlled by actual controller
(Limited Partnership)

Ningxia Shendun Security Services Co., Ltd.                 Subsidiary of a company with shares held by the Company

Zhejiang Huanuokang Technology Co., Ltd.                    Company controlled by the Company's actual controller

                                                            Enterprise controlled by the senior manager of the
Zhejiang Lancable Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhoushan Weixin Equity Investment Partnership (Limited      Enterprises in which the actual controller has significant
Partnership)                                                influence

Zhoushan Zhixin Equity Investment Partnership (Limited
                                                            Enterprise controlled by actual controller

                                                            Enterprises in which the actual controller has significant
Zhejiang Huatu Microchip Technology Limited (Note 1)

                                                            Enterprises in which the actual controller has significant
Zhejiang Xinsheng Electronic Technology Limited (Note 1)

Zhoushan Dahua Security Service Limited                     Subsidiary of the affiliate

South-North United Information Technology Co., Ltd. (Note This company shall end its affiliate relationship within the
2)                                                          year of 2021

                                                            Enterprises over which the previous senior executives have
Wangsu Technology Co., Ltd. (Note 3)
                                                            significant influence

Zhejiang Huashi Investment Management Co., Ltd.             Enterprise controlled by actual controller

Zhejiang Zhihua IOT Technology Limited                      Subsidiaries of affiliates

Hangzhou Xianmai Technology Limited                         Enterprise controlled by actual controller

                                                            Enterprises over which the previous senior executives have
Zhejiang Nuojia Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
                                                            significant influence

China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. and its
                                                            Groups that have important influence on the company
affiliates (Note 4)

Other notes
Note 1: Zhejiang Huatu Microchip Technology Limited and Zhejiang Xinsheng Electronic Technology Limited were

                                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

disposed by Dahua in July 2020, after the disposal, however, they remain enterprises in which the actual controller has
significant influence.
Note 2: South-North United Information Technology Co., Ltd. was disposed by Dahua in 2020, but within the 12 months
after the disposal, South-North United Information was till recognized as the company's associated legal person, and the
relationship ended in April 2021.
Note 3: Huang Siying, the original independent director of the company, served as a director of Wangsu Technology
Limited and left his post in August 2020, within the 12 months of her departure, Wangsu Technology Co., Ltd was still
recognized as the company's associated legal person.
Note 4: The company signed a share subscription agreement with effective conditions with China Mobile Capital Holdings
Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd., on March 26, 2021, and signed
the "Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Effective Conditions" with China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. and
China Mobile Capital Holdings Co., Ltd. After the completion of this non-public offering, China Mobile Capital will hold
more than5% of the shares of the company. According to the "Shenzhen Stock Exchange Stock Listing Rules", as a result
of signing agreements or arrangements with the listed company or its affiliates, the entity directly or indirectly holding more
than 5% of the shares of the listed company after the agreement or arrangement takes effect or within the next 12 months
is regarded as the related party of the listed company. Therefore, the company has a related relationship with China
Mobile Communication Group Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies since March 26, 2021.

5. Information about related-party transactions

(1) Related-party transactions involving purchase and selling of merchandise and provision and
acceptance of labor services

Merchandise purchase and acceptance of labor services
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                    Content of the       This Period's                            Over the
                                                                            Approved                                 Period's
        Related parties             related - party       Amount of                          transaction limit or
                                                                         transaction limit                          Amount of
                                     transaction          Occurrence                                 not

Zhejiang Leapmotor
                               Purchase of
Technology Co., Ltd and its                                  35,679.20                       No                     1,362,577.05

Hangzhou Xunwei Robotics       procurement,
                                                            444,057.57                       No                     3,271,015.27
Technology Co., Ltd.           acceptance of

Hangzhou Nuojia Technology Acceptance of
                                                            484,234.68                       No                      206,422.02
Co., Ltd.                      services

Zhejiang Huanuokang            Purchase of
                                                          1,336,283.11                       No                      145,132.74
Technology Co., Ltd.           materials

Zhoushan Dahua Security        Acceptance of
                                                          4,088,447.17                       No                     1,020,944.24
Service Limited                services

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Conwin Security       Acceptance of
                                                           8,000.00                   No
Electronics CO., Ltd.          services

Others                                              136,955,034.68
                               acceptance of

Sales of merchandise and provision of services
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                                                      Previous Period's
                                                  Content of the related -   This Period's Amount
                 Related parties                                                                         Amount of
                                                     party transaction          of Occurrence

Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd and
                                                 Sales of merchandise              25,154,144.53            1,600,748.70
its affiliates

Ningbo Dahua Anbang Security Services Co.,
                                                 Sales of merchandise                 609,380.47               74,075.23

Zhoushan Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.              Sales of merchandise                   80,051.32              12,183.18

Wenzhou Dahua Security Services Co., Ltd.        Provision of services                                         23,584.91

                                                 Sales of merchandise and
Hangzhou Xintu Technology Co., Ltd.                                                   236,264.22             236,913.67
                                                 provision of services

Shenzhen Conwin Security Electronics CO.,
                                                 Sales of merchandise                                        378,258.42

Guangdong Dahua Zhishi Technology Co., Ltd. Sales of merchandise                   12,724,922.75            4,684,747.26

Intelbras S.A.                                   Sales of merchandise             303,183,526.51         126,462,175.51

Hangzhou Xunwei Robotics Technology Co.,
                                                 Sales of merchandise                   11,469.03              14,159.28

Zhejiang Lancable Technology Co., Ltd.           Sales of merchandise                                         -56,034.48

                                                 Sales of merchandise and
Hangzhou Nuojia Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    45,893.80            104,055.89
                                                 provision of services

China Standard Intelligent Security Technology
                                                 Sales of merchandise                      1,327.43            62,220.38
Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Huanuokang Technology Co., Ltd.         Sales of merchandise                1,471,146.02            292,228.09

Ruicity Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and its     Sales of merchandise and
                                                                                   15,964,205.97            3,913,235.39
affiliates                                       provision of services

Taizhou Dahua Security Services Co., Ltd.        Sales of merchandise                        69.03

Zhejiang Zhihua IOT Technology Limited           Sales of merchandise                   14,867.26

Zhejiang Nuojia Biotechnology Co., Ltd.          Sales of merchandise                      7,522.13

                                                 Sales of merchandise and
Others                                                                             59,132,012.56
                                                 provision of services

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Related leasing

The Company being the lessor:
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                             Type of the leased      Rental income confirmed in Rental income confirmed
            Name of the lessee
                                                   assets                   this period             in the previous period

Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Buildings and
                                                                                    495,771.41                     344,155.74
Ltd.                                      constructions

China Standard Intelligent Security       Buildings and
Technology Co., Ltd.                      constructions

South-North United Information            Buildings and
Technology Co., Ltd.                      constructions

Ruicity Digital Technology Co., Ltd.      Transportation
and its affiliates                        equipment

Others                                                                               15,044.25

(3) Related guarantee

The Company being the guarantor:
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                       Guarantee                                                                      fulfilled
          Secured parties                                   Starting date                 Maturity date
                                        Amount                                                                       completely
                                                                                                                       or not

Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                                        Two years after the maturity of the
                                   220,000,000.00      October 13, 2017                                             No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                         debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                                   500,000,000.00      March 20, 2018        March 19, 2021                         Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Dahua Vision
Technology Co., Ltd.                                   September 21,         Two years after the maturity of the
                                       40,000,000.00                                                                No
(guarantee currency is US                              2018                  debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                                   180,000,000.00      June 26, 2019         June 25, 2022                          No
Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                                        Two years after the maturity of the
                                   440,000,000.00      July 22, 2019                                                No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                         debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                  September 29,         Three years after the maturity of
                                   200,000,000.00                                                                   No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                   2019                  the debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision              250,000,000.00      February 17, 2020     Two years after the maturity of the    No

                                              2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                                 Three years after the maturity of
                                300,000,000.00    February 26, 2020                                         Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  the debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                                530,000,000.00    April 7, 2020       March 31, 2024                        No
Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                                 Two years after the maturity of the
                                240,000,000.00    April 13, 2020                                            No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                                 Two years after the maturity of the
                                500,000,000.00    July 31, 2020                                             No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                                 Two years after the maturity of the
                                600,000,000.00    August 12, 2020                                           No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                                 Two years after the maturity of the
                                330,000,000.00    August 18, 2020                                           No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                                 Five years upon expiration of debt
                                300,000,000.00    August 15, 2020                                           No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  period of master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision                             September 27,       Three years after the maturity of
                                400,000,000.00                                                              No
Technology Co., Ltd.                              2020                the debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                                 Three years after the maturity of
                               1,000,000,000.00   February 4, 2021                                          No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  the debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                                 Three years after the maturity of
                                300,000,000.00    February 25, 2021                                         No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  the debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                                100,000,000.00    February 25, 2021   September 26, 2021                    No
Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                                 80,000,000.00    May 12, 2021        December 31, 2022                     No
Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                      Additional three years from the
                                                                      effective date of the commitment
Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                                 letter to the maturity date of each
                                200,000,000.00    May 29, 2021                                              No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  note discounted by China
                                                                      Merchants Bank during the credit

Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co.,
                                300,000,000.00    October 12, 2018    October 12, 2021                      No

Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co.,                                           Two years after the maturity of the
                                100,000,000.00    August 30, 2019                                           No
Ltd.                                                                  debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co.,                                           One years upon expiration of debt
                                100,000,000.00    April 09, 2020                                            Yes
Ltd.                                                                  period of master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian                                                One years upon expiration of debt
                                 60,000,000.00    May 1, 2020                                               Yes
Limited (guaranteed currency                                          period of master contract

                                            2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

is USD)

Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co.,                                         Two years after the maturity of the
                               300,000,000.00   March 28, 2019                                            No
Ltd.                                                                debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co.,                     September 25,       Two years after the maturity of the
                               165,000,000.00                                                             No
Ltd.                                            2020                debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co.,                     September 27,       Three years after the maturity of
                                75,000,000.00                                                             No
Ltd.                                            2020                the debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co.,                     September 29,       Three years after the maturity of
                               160,000,000.00                                                             Yes
Ltd.                                            2020                the debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co.,                                         One years upon expiration of debt
                               100,000,000.00   May 1, 2021                                               No
Ltd.                                                                period of master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian
Limited (guaranteed currency    60,000,000.00   May 1, 2021         April 30, 2022                        No
is USD)

Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian
Limited (guaranteed currency    55,000,000.00   April 30, 2021      May 14, 2022                          No
is USD)

                                                                    Additional three years from the
                                                                    effective date of the commitment
Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co.,                                         letter to the maturity date of each
                               160,000,000.00   May 29, 2021                                              No
Ltd.                                                                note discounted by China
                                                                    Merchants Bank during the credit

Zhejiang Dahua System                                               Two years after the maturity of the
                                10,000,000.00   August 30, 2019                                           No
Engineering Co., Ltd.                                               debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua System                           November 7,         Two years after the maturity of the
                                60,000,000.00                                                             No
Engineering Co., Ltd.                           2019                debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua System                                               Three years after the maturity of
                                40,000,000.00   February 26, 2020                                         Yes
Engineering Co., Ltd.                                               the debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua System                                               Two years after the maturity of the
                                50,000,000.00   July 31, 2020                                             No
Engineering Co., Ltd.                                               debts in the master contract

                                                                    Additional three years from the
                                                                    effective date of the commitment
Zhejiang Dahua System                                               letter to the maturity date of each
                                40,000,000.00   May 29, 2021                                              No
Engineering Co., Ltd.                                               note discounted by China
                                                                    Merchants Bank during the credit

Dahua Technology (HK)
                                                November 25,        Two years after the maturity of the
Limited (guarantee currency      7,000,000.00                                                             No
                                                2019                debts in the master contract
is US dollar)

                                            2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Technology (Hong
Kong) Limited (guaranteed        1,000,000.00   April 25, 2021      April 25, 2022                        No
currency is euro)

                                 6,500,000.00   October 27, 2020    October 20, 2021                      No
(guaranteed currency is

MEXICO S.A. DE C.V                              September 01,
                                 1,000,000.00                       August 31, 2021                       No
(guaranteed currency is                         2020

Hangzhou Huacheng
                                                                    Two years after the maturity of the
Network Technology Co.,         50,000,000.00   August 30, 2019                                           No
                                                                    debts in the master contract

Hangzhou Huacheng
                                                                    Three years after the maturity of
Network Technology Co.,        100,000,000.00   February 26, 2020                                         Yes
                                                                    the debts in the master contract

Hangzhou Huacheng
                                                September 25,       Two years after the maturity of the
Network Technology Co.,         55,000,000.00                                                             No
                                                2020                debts in the master contract

Hangzhou Huacheng
                                                September 27,       Three years after the maturity of
Network Technology Co.,         50,000,000.00                                                             No
                                                2020                the debts in the master contract

Hangzhou Huacheng                                                   Six months upon expiration of the
Network Technology Co.,         20,000,000.00   February 4, 2021    debt performance period of            No
Ltd.                                                                master contract

Hangzhou Huacheng
                                                                    Three years after the maturity of
Network Technology Co.,        100,000,000.00   February 25, 2021                                         No
                                                                    the debts in the master contract

Dahua Technology UK
Limited (guaranteed currency     1,160,000.00   August 12, 2020     Sign the termination notice           No
is GBP)

Zhejiang HuaRay                                                     Three years after the maturity of
                                50,000,000.00   February 25, 2021                                         No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                the debts in the master contract

Zhejiang Dahua Vision
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                Three years after the maturity of
                                 2,000,000.00   May 2, 2021                                               No
(guaranteed currency is                                             the debts in the master contract

                                                                    Additional three years from the
Zhejiang Dahua Storage
                                10,000,000.00   May 29, 2021        effective date of the commitment      No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                    letter to the maturity date of each

                                          2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                note discounted by China
                                                                Merchants Bank during the credit

Zhejiang Huachuang Vision                                       Three years after the maturity of
                              50,000,000.00   May 11, 2021                                            No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                            the debts in the master contract

                                                                Additional three years from the
                                                                effective date of the commitment
Zhejiang Fengshi Technology                                     letter to the maturity date of each
                              20,000,000.00   May 29, 2021                                            No
Co., Ltd.                                                       note discounted by China
                                                                Merchants Bank during the credit

                                                                Additional three years from the
                                                                effective date of the commitment
Wuxi Dahua Ruipin                                               letter to the maturity date of each
                              10,000,000.00   May 29, 2021                                            No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                            note discounted by China
                                                                Merchants Bank during the credit

                                                                Additional three years from the
                                                                effective date of the commitment
Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent                                     letter to the maturity date of each
                              10,000,000.00   May 29, 2021                                            No
Technology CO., LTD.                                            note discounted by China
                                                                Merchants Bank during the credit

                                                                Additional three years from the
                                                                effective date of the commitment
Zhejiang Huaxiao                                                letter to the maturity date of each
                              10,000,000.00   May 29, 2021                                            No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                            note discounted by China
                                                                Merchants Bank during the credit

                                                                Additional three years from the
                                                                effective date of the commitment
Zhejiang Dahua Jinzhi                                           letter to the maturity date of each
                              10,000,000.00   May 29, 2021                                            No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                            note discounted by China
                                                                Merchants Bank during the credit

                                                                Additional three years from the
                                                                effective date of the commitment
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian                                             letter to the maturity date of each
                              50,000,000.00   May 29, 2021                                            No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                            note discounted by China
                                                                Merchants Bank during the credit

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(4) Asset transfer and debt restructuring of related parties

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                 Content of the related -    This Period's Amount     Previous Period's
                Related parties
                                                     party transaction          of Occurrence       Amount of Occurrence

Zhejiang Huanuokang Technology Co., Ltd. Selling of fixed assets                                                64,475.38

Ruicity Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and its
                                               Selling of fixed assets                112,127.64              142,819.61

Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd
                                               Procurement of fixed assets          1,157,719.80              196,477.09
and its affiliates

(5) Remuneration for key management personnel

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                     Item                 This Period's Amount of Occurrence Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence

Salary of key management personnel                                  5,430,399.52                            6,528,420.50

(6) Other related-party transactions

1. On January 8, 2021, the Eighth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved
the "Proposal on Joint Capital Increase and Related Party Transactions", and agreed that the Company and related
parties Zhang Xingming, He Chao, Ningbo Huaqi Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), Hangzhou
Kangpi Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) and non-related party Yao Weizhong to sign the
"Agreement on Equity Transfer and Capital Increase of Zhejiang Healnoc Technology Co., Ltd.". The Company and
related parties Zhang Xingming, He Chao, Ningbo Huaqi Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership),
Hangzhou Kangpi Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) and non-related party Yao Weizhong
contributed RMB 50 million in total to Zhejiang Healnoc Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Healnoc") as capital increase.
Among them, the Company invested RMB 20 million of its own funds, holding 20% of Healnoc equity, and Healnoc
became a shareholding company. The change of industrial and commercial registrations for the above matter was
completed in February 2021.
2. On January 22, 2021, the First Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders in 2021 deliberated and approved the “Proposal
on Giving up Shareholding Companies' Equity Increase Rights and Related Party Transactions”. A total of 14 investors,
including Zhu Jiangming, Gao Dong, Chen Jinxia, and Ningbo Huaqi Investment Management Partnership (Limited
Partnership), made a B-1 round of capital increase in Leapmotor Technology. The related transaction amount involved in
companies giving up the right to increase capital in the same proportion was RMB 458.459 million. The change of
industrial and commercial registrations for the above matter was completed in January 2021.
3. On January 27, 2021,the Ninth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved
the “Proposal on Giving up Shareholding Companies' Equity Increase Rights and Related Party Transactions”. A total of
10investors, including Zhejiang Mituo Investment Co., Ltd., Gao Dong, Huzhou Heninghai Investment Partnership
(Limited Partnership), intended to make a B-2 round of capital increase in Leapmotor. The amount of related party
transactions involved in the companies' giving up the right to increase capital in the same proportion was RMB
0.16683546 billion. The change of industrial and commercial registrations for the above matter was completed in January

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

4. On April 22, 2021, the "Proposal on Giving Up the Right to Increase Capital and Pre-emptive Rights of a Subsidiary in
the Same Proportion and Related Transaction" was deliberated and approved at the Fourteenth Meeting of the Seventh
Session of the Board of Directors of the Company, in which a total of 5 investors, including CICC Huarui Technology
Employee Shareholding No. 1 Single Asset Management Plan, intended to increase capital to Zhejiang Huarui
Technology Co., Ltd., with a total capital increase of RMB 9,545,783.        Based on the shareholding structure after the
above capital increase, Ningbo Huayu Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), shareholder of Huarui
Technology, intended to transfer its 44.10% shareholding of Huarui Technology to a total of 24investors including CICC
Huarui Technology Employee Shareholding No. 1Single Asset Management Plan, at a total price of RMB 244,309,237.
The Company waived the preferential subscription right and the preemptive right to purchase the above-mentioned equity
interests. The change of industrial and commercial registrations for the above matter was completed in April 2021.
5. On June 7, 2021, the "Proposal on Capital Increase and Related Transaction of Holding Subsidiary" was deliberated
and approved at the Sixteenth Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors of the Company, which agreed that the
Company and the related legal person Zhejiang Huashi Investment Management Co., Ltd. jointly increased the capital of
the holding subsidiary Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd. in the same proportion.     The company increased its capital
by RMB10.2 million with its own funds, and after the completion of the capital increase, the registered capital of Huaxiao
Technology increased from RMB 50 million to RMB 70 million. The change of industrial and commercial registrations for
the above matter was completed in June 2021.
6. On June 29, 2021, the "Proposal on Joint Investment and Establishment of Industrial Fund and Related Transaction
with Related Parties" was deliberated and approved at the Eighteenth Meeting of the Seventh Session of the Board of
Directors of the Company, which agreed to establish Zhoushan Huayan Chuangxi Equity Investment Partnership (Limited
Partnership) with a total of 19 investors, including Huayan Capital (Hangzhou) Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd.
The form of the Industrial Fund is a limited partnership with a total fund scale of RMB 150.1 million; Huayan Capital, as the
fund manager, contributes RMB 100,000 in currency, holding 0.07% of the shares, and Dahua Shares contributes RMB 50
million in currency, holding 33.32% of the shares. The matter is still in progress.

6. Receivables and payables of the related parties

(1) Receivables

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                     Balance at the End of the
                                                                                      Balance at the Start of the Period
Item Name              Related parties
                                                                        Bad debt
                                                    Book balance                      Book balance      Bad debt provision

Accounts     Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology
                                                     30,762,326.83 1,550,779.35        20,226,671.24         1,097,618.01
receivable Co., Ltd and its affiliates

Accounts     Zhejiang Zhian Internet of Things
                                                        100,000.00       30,000.00         100,000.00           10,000.00
receivable Engineering Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Guangdong Dahua Zhishi
                                                     12,670,875.40      633,543.77       9,674,896.53          483,744.83
receivable Technology Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Ningbo Dahua Anbang Security
                                                        644,510.00       32,225.50         826,971.00           41,348.55
receivable Services Co., Ltd.

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Hangzhou Xintu Technology Co.,
                                                         47,473.26     2,373.66          94,500.00           4,725.00
receivable Ltd.

Accounts     Hangzhou Xunwei Robotics
                                                          7,200.00       360.00          15,300.00             765.00
receivable Technology Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Hangzhou Nuojia Technology Co.,
                                                          2,099.00       104.95          48,305.00           2,415.25
receivable Ltd.

Accounts     China Standard Intelligent Security
                                                      1,017,406.10   184,290.85       1,017,723.17          94,223.41
receivable Technology Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Zhejiang Huanuokang Technology
                                                      1,801,425.53    90,071.28       1,106,873.88          73,242.70
receivable Co., Ltd.

             Intelbras S.A.                         195,449,590.28 9,772,606.21     208,554,357.60      10,427,717.88

Accounts     Shaoxing Dahua Security Services
                                                         50,000.00     5,000.00          50,000.00           5,000.00
receivable Co., Ltd.

Accounts     South-North United Information
                                                                                     29,508,038.92       6,150,422.02
receivable Technology Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Ruicity Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                     22,074,231.76 1,103,711.59      12,589,716.40         629,485.82
receivable and its affiliates

Accounts     Hangzhou Juhuanyan Information
                                                      1,223,000.00   219,041.50       1,223,000.00          92,728.30
receivable Technology Co., Ltd.

Accounts     Zhoushan Dahua Technology Co.,
                                                         78,065.00     3,903.25
receivable Ltd.

Accounts                                            132,288,139.25 9,113,249.13        2,228,554.7         111,428.76

             Others                                  20,195,635.70                    9,430,662.05

Prepaymen Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology
                                                        119,200.00                      811,033.19
t            Co., Ltd and its affiliates

             Shenzhen Conwin Security
Receivable                                                                                8,000.00             400.00
             Electronics CO., Ltd.

Other        Ningbo Hualing Investment
Receivable Management Partnership (Limited          107,800,000.00 5,390,000.00     107,800,000.00       5,390,000.00
s            Partnership)

Other        Zhoushan Weixin Equity
Receivable Investment Partnership (Limited           62,720,000.00 3,136,000.00      62,720,000.00       3,136,000.00
s            Partnership)

Other        Zhoushan Zhixin Equity Investment
                                                     64,680,000.00 3,234,000.00      64,680,000.00       3,234,000.00
Receivable Partnership (Limited Partnership)

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


              Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology
Receivable                                                                                    5,600.00          280.00
              Co., Ltd and its affiliates

Other                                                 1,247,969.22    299,940.46          54,751.47            2,737.57
Receivable Others

(2) Payables

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

    Item Name                    Related parties                     Closing balance            Opening book balance

Accounts         Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                            11,943,849.77                 11,126,290.19
Payable          and its affiliates

Accounts         Ningxia Shendun Security Services Co.,
                                                                               350,375.00                   350,375.00
Payable          Ltd.

                 Hangzhou Nuojia Technology Co., Ltd.                        1,863,441.59                  2,371,466.69

                 Zhejiang Huanuokang Technology Co., Ltd.                    1,107,343.59                  1,018,404.74

                 Wangsu Technology Co., Ltd.                                    18,000.00                     18,000.00

                 Others                                                     56,790,867.78

                 Hangzhou Nuojia Technology Co., Ltd.                                                           353.98

Contract         Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                             1,195,593.81                   982,300.88
liabilities      and its affiliates

Contract         South-North United Information Technology
liabilities      Co., Ltd.

Contract         Ruicity Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and its
liabilities      affiliates

Contract         Hangzhou Juhuanyan Information
                                                                               250,000.00                   250,000.00
liabilities      Technology Co., Ltd.

                 Zhejiang Zhihua IOT Technology Limited                            2,830.19

                 Hangzhou Xintu Technology Co., Ltd.                               3,721.17

Contract         Others                                                      1,478,163.34

                                                    2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Other           Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                                  173,520.00                     173,520.00
Payables        and its affiliates

                Others                                                            720,000.00

XIII. Share-based payment

1. Overview of share-based payment

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

Total amount of equity instruments
granted by the Company in current                                                                                           -

Total amount of equity instruments                                                    29,431,520 shares of restricted stock
exercised by the Company in current

Total amount of equity instruments of                                                  1,028,860 shares of restricted stock
the Company invalidated in current

                                        The first-grant price of restricted stock granted under the Restricted Stock
The range of the exercise prices of     Incentive Plan in 2018 was RMB 8.17 per share, and the remaining term of the
other outstanding equity instruments contract was 20 months; the grant price of the reserved granted restricted stock
issued by Company at the end of the was 8.75 yuan per share, and the remaining term of the contract was 20 months.
period and the remaining contractual In 2020, the grant price of restricted stock granted under the Restricted Stock
term                                    Incentive Plan is RMB 7.467 per share, the remaining period of the contract is 23

2. Situation of equity-settled share-based payment

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

The method for determining the fair value of equity               Determined based on the stock price at the grant date
instruments on the day of granting                                and the grant cost of the restricted stocks

The basis for determining the amount of exercisable equity        Estimated according to equity instruments held by the
instruments                                                       employees

Reason for the significant difference between the estimation
of current period and the previous period

The accumulated amount of equity-settled share-based
payment counted into the capital reserve

                                                 2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Amount of equity-settled share-based payment confirmed in
current period

3. Situation of cash-settled share-based payment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XIV. Commitments and contingencies

1. Significant commitments

Important commitments on the balance sheet day
As of June 30, 2021, the pledges of the company are as follows:
(1) On August 19, 2016,Xinjiang Dahua Zhixin Information Technology LLC, as a subsidiary, pledged its future accounts
receivable of RMB 351,064,980.00 incurred from the available service fee under the Franchise Agreement for the
Shihezi “Safe Shicheng” PPP Project and signed the Fixed Assets Loan Contract (Total Contract Amount: RMB
230,000,000.00, Contract No.: 2016-01) with Shihezi Sub-Branch of the Construction Bank of China, to provide guarantee
for the Company's loan (Loan Contract No.: 2016-01) amounting to RMB 230,000,000.00 (Term of Borrowing: from August,
2016 to August 2027). As of June 30, 2021, the amount of receivables pledged was RMB 209,459,399.05 (including the
balance of long-term receivables of RMB 178,385,721.02 and the balance of non-current assets of RMB 31,073,678.03
due within one year). The loan balance under the guarantee contract was RMB 128,000,000.00 (including the long-term
loans of RMB 103,000,000.00 and the non-current liabilities of RMB 25,000,000.00 due within one year).
(2) On June 28, 2019, Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Branch of Zheshang Bank Co., Ltd. entered
into the (33100000) ZSZCCZ (2019) No. 12373 Asset Pool Pledge Guarantee Contract (Contract Term: June 28, 2019 to
June 28, 2021). On June 29th, 2021, Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Branch of Zheshang Bank Co.,
Ltd. renewed the (33100000) ZSZCCZ (2021) No. 13431 Asset Pool Pledge Guarantee Contract (Contract Term: June 29,
2021 to June 29, 2022), to provide guarantee for the Asset Pool Business Cooperation Agreement signed by the
Company, its subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd., its subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering
Co., Ltd., its subsidiary Guangxi Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Branch of Zheshang Bank Co.,
Ltd., with the maximum financing amount of the fund pledge pool not exceeding RMB 3 billion.
Under this note pool business, as of June 30, 2021, Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. has RMB 590,293,741.29 of
undue notes receivable (including RMB 580,000,000.00 of related party bills receivable within the consolidated scope), its
subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. has RMB 623,227,941.27 of undue notes receivable (including
RMB 100,000,000.00 of related party bills receivable within the consolidated scope), and its subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua
System Engineering Co., Ltd. has RMB 6,641,384.68 of undue notes receivable. Under the pledge, Zhejiang Dahua
Technology Co., Ltd. issued RMB 16,874,532.77 of bank acceptance bills, its subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision
Technology Co., Ltd. issued RMB 1,148,501,714.35 of bank acceptance bills, and its subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua System
Engineering Co., Ltd. issued RMB 811,669.15 of bank acceptance bills.
(3) On November 23, 2020, Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Branch of Zheshang Bank Co., Ltd. entered
into the (33100000) ZSZCCZ (2020) No. 28875 Asset Pool Pledge Guarantee Contract (Contract Term: November 23,
2020 to June 28, 2021). On June 29, 2021, Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Branch of Zheshang Bank
Co., Ltd. renewed the (33100000) ZSZCCZ (2021) No. 14619 Asset Pool Pledge and Guarantee Contract (Contract Term:
from June 29, 2021 to June 29, 2022), to provide a guarantee for the Notes Pool Business Cooperation Agreement signed
by Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. and Zheshang Bank Co., Ltd. The financing amount for the fund pledge pool shall not

                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

exceed RMB 0.5 billion.
Under this note pool business, as of June 30, 2021, Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. has RMB 23,719,523.56 of undue
notes receivable for issuing acceptance bills. Under the pledge, Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. issued RMB
20,124,055.34 of bank acceptance bills.
(3)Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Branch of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the
Special Credit Agreement for Notes Pool Business, which promised a special credit line of RMB 2 billion for the notes pool
to be allocated to its subsidiaries: Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co.,
Ltd., Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang HuaRay
Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. As of June 30, 2021, Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. has
RMB 2,702,695.15 of undue notes receivable, its subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. has RMB
137,255,796.12 of undue notes receivable (including RMB 10,000,000.00 of related party bills receivable within the
consolidated scope), its subsidiary Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. has RMB 553,230.00 of undue
notes receivable, and its subsidiary Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co., Ltd. has RMB 2,530,000.00 of undue notes
receivable pledged for issuing bank acceptance bills. Under the pledge, its subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology
Co., Ltd. issued RMB 2,143,046.99 of bank acceptance bills, its subsidiary Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology Co.,
Ltd. issued RMB 89,824,929.61 of bank acceptance bills, and its subsidiary Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co., Ltd. issued
RMB 42,626,897.54 of bank acceptance bills.

2. Contingencies

(1) Important contingent matters on the balance sheet day

No important contingent matters on the balance sheet date

(2) Even if the company has no important contingencies to disclose, it shall give explanation

No important contingent matter needs to be disclosed by the Company.

XV. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

Events after the balance sheet date that do not need to be disclosed in the current period

XVI. Other Significant Events

1. Subsection information

(1) Basis for determining the reporting subsection and the accounting policy

The company determines its operating divisions based on the internal organizational structure, management
requirements and internal reporting system, etc. The company has only one operating division, namely the R & D,
production and sales of video IOT products. The accounting policy of the reporting subsection is consistent with that of the

                                                                                  2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Financial information of the reporting subsection

Regional subsection
                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                         Item                                             Operating income                                                         Operating Cost

                    Domestic                                                                   7,777,087,103.47                                                       4,685,553,053.26

                    Overseas                                                                   5,727,918,630.42                                                       3,225,161,875.71

                         Total                                                               13,505,005,733.89                                                        7,910,714,928.97

Product subsection
                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                         Item                                             Operating income                                                         Operating Cost

       Smart IoT products and                                                                11,574,586,946.32                                                        6,477,078,712.53

   Of which: software business                                                                  551,302,402.99                                                           163,767,869.40

             Innovative business                                                               1,197,068,199.15                                                          805,660,868.12

                        Others                                                                  733,350,588.42                                                           627,975,348.32

                        Total                                                                13,505,005,733.89                                                        7,910,714,928.97

XVII. Notes to Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Parent Company

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Categorical disclosure of accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                        Balance at the End of the Period                                                 Balance at the Start of the Period

                                         Book balance                  Bad debt provision                                 Book balance                  Bad debt provision

                                                                                   Accrued       Book value                                                           Accrued       Book value
                                     Amount         Percentage       Amount                                           Amount         Percentage       Amount
                                                                                  proportion                                                                         proportion


Accounts receivables with

the bad debt provision                                                                         4,896,685,881.8
                                 4,989,564,802.09       100.00% 92,878,920.23          1.86%                      2,826,617,475.98       100.00%    86,465,236.63         3.06% 2,740,152,239.35
accrued based on                                                                                              6



Portfolio 1: Related Parties                                                                   4,019,543,525.1
                                 4,019,543,525.13        80.56%                                                   1,932,175,484.83       68.36%                                   1,932,175,484.83
Portfolio                                                                                                     3

                                                                          2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Portfolio 2: Aging Analysis
                               970,021,276.96      19.44% 92,878,920.23      9.57%   877,142,356.73     894,441,991.15    31.64%    86,465,236.63    9.67%    807,976,754.52

Total                         4,989,564,802.09    100.00% 92,878,920.23                                2,826,617,475.98   100.00%   86,465,236.63            2,740,152,239.35

Bad debt provision based on combinations
                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                                     Balance at the End of the Period
                                                        Book balance                           Bad debt provision                         Accrued proportion

Within 1 year                                                   734,787,592.39                                 36,739,379.62                                       5.00%

1 to 2 years                                                    166,749,028.78                                 16,674,902.88                                     10.00%

2 to 3 years                                                     31,739,273.19                                   9,521,781.96                                    30.00%

3 to 4 years                                                      11,810,976.15                                  5,905,488.08                                    50.00%

4 to 5 years                                                       4,485,193.79                                  3,588,155.03                                    80.00%

5 years or above                                                 20,449,212.66                                 20,449,212.66                                   100.00%

Total                                                           970,021,276.96                                 92,878,920.23                         --

Please refer to the disclosing methods of other receivables for the information disclosure of bad debts provisions, if the
bad debt provisions of accounts receivable are made according to the general model of expected credit losses:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Disclosure by age
                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                          Aging                                                              Balance at the End of the Period

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                                                                    4,686,674,470.49

1 to 2 years                                                                                                                                         201,288,024.00

2 to 3 years                                                                                                                                          40,762,688.26

3 years or above                                                                                                                                      60,839,619.34

    3 to 4 years                                                                                                                                      23,643,456.86

    4 to 5 years                                                                                                                                          5,284,603.14

    5 years or above                                                                                                                                   31,911,559.34

Total                                                                                                                                               4,989,564,802.09

(2) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                 Balance at the                           Amount of Changes in the Current Period                                    Balance at the
        Category                   Start of the                              Recovered or                                                                 End of the
                                                          Accrued                                         Written Off               Others
                                       Period                                  Reversed                                                                      Period

                                                   2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Accrued by aging
                         86,465,236.63 6,389,796.36                                          23,887.24     92,878,920.23

Total                    86,465,236.63 6,389,796.36                                          23,887.24     92,878,920.23

(3) Accounts receivable actually written off in this period

No accounts receivable actually written off in this period

(4) Accounts receivable of the top five closing balances collected by debtors

The accounts receivables of the top five closing balance collected by the arrears are summed up to
4,130,531,853.22-yuan, accounting for 82.78% of the total closing balance of the accounts receivables, the closing
balance of bad debt provisions accrued is summed up to 8,870,616.09 yuan.

(5) Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets

There are no accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets in this period.

(6) Amount of assets and liabilities formed by transfer of accounts receivable and continuing

Amount of assets and liabilities formed by transfer of accounts receivable and continuing involvement in the current period

2. Other receivables

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                  Item                       Balance at the End of the Period       Balance at the Start of the Period

Other Receivables                                             12,569,808,120.45                         13,796,461,689.02

Total                                                         12,569,808,120.45                         13,796,461,689.02

(1) Other accounts receivable

1) Other receivables categorized by the nature of the funds

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

           Nature of the funds                        Closing balance                    Opening book balance

Deposits                                                          41,419,009.16                            30,677,198.60

Prepaid or advance expense                                        45,589,302.55                            39,286,222.84

Equity Transfer Fund                                             588,000,000.00                           588,000,000.00

Employee home loan                                                77,390,223.99                            86,870,816.57

Incomings and outgoings                                       11,869,943,982.59                         13,102,867,304.50

                                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Others                                                                  3,868,628.42                                5,061,884.88

Total                                                              12,626,211,146.71                         13,852,763,427.39

2) Bad debt provision

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                        Phase One                Phase Two                  Phase Three

                                                          Expected credit losses for
                                     Expected credit                                   Expected credit losses
        Bad debt provision                                   the entire extension                                     Total
                                     losses in the next                                for the entire extension
                                                               (without credit
                                        12 months                                      (with credit impairment)

Balance on January 1, 2021              52,038,067.76                 3,625,283.30                  638,387.31 56,301,738.37

Balance in the Current Period
                                           ——                     ——                        ——                  ——
on January 1, 2021

--Transfer to phase two                    -859,905.17                  859,905.17

--Transfer to phase three                    -7,280.00                   -51,530.00                  58,810.00

Provisions of this period                   129,313.02                                               49,451.51       178,764.53

Reversal of the current period                                             77,476.64                                   77,476.64

Balance on June 30, 2021                51,300,195.61                 4,356,181.83                  746,648.82 56,403,026.26

Book balance changes with significant changes in loss provision in the current period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Disclosure by age
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                             Aging                                               Balance at the End of the Period

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                                             11,739,098,893.95

1 to 2 years                                                                                                      240,396,769.21

2 to 3 years                                                                                                      622,803,652.18

3 years or above                                                                                                   23,911,831.37

  3 to 4 years                                                                                                     17,175,201.68

  4 to 5 years                                                                                                      5,388,147.34

  5 years or above                                                                                                  1,348,482.35

Total                                                                                                        12,626,211,146.71

3) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                        2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                             Amount of Changes in the Current Period            Balance at the
                              Balance at the Start of
            Category                                                     Recovered or     Written                 End of the
                                    the Period             Accrued                                   Others
                                                                          Reversed          Off                     Period

Portfolio 2: Aging Analysis
                                      56,301,738.37         178,764.53      77,476.64                            56,403,026.26

Total                                 56,301,738.37         178,764.53      77,476.64                            56,403,026.26

4)Accounts receivable actually written off in this period

There's no actual written-off accounts receivable in this period.

5) Other receivables of the top five closing balances collected by debtors

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                     As a percentage of
                                                                                                             Bad debt provision
Name of Nature of the Balance at the End                                                   total other
                                                                 Aging                                        at the end of the
    Unit             funds     of the Period                                            receivables at the
                                                                                        end of the period

                                                 RMB 8,137,680,605.42 within 1
Company                                          year, RMB 947,894.82 for 1-2
               and            8,138,628,511.25                                                      64.46%
1                                                years and RMB 11.01 for 2-3

               and            1,609,097,559.05 Within 1 year                                        12.74%

Company                                          RMB 761,614,290.09 within 1
               and              818,285,111.83                                                      6.48%
3                                                year, 56,670,821.74 for 1-2 years

                                                 RMB 25,596,991.82 within 1 year,
Company                                          RMB 30,056,859.69 for 1-2 years,
               and              438,458,642.74                                                      3.47%
4                                                RMB 382,804,791.23 for 2-3

               Incomings                         RMB 271,685,329.76 within 1
               and              320,846,120.30 year, RMB 49,160,790.54 for 1-2                      2.54%
               outgoings                         years

Total                 --     11,325,315,945.17                     --                               89.69%

3. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

        Item                  Balance at the End of the Period                    Balance at the Start of the Period

                                                        2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                        Provision for                                         Provision for
                    Book balance         decline in        Book value       Book balance       decline in       Book value
                                           value                                                 value

Investment in
                  3,659,666,877.16                      3,659,666,877.16 3,598,917,483.61                     3,598,917,483.61

Investment in
affiliates and      420,832,878.31                        420,832,878.31      61,493,073.68                     61,493,073.68
joint ventures

Total             4,080,499,755.47                      4,080,499,755.47 3,660,410,557.29                     3,660,410,557.29

(1) Investment in Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                              Decrease/Increase in the current period                                Closing
                 Balance at the Start                                    Provision               Balance at the     balance of
 The invested
                 of the Period (book      Investments       Investment      for                 End of the Period provision
        entity                                                                       Others
                       value)              increased        decreased impairment                  (Book value)      for decline
                                                                         accrued                                     in value

Dahua System
                     533,280,154.61        5,588,203.39                                           538,868,358.00
Co., Ltd.

Network               27,240,264.48          -12,754.64                                            27,227,509.84
Service Co.,

Dahua Ju'an
                        5,100,000.00                                                                 5,100,000.00
Co., Ltd.

Information             6,289,815.02          67,635.35                                              6,357,450.37
Co., Ltd.

Technology           608,628,700.00                                                               608,628,700.00
(HK) Limited

                                           2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Security             180,383.54      -32,541.88                                        147,841.66
Service Co.,

Dahua Vision
                 669,609,997.31    5,058,770.44                                    674,668,767.75
Co., Ltd.

Security          20,002,580.76                                                     20,002,580.76
Service Co.,

                   5,813,279.51      84,353.48                                       5,897,632.99

Dahua Zhilian   1,001,165,918.91    292,730.38                                   1,001,458,649.29
Co., Ltd.

Investment        62,175,000.00                                                     62,175,000.00
Co., Ltd.

                  71,226,231.21       -4,116.36                                     71,222,114.85
Zhicheng Co.,

Network           29,566,484.68     476,899.83                                      30,043,384.51
Co., Ltd.

                  32,352,342.50    1,085,920.86                                     33,438,263.36
Co., Ltd.

                   5,100,000.00                                                      5,100,000.00
Fuyang Hua'ao

                                         2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.

Intelligent      25,616,346.82    254,145.78                                      25,870,492.60

Vision           30,091,777.77    527,689.48                                      30,619,467.25
Co., Ltd.

                  9,006,836.94      5,839.38                                       9,012,676.32
Co., Ltd.

                  8,102,000.00                                                     8,102,000.00

                 28,023,346.51 10,341,818.49                                      38,365,165.00
Co., Ltd.

Xi'an Dahua
                 56,197,022.50     36,226.90                                      56,233,249.40
Co., Ltd.

Wuxi Dahua
                 12,875,213.66   5,122,001.12                                     17,997,214.78
Co., Ltd.

                 55,525,681.73     -14,570.04                                      55,511,111.69
Co., Ltd.

Beijing Huayue
Information      10,583,863.46    200,854.05                                      10,784,717.51
Service Co.,

                                        2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Dahua Jinzhi
                 60,000,000.00                                                   60,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.

Information       1,673,832.92    107,966.48                                      1,781,799.40
Service Co.,

                  5,530,000.00                                                    5,530,000.00
Co., Ltd.

                 17,640,000.00                                                   17,640,000.00
Operation Co.,

                 30,000,000.00                                                   30,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.

Yunnan Zhili
Technology        4,500,000.00                                                    4,500,000.00
Co., Ltd

Dahua Storage
                  8,295,404.08 17,395,619.87                                     25,691,023.95
Co., Ltd.

                 51,267,388.28    103,118.00                                     51,370,506.28
Co., Ltd.

Dahua Zhilian       45,851.60      20,311.42                                         66,163.02

                                           2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.

Dahua Zhian
                 100,000,000.00                                                    100,000,000.00
Service Co.,

Huishan Smart
Network            5,500,000.00                                                      5,500,000.00
Co., Ltd.

                                  13,677,159.92                                     13,677,159.92
Co., Ltd.

Technology                             2,395.40                                           2,395.40
USA Inc.

Dahua Zhixin
Information            2,055.08                                                           2,055.08
Co., Ltd.

                     135,146.72      29,563.34                                         164,710.06
Co., Ltd.

Software             478,183.81     313,618.71                                         791,802.52
Co., Ltd.

Technology            96,379.20      20,534.40                                         116,913.60
Canada Inc.

Total           3,598,917,483.61 60,749,393.55                                   3,659,666,877.16

                                                                                      2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Investment in affiliates and joint ventures

                                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                 Decrease/Increase in the current period
                  Balance at the                                                                                              Cash
                                                                  Investment profit    Adjustment on                                                                    Balance at the End   balance of
   Name of           Start of the                                                                                          dividends or   Provision for
                                    Investments      Investment       and loss              other       Other changes                                                   of the Period (book provision for
   Investees         Period (book                                                                                             profit      impairment        Others
                                     increased       decreased    recognized under     comprehensive       in equity                                                          value)          decline in
                        value)                                                                                             declared to      accrued
                                                                  the equity method       income                                                                                                value

Ⅰ. Joint ventures

Ⅱ. Affiliates

Ruicity Digital

Technology        57,944,111.48                                       -3,588,203.81                                                                                         54,355,907.67

Co., Ltd.


                                                                   -164,798,905.92                      518,754,247.99                                                     353,955,342.07

Co., Ltd.



Technology           2,400,000.00                                       -134,417.30                                                                                          2,265,582.70

Operation Co.,




Information          1,148,962.20                                       -425,465.81                                                                                            723,496.39


Co., Ltd.


Dahua Zhishi
                                                                        142,478.81                                                                        -142,478.81

Co., Ltd.


Huanuokang                          12,000,000.0
                                                                      -2,467,450.52                                                                                          9,532,549.48
Technology                                       0

Co., Ltd.

Subtotal          61,493,073.68                                    -171,271,964.55                      518,754,247.99                                    -142,478.81      420,832,878.31

Total             61,493,073.68                                    -171,271,964.55                      518,754,247.99                                    -142,478.81      420,832,878.31

                                                     2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

4. Operating income and operating costs

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                  This Period's Amount of Occurrence            Previous Period's Amount of Occurrence
                                    Income                  Cost                     Income                 Cost

Main Business                     4,149,060,053.90         513,023,110.70         3,604,445,938.19         448,774,239.46

Other businesses                    18,099,876.19           13,149,498.58            20,539,391.76          15,525,330.75

Total                             4,167,159,930.09        526,172,609.28          3,624,985,329.95         464,299,570.21

5. Investment income

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                      This Period's Amount of             Previous Period's Amount of
                                                            Occurrence                             Occurrence

Long-term equity investment income
                                                                   -171,271,964.55                         -45,152,368.00
measured by equity method

Investment income from disposal of long-term
equity investment

Investment Income from Disposal Trading
Financial Assets

Investment income from possession of other
                                                                     5,364,955.30                               7,307,215.11
non-current financial assets

Investment income from treasury bond
                                                                       169,645.79                                210,491.25
reverse repurchase

Total                                                              -156,962,757.83                         -37,634,661.64

XVIII. Supplementary Information

1. Breakdown of non-recurring gains and losses for this period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                   Item                                          Amount                     Note

Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets                               32,626,494.62

The government subsidies included in the current profits and
losses (excluding the government subsidies closely related to
regular businesses of the Company and issued in the quota or
quantity based on the national standards)

Gains or losses from investment or asset management entrusted to                   72,949,692.60

                                                        2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


Profits and losses resulting from the changes in fair value for
holding trading financial assets, derivative financial assets and
trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and
investment income from disposal of trading financial assets,
derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities, derivative
financial liabilities, and other obligatory right investment, excluding
the effective hedging businesses related to the regular business
operation of the Company

Non-Operating Revenue and expenses other than the above                                 2,069,343.56

Other gains and losses items that fit the definition of non-recurring
gains and losses

Less: Impact of income tax                                                             42,970,480.79

     Impact of minority equity                                                         10,776,144.14

Total                                                                                 203,583,840.33               --

For items defined as non-recurring gains and losses according to the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to Public - Non-recurring Gains and Losses, or non-recurring gains
and losses items listed in the said document defined as recurring ones, please specify the reasons.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Return on net assets and earnings per share

                                                                                              Earnings per share
              Profit for the reporting period                                      Basic Earnings per    Diluted Earnings per
                                                                Average ROE
                                                                                   Share (RMB/Share)     Share (RMB/Share)

Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the
                                                                           7.92%                  0.56                    0.56

Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the
Company after deducting non-recurring gains and                            6.94%                  0.49                    0.49

3. Differences in accounting data between domestic and overseas accounting standards

(1) Differences of net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed according to the
international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                       2021 Semi-annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Differences of net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed according to the
overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Reasons for accounting data differences under domestic and overseas accounting standards.
For difference adjustment on the data already audited by an overseas audit institution, name of
the audit institution should be noted.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                               Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                 Chairman: Fu Liquan

                                                                                      August 28, 2021
