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大华股份:2023 Q3 Report2023-10-28  

                                                                                           2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

        Stock Code: 002236                    Stock Abbreviation: Dahua                 Notification No.: 2023-101

                         Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
                                              2023 Q3 Report
    The Company and all members of the Board of Directors hereby guarantee that the information disclosed herein

is authentic, accurate and complete and free of any false records, misleading statements, or material omissions.

Important Notice:

1. The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior management members of the

Company hereby guarantee that the information presented in this quarterly report is authentic, accurate, complete and

free of any false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and they will bear joint and several liability for

such information.

2. The Company's legal representative, chief accountant, and person in charge of accounting institution (Accounting

Officer) hereby declare and warrant that the financial statements in the quarterly report are authentic, accurate, and


3. Whether the Q3 Report has been audited.

□ Yes  No

This document is a translated version of the Chinese version 2023 Q3 report ("2023 年第三季度报告"),
and the published Q3 Report in the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                 2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

I. Key Financial Data

(I) Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether the Company needs retroactive adjustment or restatement of accounting data in prior years or not
□ Yes  No
                                                                                                   Increase/Decrease of
                                                 Increase/Decrease of                               the Period from the
                                                      the Current          From the Beginning      Beginning of the Year
                           Current Reporting       Reporting Period         of the Year to the        to the End of the
                                Period            Compared with the        End of the Current        Current Reporting
                                                  Same Period of the        Reporting Period         Period Compared
                                                     Previous Year                                 with the Same Period
                                                                                                    of the Previous Year
 Operating revenue
                             7,644,936,763.40                    7.91%      22,278,484,044.04                      5.23%
 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of
                                614,113,966.50                 254.46%        2,590,132,339.63                    52.98%
 the listed Company
 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of
 the listed company
                                647,597,255.16                  97.31%        2,402,367,085.12                    51.68%
 after deducting non-
 recurring gains and
 losses (RMB)
 Net cash flow
 generated by
                                   —                     —                  1,325,252,238.48                   250.02%
 operational activities
 Basic earnings per
                                          0.19                 216.67%                      0.82                  43.86%
 share (RMB/share)
 Diluted earnings per
                                          0.19                 216.67%                      0.82                  43.86%
 share (RMB/share)
 Weighted average
                                        1.88%                    1.17%                  8.52%                      1.55%
                           At the End of the                               Increase/Decrease at the End of the Current
                                                   At the End of the
                           Current Reporting                               Reporting Period Compared with the End of
                                                    Previous Year
                                Period                                                 the Previous Year
 Total assets (RMB)         48,741,707,945.91      46,252,893,804.54                                            5.38%
 Owners' equity
 attributable to
 shareholders of the       32,765,862,720.81       25,836,798,918.61                                              26.82%
 listed company

(II) Non-recurring Gains or Losses and Their Amounts

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                               Amount from the Beginning
                                  Amount in the Current
             Item                                               of the Year to the End of               Note
                                    Reporting Period
                                                                  the Reporting Period

                                                                    2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Profits or losses from
 disposal of non-current
 assets (including the write-
                                                  886,195.97                  175,572,225.10
 off for the accrued
 impairment provision of
 The government subsidies
 included in the current
 profits and losses
 (excluding the government
 subsidies closely related to
 regular businesses of the                     28,230,031.47                      97,391,859.17
 Company, in line with
 national policies, and
 consecutively received by
 a standard quota or
 Gains or losses from
 investment or asset
                                              -25,246,219.94                      18,053,075.23
 management entrusted to
 Gains or losses from debt
                                                   -31,196.84                        -31,196.84
 Profits and losses resulting
 from the changes in fair
 value for holding trading
 financial assets and trading
 financial liabilities, and
 investment income from
 disposal of trading financial
 assets, trading financial                    -37,015,955.06                      22,868,289.08
 liabilities, and financial
 assets available for trading,
 excluding the effective
 hedging businesses related
 to the regular business
 operation of the Company

 Reversal of the receivables
 impairment provision for                                                              4,513.91
 separate impairment test
 Non-Operating Revenue
 and expenses other than                         -447,826.02                       3,065,574.77
 the above
 Other gains and losses
 items that fit the definition
                                                9,663,729.60                  -45,338,804.18
 of non-recurring gains and
 Less: Impact of income tax                    -1,256,151.27                      71,627,012.27
      Impact of minority
                                               10,778,199.11                      12,193,269.46
 equity (after tax)
 Total                                        -33,483,288.66                  187,765,254.51              --
Other gains or losses that fit the definition of non-recurring gains or losses:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company has no other gains or losses that fit the definition of non-recurring gains or losses.
Note for the definition of non-recurring gains and losses listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on Information

                                                                   2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Disclosure for Companies Issuance Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring gains and losses, as recurring gains
and losses.
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company did not define any non-recurring gains and losses listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on
Information Disclosure for Companies Issuance Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring gains and losses as
recurring gains and losses.

(III) Changes in Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators and the Reasons

 Applicable □ Not applicable

(I) The changes of assets and liabilities and the reasons
1. The cash and bank balances are increased by 43.54% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the
receipt of the raised funds for private placement in the current period;
2. The trading financial assets are increased by 2,097.31% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the
increase of the foreign exchange contracts;
3. The prepayments are increased by 66.52% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the increase of
prepayments for raw materials;
4. The contract assets are increased by 42.58% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the increase
of the completed but unsettled assets of the construction contracts in the current period;
5. Other non-current financial assets are increased by 59.57% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to
the increase of the investment in the new asset management plans in the current period;
6. The constructions in progress are increased by 70.14% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the
increase of investments in the infrastructural projects in Chengdu, Zhengzhou and Fuyang in the current period;
7. The short-term loans are increased by 291.94% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the
increase of notes discounted and bank loans;
8. The trading financial liabilities are decreased by 94.29% compared with beginning of the year, mainly due to
changes in fair value of the foreign exchange contracts;
9. The salaries payable to employees are decreased by 32.38% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due
to the issuance of previous year-end bonus in the current period;
10. Other payables are decreased by 31.54% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the reduction of
the obligations to repurchase restricted stocks;
11. The non-current liabilities due within one year are decreased by 55.01% compared with the beginning of the year,
mainly due to the repayment of bank loans due within one year;
12. The deferred income is increased by 64.49% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the increase
of government subsidies;
13. The deferred income tax liabilities are increased by 91.44% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to
increase of the taxable temporary differences;
14. The capital reserves are increased by 126.38% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the receipt
of the raised funds for private placement;
15. The minority shareholders' equities are increased by 95.10% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due
to the increase of the investments absorbed from and the profits and losses of the minority shareholders in the current
(II) The changes of items in the income statement and the reasons

                                                                2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

1. The taxes and surcharges are increased by 44.80% compared with the same period of the previous year, mainly
due to the increase of house property taxes payable in the current period compared with the same period of the
previous year;
2. The financial expenses are increased by 41.97% compared with the same period of the previous year, mainly due to
the decrease of exchange gains in the current period compared with the same period of the previous year;
3. The investment income is increased by 67.02% compared with the same period of the previous year, mainly due to
the increase of equity transfer income in the current period compared with the same period of the previous year;
4. The income from changes in fair value is increased by 187.60% compared with same period of the previous year,
mainly due to the increase of changes in the fair value of other non-current financial assets and foreign exchange
contracts compared with the same period of the previous year;
5. The income tax expenses are increased by 198.81% compared with the same period of the previous year, mainly
due to the increase of taxable income in the current period compared with the same period of the previous year.
(III) The changes of items in the cash flow statement and the reasons
1. The net cash flow from operating activities is increased by 250.02% compared with the same period of the previous
year, mainly due to the decrease of purchase expenses in the current period compared with the same period of the
previous year.
2. The net cash flow from investment activities is decreased by 260.61% compared with the same period of the
previous year, mainly due to the decrease of the net inflow of investment and wealth management and the net cash
from disposal of subsidiaries in the current period;
3. The net cash flow from financing activities is increased by 427.50% compared with the same period of the previous
year, mainly due to the increase of the cash received from absorbing investments and the decrease of the net inflow of
bank loan funds in the current period.

II. Information on Shareholders

(I) The total number of common shareholders, the number of preferred shareholders with
restored voting rights and shareholding status of the top 10 shareholders

                                                                                                            Unit: share
 Total Number of Common                             Total Number of Preferred Shareholders (if Any)
 Shareholders at the End of the             134,126 Whose Voting Rights have been Recovered at                    0
 Reporting Period                                   the End of the Reporting Period
                                        Shareholding of the Top 10 Shareholders
                                                                       Number of     Pledges, Markings or Freezings
                        Nature of                                     Shares Held
     Name of                          Shareholding    Number of
                        Sharehold                                     with Limited      State of
    Shareholder                        Percentage    Shares Held                                        Quantity
                           er                                             Sales         Shares
 Fu Liquan             natural              31.08%     1,023,868,980     767,901,735    Pledge              201,000,000
 China Mobile
 Communications                               8.90%     293,103,400      293,103,400                                     0
 Group Co., Ltd.
 Zhu Jiangming         natural                4.86%     160,175,490      120,131,617                                     0
 Chen Ailing           Domestic               2.16%      71,262,813       53,447,110    Pledge               31,800,000

                                                            2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Hong Kong           Overseas
Securities          legal               2.15%       70,786,260                0                                0
Clearing Co. Ltd.   person
Wu Jun              natural             2.10%       69,172,886       51,879,664                                0
National Social
                    Others              1.37%       45,000,000                0                                0
Security Fund 103
China Securities    owned
                                        1.20%       39,611,241                0                                0
Finance Co., Ltd.   legal
New China Life
Company Ltd. -
traditional -       Others              0.80%       26,321,736                0                                0
general insurance
CT001 S.
CCB - Utilities
Industry Stock
Type Security
                    Others              0.71%       23,298,603                0                                0
Investment Fund
of First Seafront
                       Shareholding of the Top 10 Shareholders without Limited Sales Conditions
                                                                                       Type and Number of Shares
                                     Number of Shares Held Without Limited Sales
      Name of Shareholder                                                                Type of
                                                      Conditions                                       Quantity
                                                                                     RMB common
Fu Liquan                                                              255,967,245                   255,967,245
Hong Kong Securities Clearing                                                        RMB common
                                                                        70,786,260                     70,786,260
Co. Ltd.                                                                             stock
National Social Security Fund                                                        RMB common
                                                                        45,000,000                     45,000,000
103                                                                                  stock
                                                                                     RMB common
Zhu Jiangming                                                           40,043,873                     40,043,873
China Securities Finance Co.,                                                        RMB common
                                                                        39,611,241                     39,611,241
Ltd.                                                                                 stock
New China Life Insurance
Company Ltd. - traditional -                                                         RMB common
                                                                        26,321,736                     26,321,736
general insurance products-                                                          stock
018L-CT001 S.
CCB - Utilities Industry Stock
                                                                                     RMB common
Type Security Investment Fund                                           23,298,603                     23,298,603
of First Seafront Fund
Agricultural Bank of China Co.,
Ltd.- China International Fund
                                                                                     RMB common
Management Emerging Power                                               21,590,209                     21,590,209
Hybrid Securities Investment
China Galaxy Securities Co.,                                                         RMB common
                                                                        20,860,962                     20,860,962
Ltd.                                                                                 stock
                                                                                     RMB common
Chen Ailing                                                             17,815,703                     17,815,703

                                                                 2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Description of the association relationship or        Mr. Fu Liquan and Ms. Chen Ailing are husband and wife. The
 concerted action of above-mentioned                   Company is unaware of whether other shareholders have
 shareholders                                          associated relationship or are persons acting in concert.
 Explanation on the Top 10 Shareholders'
 Participation in Securities Margin Trading (if Any)
                                                       It is hereby stated that as at September 30, 2023, the Company
 Special note on the existence of repurchase           has repurchased 18,358,401 ordinary shares (A shares) held by
 special accounts among the top 10 shareholders        the special securities account in the Company with a shareholding
 without limited sales conditions                      ratio of 0.56% and is not listed among the top 10 shareholders of
                                                       the Company without limited sales conditions, as required.

(II) The total number of preferred shareholders and the shareholdings of the top 10 preferred

□ Applicable  Not applicable

III. Other Significant Events

 Applicable □ Not applicable

     1. Share repurchase of the Company
     On August 25, 2023, the Company held 46th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors, at which the
Company reviewed and approved the "Proposal on Repurchase of Shares", and on August 31, 2023,
the Company published the "Report on Repurchase of Shares" on the Securities Times and Juchao
Information Network. The Company plans to repurchase the shares of the Company in an amount
that is no less than RMB 400 million (inclusive) and no more than RMB 600 million (inclusive). The
repurchase price is no more than RMB 31.71 per share (inclusive). The period for the implementation
of repurchase shall be 12 months from the day the Board of Directors of the Company reviews and
approves this repurchase scheme. As of the end of the current reporting period, the Company has
repurchased 18,358,401 shares with its special securities account for repurchase through centralized
competitive bidding, accounting for 0.56% of the Company's present total share capital. The highest
transaction price was RMB 21.70 per share and the lowest transaction price was RMB 19.70 per
share. The total amount of funds used was RMB 390,623,667.27 (excluding transaction
expenses).The present share repurchase scheme is under implementation.

     2. Matters Concerning election of new members for the Board of Directors and Board of
     On August 25, 2023, the Company held the 46th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors and the
33rd meeting of the 7th Board of Supervisors, at which the Company reviewed and approved the
"Proposal on Amendment of the Articles of Association", the "Proposal on Nomination of the Non-
independent Director Candidates for the 8th Board of Directors", the "Proposal on Nomination of the
Independent Director Candidates for the 8th Board of Directors" and the "Proposal on Nomination of
the Non-employee Supervisor Candidates for the 8th Board of Supervisors". On September 11, 2023,
the Company held the 2nd extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2023, the 1st meeting of
the 8th Board of Directors, the 1st meeting of the 8th Board of Supervisors, and the 1st employee
representative meeting in 2023, at which the Company elected new members for the Board of
Directors and Board of Supervisors and engaged the senior management members, head of the
Internal Audit Department and representative of the securities affairs. The announcements above

                                                           2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

have been disclosed on Securities Times and Juchao Information Network (http://www.cninfo.com.cn),
as designated by the Company.

IV. Quarterly Financial Statements

(I) Financial Statements

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
                                              September 30, 2023
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                Item                          September 30, 2023                     January 1, 2023
 Current Assets:
   Cash and Bank Balances                              11,526,005,451.30                      8,029,878,650.77
   Deposit Reservation for Balance
   Loans to Banks and Other
 Financial Institutions
   Trading Financial Assets                                32,300,511.78                          1,470,000.00
   Derivative Financial Assets
   Notes receivable                                       657,657,287.18                        872,302,071.18
   Accounts receivable                                 15,983,230,318.92                     15,411,908,561.50
   Receivables Financing                                  624,396,701.80                        679,441,917.62
   Prepayments                                            202,644,376.32                        121,691,239.14
   Premium Receivable
   Reinsurance Accounts Receivable
   Reinsurance Contract Reserves
   Other Receivables                                      347,054,643.83                        401,849,246.88
      Including: interest receivable
             Dividends Receivable                                                                 8,519,063.17
   Buying Back the Sale of Financial
   Inventory                                            6,055,715,234.26                      7,315,372,440.02
   Contract Assets                                        151,616,055.06                        106,335,405.35
   Holding for-sale assets
   Non-current Assets Due within 1
                                                          444,125,763.32                        476,871,949.75
   Other Current Assets                                   952,930,282.05                      1,352,406,151.72
 Subtotal of Current Assets                            36,977,676,625.82                     34,769,527,633.93
 Non-current Assets:
   Granting of loans and advances
   Investment in Creditor's Rights
   Investment in Other Creditor's
   Long-term Receivables                                1,244,185,976.59                      1,436,256,651.54
   Long-term Equity Investment                          1,131,411,277.38                      1,461,099,644.55
   Investment in Other Equity
   Other Non-current Financial Assets                   1,485,704,445.48                        931,043,130.33
   Investment Property                                    422,842,366.64                        423,035,823.82
   Fixed Assets                                         4,534,488,944.83                      4,643,617,574.85
   Projects under Construction                            720,594,069.59                        423,535,552.03
   Productive Biological Assets
   Oil and gas assets

                                            2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Right-of-use Assets                      292,594,932.87                        314,700,977.50
  Intangible Assets                        581,476,230.42                        557,183,251.12
  Development Expenditure
  Goodwill                                    6,615,294.18                         6,615,294.18
  Long-term Deferred Expenses               141,447,707.72                       130,626,422.97
  Deferred Income Tax Assets              1,072,290,892.37                     1,014,419,944.15
  Other Non-current Assets                  130,379,182.02                       141,231,903.57
Subtotal of Non-current Assets           11,764,031,320.09                    11,483,366,170.61
Total assets                             48,741,707,945.91                    46,252,893,804.54
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term loan                         1,010,975,250.06                       257,943,618.51
  Borrowings from the Central Bank
  Borrowings from Banks and Other
Financial Institutions
  Transactional financial liabilities         1,521,381.34                        26,652,319.25
  Derivative Financial Liabilities
  Notes Payable                           3,327,988,147.36                     4,364,097,761.17
  Accounts Payable                        5,186,843,665.02                     7,340,277,388.29
  Received Prepayments
  Contract liabilities                    1,088,556,025.95                     1,219,548,011.88
  Financial Assets Sold for
  Deposit Taking and Interbank
  Receiving from Vicariously Traded
  Receiving from Vicariously Sold
  Payroll payable                         1,070,520,359.59                     1,583,203,165.43
  Tax Payable                               378,657,247.76                       326,881,747.78
  Other Payables                            687,411,322.48                     1,004,056,999.91
     Including: interest payable
             Dividends Payable              10,349,050.92
  Service Charge and Commission
  Reinsurance Accounts Payable
  Holding for-sale liabilities
  Non-current Liabilities Due within 1
                                          1,150,797,607.75                     2,558,010,785.73
  Other Current Liabilities                 154,299,419.59                       166,004,612.27
Subtotal of Current Liabilities          14,057,570,426.90                    18,846,676,410.22
Non-current Liabilities:
  Insurance Contract Reserves
  Long-term loan                           452,000,000.00                        453,825,000.00
  Bonds Payable
     Including: Preferred Stocks
             Perpetual Bonds
  Lease Liabilities                        169,355,769.09                        196,340,654.27
  Long-term Payables
  Long-term payroll payable
  Expected Liabilities                      226,038,360.08                       227,764,387.93
  Deferred Income                           172,157,947.40                       104,663,047.38
  Deferred Income Tax Liabilities             2,236,888.14                         1,168,473.33
  Other Non-current Liabilities             152,019,212.22                       204,084,072.08
Subtotal of Non-current Liabilities       1,173,808,176.93                     1,187,845,634.99
Total Liabilities                        15,231,378,603.83                    20,034,522,045.21
Shareholders' Equity:

                                                                           2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Share Capital                                                        3,294,468,990.00                                3,033,161,170.00
   Other Equity Instruments
      Including: Preferred Stocks
              Perpetual Bonds
   Capital Reserves                                                     8,942,679,467.06                                3,950,209,243.25
   Less: Treasury Share                                                   730,682,315.58                                  609,859,632.00
   Other Comprehensive Incomes                                             36,885,468.70                                   36,942,339.77
   Special Reserves
   Surplus Reserves                                                     1,553,691,005.92                                1,553,691,005.92
   General Risk Reserves
   Undistributed Profits                                              19,668,820,104.71                                17,872,654,791.67
 Total Shareholders' Equity
                                                                      32,765,862,720.81                                25,836,798,918.61
 Attributable to the Parent Company
   Minority Shareholders' Equity                                         744,466,621.27                                   381,572,840.72
 Total Shareholders' Equity                                           33,510,329,342.08                                26,218,371,759.33
 Total Liabilities and Shareholders'
                                                                      48,741,707,945.91                                46,252,893,804.54
Legal representative: Fu Liquan   Person in charge of accounting: Xu Qiaofen   Person in charge of the accounting institution: Zhu Zhuling

2. Consolidated Income Statement for the Period from the Beginning of the Year to the End of
the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                    Amount Occurred in the Current                 Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                                              Period                                          Period
 I. Total Operating Revenue                                       22,278,484,044.04                              21,171,868,473.02
    Including: Operating Revenue                                  22,278,484,044.04                              21,171,868,473.02
           Interest Income
           Earned Premiums
           Service Charge and
 Commission Income
 II. Total Operating Cost                                             19,682,357,352.26                                19,424,258,152.56
    Including: Operating Cost                                         12,777,077,332.38                                13,226,510,613.09
            Interest Expenditures
        Service Charge and
 Commission Expenses
            Surrender Value
            Net Claims Paid
         Net Amount Withdrawn for
 Insurance Liability Reserves
            Policyholder Dividend
            Reinsurance Cost
            Taxes and Surcharges                                          177,294,208.00                                   122,439,797.00
            Sales Expenses                                              3,425,427,717.75                                 3,311,667,760.71
            Administration expenses                                       864,955,493.63                                   711,270,493.55
            Research and development
                                                                        2,747,587,038.30                                2,586,591,892.17
            Financial Expenses                                           -309,984,437.80                                  -534,222,403.96
              Including: interest
                                                                           77,474,478.95                                    97,848,538.91

                                              2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                   Interest Income           195,636,440.39                        155,448,560.74
  Add: Other income                          620,883,016.92                        716,789,799.42
       Investment Income (Mark "-"
                                              -88,930,817.84                      -269,681,876.75
for Loss)
          Including: Investment
Income from Affiliates and Joint             -220,706,198.89                      -301,885,837.51
                  Profits from
derecognition of Financial Assets at             -315,687.54                          -557,754.22
Amortized Cost
      Exchange Gains (Mark "-" for
      Profit of Net Exposure
Hedging (Mark "-" for Loss)
       Incomes from changes in fair
                                              83,022,903.98                        -94,777,053.97
value (losses marked with "-")
          Credit Impairment Losses
                                             -202,741,060.32                      -248,781,379.24
(Mark "-" for Loss)
          Asset Impairment Losses
                                              -80,391,199.99                       -76,837,195.24
(Mark "-" for Loss)
          Asset Disposal Income (Mark
                                                1,560,039.61                         2,297,493.53
"-" for Loss)
III. Operating Profit (Mark "-" for
                                            2,929,529,574.14                     1,776,620,108.21
    Add: Non-operating Revenues                 7,471,604.33                         9,811,752.49
    Less: Non-operating Expenses                5,181,888.81                         5,678,668.55
IV. Total Profit (Mark "-" for Total
                                            2,931,819,289.66                     1,780,753,192.15
    Less: Income Tax Expense                  225,322,486.28                        75,406,912.79
V. Net Profit (Mark "-" for Net Loss)       2,706,496,803.38                     1,705,346,279.36
    (I) Classified by operation
       1. Net Profit as a Going Concern
                                            2,706,496,803.38                     1,705,346,279.36
(Mark "-" for Net Loss)
       2. Net Profit of Discontinued
Operation (Mark "-" for Net Loss)
    (II) Classified by the attribution of
       1. Net Profit Attributable to
Shareholders of Parent Company              2,590,132,339.63                     1,693,101,190.89
(Mark "-" for Net Loss)
       2. Minority Shareholders' Profit
                                             116,364,463.75                         12,245,088.47
and Loss (Mark "-" for Net Loss)
VI. Net Amount of Other
                                                 -199,810.57                       -34,710,886.19
Comprehensive Incomes after Tax
    Net Amount of Other
Comprehensive Incomes after Tax
                                                  -56,871.07                       -34,444,992.63
Attributable to the Parent Company's
       (I) Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified into profit          941,710.18
or loss
          1. Re-measure the variation of
the defined benefit plan

                                                                           2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

          2. Other comprehensive
 income that cannot be transferred to                                          941,710.18
 P/L under the equity method
          3. Changes in the fair value of
 investment in other equity
          4. Changes in the fair value of
 the credit risk of the enterprise
          5. Others
       (II) Other comprehensive income
                                                                               -998,581.25                                 -34,444,992.63
 that will be reclassified as P/L
          1. Other comprehensive
 income that can be transferred to P/L
 under the equity method
          2. Changes in the fair value of
 investment in other creditor's rights
          3. Financial assets reclassified
 into other comprehensive income
          4. Provisions for the credit
 impairment of investment in other
 creditor's rights
          5. Cash flow hedge reserves
          6. Currency translation
                                                                               -998,581.25                                 -34,444,992.63
          7. Others
    Net Amount of Other
 Comprehensive Incomes After Tax                                               -142,939.50                                     -265,893.56
 Attributable to Minority Shareholders
 VII. Total Comprehensive Income                                        2,706,296,992.81                                1,670,635,393.17
    (I) Total Comprehensive Income
 Attributable to the Parent Company's                                   2,590,075,468.56                                1,658,656,198.26
    (II) Total Comprehensive Income
                                                                          116,221,524.25                                    11,979,194.91
 Attributable to Minority Shareholders
 VIII. Earnings per Share:
    (I) Basic Earnings per Share                                                       0.82                                             0.57
    (II) Diluted Earnings per Share                                                    0.82                                             0.57
Legal representative: Fu Liquan   Person in charge of accounting: Xu Qiaofen   Person in charge of the accounting institution: Zhu Zhuling

3. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the Period from the Beginning of the Year to the End
of the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                    Amount Occurred in the Current                 Amount Occurred in the Previous
                                                              Period                                          Period
 I. Cash Flow Generated by
 Operational Activities:
    Cash from Sales of Merchandise
                                                                      23,883,101,840.08                                23,543,613,200.85
 and Provision of Services
   Net Increase in Customer's Bank
 Deposits and Interbank Deposits
   Net Increase in Borrowings from
 the Central Bank
   Net Increase in Borrowings from
 Other Financial Institutions

                                           2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Cash Arising from Receiving
Premiums for the Original Insurance
  Net Amount Arising from
Reinsurance Business
  Net Increase in Deposits and
Investments from Policyholders
  Cash Arising from Interests,
Service Charges and Commissions
  Net Increase in Borrowings from
Banks and Other Financial
  Net Increase in Repurchase
Business Funds
   Net Amount of Cash Received
from the Vicariously Traded
  Tax Refund                              829,406,103.23                      1,123,002,586.61
  Other Received Cashes Related to
                                          930,003,416.52                        908,237,914.67
Operational Activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                        25,642,511,359.83                    25,574,853,702.13
operational activities
  Cash Paid for Merchandise and
                                        15,829,648,766.62                    17,516,686,825.14
  Net Increase in Loans and
Advances to Customers
  Net Increase in Deposits with
Central Bank and Other Financial
  Cash Paid for Original Insurance
Contract Claims
  Net increase of funds lent
  Cash Paid for Interests, Service
Charges and Commissions
  Cash Paid for Policy Dividends
    Cash Paid to and for Employees       5,476,008,617.90                     5,856,138,762.66
    Cash Paid for Taxes and
                                         1,390,361,176.28                     1,566,631,299.56
    Other Paid Cashes Related to
                                         1,621,240,560.55                     1,518,774,493.93
Operational Activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                        24,317,259,121.35                    26,458,231,381.29
operational activities
Net cash flow generated by operating
                                         1,325,252,238.48                      -883,377,679.16
II. Cash Flow from Investment
    Cash Arising from Disposal of
                                         1,275,269,172.84                     2,038,864,008.78
    Cash Arising from Investment
                                           28,199,284.38                         24,500,087.16
    Net Cash Arising from Disposal of
Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and          3,985,726.76                         8,597,432.00
Other Long-term Assets
    Net Cash Arising from Disposal of                                           229,078,062.03

                                            2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Subsidiaries and Other Business
  Other Received Cashes Related to
                                             7,731,220.78                         25,121,289.66
Investment Activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                         1,315,185,404.76                      2,326,160,879.63
investment activities
   Cash Paid for Purchase and
Construction of Fixed Assets,
                                         1,020,886,264.64                      1,019,379,551.12
Intangible Assets and Other Long-
term Assets
  Cash Paid for Investments              1,223,451,286.75                      1,584,782,317.98
  Net Increase in Pledge Loans
    Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of
Subsidiaries and Other Business
    Other Paid Cashes Related to
                                            82,528,381.07                          2,545,032.90
Investment Activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                         2,326,865,932.46                      2,606,706,902.00
investment activities
Net amount of cash flow generated
                                         -1,011,680,527.70                      -280,546,022.37
by investment activities
III. Cash Flow from Financing
    Cash Arising from Absorbing
                                         5,505,773,563.01                        626,079,632.00
      Including: Cash Arising from
Subsidiaries Absorbing Investments         409,774,403.01                         16,220,000.00
by Minority Shareholders
    Cash Arising from Borrowings         2,373,225,673.47                      5,013,321,909.81
    Other Received Cashes Related to
Financing Activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                         7,878,999,236.48                      5,639,854,805.62
  Cash Paid for Debts Repayment          3,067,680,609.51                      3,680,361,551.09
   Cash Paid for Distribution of
Dividends and Profits or Payment of        850,997,501.96                        885,752,222.88
     Including: Dividends and Profits
Paid to Minority Shareholders by             1,104,770.95
   Other Paid Cashes Related to
                                           783,092,316.63                        471,425,530.60
Financing Activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                         4,701,770,428.10                      5,037,539,304.57
financing activities
Net cash flow generated by financing
                                         3,177,228,808.38                        602,315,501.05
IV. Impact of Fluctuation in Exchange
                                            18,635,906.58                        145,882,804.58
Rate on Cash and Cash Equivalents
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                         3,509,436,425.74                       -415,725,395.90
   Add: Cash and Cash Equivalents
                                         7,878,465,052.63                      7,617,576,852.32
at the Commencement of the Period
VI. Cash and Cash Equivalents at the
                                         11,387,901,478.37                     7,201,851,456.42
End of the Period

                                                         2023 Q3 Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(II) The first implementation of new accounting criteria from 2023 to adjust the
relevant items of the financial statements implemented at the beginning of the
year for the first time

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(III) Audit Report

Whether the Q3 report has been audited.
□ Yes  No
The Q3 report of the Company has not been audited yet.

                                            Board of Directors of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  October 21, 2023
