Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. 2021 First Quarterly Report April 2021 1 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Chapter 1 Important Notes The board of directors, the board of supervisors and directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company hereby guarantee that no false or misleading statement or major omission was made to the materials in this report and that they will assume all the responsibility, individually and jointly, for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents of the quarterly report. All the directors attended the board meeting during which they reviewed this Quarterly Report. Ren Jianhua, the head of the Company, Zhang Guofu, the head of accounting work, and Zhang Guofu, the head of the accounting body (the accountant in charge) , guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the financial report in the quarterly report. 2 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Chapter 2 Company Profile I. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators Whether the Company needs to retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of the previous years □ Yes √ No Increase/decrease this Corresponding period of Reporting period year compared to the last year previous year Operating income (yuan) 1,908,332,042.49 1,265,689,550.31 50.77% Net profits attributable to shareholders of 358,828,585.88 245,010,424.02 46.45% listed companies (yuan) Net profits attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deduction of 321,817,120.06 189,293,064.42 70.01% non-recurring profits and losses (yuan) Net cash flow from operating activities 145,798,650.84 -244,718,331.36 / (yuan) Basic EPS (yuan/share) 0.38 0.26 46.15% Diluted EPS (yuan/share) 0.38 0.26 46.15% Weighted average return on net assets 4.36% 3.51% 0.85% Increase/decrease at the End of the reporting end of this reporting End of previous year period period compared to the end of the previous year Total assets (yuan) 12,657,772,626.80 12,457,568,276.25 1.61% Net assets attributable to shareholders of 8,409,455,401.23 8,050,626,815.35 4.46% listed companies (yuan) Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Gains and Losses √Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: yuan Amount changes from the Item beginning of the year to the Description end of the reporting period Profits and losses on the disposal of non-current assets (including the write-off part of the provision for asset -1,831,792.95 impairment) Government subsidies included into the current profits and 47,513,900.41 3 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. losses, except those government subsidies, which are closely related to the business of a company and enjoyed in accordance with a certain standard quota or quantity of the state Income and expenditure other than those mentioned above -2,570,323.63 Less: Amount affected by income tax 6,737,205.70 Amount of minority shareholders' equity affected (after -636,887.69 tax) Total 37,011,465.82 -- Explain the non-recurrent profit and loss items defined by the Company according to the Interpretative Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure of Public Securities Issuing Companies - Non-recurrent Profits and Losses and defined from the non-recurrent profit and loss items enumerated in the Interpretative Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure of Public Securities Issuing Companies - Non-recurrent Profits and Losses □ Applicable √ Not applicable No definition of non-recurrent profit and loss items defined and enumerated in the Interpretative Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure of Public Securities Issuing Companies - Non-recurrent Profits and Losses as non-recurrent profit and loss items during the reporting period. II. Total Number of Shareholders and Shareholdings of the Top Ten Shareholders at the End of the Reporting Period 1. Total number of common shareholders and preferred shareholders with the voting rights recovered, and shareholding of the top 10 shareholders Unit: share Total number of preferred Total number of common shareholders at shareholders with the voting 75,073 0 the end of the reporting period rights recovered at the end of reporting period (if any) Shareholding of the top 10 shareholders Number of Pledge or freeze shares held Shareholder Shareholding Number of Shareholder's name with limited nature ratio shares Status of shares Quantity sales conditions Hangzhou Robam Domestic Industrial Group Co., non-state legal 49.68% 471,510,000 Ltd. person Hong Kong Securities Overseas legal 12.89% 122,354,048 Clearing Co. Ltd. person Domestic Shen Guoying 1.29% 12,240,000 natural person 4 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. China Life Insurance Company Co., Ltd - Other 1.01% 9,632,407 Traditional - General Insurance Products Domestic Hangzhou Jinchuang non-state legal 1.00% 9,451,985 Investment Co., Ltd. person TEMASEK Overseas legal FULLERTON ALPHA 0.96% 9,066,498 person PTE LTD Norges Bank - equity Overseas legal 0.94% 8,960,259 fund person China Resources Szitic Trust Co.,Ltd. - China Resources Trust Kuan Other 0.71% 6,700,000 Yuan Value Renaissance Securities Investment Collect Fund Trust Plan Domestic Hangzhou Yinchuang non-state legal 0.67% 6,318,000 Investment Co., Ltd. person China Life Insurance Company Co., Ltd - Other 0.66% 6,299,776 Traditional - General Insurance Products Shareholding of top 10 shareholders with unlimited sales conditions Number of shares held not subject to sales Type of share Shareholder's name restrictions Type of share Quantity Hangzhou Robam Industrial Group Co., Common stock 471,510,000 471,510,000 Ltd. in RMB Common stock Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co. Ltd. 122,354,048 122,354,048 in RMB Common stock Shen Guoying 12,240,000 12,240,000 in RMB China Life Insurance Company Co., Ltd - Common stock 9,632,407 9,632,407 Traditional - General Insurance Products in RMB Common stock Hangzhou Jinchuang Investment Co., Ltd. 9,451,985 9,451,985 in RMB TEMASEK FULLERTON ALPHA PTE Common stock 9,066,498 9,066,498 LTD in RMB 5 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Common stock Norges Bank - equity fund 8,960,259 8,960,259 in RMB China Resources Szitic Trust Co.,Ltd. - China Resources Trust Kuan Yuan Value Common stock 6,700,000 6,700,000 Renaissance Securities Investment Collect in RMB Fund Trust Plan Common stock Hangzhou Yinchuang Investment Co., Ltd. 6,318,000 6,318,000 in RMB China Life Insurance Company Co., Ltd - Common stock 6,299,776 6,299,776 Traditional - General Insurance Products in RMB The actual controller of the Company’s controlling shareholder Hangzhou Robam Industrial Group Co., Ltd. and the shareholder Hangzhou Jinchuang Investment Description of the associated relationship or Co., Ltd. is Mr. Ren Jianhua, and the natural person shareholder Shen Guoying is consistent actions of the above shareholders the wife of Ren Jianhua. The above shareholders have the possibility of acting in unison. Description of the top 10 shareholders engaging in securities margin trading (if N/A any) Whether the Company’s top 10 common shareholders and op 10 common shareholders with unlimited sales conditions agreed on a repurchase transaction during the reporting period □ Yes √ No The Company’s top 10 common shareholders and op 10 common shareholders with unlimited sales conditions did not agree on a repurchase transaction during the reporting period 2. Total number of the Company’s preferred shareholders and shareholding of the top 10 preferred shareholders □ Applicable √ Not applicable 6 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Chapter 3 Significant Matters I. Cases and causes for the change in Major Financial Data and Financial Indicators during the Reporting Period √Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Balance sheet items At the end of the reporting period, accounts receivable decreased by 38.42% as compared with that at the beginning of the year, which was mainly caused by the retrieve of receivables. At the end of the reporting period, prepayments increased by 62.40 % as compared with that at the beginning of the year, which was mainly caused by the increase in prepayments for the purchase of raw materials. At the end of the reporting period, the deferred income tax assets increased by 46.81 % as compared with that at the beginning of the year, which was mainly caused by the temporary differences arising from prepaid sales expenses. At the end of the reporting period, the payroll payable decreased by 86.29% as compared with that at the beginning of the year, which was mainly caused by the payment of employee salaries and bonuses last year. 2. Income statement items Benefiting from good control of the epidemic, the operating conditions of various categories and channels in the reporting period of the Company have been greatly improved as compared with that in the same period of previous year. Operating income increased by 50.77% and net profit attributable to the parent company increased by 46.45% as compared with that in the same period of previous year; Operating costs, selling expenses, administrative expenses, etc., increased accordingly as compared with that in the same period of previous year. 3. Cash flow statement items Net cash flows from investment activities decreased by 34.21% as compared with that in the same period of the previous year, which was mainly caused by the increase in the amount purchased from bank wealth management products. II. Progress and Influence of Significant Matters, and the Analysis and Explanation on Solutions □ Applicable √ Not applicable Implementation progress of share repurchase □ Applicable √ Not applicable Implementation progress of reducing repurchased shares by centralized competitive bidding □ Applicable √ Not applicable III. Commitments not Fully Fulfilled by the Company’s Actual Controllers, Shareholders, Affiliates, Acquirers and Other Commitment Parties During the Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable 7 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. During the reporting period, there were no commitments not fully fulfilled by the Company’s actual controllers, shareholders, affiliates, acquirers and other commitment parties during the reporting period. IV. Financial Asset Investment 1. Securities investment □ Applicable √ Not applicable The Company had no securities investments in the reporting period. 2. Derivative investment □ Applicable √ Not applicable The Company had no derivative investments in the reporting period. V. Progress of Investment Projects Funded by Raised Funds □ Applicable √ Not applicable VI. Prediction of Operating Results in January - June 2021 Warnings and reasons for the prediction of the potential losses in the accumulated net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period or significant changes as compared with that in the same period of the previous year □ Applicable √ Not applicable VII. Material Contracts for Daily Operations □ Applicable √ Not applicable VIII. Entrusted Financial Management √Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: 10,000 yuan Source of funds for Amount incurred in Overdue amount not Specific type Outstanding balance entrusted financing entrusted financing recovered Bank financial Owned fund 50,000 222,500 0 products Total 50,000 222,500 0 Specific circumstance of high-risk entrusted financing with significant single amount or with low security, poor liquidity and not break-even □ Applicable √ Not applicable The entrusted financing is expected not to recover the principal or has other circumstances that may cause impairment □ Applicable √ Not applicable 8 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. IX. Illegal External Guarantees □ Applicable √ Not applicable The Company had no illegal external guarantees during the reporting period. X. Non-operating Occupation of Funds of the Listed Company by the Controlling Shareholders and Their Related Parties □ Applicable √ Not applicable No non-operating occupation of funds of listed companies by controlling shareholders and their related parties during the reporting period. XI. Registration Form for Reception, Research, Communication, Interview and Other Activities During the Reporting Period √Applicable □ Not applicable Reception Reception Type of received Reception time Basic information index of the survey location way object See Robam Appliances: Record of Investor Relations January 06, 2021 Company Field survey Organization Activities on January 06, 2021 in Cninfo See Robam Appliances: Record of Investor Relation January 12, 2021 Company Field survey Organization Activities on January 12-15, 2021 in Cninfo See Robam Appliances: Record of Investor Relation March 04, 2021 Company Field survey Organization Activities on January 4-5, 2021 in Cninfo 9 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Chapter 4 Financial Statements I. Financial Statements 1. Consolidated Balance Sheet Unit: Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. March 31, 2021 Unit: yuan Item March 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 Current assets: Monetary capital 4,136,801,325.19 3,921,052,700.31 Deposit reservation for balance Lending funds Trading financial assets 2,225,000,000.00 2,352,000,000.00 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 2,188,823,040.62 1,832,701,443.08 Accounts receivable 620,868,794.62 1,008,235,946.40 Receivables financing Advances to suppliers 113,503,727.93 69,889,399.47 Premiums receivables Reinsurance accounts receivable Reinsurance contract reserve receivable Other receivables 67,822,134.75 56,589,791.38 Including: Interest receivable Dividends receivable Redemptory monetary capital for sale Inventory 1,405,339,657.42 1,386,089,344.84 Contract assets Assets held for sales Non-current assets due within a year Other current assets 29,099.50 667,378.56 10 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Total current assets 10,758,187,780.03 10,627,226,004.04 Non-current assets: Loans and advances Debt investment Other debt investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investment 2,640,604.50 3,452,769.59 Other equity instrument 102,116,023.22 102,116,023.22 investments Other non-current financial assets Investment properties 18,737,014.51 2,591,001.84 Fixed assets 812,093,795.39 824,978,354.71 Construction in progress 465,749,512.12 463,424,647.46 Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets 14,980,357.53 Intangible assets 232,052,485.08 235,217,240.32 Development expenditure Goodwill 80,589,565.84 80,589,565.84 Long-term unamortized 1,630,211.03 1,798,358.85 expenses Deferred income tax assets 165,146,135.31 112,492,030.71 Other non-current assets 3,849,142.24 3,682,279.67 Total non-current assets 1,899,584,846.77 1,830,342,272.21 Total assets 12,657,772,626.80 12,457,568,276.25 Current liabilities Short-term borrowing 6,076,177.30 6,076,177.30 Borrowings from central bank Borrowing funds Trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 843,225,581.71 751,802,498.92 Accounts payable 1,519,476,141.14 1,723,832,208.09 Advance from customers 11 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Contract liabilities 969,754,696.53 949,591,228.35 Financial assets sold for repurchase Deposits from customers and interbank Acting trading securities Acting underwriting securities Payroll payable 17,287,839.40 126,130,391.24 Tax payable 203,455,994.80 181,887,237.51 Other payables 256,157,178.37 242,559,615.30 Including: Interest payable Dividends payable Fees and commissions payable Dividend payable for reinsurance Liabilities held for sales Non-current liabilities due within a year Other current liabilities 119,156,658.12 126,535,407.26 Total current liabilities 3,934,590,267.37 4,108,414,763.97 Non-current liabilities: Reserve fund for insurance contracts Long-term borrowing Bonds payable Including: preferred stock Perpetual bond Lease liabilities 15,582,667.63 Long-term payable Long-term payroll payable Estimated liabilities Deferred income 145,559,487.53 150,163,523.90 Deferred income tax liabilities 5,137,765.38 5,210,759.74 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 166,279,920.54 155,374,283.64 12 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Total liabilities 4,100,870,187.91 4,263,789,047.61 Owner's equity: Capital stock 949,024,050.00 949,024,050.00 Other equity instruments Including: preferred stock Perpetual bond Capital reserve 401,799,332.67 401,799,332.67 Minus: treasury stock Other comprehensive income -15,157,634.16 -15,157,634.16 Special reserve Surplus reserves 474,516,412.50 474,516,412.50 General risk preparation Undistributed profit 6,599,273,240.22 6,240,444,654.34 Total owners' equities attributable to 8,409,455,401.23 8,050,626,815.35 the owners of parent company Minority equity 147,447,037.66 143,152,413.29 Total owners' equities 8,556,902,438.89 8,193,779,228.64 Total liabilities and owners' equities 12,657,772,626.80 12,457,568,276.25 Legal representative: Ren Jianhua Head of accounting work: Zhang Guofu Head of accounting institution: Zhang Guofu 2. Balance sheet of parent company Unit: yuan Item March 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 Current assets: Monetary capital 3,968,147,640.60 3,660,573,828.66 Trading financial assets 2,060,000,000.00 2,260,000,000.00 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 2,158,508,187.17 1,826,318,388.55 Accounts receivable 593,604,956.02 933,609,909.29 Receivables financing Advances to suppliers 100,087,098.68 54,046,490.84 Other receivables 53,264,970.23 49,092,820.31 Including: Interest receivable Dividends receivable 13 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Inventory 1,331,157,695.53 1,310,365,800.56 Contract assets Assets held for sales Non-current assets due within a year Other current assets Total current assets 10,264,770,548.23 10,094,007,238.21 Non-current assets: Debt investment Other debt investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investment 229,146,538.23 229,958,703.32 Other equity instrument investments 102,116,023.22 102,116,023.22 Other non-current financial assets Investment properties 19,030,714.59 2,890,836.38 Fixed assets 785,754,078.21 798,041,764.29 Construction in progress 391,622,015.69 388,628,789.02 Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets Intangible assets 151,652,416.89 153,598,124.59 Development expenditure Goodwill Long-term unamortized expenses 1,442,606.73 1,626,828.83 Deferred income tax assets 164,095,670.34 110,283,291.78 Other non-current assets 2,941,142.24 3,005,279.67 Total non-current assets 1,847,801,206.14 1,790,149,641.10 Total assets 12,112,571,754.37 11,884,156,879.31 Current liabilities Short-term borrowing 6,076,177.30 6,076,177.30 Trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 802,340,567.91 706,096,531.24 Accounts payable 1,437,590,135.87 1,643,087,806.83 Advance from customers 14 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Contract liabilities 914,817,476.15 863,047,926.93 Payroll payable 8,867,055.84 102,753,699.88 Tax payable 196,296,786.59 170,747,570.08 Other payables 237,937,278.08 225,015,032.38 Including: Interest payable Dividends payable Liabilities held for sales Non-current liabilities due within a year Other current liabilities 112,014,819.48 115,284,778.08 Total current liabilities 3,715,940,297.22 3,832,109,522.72 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowing Bonds payable Including: preferred stock Perpetual bond Lease liabilities Long-term payable Long-term payroll payable Estimated liabilities Deferred income 116,702,502.53 121,306,538.90 Deferred income tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 116,702,502.53 121,306,538.90 Total liabilities 3,832,642,799.75 3,953,416,061.62 Owner's equity: Capital stock 949,024,050.00 949,024,050.00 Other equity instruments Including: preferred stock Perpetual bond Capital reserve 401,754,349.66 401,754,349.66 Minus: treasury stock Other comprehensive income -15,157,634.16 -15,157,634.16 Special reserve Surplus reserves 474,516,412.50 474,516,412.50 15 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Undistributed profit 6,469,791,776.62 6,120,603,639.69 Total owners' equities 8,279,928,954.62 7,930,740,817.69 Total liabilities and owners' equities 12,112,571,754.37 11,884,156,879.31 3. Consolidated Statement of Income Unit: yuan Amount incurred in current Item Amount incurred in previous period period I. Total operating income 1,908,332,042.49 1,265,689,550.31 Including: Operating income 1,908,332,042.49 1,265,689,550.31 Interest revenue Premium earned Fee and commission income II. Total operating costs 1,543,621,310.18 1,042,865,376.79 Including: Operating costs 814,110,436.09 550,300,620.23 Interest expenditure Fee and commission expense Surrender value Net payments for insurance claims Net reserve fund extracted for insurance contracts Bond insurance expense Reinsurance costs Taxes and surcharges 13,074,563.80 8,597,000.54 Selling expenses 614,529,598.27 411,997,413.43 Management costs 69,656,128.89 50,456,739.21 Research and development cost 58,442,093.60 45,642,801.87 Financial expenses -26,191,510.47 -24,129,198.49 Including: interest expenditure Interest revenue 24,358,320.45 23,513,325.52 Plus: other incomes 47,513,900.41 64,975,635.42 Income from investment (loss 15,249,786.30 7,496,856.68 expressed with “-”) Including: Income from investment of -812,165.09 -1,513,281.46 joint venture and cooperative enterprise 16 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Income from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost Exchange gain (loss expressed with “-”) Net exposure hedging gain (loss expressed with “-”) Income from fair value changes (loss expressed with “-”) Credit impairment losses (loss 3,418,677.20 -4,176,895.96 expressed with “-”) Assets impairment losses (loss expressed with “-”) Income from disposal of assets (loss -1,831,792.95 expressed with “-”) III. Operating profits (loss expressed with “-”) 429,061,303.27 291,119,769.66 Plus: Non-operating income 348,968.29 135,941.57 Minus: Non-operating expenditure 1,142,688.37 1,114,628.65 IV. Total profits (total loss expressed with “-”) 428,267,583.19 290,141,082.58 Minus: income tax expenses 65,694,372.94 43,351,740.66 V. Net profits (net loss expressed with “-”) 362,573,210.25 246,789,341.92 (I) Classification by business continuity 1. Net profits from ongoing operation (net 362,573,210.25 246,789,341.92 loss expressed with “-”) 2. Net profits from discontinuing operation (net loss expressed with “-”) (II) Classified by ownership 1. Net owners' profits attributable to the 358,828,585.88 245,010,424.02 shareholders of the parent company 2. Minority interest income 3,744,624.37 1,778,917.90 VI. Net of tax of other comprehensive income Net amount of after-tax other comprehensive income attributable to the owners of the parent company (I) Other comprehensive income that can't be reclassified into profit and loss 1. Remeasure the variation of net indebtedness or net asset of defined benefit plan 17 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. 2. Other comprehensive income that can't be reclassified into profit and loss in the invested enterprise under equity method 3. Fair value change of other equity instrument investments 4. Fair value change of enterprise credit risks 5. Other (II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit and loss 1. Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit and loss in the invested enterprise under equity method 2. Fair value change of other debt investments 3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income 4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments 5. Cash flow hedging reserve 6. Translation reserve 7. Other Net of tax of other comprehensive income attributable to the minority shareholders VII. Total comprehensive income 362,573,210.25 246,789,341.92 Total comprehensive income belonging to 358,828,585.88 245,010,424.02 parent company Total comprehensive income belonging to 3,744,624.37 1,778,917.90 minority shareholders VIII. Earnings per share: (I) Basic earnings per share 0.38 0.26 (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.38 0.26 In case of business combination involving enterprises under common control in this period, the net profits achieved by the combined enterprise before combination were RMB and achieved by the combined enterprise in previous period were RMB . Legal representative: Ren Jianhua Head of accounting work: Zhang Guofu Head of accounting institution: Zhang Guofu 18 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. 4. Income statement of parent company Unit: yuan Amount incurred in current Item Amount incurred in previous period period I. Operating income 1,732,321,789.16 1,181,482,077.84 Minus: operating costs 745,408,699.72 515,036,964.64 Taxes and surcharges 11,692,932.17 7,607,838.95 Selling expenses 545,268,146.05 378,366,771.01 Management costs 46,859,617.45 34,320,467.55 Research and development cost 55,510,149.85 43,836,299.13 Financial expenses -25,051,061.84 -24,017,455.42 Including: interest expenditure Interest revenue 24,210,431.93 23,356,753.00 Plus: other incomes 44,577,058.56 60,984,341.53 Income from investment (loss 14,810,104.22 3,990,466.27 expressed with “-”) Including: Income from investment of -812,165.09 -1,513,281.46 joint venture and cooperative enterprise Income from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost (loss expressed with “-”) Net exposure hedging gain (loss expressed with “-”) Income from fair value changes (loss expressed with “-”) Credit impairment losses (loss 1,796,773.22 -2,687,972.28 expressed with “-”) Assets impairment losses (loss expressed with “-”) Income from disposal of assets (loss -1,869,271.53 expressed with “-”) II. Operating profit (loss to be filled out with 411,947,970.23 288,618,027.50 the minus sign "-") Plus: Non-operating income 258,973.24 124,434.66 Minus: Non-operating expenditure 1,030,215.67 1,054,495.98 III. Total profit (total loss to be filled out with 411,176,727.80 287,687,966.18 19 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. the minus sign "-") Minus: income tax expenses 61,988,590.87 43,511,101.79 IV. Net profit (net loss to be filled out with the 349,188,136.93 244,176,864.39 minus sign "-") (I) Net profits from going concern (net 349,188,136.93 244,176,864.39 loss expressed with “-”) (II) Net profits from discontinuing operation (net loss expressed with “-”) V. Net amount of other comprehensive income after tax (I) Other comprehensive income that can't be reclassified into profit and loss 1. Remeasure the variation of net indebtedness or net asset of defined benefit plan 2. Other comprehensive income that can't be reclassified into profit and loss in the invested enterprise under equity method 3. Fair value change of other equity instrument investments 4. Fair value change of enterprise credit risks 5. Other (II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit and loss 1. Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit and loss in the invested enterprise under equity method 2. Fair value change of other debt investments 3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income 4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments 5. Cash flow hedging reserve 6. Translation reserve 7. Other Ⅵ. Total comprehensive income 349,188,136.93 244,176,864.39 Ⅶ. Earnings per share: 20 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. (I) Basic earnings per share (II) Diluted earnings per share 5. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow Unit: yuan Item Amount incurred in current period Amount incurred in previous period I. Cash flow from financing activities: Cash from selling commodities or 2,169,898,160.33 1,172,850,208.54 offering labor Net increase of customer deposit and deposit from other banks Net increase of borrowings from central bank Net increase of borrowing funds from other financial institutions Cash from obtaining original insurance contract premium Cash received from insurance premium of original insurance contract Net increase of deposit and investment of insured Cash from interest, handling charges and commissions Net increase of borrowing funds Net increase of repurchase of business funds Net cash from acting trading securities Refund of tax and levies 2,874.62 Other cash received related to 79,218,797.20 90,996,539.87 operating activities Subtotal cash inflows from operating 2,249,116,957.53 1,263,849,623.03 activities Cash paid for selling commodities or 1,098,274,183.01 860,082,474.03 offering labor Net increase of customer loans and advances Net increase of amount due from 21 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. central bank and interbank Cash paid for original insurance contract claims payment Net increase of lending funds Cash paid for interest, handling charges and commissions Cash paid for policy dividend Cash paid to and for employees 244,294,780.46 208,672,210.13 Taxes and fees paid 205,079,543.78 125,152,278.06 Other cash paid related to operating 555,669,799.44 314,660,992.17 activities Subtotal cash outflows from operating 2,103,318,306.69 1,508,567,954.39 activities Net cash flow from operating activities 145,798,650.84 -244,718,331.36 II. Cash flow from investment activities: Cash from investment withdrawal 629,000,000.00 410,000,000.00 Cash from investment income 16,523,049.30 21,341,703.75 Net cash from disposal of fixed assets, 1,316,562.40 intangible assets and other long-term assets Net cash from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units Other cash received related to investment activities Subtotal cash inflows from investment 646,839,611.70 431,341,703.75 activities Cash paid for purchase of fixed assets, 80,863,665.71 44,099,181.67 intangible assets and other long-term assets Cash paid for investment 502,000,000.00 290,000,000.00 Net increase in hypothecated loan Net cash paid for obtaining subsidiaries and other business units Other cash paid related to investment activities Subtotal cash outflows from investment 582,863,665.71 334,099,181.67 activities Net cash flow from investment activities 63,975,945.99 97,242,522.08 III. Cash flow from financing activities: 22 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. Receipts from equity securities 550,000.00 Including: Cash received from subsidies’ absorption of minority 550,000.00 shareholders’ investment Cash from borrowings Other cash received related to financing activities Subtotal cash inflows from financing 550,000.00 activities Cash repayments of amounts borrowed Cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or interest expenses Including: dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries to minority shareholders Other cash paid related to financing activities Subtotal cash outflows from financing activities Net cash flow from financing activities 550,000.00 IV. Impact of exchange rate movements on 257,034.19 559,026.29 cash and cash equivalents V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 210,581,631.02 -146,916,782.99 Plus: Balance of cash and cash 3,886,096,513.56 4,029,296,265.50 equivalents at the beginning of the period VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at 4,096,678,144.58 3,882,379,482.51 the end of the period 6. Cash flow statement of parent company Unit: yuan Item Amount incurred in current period Amount incurred in previous period I. Cash flow from financing activities: Cash from selling commodities or 1,986,744,939.69 1,132,547,167.71 offering labor Refund of tax and levies Other cash received related to operating 68,182,268.16 81,685,212.76 activities Subtotal cash inflows from operating 2,054,927,207.85 1,214,232,380.47 23 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. activities Cash paid for selling commodities or 1,040,815,058.70 849,183,540.54 offering labor Cash paid to and for employees 195,837,840.41 168,160,457.31 Taxes and fees paid 186,579,814.26 112,089,484.74 Other cash paid related to operating 472,719,418.71 275,423,429.67 activities Subtotal cash outflows from operating 1,895,952,132.08 1,404,856,912.26 activities Net cash flow from operating activities 158,975,075.77 -190,624,531.79 II. Cash flow from investment activities: Cash from investment withdrawal 500,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 Cash from investment income 16,056,986.29 20,129,011.97 Net cash from disposal of fixed assets, 1,266,582.40 intangible assets and other long-term assets Net cash from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units Other cash received related to investment activities Subtotal cash inflows from investment 517,323,568.69 320,129,011.97 activities Cash paid for purchase of fixed assets, 71,167,272.42 43,273,878.67 intangible assets and other long-term assets Cash paid for investment 300,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 Net cash paid for obtaining subsidiaries and other business units Other cash paid related to investment activities Subtotal cash outflows from investment 371,167,272.42 243,273,878.67 activities Net cash flow from investment activities 146,156,296.27 76,855,133.30 III. Cash flow from financing activities: Receipts from equity securities Cash from borrowings Other cash received related to financing activities Subtotal cash inflows from financing 24 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. activities Cash repayments of amounts borrowed Cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or interest expenses Other cash paid related to financing activities Subtotal cash outflows from financing activities Net cash flow from financing activities IV. Impact of exchange rate movements on 257,146.96 559,028.63 cash and cash equivalents V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 305,388,519.00 -113,210,369.86 Plus: Balance of cash and cash 3,627,178,859.95 3,951,074,513.16 equivalents at the beginning of the period VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at 3,932,567,378.95 3,837,864,143.30 the end of the period II. Statement of Adjustments to Financial Statements 1. Adjustment of relevant items in financial statements at the beginning of implementation year as a result of first implementation of new lease standards from 2021 √Applicable □ Not applicable Whether to adjust the balance sheet items at the beginning of the year √ Yes □ No Consolidated Balance Sheet Unit: yuan Item December 31, 2020 January 01, 2021 Adjusted figure Right-of-use assets 15,374,577.46 15,374,577.46 Total non-current assets 1,830,342,272.21 1,845,716,850.00 15,374,577.46 Total assets 12,457,568,276.25 12,472,942,854.00 15,374,577.46 Lease liabilities 15,374,577.46 15,374,577.46 Total non-current liabilities 155,374,283.64 170,748,861.10 15,374,577.46 Total liabilities 4,263,789,047.61 4,279,163,625.00 15,374,577.46 2. Retrospective adjustment of early comparative data description as a result of first implementation of new lease standards from 2021 □ Applicable √ Not applicable 25 Full Text of 2021 First Quarterly Report of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. III. Audit Report Whether the first quarterly report has been audited? □ Yes √ No The first quarterly report of the Company has not been audited. 26