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                        Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                   2023 Annual Report

             Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                           2023 Annual Report


                                                April, 2024
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                         2023 Annual Report

                                     2023 Annual Report

        Section I Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions

      Our Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors, and

senior managers guarantee that this annual report is true, accurate and complete

without falsehoods, misleading statements or major omissions, and undertake

individual and joint legal liabilities arising therefrom.

      Our Chairman and President Mr. Guo Zhenyu, CFO Mr. Wang Long, and

Head of Accounting Department Mr. Liu Zhaofeng hereby declare that the

financial statements herein are true, accurate, and complete.

       All directors of Botanee have attended the board meeting for deliberating on

this report.

       Forward-looking statements herein on Botanee’s future prospects, business

plans, etc. do not constitute substantial commitments to investors. Investors are

advised to read carefully such information, and watch investment risks. Investors

and related parties should maintain adequate risk awareness, and understand

the differences between plans, forecasts, and commitments.

       We have described in detail possible risks in our operations and our

countermeasures in “Section III Management Discussion and Analysis” and

“Section XI Future Prospects of Botanee” of this report. Investors are kindly

requested to pay attention to these sections.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                        2023 Annual Report
       Our profit-sharing plan deliberated on and adopted by the Board of

Directors is: to distribute CNY6.00 of cash dividend for every 10 shares to all
shareholders based on 420,605,382 shares, give them 0 bonus shares (tax
included), and issue 0 shares for them for every 10 shares by transferring capital


Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                            2023 Annual Report
                                                             Table of Contents
Section I Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions.......................................................................... 2
Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators ................................................................................ 10
Section III Discussion and Analysis by the Management .................................................................................. 15
Section IV Corporate Governance ..................................................................................................................... 60
Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility ......................................................................................... 81
Section VI Significant Events ........................................................................................................................... 82
Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders .............................................................. 111
SectionIV Share Repurchases during the Reporting Period............................................................................. 115
Section VIII Preference Shares ........................................................................................................................ 117
Section IX Bonds ............................................................................................................................................. 118
Section X Financial Report .............................................................................................................................. 119

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report

                                   Documents Available for Inspection

    (1) The original of our 2023 Annual Report signed by the Company’s legal representative Mr. Guo Zhenyu.

     (2) The financial statements signed and sealed by the Company’s legal representative Mr. Guo Zhenyu, CFO Mr. Wang Long,
and Head of Accounting Department Mr. Liu Zhaofeng, the person in charge of the accounting firm (Accounting Supervisor).

     (3) The original of our audit report sealed by Talent Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership), and signed
and sealed by its certified public accountants.

     4) The original of all our documents and announcements that have been publicly disclosed during the reporting period.

    The above documents are kept at our Board Secretary’s Office.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                               2023 Annual Report

              Term                                                        Definition
 CSRC                            China Securities Regulatory Commission
 SZSE                            Shenzhen Stock Exchange
 The Company/Botanee            Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.

 Botanee Co., Ltd.              Kunming Botanee Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., the predecessor of Botanee
                                 Shanghai Botanee Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 Shanghai Botanee

                                Beixiaoni (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Botanee
 Beixiaoni (Shanghai)

                                Yanyao (Shanghai) Medical Management Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai
 Yanyao Medical Management
                                Shanghai Yanyao Medical Beauty Clinic Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yanyao
 Yanyao Medical Beauty
                                Medical Management
                                Botanee (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Botanee
 Botanee (Xiamen)

                                Botanee (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Botanee
 Botanee (Hangzhou)

                                Botanee (Hainan) E-commerce Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Botanee
 Botanee (Hainan)

                                 Chengdu Botanee Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 Chengdu Botanee

                                 Sichuan Botanee Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of Chengdu Botanee
 Sichuan Botanee

                                 Chengdu Wuhou Botanee Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sichuan
 Wuhou Botanee
 Wuhan Botanee                  Wuhan Botanee Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of Botanee
                                Kunming Botanee Bio-Technology Sales Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 Kunming Botanee Sales

                                Kunming Yunzhuang Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 Kunming Yunzhuang

 Kunming Winona                 Kunming Winona Skincare Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of Winona Yunzhuang
 Qiumei Technology               Qiumei Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai
 (Shanghai)                      Botanee
 Qiumei Technology               Qiumei Technology (Kunming) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 Shanghai Botanee Technology     Shanghai Botanee Health Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee

 Shanghai Jiyan Biomedical      Shanghai Jiyan Biomedical Development Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai
                                Botanee Technology
 Botanee (Shanghai) Supply      Botanee (Shanghai) Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary
 Chain                          of Shanghai Botanee Technology
 Botanee (Kunming) Trading      Botanee (Kunming) Trading Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 Botanee Trading                Botanee Trading Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
                                Yunnan Yunke Specialty Plant Extraction Laboratory Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
 Yunnan Yunke
                                 Shanghai Yibeini Health Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 Shanghai Yibeini

                                Aoxmed (Shanghai) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of Shanghai Yibeini
 Aoxmed (Shanghai)

                                Clinmate (Shanghai) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 Clinmate (Shanghai)

 Hainan Botanee Investment      Hainan Botanee Investment Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                 2023 Annual Report
                                   Hainan Botanee Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary
 Hainan Botanee Private
                                   of Botanee
 Yunnan Weijia                     Yunnan Weijia Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of Botanee
 Sichuan Huifu Hospital            Sichuan Huifu Hospital Management Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chengdu
 Management                        Botanee
                                   Chengdu Wuhou Huifu Internet Hospital Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sichuan
 Chengdu Huifu Internet Hospital
                                   Huifu Hospital Management
 Chengdu Huifu Outpatient          Chengdu Wuhou Yiduo Huifu Outpatient Clinic Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary
 Clinic                            of Sichuan Huifu Hospital Management
                                   Shanghai Haimoni Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kunming
 Shanghai Haimoni
                                   Xiamen Chonglou Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary
 Xiamen Chonglou Private
                                   of Botanee
                                   Nibei (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Yibeini
Nibei (Shanghai) Technology

                                   Kunming Ansute Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Haimoni
 Kunming Ansute

                                   Hangzhou Ansute Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Haimoni
 Hangzhou Ansute

 Shanghai Beforteen                Shanghai Beforteen Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Yibeini

                                   Sichuan Beforteen Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chengdu
 Sichuan Beforteen Enterprise
                                   Chengdu Wuhou Beforteen Internet Hospital Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sichuan
 Chengdu Beforteen Internet
 Hospital                          Botanee Enterprise
 Chengdu Beifu Outpatient          Chengdu Wuhou Beifu Comprehensive Outpatient Clinic Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary
 Clinic                            of Sichuan Beforteen Enterprise
                                   Yunnan Botanee Health Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 Yunnan Botanee Technology

                                   Huzhou Botanee Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Botanee
 Huzhou Botanee
                                   Shangri-La Yunke Specialty Chinese Medicinal Materials Planting Co., Ltd., a wholly-
 Shangri-La Yunke
                                   owned subsidiary of Yunnan Yunke
                                   Nuoweitai (Kunming) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of Shanghai Yibeini
 Nuoweitai (Kunming)

                                   Clinmate (Kunming) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Clinmate
 Clinmate (Kunming)
                                   Hunan Botanee Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 Hunan Botanee

                                   Changsha Meluda Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 Changsha Meluda

                                   Hunan Ailemei Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 Hunan Ailemei

                                   ME (Guangzhou) Investment Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Botanee
 ME Investment

                                   Hangzhou Meixi Brand Management Co., Ltd., a joint venture invested by Hainan Botanee
 Hangzhou Meixi
                                   Shenzhen Natural Technology Co., Ltd., a joint venture invested by Hainan Botanee
 Shenzhen Nature
                                   Beijing Huanfang Shidai Information Technology Co., Ltd., a joint venture invested by Hainan
 Beijing Huanfang Shidai
                                   Botanee Investment
                                   Yizheng (Suzhou) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a joint venture invested by Shanghai Botanee
 Yizheng (Suzhou) Biotech

                                   Hunan Miaomiao Kelaiyimei Health Management Co., Ltd., a joint venture invested by
 Hunan Miaomiao Health
                                   Clinmate (Shanghai)
                                   WEMT Medical Technology (Wuxi) Co., Ltd., a joint venture invested by Hainan Botanee
 WEMT Medical
                                   Shanghai Weimu Medical Technology Co., Ltd., a joint venture invested by Hainan Botanee
 Shanghai Weimu Medical
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report
Nuona Technology                   Kunming Nuona Technology Co., Ltd., a controlling shareholder of the Company
                                   Tianjin Sequoia Juye Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), a
 Sequoia Juye
                                   shareholder of Botanee
 Zhenli Consulting                 Xiamen Zhenli Consulting Co., Ltd., a shareholder of Botanee
                                   Xiamen Chonglou Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), a shareholder of Botanee
 Chonglou Investment

 Yunnan Haqisheng                  Yunnan Haqisheng Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., a shareholder of Botanee
 Company Law                       Company Law of the People’s Republic of China
 Securities Law                    Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China
 KOL                               Key opinion leader, which usually refers to a person who has more access to product
                                   information, is trusted by his/her audience, and can influence their purchase
 KOC                               Key opinion consumer, a consumer who can influence his/her friends and fans to buy things.

                                   The online shopping day that falls on June 18 every year, originated from large-scale promotion
                                   activities created by JD.com on June 18, 2010
                                   The online retail festival that takes place on November 11 every year, originated from the large
 Double 11                         promotion created by Taobao Mall (now Tmall) on November 11, 2009
                                   Chemical industrial products or fine chemical products applied by smearing, spraying, or other
                                   similar means to any part of the surface of human body, such as skin, hair, fingernails, toenails,
Cosmetics                          lips, and teeth, for the purpose of cleaning, taking care of, beautifying, modifying or altering
                                   the appearance, or for modifying body odor to maintaining human body in good condition
 Skincare products                 Cosmetics designed to protect or take care of the skin, and enhance its elasticity and vitality

Dermatological level/ functional   Skin care products with a mild and scientific formula suitable for sensitive skin and other skin
skincare products                  conditions which emphasizes safety and professionalism, as defined by Euromonitor on
                                   The industry that covers infant and children products, bath products, make-ups, deodorant
                                   antiperspirants, hair removers, perfumes, hair care products, men’s care products, oral care
Cosmetics industry
                                   products, skin care products, sunscreen products, etc., as defined by Euromonitor on beauty and
                                   personal care
                                   Instruments, equipment, appliances, in vitro diagnostic reagents and calibrators, materials,
                                   and other similar or related articles used directly or indirectly on human body. The medical
                                   devices manufactured and used by us mainly include hyaluronic acid-based biofilms and
Medical devices                    hyaluronic acid-based dressings used for the protection and care of barrier damaged skin after
                                   minimally invasive procedures
                                   A new type of business operating model that enables online shopping by consumers, online
                                   transactions between merchants, and online electronic payments, as well as various business
                                   activities, transactions, financial activities and related integrated services amidst a wide range of
E-commerce                         commercial trade activities around the world, based on browser/server applications in an open
                                   network environment on the Internet, where buyers and sellers conduct various commercial
                                   activities without meeting each other
Online sales/ online               Product sales through e-commerce channels (telephone shopping, and TV shopping included)
channel sales
Offline sales/ offline             Product sales through traditional sales channels (including department stores, hypermarkets,
channel sales                      cosmetic specialty stores, direct stores, pharmacies, etc.)
                                   A manufacturing mode in which the client provides the commissioned with product formula, raw
                                   and auxiliary materials, and packaging materials, and sends an internal control team to guide and
Commissioned manufacturing
                                   supervise the commissioned to manufacture products in accordance with required process
                                   A manufacturing mode in which the purchaser proposes requirements on product design,
OEM manufacturing                  specifications, functions, etc. to the manufacturer, and the manufacturer manufacture products
                                   according to the purchaser’s requirements
CNY                                China’s statutory currency
The end of the reporting period
                                   December 31, 2023

The beginning of the reporting
                                   January 1, 2023
The end of previous/ last
                                   December 31, 2022
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                               2023 Annual Report
The reporting period            From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
Same period of previous/
                                From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022
last year

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report

              Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators

1. Company Profile
 Stock name                              Botanee                        Stock code                    300957

 Company name (in Chinese)              云南贝泰妮生物科技集团股份有限公司

 Company name for short (in              贝泰妮
 Company name (in English)
                                        Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co. LTD

 Company name for short (in              BTN
 Legal representative                    Guo Zhenyu

 Registered address                     No. 53, Keyi Road, High-tech Development Zone, Kunming City, Yunnan Province

 Postal code of the registered           650106
 Changes in the registered address      N/A

 Business address                       No. 53, Keyi Road, Kunming High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Kunming, Yunnan
 Postal code of the business             650106
 Website                                http://www.botanee.com.cn/
 E-mail                                  ir@botanee.com

2. Contact information
                                          Board Secretary                                    Securities representative

 Contact person         Wang Long                                              Xu Ling

                        No. 53, Keyi Road, Kunming High-tech Industrial        No. 53, Keyi Road, Kunming High-tech Industrial
 Address                Development Zone, Kunming, Yunnan Province             Development Zone, Kunming, Yunnan Province

 Tel.                   0871-6801 3210                                          0871-6801 3210

 Fax                    0871-6801 3210                                          0871-6801 3210

 Email                  ir@botanee.com                                         ir@botanee.com

3. Information Disclosure and Place for Keeping Documents Available for Inspection
 Website of the stock exchange that discloses
 our annual report                                http://www.szse.cn/

 Media selected by us for information             Our website (http://www.botanee.com.cn/), CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/),
 disclosure                                       Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities Journal, and
                                                  Securities Daily

 Place for keeping documents available for        Board Secretary’s Office of Botanee
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               2023 Annual Report

4. Other Relevant Information
     Accounting firm engaged by us:

 Name                              Talent Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)

 Business address                  Room 1907, No. 106 Jiangdong Middle Road, Jianye District, Nanjing

 Signing accountants               Wu Ting, and Zhang Xuewen

     Sponsor engaged by us to continuously perform supervisory function during the reporting period:
      Applicable □ N/A

              Name                           Business address                         Representatives           Continuous supervision period

                                   5/F, Cathaya Business Mansion, No.             Lou Yu, and Wang
 Guosen Securities Co., Ltd.                                                                                   From March 25, 2021 to
                                   105 Tiyuchang Road, Hangzhou                   Donghui                      December 31, 2024

     Financial advisor engaged by us to continuously perform supervisory function during the reporting period:
     □ Applicable  N/A

5. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

     Whether we retrospectively adjusted or restated accounting data accounting data for previous years or not:
     Yes □No

     Reason for the retrospective adjustment or restatement:
     Changes in accounting policies
                                                                                             Change over
                                                                  2022                       previous year                   2021
                                                      Before                  After             After            Before                 After

 Operating revenue (CNY)      5,522,168,263.00   5,013,873,729.44     5,013,873,729.44            10.14%     4,022,403,431.75    4,022,403,431.75

 Net profit attributable to
                               756,795,007.56    1,051,228,828.98     1,051,331,949.57           -28.02%      862,922,946.61        862,922,946.61
 our shareholders (CNY)

 Net profit attributable to
 our shareholders after
                               618,058,791.53      951,225,441.18        953,787,022.86          -35.20%      813,020,602.86        815,482,746.34
 deducting non-recurring
 gains and losses (CNY)

 Net cash flows from our
                               610,438,763.71      769,445,621.45        769,445,621.45          -20.67%     1,152,720,351.41    1,152,720,351.41
 operating activities (CNY)

 Basic earnings per share
                                          1.79                 2.48                   2.48       -27.82%                  2.12                  2.12

 Diluted earnings per share
                                          1.79                 2.48                   2.48       -27.82%                  2.12                  2.12

 Weighted average return
                                      13.21%              20.48%                 20.48%            -7.27%            23.33%                23.33%
 on net assets
                                                                                             Change over
                               End of 2023                     End of 2022                   previous year                End of 2021

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report
                                                     Before               After              After          Before               After

 Total assets (CNY)           7,506,930,342.79   6,718,716,893.90    6,719,600,623.02         11.72%    5,812,491,217.77    5,812,491,217.77

 Net assets attributable to
                              5,860,994,371.02   5,552,272,818.71    5,602,349,316.16          4.62%    4,755,204,197.34    4,755,204,197.34
 our shareholders (CNY)

     Reason for changes in accounting policies and correction of accounting errors:

     At the beginning of the reporting period, we adjusted our accounting data in accordance with “Accounting treatment that the
exemption of initial recognition shall not apply to the deferred income tax relating to assets and liabilities arising from a single
transaction” specified in Interpretation No. 16 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance.
For details, please refer to section “43. Changes in Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” in Section XV of this
report titled “Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates”.

     Indicate the lower of our net profit before and after deducting non-recurring gains and losses in the last three accounting years
was negative, and the latest auditor’s report shows there was uncertainty about our ability to continue as a going concern:
     □Yes No

     Indicate whether the lower of our net profit before and after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was negative or not:

     □Yes No

     Indicate whether our share capital has changed from the end of the reporting period to the date disclosing this annual report
due to issuance of new shares, additional issuance, rights issue, exercise of equity incentive, repurchase, etc., and whether the
amount of shareholders’ equity has been affected or not:

     Yes □No

 Dividends paid for preferred stock
 Interest paid from perpetual bonds (CNY)
 Fully diluted earnings per share calculated based on the latest share capital (CNY/share)                                       1.7866

6. Quarterly Key Financial Indicators
                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY

                                                                    Q1                  Q2                   Q3                  Q4

 Operating revenue                                            863,307,083.80      1,504,435,530.14 1,063,740,686.07        2,090,684,962.99

 Net profit attributed to our shareholders                    158,265,044.32       291,747,169.73      129,177,837.99       177,604,955.52

 Net profit attributed to our shareholders after              126,577,596.71       247,105,276.77      134,347,151.14       110,028,766.91
 deducting non-recurring gains and losses
 Net cash flows from our operating activities                 -196,770,597.63      481,755,634.33      -160,519,507.67      485,973,234.68

     Indicate whether there is any major discrepancies between the above financial indicators or their sum and relevant indicators
disclosed in our quarterly or semi-annual report or not:

     □Yes No

7. Differences in Accounting Data under China’s and Overseas Accounting Standards
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report

7.1 Differences in Net Profit and Net Assets Disclosed in Our Financial Report Prepared under the China
Accounting Standards (CAS) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.2 Differences in Net Profit and Net Assets Disclosed in Our Financial Report Prepared under CAS and
overseas accounting standards
        □ Applicable  N/A
        No such differences for the reporting period.

8. Non-recurring Gains and Losses
         Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                         Item                                2023                2022           2021                  Note

 Gains and losses from disposal of non-current                                                               Gains and losses from
 assets (including the write-off of assets                   461,616.01        -112,591.36     516,716.70    disposal of non-current
 impairment)                                                                                                 assets
 Government subsidies included in current
 profits and losses (except for government
 subsidies that are closely related to our normal                                                            Government subsidies
 business operations, meet national policies and         131,682,124.63      73,958,898.11   32,265,474.08   included in “other
 regulations, are enjoyed in accordance with                                                                 income”
 established standards, and have a lasting
 impact on our gains and losses)
 Gains and losses from changes in fair value
 arising from the holding of financial assets and
 financial liabilities by non-financial
                                                                                                             Gains and losses from
 enterprises, and gains and losses arising from
                                                         -17,238,886.41      -5,519,803.92   10,797,093.76   changes in fair value of
 the disposal of financial assets and financial
                                                                                                             entrusted cash
 liabilities in addition to effective hedging
 business related to our normal business
                                                                                                             Mainly investment
                                                                                                             income generated by
 Gains and losses from assets invested or
                                                          54,656,428.89      78,007,914.79   18,830,359.81   the maturity of
 managed by the entrusted
                                                                                                             entrusted cash
                                                                                                             Mainly additional VAT
                                                                                                             credit for VAT input
                                                                                                             tax included in “other
 Other non-operating income and expenses
                                                          -7,167,283.17     -33,230,882.52   -5,986,664.83   income” and public
 other than the above
                                                                                                             welfare donations
                                                                                                             included in “non-
                                                                                                             operating expenses”
 Minus: our income tax                                    22,633,297.72      15,788,459.33    8,906,790.81
        Minority shareholders’ interests (after
                                                           1,024,486.20        -229,850.94      75,988.44
 Total                                                  138,736,216.03       97,544,926.71   47,440,200.27

        Particulars about other items that meet the definition of non-recurring gain/loss:

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     2023 Annual Report
     Applicable □ N/A
    According to the Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 1:
Non-recurring Profit and Loss (Revised in 2023) issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on December 22, 2023,
identified government subsidies that are closely related to our normal business operations, meet national policies and regulations, are
enjoyed in accordance with established standards, and have a lasting impact on our gains and losses in 2023 as recurring gains and
losses, and adjusted our non-recurring gains and losses in 2022 and 2021 by the same caliber. Thus, our after-tax non-recurring gains
and losses attributable to shareholders in 2022 and 2021 decreased by CNY2,458,461.09 and CNY2,462,143.48, respectively.

    Explain the reasons if we identified an item as recurring gain/loss which is enumerated as non-recurring gain/loss in the
Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 1: Non-recurring Profit and
    □ Applicable  N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                2023 Annual Report
                Section III Discussion and Analysis by the Management
     Botanee is required to comply with:

     Disclosure requirements for the “retail industry” as stated in the Self-regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies of Shenzhen
Stock Exchange No. 3 - Industry Information Disclosure;
     Disclosure requirements for “Chemical Industry-related Business” as stated in the Self-regulatory Guidelines for Listed
Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 3 - Industry Information Disclosure; and
     Disclosure requirements for “E-commerce Business” as stated in the Self-regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies of Shenzhen
Stock Exchange No. 4 - GEM Industry Information Disclosure.

1. Overview of the Industry during the Reporting Period

     Botanee operates in the daily chemical product manufacturing industry, which is classified as “Manufacture of Chemical Raw
Materials and Chemical Products” (C26) in the Industry Classification Guidelines for Listed Companies issued by the China
Association for Public Companies. According to the Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities (GB/T 4754-2017),
Botanee falls under the industry segment of cosmetics manufacturing (C2682) under daily chemical product manufacturing (C268).
     According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the total retail sales of consumer goods in China during the reporting
period amounted to approximately CNY47.15 trillion, which represented a year-on-year increase of 7.24%. Specifically, the retail sales
of cosmetics and personal care products by enterprises above designated size amounted to approximately CNY414.17 billion, a year-
on-year increase of 5.10%. During the reporting period, the year-on-year growth rate of retail sales of cosmetics and personal care
products by enterprises above designated size was slightly lower than total retail sales of consumer goods, which was to some extent
influenced by economic downturn and weakened market demands.
     Nevertheless, with the enormous consumer base in China’s cosmetics market, as uncertainties gradually diminish, the Chinese
cosmetics industry is still expected to be one of the fastest-growing and most promising markets globally. According to statistics from
global research firm Euromonitor1, the overall market capacity of China’s cosmetics industry achieved a compound annual growth rate
of approximately 5.30% from 2018 to 2023. By 2023, the overall market capacity of China’s cosmetics industry is expected to reach
approximately CNY547.98 billion, which indicates that China’s cosmetics industry is still in a high-growth phase. Furthermore,
Euromonitor predicts that the overall market capacity of China’s cosmetics industry will maintain a stable growth with a compound
annual growth rate of approximately 4.80% from 2024 to 2028. By 2024, the overall market capacity of China’s cosmetics industry is
projected to reach nearly CNY580.00 billion, representing an estimated year-on-year growth of 5.10%.
     In the sub-market of dermatological skincare products, according to Euromonitor’s statistics, the market size of dermatological-
level skincare products in China2 during the reporting period was approximately CNY33.34 billion. This means Chinese market for
dermatological skincare products is still in a golden development period, and is expected to continue supporting the recovery and
growth of its cosmetics consumption market.
     Based on Euromonitor’s statistics, during the reporting period, our Winona brand ranked 9th in the skincare product market,
remaining relatively stable compared with the same period last year. However, it has consistently held the top position in the market for
dermatological skincare products in China for several years. During the reporting period, Winona brand maintained its leading position
with a market share of approximately 20.40% in the domestic market for dermatological skincare products, which remained stable
compared to the same period last year, demonstrating a significant head effect.
     Our products in different categories continue to maintain a strong and impressive performance in their respective sub-market areas.
According to Euromonitor, Winona maintained its market ranking in the sunscreen care category, showing as good performance during

1 The data come from beauty and personal care estimate for 2024 released by Euromonitor International (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (pre-released in March
2024), which are calculated based on retail sales data in 2023. Brands included in statistics are based on Global Business Network (GBN). The future
forecast growth rate includes inflation factors.
2 The market size of dermatology-level skin care products is the sum of sales of mass and high-end dermatology-level skin care brands as defined by
Euromonitor. This market segment is established based on the sales and market share of included brands, whose historical size may change due to
expanded brand coverage.
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        2023 Annual Report
the reporting period as that over the same period last year. Its toner and face mask products both consistently ranked among the top five
in the market, ranking fourth. Its basic moisturizing products entered top ten in the market, ranking one position higher than the same
period last year. Besides, Winona performed excellently in the high-end skincare product market, ranking fourth during the reporting
period and joining the ranks of top brands. Botanee and its Winona brand have a clear first-mover advantage, and continue to maintain
a leading position in the cosmetics industry.

2. Main Business Operations during the Reporting Period

2.1 Main Business and Products
     Botanee focuses on the development of multiple brands, including core brand Winona as well as Winona Baby, AOXMED,
Beforteen, Za, and PURE&MILD. We specialize in providing professional and effective skincare products using pure natural plant-
derived active ingredients, with a particular emphasis on sensitive skin. As a specialized cosmetics manufacturer that integrates deeply
with internet-based sales channels, our mission is to “create China’s skin health ecosystem” by deeply understanding consumer needs,
basing its products on dermatological theories, and combining multidisciplinary technologies such as biology and botany to
continuously conduct product research and technological innovation. We strive to provide professional skincare and makeup products
that cater to different skin needs.
     We have established a foundation through offline pharmaceutical channels and implemented an omnichannel strategy covering
online platforms. With a comprehensive retail touchpoint system, we have successfully realized cross-industry marketing (OMO)
leveraging the internet and new technologies like artificial intelligence. This has facilitated mutual penetration between offline and
online channels and achieved extensive coverage of consumer groups, which makes Botanee a leading company in the internet+ greater
health industry in China. Additionally, we capitalizes on the efficiency of the internet, the vast user traffic on mainstream e-commerce
platforms, and flexible new media marketing methods. With our strengths in e-commerce operations and high-quality products, we
have successfully seized the opportunities for rapid growth in the cosmetics industry driven by the “Chinese domestic products” trend.
     Our main product categories include facial creams, toners, face masks, serums, lotions, as well as makeup products such as
sunscreens, powders, BB creams, and makeup removers. In addition to skincare and makeup, we are also engaged in the research,
development, production, and sales of medical devices related to skincare. This includes medical devices such as hyaluronic acid repair
biofilm and hyaluronic acid repair dressings used for the protection and care of damaged skin barriers after minimally invasive
2.2 Main Brand Matrix

     Winona is a professional dermatological skincare brand that is based on dermatological theories and supported by scientific
research and innovative technologies such as biology and botany. It targets sensitive skin, addresses the root causes, repairs the skin
barrier, and helps users achieve healthy and beautiful skin.

Winona Baby

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report

     Inheriting the genetic essence of the parent brand Winona, Winona Baby is a professional dermatological skincare brand based on
pediatric dermatology. It utilizes the abundant resources of Yunnan to extract plant essences, adhering to the concept of “professional
care for delicate baby skin” and dedicated to safeguarding the skin health of infants and young children.


     AOXMED is committed to creating highly effective and safe professional beauty solutions and providing an exquisite skincare
experience. With cutting-edge scientific research and advanced formulation technology as its foundation, AOXMED focuses on
multidimensional skin rejuvenation, bringing professional anti-aging technologies that empower the skin with youthful vitality.


     Beforteen is a professional acne treatment brand that utilizes big data on Chinese skin diseases as its research foundation. By
combining top medical research with AI deep learning, it has developed a unique integrated and precise acne solution.


Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        2023 Annual Report

     Za focuses on the characteristics of Asian women’s skin and offers high-performance base makeup solutions that are multi-
functional and easy to use. It is positioned as an international light makeup brand that allows users to effortlessly enjoy their beautiful
daily life. The core products of the Za brand include primers, sunscreens, and powders.


     With a 22-year brand history and designed specifically for Chinese women, PURE&MILD harnesses the power of technology to
enhance the benefits of plant extracts. It carefully selects rare plants and effective ingredients globally to help consumers achieve
youthful and vibrant skin changes. PURE&MILD’s core products include facial creams and serums, among other skincare products.
2.3 Business Model for the Year 2023
2.3.1 Main Sales Models
     During the reporting period, we adhered to an offline-based channel as the foundation and an online channel as the main driver,
utilizing in-depth private domain OMO (Online-Merge-Offline) approach to successfully promote an integrated omnichannel sales

                                                                    Return and exchange obligations Revenue and cost recognition
                Sales models               Description
                                                                       and risks in the sales model             policies
                                                                    Based on the return and
                                                                    exchange rules of each Consumers place orders and
                             Promote and sell products              platform, a generally accepted make payments online. After
                             through self-operated stores on        policy is a 7-day or 14-day no- the company ships the goods,
                             major B2C platforms such as            reason return and exchange consumers receive the products
                             Tmall, Douyin, Winona Online           policy. After the consumer and click to confirm receipt, or
                             Mall, or by guiding consumers          confirms receipt of the goods when the designated deadline
 Online self- Self-operation
                             through offline promotions to          by clicking “confirm receipt” for receipt on the platform is
                             make purchases on our OMO              or    when      the    platform's reached,  the    receipt  is
                             platform called Winona Counter         specified receipt deadline is automatically confirmed. At
                             Service Platform which is built on     reached and the receipt is that point, the revenue is
                             Tencent’s ecosystem.                  automatically confirmed, the recognized, and the costs are
                                                                    revenue is recognized, and the allocated.
                                                                    costs are allocated.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report

                                B2C                                 No returns or exchanges are         The company delivers the
                                Sign product purchase and sales     accepted unless there are           products to the buyers as agreed
                                agreements       with      online   quality issues. During the          in the contract, and after the
                   Distribution distributors, who independently     reporting period, the company       buyers accept and sign the
                                sell products through their own     consistently followed the return    logistics receipt, the sales
                                stores on major B2C platforms.      and exchange policies of the        revenue is recognized and costs
                                                                    respective platforms.               are allocated.
   Online                      B2C
 distribution                  Sign     product      consignment                                        Botanee delivers products to
                                                                    No returns or exchanges are
                               agreements with major B2C                                                the consignees, and after the
                                                                    accepted unless there are
                               platforms, and settlement is based                                       consignees make sales to
                                                                    quality issues. During the
                               on the actual sales of products                                          external customers and issue
                   Consignment                                      reporting period, the company
                               and other agreed-upon methods                                            consignment invoices to the
                                                                    consistently followed the return
                               on the platforms, such as                                                company, the sales revenue is
                                                                    and exchange policies of the
                               VIPShop, JD Supermarket, Tmall                                           recognized and costs are
                                                                    respective platforms.
                               Supermarket, etc.                                                        allocated.

                                                                    No returns or exchanges are
                                                                                                        Consumers select the goods,
                             OMO                                    accepted unless there are
                                                                                                        make on-site payments, and
                             Directly      sell    products to      quality issues. During the
Offline self-                                                                                           collect the goods. After the
              Self-operation consumers through offline direct       reporting period, the company
 operation                                                                                              transaction     is   completed,
                             stores, utilizing the OMO model.       consistently followed the return
                                                                                                        revenue is recognized, and
                                                                    and exchange policies of the
                                                                                                        costs are allocated.
                                                                    respective platforms.

                                                                    No returns or exchanges are
                                                                                                        Botanee delivers products to
                                Sign product purchase and sales     accepted unless there are
                                                                                                        the buyers, and after the buyers
                                agreements      with     offline    quality issues. During the
                                                                                                        accept and sign the logistics
                   Distribution distributors, who sell products     reporting period, the company
                                                                                                        receipt, the sales revenue is
                                through their offline sales         consistently followed the return
                                                                                                        recognized, and costs are
                                networks.                           and exchange policies of the
                                                                    respective platforms.
 distribution                                                                                           Botanee delivers products to
                               Sign     product     consignment     No returns or exchanges are
                               agreements with consignment          accepted unless there are           the consignees. After the
                               customers, who sell products         quality issues. During the          consignees make sales to
                   Consignment through their offline sales          reporting period, the company       external customers and issue
                               networks. Settlement is based on     consistently followed the return    consignment invoices to the
                               the actual sales of products and     and exchange policies of the        company, the sales revenue is
                               other agreed-upon methods.           respective platforms.               recognized, and costs are

2.3.2 Procurement Models

       We have established a complete supply chain system, and have strict regulations in place for supplier selection and management
in various aspects, ensuring that the quality of purchased production materials meets its requirements. During the reporting period, all
suppliers for raw material procurement were non-related parties.

                                                                                                       Unit: 10,000 CNY/ton or CNY/piece
                                                 Proportion of
                                                 procurement                                                       Average price in the
       Main raw             Procurement                                  changes in       Average price in the
                                                amount to total                                                     second half of the
       materials               model                                     settlement       first half of the year
                                                 procurement                                                              year

                           Inquiry-based                 13.81%                                           61.24                112.06
Active ingredients                                                          No

                           Inquiry-based                  4.45%                                           10.43                 11.32
Moisturizers                                                                No

                           Inquiry-based                  1.80%                                           12.39                 11.69
Oils                                                                        No
                                                          1.00%                                           24.50                 24.60
Sunscreen agents           Inquiry-based                                    No

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              2023 Annual Report

Facial mask sheet        Inquiry-based                      0.40%                                                0.17                  0.10

     Note: During the reporting period, the proportion of main raw material procurement to our total procurement was approximately
21.46%, accounting for approximately 76.62% of direct material procurement. The proportion of main raw material procurement
remained stable compared with the same period last year. In the second half of the reporting period, the proportion of high-value active
ingredient raw materials increased due to formula upgrades and other reasons, leading to an increase in the average unit price of active
ingredients in the second half of the reporting period. Apart from this, there were no significant changes in the proportion and average
unit price of other production materials compared to the same period last year.

     Energy procurement accounted for over 30% of total production costs.
     □ Applicable  N/A
2.3.3 Production Models
     We arrange manufacturing according to actual manufacturing and operational needs, using a combination of independent
production, commissioned manufacturing, and OEM production. During the reporting period, we achieved industrialized production of
skincare products, medical devices, and cosmetics. For specific information on our manufacturing and R&D advantages, please refer to
Section III of this report “Analysis of Core Competitiveness”.
     During the reporting period, our skincare products were produced through a combination of independent production,
commissioned manufacturing, and OEM production. The sales costs of skincare products produced under the three modes accounted
for approximately 21.34%, 54.98%, and 4.31% of operating costs, respectively.
     During the reporting period, medical device products of the company were produced through a combination of independent
production and OEM production. The sales costs of medical device products produced under the three modes accounted for
approximately 0.96% and 1.45% of operating costs, respectively.
     During the reporting period, cosmetics products of the company were produced through a combination of independent production,
commissioned manufacturing, and OEM production. The sales costs of cosmetics products produced under the three modes accounted
for approximately 0.12%, 0.34%, and 2.77% of operating costs, respectively.

     Information on technologies employed in main products:
                             Stage of production            Status of core                                               Product R&D
     Main products                                                                     Patent technology
                                 technology              technical personnel                                              advantages

 Skincare Products                                                                  Please refer to “2.3.4
                                                                                    R&D Models” under “2.
                                                                                    Main Business                  Please refer to “3.
                                                                                    Operations during the          Analysis of Core
 Medical Devices                                       Our employees                Reporting Period” in          Competitiveness” in
                                                                                    Section III of this report     Section III of this report
                                                                                    for details.                   for details.

Production capacity of main products
    Main                                        Capacity                                                   Investment and construction
                     Design capacity                                Capacity under development
   products                                  utilization rate                                                        status
                                                                                                        Please refer to details on the
    Facial        Approximately 240         Approximately
                                                                During the reporting period, the        construction project of the central
    masks        million standard sheets       61.07%
                                                                construction of our central             factory in “7.5 Use of Raised

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       2023 Annual Report
                                                                 factory passed acceptance, and      Funds” under “7. Investment
   Bottled         Approximately 300          Approximately      the factory has been put into       Analysis” in Section III of this
   products       million standard units         40.85%          operation. The transfer and         report.
  Tubes and        Approximately 100          Approximately      production of the central factory
    others        million standard units         27.91%          went smoothly according to plan.

    Note: During the reporting period, we conducted manufacturing capacity analysis based on the production and assembly processes
of production equipment that has been put into operation for the new central factory.
     Product types in major chemical industrial parks:
     □ Applicable  N/A

     Environmental impact assessment approvals applied for or obtained during the reporting period:
     □ Applicable  N/A

     Abnormal production stoppages occurred during the reporting period:
     □ Applicable  N/A

     Status of relevant approvals, licenses, qualifications, and their validity:
      Applicable □ N/A

     Please refer to “2.3.4 R&D Models” under “2. Main Business Operations during the Reporting Period” in Section III of this report
for details.

     Engagement in petroleum processing and trading industry:

      □Yes No

     Engagement in the fertilizer industry:

      □Yes No

     Engagement in the pesticide industry:

      □Yes No

     Engagement in the chlor-alkali and soda ash industry:

      □Yes No

2.3.4 R&D Models

     We are firmly committed to pursuing independent R&D. Wdhering to the research philosophy of “small incisions, in-depth studies,
and practical results”, we aim to create unique research advantages and establish our research barriers. We accurately position the
sensitive skin market, extensively explore dermatological targets and mechanisms, fully utilize the abundant plant resources in Yunnan,
and develop customized formulations that are highly targeted and effective. We also attach great importance to safety and efficacy
verification, employing internationally leading technical methods and complemented by clinical efficacy validation, to establish a
rigorous, comprehensive, and efficient research and innovation system, ensuring excellent product quality.
     During the reporting period, we fully leveraged the leading role of the Botanee Research Institute and relied on the Yunnan
Specialty Plant Extraction Laboratory. With independent research and development as the main focus, we adopted a research and
development mode that integrates industry, academia, and research, closely collaborating with cutting-edge laboratories in France and
Japan to conduct in-depth studies on dermatological targets and mechanisms. In addition, we actively integrate global scientific
research resources. We engage in deep cooperation and exchanges with renowned universities, research institutes, and experts both
domestically and internationally, continuously broadening our research horizons and improving our research capabilities. Our
Innovative Raw Materials Research Center focuses on independent R&D of innovative raw materials, conducting fundamental research
in areas such as problem skin mechanisms and innovative raw material targets. The newly established Medical Device R&D
Department is dedicated to the innovation research and development, registration application, and production transformation of Class II
and Class III medical devices, which further expands the scope of our business. The Efficacious Cosmetics Research Center
continuously improves the standards for raw material access, enhancing the testing standards for the incoming raw materials regarding
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                2023 Annual Report
purity, impurities, odor, and content of active monomers. In terms of formulation development, we conduct fundamental research in
formulation science from the perspectives of the two-phase interface and penetration technology, and continues to innovate in
formulation types, thus constantly improving product quality. In terms of product evaluation, we continuously develop innovative
efficacy evaluation methods from three directions: cells, 3D skin models, and zebrafish models, efficiently completing the screening
work for the safety and efficacy of raw materials and products. At the same time, we pay attention to consumer evaluations,
continuously carry out standardized and diversified trend insights based on establishing a comprehensive human efficacy evaluation
system, and provide safety guarantees and feedback monitoring support for products. In terms of process transformation, we further
enhance pilot production requirements, strengthen technical control for mass production, and establish two pilot R&D platforms in
Shanghai Health Technology and Yunnan Health Technology to provide technical support for the launch of new products. In terms of
clinical management, we strengthen and improve the clinical classification management of cosmetics and medical devices to provide
more empirical research data. In terms of academic result commercialization, we actively promote the commercialization of R&D
results with the market, improve product technical manuals, and narrow the gap between research and development and consumers.
The Functional Food Research Center has completed the construction of its food research and development system, and several
innovative products have entered the pilot stage and will soon be launched. Introducing these innovative products will further enrich
the Company’s product line and meet the needs of different consumers.
     During the reporting period, we achieved fruitful results in scientific research and innovation, which fully demonstrates our
professional strength and innovation capabilities in the field of sensitive skin. At the same time, we actively participate in international
academic exchanges, sharing research achievements with peers worldwide and enhancing our reputation and influence in the
international market. In the future, we will continue to adhere to independent R&D, improve our research capabilities, provide
consumers with safer and more effective products and services, actively explore new business areas and market opportunities, and
establish a solid foundation for sustained development. At the end of the reporting period, valid patents, trademark rights, work
copyrights and software copyrights held by us are as follows:

                                                Category                             Cumulative approved items
                                                         Invention patents                                      49
                                                      Exterior design patents                                   61
                                                       Utility model patents                                    83
                                            Trademark rights                                                 1,049
                            Copyrights and software copyrights (excluding
                                          academic papers)

     By the end of the reporting period, we have gained a total of 318 general cosmetics filing certificates, obtained a total of 29 special
cosmetics registration certificates, received 18 Class II medical device registration certificates and 12 certificates for operating Class II
medical devices. At the end of the reporting period, we had completed clinical research for 3 Class III medical devices, obtained ethical
approval for 1 Class III medical device, and was preparing to initiate clinical research. Furthermore, 1 innovative medical software
device (artificial intelligence software) was undergoing classification determination.
2.3.5 Warehousing and Logistics Models

     At the end of the reporting period, we have established local warehouses in Kunming, Shanghai, and Huzhou through self-owned
or leased means. Furthermore, in order to respond to consumer shopping demands more quickly and deliver products to consumers in
the shortest possible time, we established regional third-party distribution warehouses in major regions across the country through
cooperation with logistics enterprises, integrating advantageous resources from all parties, strengthening supply chain management,
and improving customer experience. During the reporting period, our logistics transportation of goods and products was mainly
provided by third-party logistics service providers with whom we had established deep cooperative relationships.
     During the reporting period, our warehousing and logistics department processed approximately 27.575 million parcels, with an
average daily processing volume of approximately 75,500 parcels, representing a growth of approximately 11.23% over the same
period last year.
     During the reporting period, we strictly adhered to relevant internal control systems regarding inventory storage, scrapping and
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report
destruction, and regular inventory checks.

2.3.6 Network and Information Security Management Models

     As online channels account for a significant proportion of our sales, our business operations rely on telecommunications operators’
network infrastructure and depend on the soundness of our information system. To ensure the security of the information system, we
strictly comply with laws such as the Data Security Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Cybersecurity Law of the People’s
Republic of China, and the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China. We also execute our own multiple
security management systems, including Data Management Specification System, Access Control Management Specification
Information Security Management System, and Terminal Security Management Measures for Information Security and Data
Authorization Control. We revises, improves, implements, and supervises these systems in accordance with the needs of information
security management to ensure the security of networks and data information, and to protect personal information and consumer rights.
     Our information security sector provides organizational security for information security management and promote the
implementation of various security matters. The management structure consists of decision-making bodies (Information Security
Committee), management bodies (Information Security Management Team), and execution bodies (all employees). We strictly manage
the personal information of consumers and potential consumers obtained through online channels, storing and managing sensitive data
through measures such as encryption and de-identification. Additionally, we have established emergency mechanisms to respond to
data leakage, damage, and loss incidents.
     Our online and OMO sales systems have obtained national information security Level 3 certification, and we conduct annual
retesting of them to ensure their ongoing security as required. In terms of technical safeguards, the systems have robust security
measures, including firewalls and intrusion detection, in compliance with regulations. Since the establishment and operation of our
online channels, no significant information security risks have occurred. We will continue to improve the management systems and
measures for information security protection, strengthen investment in information security, and ensure the security of network
information and consumer rights protection.

3. Analysis of Core Competitiveness

3.1 Brand Matrix Advantages
     Botanee has a clear brand positioning and excellent brand shaping capabilities. Since its establishment, the Company has been
dedicated to developing products for sensitive skin. After years of accumulation, it has built multiple brands centered around Winona
which cover various areas such as soothing, sun protection, whitening, anti-aging, spot removal, and acne treatment. Among them,
Winona focuses on sensitive skin care and modification, and it is the main brand that the company has long focused on and deeply
cultivated. This brand has a complete product line, including skincare products, medical devices, and cosmetics. In addition to Winona,
we also own other brands such as Winona Baby, AOXMED, Beforteen, Beauty Answers, Za, and PURE&MILD. These proprietary
brands have different market positioning and can cover different consumer groups. Our brand matrix has basically taken shape, the
brand hierarchy has been initially established, and brand advantages have gradually been established. Furthermore, we have cultivated
high brand loyalty through professional brand image building and the accumulation of private domain traffic. With excellent product
quality, precise marketing strategies, the reputation of professional brands, and the exploration of new models of offline experience and
online sales, we have accumulated a group of highly loyal customers.
3.2 Sales Channel Advantages
     We adhere to a strategy that integrates online and offline channels, and promote their coordinated development. Online channels
have achieved rapid growth in sales revenue through comprehensive online coverage, optimization of public domain traffic, and
establishment of private domain traffic. Online promotion and self-operated stores include official flagship stores on platforms such as
Tmall, Douyin, Kuaishou, Winona’s official flagship store on JD.com, and Winona’s online mall. Private domain traffic is represented
by Winona counter service platform under OMO channel built within Tencent’s ecosystem. The WeChat mini program represents the
combination of public domain traffic and private domain traffic. In addition, we adopt a professional offline channel coverage strategy,
focusing on sensitive skin care and emphasizing brand specialization. Offline sales mainly rely on OTC chain customers, commercial

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report
companies, and regional distributors.
3.3 Research and Development Technology Advantages
     Botanee attaches great importance to product R&D, and insists on technological innovation. With a strong R&D team and a
complete R&D system, we have established research centers in Kunming, Yunnan Province, and Shanghai, invested in establishing the
Botanee Research Institute, and built research institutes and joint laboratories in Japan and France. At the end of the reporting period,
we had nearly 500 comprehensive R&D personnel covering various research departments, including basic research, product and raw
material evaluation and screening, consumer research, process technology research, packaging development, formula research, and
integrated innovation. Leveraging the resources and advantages of the Yunnan Specialty Plant Extraction Laboratory, we focus on
independent R&D of effective ingredient preparation and sensitive skin care using Yunnan’s specialty plant extracts. We own multiple
core technologies and patents, and sales revenue generated from applying core technologies has consistently accounted for over 95% of
our main business revenue, which set a benchmark for the industry.
3.4 Product Quality Advantages
     As cosmetics are daily necessities that directly contact the skin, consumers have high requirements for product safety. Ensuring
product quality is the foundation for consumers to establish brand trust and loyalty. We focus on sensitive skin care and attach great
importance to product quality, placing it in a prominent position. We run a comprehensive quality management system covering
product research and development, raw material procurement, production, logistics, and warehousing management. Our quality
management system complies with certification standards of GB/T19001-2016/ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems -
Requirements. During the reporting period, we strictly complied with the provisions of various laws and regulations and followed a
series of technical management specifications such as GMPC and GB/T19001-2016/ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems -
Requirements to organize production activities, aiming to achieve comprehensive quality management.
3.5 Targeted Marketing Advantages
     Our main sales channel is online. After years of internal training and external recruitment, the company has built an experienced
and highly skilled e-commerce operations management team. Through years of practice, the e-commerce operations team has
established a mature operating model and accumulated rich marketing experience. The company emphasizes consumer education and
collaborates closely with reputable Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and Key Opinion Consumers (KOCs). Through online live streaming,
short videos, and other forms of intensive output, the team provides professional skincare knowledge, conveys the correct skincare
concepts, and enhances customers' skincare awareness. The operations team is keen to capture market trends and employs celebrities
whose personal image aligns well with the brand positioning to endorse the products. This cultivates focal figures who communicate
with consumers, achieving a two-way interaction between brand promotion and product sales. Through efficient information
dissemination, long-term establishment of marketing chains, coordinated online and offline efforts, and the alignment of time and space,
the company leverages its established professional brand image to launch effective marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers,
stimulate their desire to purchase, and achieve rapid growth in sales revenue.
3.6 Refined Information System Management Capability

     We possess excellent capabilities in information system development and implementation. With a “horizontal + vertical”
architecture, our information system connects different business processes of various divisions, brands, and departments, ensuring
precise management of each business aspect and providing consumers with a smooth and efficient experience. We adopt industry-
leading Order Management System (OMS) and Warehouse Management System (WMS). Our “Omni-Channel Middleware System”
and “End-to-End Integrated Information System Project for Supply Chain Planning” break down internal information barriers and form
an integrated management system to ensure seamless business processes. Our Data Lake and Business Intelligence (BI) Project
achieves refined data collection and processing, ensuring accurate and timely data to provide reliable decision-making support. Users at
all levels can access and track relevant business data and key performance indicators in real-time. The advanced information system
and refined management empower the Company in sales, operations, and management.
3.7 Operational Management Team Advantages
     We run a professional, highly capable, and experienced operational management team with high operational efficiency, and have
accumulated extensive practical management experience in such areas as cosmetics R&D, production, and sales. Recognizing the
characteristics of the cosmetics industry, we have established a comprehensive supply chain management system covering product

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                            2023 Annual Report
R&D, raw material procurement, production organization, and product sales. We are committed to in-depth management in every
aspect of our operations, so as to respond rapidly in rapidly changing market environment.

4. Analysis of Main Business Operations

4.1 Overview

4.1.1 Review of Major Accomplishments in 2023

(1) Actively Strengthened Branding and Academic Development to Enhance Competitive Advantages

     During the reporting period, we established a comprehensive marketing matrix and built a matrix-based communication platform
consisting of authoritative media, social media, and vertical media. This enabled us to achieve end-to-end communication and
collaborate with expert doctors, influential opinion leaders (KOLs), and key opinion consumers (KOCs) to conduct layered promotion
and reputation marketing, precision content operations, and in-depth engagement with the target consumer group. These efforts helped
shape a professional brand image and effectively promote the products.
     In April 2023, Winona Research Institute, in collaboration with the Chinese Journal of Dermatology and the Dermatology
Professional Committee of the Chinese Non-Public Medical Institutions Association, hosted the 4th China Sensitive Skin Summit. The
summit released “Insights into the Industry Trends of Pan-Sensitive Skin” in collaboration with the TMIC and launched the “2023 Pan-
Sensitive Development Trend White Paper” in partnership with Tmall New Product Innovation Center. Together with Dingxiang
Doctor, they pioneered the concept of “Sensitive and Pan-Sensitive Care”. The summit discussed the development trends,
characteristics, and care needs of sensitive skin consumers, released consumer big data analysis results, and proposed new standards for
classifying sensitive and pan-sensitive skin types. They also put forward precise skincare strategies for different types of sensitive skin,
enhancing the reference value for skincare professionals and providing accurate guidance for skincare treatments.
     In July 2023, the 25th World Congress of Dermatology, themed “Dermatology Beyond Borders: Science, Care, Communities”,
was held in Singapore. Botanee, represented by Winona brand, was invited to participate in the World Congress for the third
consecutive time as a representative of Chinese skincare brands. Botanee showcased China’s skin health ecosystem in the era of precise
skincare to the world. During the congress, we concurrently organized the “2023 International Skin Health Summit”, bringing together
authoritative dermatologists from both domestic and international communities. The summit focused on cutting-edge topics and trends
in dermatology and facilitated dialogues between Chinese and foreign experts. Through academic exchanges and intellectual collision,
we demonstrated our professional strength as a leading enterprise in Chinese dermatology and embarked on a new journey in China’s
skin health ecosystem in the era of precise skincare.
     In December 2023, the inaugural meeting of Yunnan Health Products and Cosmetics Industry Association, co-initiated by Botanee,
was held in Kunming, the beautiful Spring City of Yunnan Province. Botanee was honored to be elected as the first president of the
association. In the next phase, we will support the association by establishing 12 professional committees, including drug production,
drug operation, drug supervision and management research, cosmetics and fragrances, medical devices, hospital preparations, and drug
clinical trials. Leveraging the Company’s expertise and academic characteristics, we aim to further improve the management and
service capabilities of the Yunnan Health Products and Cosmetics Industry Association, enhance refinement and professionalism in
serving its members, and strengthen cooperation within the industry and among associations. These efforts are geared towards
promoting standardized management in the health industry.
     The company has always upheld the vision to bring health and beauty to everyone and has been actively engaged in charity
activities, taking on social responsibilities. In 2023, “Winona Smile Sunshine Project”, a charity event, entered its eighth year. During
the reporting period, we collaborated with authoritative dermatology experts, the Yunnan Red Cross Winona Public Charity Fund, the
Red Cross Society of Zhaotong City, as well as media and Winona fans, to carry out 8 free clinics in Yongren County, Chuxiong
Prefecture, Lijiang City in Yunnan Province, and Shigatse City in the Tibet Autonomous Region. These activities aimed to establish
the foundation of brand value and promote the brand concept to different circles. The Yunnan Red Cross Winona Charity Foundation
officially launched the Skin Cancer Assistance Project named “Winona Smile Sunshine Project” in March 2023. It provides disease
assistance and product care to patients with severe skin diseases identified during the free clinics, and establishes a dedicated assistance

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   2023 Annual Report
program for skin cancer, thus realizing a complete cycle of charity. In addition, we actively conduct academic promotion and offline
development, including themed charity and academic promotion activities such as the “525 Scientific Skincare Week”, the “Winona
Second Youth Campus Tour”, and the “919 Acne Week”. These activities deepen the brand’s professional image, resonate with
consumers, and enhance consumer identification with the brand.
(2) Expanded Main Brands and Improved Efficacy Matrix
     Our main brand Winona focuses on the sensitive skin care field, maintaining the image of a benchmark brand and adhering to
“comfort-sensitive” as the foundation, continuously expanding the product strategy of “Sensitive PLUS”. In 2023, during the “Double
11” shopping festival, Winona successfully ranked among the top 5 in the skincare category on Tmall, making it the only domestic
brand to be listed among the top 10 in the skincare category for 7 consecutive years. During the reporting period, the core flagship
products of Winona remained strong. The two super-popular products, Moisturizing Special Cream and Sunscreen Lotion, maintained
stable performance. Winona Comforting Moisturizing Cream, a flagship product that spans multiple cycles, topped the Tmall “Double
11” sensitive cream category for the second consecutive year. Winona Clear Sunscreen Lotion achieved excellent results by ranking
first on the Tmall Sunscreen Cream annual popularity list. The sunscreen series actively expanded into more usage scenarios and
achieved both high brand exposure and sales volume through collaborations with well-known coffee brand Manner and offline
advertising. During the reporting period, Winona underwent brand self-diagnosis and refinement, promoted brand and visual upgrades,
and officially announced Chinese female fencer and world champion Sun Yiwen as the brand ambassador. In May 2023, coinciding
with Disney’s 100th anniversary, Winona successfully collaborated with Disney to launch two limited edition Disney gift boxes, which
sold out within 4 hours. During the reporting period, Winona strengthened its presence in offline channels, including OTC pharmacy
chains and mass-market channels such as KA and duty-free shops. We steadily explored the model of offline flagship stores, expanded
the scale of various channels, increased offline presence, and enhanced brand and product exposure, reaching end consumers through
multiple dimensions.
     During the reporting period, Winona brand evolved from focusing on sensitive skin repair to Sensitive PLUS, and introduced new
Brightening Serum series for sensitive skin whitening. From its stunning debut at the 25th World Congress of Dermatology in July
2023 to the scientific validation of the sensitive skin whitening solution in Winona Brightening Serum series, and the explosive
performance during the 2023 “Double 11” shopping festival, Winona successfully seized the opportunity in the emerging field of
sensitive skin whitening. Winona Brightening Serum series achieved cumulative sales of over 100 million on the Douyin platform and
repeatedly topped the brand rankings in the beauty and skincare category. The success of Winona Brightening Serum and Winona
Radiant Freeze-Dried Mask series on the Douyin platform marked the continuous expansion of Winona from a single flagship product
to a matrix of star products. It not only represents a breakthrough and rebirth in the field of sensitive skin repair but also serves as the
foundation for advanced research in sensitive skin PLUS.
(3) Actively Incubated New Brands to Create a Multi-Brand Matrix
     In April 2023, Botanee focused on the professional skincare brand for baby and infant skin health, Winona Baby, and collaborated
with the China Maternal and Child Health Association’s Pediatric Skin Professional Committee to host the "Forum for Promoting
Children’s Skin Health and the Inauguration Ceremony of the Chinese Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis Expert Committee" in Shanghai.
The expert committee aims to focus on the field of pediatric atopic dermatitis (AD), improve the effectiveness and standardization of
diagnosis and treatment for children with AD, promote the development of pediatric dermatology in China, and create a platform for
outstanding experts in the field of pediatric dermatology in China to share and discuss academic issues related to children’s skin health,
providing authoritative skincare solutions and guidance for Chinese baby skin. During the reporting period, the company continuously
enriched the product series of the Winona Baby brand to meet the various needs of infants and young children, including bathing,
moisturizing, and sun protection. The Winona Baby brand achieved remarkable results and industry recognition during the reporting
period. The brand’s ranking in the baby and child skincare category on Tmall rose two places to the top five. It ranked among the top
three in the Tmall "Double 11” sales ranking for the baby and child skincare category and received the Tmall “Double 11” Excellent
Baby and Child Skincare Award. The Winona Baby brand also received the Jingdong Mother and Baby 2023 Annual Consumer
Favorite Brand Award. In the industry, Winona Baby was ranked second in the baby and child skincare products’ efficacy category by
“Mother and Baby Industry Observation” and received the “CBME China Pregnancy, Baby, and Child Exhibition - Annual New
Momentum Brand Award”. During the reporting period, the Winona Baby brand actively captured market share in the offline market
for baby and infant skin health. By 2023, the number of offline stores and terminals had exceeded 5,000, including coverage of 985
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                2023 Annual Report
terminal hospitals. It covered nearly 4,000 Watsons stores and ranked fourth in the Watsons baby and child skincare category. The
solid and strong product development and brand operation capabilities of the company and the Winona Baby brand were evident during
the reporting period.
     During the reporting period, the company internally incubated the first high-end professional anti-aging technology brand,
AOXMED. The AOXMED brand's market debut year began with a focus on evidence-based medicine and cutting-edge research. It
centered around the core patented ingredient “MLYAAT-1002 Multi-dimensional Anti-aging Essence” and its multi-target effects in
the field of anti-aging, as well as its core advantages in comprehensive anti-aging. The brand aimed to create a full-channel product
matrix from medical aesthetics to home aesthetics, meeting the demands for skin rejuvenation in various scenarios. During the
reporting period, the AOXMED brand collaborated strategically with medical aesthetics and medical beauty institutions, expanded its
reach through online channels, and invested in high-end displays and value-added services in top domestic department stores. It
continuously built a medical beauty-grade brand for anti-aging with hardcore efficacy, professional quality, and a high-end image. The
AOXMED brand won several fashion and beauty awards during the reporting period, including the “VOGUE Beauty Awards 2023
China Brand Special Award for Formula Research and Development”. The AOXMED brand will continue to focus on creating
effective and safe professional beauty solutions and providing an ultimate skincare experience. It will rely on cutting-edge scientific
research and advanced formula technology as the foundation of the brand, focusing on multidimensional skin rejuvenation, linking
medical aesthetics with home aesthetics to create a new concept of “comprehensive anti-aging” for professional anti-aging technology
     In August 2023, the company held the “Beauty Transformation through ‘Intelligent’ Metamorphosis” new product launch event in
Shanghai, introducing its new acne treatment brand, Beforteen. Beforteen brand relies on plant technology and industry-academia-
research collaboration. It utilizes the advantages of Yunnan’s natural plant resources, extracting core active ingredients from highland
plants unique to Yunnan and incorporating them into Beforteen products. The brand combines artificial intelligence technology with
acne diagnosis and treatment, proposing a model and concept of “graded customization and precise anti-acne”. Beforteen uses AI
technology to classify acne conditions and provides customized skincare solutions for different levels of acne, benefiting ordinary acne
sufferers. The company and the Beforteen brand jointly explore the integration of AI technology and the greater health industry,
opening a new era of “AI+ skincare”. The Beforteen brand follows the guideline of integrated diagnosis and treatment, exploring a
comprehensive solution for acne skin problems through a combination of medication, efficacy skincare products, and functional food.
It targets the 18-30 age group with acne-prone skin, with a focus on new platforms such as Bilibili, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu. During
the reporting period, the search term “graded acne treatment Beforteen” created by the Beforteen brand achieved exposure of over 280
million times, and the brand's official platforms accumulated over 200,000 followers.
(4) Investment and Mergers for Ecosystem Expansions
     During the reporting period, Botanee continuously expanded its ecosystem through investment to meet the personalized and
diverse needs of more consumers. Adhering to the investment logic of “regional leadership, complementary positioning, channel
penetration, and technological innovation”, the company aimed to achieve comprehensive coverage across regions, multiple product
categories, and a wide range of target consumers. At the same time, investment and mergers helped the company navigate through
cycles, seize trends and opportunities, balance resources across different business areas and regions, and diversify the company's
sources of revenue. During the reporting period, the company successfully acquired Yuejiang Investment, obtaining two brands,
PURE&MILD and Za, which filled the gaps in Botanee’s mass skincare and makeup portfolio. Investment and mergers are external
actions that requires our strong channels, R&D capabilities, and synergy between internal and external brand development to ensure the
successful operation and integration of the acquired targets. The company will continue to prioritize the independent development logic
of each brand, abandoning standardized transformation approaches, respecting brand diversification, and preserving the communication
foundation of existing brands, leaving ample room for the growth of each brand. Simultaneously, the company will share research and
development fruits, integrate its advanced technology with the concept of natural skincare in sub-brands, and provide comprehensive
operational support and leverage channel resources to facilitate brand expansion.
(5) Continuous Research and Development Innovation to Enhance Competitive Advantage
     During the reporting period, we fully leveraged the leading role of Botanee Research Institute. Relying on the Yunnan Specialty
Plant Extraction Laboratory, we adopted a research and development model that prioritizes independent innovation and integrates
industry, academia, and research. We closely collaborated with cutting-edge laboratories in France and Japan to conduct in-depth
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report
research on dermatological targets and mechanisms, actively integrating global scientific research resources, and engaging in extensive
cooperation and exchange with renowned domestic and international universities, research institutes, and experts. These efforts
expanded our research horizons and elevated our scientific research capabilities, marking the first step of our globalization strategy in
the “industry, academia, research, and medicine" realm and technology innovation. With an innovative spirit and an open attitude, we
strengthen international scientific cooperation and promotes the development of the skincare industry through a global perspective.
     Over the years, we have independently developed and mastered more than 10 key core technologies at the domestic leading level.
We are committed to providing consumers with safe and effective comprehensive solutions for skincare problems based on
dermatological principles. During the reporting period, we developed a systematic R&D framework, optimizing and improving seven
functional modules: Efficacy Cosmetics R&D Center, Innovative Raw Material R&D Center, Functional Food R&D Center, Skin
Health Research Institute, Medical Device R&D Department, Special Plant Screening Research Department, and Technology
Achievement Transformation Department.
     Since the establishment of Yunnan Specialty Plant Extraction Laboratory in 2021, we have focused on industrialization,
addressing industry needs, integrating high-quality innovative resources from both domestic and international sources, and focusing on
the development of functional cosmetics, functional food, and pharmaceuticals based on Yunnan’s specialty plants. It has made
continuous breakthroughs in core key technologies, promoted the transformation and sharing of research outcomes, and gradually
developed into a new driving force for fostering and developing Yunnan’s biopharmaceutical industry. During the reporting period, the
Yunnan Specialty Plant Extraction Laboratory, in collaboration with the Botanee Research Institute, supported the company in
developing new products such as sunscreens, high-end anti-aging products, acne care, and infant skincare. We obtained 73 registrations
for general cosmetics and 6 administrative licenses for special cosmetics, and were granted 14 invention patents and 30 utility model
patents. Additionally, we published 83 papers, including 66 SCI papers, and formulated and released 55 group standards. Our internally
incubated acne treatment brand Beforteen creatively combines AI intelligent diagnosis and online doctor prescriptions, exploring a
treatment path for acne skin problems through a comprehensive solution of “medication + efficacy skincare products + functional
food”. It pioneered the professional scientific research of acne AI diagnosis technology from scratch, filling a research gap.
     During the reporting period, Botanee achieved national drug administration filing and approval for three new raw materials:
extract of Ludwigia adscendens, fermented product of Candida bombicola/glucose/Prinsepia utilis oil, and fermented product of
Candida bombicola/glucose/coconut oil/Prinsepia utilis oil. The approved quantity ranked among the top in the industry nationwide.
Building upon its selection as the 37th “National Standard Sample Laboratory for Natural Products”, our four standard samples,
including Ginsenoside CK and Curcumin, have been included in the national standard sample development program after expert
evaluation. This initiative aims to gradually establish a standard sample system of Yunnan’s specialty plant materials for functional
cosmetics. The company has invested in the establishment of public testing platforms in Kunming, Yunnan Province, and Shanghai
City. During the reporting period, we obtained dual qualifications from the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity
Assessment (CNAS) and the China Metrology Accreditation (CMA), becoming a professional third-party public testing institution with
the capability to provide local and remote testing and analysis services for efficacy cosmetics and food products of Yunnan's plant
health-related enterprises in both locations.
(6) Digital Transformation Empowered Rapid Development
     Adhering to the principles of “setting standards and establishing a central platform”, we strategically initiated our digital
transformation journey to adapt to future digital demands and build an enterprise organization accordingly. During the reporting period,
our self-developed “Digital Collaboration Platform for Production-Supply-Sales” project integrated data throughout the entire value
chain, including product research and development, supply chain, sales, and marketing. The objective is to achieve effective member
and product lifecycle management, rational resource integration, and maximize company efficiency. Through continuous optimization
and upgrading, we have established an efficient supply chain management system, which includes complete systems such as
procurement management system (SRM), product lifecycle management system (PLM), enterprise resource planning system (ERP),
order management system (OMS), and warehouse management system (WMS). Additionally, we launched an end-to-end supply chain
planning management system during the reporting period. By constructing a supply network model, we achieved integrated decision-
making for demand, inventory, replenishment, allocation, production, and material supply chain planning. Agile sensing of demand
changes, coupled with rapid response within the supply chain, helped shorten planning cycles and facilitated the transformation of the
supply chain into an information-driven, data-oriented, and intelligent system.
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                2023 Annual Report
    During the reporting period,we introduced the “Single Sign-On (SSO) platform”, which, combined with data file encryption and
backup systems, enhanced personal information management and maintenance capabilities for consumers and potential consumers
across all channels. Furthermore, encryption, anonymization, storage, and other algorithmic procedures were optimized, and
emergency mechanisms were updated to address potential risks such as data leaks, damage, and loss. We also released the “Data
Security Management Specification” during the reporting period, which establishes a hierarchical management and access restriction
system for internal data to ensure appropriate protection of data at different levels.
4.1.2 Overview of Performance in 2023
     During the reporting period, Botanee achieved a total operating revenue of CNY5,522,168,300, which represented a year-on-year
increase of approximately 10.14%. Net profit attributable to our shareholders was CNY756,795,000, a decrease of approximately 28.02%
compared to the previous year. The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company, which excludes CNY618,058,800 of
non-recurring gains and losses, a decrease of approximately 35.20% compared with the previous year. The gross profit margin for sales
reached approximately 73.90%, a decrease of 1.31 percentage points over the previous year. The net profit margin attributable to our
shareholders for sales was approximately 13.71%, a decrease of 7.26 percentage points over the previous year. During the reporting
period, we achieved double-digit growth in operating revenue, but other key performance indicators fluctuated. This was mainly due to
the significant impact of uncertain factors and unstable expectations in the domestic economic environment during the reporting period.
For more details, please refer to “2.5 Cash Flow” in “2. Revenue and Costs” under Section III “Main Business Analysis” of this report.
4.1.3 Detailed Performance in 2023
(1) Operating Revenue

                                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY

                                          2023                                              2022
                                                 Ratio in operating                                Ratio in operating    increase/decrease
                             Amount                                           Amount
                                                      revenue                                           revenue
 Main business
                              5,501,620,400                  99.63%           4,997,756,000                   99.68%              10.08%
 Other business
                                   20,547,900                   0.37%               16,117,700                  0.32%             27.49%
       Total                  5,522,168,300                 100.00%           5,013,873,700                  100.00%              10.14%

(2) Main Business Revenue

                                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                                                          2023                                       2022
                                                                                                                           YoY increase/
   Channel           Sales model                                  Ratio of main                          Ratio of main
                                                Amount                                   Amount                              decrease
                                                                 business revenue                       business revenue
                                                2,712,365,800              49.31%      2,694,882,600            53.92%             0.65%

                  Distribution and               839,820,700               15.26%        870,625,800            17.42%            -3.54%
 Online sales
                                                3,552,186,500              64.57%      3,565,508,400            71.34%            -0.37%

                  Self-operation                 522,685,800               9.50%         473,893,000             9.48%           10.30%
 OMO sales
                  (online and offline)

                  Distribution and              1,426,748,100              25.93%        958,354,600            19.18%           48.87%
 Offline sales
                                                3,235,051,600              58.80%      3,168,775,600            63.40%             2.09%
                  Distribution and              2,266,568,800              41.20%      1,828,980,400            36.60%           23.93%

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                         2023 Annual Report
    Note: During the reporting period, we added OMO channel sales based on business development, and adjusted comparative
figures for the same period in 2022 based on the same caliber. The same for below.
(3) Sales of Own Brand Products

                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                                                                                  Average selling price
                                                                                           Average selling price
                                                                   Ratio of main business                         in the same period of
               Category                       Amount (CNY)                                in the reporting period
                                                                          revenue                                   the previous year
                                                  4,869,891,500                   88.52%                        42.30               42.98
Skincare products
                                                   463,107,600                     8.42%                        98.83               85.58
Medical devices
                                                   168,621,300                     3.06%                        29.72               50.23
                                                  5,501,620,400                     100%

Note: Unit selling price = sales revenue /sales volume of regular products (excluding gifts and trial samples)
(4) Online Sales Performance in 2023

                                                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                                                   2023                                              2022                          YoY
                                                   Ratio of                                          Ratio of                    decrease
  Platform     Sales model                                      Ratio of main                                    Ratio of main
                                                    online                                            online                      over the
                                     Amount                       business          Amount                         business
                                                   channel                                           channel                     previous
                                                                  revenue                                          revenue
                                                   revenue                                           revenue                        year
            distribution,       3,488,638,900        98.21%          63.41% 3,525,662,100             98.88%            70.55%     -1.05%
Self-built  Self-
                                     63,547,600       1.79%           1.16%        39,846,300           1.12%           0.79%      59.48%
platforms   operation
                                3,552,186,500      100.00%           64.57% 3,565,508,400            100.00%            71.34%     -0.37%

(5) Platforms with a Main Business Revenue Share of 5% or More in the Online Channel and Their Sales Performance in 2023

                          Platform                                                 Store or client

                                                                           Tmall Winona flagship store

                                                                           Tmall Winona Botanee store

                                                              Tmall Winona Baby Maternal and Child flagship store

                                                                            Tmall Winona Qiumei store

                                                                     Tmall AOXMED official flagship store

                                                                      Tmall Beauty Answers flagship store

             Third-party platform - Alibaba                                Tmall Beforteen flagship store

                                                                        Tmall Za official flagship store

                                                                   Tmall PURE&MILD official flagship store

                                                                        Tmall Za overseas flagship store

                                                                     Zhejiang Tmall Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                   Alibaba Health Pharmacy Chain Co., Ltd.

                                                                Zhejiang Haochao Network Technology Co., Ltd.

             Third-party platform - Douyin                           Douyin Winona official flagship store
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          2023 Annual Report
                                                                        Douyin Winona flagship store

                                                         Douyin Winona Baby Maternal and Child flagship store

                                                                     Douyin Winona Beixiaoni store

                                                              Douyin Winona medical dressings flagship store

                                                                     Douyin Za official flagship store

                                                          Douyin Za Yuehui beauty and makeup flagship store

                                                               Douyin PURE&MILD official flagship store
                                                                 Douyin AOXMED official flagship store

             Third-party platform - Vipshop                              Vipshop (China) Co., Ltd.

                                                                     Winona JD official flagship store

                                                                  Winona JD self-operated flagship store

                                                                 Winona JD Health official flagship store

                                                                    JD Beauty Answers flagship store

                                                                            JD Za flagship store
                Third-party platform - JD
                                                                    Za JD self-operated flagship store

                                                                     JD PURE&MILD flagship store

                                                               PURE&MILD JD self-operated flagship store

                                                                Beijing Jingdong Century Trading Co., Ltd.

                                                                Beijing Jingdong Hongjian Health Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                         2023                                2022
                                                                                                                     YoY increase/
                            Sales model                        Proportion of                        Proportion of decrease compared
                                                Amount         main business       Amount           main business to the previous year
                                                                 revenue                              revenue
Third-party platform -
                       Self-operation, and    1,762,373,600          32.03%      2,060,374,900            41.23%               -14.46%
Third-party platform -
                                               631,456,000           11.48%        429,154,300             8.59%                47.14%
Douyin                 Self-operation

Third-party platform -                         306,636,200              5.57%      301,778,100             6.04%                 1.61%
Third-party platform -
                       Self-operation, and     374,272,000              6.80%      356,445,200             7.13%                 5.00%
                                              3,074,737,800          55.88%      3,147,752,500            62.99%                 -2.32%

(6) Operational Data of Core Stores in the Online Self-operated Channel in 2023

     During the reporting period, the sales of our top five online self-operated stores accounted for approximately 64.97% of our online
channel sales revenue and approximately 84.75% of our online self-operated channel sales revenue, maintaining stability over the same
period last year:

                                                                                    consumption        Average order       Two-year
                                               Proportion of    Order
    Self-operated store      Amount (CNY)                                          frequency per       value in 2023    repurchase rate
                                              online channel quantity in 2023
                                                                                   person in 2023         (CNY)             (note)
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       2023 Annual Report

Tmall Winona flagship
                             1,527,324,600            43.00%          11,442,700            2.37           372.05             34.65%

Douyin Winona official         506,251,700            14.25%           4,311,300            1.34           190.54             17.00%
flagship store

Winona JD official               95,934,400            2.70%           1,032,000            1.87           208.28             40.91%
flagship store

Winona Kuaishou beauty           93,552,500            2.63%            608,800             1.37           282.58             20.58%
and makeup flagship store

Douyin Winona flagship           84,935,500            2.39%            555,600             1.16           221.71             10.93%
                             2,307,998,700            64.97%

    Note: The two-year repurchase rate refers to the proportion of customers who made more than one purchase during a continuous
two-year period compared to the total number of customers during that period.

(7) Operational Data of OMO Channels in 2023

                                         2023                                              2022
                                     Proportion of                                     Proportion of                    YoY increase/
     Category                                          Sales gross                                      Sales gross
                        Amount       main business                        Amount       main business                      decrease
                                                      profit margin                                    profit margin
                                       revenue                                           revenue
                      501,549,800             9.12%         75.41%       447,240,200          8.95%         74.58%            12.14%
Skincare products
                       113,802,00             0.20%         84.95%        17,949,800          0.36%         84.65%           -36.60%
Medical devices
                         9,755,800            0.18%         61.12%         8,703,100          0.17%         74.28%            12.10%

                      522,685,800             9.50%         75.35%       473,893,100         9.48%          74.96%            10.30%

    1) The OMO online self-operated retail business mainly refers to our product sales through its self-built online platforms. During
the reporting period, the operating revenue of our self-built Winona counter service platform was CNY484,854,000, an increase of
CNY22,807,000 over the previous year and showing a growth rate of approximately 4.94%. At the end of the reporting period, the
number of registered users on our self-built OMO channel online sales platform was approximately 2.5779 million, with approximately
784,800 new registered users during the reporting period:

                                          Proportion of                     consumption            Average order          Two-year
                                                         Order quantity in
  OMO online platform       Amount (CNY) main business                     frequency per           value in 2023       repurchase rate
                                         revenue in 2023                   person in 2023             (CNY)                (note)

Winona Counter Service        484,854,000             8.81%             828,400             2.23         1,562.39             51.93%

    Note: The two-year repurchase rate refers to the proportion of customers who made more than one purchase during a continuous
two-year period compared to the total number of customers during that period.

    2) The OMO offline self-operated retail business primarily refers to the company's product sales through leased physical stores.
During the reporting period, the company opened 50 new OMO offline self-operated stores and closed 4 stores, resulting in a total of
123 stores by the end of the reporting period. The OMO offline self-operated model generated a revenue of CNY37,831,800,
accounting for approximately 0.69% of the main business revenue, showing significant year-on-year growth. The offline OMO self-
operated retail business is currently in a rapid development stage, but its impact on the company's overall performance is relatively
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report

     Changes in the OMO offline self-operated stores during the reporting period are as follows:

                      Number of self-
                                                                                          Number of self-       Contract leased area
                     operated stores at      Number of new        Number of closed
                                                                                         operated stores at     of OMO stores at the
      Region         the beginning of         self-operated        self-operated
                                                                                           the end of the        end of the reporting
                       the reporting              stores               stores
                                                                                          reporting period           period (m2)
                                     17                     30                     1                     46                  2,602.33
 East China                          17                       4                    2                     19                  1,040.49
 Central China                       16                       4                    1                     19                   770.85
 North China                         12                       2                                          14                   635.43
 South China                           8                      2                                          10                   540.53
                                       7                      4                                          11                   479.07
                                                              4                                           4                   300.06
      Total                          77                     50                     4                    123                  6,368.76

     During the reporting period, the top five OMO offline self-operated stores in terms of revenue are as follows:

                                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
         Store                                                                                                            Revenue
                                                        Address                                     ownership
    Winona store
                          F3CA29 Area, Terminal of Kunming Changshui International
 Kunming Changshui                                                                 Leased property                          297.2200
                          Airport, Kunming City, Yunnan Province
  Winona counter at
  Hangzhou Intime         Shop 107, 1st Floor, Intime Department Store (West Lake),
                                                                                    Leased property                         228.1300
  Department Store        Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
    (West Lake)
  Winona Chengdu          No. 201-1, 2nd Floor, Unit 1, Building 1, No. 2 Kehua Middle
                                                                                       Own property                         178.4900
  Yiduo Huifu Store       Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China.
 AOXMED counter at
                          1st Floor, SAGA International Shopping Center, No. 123 Chang’an
 SAGA International                                                                        Leased property                  161.9600
                          Middle Road, Yanta District, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province
 Shopping Mall Xian
 AOXMED counter at
     Hanguang             1st Floor, Hanguang Department Store, No. 176 Xidan North
                                                                                    Leased property                            153.06
  Department Store        Street, Xicheng District, Beijing City

Note: Property ownership status marked as “leased” includes various leasing models such as rental and profit-sharing.

(8) Operational Data of Offline OTC Distribution Channels in 2023

     1) OTC distribution channels refer to our direct sales of products to OTC chain customers. During the reporting period, the OTC
distribution channel achieved a revenue of CNY816,118,100, accounting for approximately 14.83% of the main business revenue.

                                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
                                           2023                                            2022
                                      Proportion of                                     Proportion of                YoY increase/
     Category                                         Sales gross                                       Sales gross
                       Amount        offline channel                     Amount        offline channel                 decrease
                                                     profit margin                                     profit margin
                                         revenue                                           revenue
                      575,914,400           40.37%          81.72%      328,254,100          34.25%           81.51%          75.45%
Skincare products
                      236,018,100           16.54%          74.33%      155,317,900          16.21%           75.43%          51.96%
Medical devices
                        4,185,600            0.29%          74.42%        7,834,400            0.82%          81.47%         -46.57%

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          2023 Annual Report

                         816,118,100          57.20%         79.54%         491,406,400        51.28%           78.50%          66.08%

2) The top five OTC distribution clients in terms of revenue during the reporting period were as follows:

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                              2023                                          2022
                                                                                                                        YoY increase/
  No.           Client                         Proportion of offline                           Proportion of offline
                               Amount                                          Amount                                     decrease
                                                 channel revenue                                 channel revenue
   1       Client 1             223,571,600                  15.67%              168,634,700               17.60%               32.58%
   2       Client 2              91,236,200                   6.39%               75,014,500                 7.83%              21.62%
   3       Client 3              88,984,700                   6.24%               71,417,300                 7.45%              24.60%
   4       Client 4              38,368,700                   2.69%               25,592,600                 2.67%              49.92%
   5       Client 5              34,878,900                   2.44%               20,527,600                 2.14%              69.91%
          Total                 477,040,100                  33.43%              361,186,700                37.69%              32.08%
4.2 Revenue and Costs
4.2.1 Composition of Operating Revenue
     Overview of our operating revenue

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                     2023                                      2022
                                                            Percentage of                             Percentage of      YoY increase/
                                          Amount              operating            Amount               operating          decrease
                                                               revenue                                   revenue
 Total operating revenue               5,522,168,263.00            100%         5,013,873,729.44              100%             10.14%
 By industry
 Daily chemical industry               5,501,620,351.02           99.63%        4,997,756,008.94             99.68%            10.08%
 Services and others                     20,547,911.98             0.37%          16,117,720.50               0.32%            27.49%
 By product
 Skincare products                     4,869,891,463.93           88.19%        4,557,155,815.09             90.89%             6.86%
 Medical devices                        463,107,605.63             8.39%         387,454,279.67               7.73%            19.53%
 Cosmetics                              168,621,281.46             3.05%          53,145,914.18               1.06%           217.28%
 Services and others                     20,547,911.98             0.37%          16,117,720.50               0.32%            27.49%
 By region
 Chinese Mainland                      5,510,158,519.51           99.78%        5,011,459,929.77             99.95%             9.95%
 Overseas                                12,009,743.49             0.22%           2,413,799.67               0.05%           397.55%
 By sales model
 Online channel product sales          3,552,186,453.05           64.33%        3,565,508,392.14             71.12%             -0.37%
 OMO channel product sales              522,685,816.23             9.47%         473,893,052.65               9.45%            10.30%
 Offline channel product sales         1,426,748,081.74           25.84%         958,354,564.15              19.11%            48.87%
 Offline channel services and
                                         20,547,911.98             0.37%          16,117,720.50               0.32%            27.49%

4.2.2 Industries, Products, Regions, and Sales Models Accounting for 10% or More of Our Operating Revenue or Operating

      Applicable □ N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report

                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                                                Gross         YoY increase/ YoY increase/
                          Operating                                                                            YoY increase/decrease
                                           Operating costs      profit          decrease in      decrease in
                           revenue                                                                             in gross profit margin
                                                                margin       operating revenue operating costs
 By industry
 Daily chemical
                      5,501,620,351.02 1,432,514,965.73             73.96%            10.08%          16.08%     Decreased by 1.35%
 By product
 Skincare products    4,869,891,463.93 1,282,695,510.54             73.66%            6.86%           11.74%     Decreased by 1.15%
 By region
 Chinese Mainland 5,510,158,519.51 1,437,326,140.13                 73.91%            9.95%           15.67%     Decreased by 1.29%
 By sales model
 Online channel
                      3,552,186,453.05 1,021,681,010.35             71.24%            -0.37%          9.10%      Decreased by 2.50%
 product sales
 Offline channel
                      1,426,748,081.74      282,011,143.65          80.23%            48.87%          57.67%     Decreased by 1.10%
 product sales

    In the case of adjustments to the statistical basis of our main business data during the reporting period, our most recent one-year
main business data adjusted according to the end-of-period basis.
    □ Applicable  N/A

                                                                                      Price trend
               Production volume      Sales volume      Revenue achievement           during the          Reasons for changes
                                                                                   reporting period
                                                                                                      The average selling price
                                                                                                      experienced             certain
                                                                                                      fluctuations within a certain
                                                      During the reporting         The      average
 Skincare                                                                                             range due to the continuous
                                                      period, we generated         selling price of
 products                                                                                             changes in the market
                 Approximately       Approximately    CNY4,869,891,463.93          our     skincare
 (finished                                                                                            demand for skincare products
                 319.75 million      209.05 million   of revenue from skincare     products during
 products,                                                                                            in terms of categories, forms,
                   standard            standard       products, representing an    the    reporting
 includin                                                                                             and capacities, as well as the
                  boxes/units         boxes/units     increase     of   around     period       was
 g gifts                                                                                              impact of the changes in the
                                                      6.86% over the same          around
 and trial                                                                                            sales volume and proportion
                                                      period last year.            CNY42.30.
 samples)                                                                                             of popular products during
                                                                                                      periodic          promotional

    Revenue or net profit generated from overseas operations as a percentage of our audited revenue or net profit for the most recent
fiscal year exceeding 10%.

     □Yes  No

4.2.3 Whether Our physical sales revenue greater than service revenue

       Yes □No

                                                                                                                   YoY increase/
      Industry               Item                     Unit                     2023               2022
                                             Ten thousand standard
                      Sales volume                                                 22,905              21,751                5.31%
 Daily chemical                              Ten thousand standard
                      Production volume                                            33,404              30,225               10.52%
 industry                                         boxes/units
                                             Ten thousand standard
                      Inventory volume                                             23,694              25,242                -6.13%

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                2023 Annual Report
    Note: The sales volume includes the quantity of finished products released from inventory, which is accounted for in our main
business cost and period expenses; the production volume includes the quantity of finished products and semi-finished products
received into inventory through in-house production, commissioned manufacturing, and OEM production; the inventory volume
includes the closing quantity of all material categories accounted for in “inventory” item in our accounting.

     Explain the reasons for year-on-year changes exceeding 30%:
     □ Applicable  N/A

4.2.4 Fulfillment of significant sales contracts and significant procurement contracts signed by the company as of the end of the
reporting period

     □ Applicable  N/A

4.2.5 Composition of Operating Costs


                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY

                                                                   2023                                2022
      Industry                      Item                                  Percentage                          Percentage     increase/
                                                         Amount           of operating       Amount           of operating   decrease
                                                                              costs                               costs
 Daily chemical       In-house production
                                                      264,031,331.36          18.32%     202,936,146.24           16.33%       30.11%
 industry             (direct materials)
 Daily chemical       In-house production
                                                        7,365,687.84           0.51%       5,788,615.77            0.47%       27.24%
 industry             (direct labor)
                      In-house production
 Daily chemical
                      (manufacturing expenses          51,811,329.44           3.59%      28,764,637.74            2.30%       80.12%
                      and others)
 Daily chemical       Commissioned
                                                      797,384,629.16          55.32%     782,666,746.87           62.96%        1.88%
 industry             manufacturing
                      OEM procurement,
 Daily chemical
                      external material               139,135,835.33           9.65%      51,415,759.11            4.14%      170.61%
 Daily chemical       Logistics and
                                                      172,786,152.60          11.99%     162,471,016.56           13.07%        6.35%
 industry             transportation expenses
 Services and
                      Service and other costs           8,877,464.88           0.62%       9,004,032.32            0.72%        -1.41%

     Other notes: none.

4.2.6 Changes in the Scope of Consolidation during the Reporting Period

      Yes □No

     Please refer to “9. Changes in the Scope of Consolidation” under Section X of this report for details.

4.2.7 Significant Changes or Adjustments in Business, Products, or Services during the Reporting Period

     □ Applicable  N/A

4.2.8 Major Clients and Major Suppliers

Information on our major clients:
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report
 Total sales amount of the top five clients (CNY)                                                                     1,058,690,294.17

 Percentage of total annual sales from the top five clients                                                                     19.18%
 Percentage of related party sales in the total sales amount of the top five clients                                             0.00%

Information on our top 5 clients:

        No.                        Client                         Sales amount (CNY)                 Percentage of total annual sales

         1                                                                     306,659,910.08                                    5.55%
                                  Client 1
         2                                                                     277,053,816.92                                    5.02%
                                  Client 2
         3                                                                     223,571,647.41                                    4.05%
                                  Client 3
         4                                                                     146,712,697.08                                    2.66%
                                  Client 4
         5                                                                     104,692,222.68                                    1.90%
                                  Client 5
       Total                                                                  1,058,690,294.17                                  19.18%
     Additional information on major clients: The statistics do not include sales from our online self-operated stores or OMO self-built
stores, but only include the top five distribution clients.
Information on our major suppliers:

 Total purchase amount from the top five suppliers (CNY)                                                                 781,512,897.74
 Percentage of total annual purchases from the top five suppliers                                                               49.97%
 Percentage of related party purchases in the total purchase amount from the top five suppliers                                  0.00%

Information on our top 5 suppliers:
       No.                          Supplier                      Purchase amount (CNY)           Percentage of total annual purchases
         1           Supplier 1                                                306,784,487.29                                   19.62%
         2           Supplier 2                                                186,444,121.24                                   11.92%
         3           Supplier 3                                                108,869,166.92                                    6.96%
         4           Supplier 4                                                104,898,787.67                                    6.71%
         5           Supplier 5                                                 74,516,334.62                                    4.76%
       Total                                                                   781,512,897.74                                   49.97%

Additional information on major suppliers: none.

4.3 Expenses

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                                   YoY increase/
                            2023                    2022                                           Significant dhanges
                                                                                    The increase in selling expenses during the
                                                                                    reporting period was mainly attributed to our
                                                                                    continued investment in brand promotion,
                                                                                    personnel costs, and e-commerce channel expenses.
 Selling                                                                            The growth rate of selling expenses slightly
                     2,609,676,656.49          2,047,880,755.09            27.43%
 expenses                                                                           exceeded the growth rate of operating income,
                                                                                    which was primarily due to increased marketing,
                                                                                    advertising, and customer acquisition expenses
                                                                                    aimed at enhancing brand awareness during the
                                                                                    reporting period.
                                                                                    The increase in administrative expenses is mainly
                       413,202,672.03           343,044,255.35             20.45%   attributed to the growth in our scale, resulting in
                                                                                    increased costs for management personnel and

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report
                                                                                  other administrative expenses. The growth in
                                                                                  administrative expenses during the reporting period
                                                                                  is in line with our scale expansion.
                                                                                  The increase in R&D expenses was primarily due
                                                                                  to the smooth progress of our R&D activities.
                                                                                  Leveraging the resources and advantages of
                                                                                  Yunnan Specialty Plant Extraction Laboratory and
                                                                                  Botanee Research Institute, we have further
                                                                                  invested in research institutes and joint laboratories
                                                                                  in Japan and France, and carried out
 R&D expenses       298,817,308.11         254,698,441.37              17.32%     multidimensional and in-depth research projects,
                                                                                  including fundamental research on specialty plants,
                                                                                  innovative material development, material selection
                                                                                  and development, efficacy cosmetics research,
                                                                                  functional food research, medical device research,
                                                                                  and packaging development. Our R&D investment
                                                                                  during the reporting period was in line with the
                                                                                  research direction and progress.
                                                                                  The decrease in financial expenses was mainly due
 Financial                                                                        to an increase in interest income from our current
                     -21,304,608.80        -14,361,051.91             -48.35%
 expenses                                                                         deposits in commercial banks during the reporting

4.4 Research and Development Investment

      Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                           Expected influence on the
   Main R&D
                              Purpose                  Progress                 Intended goals                 Company’s future
                   The project aims to cater to                                                          We consistently adhere to
                   the specific needs of                                                                 the path of independent
                   individuals with sensitive                                                            research and development
                   skin, enhance the product                                                             and have established a
                   line, and diversify the                                                               rigorous,      comprehensive,
                                                                       We conduct fundamental
                   product      categories.     It                                                       and       efficient       R&D
                                                                       research,    including     raw
                   involves            continuous                                                        innovation system. Botanee
                                                                       material             selection,
                   organization of academic                                                              Research Institute focuses
                                                                       formulation        innovation,
                   research projects for product                                                         on independent research and
                                                     The project is    evaluation             method
                   development, innovation in                                                            development and follows a
                                                     progressing       enhancement,           process
 R&D project on    formulations, and high-                                                               R&D model that integrates
                                                     smoothly          optimization,     and       the
 efficacious       efficiency products. The                                                              industry, academia, and
                                                     according to      establishment of academic
 cosmetics         project also focuses on                                                               research. Leveraging the
                                                     the plan.         barriers. These efforts aim to
                   monitoring market feedback,                                                           resources and advantages of
                                                                       optimize and enhance the
                   implementing technological                                                            Yunnan Specialty Plant
                                                                       existing products of the
                   improvements, and meeting                                                             Extraction          Laboratory
                                                                       group and enrich the product
                   the requirements for product                                                          platform, we integrate global
                   optimization and upgrades.                                                            scientific research resources
                   Additionally, we aim to                                                               and collaborates extensively
                   strengthen the synergistic                                                            with renowned universities,
                   effects of our products                                                               research institutes, and
                   within the group.                                                                     experts both domestically
                   The project focuses on the                                                            and internationally. We
                   independent research and                                                              conduct targeted research on
                   industrialization of specialty                                                        fundamental aspects of
                                                                       We organize fundamental
                   plants in Yunnan, which                                                               specialty plants, innovative
                                                                       research and continuously
                   cater to various efficacy                                                             raw material development,
                                                                       innovate the development of
                   demands and address the                                                               and raw material selection.
                                                     The project is    efficacy components derived
                   mechanisms of problematic                                                             Moreover, we engage in
                                                     progressing       from Yunnan’s specialty
 Specialty plant   skin. It involves fundamental                                                         multidimensional and in-
                                                     smoothly          plants. These components are
 development       research      on     Yunnan's                                                         depth      R&D         projects,
                                                     according to      then applied to efficacious
 project           specialty plants, innovative                                                          including           efficacious
                                                     the plan.         cosmetics and food products,
                   extraction processes, the                                                             cosmetics, functional food,
                                                                       which contributes to the
                   establishment of quality                                                              medical       devices,      and
                                                                       technological strength of our
                   standards,       and       the                                                        packaging        development.
                   determination of national                                                             During the reporting period,
                   standard samples for plant                                                            our      R&D       investment,
                   monomers. The project                                                                 direction, and progress were
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             2023 Annual Report
                  emphasizes       independent                                                               generally aligned. In the
                  development of innovative                                                                  future, we will continue to
                  raw materials and actively                                                                 focus on industrialization
                  engages in the registration of                                                             and concentrate on the
                  new cosmetic ingredients.                                                                  research and development of
                  Additionally, it includes the                                                              efficacious          cosmetics,
                  establishment of specialty                                                                 functional       food,      and
                  plant cultivation bases and                                                                pharmaceuticals based on
                  the continuous development,                                                                Yunnan’s specialty plants.
                  launch, and reserve of active                                                              Simultaneously, we will
                  ingredients from specialty                                                                 integrate     domestic      and
                  plants.                                                                                    international talent resources
                                                                       We establish a functional             and strive to build a high-
                                                                       food R&D system, build a              tech innovation full-chain
                   The project focuses on raw
                                                     The project is    raw     material     database,        business encompassing basic
                   material           selection,
 Functional food                                     progressing       organize efficacy evaluation          theoretical      research      -
                   formulation innovation, and
 development                                         smoothly          and     selection,    enhance         application development -
                   efficacy evaluation, aiming
 project                                             according to      formulation innovation, and           common key technology
                   to provide effective food
                                                     the plan.         launch a series of functional         development                  for
                   solutions to consumers.
                                                                       food products to meet                 industrialization - industrial
                                                                       consumer demands.                     incubation      -     academic
                                                                       We establish a medical                promotion         -      market
                   The project focuses on the                          device research and quality           marketing. This will provide
                   development and registration                        management             system,        continuous        technological
                   of medical devices in the         The project is    organizes the development of          support      for      Yunnan’s
 Medical device    field of dermatology. It          progressing       new     medical      materials,       specialty plant-based health
 development       involves the development of       smoothly          applies them to medical               industry, meet increasingly
 project           medical materials and the         according to      device     product      layout,       refined     and      diversified
                   continuous layout of new          the plan.         reserves a series of Class II         market      demands,        and
                   material products in the                            and III medical devices, and          enhance brand influence and
                   medical device sector.                              organizes          registration       core competitiveness.
                                                                       application work.
                   The      project      involves
                   continuous development of                           We continue to build an
                   packaging            materials,                     improved packaging research
                   especially biodegradable and                        and development system,
                   environmentally        friendly                     conduct in-depth research on
                   materials.    It     combines                       new        materials       and
                                                     The project is
 Product           consumer         segmentation                       environmentally       friendly
 packaging         market      demands        with                     materials, studies product
 development       industrial    design        and                     industrial             design,
                                                     according to
 project           innovative                mold                      compatibility,             and
                                                     the plan.
                   development. Its goal is to                         functionality, and form an
                   increase    the     company's                       innovative          packaging
                   reserve of private molds and                        research and development
                   develop new packaging                               system with our unique
                   suitable for specific usage                         characteristics.

Our R&D personnel:
                                                       2023                             2022                     Change in percentage
 Number of R&D personnel                                               498                          391                           27.37%
 Percentage of R&D personnel                                      12.93%                        12.81%                  Increase of 0.12%
 Educational background
 Bachelor                                                              285                          228                           25.00%
 Master'                                                               156                          121                           28.93%
 Ph.D.                                                                  14                               8                        75.00%
 Others                                                                 43                           34                           26.47%
 Age of R&D personnel
 Below 30 years old                                                    275                          222                           23.87%

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       2023 Annual Report
 30-40 years old                                                        197                          152                       29.61%
 Above 40 years old                                                      26                           17                       52.94%

R&D investment amount and proportion of operating revenue in the past three years:
                                                             2023                         2022                         2021
 R&D investment amount (CNY)                                 335,436,951.02               278,214,688.08              120,112,765.08
 Proportion of R&D investment to operating
                                                                       6.07%                         5.55%                      2.99%
 Capitalized R&D expenditures (CNY)                           36,619,642.91                23,516,246.71                6,891,615.03
 Proportion of capitalized R&D expenditures
                                                                      10.92%                         8.45%                      5.74%
 to R&D investment
 Proportion of capitalized R&D expenditures
                                                                       4.84%                         2.24%                      0.80%
 to net profit for the period

     Reasons and impacts of significant changes in the composition of R&D personnel:
     □ Applicable  N/A
     Reasons for the significant changes in the proportion of R&D investment to operating revenue compared to the previous year:
     □ Applicable  N/A
     Reasons and rationality explanation for the significant changes in the capitalized R&D expenditure ratio:
     □ Applicable  N/A

4.5 Cash Flow

                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                          Item                                        2023                    2022            YoY increase/decrease
 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities              6,225,375,529.13        5,601,557,337.79                     11.14%
 Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities             5,614,936,765.42        4,832,111,716.34                     16.20%
 Net cash flow from operating activities                            610,438,763.71         769,445,621.45                     -20.67%
 Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities             5,155,750,819.89        7,143,543,733.03                     -27.83%
 Subtotal of cash outflows from investment activities            5,673,805,821.69        7,162,029,163.51                     -20.78%
 Net cash flow from investment activities                           -518,055,001.80         -18,485,430.48                -2,702.50%
 Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                 112,950,000.00                                            100.00%
 Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                571,420,050.45         319,663,978.70                     78.76%
 Net cash flow from financing activities                            -458,470,050.45       -319,663,978.70                     -43.42%
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                          -366,810,957.64        431,321,945.39                   -185.04%

     Explanation of the main factors affecting significant changes in comparable data:
      Applicable □ N/A
     (1) The increase in cash inflows from operating activities is mainly due to the rapid growth in sales scale and revenue during the
reporting period, resulting in increased cash inflows, which is in line with the company's sales growth.
     (2) The increase in cash outflows from operating activities is mainly attributed to the increase in payments for goods and services
as a result of the rapid growth in sales revenue and the corresponding increase in the scale of procurement; the comprehensive impact
of increased investment in brand promotion, personnel expenses, and e-commerce channel expenses.
     (3) The decrease in cash inflows from investment activities is mainly due to the utilization of idle raised funds and idle self-owned
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   2023 Annual Report
funds for prudent cash management entrusted financial investments within the authorized limit of the shareholders' meeting during the
reporting period, resulting in a decrease in the recovery of invested principal and the corresponding entrusted financial investment
    (4) The decrease in cash outflows from investment activities is mainly due to the decrease in the payment of entrusted financial
investment principal under the authorization of the shareholders' meeting during the reporting period; continued investment in ongoing
construction projects such as the central factory's new base; and the comprehensive impact of the successful acquisition of a 51%
equity stake in Yuejiang (Guangzhou) Investment during the reporting period.
    (5) The significant increase in cash inflows from financing activities is mainly due to the proactive exploration of stable and
diversified financing channels based on dynamic capital requirements, resulting in short-term working capital loans obtained from
commercial banks.
    (6) The increase in cash outflows from financing activities is mainly due to the repurchase of ordinary shares by the company
using self-owned funds through the centralized bidding trading method in accordance with the resolutions of the board of directors, and
the comprehensive impact of increased payment of cash dividends for the year 2022 during the reporting period.

    Explanation of the significant difference between net cash flow generated from operating activities and net profit for the year:
     □ Applicable  N/A

5. Non-Core Business

      Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                              Unit: CNY

                                              Percentage of                                                              Sustainable
                            Amount                                               Formation reasons
                                               total profit                                                                or not
                                                                 Mainly due to the government subsidies received
                                                                 by the company during the reporting period related
 Other income             149,420,643.48              17.20%     to income, as well as the comprehensive impact of
                                                                 the value-added tax input tax deduction and
                                                                 preferential tax benefits enjoyed.
                                                                 Mainly due to the investment income generated
 Investment                                                      from the company's cash management entrusted
                           64,362,248.34               7.41%
 income                                                          financial products reaching maturity during the             No
                                                                 reporting period.
                                                                 Mainly due to the fair value changes of trading
 Income/loss due to
                          -17,238,886.41              -1.98%     financial assets held by the company during the
 fair value changes                                                                                                          No
                                                                 reporting period.
                                                                 Mainly due to the provision of impairment reserves
 Impairment loss
                          -14,262,864.63              -1.64%     for accounts receivable and other receivables made
 on credit                                                                                                                   No
                                                                 by the company during the reporting period.
                                                                 Mainly due to the provision of inventory
 Impairment loss
                          -20,197,131.69              -2.32%     depreciation reserves made by the company during
 on assets                                                                                                                   No
                                                                 the reporting period.
 Loss on asset
                              690,284.38               0.08%
 disposal                                                                                                                    No
                            2,139,100.44               0.25%
 income                                                                                                                      No
                                                                 Mainly due to the company's expenditure on
                          -11,294,246.99              -1.30%     external charity donations during the reporting
 expenses                                                                                                                    No

6. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

6.1 Significant Changes in Asset Composition

   Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                               2023 Annual Report
                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY
                   As of the end of 2023        As of the beginning of 2023
                                  Percentage                       Percentage   Proportion     Information on significant changes
                  Amount           of total        Amount           of total     increase/
                                    assets                           assets      decrease
                                                                                             For details, please refer to Section III,
              2,091,459,861.58       27.86%    2,514,295,715.26        37.42%      -9.56%    "5. Cash Flow" under "IV. Analysis of
                                                                                             Main Operations".
                                                                                             This is mainly due to a decrease in the
                                                                                             balance of funds invested in cash
                                                                                             management        entrusted    financing
                                                                                             (financial products measured at fair
financial     1,238,356,707.34       16.50%    1,433,635,489.84        21.34%      -4.84%
                                                                                             value) using idle raised funds and idle
                                                                                             self-owned funds, within the authorized
                                                                                             limit of the shareholders' meeting at the
                                                                                             end of the reporting period.
                                                                                             This is mainly due to the unexpired,
                                                                                             unendorsed,         or      undiscounted
                                                                                             commercial acceptance drafts held by
                                                                                             the company at the end of the reporting
Notes                                                                                        period. As of the disclosure date of this
                 24,502,124.46        0.33%                                         0.33%
receivable                                                                                   financial statement, the commercial
                                                                                             acceptance drafts have matured and
                                                                                             been accepted, and the related
                                                                                             receivables have been fully collected on
                                                                                             During the reporting period, the growth
                                                                                             of accounts receivable exceeded the
                                                                                             growth of sales. This is mainly
                                                                                             attributed to the rapid growth of the
                                                                                             company's        offline     distribution
                                                                                             business's sales revenue in the current
                                                                                             year, as well as the comprehensive
                                                                                             impact of the outstanding receivables
                                                                                             from offline distribution business
                                                                                             customers within the commercial credit
                                                                                             cycle at the end of the reporting period
                                                                                             and the successful acquisition of
                                                                                             Yuejiang (Guangzhou) Investment Co.,
                                                                                             Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
                                                                                             "Yuejiang      Investment")    by     the
                                                                                             company during the reporting period.
                                                                                             During the reporting period, there were
                                                                                             no significant changes in the
                                                                                             commercial credit policies of the
                                                                                             company's major offline distribution
Accounts                                                                                     customers, and there were no
                561,761,929.57        7.48%     270,089,761.85         4.02%        3.46%
receivable                                                                                   significant     differences    in     the
                                                                                             commercial credit policies of Yuejiang
                                                                                             Investment's      offline    distribution
                                                                                             customers compared to the company's
                                                                                             existing customers in the same channel.
                                                                                             The overall creditworthiness and
                                                                                             strength of the company's credit sales
                                                                                             customers are good. As of the end of
                                                                                             the reporting period and the beginning
                                                                                             of the year, the proportion of accounts
                                                                                             receivable aged within one year to the
                                                                                             total accounts receivable balance was
                                                                                             approximately 98.65% and 97.67%,
                                                                                             respectively, indicating a favorable
                                                                                             aging status and strong liquidity. The
                                                                                             company has good collection of
                                                                                             accounts receivable, high quality of
                                                                                             accounts receivable, and a lower
                                                                                             possibility of bad debts. During the
                                                                                             reporting period, we consistently
                                                                                             implemented strict credit management

   Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                             2023 Annual Report
                                                                                         systems and cautious provisions for bad
                                                                                         debts, with sufficient provisions for bad
                                                                                         debts. The provision for bad debts as a
                                                                                         percentage of accounts receivable at the
                                                                                         end of the reporting period and the
                                                                                         beginning       of    the    year     was
                                                                                         approximately 4.64% and 5.13%,
                                                                                         This is mainly due to a decrease in the
                                                                                         balance of unexpired, unendorsed, or
                156,659,263.78       2.09%     238,668,244.17           3.55%   -1.46%   undiscounted bank acceptance drafts
                                                                                         held by the company at the end of the
                                                                                         reporting period.
                                                                                         Our prepayments mainly consist of
                                                                                         marketing expenses prepaid to large
                                                                                         B2C e-commerce platforms and other
                                                                                         market promotion service providers,
                                                                                         settled regularly based on activity
                                                                                         cycles and marketing policies. At the
                                                                                         end of the reporting period, the
                                                                                         proportion of prepayments aged within
                                                                                         one year was approximately 97.97%,
Prepayments      69,279,116.38       0.92%         41,609,862.79        0.62%   0.30%
                                                                                         indicating good quality of prepayments,
                                                                                         which are expected to be fully settled
                                                                                         and cleared within the next twelve
                                                                                         months. At the end of the reporting
                                                                                         period, the cumulative balance of
                                                                                         prepayments aggregated by trading
                                                                                         counterparties amounted to CNY37.12
                                                                                         million, accounting for approximately
                                                                                         53.59% of the ending balance.
                                                                                         During the reporting period, our
                                                                                         acquisition of Yuejiang Investment
                                                                                         resulted in an increase in the balance of
                 29,748,433.09       0.40%         20,097,625.25        0.30%   0.10%    other receivables. Other receivables
                                                                                         mainly consist of deposits and
                                                                                         guarantees paid by the company for
                                                                                         business operations.
                                                                                         During the reporting period, our
                                                                                         acquisition of Yuejiang Investment led
                                                                                         to an increase in the ending balance of
                                                                                         inventory. The increase in the ending
                                                                                         balance of inventory at the end of the
                                                                                         reporting period corresponds to the
                                                                                         company's actual sales growth for the
Inventory       904,413,283.67      12.05%     670,748,124.06           9.98%   2.07%    year and the expected sales growth in
                                                                                         the first half of 2024. The company has
                                                                                         proactively planned, produced, and
                                                                                         procured inventory for the hot-selling
                                                                                         products of several major promotional
                                                                                         activities in the first half of 2024,
                                                                                         according to the supply chain plans of
                                                                                         each brand.
                                                                                         This is mainly due to a decrease in the
                                                                                         balance of funds invested in cash
                                                                                         management         entrusted    financing
                                                                                         (financial products measured at
                                                                                         amortized cost) using idle raised funds
Other current                                                                            and idle self-owned funds within the
                446,396,252.76       5.95%     525,887,794.13           7.83%   -1.88%
assets                                                                                   authorized limit of the shareholders'
                                                                                         meeting at the end of the reporting
                                                                                         period, as well as an increase in the
                                                                                         provision for value-added tax awaiting
                                                                                         recognition and offset at the end of the
                                                                                         reporting period.
                                                                                         This is mainly due to an increase in the
                                                                                         company's investment in equity of joint
equity          212,015,151.15       2.82%         82,775,998.70        1.23%   1.59%
                                                                                         ventures. During the reporting period,
                                                                                         the company recognized a net

   Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                             2023 Annual Report
                                                                                         investment income of CNY9.7058
                                                                                         million from equity investments in joint
                                                                                         ventures accounted for using the equity
                                                                                         method. For details, please refer to
                                                                                         Section X, "18. Long-term Equity
                                                                                         Investments" under "VII. Note to
                                                                                         Consolidated      Financial      Statement
                                                                                         Items" of this report.
                                                                                         This primarily represents the company's
                                                                                         investments      in     financial     assets
                                                                                         measured at fair value with changes
Other non-
                                                                                         recognized in profit or loss. During the
                 86,449,823.00       1.15%                                      1.15%    reporting period, there were no
                                                                                         significant changes in the fair value of
                                                                                         financial assets measured at fair value
                                                                                         with changes recognized in profit or
                                                                                         This is mainly due to the successful
                                                                                         acceptance and capitalization of the
                                                                                         Central Factory's new base construction
                                                                                         project during the reporting period. The
                                                                                         Central Factory's new base construction
Fixed assets    667,204,436.83       8.89%     206,366,629.61           3.07%   5.82%    project is one of the investment projects
                                                                                         funded by the company's initial public
                                                                                         offering in 2021, with a total project
                                                                                         budget of CNY438.4092 million and
                                                                                         actual investment completion of
                                                                                         This is mainly due to the successful
Construction                                                                             acceptance and capitalization of the
                 40,220,147.41       0.54%     349,466,401.13           5.20%   -4.66%
in progress                                                                              Central Factory's new base construction
                                                                                         project during the reporting period.
                                                                                         This is mainly due to the significant
                                                                                         increase      in     intangible      assets,
                                                                                         specifically trademark rights, as a result
                                                                                         of the company's successful acquisition
                193,108,638.64       2.57%         77,944,697.40        1.16%   1.41%    of Yuejiang Investment. For details,
                                                                                         please refer to Section X, "26.
                                                                                         Intangible Assets" under "VII. Note to
                                                                                         Consolidated      Financial      Statement
                                                                                         Items" of this report.
                                                                                         At the end of the reporting period, the
                                                                                         carrying amount of the asset group
                                                                                         related to the cash flows generated by
                                                                                         the cosmetics business of Yuejiang
                                                                                         Investment, independent of other assets
                                                                                         or asset groups, including goodwill,
                                                                                         was CNY949.2926 million. Based on
                                                                                         the assessment, the recoverable amount
Goodwill        413,740,760.61       5.51%                                      5.51%
                                                                                         of the asset group is approximately
                                                                                         CNY1,132 million, and no impairment
                                                                                         loss is recognized for the asset group.
                                                                                         The company's goodwill remains
                                                                                         unimpaired. For details, please refer to
                                                                                         Section X, "27. Goodwill" under "VII.
                                                                                         Note to Consolidated Financial
                                                                                         Statement Items" of this report.
                                                                                         This increase in the year-end balance of
                                                                                         long-term deferred          expenses      is
                                                                                         primarily due to the successful
                                                                                         acceptance and capitalization of the
                                                                                         new central factory construction project
                                                                                         (part of which is classified as long-term
deferred         93,317,644.84       1.24%         66,734,195.17        0.99%   0.25%
                                                                                         deferred expenses) and the successful
                                                                                         acquisition of Yuejiang Investment by
                                                                                         the company. The long-term deferred
                                                                                         expenses mainly represent investments
                                                                                         in the renovation projects of owned or
                                                                                         leased operating premises, which were

   Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                           2023 Annual Report
                                                                                         primarily undertaken for production,
                                                                                         warehousing, and office purposes
                                                                                         during the reporting period.
                                                                                         The increase in deferred income tax
                                                                                         assets is mainly attributed to a
                                                                                         significant increase in temporary
                                                                                         differences related to items such as
                                                                                         "government grants recognized as
Deferred                                                                                 deferred      income",      "tax    loss
income tax        93,131,250.45      1.24%         52,118,603.26        0.78%   0.46%    carryforwards", and "fair value changes
assets                                                                                   of financial assets". For more details,
                                                                                         please refer to Section X, "19. Deferred
                                                                                         Income Tax Assets and Deferred
                                                                                         Income Tax Liabilities" under "VII.
                                                                                         Note to Consolidated Financial
                                                                                         Statement Items".

                                                                                         The increase in other non-current assets
Other non-                                                                               is primarily due to higher prepayments
                  75,431,420.74      1.00%         50,155,670.77        0.75%   0.25%
current assets                                                                           for     long-term      assets,   including
                                                                                         intangible assets, made by the company
                                                                                         at the end of the reporting period.
                                                                                         The company obtained short-term
                                                                                         working capital financing from
                                                                                         commercial banks during the reporting
                 103,816,588.60      1.38%                                      1.38%    period based on its dynamic capital
                                                                                         requirements and actively explored
                                                                                         stable and diversified financing
                                                                                         The increase in other payables is
                                                                                         mainly due to the company's increased
                                                                                         marketing expenses incurred on large
                 449,282,195.16      5.98%     272,333,824.39           4.05%   1.93%    B2C e-commerce platforms and other
                                                                                         market promotion service providers as
                                                                                         its sales scale expanded during the
                                                                                         reporting period.
                                                                                         The decrease in contract liabilities is
                                                                                         primarily attributed to a comprehensive
Contract                                                                                 impact of a reduction in prepaid project
                  50,053,638.68      0.67%         58,115,645.49        0.86%   -0.19%
liabilities                                                                              equipment payments, such as advances
                                                                                         received for sales and provision for
                                                                                         sales rebates, as stipulated in contracts.
                                                                                         The increase in other payables is
                                                                                         primarily due to the company's
                                                                                         increased marketing expenses incurred
                                                                                         on large B2C e-commerce platforms
                                                                                         and other market promotion service
                                                                                         providers as its sales scale expanded
                                                                                         during      the      reporting      period.
Other                                                                                    Additionally, it is also influenced by an
                 449,282,195.16      5.98%     272,333,824.39           4.05%   1.93%
payables                                                                                 increase in payable project equipment
                                                                                         payments resulting from the successful
                                                                                         acceptance of the new central factory
                                                                                         construction project as per contract
                                                                                         requirements and the corresponding
                                                                                         increase in other payables due to the
                                                                                         successful acquisition of Yuejiang
                                                                                         Investment by the company.
                                                                                         The increase in long-term borrowings is
                                                                                         primarily due to the company's
Long-term                                                                                successful acquisition of Yuejiang
                   4,700,000.00      0.06%                                      0.06%
borrowings                                                                               Investment,        resulting      in       a
                                                                                         corresponding increase in long-term
                                                                                         guaranteed bank loans.
                                                                                         The      deferred     income     primarily
                                                                                         represents government grants received
                  82,862,738.40      1.10%         55,574,589.18        0.83%   0.27%    by the company that have not been
                                                                                         fully recognized as income at the end of
                                                                                         the reporting period. For more details,

    Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                  2023 Annual Report
                                                                                                                please refer to Section X, "51. Deferred
                                                                                                                Income" under "VII. Note to
                                                                                                                Consolidated      Financial    Statement
                                                                                                                The increase in deferred income tax
                                                                                                                liabilities is mainly attributed to a
                                                                                                                significant increase in temporary
                                                                                                                differences related to the "incremental
                                                                                                                fair value of assets from business
                                                                                                                combinations      under     non-common
income tax             40,452,457.50           0.54%          8,364,830.43            0.12%           0.42%
                                                                                                                control". For more details, please refer
                                                                                                                to Section X, "19. Deferred Income Tax
                                                                                                                Assets and Deferred Income Tax
                                                                                                                Liabilities" under "VII. Note to
                                                                                                                Consolidated      Financial    Statement
                                                                                                                The increase in treasury stock is due to
                                                                                                                the company's decision, as approved by
Treasury                                                                                                        the board of directors, to repurchase a
                      109,838,205.82           1.46%                                  0.00%           1.46%
stock                                                                                                           certain number of common shares using
                                                                                                                internal funds through centralized
                                                                                                                bidding transactions.
                                                                                                                The increase in minority interests is
                                                                                                                primarily due to the company's
Minority                                                                                                        acquisition of a 51% equity interest in
                      154,823,217.41           2.06%         49,479,106.00            0.74%           1.32%
interests                                                                                                       Yuejiang Investment, resulting in a
                                                                                                                significant increase in minority
                                                                                                                shareholders' equity.

     Overseas asset proportion is relatively high:
           □ Applicable  N/A

    6.2 Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

            Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
                                          Gain/loss from
                                                            Accumulated     t provision                        Amount
                                            fair value                                        Amount
                         Beginning                            gain/loss     recognized                        sold in the
       Item                                  changes                                      purchased in the                  Other changes   Ending balance
                          balance                           recognized in      in the                           current
                                          recognized in                                    current period
                                                               equity         current                           period
                                           profit or loss

Financial assets

1. Financial assets
held for trading
                                                                                          4,085,000,000.0     4,240,000,0
(excluding             1,433,635,489.84   -17,238,886.41                                                                                    1,238,356,707.34
                                                                                                        0           00.00
financial assets)
2. Receivables                                                                                                                          -
                        238,668,244.17                                                                                                       156,659,263.78
financing                                                                                                                   82,008,980.39
3. Other non-
current financial                                                                           87,000,000.00                                     86,449,823.00
                                                                                          4,172,000,000.0                               -
      Total            1,672,303,734.01   -17,238,886.41                                                                                    1,481,465,794.12
                                                                                                        0                   82,008,980.39

          Explanation of other changes: The other changes in receivables financing mainly result from the net changes in bank acceptance
    bills received, endorsed for transfer, or due for acceptance by the company during the reporting period.

          Significant changes in the measurement attributes of the company's major assets as of the end of the reporting period
           □Yes  No
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                         2023 Annual Report
6.3 Restricted Assets as of the End of the Reporting Period

        Please refer to “31. Assets Subject to Ownership or Use Restrictions” in “3. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements”
under Section X of this report.

7. Investment Analysis

7.1 Overview

          Applicable □ N/A

 Investment amount for the reporting period                Investment amount for the same period last
                                                                                                                          Percentage change
                 (CNY)                                                   year (CNY)
                                 5,673,805,821.69                                           7,162,029,163.51                                      -20.78%

7.2 Significant Equity Investment during the Reporting Period

          Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                                                                                            Progre              Invest                              Disclo
                                                                                                                           Involv      Disclo
 Comp                          Invest                                                        ss as               ment                                sure
            Main    Investm                       Capita              Invest                          Expect               ement        sure
  any                           ment     Equity              Partne               Produc    of the              gain/lo                             index
            busin     ent                            l                 ment                             ed                    in       date (if
investe                        amoun      stake                r                   t type   balanc               ss for                               (if
             ess    method                        source              period                          returns              litigati    applica
   d                              t                                                         e sheet               the                               applic
                                                                                                                              on        ble)
                                                                                             date               period                               able)
Yuejia              Acquisi
ng          Note    tion and   53,550     51.00    Own                Long-                                                           Oct. 20,
                                                            N/A                   Note 1    Compl     Note 2    Note 3    No                        Note 2
Invest      1       capital        .00       %    funds               term                                                            2023
ment                increase
Total        --        --                  --       --         --       --          --        --           --        --      --           --          --
        Note 1: Yuejiang Investment is a well-known multi-brand cosmetics brand management company dedicated to the operation and
management of cosmetics brands through various channels both domestically and internationally. It owns two major popular cosmetics
and skincare brands, Za and PURE&MILD. These brands have accumulated over 20 years of brand reputation, a solid user base, and a
good reputation. Za is positioned as an international trendy cosmetics brand with core products such as sunscreen, foundation, and
powder. PURE&MILD is positioned as a plant-based technology skincare brand, offering multiple product lines including moisturizers,
whitening products, and anti-aging solutions, encompassing various categories such as lotions, eye creams, face creams, and serums.
        Note 2: For specific details, please refer to the Announcement of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co. Ltd. on the
Acquisition of Equity and Capital Increase from External Investments (Updated) (2023-062) and the Supplementary Announcement on
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co. Ltd.'s Acquisition of Equity and Capital Increase from External Investments (2023-063)
disclosed on the CNINFO website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
        Note 3: For specific details, please refer to “5.1 Equity in Subsidiaries” in “10. Equity in Other Entities” under Section X of this

7.3 Significant Non-Equity Investments in Progress during the Reporting Period

         Applicable □ N/A
        For specific details, please refer to “Central Factory Construction” in “7.5 Use of Raised Funds”, “7. Investment Analysis” under
Section III of this report.

 Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              2023 Annual Report
 7.4 Financial Asset Investments

 7.4.1 Securities Investment

        □ Applicable  N/A

 7.4.2 Derivative Investment

        □ Applicable  N/A

 7.5 Use of Raised Funds

         Applicable □ N/A

 7.5.1 Overall Use of Raised Funds

         Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY

                                                                            Total                 Percenta
                                                    Total                  Amount     Cumulati      ge of
                                                                                                                         Purpose      Amount
                                                   Amount     Cumulati    of Raised       ve      Cumulati     Total
                                                                                                                            and      of Raised
                            Total       Net       of Raised       ve        Funds      Amount         ve      Amount
                                                                                                                         Allocatio     Funds
  Year of    Method of    Fundraisi   Fundraisi     Funds      Amount        with     of Raised    Amount        of
                                                                                                                           n of       Idle for
Fundraising Fundraising      ng          ng        Used in    of Raised   Changed       Funds     of Raised   Unused
                                                                                                                         Unused        Over
                          Amount      Amount         the        Funds     Purposes       with       Funds     Raised
                                                                                                                          Raised        Two
                                                  Reportin      Used        in the    Changed        with      Funds
                                                                                                                          Funds        Years
                                                  g Period                Reportin    Purposes    Changed
                                                                          g Period                Purposes
 2021                     3,010,18    2,883,89    692,281,    2,160,04                                        1,137,15
             of CNY                                                                                                      Note 1             0
 2021                        8,000       6,800         000       4,100                                          5,100
             shares of
             A shares
                          3,010,18    2,883,89    692,281,    2,160,04                                        1,137,15
                 --                                                                                                         --              0
   Total                     8,000       6,800         000       4,100                                          5,100

                                        Explanation of the overall use of raised funds
        On February 25, 2021, according to the approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on Reply of the
 Registration of the Initial Public Offering of Shares by Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co. Ltd. (CSRC Approval [2021]
 No. 546), we were authorized to publicly issue no more than CNY63,600,000 common shares. As of March 22, 2021, we had
 issued a total of 63,600,000CNY common shares to strategic investors through targeted placements and to the general public
 through A-share offerings, with a par value of CNY1.00 per share and an issue price of CNY47.33 per share. The total amount of
 raised funds was CNY3,010,188,000, and the net amount of raised funds after deducting issuance expenses was
 CNY2,883,896,800. Following the issuance, the company's registered capital increased to CNY423,600,000, and the total share
 capital increased to 423,600,000 shares.
        On March 23, 2021, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued the Announcement on the Listing and Trading of Yunnan Botanee
 Bio-Technology Group Co. Ltd.'s Stock on the ChiNext Board, our A-share common stock began trading on the ChiNext Board of
 the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on March 25, 2021. The stock abbreviation is “Botanee”, and the stock code is “300957”.
        As of December 31, 2023, the company had invested a cumulative amount of CNY2,160,044,100 of raised funds into
 investment projects (including CNY400 million of permanent supplementary working capital from excess raised funds and
 CNY320 million of temporary supplementary working capital from excess raised funds). The idle raised funds used for cash
 management amounted to CNY530 million, and the accumulated cash management income obtained was CNY74,769,700. The

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                            2023 Annual Report
accumulated interest income from the raised funds account, net of fees, was CNY185,322,700. As of December 31, 2023, the
balance of the raised funds account was CNY2,871,555,100 (including cash management income and interest income from the
account, net of fees).
     Note 1: Except for the portion used for cash management, the unused raised funds of the company are deposited in a raised funds
account and strictly managed, and will continue to be used for the investment projects committed by the company. As of December 31,
2023, the total amount of unused raised funds of the company was CNY11,371,555,100, including CNY530 million for cash
management, CNY320 million for temporary working capital, and a current account balance of CNY287,155,100 in the raised funds
account (including cash management income and interest income from the account, net of fees).

7.5.2 Fundraising Commitment Projects

      Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                                     Unit: CNY
  Invest                                                     Accumul     Investme
   ment                                                         ated          nt       Date                                         Whether
              Whether       Total                                                                              ated
 commit                               Adjusted    Amount      amount     progress    when the   Benefits                            there has
             the project   amount                                                                            benefits
   ment                                 total     invested   invested    as of the    project   achieved                Expected     been a
                been       of                                                                               achieved
 project                              investme     during    as of the     end of    reached     during                 benefits   significant
              changed      committe                                                                         as of the
   s and                                  nt        this       end of        the        the        this                 achieved   change in
             (including    d                                                                                  end of
 utilizati                             amount    reporting       the     reporting   planned    reporting                or not        the
               partial     investme                                                                             the
   on of                                 (1)       period    reporting     period     usable      period                            project's
              changes)     nt funds                                                                         reporting
 excess                                                        period    (3) = (2)     state                                       feasibility
  funds                                                          (2)        / (1)

 Commitment Investment Projects

 new                       438,409,   438,409,   53,112,2    432,602,                Jun. 30,
                                                                          98.68%                        0           0
 base        No                200        200         00         200                 2023                               Yes        No

                           691,217,   691,217,   290,246,    650,534,                Mar. 25,
 and                                                                      94.11%                        0           0
             No                400        400        600         300                 2024                               Yes        No

                           105,063,   105,063,   28,922,2    56,745,1                Mar. 25,
 system                                                                   54.01%                        0           0
             No                500        500         00          00                 2024                               Yes        No

                           3,000,00   3,000,00               300,162,                Mar. 25,
 y                                                       0               100.05%                        0           0
             No                   0          0                   500                 2024                               Yes        No

 l of
 commit                    1,534,69   1,534,69   372,281,    1,440,04
 ment             --                                                          --         --             0           0         --        --
                              0,100      0,100       000        4,100

 Utilization of excess funds

                                      4,000,00               400,000,
 Perman                                                                  100.00%     May 27,            0           0
             No                              0                   000                                                    N/A        No
 ent                                                                                 2021
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                             2023 Annual Report

                                       3,200,00      3,200,00     320,000,                  Aug. 28,
 mentar                                                                        100.00%                            0            0
             No                               0             0         000                   2023                                    N/A          No

 l of                                  7,200,00      3,200,00     7,200,00
 allocati         --                                                               --           --                                      --            --
                                              0             0            0
 on of
                            1,534,69   2,254,69      692,281,     2,160,04
                  --                                                               --           --                0            0        --            --
 Total                         0,100      0,100          000         4,100
 Explanation of project delays and
 failure to achieve planned
 progress and expected benefits
 (including reasons for selecting
 "not applicable" for "expected
 benefits not achieved")
 Explanation of significant
 changes in project feasibility

 Amount, purpose, and progress of
                                       Please refer to the specialized report "Special Report on the Amount, Purpose, and Progress of Utilization of Excess
 utilization of excess funds
                                       Funds of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co. Ltd. for the Year 2023" as disclosed on the CNINFO website
                                       (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) for detailed information on the amount, purpose, and progress of the raised funds.
 Changes in implementation
 locations of funded investment        N/A
 Adjustments to implementation
 methods of funded investment          N/A

 Initial investment and
                                       Please refer to the specialized report "Special Report on the Amount, Purpose, and Progress of Utilization of Excess
 replacement of funded investment
                                       Funds of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co. Ltd. for the Year 2023" as disclosed on the CNINFO website
                                       (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) for detailed information on the initial investment and replacement of funded investment
 Utilization of idle raised funds as   Please refer to the specialized report "Special Report on the Amount, Purpose, and Progress of Utilization of Excess
 temporary working capital             Funds of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co. Ltd. for the Year 2023" as disclosed on the CNINFO website
                                       (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) for detailed information on the utilization of idle raised funds as temporary working
 Amount and reasons for
 fundraising surplus during project    N/A
                                       Apart from the portion used for cash management, the unused raised funds of the company are deposited in a
                                       dedicated account for strict management and will continue to be invested in the committed fundraising projects. As of
 Purpose and allocation of unused      December 31, 2023, the total unused raised funds of the company amounted to CNY148,586.27 million, of which
 raised funds                          CNY53,000.00 million was the unused amount for cash management, and the balance of CNY28,715.51 million was
                                       the current deposit balance of the dedicated account (including cash management income and account interest income,
                                       with net of handling fees deducted).
 Issues or other circumstances in
 the use and disclosure of raised      N/A

7.5.3 Changes in Raised Funds Projects

     □ Applicable  N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
8. Significant Sale of Assets and Equity

8.1 Significant Asset Sale

     □ Applicable  N/A

8.2 Significant Equity Sale

     □ Applicable  N/A

9. Analysis of Key Holding and Equity Participating Companies

     Analysis of major subsidiaries and equity participating companies with a net profit impact of over 10% on the company:
     □ Applicable  N/A

     Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period:
      Applicable □ N/A

                               Method of acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the      Impact on overall production,
      Company name
                                                      reporting period                             operation, and performance
                             The equity relationship of Qiumei Technology (Shanghai) was
 Qiumei Technology           transferred from direct ownership by Botanee to indirect
 (Shanghai)                  ownership through the company's wholly-owned subsidiary,
                             Shanghai Botanee.
                             The equity relationship of Shanghai Jiyun Biomedical was          An internal restructuring of the
 Shanghai Jiyan              transferred from direct ownership by Botanee to indirect          company's organization, with no
 Biomedical                  ownership through the company's wholly-owned subsidiary,          impact on overall production,
                             Shanghai Jiyun Technology.                                        operation, and performance.
                             The equity relationship of Botanee (Shanghai) Supply Chain
 Botanee (Shanghai)          was transferred from direct ownership by Botanee to indirect
 Supply Chain                ownership through the company's wholly-owned subsidiary,
                             Shanghai Jiyun Technology.
 Hainan Botanee
 Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                          No significant impact on the
 ainan Botanee Private                                                                         performance during the reporting
 Equity Fund                 Liquidated                                                        period.
 Management Co., Ltd.

     Explanation of key holding and equity participating companies:
     □ Applicable  N/A

10. Structured Entities Controlled by Botanee

     □ Applicable  N/A

11. Prospects for Our Future Development

11.1 Future Development Strategy

     Following the mission to “create China's skin health ecosystem”, we are committed to continuously enhancing our product
research and development capabilities. Through new images, new products and new technological capabilities, we will continue to
build brand power, and through stronger product power, we will further consolidate the brand mentality of “use Winona for sensitive
     We adhere to long-termism and continuously develop innovative product formulas and product series based on market trends and
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                              2023 Annual Report
customer needs. At the same time, we increase the optimization of the service system and logistics system, and conduct refined
operations in all dimensions of consumer touch points. We will use the brand's insistence on evidence-based medicine and the concept
of scientific skin care to establish deeper communication with consumers in multiple dimensions, making Winona the first choice brand
for people with sensitive skin. We will continue to focus on the pain points of sensitive skin and conduct more in-depth research on the
causes. Research, develop a richer product line, meet consumers’ “sensitive skin plus needs”, and create a fully functional system
solution for 2.0 sensitive skin care.
     We will base ourselves on dermatological science, amplify the co-creation genes of medical research, focus on the brand keyword
of “dermatology”, and gradually enhance the brand influence and market position of sub-brands through the brand matrix strategy of
"focusing on the main brand and expanding sub-brands", and improve the market position of sub-brands. The formulas and functions of
various products are iteratively upgraded to provide consumers with better solutions. At the same time, we build and improve a matrix
of skin care products with different functions, continuously accumulate product reputation, and enhance user stickiness and brand
11.2 Key Business Plans for 2024
     In 2024, against the backdrop of an improved macro environment, consumer trends, and economic conditions with gradually
diminishing uncertainties, all employees of Botanee will seize the moment, persist in exploration and innovation, consider product
quality as paramount, prioritize customer satisfaction, take employee well-being as a responsibility, uphold the interests of shareholders,
and regard industry development as its mission. The company will strive to accelerate its growth and bring health and beauty to an
increasing number of people.
11.2.1 Brand Upgrading and Potential Building of the Main Brand
     In 2024, the core strategy for Winona is to strengthen the brand, consolidate recognition, and focus on breakthroughs, creating a
new era of skin health and freedom for Winona 2.0. We will focus on five major dimensions: 1) announcing a new spokesperson to
enhance the brand’s momentum; 2) deepening the brand's dermatological culture, strengthening medical targeting mechanisms, and
advancing botanical technology ingredients; 3) further focus on sensitive skin and solidify the mentality of “use Winona for sensitive
skin”; 4) create a PLUS boutique series for sensitive skin, sort out and streamline products; 5) adhering to core brand initiatives such as
the "Winona Smile Sunshine Project" and the "525 National Skincare Day", and continuously practicing sustainability.
     In 2024, Winona will further focus on sensitive skin to enhance its brand potential. The "Sensitive Skin Track" has been built and
laid by Botanee and Winona, and the company not only has the responsibility to maintain the healthy development of the track but also
responds to the secondary demands of consumers for sensitive skin. In 2024, the "Winona" brand will continue to follow the research
and development guidelines of "small incisions, in-depth research, and effective results", continuously upgrading products in various
aspects including academia, formulations, packaging, and color range, and creating a series of premium products related to sensitive
skin. The company will set clearer goals for the management boundaries, strategic integration, category planning, and objective
breakdown of internal systems to ensure the coordinated development of each department.
11.2.2 Constantly Enriching Product Categories with New Brands and Carefully Nurturing Eco-chain Brands
     In 2024, we will coordinate resources to enable new brands to achieve breakthroughs from inception and focus on investing
resources in the most promising brands to empower them to become stronger and larger.
     Winona Baby brand will continue to deepen its focus on skincare products with efficacy for infants and children, constantly
enriching its product matrix. The key focus will be on creating “Comforting and Nourishing Cream” as a flagship product, and using it
as a core to drive the growth of other product lines related to Winona Baby brand. In 2024, the key areas of focus for Winona Baby
brand include: 1) focus on infant and child eczema research and continue to develop functional skin care for infants and children; 2)
conduct industry-university-research and medical research to further strengthen the professional image of medicine; 3) accurately
penetrate the core eczema babies and infant and child sun protection groups to strengthen the brand mentality; 4) enrich products
matrix, continue to create core single products such as moisturizing cream and infant sunscreen, and intensively develop the baby
eczema product line; 5) optimize channel strategies, take root in professional institutions offline, and work together with Tmall, Douyin,
and JD.com.
     Botanee aims to deepen the brand positioning of its "AOXMED" brand in 2024 by integrating medical aesthetics and home
aesthetics. The brand will upgrade its anti-aging concept from a single-layer approach to a comprehensive anti-aging skin rejuvenation
management strategy. It will introduce a new approach called "mechanized makeup alliance" by focusing on its core product,
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   2023 Annual Report
Zhuanyan Line, and creating a "postoperative medical care solution for 0-28 days after phototherapy". Botanee will collaborate closely
with industry professionals to explore the value operation of the post-medical aesthetics market. The brand "Meiyan Line" will
specifically target the semi-medical aesthetic group pursuing medical aesthetic effects and the non-medical aesthetic consumer group
seeking quality anti-aging solutions. It aims to enhance its product line and positioning, capture the target audience's attention, and
increase its market share in high-end skincare channels. In 2024, AOXMED will focus on: 1) deepen the brand positioning of
“connecting medical beauty and home beauty”; 2) Zhuanyan series product line deeply develops core single products, and do a good
job in value operation of the medical and art after-sales market; 3) Meiyan series product line focuses deeply on anti-aging, improves
the product line, and accelerates the market share of high-end skin care channels.; 4) continue to expand the scale and breadth of
cooperation with offline professional institutions starting from four aspects. By establishing a multi-scenario presence both online and
offline, bridging medical aesthetics and home aesthetics, Botanee aims to create synergistic effects between channels, integrate market
resources, and promote its brand and value proposition across all channels, striving for high-speed growth.
     Beforteen is an innovative brand that encompasses artificial intelligence, medical care, effective skincare, and internal beauty
products, with a focus on addressing acne problems. In 2024, we will enhance its brand awareness through four key strategies: 1)
establishing an AI diagnostic system across all channels to optimize user experience; 2) expanding new product layout, focusing on
acne and acne-prone skin problems; 3) promoting the brand primarily on Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) as the main platform for
brand influence; 4) Expanding channel distribution, with WeChat Mini Program as the main online channel and setting price standards
on Tmall. Exploring benchmark hospitals and comprehensive OTC channel coverage to establish a solid foundation for future
development in 2025.
     Simultaneously, in 2024, the company will carefully incubate new brands within the skincare health ecosystem, continuously
improving its strategic landscape through minority equity investments, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures (JVs), licensing
agreements, and internal incubation.
11.2.3 Streamlining and Optimizing Product Lines, Implementing Comprehensive Pricing Control
     In 2024, the company will strictly maintain market order and pricing systems for each brand. Price stability is crucial for the
"Winona" brand's sales and product scale. In 2024, the company aims to shift from price competition to value competition and reduce
reliance on major promotions. The company will strengthen its channel and product strategies with forward-looking perspectives to
ensure the efficiency of product output and the rational layout of channel product lines. Additionally, the company will establish
market order and pricing management systems for each brand to facilitate clear and precise price control objectives.
     In fiscal year 2024, the company will continuously review and streamline existing brand product lines. New product development
will be aligned with consumer demands and channel characteristics, emphasizing strict evaluation and control. The company aims to
attract and complement various customer segments by leveraging the main efficacy lines of different brands.
11.2.4 Continuously Enriching Offline Channels and Exploring Emerging Markets
     In fiscal year 2024, the company will continue to focus on expanding offline channels, including OTC pharmacy chains, clinics,
and offline KAs and duty-free shops. It will steadily explore the direct-operated store model, expand the scale of various channels,
enhance brand and product exposure, and reach end consumers through multi-dimensional and deep-level approaches. As urbanization
continues to deepen in China and first- and second-tier cities approach saturation, the company aims to seize opportunities in emerging
markets in fiscal year 2024 to gain a larger market share and higher profit margins. The consumption concepts and behaviors of
consumers in these emerging markets are changing and upgrading, providing significant opportunities for the company. In fiscal year
2024, the company will selectively enter the CS channel to reach more consumers and enhance customer loyalty through improved
offline shopping experiences and services.
11.2.5 Expansion of Overseas Business and Embarking on Internationalization
     The company established its Southeast Asian headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2023 to enter overseas markets. In fiscal year
2024, the company plans to build localized operating teams and truly promote brand globalization. For the Thai market, the company
plans to establish offline channels including KA beauty store chains and local well-known medical aesthetic clinics. Simultaneously,
the company will also expand its presence on mainstream local e-commerce platforms. Marketing channels will cover popular social
media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok. The company will create localized marketing content
and collaborate with local influential figures (KOLs) to facilitate content dissemination.
11.2.6 Continued Investment in R&D to Enhance Innovation
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                           2023 Annual Report
    In 2024, the company will continue to focus on key areas of research in dermatology, functional cosmetics, and Yunnan's
specialty plants. This includes conducting fundamental research, platform construction, and key technology development. The
company will increase its investment in basic research in the fields of dermatology, specialty plants, formulation preparations, and
electroencephalography. It will also continue to promote the construction of innovative platforms, aiming to upgrade and transform the
Yunnan specialty plant extraction laboratory Phase 2 project to an internationally top-level laboratory. Additionally, the company will
establish international research and development centers in Japan and Switzerland, targeting cutting-edge technologies and
collaborating to tackle core key technologies. These efforts will lay a solid foundation for the company's future innovative product
development and global expansion. In 2024, the company aims to achieve key technological breakthroughs in the development of
critical technologies used in raw materials and products. This includes: developing 15 new plant raw materials (including 4 monomers),
applying for 10 new cosmetic raw materials (including 2 monomers), conducting research and development on 20 cosmetic raw
materials listed in catalogs, developing 8 food raw materials, and striving for industrial transformation. The expected breakthroughs in
core key technologies will empower the company in the development of functional cosmetics such as soothing, spot lightening, barrier
repair, firming, and sun protection, as well as functional foods for soothing, spot lightening, and firming. In 2024, the company will
continue to explore the application of Yunnan's specialty plants in the pharmaceutical industry, Class II/III medical devices, and other
health products. It aims to develop a new batch of high-value health products with strong technological barriers and achieve
11.2.7 Comprehensive Digital Transformation and Embracing New AI Technologies
     In 2024, the company will fully embrace information technology and build a fully digital enterprise. During the reporting period,
the company has initiated a series of digital system projects, such as the "Digital Collaborative Platform for Production, Supply, and
Sales". These systems will effectively improve the accuracy of marketing plans, reduce inventory and expired products, and enhance
the operational efficiency of the supply chain to meet the ever-changing market demands. The ongoing development of the data-driven
"Intelligent Marketing Platform" based on big data will empower and serve the business needs of various brand fronts, further
enhancing the company's capabilities in member lifecycle operations. In 2024, the company will continue to embrace new AI
technologies and explore different areas such as AI live streaming, AI-generated content, AI customer service, and AI advertising
delivery. These initiatives will not only reduce operational costs but also enhance the company's operational efficiency and
technological capabilities.
     In 2024, the company will deploy an Alibaba Cloud-based "Data Center (including sales, supply chain operations, finance, and
member center)" to provide a data-driven decision-making platform for the business. Through the integration of the "Digital
Collaborative Platform for Production, Supply, and Sales", the company will manage end-to-end data from product development,
supply chain, sales, and marketing, as well as the full lifecycle of members and products. By fully leveraging internal resources and
integrating the company's front, middle, and back-office departments, the company aims to achieve unified management and maximize
the advantages of its products, ultimately enhancing the consumer experience.
11.2.8 Deepening Organizational Transformation and Opening Up Employee Promotion Channels
     Employees are the company's most valuable asset, and only by truly caring about their well-being can a company become great. In
2024, the company will firmly carry out organizational transformation by empowering front-end business units through a robust middle
and back-office system. The decision-making authority will be fully delegated to the front-end business units to inspire frontline
employees' enthusiasm and innovative vitality. More frontline managers will be involved in decision-making and execution of major
projects, fully tapping into the team's wisdom and strength, and enhancing the company's responsiveness to customers and the market.
In the process of organizational transformation, the company will further emphasize core values in 2024, enabling its employees to
maintain resilience and determination in a challenging market. The company will fully implement a job-ranking management system
and open up employee career advancement channels. It will maintain a highly competitive compensation and incentive system in the
industry to instill pride in internal employees and attract external talents. The company's goal is not only to retain employees through
favorable treatment but also to retain them through a sense of purpose and career development.
11.2.9 Enhancing Compliance System to Safeguard the Company’s Development
     The company has always adhered to relevant regulations and operated in compliance with the law. We are committed to following
high standards of business conduct, firmly opposing corruption, bribery, unfair competition, money laundering, and other illegal
activities. We actively encourage employees, suppliers, and customers to uphold these principles, contributing to the creation of a
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                      2023 Annual Report
better business environment. The company has established a comprehensive internal management system to ensure business
compliance and risk control and undergoes regular internal and external audits.
     In 2024, the company will continue to deepen the work on compliance modules and enhance the construction of the compliance
system. We will combine practicality with the flexible application of guidelines such as the OECD "Internal Control, Ethics, and
Compliance: A Guide for Multinational Enterprises" and the "Principles of Corporate Governance" issued by the Ministry of Finance
and other six ministries. We will organize and construct the company's basic compliance management system, including internal
environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and internal supervision. The objective of internal
control is to ensure the lawful and compliant operation and management of the company, safeguard asset security, ensure the
authenticity and integrity of financial reports and related information, improve operational efficiency and effectiveness, and promote
the realization of the company's development strategies. We will conduct compliance management in areas such as basic operational
compliance, securities law, anti-unfair competition law, anti-monopoly law, advertising law, and compliance management relating to
the cosmetics and medical device regulations in the company's industry. Starting from compliance with securities laws and information
disclosure for listed companies, we will gradually extend it to comprehensive compliance management for the entire company. In
accordance with national policies and guidelines such as the "Program for Pilot Work on Corporate Compliance Reform" issued by the
Supreme People's Procuratorate, we will establish a pre-compliance system for risk identification, mechanism construction, compliance
training, and publicity, fostering a strong corporate compliance culture. This will ensure the achievement of the compliance objectives
set by the company, maintain the ability for continuous improvement in the future, and monitor the development trends of non-
compliant events.
11.2.10 Firmly Embracing ESG to Reshape Corporate Value
     The company has always integrated social responsibility into its corporate strategy, committed to promoting ethical business
practices, giving back to society, and achieving sustainable development. In 2024, the company will continue to promote the high-
quality development of the New Era Hope Project, collaborate with charitable organizations, participate in community development,
actively contribute funds and resources, and expand the scope of beneficiaries and forms of philanthropic activities. We will
extensively engage in comprehensive public welfare initiatives such as education assistance and support, nurturing and educating
students. By staying true to our principles and embracing innovation, we will seize opportunities, fulfill our duties, and continuously
strive for greater achievements. Looking ahead, the company will continue to promote community investment and philanthropic work,
strengthen collaboration with charitable organizations, expand the scale and impact of public welfare projects, increase public
participation, and contribute to building a better society.
     As pioneers in the industry, in 2024, the company will aim to establish a new paradigm for skin health and embark on a new era of
skin wellness, bringing health and beauty to an increasing number of people. We will firmly reshape corporate value through tangible
actions in ESG, focusing on both internal and external improvements, strengthening our foundation, continuously enhancing
competitiveness, and contributing to the high-quality and sustainable development of the economy and society. The company aspires to
be a trailblazer and leader, transcending growth cycles' boundaries, and continuously creating sustainable value for consumers, the
industry, society, and the nation.
11.3 Potential Risks
11.3.1 Risk of Intensified Industry Competition
     In recent years, the sales proportion achieved by cosmetics companies through online channels has been increasing. International
renowned cosmetic brands have also started to pay attention to online channel development and have gradually increased their
marketing efforts in this area. Compared to local cosmetic brands, international renowned brands have an advantage in the market
competition due to their strong brand positioning and financial strength. The continuous marketing investments made by international
cosmetic brands in online channels may squeeze the market share of local cosmetic brands in the online space. Online sales channels
will remain the most important revenue-generating channel for the company in 2024. If the company fails to timely respond to the
aforementioned changes, it may have an adverse impact on the company's sales revenue growth and even lead to a decline in sales
revenue, which could negatively affect the overall business performance of the company.
11.3.2 Risk of Relatively Concentrated Sales Platforms
     In recent years, the company has closely followed the trend of e-commerce development and rapidly expanded its online sales
channels. It has established deep collaborations with well-known e-commerce platforms such as Tmall, Douyin, Vipshop, JD.com, and
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                2023 Annual Report
Kuaishou. The company has also utilized the WeChat platform to establish an OMO channel online store for product sales. During the
reporting period, the sales revenue generated through the five major platforms, including Tmall (including Tmall Supermarket), Douyin,
Winona Counter Service Platform (WeChat platform), JD.com, and Kuaishou, has gradually increased as a proportion of the company's
main business revenue. These platforms have a significant impact on the company. If there are changes in the cooperative relationships
with these platforms, a decline in platform traffic, or adjustments to platform sales policies and fee standards, it may have an adverse
impact on the company's business operations on these platforms. Additionally, if the company fails to timely expand into other
competitive platforms, the aforementioned situations may negatively affect the company's overall business performance.
11.3.3 Risk of Seasonal Sales Fluctuations
     The company relies heavily on e-commerce channels for sales, and it is significantly influenced by major promotional events such
as "618" and "Double 11". The company's sales revenue may experience explosive growth during these large-scale promotional periods,
leading to a relatively higher proportion of sales revenue in the second and fourth quarters. As a result, the company's sales revenue and
profit exhibit seasonal fluctuations, posing a certain level of risk to its business performance.
11.3.4 Risk of Product Quality Control
     Our products primarily target sensitive skin care and are more suitable for individuals with sensitive skin. The positioning of the
target market determines that the company has higher quality requirements for its products compared to other cosmetics. However, if
the company fails to effectively control the quality during procurement and production processes, resulting in consumer complaints of
allergies or other adverse reactions to the company's products, it may face the risk of administrative penalties from regulatory
authorities. Moreover, if a large quantity of products exhibits similar quality issues and the company fails to handle them promptly and
properly, it may negatively affect the trust and loyalty of customers towards the company's brands, thereby impacting the overall
business performance of the company.

12. Summary of Exchanges and Inspection Visits during the Reporting Period

Applicable Not Applicable
                                                                                                         Main Topics
                                                                                                                                Basic Research Information
     Date           Venue             Mode         Type of Participant         Participant               Discussed and
                                                                                                     Information Provided
                                                                         626 institutions and
                                                                         individuals, including
                                                                         YinHua           Fund,
                                                                                                     Company's summary          Disclosure of "Botanee:
                                                                         Goldman Sachs, CICC,
                Online      live   Online                                                            and review of 2022,        Investor Relations Activity
   Mar. 30,                                                              J.P. Morgan, CITIC
                streaming      +   exchange on a    Organization                                     details can be found in    Record on March 30, 2023"
    2023                                                                 Securities,     Guotai
                teleconference     web platform                                                      the Investor Relations     on the CNINFO website
                                                                         Junan        Securities,
                                                                                                     Activity Record.           (Table Number: 2023-001).
                                                                         Changjiang Securities,
                                                                         TF Securities, and GF
                                                                                                     Company's         2022
                                                                         Investors participating                                Disclosure of "Botanee:
                                                                                                     annual performance
                                   Online                                in the 2022 annual                                     Investor Relations Activity
   Apr. 10,     Online      live                                                                     conference, details can
                                   exchange on a    Organization         performance online                                     Record on April 10, 2023"
    2023        streaming                                                                            be found in the
                                   web platform                          conference through                                     on the CNINFO website
                                                                                                     Investor     Relations
                                                                         http://ir.p5w.net.                                     (Table Number: 2023-002).
                                                                                                     Activity Record.
                                                                         415 institutions and
                                                                         individuals, including
                                                                         CICC, TF Securities,
                                                                                                     Company's Q1 2023
                                                                         Changjiang                                             Disclosure of "Botanee:
                                                                                                     performance release
                Online      live   Online                                Securities, Everbright                                 Investor Relations Activity
   Apr. 27,                                                                                          conference, details can
                streaming      +   exchange on a    Organization         Securities,       Guotai                               Record on April 27, 2023"
    2023                                                                                             be found in the
                teleconference     web platform                          Junan        Securities,                               on the CNINFO website
                                                                                                     Investor     Relations
                                                                         Huatai       Securities,                               (Table Number: 2023-003).
                                                                                                     Activity Record.
                                                                         Jingshun Great Wall
                                                                         Fund, and Southern
                                                                         Investors participating     Company's business
                                                                                                                                Disclosure of "Botanee:
                                                                         in the 2023 collective      situation and 2023
                                   Online                                                                                       Investor Relations Activity
   May 11,                                                               reception day for           outlook, details can be
                Teleconference     exchange on a    Organization                                                                Record on May 11, 2023"
    2023                                                                 listed companies in         found in the Investor
                                   web platform                                                                                 on the CNINFO website
                                                                         Yunnan          through     Relations      Activity
                                                                                                                                (Table Number: 2023-004).
                                                                         http://ir.p5w.net.          Record.
                No.       1517                                           20          institutions,   Company's Q2 2023          Disclosure of "Botanee:
   May 18,      Majinpu Road,      On-site                               including Industrial        performance outlook        Investor Relations Activity
    2023        Chenggong          exchange                              Securities,        China    and      new      brand    Record on May 18, 2023"
                District,                                                Bank Fund, Tianhong         development        plan,   on the CNINFO website
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                2023 Annual Report
                Kunming City                                      Fund, Guotai Fund,        details can be found in   (Table Number: 2023-005).
                                                                  Pengyang         Fund,    the Investor Relations
                                                                  Taiping Assets, and       Activity Record.
                                                                  Lion Fund.
                                                                  Institutions such as
                                                                                            Company's       major
                                                                  Goldman         Sachs,
                                                                                            research          and
                                                                  Eastspring        Invs
                Block B, North                                                              development     plans,
                                                                  (Singapore)       Ltd,                              Disclosure of "Botanee:
                Area, E-World,                                                              product layout, and
                                                                  Foresight        Fund                               Investor Relations Activity
                No. 999 Huaxu      On-site                                                  new           product
 Jun. 7, 2023                                      Organization   Management        Co.,                              Record on June 7, 2023" on
                Highway,           exchange                                                 development plan for
                                                                  Ltd,       Greenwoods                               the    CNINFO      website
                Qingpu District,                                                            2023, details can be
                                                                  Asset     Management                                (Table Number: 2023-006).
                Shanghai                                                                    found in the Investor
                                                                  HK        Ltd,     and
                                                                                            Relations     Activity
                                                                  Hillhouse      Capital
                                                                  Management Ltd.
                                                                                            Company's Q3 2023
                Building    2,
                                                                                            performance outlook,      Disclosure of "Botanee:
                Lingkong                                          Institutions such as
                                                                                            strategic partnerships,   Investor Relations Activity
                SOHO, No. 968                                     Morgan         Stanley,
   Sept. 5,                        On-site                                                  and future growth         Record on September 5,
                Jinzhong Road,                     Organization   Stillpoint, Blue Creek
    2023                           exchange                                                 plans, details can be     2023" on the CNINFO
                Changning                                         Capital Management,
                                                                                            found in the Investor     website (Table Number:
                District,                                         etc.
                                                                                            Relations      Activity   2023-007).
                                                                  Investors          who
                                                                                                                      Disclosure of "Botanee:
                                                                  participated in the
                                                                                            Companys 2023 Q3          Investor Relations Activity
                                   Online                         online briefing of the
   Sept. 25,    Online      live                                                            performance briefing      Record on September 5,
                                   exchange on a   Organization   company's 2023 third-
    2023        streaming                                                                   on Relations Activity     2023" on the CNINFO
                                   web platform                   quarter performance
                                                                                            Record.                   website (Table Number:

13. Implementation of Our “Quality and Return Dual Enhancement” Action Plan

     Did Botanee disclose its “Quality and Return Dual Enhancement” action plan?

      Yes □No
     On July 24, 2023, the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee proposed to invigorate the capital market and
boost investor confidence. On January 22, 2024, the Executive Meeting of the State Council pointed out the need to greatly enhance the
quality and investment value of listed companies and take more effective measures to stabilize the market and boost confidence. As a
leading company in the cosmetics industry, Botanee has always attached importance to investor interests and strives to improve the
quality of business operations, investment value, and sustainable development level, actively maintaining market stability. Based on
confidence in our future prospects and recognition of our value, we have formulated our “Quality and Return Dual Enhancement”
action plan, with the following specific measures:
13.1 Focus on the core business and comprehensively build a skin health internet+ greater health industry group
     The company positions itself as a major greater health industry group in the skin health internet+ sector. Over the years, it has
been deeply involved in the functional cosmetics segment, committed to creating China's skin health ecosystem and promoting the
development of China's skincare and greater health industry.
     In terms of brand positioning, Botanee has a clear multi-brand matrix with "Winona" as the core brand and multiple brands
developing together. It includes the sensitive skin-focused "Winona", the infant and baby skincare brand "Winona Baby", the high-
efficiency professional anti-aging skincare brand "AOXMED", the professional acne treatment brand "Beforteen", the mass-market
beauty brand "Za", and the mass skincare brand focusing on plant-based skincare "PURE&MILD". According to Euromonitor's
statistics, the "Winona" brand has consistently ranked first in the domestic dermatological skincare market for several years. In 2022,
the leading advantage of the "Winona" brand continued to expand, with a significant increase in market share in the domestic
dermatological skincare market compared to the same period last year, reaching approximately 23.2%, demonstrating a strong market
     In terms of channel strategy, the company has established a foundation through offline pharmaceutical channels and achieved full
online coverage. By leveraging new technologies such as the internet and artificial intelligence, it has built an omnichannel system for
new retail, successfully achieving cross-sector marketing and penetrating both offline and online channels, effectively covering a wide
range of consumer groups. It has become a leading enterprise in China's internet+ greater health industry.
13.2 Uphold technological innovation to continuously strengthen the driving force for company development.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
    Botanee was selected as a national high-tech enterprise in 2015. With a mission to create a skin health ecosystem in China, it has
established research and development centers in Shanghai and Kunming. Based on in-depth understanding of consumer needs and skin
science theory, the company focuses on independent research and development, combining industry, academia, and research to cover
various research disciplines, including basic research, product and raw material evaluation and selection, consumer research, process
technology research, packaging development, formula R&D, and integrated innovation. Currently, the company has research platforms
such as the Yunnan Specialty Plant Extraction Laboratory, the National Ministry of Education Innovation Team, the Ministry of
Education Collaborative Innovation Center, the Yunnan Enterprise Technology Center, the Yunnan Engineering Research Center, the
Yunnan Industrial Design Center, the Yunnan Engineering Technology Research Center, the Yunnan Collaborative Innovation Center,
and the Yunnan Postdoctoral Research Workstation. Leveraging the resources and advantages of these research platforms, the company
closely integrates the cutting-edge strengths of botany, biology, dermatology, and other fields, integrates global scientific research
resources, and continuously provides professional cosmetics that meet the diverse needs of consumers with different skin
characteristics. To date, the company has been honored with titles such as National Green Supply Chain Management Demonstration
Enterprise, National Industrial Design Center, and National Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise.
13.3 Focus on Shareholder Returns and Sharing the Achievements of Company Development
     Botanee places great emphasis on shareholder returns and is committed to maintaining long-term and stable levels of shareholder
returns while ensuring sustainable and high-quality development. This is done to enhance investor recognition and satisfaction.
     The company strictly adheres to the shareholder dividend distribution plan and profit allocation policy. Since its listing three years
ago, the company has consistently carried out cash dividends. As of the end of 2023, the company has cumulatively distributed cash
dividends totaling CNY783.66 million. In the future, the company will continue to dynamically balance the development of the
company, performance growth, and shareholder returns according to its development stage. By considering the company's operating
conditions and business development goals, it will reasonably formulate profit distribution policies, actively engage in cash dividends,
and effectively allow investors to share in the company's growth and development achievements. This will continuously strengthen the
recognition and satisfaction of a wide range of investors.
13.4 Active Share Repurchases to Maintain Market Stability
     In the face of significant market fluctuations, based on confidence in the company's future development prospects and a high level
of recognition for its value, Mr. GUO ZHENYU, Chairman and General Manager of the company, proposed on August 23, 2023, that
the company repurchase its own shares through centralized competitive trading.
     On August 30, 2023, and October 27, 2023, the company held the 10th and 12th meetings of the second session of the board of
directors, respectively. During these meetings, the resolutions on the "Proposal on Share Repurchase Plan" and the "Proposal on
Adjusting the Share Repurchase Plan" were deliberated and approved. Ultimately, it was agreed that the company would use its own
funds to repurchase its shares through centralized competitive trading. The total amount of funds for the repurchase plan would not be
less than CNY200 million (inclusive) and not exceed CNY300 million (inclusive).
     After the share repurchase plan was disclosed, the company actively proceeded with the share repurchase program. As of March 5,
2024, the company has cumulatively repurchased 2,994,618 shares through centralized competitive trading, accounting for 0.7069% of
the company's total share capital. The total amount paid was CNY200,212,194.96 (excluding transaction costs). This initiative aims to
effectively stabilize market operations and boost investor confidence.
13.5 Standardize Operations and Enhance Corporate Governance
     Botanee continuously improves its corporate governance system, strictly following the relevant provisions of the Company Law,
Securities Law, administrative regulations, departmental rules, China Securities Regulatory Commission, and Shenzhen Stock
Exchange. It formulates and continuously improves governance documents such as the Articles of Association, Shareholders' Meeting
Rules, Board Meeting Rules, and Supervisory Board Meeting Rules. This is done to enhance the level of standardized operations,
strengthen internal control construction and risk prevention capabilities, and promote the fulfillment of duties by the "three meetings
and one layer". The company regulates the rights and obligations of the company and shareholders to prevent abuse of rights and
dominant positions that may harm small and medium-sized investors' legitimate rights and interests. It effectively protects the
legitimate rights and interests of small and medium-sized investors.
13.6 Enhance the Quality of Information Disclosure and Effectively Convey Corporate Value
     The company strictly complies with the rules of listing supervision and fulfills its obligations of information disclosure. It adheres
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
to the principles of "truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and fairness" and continuously improves the effectiveness and
transparency of information disclosure. It proactively discloses information that is useful for investors' investment decisions,
strengthens the disclosure of key information such as industry development, company business, technological innovation, and risk
factors, and strives to effectively convey important information about the company's operations, management, strategy, finance, and
industry. Redundant information disclosure is minimized, and the company's intrinsic value is accurately conveyed to provide a basis
for investors' decision-making. In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, the company obtained an "A-level" rating for information disclosure from
the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The company will continue to enhance the quality of information disclosure, increase investors'
understanding of the company's production and operations, and better convey the company's value.
     In the future, the company will continue to strengthen its focus on the core business, enhance its innovative development
capabilities, improve the quality of information disclosure, and strengthen the level of standardized operations. It will implement the
investor-oriented concept, firmly establish a shareholder return consciousness, fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of a listed
company, and continue to practice the "Quality and Return Dual Enhancement" action plan. It will effectively enhance investors'
satisfaction, actively contribute to market stability and investor confidence, and play an active role.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report
                                      Section IV Corporate Governance

1. Overview of Our Corporate Governance
1.1 General Meeting of Shareholders
     As the highest authority of Botanee and composed of all shareholders, the General Meeting of Shareholders decides on the
Company’s business policies, investment plans, and major matters, and legally performs its rights and obligations under the Company
Law and our Articles of Association. We released the revised version of the Rules of Procedure for the General Meeting of
Shareholders in March 2022, which includes improvements in the operating mechanism for the General Meeting of Shareholders.
     Since the establishment of Botanee as a joint-stock company, the General Meeting of Shareholders has maintained regulated
operations in accordance with the provisions of the Company Law, our Articles of Association, and the Rules of Procedure for the
General Meeting of Shareholders. Previous sessions of the General Meeting of Shareholders complied with applicable laws and
regulations as well as our Articles of Association on convening process, attendance rate, rule of procedures, voting method, content of
resolution, etc. All of them were legal and valid in terms of convening process and the content of resolution, without any violations of
the Company Law and other regulations by the Board of Directors or senior management officers in performing their functions and

1.2 Board of Directors

     As the operational decision-making body of the Company, the Board of Directors operates and manages corporate property, and
reports to the General Meeting of Shareholders. We released the revised version of Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors in
March 2022, which includes improvements in the operating mechanism for the Board of Directors.

     The Board of Directors consists of 9 directors (including 3 independent directors), who are elected or replaced through the
General Meeting of Shareholders. The Board of Directors shall have 1 Chairman, elected by more than half of total directors. The
directors shall have a three-year term of office, and can be reelected and reappointed for consecutive terms upon expiration of current
term of office.

     Previous meetings of the Board of Directors complied with applicable laws and regulations as well as our Articles of Association
in terms of convening process, attendance rate, rule of procedures, voting method, content of resolution, etc. All of them were legal
and valid in terms of convening process and the content of resolution, without any violations of the Company Law and other
regulations by senior management officers in performing their functions and powers.

1.3 Board of Supervisors
     The Board of Supervisors is the body for supervising and inspecting the Company’s business activities, which reports to the
General Meeting of Shareholders. We introduced the revised version of the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Supervisors in March
2022, which improves the operating mechanism for the Board of Supervisors.

     The Board of Supervisors shall be composed of 3 supervisors, including 1 employee representative. The non-employee
representative supervisors are elected through the General Meeting of Shareholders, and employee representative is democratically
elected by employees through the Workers’ Representative Congress. The Board of Supervisors shall have 1 Chairman, elected by
more than half of all total supervisors.

     During the reporting period, the Board of Supervisors held several meetings. All previous meetings convened by it complied with
applicable laws and regulations and our Articles of Association regarding convening process, attendance rate, rule of procedures,
voting method, content of resolution, etc. The meetings were legal and valid in terms of convening process and the content of
resolution, without any violations of the Company Law and other regulations by the Board of Directors or senior management officers
in performing their functions and powers.

1.4 Independent Directors
     We introduced the revised version of the Working System for Independent Directors in March 2022, which improves the
operating mechanism for independent directors.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                 2023 Annual Report
    Since taking office, the independent directors have earnestly performed their functions and powers, improved the soundness of
decision making by the Board of Directors, and safeguarded the rights and interests of small and medium investors in accordance with
the Company Law and other laws, regulations and rules, our Articles of Association and Working System for Independent Directors.
Acting with expertise, diligence, care, and ethics, the independent directors have played a good role in helping the Board of Directors
formulate development strategies and investment plans, and making manufacturing and operational decisions, having effectively
ensured the soundness and reasonableness of our business decisions.

     During the reporting period, the independent directors performed their functions and powers in accordance with relevant rules and
regulations, and safeguarded the Company’s overall interests without being influenced by our controlling shareholders, actual
controllers and other organizations or individuals with an interest in the Company. They conscientiously reviewed materials before
meetings of the Board of Directors, attentively listened to director opinions, deliberated proposals, voted by their true intentions, and
signed meeting minutes after meticulously checking them.

1.5 Board Secretary
     As a senior management officer of Botanee, the Board Secretary reports to the Company and the Board of Directors, and
exercises rights and perform obligations under the Company Law and our Articles of Association. The revision of our Working System
for the Secretary of the Board of Directors was released in July 2021, which improves the operating mechanism for the Board

     Since being appointed, the Board Secretary has diligently and conscientiously prepared for the General Meeting of Shareholders
and meetings of the Board of Directors, attended the General Meeting of Shareholders as well as meetings of the Board of Directors,
the Board of Supervisors, and senior management officers, and produced meeting minutes in accordance with laws, regulations and
our Articles of Association. The Board Secretary also deals with information disclosure, investor relations management, training on
securities laws and regulations, listing rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, relevant regulations, and other matters for directors,
supervisors and senior management officers, playing a great role in improving our governance structure and coordinating with various

     Whether there was any significant differences between our actual corporate governance and laws, administrative regulations, and
the rules of CSRC governing the governance of listed companies or not:

     □ Yes No

2. Independence of Our Assets, Personnel, Finance, Organizations and Businesses Separate
from the Controlling Shareholder and the Actual Controller
     We operate in strict accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law and other applicable laws and regulations as well as
our Articles of Association, and continually improve our corporate governance structure based on actual situation. The Company is
independent of our controlling shareholder, actual controller and other enterprises controlled by them in terms of assets, personnel,
finance, organizational structure, and business, and is able to maintain independent and sustainable market-oriented operations.

2.1 Asset Integrity
     We own key manufacturing systems, auxiliary manufacturing systems, and supporting facilities related to manufacturing and
operations, legally enjoy the ownership or right of use of main land, factories, machinery and equipment, trademarks, patents, and non-
patented technologies related to our manufacturing and operations, and have independent raw materials procurement and product sales
systems. The property rights of assets between the Company and our shareholders are clearly defined, and our manufacturing and
operational locations are independent, without reliance on our shareholders.

2.2 Personnel Independence
     Our General Manager, Deputy General Managers, Chief Financial Officer, Board Secretary, and other senior management
officers do not hold other positions except for director or supervisor in other enterprises of our controlling shareholder and actual

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        2023 Annual Report
controller as well as other enterprises controlled by our controlling shareholder and actual controller, and do not receive remuneration
from such enterprises. Besides, our financial personnel do not work part-time in such enterprises.

2.3 Financial Independence
     We run an independent finance department with independent full-time financial personnel, and have established an independent
financial accounting system in accordance with the requirements of the Accounting Law of the People’s Republic of China and other
relevant laws and regulations, so that we can make financial decisions independently. We execute a regulated financial accounting
system, and implement our financial management system for subsidiaries and branches at all levels. The Company and its subsidiaries
at all levels have independent accounts in the bank, with no sharing of bank account with other enterprises of our controlling
shareholder and actual controller as well as other enterprises controlled by them.

2.4 Institutional Independence
     We have our own operation and management bodies which are constantly optimized, and independently exercise our operation
and management functions and powers. Our management bodies include the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors,
the Board of Supervisors, General Manager, etc., which exercise their operation and management functions and powers according to
law. There is no confusion among the Company and other enterprises of our controlling shareholder and actual controller as well as
other enterprises controlled by them.

2.5 Business Independence
     We mainly engage in the R&D, manufacturing, and sales of cosmetics. Our business is independent of other enterprises of our
controlling shareholder and actual controller as well as other enterprises controlled by them. There is no horizontal competition
between the Company and such enterprises, or connected transactions that seriously affect our independence or are unfair.

2.6 Stable Main Business, Control Power, and Management Team

     Our main business, control power, and management team are stable, with no significant adverse changes over the past three
years. The ownership of the Company’s shares held by our controlling shareholder, shareholder controlled by the actual controller,
and the actual controller is clear. Our actual controller has not changed over the past three years, and there was no major ownership
disputes that may lead to a change of control over the Company.

3. Horizontal Competition
     □ Applicable  N/A

4. Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders Convened during the
Reporting Period
4.1 General Meetings of Shareholders Convened During the Reporting Period

     Session             Type           participation   Convened on     Disclosed on                     Resolution
                                                                                     Participants voted on 22 proposals offline or
                                                                                     online. For details, please refer to the
   2021 General     Annual general                                                   Announcement on Resolutions of 2021
    Meetings of       meeting of          74.86%        May 17, 2023    May 17, 2023 General Meeting of Shareholders of Yunnan
   Shareholders      shareholders                                                    Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     disclosed            by            CNINFO
                                                                                     (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) .

4.2 Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders Convened at the Request of Preference Shareholders
Whose Voting Right Have Been Resumed
     □ Applicable  N/A
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                2023 Annual Report

5. Differences in Voting Rights
     □ Applicable  N/A

6. Red Chip Structure-based Corporate Governance
     □ Applicable  N/A

7. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Officers
7.1 General Information
                                                                                 Number Number       Number
                                                                                of shares    of         of                 Number      Reasons
                                                                                 held at increase                 Other
                                                           Term                                      decrease             of shares     for the
                                             Incumbent/               Term         the                            share
 Name       Gender   Age      Position                     began                          d shares   d shares             at the end     share
                                               former                end on     beginnin                        increase/
                                                           from                              in         in                  of the     increase/
                                                                                 g of the                       decrease
                                                                                reporting current     current               period
                                                                                  period   period     period

                            Chairman &
  Guo                                                     Mar. 6,    May 8,
             Male    60       General        Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
 Zhenyu                                                    2019       2025
                                                          Mar. 6,    May 8,
Zhou Kui     Male    55       Director       Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
                                                           2019       2025
                             Director &
  Gao                                                     Mar. 6,    May 8,
             Male    47    Deputy General    Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
Shaoyang                                                   2019       2025
                             Director &
                                                          Mar. 6,    May 8,
Ma Xiao      Male    41    Deputy General    Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
                                                           2019       2025
                                                          Mar. 6,    May 8,
Zhou Wei Female      66       Director       Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
                                                           2019       2025
 Zhang                                                    May 17,    May 8,
            Female   44       Director       Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
  Mei                                                      2023       2025
 Zhang                     Deputy General                 Feb. 28,   May 8,
            Female   44                      Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
  Mei                         Manager                      2023       2025
                            Independent                   Mar. 6,    May 8,
Li Ning      Male    61                      Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
                              Director                     2019       2025
                            Independent                   Mar. 6,    May 8,
Wang Ao      Male    53                      Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
                              Director                     2019       2025
                            Independent                   Aug. 9,    May 8,
Li Zhiwei    Male    46                      Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
                              Director                     2021       2025
                                                          Mar. 6,    May 8,
Yu Shiru     Male    52      Supervisor      Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
                                                           2019       2025
                                                          Mar. 6,    May 8,
 Li Lei      Male    44      Supervisor      Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
                                                           2019       2025
  Yang                       Employee                     Marc. 6,   May 8,
             Male    48                      Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
 Zurong                      Supervisor                    2019       2025
 Wang                                                     Mar. 6,    May 8,
             Male    41      Director &      Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
  Long                                                     2019       2025
                           Board Secretary
 Wang                      Deputy General                 Feb. 28,   May 8,
             Male    41                      Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
  Long                        Manager                      2023       2025
 Wang                      Deputy General                 Feb. 28,   May 8,
             Male    39                      Incumbent                                                                                   N/A
 Feifei                       Manager                      2023       2025
                             Director &
 Dong                                                     Mar. 6,    Feb. 28,
             Male    42    Deputy General    Former                                                                                      N/A
  Junzi                                                    2019       2023
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report
 Total      --      --          --               --           --        --                                                       --

     Whether there was any departure of directors and supervisors and dismissal of senior management officers during the term of
office during the reporting period or not:

     □Yes No

     On February 28, 2023, we received a written resignation letter from Mr. Dong Junzi, who applied for resignation from his
position as Director of the Second Board of Directors, member of the Strategy Committee, member of the Nomination Committee,
and Deputy General Manager of the Company for personal reasons, and will no longer hold any position in the Company after
resignation. In accordance with the provisions of the Company Law and our Articles of Association, his resignation letter shall take
effect from the date of delivery to our Board of Directors. For details, please refer to the Announcement of Yunnan Botanee Bio-
Technology Group Co., Ltd. on the Resignation of Directors, By-election of Directors and Appointment of Senior Management
Officers (2023-005) disclosed by CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

     Change of directors, supervisors and senior management officers:
      Applicable □ N/A

                                      Type of
     Name          Position                           Date of change                          Reason of change
                                                                       After nomination by our General Manager and review by the
                                                                       Nomination Committee under our Board of Directors, the Fifth
                  Deputy                                               Meeting of our Second Board of Directors deliberated on and
                  General            Appointed        Feb. 28, 2023    approved the Proposal on the Appointment of Senior
                  Manager                                              Management Officers on February 28, 2023. Then on May 17,
                                                                       2023, our 2022 General Meeting of Shareholders deliberated on
                                                                       and approved the Proposal on By-Election of Non-Independent
                                                                       Director of the Second Board of Directors, and agreed to hire
                                                                       Ms. Zhang Mei as our non-independent director and Deputy
                                                                       General Manager (senior management officer). Ms. Zhang Mei’s
                                                                       term as Deputy General Manager (senior management officer)
  Zhang Mei
                                                                       shall commence from the date of deliberation and approval by
                                                                       this meeting of the Board of Directors. Her term as a non-
                                                                       independent director shall commence from the date of
                                                                       deliberation and approval by this General Meeting of
                   Director          Appointed        May 17, 2023
                                                                       Shareholders, and end on the date when the terms of the Second
                                                                       Board of Directors expires. For details, please refer to the
                                                                       Announcement of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co.,
                                                                       Ltd. on the Resignation of Directors, By-election of Directors,
                                                                       and Appointment of Senior Management Officers disclosed by
                                                                       CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn), and the Announcement of
                                                                       Resolutions of the 2022 General Meeting of Shareholders of
                                                                       Yunnan Beitaini Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                       After nomination by our General Manager and review by the
                                                                       Nomination Committee under our Board of Directors, the Fifth
                                                                       Meeting of our Second Board of Directors deliberated on and
                                                                       approved the Proposal on the Appointment of Senior
                                                                       Management Officers on February 28, 2023, at which it was
                                                                       agreed that Mr. Wang Long be appointed as our Deputy
                                                                       President Manager (senior management officer). Mr. Wang
 Wang Long        General            Appointed        Feb. 28, 2023
                                                                       Long’s term as Deputy President Manager (senior management
                                                                       officer) shall commence from the date of deliberation and
                                                                       approval by this meeting of the Board of Directors, and end on
                                                                       the date when the terms of the Second Board of Directors
                                                                       expires. For details, please refer to the Announcement of Yunnan
                                                                       Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. on the Resignation of
                                                                       Directors, By-election of Directors, and Appointment of Senior
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           2023 Annual Report
                                                                     Management           Officer       disclosed       by       CNINFO
                                                                     After nomination by our General Manager and review by the
                                                                     Nomination Committee under our Board of Directors, the Fifth
                                                                     Meeting of our Second Board of Directors deliberated on and
                                                                     approved the Proposal on the Appointment of Senior
                                                                     Management Office on February 28, 2023, at which it was
                                                                     agreed that Mr. Wang Feifei be appointed as our Deputy General
                   Deputy                                            Manager (senior management officer). Mr. Wang Feifei’s term
                   General          Appointed     Feb. 28, 2023      as our Deputy General Manager (senior management officer)
                   Manager                                           shall commence from the date of deliberation and approval by
                                                                     this meeting of the Board of Directors, and end on the date when
                                                                     the terms of the Second Board of Directors expires. For details,
                                                                     please refer to the Announcement of Yunnan Botanee Bio-
                                                                     Technology Group Co., Ltd. on the Resignation of Directors, By-
                                                                     election of Directors, and Appointment of Senior Management
                                                                     Officers disclosed by CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
                                                                     On February 28, 2023, we received a written resignation letter
                                                                     from Mr. Dong Junzi, who applied for resignation from his
                                                                     position as Director of the Second Board of Directors, member
                                                                     of the Strategy Committee, member of the Nomination
                                                                     Committee, and Deputy General Manager of the Company for
                  Director &                                         personal reasons, and will no longer hold any position in the
                   Deputy           Resignation                      Company after resignation. In accordance with the provisions of
 Dong Junzi                                       Feb. 28, 2023
                   General          & dismissal                      the Company Law and our Articles of Association, his
                   Manager                                           resignation letter shall take effect from the date of delivery to our
                                                                     Board of Directors. For more information, please refer to the
                                                                     Announcement of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co.,
                                                                     Ltd. on the Resignation of Directors, By-election of Directors,
                                                                     and Appointment of Senior Management Officers disclosed by
                                                                     CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

7.2 Brief Biographies and Positions Held

     Our incumbent directors, supervisors and senior management officers’ professional backgrounds, key work experience, and
current responsibilities at Botanee at the end of the reporting period:

7.2.1 Brief Biographies of Board Members
     At the end of the reporting period, our Board of Directors consisted of 9 directors, 3 of whom are independent directors. Their
brief biographies are as follows:

     Mr. Guo Zhenyu, born in November 1963, is a Canadian citizen with the right of residence in China (valid for five years). He
holds a doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering. Guo served as Chairman of World Self-Medication Industry, and Chairman of China
Nonprescription Medicines Association. He is now Chairman of International Self-care Fund (ISF), Vice Chairman of China
Nonprescription Medicines Association, Deputy Director of Skin Professional Committee of Chinese Non-government Medical
Institutions Association, and Executive Vice Chairman of Yunnan Non-governmental Enterprises Association. He worked as a lecturer
at the Department of Radio, Yunnan University from September 1986 to July 1988; a teaching assistant at University of New
Brunswick, Canada from August 1988 to August 1989; an assistant professor at School of Medicine, Universitéde Montréal, Canada
from July 1995 to July 1996; and a senior researcher at Institute of Clinical Medicine, Montreal, Canada from July 1995 to July 1996.
From September 1996 to July 2002, he served as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Tenured Professor at School of
Engineering, George Washington University. After that, he served as Chairman and President of Dihon Pharmaceutical Group Co.,
Ltd. from January 2003 to November 2014, Chairman of Botanee Co., Ltd. from June 2014 to December 2016, Chairman and General
Manager of Botanee Co., Ltd. from December 2016 to February 2019, and Chairman and General Manager of Botanee since March

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  2023 Annual Report
    Mr. Zhou Kui, born in 1968, is a Chinese national with no right of residence abroad. He graduated from School of Economics and
Management, Tsinghua University in 2000 with a Master of Business Administration, and has worked at Sequoia Capital China as a
partner since 2005. Zhou served as c of Botanee Co., Ltd. from November 2016 to February 2019, and has been Director of Botanee
since March 2019.

     Mr. Gao Shaoyang, a Chinese citizen, was born in November 1976, and has no permanent residency overseas. Holding a
bachelor’s degree in Chemical Pharmaceuticals, he served as technician and department manager at Kunming Dihon Pharmaceutical
Co., Ltd. from July 1999 to February 2005; Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Kangwang Daily Cosmetics Co., Ltd. from
February 2005 to August 2008; and Project Director of Dihon Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. from August 2008 to August 2012. Gao
joined Botanee Co., Ltd. in August 2012, serving as Executive Director and General Manager of Botanee Co., Ltd. from November
2012 to June 2014, Director and General Manager of Botanee Co., Ltd. from June 2014 to December 2016, Director of Botanee Co.,
Ltd. from December 2016 to December 2017, and Director and Deputy General Manager of Botanee Co., Ltd. from October 2018 to
February 2019. Since March 2019, he has served as Director and Deputy General Manager of Botanee.

     Mr. Ma Xiao, born in September 1982, is a Chinese national with no right of residence abroad. Holding a master’s degree in
Chemical Engineering and a master’s degree in Business Administration, Ma is a licensed pharmacist and a senior engineer. He
served as R&D Director and R&D Manager of Dihon Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. from July 2004 to June 2010, and Deputy
General Manager and General Manager of Shanghai Dihon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. from June 2010 to January 2013. He joined
Botanee Co., Ltd. in January 2013, served as Head of R&D and Supply Chain of Botanee Co., Ltd. from July 2013 to June 2014, Head
and Supervisor of R&D and Supply Chain of Botanee Co., Ltd. from June 2014 to December 2017, and Director and Deputy General
Manager of Botanee Co., Ltd. from December 2017 to February 2019. Since March 2019, he has served as Director and Deputy
General Manager of Botanee.

     Ms. Zhou Wei, born in April 1957, is a Chinese national with no right of residence abroad. She has a bachelor’s degree in Plant
Protection, and is a researcher. She served as Office Director at Institute of Biology, Guizhou Academy of Sciences from January 1982
to October 1988; Deputy Secretary of the CPC General Branch and Deputy Director of Scientific Research Department, Plant
Protection Department, Guizhou University from October 1988 to March 1993; Manager and Deputy General Manager of Investment
Department, Hainan Comprehensive Agricultural Development Corporation, and Chairman of Hainan Fuhai Food Industry Co., Ltd.
from March 1993 to December 1995; Deputy General Manager of Guizhou University General Industry Company from December
1995 to July 1998; and Scientific Research Director of Key Laboratory, Microbial Fermentation Engineering, Yunnan University,
Deputy Director of “211” Office, and Researcher of State Key Laboratory of Biological Resources Protection and Utilization from
July 1998 to December 2016. Then she worked as Project Manager of Botanee and its predecessor from December 2016 to June 2019,
and Director and Project Manager of Botanee since June 2019.

     Ms. Zhang Mei, born in June 1979, is a Chinese national with no right of residence abroad. She holds a bachelor’s degree in
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmaceutical Engineering, and a master’s degree in Business Administration from Fudan
University, China. She worked as Business Manager and E-commerce Distribution Director of Botanee Co., Ltd. from July 2012 to
March 2017; Deputy General Manager of the E-commerce Division of Botanee Co., Ltd. from March 2017 to February 2019; Deputy
General Manager of the E-commerce Division of Botanee from March 2019 to 2019; General Manager of Brand Marketing Center of
Botanee from November 2019 to December 2021; General Manager of Beauty Instrument Project of Botanee from December 2021 to
November 2022; Marketing Assistant to President of Botanee from December 2022to January 2023; and Deputy General Manager of
Botanee from February 2023 to April 2023. Since May 2023, she has served as Botanee’s Director and Deputy General Manager.

     Mr. Li Ning, born in December 1962, is a Chinese national with no right of residence abroad. With a master’s degree in Law, he
is a full-time lawyer. From September 1989 to June 1994, he served as Assistant Judge of Yunnan Provincial Higher People's Court;
from August 1994 to December 1999, he served as apart-time lawyer at Yuntai Law Firm; from December 1999 to June 2002, he
served as Senior Partner and Deputy Chief Lawyer at Yunnan Qianhe Law Firm. Since June 2002, he has served as a Senior Partner
and Chief Lawyer at Yunnan Zhiguo Law Firm. Since March 2019, he has served as an Independent Director of the Company.

     Mr. Wang Ao, born in October 1970, is a Chinese national with no right of residence abroad. With a bachelor’s degree in
Pharmacy, he worked as an official at Hospital Management Research Institute under the Ministry of Health from July 1994 to
December 1998, and Director of Zhejiang Office of Shenzhen Sanjiu Pharmaceutical Trading Co., Ltd. from January 1999 to
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                        2023 Annual Report
December 2003. He serves as Secretary General of China Nonprescription Medicines Association since January 2004, and an
independent director of Botanee since March 2019.

     Mr. Li Zhiwei was born in October 1977 in Hong Kong, China, and obtained Master of Business Administration from University
of Oxford. He is a member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in the UK, a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) offered
by US-based CFA Institute, and a member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Li worked at China tax and
business advisory team for PricewaterhouseCoopers HongKong, and for Sumitomo Corporation Equity Asia Limited. He served as co-
founder and Chief Financial Officer of Guangzhou Fans-me Technology Co., Ltd. from March 2014 to September 2015; Director of
Xin Yi Holding Ltd. (Beauty Hera) from March 2016 to October 2017; and worked in iClick Interactive Asia Group Ltd. (NASDAQ
listed company: ICLK) since 2019, during which he served as its Chief Financial Officer from January 2019 to January 2022, Director
from July 2019 to January 2022, and Chief Strategy Advisor from February 2022 to date. Since August 2021, Li has served as an
independent director of Botanee.

7.2.2 Brief Biographies of Supervisors
     Our Board of Supervisors consists of 3 supervisors, and has 1 Chairman. The brief biographies of our supervisors are presented

     Mr. Yu Shiru , born in March 1971, is a Chinese national with no right of residence abroad. With a bachelors degree in Organic
Chemical Engineering, he is a licensed pharmacist and a senior engineer. Yu served as a technician at Kunming Bada Plant Chemical
Co., Ltd. from July 1995 to December 1996; and Technical Vice President of Dihon Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. from January
1997 to June 2015; Director the central factory of Botanee Co., Ltd. from July 2015 to February 2019; and Director of Botanee’s
central factory and General Manager of its Quality Management Center from March 2019 to December 2022. Since March 2019, he
has served as Chairman of Botanee’s Board of Supervisors.

     Mr. Li Lei, born in July 1979, is a Chinese national with no right of residence abroad, and holds an Executive Master of Business
Administration. He worked as Financial Supervisor and Financial Manager of Telling Communication Co., Ltd. from December 2005
to December 2011; Financial Manager of Yunnan Longrun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and Yunnan Longrun Group Co., Ltd. from
December 2011 to August 2012; Chief Financial Officer of Botanee Co., Ltd. from August 2012 to December 2016; Audit Director of
Botanee Co., Ltd. from December 2016 to December 2017, and Audit Director and Supervisor of Botanee Co., Ltd. from December
2017 to February 2019. Since March 2019, he has served as Botanee’s Audit Director and supervisor.

     Mr. Yang Zurong, born in September 1975, is a Chinese national with no right of residence abroad. With a bachelor’s degree in
Traditional Chinese Medicine, he is an engineer and a licensed pharmacist. He worked as a technician, quality controller, warehouse
keeper, procurement planner, Deputy Manager, and Manager of the Supply Department of Dihon Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. from
July 1998 to September 2010; Quality Director of Dihon Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. from May 2008 to December 2016; and
Manager of nvestment Department, Deputy Director of President’s Office, Director of President’s Office, and Manager of
Administration Department of Dihon Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. from September 2010 to December 2016. Yang served as
Director of General Manager’s Office of Botanee Co., Ltd. from January 2017 to October 2018; Director of General Manager’s Office
and Employee Representative Supervisor of Botanee Co., Ltd. from November 2018 to February 2019; and Director of General
Manager’s Office and Deputy General Manager of Botanee’s factory in Majinpu from March 2019 to December 2022. Since March
2019, he has worked as the Company’s employee representative supervisor.

7.2.3 Brief Biographies of Senior Management Officers
     Mr. Guo Zhenyu is currently the Company’s Chairman and General Manager. For more information about him, please refer to
“Brief Biographies of Board Members” in this section.

     Mr. Gao Shaoyang is currently the Company’s Director and Deputy General Manager. For more information about him, please
refer to “Brief Biographies of Board Members” in this section.

     Mr. Ma Xiao serves as the Company’s Director and Deputy General Manager.For more information about him, please refer to
“Brief Biographies of Board Members” in this section.
     Ms. Zhang Mei serves as the Company’s Director and Deputy General Manager. For more information about her, please refer to
“Brief Biographies of Board Members” in this section.
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                 2023 Annual Report
    Mr. Wang Long, born in October 1982, is a Chinese national with no right of residence abroad. He holds a bachelor’s degree in
Accounting from Tsinghua University, and is a member of Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) Australia. He served as Accountant,
Financial Manager, and Assistant to General Manager of Finance of Jiangsu Simcere Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. from July 2006 to
March 2011; Chief Financial Officer of Simcere Zikang Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. from March 2011 to January 2014; and
Chief Financial Officer of Edding Pharmaceutical (China) Co., Ltd. from January 2014 to November 2016. Then he works as Chief
Financial Officer of Botanee Co., Ltd. since December 2016, Chief Financial Officer and Board Secretary of Botanee from October
2018 to February 2019, Financial Director and Board Secretary of Botanee from March 2019 to January 2023, and Deputy General
Manager, Financial Director, and Board Secretary since February 2023.

    Mr. Wang Feifei, born in June 1984, is a Chinese national with no right of residence abroad. Holding a master’s degree in
Chemical Engineering, he is a senior engineer and licensed pharmacist. Wang worked as R&D Director of Shanghai Botanee, a
subsidiary of Botanee Co., Ltd. from December 2014 to February 2019; R&D Director of Shanghai Botanee, a subsidiary of Botanee,
from March 2019 to March 2020; R&D Director of Shanghai Jiyan Biomedicine, a subsidiary of Botanee, from March 2020 to
January 2021; and Executive Director of Botanee Research Institute from January 2021 to January 2023. Since February 2023, he has
served as the Deputy General Manager of Botanee.

    Positions held in Botanee’s shareholding entities
     Applicable □ N/A

                                                           Position in the         Term began        Term end        allowance from
      Name                  Shareholding entity
                                                         shareholding entity          from              on          the shareholding
 Guo Zhenyu        Nuona Technology                          Chairman              Feb. 1, 2014                           No
 Guo Zhenyu        Yunnan Haqisheng                      Executive Director        Nov. 1, 2018                           No
                   Yunnan Haipo Enterprise
 Guo Zhenyu                                              Executive Director        Aug. 1, 2017                           No
                   Management Co., Ltd.
                   Hanson Cosmeceutical (Hong
 Guo Zhenyu                                                   Director             Dec. 1, 2013                           No
                   Kong) Company Limited
                   Hanson Cosmeceutical Company
 Guo Zhenyu                                                   Director             Dec. 1, 2013                           No
 Gao Shaoyang      Nuona Technology                           Director             Nov. 1, 2012                           No
                   Xiamen Chonglou Yunshui
 Ma Xiao           Investment Partnership (Limited        Executive Partner        Dec. 1, 2018                           No
                   Kunming Panfu Investment
 Wang Long                                                Executive Partner        Nov. 1, 2019                           No
                   Partnership (Limited Partnership)
      Note                                                               N/A

    Positions held in other entities
     Applicable □ N/A

                                                               Position in the         Term began       Term end
    Name                               Entity                                                                             allowance
                                                                   entity                 from             on
                                                                                                                       from the entity
                Wellness Republic (Hong Kong) Company
 Guo Zhenyu                                                          Director           Dec. 2013                           No
 Guo Zhenyu     Wellness Republic Company Limited                    Director           Jul. 2023                           No
                China Nonprescription Medicines
  Wang Ao                                                     Secretary General         Apr. 2014       Oct. 2024           Yes
                                                               Senior partner &
   Li Ning      Yunnan Zhiguo Law Firm                                                  Jun. 2002
                                                                 chief lawyer
   Li Ning      Kunming Zhongbei Transportation Tourism        External director        Sept. 2022
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                 2023 Annual Report
              (Group) Co., Ltd.

               Yunnan Jianshui Rural Commercial Bank
   Li Ning                                                 External supervisor   Jan. 2023
               Co., Ltd.
               Yunnan Dianzhong New Area Equity
   Li Ning                                                  External director    Apr. 2022
               Investment Management Co., Ltd.
               Kunming Returned Overseas Chinese             Part-time Vice
   Li Ning                                                                       Aug. 2022
               Federation                                      Chairman
                                                             Chief Strategy
  Li Zhiwei    iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited                             Feb. 2022
  Zhou Kui     Sequoia Capital China                              Partner        Oct. 2005
               Guangzhou Koncen Biotechnology Co.,
  Zhou Kui                                                        director       Oct. 2013
  Zhou Kui     Beijing Sudo Technology Co., Ltd.                Director         Sept. 2021
  Zhou Kui     Shenzhen Fussen Technology Co., Ltd.             Director         May 2019
               Hangzhou Tiangu Information Technology
  Zhou Kui                                                      Director         Dec. 2021
               Co., Ltd.
               Shanghai YITU Information Technology
  Zhou Kui                                                      Director         Dec. 2014
               Co., Ltd.
  Zhou Kui     Eversec (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.           Director         May 2016
               Beijing Internet Based Engineering Co.,
  Zhou Kui                                                      Director         Dec. 2020
  Zhou Kui     Goodo Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.            Director         Apr. 2021
  Zhou Kui     Shaanxi Huazhu Technology Co., Ltd.              Director         Jun. 2020
  Zhou Kui     Hangzhou Hewu System Tech Co., Ltd.              Director         Sept. 2021
  Zhou Kui     Beijing Dingxiang Technologies Co., Ltd.         Director         Sept. 2017
  Zhou Kui     Chengdu Jizhi Life Technology Co., Ltd.          Director         Aug. 2021
               Hangzhou Jinyuan Network Technology
  Zhou Kui                                                      Director         Jun. 2016
               Co., Ltd.
  Zhou Kui     Wuhan ABclonal Biotechnology Co., Ltd.           Director         Oct. 2021
               Moore Threads Intelligent Technology
  Zhou Kui                                                      Director         Feb. 2021
               (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
  Zhou Kui     Shukun Technology Co., Ltd.                      Director         Dec. 2020
               Beijing Yuanxin Technology Group Co.,
  Zhou Kui                                                      Director         Nov. 2015
  Zhou Kui     JST Group Corporation Limited                    Director         Feb. 2023
               Beijing Uteje Information Technology Co.,
  Zhou Kui                                                      Director         Nov. 2019
               Hangzhou Rongyisuan Technology Co.,
  Zhou Kui                                                      Director         Aug. 2019
  Zhou Kui     Beijing I Yong Cloud Co., Ltd.                   Director         Apr. 2021
               Beijing InnoChem Science & Technology
  Zhou Kui                                                      Director         Dec. 2021
               Co., Ltd.
  Zhou Kui     Borui Persagy Technology Co., Ltd.               Director         May 2019
               Beijing PeopleSoft Interactive Network
  Zhou Kui                                                      Director         Jan. 2021
               Technology Co., Ltd.
               Shanghai Qingyi Industrial Software Co.,
  Zhou Kui                                                      Director         Jun. 2021

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report
                Beijing Changyuanjia Information
  Zhou Kui                                                           Director          Sept. 2021
                Technology Co., Ltd.
  Zhou Kui      Fapon Biotech Inc.                                   Director          Sept. 2020
  Zhou Kui      Yitu limited                                         Director          Jun. 2014
  Zhou Kui      IngageApp Global Limited                             Director          Apr. 2016
  Zhou Kui      Pony AI Inc.                                         Director          Mar. 2017
  Zhou Kui      YIMUTIAN INC.                                        Director          Dec. 2014
                Hangzhou Connect Medical Value
  Zhou Kui                                                           Director          Mar. 2021
                Technology Co., Ltd.
                Hangzhou Eagle Cloud Security
  Zhou Kui                                                           Director          Oct. 2021
                Technology Co., Ltd.
  Zhou Kui      Quanzhi Technology (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.              Director          Nov. 2021
  Zhou Kui      Hecom (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.                 Director          Feb. 2022
                Youdrop Internet (Beijing) Information
  Zhou Kui                                                           Director          Mar. 2022
                Technology Co., Ltd.
  Zhou Kui      Shenzhen Congheng Technology Co., Ltd.               Director          Oct. 2022
     Note                          Mr. Zhou Kuialso holds positions in some entities under Sequoia Capital China.

    Punishments imposed over the past three years by securities regulators on our incumbent directors, supervisors and senior
management officers, including those who have resigned, during the reporting period:
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.3 Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Officers
    Decision-making procedures, grounds on which decisions are made, and actual remuneration payment of directors, supervisors
and senior management officers:
    The remuneration of our directors, supervisors, senior management officers, and other core personnel consists of salary, bonus,
welfare and more. We pay them remuneration based on their responsibilities, contributions, criticality, etc. The remuneration system
and remuneration plan for directors and senior management officers are formulated by our Remuneration Committee. The
remuneration plan for directors shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for deliberation and then to the General Meeting of
Shareholders for approval, while that for senior management officers shall be directly submitted to the Board of Directors for
deliberation and approval. During the reporting period, the allowance for each independent director was RMB 200,000 before tax. The
allowance plan shall be formulated by the Remuneration Committee, deliberated on by the Board of Directors, and then be approved by
the General Meeting of Shareholders.

    Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management officers during the Reporting Period:

                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY

                                                                                                Total before-tax         Receiving
     Name         Gender       Age                       Position                Incumbent/                            remuneration
                                                                                   former                             from Botanee’s
                                                                                                 from Botanee          related parties
 Guo Zhenyu        Male           60     Chairman & General Manager              Incumbent               5 million          No
   Zhou Kui        Male           55     Director                                Incumbent                                  No
                   Male           47     Director & Deputy General Manager       Incumbent               4 million          No
   Ma Xiao         Male           41     Director & Deputy General Manager       Incumbent               4 million          No
   Zhou Wei       Female          66     Director                                Incumbent           0.6 million            No
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report
  Zhang Mei        Female     44         Director & Deputy General Manager          Incumbent         2.486 million         No
                                         Deputy General Manager, Financial
  Wang Long            Male   41                                                    Incumbent          2.88 million         No
                                         Director, and Board Secretary
 Wang Feifei           Male   39         Deputy General Manager                     Incumbent        2.6285 million         No
   Yu Shiru            Male   52         Supervisor                                 Incumbent         1.012 million         No
    Li Lei             Male   44         Supervisor                                 Incumbent           0.8 million         No
 Yang Zurong           Male   48         Employee Supervisor                        Incumbent         0.658 million         No
   Wang Ao             Male   53         Independent director                       Incumbent          0.20 million         No
   Li Ning             Male   61         Independent director                       Incumbent          0.20 million         No
  Li Zhiwei            Male   46         Independent director                       Incumbent          0.20 million         No
  Dong Junzi           Male   42         Director & Deputy General Manager            Former           1.20 million         No
     Total              --     --                         --                            --         25.8645 million           --

    Other information:
    □ Applicable  N/A

8. Duty Performance by Directors during the Reporting Period
8.1 Information of the Board of Directors during the Reporting Period
             Session                Held on        Disclosed on                                 Resolutions

                                                                        For details, please refer to the Announcement on Resolutions
 The 5th Meeting of the                                                 of the 5th Meeting of the Second Board of Directors of
                              Feb. 28, 2023        Mar. 1, 2024
 Second Board of Directors                                              Yunnan Beitaini Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd. disclosed by
                                                                        CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

                                                                        For details, please refer to the Announcement on Resolutions
 The 6th Meeting of the                                                 of the 6th Meeting of the Second Board of Directors of
                              Mar. 28, 2023       Mar. 30, 2023
 Second Board of Directors                                              Yunnan Beitaini Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd. disclosed by
                                                                        CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
                                                                        For details, please refer to the Announcement on Resolutions
 The 8th Meeting of the                                                 of the 7th Meeting of the Second Board of Directors of
                              Apr. 25, 2023       Apr. 27, 2023
 Second Board of Directors                                              Yunnan Beitaini Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd. disclosed by
                                                                        CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
                                                                        For details, please refer to the Announcement on Resolutions
 The 8th Meeting of the                                                 of the 8th Meeting of the Second Board of Directors of
                              Jun. 29, 2023       Jun. 30, 2023
 Second Board of Directors                                              Yunnan Beitaini Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd. disclosed by
                                                                        CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
                                                                        For details, please refer to the Announcement on Resolutions
 The 9th Meeting of the                                                 of the 9th Meeting of the Second Board of Directors of
                              Aug. 28, 2023       Aug. 29, 2023
 Second Board of Directors                                              Yunnan Beitaini Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd. disclosed by
                                                                        CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
                                                                        For details, please refer to the Announcement on Resolutions
 The 10th Meeting of the                                                of the 10th Meeting of the Second Board of Directors of
                              Aug. 30, 2023       Aug. 30, 2023
 Second Board of Directors                                              Yunnan Beitaini Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd. disclosed by
                                                                        CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
                                                                        For details, please refer to the Announcement on Resolutions
 The 11th Meeting of the                                                of the 11th Meeting of the Second Board of Directors of
                              Sept. 27, 2023      Sept. 28, 2023
 Second Board of Directors                                              Yunnan Beitaini Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd. disclosed by
                                                                        CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
 The 12th Meeting of the                                                For details, please refer to the Announcement on Resolutions
                              Oct. 27, 2023       Oct. 30, 2023
 Second Board of Directors                                              of the 12th Meeting of the Second Board of Directors of

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        2023 Annual Report
                                                                            Yunnan Beitaini Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd. disclosed by
                                                                            CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
 The 13th Meeting of the
                               Dec. 12, 2023                N/A             N/A
 Second Board of Directors

8.2 Attendance of Directors in Board Meetings and General Meeting of Shareholders

                          Attendance of directors in board meetings and General Meeting of Shareholders
                   Presence due                          Presence at                                           Absence
                                                            board           Presence at                                          Presence at
                      at board      Presence at                                                 Absence      from board
                     meetings         board               meetings                                           meetings for         General
     Name                                                                    meetings         from board
                    during the       meetings              through                                               two             Meeting of
                                                                             through a         meetings
                     reporting        offline           telecommuni                                          consecutive        Shareholders
                       period                               cation                                             sessions
  Guo Zhenyu            9                9                                                                        No                 1
   Zhou Kui             9                                    9                                                    No                 1
 Gao Shaoyang           9                5                   4                                                    No                 1
   Zhang Mei            9                4                   5                                                    No                 1
    Ma Xiao             6                2                   4                                                    No                 1
   Zhou Wei             9                5                   4                                                    No                 1
   Li Zhiwei            9                                    7                    2                               No                 1
    Li Ning             9                6                   2                    1                               No                 1
   Wang Ao              9                1                   8                                                    No                 1

    Explanation on failure to attend board meetings for two consecutive sessions:
    □ Applicable  N/A

8.3 Objections from Directors to Corporate Issues
    Whether the directors had any objections to issues related to Botanee or not:

    □Yes No

8.4 Other Information about the Activities of Directors
    Whether the suggestions on Botanee proposed by directors were adopted or not:
    Yes □No

9. Activities of Specialized Committees under the Board of Directors during the Reporting

                                              Number                                                  Substantial
                                                of         Convened                                                       Other      Objections
   Committee           Members                                              Topics deliberated on      opinions
                                             meetings         on                                                       information    (if any)
                                             convened                                               and suggestions

                 Jan. 1, 2023-Feb. 28,
                                                                        2 proposals including
                 2023: Mr. Guo Zhenyu,
    Strategy                                               Mar. 23,     the “Proposal on           Approved the 2
                 Mr. Zhou Kui, Mr. Gao          1                                                                          No            No
   Committee                                                2023        Botanee 2022 Social           proposals
                 Shaoyang, Mr. Dong
                 Junzi, and Mr. Wang

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  2023 Annual Report
                 Ao; Feb. 28, 2023-now:
                 Mr. Guo Zhenyu, Mr.
                 Zhou Kui, Mr. Gao
                 Shaoyang, Mr. Ma
                 Xiao, and Mr. Wang
                 Ao, of whom Mr. Guo
                 Zhenyu is the Chairman
                                                                    9 proposals including
                                                                    the “Proposal on the
                                                       Mar. 24,                               Approved the 9
                                                                    Full Text and Summary                      No         No
                                                        2023                                    proposals
                                                                    of Botanee 2022 Annual
                 Mr. Li Zhiwei, Mr.
                                                                    “Proposal on Botanee
                 Wang Ao, and Mr. Li                   Apr. 21,                               Approved the
                 Ning, of whom Mr. Li         4                     March Quarter 2023                         No         No
     Audit                                              2023                                   proposals
                 Zhiwei is the Chairman                             Results”
   Committee     (convener)                                         3 proposals including
                                                                    the “Proposal on the
                                                       Aug. 24,                               Approved the 3
                                                                    Full Text and Summary                      No         No
                                                        2023                                    proposals
                                                                    of Botanee 2023 Semi-
                                                                    annual Report”
                                                                    “Proposal on Botanee
                                                       Oct. 24,                               Approved the
                                                                    September Quarter 2023                     No         No
                                                        2023                                   proposals
                                                                    4 proposals including
                 Mr. Wang Ao, Mr.
 Remuneration                                                       the “Proposal on
                 Zhou Kui, and Mr. Li
     and                                               Mar. 23,     Remuneration Plan for     Approved the 4
                 Ning, of whom Mr.            1                                                                No         No
  Assessment                                            2023        Non-Independent             proposals
                 Wang Ao is the
  Committee                                                         Directors of the Second
                 Chairman (convener)
                                                                    Board of Directors”
                 Jan. 1, 2023-Feb. 28,
                 2023: Mr. Li Ning, Mr.                             2 proposals including
                 Dong Junzi, and Mr. Li                             the “Proposal on
                 Zhiwei; Feb. 28, 2023-
  Nomination                                            Feb. 28,    Nominating Candidates     Approved the 2
                 now: Mr. Li Ning, Mr.        1                                                                No         No
  Committee      Ma Xiao, and Mr. Li                     2023       of Non-Independent          proposals
                 Zhiwei, of whom Mr.                                Directors of the Second
                 Li Ning is the Chairman                            Board of Directors”

10. Activities of the Board of Supervisors
    Whether the Board of Supervisors identified any risks within Botanee during the reporting period or not:

    □Yes No

11. Employees
11.1 Employee Number, Functions, and Levels of Education Received

 Number of in-service employees in Botanee at the end of the reporting period                                             481
 Number of in-service employees in Botanee’s main subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period                       3,371
 Total number of in-service employees at the end of the reporting period                                                 3,852
 Total number of employees receiving remuneration during the current period                                              3,852
 Number of retirees that receive remuneration from Botanee and its main subsidiaries
 retirement pension

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        2023 Annual Report
                                                Function                                                      Number of employees
 Manufacturing                                                                                                                     348
 Marketing                                                                                                                       2,601
 R&D                                                                                                                               498
 Administration/management                                                                                                         405
 Total                                                                                                                           3,852
                                                     Levels of education received
                                       Level of education received                                            Number of employees
   Doctor                                                                                                                           17
   Master                                                                                                                          354
   Bachelor and other                                                                                                            3,481
 Total                                                                                                                           3,852

11.2 Remuneration Policy
     We implement a sustainable, competitive salary and welfare system created based on the Company’s short-term, medium-term,
and long-term goals as well as strategic planing. Our salary and welfare system, built on simplicity and scientificness, helps us attract
and retain high-quality talents. We advocate comprehensive compensation, and give both material and spiritual incentives for

     Principles for remuneration: Our employee remuneration system, developed by Human Resources Management Center in strict
accordance with the Labor Law, the Labor Contract Law, and other laws and regulations, has been deliberated on and approved by
the management according to law and our Articles of Association. As stipulated in our Rules of Procedure of Remuneration and
Assessment Committee, the remuneration system and remuneration plan for directors and senior management officers shall be
formulated by the Remuneration Committee. The remuneration plan for directors formulated by the Remuneration Committee shall
be submitted to the Board of Directors for deliberation and the General Meeting of Shareholders for approval, while that for senior
management officers shall be directly submitted to the Board of Directors for deliberation and approval.

     We give employees remuneration based on their position, personal abilities and performance within corresponding remuneration
range. Employees’ contributions to the Company are primarily reflected in their commitment to job responsibilities and pursuit of
excellence. Their contributions are the basis for us to give them remuneration, thus ensuring fairness. Regarding welfare, we provide
statutory benefits to employees in accordance with laws and regulations, and offer diversified welfare programs to them such as
physical examinations, commercial insurance, and festival activities. We also run “Winona Fund” employee mutual aid program to
provide financial support to those in need.

     We review and evaluate our remuneration system both on a regular basis and ad hoc., and optimize it in the light of relevant
factors such as market environment, industry conditions, and our actual operations.

11.3 Training Plan
     Our talent development is boosted through online platform “Botanee Academy”, with which our internal trainer team composed
of middle and senior managers give on-the-job training, skills training, etc. to employees to stimulate their potential and empower
their career development.

     We implement a complete training system centering around Botanee Internal Training Program, Little Wolf Program for core
talents, and New Apollo Program, with a view to cultivating talents at all levels for the Company in the light of our employment
standards and Botanee Academy’s competency model. The trainees are selected from fresh graduates at key universities and in-serve
employees, who should have a high level of competence, share similar values with the Company, show strong willingness to pursue
career growth, and posses strong learning abilities. They are trained through training, seminars, coaching, challenging tasks, and
business practices to improve their knowledge, skills, and capabilities in an all-round manner.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                         2023 Annual Report
    Botanee Academy allows employees to learn massive online courses on such topics as business management, occupational
improvement, and life knowledge bought or authorized by the Company at any time. It offers incentives such as learning points
ranking to stimulate employees to keep improving themselves.

     In addition, we further enrich our lecturer database and course database, and offer more diversified learning channels integrating
online and offline forms. We uphold promoting training through training, and cultivating people through business practices to
continually enhance employees’ capabilities, thus supporting their career growth and skill improvement. We will further improve
learning points ranking to stimulate employees’ enthusiasm for learning and build a culture of continuous learning.

11.4 Labor Outsourcing
     □ Applicable  N/A
     During the reporting period, we conducted no significant labor outsourcing.

12. Profit Distribution and Share Issuance by Transferring Capital Reserve
     Preparation, implementation or adjustment of profit distribution policy, especially cash dividend policy, during the reporting
     □ Applicable  N/A

     (1) During the reporting period, we did not launch a new profit distribution policy or adjust our current policy.

     (2) Implementation of profit distribution policy during the reporting period: We held the 2022 General Meeting of Shareholders
on May 17, 2023, at which shareholders deliberated on and approved the Proposal on Botanee’s Profit Distribution Plan for 2022.
According to the profit distribution plan, we should distribute CNY8.00 of cash dividend for every 10 shares to all shareholders based
on 423,600,000 shares, namely CNY338.88 million in total. This plan has been fully executed before June 30, 2023.

                                             Special statement on our cash dividend policy

 Compliance with our Articles of Association and resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders
 Explicit and clear dividend distribution standard and ratio                                                                 Yes
 Complete decision-making process and mechanism                                                                              Yes
 Independent directors faithfully performed their duties and played their due role                                           Yes
 Specific reasons for not distributing cash dividends and measures for enhancing investor returns                           N/A

 Minority shareholders were able to fully express their opinions and demands, and their legitimate rights and
 interests were fully protected

 Compliant and transparent conditions and process in cash dividend policy adjustment or changes                             N/A

     Our profit distribution plan and plan on share issuance by transferring capital reserve for the reporting period were consistent
with the relevant provisions of our Articles of Association, dividend management measures, etc.:

     Yes □No        □N/A

     Profit distribution and share issuance by transferring capital reserve for the reporting period:

 Number of bonus shares per 10 shares (share)
 Dividends per 10 shares (CNY) (tax-included)                                                                                           6.00
 Additional shares converted from capital surplus for every 10 shares (share)
 Total shares as the basis for the preliminary plan for profit distribution                                                  420,605,382
 Total cash dividends (CNY) (tax-included)                                                                                252,363,229.20
 Cash dividends in other forms (e.g.: share repurchase)
 Total cash dividends (including those in other forms)                                                                    252,363,229.20

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report
 Distributable profit (CNY)                                                                                              1,988,181,888.41
                                         Cash dividend policy adopted for the reporting period
Where the Company is at growth stage and has significant expenditure arrangements, cash dividends shall account for at least 20% of
total distributable profit.
                Details on the preliminary plan for profit distribution and share issuance by transferring capital reserve
      According to relevant provisions of the Company Law and our Articles of Association, our profit distribution plan for 2022 was
 as follows: With 420,605,382 shares as the basis for profit distribution (423,600,000 total shares minus 2,994,618 shares
 repurchased through our special account for share repurchases), the Company shall distribute CNY6.00 of cash dividend (tax
 included) for every 10 shares to all shareholders, which represent a total cash dividend of CNY252.3632 million (tax included). In
 addition to aforementioned cash dividends, we did not implement distribution plan in other forms such as bonus shares or share
 issuance by transferring capital reserve. The above profit distribution plan conforms to the provisions of our Articles of Association
 and related review procedures, which fully protects the legitimate rights and interests of medium and small investors. Independent
 directors have expressed their independent opinions on it. The plan has been deliberated on and approved by the Board of Directors,
 and still needs to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders for review.

     The Company made profits and has obtained distributable profit for shareholders during the reporting period, but did not propose
a preliminary plan for cash dividend distribution:
     □ Applicable  N/A

13. Implementation of Any Equity Incentive Schemes, Employee Stock Ownership
Schemes or Other Incentive Measures for Employees
      Applicable □ N/A

13.1 Equity Incentive Scheme
     (1) Relevant approval procedures that have been completed for this incentive scheme
     On March 28, 2023, the 6th Meeting of our Second Board of Directors deliberated on and approved proposals including the
Proposal on “Botanee 2023 Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme (Draft)” and Its Summary, the Proposal on Botanee “Measures for
Implementation, Assessment and Management of the 2023 Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme”, and the Proposal on Requesting the
General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Handle Matters Related to Botanee 2023 Restricted Stock
Incentive Scheme. Our independent directors issued the independent opinion of “Agree” on matters related to this incentive scheme.
     On the same day, the 5th Meeting of our Second Board of Supervisors deliberated on and approved the above-mentioned
     From March 29, 2023 to April 7, 2023, we announced the list of the first batch of employees covered by this incentive scheme. As
of the expiration of the public notice, except that those who have resigned no longer met requirements for receiving the incentive, our
Board of Supervisors did not received any objections to this list for this incentive scheme, and there was no other feedback. Then on
April 14, 2023, we disclosed the Explanation of the Board of Supervisors’ Verification Opinions and Publicity on the List of the First
Batch of Employees Covered by the 2023 Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme.
     On May 17, 2023, we convened the 2022 General Meeting of Shareholders, at which shareholders deliberated on and approved
proposals including the Proposal on “Botanee 2023 Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme (Draft)” and Its Summary, the Proposal on
Botanee “Measures for Implementation, Assessment and Management of the 2023 Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme”, and the
Proposal on Requesting the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Handle Matters Related to
Botanee 2023 Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme. On the same day, we disclosed the Self-examination Report on the Purchase and Sale
of Botanee Stocks by Insiders and Targets of the 2023 Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme.
     On June 29, 2023, the 8th Meeting of our Second Board of Directors and the 7th Meeting of our Second Board of Supervisors
deliberated on and approved the Proposal on Adjusting the List of Incentive Recipients, the Quantity and Price of Stock Granted under
the 2023 Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme, and the Proposal on the First Grant of Restricted Stocks to Employees Covered by the
2023 Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme. The Board of Directors agreed that the first grant date of restricted stocks will take place June
29, 2023, when 5.245 million restricted shares would be granted to 283 eligible recipients at a price of CNY61.30 per share. Our

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   2023 Annual Report
independent directors issued the independent opinion of “Agree” on this, and our Board of Supervisors verified the list of incentive
recipients after this adjustment and issued verification opinions.
     (2) Details of invalidation of some restricted stocks
     1) Invalidated due to the resignation of incentive recipients
     According to the provisions of our 2023 Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme, if the labor relationship or employment relationship
between the Company (including its holding subsidiaries) and incentive recipients expires, and the labor contract is not renewed or the
employee voluntarily resigns, the restricted stocks that have been granted and vested will not be withdrawn, while the restricted stocks
that have been granted but have not yet vested shall not be vested and will be invalidated.
     Since among the first batch of employees covered by the restricted stock incentive scheme for 2023, 34 have resigned due to
personal reasons and are no longer eligible to receive the incentive. Their total of 650,000 restricted shares that have been granted but
have not yet vested shall not be vested, and will be invalidated.
     2) Invalidated due to failure to meet company-level performance goal
     The assessment years corresponding to the vesting of restricted stocks initially and reservedly granted under our 2023 restricted
stock incentive scheme are three fiscal years from 2023 to 2025. There will be assessment once in each fiscal year to achieve company-
level and individual-level performance goals as vesting conditions for the incentive for the current year.
     At the company level, the annual performance requirements for restricted stocks granted are as follows:
   Vesting period                                                              Performance goal
                                         Operating income growth in 2023 should not be lower than 28% compared with operating
 1st vesting period         2023         income in 2022, and net profit growth in 2023 should not be lower than 28% compared with
                                         net profit in 2022.
                                         Operating income growth in 2023 should not be lower than 61.28% compared with
 2nd vesting period         2024         operating income in 2022, and net profit growth in 2023 should not be lower than 61.28%
                                         compared with net profit in 2022.
                                         Operating income growth in 2023 should not be lower than 100% compared with operating
 3rd vesting period         2025         income in 2022, and net profit growth in 2023 should not be lower than 100% compared
                                         with net profit in 2022.
    Note: The statistical calibers of “operating income” and “net profit” are the same as those in consolidated statements audited by
the accounting firm engaged by us. “Net profit” refers to the net profit attributable to our shareholders, excluding payment for shares
under this incentive scheme. The same shall apply to descriptions below.
     If the Company fails to meet performance target during each vesting period, all restricted stocks that can be vested by all incentive
targets in the corresponding assessment year will not be vested and will be invalidated.
     According to the 2023 Annual Audit Report (TianHengShen (2024) No. 01527) produced by Talent Certified Public Accountants
(Special General Partnership), Botanee achieved CNY5,522,168,300 of operating income and CNY756,795,000 of net profit in 2023,
lower than performance goals set for the first vesting period. Since the Company did not achieve performance goal for the first vesting
period of the restricted stocks granted under this incentive scheme, the 1.3785 million restricted shares that have been granted to 249
recipients but cannot be vested in the first vesting period would be invalidated.
     In summary, after the invalidation, there were a total of 3.2165 million shares that have been granted to the 249 recipients but
could not be vested.

     Equity incentives for directors and senior management officers:
     □ Applicable  N/A

13.2 Employee Stock Ownership Schemes
     □ Applicable  N/A

13.3 Other Incentive Measures for Employees
     □ Applicable  N/A

14. Establishment and Implementation of Internal Control Systems during the Reporting
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     2023 Annual Report
14.1 Establishment and Implementation of Internal Control Systems
    For details, please refer to the 2022 Self-evaluation Report on Internal Control by Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group
Co., Ltd. disclosed by CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

14.2 Details about Major Defect in Internal Controls during the Reporting Period
     Yes No

15. Management and Control of Subsidiaries during the Reporting Period
    At the end of the reporting period, our stock price was CNY68.17 per share. In this incentive plan, our directors Zhou Wei and
Zhang Mei, and senior management officers Wang Long totaled a total of 161,000 restricted shares that had been granted but not yet

16. Self-evaluation Report on Internal Controls or Internal Control Audit Report
16.1 Self-evaluation Report on Internal Controls

 Disclosure date of the report           March 29, 2023
                                         For details, please refer to the 2022 Self-evaluation Report on Internal Controls by Yunnan
 Index to the disclosed report
                                         Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. disclosed by CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
 Percentage of the total assets of
 appraised entities in consolidated      100.00%
 total assets
 Percentage of the operating revenue
 of appraised entities to consolidated   100.00%
 operating revenue

                                                   Defect identification standards
    Type                         Financial-report-related                                 Non-financial-report-related

               (1) Major deficiencies: 1) Our directors, supervisors, and (1) Major deficiencies: 1) We lacked scientific decision-
               senior management officers committed fraudulent acts       making procedures for decision-making on major issues,
               such as embezzlement, bribery, and misappropriation of     appointment and dismissal of personnel in important
               public funds; 2) We failed to discover major accounting    positions, investment decisions in major projects, use of
               errors in previous years, and needs to correct submitted   large amounts of funds, and other decision-making
               or disclosed financial reports; 3) Our certified public    procedures, thus resulting in major mistakes; 2) We
               accountants found there was a major misstatement in the    seriously violates laws and administrative regulations, and
               current financial report, but the internal control process were subject to major punishment; 3) Our development
               failed to identify the misstatement; 4) The supervision of direction seriously deviated from strategic objectives. Our
               the Audit Committee on internal controls was invalid.      investment direction, business structure, business model,
                                                                          etc. did not support the realization of strategic objectives;
              (2) Significant deficiencies: 1) We did not select a proper
                                                                          4) Major deficiencies in our internal controls were not
              accounting policy and apply it following generally
                                                                          effectively rectified.
  Qualitative accepted accounting principles; 2) We did not establish a
  standards control mechanism for accounting of unconventional or (2) Significant deficiencies: 1) Our decision-making
              special transactions, or did not implement and did not procedures had serious deficiencies, which lead to serious
              have corresponding compensatory control; 3) We had mistakes; 2) Our directors, supervisors, and senior
              one or more deficiencies in its control over the management officers violated internal management
              preparation of financial report at the end of the reporting regulations and caused a large amount of losses; 3) Our
              period, and could not reasonably ensure that the prepared development direction seriously deviated from strategic
              financial statements could achieve true and accurate objectives, and investment direction, business structure,
              objectives.                                                 business model, etc. did not support the realization of
                                                                          strategic objectives to a large extent; 4) Important
              (3) General deficiencies: other financial report-related
                                                                          deficiencies in internal controls were not rectified.
              internal control deficiencies, except for major
              deficiencies and significant deficiencies.                  (3) General deficiencies: other non-financial report-related
                                                                          internal control deficiencies, except for major deficiencies
                                                                          and significant deficiencies.
 Quantitative (1) Major deficiencies: 1) The misstatement was greater (1) Major deficiencies: 1) The misstatement was greater
  standards than 8% of the total profit of audited consolidated than 8% of the total profit of audited consolidated

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       2023 Annual Report
             statements in the last accounting year; 2) The                 statements in the last accounting year; 2) The misstatement
             misstatement was greater than 0.8% of the total assets of      was greater than 0.8% of the total assets of audited
             audited consolidated statements in the last accounting         consolidated statements in the last accounting year; 3) The
             year; 3) The misstatement was greater than 1% of the           misstatement was greater than 1% of the total operating
             total operating income of audited consolidated statements      income of audited consolidated statements in the last
             in the last accounting year.                                   accounting year.
                (2) Significant deficiencies: 1) The misstatement was       (2) Significant deficiencies: 1) The misstatement was
                between 4% and 8% of the total profit of audited            between 4% and 8% of the total profit of audited
                consolidated statements in the last accounting year; 2)     consolidated statements in the last accounting year; 2) The
                The misstatement was between 0.4% and 0.8% of the           misstatement was between 0.4% and 0.8% of the total
                total assets of audited consolidated statements in the      assets of audited consolidated statements in the last
                latest accounting year; 3) The misstatement was between     accounting year; 3) The misstatement was between 0.5%
                0.5% and 1% of the total operating income of audited        and 1% of the total operating income of audited
                consolidated statements in the last accounting year.        consolidated statements in the last accounting year.
                (3) General deficiencies: 1) The misstatement was less      (3) General deficiencies: 1) The misstatement was less than
                than 4% of the total profit of audited consolidated         4% of the total profit of audited consolidated statements in
                statements in the last accounting year; 2) The              the last accounting year; 2) The misstatement was less than
                misstatement was less than 0.4% of the total assets of      0.4% of the total assets of audited consolidated statements
                audited consolidated statements in the last accounting      in the last accounting year; 3) The misstatement was less
                year; 3) The misstatement was less than 0.5% of the total   than 0.5% of the total operating income of audited
                operating income of audited consolidated statements in      consolidated statements in the last accounting year.
                the last accounting year.
                                                                     If a misstatement involved multiple indicators, the
                If a misstatement involved multiple indicators, the quantitative criteria shall be the lowest one.
                quantitative criteria shall be the lowest one.

16.2 Internal Control Audit Report or Verification Report
     Internal control verification report:

     □ Yes No

                                         Opinion paragraph in internal control verification report
 Shareholders of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.,:

       We have been entrusted to verify the the effectiveness of internal controls related to the financial statements of Yunnan
 Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Botanee”) as of December 31, 2022 by its management team.
 It is the responsibility of Botanee’s management team to establish and improve internal controls, and maintain the effectiveness of
 internal controls, while our responsibility is to produce opinion on the effectiveness of Botanee’s internal controls.

       Our audit was conducted in accordance with the Standards on Other Assurance Engagements for Certified Public Accountants
 of China No. 3101-Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information and the Guidance on
 Internal Controls Audit. The above provisions require us to plan and implement our verification work, thus producing reasonable
 verification on whether there was material misstatement in Botanee’s explanation on the effectiveness of its internal controls.
 During the audit, we understood, tested and evaluated the rationality of its internal control design and effectiveness of
 implementation, and implemented other procedures that we deem necessary. We believe that our review provided a reasonable basis
 for our opinions.

      Internal controls have their inherently limitations, with a possibility that a misstatement may occur but not identified due to
 error or fraud. In addition, as changes in circumstances may lead to inappropriate internal controls or reduce the degree of
 compliance with control policies and procedures, it is to some extent risky to speculate on the effectiveness of future internal
 controls based on internal control evaluation results.

     In our opinion, Botanee has maintained effective internal controls over its financial statements in all material respects as of
 December 31, 2023 in accordance with the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control and relevant standards.

 Talent Certified Public Accountants (Limited Liability Partnership)           Certified Public Accountant in China: Wu Ting
                                                                               Certified Public Accountant in China: Zhang Xuewen
                    Nanjing, China
                    April 24, 2024
 Disclosure of verification report on internal controls            Disclosed

 Disclosure date of the internal control verification report       April 24, 2024
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     2023 Annual Report
                                                                 For details, please refer to the 2023 Internal Control Verification
 Disclosure index of the internal control verification report    Report of Yunnan Botanee Group Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                 disclosed by CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
 Type of opinion in the internal control verification report    Standard unqualified
 Whether there were major defects in non-financial reports      No

    Whether the accounting firm gave modified opinions in its internal control authentication report or not:

    □ Yes No

    Consistency between the internal control authentication report produced by the accounting firm and the self-evaluation report
produced by the Board of Directors:

    Yes □ No

17. Remediation of Problems Identified in Self-inspection in the Campaign on the Governance
of Listed Companies
    □ Applicable  N/A

                        Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                     Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility

1. Major Environmental Issues
     Whether Botanee and its subsidiaries belong to key pollutant discharging entities identified by environmental protection authority
or not:
     □ Yes No

     Administrative penalties imposed for environmental problems during the reporting period:
     □ Applicable  N/A

     Botanee and its subsidiaries at all levels strictly implemented the Environment Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China,
the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, the Law of the People’s Republic
of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control
of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, and other environmental laws and regulations in their manufacturing and operation
activities, and consciously fulfilled their social responsibilities for environmental protection. Botanee and its subsidiaries were not key
pollutant discharging entities identified by environmental protection authority.

     Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects:
      Applicable □ N/A

     For details of other environmental information such as environment protection and carbon emission reduction measures taken by
during the reporting period, please refer to the 2022 Social Responsibility Report & Environmental, Social, and Governance Report of
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. disclosed by CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

2. Corporate Social Responsibility
     For details on our fulfillment of social responsibility during the reporting period, please refer to the 2022 Social Responsibility
Report & Environmental, Social, and Governance Report of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. disclosed by CNINFO

3. Efforts in Consolidating and Expanding Achievements in Poverty Alleviation and Rural
     For details on our fulfillment of the responsibilities of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and
rural revitalization during the reporting period, please refer to the 2022 Social Responsibility Report & Environmental, Social, and
Governance Report of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. disclosed by CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

                                                                   81                                                                137
                     Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                   Section VI Significant Events

1. Performance of Undertakings

1.1 Undertakings of Botanee’s Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and Acquirer, as well as the
Company and Other Commitment Makers That Have Been Fulfilled During the Reporting Period or Were
Ongoing as of the End of the Report Period
    Applicable □ N/A

                 Undertaking      Type of                                                    Undertaking              Particulars on
 Undertaking                                              Details of undertaking                             Term
                    giver       undertaking                                                     date                  performance
                                                 1. Within 36 months from the date of
                                                 Botanee’s initial public offering of
                                                 shares and listing on the stock
                                                 exchange (hereinafter referred to as
                                                 “lockup period”), Nuona Technology
                                                 will not transfer or entrust others to
                                                 manage Botanee’s shares held by it
                                                 before the initial public offering of
                                                 shares, nor will Botanee repurchase
                                                 such shares;
                                                 2. If Nuona Technology reduces
                                                 Botanee’s shares held by it within two
                                                 years after the expiration of lockup
                                                 period, the price shall not be lower
                                                 than the issuance price of IPO shares;
                                                 3. During the period from the listing
                                                 of Botanee’s shares to the reduction, if
                                                 there are ex-rights and ex-dividend
                               Undertakings      such as dividend distribution, stock
                               such as           dividends,     share     issuance    by
                               restricted sales transferring capital reserve, and
                               arrangement,      allotment of shares, the lower limit of
                               voluntary         reserve price and the number of shares
Undertakings                                     for reduction shall be adjusted
                               lockup of                                                                   Jun. 29,
made during      Nuona         shares, the       accordingly;                                Jun. 29,      2020 -
initial public                                                                                                        Ongoing
                 Technology    extension of      4. If the closing price of Botanee’s       2020          Mar. 24,
offering or
                               lockup period, shares is lower than its IPO price for                       2024
                               and               20 consecutive trading days within 6
                               shareholders’    months after the listing of its shares,
                               intention to hold or when the closing price at the end of
                               and reduce        the 6-month period after the listing is
                               shares            lower than its IPO price, the lockup
                                                 period of Botanee’s shares held by
                                                 Nuona       Technology       will     be
                                                 automatically extended for 6 months
                                                 on the basis of original lockup period;
                                                 5. Shareholding intention: As the
                                                 controlling shareholder of Botanee,
                                                 Nuona Technology is confident of the
                                                 future development of Botanee, and
                                                 will continue to be optimistic about
                                                 the future prospects of Botanee and
                                                 the industry it is in;
                                                 6. Intention of share capital reduction:
                                                 (1) Nuona Technology will not reduce
                                                 its capital share within 36 months
                                                 from the date of Botanee’s initial
                                                 public offering of shares and listing
                                                 on the stock exchange. If it intends to
                                                 reduce its capital share after the
                                                               82                                                            137
Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                            expiration of the aforementioned
                            lockup period, it will carefully abide
                            by relevant regulations of the China
                            Securities Regulatory Commission
                            and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on
                            share capital reduction, and prudently
                            formulate a share capital reduction
                            plan based on securities market
                            situation, Botanee’s share trend and
                            public information, its business needs,
                            etc., and gradually reduce its share
                            capital after the expiration of the
                            lockup period;
                            (2) The price at which Nuona
                            Technology reduces its direct or
                            indirect holdings of Botanee’s shares
                            (if ex-rights and ex-dividends are
                            conducted due to cash dividends,
                            stock dividends, share issuance by
                            transferring capital reserve, additional
                            issuance of shares, and other reasons,
                            corresponding adjustments shall be
                            made in accordance with relevant
                            regulations, the same below) shall be
                            determined in the light of current
                            secondary market price, and shall
                            comply with relevant laws and
                            regulations and the rules of the
                            Shenzhen Stock Exchange. If
                            Botanee’s shares directly or indirectly
                            held by Nuona Technology before
                            Botanee’s IPO are reduced within two
                            years after the expiration of lockup
                            period, the reduction price shall not be
                            lower than initial IPO price;
                            (3) When implementing share capital
                            reduction, Nuona Technology shall
                            inform Botanee at least 3 trading days
                            in advance, and actively cooperate
                            with Botanee’s information disclosure
                            such as announcement release;
                            (4) If Nuona Technology fails to
                            fulfill the above intention of capital
                            share reduction, it will publicly
                            explain the specific reasons for such
                            failure on the General Meeting of
                            Shareholders and at the conference
                            held for disclosure media designated
                            by the China Securities Regulatory
                            Commission, and apologize to
                            Botanee’s shareholders and public
                            investors. If it reduces its shares in
                            violation of the above commitments
                            or mandatory provisions of the law, it
                            promises that the proceeds from
                            illegal reduction of Botanee’s shares
                            will be owned by Botanee, and the
                            lockup period of the remaining shares
                            directly or indirectly held by it will be
                            automatically extended by 3 months
                            after the expiration of the original
                            lockup period.

                                       83                                          137
                       Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                    1. Within 36 months from the date
                                                    of Botanee’s initial public offering
                                                    of shares and listing on the stock
                                                    exchange (hereinafter referred to as
                                                    “lockup period”), I will not transfer
                                                    or entrust others to manage
                                                    Botanee’s shares held by me before
                                                    the initial public offering of shares,
                                                    nor will Botanee repurchase such
                                                    2. If I reduce Botanee’s shares held
                                                    by me within two years after the
                                 Undertakings       expiration of lockup period, the
                                 such as            price shall not be lower than the
                                 restricted sales   issuance price of IPO shares;
                                 voluntary          3. During the period from the listing
Undertakings                                        of Botanee’s shares to the reduction,
                 Guo             lockup of                                                               Jun. 29,
made during                                         if there are ex-rights and ex-
                 Zhenyu,         shares, the                                                  Jun. 29,   2020 -
initial public                                      dividend      such     as    dividend                            Ongoing
                 and Kevin       extension of                                                 2020       Mar. 24,
offering or                                         distribution, stock dividends, share
                 Guo             lockup period,                                                          2024
refinancing                                         issuance by transferring capital
                                 shareholders’     reserve, and allotment of shares, the
                                 intention to       lower limit of reserve price and the
                                 hold and           number of shares for reduction shall
                                 reduce shares      be adjusted accordingly;
                                                    4. If the closing price of Botanee’s
                                                    shares is lower than its IPO share
                                                    price for 20 consecutive trading
                                                    days within 6 months after the
                                                    listing of its shares, or when the
                                                    closing price at the end of the 6-
                                                    month period after the listing is
                                                    lower than its IPO price, the lockup
                                                    period of Botanee’s shares held by
                                                    me will be automatically extended
                                                    for 6 months on the basis of original
                                                    lockup period.
                                                    If I resign from the position of
                                                    Botanee’s director and senior
                                                    management officers before the
                                                    expiration of my term of office,
                                                    within the term of office as
                                                    determined at the time of
                                                    appointment and within 6 months
                                                    after the expiration of the term of
                                                    office, I will abide by the following
                                 Undertakings       restrictive provisions:
                                 such as
                                 restricted sales   (1) The number of shares transferred
                                 arrangement,       by me each year shall not exceed
                                 voluntary          25% of the total number of
Undertakings                                        Botanee’s shares directly and
                                 lockup of
made during      Guo                                indirectly held by me;
                                 shares, the                                                  Jun. 29,
initial public                                                                                           Long-term   Ongoing
offering or      Zhenyu          extension of       (2) I shall not transfer Botanee’s       2020
                                 lockup period,     shares directly or indirectly held by
                                 and                me within half a year after leaving
                                 shareholders’     office;
                                 intention to
                                                    (3) Other provisions of laws,
                                 hold and
                                                    administrative           regulations,
                                 reduce shares
                                                    departmental     rules,    normative
                                                    documents and business rules of the
                                                    Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the
                                                    transfer of shares of directors,
                                                    supervisors, and senior management
                                                    (4) The above undertakings will not
                                                    be changed or invalidated due to my
                                                    position change or resignation.
                                                                  84                                                       137
                     Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                   1. Within 36 months from the date of
                                                   Botanee’s initial public offering of
                                                   shares and listing on the stock
                                                   exchange (hereinafter referred to as
                                                   “lockup period”), Yunnan Haqisheng
                                                   will not transfer or entrust others to
                                                   manage Botanee’s shares held by it
                                                   before the initial public offering of
                                                   shares, nor will Botanee repurchase
                                                   such shares;
                                                   2. If Yunnan Haqisheng reduces
                               Undertakings        Botanee’s shares held by it within two
                               such as             years after the expiration of lockup
                               restricted sales    period, the price shall not be lower
                               arrangement,        than the issuance price of IPO shares;
                               voluntary           3. During the period from the listing
                               lockup of           of Botanee’s shares to the reduction, if              Jun. 29,
made during      Yunnan        shares, the         there are ex-rights and ex-dividend         Jun. 29,   2020 -
initial public                                                                                                       Ongoing
                 Haqisheng     extension of        such as dividend distribution, stock        2020       Mar. 24,
offering or
                               lockup period,      dividends,     share     issuance    by                2024
                               and                 transferring capital reserve, and
                               shareholders’      allotment of shares, the lower limit of
                               intention to hold   reserve price and the number of shares
                               and reduce          for reduction shall be adjusted
                               shares              accordingly;
                                                   4. If the closing price of Botanee’s
                                                   shares is lower than its IPO price for
                                                   20 consecutive trading days within 6
                                                   months after the listing of its shares,
                                                   or when the closing price at the end of
                                                   the 6-month period after the listing is
                                                   lower than its IPO price, the lockup
                                                   period of Botanee’s shares held by
                                                   Yunnan       Haqisheng       will    be
                                                   automatically extended for 6 months
                                                   on the basis of original lockup period.
                                                   1. Within 12 months from the date of
                                                   Botanee’s IPO and listing on the stock
                                                   exchange, Sequoia Juye will not
                                                   transfer or entrust others to manage
                                                   Botanee’s shares held by it before
                                                   IPO, nor will Botanee repurchase such
                                                   shares. In the case of changes in
                                                   Botanee’s shares held by Sequoia
                                                   Juye issued before IPO due to
                              Undertakings         Botanee’s equity distribution and
                              such as              other reasons, Sequoia Juye will still
                              restricted sales     abide by the above undertakings. It
                              arrangement,         will faithfully fulfill the above
                              voluntary            undertakings        and         assume
Undertakings                                                                                                         lockup period
                              lockup of            corresponding legal responsibilities;                  Jun. 29,
made during                                                                                                          have been
                              shares, the          2. Shareholding intention: As the           Jun. 29,   2020 -
initial public   Sequoia Juye                                                                                        fulfilled,
                              extension of         shareholder of Botanee, Sequoia Juye        2020       Mar. 24,
offering or                                                                                                          but other
                              lockup period,       is confident of the future development                 2024
refinancing                                                                                                          undertakings
                              and                  of Botanee, and will continue to be
                              shareholders’                                                                         are still
                                                   optimistic about the future prospects                             ongoing
                              intention to hold    of Botanee and the industry it is in;
                              and reduce
                              shares               3. Intention of share capital reduction:
                                                   (1) Sequoia Juye will not reduce its
                                                   capital share within 36 months from
                                                   the date of Botanee’s initial public
                                                   offering of shares and listing on the
                                                   stock exchange. If it intends to reduce
                                                   its capital share after the expiration of
                                                   the aforementioned lockup period, it
                                                   will carefully abide by relevant
                                                   regulations of the China Securities

                                                                 85                                                         137
                     Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                 Regulatory Commission and the
                                                 Shenzhen Stock Exchange on share
                                                 capital reduction, and prudently
                                                 formulate a share capital reduction
                                                 plan based on securities market
                                                 situation, Botanee’s share trend and
                                                 public information, its business needs,
                                                 etc., and gradually reduce its share
                                                 capital after the expiration of the
                                                 lockup period;
                                                   (2) The price at which Sequoia Juye
                                                   reduces its direct or indirect holdings
                                                   of Botanee’s shares (if ex-rights and
                                                   ex-dividends are conducted due to
                                                   cash dividends, stock dividends, share
                                                   issuance by transferring capital
                                                   reserve, additional issuance of shares,
                                                   and other reasons, corresponding
                                                   adjustments shall be made in
                                                   accordance with relevant regulations,
                                                   the same below) shall be determined
                                                   in the light of current secondary
                                                   market price, and shall comply with
                                                   relevant laws and regulations and the
                                                   rules of the Shenzhen Stock
                                                   (3) When Sequoia Juye reduces
                                                   Botanee’s shares issued before IPO
                                                   held by it, it shall notify Botanee in
                                                   writing in advance of the intention of
                                                   its share capital reduction and the
                                                   number of shares to be reduced if
                                                   relevant current regulations and
                                                   requirements     on     share   capital
                                                   reduction are met. Botanee shall make
                                                   an announcement on the reduction
                                                   three trading days in advance, and
                                                   abide by the Provisions on the
                                                   Reduction of Shares by Shareholders,
                                                   Directors, Supervisors, and Senior
                                                   Management Officers of Listed
                                                   Companies or relevant current
                                                   regulations on the reduction of shares
                                                   by shareholders of listed companies in
                                                   performing procedures of notice,
                                                   filing, announcement, etc., except
                                                   when Sequoia Juye holds less than 5%
                                                   of Botanee’s shares;
                                                   (4) If Sequoia Juye fails to fulfill the
                                                   above undertakings, it agrees to bear
                                                   legal liabilities arising from such
                                                   1. Within 12 months from the date of
                               Undertakings        Botanee’s IPO and listing on the stock
                               such as             exchange, Zhenli Consulting will not
                               restricted sales    transfer or entrust others to manage                             Undertakings
                               arrangement,        Botanee’s shares held by it before                              during
Undertakings                   voluntary           IPO, nor will Botanee repurchase such                            lockup period
                               lockup of           shares. In the case of changes in                     Jun. 29,
made during      Zhenli                                                                                             have been
initial public                 shares, the         Botanee’s shares held by Zhenli           Jun. 29,   2020 -
                               extension of        Consulting issued before IPO due to        2020       Mar. 24,   fulfilled, but
offering or      Consulting
                               lockup period,      Botanee’s equity distribution and                    2024       other
refinancing                                                                                                         undertakings
                               and                 other reasons, Zhenli Consulting will
                               shareholders’      still abide by the above undertakings.                           are still
                               intention to hold   Zhenli Consulting will faithfully                                ongoing
                               and reduce          fulfill the above undertakings and
                               shares              assume        corresponding       legal

                                                                 86                                                        137
Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                          2. Shareholding intention: As the
                          shareholder of Botanee, Zhenli
                          Consulting is confident of the future
                          development of Botanee, and will
                          continue to be optimistic about the
                          future prospects of Botanee and the
                          industry it is in;
                          3. Intention of share capital reduction:
                          (1) Zhenli Consulting will not reduce
                          its capital share within 36 months
                          from the date of Botanee’s initial
                          public offering of shares and listing
                          on the stock exchange. If Zhenli
                          Consulting intends to reduce its
                          capital share after the expiration of the
                          aforementioned lockup period, it will
                          carefully abide by relevant regulations
                          of the China Securities Regulatory
                          Commission and the Shenzhen Stock
                          Exchange on share capital reduction,
                          and prudently formulate a share
                          capital reduction plan based on
                          securities market situation, Botanee’s
                          share trend and public information, its
                          business needs, etc., and gradually
                          reduce its share capital after the
                          expiration of the lockup period;
                          (2) The price at which Zhenli
                          Consulting reduces its direct or
                          indirect holdings of Botanee’s shares
                          (if ex-rights and ex-dividends are
                          conducted due to cash dividends,
                          stock dividends, share issuance by
                          transferring capital reserve, additional
                          issuance of shares, and other reasons,
                          corresponding adjustments shall be
                          made in accordance with relevant
                          regulations, the same below) shall be
                          determined in the light of current
                          secondary market price, and shall
                          comply with relevant laws and
                          regulations and the rules of the
                          Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
                          (3) When Zhenli Consulting reduces
                          Botanee’s shares issued before IPO
                          held by it, Zhenli Consulting shall
                          notify Botanee in writing in advance
                          of the intention of its share capital
                          reduction and the number of shares to
                          be reduced if relevant current
                          regulations and requirements on share
                          capital reduction are met. Botanee
                          shall make an announcement on the
                          reduction three trading days in
                          advance, and abide by the Provisions
                          on the Reduction of Shares by
                          Shareholders, Directors, Supervisors,
                          and Senior Management Officers of
                          Listed Companies or relevant current
                          regulations on the reduction of shares
                          by shareholders of listed companies in
                          performing procedures of notice,
                          filing, announcement, etc., except
                          when Zhenli Consulting holds less
                          than 5% of Botanee’s shares;
                          (4) If Zhenli Consulting fails to fulfill
                          the above intention of capital share
                          reduction, it will publicly explain the

                                        87                                         137
                    Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                specific reasons for such failure on the
                                                General Meeting of Shareholders and
                                                at the conference held for disclosure
                                                media designated by the China
                                                Securities Regulatory Commission,
                                                and      apologize     to     Botanee’s
                                                shareholders and public investors. If it
                                                reduces its shares in violation of the
                                                above commitments or mandatory
                                                provisions of the law, it promises that
                                                the proceeds from illegal reduction of
                                                Botanee’s shares will be owned by
                                                Botanee, and the lockup period of the
                                                remaining shares directly or indirectly
                                                held by it will be automatically
                                                extended by 3 months after the
                                                expiration of the original lockup
                                                 1. Within 12 months from the date of
                                                 Botanee’s initial public offering of
                                                 shares and listing on the stock
                                                 exchange (hereinafter referred to as
                                                 “lockup period”), I will not transfer or
                                                 entrust others to manage Botanee’s
                                                 shares held by me before the initial
                                                 public offering of shares, nor will
                                                 Botanee repurchase such shares;
                                                 2. If I reduce Botanee’s shares held by
                                                 me within two years after the
                                                 expiration of lockup period, the price
                                                 shall not be lower than the issuance
                                                 price of IPO shares;
                                                 3. During the period from the listing of
                                                 Botanee’s shares to the reduction, if
                                                 there are ex-rights and ex-dividend
                                                 such as dividend distribution, stock
                              Undertakings       dividends,     share    issuance     by
                              such as            transferring capital reserve, and
                              restricted sales   allotment of shares, the lower limit of
                              arrangement,       reserve price and the number of shares
                 Gao                             for reduction shall be adjusted
                 Shaoyang,    voluntary                                                                             Undertakings
Undertakings                                     accordingly;
                 Ma Xiao,     lockup of                                                                  Jun. 29,   other than the
made during
initial public   Zhou Wei,    shares, the        4. If the closing price of Botanee’s        Jun. 29,   2020 -     price of share
                 Wang Long,   extension of       shares is lower than its IPO price for       2020       Mar. 24,   reduction
offering or
                 and Dong     lockup period,     20 consecutive trading days within 6                    2024       have been
                 Junzi        and                months after the listing of its shares, or                         fulfilled
                              shareholders’     when the closing price at the end of the
                              intention to       6-month period after the listing is
                              hold and           lower than its IPO price, the lockup
                              reduce shares      period of Botanee’s shares held by me
                                                 will be automatically extended for 6
                                                 months on the basis of original lockup
                                                 5. If I resign from the position of
                                                 Botanee’s     director    and     senior
                                                 management officers before the
                                                 expiration of my term of office, within
                                                 the term of office as determined at the
                                                 time of appointment and within 6
                                                 months after the expiration of the term
                                                 of office, I will abide by the following
                                                 restrictive provisions:
                                                 (1) The number of shares transferred
                                                 by me each year shall not exceed 25%
                                                 of the total number of Botanee’s shares
                                                 directly and indirectly held by me;
                                                 (2) I shall not transfer Botanee’s shares
                                                 directly or indirectly held by me within
                                                                88                                                         137
                     Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                 half a year after leaving office;
                                                 (3) Other provisions of laws,
                                                 administrative           regulations,
                                                 departmental     rules,    normative
                                                 documents and business rules of the
                                                 Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the
                                                 transfer of shares of directors,
                                                 supervisors, and senior management
                                                 6. The above undertakings will not be
                                                 changed or invalidated due to my
                                                 position change or resignation.
                                                 1. Within 12 months from the date of
                                                 Botanee’s initial public offering of
                                                 shares and listing on the stock
                                                 exchange (hereinafter referred to as
                                                 “lockup period”), I will not transfer or
                                                 entrust others to manage Botanee’s
                                                 shares held by me before the initial
                                                 public offering of shares, nor will
                                                 Botanee repurchase such shares;
                                                 2. During the period from the listing
                                                 of Botanee’s shares to the reduction, if
                                                 there are ex-rights and ex-dividend
                                                 such as dividend distribution, stock
                                                 dividends,     share     issuance    by
                                                 transferring capital reserve, and
                                                 allotment of shares, the lower limit of
                                                 reserve price and the number of shares
                                                 for reduction shall be adjusted
                              Undertakings       accordingly;
                              such as
                              restricted sales   3. If I resign from the position of
                              arrangement,       Botanee’s     director    and     senior
                              voluntary          management officers before the
Undertakings                                     expiration of my term of office, within                            Undertakings
                              lockup of                                                                  Jun. 29,
made during      Yu Shiru, Li                    the term of office as determined at the                            other than the
                              shares, the                                                     Jun. 29,   2020 -
initial public   Lei, and                        time of appointment and within 6                                   price of share
                              extension of                                                    2020       Mar. 24,
offering or      Yang Zurong                     months after the expiration of the term                            reduction have
                              lockup period,                                                             2024
refinancing                                      of office, I will abide by the following                           been fulfilled
                              shareholders’     restrictive provisions:
                              intention to       (1) The number of shares transferred
                              hold and           by me each year shall not exceed 25%
                              reduce shares      of the total number of Botanee’s
                                                 shares directly and indirectly held by
                                                 (2) I shall not transfer Botanee’s
                                                 shares directly or indirectly held by
                                                 me within half a year after leaving
                                                 (3) Other provisions of laws,
                                                 administrative           regulations,
                                                 departmental     rules,    normative
                                                 documents and business rules of the
                                                 Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the
                                                 transfer of shares of directors,
                                                 supervisors, and senior management
                                                 4. The above undertakings will not be
                                                 changed or invalidated due to my
                                                 position change or resignation.
                                                 1. Botanee’s repurchase of shares for
Undertakings                                     the purpose of stabilizing stock price
made during                                      shall comply with the provisions of Jun. 29,            Jun. 29,
initial public   Botanee                         relevant laws and regulations, and                      2020 - Mar. Ongoing
                               for                                                      2020
offering or                                      shall not cause the Company’s equity                   24, 2024
refinancing                                      distribution to fail to meet listing
                               stock price
                                                               89                                                           137
Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                          2. In the case of any situation that
                          Botanee should start the contingency
                          plan for stabilizing stock price, it shall
                          start    decision-making procedures
                          within 2 working days after receiving
                          the notice, notify creditors, and
                          perform filing procedures according to
                          law according to the resolution of the
                          General Meeting of Shareholders.
                          Botanee will repurchase shares by
                          means of centralized bidding, offer,
                          etc. on the stock exchange where it is
                          listed. After the implementation of the
                          repurchase plan, Botanee shall
                          announce its share change within 2
                          working days, cancel the repurchased
                          shares according to law within 10
                          days, and file the share change with
                          industrial and commercial authority;
                          3. The repurchase proposal shall be
                          approved by the Board of Directors
                          and the General Meeting of
                          Shareholders, of which more than 2/3
                          of shareholders present at the General
                          Meeting of Shareholders must approve
                          it. Botanee’s directors (excluding
                          independent directors) promise to vote
                          in favor of the Board of Directors on
                          such repurchase, while controlling
                          shareholder and the actual controller
                          promise to vote in favor of the
                          repurchase at the General Meeting of
                          4. Botanee will repurchase its public
                          shares through the stock exchange’s
                          trading system within 30 trading days
                          from the date of announcement of the
                          repurchase plan, and the repurchase
                          price shall not be higher than its
                          audited net assets per share at the end
                          of the previous year. If it repurchases
                          shares by offer, the offer price shall
                          not be lower than the arithmetic
                          average of the daily weighted average
                          price of such shares 30 trading days
                          before the announcement of the
                          repurchase report and shall not be
                          lower than its latest audited net assets
                          per share. If Botanee repurchases
                          shares by centralized bidding, the
                          repurchase price shall not be higher
                          than the trading limit of its shares on
                          the day of repurchase;
                          5. When Botanee implements the
                          proposal of stabilizing stock price, the
                          fund to be used shall be self-raised.
                          6. In addition to the requirements of
                          relevant laws and regulations, the
                          following requirements shall also be
                          (1) The total amount of funds used by
                          Botanee to repurchase shares shall not
                          exceed the total amount of funds raised
                          by it through IPO;
                          (2) The amount of funds used to
                          repurchase shares at a single time shall
                          not be higher than 10% of the audited
                          net profit attributable to shareholders
                                        90                                         137
                     Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                 of the parent company in the previous
                                                 accounting year;
                                               (3) The total amount of repurchase
                                               funds used to stabilize stock price in a
                                               single accounting year shall not exceed
                                               30% of the audited net profit
                                               attributable to shareholders of the
                                               parent company in the previous
                                               accounting year;
                                               7. If the amount exceeds the above
                                               standard, relevant measures for
                                               stabilizing stock price will not be
                                               implemented in the current year. But if
                                               stock price still needs to be stabilized
                                               in the next year, Botanee will continue
                                               to implement the contingency plan in
                                               accordance with the above principles.
                                               1. The increase of shares held by the
                                               controlling shareholder and actual
                                               controller for the purpose of stabilizing
                                               stock price shall comply with the
                                               Measures for the Administration of
                                               Takeover of Listed Companies and
                                               other relevant laws and regulations,
                                               and shall not cause Botanee’s equity
                                               distribution to fail to meet listing
                                               2. In the case of any situation that
                                               Botanee needs to start the contingency
                                               plan for stabilizing stock price, the
                                               controlling shareholder and actual
                                               controller shall start internal decision-
                                               making procedures within 2 working
                                               days after receiving notice. Botanee
                                               shall announce in writing whether it
                                               has a specific plan for share increase,
                                               and make an announcement. It shall
                                               disclose such information as the
                                               quantity range, price range, total
                                               amount, and completion time of
                               Measures        proposed increase. After going through
                 Guo           and             relevant formalities, the shareholding
made during                                                                                         Jun. 29,
initial public   Zhenyu,       undertakings    increase plan shall be initiated within 2 Jun. 29,   2020 - Mar. Ongoing
                 and Kevin     for             trading days. After implementing the 2020
offering or                                                                                         24, 2024
                 Guo           stabilizing     plan, Botanee shall announce its share
                               stock price     change within 2 working days;
                                               3. The controlling shareholder and the
                                               actual controller shall meet the
                                               following        requirements    when
                                               implementing the proposal of stock
                                               price stabilization:
                                               (1) The total amount of funds used by
                                               Botanee’s controlling shareholder and
                                               actual controller to increase their
                                               holdings at a single time shall not
                                               exceed 30% of the Company’s cash
                                               dividends in the previous year, and the
                                               total amount of funds used for
                                               increasing their holdings in the current
                                               year shall not exceed 60% of the cash
                                               dividends in the previous year. If the
                                               above standards are exceeded, the
                                               relevant stock price stabilization
                                               measures will not continue to be
                                               implemented in the current year.
                                               However, if the stock price still needs
                                               to be stabilized in the next year,
                                               Botanee will continue to implement
                                                             91                                                       137
                    Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                the stock price stabilization plan in
                                                accordance with the above principles;
                                              (2) The total single increase of
                                              Botanee’s controlling shareholder and
                                              actual controller shall not exceed 2%
                                              of the Company’s total share capital,
                                              and the cumulative increase proportion
                                              within 12 consecutive months shall not
                                              exceed 5% of Botanee’s total shares;
                                              (3) Botanee’s controlling shareholder
                                              and actual controller will increase their
                                              holdings of the Company’s public
                                              shares through stock exchange trading
                                              system within 30 trading days from the
                                              date of announcement of the
                                              shareholding increase plan. The
                                              increase price will not be higher than
                                              the Company’s audited net assets per
                                              share at the end of the previous year,
                                              and the increased shares shall not be
                                              sold within 6 months after the
                                              completion of the shareholding
                                              1. Non-independent directors and
                                              senior management who hold office at
                                              Botanee and receive remuneration
                                              from it shall increase their shares for
                                              the purpose of stabilizing stock price,
                                              which shall comply with the conditions
                                              and requirements of laws and
                                              regulations such as the Measures for
                                              the Administration of Turnover of
                                              Listed Companies and the Rules on the
                                              Management of Shares Held by the
                                              Directors, Supervisors and Senior
                                              Management Officers of Listed
                                              Companies and Related Changes.
                                              Furthermore, the increase of shares
                                              should not cause the distribution of
                                              Botanee’s equity to fail to meet listing
                                              2. In the case of any situation that
                 Gao                          Botanee needs to start the contingency
Undertakings     Shaoyang,                    plan for stabilizing stock price, non-
made during      Ma Xiao,                     independent directors and senior Jun. 29,           Jun. 29,
initial public   Zhou Wei,                    management officers who hold office                 2020 - Mar. Ongoing
                              for                                                       2020
offering or      Wang Long,                   in the Company and receive                          24, 2024
refinancing      and Dong                     remuneration from it shall notify the
                              stock price
                 Junzi                        Company in writing of whether they
                                              have a specific plan to increase their
                                              holding of shares within 2 working
                                              days after receiving notice, and the
                                              Company shall make an announcement
                                              to disclose such information as the
                                              quantity range, price range, total
                                              amount, completion time of proposed
                                              increase. After going through relevant
                                              formalities according to law, the
                                              shareholding increase plan shall be
                                              started within 2 trading days. After the
                                              shareholding      increase    plan     is
                                              completed, the Company shall
                                              announce the share change report
                                              within two working days.
                                              3. Non-independent directors and
                                              senior management who hold office in
                                              the     Company     and     receive
                                              remuneration from it shall acquire

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                    Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                publicly held shares of the Company
                                                through stock exchange trading system
                                                within 30 trading days from the date of
                                                announcement of the shareholding
                                                increase plan. The price shall not
                                                exceed Botanee’s audited net assets
                                                per share at the end of the previous
                                                year, and the acquired shares shall not
                                                be sold within 6 months after the
                                                completion of share increase.
                                              4. When conducting share price
                                              stabilization,           non-independent
                                              directors and senior management
                                              officers who hold office in the
                                              Company and receive remuneration
                                              from it shall not use cash for
                                              shareholding increase that exceed 30%
                                              of their annual cash remuneration and
                                              dividends received from the Company
                                              (after-tax) for a single increase, and the
                                              funds used for shareholding increase in
                                              a year shall not exceed their annual
                                              cash remuneration received in the
                                              previous year. If the above standards
                                              are exceeded, relevant share price
                                              stabilization measures will be stopped
                                              in the current year. But the share price
                                              still needs to be stabilized in the next
                                              year, the Company will continue to
                                              implement the share price stabilization
                                              plan in accordance with the above
                                              5. Non-independent directors and
                                              senior management officers who hold
                                              office in the Company and receive
                                              remuneration from it shall sign
                                              relevant commitments in accordance
                                              with the plan for stabilizing stock price
                                              and relevant measures. Within 3 years
                                              after the Company is listed, the
                                              Company will urge newly elected or
                                              appointed       directors     (excluding
                                              independent directors and directors
                                              who do not hold office in the Company
                                              and receive remuneration from it) and
                                              senior management officers to sign
                                              relevant commitments in accordance
                                              with the provisions of the share price
                                              stabilization plan and related measures.
                                               1. If Botanee triggers the plan to
                                              stabilize its stock price after listing, it
                                              will repurchase its shares in accordance
                                              with the Measures and Undertakings
                                              for Stabilizing Stock Price;
                                              2. If securities regulatory authority or
                                              other competent authorities identify
Undertakings                  Measures and    falsehoods, misleading statements or
made during                   undertakings    major omissions in the Prospectus for
initial public   Botanee      for share       the Initial Public Offering of Shares of Jun. 29,   Long-term   Ongoing
offering or                   repurchase      Yunnan Botanee Bio- Technology 2020
refinancing                   and buy-back    Group Co., Ltd. and Listing on the
                                              Growth Enterprise Market, and such
                                              falsehoods, misleading statements or
                                              major omissions have a significant and
                                              substantial impact on judging whether
                                              the Company complies with the
                                              conditions for initial public offering
                                              and listing stipulated by laws,
                                              regulations and normative documents,
                                                             93                                                     137
                     Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                 Botanee will perform the obligation of
                                                 share repurchase in accordance with
                                                 the Share Repurchase and Share Buy-
                                                 back Commitment for Fraudulent
                                                 Issuance and Listing.
                                                 1. If Botanee triggers the plan to
                                                 stabilize its stock price after listing,
                                                 Nuona Technology will repurchase its
                                                 shares in accordance with the
                                                 Measures and Undertakings for
                                                 Stabilizing Stock Price;
                                                 2. If securities regulatory authority or
                                                 other competent authorities identify
                                                 falsehoods, misleading statements or
                                                 major omissions in the Prospectus for
Undertakings                   Measures and      the Initial Public Offering of Shares of
made during                    undertakings      Yunnan Botanee Bio- Technology
                 Nuona                           Group Co., Ltd. and Listing on the Jun. 29,
initial public                 for share                                                               Long-term   Ongoing
offering or      Technology    repurchase        Growth Enterprise Market, and such 2020
refinancing                    and buy-back      falsehoods, misleading statements or
                                                 major omissions have a significant and
                                                 substantial impact on judging whether
                                                 the Company complies with the
                                                 conditions for initial public offering
                                                 and listing stipulated by laws,
                                                 regulations and normative documents,
                                                 Nuona Technology will perform the
                                                 obligation of share repurchase in
                                                 accordance with the Share Repurchase
                                                 and Share Buy- back Commitment for
                                                 Fraudulent Issuance and Listing.
                                                 1. If the Company triggers a plan to
                                                 stabilize the Company's share price
                                                 after listing, I will increase my
                                                 shareholding in accordance with the
                                                 Measures and Commitments for Share
                                                 Price Stabilization;
                                                 2. If securities regulatory authority or
                                                 other competent authorities identify
                                                 falsehoods, misleading statements or
                                                 major omissions in the Prospectus for
Undertakings                   Measures and      the Initial Public Offering of Shares of
made during      Guo           undertakings      Yunnan Botanee Bio- Technology
                 Zhenyu,                         Group Co., Ltd. and Listing on the         Jun. 29,
initial public                 for share                                                               Long-term   Ongoing
                 and Kevin                       Growth Enterprise Market, and such         2020
offering or                    repurchase
refinancing      Guo           and buy-back      falsehoods, misleading statements or
                                                 major omissions have a significant and
                                                 substantial impact on judging whether
                                                 the Company complies with the
                                                 conditions for initial public offering
                                                 and listing stipulated by laws,
                                                 regulations and normative documents, I
                                                 will perform the obligation of share
                                                 repurchase in accordance with the
                                                 Share Repurchase and Share Buy-
                                                 back Commitment for Fraudulent
                                                 Issuance and Listing.
                                                 1. If Botanee triggers the plan to
                 Gao                             stabilize its stock price after listing,
Undertakings     Shaoyang,                       non-independent directors and senior
                               Measures and      management officers who hold office
made during      Ma Xiao,      undertakings      in the Company and receive                 Jun. 29,
initial public   Zhou Wei,                                                                             Long-term   Ongoing
                               for stabilizing   remuneration from it shall repurchase      2020
offering or      Wang Long,    stock price       shares in accordance with the
refinancing      and Dong
                 Junzi                           Measures and Undertakings for
                                                 Stabilizing Stock Price;
Undertakings                   Measures and
                               undertakings       1. Botanee promises that there are no     Jun. 29,
made during      Botanee                                                                               Long-term   Ongoing
                               for share         falsehoods, misleading statements or       2020
initial public
                                                              94                                                         137
                    Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
offering or                    repurchase and major omissions in the prospectus of
refinancing                    buy-back         this offering and listing, and bears
                                                individual and joint legal liabilities for
                                                the    authenticity,   accuracy       and
                                                completeness of the prospectus;
                                                 2. If securities regulatory authority or
                                                 other competent authority identify
                                                 falsehoods, misleading statements or
                                                 major omissions in the prospectus
                                                 which have a significant and
                                                 substantial impact on judging whether
                                                 Botanee       complies      with     the
                                                 requirements for initial public offering
                                                 and listing stipulated by laws,
                                                 regulations and normative documents,
                                                 Botanee promises to repurchase all
                                                 new IPO shares in the following
                                                 manner according to law. The specific
                                                 measures are as follows:
                                                 (1) Under the circumstances permitted
                                                 by law, if the above circumstances
                                                 occur during the period when the new
                                                 shares of Botanee’s IPO have been
                                                 issued but are not listed for trading,
                                                 Botanee will repurchase all its IPO
                                                 shares from online winning investors
                                                 and offline placing investors at the
                                                 issue price plus the interest on deposits
                                                 in the bank for the same period within
                                                 30 working days from the date when
                                                 the securities regulatory authority or
                                                 other      competent         departments
                                                 determine that the Company has the
                                                 above circumstances;
                                                 (2) Under the circumstances permitted
                                                 by law, if the above-mentioned
                                                 circumstances occur after Botanee’s
                                                 IPO shares have been listed and traded,
                                                 the securities regulatory authority or
                                                 other competent departments shall
                                                 formulate a share repurchase plan
                                                 within 5 working days from the date
                                                 when the Company is determined to
                                                 have        the       above-mentioned
                                                 circumstances and submit it to the
                                                 General Meeting of Shareholders for
                                                 deliberation and approval, Botanee
                                                 will repurchase all its IPO shares
                                                 through the trading system of
                                                 Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The
                                                 repurchase price will be determined on
                                                 the basis of the issue price and with
                                                 reference to relevant market factors. In
                                                 the case of ex-rights and ex-dividends
                                                 such as dividend distribution, stock
                                                 dividends and share issuance by
                                                 transferring capital reserve after the
                                                 listing of the Company, the above
                                                 repurchase price shall be adjusted
                                                 1. Nuona Technology guarantees that
                              Share              the contents of Botanee’s prospectus
Undertakings                  repurchase and     for this offering are true, accurate and
made during                   buy-back           complete;
                 Nuona                                                                       Jun. 29,
initial public                undertakings for   2. Nuona Technology has carefully                      Long-term   Ongoing
                 Technology                                                                  2020
offering or                   fraudulent         reviewed Botanee’s prospectus for this
refinancing                   issuance and       offering, confirmed that there are no
                              listing            falsehoods, misleading statements or
                                                 major omissions, and promises that:
                                                              95                                                          137
                     Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                (1) If there are falsehoods, misleading
                                                statements or major omissions in the
                                                prospectus of this public offering of
                                                shares which have a significant and
                                                substantial impact on judging whether
                                                Botanee meets the issuance conditions
                                                stipulated by law, Nuona Technology
                                                will repurchase the old shares (if any)
                                                that have been publicly offered by it at
                                                the time of IPO according to law, and
                                                the repurchase price will be based on
                                                the     issue price       (if dividend
                                                distribution, share distribution, capital
                                                reserve conversion to share capital and
                                                other ex-rights and ex-dividend
                                                matters occur during this period of the
                                                Company’s shares, the issue price
                                                shall be adjusted accordingly) and
                                                determined by adding bank deposit
                                                interest for the same period, and shall
                                                be implemented in accordance with
                                                the procedures stipulated in relevant
                                                laws, regulations and Botanee’s
                                                Articles of Association. When
                                                implementing the repurchase of the
                                                above shares, if there are other
                                                provisions     stipulated     in   laws,
                                                regulations and the Articles of
                                                Association, such provisions shall
                                                (2) Nuona Technology agrees to use
                                                the cash dividends enjoyed by it in the
                                                profit distribution plan of the current
                                                year or subsequent years as the
                                                performance guarantee. If it fails to
                                                perform      the    above    repurchase
                                                obligation, Botanee’s shares held by it
                                                shall not be transferred.
                                                1. I guarantee that the contents of
                                                Botanee’s prospectus for this offering
                                                are true, accurate and complete;
                                                2. I have carefully reviewed Botanee’s
                                                prospectus for this offering, confirmed
                                                that there are no falsehoods,
                                                misleading statements or major
                                                omissions, and promises that:
                                                (1) If there are falsehoods, misleading
                                                statements or major omissions in the
                                                prospectus of this public offering of
                                                shares which have a significant and
                               Share            substantial impact on judging whether
Undertakings                   repurchase and Botanee meets the issuance conditions
made during      Guo
                               buy-back         stipulated by law, I will repurchase the
                 Zhenyu,                                                                    Jun. 29,
initial public                 undertakings for old shares (if any) that have been                     Long-term   Ongoing
                 and Kevin                                                                  2020
offering or                    fraudulent       publicly offered by it at the time of
refinancing      Guo
                               issuance and     IPO according to law, and the
                               listing          repurchase price will be based on the
                                                issue price (if dividend distribution,
                                                share distribution, capital reserve
                                                conversion to share capital and other
                                                ex-rights and ex-dividend matters
                                                occur during this period of the
                                                Company’s shares, the issue price
                                                shall be adjusted accordingly) and
                                                determined by adding bank deposit
                                                interest for the same period, and shall
                                                be implemented in accordance with
                                                the procedures stipulated in relevant
                                                laws, regulations and Botanee’s
                                                               96                                                        137
                    Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                Articles of Association. When
                                                implementing the repurchase of the
                                                above shares, if there are other
                                                provisions   stipulated  in   laws,
                                                regulations and the Articles of
                                                Association, such provisions shall
                                                  (2) I agree to use the cash dividends
                                                  enjoyed by it in the profit distribution
                                                  plan of the current year or subsequent
                                                  years as the performance guarantee. If
                                                  I fail to perform the above repurchase
                                                  obligation, Botanee’s shares held by
                                                  me shall not be transferred.
                                                  1. Nuona Technology/I do not
                                                  interfere with Botanee’s operation and
                                                  management          activities   beyond
                                                  authority, encroach on Botanee’s
                                                  interests, transfer benefits to other
                                                  organizations or individuals free of
                                                  charge or under unfair conditions, or
                                                  harm Botanee’s interests in other
                                                  2.      The     remuneration     system
                                                  formulated by the Board of Directors
                                                  or the Remuneration and Assessment
                                                  Committee       is     linked  to    the
                                                  implementation of Botanee’s remedial
                                                  and return measures;
                                                  3. If Botanee subsequently introduces
                                                  equity incentive policies (if any), the
                                                  exercise conditions of its equity
                                                  incentive to be announced are linked to
                                                  the implementation of its remedial and
                                                  return measures;
Undertakings     Nuona         Measures and       4. After the date of issuance of this
made during                    undertakings       commitment, if the China Securities
                 Technology,                      Regulatory Commission and the Jun. 29,
initial public   Guo Zhenyu,   for filling                                                              Long-term   Ongoing
offering or                    diluted spot       Shenzhen Stock Exchange make new 2020
                 and Kevin                        regulatory provisions on remedial
refinancing      Guo           return
                                                  measures and commitments, and the
                                                  above commitments cannot meet their
                                                  requirements, the Enterprise/I promise
                                                  that we will issue supplementary
                                                  commitments in accordance with their
                                                  latest regulations;
                                                  5. If Nuona Technology/I violate such
                                                  commitments or refuse to fulfill the
                                                  commitments, Nuona Technology/I
                                                  voluntarily       accept     relevant
                                                  punishment or management measures
                                                  imposed by the China Securities
                                                  Regulatory Commission, Shenzhen
                                                  Stock Exchange, and other securities
                                                  regulatory authorities on Nuona
                                                  Technology/I according to law.
                                                  Nuona Technology/I am willing to
                                                  bear the liability for compensation
                                                  according to the law if Nuona
                                                  Technology/I        violate      such
                                                  commitments and cause losses to
                                                  Botanee or its shareholders.
                                                  Botanee will take the following
Undertakings                                      measures to make up for the diluted
                               Measures and
made during                                       shareholder returns due to this offering
                               undertakings for                                              Jun. 29,
initial public   Botanee                          and listing:                                          Long-term   Ongoing
                               filling diluted                                               2020
offering or
                               spot return        1. Strengthen the management of
                                                  proceeds, improve the use efficiency
                                                               97                                                         137
Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                            of proceeds, and accelerate the
                            construction of projects invested by
                            proceeds. The project invested by
                            proceeds by this offering and listing
                            closely focuses on the Company’s
                            main business and conforms to
                            relevant national industrial policies.
                            After the project is completed and put
                            into production, it is conducive to
                            improving the Company’s technical
                            level, expanding the production scale,
                            increasing market share, enhancing the
                            Company’s        profitability,       and
                            enhancing its core competitiveness and
                            sustainable development ability. After
                            the completion of this offering and
                            listing, Botanee will strictly manage
                            the use of the proceeds in accordance
                            with the Company Law, the Securities
                            Law and other laws and regulations,
                            normative     documents        and      the
                            requirements of its Measures for the
                            Administration of Proceeds to ensure
                            the full and effective use of the
                            proceeds. At the same time, Botanee
                            will actively promote the construction
                            and implementation of the investment
                            project of the proceeds according to
                            the promised use and amount of the
                            proceeds, so as to realize the project
                            income as soon as possible and
                            safeguard the interests of all its
                            shareholders. After the proceeds by
                            this offering and listing are received,
                            the Company will accelerate the
                            investment and construction of the
                            investment projects with proceeds,
                            fully mobilize its resources in
                            procurement, production, sales and
                            comprehensive management, complete
                            the construction of the investment
                            projects in a timely and efficient
                            manner, ensure the timely arrival of
                            personnel in all aspects, and provide
                            sufficient and comprehensive skills
                            training    for    newly      introduced
                            personnel. And through active market
                            development and good communication
                            with customers, Botanee ensures the
                            smooth connection with the market
                            after the production line is put into
                            production.      Through         all-round
                            promotion measures, strive to make
                            projects invested by proceeds reach
                            production as soon as possible and
                            achieve expected benefits;
                          2.      Comprehensively        improve
                          Botanee’s management level, improve
                          the efficiency of fund use, improve its
                          operation efficiency, strengthen budget
                          management, control its various
                          expenses, improve the efficiency of
                          fund use, and comprehensively and
                          effectively control its operation and
                          management risks, thus improving
                          operating efficiency and profitability.
                          In addition, Botanee will improve the
                          salary and incentive mechanism,
                          introduce outstanding talents in the
                          market, maximize the enthusiasm of
                                       98                                          137
                    Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                employees, and tap the creativity and
                                                potential motivation of employees.
                                                Through the above measures, the
                                                Company      will   comprehensively
                                                improve its operational efficiency,
                                                reduce costs and improve its business
                                              2. Strengthen the return mechanism of
                                              investors: According to the relevant
                                              regulations        and         regulatory
                                              requirements of the China Securities
                                              Regulatory Commission, Botanee has
                                              formulated the applicable articles of
                                              association (draft) after listing, further
                                              clarified and improved the principles
                                              and methods of profit distribution, the
                                              specific conditions and proportions of
                                              profit distribution, especially cash
                                              dividends, the distribution conditions
                                              and proportions of stock dividends,
                                              and improved the decision-making
                                              procedures and mechanisms of profit
                                              distribution and the decision-making
                                              procedures of profit distribution policy
                                              4. Botanee has also formulated the
                                              Dividend Return Plan of Yunnan
                                              Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co.,
                                              Ltd. for the Next Three Years (2020-
                                              2022) after listing. It made specific
                                              arrangements for profit distribution for
                                              three years after issuance and listing.
                                              The Company will maintain the
                                              continuity and stability of profit
                                              distribution policies, attach importance
                                              to the reasonable return on investment
                                              for investors, strengthen the protection
                                              of the rights and interests of investors,
                                              and take into account the overall
                                              interests of all shareholders and its
                                              sustainable development.
                                              5. Other methods: Botanee promises to
                                              continue to supplement, revise,
                                              improve and implement various
                                              systems for the protection of the rights
                                              and interests of its investors in the
                                              future in accordance with the specific
                                              rules and requirements issued by the
                                              China        Securities       Regulatory
                                              Commission, the Shenzhen Stock
                                              Exchange and other regulatory
                                              agencies, and with reference to the
                                              common practices of listed companies.
                                              The above measures are the guarantee
                                              measures for the effective use of the
                                              proceeds by Botanee for this offering
                                              and listing and the measures to prevent
                                              the risk of diluted spot return from this
                                              offering and listing, and do not
                                              represent the guarantee made by it for
                                              future profits.
                                              1. Nuona Technology/I do not
Undertakings     Nuona                        interfere with Botanee’s operation and
                             Measures and
made during                                   management         activities     beyond
                 Technology, undertakings     authority, encroach on Botanee’s            June 29,
initial public   Guo Zhenyu, for filling                                                              Long-term   Ongoing
offering or                                   interests, transfer benefits to other        2020
                 and Kevin   diluted spot
refinancing                                   organizations or individuals free of
                 Guo         return
                                              charge or under unfair conditions, or
                                              harm Botanee’s interests in other
                                                            99                                                          137
                     Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                 2.      The     remuneration      system
                                                 formulated by the Board of Directors
                                                 or the Remuneration and Assessment
                                                 Committee        is   linked    to    the
                                                 implementation of Botanee’s remedial
                                                 and return measures;
                                                 3. If Botanee subsequently introduces
                                                 equity incentive policies (if any), the
                                                 exercise conditions of its equity
                                                 incentive to be announced are linked to
                                                 the implementation of its remedial and
                                                 return measures;
                                                 4. After the date of issuance of this
                                                 commitment, if the China Securities
                                                 Regulatory Commission and the
                                                 Shenzhen Stock Exchange make new
                                                 regulatory provisions on remedial
                                                 measures and commitments, and the
                                                 above commitments cannot meet their
                                                 requirements, the Enterprise/I promise
                                                 that we will issue supplementary
                                                 commitments in accordance with their
                                                 latest regulations;
                                                 5. If Nuona Technology/I violate such
                                                 commitments or refuse to fulfill the
                                                 commitments, Nuona Technology/I
                                                 voluntarily accept relevant punishment
                                                 or management measures imposed by
                                                 the China Securities Regulatory
                                                 Commission,         Shenzhen       Stock
                                                 Exchange, and other securities
                                                 regulatory authorities on Nuona
                                                 Technology/I according to law. Nuona
                                                 Technology/I am willing to bear the
                                                 liability for compensation according to
                                                 the law if Nuona Technology/I violate
                                                 such commitments and cause losses to
                                                 Botanee or its shareholders.
                                                 1. As a director/senior management
                                                 officer of Botanee, I will not transfer
                                                 benefits to other organizations or
                                                 individuals free of charge or on unfair
                                                 conditions, nor damage the interests of
                                                 the Company in other ways;
                                                 2. I restrict my position-related
                                                 consumption as a director/senior
                                                 management officer of Botanee. The
                                                 position-related consumption refers to
                                                 incurred       by    the     Company’s
                 Gao                             director/senior management officer
Undertakings     Shaoyang,      Measures and     during the performance of their work
made during      Ma Xiao,       undertakings     duties and borne by the Company;
                                                                                           June 29,
initial public   Zhou Wei,      for filling      3. I do not use Botanee’s assets to               Long-term   Ongoing
offering or                                                                                2020
                 Wang Long, diluted spot         engage in investment and consumption
refinancing      and Dong       return           activities unrelated to the performance
                 Junzi                           of duties;
                                                 4.      The     remuneration      system
                                                 formulated by the Board of Directors
                                                 or the Remuneration and Assessment
                                                 Committee        is   linked    to    the
                                                 implementation of Botanee’s remedial
                                                 5. If Botanee subsequently introduces
                                                 equity incentive policies (if any), then
                                                 the exercise conditions of its equity
                                                 incentive to be announced shall be
                                                 linked to the implementation of its

                                                           100                                                        137
                    Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                remedial and return measures;
                                                6. After the date of issuance of this
                                                commitment, if the China Securities
                                                Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen
                                                Stock Exchange make new regulatory
                                                provisions on remedial and return
                                                measures and commitments, and the
                                                above commitments cannot meet their
                                                requirements, I promise that I will
                                                issue a supplementary commitment in
                                                accordance       with    their    latest
                                                7. If I violate such commitment or
                                                refuse to fulfill the commitment, I
                                                voluntarily assume corresponding
                                                responsibilities in accordance with the
                                                relevant regulations of the China
                                                Securities Regulatory Commission and
                                                the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
                                              Botanee’s Articles of Association
                                              (Draft) has been deliberated on and
                                              approved at the Second Extraordinary
                                              General Meeting of Shareholders in
                                              2020, and Botanee made the following
                                              undertakings on profit distribution
                                              policy and other matters:
                                             1. Principles of profit distribution:
                                             Botanee implements an active profit
                                             distribution policy, attaches importance
                                             to the reasonable return on investment
                                             to shareholders, and maintains
                                             continuity and stability while taking
                                             into account its long-term interests, the
                                             overall interests of all shareholders and
                                             its sustainable development. It may
                                             distribute profits in the form of cash or
                                             shares, and cash dividends are
                                             preferred. The profit distribution shall
                                             not exceed the scope of accumulated
                                             distributable profits, and shall not
                                             damage the Company’s sustainable
Undertakings                                 operation ability. Botanee’s Board of
                              Undertaking on Directors, Board of Supervisors and
made during
                              profit         the General Meeting of Shareholders Jun. 29,
initial public   Botanee                                                                          Long-term   Ongoing
                              distribution   should fully take into account the 2020
offering or
                              policy         opinions of independent directors,
                                             external supervisors and public
                                             investors when making decisions and
                                             justifications for profit distribution
                                             policies. Botanee shall distribute
                                             profits at least once a year, and the
                                             accumulated distributed profits for
                                             every three consecutive years shall not
                                             be less than 30% of the average annual
                                             distributable profits realized in the last
                                             three years (the above financial
                                             indicators are calculated according to
                                             the standard of the parent company);
                                              2. Ways of profit distribution: Botanee
                                              can distribute dividends through cash,
                                              stocks or cash-stock combination, and
                                              can carry out interim dividends if
                                              conditions permit;
                                              3. Differentiated cash dividend policy:
                                              (1) The Board of Directors shall
                                              comprehensively       consider     the
                                              characteristics of the industry, its
                                              development stage, its business model,
                                                           101                                                      137
Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                            profitability and whether there are
                            major          capital       expenditure
                            arrangements,        distinguish     the
                            following situations, and propose
                            differentiated cash dividend policies in
                            accordance with the procedures
                            stipulated in the Company’s Articles of
                            Association of:
                          (a) If Botanee’s development is mature
                          and there is no major capital
                          expenditure        arrangement,         the
                          proportion of cash dividends in this
                          profit distribution shall be at least 80%;
                          (b) If Botanee is in the mature stage of
                          development and there are major
                          capital expenditure arrangements, the
                          proportion of cash dividends to this
                          profit distribution shall be at least 40%
                          during profit distribution;
                          (c) If Botanee is in growth stage and
                          there are major capital expenditure
                          arrangements, the proportion of cash
                          dividends to this profit distribution
                          shall be at least 20% during profit
                          (2) Specific conditions and proportion
                          of cash dividends:
                          (a) Botanee’s profits in the current year
                          and accumulated undistributed profits
                          are positive, and the Company can
                          continue to operate and develop for a
                          (b) Botanee has no significant
                          investment plan or significant cash
                          expenditure. On the premise of
                          meeting the above conditions, its profit
                          distribution shall not exceed the scope
                          of accumulated distributable profits,
                          and the profits distributed in cash in a
                          single year shall not be less than 10%
                          of the distributable profits realized in
                          the current year (the above financial
                          indicators are calculated according to
                          the standard of the parent company).
                          Under the condition that Botanee has
                          real and reasonable factors such as
                          growth and dilution of net assets per
                          share, it can distribute profits by stock
                          3. Major investment plans or major
                          cash expenditures refer to one of the
                          following situations:
                          (1) Botanee’s cumulative expenditure
                          on    foreign      investment,    assets
                          acquisition or equipment purchase in
                          the next 12 months reaches or exceeds
                          50% of its latest audited net assets and
                          exceeds CNY 50 million;
                          (2) Botanee’s cumulative expenditure
                          on    foreign      investment,      assets
                          acquisition or equipment purchase in
                          the next 12 months reaches or exceeds
                          30% of its latest audited total assets;
                          (3) The net cash flow generated from
                          Botanee’s operating activities in the
                          current year is less than 20% of its
                          distributable profits realized in the
                                       102                                         137
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                                                current year;
                                               (4) Other circumstances stipulated by
                                               the China Securities Regulatory
                                               Commission or the Shenzhen Stock
                                               Exchange. Major investment plans or
                                               major cash expenditures that meet the
                                               above conditions shall be submitted to
                                               the General Meeting of Shareholders
                                               for deliberation and approval after
                                               being reviewed by the Board of
                                               4. Adjustment of profit distribution
                                               policy:     Botanee      shall    strictly
                                               implement the cash dividend policy
                                               determined in the Articles of
                                               Association and the specific cash
                                               dividend plan reviewed and approved
                                               by     the    General     Meeting       of
                                               Shareholders. When Botanee really
                                               needs to adjust the cash dividend
                                               policy stipulated in the Articles of
                                               Association according to its production
                                               and operation needs, investment
                                               planning and long-term development,
                                               or there are major changes in its
                                               external business environment, the
                                               Board of Directors shall fully
                                               demonstrate the feasibility of adjusting
                                               or changing the profit distribution
                                               policy, and submit it to the General
                                               Meeting of Shareholders for approval
                                               after forming a special resolution. The
                                               deliberation at the General Meeting of
                                               Shareholders shall be approved by
                                               more than 2/3 of the voting rights held
                                               by the shareholders (including
                                               shareholder’s proxies) attending the
                                               meeting. Independent directors shall
                                               express independent opinions on this
                                               matter, and the Board of Supervisors
                                               shall also express opinions on this
                                               matter. When Botanee proposes to
                                               adjust the profit distribution policy, it
                                               shall take the interests of shareholders
                                               as the starting point, pay attention to
                                               the protection of the interests of
                                               shareholders, and specify the reasons
                                               for the adjustment in the proposal
                                               submitted to the General Meeting of
                                               Shareholders. The adjusted profit
                                               distribution policy shall not violate the
                                               relevant provisions of the China
                                               Securities Regulatory Commission and
                                               the stock exchanges.
                                              5.     Implementation        of      profit
                                              distribution: The Board of Directors
                                              shall complete the distribution of
                                              dividends (or shares) within 2 months
                                              after the approval of the General
                                              Meeting of Shareholders. In the case of
                                              illegal occupation of the funds by any
                                              shareholder, Botanee will deduct the
                                              cash dividend to be distributed to that
                                              shareholder to repay the occupied
Undertakings                  Undertaking to 1. Botanee promises that there are no
made during                   assume         falsehoods, misleading statements or         Jun. 29,
                 Botanee      compensation major omissions in its prospectus for this 2020           Long-term   Ongoing
initial public
offering or                   liabilities    offering and listing, and it shall bear
                                                            103                                                        137
                     Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
refinancing                                     individual and joint legal liabilities for
                                                the authenticity, accuracy and
                                                completeness of the prospectus;
                                                2. If there are falsehoods, misleading
                                                statements or major omissions in the
                                                prospectus which result in losses to
                                                investors in the securities trading of
                                                Botanee’s shares, Botanee will
                                                compensate investors for their losses
                                                according to law. The specific
                                                measures are as follows: After the
                                                China        Securities     Regulatory
                                                Commission and the Shenzhen Stock
                                                Exchange make a formal decision on
                                                administrative penalty to Botanee and
                                                verify that Botanee has committed the
                                                above illegal acts, Botanee will let
                                                public investors who file a claim to
                                                register related formation, and pay
                                                compensation in time after verifying
                                                their qualification and the amount of
                                                losses suffered by them.
                                                1. Nuona Technology guarantees that
                                                the contents of Botanee’s prospectus
                                                for this offering are true, accurate and
                                                2. Nuona Technology has carefully
                                                reviewed Botanee’s prospectus for this
                                                offering, confirmed that there are no
                                                falsehoods, misleading statements or
                                                major omissions, and promise that:
                                                (1) If investors suffer losses in
Undertakings                   Undertaking to   securities trading due to falsehoods,
made during      Nuona         assume           misleading statements or major Jun. 29,
initial public                 compensation     omissions in the prospectus of 2020                Long-term   Ongoing
offering or      Technology
                               liabilities      Botanee’s public offering of shares,
refinancing                                     Nuona Technology will compensate
                                                them for the losses according to law;
                                                (2) Nuona Technology agrees to use
                                                cash dividends enjoyed by it in
                                                Botanee’s profit distribution plan for
                                                the current year or subsequent years as
                                                performance guarantee. If Nuona
                                                Technology fails to perform the above
                                                compensation obligations, Botanee’s
                                                shares held by it shall not be
                                                1. I guarantee that the contents of
                                                Botanee’s prospectus for this offering
                                                are true, accurate and complete;
                                                2. I have carefully reviewed Botanee’s
                                                prospectus for this offering, confirmed
                                                that there are no falsehoods,
                                                misleading statements or major
                                                omissions, and promise that:
Undertakings                   Undertaking to
made during      Guo                            (1) If investors suffer losses in
                 Zhenyu,       assume           securities trading due to falsehoods, Jun. 29,
initial public                 compensation                                                        Long-term   Ongoing
offering or      and Kevin                      misleading statements or major 2020
                 Guo           liabilities      omissions in the prospectus of
                                                Botanee’s public offering of shares, I
                                                will compensate them for the losses
                                                according to law;
                                                (2) I agree to use cash dividends
                                                enjoyed by me in Botanee’s profit
                                                distribution plan for the current year or
                                                subsequent years as performance
                                                guarantee. If I fail to perform the
                                                             104                                                     137
                     Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                 above     compensation     obligations,
                                                 Botanee’s shares held by me shall not
                                                 be transferred.
                                                 1. I guarantee that the contents of
                                                 Botanee’s prospectus for this offering
                                                 are true, accurate and complete;
                                                2. I have carefully reviewed Botanee’s
                                                prospectus for this offering, confirmed
                 Gao                            that there are no falsehoods,
Undertakings     Shaoyang,     Undertaking to misleading statements or major
made during      Ma Xiao,      assume           omissions, and promise that if the            Jun. 29,
initial public   Zhou Wei,     compensation     China        Securities       Regulatory                 Long-term   Ongoing
offering or      Wang Long,    liabilities      Commission,         Shenzhen        Stock
refinancing      and Dong                       Exchange or judicial authorities
                 Junzi                          identify     falsehoods,      misleading
                                                statements or major omissions in the
                                                prospectus which result in actual losses
                                                to investors in securities trading, I will
                                                compensate investors for the losses
                                                according to law.
                                                1. I/Nuona Technology currently is not
                                                engaged in the same main business as
                                                the issuer, and there will be no direct
                                                or indirect horizontal competition with
                                                the issuer. In the future, I/Nuona
                                                Technology will not engage in any
                                                form of business activities that are the
                                                same or similar to the issuer’s existing
                                                main business and related products,
                                                including horizontal competition with
                                                the issuer in the form of investments,
                                                acquisitions,    mergers      or    other
                                                economic organizations that have the
                                                same or similar to the issuer’s existing
                                                main business and related products.
                                                2. The enterprises that I/Nuona
                                                Technology currently or will invest in
                                                or control in the future are not engaged
                                                in the same main business as the
                                                issuer, and do not compete directly or
                                                indirectly with the issuer. If the
                                                enterprises controlled by me/Nuona
Undertakings     Nuona                          Technology intend to conduct the same
made during      Technology,   Undertaking to main business as the issuer, I/Nuona
                                                                                              Mar. 20,               Ongoing
initial public   Guo           avoid horizontal Technology will exercise the right of                    Long-term
                               competition                                                    2020                   [C1]
offering or      Zhenyu, and                    veto to ensure that there is no direct or
refinancing      Kevin Guo                      indirect horizontal competition with
                                                the issuer.
                                                 3. If there are business opportunities
                                                 related to the issuer’s main business,
                                                 I/Nuona Technology will give priority
                                                 to transfer or introduce it to the issuer.
                                                 For projects that the issuer has already
                                                 constructed or plans to invest in,
                                                 I/Nuona Technology will avoid being
                                                 identical or similar to the issuer in
                                                 terms of investment direction and
                                                 project selection, and will not compete
                                                 with the issuer in the same industry to
                                                 safeguard the interests of the issuer. If
                                                 the rights and interests of the issuer are
                                                 damaged due to violation of the above
                                                 commitments by myself/our company
                                                 and other companies controlled by
                                                 me/Nuona        Technology,       I/Nuona
                                                 Technology will bear corresponding
                                                 liability    for    compensation        in
                                                 accordance with the law.

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                         Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
 Whether the
 are duly          Yes
 Whether the
 on time or not
 reasons for
 failure to fulfill
 any                N/A.
 and plan for the
 next step

1.2 Where Any Earnings Forecast Was Made for Any of Botanee’s Assets Or Projects and the Reporting
Period Is Still Within the Forecast Period, Botanee Shall Explain Whether the Performance of the Asset or
Project Reaches the Earnings Forecast and Why
    □ Applicable  N/A

2. Occupation of the Company’s Capital by Its Controlling Shareholder or Related Parties for
Non-Operating Purposes

    □ Applicable  N/A

    No non-operating capital occupied by Botanee’s controlling shareholders and other related parties was not identified within the
reporting period. For details, please refer to the Special Audit Report on the Summary of Non-operating Fund Occupation and Other
Related Fund Transactions of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. in 2023 disclosed by CNINFO

3. Illegal Provision of Guarantees for External Parties

    □ Applicable  N/A
During the reporting period, the Company has no illegal foreign guarantees.

4. Explanation of the Board of Directors Regarding the Last “Non-standard Audit Opinion”

    □ Applicable  N/A

5. Explanation by the Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, and Independent Directors
(If Any) Regarding “Non-standard Audit Opinion” for the Reporting Period

    □ Applicable  N/A

6. Changes in Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates as Compared to the Financial
Report for the Prior Year, as well as Correction of Material Accounting Errors

    □ Applicable  N/A
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7. Reason for Changes in Consolidated Financial Statements as Compared with Financial
Report for the Prior Year

      Applicable □ N/A

     For details, please refer to “43. Changes in Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” in item 5 “Changes in the
Scope of Consolidation” under Section X of this report.

8. Engagement and Disengagement of CPA Firm

   Name of the domestic CPA firm                                                            Talent Certified Public Accountants
                                                                                            (Special General Partnership)
   Botanee’s payment to the domestic CPA firm                                              CNY 2 million
   Consecutive years of the audit service provided by the domestic CPA firm                 6
   Names of the certified public accountants from the domestic CPA firm                     Wu Ting, and Zhang Xuewen
   Consecutive years of the audit service provided by the certified public accountants      1 years, 2 years
   from the domestic CPA firm
   Name of the overseas CPA firm (if any)                                                   N/A
   Botanee’s payment to the overseas CPA firm (if any)                                     N/A
   Consecutive years of the audit service provided by the overseas CPA firm (if any)        N/A
   Names of the certified public accountants from the overseas CPA firm (if any)            N/A
   Consecutive years of the audit service provided by the certified public accountants      N/A
   from the overseas CPA firm (if any)
     Whether the CPA firm was changed in the current period or not:
      Yes □ No

     Engagement of any CPA firm for internal control audit, financial advisor or sponsor:

     □ Applicable  N/A

9. Possibility of Delisting after Disclosure of this Report

     □ Applicable  N/A

10. Bankruptcy and Reorganization

     □ Applicable  N/A

11. Material Litigation and Arbitration

     □ Applicable  N/A

12. Punishments and Rectifications

     □ Applicable  N/A

13. Credit Conditions of Botanee as well as Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller

     □ Applicable  N/A

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14. Significant Related Transactions

14.1 Continuing Related Transactions

    □ Applicable  N/A

14.2 Related Transactions Regarding Purchase or Sales of Assets or Equity Interests

    □ Applicable  N/A

14.3 Related Transactions Arising from Joint Investments in External Parties

    □ Applicable  N/A

14.4 Credits and Liabilities with Related Parties

    □ Applicable  N/A

14.5 Transactions with Related Finance Companies

    □ Applicable  N/A

14.6 Transactions between Finance Companies Controlled by the Company and Related Parties

    □ Applicable  N/A

14.7 Other Significant Related Transactions
     Applicable □ N/A

    Botanee held the 2nd Meeting of the Second Board of Directors on June 29, 2022, at which directors deliberated on and approved
the Proposal on Investments in Cooperation with Professional Investment Institutions and Transactions with Related Party. The
Company intended to invest in Hangzhou Sequoia Shengheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter
referred to as “Sequoia Fund”) established by Sequoia Capital Equity Investment Management (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. as the manager and
Hangzhou Sequoia Kunpeng Management Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) as the general partner, and planned to sign the
Limited Partnership Agreement on Hangzhou Sequoia Shengheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership). As one of the
limited partners of Sequoia Fund, Botanee subscribed CNY100 million with its own funds. The share of this investment in Sequoia
Fund will be confirmed according to final actual fundraising. As of the end of the reporting period, Botanee has paid CNY180 million.

     Inquiries on the website where the interim report of major related transactions was disclosed:

                                                                 Disclosure date of interim
               Name of interim announcement                           announcement             Website for interim bulletin

 Announcement of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology
 Group Co., Ltd. on Cooperation with Professional              June 30, 2022                  CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
 Investment Institutions and Related Transactions

15. Significant Contracts and Their Execution
15.1 Trusteeship, Contracting, and Leasing
    (1) Trusteeship

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     □ Applicable  N/A

     (2) Contracting

     □ Applicable  N/A

     (3) Leasing

     □ Applicable  N/A


     During the reporting period, the premises leased by us were mainly used for R&D, storage and office purposes. And there was no
major leasing projects that brought that brought gains or losses to us exceeding 10% of our total profit.

15.2 Major Guarantees
     □ Applicable  N/A

15.3 Entrusted Cash Management
     (1) Entrusted Wealth Management

      Applicable □ N/A

     Overview of entrusted wealth management during the reporting period:
                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY

                               Source of fund                                                                Impairment provision
                                                Amount of entrusted                           Overdue
      Category                  entrusted for                       Outstanding balance                           for overdue
                                                      fund                              irrecoverable amount
                                management                                                                     unrecovered fund
 Financial products                                    1,170,000,000           373,987,200
 from bank               Self-owned fund
 Financial products
 from bank               Raised fund                     490,000,000

Financial products
from securities                                          680,000,000           551,662,300
                         Self-owned fund
Financial products
from securities                                          790,000,000           536,871,400
                         Raised fund

 Trust-based financial
 products              Self-owned fund                   154,000,000             85,835,800

                       Total                           3,284,000,000         1,548,356,700

     Details of high-risk entrusted wealth management with large amount for a single transaction, low security or poor liquidity:

     □ Applicable  N/A

     Principal unrecovered or other conditions causing impairment for entrusted fund:

     □ Applicable  N/A

     (2) Entrusted loans

     □ Applicable  N/A

15.4 Other Significant Contracts
     □ Applicable  N/A

16. Other Significant Events
      Applicable □ N/A

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     For details, please refer to “4. Other Related Parties” in item 14 “Related Parties and Transactions with Them” under Section X of
this report.

17. Significant Events of Subsidiaries
     □ Applicable  N/A

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                        Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
     Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders
1. Changes in Shares
1.1 Changes in Shares
                                                                                                                       Unit: share
                                 Before                         Increase (+)/decrease (-) in this change          After
                                                       Bonus      issuance by    Miscellan
                     Quantity Percentage New issue                transferring
                                                       shares        capital         eous       Subtotal    Quantity      Scale
1. Restricted      206,206,289    48.68%                                                                   206,206,289    48.68%

1.1 Shares held
by the state

1.2 Shares held
by state-owned

1.3 Shares held
by other           206,206,289    48.68%                                                                   206,206,289    48.68%
which: shares
held by domestic 206,206,289      48.68%                                                                   206,206,289    48.68%

     Shares held
by domestic

1.4 Shares held
by foreign
which: shares
held by foreign

held by
2. Non-restricted
                  217,393,711     51.32%                                                                   217,393,711    51.32%

2.1 CNY
common             217,393,711    51.32%                                                                   217,393,711    51.32%

listed foreign
2.3 Overseas
foreign shares

2.4 Other

3. Total shares    423,600,0                                                                               423,600,0
                                 100.00%                                                                                  100.00%
                          00                                                                                      00

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     Reasons for the changes in shares:
     □ Applicable  N/A

     Approval of of the changes in shares:
     □ Applicable  N/A

     Transfer for share ownership:
     □ Applicable  N/A

     Effects of changes in shares on basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to common shareholders of the
Company and other financial indexes over the last year and the last reporting period:
     □ Applicable  N/A

     Other contents that Bonatee considers necessary or is required by securities regulatory authority to disclose:
     □ Applicable  N/A

1.2 Changes in Restricted Shares

      Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                                             Unit: share

                        Restricted shares as                                                                       Reasons for
                                                     Increased in       Unlocked in          shares as at the
     Shareholder        at the beginning of                                                                           trading       Date of unlocking
                                                    current period     current period            end of the
                             the period                                                                             restriction
 Nuona Technology                195,212,611                                                     195,212,611 issued before              Mar. 25, 2024
                                                                                                             IPO                           (note)

 Yunnan Haqisheng                  10,993,678                                                     10,993,678 Shares                     Mar. 25, 2024
                                                                                                             issued before                 (note)
 Total                        206,206,289                                        206,206,289         --                    --
    Note: For details, please refer to the Indicative Announcement on the Listing and Circulation of Part of the Issued Shares of
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. before Its Initial Public Offering (announcement No.: 2024-008) disclosed by
CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

2. Issuance and Listing of Securities
2.1 Issuance of Securities (Excluding Preferred Shares) in the Reporting Period
     □ Applicable  N/A

2.2 Changes in Our Total Shares and Shareholder Structure, as well as Asset and Liability Structures
     □ Applicable  N/A

2.3 Existing staff-held shares
     □ Applicable  N/A

3. Shareholders and Actual Controller
3.1 Total Number of Shareholders and Their Shareholdings
                                                                                                                                             Unit: share
 Ordinary                      Ordinary                          Preferred                       Preferred shareholders             Shareholders
 shareholders                  shareholders as at                shareholders whose              whose voting rights are           holding special
 as of the end     36,678      the end of the         34,356     voting rights are               resumed at the end of the         voting shares (if
 of the                        month before the                  resumed at the end              month before the                        any)
 reporting                     disclosure of the                 of the reporting                disclosure of the annual
 period                        annual report                     period (if any) (see            report (if any) (see note 9)
                                                                 note 9)
                    Shareholders holding more than 5% our shares or top 10 shareholders (excluding shares loaned through refinancing)

                                                                          112                                                                          137
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                                                                              Share increase     Number of                                 Pledged, marked or frozen
                                                         Number of shares                                                 Number of
                            Nature of      Shareholdin                       /decrease during shares subject to                                     shares
    Shareholder                                          held at the end of                                               unrestricted
                          shareholder      g proportion                        the reporting       trading
                                                        the reporting period                                             shareholdings     Status of shares   Quantity
                                                                                  period         restriction
Nuona                   Domestic non-
                         state-owned                                                                                                            N/A
Technology                                       46.08%          195,212,611                         195,212,611
                        Domestic non-
Sequoia Juye             state-owned                                                                                                            N/A
                                                 14.58%           61,763,257                                                  61,763,257
Zhenli                  Domestic non-
                         state-owned                              27,685,934          -6,314,300                                                N/A
Consulting                                         6.54%                                                                      27,685,934
Hong Kong
Securities              Overseas legal             2.94%          12,463,299          3,315,352                               12,463,299        N/A
Clearing                   person
Company Limited
                       Domestic non-
Yunnan Haqisheng        state-owned                2.60%          10,993,678                           10,993,678                               N/A
Xiamen Chonglou
                       Domestic non-
Yunshui Investment
                        state-owned                1.88%           7,959,753          -4,730,573                               7,959,753        N/A
Partnership (Limited
Kuwait Investment       Overseas legal
                                                   1.02%           4,330,337          4,330,337                                4,330,337        N/A
Authority                   person
National Social
Security Fund 504           Other                  0.49%           2,068,475            816,930                                2,068,475        N/A
China Taiping
General Insurance
Co., Ltd.-Traditional-      Other                  0.39%           1,634,939          1,084,966                                1,634,939        N/A
General Insurance
Industrial and
Commercial Bank of
China Co., Ltd.-E
Fund GEM Traded             Other                  0.36%            1,507,481           841,100                                1,507,481         N/A
Open-End Index
Securities Investment
 Status of the strategic investor or
 general legal person becoming one of        N/A
 top 10 shareholders due to equity
 offering (if any) (see note 4)
 Explanations of relationships between       Both Nuona Technology and Yunnan Haqisheng are enterprises controlled by the actual controllers GUO
 or concerted actions of the                 ZHENYU and his son KEVIN GUO. Besides, no connected relationship and action in concert between other
 aforementioned shareholders                 shareholders is known to the Company.

 Description of the above shareholders’
 involvement in proxy/entrusted voting       N/A
 rights and waiver of voting rights
 Special description of repurchase           As of December 31, 2023, the number of unrestricted shares held by Botanee’s repurchase special securities account
 special account among the top 10            was 1,539,500 shares, which accounted for approximately 0.36% of the Company’s issued CNY ordinary shares at the
 shareholders (if any) (see Note 10)         end of the reporting period.

                                       Shareholdings of top ten shareholders without trading limited condition

                                                                                            Number of shares not                         Types of shares
                                       Shareholder                                             subject to trading
                                                                                          restriction as at the end of           Types of shares              Quantity
                                                                                                reporting period
                                                                                                                             CNY common shares
 Sequoia Juye                                                                                            61,763,257                                           61,763,257
                                                                                                                             CNY common shares
 Zhenli Consulting                                                                                       27,685,934                                           12,463,299

 Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited                                                           12,463,299           CNY common shares               12,463,299
                                                                                                                             CNY common shares
 Xiamen Chonglou Yunshui Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership)                                      7,959,753                                           7,959,753
 Kuwait Investment Authority                                                                               4,330,337         CNY common shares                 4,330,337
 National Social Security Fund 504 Portfolio                                                               2,068,475         CNY common shares                 2,068,475
 China Taiping General Insurance Co., Ltd.-Traditional-General Insurance Products                          1,634,939         CNY common shares                 1,634,939
 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd.-E Fund GEM Traded Open-End                                                CNY common shares
                                                                                                           1,507,481                                           1,507,481
 Index Securities Investment Fund
 China Life Insurance Company Limited - Dividends - Personal Dividends -                                                     CNY common shares
                                                                                                           1,326,617                                           1,326,617
 005LFH002 Shanghai
 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd.-Rongtong Health Industry                                                  CNY common shares
                                                                                                           1,250,000                                           1,250,000
 Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
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                            Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
 Description on the related relationship or concerted
 action among top 10 unrestricted tradable                No connected relationship or action in concert among top 10 unrestricted tradable shareholders, and
 shareholders, and between top 10 unrestricted            between top 10 unrestricted tradable shareholders and top 10 shareholders are known to us.
 tradable shareholders and top 10 shareholders
 Description of shareholders participating in
 securities margin trading (if any) (see Note 5)          N/A

     Top 10 shareholders involved in refinancing shares lending
     □ Applicable  N/A
     Changes in top 10 shareholders compared with the previous period:
     □ Applicable  N/A
     Differential voting rights arrangements:
     □ Applicable  N/A
     Whether any of our top 10 common shareholders or top 10 non-restricted common shareholders conducted any promissory
repurchase during the reporting period or not:
     □ Yes No

2. Controlling Shareholder
     Nature of the controlling shareholder: foreign-controlled

     Type of the controlling shareholder: corporation

        Name                     Legal                     Date of
                                                                               Organization code                            Main businesses
                             representative/            establishment
                            person in charge
                                                                                                            Information technology services,
                                                                                                            technical consultation; enterprise
                                                                                                            management consultation (the above
                                                                                                            items do not involve special management
 Nuona Technology Guo Zhenyu                            May 30, 2012        91530000597114966B              measures for foreign investment access)
                                                                                                            (items that are subject to approval
                                                                                                            according to law shall be operated only
                                                                                                            after relevant approvals are obtained from
                                                                                                            relevant departments).
Equity of other domestic and foreign listed
companies controlled and equity
participation by the controlling
shareholder during the reporting period
     Change in controlling shareholder in the reporting period
     □ Applicable  N/A

3. Actual controller and its Acting-in-concert Parties
     Nature of the actual controller: overseas natural person

     Type of the actual controller: natural person

                                                Relation with                                                            Right of residence in other
    Name of actual controller                                                         Nationality
                                               actual controller                                                     countries or regions acquired or not
 Guo Zhenyu                                In person                      Canada                                                         Yes

 Kevin Guo                                 In person                      Dual nationality of Canada                                     Yes
                                                                          and the United States
                                           Guo Zhenyu is the Chairman and General Manager of the Company. Kevin Guo does not hold
 Main occupation and title
                                           any position in the Company and its subsidiaries at all levels.
 Domestic and foreign listed
 companies held thereby in the             N/A.
 past 10 years
     Change of the actual controller during the reporting period:
     □ Applicable  N/A

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    Block diagram of property right and control relationship between the Company and its actual controller

    The actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management:
    □ Applicable  N/A

4. Indicate Whether the Cumulative Shares of the Controlling Shareholder or the Largest Shareholder and
Their Acting-in-concert Parties That Are in Pledge Account for 80% or Greater of Their Shareholdings in
the Company
    □ Applicable  N/A

5. Other Corporate Shareholders with a Shareholding Percentage above 10%
     Applicable □ N/A

    Name of
                   Legal representative/          Date of        Registered Capital           Major operation and management
    corporate        person in charge          establishment                                             activities
                                                                                           Engage in investment in unlisted
                                                                                           enterprises, investment in non-publicly
                     Shanghai Zhexuan                                                      issued shares of listed companies and
   Sequoia Juye      Investment Center          Dec. 3, 2010     CNY2,784,800,000          related consulting services (items subject to
                   (Limited Partnership)                                                  approval according to law shall be operated
                                                                                           only after relevant approvals are obtained
                                                                                           from relevant departments).

6. Limits on the Company’s Shares Held by Its Controlling Shareholder, Actual Controller, Reorganizer and
Other Commitment Subjects

    □ Applicable  N/A

IV. Share Repurchases during the Reporting Period

Progress in the implementation of share repurchase
 Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                        repurchased as
                                       As a                                                                             a percentage of
                    Number of                                                                              Number of
 Disclosure date                  percentage of      Amount to                                                           the total target
 of the scheme     shares to be                                        Repurchase period       Purpose       shares
                                  the total share     be used                                                            number of the
                   repurchased                                                                            repurchased         equity
                                                                                                                        scheme (if any)

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                 Calculated based on the lower limit of the
                 repurchase amount of CNY200 million and the
                 upper limit of the repurchase price of CNY130
                 per share, the number of repurchases is
                 approximately 1,538,461 shares, and the
                 proportion of repurchased shares accounts for
                                                                  Within 12 months
                 approximately 0.3632% of the Company’s
                                                                  from the date we held
                 total share capital. Based on the amount of this
                                                                  the 10th Meeting of
                 repurchase, the upper limit is CNY300 million
                                                                  the Second Board of
Oct. 30, 2023    and the upper limit of the repurchase price is                          Note 1  1,539,500         0.00%
                                                                  Directors on August
                 CNY130 per share. The number of
                                                                  30, 2023 to deliberate
                 repurchases is approximately 2,307,692
                                                                  on and approve the
                 shares, and the proportion of repurchased
                                                                  repurchase plan
                 shares accounts for approximately 0.5448% of
                 the Company’s total share capital. The specific
                 number of shares repurchased shall be based
                 on the actual number of shares repurchased
                 when the repurchase period expires or the
                 repurchase is terminated.

    Note 1: Based on confidence in Botanee’s future development and recognition of its value, in order to effectively safeguard the
interests of shareholders, enhance investor confidence, and at the same time improve the Company’s long-term incentive mechanism,
fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, and effectively combine the interests of shareholders, the Company and employees are
closely integrated. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, we plan to repurchase our shares through centralized bidding
transactions, and all repurchased shares will be used to implement equity incentive plans or employee stock ownership plans. For
details, please refer to the Announcement of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. on the First Repurchase of Its Shares
(announcement number: 2023-069) and the Announcement of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. on Adjusting the First
Repurchase of Its Shares (announcement number: 2023-068) disclosed by CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

    Progress of any repurchased share reduction through centralized price bidding:
    □ Applicable  N/A

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                          Section VIII             Preference Shares

□ Applicable  N/A

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                                      Section IX Bonds

□ Applicable  N/A

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                                         Section X              Financial Report

1. Auditor’s Report

Type of the auditor’s opinion                            Unqualified opinion
Signing date of the auditor’s report                     April 24, 2024
Name of the auditor                                       Talent Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)
No. of the auditor’s report                              THSZ (2024) No. 01527
Names of certified public accountants                     Wu Ting, and Zhang Xuewen

                                                        Text of the auditor’s report

Shareholders of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.,

     1. Audit Opinion
     We have audited the financial statements of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
“Botanee”or the “Company”), including Consolidated and Parent Company’s Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2023, as well as
Consolidated and Parent Company’s Income Statements, Consolidated and Parent Company’s Cash Flow Statements, Consolidated and
Parent Company’s Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity, and Notes to Financial Statements for the year then ended.

      In our opinion, the attached financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with Accounting
 Standards for Business Enterprises and present fairly the Consolidated and Parent Company's financial position as at December 31,
 2023, and the Consolidated and Parent Company's financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended.

      2. Basis for Audit Opinion

      We conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards for Certified Public Accountants of China. The section in
 the Auditor’s Report titled “CPAs’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements” further describes our responsibilities
 under these standards. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the China Code of Ethics for Certified Public
 Accountants and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is
 sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

     3. Key Audit Matters

     Key audit matters are, in our professional judgment, the most important matters to the audit of Botanee’s financial statements for
the year 2023. To respond to these matters, we audited the financial statements overall and issued audit opinions. We do not express
any opinions on these matters separately.

     (1) Revenue Calculation

     i. Description

     As described in Financial Statements V.41 “Operating Revenue” below, Botanee’s operating revenue in 2023 amounted to
CNY5,522,168,300. As a main source of profits, operating revenue affects key performance indicators. There is a big risk of
misstatement. Therefore, we consider the authenticity, accuracy and cut-off of revenue as key audit matters.

     ii. Audit Methods

     1) Understand the internal control mechanism for sales and payment collection, test and evaluate the design and implementation
of the internal control mechanism for revenue recognition, and evaluate the compliance of revenue recognition policies with
accounting standards;

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        2) Analyze revenue with analysis software to determine whether changes in revenue and gross profit margin are reasonable;

        3) Check more details, such as contracts or orders with major customers, receipt forms, etc., to verify whether revenue
recognition is consistent with the accounting policies disclosed;

        4) Check the order records of online stores in the information system and analyze such records in terms of concentration degree,
average customer transaction, etc.; Verify the authenticity of transactions and identities of major customers for the distribution and
consignment businesses by sending confirmation letters or checking capital flow and vouchers;

        5) Audit corresponding accounts receivable, check the transaction amount and balance of accounts receivable at the end of the
reporting period with major customers through confirmation letters to verify whether the revenue and accounts receivable are accurate;

        6) Understand change and refund policies, estimated refund calculation sheet, etc., and check whether the estimated change and
refund rate is reasonable; check change and refund data after the inspection period, and compare with estimated change and refund

        7) Perform cut-off testing on revenue to verify whether revenue recognition is conducted in the appropriate accounting period.

        (2) Inventory Balance and Provision for Inventory Impairment

        i. Description

        As described in Financial Statements V.8 below, the book balance of Botanee’s inventory on December 31, 2023 was
CNY930,609,400, and the balance of the provision for inventory impairment was CNY26,196,100. Therefore, Botanee had a
sufficient inventory balance at the end of the reporting period. Botanee’s inventory was calculated at the lower of the cost or the net
realizable value. The provision for inventory impairment was calculated based on the difference between the cost of an individual
inventory/category of inventory over the net realizable value. When confirming the net realizable value of a product, we find that the
selling price is related to the remaining validity period of the product and the inventory status. As cosmetics are upgraded quickly,
there may be risks of slow sales and inaccurate calculation of the provision for inventory impairment. In addition, when calculating
the provision for inventory impairment, we have to consider the judgment of Botanee’s management (hereinafter referred to as the
“management”) to determine the net realizable value. Therefore, we take the availability and accuracy of the inventory at the end of
the reporting period as a key audit matter.

        ii. Audit Methods

        1) Understand internal control mechanisms for inventory purchasing, production, warehousing, delivery, etc., and test the design
and implementation of the internal control mechanisms;

        2) For inventory: Understand and check all warehouse bills of materials and inventory counting records, and sample-monitor the
inventory to verify whether there are unsalable, gone-bad or damaged products; For the goods stored off-site: Random-check the
inventory of major off-site warehouses at the end of the reporting period;

        3) Understand Botanee’s calculation of inventory impairment, evaluate whether the management’s estimate (the provision for
inventory impairment) is reasonable, and re-calculate the provision for inventory impairment.

        4. Other Information

        The management is responsible for other information. Other information comprises the information included in the Company’s
Annual Report of 2022, but does not include the financial statements and our audit report thereon.

        Our audit opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance
conclusion thereon.

        In connection with our audit on the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and , in doing so,
consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit
or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

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     Based on the work that we have executed, we should report the fact in case of determining the material misstatement of other
information. In this regard, we have nothing to report.

     5. Responsibilities of the Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements

     The Management shall be responsible for preparing financial statements that present fairly the data in accordance with the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and for designing, implementing and maintaining the internal controls as the
Management deems necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud
or error.

     In preparation of the financial statement, the management is responsible for assessing the going concern ability of Botanee,
disclosing the going concern related items (if applicable) and applying going concern assumptions, unless otherwise the management
plans to liquidate, stop operation or it has no other practical choice.

     Those charged with governance (hereinafter referred to as “the Governance”) of Botanee are responsible for overseeing Botanee’s
financial reporting process.

     6. CPAs’ Responsibility for Audit of Financial Statements

     Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an audit report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level
of assurance, but it does not guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with auditing standards can always detect a material
misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in aggregate,
they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions users would take on the basis of these financial statements.

     We exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism in carrying out our audit in accordance with the
Auditing Standards. At the same time, we also:

     (1) Identify and assess risks of material misstatement of financial statements due to fraud or errors, design and implement audit
procedures to address these risks, and obtain adequate and appropriate audit evidence as a basis for issuing audit opinions. The risk of
failing to detect a material misstatement due to fraud is higher than that of failing to detect a material misstatement resulting    from
error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or overriding of internal control;

     (2) Understand audit-related internal control in order to design appropriate audit procedures, but not for the purpose of expressing
opinions on the effectiveness of internal control;

     (3) Evaluate the appropriateness of the Management's selection of accounting policies and the rationality of accounting estimates
as well as related disclosures;

     (4) Conclude on the appropriateness of the Management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting. conclude, based on       the
audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to any events or conditions that cast significant doubt on the
Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention
in our Audit Report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion.
Our conclusions are based on information available as of the date of the Audit Report. However, future events or conditions may
cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

     (5) Evaluate the overall presentation (including disclosure), structure and content of the financial statements, and whether the
financial statements provide a fair representation of the underlying transactions and events;

     (6) Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence on the financial information of entities or business activities in the Company
to express an audit opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for guiding, supervising, and performing the
group audit, and assume all responsibilities for our opinion.

     We communicate with the Governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant
audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

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     We also provide the Governance with a statement regarding compliance with ethical requirements related to independence and
communicate with the Governance about all relationships and other matters that could reasonably be considered to affect our
independence, as well as related precautions (if applicable).

     We have determined which matters are the most important to audit the financial statement in the current period from the matter
which has been communicated with the Governance, therefore, these matters form the key audit matters. We described these matters in
our auditor's report, except in those cases where public disclosure of such matters is prohibited by law or regulation, or in those rare
cases where we determine not to communicate with the Governance about a matter in our auditor's report if we reasonably expect that
the adverse consequences of communicating about such matter in our auditor's report would outweigh the benefits in the public interest.

Talent Certified Public Accountants (Limited Liability Partnership)    Certified Public Accountant of China: Wu Ting
         Nanjing, China                                                (Project Partner)
                                                                       Certified Public Accountant of China: Zhang Xuewen
           April 24, 2024

2. Financial Statements
     All amounts are presented in CNY.

2.1 Consolidated Balance Sheet
     Prepared by: Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                          December 31, 2023
                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                   Item                                          December 31, 2023               January 1, 2023

 Current assets:
    Cash at bank and on hand                                                            2,091,459,861.58              2,514,295,715.26

    Settlement reserves
   Loans to banks and other financial institutions
   Financial assets held for trading                                                    1,238,356,707.34              1,433,635,489.84

   Derivative financial assets
   Notes receivable                                                                        24,502,124.46

   Accounts receivable                                                                    561,761,929.57                270,089,761.85
   Receivables financing                                                                  156,659,263.78                238,668,244.17
   Advances to suppliers                                                                   69,279,116.38                 41,609,862.79

   Premiums receivable
   Reinsurance premium receivable

   Reinsurance contract reserves receivable
    Other accounts receivable                                                              29,748,433.09                 20,097,625.25
      Including: interest receivable

              Dividends receivable
   Financial assets purchased under agreementstoresell
    Inventories                                                                           904,413,283.67                670,748,124.06

    Contract assets
   Held-for-sale assets
    Current portion of non-current assets

    Other current assets                                                                  446,396,252.76                525,887,794.13

 Total current assets                                                                   5,522,576,972.63              5,715,032,617.35

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Non-current assets:
  Disbursement of loans and advances to customers
  Debt investment
  Other debt investment
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investment                                                         212,015,151.15          82,775,998.70
  Investment in other equity instruments

  Other non-current financial assets                                                   86,449,823.00

  Investment real estates                                                               9,021,481.56           9,475,142.28

  Fixed assets                                                                        667,204,436.83         206,366,629.61
  Projects under construction                                                          40,220,147.41         349,466,401.13
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                                                 100,712,614.93         109,530,667.35
  Intangible assets                                                                   193,108,638.64          77,944,697.40
  Development expenditures
  Goodwill                                                                            413,740,760.61
  Long-term deferred expenses                                                          93,317,644.84          66,734,195.17

  Deferred income tax assets                                                           93,131,250.45          52,118,603.26

  Other non-current assets                                                             75,431,420.74          50,155,670.77

Total non-current assets                                                            1,984,353,370.16        1,004,568,005.67

Total assets                                                                        7,506,930,342.79        6,719,600,623.02

Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                                               103,816,588.60
  Borrowings from the central bank

  Placements from banks and other financial institutions
  Financial liabilities held for trading

  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                                                        67,562,710.23          61,550,650.47
  Accounts payable                                                                    334,370,604.40         310,822,793.59

  Advances from customers
  Contract liabilities                                                                 50,053,638.68          58,115,645.49
  Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase

   Customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial
  Customer brokerage deposits
  Securities underwriting brokerage deposits
  Employee compensation payable                                                       106,452,763.55         104,336,591.10
  Taxes payable                                                                       132,117,765.46         119,410,385.90
  Other payables                                                                      449,282,195.16         272,333,824.39
     Including: interests payable
               Dividends payable                                                            4,305.04           1,171,873.24

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  Handling charges and commission payable
  Reinsurance premium payable

  Held-for-sale liabilities
  Non-current liabilities due within one year                                           42,102,294.00             62,415,988.59

  Other current liabilities                                                              5,455,465.77              2,880,738.99

Total current liabilities                                                            1,291,214,025.85            991,866,618.52

Non-current liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserves
  Long-term borrowings                                                                   4,700,000.00
  Bonds payable
     Including: Preferred shares
             Perpetual bonds

  Lease liabilities                                                                     63,283,532.61             50,945,268.73
  Long-term payables                                                                     8,600,000.00             10,500,000.00
  Long-term employee benefits payable

  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred income                                                                       82,862,738.40             55,574,589.18

  Deferred tax liabilities                                                              40,452,457.50              8,364,830.43

  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                                          199,898,728.51            125,384,688.34

Total liabilities                                                                    1,491,112,754.36          1,117,251,306.86
Owners' equity:
  Share capital                                                                        423,600,000.00            423,600,000.00
  Other equity instruments
     Including: Preferred shares
             Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserves                                                                   2,846,004,685.04          2,846,004,685.04
  Less: treasury shares                                                                109,838,205.82
  Other comprehensive incomes                                                               47,153.49                   -205.63
  Special reserves
  Surplus reserve                                                                      211,081,299.10            211,081,299.10
  General risk provision
  Undistributed profit                                                               2,490,099,439.21          2,072,184,431.65
Total owners' equity attributable to the parent company                              5,860,994,371.02          5,552,870,210.16
  Minority interest                                                                    154,823,217.41             49,479,106.00
Total owners' equity                                                                 6,015,817,588.43          5,602,349,316.16
Total liabilities and owners' equity                                                 7,506,930,342.79          6,719,600,623.02

Legal representative: Guo Zhenyu                    CFO: Wang Long                Head of Accounting Department: Liu Zhaofeng

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2.2    Balance Sheet of Parent Company
                                                                                                                     Unit: CNY
                                   Item                                       December 31, 2023             January 1, 2023

Current assets:
  Cash at bank and on hand                                                          1,180,715,275.53            1,719,036,581.75
  Financial assets held for trading                                                 1,179,764,123.27            1,218,089,952.18

  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable
  Accounts receivable                                                                 665,045,992.28              544,097,038.46
  Receivables financing                                                                44,170,011.64               70,766,599.81
  Advances to suppliers                                                                34,878,652.76               27,970,405.21

  Other accounts receivable                                                           740,235,643.20               28,624,227.84
      Including: interest receivable

             Dividends receivable                                                         169,335.03                1,219,704.81
  Inventories                                                                         751,485,442.43              646,256,536.04

  Contract assets
  Held-for-sale assets
  Current portion of non-current assets

  Other current assets                                                                360,559,949.32              503,641,150.71

Total current assets                                                                4,956,855,090.43            4,758,482,492.00

Non-current assets:
  Debt investment
  Other debt investment
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investment                                                         481,799,055.23              531,799,055.23
  Investment in other equity instruments

  Other non-current financial assets                                                   56,449,823.00

  Investment real estates
  Fixed assets                                                                        503,133,909.42              110,087,336.76

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  Projects under construction                                                           26,309,191.66         339,435,650.45
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                                                    6,083,132.11          34,541,034.33
  Intangible assets                                                                     68,101,744.02          64,311,765.95
  Development expenditures
  Long-term deferred expenses                                                           14,275,088.24           8,415,929.21

  Deferred income tax assets                                                             9,502,667.43           7,801,855.71

  Other non-current assets                                                              45,998,901.86          30,091,998.90

Total non-current assets                                                             1,211,653,512.97        1,126,484,626.54

Total assets                                                                         6,168,508,603.40        5,884,967,118.54

Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings
  Financial liabilities held for trading

  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                                                         67,562,710.23          61,550,650.47
  Accounts payable                                                                     294,405,487.35         273,534,578.42

  Advances from customers
  Contract liabilities                                                                  24,019,507.89          23,646,408.70
  Employee compensation payable                                                         11,147,886.56          14,147,048.86
  Taxes payable                                                                         82,529,256.12          78,138,602.23
  Other payables                                                                       302,090,310.94         234,257,062.70
     Including: interests payable
               Dividends payable

  Held-for-sale liabilities
  Non-current liabilities due within one year                                            2,777,578.52          23,518,782.83

  Other current liabilities                                                                 75,547.60              97,519.01

Total current liabilities                                                              784,608,285.21         708,890,653.22

Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
     Including: Preferred shares
               Perpetual bonds

  Lease liabilities                                                                      3,797,077.24          12,742,104.95
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits payable

  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred income                                                                       13,916,252.61           4,470,831.07

  Deferred tax liabilities                                                               6,449,979.48           6,003,121.20

  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                                           24,163,309.33          23,216,057.22

                                                                126                                                     142
                         Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Total liabilities                                                                     808,771,594.54         732,106,710.44
Owners’ equity:
  Share capital                                                                       423,600,000.00         423,600,000.00
  Other equity instruments
     Including: Preferred shares
             Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserves                                                                  2,845,993,326.27        2,845,993,326.27
  Less: treasury shares                                                               109,838,205.82
  Other comprehensive incomes
  Special reserves
  Surplus reserve                                                                     211,800,000.00         211,800,000.00
  Undistributed profit                                                              1,988,181,888.41        1,671,467,081.83
Total owners’ equity                                                               5,359,737,008.86        5,152,860,408.10
Total liabilities and owners’ equity                                               6,168,508,603.40        5,884,967,118.54

                                                               127                                                     142
                         Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
2.3 Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                     Item                                              Year 2023            Year 2022
 I. Total operating revenue                                                            5,522,168,263.00     5,013,873,729.44
   Including: Operating revenue                                                        5,522,168,263.00     5,013,873,729.44

            Interest income
            Earned premiums
            Handling charges and commission income
 II. Total operating cost                                                              4,806,968,860.89     3,930,409,505.94
   Including: operating costs                                                          1,441,392,430.61     1,243,046,954.61
            Interest expenses
            Handling charges and commission expenses

            Surrender value
            Net payments for insurance claims
            Net provision for insurance contract reserves
            Policy dividend expenses
            Reinsurance expenses
            Taxes and surcharges                                                         65,184,402.45        56,100,151.43
            Selling expenses                                                           2,609,676,656.49     2,047,880,755.09
            Management expenses                                                         413,202,672.03       343,044,255.35
            R&D expenses                                                                298,817,308.11       254,698,441.37
            Financial expenses                                                           -21,304,608.80       -14,361,051.91
              Including: interest expenses                                                 4,966,901.69        4,753,216.51

                      Interest income                                                    28,548,283.32        20,299,817.23

   Add: other incomes                                                                   149,420,643.48        71,879,343.47
         Investment income (loss to be listed with “-”)                                64,362,248.34        80,577,953.49
               Including: income from investment in associates and joint
                                                                                           9,705,819.45        2,570,038.70
               Revenue from derecognition of financial assets at
 amortized cost
         Exchange earnings (losses to be listed with “-”)
         Net exposure hedging income (loss to be listed with “-”)

         Profit arising from changes in fair value (loss expressed with “-”)           -17,238,886.41        -5,519,803.92
         Credit impairment losses (losses to be listed with “-”)                       -14,262,864.63          720,648.86
         Asset impairment loss (loss to be listed with "-")                              -20,197,131.69       -18,985,622.92
         Incomes of assets disposal (losses to be listed with “-”)                        690,284.38            -27,685.55
 III. Operating profit (loss to be listed with "-")                                     877,973,695.58      1,212,109,056.93
   Add: non-operating revenue                                                              2,139,100.44        8,950,542.58
   Less: Non-operating expenses                                                          11,294,246.99         7,194,974.27
 IV. Total profit (total loss to be listed with "-")                                    868,818,549.03      1,213,864,625.24
   Less: income tax expenses                                                            109,606,792.65       163,332,490.13
 V. Net profit (net loss to be listed with "-")                                         759,211,756.38      1,050,532,135.11

                                                                       128                                              144
                        Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
   (I) Classified by going concern
      1. Net profit from continuing operations (net loss to be listed with “-”)           759,211,756.38        1,050,532,135.11

      2. Net profit from discontinued operations (net loss to be listed
 with "-")
   (II) Classified by attribution of ownership
           1.Net profit attributable to the parent company's shareholders                   756,795,007.56        1,051,331,949.57
           2. Non-controlling interests                                                       2,416,748.82             -799,814.46
 VI. Net of tax of other comprehensive income                                                   -78,932.64                 -207.61
   Other net after-tax comprehensive income attributable to the owners of                        47,359.12                 -207.61
 the parent company
      (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified
 through profit or loss
         1. Changes arising from re-measurement of the defined benefit
         2. Other comprehensive incomes that cannot be reclassified into
 profit or loss under the equity method
        3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments
        4. Changes in fair value of the Company’s credit risk
        5. Others
      (II) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profit or loss                     47,359.12                 -207.61

         1. Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified into
 profit or loss under the equity method
        2. Changes in fair value of other creditor's rights investments
       3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other
 comprehensive incomes
        4. Provision for impairment of credit in other debt investments
        5. Reserves for cash flow hedge
        6. Translation difference arising from foreign currency financial                        47,359.12                 -207.61
        7. Others
   Other net after-tax comprehensive income attributable to minority                           -126,291.76
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                                            759,132,823.74        1,050,531,927.50
   Total comprehensive income attributable to the owners of the parent                      756,842,366.68        1,051,331,741.96
   Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders                           2,290,457.06             -799,814.46
 VIII. Earnings per share
   (I) Basic earnings per share                                                                       1.79                    2.48
   (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                                    1.79                    2.48

In case of business combinations under common control in current period, the net profit realized by the combined party before
combination is CNY0.00 and the net profit realized by the combined party in previous period is CNY0.00.

Legal representative: Guo Zhenyu                      CFO: Wang Long                Head of Accounting Department: Liu Zhaofeng

                                                                    129                                                       144
                           Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
2.4 Income Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                                         Item                                                Year 2023        Year 2022
 I. Operating revenues                                                                  3,598,270,732.74      3,601,683,026.81
      Less: operating costs                                                             1,468,142,964.23      1,243,741,933.41
           Taxes and surcharges                                                            36,362,963.20         35,515,061.69
           Selling expenses                                                             1,036,262,192.27       934,022,421.98
           Management expenses                                                            198,935,613.78       122,990,371.03
           R&D expenses                                                                   236,264,427.90       252,376,900.60
           Financial expenses                                                             -12,698,510.73         -8,638,280.66
             Including: interest expenses                                                     752,142.51          1,728,145.73

                       Interest income                                                     14,538,280.41         11,187,419.60

      Add: other incomes                                                                  102,079,130.96         44,631,990.99
           Investment income (loss to be listed with “-”)                                51,541,522.52         77,444,660.41

                 Including: income from investment in associates and joint
                 Revenue from derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost

           Net exposure hedging income (loss to be listed with “-”)

           Profit arising from changes in fair value (loss expressed with "-")              6,123,994.09         -7,341,890.36

           Credit impairment losses (losses to be listed with “-”)                         -232,472.77           774,330.87
           Asset impairment loss (loss to be listed with "-")                             -22,419,644.25        -18,985,622.92
           Incomes of assets disposal (losses to be listed with “-”)                        827,403.25
 II. Operating Profit(loss to be listed with “-”)                                       772,921,015.89      1,118,198,087.75
      Add: non-operating revenue                                                            1,422,919.56          7,447,721.69
      Less: Non-operating expenses                                                          8,968,214.08          4,708,584.81
 III. Total Profit(total loss to be listed with “-”)                                    765,375,721.37      1,120,937,224.63
      Less: income tax expenses                                                           109,780,914.79       155,108,315.18
 IV. Net Profit(net loss to be listed with “-”)                                         655,594,806.58       965,828,909.45
      (I) Net profit from continuing operations (net loss to be listed with "- ")         655,594,806.58       965,828,909.45

      (II) Net profit from discontinued operations (net loss to be listed with "-
 V. Net amount of other comprehensive incomes after tax
      (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified through
 profit or loss
         1. Changes arising from re-measurement of the defined benefit plan

         2. Other comprehensive incomes that cannot be reclassified into
 profit or loss under the equity method
           3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments
           4. Changes in fair value of the Company’s credit risk
           5. Others
        (II) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profit or loss

                                                                         130                                              145
                      Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
        1. Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified into profit or
loss under the equity method
       2. Changes in fair value of other creditor's rights investments
      3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other
comprehensive incomes
       4. Provision for impairment of credit in other debt investments
       5. Reserves for cash flow hedge
       6. Translation difference arising from foreign currency financial
       7. Others
VI. Total comprehensive incomes                                                       655,594,806.58           965,828,909.45
VII. Earnings per share:
  (I) Basic earnings per share
  (II) Diluted earnings per share

Legal representative: Guo Zhenyu                    CFO: Wang Long              Head of Accounting Department: Liu Zhaofeng

                                                                 131                                                     145
                       Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
2.5 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                   Item                                           Year 2023               Year 2022
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                      6,003,439,999.19          5,467,926,309.59

  Net increase in deposits from customers and placements from banks
and other financial institutions
  Net increase in borrowings from the central bank
  Net increase in placements from other financial institutions
  Cash received for receiving premium of original insurance contract

  Net cash received from reinsurance business
  Net increase in deposits of the insured and investment
  Cash received from interest, handling charges and commission
  Net increase in placements from banks and other financial
  Net increase in capital for repurchase
  Net cash received from securities trading agency services
  Taxes and surcharges refunds                                                        5,676,415.09             7,916,977.36
  Other cash received relating to operating activities                              216,259,114.85           125,714,050.84
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                                6,225,375,529.13          5,601,557,337.79
  Cash paid for goods and services                                                1,978,567,576.35          1,758,255,060.24

  Net increase in loans and advances to customers
  Net increase in deposits in the central bank and other financial
  Cash paid for claim settlements on original insurance contract
  Net increase in placements from banks and other financial
  Cash paid for interest, handling charges and commission
  Cash paid for policy dividends
  Cash paid to and for employees                                                    740,845,898.06           569,184,049.01
  Payments of taxes and surcharges                                                  658,105,645.74           624,631,630.31
  Other cash paid relating to operating activities                                2,237,417,645.27          1,880,040,976.78
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                               5,614,936,765.42          4,832,111,716.34
Net cash flow from operating activities                                             610,438,763.71           769,445,621.45
II. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Cash received from the return of investment                                     5,094,117,111.10          7,062,819,000.00

  Cash received from investment incomes                                              58,746,501.98            80,713,933.03
  Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible                     2,887,206.81                10,800.00
assets, and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and other
business entities
  Other cash received relating to investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                5,155,750,819.89          7,143,543,733.03
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-             274,275,480.81           353,420,863.88
term assets

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                       Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
  Cash paid to acquired investments                                               4,906,031,833.00          6,801,133,771.10
  Net increase in pledge loans
  Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business                  493,498,507.88              7,474,528.53
  Other cash paid relating to investment activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                               5,673,805,821.69          7,162,029,163.51
Net cash flows from investing activities                                           -518,055,001.80            -18,485,430.48
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
  Cash received from absorbing investments                                            7,500,000.00

  Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from minority                              7,500,000.00
  Cash received from borrowings                                                     105,450,000.00
  Cash received relating to other financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                  112,950,000.00
  Cash paid for repayment of debts                                                   24,200,646.79
  Cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or interest repayment            343,438,443.48            254,944,000.00
  Including: cash payments for dividends or profit to minority                        4,298,573.21               784,000.00
shareholders of subsidiaries
  Other cash paid relating to financing activities                                  203,780,960.18             64,719,978.70
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                 571,420,050.45            319,663,978.70
Net cash flows from financing activities                                           -458,470,050.45           -319,663,978.70
IV. Effects from the change of exchange rate on cash and cash                          -724,669.10                 25,733.12
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                       -366,810,957.64            431,321,945.39
  Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                               2,440,692,701.42          2,009,370,756.03
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                  2,073,881,743.78          2,440,692,701.42

Legal representative: Guo Zhenyu                      CFO: Wang Long           Head of Accounting Department: Liu Zhaofeng

                                                                 133                                                   147
                       Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
2.6 Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company
                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                  Item                                            Year2023                Year 2022
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                      3,967,161,453.01          3,771,499,492.71
  Taxes and surcharges refunds                                                          900,000.00
  Other cash received relating to operating activities                              112,600,340.58           101,914,030.05
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                                4,080,661,793.59          3,873,413,522.76
  Cash paid for goods and services                                                1,863,494,237.01          1,749,873,073.87
  Cash paid to and for employees                                                     80,286,172.61            74,864,145.97
  Payments of taxes and surcharges                                                  332,766,216.27           383,261,187.24
  Other cash paid relating to operating activities                                2,004,379,648.28          1,227,158,949.34
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                               4,280,926,274.17          3,435,157,356.42
Net cash flow from operating activities                                            -200,264,480.58           438,256,166.34
II. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Cash received from the return of investment                                     5,046,548,289.81          6,781,000,000.00

  Cash received from investment incomes                                              55,660,713.59            78,571,771.63
  Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible                       145,420.18                52,415.18
assets, and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and other
business entities
  Other cash received relating to investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                5,102,354,423.58          6,860,444,186.81
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-             132,136,135.85           216,466,579.58
term assets
  Cash paid to acquired investments                                               4,790,948,323.00          6,516,118,611.10
  Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business
  Other cash paid relating to investment activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                               4,923,084,458.85          6,732,585,190.68
Net cash flows from investing activities                                            179,269,964.73           127,858,996.13
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
  Cash received from absorbing investments
  Cash received from borrowings
  Cash received relating to other financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities
  Cash paid for repayment of debts
  Cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or interest repayment            338,880,000.00           254,160,000.00
  Other cash paid relating to financing activities                                  127,872,029.14            27,040,846.56
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                 466,752,029.14           281,200,846.56
Net cash flows from financing activities                                           -466,752,029.14           -281,200,846.56
IV. Effects from the change of exchange rate on cash and cash                                11.81                27,079.75
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                       -487,746,533.18           284,941,395.66
  Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                               1,651,433,867.91          1,366,492,472.25
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                  1,163,687,334.73          1,651,433,867.91
                                                                  134                                                   148
                              Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.

2.7 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity

Amount for the current period

                                                                                                                                                   Unit: CNY


                                                                      Equity attributable to the owners of the parent company

                                   Other equity
                                   instruments                                 Other                         Gene                              Minori      Total
                                                                               Compr                           ral    Undistri                 ty inter   owners’
                                                         Capital Less:         ehensi Special       Surpl                      Miscell                     equity
                                                                                                              risk     buted           Subtotal est
      Item                     Prefer Perpetu            reserves treasury       ve
                                                                                                             provi     profit aneous
                     Share       red          Miscell              shares      incom reserve          us
                    capital             al                                       es     s         reserve    sion
                                share         aneous
                                  s    bonds

I. Ending
balance of
the previous    423,600,000.                            2,846,004,                               211,081,2           2,072,184,4       5,552,87 49,479,1 5,602,34
year                      00                               685.04                                    99.10                 31.65       0,210.16    06.00 9,316.16

Add: changes
in accounting

of prior



balance of      423,600,000.                            2,846,004,                               211,081,2           2,072,184,4       5,552,87 49,479,1 5,602,34
the current                                                                    -205.63
                          00                               685.04                                    99.10                 31.65       0,210.16    06.00 9,316.16

of current
period                                                               109,838, 47,359.1                               417,915,007       308,124, 105,344, 413,468,
(decrease                                                             205.82         2                                          .56      160.86   111.41 272.27
to be listed
with “-”)

                                                                                 135                                                                        155
                 Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
(I) Total
comprehensi                                             47,359.1                   756,795,007      756,842, 2,290,45 759,132,
                                                              2                            .56       366.68      7.06 823.74

and decreased                                                                                              -        -         -
by owners                                    109,838,
                                                                                                    109,838, 10,000,0 119,838,
                                                                                                     205.82    00.00 205.82

1.Ordinary                                                                                                 -        -         -
share invested                               109,838,
by owners                                                                                           109,838, 10,000,0 119,838,
                                                                                                     205.82    00.00 205.82
contributed by
the holders of
other equity

Amount of
share- based
as owners ’

4. Others

Profit                                                                                       -             -        -         -
distribution                                                                       338,880,000      338,880, 3,131,00 342,011,
                                                                                           .00       000.00      5.01 005.01

of surplus

n to
for general

                                                           136                                                          155
                 Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
to owners                                                                                    -             -        -         -
                                                                                   338,880,000      338,880, 3,131,00 342,011,
shareholders)                                                                              .00       000.00      5.01 005.01

4. Others

of owners ’

to capital
(or share

to capital (or

of losses by

In defined


                                                       137                                                              155
                             Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.


n in the

2. Use for

(VI)                                                                                                                                                      116,184, 116,184,
Others                                                                                                                                                     659.36 659.36

balance of
the current     423,600,000.                               2,846,004, 109,838, 47,153.4           211,081,2           2,490,099,4           5,860,99 154,823, 6,015,81
                           00                                 685.04 205.82           9              99.10                  39.21           4,371.02       217.41 7,588.43

Amount in the previous period

                                                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY

                                                                                      Year 2022

                                                  Equity attributable to the owners of the parent company

                                                                                 Other                                                                                  Tota
                                   Other equity
     Item                                                               Less:    compre                                                                    Min             l
                                   instruments                                   hensiv Special Surplus        Gene
                                                            Capital     treas                                                       Misc                   ority        owner
                                                                                 e                            ral      Undistri
                  Share                                     reserves     ury            reserve reserve                             ellan     Sub          inter        s'
                                Prefer                                           incom                        risk     buted
                 capital                 Perpe     Misc                                 s                                                    total         est          equity
                                red                                     shares   es                                    profit       eous
                                shares   tual      ellan
                                         bonds     eous
I. Ending
balance of
the previous    423,600,00                                 2,846,004,                             155,621,2           1,329,978,2           4,755,20 23,262,3 4,778,46
year                  0.00                                    685.04                                 49.77                 60.55            4,197.34        77.92 6,575.26

Add: changes
in accounting
policies                                                                                                                                                           -
                                                                                                                                            494,270.                   457,893.
                                                                                                                      494,270.86                          36,377.6
                                                                                                                                                     86                        26

of prior

                                                                                  138                                                                                    155
                            Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.


Beginning      423,600,00                      2,846,004,                     155,621,2       1,330,472,5      4,755,69 23,226,0 4,778,92
Balance of           0.00                         685.04                          49.77             31.41      8,468.20     00.32 4,468.52
the current
of current
period                                                                        55,460,04       741,711,900      797,171, 26,253,1 823,424,
(decrease to                                                    -207.61
                                                                                   9.33               .24       741.96      05.68 847.64
be listed
with “-”)

(I) Total
compreh                                                                                                                          -
                                                                                              1,051,331,9      1,051,33              1,050,53
ensive                                                          -207.61                                                   799,814.
                                                                                                    49.57      1,741.96              1,927.50
incomes                                                                                                                        46

and                                                                                                                       29,008,7 29,008,7
decreased                                                                                                                   93.38      93.38
by owners

share                                                                                                                     29,008,7 29,008,7
invested by
                                                                                                                            93.38      93.38

by the
holders of
other equity

                                                                  139                                                                  155
               Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Amount of
as owners ’

4. Others

Profit                                                                                     -             -        -         -
distribution                                                                      309,620,04      254,160, 1,955,87 256,115,
                                                                                        9.33       000.00      3.24 873.24

1.Withdrawal                                                                               -
of surplus                                                       55,460,04
reserves                                                                          309,620,04
n to
for general

to owners
                                                                                           -             -        -         -
                                                                                 254,160,000      254,160, 1,955,87 256,115,
ders)                                                                                    .00       000.00      3.24 873.24

4. Others

of owners ’

to capital
(or share

to capital
(or share

                                                     140                                                              155
                            Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
of losses by

changes in



n in the

2. Use for


balance of     423,600,00                      2,846,004,                     211,081,2       2,072,184,4      5,552,87 49,479,1 5,602,34
the current                                                        -205.63
period               0.00                         685.04                          99.10            31.65       0,210.16   06.00 9,316.16

     Legal representative: Guo Zhenyu                       CFO: Wang Long           Head of Accounting Department: Liu Zhaofeng

                                                                     141                                                           155
                              Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.

2.8 Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity of Parent Company

Amount for the current period

                                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY


                                  Other equity instruments                                  Other
   Item                                                         Capital       Less:                  Special    Surplus                               Total
                                                                                           comprehe                         Undistri
                    Share                                                                           reserve                              Miscella
                                  Preferred            Miscella reserve      treasury      nsive               reserve      buted                     owner
                   capital                    Perpet                                                                                     neous
                                                       neous                               income       s                   profit                      s'
                                  shares      ual                   s         shares
                                              bonds                                                                                                   equity


I. Ending
balance of
the              423,600,000.                                  2,845,993,3                                     211,800,00 1,671,467,0               5,152,860,4
previous                     00                                     26.27                                            0.00       81.83                    08.10


Correction of


                 423,600,000.                                  2,845,993,3                                     211,800,00 1,671,467,0               5,152,860,4
of the                       00                                     26.27                                            0.00       81.83                    08.10

Amount of
of current                                                                   109,838,20                                     316,714,80              206,876,60
period                                                                              5.82                                          6.58                     0.76
(decrease to
be listed with

(I) Total
comprehens                                                                                                                  655,594,80              655,594,80
                                                                                                                                  6.58                     6.58

invested                                                                                                                                                       -
and                                                                          109,838,20
decrease d                                                                          5.82
by                                                                                                                                                         5.82

                                                                              142                                                                        162
                Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
share                                                                                                               -
invested by                                                                                               109,838,20
owners                                                      5.82

by the
holders of
other equity

Amount of
share- based
payment s
as owners ’

4. Others

Profit                                                                                                -             -

distribution                                                                               338,880,00     338,880,00
                                                                                                   0.00         0.00

Withdrawal of

to                                                                                                    -             -
owners                                                                                     338,880,00     338,880,00
                                                                                                   0.00         0.00

3. Others

carryover of
owners ’

to capital
(or share

                                                      143                                                     162
                          Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
to capital
(or share
Recover y
losses by

In defined




n in the

2. Use


IV. Ending
balance of the
current        423,600,000.                          2,845,993,3 109,838,20                 211,800,00 1,988,181,8   5,359,737,0
period                  00                                26.27         5.82                      0.00      88.41         08.86

Amount in the previous period
                                                                  144                                                     162
                        Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY

                                                                    Year 2022
                          Other equity instruments                        Other
                                                                  Less:   compre Specia
     Item                                           Capital               hensive            Surplus Undist       Miscell   Total
                Share     Prefer   Perpe    Miscell              treasury            l       reserve ributed      aneous owners
               capita                       aneous  reserve               income
                           red     tual                           shares  s       reserve            profit               ' equity
               l                                       s
                          shares   bonds                                             s

balance       423,600,0                              2,845,993                              156,339,9 1,014,839          4,440,772,
of the            00.00                                ,326.27                                  50.67 ,556.06                833.00
in                                                                                                   418,665.6            418,665.6
accounting                                                                                                   5                    5

              423,600,0                              2,845,993                              156,339,9 1,015,258          4,441,191,
balance           00.00                                ,326.27                                  50.67 ,221.71                498.65
of the
ts of
                                                                                            55,460,04 656,208,8           711,668,9
current                                                                                          9.33     60.12               09.45
to be
with “-”)

 (I) Total
comprehe                                                                                             965,828,9            965,828,9
nsive                                                                                                    09.45                09.45
d by

                                                                 145                                                           162
              Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
d by the
of other

of share-
payment s
d as
owners ’

                                                                                                 -           -
Profit                                                                         55,460,04
                                                                                         309,620,0   254,160,0
distributio                                                                         9.33
                                                                                             49.33       00.00
Withdrawal                                                                                       -
of                                                                                       55,460,04
surplus                                                                                       9.33
on to                                                                                           -            -
owners                                                                                  254,160,0    254,160,0
(or                                                                                         00.00        00.00

of owners
’ equity

                                                    146                                                  162
                 Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
to capital (or

to capital (or

Recovery of
losses by

on in

                                                       147                                          162
                     Full Text of Annual Report 2022 of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
2. Use

balance     423,600,0                           2,845,993                             211,800,0 1,671,467       5,152,860,
of the          00.00                             ,326.27                                 00.00 ,081.83             408.10

Legal representative: Guo Zhenyu                CFO: Wang Long               Head of Accounting Department: Liu Zhaofeng

                                                            148                                                      162
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   2023 Annual Report
3. Company Profile
1. History of the Company

     Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company" or "the Company") is ajoint stock
limited company derived from Kunming Botanee Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. on an integral basis.

     Kunming Botanee Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the company limited”) was jointly funded by DAI
KAIHUANG, DENG XIAOLING, and MA RUYU on May 13, 2010, with a registered capital of CNY500,000, of which, DAI
KAIHUANG contributed CNY 225,000, accounting for 45% of the registered capital; DENG XIAOLING contributed CNY225,000,
accounting for 45% of the registered capital; and MARUYU contributed CNY 50,000, accounting for 10% of the registered capital.
The registered capital has been verified by the Capital Verification Report (YRZYZ [2010] No. A5053) issued by Yunnan Ruizhong
Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership).

     On March 7, 2019, the company limited was changed into a joint stock limited company on an integral basis with net assets of
CNY 385,696,551.32 as of November 30, 2018, as the base, which is equivalent to CNY360,000,000 of share capital calculated at the
ratio of CNY 1.0714:1. The share capital has been verified by the Capital Verification Report (THYZ [2019] No. 00030) issued by
Talent Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership).

     The Company publicly issued 63,600,000 shares of CNY ordinary shares with a par value of CNY1.00 to the public on February
25, 2021, as approved by the Reply of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on Approving the Registration of the Initial
Public Offering of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. (ZJXK [2021] No. 546). Shenzhen Stock Exchange
issued the Announcement on the Listing and Trading of Stocks of Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd. on the ChiNext
Market on March 23, 2021, and the Company’s CNY ordinary shares were listed on the ChiNext Market of Shenzhen Stock
Exchange on March 25, 2021. with the stock abbreviation of “Botanee” and the stock code of 300957.

2. Industry Nature and Business Scope of the Company

     Industry nature: daily chemical industry;
     Business scope: The company and its subsidiaries are mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of

3. Registered Address and Unified Social Credit Code

     Unified social credit code: 915301005551100783.               .

     The Company’s registered office and headquarters: No. 53, Keyi Road, High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Kunming City,
     Yunnan Province

     The financial statements and notes to the financial statements have been approved by the Sixth Meeting of the Second Board of
Directors of the Company on April 24, 2024.

4. Basis of Preparation for Financial Statements
4.1 Basis of preparation
     On the basis of a going concern, the Company recognizes and measures the actual transactions and events according to the
Accounting Standards for Enterprises—Basic Standards issued by the Ministry of Finance, specific accounting standards, application
guidelines, interpretations, and other provisions and prepares financial statements on this basis.

4.2 Going concern
     The Board of Directors of the Company believes that the Company has sufficient working capital to continue as a going concern
in the foreseeable future period of not less than 12 months after the approval of the financial statements. Accordingly, the Board of
Directors of the Company continues to prepare the Company's financial statements 2023 for the year ended December 31, 2023, on a
going concern basis.

5. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
    According to the actual production and operation characteristics and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the ASBE, the
Company has formulated many specific accounting policies and accounting estimates for transactions and matters such as revenue
recognition and determination as detailed in “5.37 Revenue” under “Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates”of
Section X herein.

5.1 Statement of Compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
     The financial statements prepared by the Company meet the requirements of ASBE and truly and fully reflect the financial
position and such relevant information as business performance and cash flow of the Company.

5.2 Accounting Period
      The Company’s accounting year starts on January 1 and ends on December 31.

5.3 Business Cycle
     For the purpose of the Company a business cycle is 12 months and it is regarded as classification criterion for the liquidity of
assets and liabilities.

5.4 Functional Currency
      The functional currency is Chinese CNY (CNY).

5.5 Significance Determination Method and Basis of Selection

      Applicable □ N/A

                      Item                                                      Significance standard
 Important prepayments aged more         Prepaid accounts with a single aging of more than 1 year account for 10% of the total
 than 1 year                             prepaid accounts and the amount exceeds CNY10 million.
 Important projects under
                                         The budget of a single project exceeds CNY100 million.
 Important contract liabilities aged     Contract liabilities with a single aging of more than 1 year account for 10% of the total
 more than 1 year                        contract liabilities and the amount exceeds CNY10 million.
 Important accounts payable aged         Accounts payable with a single aging of more than 1 year account for 10% of the total
 more than 1 year                        accounts payable and the amount exceeds CNY30 million.
 Important other payables aged more      Other payables with a single aging of more than 1 year account for 10% of the total other
 than 1 year                             payables and the amount exceeds CNY30 million.
 Significant capitalized R&D             The ending balance of a single project accounts for more than 10% of the ending balance
 projects                                of development expenditure and the amount is greater than CNY30 million.
                                         The net assets of the subsidiary account for more than 5% of Botanee’s consolidated net
 Important non-wholly owned
                                         assets, or the subsidiary's net profit accounts for more than 10% of its consolidated net
                                         The book value of a single project's long-term equity investment accounts for more than
 Significant joint ventures and          5% of Botanee’s net assets, or the absolute value of investment profits and losses under the
 associates                              equity method of long-term equity investment accounts for more than 10% of its
                                         consolidated net profit.
5.6 Accounting treatment method for business combination under common control and different control
5.6.1 Business Merger Under Common Control
      If the parties involved in combination are under the final control of one or several same parties before and after the combination,
and such control is not temporary, and the combination is the business combination under common control. Assets and liabilities
received by the merging party from a business merger shall be subject to relevant accounting treatment based on the book value of
such assets and liabilities (including the goodwill formed from the acquisition of the merged party by the ultimate controlling party) of
the merged party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party. The balance between the net book value of
assets acquired by the merging party and book value of the paid merging consideration (or total face value of issued shares) shall be
used to adjust the capital surplus (stock premium); where capital surplus (stock premium) cannot be charged off, retained earnings
shall be adjusted. The combination date refers to the date on which the merging party actually obtains control rights on the combined

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
    For business merger under different control realized step-by-step through multiple transactions, the long-term equity investment
held before the acquisition of the combined party’s control by the combining party and the profit or loss, other comprehensive incomes
and changes in other owners’ equities that have been recognized during the period from the date of acquisition of the original equity,
or the date of common control of the combining party and the combined entity (which is later) to the combination date shall offset
against the retained opening earnings or current profit or loss respectively during the period of comparative statement.
5.6.2 Business Combination Not Under Common Control
     All parties merger not under common control is a business merger in which the merging companies are not ultimately controlled
by the same party or the same parties both before and after the business merger. The merger cost paid by the acquirer is the sum of the
fair value of the assets paid, liabilities incurred or borne, and equity securities issued on the acquisition date for obtaining the control
right of the acquiree. The difference between the fair value and its carrying amount of assets paid is included in the current profit or
loss. Acquisition date refers to the date on which the acquirer actually obtains control rights on the acquiree.
     On the acquisition date,the acquirer distributes the combination cost and recognizes the fair value of identifiable assets, liabilities
and contingent liabilities acquired from the Acquiree during business merger. If the combination cost is higher than the fair value of
identifiable net asset obtained from the acquiree by the Company, the difference can be recognized as goodwill; if the combination
cost is lower than the fair value of identifiable net asset obtained from the acquiree by the Company, the difference, after
reexamination, can be included in current profit or loss.
     Under the circumstance that the business merger is realized under different control through multiple transactions step by step, the
equity of the acquiree obtained before the acquisition date shall be recalculated as per the fair value of the equity on the acquisition
date, with the balance between the fair value and its book value included into the current investment profits; if the equity of the
acquiree held before the acquisition date involves other comprehensive income and other change of the shareholders' equity, the
relevant other comprehensive incomes and other change of the shareholders' equity are transferred into the current investment income
of the acquisition date. Other comprehensive benefits arising from the re-measurement of the net liabilities or net assets of the
beneficiary plan by the investor are excluded.
5.7 Judgment Criteria for Control Preparation Methods of Consolidated Financial Statements
     The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control and includes the Company
and its subsidiaries (referring to the entities controlled by the Company, including the separable parts of the enterprises and investees
and the structured entities controlled by the enterprises). The operating results and financial positions of subsidiaries are included in
the consolidated financial statements from the start date of control to the end date of control.
     For subsidiaries acquired through business mergers under the common control of the Company, during the preparation of
consolidated current financial statements, it shall be deemed that the consolidated subsidiaries are included in the scope of
consolidation when the ultimate controlling party of the Company exercises control over them and the opening balance of the
consolidated financial statements and the comparative statements in the previous period shall be adjusted accordingly.
     For subsidiaries acquired by the Company through business mergers under different control, during the preparation of the
consolidated current financial statements, the financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted based on the fair value of all
identifiable assets and liabilities recognized on the acquisition date and the consolidated subsidiaries are included in the scope of
consolidation on the acquisition date.
     When the accounting period or accounting policy adopted by the subsidiaries is inconsistent with that of the Company, the
Company has made necessary adjustments to the financial statements of the subsidiaries in accordance with the Company's accounting
period or accounting policies during the preparation of the financial statements. All significant transactions, balances, and unrealized
profits and losses between enterprises within the scope of consolidation are offset during the preparation of consolidated financial
statements. For the unrealized loss incurred in the internal transactions, if there is evidence indicating that such loss is an impairment
loss of the underlying asset, such loss shall not be offset.
     The equity and profit and loss attributable to minority shareholders of subsidiaries are separately listed in the shareholders'equity
of the consolidated balance sheet and the net profit in the consolidated income statement.
      If the share of current losses of minority shareholders in a subsidiary exceeds their share of shareholder's equity in that subsidiary
at the beginning of the period, the difference shall be offset against the minority interest.
     In the event the Company loses the right of control over its subsidiary due to disposal of partial equity investment or other
reasons, the residual equity must be recalculated according to its fair value on the day when the Company loses the right of control.
The balance of the sum of consideration received from disposal of equity and the fair value of the residual equity less the share of
original net assets of the subsidiary calculated continuously based on the original shareholding proportion from the acquisition date

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       2023 Annual Report
shall be included in the investment income of the period when losing the right of control and the goodwill shall be written down. Other
comprehensive income and changes in other shareholders' equity in connection with original equity investments of original
subsidiaries shall be transferred into the investment income of the current period at the time of loss of control, except for those
incurred because the investee remeasures the changes of net liabilities or net assets in the defined benefit plan.
     For the equity investment in subsidiaries disposed step by step through multiple transactions till losing the right of control, it is
necessary to consider whether the transactions constitute a package deal. When the terms, conditions and economic impacts of the
transactions for subsidiary equity investment disposal conform to one or more following situations, then it indicates that the
transactions shall be subject to accounting treatment as part of the package deal: (1) the transactions are established simultaneously or
at the consideration of mutual impact; (2) the transactions can constitute a complete commercial result only when operating as a whole;
(3) the occurrence of one transaction rests with that of another one or more; (4) individually, a single transaction is not economical
while, when combined with other transactions, it is economical.
     If they do not belong to a package deal, each of the transactions shall be subject to accounting treatment as described above; for
the various transactions belong to the package deal for equity disposal by the Company that lead to the loss of controlling power over
the subsidiary, the transactions are subject to the accounting treatment oriented for subsidiary disposal and loss of controlling power;
but, the difference between each disposal amount and the corresponding subsidiary net asset shares entitled to the disposal investment
is recognized as other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statement, which is not transferred into the current profit or
loss until the controlling power is lost.

5.8 Classification of Joint Operation Arrangement and Accounting Treatment Methods for Joint Operations
     Joint arrangements can be classified into joint operations and joint ventures. Joint operation refers to a joint arrangement where
the joint partner enjoys the relevant assets of such arrangement and assumes the relevant liabilities of such arrangement. Joint venture
refers to an arrangement that the joint venture party only has the power governing net assets of the arrangement.

     The joint operation participant shall recognize the following items of it related to the interest share in the joint operation and
conduct accounting treatment according to provisions of related ASBE: (1) assets solely held, and assets jointly owned as per the
proportion; (2) liabilities solely held, and liabilities jointly owned as per the proportion; (3) income generated from sales of its share of
output of the joint operation; (4) income generated from sales of joint operation output as per the proportion; and (5) expenses incurred
independently, and expenses incurred from joint operation as per the proportion.
     Where the Company invests assets (except that the assets form business) in or sells them to the joint operation, before the joint
operation sells the assets to a third party, only the portion of profit/loss arising from the transaction attributable to other participants of
the joint operation shall be recognized. If the assets are invested or sold complying with the losses from asset impairment specified in
the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 – Impairment of Assets, the Company shall fully recognize the loss.
     Where the Company buys assets (except that the assets form business) from the joint operation, before it sells the assets to a third
party, only the portion of profit/loss arising from the transaction attributable to other participants of the joint operation shall be
recognized. If the assets are bought complying with the losses from asset impairment specified in the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No. 8 – Impairment of Assets, the Company shall recognize the loss based on its share.
    For a participant of a joint operation but not sharing joint control, if it is entitled to the relevant assets of the joint operation and
assumes the relevant liabilities of the joint operation, accounting treatment shall be conducted in accordance with aforesaid provisions.
5.9 Standards for Recognition of Cash and Cash Equivalents
     Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cash equivalents refer to the investment
held by the Company having the features of short term, strong liquidity, easy to be converted into known amount of cash and small
risk of variation in value.

5.10 Foreign currency transactions and translation of foreign currency financial statements
5.10.1 Accounting Treatment of Foreign Currency Transactions
     For transaction in foreign currency, the foreign currency amount shall be translated into CNY amount based on the spot exchange
rate on the transaction date.

     The foreign currency monetary items on the balance sheet date are translated into CNY at the spot exchange rate on the same date;
the translation difference is recognized as the current profits and losses, except those which should be capitalized as per the accounting

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
method for borrowing costs. Non-monetary items calculated by historical cost shall be translated on the balance sheet date as per spot
exchange rate on the transaction date.

5.10.2 Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
        The asset and liability items of overseas operation in the balance sheet shall be translated as per the spot exchange rate of the
balance sheet date; the shareholders’ equity items, except for the items of “undistributed profit”, shall be translated at the spot
exchange rate when incurred. The annual average exchange rate is used for the income and expense items in the income statement of
overseas business. The difference arising from the above translation shall be separately listed in the shareholders’ equity.

5.11 Financial Instruments
        A financial instrument refers to a contract that forms a financial asset of one party and a financial liability or equity instrument of
another party.
5.11.1 Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments
        When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument contract, a financial asset or financial liability is recognized.
        If a financial asset meets one of the following conditions, it shall be derecognized: (1) The contractual right to receive cash flows
from the financial asset terminates. (2) The right to collect cash flows from financial assets has been transferred, or the obligation to
pay the cash flows collected in full to a third party in a timely manner under a "pass-through agreement" has been transferred; and
substantially all risks of ownership of financial assets have been transferred. and rewards, or relinquishes control of a financial asset
while substantially neither transferring nor retaining substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset.
        If the current obligation of a financial liability (or part thereof) has been discharged, the financial liability (or part thereof) shall
be derecognised.
        For purchases or sales of financial assets in a regular manner, the company recognizes the assets to be received and the liabilities
to be assumed on the transaction date, or derecognizes the sold assets on the transaction date.

5.11.2 Classification and measurement of financial assets
        At the time of initial recognition of financial assets, according to the business mode of financial assets management and the
contract cash flow characteristics of financial assets, the Company classifies financial assets into: financial assets measured at
amortized cost; financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive incomes; and financial assets at fair value through profit or

        1) Initial measurement of financial assets:

        Financial assets are initially recognized at fair value. For financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, related transaction
expenses shall be directly included in the current profit or loss; the related transaction expenses of other financial assets shall be
included in the initially recognized amount. For accounts receivable arising from the sale of products or the provision of labor services,
which do not include or do not consider significant financing components, the Company makes initial measurement according to the
consideration expected to be entitled to receive.

        2) Subsequent measurement for financial assets:

        ① Investment in debt instruments measured at amortized cost

        The contractual cash flow characteristics of such financial assets are consistent with the basic lending arrangements, that is, the
cash flow generated on a specific date is only the payment of principal and interest based on the amount of outstanding principal and
the Company's business mode for managing the financial assets is to collect contractual cash flows. The Company classifies the
financial assets into the financial assets measured at amortized cost. The financial assets shall be subsequently measured at amortized
cost by effective interest method, with profits or losses arising out from amortization, impairment or de-recognition included in the
current profits and losses.

        ② Debt instruments investment measured at fair value through other comprehensive income

        The contractual cash flow characteristics of such financial assets are consistent with the basic lending arrangements, that is, the
cash flow generated on a specific date is only the payment of principal and interest based on the amount of outstanding principal and
the Company's business mode for managing the financial assets is both to collect contractual cash flows and sell the financial assets.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report
The Company classifies the financial assets into the financial assets that are measured at fair value and whose changes are included in
other comprehensive income. The interest income, impairment loss, and exchange difference of the financial assets recognized by the
effective interest method are recognized as current profits and losses, and other changes in fair value are included in other
comprehensive income. At the derecognition, the accumulated gains or losses previously included in other comprehensive incomes are
transferred to the current profit or loss.

     ③ Equity instruments investment measured at fair value through other comprehensive income

     At the initial recognition, some investments in non-trading equity instruments are designated by the Company as financial assets
at fair value through other comprehensive incomes. The Company includes the dividend income into the current profits and losses, and
the changes in fair value into other comprehensive incomes. When the financial assets are derecognized, the accumulated profits or
losses previously included in other comprehensive incomes will be transferred from other comprehensive income to the retained
earnings but not included in the current profit or loss.

     ④ Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     Including financial assets measured at fair value and their changes included into current profits or losses, and financial assets
designated to be measured at fair value and their changes included into current profits or losses.

     The Company divides the financial assets not classified as calculating as per the amortized cost and fair value with changes
included into other comprehensive income held by the Company into financial assets measured at the fair value with changes included
into current profits and losses.

     At the time of initial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatch, the Company may designate
some financial assets as the financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses.

5.11.3 Recognition basis and measurement method for transfer of financial assets
     The Company derecognizes a financial asset if it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial
asset to the transferee. If substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset is retained, the financial asset is not

     If the Company neither transfers nor retains almost all risks and rewards from the ownership of the financial assets, when the
control over the financial assets is not retained, the financial assets shall be derecognized, and the rights and obligations generated or
retained in the transfer shall be separately recognized as assets or liabilities; when the control over the financial assets is retained, the
relevant financial assets shall be recognized according to the extent of continuous involvement in the transferred financial assets, and
the relevant liabilities shall be recognized accordingly.

5.11.4 Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
     Financial liabilities are classified, at the time of initial recognition, into financial liabilities at fair value through current profit or
loss and other financial liabilities.

     1) Initial measurement of financial liabilities

     Financial liabilities are measured at fair value at initial recognition. For financial liabilities that are measured at fair value with
their change recorded as losses or profits in the current period, related transaction expenses should be directly included into the current
loss and profit; the related transaction expenses of financial liabilities measured at amortized cost should be included into the initial
recognition amount.

     2) Subsequent measurement for financial liabilities

     ① Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

     Including financial liabilities held for trading (including the derivative instruments which belong to financial liabilities) and
financial liabilities designated as measured at fair value with changes recorded in current profit or loss at initial recognition.

     Financial liabilities held for trading (including derivative instruments which belong to financial liabilities) are subsequently
measured according to the fair value. Except for those related to hedge accounting, changes in fair value are included in the current
profit or loss.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
    For financial liabilities designated to be measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses
for the period in which changes in fair value arising from changes in the Company's own credit risk are included in other
comprehensive income. Upon the derecognition thereof, the accumulated profit or loss previously included in other comprehensive
income shall be transferred out from other comprehensive income and included in retained earnings. Other changes in fair value are
included in the current profits and losses. If the aforesaid accounting treatment will cause or enlarge the accounting mismatch in
profits and losses, all profits or losses of the financial liabilities (including the impact amount of changes arising from the Company’s
own credit risk) shall be included in the current profits and losses.

        ② Other financial liabilities

        Other financial liabilities except for financial liabilities and financial guarantee contracts arising from non-conformance of
financial asset transfer to the derecognition conditions or continued involvement in the transferred financial assets are classified as
financial liabilities measured at amortized cost and subsequently measured at amortized cost; gains or losses incurred by derecognition
or amortization are included in the current profits or losses.

5.11.5 Offset of financial assets and financial liabilities
     The net amount of the financial assets and financial liabilities are presented in the balance sheet after being offset when the
following conditions are met at the same time: (1) has a legal right to offset the recognized amount and that such legal rights are
currently enforceable; and (2) plans to settle in net amount or sell off financial assets and liquidate the financial liabilities at the same

5.11.6 Method of determining fair value of financial instruments
     For a financial instrument with active market, its fair value shall be recognized based on its quoted price in the active market. For
a financial instrument without active market, its fair value shall be recognized by adopting the estimation technique. During estimation,
the Company shall adopt the valuation technique that is applicable in the current conditions and is supported sufficiently by available
data and other information and shall select the input value with consistent characteristics of assets or liabilities considered in relevant
transactions of assets or liabilities with the market participants. The related observable input value is preferred as far as possible. The
non-observable input value can be used only when it is impossible or not feasible to obtain a relevant observable input value.

5.11.7 Impairment of Financial Instruments (Excluding Receivables)
     The Company makes the provision for impairment and recognizes the credit impairment loss for financial assets measured by
amortized cost, liability instrument investment measured by fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income, and
financial guarantee contracts based on expected credit loss.
     For evaluation of the expected credit loss, the Company will consider all reasonable and reliable information, including forward-
looking information.
     The Company evaluates whether the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly since initial recognition on
each balance sheet date. If the default probability of a financial instrument within the expected duration recognized on the balance
sheet date is significantly higher than the default probability within the expected duration recognized at the time of initial recognition,
it indicates that the credit risk of the financial assets has increased significantly.
     If the credit risk has not increased significantly since the initial recognition, it is in the first stage, and the Company measures the
loss provision according to the amount of the expected credit loss in the next 12 months; if the credit risk has increased significantly
since the initial recognition, but no credit impairment has occurred, it is in the second stage, and the Company measures the loss
provision according to the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss over the whole duration; if credit impairment of financial
instruments occurs after the initial recognition, it is in the third stage, and the Company measures the loss provision based on expected
credit losses over the whole duration.
     For financial instruments with low credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company assumes that the credit risk has not
increased significantly since the initial recognition, and measures the provision for loss according to the expected credit loss in the next
12 months.

5.12 Notes receivable
        For details, please refer to “5.13 Accounts Receivable” in 5. Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” under in
Section X of this report.
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          2023 Annual Report
5.13 Accounts receivable
      Receivables of the Company mainly include notes receivable, accounts receivable, receivables financing and other receivables.

      The Company takes receivables and lease receivables arising from the sale of products or the provision of services as expected
credit losses within the entire duration when calculating the provision for credit losses.

      For other receivables, the Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether the credit risk of a financial instrument has
increased significantly since initial recognition. If the probability of default of a financial instrument during the estimated duration
determined at the balance sheet date is significantly higher than that during the estimated duration determined at initial recognition, the
credit risk of the financial instrument has significantly increased.

      If the credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition (first stage), the Company calculates the provision for
credit losses based on expected credit losses over the next 12 months; If the credit risk has increased significantly since initial
recognition but no credit impairment has occurred (second stage), the Company calculates the provision for credit losses based on
expected credit losses over the entire duration; If credit impairment has occurred since initial recognition of the receivables (third stage),
the Company calculates the provision for credit losses based on expected credit losses over the entire duration.

     For receivables with low credit risk at the balance sheet date, the Company calculates the provision for credit losses based on
expected credit losses over the next 12 months, assuming that their credit risks have not increased significantly since initial recognition.

      Receivables whose credit risk is assessed separately include receivables from an associated party, receivables from a party
involved in a dispute, litigation or arbitration with the Company, and receivables where there are clear indications that the debtor is
likely to be unable to meet the repayment obligations.

     In addition to receivables whose credit risk is assessed separately, the Company divides receivables into several portfolios
according to the characteristics of their credit risks and evaluates overall credit risks based on these portfolios. These portfolios are
determined as follows:

   Portfolio                                                            Characteristics

Aging Portfolio     This portfolio is characterized by aging receivables.
Transaction         This portfolio is characterized by receivables from transactions between the mother company and its subsidiary
Portfolio           included in consolidated financial statements.

      For receivables falling into the aging portfolio, the Company calculates the age of such receivables based on the period from the
date of their occurrence to the statement date. The Company refers to previous credit losses, considers the status quo and economic
development forecast, prepares a comparison table between the age of the receivables and the expected credit loss rate over the entire
duration and calculates expected credit losses.
      The Company does not calculate the internal transaction portfolio into the provision for credit impairment.

5.14 Receivables Financing
     For notes receivable and accounts receivable whose contractual cash flow characteristics are consistent with the basic lending
arrangements, and the Company's business mode for managing the financial assets is both to collect contractual cash flows and sell the
financial assets, the Company classifies them as receivables financing that is measured at fair value and whose changes are included in
other comprehensive income. The interest income, impairment loss, and exchange difference of the receivables financing recognized
by the effective interest method are recognized as current profits and losses, and other changes in fair value are included in other
comprehensive income. At the derecognition, the accumulated gains or losses previously included in other comprehensive incomes are
transferred to the current profit or loss.

5.15 Other Receivables
      For details, please refer to “5.13 Accounts Receivable” in 5. Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” under in
Section X of this report.

5.16 Contract Assets
5.16.1 Recognition methods and standards for the contractual assets

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
    The Company presents the contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet in accordance with the relationship between
the performance obligations and the payment by the customer. The consideration (excluding receivables) to which the Company has
transferred goods or provided services to customers and which it is entitled to receive is shown as a contractual asset.

5.16.2 Determination method and accounting method of expected credit loss of contractual assets
     For contractual assets without material financing elements, the Company adopts a simplified model of expected credit loss where
the loss provision is always measured at an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss over the entire duration, and the resulting
increase or reversal of the loss provision is recorded as the impairment loss or gain in the current profits and losses.

     For contractual assets with material financing elements, the Company chooses to adopt a simplified model of expected credit loss
where the loss provision is always measured at an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss over the entire duration, and the
resulting increase or reversal of the loss provision is recorded as the impairment loss or gain in the current profits and losses.

5.17 Inventories
     (1) The inventories of the Company mainly include raw materials, turnover materials, products in process, self-made semi-
finished products, finished products, etc.

     (2) The raw materials and finished products are accounted for by the weighted average method when delivered.

     (3) Basis for determining the inventory’s net realizable value and drawing methods for provision for decline in the value of

     Net realizable value is determined based on the estimated selling price less estimated costs to be incurred upon completion,
estimated selling expenses and related taxes.

     At the end of the reporting period, the provision for the decline in the value of inventories shall be drawn in accordance with the
balance of single item cost higher than net realizable value and are included in current profits and losses. If the influencing factors of
the previous write-down of inventory value have disappeared, the write-down amount shall be restored and shall be reversed within the
original provision for the decline in the value of inventories. The reversed amount shall be included in the current profits and losses.
For the inventories with high quantity and low unit price, inventory falling price reserves maybe withdrawn by inventory class.

     (4) The Company adopts the perpetual inventory system for inventories.

     (5) Turnover materials include low-priced consumables, packaging, etc. and they are amortized at requisition by the one-off write-
off method.

5.18 Held-for-sale Assets
5.18.1 Held-for-sale
     The Company recognizes the non-current assets or disposal groups meeting all the following conditions as the held-for-sale assets:

     (1) Based on the practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions, those can be sold immediately under
current conditions;

     (2) Their sales are very likely to happen, that is, the Company has already made a resolution on a sales plan and obtained a
certain purchase commitment and their sales are expected to be completed within one year. The relevant approval has been obtained
from relevant authorities of the Company or regulators for those available for sale as required by the relevant regulations.

     When the non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale are measured initially or remeasured on the balance sheet date, if the
carrying amount is higher than the net amount obtained by deducting the selling expenses from the fair value, the carrying amountshall
be reduced to the net amount obtained by deducting the selling expenses from the fair value, and the write-down amount shall be
recognized as the asset impairment losses and shall be included in the current profits or losses and the impairment provision of held-
for-sale assets shall be made at the same time.
5.18.2 Discontinued Operation
      Discontinued operation means a component that meets one of the following conditions and can be distinguished alone. The
component has been disposed of or classified as “held for sale”:
      ①The component represents a separate principal business or a separate principal area of operation;

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                             2023 Annual Report
     ②The component is part of an associated plan to dispose of a separate principal business or a separate principal area of
      ③The component is a subsidiary acquired specially for resale.
      Where the disposal group that is to be out of use rather than sold meets the conditions of a component specified in the preceding
paragraphs, it is included in discontinued operation from the date of being out of use; If a company loses its control over a subsidiary
due to the sale of its investment in the subsidiary, and the subsidiary meets the definition of discontinued operation, relevant profits and
losses incurred by discontinued operation are presented in the consolidated income statement.
      For discontinued operation reported in the current period, the Company reports those data originally included in profits and
losses incurred by continued operation in the current financial statements as profits and losses incurred by discontinued operation
during the comparable accounting period.

5.19 Creditors’ Investment
     □ Applicable  N/A

5.20 Other creditors' Investment
     □ Applicable  N/A

5.21 Long-term Receivables
     □ Applicable  N/A

5.22 Long-term Equity Investment
5.22.1 Judgment standard for significant impact and joint control
     1) The Company comprehensively considers whether it has a significant impact on the investee in combination with the
following circumstances: Whether representatives are designated to the Board of Directors or similar authorities of the investee;
Whether to participate in the formulation of financial and operating policies of the investee; Whether there is any significant
transaction with the investee; Whether management personnel is assigned to the investee; and Whether the key technical data are
provided to the investee.

     2) If the Company and other participants are bound by a joint arrangement, anyone participant cannot control the arrangement
independently, and anyone participant can prevent other participants or a combination of participants from controlling the arrangement
independently, the Company judges that it has joint control over the joint arrangement.

5.22.2 Determining of investment costs
     The investment cost of long-term equity investments formed by business merger shall be recognized as per the following

     A. For the investment in subsidiaries formed by a business merger under joint control, the share of the book value of the
shareholders’ equity of the merged party on the merger date in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party
shall be recognized as the investment costs of long-term equity investment.

     As to business mergers under joint control realized step by step, the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment shall
be recognized on the merger date based on the share of the book value of the merged party's net assets to be enjoyed after the merger
in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party. The balance between the initial investment amount and the
sum of the book value of long-term equity investments which has reached the amount before the merger and the book value of new
payment consideration obtained on the merger date shall be applied to adjust capital surplus (capital/share premium). If the capital
surplus is insufficient to set it off, the retained earnings shall be written down. The equity investment held prior to the merger date and
recognized as other comprehensive income due to calculation by equity method or calculation as per recognition and measurement
criteria of financial instruments will not be subject to accounting treatment temporarily and will be subject to accounting treatment on
the same basis as that adopted by the investee for direct disposal of related assets or liabilities at the time of disposal. If it is recognized
as other changes in shareholders’ equity (excluding net profit/loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution) in the net
assets of the investee due to calculation by equity method, it will not be subject to accounting treatment temporarily and will be
transferred to current profits and losses at the time of disposal. In which, if the residual equity after disposal is calculated by cost
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                               2023 Annual Report
method or equity method as per the standards, other comprehensive income and other shareholders’ equity shall be carried over in
proportion, and if the disposed residual equity undergoes accounting treatment according to recognition and measurement guideline of
financial instruments, other comprehensive income and other shareholders' equity shall be fully carried over.

        B. For the investment in subsidiaries formed by a business merger under different control, the business merger cost shall be
taken as the investment cost.

        If the additional investment can control the investee not under joint control, the sum of the book value of the equity investment of
the acquiree held before the acquisition date and the investment cost added on the acquisition date shall be recognized as the initial
investment cost of the investment accounted for by the cost method. The equity investment held by the acquiree prior to the acquisition
date recognized as other comprehensive income due to accounting by equity method shall be subject to accounting treatment on the
same basis as that adopted by the investee for direct disposal of related assets or liabilities at the time of disposal. Accounting
treatment of the equity investment held before the acquisition date shall be conducted in accordance with the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No. 22-Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. Accumulated changes in fair value originally
included in other comprehensive income shall be transferred to retained earnings at the time of calculation by the cost method.

        2) Except for the long-term equity investment acquired through the business merger, the investment cost of long-term equity
investment acquired in other ways shall be determined in accordance with the following methods:

        A. For long-term equity investment acquired by cash payment, the actual purchase price paid shall be regarded as investment


        B. For the long-term equity investment obtained by issuing equity securities, the fair value of the issued equity securities shall
betaken as the investment cost;

        3) Where the addition of investments confers upon the rights of common control over or significant influence on the investee but
fails to confer rights constituting control over the investee, the sum of the fair value of the equity investment originally held,
determined according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial
Instruments and the cost of the subsequent investments, shall be regarded as the initial investment cost, which shall be accounted for
using the equity method. If the originally held long-term equity investment is classified as other equity instrument investments, the
balance between the fair value and the book value, as well as accumulated changes in fair value originally included in other
comprehensive incomes shall be transferred to the retained earnings calculated by the equity method.

5.22. Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

        1) Investment in subsidiaries

        In the consolidated financial statements, investments in subsidiaries are treated in accordance with “5.6 Accounting treatment
methods for business combinations under the same control and those not under the same control” in “5. Important Accounting Policies
and Accounting Estimates” under Section X of this report.

        In the consolidated financial statements, the investment in subsidiaries shall be treated according to Note V "6. Preparation
Methods of Consolidated Financial Statements" in Section X of this report.

        In the financial statements of the parent company, the investment in subsidiaries is accounted for by using the cost method, and
the investment income is recognized when the investee declares the distributed cash dividends or profits.

        2) Investment in joint ventures and associated ventures

        The equity method is adopted for accounting of investment in joint ventures and associated ventures, and the specific accounting
treatment includes:

        When the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s
identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, the difference shall be included in the long-term equity investment cost; when the
initial investment cost is less than the Company’s interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition
date, the difference shall be credited to profit or loss for the period, and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                              2023 Annual Report
    After obtaining the investments in joint ventures and associated enterprises, the Company recognizes the profit and loss on
investments and other comprehensive incomes respectively according to its share of net profits or losses and other comprehensive
incomes of the investee to be enjoyed or shared, and meanwhile adjusts the book value of long-term equity investments; the part of due
share is calculated according to the distributed cash dividend or profit declared by the investee, and the book value of the long- term
equity investment is decreased accordingly.

     When calculating the share of net profits and losses realized by the investee that shall be enjoyed or shared, the fair value of the
investee’s identifiable net assets when the investment is obtained is taken as the basis. Where there are any inconsistencies between the
accounting policies or accounting period adopted by the investee and the Company, the financial statement of the investee shall be
adjusted as necessary according to the accounting policy and accounting period of the Company during accounting by the equity
method. Unrealized profits and losses arising from intra-company transactions with joint ventures and associates are offset by the
portion attributable to the Company as per the shareholding ratio when calculated by equity method. For the unrealized loss incurred in
the internal transactions, if there is evidence indicating that such loss is an impairment loss of the underlying asset, such loss is
recognized as loss in full amount.

     The Company recognizes the net losses of associated enterprises only to the point where the book value of the long-term equity
investments and other long-term equities which substantially form the net investment in the investees are reduced to zero, unless the
Company has an obligation to bear extra losses. When the investees realize net profits later, the Company will recover the sharing
amount of recognized profits after the sharing amount offsets the non-recognized sharing losses.

     For other changes of the shareholders’ equity except net profit or loss of interested entities, other comprehensive income and
profit distribution in investee, the book value of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and included in capital reserve. Upon
disposal of the investment, the part originally included in the capital reserve shall be transferred to current profits and losses in
corresponding proportion.

     (4) For the disposal of long-term equity investment, the difference between the carrying value and the actual purchase price is
included in the current profits or losses. Long-term equity investments that are recognized using the equity method are disposed of on
the same basis as the investee's direct disposal of the related assets or liabilities, and the portion originally included in other
comprehensive income will be accounted for in a corresponding proportion.

     Where the Company loses common control over or significant influence on the investee due to partial disposal of its equity
investment, the equity remaining after disposal shall be treated according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22
– Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, and the difference between fair and book values at the date of loss of
common control or significant influence shall be recorded in the profit and loss for the current period. Other comprehensive income
related to the original equity investment and recognized based on the equity method, shall be subject to treatment on the same
accounting basis applied by the investee to directly disposals of relevant assets or liabilities, and usage of the equity method

     When the control of the Company over the investee is lost due to disposal of partial equity investment etc., if the residual equity
after disposal could exert joint control or significant influence over the investee during the preparation of individual financial
statements, the equity method shall be adopted for the accounting, and adjustment shall be made on this partial equity deemed that
equity method has been used for accounting since the acquisition. If the remaining equity after disposal cannot exert joint control over
or significant impact on the investee, the accounting treatment shall be conducted according to the relevant provisions of the
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 22 — Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, and the difference
between the fair value and the book value on the date of losing the right of control shall be included in the current profits and losses.

5.23 Investment real estates
     Measurement model of investment properties: measurement with cost method

     Depreciation or amortization method: The Company makes a subsequent measurement of the investment properties with the cost
model and makes provision for depreciation or amortization by the straight-line method after deducting the estimated net residual value
from the service life of the investment properties.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               2023 Annual Report
                                                                         Estimated net residual Annual depreciation
                           Category            Service life (year)
                                                                              value ratio           (amortization) rate
                    Buildings and
                                                        20                        5%                      4.75%

5.24 Fixed assets
5.24.1 Recognition conditions
     Fixed assets refer to the tangible assets whose service life is more than an accounting year and which are held for goods
production, labor service rendering, renting or operating management.

5.24.2 Depreciation method

            Type                  Depreciation method         Depreciation period                                         Annual
                                                                                             Residual value rate                   depreciatio
                                                                                                                                   n rate
   Buildings and structures Straight-line method             20-50 years                    5%                       1.90%-4.75%

   Electronic equipment          Straight-line method        3-5 years                      5%                       19.00%-31.67%
   Machinery and
   equipment                     Straight-line method        3-5 years                      5%                       19.00%-31.67%
   Transportation                Straight-line method        3-5 years                      5%                       19.00%-31.67%
   Office equipment              Straight-line method        3-5 years                      5%                       19.00%-31.67%
     At least at the end of every year, the Company shall recheck the expected service life, expected net salvage value and
depreciation methods of the fixed assets.

5.25 Projects under Construction
     When the construction in progress is ready for its intended use, it shall be transferred to the fixed assets, intangible assets, and
long-term unamortized expenses accounting according to all the actual expenditures incurred.
     When a project under construction reaches the predetermined usable state, the total expenses actually incurred are included in
fixed assets, intangible assets and long-term unamortized expenses for audit.
     Standards and time for the transition of different types of projects under construction to fixed assets are as follows:

     Type                                                       Transition Standards and Time
                (1) Physical construction, including installation, has been completed or substantially completed; (2) The expenses on
                the house or building purchased or constructed are small or almost no longer occur; (3) The house or building
Houses      and purchased or constructed has met the design or contract requirements, or basically complies with the design or contract
Buildings       requirements; (4) The construction project has reached the predetermined usable state but has not yet completed the
                final settlement of account. From the date when such a project reaches the predetermined usable state, it is included in
                fixed assets at a value estimated according to the actual construction costs.
                (1) Relevant equipment and other supporting facilities have been installed; (2) The equipment can maintain normal and
Machinery and
                stable operation for a certain period after debugging; (3) The equipment can produce qualified products stably for a
                certain period; (4) The equipment has passed the check for acceptance by the asset manager and user.
      For products or by-products that are produced before reaching the predetermined usable state and sold, incomes and costs related
to trial sales are included in accounting in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14-Income and the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 1-Inventory and included in profits and losses for the current period.

5.26 Borrowing Costs
     (1) Borrowing costs include borrowing interests, amortization of discount or premium, auxiliary expenses and balance of
exchange incurred from foreign currency loans. The borrowing costs, which can be assigned to acquisition and construction or

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report
production of assets in compliance with capitalization conditions, shall be capitalized and included in related asset cost, while other
borrowing costs shall be included in the current profits and losses.

     (2) When the expenditures and borrowing costs of the assets are incurred and the activities relating to the acquisition,
construction, or production of the assets that are necessary to prepare the assets for their intended use or sale have commenced, the
Company shall begin the capitalization of borrowing costs. Where the acquisition and construction or production of the asset eligible
for capitalization is interrupted abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the
borrowing costs shall be suspended. When the acquisition, construction, or production of assets is ready for its intended use or sale,
the capitalization of borrowing costs shall cease and the borrowing costs incurred thereafter shall be included in the current profits
and losses.

     (3) Calculation method for the capitalization amount of borrowing costs

     1) The capitalization amount of the borrowing costs incurred from special borrowings for the acquisition, construction, or
production of assets that meet the capitalization conditions (including the borrowing interest, amortization of discount or premium,
auxiliary expenses, exchange difference between the principal and interest of special foreign currency borrowings) shall be the amount
of borrowing costs actually incurred from special borrowings during the capitalization period, net of the interest income from
depositing the not-yet-used borrowed funds in the bank or the investment income acquired from temporary investment of the not-yet-
used borrowed funds.

     2) The capitalization amount of the borrowing costs (including the borrowing interest, amortization of discount, or premium)
incurred from general borrowings for the acquisition, construction, or production of assets that meet the capitalization conditions shall
be calculated and determined by multiplying the weighted average of the asset expenditures from the accumulated asset expenditures
exceeding the special borrowings during the capitalization period by the capitalization rate of general borrowings occupied.

5.27 Biological assets
    □ Applicable  N/A

5.28 Oil and gas assets
    □ Applicable  N/A

5.29 Intangible assets
     (1) Intangible assets are initially measured according to the cost upon acquisition.

     (2) Amortization of intangible assets

     The straight-line method is adopted for the amortization of intangible assets with limited service life within their service life.

                   Category                                Service life                   Basis for determining service life
        Land use right                         50 years or legal service life   Legal service life
        Office Software                        5 years                          Determine the service life with reference to the
                                                                                period that can bring economic benefits to us
        Trademark right and patent right                                        Determine the service life with reference to the
                                                10 years
                                                                                period that can bring economic benefits to us
        Non-patented technologies              3 years                          Determine the service life with reference to the
                                                                                period that can bring economic benefits to us

     At the end of each year, the Company rechecks the service life and the amortization method of intangible assets.

     (3) Intangible assets with uncertain service life shall not be amortized. End at the end of each year, the service life of intangible
assets with uncertain service life shall be reviewed. If there is any evidence showing that its service life is limited, its service life shall
be estimated and amortized according to its service life.

    Trademarks acquired in a business combination are recognized at fair value on the date of acquisition. Since a trademark can be
automatically renewed upon expiration, it is an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life. Therefore, no amortization is provided

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     2023 Annual Report
for a trademark until it is determined that its useful life is limited. It will be tested for impairment annually or when there is an
indication of impairment.

     (4) Accounting policies of expenditures on internal research and development projects

     1) Specific division standard of the research stage and development stage of internal research and development projects

     Research refers to a planned investigation with originality that is conducted to obtain and keep abreast of new scientific or
technical knowledge. Development refers to the process where research results or other knowledge are applied to one or more plans or
designs for producing new or substantially improved materials, devices, products and new processes before the commercial
manufacture or use.

     2) Expenditures at the research stage shall be included in the current profit or loss when incurred. The expenditures in the
development stage shall be capitalized if they meet all the following conditions:

     A. With technical feasibility for finishing the intangible assets to use or sell;

     B. With intention of finishing the intangible assets to use or sell;

     C. Where the usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved, including being able to
prove that there is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying the intangible assets or there is a potential market for
the intangible assets themselves or the intangible assets will be used internally;

     D. With enough support of technology, financial resources and other resources for finishing development of the intangible assets
as well as capacity for using or selling the assets;

     E. The expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase can be reliably measured.

     3) If the products or by-products produced in the R&D process are sold to the outside, the income and costs related to the trial
sales shall be accounted for respectively and included in the current profits and losses in accordance with the provisions of the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.14 - Revenue and the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.1 -

5.30 Impairment of long-term assets
     On the balance sheet date, the Company determines whether there is any sign of impairment for long-term assets such as long-
term equity investments, fixed assets, construction in progress, and intangible assets according to internal and external information,
and conducts impairment tests on long-term assets with signs of impairment to estimate their recoverable amount. In addition, no
matter whether there is any sign of impairment, the Company will conduct impairment tests on goodwill, intangible assets with
uncertain service life, and intangible assets that have not yet reached the usable condition at least at the end of each year to estimate
their recoverable amount.

     Where the recoverable amount of the above long-term assets is lower than the book value according to the estimated result of
recoverable amount, the book value shall be written down to the recoverable amount, and the write-down amount shall be recognized
as impairment loss of assets and included in current profits and losses. Simultaneously, the corresponding reserves for impairment
shall be drawn accordingly.

     The recoverable amount of assets (or asset groups, combination of asset groups, the same below) is the net amount of fair value
of assets deducting disposal fees, or present value of expected future cash flow of the assets, whichever is higher.

     The asset group is the smallest asset portfolio that can be identified and the cash inflow produced by the asset group is basically
independent of the cash inflow produced by other assets or asset groups. Asset group is formed by related assets with generated cash
flow. When identifying asset groups, the Company mainly takes into account whether they generate cash flows independently, as well
as how the management makes decision to manage the production and operation activities and deals with the asset utilization or

     The net amount of the fair value of the assets deducting the disposal expenses is determined by the price that can be received for
selling an asset or paid for transferring a liability in the orderly transaction generated by the market participants on the measurement
date minus the disposal expenses directly attributable to the asset. The current value of estimated future cash flow of the assets shall

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   2023 Annual Report
be determined by the amount discounted with appropriate rate before tax as per the estimated future cash flow during continuous use
and final disposal of the assets.

      Impairment loss related to asset groups or combination of asset groups is deducted by book value amortized into the carrying
value of goodwill in the asset groups or combination of asset groups and carrying value of other assets in proportion according to the
percentage of carrying value of other assets (except for goodwill) in the asset groups or combination of asset groups. However, the
deducted carrying value of various assets shall not be lower than the largest value among net amount of fair value of the assets (if
determined) after the disposal cost is deducted, and the current value of estimated future cash flow of the asset (if determined) and zero.

      Once confirmed, the impairment loss of the aforesaid long-term assets shall not be reversed in future accounting periods.

5.31 Long-term deferred expenses
      Long-term deferred expenses shall be subject to average amortization within the benefit period. If the long-term unamortized
expenses will not benefit the future accounting period, the amortized value of the unamortized expenses shall be all transferred into
the current profits and losses.

5.32 Contract liabilities
      The contractual liabilities refer to the Company's obligations to transfer commodities to the customer due to customer
consideration received or receivable. If the customer has paid the contract consideration or the Company has obtained the right to
receive the contract consideration unconditionally before the Company transfers the commodities to the customer, the Company shall
list the amount received or receivables as contract liabilities at the time when the customer actually makes the payment or at the time
when the payment is due, whichever is earlier. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are to be listed on a net
basis; contract assets and contract liabilities under different contracts shall not be set off.

5.33 Employee Remuneration
5.33.1 Accounting treatment of short-term compensation
      Employee benefits include short-term benefits, post-employment welfare, termination benefits and other long-term employee
welfare. In the accounting period in which staffs have rendered services, the Company shall recognize the payable salaries to staffs as

      The Company participates in the employee social security systems, such as basic pensions, medical insurance, housing funds and
other social securities established by the government in accordance with relevant requirements. The related expenditures are either
included in cost of related assets or charged to profit or loss in the period when they are incurred.

5.33.2 Accounting treatment of post-employment welfare
     We participate in the employee social security system established by government agencies as required, including basic pension
insurance, medical insurance, housing provident fund and other social security systems. The corresponding expenditures are included
in the relevant asset costs or current profits and losses when incurred.

5.33.3 Accounting treatment of dismissal welfare
      When the Company terminates the employment relationship with employees before the employment contract expires or provides
compensation to encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy, the dismissal welfare payment, liabilities of employee
compensation shall be recognized and included into current profit or loss by our company on the day of the two situations (whichever
occurs first): our company cannot unilaterally withdraw the dismissal welfare provided due to the labor relation plan termination or the
redundancy offer or the company recognizes the costs related to restructuring relevant with the dismissal welfare payment.

5.33.4 Accounting treatment of other long-term employee welfare
     □ Applicable  N/A

5.34 Estimated liabilities
      (1) An obligation related to the contingencies meeting all the following conditions shall be recognized as estimated liabilities:

      1) This obligation is the current obligation undertaken by the Company;

      2) It is likely to lead to the outflow of economic benefits from the Company when the obligations are fulfilled;
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                            2023 Annual Report
    3) The amount of such obligation can be measured reliably.

     (2) Estimated liabilities shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimated amount of the necessary expenses for
performance of the current obligation.

     If the required expenditure has a continuous range and all the results within this range are equally likely to occur, the best
estimate is determined according to the intermediate value within this range.

     In other cases, the best estimate is treated separately as follows:

     1) If the contingency involves a single project, then it shall be determined as per the most probable amount;

     2) If the contingency involves multiple projects, then it shall be calculated and determined according to various possible results
and relevant probabilities.

5.35 Share-based Payment
5.35.1 Types of Share-based Payment
     The term “share-based payment” refers to a transaction in which an enterprise grants equity instruments or undertakes equity-
instrument-based liabilities in return for services from employees or other parties. The share-based payment shall consist of equity-
settled share-based payment and cash-settled share-based payment.

     1) Equity-settled Share-based Payment

     The equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services shall be measured based on the fair value of the equity
instruments granted to the employees at the grant date. If the right of equity-settled share-based payment cannot be exercised until the
vesting period comes to an end or until the prescribed performance conditions are met, then within the vesting period, the amount of
fair value shall, based on the best estimate of the number of vested equity instruments, be included in relevant costs or expenses
according to the straight-line method; as to equity-settled share-based payment if the right may be exercised immediately after the
grant, the amount of fair value shall be included in relevant costs or expenses at the grant date, and the capital surplus shall be
increased accordingly.

     For equity-settled share-based payment in return for the service of any other party, if the fair value of the service of any other
party can be measured in a reliable way, the fair value of the service at the acquisition date by any other service party shall be included
in relevant costs or expenses; if the fair value of the service of any other party cannot be measured in a reliable way, but the fair value
of the equity instruments can be measured in a reliable way, the fair value of the equity instruments on date of the service acquisition
shall be included in relevant costs or expenses, and the shareholders ’ equity shall be increased accordingly.

     2) Cash-settled share-based payment

     Stock payment settled by cash shall be measured at the fair value of liabilities recognized based on stocks or other equity
instruments assumed by the Company. If the right maybe exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value shall, at the grant date,
be included in relevant costs or expenses, and the liabilities shall be increased accordingly; as to cash-settled share-based payment, if
the right cannot be exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the specified performance conditions are met, at each
balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services acquired in current period shall, based on the best estimate of the information
about the exercisable right, be included in relevant costs or expenses at the fair value of the liability undertaken by the Company, and
the liabilities shall be increased accordingly.

     On each balance sheet date and the settlement date prior to the settlement of the relevant liabilities, the fair value of the liabilities
shall be re-measured, with the change of the fair value recognized into current profit or loss.

5.35.2 Accounting Treatment on Implementation, Modification, and Termination of Share-based Payment Plan
     During the modification of the share-based payment plan by the Company, if the fair value of granted equity instruments is
increased, the increase in services acquired shall be recognized based on the increase in fair value. The increase in fair values of equity
instruments refers to the difference between equity instrument’s fair values before and after amendment. If the total amount of fair
value of share-based payment in the modification is decreased, or methods to the disadvantage of employees are adopted, the
accounting treatment on acquired services shall be continued and the change shall be deemed as not occurred, unless the Company has
canceled all or part of the granted equity instruments. Where the terms and conditions of the cash-settled share-based payment
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                 2023 Annual Report
agreement are modified to make it an equity-settled share-based payment, if the vesting period is extended or shortened due to the
modification, the accounting treatment shall be carried out in accordance with the modified vesting period, and it is not necessary to
consider the relevant accounting treatment provisions that are unfavorable to the modification.

     During the vesting period, if the granted instruments are canceled, the Company shall accelerate the exercise of such equity
instruments; the residual amount in the vesting period to be recognized shall be included in current profit and loss, and the capital
surplus shall be recognized in the meantime. In the event that the employees or other parties can choose to meet the non-vesting
conditions but fail to meet such conditions during the vesting period, the Company shall treat it as the cancellation of granted equity

5.36 Other financial instruments as preferred shares and perpetual bond
    □ Applicable  N/A

5.37 Income
5.37.1 Accounting policies used for revenue recognition and measurement
     When the Company has fulfilled its performance obligation of the contract, which means that the customer has obtained the
control rights of the relevant commodities or services, the Company recognizes the income according to the transaction price
apportioned to this performance obligation.

     If the Contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company shall, on the commencement date of the Contract,
apportion the transaction price to each performance obligation according to the relative proportion of the individual selling price of the
goods or services promised by each performance obligation. For sales with quality assurance, if the quality assurance provides a
separate service to the customer in addition to assuring the customer that the goods or services sold meets the established standards,
the quality assurance constitutes a single performance obligation. Otherwise, the Company will account for the quality assurance
responsibility in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies.

     The transaction price is the amount of consideration that the Company is expected to be entitled to receive for the transfer of
commodities or services to the customer, but not including payments received on behalf of third parties and payments expected to be
refunded to customers by the Company. Where there is a variable consideration in the contract, the Company determines the best
estimate of the variable consideration based on the expected value or the most probable amount. The transaction price of the variable
consideration is included, which shall not exceed the amount of accumulative recognized income that will most likely not be great
reverse when the relevant uncertainty is removed. Where there is consideration payable to a customer in a contract, unless the
consideration is for the purpose of obtaining other clearly distinguishable goods or services from the customer, the Company offsets
the consideration payable against the transaction price and deducts the current income at a later point between the recognition of the
relevant income and the payment (or committed payment) of the customer consideration. If there is any material financing element in
the contract, the Company will adjust the transaction price according to the financing element in the contract; if the interval between
the transfer of control rights and the payment by the customer is less than one year, the Company will not consider the financing
element in the transfer of control rights.

     If one of the following conditions is fulfilled, it is a performance obligation performed within a certain period of time. The
Company recognizes the revenue within a certain period of time according to the progress of the performance: (1) the economic
benefits accruing to and consumed by the customer while the Company is performing its performance; (2) the customer has control
over the goods under construction in the course of the Company's performance; (3) commodities produced by the Company in the
course of performance are irreplaceable and the Company is entitled to receive payment for the cumulative portion of performance
completed to date throughout the contract period. Otherwise, the Company shall recognize the revenue at the time point when the
customer gains control rights of the relevant commodities or services.

     For the performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company shall recognize the revenue within that
period according to the performance progress. If the performance progress cannot be reasonably confirmed, and the costs incurred can
be expected to be compensated, the revenue shall be recognized by the Company according to the amount of costs incurred until the
performance progress can be reasonably confirmed.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  2023 Annual Report
    For performance obligations performed at a certain time point, the Company shall confirm the revenue at the time point when the
customer gains control rights of the relevant goods. When judging whether the customer has obtained the control right of the goods or
services, the Company shall consider the following conditions: (1) The enterprise enjoys the right to the current collection, i.e. The
customer has the obligation to pay immediately with respect to the goods; (2) the enterprise has transferred the legal ownership of the
goods to the customer, i.e. the customer owns the legal ownership of the goods; (3) the enterprise has transferred to goods to the
customer in kind, i.e. the customer has possessed the goods; (4) the enterprise has transferred the major risks and remuneration on the
ownership of the goods to the customer, i.e. the customer has obtained the major risks and remuneration on the ownership of the goods;
(5) the customer has accepted the goods.

     The Company determines whether it is the principal responsible person or agent at the time of the transaction based on whether it
has control of the goods or services prior to the transfer of the goods or services to the customer. If the Company has control of the
goods or services before transferring goods or services to customers, the Company is the principal responsible person and recognizes
the revenue according to the total amount received or receivable; otherwise, the Company is an agent and recognizes revenue on the
basis of the amount of commissions or fees expected to be entitled to receive, which is determined on a net basis after deducting the
total consideration received or receivable from the price payable to other relevant parties.

5.37.2 Specific principles for revenue recognition
     The Company mainly sells cosmetics, medical devices and makeup. According to the settlement mode with customers, the
Company can be divided into distribution, direct sales, and consignment.

     1) Distribution mode

     The Company delivers the products to the purchaser according to the contract, which have been accepted by the purchaser and
the amount of product sales revenue has been determined. When the customer obtains the control right of the goods, the sales revenue
is recognized.

     2) Direct sales mode

     The direct sales mode of the Company is divided into offline self-operation and online self-operation. For offline self-operation,
retail is carried out through offline stores, while for online self-operation, sales are carried out by opening self-operated stores on
major e-commerce platforms or through self-built websites.

     Offline self-operation: The customer selects the goods, pays for the goods on-site, and the Company recognizes the income after
the customer picks up the goods.

     Online self-operation: The customer places an order online and makes a payment. After the Company delivers the goods, the
customer confirms the receipt of the goods and the Company recognizes the income after receiving the payment for goods transferred
by the e-commerce platform or the third-party payment company.

     3) Consignment mode

     The Company delivers the products to the entrusted party according to the contract and recognizes the sales revenue when the
entrusted party issues a consignment list to the Company after realizing sales.

     The Company grants reward points to customers while selling products. The reward points belong to sales with customers'
additional purchase options, that is, the Company will grant options to customers while selling goods, allowing customers to purchase
additional goods free of charge or at a discounted price. The reward points granted by the Company to the customer provide the
customer with significant rights and thus constitute a single performance obligation. The Company shall apportion the transaction
price to the performance obligation in accordance with the relevant principles of transaction price apportionment. If the points are used
to exchange the goods provided by the Company, the Company can usually recognize the income related to the points only when the
relevant goods are transferred to the customer or the points are invalid.

5.38 Contract Cost
5.38.1 Costs of Winning Contracts
     Incremental costs that are incurred by the Company in winning a contract (i.e., costs that would not have been incurred otherwise)
but the Company expects to recover are regarded as an asset, amortized on the same basis as incomes from goods or services associated

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with the asset and included in profits or losses for the current period. If the asset is amortized for no more than one year, it is included
in profits and losses for the current period when incurred. Other expenses incurred by the Company to win a contract are included in
profits and losses for the current period when incurred, except those expressly borne by the customer.
5.38.2 Costs of Performing Contracts
      Costs incurred by the Company for performing a contract are regarded as an asset if they do not fall within the scope of
accounting standards for business enterprises other than revenue standards and meet the following conditions: ① The costs are directly
related to a current or expected contract; ② The costs increase the Company’s resources for future performance obligations; ③ The
costs are expected to be recovered. Assets recognized are amortized on the same basis as incomes from goods or services associated
with the asset are recognized and included in profits and losses for the current period.
5.38.3 Contract Cost Impairment
      If the book value of the contract cost is higher than the difference between the following two items, the contract cost is calculated
in the provision for asset impairment and recognized as asset impairment losses: ① the remaining consideration expected to be
obtained due to the transfer of goods related to the asset; ② estimated costs to be incurred for the transfer of goods related to the asset.
      If the factors that lead to inventory impairment previously change so that the difference between ① and ② specified in the
preceding paragraph is higher than the book value of the contract cost, the contract cost that has been calculated in the provision for
asset impairment shall be canceled and included in profits and losses for the current period, provided that the book value of the contract
cost after cancellation shall not exceed the book value of the asset (assuming that the contract cost is not calculated in the provision for
asset impairment) at the date of cancellation.

5.39 Government Grants
     Government subsidies refer to monetary and non-monetary assets acquired from the government for free; however, the capital
invested in the Company by the government as the owner of the Company shall be excluded. Government subsidies are divided into
asset-related and revenue-related government subsidies. The Company defines government subsidies acquired for establishing or
forming long-term assets in other ways as asset-related government subsidies; and defines other government subsidies as revenue-
related government subsidies. If government documents do not clearly stipulate assistance objects, the subsidies are divided into
revenue related government subsidies and asset related government subsidies in following ways: (1) if government documents define
specific projects that the subsidies are used for, the subsidies are divided based on the relative proportion of paid amount about to form
assets in the budget of the specific project against the paid amount covered in the cost, and the proportion division shall be reviewed
on every balance sheet date and changed if necessary; (2) if government documents only give a general description of subsidy usage
and do not define specific projects, the subsidies are considered as revenue related government subsidies.

     The government subsidies considered as monetary assets are measured at the amount received or receivable. If government
subsidies are non-monetary assets, they are measured at fair value. If the fair value cannot be reliably measured, they are measured at
the nominal amount.

     The government grants can be recognized when they satisfy all the following conditions: (1) the Company can meet the
conditions attached to government grants; and (2) the Company can receive the government grants. The government subsidies related
to daily activities of the enterprise shall be included in other incomes or offset relevant costs based on the substance of business
transactions. The government grants not related to daily activities of the enterprise shall be included in the non-operating income.
     Revenue-related government subsidies used to compensate for related costs or losses during future periods of the enterprise shall
be recognized as deferred income, and shall be included in current profits and losses or offset relevant costs during the period when
related costs or losses are recognized; those used to compensate for the incurred related costs or losses of the enterprise shall be
included in current profits and losses or offset relevant costs directly.

     Asset-related government subsidies shall be recognized as deferred incomes or offset the book value of related assets. The
amount shall be included in the profits and losses by stages as per the straight-line method within the service life of relevant assets.
Government subsidies measured at the nominal amount shall be directly included in current profit and loss. Where the relevant asset is
sold, transferred, scrapped or damaged before the end of its useful life, the undistributed balance of the relevant deferred revenue shall
be transferred to the current profits or losses when the asset is disposed of.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          2023 Annual Report
5.40 Deferred income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities
     The Company uses balance sheet liability method for accounting treatment of income tax.

     Current income tax expenses and deferred income tax expenses (or income) are included in current profits and losses, except
those related to transactions or matters directly included in shareholders’ equity.

     Current income tax is the expected tax payables on the taxable income for the period, using tax rates enacted or substantially
enacted at the reporting date, and any adjustment to tax payables in respect of previous periods.

     On the balance sheet date, the current tax assets and liabilities are listed based on the net amount after offsetting when the tax
payer has the legal right to carry out and intends to carry out net settlement and assets are obtained at the same time when liabilities are
paid off.

     Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be determined according to deductible temporary differences
and taxable temporary differences respectively and shall be measured at the applicable tax rate during the expected period for
recovering the assets or paying off the liabilities. Temporary differences are differences between the book value of assets or liabilities
and the amounts on the tax base, including deductible losses and tax deduction which can be carried forward to future years. The
deferred income tax assets shall be recognized to the extent of taxable income that is likely to be obtained by the company to be offset
by the temporary differences.

     For the temporary difference with respect to initial recognition of assets or liabilities incurred in transaction which is not business
combination and the occurrence of which has no impact on the accounting profits and the taxable incomes (or deductible losses),
deferred income tax shall not be recognized. The Company will not recognize the deferred income taxes arise from the initial
reorganization of the goodwill.

     On the balance sheet date, the Company measures the carrying amount of deferred income tax assets and liabilities according to
the expected recovery or settlement method of deferred income tax assets and liabilities, the promulgated tax laws and the applicable
tax rate during the expected recovery of the assets or the liquidation of the liabilities.

     On a balance sheet date, the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are presented in the net value after set-off when the
following conditions are satisfied;

     (1) The taxation subject has the legal right of settling income tax assets and liabilities in current period at net amount;

     (2) The deferred tax assets and the deferred tax liabilities are related to the income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on
the same taxable entity, or on different taxable entities which intend either to carryout a net settlement for the current tax assets and the
current tax liabilities, or to acquire the assets at the same time when the liabilities are paid off, in each future period of reversal of
significant deferred tax assets and liabilities.

5.41 Lease
5.41.1 Accounting as a Lessee
     The Company considers a lease for a lease term not exceeding 12 months (excluding a lease with purchase option) on the
commencement date of the lease term as a short-term lease. A lease with a low value (not exceeding 40,000 CNY) for a new asset is
considered a lease of low-value assets. The Company chooses not to use right-of-use assets and lease liability for short-term leases and
leases of low-value assets. These leases are calculated in relevant asset costs or profits and losses for the current period by the straight-
line method during lease terms.

     In addition to short-term leases and leases of low-value assets that are handled as above, the Company uses right-of-use assets and
lease liability for leases identified.

5.41.2 Accounting for Leases as a Lessor
     Lease can be divided by the Company into finance lease and operating lease at the commencement of lease.

     A financing lease is a kind of lease in which all risks and rewards regarding the ownership of the leased assets are actually
transferred. Its ownership maybe transferred or not in the end. Operating lease refers to the lease other than finance lease. As a
sublessor, the Company classifies subleases based on the right-of-use assets generated from the original lease. However, if the original
lease is a short-term lease and the sublessor simplifies the original lease, the Company classifies the sublease as an operating lease.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                         2023 Annual Report
    At the commencement of the lease term, the Company recognizes the financial lease receivables for financial lease and
derecognizes the financial leasing assets. When the Company initially measures the finance lease receivables, the net investment in a
lease is taken as the entry value of the finance lease receivables. The net investment in a lease is equivalent to the sum of the
unguaranteed residual value and the present value of the lease receipts that have not yet been received at the commencement of the
lease term which is discounted at the interest rate implicit in the lease. For the unrealized financing income, the current interest income
is calculated and recognized at a fixed periodic rate during the lease term. Variable lease payments obtained by the Company but not
considered in the measurement of net investment in leases are recognized in the current profit or loss when actually incurred.

     During each period of the lease term, the Company adopts the straight-line method to recognize the lease receipts from operating
leases as rental income. The variable lease payment which is not included in the measurement of lease receipts is included in the
current profit or loss when it actually occurs.

5.42 Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
     □ Applicable  N/A

5.43 Changes in significant accounting policy and accounting estimates
5.43.1 Changes in significant accounting policy
      Applicable □ N/A
    1) Changes in accounting policies resulting from the implementation of Interpretation No. 16 of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises:
                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                                                             Names of report items that are
     Contents and reasons for changes in our accounting policy                                                        Impact amount
                                                                                significantly affected
 Implement Interpretation     No. 16 of Accounting Standards for
                                                                           Deferred tax assets                                 883,729.12
 Business Enterprises
 Implement Interpretation     No. 16 of Accounting Standards for
                                                                           Deferred income tax liability                       310,069.13
 Business Enterprises
 Implement Interpretation     No. 16 of Accounting Standards for
                                                                           Undistributed profit                                597,391.45
 Business Enterprises
 Implement Interpretation     No. 16 of Accounting Standards for
                                                                           Minority interests                                  -23,731.46
 Business Enterprises
 Implement Interpretation     No. 16 of Accounting Standards for           Deferred tax assets (parent
 Business Enterprises                                                      company)
 Implement Interpretation     No. 16 of Accounting Standards for
                                                                           Income tax expense                                 -115,766.73
 Business Enterprises
 Implement Interpretation     No. 16 of Accounting Standards for           Gains and loss of minority
 Business Enterprises                                                      shareholders
 Implement Interpretation     No. 16 of Accounting Standards for           Undistributed profits (parent
 Business Enterprises                                                      company)
 Implement Interpretation     No. 16 of Accounting Standards for           Income tax expense (parent
 Business Enterprises                                                      company)

     2) Changes in Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises Specified in the Interpretation No. 17 on Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises
      The Ministry of Finance issued the Interpretation No. 17 on Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises on October 25, 2023,
explaining “the division between liquid liabilities and non-liquid liabilities”, “the disclosure of suppliers’ financing arrangements” and
“accounting of leaseback transactions”. According to the Interpretation, the Company has implemented these accounting standards
since January 1, 2024.

5.43.2 Changes in significant accounting estimates
     □ Applicable  N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                         2023 Annual Report
5.43.3 Adjustment of relevant items in our financial statements at the beginning of the year of new accounting standards
implemented for the first time in 2023 and:
     Applicable □ N/A
     Since January 1, 2023, the Company has implemented the provision “deferred income tax related to assets and liabilities arising
from an individual transaction shall not be exempted from initial recognition” stipulated in the Interpretation on Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises No. 16 promulgated by the Ministry of Finance. The Company adjusted the individual transactions to which
the provision applied and which occurred during the period from the earliest date of inclusion in the financial statements to which the
provision was first applied to the first implementation date according to the provision. Where taxable temporary differences and
deductible temporary differences arise in respect of lease liabilities and right-of-use assets recognized on the earliest period of inclusion
in the financial statements to which the provision is first applied, as well as in respect of estimated liabilities related to the retirement
obligation recognized and corresponding related assets, in accordance with this provision and the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 18-Income Tax, the cumulative impact factors are used to adjust retained earnings and other related financial statement
items on the earliest date of inclusion in the financial statements.
     The impact of implementing Interpretation No. 16 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises on our 2022 financial
statements is as follows:
     Consolidated balance sheet:
                                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                            Item            December 31, 2022                January 1, 2023             Impact amount
                 Deferred tax assets               51,234,874.14                    52,118,603.26               883,729.12
                 Deferred income tax
                                                     8,054,761.30                     8,364,830.43              310,069.13
                 undistributed profit           2,071,587,040.20                 2,072,184,431.65               597,391.45
                 minority interests                49,502,837.46                    49,479,106.00               -23,731.46

     Consolidated income statement:
                                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                                           Before the change for
                            Item                                        After the change for 2022        Impact amount
                 Income tax expense               163,448,256.86                   163,332,490.13              -115,766.73
                 Gains and losses of
                 minority                             -812,460.60                      -799,814.46               12,646.14

     Balance sheet of parent company:
                                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                            Item              December 31, 2022                January 1, 2023           Impact amount
                 Deferred tax assets                     7,543,877.69                 7,801,855.71              257,978.02
                 Undistributed profit                1,671,209,103.81            1,671,467,081.83               257,978.02

     Income statement of parent company:
                                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                                                                             After the change for
                            Item          Before the change for 2022                                     Impact amount
                 Income taxes                          154,947,627.55              155,108,315.18               160,687.63

5.44 Miscellaneous
     □ Applicable  N/A

6. Taxes
6.1 Main taxes and tax rates

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        2023 Annual Report

                 Tax category                                 Taxation basis                                  Tax rate
   VAT                                          Sales volume taxable                         13%, 9%, 6%, 1%
   Consumption Tax                              Sales volume taxable                         15%
   City maintenance and construction tax        Taxable amount of turnover tax               7%, 5%
   Enterprise income tax                        Taxable income                               25.59%, 25%, 21%, 20%, 17%, 16.5%,
   Educational surcharge                        Taxable amount of turnover tax               3%
   Local education surcharge                    Taxable amount of turnover tax               2%

    Where there are taxation subjects with different enterprise income tax rates for tax payment, the disclosure is as follows:
     Applicable □ N/A

                                                 Taxpayer                                                         Income tax rate
 Botanee, Shanghai Botanee Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Jiyan Biopharmaceutical Development
 Co., Ltd., Shanghai Botanee Health Technology Co., Ltd., Yuejiang (Hainan) E-commerce Co., Ltd.,              15%
 Yuehui (Chongqing) Bio-Technology Co., Ltd.
 Botanee Trading Co., Ltd., ME Cosmetic Hong Kong Co.,Limited                                                  16.50%
 Botanee Bio-Technology Japan Co., Ltd.., URUOI Co., Ltd.                                                      25.59%
 BOtanee Bio-Technology (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., ME Cosmetic (Singapore) Pte.Ltd.                                17%
 Botanee Bio-Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd.                                                                   20%
 ME Cosmetic USA INC.                                                                                          21%
 Other subsidiaries in the Chinese Mainland                                                                    25%

6.2 Tax preference
6.2.1 Enterprise income tax
     ① Income tax incentives for high-tech enterprise

                                                         Preferential      High-tech enterprise certificate
                      Company                                                                                     Validity period
                                                           tax rate                   number
   Yunnan Botanee Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd.              15%                 GR202153000724                    2021 to 2023
   Shanghai Botanee Biotechnology Co., Ltd.                  15%                 GR202131000004                    2021 to 2023
   Shanghai Jiyan Biopharmaceutical Development
                                                             15%                 GR202131000009                    2021 to 2023
   Co., Ltd.
   Qimei Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                     15%                 GR202231001625                    2022 to 2024
   Shanghai Botanee Health Technology Co., Ltd.              15%                 GR202331006179                    2023 to 2025

     ② Preferential Corporate Income Tax in Hainan Free Trade Port
     The Notice on Preferential Corporate Income Tax in Hainan Free Trade Port (CS [2020] No. 31) issued by the Ministry of
Finance and the State Administration of Taxation imposes a reduced corporate income tax rate (15%) on enterprises registered in
Hainan Free Trade Port and substantially operating in government-supported industries. The Company’s subsidiary Yuejiang (Hainan)
E-commerce Co., Ltd. meets the above requirement and enjoys a 15% corporate income tax rate.
     ③Preferential Corporate Income Tax for Boosting the Development of China’s Western Region
     According to the Announcement by the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the National Development
and Reform Commission on Continuing Preferential Corporate Income Tax to Boost the Development of China’s Western Region
([2020] No. 23), from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2030, enterprises engaged in government-supported industries and located in
China’s western region enjoy a reduced corporate income tax rate (15%). The Company’s subsidiary Yuehui (Chongqing) Bio-
Technology Co., Ltd., meets the above requirement and enjoys a 15% corporate income tax rate.
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  2023 Annual Report
    ④ Preferential Corporate Income Tax on Small and Micro Enterprises
     According to the Announcement by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Preferential Income Tax
on Small and Micro Enterprises and Individual Businesses (Announcement [2023] No. 6 of the Ministry of Finance and the State
Administration of Taxation), the Announcement by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Tax to Further
Support the Development of Small and Micro Enterprises and Individual Businesses (Announcement [2023] No. 12 of the Ministry of
Finance and the State Administration of Taxation), small and low-profit businesses shall enjoy a 20% corporate income tax rate
calculated at 25% income taxable until December 31, 2027. The Company’s subsidiaries Wuhan Botanee Bio-Technology Co., Ltd.,
Kunming Winona Medical Cosmetology Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Harmony Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., as small and micro-profit
enterprises, enjoyed this tax incentive for small and micro enterprises in 2023.
6.2.2 Value-Added Tax (VAT)
     According to the Announcement on the Policy on Value-Added Tax Credits for Advanced Manufacturing Enterprises
(Announcement [2023] No. 43 of the Ministry of Finance and the General Administration of Taxation) promulgated by the Ministry of
Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, and the Notice by the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information
Technology on Matters Concerning the Formulation of the List of Advanced Manufacturing Enterprises Eligible for the Policy on
Value-Added Tax Credits in 2023 (GXTCH [2023]), from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2027, advanced manufacturing enterprises
can have the VAT payable deducted by 5% in accordance with the current deductible input VAT (hereinafter referred to as the
“additional deductions”). The Company enjoyed the additional VAT deductions for advanced manufacturing enterprises.

6.2.3 Miscellaneous
     □ Applicable  N/A

7. Notes to Items in Consolidated Financial Statement
7.1 Cash at Bank and on Hand
                                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                  Item                                         Ending balance              Opening balance

 Cash at bank                                                                        2,036,518,760.57             2,375,337,890.61

 Other cash at bank and on hand                                                         54,941,101.01               138,957,824.65
 Total                                                                               2,091,459,861.58             2,514,295,715.26
 Including: total amount of money deposited abroad                                      18,011,995.15

     Note: At the end of the reporting period, except for CNY16,576,617.80 of bank deposits intended for purchasing entrusted
financial products with limited usage, CNY 1,000,000.00 of letter of guarantee deposit, and CNY1,500.00 of ETC deposit, there
were no other restricted funds.

7.2 Financial assets held for trading
                                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                  Item                                         Ending balance              Opening balance
 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                               1,238,356,707.34             1,433,635,489.84

 Including: entrusted financial management of cash                                   1,238,356,707.34             1,433,635,489.84
 Total                                                                               1,238,356,707.34             1,433,635,489.84

     Other note: None.

7.3 Derivative financial assets
     □ Applicable  N/A

7.4 Notes receivable
7.4.1 Classified Presentation of Notes Receivable
                                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                                         Item                                          Ending balance       Opening balance
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                               2023 Annual Report
 Commercial acceptance notes                                                                     24,502,124.46
 Total                                                                                           24,502,124.46
7.4.2 Classified Disclosure based on Bad Debt Accrual
                                                                                                                                     Unit: CNY
                                          Ending balance                                                  Opening balance
                                                                                                               Provision for bad
                         Book balance     Provision for bad debts                      Book balance
   Category                                                              Book                                        debts             Book
                                                        Provision        value                                           Provision     value
                    Amount       Ratio    Amount                                    Amount       Ratio        Amount
                                                          ratio                                                            ratio
 provision           25,791,     100.00    1,289,58                    24,502,12
 for       bad        709.96         %         5.50                         4.46
 debts on a
 bill portfolio
                     25,791,     100.00    1,289,58                    24,502,12
 provision                                                 5.00%
                      709.96         %         5.50                         4.46
 for       bad
 debts based
 on      aging
                     25,791,     100.00    1,289,58                    24,502,12
 Total                                                     5.00%
                      709.96         %         5.50                         4.46

Provision for bad debts on a portfolio basis: CNY 1,289,585.50
                                                                                                                                     Unit: CNY
                                                                                   Ending balance
                                              Book balance                    Provision for bad debts                Provision ratio
 Commercial acceptance notes                           25,791,709.96                       1,289,585.50                                5.00%
 Total                                                 25,791,709.96                       1,289,585.50

    Note on the basis for determining this combination: For details, please refer to “5.13 Accounts Receivable” in “5. Important
Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” under Section X of this report.

    Whether bad debt provisions for notes receivable were made according to the general expected credit loss model or not:

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.4.3 Bad Debt Provisions Accrued, Recovered or Reversed in The Current Period
    Bad debt provisions for the current period:

                                                                                                                                     Unit: CNY

                                                                  Amount of changes in the current period
           Item                                                          withdraw or                                         Ending balance
                                   balance            Provision                               Write off          Other
 Commercial acceptance
                                                      1,289,585.50                                                             1,289,585.50
 bill portfolio with
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
 provision for bad debts
 based on aging portfolio
    Amount of recovery or reversal of bad debt provisions for the current period as important:
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.4.4 Pledged Notes Receivable at the End of the Period

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.4.5 Notes Receivable That Have Been Endorsed or Discounted by the Company at the End of the Period
and Have Not Yet Matured on the Balance Sheet Date

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.4.6 Notes Receivable Actually Written off in the Current Period

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.5 Accounts receivable
7.5.1 Disclosure by ageing

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY

                Aging                                 Ending balance                                 Opening balance
 Within 1 year (inclusive)                                         581,127,699.23                                      278,053,663.78
 1-2 years                                                             3,645,141.52                                       4,682,247.25
 2-3 years                                                             3,246,922.05                                        683,802.11
 Over 3 years                                                          1,080,042.40                                       1,261,372.51
 3-4 years                                                             1,080,042.40                                        735,412.51
 4-5 years                                                                                                                 525,960.00
 Total                                                             589,099,805.20                                      284,681,085.65

7.5.2 Accounts receivable classified by category

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                           Ending balance                                          Opening balance

         Type                                  Provision for                                            Provision for
                         Book balance                                             Book balance
                                                     bad debts     Carryin                                    bad debts Carryin
                                                                    g                                                    g
                        Amount     Scale      Amount Proportio      value      Amount       Scale      Amount Proportio  value
                                                     n of                                                     n of
                                                     provision                                                provision
receivable with
provision for bad                                                            525,960.00          0.18% 525,960.00 100.00%
debts on a single

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        2023 Annual Report
receivable with
insignificant single                                                         525,960.00        0.18% 525,960.00 100.00%
amount but bad
debt provision
made individually
receivable for
which provision         589,099,80         27,337,875               561,761,9 284,155,12                14,065,363              270,089,7
                                   100.00%                  4.64%                             99.82%                    4.95%
for bad debts is              5.20                .63                   29.57       5.65                       .80                  61.85
made by
receivables for
which bad debts         589,099,80         27,337,875               561,761,9 284,155,12                14,065,363              270,089,7
                                   100.00%                  4.64%                             99.82%                    4.95%
provision is                  5.20                .63                   29.57       5.65                       .80                  61.85
accrued according
to aging portfolios
                        589,099,80         27,337,875               561,761,9 284,681,08                14,591,323              270,089,7
Total                              100.00%                  4.64%                            100.00%                    5.13%
                              5.20                .63                   29.57       5.65                       .80                  61.85

Provision for bad debts made individually: CNY 525,960.00.
                                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                       Opening balance                                           Ending balance

   Name                          Provision
                    Book                                     Provision for       Provision
                                  for bad    Book balance                                               Reasons for provision
                   balance                                    bad debts            ration
                                                                                              The individual amount is not
                                                                                              significant and the management
 Company                                                                                      believes that there is no possibility
                 525,960.00     525,960.00
 1                                                                                            of recovery. During the reporting
                                                                                              period, we have written off this
                                                                                              account receivable.
 Total           525,960.00     525,960.00

Provision for bad debts made by portfolio: CNY 27,337,875.63.
                                                                                                                           Unit: CNY

                                                                             Ending balance
                                             Book balance               Provision for bad debts             Proportion of provision
 Within 1 year                                      581,127,699.23                     23,540,829.75                               4.05%
 1-2 years                                            3,645,141.52                       1,093,542.45                             30.00%
 2 to 3 years                                         3,246,922.05                       1,623,461.03                             50.00%
 Over 3 years                                         1,080,042.40                       1,080,042.40                           100.00%
 Total                                              589,099,805.20                     27,337,875.63

     Note on the basis for determining this combination: For details, please refer to “5.13 Accounts Receivable” in “5. Important
Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” under Section X of this report.

     Whether bad debt provisions for notes receivable were made according to the general expected credit loss model or not:

     □ Applicable  N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report
7.5.3 Bad Debt Provision Provided, Recovered or Reversed in Current Period
Bad debt provision withdrawn in the reporting Period:

                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY

                                                                  Amount changed in the current period

             Type                     Opening                                              Cancellation                  Ending balance
                                      balance           Provision         Recovery                        Miscellan
                                                                           or                                eous
                                                                           reversal        verification

 Bad debt provision for Account       14,591,323.80 11,734,440.87                            525,960.00 1,538,070.96       27,337,875.63
 Total                                14,591,323.80 11,734,440.87                            525,960.00 1,538,070.96       27,337,875.63
    Significant recovery or reversal of bad debt provision for the current period:
    □ Applicable  N/A
7.5.4 Accounts receivable actually written off in current period
                                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
                              Item                                                             Write-off amount
 Accounts receivable actually written off                                                                                  525,960.00

    Significant write-offs of accounts receivable:

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.5.5 Accounts receivable with top five ending balance collected as per the borrowers:
                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY

                                                                          Proportion to total amount of
         Company                      Ending balance of                                                   Closing balance of
                                                                           balance carried forward of
                                              accounts                                                           provision for bad
                                              receivable                      accounts receivable                debts
 Company 1                                            75,213,243.41                                                        75,213,243.41
 Company 2                                            55,728,944.79                                                        55,728,944.79
 Company 3                                            45,926,859.68                                                        45,926,859.68
 Company 4                                            36,490,331.42                                                        36,490,331.42
 Company 5                                            33,685,001.34                                                        33,685,001.34
 Total                                               247,044,380.64                                                       247,044,380.64

7.6 Contract assets

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.7 Receivables financing
7.7.1 Classified presentation of accounts receivable financing
                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                    Item                                     Ending balance                                Opening balance
 Bank acceptance draft                                                        156,659,263.78                              238,668,244.17
 Total                                                                        156,659,263.78                              238,668,244.17

7.7.2 Classified disclosure according to bad debt accrual
    □ Applicable  N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
7.7.3 Bad debt provisions accrued, recovered or reversed in the current period
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.7.4 Financing of our pledged receivables at the end of the period
                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                             Item                                            Amount pledged at the end of the period
 Bank acceptance draft                                                                                              17,311,417.39
 Total                                                                                                              17,311,417.39

7.7.5 Financing of receivables that have been endorsed or discounted by the company at the end of the period
and have not yet matured on the balance sheet date

                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                              Amount derecognized at the end of the         Amount not derecognized at the end of
                                                            period                                      the period
 Bank acceptance draft                                                167,412,383.48
 Total                                                                167,412,383.48
7.7.6 Financing of receivables actually written off in the current period
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.7.7 About movements of accounts receivable financing in the current period and fair value changes

    Other changes in receivables financing are mainly the net changes in bank acceptance bills received, endorsed and transferred or
matured for acceptance by Botanee during the reporting period. The fair value of bank acceptance bills held by us is determined based
on the face amount.
7.7.8 Other description
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.8 Other receivables

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                      Item                                 Ending balance                               Opening balance

 Other accounts receivable                                                  29,748,433.09                              20,097,625.25
 Total                                                                      29,748,433.09                              20,097,625.25

7.8.1 Interest receivable

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.8.2 Dividends receivable

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.8.3 Other receivables

1) Other receivables classified by nature

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
              Payment nature                             Ending book balance                         Opening book balance

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              2023 Annual Report
 Guarantee deposit and security deposit                                          35,642,177.42                                     24,503,452.43
 Employee provision                                                                 644,168.97                                       519,088.27
 Miscellaneous                                                                      887,481.81                                           1,820.48
 Total                                                                           37,173,828.20                                     25,024,361.18

2) Disclosure by ageing
                                                                                                                                    Unit: CNY

                                       Aging                  Ending book balance                           Opening book balance
 Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                       15,063,310.31                                      9,053,873.14
 1-2 years                                                                        7,729,645.42                                      7,619,591.95
 2-3 years                                                                        7,460,099.07                                      4,985,278.09
 Over 3 years                                                                     6,920,773.40                                      3,365,618.00
 3-4 years                                                                        3,555,155.40                                      3,365,618.00
 4-5 years                                                                        3,365,618.00
 Total                                                                           37,173,828.20                                     25,024,361.18

3) Disclosure of Classification by bad debt accrual
     Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                         Ending balance                                                Opening balance
                                               Provision for bad                                            Provision for bad
                        Book balance                                                Book balance
   Category                                          debts             Book                                       debts                 Book
                                                        Provision      value                                            Provisio        value
                    Amount       Ratio      Amount                               Amount        Ratio       Amount
                                                          ratio                                                          n ratio
 for       bad
                    37,173,82     100.0     7,425,39                   29,748,   25,024,3      100.00      4,926,73                     20,097,
 debts on a                                               19.97%                                                         19.69%
                         8.20       0%          5.11                    433.09      61.18          %           5.93                      625.25
                    37,173,82     100.0     7,425,39                   29,748,   25,024,3      100.00      4,926,73                     20,097,
 for      bad                                             19.97%                                                         19.69%
                         8.20       0%          5.11                    433.09      61.18          %           5.93                      625.25
 debts based
 on     aging
                    37,173,82     100.0     7,425,39                   29,748,   25,024,3      100.00      4,926,73                     20,097,
 Total                                                    19.97%                                                         19.69%
                         8.20       0%          5.11                    433.09      61.18          %           5.93                      625.25

Provision for bad debts on a portfolio basis: CNY7,425,395.11

                                                                                 Ending balance
                                               Book balance                  Provision for bad debts                  Provision ratio
 Other     receivables    with
 provision for bad debts based                         37,173,828.20                        7,425,395.11                                19.97%
 on aging combinations
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report
 total                                                37,173,828.20                      7,425,395.11

    Note on the basis for determining this combination: For details, please refer to “5.13 Accounts Receivable” in “5. Important
Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates” under Section X of this report.

    Provision for bad debts based on the general expected credit loss model:

                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                                 Stage I                    Stage II                Stage III

     Provision for bad debts
                                        Expected credit losses        Expected credit loss Expected credit loss             Total
                                                                                           within the whole
                                              for the next 12           within the whole   duration (credit
                                                  months               duration (no credit impairment has
                                                                       impairment occurs)
 Balance on January 1, 2023                          4,926,735.93                                                           4,926,735.93

 Balance as at January 1, 2023 is
 in the current period.
 Provision in the current period                     1,238,388.26                                                           1,238,388.26

  Sales in this period                                  86,665.00                                                              86,665.00

  Other changes                                      1,346,935.92                                                           1,346,935.92

 Balance as at December 31,                          7,425,395.11                                                           7,425,395.11

    Basis for division of each stage and provision ratio for bad debts:
    □ Applicable  N/A

    Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the reporting period
    □ Applicable  N/A

4) Bad debt provision provided, recovered or reversed in current period

     Bad debt provision withdrawn in the reporting period:

                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY

                                                                    Amount changed in the current period

           Type                     Opening                                             Cancellation                         Ending
                                    balance           Provision        Recovery                            Miscellaneous     balance
                                                                        reversal         verification

 Other receivables with
 provision for bad debts
                                    4,926,735.93       1,238,388.26                          86,665.00       1,346,935.92   7,425,395.11
 made as per aging
 Total                              4,926,735.93       1,238,388.26                          86,665.00       1,346,935.92   7,425,395.11

     Significant provision for bad debt recovered or reversed among the above:
    □ Applicable  N/A

5) Other receivables actually written off in the current period
    □ Applicable  N/A

6) Other receivables with top five ending balances carried forward collected as per the borrowers
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report

                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                                                                                    Proportion to        Closing balance
   Name               Nature           Ending                             Aging                   ending balance of      of provision for
                                                                                                  other receivables         bad debts

  Company 1       Deposit                5,723,353.80     1-3 years, more than 3 years                       15.40%          1,144,670.77

  Company 2       Deposit                3,100,000.00     Within 1 year                                          8.34%         620,000.00
  Company 3       Deposit                2,414,429.93     Within 1 year, 1-2 years                               6.49%         482,885.99

  Company 4       Deposit                2,235,509.00     Over 3 years                                           6.01%         447,101.80

                  Deposit                                  Within 1 year, 1-3 years, more than
  Company 5                              1,785,040.30                                                            4.80%         357,008.07
                                                        3 years
 Total                                  15,258,333.03                                                        41.04%          3,051,666.63

7) Presented in other receivables due to centralized management of funds
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.9 Advances to suppliers
7.9.1 Advances to suppliers shall be listed by aging analysis

                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
         Aging                                Ending balance                                          Opening balance
                                     Amount                       Scale                    Amount                         Scale
 Within 1 year                          67,872,305.63                      97.97%                36,513,173.89                     87.75%
 1-2 years                               1,163,238.29                       1.68%                 5,096,688.90                     12.25%
 2-3 years                                 243,572.46                       0.35%
 Total                                  69,279,116.38                                            41,609,862.79

    About the reason for no settlement of significant advances to suppliers with the ageing over 1 year: As of the end of the reporting
period, we had no significant prepaid accounts aged more than one year.

7.9.2 Advances to suppliers with top five ending balances collected as per the suppliers
     At the end of the reporting period, the total amount of the top five prepayments collected by the Company according to the
counterparty (the Company counts the counterparties under the same group as the same counterparty) was CNY 37,121,855.70,
accounting for 53.49% of the total ending balance of prepayments.

7.10 Inventories
    Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements for real estate industry: No

7.10.1 Category of inventories
                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                         Ending balance                                             Opening balance
                                          Falling price                                               Falling price
                                           reserves of                                                 reserves of
                                          inventory or                                                inventory or
         Item                             depreciation                                                depreciation
                      Book balance                           Carrying value       Book balance                           Carrying value
                                           reserves of                                                 reserves of
                                             contract                                                    contract
                                          performance                                                 performance
                                               cost                                                        cost

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        2023 Annual Report
   Raw materials            69,380,560.62    2,258,921.06      67,121,639.56     143,297,414.36         3,060,303.59     140,237,110.77

   Goods in stocks      836,637,929.16      21,598,709.45     815,039,219.71     535,545,737.30        15,939,434.47     519,606,302.83
   products                 12,772,346.32      478,650.98      12,293,695.34       5,361,028.98          178,897.82        5,182,131.16

   Low-value                11,818,559.41    1,859,830.35         9,958,729.06     6,807,097.15         1,084,517.85       5,722,579.30
   Total                930,609,395.51      26,196,111.84     904,413,283.67     691,011,277.79        20,263,153.73     670,748,124.06

7.10.2 Provision for inventory impairment / contract performance cost impairment

                                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                                            Increase in the current period       Decrease in the current period
         Item               Opening                                                                                     Ending balance
                            balance                                              Reversal or
                                            Provision        Miscellaneous                           Miscellaneous
 Raw materials               3,060,303.59    2,101,103.41                          2,902,485.94                            2,258,921.06

 Goods in stocks            15,939,434.47   16,206,941.04         4,600,448.43    15,148,114.49                           21,598,709.45
 products                     178,897.82       477,820.30                             178,067.14                             478,650.98

 Low-value                   1,084,517.85    1,411,266.94                             635,954.44                           1,859,830.35
 Total                      20,263,153.73   20,197,131.69         4,600,448.43    18,864,622.01                           26,196,111.84

    Provision for inventory decline in value on a group basis:

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.10.3 About ending balance of inventories containing capitalization amount of borrowing costs
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.10.4 On amortized amount of contract performance cost in the current period
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.11 Held-for-sale assets
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.12 Current portion of non-current assets
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.13 Other current assets
                                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                     Item                                            Ending balance                               Opening balance
 Entrusted cash management                                                        310,000,000.00                         480,117,111.10
 VAT retained and to be certified for                                             127,318,554.33                          41,177,277.15
 deduction at the end of period
 Tax paid in advance                                                                  6,983,879.41                         3,815,222.75
 Cost of returning products receivable                                                 802,608.90                            374,186.41
 Miscellaneous                                                                        1,291,210.12                           403,996.72
 Total                                                                            446,396,252.76                         525,887,794.13
    Other note: None

7.14 Creditors’ investment
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   2023 Annual Report
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.15 Other creditors' investment
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.16 Investment in other equity instruments
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.17 Long-term receivables
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.18 Long-term equity investment
                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY

                                                                               Current increase or decrease

                                                       Gains and                                                                   Ending
                   Opening Opening                     losses on                  Other       Declarati                  Ending balance
                   balance          Additiona                     Other                                    Provis
                            balance           Negative investment compreh         chang         on of                    balance     of
     Investee       (book                  l           s                                                    ion Miscell (carrying impairme
                                                                  ensive           es in         cash
                    value) (carrying investm investme recognized income                                      for aneous amount)      nt
                             value)           nt                                  equit       dividends                           provision
                                         ent           under theadjustme                                   impair
                                                                  nts                y        or profits
                                                       equity                                               ment

 II. Associates
 Hangzhou                   42,648,73 12,000,00            17,327,810                                                    71,976,541
 Meixi                           0.83      0.00                    .25                                                          .08
 Shenzhen                   33,127,26                                                                                    28,284,744
 Nature                          7.87                                                                                           .62
                            7,000,000                               -                                                    6,595,140.
 Huanfang                         .00                      404,859.03                                                           97

Yizheng (Suzhou)                        35,000,00                   -                                                    34,581,574
Biology                                      0.00          418,425.06                                                           .94

Hunan Miaomiao                          1,200,000.                  -
Health                                         00          217,223.05

Weimai Qingtong                         36,333,33                                                                        34,594,372
Medical                                      3.00                                                                               .59

Shanghai Weimu                          35,000,00                                                                        35,000,000
Medical                                      0.00                                                                               .00

                            82,775,99 119,533,3             9,705,819.                                                   212,015,15
 Subtotal Total
                                 8.70     33.00                    45                                                          1.15
    Recoverable amount determined as the net amount after fair value minus disposal costs:
    □ Applicable  N/A

    Recoverable amount determined based on the present value of expected future cash flows:
    □ Applicable  N/A

    Other note: none.

7.19 Other non-current financial assets

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       2023 Annual Report
                               Item                                             Ending balance                      Opening balance
 Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included
 in current profits and losses
 Total                                                                            86,449,823.00

     Other note: None.

7.20 Investment real estates

7.20.1 Investment real estates measured at cost

     Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                           Unit: CNY

                               Item               Houses and buildings                            Construction in
                                                                             Land use rights                               Total
 I. Original carrying value
     1. Opening balance                                    9,550,752.40                                                   9,550,752.40
     2. Increase in the current period
     (1) Outsourcing
     (2) Transfer of inventories\fixed
assets\construction in progress
     (3) Business mergers increase
     3. Decrease in the current period
      (1) Disposal
      (2) Other transfer-out
      4. Closing balance                                   9,550,752.40                                                   9,550,752.40
 II. Accumulated depreciation and accumulated
         1. Opening balance                                      75,610.12                                                   75,610.12
      2. Increase in the current period                     453,660.72                                                      453,660.72
      (1) Provision or amortization                         453,660.72                                                      453,660.72
     3. Decrease in the current period
      (1) Disposal
      (2) Other transfer-out
     4. Closing balance                                     529,270.84                                                      529,270.84
 III. Impairment provision
     1. Opening balance
     2. Increase amount in this period
            (1) Provision
     3. Decrease amount in this period
      (1) Disposal
      (2) Other transfer-out
     4. Closing balance
 IV. Carrying amount
     1. Ending carrying amount                             9,021,481.56                                                   9,021,481.56
     2. Opening carrying value                             9,475,142.28                                                   9,475,142.28

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        2023 Annual Report
    Net amount from recoverable amount based on fair value minus disposal costs:
    □ Applicable  N/A
    Recoverable amount based on the present value of expected future cash flows:
    □ Applicable  N/A

     Other note: None.

7.20.2 Investment properties measured at fair value

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.20.3 Converted to investment property and measured at fair value

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.20.4 Investment Property Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.21 Fixed assets

                                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                     Item                                 Ending balance                                 Opening balance

 Fixed assets                                                               667,204,436.83                               206,366,629.61
 Total                                                                      667,204,436.83                               206,366,629.61

7.21.1 Details of fixed assets

                                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                                 Buildings        Electronic                           Transportati       Office             Total
            Item                                                       and
                                  and             equipmen                             on                furniture
                                                  t                 equipment          equipment
 I. Original carrying
      1. Opening balance          50,350,770.48   14,108,250.68 196,169,097.55         11,539,429.83     6,197,997.16 278,365,545.70

      2. Increase in the
                                 210,844,867.73   18,929,434.24 273,114,676.40           2,538,073.44   12,202,121.34 517,629,173.15
 current period
      (1) Purchase                                 2,520,634.47     65,690,354.04        2,538,073.44     546,942.51       71,296,004.46
     (2) Transfer to
                                 210,844,867.73   15,381,014.82 195,843,603.62                           1,449,802.89 423,519,289.06
 construction in progress
     (3) Increase from                             1,027,784.95     11,580,718.74                       10,205,375.94      22,813,879.63
 business combination
      3. Decrease in the                              71,046.14         2,644,251.29     4,219,951.33       63,205.58       6,998,454.34
 current period

       (1) Disposal or                                71,046.14         2,644,251.29     4,219,951.33       63,205.58       6,998,454.34
      4. Closing balance         261,195,638.21   32,966,638.78 466,639,522.66           9,857,551.94   18,336,912.92 788,996,264.51

 II. Accumulated
      1. Opening balance           6,812,040.68    8,394,836.34     47,511,649.68        6,798,467.63    2,481,921.76      71,998,916.09

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     2023 Annual Report
      2. Increase in the            4,585,673.58     5,091,633.21     41,061,540.47      1,260,610.39    2,162,312.27   54,161,769.92
 current period
      (1) Provision                 4,585,673.58     5,091,633.21     41,061,540.47      1,260,610.39    2,162,312.27   54,161,769.92

      3. Decrease in the                                67,150.45         2,256,312.14   2,026,517.20      18,878.54     4,368,858.33
 current period

       (1) Disposal or                                  67,150.45         2,256,312.14   2,026,517.20      18,878.54     4,368,858.33
      4. Closing balance           11,397,714.26    13,419,319.10     86,316,878.01      6,032,560.82    4,625,355.49 121,791,827.68
 III. Impairment provision
      1. Opening balance
     2. Increase amount in this
    (1) Provision
      3. Reduction amount in
this period
    (1) Disposal or scrapping
      4. Closing balance
 IV. Carrying amount

     1. Ending carrying           249,797,923.95    19,547,319.68 380,322,644.65         3,824,991.12   13,711,557.43 667,204,436.83
      2. Opening carrying          43,538,729.80     5,713,414.34 148,657,447.87         4,740,962.20    3,716,075.40 206,366,629.61

7.21.2 Temporarily idle fixed assets

     □ Applicable  N/A

7.21.3 Fixed assets leased out under operating leases

     □ Applicable  N/A

7.21.4 Details of fixed assets whose certificate of titles are not settled

     □ Applicable  N/A

7.21.5 Impairment testing of fixed assets

     □ Applicable  N/A

7.21.6 Disposal of fixed assets

     □ Applicable  N/A

7.22 Projects underconstruction

                                                                                                                        Unit: CNY

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             2023 Annual Report
                     Item                                        Ending balance                              Opening balance
   Projects under construction                                                    40,220,147.41                                  349,466,401.13
   Total                                                                          40,220,147.41                                  349,466,401.13

7.22.1 Information of construction in progress

                                                                                                                                   Unit: CNY
                                                     Ending balance                                       Opening balance
                                                        Provision                                             Provision
              Item                                        for                                                   for
                                      Book balance                       Carrying value    Book balance                         Carrying value
                                                       Impairmen                                             Impairmen
                                                           t                                                     t
   Central Factory                                                                          337,229,640.82                       337,229,640.82

   Other projects under                40,220,147.41                       40,220,147.41     12,236,760.31                        12,236,760.31
   Total                               40,220,147.41                       40,220,147.41    349,466,401.13                       349,466,401.13

7.22.2 Changes of major construction in progress in the current period

                                                                                                                                   Unit: CNY
                                                  Amount                           Proportion
                                                  transferre   Other               of                             Including
                                         Increa   d                                accumulat
                                                               decrease                       Constru ted         : Amount Capitaliz
                 Budget     Opening      se in      into       s                   ed         ction    amount
                                                                        Ending                                         of    ation       Source
      Item        (ten      balance       the      fixed       in the               investme progress     of      capitalize rate for
                                                                        balance     nt in                                                  of
                thousand                current    assets       current                               capitaliz   d interest current     funds
                  CNY)                  period                 perio               constructi
                                                   in the                          ons                    ed         in the  interest
                                                  current        d                     to              interest     current
                                                  period                           budget                           period

   Factory               337,229,64085,722,465.411,410,568.11,541,538.                                                                   Raised
                 43,840.92                                                           102.11% 100.00%       0.00          0.00    0.00%
                                  .82       47          27         02                                                                    fund

   Total                 337,229,64085,722,465.411,410,568.11,542,538.
                 43,840.92                                                                                 0.00          0.00    0.00%
                                  .82       47          27         02

7.22.3 Provision for impairment of construction in progress in current period
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.22.4 Impairment testing of projects under construction
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.22.5 Construction materials
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.23 Productive biological assets
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.24 Oil and gas assets
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.25 Right-of-use assets

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                2023 Annual Report
7.25.1 Right-of-use assets
                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY
                                 Item                     Leased premises and buildings      Total
 I. Original carrying value:
      1. Opening balance                                                    197,668,222.30                        197,668,222.30
      2. Increase in the current period                                      74,696,857.15                            74,696,857.15
      (1) Increase                                                           73,115,465.37                            73,115,465.37
      (2) Increase due to business combination                                1,581,391.78                             1,581,391.78
      3. Decrease in the current period                                      89,372,077.55                            89,372,077.55
     (1) Termination of Lease                                                89,372,077.55                            89,372,077.55
      4. Closing balance                                                    182,993,001.90                        182,993,001.90
 II. Accumulated depreciation
      1. Opening balance                                                     88,137,554.95                            88,137,554.95
      2. Increase in the current period                                      67,175,607.71                            67,175,607.71
      (1) Provision                                                          67,175,607.71                            67,175,607.71
      3. Decrease in the current period                                      73,032,775.69                            73,032,775.69
      (1) Disposal
      (2) Termination of lease                                               73,032,775.69                            73,032,775.69
      4. Closing balance                                                     82,280,386.97                            82,280,386.97
 III. Impairment provision
      1. Opening balance
    2. Increase amount in this period
        (1) Provision
    3. Reduction amount in this period
        (1) Disposal
      4. Closing balance
 IV. Carrying amount
      1. Ending carrying amount                                             100,712,614.93                        100,712,614.93
      2. Opening carrying value                                             109,530,667.35                        109,530,667.35

7.25.2 Impairment testing of right-of-use assets
     □ Applicable  N/A

7.26 Intangible assets
7.26.1 Details of intangible assets
                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY

           Item                  Land use      Patent rights Non-             Office                                       Total
                                   right                     patented        Software           rk
                                                             technologi                         right
I. Original carrying value:
     1. Opening balance        40,963,966.31     79,300.00   5,560,000.00 51,432,934.87   3,304,702.49                101,340,903.67

     2. Increase in the                                      4,930,000.00 18,804,464.13107,000,000.00    531,300.00 131,265,764.13
current period
     (1) Purchase                                                          2,829,467.71                  531,300.00     3,360,767.71

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
      (2) Internal R&D                                                      15,790,644.22                                15,790,644.22

     (3) Increase from                                       4,930,000.00     184,352.20107,000,000.00                  112,114,352.20
 business combination
      3. Decrease in
 the current period

      (1) Disposal

      4. Closing balance      40,963,966.31      79,300.00 10,490,000.00 70,237,399.00110,304,702.49        531,300.00 232,606,667.80

 II. Accumulated
      1. Opening balance       4,053,000.24      64,421.00   1,853,333.33 15,683,635.72     1,741,815.98                 23,396,206.27

      2. Increase in the       1,024,094.52       7,929.96   2,913,055.55 11,847,783.67      300,104.19       8,855.00 16,101,822.89
 current period
      (1) Provision            1,024,094.52       7,929.96   2,913,055.55 11,847,783.67      300,104.19       8,855.00 16,101,822.89

      3. Decrease in
 the current period

      (1) Disposal

      4. Closing balance       5,077,094.76      72,350.96   4,766,388.88 27,531,419.39     2,041,920.17      8,855.00 39,498,029.16
 III. Impairment provision
      1. Opening balance
      2. Increase amount in
this period
      (1) Provision
      3. Reduction amount
in this period
      (1) Disposal
      4. Closing balance
 IV. Carrying amount

      1. Ending               35,886,871.55       6,949.04   5,723,611.12 42,705,979.61108,262,782.32       522,445.00 193,108,638.64
 carrying amount
      2. Opening              36,910,966.07      14,879.00   3,706,666.67 35,749,299.15     1,562,886.51                 77,944,697.40
 carrying value
        Note: At the end of the reporting period, the original value of intangible assets formed by the Company through internal R&D
   accounts for about 18.95% of the original value of intangible assets.

 7.26.2 Land use right failed to accomplish certification of property

     □ Applicable  N/A

7.26.3 Impairment testing of intangible assets

     □ Applicable  N/A

 7.27 Goodwill

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          2023 Annual Report
7.27.1 Original book value of goodwill

                                                                                                                                 unit: CNY
                                                                    Increased in this        Decrease in this
  Name of the invested unit or matters                                    issue                  period
                                          Opening Balance                                                             Ending balance
          forming goodwill                                         Formed by business
 Yuejiang Investment                                                     413,740,760.61                                  413,740,760.61
 total                                                                   413,740,760.61                                  413,740,760.61

7.27.2 Goodwill impairment provision

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.27.3 Relevant information about the asset group or asset group combination where the goodwill is located

                                                                                                                Whether it is the same as
                                   The composition and basis of the asset           Operating segments
              name                                                                                                  previous year
                                   group or portfolio to which it belongs               and basis
                                                                                                                      be consistent
                                  The main cash inflows from the
                                  cosmetics business related to Yuejiang                                       Not applicable, goodwill is
 Yuejiang Investment                                                              not applicable
                                  Investment are independent of other                                          newly added in this period
                                  assets or asset groups.

    Changes in asset group or asset group combination:
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.27.4 Specific determination method of recoverable amount

    Net amount from recoverable amount based on fair value minus disposal costs:
    □ Applicable  N/A
    Recoverable amount based on the present value of expected future cash flows:
     Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY10,000

                                                         number of                               Key
                                                                            Parameters                         Basis for determining the
                  Book      Recoverable   Impairmen       years in                           Parameters
    Item                                                                      for the                         key parameters of the stable
                  value       amount       t amount         the                               of Stable
                                                                             Forecast                                    period
                                                          forecast                             Phase
                                                                           During     the    The revenue      Revenue      growth     rate:
                                                                           forecast          growth rate      Management determines the
                                                                           period,    the    in the stable    revenue growth rate during
                                                                           revenue           period      is   the forecast period based on
 Yuejiang                                                                  growth rate is    0%,       the    historical experience and
                94,929.26    113,200.00                  5 years
 Investment                                                                59.35%-           gross profit     forecasts     of      market
                                                                           11.15%, the       margin      is   development. Revenue in
                                                                           gross    profit   62%,      and    the stable period refers to
                                                                           margin       is   the pre-tax      the level at the end of the
                                                                           62%, and the      discount rate    forecast period, with a

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report
                                                                      pre-tax          is 12.42%.        growth rate of 0; Budgeted
                                                                      discount rate is                   gross      profit      margin:
                                                                      12.42%.                            Management determines the
                                                                                                         revenue growth rate based
                                                                                                         on the year before the
                                                                                                         budget year. Determine
                                                                                                         based on the average gross
                                                                                                         profit margin, taking into
                                                                                                         account future market and
                                                                                                         budget conditions; Discount
                                                                                                         rate: The discount rate
                                                                                                         adopted is a pre-tax discount
                                                                                                         rate that reflects the specific
                                                                                                         risks of the relevant asset
 Total          94,929.26   113,200.00

     Reasons for the obvious inconsistency between the aforementioned information and the information used in impairment testing in
previous years or external information:
    □ Applicable  N/A

     Reasons for the discrepancy between the information used in the company's impairment testing in previous years and the actual
situation of that year:
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.27.5 Completion of performance commitments and corresponding impairment of goodwill

     There is a performance commitment when goodwill is formed and the reporting period or the previous period of the reporting
period is within the performance commitment period
     Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                      Unit: CNY10,000

                                                Completion of performance commitments
                                                                                                               impairment amount
                                             This period                          Previous period
                                  promise      actual                  promise        actual                       This     Previous
                                                           Completi                                 Completi      period     period
                                 performa     performa                 performa      performa
                                                            on rate                                  on rate
                                    nce          nce                      nce           nce
 Yuejiang Investment              5,000.00     4,310.22      86.20%

     Other note: None.

7.28 Long-term deferred expenses

                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                  Opening balance       Increase in                                                   Ending balance
            Item                                                           amortization         Other increases
                                                        the current
                                                        period               amount

 Renovation costs                     66,734,195.17        62,568,615.74         -431,294.24         37,079,077.73         92,655,027.42

 Other                                                        307,389.22         -472,176.43            116,948.23           662,617.42
 Total                                66,734,195.17        62,876,004.96         -903,470.67         37,196,025.96         93,317,644.84

     Other note: None.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           2023 Annual Report
7.29 Deferred income tax assets/Deferred income tax liabilities

7.29.1 Deferred income tax assets not offset

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                           Ending balance                                   Opening balance

                    Item                        Deductible            Deferred                    Deductible             Deferred
                                                temporary                                         temporary
                                                                         income tax                                         income tax
                                                difference               assets                   difference                assets
Deductible losses                                   196,374,355.95          48,706,314.79            90,582,869.88             22,645,717.51
Lease liability                                     105,242,787.71          18,858,727.39           113,361,257.32             20,666,573.23
Government subsidies recognized as
                                                     82,862,738.40          19,324,059.34            55,574,589.18             13,446,564.19
deferred income
Credit impairment loss                               34,266,427.95            7,680,053.55           19,518,059.73              4,269,349.65
Unredeemed sales points, estimated return
                                                     29,424,526.15            5,038,733.11           34,918,299.17              6,356,978.12
losses, etc.
Asset impairment provision loss                      24,589,713.75            3,768,688.38           20,263,153.73              3,039,473.06

Changes in fair value of financial assets            23,093,719.84            5,718,412.26

Unrealized profits from insider
                                                      6,438,082.28            1,429,338.11             6,858,248.10             1,476,791.61
 Total                                              502,292,352.03         110,524,326.93           341,076,477.11             71,901,447.37

7.29.2 Deferred income tax liabilities not offset

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                           Ending balance                                   Opening balance
                    Item                    Taxable                                           Taxable
                                                                         Deferred tax                                      Deferred tax
                                               temporary                  liabilities            temporary                  liabilities
                                               difference                                        difference
 Assets evaluation appreciation in the
 business combination not under the                 125,482,574.12          31,312,057.77              4,158,110.28             1,039,527.57
 same control
 Right-of-use assets                                100,496,553.54          18,155,270.15           109,530,667.35             20,092,913.24

 Accelerated depreciation of fixed                   40,600,232.01            6,571,587.57           40,032,709.94              6,004,906.49
 Changes in fair value of financial                  11,132,123.27            1,806,618.49             5,277,289.84             1,010,327.24
 Total                                              277,711,482.94          57,845,533.98           158,998,777.41             28,147,674.54

7.29.3 Deferred tax assets or liabilities presented in net amount after being offset

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                               Ending mutual                                     Mutual set-off
                                                                      Ending balance of                                Beginning balance of
                                               offset amount                                  amount of deferred
                    Item                                             deferred income tax                               deferred income tax
                                             between deferred                                  income tax assets
                                                                      assets or liabilities                             assets or liabilities
                                             income tax assets                                and liabilities at the
                                                                          after offset                                     after off-set
                                               and liabilities                                   period-begin
 Deferred income tax assets                          17,393,076.48          93,131,250.45            19,782,844.11             52,118,603.26

 Deferred tax liabilities                            17,393,076.48          40,452,457.50            19,782,844.11              8,364,830.43

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report

7.29.4 Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.29.5 Deductible loss of unrecognized deferred tax assets will be due in the following years

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.30 Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
                                                   Ending balance                                        Opening balance
                Item                                Provision                                             Provision
                                   Book balance                           Carrying       Book balance                         Carrying
                                                     for                   value                           for                 value
                                                     Impairment                                            Impairment
 Prepayments for acquisition
 and construction of fixed
                                   28,524,954.53                         28,524,954.53   30,178,102.34                       30,178,102.34
 assets and construction in
 Prepayment for purchase of        46,906,466.21                         46,906,466.21   19,977,568.43                       19,977,568.43
 intangible assets
 Total                             75,431,420.74                         75,431,420.74   50,155,670.77                       50,155,670.77

    Other note: None.

7.31 Assets with restricted ownership or use rights

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                       Ending balance                                            Opening balance
         Item            Book         Book          Type of       Descriptio       Book          Book          Type of
                        balance       value        restriction        n           balance        value        restriction
                                                                                                                            Bank deposits,
                                                                                                                            bill deposits,
                                                                                                                            letter       of
                                                                                                                            deposits and
                                                                                                                            ETC deposits
                                                                 bill deposit,
                       17,578,11    17,578,11                                    73,603,01     73,603,01                    intended to be
 Money funds                                       Freeze        letter    of                                Freeze
                            7.80         7.80                                         3.84          3.84                    used         to
                                                                 ETC deposit
                                                                                                                            products with
                                                                                                                            restricted uses
                                                                                                                            at the end of
                                                                                                                            the reporting
 Receivables           17,311,41    17,311,41                    Note pool       37,064,07     37,064,07                    Note       pool
                                                   Pledge                                                    Pledge
 financing                  7.39         7.39                    pledge               0.53          0.53                    pledge
                       34,889,53    34,889,53                                    110,667,0     110,667,0
                            5.19         5.19                                        84.37         84.37

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                            2023 Annual Report
    Other note: None.

7.32 Short-term borrowings

7.32.1 Classification of Short-term Loans

                                                                                                                     Unit: CNY
                    Item                                       Ending balance                      Opening balance
 Credit loan                                                           100,000,000.00
 Credit garanteed                                                        3,816,588.60
 Total                                                                 103,816,588.60

     Note on the classification of short-term borrowings: At the end of the reporting period, we determined the categories of
borrowings based on the methods or conditions for obtaining short-term financing from the bank.

7.32.2 Overdue short-term borrowings that have not been repaid
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.33 Financial liabilities held for trading
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.34 Derivative financial liabilities
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.35 Notes payable
                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                 Category                                   Ending balance                      Opening balance
 Trade acceptance draft                                                      67,562,710.23                     61,550,650.47
 Total                                                                       67,562,710.23                     61,550,650.47
Note: At the end of the reporting period, we had no notes payable due but unpaid.

7.36 Accounts payable

7.36.1 Presentation of accounts payable

                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                    Item                                    Ending balance                      Opening balance
 Accounts payable                                                         334,370,604.40                      310,822,793.59
 Total                                                                    334,370,604.40                      310,822,793.59

7.36.2 Significant payables with the aging over 1 year

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.37 Other payables

                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
                    Item                                     Ending balance                           Opening balance
 Dividends payable                                                               4,305.04                                1,171,873.24
 Other payables                                                          449,277,890.12                               271,161,951.15

 Total                                                                   449,282,195.16                               272,333,824.39

7.37.1 Interests payable
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.37.2 Dividends payable
                                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                    Item                                     Ending balance                           Opening balance

 Common stock dividends payable to                                               4,305.04                                1,171,873.24
 minority shareholders of subsidiaries
 Total                                                                           4,305.04                                1,171,873.24

     Other note (including significant dividends payable unpaid for over 1 year, and the reason for failure of payment shall be
disclosed): No.

7.37.3 Other payables

1) Presentation of other payables by nature
                                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                     Item                                    Ending balance                           Opening balance
 Expenses payable                                                        339,375,044.92                               200,765,806.28
 Project and equipment amount payable                                    101,391,933.50                                66,663,692.73
 Margin payable and deposit payable                                           8,510,911.70                               3,732,452.14
 Total                                                                   449,277,890.12                               271,161,951.15

2) Other payables with significant amount and age of over 1 year
    □ Applicable  N/A
3) Other payables with top five closing balances by counterparty

                                                                                                    Proportion to the total closing
 Company                                 Nature of payment               Ending balance
                                                                                                     balance of other receivables
                                  Project   and      equipment
 Company 1                                                                          43,039,337.00                           9.58%
                                  amount payable
 Company 2                        Expenses payable                                  33,695,667.24                           7.50%
 Company 3                        Expenses payable                                  22,500,000.00                           5.01%
 Company 4                        Expenses payable                                  21,179,091.00                           4.71%
 Company 5                        Expenses payable                                  18,700,197.16                           4.16%
 Total                                                                            139,114,292.40                           30.96%

7.38 Advances from customers
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.39 Contract liabilities

                                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                     Item                                    Ending balance                           Opening balance

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
 Sales rebate and unredeemed points                                         31,485,888.29                             34,791,182.51

 Advances from customers                                                    18,567,750.39                             23,324,462.98
 Total                                                                      50,053,638.68                             58,115,645.49
    Significant contract liabilities aged more than 1 year:
    □ Applicable  N/A

    Amounts and reasons for significant changes in book value during the reporting period:
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.40 Employee compensation payable

7.40.1 Presentation of employee compensation payable

                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY
                                                                   Increase in              Decrease in
                Item                       Opening balance                                                       Ending balance
                                                                   the current              the current
                                                                   period                   period
 1. Short-term employee benefits                101,319,918.13          675,392,711.29         674,344,603.67        102,368,025.75

 2. Post-employment benefits-                     3,016,672.97           58,532,816.96           57,464,752.13         4,084,737.80
 defined contribution plans

 3. Dismissal benefits                                                    9,036,542.26            9,036,542.26

 Total                                          104,336,591.10          742,962,070.51         740,845,898.06        106,452,763.55

7.40.2 Presentation of short-term salaries

                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY
                                                                   Increase in              Decrease in
                Item                       Opening balance                                                       Ending balance
                                                                   the current              the current
                                                                   period                   period
 1. Wages, bonuses, allowances                   98,475,727.42          566,402,976.33         566,234,564.76         98,644,138.99
 and subsidies
 2. Employee services and benefits                                       41,763,927.40           41,763,927.40
 3. Social insurance premiums                     1,852,274.71           37,360,851.84           36,736,981.79         2,476,144.76

     Including: medical insurance                 1,813,993.13           35,839,237.51           35,305,985.19         2,347,245.45

             Work-related injury
                                                      38,281.58           1,113,108.40            1,093,969.20            57,420.78
 insurance premiums
             Maternity insurance
                                                                           408,505.93              337,027.40             71,478.53
 4. Housing accumulation fund                       991,916.00           24,282,601.73           24,026,775.73         1,247,742.00

 5. Trade union funds and staff                                           5,582,353.99            5,582,353.99
 education funds
 Total                                          101,319,918.13          675,392,711.29         674,344,603.67        102,368,025.75

7.40.3 Presentation of defined contribution plan

                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY
                                                                   Increase in              Decrease in
                Item                       Opening balance                                                       Ending balance
                                                                   the current              the current
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  2023 Annual Report
                                                                period                     period

 1. Basic endowment insurance                   2,920,878.18         56,402,189.85             55,368,772.40            3,954,295.63
 2. Unemployment insurance                        95,794.79           2,130,627.11              2,095,979.73             130,442.17
 Total                                          3,016,672.97         58,532,816.96             57,464,752.13            4,084,737.80

    Other note: None.

7.41Taxes payable

                                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                    Item                                  Ending balance                              Opening balance
 Enterprise income tax                                                   105,223,136.73                            109,692,780.07
 VAT                                                                       19,393,011.36                                4,859,366.39

 Individual income tax                                                      2,794,864.10                                2,763,480.53
 Consumption Tax                                                             808,944.25                                  372,522.21
 City maintenance and construction tax                                       431,412.87                                  300,502.26
 Educational surcharge                                                       385,571.88                                  282,109.93

 Other taxes                                                                3,080,824.27                                1,139,624.51
 Total                                                                   132,117,765.46                            119,410,385.90

    Other note: None.

7.42 Held-for-sale liabilities

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.43 Non-current liabilities due within one year
                                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                    Item                                  Ending balance                              Opening balance
 Lease liabilities due within one year                                     42,102,294.00                            62,415,988.59
 Total                                                                     42,102,294.00                            62,415,988.59

    Other note: None.

7.44 Other current liabilities

                                                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                    Item                                  Ending balance                              Opening balance
 Payments of sales return payable                                           3,602,963.86                                1,869,058.68

 Taxes of items to be written off                                           1,852,501.91                                1,011,680.31
 Total                                                                      5,455,465.77                                2,880,738.99

     Other note: None.
7.45 Long-term borrowings
7.45.1 Classification of Long-term borrowings
                    Item                                 Ending balance                              Opening balance

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report
 Credit garanteed                                                           4,700,000.00
 Total                                                                      4,700,000.00

    Note on the classification of short-term borrowings: At the end of the reporting period, we determined the categories of
borrowings based on the methods or conditions for obtaining short-term financing from the bank.

7.46 Bonds payable

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.47 Lease liabilities

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                     Item                                     Ending balance                                  Opening balance

 Lease liabilities                                                           105,385,826.61                                113,361,257.32
 Less: current portion of lease liabilities                                    42,102,294.00                                62,415,988.59
 Total                                                                         63,283,532.61                                50,945,268.73

     Other note: None.

7.48 Long-term payables

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                     Item                                     Ending balance                                  Opening balance
 Special payables                                                               8,600,000.00                                10,500,000.00
 Total                                                                          8,600,000.00                                10,500,000.00

7.48.1 Long-term payables by nature of payment

                              Item                                        Ending balance                       Opening balance
 Yunnan Provincial Characteristic Plant Laboratory Special
                                                                                   8,600,000.00                          10,500,000.00

     Other note: None.

7.48.2 Special payables

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                                         Decrease in
                                      Opening        Increase in                               Ending
            Item                                                         the current                              Cause of formation
                                      balance        the current                               balance
                                                     period                period
Special funds for Yunnan
Characteristic Plant
Laboratory                           10,500,000.00   100,000,000.00      101,900,000.00        8,600,000.00

 Total                               10,500,000.00   100,000,000.00      101,900,000.00        8,600,000.00

     Other note: None.

7.49 Long-term employee benefits payable

    □ Applicable  N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           2023 Annual Report

7.50 Estimated liabilities

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.51 Deferred income

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                           Increase in          Decrease in                                     Cause of
                Item                 Opening balance                                                Ending balance
                                                           the current          the current                                    formation
                                                           period               period
 Government subsidies                    55,574,589.18       85,460,808.00         58,172,658.78            82,862,738.40
 Total                                   55,574,589.18       85,460,808.00         58,172,658.78            82,862,738.40

     Other note: None.

7.52 Other non-current liabilities

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.53 Share capital

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                                 Increase or decrease (+,-)

                                                                          Conversion of
                          Opening                                                                                           Ending balance
                          balance        Issuance of       Bonus           the reserve  Miscellane           Subtotal
                                         new shares        shares           funds into      o us
 Total shares           423,600,000.00                                                                                      423,600,000.00

     Other note: None.

7.54 Other equity instruments

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.55 Capital reserves

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY

                 Item                                               Increase in the           Decrease in
                                         Opening balance                                                                 Ending balance
                                                                    current period            the current
 Capital premium (share                   2,846,004,685.04                                                                2,846,004,685.04
 Total                                    2,846,004,685.04                                                                2,846,004,685.04

     Other note (including notes about changes and causes thereof in movements in the current period): None.

7.56 Treasury shares


 Item                                                           Increase in the           Decrease in
                                     Opening balance                                                                    Ending balance
                                                                current period            the current
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report

 Common stock                                                        109,838,205.82                                  109,838,205.82
 Total                                                               109,838,205.82                                  109,838,205.82

     Other explanations, including changes in increases and decreases in the current period and explanations of reasons for changes:
     We held the 10th and 12th meetings of the second board of directors on August 30 and October 27, 2023 respectively, and
reviewed and approved the “Proposal on the Plan for Repurchasing the Company's Shares” and “Adjustments to the Repurchase Plan”.
“Proposal on the Company’s Share Plan” agrees that Botanee will use its own funds to repurchase the company's shares through
centralized bidding transactions. All the repurchased shares will be used to implement the equity incentive plan or employee stock
ownership plan. The total amount of funds for this repurchase of shares is not low. Within CNY200 million (inclusive) and not
exceeding CNY300 million (inclusive).
     As of December 31, 2023, we have repurchased 1,539,500 shares of the company through centralized bidding transactions through
a special securities account for share repurchases, accounting for 0.3634% of our current total share capital. The highest transaction
price is 78.00 CNY/share, and the lowest transaction price is 63.99 CNY/share, and the total amount paid is CNY109,838,205.82
(excluding transaction fees).

7.57 Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                           Unit: CNY

                            Openin                           Amount incurred in the current period                             Ending
                            g            Amount         Less:               Less:      Less:      Attributab    Attribu        balance
                                        incurred       Amount              Amount      income      leto the     table to
                                          before     included in       included in       tax        parent        the
                                         income          other             other      expenses    company -     minorit
                                          tax in     comprehens        comprehens                     net of       y
                                            the      ive income        ive income                    income      shareh
                                         current        in the            in the                       tax      olders -
                                          period       previous          previous                                net of
                                                      period and        period and                              income
                                                      transferred       transferred                                tax
                                                     to profit and      to retained
                                                      loss in the        income in
                                                        current         the current
                                                        period             period
 II. Other
 comprehensive                                                                                                         -
 incomes to be                  -205.63 -78,932.64                                                   47,359.12 126,291.7        47,153.49
 reclassified into                                                                                                     6
 profits or losses
 arising from                                                                                                          -
 translation of                 -205.63 -78,932.64                                                   47,359.12 126,291.7        47,153.49
 foreign currency                                                                                                      6
 financial statements
 Total other                                                                                                           -
 comprehensive                  -205.63 -78,932.64                                                   47,359.12 126,291.7        47,153.49
 income                                                                                                                6

     Other note (including effective part of cash flow hedging profit and loss converted into adjusted amount transferred to
initially recognized amount of hedged item): None.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       2023 Annual Report
7.58 Special reserves

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.59 Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                                          Increase in the             Decrease in the
           Item                   Opening balance                                                                   Ending balance
                                                                  current period             current period

 Statutory surplus                      211,081,299.10                                                                   211,081,299.10
 Total                                  211,081,299.10                                                                   211,081,299.10

    Notes on surplus reserves (including explanations about changes and causes thereof in increase/decrease in the current period):
According to Article 166 of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, if the cumulative amount of the provident fund is
more than 50% of a company’s registered capital, it may no longer be withdrawn. During the reporting period, Botanee (parent
company) met the above requirements, no statutory surplus reserve fund was accrued.

7.60 Undistributed profits

                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                         Item                                        Current period                           Previous period

 Undistributed profits at the end of the previous
                                                                               2,071,587,040.20                        1,329,978,260.55
 period before adjustment

 Undistributed profits at the beginning of the period                                 597,391.45                                494,270.86
 after adjustment

 Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the parent
                                                                               2,072,184,431.65                        1,330,472,531.41
 company during the period
 Less: Statutory surplus reserves appropriated                                     756,795,007.56                      1,051,331,949.57
      Ordinary share dividends payable                                                                                    55,460,049.33
 Undistributed profits at the end of the period                                    338,880,000.00                        254,160,000.00

     Breakdown of adjustments to undistributed profits at the beginning of the period:

     (1) The amount that will affect the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period due to retroactive adjustment of ASBE and
its relevant new regulations is CNY597,391.45.

     (2) Due to accounting policy alternation, the affected retained earnings at the beginning of the period was CNY0.00.

     (3) The amount that will affect the undistributed profit at the beginning of the year due to correction of major accounting error is

     (4) The amount that will affect the undistributed profit at the beginning of the year due to change of consolidation scope as a
result of common control is CNY0.00.

     (5) Amount of the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period that will be affected due to total of other adjustments is

7.61 Revenue and cost of sales

                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                     Amount incurred in the current period                 Amount incurred in the previous period
                                      Revenues                     Costs                    Revenues                     Costs

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       2023 Annual Report
 Main business                         5,501,620,351.02            1,432,514,965.73         4,997,756,008.94           1,234,042,922.29

 Other business                           20,547,911.98               8,877,464.88             16,117,720.50               9,004,032.32
 Total                                 5,522,168,263.00            1,441,392,430.61         5,013,873,729.44           1,243,046,954.61

      Audited net profit before and after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (whichever is lower, negative value or not):
      □ Applicable  N/A

      Relevant information of revenue and cost:
                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                        Daily chemical industry                Services and others                          Total
 Contract classification
                                     Revenue                Cost             Revenue            Cost            Revenue                 Cost
 By type of product
 Skin care products              4,869,891,463.93    1,282,695,510.54                                      4,869,891,463.93       1,282,695,510.54
 Medical Devices                  463,107,605.63        87,399,714.92                                        463,107,605.63          87,399,714.92
 Cosmetics                        168,621,281.46        62,419,740.27                                        168,621,281.46          62,419,740.27
 Services and others                                                      20,547,911.98    8,877,464.88        20,547,911.98          8,877,464.88
 Classification by business
 Within Chinese Mainland         5,489,610,607.53    1,428,448,675.25     20,547,911.98    8,877,464.88    5,510,158,519.51       1,437,326,140.13
 Outside Chinese Mainland           12,009,743.49         4,066,290.48                                         12,009,743.49          4,066,290.48
 Type of market or customer
 Winona                          5,192,038,641.78    1,324,194,060.33                                      5,192,038,641.78       1,324,194,060.33
 Winona Baby                      149,647,517.83        39,148,947.89                                        149,647,517.83          39,148,947.89
 AOXMED                             36,187,062.67         8,618,424.13                                         36,187,062.67          8,618,424.13
 Za                                 89,871,041.72       36,828,136.44                                          89,871,041.72         36,828,136.44
 PURE&MILD                          14,465,617.96         7,418,138.99                                         14,465,617.96          7,418,138.99
 Miscellaneous                      19,410,469.06       16,307,257.95     20,547,911.98    8,877,464.88        39,958,381.04         25,184,722.83
 Contract type
 Self-operation                  3,235,051,572.87      904,446,283.88     20,547,911.98    8,877,464.88    3,255,599,484.85         913,323,748.76
 Distribution                    2,266,568,778.15      528,068,681.85                                      2,266,568,778.15         528,068,681.85
 Classified by the time of
 goods transfer
 Revenue recognized at a
                                 5,501,620,351.02    1,432,514,965.73                                      5,501,620,351.02       1,432,514,965.73
 certain time point
 Revenue recognized in a
                                                                          20,547,911.98    8,877,464.88        20,547,911.98          8,877,464.88
 certain period
 Classification of contract
 Expected to be completed
                                 5,501,620,351.02    1,432,514,965.73     20,547,911.98    8,877,464.88    5,522,168,263.00       1,441,392,430.61
 within one year
 Classification by sales
 Online channel product          3,552,186,453.05    1,021,681,010.35                                      3,552,186,453.05       1,021,681,010.35
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     2023 Annual Report

 OMO channel product sales        522,685,816.23       128,822,811.73                                       522,685,816.23      128,822,811.73
 Offline channel product
                                 1,426,748,081.74      282,011,143.65                                     1,426,748,081.74      282,011,143.65
 Offline channel services
                                                                           20,547,911.98   8,877,464.88      20,547,911.98        8,877,464.88
 and others
 Total                           5,501,620,351.02    1,432,514,965.73      20,547,911.98                  5,522,168,263.00    1,441,392,430.61

     Information related to performance obligations:The Company has delivered the goods to the customer according to the agreed
delivery method. When the customer obtains the control right of the goods agreed in the contract, the Company recognizes the revenue
when completing the contract performance obligations.

    Information related to variable consideration in the contract:
    □ Applicable  N/A

    Major contract changes or major transaction price adjustments:
     Applicable □ N/A

7.62 Taxes and surcharges

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                    Item                          Amount incurred in the current period       Amount incurred in the previous period
 City maintenance and construction tax                                        28,201,329.84                             24,094,924.40
 Educational surcharge                                                        21,398,699.77                             18,413,159.71
 Consumption Tax                                                               9,929,897.04                              9,090,095.18

 Other taxes and fees                                                          5,654,475.80                              4,501,972.14
 Total                                                                        65,184,402.45                             56,100,151.43

7.63 Management expenses

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                    Item                          Amount incurred in the current period       Amount incurred in the previous period

 Personnel costs                                                            176,545,169.27                             148,683,323.45
 Consulting service fees                                                      87,949,222.78                             55,021,387.42
 Depreciation and amortization                                                60,074,882.63                             41,709,399.69
 Office and material expenses                                                 30,886,726.57                             31,350,045.70
 Hospitality expenses                                                          9,674,801.42                              9,564,882.22

 Travel allowance                                                              9,695,430.01                              4,401,120.20
 Miscellaneous                                                                38,376,439.35                             52,314,096.67
 Total                                                                      413,202,672.03                             343,044,255.35

     Other note: None.

7.64 Selling expenses

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                    Item                          Amount incurred in the current period       Amount incurred in the previous period

 Personnel costs                                                            417,741,433.95                             301,645,844.20

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                              2023 Annual Report
 Channel and advertising expenses                                   1,922,443,535.15                          1,534,412,005.90
 Warehousing and auxiliary expenses                                  114,252,470.63                             107,398,471.50
 Miscellaneous                                                       155,239,216.76                             104,424,433.49
 Total                                                              2,609,676,656.49                          2,047,880,755.09

     Other note: None.

7.65 R&D expenses

                                                                                                                   Unit: CNY
                     Item                    Amount incurred in the current period     Amount incurred in the previous period

 Personnel costs                                                     114,473,350.07                             100,623,562.85

 Material costs                                                        83,712,034.75                             69,841,389.02
 Outsourcing R&D and testing expenses                                  62,522,947.05                             48,837,376.60
 Depreciation and amortization                                         19,894,269.23                             16,525,054.39
 Miscellaneous                                                         18,214,707.01                             18,871,058.51
 Total                                                               298,817,308.11                             254,698,441.37

     Other note: None.

7.66 Financial expenses

                                                                                                                   Unit: CNY
                     Item                    Amount incurred in the current period     Amount incurred in the previous period
 Interest expenses                                                      4,966,901.69                              4,753,216.51

 Less: interest income                                                 28,548,283.32                             20,299,817.23
 Handling charge of financial institutions                              1,552,103.74                              1,211,281.93
 Exchange loss                                                            724,669.09                                 -25,733.12
 Total                                                                -21,304,608.80                            -14,361,051.91

     Other note: None.

7.67 Other income

                                                                                                                   Unit: CNY

         Sources of other incomes            Amount incurred in the current period     Amount incurred in the previous period

 Government subsidies                                                131,682,124.63                              70,486,674.48

 Additional deduction for VAT input tax                                16,269,700.55                                910,643.35
 Miscellaneous                                                          1,468,818.30                                482,025.64
 Total                                                               149,420,643.48                              71,879,343.47

7.68 Gain from Net Exposure to Hedging

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.69 Gain from Changes in Fair Value

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  2023 Annual Report
                                                                                                                     Unit: CNY
 Source of gain from changes in fair value     Amount incurred in the current period       Amount incurred in the previous period
 Financial assets held for trading                                      -17,238,886.41                               -5,519,803.92
 Total                                                                  -17,238,886.41                               -5,519,803.92

     Other note: None.

7.70 Investment Income

                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY
                    Item                       Amount incurred in the current period       Amount incurred in the previous period
 Income from entrusted financial                                         54,561,672.18                               78,007,914.79
 management of cash management
 Long-term equity investment incomes                                      9,705,819.45                                2,570,038.70
 calculated at equity method

 Dividend income from other non-
 current financial assets during the                                         94,756.71
 holding period
 Total                                                                   64,362,248.34                               80,577,953.49

     Other note: None.

7.71 Credit Impairment Losses

                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY
                    Item                       Amount incurred in the current period       Amount incurred in the previous period

 Bad debt loss for receivables                                          -12,973,279.13                                  720,648.86

 Bad debt losses on notes receivable                                     -1,289,585.50
 Total                                                                  -14,262,864.63                                  720,648.86

     Other note: None.

7.72 Asset Impairment Losses

                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY
                                                                                               Amount incurred in the previous
                       Item                        Amount incurred in the current period

 Inventory impairment loss and contract                                    -20,197,131.69                           -18,985,622.92
 performance cost impairment loss
 Total                                                                     -20,197,131.69                           -18,985,622.92

     Other note: None.

7.73 Gain From Disposal of Assets

                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY
                                                                                               Amount incurred in the
     Sources of income from asset disposal         Amount incurred in the current period
                                                                                                          previous period
Gain from disposal of fixed assets                                             486,279.15                                -27,685.55
Revenue from disposal of right-of-use assets                                   204,005.23

7.74 Non-operating Revenues
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          2023 Annual Report

                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                                                                              Amount included in non-
                                          Amount incurred in the           Amount incurred in the
                Item                                                                                        recurring gains and losses of
                                             current period                  previous period
                                                                                                                  the current period

 Income from compensation and                              1,526,075.85                     1,551,132.60                       1,526,075.85
 Miscellaneous                                              613,024.59                      1,399,409.98                         613,024.59

 Government subsidies                                                                       6,000,000.00
 Total                                                     2,139,100.44                     8,950,542.58                       2,139,100.44

     Other note: None.

7.75 Non-operating Expenses
                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY

                                                                                                              Amount included in non-
                                          Amount incurred in the           Amount incurred in the          recurring gains and losses of the
                                             current period                  previous period                        current period

 External donation                                         7,907,436.91                     5,559,725.61                       7,907,436.91
 Miscellaneous                                             3,386,810.08                     1,635,248.66                       3,386,810.08
 Total                                                    11,294,246.99                     7,194,974.27                     11,294,246.99

     Other note: None.

7.76 Income tax expenses

(1) List of income tax expenses
                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY

                       Item                         Amount incurred in the current period       Amount incurred in the previous period
 Current income tax expenses                                                143,699,474.83                                  192,447,340.85
 Deferred income tax expenses                                                -34,092,682.18                                  -29,114,850.72
 Total                                                                      109,606,792.65                                  163,332,490.13

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profits and income tax expenses

                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                Item                                                Amount incurred in the current period
 Total profit                                                                                                               868,818,549.03
 Income tax expenses based on statutory/applicable tax rate                                                                 130,322,782.35
 Effects of different tax rates applied to subsidiaries                                                                       -6,625,500.83
 Effect of nondeductible cost, expense and loss                                                                              24,214,003.85
 Weighted deduction of R&D expenses                                                                                          -35,750,074.22

 Profit or loss of joint ventures accounted for using the equity                                                              -2,554,418.50
 Income tax expenses                                                                                                        109,606,792.65

     Other note: None.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     2023 Annual Report
7.77 Other comprehensive income
     For details, please refer to 7.57 Other Comprehensive Income” in “7. Notes to Items in Consolidated Financial Statement” under
Section X of this report.

7.78 Items in the statement of cash flows

7.78.1 Cash related to operating activities

     Cash received relating to other operating activities:

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY

                    Item                            Amount incurred in the current period     Amount incurred in the previous period
 Various government subsidies and                                             79,982,256.96                             51,127,473.72
 incentives received
 Special payables received                                                  100,000,000.00                              50,000,000.00
 Security deposits and deposits                                                5,426,178.69                              3,661,375.25
 Miscellaneous                                                                30,850,679.20                             20,925,201.87
 Total                                                                      216,259,114.85                             125,714,050.84

     Notes for cash received from other operating activities: None.

     Cash paid relating to other operating activities:

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                    Item                            Amount incurred in the current period     Amount incurred in the previous period
 Payment of various expenses                                               2,212,363,396.43                          1,855,397,446.85
 Payment of special payables                                                  16,449,192.00                             14,865,000.00
 Payment of various deposits and security                                      8,605,056.84                              9,778,529.93
 Total                                                                     2,237,417,645.27                          1,880,040,976.78

     Note for cash paid relating to other operating activities: None.

7.78.2 Cash related to investing activities

     Other cash received relating to investment activities:
     □ Applicable  N/A

     Significant cash received related to investing activities:

                                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
                              Item                                  Amount incurred this period       Amount incurred last period
 Entrusted cash management to recover the principal and
                                                                                5,152,768,856.37                  7,140,808,914.79
 investment income at maturity
 Total                                                                          5,152,768,856.37                  7,140,808,914.79

     Note for cash paid relating to other operating activities: None.

     Cash paid relating to other investing activities:
     □ Applicable  N/A

     Significant cash payments related to investing activities:

                                                                                                                           Unit: CNY
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        2023 Annual Report
                             Item                                     Amount incurred this period       Amount incurred last period
 Cash paid for purchasing entrusted cash management                               4,699,498,500.00                    6,720,927,811.10
 Payment for merger and acquisition of enterprises not
                                                                                    493,498,507.88                        7,474,528.53
 under common control
 Cash paid for the purchase and construction of long-term
                                                                                    274,275,480.81                      353,420,863.88
 assets such as fixed assets and intangible assets
 Payment for equity investment in associates                                        119,533,333.00                       80,205,960.00
 Payment for investments in other non-current financial
 Total                                                                            5,673,805,821.69                    7,162,029,163.51

    Note for cash paid relating to other operating activities: None.

7.78.3 Cash Related to Financing Activities

    Other cash received relating to financing activities:

    □ Applicable  N/A

    Cash paid relating to other financing activities:

                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                   Item                             Amount incurred in the current period       Amount incurred in the previous period
 Payment for repurchase of A shares ordinary
 shares                                                                        109,838,205.82

 Payment of leased premises and
 buildings                                                                      76,442,754.36                             64,719,978.70

 Return investment from minority shareholders                                   17,500,000.00
 of subsidiaries
 Total                                                                         203,780,960.18                             64,719,978.70

    Note for other paid cash related to financial activities: None.

    Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities:
     Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY

                                                Increase in current period            Decrease in current period
                             Opening                                                                                      Ending
         Item                                                      Non-cash                           Non-cash
                             balance        Cash changes                            Cash changes                          balance
                                                                   changes                            changes
 Short-term loan                           105,450,000.00         20,697,730.12     22,347,730.12                       103,800,000.00
 Long term loan                                                    6,552,916.67      1,852,916.67                         4,700,000.00
                          113,361,257.32                          74,900,907.68     70,130,967.30    12,745,371.09      105,385,826.61
 current liabilities
 due within one year
 Total                    113,361,257.32   105,450,000.00        102,151,554.47     94,331,614.09    12,745,371.09      213,885,826.61

7.78.4 Instructions for presenting cash flows on a net basis

    □ Applicable  N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
7.78.5 Major activities and financial impacts that do not involve current cash receipts and payments but
affect Botanee’s financial status or may affect its cash flow in the future

        □ Applicable  N/A

7.79 Supplementary information of the cash flow statement
7.79.1 Supplementary information of the cash flow statement
                                                                                                                         Unit: CNY

                                                                                              Amount for the     Amount in the
                                Supplementary information
                                                                                              current period     previous period
 1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities
   Net profit                                                                                 1,050,416,368.38      864,062,453.99
    Add: provision for impairment of assets                                                      18,985,622.92       11,913,320.12

         Credit impairment loss                                                                  25,819,197.63       13,851,699.16

         Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets, and productive biological assets      56,682,693.62       38,873,022.15
         Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                                     10,323,691.93        5,805,110.63
         Amortization of intangible assets                                                       24,810,499.21       14,864,957.87

         Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                                112,591.36         -516,716.70

      Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets                                   40,689.02
(income is listed with "-")
         Loss from scrapping of fixed assets (income is listed with "-")                          5,519,803.92      - 10,797,093.76
         Loss from change in fair value (income is listed with "-")                               4,727,483.39        4,191,650.31
         Financial expenses (income is listed with "-")                                         -80,577,953.49      - 18,830,359.81
         Investment losses (income is listed with "-")                                          -35,650,668.43       - 1,860,954.26
         Decrease in deferred income tax assets (increases are indicated with "-")                6,368,432.06        1,650,041.16
         Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (decreases are indicated with a “-”     -214,147,770.09     -221,433,616.06
         Decrease in inventory (increases are listed with "-")                                 -222,640,130.54      -45,098,028.87
         Decrease in operating receivables (increases are indicated with a “-” sign)          119,416,408.44      490,738,190.58
         Increase in operating payables (decreases are indicated with a “-” sign)                -720,648.86        5,265,985.88
         Credit impairment loss                                                                 769,445,621.45    1,152,720,351.41
       Depreciation of fixed assets, depreciation of oil and gas assets, depreciation of
productive biological assets

 2. Major investment and financing activities not relating to cash deposit and
    Conversion of debt into capital
    Convertible corporate bonds due within one year
    Financing leased fixed assets
 3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:
    Closing balance of cash                                                                   2,440,692,701.42    2,009,370,756.03
    Less: beginning balance of cash                                                           2,009,370,756.03      750,891,238.75
    Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents
    Less: beginning balance of cash equivalents

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
   Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                  431,321,945.39       1,258,479,517.28

7.79.2 Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries in the current period
                                                                                                                    Unit: CNY10,000

 Cash or cash equivalents paid in the current period for business combinations in                                          51,500.00
 the current period:
 Hunan Botanee                                                                                                                   150.00
 Hunan Elemei                                                                                                                    150.00
 Changsha Meluda                                                                                                                 150.00
 Yuejiang Investment                                                                                                       51,050.00
 Less: cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on acquisition date                                                   2,150.15
 Hunan Botanee                                                                                                                    49.79
 Hunan Elemei
 Changsha Meluda
 Yuejiang Investment                                                                                                        2,100.36

 Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries                                                                             49,349.85

     Other note: None.

7.79.3 Net Cash Received from Disposal of Subsidiaries in the Current Period

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.79.4 Composition of Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                           Item                                             Ending balance                     Opening balance
   I. Cash                                                                          2,073,881,743.78                2,440,692,701.42

  Cash at bank available for payments at any time                                   2,036,518,760.57                2,325,336,390.61

  Other cash at bank and on hand available for payment on                             37,362,983.21                   115,356,310.81
   III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                2,073,881,743.78                2,440,692,701.42

7.79.5 Fund with Limited Scope of Use But Is Still Classified as Cash and Cash Equivalents

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.79.6 Monetary Funds other than Cash and Cash Equivalents

    □ Applicable  N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   2023 Annual Report
7.79.7 Other Major Events

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.80 Notes to Items in the Statement of Retained Earnings

    Describe “other” and the amount of adjustments made to the closing balance of the previous year: None.

7.81 Foreign Currencies

7.81.1 Foreign Currencies

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                                                                                     Ending balance converted into
             Item                        Ending balance                    Exchange rate
 Money market funds                                                                                                  18,930,669.31
 Including: USD                                    1,939,095.06                              7.08                    13,734,028.58
           HKD                                      100,811.03                               0.91                        91,356.97
           SGD                                        18,507.62                              5.38                        99,519.17
           JPY                                   99,675,000.00                               0.05                     5,004,980.78
           THB                                            500.00                             0.21                           103.68
           AUD                                            140.28                             4.85                           680.13
 Accounts receivable                                                                                                 13,619,271.72
 Including: USD                                     310,179.39                               7.08                     2,196,907.57
           TWD                                   49,542,562.70                               0.23                    11,422,364.15
 Long-term borrowings
 Including: USD
 Other accounts receivable                                                                                               95,206.93
 Including: HKD                                     105,059.40                               0.91                        95,206.93
 Accounts payable                                                                                                     5,708,055.71
 Including: HKD                                     467,029.22                               0.91                       423,231.22
           SGD                                      982,820.89                               5.38                     5,284,824.49
 Other accounts payable                                                                                                 226,659.79
 Including: HKD                                       57,434.79                              0.91                        52,048.56
           JPY                                     3,475,346.00                              0.05                       174,507.55
           THB                                            500.00                             0.21                           103.68

    Other note: None.

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report
7.81.2 Description of Overseas Business Entities (Including Important Overseas Business Entities) Regarding
Main Business Location, Functional Currency, the Basis For Selection, and Reasons for Functional Currency
Changes (If Any)

    □ Applicable  N/A
    As of the end of the reporting period, Botanee had no significant overseas operating entities.

7.82 Lease

7.82.1 Botanee as the Lessee

     Applicable □ N/A
    Variable lease payments not included in lease liabilities:
    □ Applicable  N/A
    Lease payments for simplified short-term leases or low-value assets
     Applicable □ N/A
    During the reporting period, our payments for simplified short-term leases and low-value assets stood at CNY4,753,324.17.
    Sale and leaseback transactions
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.82.2 Botanee as the Lessor

    Operating lease as lessor:
     Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                                                                         Including: Income related to variable lease
                  Item                                  Leasing income
                                                                                           payments not included in lease receipts
 Leasing of self-owned real estate                                       867,847.45
 Total                                                                   867,847.45

    Finance lease as lessor:
    □ Applicable  N/A

    Undiscounted lease payments for each of the next five years:
    □ Applicable  N/A

    Reconciliation of undiscounted lease receipts and net lease investment:
    □ Applicable  N/A

7.82.3 Recognizing financial lease sales profits and losses as a manufacturer or distributor

    □ Applicable  N/A

7.83 Miscellaneous

    □ Applicable  N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          2023 Annual Report
8. Research and Development Expenditures

                                                                                                                                 Unit: CNY
                   Item                             Amount incurred this period                    Amount incurred previous period
 Staff costs                                                            114,472,358.04                                    101,226,944.16
 Material costs                                                             83,712,034.75                                    69,841,389.02
 Outsourced R&D and testing costs                                           93,854,670.32                                    64,645,158.25
 Depreciation and amortization                                              19,894,269.23                                    16,525,054.39
 Other                                                                      23,503,618.68                                    25,976,142.26
 Total coasts                                                           335,436,951.02                                    278,214,688.08
 Including: expensed R&D expenditures                                   298,817,308.11                                    254,698,441.37
         Capitalized R&D expenditures                                       36,619,642.91                                    23,516,246.71

8.1 R&D projects eligible for capitalization

                                                                                                                                 Unit: CNY
                                               Increase in current period            Decrease in current period
                            Opening             Internal                                              Transferred to
         Item                                                                     Recognized as                          Ending balance
                            balance           development           Other                             current profit
                                                                                 intangible assets
                                              expenditures                                               and loss
 Software and
 system application       19,180,368.43        36,619,642.91                        8,893,545.13                             46,906,466.21
 Total                    19,180,368.43        36,619,642.91                        8,893,545.13                             46,906,466.21

    Significant capitalized R&D projects:
    □ Applicable  N/A
    Impairment provision for development expenditures:
    □ Applicable  N/A

8.2 Important outsourced research projects

    □ Applicable  N/A

9 Changes in the Scope of Consolidation
9.1 Business combination not under common control

9.1.1 Business combinations not under common control in the current period

                                                                                                                         Unit: CNY10,000

                                                                                                               Income of
                                                                                                                                Net profits
                                                                                                                                of acquiree
                                                                                              Determinatio      acquiree
                                                 Shareholdin                                   n basis of                         from the
    Name of       Acquisitio     Acquisitio           g      Acquisition          Purchas                       from the
                                                                                                purchase                         purchase
    acquiree        n date          n cost       percentage    method               e date                      purchase
                                                                                                   date                         date to the
                                                                                                               date to the
                                                                                                                                end of the
                                                                                                               end of the          period

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      2023 Annual Report
                                                                                             Transfer of
Hunan Botanee Feb. 15, 2023             150.00     100.00%      not under    Feb. 15, 2023                  1,132,075.44   195,725.87
   Changsha                                                                                  Transfer of
                  Jun. 14, 2023         150.00     100.00%      not under    Jun. 14, 2023                     19,801.98   -294,559.01
    Meluda                                                                                     control
                                                                                             Transfer of
 Hunan Elemei Jun. 15, 2023             150.00     100.00%      not under    Jun. 15, 2023                     14,851.49   -289,412.35
    Yuejiang                                                                                 Transfer of 104,336,659.6
                  Oct. 31, 2023      51,000.00      51.00%      not under    Oct. 31, 2023                             16,330,835.72
   Investment                                                                                  control               8
     Other note: None.

9.1.2 Combination costs and goodwill

                                                                                                                     Unit: CNY10,000

                                            Combination cost          Hunan Botanee, Hunan
                                                                      Alemei, and Changsha                 Yuejiang Investment
 Cash                                                                                   450.00                              51,000.00

 Total consolidated cost                                                                450.00                              51,000.00
 Less: Fair value of net identifiable assets acquired                                   468.04                               9,625.92
 Amount of goodwill/consolidated cost less than the fair value of                       -18.04                              41,374.08
 identifiable net assets acquired
    Method for determining the fair value of the merger cost: We value the assets and liabilities owned by each acquired company on
the acquisition date and based on industry experience. After full negotiation between the parties to the transaction, it was confirmed
that the transfer prices of 100% of the equity of Hunan Botanee, Changsha Meluda and Hunan Ailemei were CNY1.50 million,
CNY1.50 million and CNY1.50 million respectively. The cost of acquiring 51% of the equity of Yuejiang Investment was CNY510
million. The fair value of the identifiable net assets of Yuejiang Investment was evaluated by Shanghai Shenwei Asset Appraisal Co.,
Ltd., which produced HSWPBZ (2024) No. XJ0011 report.

    Main reason for the formation of large amounts of goodwill: During the reporting period, we acquired 51% of the equity of
Yuejiang Investment through a merger of enterprises not under common control. The merger cost was CNY510.0 million in cash, and
the fair value share of identifiable net assets obtained was CNY96.2592 million, which formed a goodwill of CNY413.7408 million.

    Other note: None.

9.1.3 Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date

                                                                                                                   Unit: CNY 10,000
                                    Hunan Botanee, Hunan Alemei, and Changsha
                                                                                                  Yuejiang Investment
                                        Fair value on          Book value on            Fair value on             Book value on
                                        purchase date          purchase date            purchase date             purchase date

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report
 Money market funds                                 49.79                     49.79                  2,100.36                  2,100.36
 Accounts receivable                                  1.00                      1.00                 3,078.12                  3,078.12
 Prepayments                                                                                         1,364.78                  1,364.78
 Stock                                                                                              11,357.95                11,357.95
 Other current assets                                 4.90                      4.90                 1,045.52                  1,045.52
 Fixed assets                                         0.75                      0.75                 2,280.64                    911.67
 Intangible assets                                 495.00                                           10,718.44                     18.44
 Right-of-use assets                                                                                   158.14                    158.14
 Long-term prepaid expenses                                                                             77.92                     77.92
 Deferred tax assets                                                                                   731.82                    731.82
 Other non-current assets                           41.21                     41.21                    516.75                    516.75
 Loan                                                                                                2,735.52                  2,735.52
 Accounts payable                                     0.86                      0.86                 4,333.67                  4,333.67
 Employee compensation
                                                                                                       551.44                    551.44
 Taxes payable                                                                                         868.40                    868.40

 Contract liabilities                                                                                  194.56                    194.56
 Other current liabilities                                                                              41.86                     41.86
 Non-current liabilities due
                                                                                                       129.85                    129.85
 within one year
 Deferred income tax liability                     123.75                                            3,154.09                    143.88
 Lease liability                                                                                        48.69                     48.69
 Net assets                                        468.04                     96.79                 21,372.30                12,313.54
 Less: Minority interests                                                                                -2.06                    -2.06
 Net assets acquired                               468.04                     96.79                 21,374.36                12,315.60

     Method for determining the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities: Botanee values the assets and liabilities owned by the

acquired company on the acquisition date based on asset evaluation and industry experience.

     Botanee values the acquired company based on its assets and liabilities on the acquisition date and industry experience.

     Contingent liabilities undertaken by acquiree in business merger:

     □ Applicable  N/A

     Other note: none.

9.1.4 Gains or losses arising from the remeasurement at the fair value of shares held before the purchase date
     Transaction that realized business combination step by step through multiple transactions and obtained control during the
reporting period:

     □ Yes  No

9.1.5 Notes related to the inability to reasonably determine the merger consideration or the fair value of the acquiree's
identifiable assets and liabilities on the purchase date or at the end of the period of the merger

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                              2023 Annual Report

    □ Applicable  N/A

9.1.6 Other Description

    □ Applicable  N/A

9.2 Business combination under common control

    □ Applicable  N/A

9.3 Counter purchase

    □ Applicable  N/A

9.4 Disposal of subsidiaries

    □ Applicable  N/A

9.5 Changes in the scope of consolidation due to other reasons

9.5.1 New entities in current period

                          Entity                            Established on        Registered capital     Funding ratio
Huzhou Botanee                                                July 31, 2023            CNY 2 million            100.00%
Botanee Bio-technology Japan Co., Ltd.                      December 7, 2023          JPY100 million            100.00%
Shangri-La Yunke                                            February 13, 2023          CNY 5 million            100.00%
Nuoweitai (Kunming)                                           May 22, 2023             CNY 1 million               70.00%
Clinmate (Kunming)                                            May 22, 2023             CNY 5 million            100.00%
Botanee Bio-Technology (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.               November 13, 2023              CNY 1                 100.00%
Botanee Bio-Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd.                 December 13, 2023         THB 200 million           100.00%
Xiamen Yunzhong Equity Investment Partnership (Limited
                                                              May 10, 2023            CNY 316 million              95.25%

9.5.2 Entities deregistered and liquidated in this period

                                                Entity                                        Deregistered on
            Hainan Botanee Venture Capital Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd.           September 27, 2023
            Hainan Botanee Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd.                           September 27, 2023

9.6 Miscellaneous

    □ Applicable  N/A

10. Equity in Other Entities

10.1 Equity in Subsidiaries

10.1.1 Subsidiaries of the Company
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                             2023 Annual Report
                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                                                Principal                                  Shareholding ratio
                                 Registered                 Register      Nature of                                Way of
 Name                                           place of
                                    capital                  ed in        business         Direct     Indirect    obtaining
Kunming Botanee Sales          CNY5 million Kunming         Kunming     Sales service     100.00%     0.00%      Established
Qimei Technology
                              CNY10 million Shanghai        Shanghai    E-commerce        0.00%      100.00%     Established
                                                                       R&D, and sales
Kunming Yunzhuang              CNY2 million Kunming         Kunming                       100.00%     0.00%      Established
Kunming Winona                 CNY2 million Kunming         Kunming    Service industry   0.00%       98.00%     Established
                                                                        R&D, and e-
Shanghai Botanee             CNY150 million Shanghai        Shanghai                      100.00%     0.00%      Established
                                                                       R&D, and sales
Sichuan Botanee                CNY1 million Chengdu         Chengdu                       0.00%       51.00%     Established
                                                                       R&D, and sales
Wuhan Botanee                CNY1.3 million     Wuhan       Wuhan                         100.00%     0.00%        Bought
Shanghai Jiyan Biomedicine     CNY2 million Shanghai        Shanghai        R&D           0.00%      100.00%     Established
Qimei Technology
                              CNY10 million Kunming         Kunming     E-commerce        100.00%     0.00%      Established
                                                                        Supply chain
Botanee (Shanghai) Supply                                               management,
                               CNY2 million Shanghai        Shanghai                      0.00%      100.00%     Established
Chain                                                                   warehousing
Yunnan Yunke                 CNY100 million Kunming         Kunming         R&D           100.00%     0.00%      Established
                                                                       Capital market
Hainan Botanee Investment     CNY60 million     Haikou      Haikou                        100.00%     0.00%      Established
Shanghai Yibeini             CNY150 million Shanghai        Shanghai   Service industry   100.00%     0.00%      Established
Shanghai Botanee
                              CNY30 million Shanghai        Shanghai        R&D           100.00%     0.00%      Established
                                                                       R&D, and sales
Clinmate (Shanghai)          CNY100 million Shanghai        Shanghai                      100.00%     0.00%      Established
Botanee (Kunming) Trading       CNY100,000 Kunming          Kunming     Sales service     100.00%     0.00%      Established
Bei Xiaoni (Shanghai)         CNY10 million Shanghai        Shanghai    Sales service     0.00%      100.00%     Established
Medasi (Shanghai)            CNY100 million Shanghai        Shanghai    Sales service     0.00%       70.00%       set up
Botanee Trading                 HKD 10,000 Hongkong Hongkong            Sales service     100.00%     0.00%        set up
Yanyao Medical
                              CNY10 million Shanghai        Shanghai   Service industry   0.00%      100.00%     acquisition
Yanyao Medical Beauty          CNY1 million Shanghai        Shanghai   Service industry   0.00%      100.00%     acquisition
Chengdu Botanee               CNY50 million Chengdu         Chengdu    Service industry   100.00%     0.00%      Established
Yunnan Weijia                 CNY20 million Kunming         Kunming     Sales service     51.00%      0.00%      Established
Wuhou Botanee                 CNY10 million Chengdu         Chengdu     Sales service     0.00%       51.00%     Established
Botanee (Xiamen)              CNY10 million     Xiamen      Xiamen      Sales service     0.00%      100.00%     Established
Botanee (Hangzhou)             CNY5 million Hangzhou Hangzhou           Sales service     0.00%      100.00%     Established
Botanee (Hainan)              CNY10 million     Hainan      Hainan      Sales service     0.00%      100.00%     Established
Shanghai Hemoni               CNY10 million Shanghai        Shanghai   Service industry   0.00%      100.00%     Established
Kunming Ansuote                 CNY800,000 Kunming          Kunming    Service industry   0.00%      100.00%     Established
Hangzhou Ansuote                CNY800,000 Hangzhou Hangzhou           Service industry   0.00%      100.00%     Established
Nibei (Shanghai)
                              CNY10 million Shanghai        Shanghai    Sales service     0.00%      100.00%     Established
Shanghai Beforteen            CNY10 million Shanghai        Shanghai   Service industry   0.00%      100.00%     Established

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                         2023 Annual Report
Sichuan Huifu Medical
                             CNY10 million Chengdu        Chengdu    Service industry   0.00%     100.00%      Bought
Chengdu Huifu Internet
                             CNY10 million Chengdu        Chengdu    Service industry   0.00%     100.00%      Bought
Chengdu Huifu Clinic           CNY5.38 million Chengdu    Chengdu    Service industry   0.00%     100.00%      Bought
                                                                      Capital market
Xiamen Chonglou Private
                                CNY30 million    Xiamen    Xiamen    investment, and    100.00%   0.00%      Established
Equity Fund Management
Sichuan Beforteen Enterprise
                                CNY10 million Chengdu     Chengdu    Service industry   0.00%     100.00%    Established
Chengdu Beforteen Internet
                                CNY10 million Chengdu     Chengdu    Service industry   0.00%     100.00%    Established
Chengdu Befort Clinic           CNY10 million Chengdu     Chengdu    Service industry   0.00%     100.00%    Established
                                                                    R&D, production
Yunnan Botanee Technology       CNY10 million Kunming     Kunming                       100.00%   0.00%      Established
                                                                   and manufacturing
                                                                    Production, sales                         Bought in
Hunan Botanee                   CNY10 million Changsha    Changsha                      0.00%     100.00%
                                                                        services                            current period
                                                                    Production, sales                         Bought in
Hunan Elemei                     CNY2 million Changsha    Changsha                      0.00%     100.00%
                                                                        services                            current period
                                                                    Production, sales                         Bought in
Changsha Meluda                  CNY2 million Changsha    Changsha                      0.00%     100.00%
                                                                        services                            current period
                                 CNY2.609855              Guangzho                                            Bought in
Yuejiang Investment                           Guangzhou               Sales service     0.00%     51.00%
                                      million                u                                              current period
Guangzhou Weimaitong
                                                      Guangzho                                                Bought in
Information Technology Co.,   CNY1 million Guangzhou                   Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
                                                         u                                                  current period
Yuejiang (Hainan) E-                                                                                          Bought in
                             CNY10 million Hainan      Hainan          Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
Commerce Co., Ltd.                                                                                          current period
Guangzhou Lieshang
                                                      Guangzho                                                Bought in
Information Technology Co.,   CNY1 million Guangzhou                   Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
                                                         u                                                  current period
Guangzhou TaoCNY
                                                      Guangzho         Supply chain                           Bought in
Electronic Technology Co.,  CNY5.08 million Guangzhou                                   0.00%     51.00%
                                                         u               services                           current period
Jirui Cosmetics Technology                            Guangzho                                                Bought in
                               CNY500,000 Guangzhou                    Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
(Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.                                    u                                                  current period
Chengmei Technology                                   Guangzho                                                Bought in
                              CNY1 million Guangzhou                   Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
(Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.                                    u                                                  current period
Yuejiang Technology                                   Guangzho                                                Bought in
                               CNY100,000 Guangzhou                    Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
(Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.                                    u                                                  current period
Bomei Cosmetics
                                                      Guangzho                                                Bought in
Technology (Guangzhou)        CNY1 million Guangzhou                   Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
                                                         u                                                  current period
Co., Ltd.
Yuejiang (Guangzhou) Daily                            Guangzho         Supply chain                           Bought in
                             CNY10 million Guangzhou                                    0.00%     51.00%
Necessities Co., Ltd.                                    u               services                           current period
Yuehui (Chongqing)                                                                                            Bought in
                              CNY5 million Chongqing Chongqing         Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
Biotechnology Co., Ltd.                                                                                     current period
Weiku Technology                                      Guangzho                                                Bought in
                               CNY500,000 Guangzhou                    Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
(Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.                                    u                                                  current period
Zisheng Technology                                    Guangzho                                                Bought in
                              CNY1 million Guangzhou                   Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
(Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.                                    u                                                  current period
Yuepu (Suzhou) Culture                                Guangzho                                                Bought in
                             CNY55 million Guangzhou                   Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
Media Co., Ltd.                                          u                                                  current period
ME Cosmetic Hongkong                                                                                          Bought in
                             HKD 10 million Hongkong Hongkong          Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
Co.,Limited                                                                                                 current period
 ME Cosmetic (Singapore)                                                                                      Bought in
                                SGD 10,000 Singapore Singapore         Sales service    0.00%     51.00%
 Pte.Ltd.                                                                                                   current period
                                                                       consultation                           Bought in
 URUOI Co., Ltd.                  JPY3 million   Japan      Japan                       0.00%     51.00%
                                                                         service                            current period
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report
                                                                                                                             Bought in
 ME Cosmetic USA INC.                USD20,000         USA          USA         Sales service         0.00%       51.00%
                                                                                                                           current period
                                                                                Warehousing                                Established in
 Huzhou Botanee                    CNY2 million       Huzhou     Huzhou                               0.00%      100.00%
                                                                                 Services                                  current period
 Botanee Bio-technology
                                                                                                                               Established in
 Japan Co., Ltd.                  JPY100 million      Japan         Japan             R&D             0.00%      100.00%
                                                                                                                               current period
                                                                                                                               Established in
 Shangri-La Yunke                  CNY5 million Shangri-La Shangri-La                 R&D             0.00%      100.00%
                                                                                                                               current period
                                                                                   R&D, sales                                  Established in
 Nuoweitai (Kunming)               CNY1 million Kunming         Kunming                               0.00%       70.00%
                                                                                    services                                   current period
                                                                                                                               Established in
 Clinmate (Kunming)                CNY5 million Kunming         Kunming         Sales service         0.00%      100.00%
                                                                                                                               current period
                                                                                                                               Established in
 Bio-Technology                            CNY1 Singapore Singapore             Sales service         0.00%      100.00%
                                                                                                                               current period
 (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
                                                                                                                               Established in
 Bio-Technology                 THB 200 million Thailand         Thailand       Sales service         0.00%      100.00%
                                                                                                                               current period
 (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
 Xiamen Yunzhong Equity                                                         Capital market
                                                                                                                               Established in
 Investment Partnership          CNY316 million       Xiamen     Xiamen        investment, and       94.93%        0.32%
                                                                                                                               current period
 (Limited Partnership)                                                             services

    Note on the fact that the shareholding percentage is different from proportion of votes in subsidiaries:
    □ Applicable  N/A

    Basis for the Company’s control over the investee when holding half of the votes or less and the Company’s loss of control
over the investee when holding half of the votes or more:
    □ Applicable  N/A

    Basis for control over the important structured entities incorporated in consolidated scope:
    □ Applicable  N/A

    Basis to determine the company is the agent or the principal:
    □ Applicable  N/A

     Other note: None.

10.1.2 Important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                                                             Profit and loss          Dividends declared
                                                                                                                  Balance of minority
                              Shareholding ratio of     attributable to minority          to minority
          Name                                                                                                 shareholders’ equity at the
                              minority shareholders       shareholders in the         shareholders in this
                                                                                                                    end of the period
                                                             current period                  period
 Yuejiang Investment                        49.00%                8,002,462.98                                             124,060,830.58

    Note on the difference between the shareholding ratio of minority shareholders of subsidiaries and their voting rights ratio:

    □ Applicable  N/A

     Other note: None.

10.1.3 Main financial information of important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                                  Ending balance                                                   Opening balance
           Current     Non-       Total   Current      Non-      Total      Current     Non-       Total     Current    Non-         Total
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              2023 Annual Report
          assets   current  assets liabilities current liabilities            assets   current      assets    liabilities current liabilities
                    assets                    liabilities                               assets                           liabilities

           201,80    141,94      343,75       54,413   36,133     90,547
           8,085.    5,488.      3,574.       ,280.8   ,843.6     ,124.5
               51        71          22            8        7          5

                                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                            Amount incurred in current period                               Amount incurred in previous period
                                                                 cash flow
    Name                                           Total                                                           Total    cash flow from
                operating                                          from         operating
                                 net profit    comprehensiv                                      net profit    comprehensiv    operating
                 income                                          operating       income
                                                 e income                                                        e income      activities
 Yuejiang       104,336,65     16,331,189.      16,073,097.     13,429,474.
 Investment            9.68            20               44              72
     Other note: None.

10.1.4 Major limitations on the use of enterprise group assets and payment of enterprise group debts

    □ Applicable  N/A

10.1.5 Financial support or other supports provided to the structural body within the combined financial statement

    □ Applicable  N/A
Other note: none.

10.2 Transactions in which the owners' equity in a subsidiary has changed and the subsidiary is still
under control

    □ Applicable  N/A

10.3 Equities in joint ventures or associates

10.3.1 Important joint ventures or associates

    □ Applicable  N/A

10.3.2 Main financial information of important joint ventures

    □ Applicable  N/A

10.3.3 Main financial information of important associates

    □ Applicable  N/A

10.3.4 Summary of financial information of insignificant joint ventures and associates

                                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY
                                                                        Ending balance / amount               Opening balance / amount in
                                                                      incurred in the current period               the previous period

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                               2023 Annual Report

Joint ventures:

Total of the following items calculated based on shareholding
 Total carrying amount of investments                                            212,015,151.15                    82,775,998.70
 Total (calculated by shareholding proportion)
 Net profit                                                                        9,705,819.45                        2,570,038.70
 Total comprehensive income                                                        9,705,819.45                        2,570,038.70

     Other note: None.

10.3.5 Explanation on major restrictions on the capability of transferring capital from joint ventures or associated
enterprises to the Company:

     □ Applicable  N/A

10.3.6 Losses of joint ventures or associates in excess their investment costs

     □ Applicable  N/A

10.3.7 Unrecognized commitments related to investment in joint ventures

     □ Applicable  N/A

10.3.8 Contingent liabilities for investment in joint ventures or associates

     □ Applicable  N/A

10.4 Significant joint venture

     □ Applicable  N/A

10.5 Equity in structured entities not included in the consolidated financial statement

     □ Applicable  N/A

10.6 Miscellaneous

     □ Applicable  N/A

11. Government Subsidy

11.1 Government subsidies recognized according to the amount receivable at the end of the reporting period

     □ Applicable  N/A

11.2 Liabilities involving government subsidies

      Applicable □ N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        2023 Annual Report
                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                                       Amount            Amount of
                                     New subsidy                                           Other
                                                     included in       other income
  Accounting         Opening          amount for                                        changes in        Ending          Assets/ income
                                                    non-operating      transferred to
   account           balance           current                                            current         balance            related
                                                    income in the         current
                                        period                                            period
                                                    current period         period
                  55,574,589.18 85,460,808.00                          51,709,867.67    6,462,791.11 82,862,738.40        Assets/income

11.3 Government subsidies included in current profits and losses

      Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
             Accounting account                    Amount incurred in current period            Amount incurred in previous period
 Other income                                                              131,682,124.63                                  70,486,674.48

     Other note: None.

12. Risks Related to Financial Instruments
12.1 Risks arising from financial instruments
      We face risks from various financial instruments in its daily activities, mainly including market risks (including exchange rate
risks, interest rate risks and commodity price risks), credit risks and liquidity risks. Our main financial instruments include monetary
funds, equity investments, loans, accounts receivable, other receivables, accounts payable, other payables, etc. Details of the relevant
financial instruments are disclosed in each note. The risks associated with these financial instruments, and the risk management
policies adopted by us to mitigate these risks, are described below.
     (1) Market Risk
     The Company analyzed the possible impacts of reasonable and possible changes in risk variables on profits and losses for the
current period or shareholders’ equity through sensitivity analysis. Since any risk variable rarely causes an impact independently, and
the correlation between risk variables will have a significant impact on the ultimate amount affected by changes in a risk variable, the
following interpretations are based on the assumption that each variable changes independently.
     1) Exchange rate risk refers to the risk of changes in foreign exchange rates that affect the Company’s financial results and cash
flow. The Company’s foreign exchange risk is mainly related to bank deposits and receivables held in US dollars and Japanese yen due
to exchange rate changes between the US dollar or Japanese yen and the Company’s functional currency. However, the Company’s
management believes that the Company does not face big foreign exchange risk as such bank deposits in US dollars or Japanese yen
account for a small proportion of the Company’s total assets, and the Company’s major businesses are settled in CNY.
     2) Interest Rate Risk-Changes in Fair Value
     The risk of changes in fair value of financial instruments due to changes in interest rates faced by the Company is mainly related
to fixed-rate bank loans. As the Company’s fixed-rate loans are all bank loans, the Company’s management believes that the Company
does not face a big risk of changes in fair value. The Company does not have an interest rate hedging policy currently.
     3) Interest Rate Risk-Changes in Cash Flow
     The risk of changes in cash flow of financial instruments due to changes in interest rates faced by the Company is mainly related
to bank loans on floating interest rates. The Company’s policy is to maintain floating interest rates on these loans to eliminate the risk
of changes in fair value of interest rate.
     4) Other price risks. Investments made by the Company and classified as trading financial assets are presented at their fair value at
the balance sheet date. Therefore, the Company is exposed to price risks. The Company has established an internal investment
management department and designated members to closely monitor price fluctuations of investment products. The Company’s
directors therefore consider that the Company’s price risks have been mitigated.

       (2) Credit risks

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                              2023 Annual Report
     As at December 31, 2023, the maximum credit risk exposure which will cause a financial loss to the Company is mainly from
the loss of financial assets of the Company caused by the failure of the other party of the contract to perform the obligations. To
reduce the credit risk, the Company controls the line of credit, performs the credit approval and executes other monitoring procedures
to ensure that the necessary measures are taken to recover the overdue claims. In addition, the Company makes sufficient provision for
bad debts on each balance sheet date according to the recovery of receivables. In this regard, the management of the Company
considers that the credit risk is significantly reduced.

         In addition, the credit risk on monetary funds of the Company is limited because the monetary funds are deposited in banks with
high credit ratings.

         (3) Liquidity risks

         Liquidity risk refers to the risk of capital shortage when an enterprise meets its obligation to settle by delivery of cash or other
financial assets.

         In managing liquidity risk, the Company maintains and monitors cash and cash equivalents deemed sufficient by the
management to meet the Company’s operating and reduce the impact of cash flow fluctuations.

         The Company’s management believes that the Company’s liquidity risk is low and will not have a material impact on the
Company’s operations and financial statements. This financial statement is prepared based on the assumption of continuous operations.

12.3 Hedging

    □ Applicable  N/A

12.3 Financial assets

12.3.1 Classification of transfer methods

    □ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY

                         Nature of            Amount of
    transfer                                                   Termination of
                     financial assets      financial assets                         Basis for judgment on termination of confirmation
    method                                                      confirmation
                        transferred           transferred
                                                                                  The credit risk and deferred payment risk of a bank
                                                                                  acceptance bill are very small, and the interest rate
                                                                                  risk related to the bill has been transferred to the
 endorsement        bank acceptance                           Termination         bank. It can be judged that the main risks and
 or discount        draft                                     confirmation        rewards of ownership have been transferred after the
                                                                                  endorsement or discount of the bill, so the
                                                                                  recognition is terminated after the endorsement or
 total                                      448,242,736.71

12.3.2 Financial assets derecognized due to transfer

     Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                                  Unit: CNY

                                          How financial assets are         Amount of financial assets        Gains or losses related to
                                                transferred                    derecognized                       derecognition
 bank acceptance draft                  endorsement or discount                        448,242,736.71
 total                                                                                 448,242,736.71

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        2023 Annual Report
12.3.3 Asset transfer financial assets that continue to be involved

     □ Applicable  N/A

13. Disclosure of Fair Value

13.1 Closing fair values of assets and liabilities at fair value

                                                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                                                                 Ending fair value

                   Item                         Level 1                 Level 2                  Level 3
                                           measurement at fair     measurement at fair      measurement at fair             Total
                                                 value                   value                    value

   I. Continuous fair value
   (I) Financial assets held for trading                                                        1,238,356,707.34         1,238,356,707.34

          1. Financial assets at FVTPL                                                          1,238,356,707.34         1,238,356,707.34
   (II) Receivables financing                                                                     156,659,263.78          156,659,263.78
   (III) Other non-current financial                                                                 86,449,823.00          86,449,823.00
   Total assets continuously                                                                    1,481,465,794.12         1,481,465,794.12
   measured at fair value

13.2 Basis for recognition of market prices for continuous and non-continuous level I measurement items
at fair value

     □ Applicable  N/A

13.3 Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques and significant parameters used
for continuous and non-continuous level II measurement items at fair value

     □ Applicable  N/A

13.4 Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques and significant parameters used
for continuous and non-continuous level III measurement items at fair value

     The company's third-level fair value measurement items include financial products, receivable financing and other non-current
financial assets. Among them: financial products predict future cash flows based on the expected rate of return as fair value, and the
expected rate of return is an unobservable input value. The receivables financing is all bank acceptance bills, the face value of which is
close to the fair value. Other non-current financial assets are investments in partnerships and are measured based on the period-end net
value as a reasonable estimate of fair value.

13.5 Information on adjustment between beginning book value and ending book value of items subject
to continuous level 3 fair value measurement and sensitivity analysis of non-observable parameters

     □ Applicable  N/A

13.6 Reasons for conversion and policy for determining the timing of conversion for items that
are continuously measured at fair value and converted between levels during the period
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          2023 Annual Report

     □ Applicable  N/A

13.7 Changes in valuation techniques during the period and reasons

     □ Applicable  N/A

13.8 Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value

     □ Applicable  N/A

13.9 Miscellaneous

     □ Applicable  N/A

14. Affiliates and related party transactions
14.1 Information of the parent company

                                                                                                                         Votes proportion
      Name of        Registr                                                                         proportion of
                                                                                                                          of the parent
       parent          ation                Business Nature                  Registered Capital       the parent
                                                                                                                         company to the
      company         place                                                                         company to the
                                 Information technology services and
                                 consulting; enterprise
                                 management consulting (the
                                 above items do not involve
   Nuona             Kunmi       special management
                                                                            CNY 2.3 million                  46.08%                  46.08%
   Technology        ng          measures for foreign investment
                                 access) (items that are subject to
                                 approval according to law shall
                                 be operated only after relevant
                                 approvals are obtained from
                                 relevant departments)
     Introductions to the parent company of the Company:

     The ultimate controlling parties of the Enterprise are Mr. Guo Zhenyu and Mr. Kevin Guo.

     The actual controllers of the Company are Mr. Guo Zhenyu and Mr. Kevin Guo. Mr. Guo Zhenyu and Mr. Kevin Guo are father-
son relationship. As of the disclosure date of this report, Mr. Guo Zhenyu and Mr. Kevin Guo jointly controlled 48.68% of the voting
shares of the Company through Nuona Technology and Yunnan Haqisheng.

14.2 Subsidiaries of the Company

     For information on subsidiaries of the Enterprise, please refer to Section X "X. Interests in Other Entities" of this report.

14.3 Joint ventures and associates of the Company

     For details of the company's important joint ventures or associates, please refer to "3. Equity in joint arrangements or associates"
in Section 10 of this report, "10. Equity in Other Entities".

     The information on other joint ventures or associates that produced balance by conducting related-party transactions with the
Company in the current period or in the earlier period is shown as follows:
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report

              Name of joint ventures or associates                                      Relationship with the Company

                          Hangzhou Meixi                                                           Associates

                          Shenzhen Nature                                                          Associates

                      Beijing Huanfang Shidai                                                      Associates

                    Yizheng (Suzhou) Biology                                                       Associates

                     Hunan Miao Miao Health                                                        Associates

                    Weimai Qingtong Medical                                                        Associates

                     Shanghai Weimu Medical                                                        Associates

    Other note: During the reporting period, we had no significant joint ventures or associates.

14.4 Information on other related parties

                   Name of other related parties                        Relationship between other related parties and the Company
   Hangzhou Hongshan Shengheng Equity Investment                       Company controlled by Zhou Kui, Director of the Company
   Partnership (LP)

    Other note :

     The Company held the second meeting of the second Board of Directors on June 29, 2022, and reviewed and approved the
Proposal on Cooperative Investment and Related Party Transactions with Professional Investment Institutions. The Company
intends to invest in Hangzhou Sequoia Shengheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as
"Sequoia Fund") established by Sequoia Capital Equity Investment Management (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. as the manager and Hangzhou
Sequoia Kunpeng Management Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) as the general partner. And it is planned to sign the
Limited Partnership Agreement of Hangzhou Sequoia Shengheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) . Among
them, the Company, as one of the limited partners of Sequoia Fund, subscribed CNY100 million with its own funds. The share of
Sequoia Fund in the Company's investment will be confirmed according to the final actual fundraising. As of the end of the
reporting period, we have completed investment of CNY18 million.

14.5 Related party transactions

14.5.1 Related party transactions of purchasing or selling goods and rendering or receiving services

    □ Applicable  N/A

14.5.2 Related entrusted management/contracting and entrusting management/outsourcing

    □ Applicable  N/A

14.5.3 Related party lease

    □ Applicable  N/A

14.5.4 Related party guarantees

    □ Applicable  N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          2023 Annual Report

14.5.5 Fund lending/borrowing of related parties

     □ Applicable  N/A

14.5.6 Asset transfer and debt restructuring of related parties

     □ Applicable  N/A

14.5.7 Remuneration of key management personnel

                                                                                                                       Unit: CNY 10,000
                       Item                           Amount incurred in the current period      Amount incurred in the previous period
   Remuneration of key                                                               2,586.45                                      2,632.65
   management personnel

14.5.8 Other related tractions

     For details, please refer to “14.4. Other Related Parties” in “14. Related Parties and Related Transactions” under Section X of this

14.6 Receivables and payables of related parties

     □ Applicable  N/A

14.7 Commitments by related parties

     □ Applicable  N/A

14.8 Miscellaneous

     □ Applicable  N/A

15. Share-based Payment

15.1 Overall situation of share-based payment
      Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                          Unit: 10,000 shares/10,000 CNY

      Grant object            Granted in this issue        Exercise this period     Unlocked in this issue         This issue expires
       category               quantity     Amount         quantity     Amount        quantity      Amount        quantity      Amount
 marketing personnel            204.00      6,120.30                                                                 80.10      2,256.71
                                187.50      5,625.29                                                                 71.65      2,012.71
 R & D personnel                130.00      3,900.19                                                                 50.20      1,411.78
 Production staff                 3.00         90.00                                                                  0.90         24.52
 total                          524.50    15,735.78                                                                202.85       5,705.72

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             2023 Annual Report
    Stock options or other equity instruments outstanding at the end of the period
      Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                     Other equity instruments outstanding at the end of
                            Stock options outstanding at the end of the period
                                                                                                         the period
  Grant object category
                                                         Remaining term of                                             Remaining term of
                             Exercise price range                                     Exercise price range
                                                             contract                                                      contract
 Marketing personnel        CNY61.30                   12-24 months
                            CNY61.30                   12-24 months
 R&D personnel              CNY61.30                   12-24 months
 Production staff           CNY61.30                   12-24 months

     Other explanations: For details of share-based payment, please refer to "13. Implementation of the Company's Equity Incentive
Plan, Employee Stock Ownership Plan or Other Employee Incentive Measures" in Section 4 "Corporate Governance" of this report.

15.2 Equity-settled share-based payment

      Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                            Unit: 10,000 CNY

 Method for determining the fair value of equity instruments on
                                                                      Black-Scholes option pricing model
 the date of grant
 Important parameters of fair value of equity instruments on
                                                                      Historical volatility, risk-free interest rate
 grant date
 Basis for determining the number of exercisable equity
                                                                      Management's best estimate
 Reasons for significant differences between the current period’s
 estimates and the previous period’s estimates
 The cumulative amount of equity-settled share-based payments
 included in capital reserves
 Total expenses recognized for equity-settled share-based
 payments in the current period
    Other notes: For details on equity-settled share-based payments, please refer to “13. Implementation of the Company’s Equity
Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Ownership Plan or Other Employee Incentive Measures” in Section 4 “Corporate Governance” of this

15.3 Share-based payment settled in cash

     □ Applicable  N/A

15.4 Share-based payment expenses for this period

     □ Applicable  N/A

15.5 Modification and termination of share-based payment

     □ Applicable  N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   2023 Annual Report
15.6 Others

    □ Applicable  N/A

    □ Applicable  N/A

17.1 Important non-adjusting events

    □ Applicable  N/A

17.2 Profit distribution

                                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                                       On April 24, 2024, the 14th meeting of the company's second board of directors passed
                                       the "2023 Profit Distribution Proposal": As of the date of the company's current board
                                       meeting to review the profit distribution plan, the company's total share capital is
                                       423,600,000 shares, excluding the company's special repurchase After the securities
 Profit distribution scheme            account has repurchased 2,994,618 shares, the base number of allocated shares is
                                       420,605,382 shares. A cash dividend of CNY 6.00 (tax included) will be distributed to all
                                       shareholders for every 10 shares. It is expected that a cash dividend of CNY
                                       252,363,229.20 (tax included) will be distributed. No bonus shares will be issued. The
                                       capital reserve is converted into share capital; the amount of cash dividends accounts for
                                       12.6931% of the company's profits available for distribution to shareholders in 2023, and
                                       the company's remaining undistributed profits are carried forward to the next year. For
                                       example, between the date of disclosure of the distribution plan and the equity
                                       registration date for the implementation of equity distribution, the total share capital of
                                       the company with the right to profit distribution changes (for example, the company's
                                       total share capital increases due to convertible bonds, share repurchases, equity incentive
                                       exercise, refinancing) If there are changes due to reasons such as the listing of shares), the
                                       profit distribution ratio will be adjusted accordingly based on the principle that the total
                                       distribution amount remains unchanged.

17.3 Sales return

□ Applicable  N/A

17.4 Notes on other events after the balance sheet date

□ Applicable  N/A


18.1 Correction of accounting errors in the previous period

□ Applicable  N/A

18.2 Debt restructuring

□ Applicable  N/A

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  2023 Annual Report

18.3 Asset replacement

□ Applicable  N/A

18.4 Annuity plan

□ Applicable  N/A

18.5 Discontinued operations

□ Applicable  N/A

18.6 Segment information

(1) Basis for determining reportable segments and accounting policies

     The Company's main business income is divided into reportable segments according to the types of products sold.

(2) Financial information of reportable segments

                                                                                                                         Unit: CNY
                Item                Incomes                          Cost                            Gross profit
   Skin care products                            4,869,891,463.93                 1,282,695,510.54                  3,587,195,953.39
   Medical Devices                                 463,107,605.63                    87,399,714.92                     375,707,890.71
   Cosmetics                                       168,621,281.46                    62,419,740.27                     106,201,541.19

(3) Where the Company has no reportable segment or cannot disclose total assets and total liabilities of reportable segments,
explain the reasons

□ Applicable  N/A

(4) Other Description

□ Applicable  N/A

18.7 Other significant transactions and events affecting investors' decisions

□ Applicable  N/A

18.8 Miscellaneous

□ Applicable  N/A


19.1 Accounts receivable
(1) Disclosure by ageing

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       2023 Annual Report
                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                  Aging                          Book ending balance                           Book opening balance
 Within 1 year (inclusive)                                       665,107,918.02                                          544,623,016.46
 Total                                                           665,107,918.02                                          544,623,016.46

(2) Classified disclosure according to bad debt accrual method

                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                          Ending balance                                            Opening balance

                                               Provision for                                             Provision for
                          Book balance                                              Book balance
                                                     bad debts        Carryi                                   bad debts          Carryi
                                                       Proportion      ng                                                          ng
                                  Scale                               value                 Scale                   Proportion    value
                     Amount                  Amount        of                     Amount                Amount
                                                       provision                                                   provision
 with provision                                                                525,960.00     0.10% 525,960.00        100.00%
 for bad debts
 on a single

 single amount                                                                 525,960.00     0.10% 525,960.00        100.00%
 but bad debt
 receivable for
                    665,107,91                                      665,045,9 544,097,05                                         544,097,0
 provision for                    100.00% 61,925.74         0.01%                            99.90%        18.00        0.00%
                          8.02                                          92.28       6.46                                             38.46
 bad debts is
 made by
 from external
 customers for
 which bad
                    6,333,369.                                      6,271,443 2,147,788.                                         2,147,770
 debts                              0.95% 61,925.74         0.98%                             0.39%        18.00        0.00%
                           04                                             .30        25                                                .25
 provision is
 according to
                    658,774,54                                      658,774,5 541,949,26                                         541,949,2
 transaction                       99.05%                   0.00%                            99.51%                     0.00%
                          8.98                                          48.98       8.21                                             68.21

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          2023 Annual Report

                    665,107,91                                         665,045,9 544,623,01                                        544,097,0
 Total                              100.00% 61,925.74          0.01%                           100.00% 525,978.00          0.10%
                          8.02                                             92.28       6.46                                            38.46

Provision for bad debts made individually: None .
                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY

                     Opening Balance                                                Ending balance

    name                           Provision
                  Book                                            Provision for       Provision
                                    for bad      Book balance                                               Reasons for provision
                 balance                                           bad debts            ratio
                                                                                                       The individual amount is not
                                                                                                       significant and the management
                                                                                                       believes that there is no
 Unit one       525,960.00         525,960.00                                                          possibility of recovery. During
                                                                                                       the reporting period, the company
                                                                                                       has written off this account
 total          525,960.00         525,960.00

Provision for bad debts made by portfolio: CNY 61,925.74 .
                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                                                Ending balance
                                                Book balance                 Provision for bad debts            Proportion of provision
 Accounts receivables from
 external customers for which                            6,333,369.04                          61,925.74                              0.98%
 bad debts provision is accrued
 according to aging portfolios
 Total                                                   6,333,369.04                          61,925.74

Notes of the basis for determining the portfolio: For details, please refer to "13. Accounts Receivable" in Section 10 of this
report "V. Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates".

Provision for bad debts made by portfolio: CNY 0.00 .
                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                                                Ending balance
                                                Book balance                 Provision for bad debts            Proportion of provision
 Internal transaction portfolios                      658,774,548.98
 Total                                                658,774,548.98

    Notes of the basis for determining the portfolio: Refer to Note V "10. Financial Instruments" in Section X of this report for the
determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit losses of accounts receivable.

    Whether bad debt provisions for accounts receivable were made according to the general expected credit loss model:

    □ Applicable  N/A

(3) Bad debt provision provided, recovered or reversed in current period

Bad debt provision withdrawn in the reporting Period:
                                                                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                                                   Amount changed in the current period

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           2023 Annual Report
             Type                 Opening                                                   Cancellation                   Ending balance
                                          balance        Provision         Recovery                         Miscellan
                                                                            or                                 eous
                                                                            reversal        verification

   Provision for bad debts of               525,978.00     61,907.74                          525,960.00                          61,925.74
   accounts receivable
   Total                                    525,978.00     61,907.74                          525,960.00                          61,925.74

    Significant recovery or reversal of bad debt provision for the current period:

    □ Applicable  N/A

( 4 ) Accounts receivable actually written off in current period

                                                                                                                                  unit: CNY
                                project                                                        Write-off amount
 Accounts receivable actually written off                                                                                     525,960.00

    Important write-offs of accounts receivable:

    □ Applicable  N/A

( 5 ) Accounts receivable with top five ending balance collected as per the borrowers:

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                                                                                                                        Ending balance of
                                                                                               Proportion of the
                                                                                                                        bad debt provision
                                                                       Closing balance of        total closing
                                                                                                                            for accounts
                        Closing balance of      Closing balance of          accounts              balance of
   company name                                                                                                           receivable and
                        accounts receivable       contract assets        receivable and            accounts
                                                                                                                           contract asset
                                                                         contract assets        receivable and
                                                                                                contract assets
 Internal   customer
                             481,443,422.64                                481,443,422.64                  72.39%
 Internal   customer
                             112,366,491.11                                112,366,491.11                  16.89%
 Internal   customer
                              22,823,923.21                                 22,823,923.21                  3.43%
 Internal   customers
                              14,069,949.73                                 14,069,949.73                  2.12%
 Internal   customers
                              11,677,433.70                                 11,677,433.70                  1.76%
 total                       642,381,220.39                                642,381,220.39                  96.59%

19.2 Other receivables

                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY
                    Item                                      Ending balance                                 Opening balance

 Dividends receivable                                                             169,335.03                                   1,219,704.81

 Other accounts receivable                                                    740,066,308.17                                  27,404,523.03
 Total                                                                        740,235,643.20                                  28,624,227.84

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                        2023 Annual Report
(1) Interest receivable

      □ Applicable  N/A

(2) Dividends receivable

1)     Category of dividends receivable

                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
              Item (or the investee)                     Ending balance                     Opening balance
     Common stock dividends                                                  169,335.03                       1,219,704.81
     receivable from subsidiaries
     Total                                                                   169,335.03                       1,219,704.81

2) Significant Dividends Receivable Aged over 1 Year

      □ Applicable  N/A

3) Classified disclosure according to bad debt accrual method

      □ Applicable  N/A

4) Bad debt provisions accrued, recovered or reversed in the current period

      □ Applicable  N/A

5) Dividends receivable actually written off in the current period

      □ Applicable  N/A

      Other instructions: None.

(3) Other receivables

1) Other receivables classified by nature

                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
               Payment nature                          Ending book balance                Opening book balance

 Accounts receivables from subsidiaries                               734,000,000.00                       22,000,000.00
 Guaranteed deposit and security deposit                                  7,535,385.21                        6,675,735.04
 Employee provision                                                           40,000.00                          67,300.00
 Total                                                                741,575,385.21                       28,743,035.04

2)     Disclosure by ageing
                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
                                Aging                  Ending book balance                Opening book balance

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report
 Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                    714,190,850.17                                   21,327,700.00
 1-2 years                                                                     20,160,200.00                                    4,290,023.12
 2-3 years                                                                      4,226,023.12                                    2,780,576.42
 Over 3 years                                                                   2,998,311.92                                     344,735.50
         3-4 years                                                              2,653,576.42                                     344,735.50
         4-5 years                                                               344,735.50
 Total                                                                        741,575,385.21                                   28,743,035.04

3) Classified disclosure according to bad debt accrual method

                                                                                                                                  unit: CNY
                                          Ending balance                                            Opening Balance
                                              Provision for bad                                         Provision for bad
                         Book balance                                              Book balance
                                                    debts                                                     debts
       category                                          Provisi      Book                                           Provisi
                                                                                                                                Book value
                                   Propor                  on         value                    Propor                  on
                       Amount                Amount                              Amount                 Amount
                                    tion                 Proport                                tion                 Propor
                                                           ion                                                        tion
 Provision for
                      741,575,3    100.00     1,509,0              740,066,3      28,743,0     100.00      1,338,5               27,404,52
 bad debts on a                                            0.20%                                                     4.66%
                          85.21        %        77.04                  08.17         35.04         %         12.01                    3.03
 portfolio basis
 External other
                      7,575,385.              1,509,0      19.92   6,066,308      6,743,03      23.46      1,338,5    19.85      5,404,523.
 accrued based                      1.02%
                             21                 77.04         %          .17          5.04         %         12.01       %              03
 on        aging
                      734,000,0      98.98                         734,000,0      22,000,0      76.54                            22,000,00
                          00.00         %                              00.00         00.00         %                                  0.00
                      741,575,3    100.00     1,509,0              740,066,3      28,743,0     100.00      1,338,5               27,404,52
 total                                                     0.20%                                                     4.66%
                          85.21        %        77.04                  08.17         35.04         %         12.01                    3.03

       Provision for bad debts on a group basis: CNY1,509,077.04

                                                                                                                                  unit: CNY
                                                                                     Ending balance
                                                        Book balance             Provision for bad debts             Provision ratio
 Provision of external other receivables
                                                               7,575,385.21                  1,509,077.04                           19.92%
 based on aging combinations
 total                                                         7,575,385.21                  1,509,077.04

       Explanation of the basis for determining this combination: For details, please refer to "13. Accounts Receivable" in "V. Important
Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates" in Section 10 of this report.

       Provision for bad debts based on combination: CNY0.00

                                                                                                                                  unit: CNY

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           2023 Annual Report
                                                                                      Ending balance
                                                          Book balance           Provision for bad debts           Provision ratio
 internal transaction portfolio                              734,000,000.00
 total                                                       734,000,000.00

    Explanation of the basis for determining this combination: For details, please refer to "13. Accounts Receivable" in "V. Important
Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates" in Section 10 of this report.

    Provision for bad debts based on the general expected credit loss model:

                                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
                                                Stage I                   Stage II               Stage III
                                                                                           Expected credit loss
                                                                  Expected credit loss
                                           Expected credit                                  within the whole                 Total
         Provision for bad debts                                    within the whole
                                          losses for the next                                duration (credit
                                                                   duration (no credit
                                              12 months                                      impairment has
                                                                  impairment occurs)
 Balance on January 1, 202 3                      1,338,512.01                                                                1,338,512.01

 Balance as at January 1, 202 3 is
 in the current period.
 Provision in the current period                    170,565.03                                                                  170,565.03
 Balance as at December 31, 202 3                 1,509,077.04                                                                1,509,077.04

    Basis for division of each stage and provision ratio for bad debts

    □ Applicable  N/A

    Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the reporting period
    □ Applicable  N/A

4) Bad debt provision provided, recovered or reversed in current period

    Bad debt provision withdrawn in the reporting Period:

                                                                                                                              Unit: CNY
                                                                      Amount changed in the current period

                Type                   Opening                                           Cancellation                          Ending
                                       balance            Provision       Recovery                         Miscellane          balance
                                                                           or                                  ous
                                                                           reversal      verification

 Bad debt provision of other           1,338,512.01         170,565.03                                                        1,509,077.04

Significant provision for bad debt recovered or reversed among the above:
□ Applicable  N/A

5) Other receivables actually written off in the current period

□ Applicable  N/A

6) Other receivables with top five ending balances carried forward collected as per the borrowers
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         2023 Annual Report

                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
     Company                                                                                         Proportion to
                             Nature              Ending balance               Aging                                        balance of
                                                                                                   ending balance of      provision for
                                                                                                   other receivables
                                                                                                                            bad debts
   Company 1          receivables from              702,000,000.00 Within 1 year                               94.66%
   Company 2          Accounts receivables           27,000,000.00 Within 1 year,1-4 years                      3.64%
                       from subsidiaries
   Company 3          Accounts receivables             5,000,000.00 Within 1 year                               0.67%
                       from subsidiaries
   Company 4                 Deposit                   2,235,509.00 Within 3 years                              0.30%         447,101.80
   Company 5                 Deposit                   1,583,838.00 2-3years                                    0.21%         316,767.60
 Total                                              737,819,347.00                                             99.48%         763,869.40

7) Other receivables derecognized due to transfer of financial assets

    □ Applicable  N/A

19.3 Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                              Ending balance                                         Opening balance
          Item                                Provision for                                           Provision for
                             Book balance                        Carrying value    Book balance                          Carrying value
                                               Impairment                                              Impairment

 Investment in               481,799,055.23                       481,799,055.23 531,799,055.23                           531,799,055.23
 Total                       481,799,055.23                       481,799,055.23 531,799,055.23                           531,799,055.23

(1) Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                            Unit: CNY
                                  Opening          Increases and decreases in the current period
                   Opening        balance                                                                   Closing          Closing
                   balance           of                                      Provision                      balance         balance of
  The invested                                 additional       Reduce
                    (book        impairme                                       for          other           (book         impairment
                    value)           nt       investment      investment                                     value)         provision
 Kunming           25,920,00                                                                              25,920,000.
 Yunzhuang              0.00                                                                                      00
 Kunming          5,000,000.                                                                              5,000,000.0
 Botanee Sales            00                                                                                        0
 Shanghai         2,000,000.                  10,000,000.                                                 12,000,000.
 Botanee                  00                          00                                                          00
                   10,000,00                                  10,000,000.
                        0.00                                          00
                  2,000,000.                                  2,000,000.0
                         00                                             0
 Botanee          2,000,000.                                  2,000,000.0
 (Shanghai)              00                                             0

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                2023 Annual Report
 Supply Chain
 Yunnan          100,000,0                                           100,000,00
 Yunke               00.00                                                 0.00
                 60,000,00                                           60,000,000.
                      0.00                                                   00
 Shanghai        112,000,0                                           112,000,00
 Yibeini             00.00                                                 0.00
                 30,000,00               4,000,000.0                 34,000,000.
                      0.00                         0                         00
 Keningmei       20,000,00               10,000,000.                 30,000,000.
 (Shanghai)           0.00                        00                         00
 (Kunming)                                                           100,000.00
 Capital         30,000,00                             30,000,000.
 Private Equity       0.00                                     00
 Co., Ltd.
 Chengdu         50,000,00                                           50,000,000.
 Botanee              0.00                                                   00
 Private Equity  40,000,00                             40,000,000.
 Fund                 0.00                                     00
 Co., Ltd.
 Yunnan          10,200,00                                           10,200,000.
 Weijia               0.00                                                   00
 Wuhan          1,579,055.                                           1,579,055.2
 Botanee                23                                                     3
                1,000,000.                                           1,000,000.0
                        00                                                     0
                 30,000,00                                           30,000,000.
 Private Equity
                      0.00                                                   00
                                         10,000,000.                 10,000,000.
                                                  00                         00
                                         150,000,00    150,000,00
                                                0.00         0.00
                 531,799,0               184,000,00    234,000,00    481,799,05
                     55.23                      0.00         0.00          5.23

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report

(2) Investment in associates and joint ventures

□ Applicable  N/A

(3) Other Description

□ Applicable  N/A

4. Revenue and cost of sales

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                                     Amount incurred in the current period               Amount incurred in the previous period
                                     Revenues                      Costs                    Revenues                  Costs

Main business                         3,563,496,378.36          1,444,430,592.65            3,598,178,418.03        1,242,510,124.16

Other business                           34,774,354.38              23,712,371.58                3,504,608.78             1,231,809.25
Total                                 3,598,270,732.74          1,468,142,964.23            3,601,683,026.81        1,243,741,933.41

Relevant information of revenue and cost:
                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY

                                 Daily chemical industry                   Services and others                        Total
 Contract classification
                           Revenue              Cost                Revenue          Cost              Revenue             Cost
 By type of product
 Skin care products        3,283,226,857.56     1,320,990,037.61                                       3,283,226,857.56    1,320,990,037.61
 Medical Devices            219,087,540.94        94,858,397.97                                          219,087,540.94       94,858,397.97
 Cosmetics                   61,181,979.86        28,582,157.07                                           61,181,979.86       28,582,157.07
 Services and others                                                34,774,354.38     23,712,371.58       34,774,354.38       23,712,371.58
 Classification by
 business area
 Within Chinese
                           3,563,496,378.36     1,444,430,592.65    34,774,354.38     23,712,371.58    3,598,270,732.74    1,468,142,964.23
 Outside Chinese
 Type of market or
 Winona                    3,475,101,846.70     1,378,726,540.56                                       3,475,101,846.70    1,378,726,540.56
 Winona Baby                 55,856,496.29        36,717,250.98                                           55,856,496.29       36,717,250.98
 瑷 科 缦 ( AOXMED
                             15,503,715.22        12,120,877.87                                           15,503,715.22       12,120,877.87
 Miscellaneous               17,034,320.15        16,865,923.24     34,774,354.38     23,712,371.58       51,808,674.53       40,578,294.82
 Contract type
 Self-operation            3,552,895,168.19     1,440,422,493.62    34,774,354.38     23,712,371.58    3,587,669,522.57    1,464,134,865.20
 Distribution                10,601,210.17          4,008,099.03                                          10,601,210.17        4,008,099.03
 Classified by the time
 of goods transfer

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    2023 Annual Report
 Revenue recognized at
                           3,563,496,378.36     1,444,430,592.65                                      3,563,496,378.36     1,444,430,592.65
 a certain time point
 Revenue recognized
                                                                    34,774,354.38    23,712,371.58       34,774,354.38        23,712,371.58
 in a certain period
 Classification of
 contract term
 Expected to be
 completed within one      3,563,496,378.36     1,444,430,592.65    34,774,354.38    23,712,371.58    3,598,270,732.74     1,468,142,964.23
 Classification by sales
 Online channel
                           1,661,630,814.36       960,042,911.61                                      1,661,630,814.36      960,042,911.61
 product sales
 Offline channel
                           1,901,865,564.00       484,387,681.04                                      1,901,865,564.00      484,387,681.04
 product sales
 Offline channel
                                                                    34,774,354.38    23,712,371.58       34,774,354.38        23,712,371.58
 services and others
 Total                     3,283,226,857.56     1,320,990,037.61    34,774,354.38    23,712,371.58    3,598,270,732.74     1,468,142,964.23

Information related to performance obligations:The Company has delivered the goods to the customer according to the agreed delivery
method. When the customer obtains the control right of the goods agreed in the contract, the Company recognizes the revenue when
completing the contract performance obligations.

Information related to variable consideration in the contract:
□ Applicable  N/A

Major contract changes or major transaction price adjustments
□ Applicable  N/A

5. Investment income

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY
                    Item                           Amount incurred in the current period     Amount incurred in the previous period

 Income from entrusted financial                                             53,372,195.12                               75,098,955.60
 management of cash management
 Dividends from subsidiaries                                                  1,143,391.98                                2,035,704.81
 Dividends received from investments in                                          94,756.71
 non-current financial assets
 Investment income from the disposal of
                                                                             -3,068,821.29                                 310,000.00
 long-term equity investments
 Total                                                                       51,541,522.52                               77,444,660.41

6. Others

□ Applicable  N/A

20. Supplementary information

1. List of non-recurring loss/gain of the current period

 Applicable □ N/A
Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             2023 Annual Report
                                                                                                                                Unit: CNY

                                          Item                                                 Amount                      Description
 Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets                                                461,616.01                     461,616.01

 Government subsidies included in the current profit or loss (excluding those
 closely related to the normal business of the Company and granted under the
                                                                                              131,682,124.63                  131,682,124.63
 national policies and continuously enjoyed according to a certain quota of amount
 or volume)

 Except for the effective hedging activities related to the Company’s ordinary
 activities, profit or loss arising from changes in fair value of financial assets and         -17,238,886.41                 -17,238,886.41
 financial liabilities held for trading, and investment income from disposal of
 financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading and available-for-sale
 financial assets
 Profits and losses on the assets by entrusting others to invest or manage

                                                                                               54,656,428.89                   54,656,428.89

 Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above                                      -7,167,283.17                -7,167,283.17

 Less: Effect on income tax                                                                    22,633,297.72
        Amount affected by minority shareholders ’ equity                                         1,024,486.20
 Total                                                                                        138,736,216.03                   --

      Other profit or loss conforming to the definition of non-recurring gains and losses
       Applicable □ N/A

      According to the relevant regulations of the "Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure of Companies that
Publicly Offer Securities - Non-recurring Profit and Loss (Revised in 2023)" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on
December 22, 2023, the company will be closely related to the company's normal operating business in 2023. Government subsidies
that comply with national policies, are enjoyed in accordance with determined standards, and have a lasting impact on the company's
profits and losses are recognized as recurring profits and losses, and non-recurring profits and losses in 2022 and 2021 will be adjusted
in the same manner. The after-tax non-recurring profits and losses attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2022 and 2021
will decrease by 2,458,461.09 CNY and 2,462,143.48 CNY respectively.

      Explanation on defining the non-recurring gains and losses set out in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Securities to the Public - Non-Recurring Gains and Losses as recurring gains and losses
      □ Applicable  N/A

2.     Return on equity and earnings per share

                                                                                                             Earnings per share

                      Profit in the report period                     Weighted average               Basic earnings        Diluted earnings
                                                                          return on net                per share              per share
                                                                          assets                      (CNY/share)           (CNY/share)
     Net profit attributed to ordinary shareholders of the                                13.21%                   1.79                   1.79

     Net profit attributed to ordinary shareholders of the                                10.79%                   1.46                   1.46
     Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses

3. Difference in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting rules

Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co., Ltd.                                                             2023 Annual Report
(1) Discrepancy between the net profits and the net assets attributable to shareholders of the Listed Company in the
Financial Reports disclosed simultaneously according to the International Accounting Standard and China Accounting

     □ Applicable  N/A

(2) The difference between net profits in the financial report and net assets belonging to the shareholders of listed
companies exposed as per International Accounting Standard and Chinese Accounting Standard

     □ Applicable  N/A

(3) Specify the reasons for difference in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards (if any); if
adjustment is made to data audited by overseas audit firm, specify the name of such audit firm

     □ Applicable  N/A

4.   Miscellaneous

     □ Applicable  N/A
