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大华股份:2024 Semi-Annual Report2024-08-31  

                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

             Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                          2024 Semi-Annual Report

                                       August 24, 2024
This document is a translated version of the Chinese 2024 Semi-Annual Report (“2024 年半年度报告全文 ”),
and the published semi-annual report in the Chinese version shall prevail.
The complete published Chinese 2024 Semi-Annual Report may be obtained at http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

            Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions

    The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, Directors, Supervisors and Senior

Management hereby guarantee that the information presented in this report are true, accurate,

and complete without any false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and they

will bear joint and several liability for such information.

    Fu Liquan, the Company's legal representative, Xu Qiaofen, chief accountant, and Zhu

Zhuling, person in charge of accounting institution (Accounting Officer) hereby declare and

warrant that the financial statements in the semi-annual report are authentic, accurate, and


    All directors attended the meeting of the Board of Directors for deliberation of this

semiannual report.

    During the reporting period, there was no significant change in the risks faced by the

Company. The Company has been trying to identify all kinds of risks and actively take counter-

measures to avoid and reduce the risks.

    (1) Risk of technology upgrading: The smart IoT industry is a typical technology-intensive

industry, featuring extremely fast upgrading. If the Company is unable to keep up with

development trends of industrial technologies, to pay full attention to customers' diversifie d

needs, and to devote sufficient R&D investments, it may still face the risk of losing market

competitiveness due to discontinuous innovation. By increasing R & D investment, the

Company continues to strengthen research on such core technologies as multi-dimensional

perception, large model in AI, video cloud, big data, network communication, network security,

and machine vision, and reserves product, technology, management and talent resources for a

broader market in the future, so as to achieve sustainable and steady business development.

                                                2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    (2) Risk of business model change: With the development of Internet of Things, AI, big

data, cloud computing, network communications, among other technologies, as well as the

upgrades of intelligent terminal applications, the business model in the IoT era may have an

impact on the traditional industry development. If an enterprise fails to grasp opportunitie s

brought about by the business model transformation in a timely manner, it may face the risk

that the original market pattern becomes broken. The Company continues to focus on and study

the major changes in global economy, industry and technology, analyze the industry

development logic, and predict the evolution of smart IoT industry, the continuous integration

of video, information communication and digital technologies, and the diversification and

uncertainty of customer demands. While consolidating its current advantageous market, the

Company is also actively exploring and piloting new businesses and new commercial modes,

with business and technical layout.

    (3) Risk of declined local fiscal payment capacity: At present, local fiscal debt is relatively

high. If the local fiscal payment capacity declines, it may slow down the growth of industry

demands, prolong the construction period of projects, extend the collection of capital, and delay

customers' payment. The Company continues to improve the internal control system and

optimize the project review methods, select local projects carefully and assess project risks

systematically with prudent assessment of the market logic and cash flow balance logic, and

reasonable control of risks. In addition, it formulates plans to deal with potential risks such as

cash flow shortage, project delay, and payment delay.

    (4) Risk of international operations: The Company's products and solutions are available

in more than 100 countries and regions overseas. As such, its international business operations

may be exposed to risks of regional trade protection, political conflicts in local regions,

increasingly complex law compliance requirements and continuous global growth slowdown in

                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

the countries and regions where it operates. The Company actively guards against and responds

to risks of international operations by establishing an overseas compliance risk control system.

It continuously strengthens the understanding and adaptability of the laws and regulations as

well as the political and economic environment of the regions where its business is involved, and

formulates differentiated business strategies based on "one country, one policy" in accordance

with the changes in politics and economy of different regions to reduce operational risks.

    (5) Exchange rate risk: The Company's export transactions have been mostly settled in

U.S. dollars. As our overseas business is in continuous growth, the fluctuation of exchange rate

may affect our profitability. The Company hedges and avoids exchange rate risks by centralized

management of foreign exchange funds and hedging of purchase payments in line with its main

use of U.S. dollars as the settlement currency.

    (6) Risk of product safety: The Company attaches great importance to and continuously

strengthens resource investment to ensure safe and reliable system operations so as to respond

to product security risks on the Internet. However, hackers attacks, computer viruses, physical

security vulnerabilities, natural disasters, accidents, power interruptions, telecommunications

failures, terrorism, and warfare events may still occur from time to time, resulting in security

vulnerabilities, system failures, or service interruptions. The Company has founded a cyber

security committee, and set up a professional security team to develop company-level product

safety plans, ensuring product safety in the whole process from demands, design, to coding and

testing. At the same time, the Company actively carries out technical exchanges and cooperation

with mainstream safety enterprises, safety evaluation agencies and corresponding industry

associations to provide customers with safe products and solutions.

    (7) Intellectual property risk: The promotion of the Company's globalization strategy and

its own brand strategy may expose the Company to intellectual property rights risks and patent

                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

infringement, as well as such risks as business relations, fluctuations in the public opinion

environment, increased legal proceedings and rising costs. With a high priority on technological

innovation, the Company has established a mechanism for the protection and management of

intangible assets such as innovation achievements, own brands and trade secrets, so as to

continuously gather advantageous intellectual property assets; with the establishment of an

intellectual property compliance and risk control system, the Company continuously

strengthens its ability to understand and master intellectual property laws and regulations as

well as the administrative and judicial environment in the regions where it operates.

     (8) Supply chain security risk: The Company pays attention to suppliers' operational risks

and monitors suppliers' operations in real time by establishing an ope rational risk data

management platform to avoid potential risks; it promotes diversified supply sources to

guarantee supply delivery.

     The profit distribution plan deliberated and approved by the Company’s board of

directors: Based on 3,272,527,089 shares after deducting the re-purchased shares (19,819,601

shares), the Company paid a cash dividend of RMB 1.84 (tax inclusive) every 10 shares to all

shareholders, and paid 0 bonus shares (tax inclusive), and did not convert capital reserve into

share capital.

                                                                        2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                    Table of Contents
Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions ..................................................................................... 2
Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators............................................................................ 12
Section III Management Discussion and Analysis ....................................................................................... 15
Section IV Corporate Governance ............................................................................................................ 37
Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities.................................................................................. 40
Section VI Significant Events .................................................................................................................. 42
Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders.............................................................. 60
Section VIII Information of Preferred Shares ............................................................................................. 68
Section IX Situation on Corporate Bonds .................................................................................................. 69
Section X Financial Report...................................................................................................................... 70

                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                 Documents Available for Reference

i. Financial statements signed and sealed by the Company's person in charge, the chief accountant, and the person in charge of

accounting department (accounting officer).

ii. The original of all the Company's documents publicly disclosed during the reporting period and the original of the announcement.

iii. The said documents need to be prepared and placed at the Company's Securities Department for reference by investors.

                                                         2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

         Item of definition        Refers To                                      Definitions
Reporting Period                   Refers To   From January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
Dahua, company, the company        Refers To   Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Dahua System Engineering,
                                   Refers To   Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd.
System Engineering Company
Dahua Vision Technology            Refers To   Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd.
Dahua Security Network,
                                   Refers To   Zhejiang Dahua Security Network Operation Service Co., Ltd.
Operation Company
Dahua Ju'an                        Refers To   Zhejiang Dahua Ju'an Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangxi Dahua Information          Refers To   Guangxi Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangxi Yunlian                    Refers To   Guangxi Dahua Yunlian Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Xiaohua Technology, Hangzhou
                                   Refers To   Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology CO., LTD.
Dahua Zhilian                      Refers To   Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd.
Dahua Investment, Dahua
                                   Refers To   Zhejiang Dahua Investment Management Co., Ltd.
Investment Management
Guangxi Zhicheng, Dahua
                                   Refers To   Guangxi Dahua Zhicheng Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Huacheng, Huacheng
                                   Refers To   Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Xinjiang Information               Refers To   Xinjiang Dahua Zhixin Information Technology Co., Ltd.
HuaRay Technology                  Refers To   Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd.
Fuyang Hua'ao                      Refers To   Hangzhou Fuyang Hua'ao Technology Co., Ltd.
Huafei Intelligent                 Refers To   Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology CO., LTD.
Huachuang Vision                   Refers To   Zhejiang Huachuang Vision Technology Co., Ltd.
Guizhou Huayi                      Refers To   Guizhou Huayi Shixin Technology Co., Ltd.
Xinjiang Zhihe                     Refers To   Xinjiang Dahua Zhihe Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangxi Huacheng                   Refers To   Guangxi Huacheng Technology Co., Ltd.
Meitan Dahua Technology            Refers To   Guizhou Meitan Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Inner Mongolia Zhimeng             Refers To   Inner Mongolia Dahua Zhimeng Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Xinjiang Zhitian                   Refers To   Xinjiang Dahua Zhitian Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Xinjiang Xinzhi                    Refers To   Xinjiang Dahua Xinzhi Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Xinjiang Huayue                    Refers To   Xinjiang Dahua Huayue Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Leapmotor Technology               Refers To   Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd.
Leapmotor                          Refers To   Leapmotor Automobile Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Dahua Information,
                                   Refers To   Tianjin Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Dahua
Hunan Dahua Zhilong, Dahua
                                   Refers To   Hunan Dahua Zhilong Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Huaxiao Technology                 Refers To   Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd.
Vision Technology                  Refers To   Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co., Ltd.
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian, Xi'an Dahua   Refers To   Xi'an Dahua Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.
Huaruipin                          Refers To   Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co. Ltd.
Beijing Huayue                     Refers To   Beijing Huayue Shangcheng Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.

                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Huashang               Refers To   Shanghai Huashang Chengyue Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.
Dahua Jinzhi                    Refers To   Zhejiang Dahua Jinzhi Technology Co., Ltd.
Dahua Hong Kong, Dahua (HK)
                                Refers To   Dahua Technology (HK) Limited
Zhoushan Operation              Refers To   Zhejiang Zhoushan Digital Development Operation Co. Ltd.
Yunnan Zhili                    Refers To   Yunnan Zhili Technology Co., Ltd
Guangxi Dahua Technology        Refers To   Guangxi Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Huayixin                        Refers To   Zhejiang Huayixin Technology Co., Ltd.
Huaruijie                       Refers To   Zhejiang Huaruijie Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Zhilian                 Refers To   Chengdu Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Zhian                   Refers To   Chengdu Dahua Zhian Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Zhishu                  Refers To   Chengdu Dahua Zhishu Information Technology Service Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Zhichuang               Refers To   Chengdu Zhichuang Yunshu Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Smart Network           Refers To   Chengdu Huishan Smart Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Huakong Software                Refers To   Zhejiang Huakong Software Co., Ltd.
Huacheng Software               Refers To   Hangzhou Huacheng Software Co., Ltd.
Henan Dahua                     Refers To   Henan Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Huajian                         Refers To   Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhengzhou Dahua Zhian           Refers To   Zhengzhou Dahua Zhian Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Dahua International             Refers To   Dahua Technology International Co., Ltd.
Anhui Zhilian                   Refers To   Anhui Dahua Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Anhui Zhishu                    Refers To   Anhui Dahua Zhishu Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Changsha Dahua                  Refers To   Changsha Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Huajian                 Refers To   Tianjin Huajian Technology Co., Ltd.
Wuhu Huajian                    Refers To   Wuhu Huajian Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Pixfra                 Refers To   Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Huaxi                      Refers To   Yiwu Huaxi Technology Co., Ltd.
Dahua Operation                 Refers To   Zhejiang Dahua Intelligent IoT Operation Service Co., Ltd.
Nanyang Intelligent             Refers To   Nanyang Dahua Intelligent Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Yibin Huahui                    Refers To   Yibin Huahui Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Huazhiwei               Refers To   Chengdu Huazhiwei Technology Co., Ltd.
IMOU Xi'an                      Refers To   Xi'an IMOU Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.
Luoyang Zhiyu                   Refers To   Luoyang Dahua Zhiyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Huaqi Intelligence              Refers To   Zhejiang Huaqi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Information             Refers To   Chengdu Dahua Wisdom Information Technology Co., Ltd.
HJ Technology                   Refers To   Zhejiang HJ Technology Co., Ltd.
Huaxiyue                        Refers To   Guangdong Huaxiyue Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Huajie Operation                Refers To   Zhejiang Huajie New Energy Operation Service Co., Ltd.
Shuhang Intelligent             Refers To   Zhejiang Shuhang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Ruifa                   Refers To   Qingdao Dahua Ruifa Intelligent Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd.
Shandong Digital Intelligence   Refers To   Shandong Dahua Digital Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd.
Fujian Qingchuang               Refers To   Fujian Dahua Qingchuang Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
Dahua Europe                    Refers To   Dahua Europe B.V.

                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Middle East           Refers To   Dahua Technology Middle East FZE
Dahua Mexico                Refers To   Dahua Technology Mexico S.A. DE C.V
Dahua Chile                 Refers To   Dahua Technology Chile SpA
Dahua Malaysia              Refers To   Dahua Security Malaysia SDN. BHD.
Dahua Korea                 Refers To   Dahua Technology Korea Company Limited
Dahua Indonesia             Refers To   PT. Dahua Vision Technology Indonesia
Dahua Colombia              Refers To   Dahua Technology Colombia S.A.S
Dahua Australia             Refers To   Dahua Technology Australia PTY LTD
Dahua Singapore             Refers To   Dahua Technology Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Dahua South Africa          Refers To   Dahua Technology South Africa Proprietary Limited
Dahua Peru                  Refers To   Dahua Technology Perú S.A.C
Dahua Russia                Refers To   Dahua Technology Rus Limited Liability Company
                                        DAHUA TECHNOLOGY BRASIL COMRCIO ESERVIOS EM
Dahua Brazil                Refers To
                                        SEGURANA ELETRNICA LTDA
Dahua Canada                Refers To   Dahua Technology Canada INC.
Dahua Panama                Refers To   Dahua Technology Panama S.A.
Dahua Hungary               Refers To   Dahua Technology Hungary Kft
Dahua Poland                Refers To   Dahua Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Dahua Italy                 Refers To   Dahua Technology Italy S.R.L.
Dahua Tunisia               Refers To   Dahua Technology Tunisia Limited Liability Company
Dahua Kenya                 Refers To   Dahua Technology Kenya Limited
Dahua UK                    Refers To   Dahua Technology UK Limited
Dahua Germany               Refers To   Dahua Technology GmbH
Dahua Serbia                Refers To   Dahua Technology SRB d.o.o.
Dahua India                 Refers To   Dahua Technology India Private Limited
Dahua Turkey                Refers To   Dahua Guvenlik Teknolojileri Sanayive Ticaret A.S.
Dahua Czech                 Refers To   Dahua Technology Czech s.r.o.
Dahua Argentina             Refers To   Dahua Argentina S.A.
Dahua Spain                 Refers To   Dahua Iberia, S.L.
Dahua Kazakhstan            Refers To   Dahua Technology Kazakhstan LLP
Dahua Denmark               Refers To   Dahua Technology Denmark Aps.
Dahua France                Refers To   Dahua Technology France SAS
Dahua Technology Holdings   Refers To   Dahua Technology Holdings Limited
Dahua New Zealand           Refers To   Dahua Technology New Zealand Limited
Dahua Netherlands           Refers To   Dahua Technology Netherlands B.V.
Dahua Morocco               Refers To   Dahua Technology Morocco SARL
Dahua Romania               Refers To   Dahua Technology S.R.L
Dahua Uzbekistan            Refers To   Dahua Vision LLc
Dahua Bulgaria              Refers To   Dahua Technology Bulgaria EOOD
Dahua Sri Lanka             Refers To   Dahua Technology China (Pvt) LTD
Dahua Pakistan              Refers To   Dahua Technology Pakistan (private) Limited
Dahua Thailand              Refers To   Dahua Technology (Thailand) Co.,LTD.
Dahua Nigeria               Refers To   Dahua Technology Nigeria Representative Ltd

                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Israel                Refers To   Dahua Technology Israel Ltd.
Dahua Mexico Service        Refers To   VISMEXTECH DHM SERVICIOS, S.A. DEC.V.
Huacheng Netherlands        Refers To   Imou Network Technology Netherlands B.V.
Dahua Japan                 Refers To   Dahua Technology Japan LLC
Huacheng Hong Kong          Refers To   Huacheng Network (HK) Technology Limited
Dahua Qatar                 Refers To   Dahua Technology QFZ LLC
Dahua Pacific               Refers To   Dahua Technology Pacific S.A
                                        INTELBRAS S.A. INDSTRIA DE TELECOMUNICAO ELETRNICA
Intelbras S.A.              Refers To
Dahua Saudi Arabia          Refers To   Dahua Technology Middle East for Maintenance Single Person Company
Dahua Bengal                Refers To   Dahua Technology Bangladesh Private Limited
IMOU Vietnam                Refers To   CNG TY TNHH CNG NGH IMOU NETWORK VIT NAM
HuaRay Singapore            Refers To   HUARAY TECHNOLOGY SINGAPORE PTE. LTD.
Dahua Belgium Co.           Refers To   Dahua Technology Belgium BV
Dahua Saudi Arabia Co.      Refers To   Dahua Technology Regional Headquarters
Dahua Argentina Co.         Refers To   Dahua Technology Azerbaijan LLC
Dahua Vietnam Co., Ltd.     Refers To   Dahua Technology Vietnam Company Limited
HuaRay Germany              Refers To   Huaray technology GmbH
Dahua Angola                Refers To   DAHUA EUROPE B.V - SUCURSAL EM ANGOLA
IMOU Teknologi Indonesia    Refers To   PT IMOU TEKNOLOGI INDONESIA
IMOU Indonesia Senantiasa   Refers To   PT IMOU INDONESIA SENANTIASA
Hirige MaLaysia             Refers To   Hirige Technology MaLaysia Sdn.Bhd.
Dahua Egypt                 Refers To   Dahua Technology Egypt LLC
                                        DAHUA TECHNOLOGY AUH FOR SECURITY & SURVEILLANCE –
DAHUA Abu Dhabi             Refers To
                                        SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP L.L.C.

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

            Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators

I. Company Overview

   Stock Abbreviation                DAHUA                             Stock Code                       002236
   Stock Exchange                    Shenzhen Stock Exchange
   Company Name in Chinese           Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
   Company Abbreviation in
   Chinese (If any)
   Company Name in Foreign
                                     ZHEJIANG DAHUA TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.
   Language (If any)
   Legal Representative              Fu Liquan

II. Contact Person and Contact Information

                                                           Secretary of the Board               Representative of Securities Affairs
   Name                                          Wu Jian                                     Li Sirui
                                                 No. 1399 Bixing Road, Binjiang District,    No. 1399 Bixing Road, Binjiang District,
   Contact Address
                                                 Hangzhou City                               Hangzhou City
   Phone                                         0571-28939522                               0571-28939522
   Fax                                           0571-28051737                               0571-28051737
   Email                                         zqsw@dahuatech.com                          zqsw@dahuatech.com

III. Other Information

1.Company Contact Information

Whether the Company's registered address, the Company's office address and its postal code, the Company's website, e -mail address,
etc. have changed during the reporting period
□ Applicable Not applicable
There is no change in the Company's registered address, the Company's office address and its postal code, the Company's website, e -
mail address, etc. during the reporting period. Refer to the 2023 Annual Report for details.

2. Information Disclosure and Location

Whether the information disclosure and location have changed during the reporting period
□ Applicable Not applicable
There is no change in the name and website of the stock exchange and media outlets disclosed in the semi-annual report, or the location
of the semi-annual report. Refer to the 2023 Annual Report for details.

3. Other Related Information

Whether there is any change in other related information
□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

IV. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether the Company needs retroactive adjustment or restatement of accounting data in prior years or not
□ Yes No

                                                                                                             Increase/decrease ratio
                                       Current reporting period           Same period of last year          compared with the same
                                                                                                               period of last year
   Operating revenue (RMB)                      14,866,622,569.81                  14,633,547,280.64                              1.59%
   Net profit attributable to
   shareholders of the listed                    1,809,589,445.46                   1,976,018,373.13                             -8.42%
   Company (RMB)
   Net profit attributable to
   shareholders of the listed
   company after deducting non-                  1,762,237,469.53                   1,754,769,829.96                              0.43%
   recurring gains and losses
   Net cash flow generated by
                                                  -507,185,620.71                     262,696,745.71                          -293.07%
   operational activities (RMB)
   Basic Earnings per Share
                                                              0.56                                 0.63                         -11.11%
   Diluted Earnings per Share
                                                              0.56                                 0.63                         -11.11%
   Weighted Average ROE                                     5.10%                              6.70%                             -1.60%
                                                                                                          Increase/decrease ratio at the
                                                                                                           end of the current reporting
                                     End of this reporting period           End of the last year
                                                                                                          period compared with the end
                                                                                                                   of last year
   Total assets (RMB)                           50,209,775,852.19                  52,881,927,214.00                             -5.05%
   Net assets attributable to
   shareholders of the listed                   35,406,684,602.41                  34,719,173,825.42                              1.98%
   company (RMB)

V. Differences in accounting data Under domestic and overseas accounting standards

(1) Differences of net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed according to the international
accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period of the Company, there is no difference between the net profits and net assets in the financial reports
disclosed according to international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards.

(2) Differences between the net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed according to the
overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period of the Company, there is no difference between the net profits and net assets in the financial re ports
disclosed according to overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards.

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

VI. Non-recurring Gains and Losses Items and Their Amounts

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                  Item                                             Amount                           Note
   Profits or losses from disposal of non-current assets
   (including the write-off for the accrued impairment of assets)
   The government subsidies included in the current profits and
   losses (excluding the government subsidies closely related to
   regular businesses of the Company, in line with national                              81,469,680.71
   policies, entitled to according to the established standard, and
   continuously impacting the Company’s profits and losses)
   Profits and losses resulting from the changes in fair value for
   financial assets and financial liabilities held by non-financial
   enterprises, and from disposal of financial assets and                               -45,494,542.45
   liabilities, excluding the effective hedging businesses related
   to the regular business operation of the Company
   Gains or losses from investment or asset management
   entrusted to others
   Reversal of the receivables depreciation reserves for separate
   impairment test
   Profits and losses on debt restructuring                                                 -70,000.00
   Non-Operating Revenue and expenses other than the above                                3,993,096.01
   Other gains and losses items that fit the definition of non-
   recurring gains and losses
   Less: Impact of income tax                                                            -8,443,918.44
          Impact of minority equity (after tax)                                          11,237,589.47
   Total                                                                                 47,351,975.93
Other gains or losses that fit the definition of non-recurring gains or losses:
□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no other gains or losses that fit the definition of non-recurring gains or losses.
Note for the definition of non-recurring gains and losses listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for
Companies Issuance Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring gains and losses, as recurring gains and losses.
□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company did not define any non-recurring gains and losses listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on Information
Disclosure for Companies Issuance Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring gains and losses as recurring gains and losses.

                                                            2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                  Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Main Businesses of the Company during the Reporting Period

There is no major change in the Company's main businesses during the reporting period. Refer to the 2023 Annual
Report for details.

II. Core Competitiveness Analysis

There is no major change in areas of core competitiveness during the reporting period. Refer to the 2023 Annual
Report for details.

III. Main Business Analysis

     In the first half of 2024, the global economy recovered slowly, the turmoil in local regions continued, the

international situation faced more uncertainty; China continues to promote Chinese-style modernization, the

establishment of the overall layout of a digital China and the overall development of the new quality productive

forces in various sectors. In that case, thousands of industries ushered in the opportunity of digital intelligent

transformation, and the business environment sustains long-term good prospects. At the same time, a new round of

scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is booming, and the accelerated innovation of

AI, big model, Internet of Things, digital twin and other technologies drives continuous landing of new products

and new scenes and further release of the potential of smart IoT industry.

     In this context, the Company adheres to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability and

promoting high-quality development, focuses on the central work of promoting growth, strengthening ecology,

increasing competition and improving personnel efficiency, and takes the initiative to promote the Company's high-

quality development. In terms of research and development, the Company develops its business in such fields as

multi-dimensional perception, intelligent computing, and data communication, polishes large model prototype

points and promotes their replication and implementation, and continuously launches new products such as Xeon,

Luban, Honghu, Sky Series and Nightvision King 2.0 to create extremely competitive software and hardware

products. In the domestic market, the Company continues to deepen the channel business in the distribution field,

keeps penetrating the secondary and tertiary markets vertically and expands special channels horizontally, to provide

a richer category of special products and controls the quality of the distribution business; in the urban business field,

domestic fiscal operation is facing phased pressure. The release of government demand is slow. On the basis of

                                                           2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

refined operation and maintenance of existing customers, the Company increases resource investment in systematic

opportunity points; in the enterprise business field, the operation is generally stable. The Company, by focusing on

the digital and intelligent transformation of enterprises, delves deep into core businesses, accelerates the research

and development of new digital and intelligent products, and actively contributes to the improvement of enterprise

productive force. In overseas markets, the Company continues to deepen the construction of the distribution systems,

comprehensively promotes grid coverage, explores operations for third-tier customers, accelerates the layout of new

business pipelines, and maintains sustained business growth; at the same time, it optimizes and polishes the plan,

and realizes the creation of prototypes for precise promotion and rapid and effective replication in smart cities, urban

transportation, education and energy. In innovative business, based on the smart IoT filed the Company continues

to expand its business boundaries for integration and complementation with the Group's main business, and it

continues to carry out technological innovation to maintain good business growth. In supply chain and delivery, the

Company focus on customer experience in delivery and continuously improves its digital delivery capability. It also

accelerates the construction of overseas supply centers, continuously improves its overseas delivery capability and

enhances its global core competitiveness.

     During the reporting period, under the influence of many factors at home and abroad, the Company still adhered

to the business philosophy of refined management and high-quality development, achieving operating income of

RMB 14.867 billion, an increase of 1.59% over the same period last year; after deducting non-recurring gains and

losses, the Company achieved RMB 1.762 billion of net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company,

an increase of 0.43% year-on-year.

     1. Moving to business growth from stable development and adhering to high-quality development

     The Company adheres to high-quality development, promotes growth, ecology and human efficiency, and

emphasizes customer first, and pursues commercial success and customer development; sustains ecological

development, builds a new ecosystem of co-construction, coexistence and win-win situation, and endeavors to create

unique and differentiated value for its partners and achieve common growth; improves the management efficiency,

the human efficiency and the organization effectiveness; adheres to balanced business development, and lays a solid

foundation for sustainable high-quality development to meet customers’ needs better. The Company actively

assumes greater social responsibility in ESG, low-carbon, rural revitalization, social poverty alleviation and relief,

and technology for equality and good, and fulfills the mission of "enabling a smarter living and a safer society".

     2. Keeping precision investment in research and development, and deepening "five full" capabilities

                                                          2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     The Company will adhere to the core of technological innovation, maintain large-scale investment in research

and development, and deepen the "five full" capabilities. In addition to maintaining investment in traditional video

technology, the Company will continue to strengthen research, development and productization in technical fields

such as multi-dimensional perception, large models in AI, data intelligence, intelligent computing, cloud computing,

software platforms, network communications, network security, and innovative businesses to deepen the "five full"

capabilities, focus on value business scenarios, and build leading solutions, products and technology systems in the


     3. Improving software management capabilities and deepening the data industry chain

     The Company focuses on the process of valuing data elements and actively plays the role of data resource

provider, data assetization practitioner and data commercialization enabler from multi-dimensional perception,

multiple connections, view intelligence, and open platforms. It works together with partners, overcome difficulties

and leverages the "multiplier effect" of data elements to empower efficient urban governance and digital and

intelligent upgrades of enterprises. The Company upgrades the digital and intelligent platform of IoT, consolidates

the graph-digit fusion computing system, and builds a one-stop digital and intelligent engine, breaking the

computing barriers between view data and business data, realizing multi-dimensional feature mining and multi-

modal relationship establishment, and empowering efficient urban governance and digital and intelligent enterprises.

Relying on its software engineering capabilities, the Company can quickly load the CV big model and graph-digit

fusion technology in the industry scenario module, freely orchestrate and construct rich industry applications, and

amplify the value of the innovative business in the flow of the value chain of the cities, enterprise and industries.

Based on the developer platform, Dahua Public Cloud provides rich SaaS services for various industries, including

Dahua CloudView, Dahua CloudLink, DoLynk and other public cloud products, and provides enterprises with a

brand-new operation mode, upgrading to “data+intelligence” from manual, and empowering enterprises to

transform their digital and intelligent management.

     4. Hand in hand with partners to grow together and create a ecological environment of co-construction,

symbiosis and win-win situation

     Facing the unprecedented opportunities of digital economy development, the Company will continue to explore

and practice with ecological partners, and strive to build a comprehensive altruistic service platform integrating

technology, products, solutions, operations, services and management consulting services to help partners keep

innovating and developing. In China, the Company speeds up front-line business response through city-based

business penetration, capability penetration of training empowerment and special support, hierarchical management,

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

business authority penetration, and management decision-making penetration; in overseas distribution penetration,

it makes the customers hierarchical and classified, carries out precise investment and marketing and strengthens

brand coverage; in integrator penetration, it focuses on key markets and key customers, and strengthens the

penetration support system. The Company and its partners will, in line with the concept of "Employee+Partner",

continue to implement the integration and development of "New Opportunity, New Idea, New Order, New Mode,

New Management, New Goal, New Responsibility", adhere to the altruistic thinking, strengthen the ecology, and

comprehensively support the development of high-quality business.

      5. Promoting the development of innovative business and expanding new high-speed growth points

      In the innovative business, the Company, based on its in-depth understanding of customers' diversified needs

and years of experience in intelligent IoT, continues to explore emerging businesses, including: innovative

businesses such as machine vision and mobile robot, smart life, thermal imaging, automotive electronics, smart

security check, smart fire fighting, and storage media, to continuously expand new high-speed growth points.

YoY rates in key financial indicators

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                  Current reporting         Same period of last
                                                                                    increase or         Reasons for changes
                                       period                     year
   Operating revenue                14,866,622,569.81          14,633,547,280.64         1.59%    No major changes
   Operating Cost                       8,731,425,638.53        8,363,987,899.64         4.39%    No major changes
   Sales Expenses                       2,268,236,496.11        2,190,619,243.64         3.54%    No major changes
                                          511,481,522.31          574,719,904.27       -11.00%    No major changes
                                                                                                  Mainly due to decrease in
                                                                                                  exchange earnings from last year
   Financial expenses                    -249,811,638.73         -420,452,697.53        40.59%
                                                                                                  arising from exchange rate
                                                                                                  Mainly due to increase of tax
   Income tax expense                      -33,838,461.10         201,745,311.54      -116.77%    rebates compared with the same
                                                                                                  period of the previous year
   R&D investment                       1,901,330,160.90        1,814,620,715.06         4.78%    No major changes
                                                                                                  Mainly due to increase of taxes
   Net cash flow
                                                                                                  and payroll payment in the
   generated by operating                -507,185,620.71          262,696,745.71      -293.07%
                                                                                                  current period over the same
                                                                                                  period of last year
   Net amount of cash                                                                             Mainly due to the large-
   flow generated by                    -3,738,735,276.02        -171,498,326.33    -2,080.04%    denomination certificates of
   investment activities                                                                          deposit purchased from banks
                                                                                                  Mainly due to an increase in the
   Net cash flow
                                                                                                  funds raised in the same period of
   generated by financing               -2,231,053,114.28       3,782,792,161.14      -158.98%
                                                                                                  last year and the dividend paid
                                                                                                  this year over the same period of

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                    last year
                                                                                                    Mainly due to the funds raised in
                                                                                                    the same period of last year and
   Net Increase in Cash
                                     -6,386,639,986.44           3,919,584,443.18       -262.94%    the large-denomination
   and Cash Equivalents
                                                                                                    certificates of deposit purchased
                                                                                                    from banks this year
There are major changes in the composition or sources of profit of the Company in the current period
□ Applicable Not applicable
There is no major change in the composition or sources of profit of the Company in the current period
Composition of operating revenue
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                   Current reporting period                     Same period of last year
                                                   Proportion in                                Proportion in             increase or
                                Amount              Operating               Amount               Operating                 decrease
                                                     Revenue                                      Revenue
   Total Revenue            14,866,622,569.81                  100%     14,633,547,280.64                    100%                 1.59%
   By Industry
   Smart IoT Industry       14,866,622,569.81             100.00%       14,633,547,280.64                  100.00%                1.59%
   By Product
   Smart IoT
   Products and             12,028,870,893.80                 80.92%    12,161,117,387.94                  83.10%                -1.09%
   Including:                  758,033,553.36                 5.10%                                                               0.09%
                                                                           757,373,050.95                   5.18%
   Software business
   Innovative                2,461,115,617.88                 16.55%                                                              8.95%
                                                                         2,258,998,031.19                  15.44%
   Business (Note)
   Others                      376,636,058.13                 2.53%        213,431,861.51                   1.46%                76.47%
   By region
   Domestic                  7,381,482,622.15                 49.65%     7,771,201,571.54                  53.11%                -5.01%
   Overseas                  7,485,139,947.66                 50.35%     6,862,345,709.10                  46.89%                 9.08%

Domestic Sub-business Segment
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                Current reporting period                         Same period of last year           Year-on-year
                                            Proportion in Domestic                           Proportion in Domestic increase or
                           Amount                                           Amount
                                              Operating Revenue                                Operating Revenue     decrease
To G                      1,768,114,465.94                  23.95%          2,081,937,638.79                 26.79%      -15.07%
To B                      3,900,695,525.76                  52.85%          3,858,049,784.38                 49.65%        1.11%
Others                    1,712,672,630.45                  23.20%          1,831,214,148.37                 23.56%       -6.47%
Total                     7,381,482,622.15                 100.00%          7,771,201,571.54                100.00%       -5.01%
Note: Innovative business mainly includes machine vision and mobile robots, smart living, thermal imaging, automotive electronics,
smart security inspection, smart fire control and storage medium, and other relevant businesses; the same as below.
Industry, product, or region accounting for more than 10% of the Company's operating revenue or profit
Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                      Increase or        Increase and       Increase or
                                                                                     decrease of          decrease of       decrease of
                           Operating revenue      Operating Cost                       operating        operating cost      gross profit
                                                                                        revenue         over the same        compared
                                                                                    compared with       period of last        with the

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                       the same period            year           same period
                                                                                         of last year                            of last year
   By Industry
   Smart IoT
                             14,866,622,569.81       8,731,425,638.53      41.27%                1.59%                4.39%           -1.57%
   By Product
   Smart IoT
   Products and              12,028,870,893.80       6,806,823,631.23      43.41%               -1.09%                1.20%           -1.28%
                                758,033,553.36          252,248,321.27     66.72%                0.09%                4.59%           -1.44%
   Software business
                              2,461,115,617.88       1,600,810,667.52      34.96%                8.95%                9.15%           -0.12%
   By region
   Domestic                   7,381,482,622.15       4,712,943,582.38      36.15%               -5.01%               -0.79%           -2.72%
   Overseas                   7,485,139,947.66       4,018,482,056.15      46.31%                9.08%               11.21%           -1.03%
   Domestic Sub-
   business Segment
   To G                       1,768,114,465.94         993,876,072.19      43.79%               -15.07%             -13.01%           -1.33%
   To B                       3,900,695,525.76       2,403,039,386.19      38.39%                 1.11%               5.21%           -2.41%
   Others                     1,712,672,630.45       1,316,028,124.00      23.16%                -6.47%              -0.60%           -4.54%
When the statistical caliber of the company's main business data is adjusted in the reporting period, the company's main business data
should be subject to the one after the statistical caliber at the end of the reporting period is adjusted in the most recent reporting period.
□ Applicable Not applicable

IV. Non-Main Business Analysis

□ Applicable Not applicable

V. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant changes in assets composition

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                         End of this reporting period          End of the previous year
                                               Proporti                              Proporti     increase        Statement on Significant
                                                on To                                 on To          and                 Changes
                             Amount                               Amount
                                                Total                                 Total      decrease
                                               Assets                                Assets
                                                                                                               Mainly due to the large-
                                                                                                               denomination certificates of
   Cash and Bank
                          9,597,623,116.53       19.12%       15,971,005,114.47       30.20%        -11.08%    deposit purchased from
                                                                                                               banks in the current period
                                                                                                               and the repayment of debts
                         16,654,352,735.18       33.17%       16,276,803,954.03       30.78%          2.39%    No major changes.
   Contract Assets          114,529,987.89       0.23%             86,714,216.34       0.16%          0.07%    No major changes.
   Inventory              5,711,951,831.83       11.38%         5,332,608,544.02      10.08%          1.30%    No major changes.
                            141,845,947.97       0.28%           129,637,004.00        0.25%          0.03%    No major changes.
   Long-term                731,631,231.34       1.46%           727,453,629.75        1.38%          0.08%    No major changes.

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Fixed Assets             4,988,539,382.64       9.94%        4,937,180,876.88    9.34%        0.60%      No major changes.
  Projects under
                           1,169,264,949.25       2.33%        1,008,612,408.49    1.91%        0.42%      No major changes.
                             276,133,848.74       0.55%         299,202,586.56     0.57%       -0.02%      No major changes.
  Short-term loan            800,973,205.56       1.60%         957,426,330.18     1.81%       -0.21%      No major changes.
                           1,019,804,820.76       2.03%        1,194,534,307.04    2.26%       -0.23%      No major changes.
  Lease liabilities          137,671,323.55       0.27%         176,580,049.57     0.33%       -0.06%      No major changes.
                                                                                                           Mainly due to the large-
  Other Non-                                                                                               denomination certificates of
                           3,869,620,772.33       7.71%         210,809,264.49     0.40%        7.31%
  Current assets                                                                                           deposit purchased from

2. Major overseas assets

□ Applicable Not applicable

3. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                    Changes in                    Impair
                       At the                                                                   Sales
                                     fair value   Cumulative       ment       Purchase                                      At the end
                      beginning                                                              amount of
                                     gains and    fair value      loss of   amount of the                       Other         of the
      Item              of the                                                                   the
                                      losses in   changes in        the       reporting                       variations    reporting
                      reporting                                                               reporting
                                    the current     equity       reportin      period                                        period
                       period                                                                  period
                                        period                   g period
  1. Trading
  assets                                      -
                                                                                             3,098,786.1      426,978,60     369,806,68
  (derivative                       61,907,020.                               7,833,886.24
                                                                                                       7            0.00           0.00
  financial                                  07
                                    384,471.06                                                                               384,471.06
  3. Other
  Non-                                        -                                                                        -
                      1,535,742,3                                                                                           1,008,428,0
  current                            100,305,12                                                               427,009,17
                            85.71                                                                                                 84.96
  Financial                                1.85                                                                     8.90
  4.                                                                                                                   -
                      810,713,26                                                                                             685,382,77
  Receivable                                                                                                  125,330,48
                            7.86                                                                                                   9.93
  s Financing                                                                                                       7.93

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   5. Others                                                                                                      1,470,000.0
   Financial                                   -                                                                            -
                    2,347,925,6                                                                   3,098,786.1                    2,064,002,0
   assets                             161,827,67                                7,833,886.24                       126,831,06
                          53.57                                                                             7                          15.95
   subtotal                                 0.86                                                                         6.83
   Total of                                    -                                                                            -
                    2,347,925,6                                                                   3,098,786.1                    2,064,002,0
   above                              161,827,67                                7,833,886.24                       126,831,06
                          53.57                                                                             7                          15.95
   items                                    0.86                                                                         6.83
   Financial                                                                                                      2,980,967.7    1,196,685.7
                      61,400.12      1,845,682.1
   liabilities                                                                                                              9              9
Other variations
Changes in trading financial assets (derivative financial assets excluded) and other non-current financial assets, and other main changes
in reclassification of financial assets;
The receivables financing and other changes are the amount occurred in the current period.

Are there any significant changes in the measurement attributes of the company's main assets during the reporting period?
□ Yes No

4. Restrictions on asset rights as of the end of the reporting period

As of June 30, 2024, restricted assets of the Company are as follows:

                      Item                                 Closing balance (RMB)                            Cause of restrictions
                                                                                                Guarantee letter security deposit and
 Cash and Bank Balances                                                       90,019,255.68
                                                                                                other restricted funds
                                                                                                Pledge used to issue bank acceptance
 Notes receivable and receivables
                                                                             921,040,587.49     bills and endorsed or discounted notes
                                                                                                not derecognised
                                                                                                Financial discount and factoring not
 Accounts receivable                                                             973,205.56
                                                                                                derecognised in the supply chain
 Total                                                                     1,012,033,048.73

VI. Investment Analysis

1. Overview

Applicable □ Not applicable
       Investment in the Reporting Period             Investment for the same Period of Last
                                                                                                                Rate of Change
                    (RMB)                                              Year
                                  93,948,173.50                              2,707,295,505.00                                      -96.53%

2. Significant equity investments acquired during the reporting period

□ Applicable Not applicable

3. Major non-equity investments underway during the reporting period

Applicable □ Not applicable
For details, refer to “5. Utilization of raised funds”

                                                                         2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

4. Financial assets investment

(1). Securities investment

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                     es in
                                                                                       Purch                Profit
                                                                      fair   Cumu                  Sales
                                             Accou       Openi                          ase                 s and    Book
                         Abbre                                       value   lative                amou
   Variet     Code                 Initial    nting       ng                           amou                 Losse    Value      Accou      Capita
                         viatio                                      gains    fair                  nt of
    y of        of                 Invest    Meas        Balan                          nt of                s in    at the     nting        l
                          n of                                        and    value                   the
   Securi     Securi                ment     ureme       ce on                           the                 the      End       Accou      Sourc
                         Securi                                     losses   chang                 report
    ties       ties                 Cost       nt        Book                          report               Repor    of the      nts         e
                          ties                                      in the    es in                  ing
                                             Model       Value                           ing                 ting    Period
                                                                    curren   equity                period
                                                                                       period               Period
   stic                                      Fair                                                                               Tradi
                                                                         -                                       -
   and                   SMA        103,3    value        426,9                         7,833,     3,098,             369,8     ng         Equit
              68821                                                  61,90                                   52,73
   Overs                 RTSE       17,00    measu        78,60                         886.2      786.1              06,68     Finan      y
              3                                                     7,020.                                  8,820.
   eas                   NS          0.00    remen         0.00                             4          7               0.00     cial       Fund
                                                                        07                                      34
   Stock                                     t                                                                                  Assets
                                                                         -                                       -
                                    103,3                 426,9                         7,833,     3,098,             369,8
                                                                     61,90                                   52,73
   Total                            17,00       --        78,60                         886.2      786.1              06,68       --          --
                                                                    7,020.                                  8,820.
                                     0.00                  0.00                             4          7               0.00
                                                                        07                                      34

(2). Derivatives investment

Applicable □ Not applicable

1) Derivatives investments for hedging purposes during the reporting period

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB ten thousand

                                                      Changes in
                                                                                        Amount          Amount                          amount in
                                                       fair value     Cumulative
    Types of             Initial                                                      purchased       sold during                          the
                                      Opening          gains and      fair value                                      Closing
   derivatives        investment                                                      during the          the                          company’s
                                      balance           losses in     changes in                                      balance
   investment           amount                                                         reporting       reporting                        net assets
                                                      the current       equity
                                                                                        period          period                          at end of
   exchange                           29,838.25             44.59                     527,860.53       553,748.78      3,950.00             0.11%
   Total                              29,838.25             44.59                     527,860.53       553,748.78      3,950.00             0.11%

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                   The Company calculated and presented its foreign exchange derivatives trading business in
   Explanation of whether          accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and
   the Company’s hedging          Measurement of Financial Instruments, Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 37 -
   business accounting             Presentation of Financial Instruments and other relevant provisions. Held-for-trading financial
   policies and specific           assets/held-for-trading financial liabilities were adopted for initial and subsequent measurements of
   accounting principles have      the foreign exchange contracts. The fair values of the foreign exchange contracts were basically
   changed significantly           determined by referencing the different parameters of the financial institutions based on the then
   during the reporting            market conditions as well as the remaining term and duration of transaction, so as to be recognized
   period compared with the        as the held-for-trading financial assets or held-for-trading financial liabilities. There was no
   previous reporting period       significant change in the fair values of the foreign exchange contracts compared with that in the
                                   previous reporting period.
   Description of actual
   profit and loss during the      The actual revenue amounted to RMB 10,293,900 during the reporting period.
   reporting period
                                   The Company carried out foreign exchange hedging business appropriately as the case may be,
   Descriptions of the effect
                                   which could effectively reduce the risks in foreign exchange market and avoid exchange rate
   of hedging
                                   fluctuation risks.
   Sources of funds for
                                   Equity Fund
   derivatives investment
   Risk analysis and
   description of control
   measures for derivatives
   positions during the
                                   For details of risk analysis and control measures, please refer to the "Announcement on Conducting
   reporting period
                                   Foreign Exchange Hedging Transactions" (Announcement No. 2024-023), which was disclosed by
   (including but not limited
                                   the Company on April 16, 2024.
   to market risk, liquidity
   risk, credit risk,
   operational risk, legal risk,
   Changes in market prices
   or product fair value of
                                   The Company recognized and measured its foreign exchange hedging business in accordance with
   invested derivatives
                                   Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial
   during the reporting
                                   Instruments, Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 37 - Presentation of Financial
   period, and the analysis of
                                   Instruments and other relevant provisions. The fair values of foreign exchange forward contracts
   the fair value of
                                   were basically measured and recognized by referencing the different parameters of the financial
   derivatives should disclose
                                   institutions based on the then market conditions as well as the remaining term and duration of the
   the specific methods used
                                   transaction. The profit from fair value change of foreign exchange contracts was RMB 445,900
   and the setting of related
                                   during the reporting period.
   assumptions and
   Litigation involved (if
   Disclosure date of board
   of directors'
   announcement on the             April 16, 2024
   approval of derivatives
   investment (if any)

2) Derivatives investments for speculative purposes during the reporting period

□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company had no derivatives investments for speculative purposes during the reporting period.

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

5. Utilization of raised funds

Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Utilization of raised funds

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB ten thousand

                                                                                                  age of
                                                                          Amoun                  aggrega                              Amoun
                                                               Aggreg                 amount
                                                   The                      t of                     te                                 t of
                                                                 ate                      of
                                                 amount                    funds                 amount                    Purpose    funds
                                                               amount                  funds                  Amoun
                             Total                  of                     raised                    of                    and use    raised
                                                                  of                   raised                   t of
   Year of     Way of      amount       Net       funds                    in the                 funds                     of the      put
                                                                funds                   as of                  funds
    fund-       fund-         of       funds      raised                  current                 raised                    funds      aside
                                                                raised                   the                  raised
   raising     raising      funds      raised    used in                   period                  as of                    raised       for
                                                               used as                current                 not yet
                            raised                 the                      that                    the                    not yet     more
                                                                of the                 period                   used
                                                 current                   were                  current                     used      than
                                                               current                  that
                                                 period                   repurpo                 period                                two
                                                                period                 were
                                                                            sed                    that                               years
               public                                                                              5.92%                   Deposit
                           509,999     508,983       38,665.   388,358     30,191.     30,191.                 128,251
   2023        offering                                                                             (Note                  ed in             0
                               .92         .26            41       .13          75          75                     .86
               of                                                                                      1)                  banks
                           509,999     508,983       38,665.   388,358     30,191.     30,191.                 128,251
     Total        --                                                                                (Note                     --             0
                               .92         .26            41       .13          75          75                     .86
                                                       Notes on utilization of raised funds
   1. According to the “Reply on Approving the Non-public Issuance of Shares by Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.” (Zheng
   Jian License [2022] No. 853) released by CSRC, the Company issued 293,103,400 shares to specific parties at an issue price of
   RMB 17.40 per share. The total amount of funds raised in this offering is RMB 5,099,999,160.00 and after deducting RMB
   10,166,575.28 (excluding VAT), the cost associated with issuance, the actual net amount of funds raised is RMB
   5,089,832,584.72, which has been verified by BDO China Shu Lun Pan CPAs (special general partnership) in the Capital
   Verification Report (Lixin Accounting Report [2023] No. ZF10231).
   2. The Company has used a total of RMB 3,883,581,300, the special account of the raised funds has received RMB 76,267,300 of
   net interest income, and as of June 30, 2024, the balance of unused raised funds was RMB 1,282,518,600.
Note 1: Percentage of the aggregate amount of funds raised cumulative change in purpose was calculated based on the total amount
of the fund raised.

(2) Projects with pledged investments using raised funds

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB ten thousand

   Projects     Whether       Total        Total        Amount       Cumulat    Investme      The date      Benefits      Whether    Whether
     with         the        pledged      adjusted      Invested       ive         nt            the        realized      expected   there are
   pledged      projects    investme     investme         in the    investme    progress       project       during       benefits     major

                                                             2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

investme       have      nts using   nts (1)    Current    nts as of   as of the   reaches       the        have     changes
 nts and       been       raised                Reportin    the end     end of         its    reporting     been        in
investme     changed      funds                 g Period       of      reporting   intended    period     achieved    project
    nt       (includin                                     reporting    period      usable                           feasibilit
direction    g partial                                       period    (3)=(2)/(     status                              y
   s of      changes)                                         (2)         1)
  due to
Projects with pledged investments
of Smart
Solution                 92,990.0    92,990.0              92,990.0
             No                                                        100.00%     2023       2,304.99    N/A        No
R&D                             0           0                     0
phase II
of the                   77,580.0    77,580.0              77,206.4
             No                                 2,926.55                99.52%     2024       2,126.75    N/A        No
smart                           0           0                     3
base in
and                      88,960.0    119,151.   26,233.9
             Yes                                            7 (Note     42.78%     2026           N/A     N/A        No
develop                         0          75          5
5G, IoT
nal                                                        17,073.8
                         100,470.    70,278.2
percepti     Yes                                9,504.90    4 (Note     24.29%     2026           N/A     N/A        No
                               00           5
on                                                               2)

                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

hment of                  148,983.      148,983.                 150,111.   100.76%
            No                                                                               N/A           N/A   N/A      No
working                         26            26                      99    (Note 3)
s for
projects                                           38,665.4      388,358.
                          508,983.      508,983.
with             --                                 1 (Note     13 (Note       --           --        4,431.74     --          --
                                26            26
pledged                                                  1)            2)
Investment directions of excess funds due to oversubscription
                                                   38,665.4      388,358.
                          508,983.      508,983.
Total            --                                 1 (Note     13 (Note       --           --        4,431.74     --          --
                                26            26
                                                         1)            2)
Explain the circumstances and
reasons for failing to achieve the
                                           Due to the uneven benefits of smart IoT solution R&D and industrialization projects as
planned progress and expected
                                           well as the phase II construction project of the smart manufacturing base in Hangzhou
benefits for each project (including
                                           around the year, whether the expected benefits can be achieved will be measured after an
the reasons for selecting "Not
                                           entire year.
applicable" for "Whether expected
benefits have been achieved")
Notes on major changes in project
The amount, purpose and progress of
the use of the excess funds due to         N/A
Changes of the implementation              Applicable
location of the projects using raised      Such cases happened during the reporting period
funds                                      See (3) Change of projects that use raised funds for details.
Changes of the implementation              Applicable
method of the projects using raised        Such cases happened during the reporting period
funds                                      See (3) Change of projects that use raised funds for details.
Advance investments and
replacements of raised funds in            N/A
Temporary replenishment of working
capital with idle raised funds
The amount and reasons for the
balance of funds raised in the             N/A
implementation of the project
The intended use and disposal of the       The unused funds raised (including interest income from the account of the funds raised)
unused funds raised                        are deposited in the Company's special account for the funds raised.
                                           On February 1, 2024, the Company completed the replacement of the fund raised with its
                                           own funds, with a total replacement amount of RMB 4,038,822,000, of which the
                                           replacement amount of the “artificial intelligence technology research and development
Problems or other circumstances in         and application research project” was RMB 344,863,300 (including RMB 7,839,200 of
the use and disclosure of the funds        interest), and that of the “5G, Internet of Things and multi-dimensional perception
raised                                     products and solutions R&D project” was RMB 59,018,700 (including RMB 1,354,600
                                           of interest). All the above funds have been deposited to the corresponding special
                                           account of the funds raised and the aforesaid matters have been verified by BDO China
                                           Shu Lun Pan CPAs (special general partnership) which has issued the Verification Report

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                            on Special Explanation of the Replacement of Funds Raised with Own Funds Xin Kuai
                                            Shi Bao Zi [2024] No. ZF10020. See (3) Change of projects that use raised funds for
Note 1: There are differences between the total amount of investment in the current reporting period and the total amount of various
projects, which are caused by rounding.
Note 2: The total amount of investment amount as of the end of the period is the total amount of investment at the end of 2023 plus the
investment amount in the current reporting period, net of the amount of raised funds replaced by the company's own funds.
Note 3: The interest income from bank deposits is the excess of the actual investment amount of the replenishment of working capital
projects over the total pledged investments using raised funds.

(3) Change of projects that use raised funds

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB ten thousand

                              amount of                    Actual                    The date                                 Are there
                                             Actual                        nt
                Correspon        funds                      total                        the                                  any major
                                             amount                     progress                   Benefits      Whether
                   ding        raised to                   amount                      project                                 changes
                                            invested                    as of the                   realized    expected
    Changed      original          be                     invested                    reaches                                     in
                                              in the                     end of                   during the     benefits
    projects    commitm        invested                   as of the                       its                                 feasibility
                                             current                    reporting                  reporting    have been
                   ent           in the                    end of                    intended                                   of the
                                            reporting                    period                      period      achieved
                 projects      changed                    reporting                    usable                                  changed
                                              period                   (3)=(2)/(1
                                projects                 period (2)                    status                                 projects?
   technolog    Constructi
   y research   on Project
   and          of Xi'an R                   26,233.95    50,975.87       42.78%    2026             N/A           N/A           No
   developm     &D
   ent and      Center
   n research
   5G, IoT
   and multi-
   dimensio     New
   nal          project of
   perceptio    Southwes
   n            t R&D          70,278.25      9,504.90    17,073.84       24.29%    2026             N/A           N/A           No
   products     Center of
   and          Dahua
   solutions    Co., Ltd.
                               189,430.0      35,738.86
   Total             --                                    68,049.71        --           --                             --          --
                                         0     (Note 1)
                              1. Reasons for increasing the scale of investment of funds raised in the artificial intelligence technology
   Explanation of reasons     research and development and application research project (formerly "Construction Project of Xi'an R &
   for changes, decision-     D Center"):
   making procedures and      With the launch of ChatGPT in November, 2022, artificial intelligence has gradually entered the
   information disclosure     development stage of big model in AGI (General Artificial Intelligence). The integrated development of
   (by project)               digitalization and AGI will bring a new round of development cycle and transformation to the industry.
                              The "industry brain" that fully combines industry experience in the visual field is the inevitable path for

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                               the real commercial landing of artificial intelligence model, and it is also one of the key research and
                               development fields of many technology enterprises around the world. The company has accumulated a
                               lot of experience in many industries concerning the government and enterprises. In the future, it needs to
                               further increase R & D resources investment and talent echelon construction in large visual models in
                               artificial intelligence, and trains the large visual model in artificial intelligence for industry landing
                               application through the ability of the big model and the knowledge accumulated in industry segments, to
                               promote the digital and intelligent business development of the government and the enterprise, and to
                               further enhance the Company's core competitiveness. Therefore, the amount of the project investment
                               and the investment scale of the funds raised are increased.
                               2. Reasons for reducing the investment scale of funds raised 5G, Internet of Things and multi-
                               dimensional perception products and solutions R&D projects (formerly "New project of Southwest
                               R&D Center of Dahua Co., Ltd."):
                               Given that the R&D center in Hangzhou headquarters has quickly seized the R&D opportunities in the
                               fields of 5G and multi-dimensional perception by using the existing technology precipitation,
                               successively released more than ten integrated 5G products and more than 30 5G smart application
                               solutions, and released the 6D omni-domain perception technology in full-time domain, full-space
                               domain, full-color domain, and full-frequency domain by utilizing the advantages of the multi-
                               dimensional perception technology, to lead the industry to continuously expand the boundaries of the
                               perception capability, deeply practice the integration of visual intelligence and multi-dimensional
                               perception, and accelerate the business innovation and application. Therefore, in the direction of "5G
                               and multi-dimensional perception", the Company can carry out the research and development work
                               quickly by reusing the resources and achievements of the R&D center at Hangzhou headquarter, seize
                               the opportunities of the industry development, and optimize the use efficiency of the funds raised and
                               the layout of the project investment. After the project has reused the resources of the R&D center at
                               Hangzhou headquarters, the Company has reduced the investment amount in hardware and software of
                               the special laboratory and R&D facilities to be set up as planned in Chengdu, taking into account such
                               factors as saving operating costs and improving the use efficiency of the funds raised.
                               3. The Company held the 4th Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors and the 3rd Meeting of the 8th
                               Board of Supervisors on January 12, 2024, and the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
                               of 2024 on January 29, 2024, during which the "Proposal on Adjusting the Investment Amount and
                               Investment Structure of Part of the Funds Raised Projects, and Increasing the Implementing Subjects
                               and Implementation Locations" was considered and adopted. The Company also agreed to adjust the
                               investment amount of the "Construction Project of Xi'an R & D Center" and the "New project of
                               Southwest R&D Center of Dahua Co., Ltd.", the investment amount of the funds raised, internal
                               investment structure, implementation method and subject, implementation locations, and project name.
   Situations and reasons
   for failure to achieve
   planned progress or         N/A
   expected benefits (by
   Notes on major
   changes in project          N/A
   feasibility after change
Note 1: There are differences between the actual total amount of investment in the current reporting period and the total amount of
various projects, which are caused by rounding.

VII. Major Assets and Equity Sales

1. Major assets sales

□ Applicable Not applicable
No major assets were sold during the reporting period of the Company.

                                                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Major equity sales

□ Applicable Not applicable

VIII. Analysis of Major Subsidiaries and Associates

Applicable □ Not applicable
Major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies with a net profit impact of over 10%.

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

    Company       Company          Main         Registered                                 Operating     Operating
                                                              Total assets   Net Assets                                Net Profit
     Name           Type         businesses      Capital                                    revenue       Profit
                                n and
                                n projects;
                                nt, services,
                                n and
                 Subsidiary     of              500,000,00    3,044,882,9    1,296,755,6   435,605,74    20,662,620.   22,561,655.
                 Company        electronic      0.00                43.90          51.91         2.35             35            22
   g Co., Ltd.
                                ing and
                                import and
                                export of
                                goods and
   Zhejiang      Subsidiary     Technology      1,306,810,0   22,988,328,    2,511,257,1   10,634,282,   9,818,890.2   11,943,937.
   Dahua         Company        developme       00.00             866.93           93.01       049.81              1            35

                                                          2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Vision                    nt, services,
Technology                consultatio
Co., Ltd.                 n, and
                          and system
                          services of
                          ing and
                          and safety
                          services of
                          g services,
                          nt, services,
                          n, and
                          ing and
Dahua        Subsidiary                   1,885,800,0   6,868,372,4   1,667,509,0   2,992,168,6   52,085,931.   38,351,811.
Zhilian      Company                      00.00               04.06         82.50         32.20            85            28
Co., Ltd.
                          ing and

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                 s, safety
                                 leasing of
                                 g services;
                                 import and
                                 export of
Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                  Method of acquisition and disposal of           Impact on overall production
                Company Name
                                                 subsidiaries during the reporting period        management and performance
   Qingdao Dahua Ruifa Intelligent Internet                                                 No significant impact on overall
                                                Established with investment
   of Things Technology Co., Ltd.                                                           production, operation, and performance
   Shandong Dahua Digital Intelligence                                                      No significant impact on overall
                                                Established with investment
   Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                     production, operation, and performance
   Fujian Dahua Qingchuang Digital                                                          No significant impact on overall
                                                Established with investment
   Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                     production, operation, and performance
                                                                                            No significant impact on overall
   PT IMOU TEKNOLOGI INDONESIA                  Established with investment
                                                                                            production, operation, and performance
                                                                                            No significant impact on overall
   PT IMOU INDONESIA SENANTIASA                 Established with investment
                                                                                            production, operation, and performance
                                                                                            No significant impact on overall
   Hirige Technology MaLaysia Sdn.Bhd.          Established with investment
                                                                                            production, operation, and performance
                                                                                            No significant impact on overall
   Dahua Technology Egypt LLC                   Established with investment
                                                                                            production, operation, and performance
                                                                                            No significant impact on overall
   SECURITY & SURVEILLANCE -                    Established with investment
                                                                                            production, operation, and performance
                                                                                            No significant impact on overall
   Dahua Technology USA Inc.                    Equity transfer
                                                                                            production, operation, and performance
                                                                                            No significant impact on overall
   Yunnan Zhili Technology Co., Ltd             Logout
                                                                                            production, operation, and performance
                                                                                            No significant impact on overall
   Wuhu Huajian Technology Co., Ltd.            Logout
                                                                                            production, operation, and performance
   DaHua Ideal Tech and the companies it                                                    No significant impact on overall
   controls                                                                                 production, operation, and performance

IX. Structured Entity Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                          2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

X. Risks and Countermeasures

     During the reporting period, there was no significant change in the risks faced by the Company. The Company

has been trying to identify all kinds of risks and actively take counter-measures to avoid and reduce the risks.

     (1) Risk of technology upgrading: The smart IoT industry is a typical technology-intensive industry, featuring

extremely fast upgrading. If the Company is unable to keep up with development trends of industrial technologies,

to pay full attention to customers' diversified needs, and to devote sufficient R&D investments, it may still face the

risk of losing market competitiveness due to discontinuous innovation. By increasing R & D investment, the

Company continues to strengthen research on such core technologies as multi-dimensional perception, large model

in AI, video cloud, big data, network communication, network security, and machine vision, and reserves product,

technology, management and talent resources for a broader market in the future, so as to achieve sustainable and

steady business development.

     (2) Risk of business model change: With the development of Internet of Things, AI, big data, cloud computing,

network communications, among other technologies, as well as the upgrades of intelligent terminal applications,

the business model in the IoT era may have an impact on the traditional industry development. If an enterprise fails

to grasp opportunities brought about by the business model transformation in a timely manner, it may face the risk

that the original market pattern becomes broken. The Company continues to focus on and study the major changes

in global economy, industry and technology, analyze the industry development logic, and predict the evolution of

smart IoT industry, the continuous integration of video, information communication and digital technologies, and

the diversification and uncertainty of customer demands. While consolidating its current advantageous market, the

Company is also actively exploring and piloting new businesses and new commercial modes, with business and

technical layout.

     (3) Risk of declined local fiscal payment capacity: At present, local fiscal debt is relatively high. If the local

fiscal payment capacity declines, it may slow down the growth of industry demands, prolong the construction period

of projects, extend the collection of capital, and delay customers' payment. The Company continues to improve the

internal control system and optimize the project review methods, select local projects carefully and assess project

risks systematically with prudent assessment of the market logic and cash flow balance logic, and reasonable control

of risks. In addition, it formulates plans to deal with potential risks such as cash flow shortage, project delay, and

payment delay.

                                                          2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     (4) Risk of international operations: The Company's products and solutions are available in more than 100

countries and regions overseas. As such, its international business operations may be exposed to risks of regional

trade protection, political conflicts in local regions, increasingly complex law compliance requirements and

continuous global growth slowdown in the countries and regions where it operates. The Company actively guards

against and responds to risks of international operations by establishing an overseas compliance risk control system.

It continuously strengthens the understanding and adaptability of the laws and regulations as well as the political

and economic environment of the regions where its business is involved, and formulates differentiated business

strategies based on "one country, one policy" in accordance with the changes in politics and economy of different

regions to reduce operational risks.

     (5) Exchange rate risk: The Company's export transactions have been mostly settled in U.S. dollars. As our

overseas business is in continuous growth, the fluctuation of exchange rate may affect our profitability. The

Company hedges and avoids exchange rate risks by centralized management of foreign exchange funds and hedging

of purchase payments in line with its main use of U.S. dollars as the settlement currency.

     (6) Risk of product safety: The Company attaches great importance to and continuously strengthens resource

investment to ensure safe and reliable system operations so as to respond to product security risks on the Internet.

However, hackers attacks, computer viruses, physical security vulnerabilities, natural disasters, accidents, power

interruptions, telecommunications failures, terrorism, and warfare events may still occur from time to time, resulting

in security vulnerabilities, system failures, or service interruptions. The Company has founded a cyber security

committee, and set up a professional security team to develop company-level product safety plans, ensuring product

safety in the whole process from demands, design, to coding and testing. At the same time, the Company actively

carries out technical exchanges and cooperation with mainstream safety enterprises, safety evaluation agencies and

corresponding industry associations to provide customers with safe products and solutions.

     (7) Intellectual property risk: The promotion of the Company's globalization strategy and its own brand strategy

may expose the Company to intellectual property rights risks and patent infringement, as well as such risks as

business relations, fluctuations in the public opinion environment, increased legal proceedings and rising costs.

With a high priority on technological innovation, the Company has established a mechanism for the protection and

management of intangible assets such as innovation achievements, own brands and trade secrets, so as to

continuously gather advantageous intellectual property assets; with the establishment of an intellectual property

compliance and risk control system, the Company continuously strengthens its ability to understand and master

                                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

intellectual property laws and regulations as well as the administrative and judicial environment in the regions where

it operates.

     (8) Supply chain security risk: The Company pays attention to suppliers' operational risks and monitors

suppliers' operations in real time by establishing an operational risk data management platform to avoid potential

risks; it promotes diversified supply sources to guarantee supply delivery.

XI. Implementation of the “Increase in Both Quality and Returns” Action Plan

Has the Company disclosed the announcement of the "Increase in Both Quality and Returns" action plan?
Yes □No

     To safeguard the interests of all shareholders, the Company has formulated the “Increase in Both Quality and

Returns” Action Plan based on its confidence in the future development prospects and recognition of its stock value.

For details, see the Announcement on “Increase in Both Quality and Returns” Action Plan (Announcement No.

2024-013) published on Juchao Information Network on February 7, 2024.

     The company always takes high-quality development as its theme and always adheres to the core values of

“meeting customers’ needs and striving for the goal”. It fulfills the mission of "enabling a smarter living and a safer

society", and relies on two technical strategies: AIoT and the intelligent IoT data platform. It empowers the

construction of an efficient urban governance system and the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading

of enterprises. With insights into industrial scenarios and profound understanding of client needs, the Company

commits to build a preferred bran of intelligent IoT, so as to promote high-quality, green and innovative

development of the economy and society.

     The Company continues to strengthen the foundation of corporate governance, build a sound internal control

system, and promote the "shareholders' meeting, board of directors, board of supervisors and senior management"

to fulfill their responsibilities. Standardize the rights and obligations of the Company and shareholders, to prevent

the abuse of shareholders' rights and prevent the dominant position of management from harming the rights and

interests of small and medium investors. Strengthen the management of investor relations, broaden the channels for

institutional investors to participate in corporate governance, guide small and medium-sized investors to actively

participate in general meeting of shareholders, and create convenience for all kinds of investors to participate in

major decision-making to enhance their right to speak and sense of gain.

     The Company has built a firmly sense of returning to shareholders while laying a solid foundation for its

development, It insists on cash dividends every year. Since its listing, total amount of cash dividends have exceeded

                                                         2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

RMB 6.9 billion. During the reporting period, the Company formulated and implemented a profit distribution plan

2023, and distributed cash of about RMB1.251 billion in total to all shareholders. Meanwhile, taking into account

the future business development of the Company and the capital needs of production and operation, the Company

formulated the 2024 semi-annual profit distribution plan, and intended to distribute cash of RMB 1.84 (tax included)

per 10 shares to all shareholders, with a cash dividend of about RMB 602 million, in order to make the shareholders

obtain better returns.

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                   Section IV Corporate Governance

I. Relevant Situation of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and the Extraordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders Held in the Reporting Period

1. The shareholders' meetings for this reporting period

                                                   Percentage of
      Conference                                                       Date of           Date of
                            Meeting Type             Investors                                          Conference Resolution
       Session                                                        Conference        Disclosure
                                                                                                     For details, see the
                                                                                                     Announcement of Resolution
  First Extraordinary                                                                                of the First Extraordinary
  General Meeting       Extraordinary                                 January 29,     January 30,    General Meeting of
  of Shareholders in    General Meeting                               2024            2024           Shareholders in 2024
  2024                                                                                               disclosed by Juchao
                                                                                                     Information Network
                                                                                                     For details, see the
                                                                                                     Announcement of Resolution
  2023 Annual                                                                                        of 2023 Annual General
                        Annual General                                May 13,
  General Meeting                                          41.62%                     May 14, 2024   Meeting of Shareholders
                        Meeting                                       2024
  of Shareholders                                                                                    disclosed by Juchao
                                                                                                     Information Network

2. Convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders upon request of the preferred
stockholders whose voting rights are restored

□ Applicable Not applicable

II. Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of the Company

Applicable □ Not applicable
           Name                         Title                      Type                      Date                 Reasons
  Gao Chunshan                 Senior Vice President    Appointment                 April 15, 2024         Appointment
  Chen Qiang                   Senior Vice President    Appointment                 April 15, 2024         Appointment

III. Profit Distribution and Capital Reserve Converted to Share Capital in the Reporting

Applicable □ Not applicable
  Number of bonus shares per 10 shares (shares)                                                                                   0
  Dividend per 10 shares (RMB) (tax included)                                                                                1.84
  Equity base of the distribution plan (shares)                                                                     3,272,527,089
  Cash dividend amount (RMB) (tax included)                                                                        602,144,984.38
  Amount of cash dividends distributed in other ways (such as
  share repurchase) (RMB)

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Total cash dividends (including other methods) (RMB)                                                                       602,144,984.38
   Distributable profit (RMB)                                                                                              23,977,722,114.13
   Proportion of total cash dividends (including other ways) to
   total profit distribution
                                                         The situation of cash dividend
   It is difficult to distinguish at the development stage of the Company. However, if there are major capital expenditure
   arrangements, the proportion of cash dividends in the profit distribution should be at least 20%.
                                Detailed description of profit distribution and capital reserve conversion plan
   Based on 3,272,527,089 shares after deducting the re-purchased shares (19,819,601 shares), the Company paid a cash of RMB
   1.84 (tax inclusive) every 10 shares to all shareholders, and distributed RMB 602,144,984.38 of cash bonus. It did not convert
   capital reserve into share capital or paid bonus shares, and the rest will be distributed in the future. If there is a change in the share
   capital that the Company is entitled to profit distribution prior to the implementation of the distribution plan, the total amount of
   cash dividends will be adjusted accordingly based on the principle of unchanged distribution ratio.

IV. Implementation of the Company's Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Ownership Plan
or Other Employee Incentive Measures

Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Equity incentive

1. On April 15, 2024, the Company held the 5th meeting of the 8th Board of Directors and the 4th meeting of the 8th Board of
Supervisors, at which the “Proposal on Cancellation of Some Stock Options of 2022 Stock Options and Restricted Stock Incentiv e
Plan” and the “Proposal on Repurchase of Some Restricted Stock Options of 2022 Stock Options and Restricted Stock Incentive P lan”
were deliberated and approved. Give the fact that 204 incentive recipients have resigned and are no longer eligible for incentive, the
Company intends to repurchase/cancel 2,134,680 restricted shares that have been granted to the aforementioned resigned recipients but
have not been released from the restricted sale, and 2,211,600 stock options that have not been exercised, according to the relevant
provisions of the Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan in 2022. On May 13, 2024, the Company held the 2023 Annual
General Meeting of Shareholders, at which the “Proposal on Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares of 2022 Stock Options and
Restricted Stock Incentive Plan” were deliberated and approved. So far, the Company has completed the repurchase a nd cancellation
of the aforementioned restricted stocks/options.

2. On June 19, 2024, the Company held the 6th meeting of the 8th Board of Directors and the 5th meeting of the 8th Board of
Supervisors, at which the “Proposal on Meeting the Conditions for Unlocking the Second Restricted Period of 2022 Stock Options and
Restricted Stock Incentive Plan” and the “Proposal on Meeting the Conditions for Exercising the Second Exercise Period of 2022 Stock
Options and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan” were deliberated and approved. The conditions for the second exercise period of the 2022
Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan of the Company have been fulfilled, with a total of 3,798 incentive recipients eligible
for the exercising, and the number of exercisable stock options totaling 20,184,927, accounting for 0.61% of the total number of shares
of the Company, and the exercise price of the options is RMB 15.657/share; at the same time, the conditions for unlocking the second
restriction period have been fulfilled. At the same time, the conditions for the release of restricted shares for the second restricted period
have been fulfilled, and 3,798 incentive recipients can be released from restricted sale in this period, and 20,262,480 restricted shares
can be unlocked from restricted sale, accounting for 0.62% of the total share capital of the Company at present. In addition, the meeting
considered and adopted the “Proposal on Adjustment of the Exercise Price of the 2022 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive
Plan”, adjusting the exercise price of the Company's stock options under this incentive plan from RMB16.59 per share to RMB15.657
per share due to the equity distributions in 2022, the first three quarters of 2023 and 2023.

                                                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Implementation of employee stock ownership plan

□ Applicable Not applicable

3. Other employee incentive measures

Applicable □ Not applicable

The Company adheres to the concept of "striving for the goal". By long-term incentives for employees based on the equity of listed
companies, the Company has launched an incentive plan for employees to co-investment in specific subsidiaries with innovated
business, aiming to combine the interests of the Company and employees to realize the sustainable and healthy development of the
Company, and to stimulate the employees’ enthusiasm for innovation.

                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                 Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

I. Major Environmental Issues

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries belong to the key pollutant discharging units announced by the environmental
protection department
□ Yes No

Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects
Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company actively responds to the call of global sustainable development, and regards environmental protection, energy
conservation and emission reduction as an important part of corporate strategy; During the reporting period, DAHUA took measures
to reduce carbon emissions and achieved remarkable results.
     DAHUA attaches importance to green operation, implements the strategies of green manufacturing and logistics, and improves
energy use efficiency through intelligent and refined management. The Company has established an energy management system to
optimize the energy structure through real-time monitoring and data analysis; it has adopted intelligent lighting system and manual
flushing mode in the Industry Park to reduce the waste of electricity and water resources; the Company also follows the relevant
environmental directives and standards, and actively carries out research and development of green packaging to promote reducing
carbon footprint in packaging materials. By the above initiatives, DAHUA strives to comprehensively reduce energy consumption and
carbon emissions during production and operations. In the first half of 2024, DAHUA conducted a comprehensive inventory of the
organization's carbon emissions for the entire previous fiscal year, laying a foundation for the Company to set long-term target of
energy consumption and carbon emission.
     DAHUA also tries to reduce the carbon footprint in its products through green research and development. The Company attaches
great importance to environmental protection and energy-saving design in the product development process, and achieves
environmental management throughout the product lifecycle through a green product management platform. Based on the overall
strategy of "digital and intelligent empowerment, low-carbon future, shared ecology and compliance management", DAHUA integrate s
digital intelligence empowerment into the sustainable development of its business. The integrated solar power transmission monitoring
system developed by the Company provides sufficient energy support for intelligent management of transmission scenarios, saving
380,000 kWh per 10,000 products every year. A series of representative green products have obtained a number of authoritative green
certifications at home and abroad, such as Type II environmental labeling, environmental protection product, and environmental
labeling product. The Company has also invested resources in simulation process research to reduce energy consumption during actual
testing or experiment. At present, Dahua has achieved 100% simulation process in new product research and development.
     DAHUA also encourages employees to participate in energy conservation and emission reduction actions, and carries out interna l
cultural events and energy conservation and environment protection training to enhances employees' environmental awareness. We
promote and encourage employees to engage in a green travel and advocate a low-carbon lifestyle by using Eco-friendly appliances to
build a greener and low-carbon society.
     By these comprehensive measures, DAHUA not only reduces carbon emissions in its operations, but also helps other industries
and fields achieve green transformation through its products and services, positively contributing to the achievement of global carbon
emission reduction targets.

                                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

II. Social Responsibilities

For details, see the Company's 2023 Social Responsibility Report and 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report published
on the Juchao Information Network (www.cninfo.com.cn).

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                       Section VI Significant Events

I. Commitments that have been fulfilled by the Company's actual controller(s), shareholders,
related parties, acquirers, the Company and the relevant parties during the reporting period
and those that have not been fulfilled by the end of the reporting period

□ Applicable Not applicable
There are no commitments that have been fulfilled by the Company's actual controller(s), shareholders, related parties, acquirers, the
Company and the relevant parties during the reporting period or those that have not been fulfilled by the end of the reporting period.

II. Non-operational capital occupation over listed companies by controlling shareholders and
their related parties

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, there is no non-operational capital occupation over listed companies by controlling shareholders and
their related parties.

III. Illegal external guarantees

□ Applicable Not applicable
No illegal external guarantees during the reporting period.

IV. Appointment and Dismissal of Accounting Firms

Whether the semi-annual financial report has been audited
□ Yes No
The semi-annual financial report has not been audited.

V. Explanations Made by the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors on the "Non-
standard Audit Report" from the Accounting Firm during the Reporting Period

□ Applicable Not applicable

VI. Statement by the Board of Directors on the "Non-Standard Audit Report" of the Previous

□ Applicable Not applicable

VII. Bankruptcy and Restructuring

□ Applicable Not applicable
No such case as bankruptcy and reorganization related event during the reporting period.

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

VIII. Lawsuits

Major lawsuits and arbitrations
□ Applicable Not applicable
There is no major lawsuit or arbitration during this reporting period.
Other lawsuits
□ Applicable Not applicable

IX. Penalties and Rectification

□ Applicable Not applicable
No such cases as punishment or rectification during the reporting period.

X. Integrity of the Company, Its Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers

□ Applicable Not applicable

XI. Significant Related-party Transactions

1. Related transactions relevant to daily operations

□ Applicable Not applicable
No such case as significant related-party transactions connected with daily operations.

2. Related transactions in acquisition or sale of assets or equities

□ Applicable Not applicable
No such case as related significant transactions in acquisition or sale of assets or equities in the reporting period.

3. Significant related-party transactions arising from joint investments on external parties

□ Applicable Not applicable
No such case as significant related-party transactions involving joint external investments.

4. Related-party creditor's rights and debts

□ Applicable Not applicable
No such case as related credits and debts during the reporting period.

5. Transactions with related financial companies

□ Applicable Not applicable
No deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the Company and the related financial company and the related pa rties.

6. Transactions between the financial company controlled by the Company and the related parties

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

There are no deposit, loan, credit, or other financial business between the financial company controlled by the Company and the
related parties.

7. Other significant related-party transactions

□ Applicable Not applicable
No such case as other significant related-party transactions during the reporting period.

XII. Significant Contracts and Performance

1. Matters on trusteeship, contracting, and leasehold

(1) Matters on trusteeship

□ Applicable Not applicable
No such case as custody during the reporting period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable Not applicable
No such case as contracting during the reporting period.

(3) Leasing

Applicable □ Not applicable
Explanations on leases

During the reporting period, some of the Company's own real estate properties were used for rental, and there are no other leases of
major property except for the leased real estate property used for office, warehouse, and production workshops.

Cases that brought the profit and loss accounted for more than 10% of the Company's total profit during the reporting period
□ Applicable Not applicable
No such leases that brought the profit and loss accounted for more than 10% of the Company's total profit during the reporting

2. Significant guarantees

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB ten thousand

                  External guarantees from the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding guarantees to the subsidiaries)
                           ment date
                           of                           Actual          Actual        Type of                            Due
                                        Guarantee                                                                                relate
 Guaranteed party          disclosure                   occurrence      guarantee     guarant   Term of guarantee        or
                                        amount                                                                                   d
                           of the                       date            amount        ee                                 not
                                                                                                                                 s or

                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                     Total amount of
Total amount of guarantees                                           external guarantees
approved during the reporting                                        actually occurred
period (A1)                                                          during the reporting
                                                                     period (A2)
                                                                     Total balance of
Total amount of external
                                                                     external guarantees at
guarantees approved by the end of
                                                                     the end of the
the reporting period (A3)
                                                                     reporting period (A4)
Company's guarantees to subsidiaries
                        ment date
                            of                       Actual          Actual       Type of                             Due
                                       Guarantee                                                                            relate
Guaranteed party        disclosure                   occurrence      guarantee    guarant      Term of guarantee      or
                                       amount                                                                               d
                          of the                     date            amount       ee                                  not
                                                                                                                            s or
                                                                                   liability       2020.04.07-
                                                     2020.04.07       53,000.00                                       Yes    No
                                                                                   guarant         2024.03.31
                                                                                     Joint       Three years after
                                                                      100,000.0    liability    the maturity of the
                                                     2021.02.04                                                       Yes    No
                                                                          0        guarant     debts in the master
                                                                                      ee              contract
                                                                                                From the effective
                                                                                                     date of the
                                                                                               Commitment Letter
                                                                                               to three years after
                                                                                               the maturity date of
                                                                                                each loan or other
                                                                                               financing under the
                                                                                                Credit Agreement
                                                                                                or of the accounts
                                                                                                 receivable claims
                                                                                                   granted by the
                                                                                                Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                               of China Merchants
                                                     2023.06.09       40,000.00                     Bank or the       Yes    No
Zhejiang Dahua                                                                                    advance date of
                        April 16,                                                     ee
Vision Technology                       840,000.00                                                 each advance
Co., Ltd.                                                                                         within the credit
                                                                                                 extension period;
                                                                                                  for any specific
                                                                                               extension of credit,
                                                                                                   the guarantee
                                                                                                  period shall be
                                                                                                  extended for an
                                                                                                  additional three
                                                                                                   years after the
                                                                                                 expiration of the
                                                                                                 extension period.
                                                                                                 From the start of
                                                                                                   the guarantee
                                                                                                   period to three
                                                                                                   years after the
                                                                                     Joint        maturity date of
                                                                                   liability         each note
                                                     2023.06.25       20,000.00                                       Yes    No
                                                                                   guarant       discounted by the
                                                                                      ee        Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                               of China Merchants
                                                                                                  Bank within the
                                                                                                  credit extension

         2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                      Three years from
                           Joint        the next day of
                         liability     ICBC Qingchun
2023.11.20   20,000.00                                       Yes   No
                         guarant         Sub-branch's
                            ee        external payment
                           Joint     Two years after the
                         liability      maturity of the
2017.10.13   22,000.00                                       No    No
                         guarant     debts in the master
                            ee              contract
                           Joint     Two years after the
                         liability      maturity of the
2018.09.21   (USD 40                                         No    No
                         guarant     debts in the master
                            ee              contract
                           Joint       Five years upon
                         liability    expiration of debt
2020.09.01   30,000.00                                       No    No
                         guarant       period of master
                            ee              contract
                           Joint      Three years after
                         liability   the maturity of the
2021.07.26   44,000.00                                       No    No
                         guarant     debts in the master
                            ee              contract
                           Joint      Three years after
                         liability   the maturity of the
2021.10.20   20,000.00                                       No    No
                         guarant     debts in the master
                            ee              contract
                           Joint      Three years after
                         liability   the maturity of the
2022.07.22   20,000.00                                       No    No
                         guarant     debts in the master
                            ee              contract
                         liability       2022.09.19-
2022.09.19   60,000.00                                       No    No
                         guarant         2024.09.18
                                       From the date of
                                       expiration of the
                                     performance period
                                      of each debt in the
                           Joint        master contract
                         liability     until three years
2023.07.24   40,000.00                                       No    No
                         guarant        after the date of
                            ee         expiration of the
                                     performance period
                                         of the last due
                                      master debt under
                                     all master contracts
                                       Three years from
                                     the effective date of
                                         the Maximum
                                     Amount Guarantee
                                        Contract to the
2023.07.25   50,000.00                expiration date of     No    No
                                       the performance
                                     period of each debt
                                       under the Credit
                                       separately on the
                                        basis of a single
                           Joint         credit business
                         liability    handled by Dahua
2023.09.26   90,000.00                                       No    No
                         guarant      Vision Technology
                            ee        for the debtor, i.e.
                                       from the date of
                                         signing of the
                                      master contract for

                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                      a single credit
                                                                                    business to three
                                                                                      years after the
                                                                                   expiration date of
                                                                                    the debtor's debt
                                                                                  performance period
                                                                                   under such master
                                                                                    Three years from
                                                                                  the expiration date
                                                                                      of the debtor's
                                             2023.09.26   33,000.00               performance period     No    No
                                                                                     as agreed in the
                                                                                       master claim
                                                                                    Three years from
                                                                                   the next day after
                                                                                   the expiry date of
                                                          100,000.0   liability
                                             2024.03.01                                each type of      No    No
                                                              0       guarant
                                                                                   financing business
                                                                                    under the master
                                                                                  Two years from the
                                                                        Joint      expiration date of
                                                                      liability        the debtor's
                                             2024.04.01   53,000.00                                      No    No
                                                                      guarant     performance period
                                                                         ee          as agreed in the
                                                                                     master contract
                                                                                   From the effective
                                                                                        date of the
                                                                                  Commitment Letter
                                                                                  to three years after
                                                                                  the maturity date of
                                                                                   each loan or other
                                                                                  financing under the
                                                                                   Credit Agreement
                                                                                   or of the accounts
                                                                                    receivable claims
                                                                                      granted by the
                                                                                   Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                  of China Merchants
                                             2024.06.07   40,000.00                    Bank or the       No    No
                                                                                     advance date of
                                                                                      each advance
                                                                                     within the credit
                                                                                    extension period;
                                                                                     For any specific
                                                                                  extension of credit,
                                                                                      the guarantee
                                                                                     period shall be
                                                                                     extended for an
                                                                                     additional three
                                                                                      years after the
                                                                                    expiration of the
                                                                                    extension period.
                                                                                   From the effective
                                                                                        date of the
                                                                                  Commitment Letter
                                                                                  to three years after
                                                                        Joint     the maturity date of
Zhejiang Dahua      April 16,                                         liability    each loan or other
                                270,000.00   2023.06.09   16,000.00                                      Yes   No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.    2024                                             guarant     financing under the
                                                                         ee        Credit Agreement
                                                                                   or of the accounts
                                                                                    receivable claims
                                                                                      granted by the
                                                                                   Hangzhou Branch

         2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                     of China Merchants
                                          Bank or the
                                       advance date of
                                         each advance
                                       within the credit
                                      extension period;
                                       For any specific
                                     extension of credit,
                                         the guarantee
                                        period shall be
                                       extended for an
                                       additional three
                                        years after the
                                       expiration of the
                                      extension period.
                           Joint     Two years after the
                         liability      maturity of the
2020.09.24   30,000.00                                       Yes   No
                         guarant     debts in the master
                            ee              contract
                         liability       2023.06.19-
2023.06.19   12,000.00                                       Yes   No
                         guarant         2024.06.18
                         liability       2023.06.19-
2023.06.19   35,000.00                                       Yes   No
                         guarant         2024.06.18
                           Joint      Three years after
                         liability   the maturity of the
2021.07.26   16,500.00                                       No    No
                         guarant     debts in the master
                            ee            contract
                         liability       2021.12.03-
2021.12.03   (USD 5                                          No    No
                         guarant         2024.12.02
                         liability       2022.08.25-
2022.08.25   20,000.00                                       No    No
                         guarant         2025.08.25
                         liability       2022.09.19-
2022.09.19   15,000.00                                       No    No
                         guarant         2024.09.18
             8,908.50      Joint
              (USD       liability        2023.7.13-
2023.07.13                                                   No    No
               12.5      guarant          2024.7.12
             million)       ee
                                       From the date of
                                       expiration of the
                                     performance period
                                      of each debt in the
                           Joint        master contract
                         liability     until three years
2023.07.24   50,000.00                                       No    No
                         guarant        after the date of
                            ee         expiration of the
                                     performance period
                                         of the last due
                                      master debt under
                                     all master contracts.
                                      One year from the
                           Joint      expiration date of
                         liability        the debtor's
2024.01.02   1,000.00                                        No    No
                         guarant     performance period
                            ee          as agreed in the
                                        master contract
                           Joint     Two years from the
2024.03.29   30,000.00                                       No    No
                         liability    expiration date of

                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                      guarant          the debtor's
                                                                        ee        performance period
                                                                                     as agreed in the
                                                                                     master contract
                                                                                   From the effective
                                                                                        date of the
                                                                                  Commitment Letter
                                                                                  to three years after
                                                                                  the maturity date of
                                                                                   each loan or other
                                                                                  financing under the
                                                                                   Credit Agreement
                                                                                   or of the accounts
                                                                                    receivable claims
                                                                                      granted by the
                                                                                   Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                  of China Merchants
                                             2024.06.07   16,000.00                    Bank or the       No    No
                                                                                     advance date of
                                                                                      each advance
                                                                                     within the credit
                                                                                    extension period;
                                                                                     For any specific
                                                                                  extension of credit,
                                                                                      the guarantee
                                                                                     period shall be
                                                                                     extended for an
                                                                                     additional three
                                                                                      years after the
                                                                                    expiration of the
                                                                                    extension period.
                                                                                   From the effective
                                                                                        date of the
                                                                                  Commitment Letter
                                                                                  to three years after
                                                                                  the maturity date of
                                                                                   each loan or other
                                                                                  financing under the
                                                                                   Credit Agreement
                                                                                   or of the accounts
                                                                                    receivable claims
                                                                                      granted by the
                                                                                   Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                  of China Merchants
                                             2023.06.09   4,000.00                     Bank or the       Yes   No
                                                                                     advance date of
                                                                                      each advance
Zhejiang Dahua                                                                       within the credit
                     April 16,
System Engineering               30,000.00                                          extension period;
Co., Ltd.                                                                            For any specific
                                                                                  extension of credit,
                                                                                      the guarantee
                                                                                     period shall be
                                                                                     extended for an
                                                                                     additional three
                                                                                      years after the
                                                                                    expiration of the
                                                                                    extension period.
                                                                        Joint     Two years after the
                                                                      liability      maturity of the
                                             2019.08.30   1,000.00                                       No    No
                                                                      guarant     debts in the master
                                                                         ee              contract
                                                                      liability       2022.08.25-
                                             2022.08.25    500.00                                        No    No
                                                                      guarant         2025.08.25

                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  Three years from
                                                                                the effective date of
                                                                                     the Maximum
                                                                                Amount Guarantee
                                                                                    Contract to the
                                           2023.07.25   5,000.00                  expiration date of    No    No
                                                                                   the performance
                                                                                period of each debt
                                                                                   under the Credit
                                                                                 One year from the
                                                                                    signing of the
                                                                                 project contract or
                                           2023.09.11    160.21                  6 months of stable     No    No
                                                                                   operation of the
                                                                                    system on line
                                                                                (whichever is later)
                                                                                 From the effective
                                                                                       date of the
                                                                                Commitment Letter
                                                                                 to three years after
                                                                                the maturity date of
                                                                                  each loan or other
                                                                                financing under the
                                                                                  Credit Agreement
                                                                                  or of the accounts
                                                                                  receivable claims
                                                                                    granted by the
                                                                                 Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                of China Merchants
                                           2024.06.10   4,000.00                      Bank or the       No    No
                                                                                   advance date of
                                                                                     each advance
                                                                                   within the credit
                                                                                  extension period;
                                                                                   For any specific
                                                                                 extension of credit,
                                                                                     the guarantee
                                                                                    period shall be
                                                                                   extended for an
                                                                                   additional three
                                                                                    years after the
                                                                                   expiration of the
                                                                                  extension period.

                                                                    liability       2023.04.21-
                                           2023.04.21   (USD 2                                          Yes   No
                                                                    guarant         2024.04.21

Dahua Technology   April 16,
(HK) Limited        2024

                                                                    liability       2024.4.22-
                                           2024.04.22   (USD 3                                          No    No
                                                                    guarant         2025.4.22

                                                        2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

DAHUA                                                                     Joint
TECHNOLOGY             April 16,                                        liability      2023.10.18-
                                    3,000.00   2023.10.18   (USD 1                                        No    No
MEXICO S.A. DE          2024                                            guarant        2024.10.20
C.V                                                                        ee

                                                                          Joint     Two years after the
                                                                        liability     maturity of the
                                               2019.08.30   5,000.00                                      Yes   No
                                                                        guarant     debts in the master
                                                                           ee            contract

Hangzhou Huacheng
                       April 16,
Network Technology                 17,000.00
                        2024                                              Joint      Three years after
Co., Ltd.
                                                                        liability   the maturity of the
                                               2021.07.26   5,500.00                                      Yes   No
                                                                        guarant     debts in the master
                                                                           ee            contract

                                                                        liability      2022.08.25-
                                               2022.08.25   6,500.00                                      Yes   No
                                                                        guarant        2024.04.29
                                                            1,048.99      Joint
                                                                                    August 12, 2020 -
                                                              (1.16     liability
                                               2020.08.12                           Signature of notice   No    No
                                                             million    guarant
                                                                                       of termination
Dahua Technology       April 16,                            pounds)        ee
UK Limited              2024                                              Joint
                                               2024.03.04   (USD 1                   2024.3.4-2025.3.3    No    No
                                                                          Joint      Three years after
                                                                        liability   the maturity of the
                                               2022.05.16   (USD 2                                        Yes   No
                                                                        guarant     debts in the master
                                                                           ee            contract
                                                                          Joint      Three years after
                                                                        liability   the maturity of the
                                               2022.04.29   1,000.00                                      No    No
                                                                        guarant     debts in the master
Zhejiang Huayixin      April 16,                                           ee            contract
Technology Co., Ltd.    2024                                              Joint
                                                                        liability      2022.08.25-
                                               2022.08.25    200.00                                       No    No
                                                                        guarant        2025.08.25
                                                                        liability      2022.10.21-
                                               2022.10.21    800.00                                       No    No
                                                                        guarant        2024.09.18
                                                                                     From the start of
                                                                                       the guarantee
                                                                                       period to three
                                                                                       years after the
                                                                          Joint       maturity date of
                                                                        liability         each note
                                               2023.06.25   2,000.00                                      Yes   No
Zhejiang Fengshi       April 16,                                        guarant      discounted by the
Technology Co., Ltd.    2024                                               ee        Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                    of China Merchants
                                                                                      Bank within the
                                                                                      credit extension
                                                                          Joint         2022.08.25-
                                               2022.08.25   10,000.00                                     No    No
                                                                        liability        2025.08.25

                                                        2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                        liability      2022.10.21-
                                               2022.10.21   2,000.00                                     No     No
                                                                        guarant        2024.09.18
                                                                        liability      2022.08.25-
                                               2022.08.25    800.00                                      No     No
                                                                        guarant        2025.08.25
Jiangsu Huaruipin      April 16,                                           ee
Technology Co. Ltd.     2024                                              Joint
                                                                        liability      2022.10.21-
                                               2022.10.21   1,500.00                                     No     No
                                                                        guarant        2024.09.18
                                                                        liability      2022.08.25-
                                               2022.08.25    200.00                                      No     No
                                                                        guarant        2025.08.25
Zhejiang Huaxiao       April 16,                                           ee
Technology Co., Ltd.    2024                                              Joint
                                                                        liability      2022.10.21-
                                               2022.10.21    800.00                                      No     No
                                                                        guarant        2024.09.18
                                                                                     From the start of
                                                                                       the guarantee
                                                                                       period to three
                                                                                       years after the
                                                                          Joint       maturity date of
                                                                        liability        each note
                                               2023.06.25   5,000.00                                     Yes    No
                                                                        guarant      discounted by the
                                                                           ee        Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                    of China Merchants
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian    April 16,                                                      Bank within the
Technology Co., Ltd.    2024                                                          credit extension
                                                                        liability      2022.08.25-
                                               2022.08.25   10,000.00                                    No     No
                                                                        guarant        2025.08.25
                                                                        liability      2022.10.21-
                                               2022.10.21   2,500.00                                     No     No
                                                                        guarant        2024.09.18
                                                                                     From the start of
                                                                                       the guarantee
                                                                                       period to three
                                                                                       years after the
                                                                          Joint       maturity date of
                                                                        liability        each note
                                               2023.06.25   5,000.00                                     Yes    No
                                                                        guarant      discounted by the
Zhengzhou Dahua
                       April 16,                                           ee        Hangzhou Branch
Zhian Information                  10,000.00
                        2024                                                        of China Merchants
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      Bank within the
                                                                                      credit extension
                                                                        liability      2022.08.25-
                                               2022.08.25   3,000.00                                     No     No
                                                                        guarant        2025.08.25
                                                                                     From the start of
                                                                                       the guarantee
                                                                                       period to three
Chengdu Dahua                                                             Joint
                                                                                       years after the
Zhian Information      April 16,                                        liability
                                   15,000.00   2023.06.25   8,000.00                  maturity date of   Yes    No
Technology Service      2024                                            guarant
                                                                                         each note
Co., Ltd.                                                                  ee
                                                                                     discounted by the
                                                                                     Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                    of China Merchants

                                                        2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                     Bank within the
                                                                                     credit extension
                                                                                     From the start of
                                                                                       the guarantee
                                                                                       period to three
                                                                                       years after the
                                                                          Joint       maturity date of
                                                                        liability        each note
                                               2023.06.25   1,000.00                                     Yes    No
                                                                        guarant      discounted by the
                                                                           ee        Hangzhou Branch
                                                                                    of China Merchants
Changsha Dahua         April 16,                                                      Bank within the
Technology Co., Ltd.    2024                                                          credit extension
                                                                        liability      2022.08.25-
                                               2022.08.25   3,000.00                                     No     No
                                                                        guarant        2025.08.25
                                                                        liability      2022.10.21-
                                               2022.10.21   2,000.00                                     No     No
                                                                        guarant        2024.09.18
Zhejiang Pixfra        April 16,                                        liability      2022.08.25-
                                    1,000.00   2022.08.25    500.00                                      No     No
Technology Co., Ltd.    2024                                            guarant        2025.08.25
Zhejiang Huafei                                                           Joint
Intelligent            April 16,                                        liability      2022.08.25-
                                     500.00    2022.08.25    200.00                                      No     No
Technology CO.,         2024                                            guarant        2025.08.25
LTD.                                                                       ee
Zhejiang Huajian       April 16,                                        liability      2022.08.25-
                                    1,000.00   2022.08.25    200.00                                      No     No
Technology Co., Ltd.    2024                                            guarant        2025.08.25
Hangzhou Xiaohua
                       April 16,                                        liability      2022.08.25-
Technology CO.,                      200.00    2022.08.25    200.00                                      No     No
                        2024                                            guarant        2025.08.25
Zhejiang Dahua                                                            Joint
Security Network       April 16,                                        liability      2022.08.25-
                                     500.00    2022.08.25    500.00                                      No     No
Operation Service       2024                                            guarant        2025.08.25
Co., Ltd.                                                                  ee
Dahua Technology       April 16,                                        liability      2023.12.07-
                                     700.00    2023.12.07    (EUR                                        No     No
France SAS              2024                                            guarant        2029.08.31
DAHUA EUROPE           April 16,                                        liability
                                   20,000.00   2024.03.04   (USD 1.5                 2024.3.4-2025.3.3   No     No
B.V.                    2024                                            guarant
                                                            356.34        Joint
Dahua Technology       April 16,                             (USD       liability
                                    4,000.00   2024.03.04   500,000                  2024.3.4-2025.3.3   No     No
Italy S.R.L.            2024                                            guarant
                                                              )           ee
Guangxi Dahua
                       April 16,
Information                          100.00                   No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.

Guangxi Dahua          April 16,
                                     100.00                   No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.    2024

                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Anhui Dahua Zhilian
                        April 16,
Information                          500.00          No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.

Anhui Dahua Zhishu
                        April 16,
Information                          500.00          No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Dahua
                        April 16,
Zhilian Information                  800.00          No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Dahua
Zhishu Information      April 16,
                                     500.00          No such case during the reporting period
Technology Service       2024
Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Zhichuang
                        April 16,
Yunshu Technology                    500.00          No such case during the reporting period
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Fuyang
                        April 16,
Hua'ao Technology                    300.00          No such case during the reporting period
Co., Ltd.
Henan Dahua
                        April 16,
Zhilian Information                  500.00          No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.
Hunan Dahua
                        April 16,
Zhilong Information                  100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Dahua
                        April 16,
Information                          200.00          No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.

Tianjin Huajian         April 16,
                                     100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.     2024

Yiwu Huaxi              April 16,
                                     100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.     2024

Zhejiang Dahua
Intelligent IoT         April 16,
                                     500.00          No such case during the reporting period
Operation Service        2024
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Huakong        April 16,
                                     200.00          No such case during the reporting period
Software Co., Ltd.       2024

Dahua Technology        April 16,
                                     100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Japan LLC                2024

Dahua Technology        April 16,
                                     100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Singapore Pte.Ltd.       2024

Dahua Technology        April 16,
                                    1,000.00         No such case during the reporting period
Poland Sp.Zo.O.          2024

Dahua Technology H      April 16,
                                     300.00          No such case during the reporting period
ungary Kft               2024

Dahua Technology        April 16,
                                    4,000.00         No such case during the reporting period
India Private Limited    2024

                                              2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

COMRCIO E              April 16,
                                   1,000.00         No such case during the reporting period
SERVIOS EM              2024
Dahua Technology       April 16,
                                   1,000.00         No such case during the reporting period
Middle East FZE         2024
Dahua Technology       April 16,
                                    100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Perú S.A.C             2024

Dahua Technology       April 16,
                                    100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Australia PTY LTD       2024

Dahua Technology
                       April 16,
South Africa                        100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Proprietary Limited

Dahua Technology       April 16,
                                    100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Canada INC.             2024

Dahua Guvenlik
                       April 16,
Teknolojileri Sanayi                200.00          No such case during the reporting period
ve Ticaret A.S.

Dahua Technology       April 16,
                                    100.00          No such case during the reporting period
SRB d.o.o.              2024

Dahua Technology       April 16,
                                    100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Bulgaria EOOD           2024

                       April 16,
Dahua Iberia, S.L.                  100.00          No such case during the reporting period

Dahua Security
                       April 16,
Malaysia SDN.                       100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Dahua Technology       April 16,
                                    100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Kazakhstan LLP          2024
PT. Dahua Vision
                       April 16,
Technology                          100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Dahua Technology
                       April 16,
Korea Company                       100.00          No such case during the reporting period

Dahua Technology       April 16,
                                    100.00          No such case during the reporting period
S.R.L.                  2024

                       April 16,
Dahua Vision LLc                    100.00          No such case during the reporting period

Dahua Technology
                       April 16,
New Zealand                         100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Dahua Technology       April 16,
                                    300.00          No such case during the reporting period
GmbH                    2024
Dahua Technology       April 16,
                                    100.00          No such case during the reporting period
Colombia S.A.S.         2024

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Technology          April 16,
                                            100.00                       No such case during the reporting period
Panama S.A.                2024
Dahua Technology          April 16,
                                            100.00                       No such case during the reporting period
Chile SpA                  2024
Dahua Technology
                          April 16,
Tunisia Limited                             100.00                       No such case during the reporting period
Liability Company
Dahua Technology          April 16,
                                            100.00                       No such case during the reporting period
Kenya Limited              2024
Dahua Technology
                          April 16,
Pakistan (private)                          100.00                       No such case during the reporting period
Dahua Technology          April 16,
                                            100.00                       No such case during the reporting period
Morocco SARL               2024
Dahua Argentina           April 16,
                                            100.00                       No such case during the reporting period
S.A.                       2024
Dahua Technology          April 16,
                                            100.00                       No such case during the reporting period
Czech s.r.o.               2024
Dahua Technology          April 16,
                                            100.00                       No such case during the reporting period
Denmark ApS                2024
Dahua Technology          April 16,
                                            100.00                       No such case during the reporting period
(Thailand) Co.,LTD.        2024
Luoyang Dahua
                          April 16,
Zhiyu Information                           500.00                       No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.
Dahua Technology          April 16,
                                            100.00                       No such case during the reporting period
Belgium B.V.               2024
TECHNOLOGY                April 16,
                                           2,000.00                      No such case during the reporting period
INTERNATIONAL              2024
Dahua Technology
                          April 16,
Regional                                   1,000.00                      No such case during the reporting period
Nanyang Dahua
Intelligent               April 16,
                                            200.00                       No such case during the reporting period
Information                2024
Technology Co., Ltd.
Yibin Huahui
                          April 16,
Information                                 200.00                       No such case during the reporting period
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                      Total amount of
Total amount of guarantees to                                         guarantees to
subsidiaries approved during the                      1,360,000.00    subsidiaries actually                           248,276.08
reporting period (B1)                                                 occurred during the
                                                                      reporting period (B2)
                                                                      Total balance of
Total amount of guarantees to                                         guarantees actually
subsidiaries approved by the end                      1,360,000.00    paid to subsidiaries at                         847,688.68
of the reporting period (B3)                                          the end of the
                                                                      reporting period (B4)
Subsidiaries' guarantees to subsidiaries
                         ment date
                         of                           Actual          Actual        Type of                         Due
                                       Guarantee                                                                          relate
Guaranteed party         disclosure                   occurrence      guarantee     guarant     Term of guarantee   or
                                       amount                                                                             d
                         of the                       date            amount        ee                              not
                                                                                                                          s or

                                                                      Total amount of
Total amount of guarantees to
                                                                      guarantees to
subsidiaries approved during the
                                                                      subsidiaries actually
reporting period (C1)
                                                                      occurred during the

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                         reporting period (C2)

                                                                  Total balance of
 Total amount of guarantees to                                    guarantees actually
 subsidiaries approved by the end                                 paid to subsidiaries at
 of the reporting period (C3)                                     the end of the
                                                                  reporting period (C4)
 Total amount of company guarantees (namely sum of the previous three major items)
                                                                  Total amount of
 Total amount of guarantees                                       guarantees actually
 approved during the reporting                      1,360,000.00 occurred during the                                      248,276.08
 period (A1+B1+C1)                                                reporting period
                                                                  Total balance of
 Total amount of guarantees                                       guarantees actually
 approved by the end of the                         1,360,000.00 paid at the end of the                                   847,688.68
 reporting period (A3+B3+C3)                                      reporting period
 Total amount of actual guarantees (A4+B4+C4) as a percentage
 of the Company's net assets

 Balance of guarantees provided to the shareholders, actual
 controllers, and their related parties (D)
 Balance of debt guarantees directly or indirectly offered to
 guaranteed objects with asset-liability ratio exceeding 70% (E)
 Amount of the portion of the total guarantee amount exceeding
 50% of net assets (F)
 Total amount of the above three guarantees (D+E+F)                                                                       819,603.11
 Notes on unexpired guarantees with guarantee responsibilities
 occurred or possible joint liabilities within the reporting period
 (if any)
 Notes on providing external guarantees in violation of specified
 procedures (if any)

Explanation of the use of composite guarantee method


3. Entrusted Financing

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB ten thousand

                                                                                                  Overdue            amount accrued
       Specific type       Funding source         Entrusted amount       Unexpired balance       outstanding           for overdue
                                                                                                   amount                financial
   Financial products
   of securities         Equity Fund                                             100,000.00
   Total                                                                         100,000.00

Specific matters on high-risk entrusted capital management with a large amount for a single item, or with low security and poor
Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB ten thousand

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                           ount              Whe
                                                                                                             of               ther
                                                                                           Actu    reco
   Nam                                                                                                     prov               ther
                                                                                             al    very                              Item
   e of                                                                     Refe                           ision     Whe        e
           Trus                                                     Pay                    profi     of                              over
   trust                                                                    renc                             for      ther    will
            tee                                                     men             Exp       t    profi                             view
    ee                                                     Inve             e for                           imp         it     be
           orga                                    Ter                t             ecte    and      ts                               and
   orga            Prod            Capi                    stme             annu                           airm      pass     entr
           nizat                           Start   min              dete              d    loss     and                              relat
   nizat            uct    Am       tal                      nt             alize                           ent        ed    uste
            ion                             ing    atio             rmin            earn   duri    loss                               ed
    ion            Typ     ount    Sour                     dire              d                            accr        the      d
            (or                            date     n                atio           ings    ng       es                              quer
    (or              e              ce                      ctio             rate                           ued      legal    fina
           trust                                   date               n              (if    the    duri                                y
   nam                                                       n                of                              in     proc    ncial
            ee)                                                     met             any)   repo     ng                               inde
   e of                                                                     retur                           the      edur    plan
           type                                                      hod                   rting    the                              x (if
   trust                                                                      n                            curr         es     in
                                                                                           peri    repo                              any)
    ee)                                                                                                     ent               the
                                                                                            od     rting
                                                                                                           year              futur
                                                                                                             (if                e
                                                           fixe    Pay
                                                           d       men
   Guo             Asse                                    inco    t of
   sen     Secu    t                       Febr    Febr    me      prin
   Secu    ritie   Man      100,           uary    uary    asset   cipal                      -    Une
   ritie   s       age      000.           10,     09,     s,      and                     9,53    xpir              Yes     No
   s       Com     men        00           202     203     equi    inco                    7.64    ed
   co.,    pany    t                       1       1       ty      me
   Ltd.            Plan                                    asset   at
                                                           s,      mat
                                                           publ    urity
                            100,                                                              -
   Total                    000.     --      --      --      --      --      --            9,53     --                --      --      --
                              00                                                           7.64

Cases of entrusted financing expected to be unable to recover the principal or cases that may result in impairment
□ Applicable Not applicable

4. Other Significant Contracts

□ Applicable Not applicable
No such case as other significant contract during the reporting period.

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

XIII. Explanations on Other Significant Matters

□ Applicable Not applicable
No such case as other significant events that need to be explained during the reporting period.

XIV. Significant Events of the Company's Subsidiaries

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders

I. Changes in Shares

1. Changes in shares

                                                                                                                         Unit: Shares
                 Before the change                   Increase or decrease in the change (+, -)                 After the change
                                        Shares                       converted
                            Proportio                   Bonus                                                              Proportio
                Quantity                newly                           from       Others        Subtotal    Quantity
                               n                        shares                                                                n
                                        issued                         capital
  I. Shares
  with                                                                                     -             -
                1,335,459                                                                                    1,212,407
  limited                     40.54%             0               0           0     123,052,2     123,052,2                   36.80%
                     ,556                                                                                         ,274
  sales                                                                                  82            82
                       0       0.00%             0               0           0              0           0           0          0.00%
  held by
  held by
                293,103,4                                                                                    293,103,4
  state-                       8.90%             0               0           0              0           0                      8.90%
                    00.00                                                                                          00
                                                                                           -             -
  Other         1,042,356                                                                                    919,303,8
                              31.64%             0               0           0     123,052,2     123,052,2                   27.90%
  domestic           ,156                                                                                          74
                                                                                         82            82
  held by              0       0.00%             0               0           0              0           0           0          0.00%
  es held by                                                                               -             -
                1,042,356                                                                                    919,303,8
  domestic                    31.64%             0               0           0     123,052,2     123,052,2                   27.90%
                     ,156                                                                                          74
  natural                                                                                82            82
  Foreign              0       0.00%             0               0           0              0           0           0          0.00%
  ding:                0       0.00%             0               0           0              0           0           0          0.00%

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   held by
   es held by
   foreign                0        0.00%              0             0             0             0            0             0       0.00%
   II. Shares
   without        1,959,009                                                            123,052,2     123,052,2    2,082,061
                                 59.46%               0             0             0                                               63.20%
   restriction         ,434                                                                  82            82          ,716
   RMB            1,959,009                                                            123,052,2     123,052,2    2,082,061
                                 59.46%               0             0             0                                               63.20%
   ordinary            ,434                                                                  82            82          ,716
   shares                 0        0.00%              0             0             0             0            0             0       0.00%
   listed in
                          0        0.00%              0             0             0             0            0             0       0.00%
   listed in
                          0        0.00%              0             0             0             0            0             0       0.00%
                  3,294,468                                                                                       3,294,468
   III. Total                    100.00%              0             0             0             0            0                   100.00%
                       ,990                                                                                            ,990
Reasons for changes in shares
Applicable □ Not applicable

According to relevant regulations, the Company shall lock the shares held by its directors, supervisors, and senior management through
re-verification at the beginning of each year and shall lock the shares held by the resigned directors, supervisors, and senior management
in different proportions at different stages based on their resignation dates and former terms of office.

Approval for changes in shares
□ Applicable Not applicable
Transfer for changes in shares
□ Applicable Not applicable
The progress on share repurchases
□ Applicable Not applicable
The progress in reduction of re-purchase shares by means of centralized competitive bidding
□ Applicable Not applicable
Effects of changes in shares on the basic earnings per share ("EPS"), diluted EPS, net assets per share, attributable to comm on
shareholders of the Company, and other financial indexes over the last year and last period
□ Applicable Not applicable
Other contents that the Company considers necessary or are required by the securities regulatory authorities to disclose

                                                              2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

□ Applicable Not applicable

2. Changes in restricted stocks

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                        Unit: Shares

                      Number Of           Number of          Number of            Number of
                      Shares With      unlocked shares       increased           shares with
      Name of        Limited Sales       with limited       shares with         limited sales       Reasons for          Date of
     Shareholder     Condition At       sales condition    limited sales       condition at the    limited sales        unlocking
                     The Beginning        in current        condition in          end of the
                     Of The Period          period        current period            period
                                                                                                                     According to
                                                                                                                     the relevant
                                                                                                  Lock-up shares     provisions of
                                                                                                  for directors,     shares
  Fu Liquan              767,901,735                 0                     0       767,901,735    supervisors and    management of
                                                                                                  senior             directors,
                                                                                                  management         supervisors and
  China Mobile                                                                                    Issuance of
  Communication                                                                                   restricted
                         293,103,400                 0                     0       293,103,400                       April 13, 2026
  s Group Co.,                                                                                    shares to
  Ltd.                                                                                            specific objects
                                                                                                                     According to
                                                                                                                     the relevant
                                                                                                  Lock-up shares     provisions of
                                                                                                  for directors,     shares
  Chen Ailing             53,447,110                 0                     0        53,447,110    supervisors and    management of
                                                                                                  senior             directors,
                                                                                                  management         supervisors and
                                                                                                                     According to
                                                                                                                     the relevant
                                                                                                  Lock-up shares     provisions of
                                                                                                  for directors,     shares
  Wu Jun                  51,879,664                 0                     0        51,879,664    supervisors and    management of
                                                                                                  senior             directors,
                                                                                                  management         supervisors and
                                                                                                                     According to
                                                                                                  Lock-up shares     the relevant
                                                                                                  for directors,     provisions of
                                                                                                  supervisors and    shares
                                                                                                  senior             management of
  Wu Jian                  1,155,101                 0            63,600             1,218,701    management         directors,
                                                                                                  and restricted     supervisors and
                                                                                                  shares for         senior
                                                                                                  equity incentive   management as
                                                                                                  award              well as equity
                                                                                                  Lock-up shares     According to
  Zhao Yuning              1,106,850                 0                     0         1,106,850
                                                                                                  for directors,     the relevant

                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                             supervisors and    provisions of
                                                                             senior             shares
                                                                             management         management of
                                                                             and restricted     directors,
                                                                             shares for         supervisors and
                                                                             equity incentive   senior
                                                                             award              management as
                                                                                                well as equity
                                                                                                According to
                                                                             Lock-up shares     the relevant
                                                                             for directors,     provisions of
                                                                             supervisors and    shares
                                                                             senior             management of
Zhu Jiantang          902,269             0            0           902,269   management         directors,
                                                                             and restricted     supervisors and
                                                                             shares for         senior
                                                                             equity incentive   management as
                                                                             award              well as equity
                                                                                                According to
                                                                             Lock-up shares     the relevant
                                                                             for directors,     provisions of
                                                                             supervisors and    shares
                                                                             senior             management of
Li Zhijie             641,850             0       63,600           705,450   management         directors,
                                                                             and restricted     supervisors and
                                                                             shares for         senior
                                                                             equity incentive   management as
                                                                             award              well as equity
                                                                                                According to
                                                                             Lock-up shares     the relevant
                                                                             for directors,     provisions of
                                                                             supervisors and    shares
                                                                             senior             management of
Xu Zhicheng           598,350             0       63,600           661,950   management         directors,
                                                                             and restricted     supervisors and
                                                                             shares for         senior
                                                                             equity incentive   management as
                                                                             award              well as equity
                                                                                                According to
                                                                                                the relevant
                                                                                                provisions of
Zhang                                                                        shares for
                     1,600,615      952,615            0           648,000                      shares
Xingming                                                                     equity incentive
                                                                                                for equity
                                                                                                incentive award
                                                                             Lock-up shares     According to
                                                                             for directors,     the relevant
                                                                             supervisors and    provisions of
Other senior
                                                                             senior             shares
executives and
                   163,122,612   122,408,667     118,200        40,832,145   management         management of
equity incentive
                                                                             and restricted     directors,
                                                                             shares for         supervisors and
                                                                             equity incentive   senior
                                                                             award              management as

                                                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                         well as equity
  Total                  1,335,459,556       123,361,282           309,000       1,212,407,274           --                     --

II. Issuance and listing of securities

□ Applicable Not applicable

III. Total number of shareholders and their shareholdings

                                                                                                                            Unit: Shares

                                                             Total Number of Preferred Shareholders
  Total Number of Common
                                                             (If Any) Whose Voting Rights have been
  Shareholders at The End                         181,100                                                                                 0
                                                             Recovered at the End of the Reporting
  of The Reporting Period
    Shareholding list of common shareholders with over 5% shares or top ten common shareholders (excluding shares lent through
                                               Number of                     Number of     Number of           Pledges, markings or
                                                 common                        common       common                   freezing
                                                             Changes in
    Name of       Nature of     Shareholdi     shares held                   shares held   shares held
   Shareholde    Shareholde         ng          at the end                        with       without
                                                              reporting                                       State Of
       r              r         Percentage        of the                        limited      limited                           Quantity
                                                               period                                          Shares
                                                reporting                         sales        sales
                                                  period                      conditions    condition
                                               1,023,868,9                    767,901,73    255,967,24                         176,700,00
  Fu Liquan     Natural             31.08%                   0                                            Pledged
                                                        80                             5             5                                  0
  Mobile        State-
  Communic      owned                           293,103,40                    293,103,40
                                     8.90%                   0                                       0    N/A                             0
  ations        Legal                                    0                             0
  Group Co.,    Person
  Zhu                                           159,975,49                                  159,975,49
                Natural              4.86%                   -200,000                  0                  N/A                             0
  Jiangming                                              0                                           0
                Natural              2.16%      71,262,813   0                53,447,110    17,815,703    Pledged              31,800,000
  Wu Jun        Natural              2.10%      69,172,886   0                51,879,664    17,293,222    N/A                             0
  Hong Kong
                Legal                1.99%      65,591,359   1,251,615                 0    65,591,359    N/A                             0
  Co. Ltd.
                Others               1.40%      46,000,000   -8,000,000                0    46,000,000    N/A                             0
  Fund 103
  China         Domestic
  Securities    Non-state-
                                     1.20%      39,611,241   0                         0    39,611,241    N/A                             0
  Finance       owned
  Co., Ltd.     Legal

                                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Company         Others              1.10%     36,229,124   29,829,124                0     36,229,124   N/A                         0
Limited -
g insurance
New China
Limited -
Traditional     Others              0.74%     24,321,736   0                         0     24,321,736   N/A                         0
- general
insurance -
Strategic investors or
general legal entities
                              China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. as a strategic investor of the Company undertakes
becoming top 10 common
                              not to transfer any shares of the Company subscribed in any way within 36 months from the first day
shareholders as a result of
                              of listing of the new shares
the placement of new
shares (if any)
Description of the
association relationship or   Mr. Fu Liquan and Ms. Chen Ailing are husband and wife. The Company Is Unaware Of Whether
concerted action of above-    Other Shareholders Have Associated Relationship Or Are Persons Acting In Concert
mentioned shareholders
Explanation of the above
shareholders involved in
proxy/trustee voting rights   N/A
and abstention from
voting rights
Special note on the
                              The Company hereby declares that its special securities account for repurchase held 19,819,601
existence of repurchase
                              common class A stocks as at the end of the reporting period, with a shareholding ratio of 0.60%,
special accounts among
                              which is not included in the Company's top 10 shareholders without limited sales conditions as
the top 10 shareholders (if
 Shareholding of the top ten common shareholders without limited sales condition (excluding shares lent through refinancing and
                                           lock-up shares for senior management)
                                                                                                              Type of shares
                              Number of common shares held without limited sales condition at the
   Name of Shareholder                                                                                    Type of
                                                end of the reporting period                                              Quantity
Fu Liquan                                                                                255,967,245    common
Zhu Jiangming                                                                            159,975,490    common
Hong Kong Securities
                                                                                           65,591,359   common           65,591,359
Clearing Co. Ltd.
National Social Security                                                                                RMB
                                                                                           46,000,000                    46,000,000
Fund 103                                                                                                common

                                                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   China Securities Finance
                                                                                            39,611,241   common          39,611,241
   Co., Ltd.
   FORESEA Life Insurance                                                                                RMB
   Company Limited -                                                                        36,229,124   common          36,229,124
   participating insurance                                                                               stock
   New China Life Insurance
   Company Limited -                                                                                     RMB
   Traditional - general                                                                    24,321,736   common          24,321,736
   insurance - 018L-CT001                                                                                stock
   Industrial and
   Commercial Bank of
   China Limited - Huatai-                                                                               RMB
   PineBridge CSI 300                                                                       23,220,730   common          23,220,730
   Exchange-traded Open-                                                                                 stock
   end Index Securities
   Investment Fund
   National Social Security
                                                                                            21,565,980   common          21,565,980
   Fund 101
   New China Life Insurance
   Company Limited -                                                                                     RMB
   dividend- personal                                                                       19,146,726   common          19,146,726
   dividend - 018L-FH002                                                                                 stock
   Explanation on associated
   relationship or persons
   acting in concert among
   top ten common
   shareholders without          Mr. Fu Liquan and Ms. Chen Ailing are husband and wife. The Company Is Unaware Of Whether
   limited shares, and           Other Shareholders Have Associated Relationship Or Are Persons Acting In Concert
   between top ten common
   shareholders without
   limited shares and top ten
   common shareholders
   Explanation on Top Ten
   Common Shareholders’
   Participation in Securities
   Margin Trading (If Any)

Shareholders holding more than 5% of shares, the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders without limited outstanding shares
participating in the lending of shares through refinancing
Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                       Unit: Shares

     Shareholders holding more than 5% of shares, the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders without limited outstanding
                                  shares participating in the lending of shares through refinancing
                    Shares held in ordinary        Shares lent through       Shares held in ordinary         Shares lent through
                     accounts and credit        refinancing but have not       accounts and credit        refinancing but have not
    Name of
                   accounts at the beginning    been returned yet at the    accounts at the end of the    been returned yet at the
                         of the period           beginning of the period             period                   end of the period
     r (full
     name)                       Proportion                   Proportion                   Proportion                   Proportion
                     Total                       Total                        Total                         Total
                                  to total                     to total                     to total                     to total
                    quantity                    quantity                     quantity                      quantity
                                   share                        share                        share                        share

                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                    capital                      capital                       capital                       capital
   l Bank of
   Limited -
                   14,723,730          0.45%         146,800        0.00%      23,220,730         0.70%           8,800         0.00%
   CSI 300
Changes in top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders without limited outstanding shares over the previous period due to refinancing,
□ Applicable Not applicable
Whether the Company's top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders without limited shares agree on any repurchase
transaction in the reporting period
□ Yes No
None of the Company's top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders without limited shares agreed on repurchase in
the reporting period.

IV. Shareholding Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

□ Applicable Not applicable
There was no change in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company during the reporting period,
see the 2023 Annual Report for more information.

V. Particulars about the Change to the Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers

Change of the controlling shareholders in the reporting period
□ Applicable Not applicable
No change has happened to the controlling shareholder in the reporting period of the Company
Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
□ Applicable Not applicable
No change has happened to the actual controller in the reporting period

                                                         2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                        Section VIII Information of Preferred Shares

□ Applicable Not applicable
There are no preferred shares in the reporting period.

                                             2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                          Section IX Situation on Corporate Bonds

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                        2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                         Section X Financial Report

I. Audit Reports

Whether the semi-annual report has been audited
□ Yes No
The semi-annual report has not been audited.

II. Financial Statements

Units of financial reports in the notes: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                   June 30, 2024

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                       Item                        Closing Balance                         Opening Balance
   Current Assets:
     Cash and Bank Balances                                    9,597,623,116.53                      15,971,005,114.47
     Deposit Reservation for Balance
      Loans to Banks and Other Financial
     Trading Financial Assets                                      370,191,151.06                            1,470,000.00
     Derivative Financial Assets
     Notes receivable                                              645,460,980.33                       813,039,192.75
     Accounts receivable                                      16,654,352,735.18                      16,276,803,954.03
     Receivables Financing                                         685,382,779.93                       810,713,267.86
     Prepayments                                                   279,208,527.96                       189,388,716.99
     Premium Receivable
     Reinsurance Accounts Receivable
     Reinsurance Contract Reserves
     Other Receivables                                             317,357,677.02                       337,524,688.36
        Including: Interest receivable
                 Dividends Receivable                                5,194,653.19                            5,784,225.02
     Buying Back the Sale of Financial
     Inventory                                                 5,711,951,831.83                       5,332,608,544.02
        Including: Data resources
     Contract Assets                                               114,529,987.89                        86,714,216.34
     Holding for-sale assets
     Non-current Assets Due within 1 Year                          257,902,249.66                       303,454,116.40

                                          2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Other Current Assets                           659,131,594.23                           939,374,868.31
Subtotal of Current Assets                    35,293,092,631.62                        41,062,096,679.53
Non-current Assets:
  Granting of loans and advances
  Investment in Creditor's Rights
  Investment in Other Creditor's Rights
  Long-term Receivables                          838,954,472.02                           946,659,309.70
  Long-term Equity Investment                    731,631,231.34                           727,453,629.75
   Investment in Other Equity
  Other Non-current Financial Assets           1,008,428,084.96                         1,535,742,385.71
  Investment Property                            141,845,947.97                           129,637,004.00
  Fixed Assets                                 4,988,539,382.64                         4,937,180,876.88
  Projects under Construction                  1,169,264,949.25                         1,008,612,408.49
  Productive Biological Assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                            276,133,848.74                           299,202,586.56
  Intangible Assets                              581,418,393.51                           594,679,018.11
     Including: Data resources
  Development Expenditure
     Including: Data resources
  Goodwill                                         6,615,294.18                             6,615,294.18
  Long-term Deferred Expenses                    120,246,318.54                           135,335,273.95
  Deferred Income Tax Assets                   1,183,984,525.09                         1,287,903,482.65
  Other Non-Current assets                     3,869,620,772.33                           210,809,264.49
Subtotal of Non-current Assets                14,916,683,220.57                        11,819,830,534.47
Total assets                                  50,209,775,852.19                        52,881,927,214.00
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term loan                                800,973,205.56                           957,426,330.18
  Borrowings from the Central Bank
   Borrowings from Banks and Other
Financial Institutions
  Transactional financial liabilities              1,196,685.79                                61,400.12
  Derivative Financial Liabilities
  Notes Payable                                3,065,463,328.91                         3,296,294,946.26
  Accounts Payable                             5,671,851,750.01                         5,815,123,195.55
  Received Prepayments
  Contract liabilities                         1,019,804,820.76                         1,194,534,307.04
  Financial Assets Sold for Repurchase
  Deposit Taking and Interbank Deposit
  Receiving from Vicariously Traded
  Receiving from Vicariously Sold

                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

     Payroll payable                                          928,710,673.23                        1,933,955,631.12
     Tax Payable                                              367,566,702.98                        1,243,482,361.08
     Other Payables                                           754,681,225.56                          812,424,146.52
        Including: Interest payable
                 Dividends Payable                             38,078,985.18                           23,667,047.02
     Service Charge and Commission
     Reinsurance Accounts Payable
     Holding for-sale liabilities
     Non-current Liabilities Due within 1
                                                              238,351,093.19                          901,722,028.75
     Other Current Liabilities                                115,583,416.26                          155,182,705.02
   Subtotal of Current Liabilities                         12,964,182,902.25                       16,310,207,051.64
   Non-current Liabilities:
     Insurance Contract Reserves
     Long-term loan
     Bonds Payable
        Including: Preferred Stocks
                 Perpetual Bonds
     Lease liabilities                                        137,671,323.55                          176,580,049.57
     Long-term Payables
     Long-term payroll payable
     Expected Liabilities                                     226,957,654.66                          224,542,626.90
     Deferred Income                                          165,206,721.46                          166,711,673.04
     Deferred Income Tax Liabilities                              666,442.91                              737,367.19
     Other Non-current Liabilities                            115,599,279.40                          119,054,046.66
   Subtotal of Non-current Liabilities                        646,101,421.98                          687,625,763.36
   Total Liabilities                                       13,610,284,324.23                       16,997,832,815.00
   Shareholders' Equity:
     Share Capital                                          3,292,334,310.00                        3,294,468,990.00
     Other Equity Instruments
       Including: Preferred Stocks
               Perpetual Bonds
     Capital Reserves                                       7,214,052,805.06                        7,124,125,996.49
     Less: Treasury Shares                                    714,868,936.48                          746,699,863.45
     Other Comprehensive Incomes                               73,215,411.74                           65,993,020.83
     Special Reserves
      Surplus Reserves                                      1,647,234,495.00                        1,647,234,495.00
      General Risk Reserves
      Undistributed Profits                                23,894,716,517.09                       23,334,051,186.55
   Total Shareholders' Equity Attributable
                                                           35,406,684,602.41                       34,719,173,825.42
   to the Parent Company
      Minority Shareholders' Equity                         1,192,806,925.55                        1,164,920,573.58
   Total Shareholders' Equity                              36,599,491,527.96                       35,884,094,399.00
   Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity              50,209,775,852.19                       52,881,927,214.00
Statutory Representative: Fu Liquan             Person in charge of accounting: Xu Qiaofen

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Person in charge of the accounting institution: Zhu Zhuling

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                       Item                                   Closing Balance                         Opening Balance
   Current Assets:
     Cash and Bank Balances                                              4,823,113,000.32                        9,624,679,601.93
     Trading Financial Assets                                              369,806,680.00
     Derivative Financial Assets
     Notes receivable                                                       12,009,788.50                          368,774,122.18
     Accounts receivable                                                 4,033,842,422.27                        6,640,946,970.53
     Receivables Financing                                                 881,007,759.44                          698,297,307.69
     Prepayments                                                            27,544,898.28                           31,587,070.13
     Other Receivables                                                  13,952,577,075.18                       11,736,609,900.41
        Including: Interest receivable
                 Dividends Receivable                                           1,243,275.00
     Inventory                                                             236,230,319.84                          447,927,880.25
        Including: Data resources
     Contract Assets                                                        19,137,672.35                           12,985,980.46
     Holding for-sale assets
     Non-current Assets Due within 1 Year                                       6,642,328.82                        10,032,002.75
     Other Current Assets                                                       8,858,815.12                       348,700,342.87
   Subtotal of Current Assets                                           24,370,770,760.12                       29,920,541,179.20
   Non-current Assets:
     Investment in Creditor's Rights
     Investment in Other Creditor's Rights
     Long-term Receivables                                                      4,610,313.34                            5,359,168.22
     Long-term Equity Investment                                         8,228,910,359.44                        8,191,802,935.85
      Investment in Other Equity
     Other Non-current Financial Assets                                    985,958,084.96                        1,513,272,385.71
     Investment Property                                                    18,045,113.23                               1,817,925.82
     Fixed Assets                                                        1,742,924,231.55                        1,814,451,576.60
     Projects under Construction                                                7,600,494.74                            3,556,445.35
     Productive Biological Assets
     Oil and gas assets
     Right-of-use assets                                                    81,827,306.62                           94,348,785.64
     Intangible Assets                                                     131,732,476.27                          140,815,043.41
        Including: Data resources
     Development Expenditure
        Including: Data resources

                                         2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Long-term Deferred Expenses                    60,260,976.59                            66,926,895.55
  Deferred Income Tax Assets                     89,209,440.95                             1,008,929.69
  Other Non-Current assets                    2,682,705,941.16                            18,782,264.32
Subtotal of Non-current Assets               14,033,784,738.85                        11,852,142,356.16
Total assets                                 38,404,555,498.97                        41,772,683,535.36
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term loan                                                                        600,266,666.67
  Transactional financial liabilities
  Derivative Financial Liabilities
  Notes Payable                                 524,141,901.77                           221,026,659.43
  Accounts Payable                              648,548,451.41                           884,748,949.13
  Received Prepayments
  Contract liabilities                           89,774,841.05                           125,050,543.58
  Payroll payable                               619,632,771.35                         1,354,637,328.45
  Tax Payable                                   131,780,082.94                         1,008,009,000.74
  Other Payables                              1,033,335,386.68                         1,193,481,602.34
     Including: Interest payable
               Dividends Payable                 38,078,985.18                            23,667,047.02
  Holding for-sale liabilities
  Non-current Liabilities Due within 1
                                                136,933,119.36                           787,284,456.59
  Other Current Liabilities                      11,715,416.42                            22,753,109.13
Subtotal of Current Liabilities               3,195,861,970.98                         6,197,258,316.06
Non-current Liabilities:
  Long-term loan
  Bonds Payable
     Including: Preferred Stocks
               Perpetual Bonds
  Lease liabilities                              36,601,518.69                            48,328,489.38
  Long-term Payables
  Long-term payroll payable
  Expected Liabilities                            1,545,562.95                             1,550,020.50
  Deferred Income
  Deferred Income Tax Liabilities
  Other Non-current Liabilities                     138,557.51                               144,070.84
Subtotal of Non-current Liabilities              38,285,639.15                            50,022,580.72
Total Liabilities                             3,234,147,610.13                         6,247,280,896.78
Shareholders' Equity:
  Share Capital                               3,292,334,310.00                         3,294,468,990.00
  Other Equity Instruments
    Including: Preferred Stocks
            Perpetual Bonds
  Capital Reserves                            6,967,985,906.19                         6,881,563,679.88
  Less: Treasury Shares                         714,868,936.48                           746,699,863.45
  Other Comprehensive Incomes

                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    Special Reserves
    Surplus Reserves                                      1,647,234,495.00                        1,647,234,495.00
    Undistributed Profits                                23,977,722,114.13                       24,448,835,337.15
  Total Shareholders' Equity                             35,170,407,888.84                       35,525,402,638.58
  Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity             38,404,555,498.97                       41,772,683,535.36

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                    Item                       2024 Semi-Annual                       2023 Semi-Annual
  I. Total Operating Revenue                             14,866,622,569.81                       14,633,547,280.64
    Including: Operating revenue                         14,866,622,569.81                       14,633,547,280.64
            Interest Income
            Earned Premiums
          Service Charge and
  Commission Income
  II. Total Operating Cost                               13,262,791,211.99                       12,639,678,879.61
    Including: Operating Cost                             8,731,425,638.53                        8,363,987,899.64
            Interest Expenditures
          Service Charge and
  Commission Expenses
            Surrender Value
            Net Claims Paid
           Net Amount of Withdrawn
  Reserve for Insurance Liability
            Policyholder Dividend
            Reinsurance Cost
            Taxes and Surcharges                            100,129,032.87                          116,183,814.53
            Sales Expenses                                2,268,236,496.11                        2,190,619,243.64
            Administration expenses                         511,481,522.31                          574,719,904.27
            Research and development
                                                          1,901,330,160.90                        1,814,620,715.06
            Financial expenses                             -249,811,638.73                         -420,452,697.53
              Including: Interest expense                    28,989,823.89                           58,636,214.41
                       Interest Income                      236,240,691.12                          139,792,759.54
    Add: Other Incomes                                      510,212,853.42                          362,570,654.41
          Investment Income (Mark "-" for
                                                            140,115,897.54                           -14,144,210.12
             Including: Investment
  Income from Affiliates and Joint                           16,910,626.79                         -154,531,486.76
                     Profits from
  recognition Termination of Financial                            -755,702.55                            -196,693.85
  Assets at Amortized Cost
          Exchange Gains (Mark "-" for

                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

       Profit of Net Exposure Hedging
(Mark "-" for Loss)
       Incomes from changes in fair
                                                     -159,981,988.74                           135,198,336.41
value (Mark "-" for loss)
        Credit Impairment Losses (Mark
                                                     -214,225,008.79                          -188,589,781.56
"-" for Loss)
        Asset Impairment Losses (Mark
                                                       -54,847,036.23                           -51,813,530.75
"-" for Loss)
       Asset Disposal Income (Mark "-"
                                                         1,086,545.09                            1,762,054.22
for Loss)
III. Operating Profit (Mark "-" for loss)            1,826,192,620.11                        2,238,851,923.64
  Add: Non-operating revenue                             6,403,965.47                            7,290,762.49
  Less: Non-operating expenditures                       3,057,915.50                            4,137,712.72
IV. Total Profit (Mark "-" for total loss)          1,829,538,670.08                         2,242,004,973.41
  Less: Income tax expense                             -33,838,461.10                          201,745,311.54
V. Net Profit (Mark "-" for Net Loss)               1,863,377,131.18                         2,040,259,661.87
   (I) Classified by operation continuity
      1. Net Profit as a Going Concern
                                                    1,863,377,131.18                         2,040,259,661.87
(Mark "-" for Net Loss)
      2. Net Profit of Discontinued
Operation (Mark "-" for Net Loss)
   (II) Classified by the attribution of
      1. Net Profit Attributable to
Shareholders of Parent Company (Mark                1,809,589,445.46                         1,976,018,373.13
"-" for Net Loss)
      2. Minority Shareholders' Profit and
                                                       53,787,685.72                            64,241,288.74
Loss (Mark "-" for Net Loss)
VI. Net Amount of Other Comprehensive
                                                         7,219,753.97                            4,075,172.57
Incomes after Tax
   Net Amount of Other Comprehensive
Incomes after Tax Attributable to the                    7,222,390.91                            4,169,304.17
Parent Company's Owner
      (I) Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified into profit or
         1. Re-measure the variation of the
defined benefit plan
         2. Other comprehensive income
that cannot be transferred to P/L under
the equity method
         3. Changes in the fair value of
investment in other equity instruments
         4. Changes in the fair value of the
credit risk of the enterprise
         5. Others
      (II) Other comprehensive income
                                                         7,222,390.91                            4,169,304.17
that will be reclassified as P/L
         1. Other comprehensive income
that can be transferred to P/L under the
equity method
         2.Changes in the fair value of
investment in other creditor's rights
         3. Financial assets reclassified

                                                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   into other comprehensive income
            4. Provisions for the credit
   impairment of investment in other
   creditor's rights
            5. Cash flow hedge reserves
            6. Currency conversion difference                              7,222,390.91                                 4,169,304.17
            7. Others
      Net Amount of Other Comprehensive
   Incomes After Tax Attributable to                                           -2,636.94                                    -94,131.60
   Minority Shareholders
   VII. Total Comprehensive Income                                     1,870,596,885.15                             2,044,334,834.44
      Total Comprehensive Income
   Attributable to the Parent Company's                                1,816,811,836.37                             1,980,187,677.30
      Total Comprehensive Income
                                                                          53,785,048.78                                64,147,157.14
   Attributable to Minority Shareholders
   VIII. Earnings per Share:
      (I) Basic Earnings per Share                                                 0.56                                          0.63
      (II) Diluted Earnings per Share                                              0.56                                          0.63
Statutory Representative: Fu Liquan                         Person in charge of accounting: Xu Qiaofen
Person in charge of the accounting institution: Zhu Zhuling

4. Income Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                     Item                                 2024 Semi-Annual                               2023 Semi-Annual
   I. Operating Revenue                                                3,332,618,836.58                             4,184,317,063.89
     Less: Operating Cost                                                579,541,013.13                               719,784,720.11
           Taxes and Surcharges                                           52,833,473.57                                54,229,390.73
           Sales Expenses                                                993,694,657.59                             1,015,381,496.95
           Administration expenses                                       288,777,899.34                               317,706,226.18
          Research and development
                                                                       1,386,263,752.68                             1,289,644,332.69
           Financial expenses                                           -159,912,332.30                               -36,661,815.34
             Including: Interest expense                                  18,783,651.94                                46,683,379.85
                    Interest Income                                      139,821,641.18                                81,624,138.58
     Add: Other Incomes                                                  430,065,275.63                               276,803,489.04
           Investment Income (Mark "-" for
                                                                           7,008,809.30                              -188,877,854.91
             Including: Investment Income
                                                                         -11,449,222.10                              -189,891,800.93
   from Affiliates and Joint Ventures
                    Profits from
   Derecognition of Financial Assets at                                    -2,345,573.99                               -3,367,354.25
   Amortized Cost (Mark "-" for Loss)
          Profit of Net Exposure Hedging
   (Mark "-" for Loss)
          Incomes from changes in fair
                                                                        -162,212,141.92                               133,060,297.91
   value (Mark "-" for loss)
           Credit Impairment Losses (Mark
                                                                         -19,022,388.30                                -9,113,671.32
   "-" for Loss)

                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

          Asset Impairment Losses (Mark
                                                               -2,567,600.12                             1,499,115.65
  "-" for Loss)
         Asset Disposal Income (Mark "-"
                                                                    227,007.77                             432,756.61
  for Loss)
  II. Operating Profit (Mark "-" for Loss)                    444,919,334.93                        1,038,036,845.55
    Add: Non-operating revenue                                  2,832,286.45                               756,053.99
    Less: Non-operating expenditures                                670,408.53                             682,163.61
  III. Total Profit (Mark "-" for Total Loss)                 447,081,212.85                         1,038,110,735.93
    Less: Income tax expense                                 -330,729,679.05                           -14,143,772.32
  IV. Net Profit (Mark "-" for Net Loss)                      777,810,891.90                        1,052,254,508.25
     (I) Net Profit as a Going Concern
                                                              777,810,891.90                        1,052,254,508.25
  (Mark "-" for Net Loss)
     (II) Net Profit of Discontinued
  Operation (Mark "-" for Net Loss)
  V. Net Amount of Other Comprehensive
  Incomes After Tax
        (I) Other comprehensive income
  that cannot be reclassified into profit or
           1. Re-measure the variation of the
  defined benefit plan
           2. Other comprehensive income
  that cannot be transferred to P/L under
  the equity method
           3. Changes in the fair value of
  investment in other equity instruments
           4. Changes in the fair value of the
  credit risk of the enterprise
           5. Others
        (II) Other comprehensive income
  that will be reclassified as P/L
           1. Other comprehensive income
  that can be transferred to P/L under the
  equity method
           2.Changes in the fair value of
  investment in other creditor's rights
           3. Financial assets reclassified
  into other comprehensive income
           4. Provisions for the credit
  impairment of investment in other
  creditor's rights
           5. Cash flow hedge reserves
           6. Currency conversion difference
           7. Others
  VI. Total Comprehensive Income                              777,810,891.90                        1,052,254,508.25
  VII. Earnings per Share:
     (I) Basic Earnings per Share                                        0.24                                   0.34
     (II) Diluted Earnings per Share                                     0.24                                   0.34

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                   Item                          2024 Semi-Annual                       2023 Semi-Annual
  I. Cash Flow Generated by Operational

                                           2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Cash from Sales of Merchandise and
                                               15,999,801,747.36                        15,419,789,484.32
Provision of Services
  Net Increase in Customer's Bank
Deposits and Interbank Deposits
  Net Increase in Borrowings from the
Central Bank
  Net Increase in Borrowings from
Other Financial Institutions
  Cash Arising from Receiving
Premiums for the Original Insurance
  Net Amount Arising from Reinsurance
  Net Increase in Deposits and
Investments from Policyholders
  Cash Arising from Interests, Service
Charges and Commissions
  Net Increase in Borrowings from
Banks and Other Financial Institutions
  Net Increase in Repurchase Business
   Net Amount of Cash Received from
the Vicariously Traded Securities
  Tax Refund                                      487,693,658.24                           562,339,362.06
  Other Received Cash Related to
                                                  768,065,566.02                           620,225,332.09
Operational Activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from operational
                                               17,255,560,971.62                        16,602,354,178.47
  Cash Paid for Merchandise and
                                               10,837,561,772.87                        10,753,333,485.70
  Net Increase in Loans and Advances to
  Net Increase in Deposits with Central
Bank and Other Financial Institutions
  Cash Paid for Original Insurance
Contract Claims
  Net increase of funds lent
  Cash Paid for Interests, Service
Charges and Commissions
  Cash Paid for Policy Dividends
   Cash Paid to and for Employees               4,320,315,534.52                         3,776,397,158.68
   Cash Paid for Taxes and Surcharges           1,493,582,479.14                           816,894,394.93
   Other Paid Cash Related to
                                                 1,111,286,805.80                          993,032,393.45
Operational Activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                               17,762,746,592.33                        16,339,657,432.76
operational activities
Net cash flow generated by operating
                                                 -507,185,620.71                           262,696,745.71
II. Cash Flow from Investment
   Cash Arising from Disposal of
                                                  481,137,746.89                           999,781,208.81

                                            2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Cash Arising from Investment
                                                    12,084,508.88                            14,922,299.29
   Net Cash Arising from Disposal of
Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and                    334,216.87                              2,406,406.21
Other Long-term Assets
   Net Cash Arising from Disposal of
Subsidiaries and Other Business Units
   Other Received Cash Related to
                                                    23,793,990.04                              6,756,472.78
Investment Activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from investment
                                                   590,528,759.16                         1,023,866,387.09
   Cash Paid for Purchase and
Construction of Fixed Assets, Intangible           478,507,303.15                           639,960,429.28
Assets and Other Long-term Assets
   Cash Paid for Investments                     3,845,358,576.51                           518,446,286.75
  Net Increase in Pledge Loans
   Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of
Subsidiaries and Other Business Units
   Other Paid Cash Related to Investment
                                                      5,398,155.52                           36,957,997.39
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                 4,329,264,035.18                         1,195,364,713.42
investment activities
Net amount of cash flow generated by
                                                 -3,738,735,276.02                         -171,498,326.33
investment activities
III. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
   Cash Arising from Absorbing
   Including: Cash Arising from
Subsidiaries Absorbing Investments by                                                       293,712,651.41
Minority Shareholders
   Cash Arising from Borrowings                   1,119,437,200.00                        1,212,246,016.69
   Other Received Cash Related to
Financing Activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                                  1,119,437,200.00                        6,601,957,828.10
  Cash Paid for Debts Repayment                  1,960,841,548.08                         1,627,680,609.51
   Cash Paid for Distribution of
Dividends and Profits or Payment of              1,256,629,266.40                           836,082,043.03
   Including: Including: Dividends and
Profits Paid to Minority Shareholders by                                                       1,104,770.95
   Other Paid Cash Related to Financing
                                                   133,019,499.80                           355,403,014.42
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                                 3,350,490,314.28                         2,819,165,666.96
Net cash flow generated by financing
                                                 -2,231,053,114.28                        3,782,792,161.14
IV. Impact of Fluctuation in Exchange
                                                    90,334,024.57                            45,593,862.66
Rate on Cash and Cash Equivalents
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                                 -6,386,639,986.44                        3,919,584,443.18
   Add: Cash and Cash Equivalents at the
                                                15,880,659,594.95                         7,878,465,052.63
Commencement of the Period
VI. Cash and Cash Equivalents at the
                                                 9,494,019,608.51                        11,798,049,495.81
End of the Period

                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                      Item                    2024 Semi-Annual                       2023 Semi-Annual
  I. Cash Flow Generated by Operational
     Cash from Sales of Merchandise and
                                                         6,400,564,483.19                        4,641,334,206.69
  Provision of Services
     Tax Refund
     Other Received Cash Related to
                                                           596,191,681.83                          413,453,400.08
  Operational Activities
  Subtotal of cash inflow from operational
                                                         6,996,756,165.02                        5,054,787,606.77
     Cash Paid for Merchandise and
                                                           333,875,102.97                          347,160,343.46
     Cash Paid to and for Employees                      2,560,097,319.34                        2,289,406,464.99
     Cash Paid for Taxes and Surcharges                  1,029,098,229.23                          391,459,849.51
     Other Paid Cash Related to
                                                           629,025,957.64                          483,866,340.52
  Operational Activities
  Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                         4,552,096,609.18                         3,511,892,998.48
  operational activities
  Net cash flow generated by operating
                                                         2,444,659,555.84                        1,542,894,608.29
  II. Cash Flow from Investment
     Cash Arising from Disposal of
                                                           484,317,242.81                          696,333,948.05
     Cash Arising from Investment
                                                                 39,647.97                            3,522,690.73
     Net Cash Arising from Disposal of
  Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and                       13,312,131.73                             4,782,857.98
  Other Long-term Assets
     Net Cash Arising from Disposal of
  Subsidiaries and Other Business Units
     Other Received Cash Related to
  Investment Activities
  Subtotal of cash inflow from investment
                                                           505,497,522.51                          704,639,496.76
     Cash Paid for Purchase and
  Construction of Fixed Assets, Intangible                  87,357,677.25                          185,751,851.23
  Assets and Other Long-term Assets
     Cash Paid for Investments                           2,833,198,571.53                        3,177,146,235.00
     Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of
  Subsidiaries and Other Business Units
     Other Paid Cash Related to Investment
  Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                         2,920,556,248.78                        3,362,898,086.23
  investment activities
  Net amount of cash flow generated by
                                                        -2,415,058,726.27                        -2,658,258,589.47
  investment activities
  III. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
     Cash Arising from Absorbing
     Cash Arising from Borrowings
     Other Received Cash Related to
                                                           518,392,829.86                        1,431,261,852.19
  Financing Activities
  Subtotal of cash inflow from financing                   518,392,829.86                        6,527,261,012.19

                                           2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Cash Paid for Debts Repayment                1,250,000,000.00                           553,632,141.60
   Cash Paid for Distribution of
Dividends and Profits or Payment of             1,244,407,410.64                           819,579,768.57
   Other Paid Cash Related to Financing
                                                2,898,655,199.47                         1,547,840,710.10
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                                 5,393,062,610.11                        2,921,052,620.27
Net cash flow generated by financing
                                                -4,874,669,780.25                        3,606,208,391.92
IV. Impact of Fluctuation in Exchange
                                                   39,318,887.23                               228,637.48
Rate on Cash and Cash Equivalents
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                                -4,805,750,063.45                        2,491,073,048.22
   Add: Cash and Cash Equivalents at the
                                                9,581,289,905.32                         3,933,169,520.92
Commencement of the Period
VI. Cash and Cash Equivalents at the
                                                4,775,539,841.87                         6,424,242,569.14
End of the Period

                                                                                                                           2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity

  Amount of this period
                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                             2024 Semi-Annual
                                                        Shareholders' Equity Attributable to the Parent Company's Owner
                                   Other Equity
                                   Instruments                                                                     Gener
       Item                                                                   Other       Specia                                                                    Minority          Total
                                Pref   Perp                         Less:                                            al                                            Shareholder     Shareholder
                   Share                             Capital                 Comprehe       l         Surplus               Undistribute
                                erre   etua                       Treasury                                         Risk                    Others    Subtotal       s' Equity       s' Equity
                   Capital                    Oth   Reserves                   nsive      Reser      Reserves                d Profits
                                  d      l                         Shares                                          Reser
                                              ers                            Incomes       ves
                                Stoc   Bon                                                                          ves
                                 ks     ds
I. Balance at
                   3,294,468,                       7,124,125,9   746,699,    65,993,02              1,647,234,4             23,334,051,            34,719,173,     1,164,920,5     35,884,094,
the End of
                      990.00                              96.49    863.45          0.83                    95.00                 186.55                 825.42            73.58         399.00
Last Year
Changes in
orrection of
Errors in the
II. Balance
                   3,294,468,                       7,124,125,9   746,699,    65,993,02              1,647,234,4             23,334,051,            34,719,173,     1,164,920,5     35,884,094,
at the Start
                      990.00                              96.49    863.45          0.83                    95.00                 186.55                 825.42            73.58         399.00
of This Year
III.                        -                       89,926,808.          -   7,222,390.                                     560,665,330             687,510,776     27,886,351.     715,397,128
Increases or       2,134,680.                                57   31,830,9           91                                              .54                     .99             97              .96
                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Decreases in          00                    26.97
This Period
(Mark "-"
(I) Total
                                                     7,222,390.     1,809,589,4            1,816,811,8    53,785,048.   1,870,596,8
                                                             91           45.46                  36.37             78         85.15
ive Income
s'                      -                        -
                            89,723,701.                                                    119,419,948    23,724,480.   143,144,429
Contributio    2,134,680.                 31,830,9
                                     68                                                             .65            56            .21
n and                  00                    26.97
in Capital
1. Commo
                        -             -          -
n stock                                                                                    14,411,938.                  14,411,938.
               2,134,680.   15,284,308.   31,830,9
invested by                                                                                         17                           17
                       00            80      26.97
the owner
2. Capital
Invested by
Holders of
3. Amount
of Share-
Payments                    105,008,01                                                     105,008,010    23,724,480.   128,732,491
Recorded                          0.48                                                              .48            56            .04
s' Equity
4. Others
                                                                              -                      -                            -
(III) Profit
                                                                    1,248,924,1            1,248,924,1                  1,248,924,1
                                                                          14.92                  14.92                        14.92
                2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
1. Appropr
iation of
2. Appropr
iation of
3. Distribu
tion to                     -                      -                            -
Owners (or        1,248,924,1            1,248,924,1                  1,248,924,1
Shareholder             14.92                  14.92                        14.92
4. Others
(IV) Internal
forward of
s' Equity
1. Capital
into Capital
(or Share
2. Surplus
into Capital
(or Share
3. Surplus

                                                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
4. Carry-
earnings of
the variation
of the
benefit plan
5. Other
Earnings of
ive Income
6. Others
(V) Special
1. Withdra
wal in this
2. Used in
This Period
                                                                                                                                                         -               -
(VI) Others                      203,106.89                                                                                      203,106.89    49,623,177.     49,420,070.
                                                                                                                                                        37              48
IV. Balance
at the End      3,292,334,       7,214,052,8   714,868,    73,215,41              1,647,234,4            23,894,716,            35,406,684,    1,192,806,9     36,599,491,
of This            310.00              05.06    936.48          1.74                    95.00                517.09                 602.41           25.55         527.96

   Amount of the previous year

                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                          2023 Semi-Annual
                                     Shareholders' Equity Attributable to the Parent Company's Owner                                           Minority          Total
                                                                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
                                Other Equity                                                                                                                 Shareholder    Shareholder
                                Instruments                                                                   Gener                                           s' Equity      s' Equity
                                                                           Other       Specia
                             Pref   Perp                         Less:                                          al
                Share                             Capital                 Comprehe     l         Surplus               Undistribute
                             erre   etua                       Treasury                                       Risk                    Others    Subtotal
                Capital                    Oth   Reserves                   nsive      Reser    Reserves                d Profits
                               d      l                         Shares                                        Reser
                                           ers                            Incomes      ves
                             Stoc   Bon                                                                        ves
                              ks     ds
I. Balance at
                3,033,161,                       3,950,209,2   609,859,    36,942,33            1,553,691,0             17,872,654,            25,836,798,   381,572,840     26,218,371,
the End of
                   170.00                              43.25    632.00          9.77                  05.92                 791.67                 918.61             .72        759.33
Last Year
Changes in
orrection of
Errors in the
II. Balance
                3,033,161,                       3,950,209,2   609,859,    36,942,33            1,553,691,0             17,872,654,            25,836,798,   381,572,840     26,218,371,
at the Start
                   170.00                              43.25    632.00          9.77                  05.92                 791.67                 918.61             .72        759.33
of This Year
Increases or
Decreases in                                                          -
                261,307,82                       4,818,567,3              4,169,304.                                    1,182,051,3            6,535,896,7   297,850,623     6,833,747,4
This Period                                                    269,800,
                      0.00                             40.21                      17                                          46.54                  94.64            .95          18.59
(Mark "-"                                                       983.72
(I) Total
                                                                          4,169,304.                                    1,976,018,3            1,980,187,6    64,147,157.    2,044,334,8
                                                                                  17                                          73.13                  77.30             14          34.44
ive Income
(II)            261,307,82                       4,726,973,1          -                                                                        5,258,081,9   322,856,853     5,580,938,8
Shareholder           0.00                             77.93   269,800,                                                                              81.65            .27          34.92
                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
s'                                         983.72
n and
in Capital
1. Commo
n stock        261,307,82   4,569,072,8                                       5,100,181,6    290,412,651    5,390,594,2
invested by          0.00         31.92                                             35.64             .41         87.05
the owner
2. Capital
Invested by
Holders of
3. Amount
of Share-
Payments                    157,900,34                                        157,900,346    32,444,201.    190,344,547
Recorded                          6.01                                                 .01            86             .87
s' Equity
4. Others
                                                                 -                       -                             -
(III) Profit
                                                      793,967,026             793,967,026                   793,967,026
                                                               .59                     .59                           .59
1. Appropr
iation of
2. Appropr
iation of
3. Distribu                                                     -                       -                             -
                2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
tion to          793,967,026             793,967,026                  793,967,026
Owners (or                .59                     .59                          .59
4. Others
(IV) Internal
forward of
s' Equity
1. Capital
into Capital
(or Share
2. Surplus
into Capital
(or Share
3. Surplus
4. Carry-
earnings of
the variation
of the
benefit plan
5. Other
                                                                                                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Earnings of
ive Income
6. Others
(V) Special
1. Withdra
wal in this
2. Used in
This Period
                                                     91,594,162.                                                                                           91,594,162.                    2,440,775.8
(VI) Others                                                                                                                                                              89,153,386.
                                                              28                                                                                                    28                              2
IV. Balance
at the End       3,294,468,                          8,768,776,5    340,058,    41,111,64             1,553,691,0                19,054,706,               32,372,695,   679,423,464      33,052,119,
of This             990.00                                 83.46     648.28          3.94                   05.92                    138.21                    713.25             .67         177.92

  8. Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity of the Parent Company

  Amount of this period
                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                                               2024 Semi-Annual
                                Other Equity Instruments                                                              Other
    Item                                                                                                                         Special       Surplus                                      Total
                                Prefer   Perpet                                                                     Compre                                Undistribute
                Share Capital                                      Capital Reserves         Less: Treasury Shares                Reserve       Reserve                     Others        Shareholder
                                  red     ual     Others                                                             hensive                               d Profits
                                                                                                                                    s             s                                       s' Equity
                                Stocks   Bonds                                                                      Incomes

I. Balance at
                3,294,468,99                                                                                                                   1,647,23    24,448,835,                    35,525,402,
the End of                                                               6,881,563,679.88          746,699,863.45
                        0.00                                                                                                                   4,495.00        337.15                         638.58
Last Year
                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Changes in
orrection of
Errors in the
II. Balance
                3,294,468,99                                                    1,647,23    24,448,835,                  35,525,402,
at the Start                   6,881,563,679.88   746,699,863.45
                        0.00                                                    4,495.00        337.15                       638.58
of This Year
Increases or
Decreases in                                                                                           -                            -
This Period                       86,422,226.31   -31,830,926.97                            471,113,223                  354,994,749
(Mark "-"                                                                                            .02                          .74
(I) Total
                                                                                            777,810,891                  777,810,891
                                                                                                     .90                          .90
ive Income
                           -                                                                                             114,414,050
Contributio                       84,717,803.29   -31,830,926.97
                2,134,680.00                                                                                                      .26
n and
in Capital
1. Commo
n stock                    -                                                                                             14,411,938.
                                 -15,284,308.80   -31,830,926.97
invested by     2,134,680.00                                                                                                      17
the owner
2. Capital
Invested by

                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Holders of
3. Amount
of Share-
Payments                                                                               100,002,112
Recorded                                                                                       .09
s' Equity
4. Others
                                                                    -                            -
(III) Profit
                                                          1,248,924,1                  1,248,924,1
                                                                14.92                        14.92
1. Appropr
iation of
2. Distribu
tion to                                                             -                            -
Owners (or                                                1,248,924,1                  1,248,924,1
Shareholder                                                     14.92                        14.92
3. Others
(IV) Internal
forward of
s' Equity
1. Capital
into Capital
(or Share
                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
2. Surplus
into Capital
(or Share
3. Surplus
4. Carry-
earnings of
the variation
of the
benefit plan
5. Other
Earnings of
ive Income
6. Others
(V) Special
1. Withdra
wal in this
2. Used in
This Period
(VI) Others     1,704,423.02

                                                                                                                             2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
IV. Balance
at the End         3,292,334,31                                                                                                            1,647,23    23,977,722,                 35,170,407,
                                                                          6,967,985,906.19            714,868,936.48
of This                    0.00                                                                                                            4,495.00         114.13                     888.84

  Amount of the previous year

                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                                                    2023 Semi-Annual
                                   Other Equity Instruments
       Item                                                                                              Other                                                                       Total
                                   Prefer   Perpet              Capital          Less: Treasury                         Special         Surplus        Undistributed
                   Share Capital                                                                      Comprehens                                                       Others    Shareholders'
                                     red     ual     Others    Reserves             Shares                             Reserves        Reserves          Profits
                                                                                                      ive Incomes                                                                   Equity
                                   Stocks   Bonds
I. Balance at
                   3,033,161,17                               3,788,412,149.                                                          1,553,691,005    18,562,292,10             26,327,696,796.
the End of                                                                         609,859,632.00
                           0.00                                           09                                                                     .92            3.53                          54
Last Year
Changes in
orrection of
Errors in the
II. Balance
                   3,033,161,17                               3,788,412,149.                                                          1,553,691,005    18,562,292,10             26,327,696,796.
at the Start                                                                       609,859,632.00
                           0.00                                           09                                                                     .92            3.53                          54
of This Year
Increases or
Decreases in       261,307,820.                               4,749,700,753.                                                                           258,287,481.6             5,539,097,039.2
This Period                  00                                           86                                                                                       6                           4
(Mark "-"

                                                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
(I) Total
                                                                                          1,052,254,508              1,052,254,508.2
                                                                                                     .25                           5
ive Income
               261,307,820.   4,718,336,754.                                                                         5,249,445,558.0
Contributio                                    -269,800,983.72
                         00               33                                                                                       5
n and
in Capital
1. Commo
n stock        261,307,820.   4,569,072,831.                                                                         5,100,181,635.6
invested by              00               92                                                                                       4
the owner
2. Capital
Invested by
Holders of
3. Amount
of Share-
                              149,263,922.41                                                                          149,263,922.41
s' Equity
4. Others
(III) Profit
                                                                                          793,967,026.5              -793,967,026.59
1. Appropr
iation of
                2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
2. Distribu
tion to                                              -
Owners (or                               793,967,026.5              -793,967,026.59
Shareholder                                          9
3. Others
(IV) Internal
forward of
s' Equity
1. Capital
into Capital
(or Share
2. Surplus
into Capital
(or Share
3. Surplus
4. Carry-
earnings of
the variation
of the
benefit plan
5. Other
                                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Earnings of
ive Income
6. Others
(V) Special
1. Withdra
wal in this
2. Used in
This Period
(VI) Others                  31,363,999.53                                                                           31,363,999.53
IV. Balance
at the End    3,294,468,99   8,538,112,902.                             1,553,691,005    18,820,579,58             31,866,793,835.
of This               0.00               95                                        .92            5.19                          78

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

III. Basic Information about the Company

Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company" or "the Company") was incorporated under the official
approval document No. 18 [2002] issued by Zhejiang Provincial People's Government Work Leading Group for Enterprise Listing in
June 2002, a stock corporation established on the basis of overall change of the former Hangzhou Dahua Information Technology Co.,
Ltd. It was co-founded by five natural persons, including Fu Liquan, Chen Ailing, Zhu Jiangming, Liu Yunzhen and Chen Jianfeng.
On April 22, 2008, the Company issued 16.8 million shares of common stock in RMB to the general public for the first time under the
approval document No. 573 [2008] Securities Regulatory Issuance, issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC"). It
was listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 20, 2008 with a registered capital of RMB 66.8 million and the change registration
filed with Administration for Industry and Commerce was completed on May 23, 2008. The Company's unified social credit code is
91330000727215176K. The Company falls within the intelligent Internet of Things industry.
As of Sunday, June 30, 2024, the Company has issued a total of 3,292,334,310 shares, with a registered capital of RMB
3,292,334,310.00, registering its address at: No.1187, Bin’an Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, and headquarters at: No. 1399 Bixing
Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou.
The Company mainly engaged in the following operating activities: The research and development, production, and sales of smart IoT
products, provision of video-centered smart IoT solutions and operational services.
The actual controllers of the Company are Fu Liquan and Chen Ailing.
This financial statement has been approved by Board of Directors on August 23, 2024.

IV. Basis for Preparing the Financial Statement

1. Basis for the preparation

The Company prepares the financial statement, as a going concern, based on transactions and matters that have actually occurred, in
accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Basic Standards issued by the Ministry of Finance and all specific
accounting standards, application guidelines for accounting standards for business enterprises, explanations on the accounting standards
for business enterprises and other related regulations (hereinafter referred to as "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises"
collectively), and the disclosure provisions in the Preparation Rules for Information Disclosures by Companies Offering Securities to
the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reports issued by CSRC.

2. Going concern

The Company has the capability to continue as a going concern for at least 12 months as of the end of current reporting period, without
any significant item affecting the capability for continuing as a going concern.

V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates

The following disclosures cover the specific accounting policies and accounting estimates formulated by the Company according to
the characteristics of its production and operation.

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

1. Statement on compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

This financial statement is in compliance with the requirements in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises promulgated by
the Ministry of Finance and presents truly and completely the financial position of the merged companies and the parent compa ny as
at June 30, 2024 and the operating results and cash flows of the merged companies and the parent company in half of year 2024.

2. Accounting period

The fiscal year of the Company is from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year.

3. Operating cycle

The Company's operating cycle is 12 months.

4. Functional currency

For the domestic operating entities of the Company and its overseas operating entity Dahua Technology (HK) Limited, the functional
currency is Renminbi ("RMB"). The other overseas operating entities take the appropriate currency as the functional currency on the
basis of the currency in the major economic environment in which they operate. This financial statement is presented in RMB.

5. Determination Method and Selection Basis of Importance Standard

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                  Item                                                       Importance standards
   Accounts receivable with significant single provision for bad       Individual accruals of 0.5% of total assets at the end of the
   debt reserves                                                       period
                                                                       Bad debts recovered or reversed of the individual receivables in
   Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision
                                                                       the period in excess of 0.5% of the total assets at the end of the
   of accounts receivable in this period
                                                                       Write-off of individual receivables in excess of 0.5 per cent of
   Write-off of important accounts receivable
                                                                       total assets at the end of the period
   Important Projects under Construction                               Project investment budget in excess of 0.5% of total assets
   Significant prepayments aged over 1 year                            Prepayments over 1 year in excess of 0.1% of total assets
   Significant accounts payable aged over 1 year                       Payables over 1 year in excess of 0.5% of total assets
   Other significant payable aged over 1 year                          Receivables over 1 year in excess of 0.5% of total assets
                                                                       Contractual liabilities over 1 year in excess of 0.5% of total
   Significant contractual liabilities over 1 year
   Cash Flow from Significant Investment Activities                    Projects with cash flow exceeding 5% of total assets
                                                                       Overseas operating entities with one of their total assets/total
   Significant overseas operating entities
                                                                       revenues/total profits exceeding 15% of the Group's
                                                                       Non-wholly owned subsidiaries with one of their total
   Important non-wholly owned subsidiaries
                                                                       assets/total revenues/total profits exceeding 15% of the Group's
                                                                       Income from investments in joint ventures or associates
   Important joint ventures or associates                              exceeding 10% of the latest audited net profit of the listed

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

6. The accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under common control and
business combinations not involving enterprises under common control

Business combination under common control: The assets and liabilities acquired by the merging party in business combination
(including goodwill incurred in the acquisition of the merged party by ultimate controlling party) shall be measured at the book value
of the assets and liabilities of the merged party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party on the date of
combination. The difference between the book value of the net assets obtained and the book value of the consideration paid for the
combination (or total nominal value of the issued shares) is adjusted to capital premium in capital reserve. Adjustments shall be made
to retained earnings in the event that the share premiums in the capital reserves are not sufficient for write-down.

Business combination not under common control: The cost of combination is the fair value of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or
assumed, and the equity securities issued by the acquirer to acquire the control of the acquiree on the date of acquisition. Where the
cost of combination is higher than the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired from the merging party in business combination,
such difference shall be recognized as goodwill; where the cost of combination is less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets
acquired from the merging party in business combination, such difference shall be charged to the profit or loss for the period. The
identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquiree obtained in the combination that satisfy the recognition criteria
shall be measured by the fair value on the date of acquisition.

The fees which are directly related to the business combination shall be recognized as the profit or loss in the period when the costs are
incurred; the transaction expenses of issuing equity securities or debt securities for business merger shall be initially capitalized for
equity securities or debt securities.

7. Judgment Criteria for Control Preparation Method of Consolidated Financial Statements

(1) Judgment criteria for control

The scope of consolidation of the consolidated financial statements is based on controlling interests and includes the Company and all
the subsidiaries. Control means that the Company has the power with respect to the investee to obtain variable returns by engaging in
relevant activities of the investee, and has the ability to influence the amount of its returns by applying its power with re spect to the

(2) Preparation method of consolidated financial statements

The Company treats the enterprise group as a single accounting entity and prepares the consolidated financial statements in accordance
with the unified accounting policy to reflect the Group's overall financial position, operating results, and cash flow. The influence from
the internal transactions between the Company and the subsidiaries or between different subsidiaries shall be eliminated. Internal
transactions show that impairment loss of relevant assets shall be recognized as such loss in full. In preparing the consolidated financial
statements, where the accounting policies and the accounting periods are inconsistent between the Company and subsidiaries, the
financial statements of subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies and accounting period of the Company.

The shares belonging to minority shareholders in owner's equity, the net profit or loss and the comprehensive income of the subsidiary
of the current period are presented separately under the owners' equity in the consolidated balance sheet, the net profits, and the total
comprehensive income in the consolidated income statement respectively. Where losses attributable to the minority shareholders of a
subsidiary of the current period exceed the minority shareholders' interest entitled in the shareholders' equity of the subsidiary at the
beginning of the period, the excess shall be offset against the equity of minority shareholders.

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

① Acquisition of Subsidiaries or Business

For acquisition of subsidiaries or business due to business combination involving entities under common control during the reporting
period, the operating results and cash flow of such subsidiaries or business from the beginning to the end of the reporting period when
the merger occurs are included in the consolidated income statement; and the opening balance and comparative figures of the
consolidated financial statements should be adjusted simultaneously as if the consolidated reporting entity has been in existence since
the beginning of the control by the ultimate controlling party.

In connection with imposing control over the investee under common control due to additional investment and other reasons, the equity
investment held before gaining the control of the combined party is recognized as relevant profit or loss, other comprehensive income
and changes in other net assets at the later of the date of acquisition of the original equity and the date when the combining and the
merged parties are under common control, and shall be written down to the opening balance retained earnings or current profit or loss
in the comparative reporting period.

Additional subsidiaries or business due to business combination involving entities not under common control during the reporting
period will be included in the consolidated financial statements as of the date of acquisition on the basis of the fair value of the
identifiable assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities determined on the date of acquisition.

In connection with imposing control over the investee not under common control due to additional investment and other reasons, the
equity of acquiree held before acquisition date shall be remeasured at the fair value of such equity on the acquisition date and the
difference between fair value and book value shall be recognized as investment income in current period. Other comprehensive income
that may later be reclassified into profit or loss and changes in other owner's equity accounted by equity method contained in the
acquiree's equity held before the acquisition date shall be transferred to current investment gains on the date of acquisition.

② Disposal of Subsidiaries or Business

a. General Treatment

When losing control of the investee due to partial disposal of the equity investment, or any other reasons, the remaining equity
investment is remeasured at fair value at the date in which control is lost. The sum of consideration received from disposal of equity
investment and the fair value of the remaining equity investment, net of the difference between the sum of the Company's previous
share of the subsidiary's net assets recorded from the acquisition date or combination date and the sum of goodwill, is recognized in
investment income in the period in which control is lost. Other comprehensive income that may later be reclassified into profit or loss
and changes in other owner's equity accounted by equity method in connection with the equity investment of the original subsidiaries
shall be transferred to the current investment gains when the control is lost.

b. Disposal of Subsidiary Achieved by Stages

When the equity investment of subsidiaries is disposed of through multiple transactions until the control is lost, such multiple
transactions are generally treated as a package deal if the terms, conditions, and economic impact of the transactions to dispose of the
subsidiary's equity investment satisfy one or more of the following conditions:

These transactions are achieved at the same time or the mutual effects on each other are considered;

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

A complete set of commercial results can be achieved with reference to the series of transactions as a whole;

Occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one of the other transactions;

One transaction recognized separately is not economical, but it is economical when considered together with other transactions.

If multiple transactions are recognized as a package deal, these transactions shall be subject to accounting treatment as a transaction to
dispose of the subsidiaries and lose control. The differences between the price on each disposal and disposal of investment on the
subsidiary's net assets shall be recognized in other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements, and included in
profit or loss for the period when the control is lost.

If the transactions are not a package deal, accounting treatment for partial disposal of equity investments of the subsidiary without
losing control shall be applied before control is lost. When the control is lost, general accounting treatment for disposal of a subsidiary
shall be used.

③ Acquisition of Minority Equity of Subsidiaries

The Company shall adjust the share premium in the capital reserve of the consolidated balance sheet with respect to any difference
between the long-term equity investment arising from the purchase of minority interest and the net assets attributing to the parent
company continuously calculated on the basis of the newly increased share proportion as of the acquisition date or date of combination
or, adjust the retained earnings if the share premium in the capital reserve is insufficient for write-down.

④ Partial Disposal of Equity Investment in Subsidiaries without Losing Control

The difference between the disposal consideration and the share of net assets in the subsidiaries calculated from disposal of long-term
equity investment as of the date of acquisition or combination date shall be adjusted to share premium in the capital reserve in the
consolidated balance sheet. Adjustments shall be made to retained earnings in the event that the share premiums in the capita l reserves
are not sufficient for write-down.

8. Classification of joint venture arrangement and accounting treatment methods for joint operation

Joint venture arrangement is classified into joint operation and joint venture.
Joint operation means the joint venture arrangement in which the joint venture parties have the assets and assume the liabilities related
to such arrangement.
The Company recognizes the following items related to the share of interests in the joint operation:
(1) The assets separately held by the Company and assets jointly held as recognized by the share of the Company;
(2) The liabilities separately assumed by the Company and liabilities jointly assumed as recognized by the share of the Company;
(3) Income from selling the share of the Company in the output of the joint operation;
(4) Income from joint operation of the sold output as recognized by the share of the Company;
(5) The expenses separately incurred and expenses jointly incurred as recognized by the share of the Company;
The Company adopts the equity method for the investment of the joint venture. For details, refer to this section Financial Report - V.
Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 20. Long-term equity investment.

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

9. Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents

Cash means the cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time of the Company.
Cash equivalents mean the investments held by the Company which are short-term, highly liquid, easy to be converted into known
amounts of cash and have little risk of value change.

10. Conversion of transactions and financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

(1) Foreign currency transactions

Foreign currency transactions are translated into function currency at the spot exchange rate on the day when the transactions occurred
or the exchange rate determined by a systematic and reasonable method that is similar to the spot exchange rate (hereinafter referred
to as the approximate exchange rate of the spot exchange rate).
The Balance of foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The resulting
exchange differences are recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except for those differences related to the principal and
interest on a specific-purpose borrowing denominated in foreign currency for acquisitions, construction, or production of the qualified
assets, which should be included in current profit and loss.
2. Translation of foreign currency financial statements
All assets and liabilities items in balance sheet are translated based on spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date; owners' equity
items other than "undistributed profit" are translated at a spot exchange rate when accrued. Revenue and expense items in the income
statement are translated at a spot exchange rate at the transaction occurrence date or the appropriate exchange rate of the spot exchange
Cash flows in foreign currencies, as well as cash flows from foreign subsidiaries, are translated at the spot exchange rate on the day
when the cash flows occur or the appropriate exchange rate of the spot exchange.

For disposal of overseas operation, the translation difference as stated in the foreign currency financial statements relating to overseas
operation, is accounted for in the profit and loss account in the current period from owners' equity items.

11. Financial instruments

A financial asset, financial liability or equity instrument is recognized when the Company becomes a party to the financial instrument
(1) Classification of the financial instruments
According to the Company's business model for management of the financial assets and the contractual cash flow features of the
financial assets, the financial assets, when initially recognized, are classified as: financial assets at amortized cost, financial assets at
fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments) and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.
The financial assets which satisfy the following conditions, and are not designated as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
will be classified by the Company as financial assets at amortized cost:
① The business model is designed to collect the contractual cash flow;
② The contractual cash flow is only used to pay the principal and the interests based on the outstanding principal amount.
The financial assets which satisfy the following conditions, and are not designated as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
will be classified by the Company as the financial assets (equity instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income:
① The business model is designed to both collect the contractual cash flow and sell the financial assets;
② The contractual cash flow is only used to pay the principal and the interests based on the outstanding principal amount.

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

For non-trading investments in equity instruments, the Company may, at the time of initial recognition, irrevocably designate them as
financial assets (equity instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income. Such designation is based on the individua l
investments, and relevant investments fall within the definition of the equity instrument from the perspective of the issuer.
Except for the financial assets at amortized cost, and financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income, all the
remaining financial assets are classified as the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. At the time of initia l recognition, the
financial assets which should have been classified as financial assets at amortized cost or financial assets at fair value through other
comprehensive income can be irrevocably designated by the Company as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss if the
accounting mismatch can be eliminated or significantly reduced.
The financial liabilities, when initially recognized, are classified as: financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and financial
liabilities at amortized cost.
Financial liabilities which meet one of the following conditions will be, when initially measured, designated as financial liabilities at
fair value through profit or loss:
① Such designation may be able to eliminate or significantly reduce the accounting mismatch;
② The portfolio of financial liabilities or the portfolio of financial assets and financial liabilities shall be subject to management and
performance evaluation on the basis of fair value according to the enterprise risk management or investment strategy containe d in the
formal documentations, and a report shall be made to the key management personnel within the enterprise on this basis;
③ Such financial liabilities shall contain embedded derivatives to be split separately.
(2) Recognition and measurement of financial instruments
① Financial assets at amortized cost
Financial assets at amortized cost include notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, long-term receivables and creditors
investment, which shall be initially measured at fair value, and the relevant transaction expenses should be initially capita lized; The
accounts receivable that do not contain material financing compositions and those for which the Company decides to not take into
account the financing compositions of no more than one year shall be initially measured at the contract transaction price.
The interest calculated by effective interest method during the holding period is recorded into the current profit and loss.
At the time of recovery or disposal, the difference between the price obtained and the book value shall be included in the current profit
or loss.
② Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income (debt instruments)
Financial assets measured at fair value and its changes are included in other comprehensive income (debt instruments) include
receivables financing and investments in other creditor's rights. They are initially measured at fair value, and the relevant transaction
expenses should be initially capitalized. These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and the change in fair value,
other than the interest, the impairment loss or profit and the profit or loss on foreign exchange, shall be included in other comprehensive
Upon derecognition, the cumulative profits or losses previously included in other comprehensive income shall be removed from other
comprehensive income and included in the profit or loss for the period.
③ Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income (equity instruments)
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity instruments) include investment in other equity instruments.
They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction expenses shall be initially capitalized. These financial assets are
subsequently measured at fair value, and the change in fair value shall be included in other comprehensive income. The dividends
obtained shall be included in the profit or loss for the period.
Upon derecognition, the cumulative profits or losses previously included in other comprehensive income shall be removed from other
comprehensive income and included in the carry-forward retained earnings.
④ Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss in this period
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, and other non-current
financial assets. They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction expenses related to them are included in the current profit

                                                                         2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

or loss. These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and the change in fair value shall be included in the profit or
loss for the period.
⑤ Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss in this period
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities. They are
initially measured at fair value, and the transaction expenses related to them are included in the profit or loss for the period. These
financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value, and the change in fair value shall be included in the profit or loss for the
Upon derecognition, the difference between their book value and the consideration paid is included in the profit or loss for the period.
⑥ Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Financial liabilities at amortized cost include short-term loans, notes payable, accounts payable, other payables, long-term loans, bonds
payable, and long-term payables. They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction expenses shall be initially capitalized.
The interest calculated by effective interest method during the holding period is recorded into the current profit and loss.
Upon derecognition, the difference between the consideration paid and the book value of these financial liabilities is included in the
current profit or loss.
(3) Derecognition and transfer of financial assets
When one of the following conditions is met, financial assets are derecognized by the Company:
① The contractual right to receive cash flows from financial assets is terminated;
② The financial assets have been transferred and nearly all the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial a ssets have
been transferred to the transferee;
③ The financial assets have been transferred and although the Company neither transfers or retains all the risks and rewards related to
the ownership of the financial assets, the Company retains no control of the financial assets;
If the Company modifies or renegotiates the contract with the counterparty, which constitutes a substantial modification, the original
financial assets will be derecognised and a new financial asset will be recognized according to the modified terms.
The financial assets when transferred will not be derecognized if the Company has retained nearly all the risks and rewards related to
the ownership of the financial assets.
The substance-over-form principle shall be adopted while making judgment on whether the transfer of financial assets satisfies the
above conditions for termination of recognition.
The transfer of financial assets can be classified into entire transfer and partial transfer. If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies
the conditions for termination of recognition, the difference between the two amounts below shall be recorded into profit or loss for
the period:
① The book value of the financial asset transferred;
② The consideration received as a result of the transfer, plus the accumulative amount of the change in fair value previously recorded
into the owners' equity (in cases where the transferred financial assets are financial assets measured at fair value and whos e changes
are included in other comprehensive income (debt instruments)).
If the partial transfer of financial assets satisfies the conditions for termination of recognition, the overall book value of the transferred
financial asset shall be apportioned according to their respective relative fair value between the recognition terminated part and the
remaining part, and the difference between the two amounts below shall be recorded into profit or loss for the current period:
① The book value of the recognition terminated portion;
② The sum of consideration of the derecognised portion and the corresponding portion of accumulated change in fair value previously
recorded into owners' equity (in cases where the transferred financial assets are financial assets measured at fair value and whose
changes are included in other comprehensive income (debt instruments)).
Financial assets will still be recognized if they fail to satisfy the conditions for termination of recognition, with the consideration
received recognized as a financial liability.
(4) Derecognition of financial liabilities

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

When the current obligation under a financial liability is completely or partially discharged, the recognition of the whole or relevant
portion of the liability is terminated; an agreement is entered between the Company and a creditor to replace the original financial
liabilities with new financial liabilities with substantially different terms, terminate the recognition of the original financial liabilit ies
as well as recognize the new financial liabilities.
If all or part of the contract terms of the original financial liabilities are substantially amended, the recognition of the original financial
liabilities will be terminated in full or in part, and the financial liabilities whose terms have been amended shall be recognized as a new
financial liability.
When recognition of financial liabilities is terminated in full or in part, the difference between the book value of the financial liabilit ies
terminated and the consideration paid (including transferred non-cash assets or new financial liability) is recognized in profit or loss
for the current period.
Where the Company repurchases part of its financial liabilities, the book value of such financial liabilities will be allocated according
to the relative fair value between the continued recognized part and terminated part on the repurchase date. The difference between the
book value of the financial liabilities terminated and the consideration paid (including transferred non-cash assets or new financial
liability) is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
(5) Method of determining the fair values of financial assets and liabilities
The fair value of a financial instrument that is traded in an active market is determined at the quoted price in the active market. The
fair value of a financial instrument that is not traded in an active market is determined by using a valuation technique. The Company
uses the valuation technique when it is applicable under current conditions and there are enough available data and other information
to support and the technique should maximize the use of relevant observable. It chooses the inputs which are consistent with the asset
or liability's characteristics considered by market participants in the transaction of the relevant asset or liability and makes the maximum
use of relevant observable inputs. Unobservable inputs are used under the circumstance that the relevant observable inputs cannot be
obtained or not feasible.
(6) Test method and accounting treatment for impairment of financial assets
The Company uses impairment accounting for the financial assets at amortized cost, the financial assets at fair value through other
comprehensive income (debt instruments), and the financial guarantee contracts, on the basis of the expected credit loss.
Taking into the reasonable and well-grounded information including past matters, current situation and prediction of future economic
conditions, the Company calculates the possibly weighted amount of the present value of the difference between the cash flows
receivable under the contract and the cash flows expected to be received, taking the risk of default as the weight, and recognizes the
expected credit loss.
The Company will always measure the loss provision for the accounts receivable and contract assets arising from the transactions
regulated by “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.14 — Revenue”, whether they contain material financing compositions
or not, by the amount of the expected credit loss throughout the duration.
For the lease receivables resulting from transactions governed by “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.21 — Leasing”,
the Company will always measure the loss provision for the accounts receivable, by the amount of the expected credit loss throughout
the duration.
The Company assesses the changes in credit risk of other relevant financial instruments since initial recognition at each balance sheet
By comparing the risk of default of financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the risk of default on the initial recognition
date, the Company determines the relative change in the risk of default over the expected life of financial instruments to assess whether
the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly since initial recognition. If the financial instrument becomes overdue
for more than 30 days, the Company believes that the credit risk of this financial instrument has been significantly increased, unless
there are concrete evidence that the credit risk of this financial instrument has not been significantly increased upon initial recognition.
If the financial instrument carries low credit risk at the balance sheet date, the Company believes that the credit risk of this financial
instrument is not significantly increased upon initial recognition.

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

If the credit risk of this financial instrument has been significantly increased upon initial recognition, the Company measures its loss
provision in accordance with the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss of the financial instrument throughout the duration; if
the credit risk of this financial instrument is not significantly increased upon initial recognition, the Company will measure the loss
provision of this financial instrument by the amount of its expected credit loss in the 12 months to come. The increased or reversed
amount of the loss provision resulting therefrom is included in the current profit or loss as the impairment loss or profit. For financial
assets (debt instruments) at fair value through other comprehensive income, the loss provision is recognized in other comprehensive
income, and the impairment loss or gain is included in current profits or losses, without reduction in the book value of the financia l
asset as stated in the balance sheet.
If there are objective evidences showing that a certain receivable has been subject to credit impairment, the Company will accrue
impairment provision for the receivable on the individual asset basis.
Except for the above-mentioned accounts receivable for which an individual provision for bad debts has been made, the Company
divides other financial instruments into several combinations based on their credit risk characteristics, and determines expected credit
losses on the basis of the combinations. The Company's combination categories and determination basis of expected credit losses for
notes receivable, accounts receivable, accounts receivable financing, other receivables, contract assets (including contract assets
presented in other non-current assets) and long-term receivables (including long-term receivables due within one year presented in
non-current assets due within one year) are as follows:
                     Item                            Combination
                                                                                             Determination Basis
                                                                         The expected credit loss is calculated by default risk
                Notes receivable
                                                                         exposure and the expected credit loss rate for the entire
                                                    Type of Notes        extension, based on historical credit loss experience, in
             Receivables Financing                                       combination with current conditions and predictions of
                                                                         future economic conditions.
                                                                         The expected credit loss is calculated by default risk
                                                                         exposure and the expected credit loss rate for the entire
    Accounts receivable, other receivables                               extension, based on historical credit loss experience, in
                                                                         combination with current conditions and predictions of
                                                                         future economic conditions.
                                                                         The expected credit loss is calculated by default risk
                                                                         exposure and the expected credit loss rate for the entire
    Accounts receivable, other receivables                               extension, based on historical credit loss experience, in
                                                                         combination with current conditions and predictions of
                                                                         future economic conditions.
                                                                         The expected credit loss is calculated by default risk
                                                                         exposure and the expected credit loss rate for the entire
   Contract assets (including contract assets       Nature of the
                                                                         extension, based on historical credit loss experience, in
    presented in other non-current assets)             funds
                                                                         combination with current conditions and predictions of
                                                                         future economic conditions.
                                                                         The expected credit loss is calculated by default risk
  Long-term receivables (including long-term                             exposure and the expected credit loss rate for the entire
                                                    Nature of the
  receivables due within one year presented                              extension, based on historical credit loss experience, in
  in non-current assets due within one year)                             combination with current conditions and predictions of
                                                                         future economic conditions.
If the Company no longer reasonably expects that the cash flow of the financial asset contract can be recovered as a whole or in part,
the book balance of such financial assets will be directly reduced.

12. Notes Receivable

Refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial instruments

13. Accounts Receivable

Refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial instruments

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

14. Receivables Financing

Refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial instruments

15. Other Receivables

Refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial instruments

16. Contract Assets

(1) Recognition method and criteria of contract assets

The Company lists contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet according to the relationship between performance
obligations and customer payments. Considerations that the Company has the right to collect for commodities transferred or se rvices
provided to customers (and such right depends on other factors than passing of time) are presented as contract assets. The contract
assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are presented in net amount. The Company separately presents the right possessed
to collect consideration from customers unconditionally (only depending on the passing of time) as accounts receivable.
(2) Determination method and accounting treatment method for the expected credit loss of contract assets
For details, refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial

17. Inventory

(1) Category of inventory
Categories of inventories: raw materials, commodity stocks, products in progress and materials commissioned for processing.
The inventories are initially measured at cost, which comprises the cost of purchase, cost of conversion and other expenditure incurred
in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.
(2) Determination of cost
Cost of inventories is determined using the weighted average method.
(3) Basis for the determination of net realizable value and different type of inventories
At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. When the cost of inventories is higher
than their net realizable value, reserve for stock depreciation shall be accrued. The net realizable value means the amount after deducting
the estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes from the estimated selling price of inventories in the
daily activities.
Net realizable value of held-for-sale commodity stocks, such as finished goods, goods-in-stock, and held-for-sale raw materials, during
the normal course of production and operation, shall be determined by their estimated sales less the related selling expenses and taxes;
the net realizable value of material inventories, which need to be processed, during the normal course of production and operatio n,
shall be determined by the amount after deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes from
the estimated selling price of finished goods; the net realizable value of inventories held for execution of sales contracts or labor
contracts shall be calculated on the ground of the contracted price. If an enterprise holds more inventories than the quantity stipulated
in the sales contract, the net realizable value of the exceeding part shall be calculated on the ground of general selling price.
If the Company accrues the provision for impairment of inventories on a combination basis, the combination categories and
determination basis as well as the basis for determination of the net realizable value of different types of inventory are as follows:
      Combination Categories of                 Determination Basis for Combination                Basis for the Determination of Net
              Inventories                                                                                   Realizable Value
 Raw materials                                       Categories of Inventories

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Work-in-progress                                    Categories of Inventories               Estimated selling price of inventories -
 Finished goods                                      Categories of Inventories               Estimated costs until completion -
                                                                                             Estimated selling expenses - Related taxes
 Contract Performance Costs                          Categories of Inventories
If the factors influencing the write-down of the inventory value have disappeared, resulting in higher net realizable value of inventories
than their book value after the reserve for stock depreciation is accrued, a reversal shall apply in the amount of reserve for stock
depreciation previously accrued, and the reserved amount shall be included in the current profit or loss.
(4) Inventory system
The perpetual inventory system is adopted.
(5) Amortization of low-value consumables and packaging materials
① Low-value consumables are amortized using the immediate write-off method;
② Packaging materials are amortized using the immediate write-off method.

18. Holding assets for sale

(1) Recognition criteria and accounting treatment

An asset of which the book value is recovered mainly through sale (including exchange of non-monetary asset of a commercial nature)
rather than non-continuous use of a non-current asset or disposal group is classified as a holding asset for sale.

A non-current asset or disposed group is classified by the Company as holding for sale if it meets the following criteria at the sa me

① Immediate sale could be made under the current circumstances in accordance with the convention of selling such kind of assets or
disposal groups in similar transactions;

② Selling is highly likely to occur, i.e., the Company has made a resolution on a sales plan and obtained confirmed purchase
commitments, and the sales is predicted to be completed within 1 year. If required by relevant provisions that selling shall only be
made after approved by the relevant competent authority or supervision department of the Company, such approval should have been

If the book value of the non-current assets (excluding financial assets, deferred income tax assets, and assets to constitute payroll
payable) or disposal groups classified as holding for-sale assets is higher than the net amount after deducting the selling expenses from
the book value, the book value will be written down to the net amount after deducting the selling expenses from the fair value, and the
amount written down will be recognized as the impairment loss of assets and included in the current profit or loss. At the same time,
the impairment provision for holding for-sale assets will be accrued.

(2) Recognition criteria and presentation of discontinued operations

Termination of business is a separately distinguishable constituent part that satisfies one of the following conditions and that has been
disposed of or classified by the Company as held for sale:

① This constituent part represents an independent primary business or a separate principal operating area;

② This constituent part is part of an associated plan to dispose an independent primary business or a separate principal operating area;

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

③ This constituent part is a subsidiary acquired for resale.

The profit or loss from going concern and the profit or loss from discontinued operation will be separately presented in the income
statement. The operating profit or loss and the profit or loss from disposal, including impairment loss and reversed amount from
discontinued operation, will be presented as the profit or loss from discontinued operation. For the discontinued operation presented in
the current period, the Company will present the information previously presented as the profit or loss from going concern as the profit
or loss from discontinued operation during the comparable accounting period.

19. Long-term Receivables

Refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial instruments

20. Long-term Equity Investments

(1) Joint control or significant influence criterion

Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, and exists only when requiring the unanimous consent
of the parties sharing control before making decisions about the relevant activities of the arrangement. The Company together with the
other joint venture parties can jointly control over the investee and are entitled to the right of the net assets of the inve stee, as the
investee is joint venture of the Company.

Significant influence refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the financial and operating policies of an enterprise, but
not the power to control, or jointly control, the formulation of such policies with other parties. Where the Company can exercise
significant influence over the investee, the investee is an associate of the Company.

(2) Determination of initial investment cost

① Long-term equity investments formed through business combination

For the long-term equity investment in the subsidiaries arising from business combination involving entities under common control,
the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the share with reference to the book value of the shareholders' equity
of the merged party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party on the date of combination. The share
premium in the capital reserve shall be adjusted according to the difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment and the carrying amount of the consideration paid; if the share premium in the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the
retained earnings shall be adjusted. In connection with imposing control over the investee under common control as a result of
additional investment and other reasons, the share premium shall be adjusted according to the difference between the initial investment
cost of the long-term equity investment as recognized by the above principle and the carrying value of the long-term equity investment
before combination and the sum of carrying value of newly paid consideration for additional shares acquired on the date of combination.
If the share premium is insufficient for write-down, the retained earnings shall be offset.

For the long-term equity investment in the subsidiaries arising from business combinations involving entities not under common control,
the cost of the combination ascertained on the date of acquisition shall be taken as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment. In connection with imposing control over the investee not under common control as a result of additional investment and
other reasons, the initial investment cost shall be the sum of the book value of the equity investment originally held and the newly
increased initial investment cost.

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

② Long-term equity investments acquired by the means other than business combination

The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by cash payment shall be the purchase costs actually paid.

The initial cost of investment of a long-term equity investment obtained by means of issuance of equity securities shall be the fair value
of the equity securities issued.

(3) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

① Long-term equity investment calculated by cost method

Long-term equity investment in subsidiaries of the Company is calculated by cost method, unless the investment meets the conditions
for holding for sale. except for the actual consideration paid for the acquisition of investment or the declared but not yet distributed
cash dividends or profits which are included in the consideration, investment gains are recognized as the Company' shares of the cash
dividends or profits declared by the investee.

② Long-term equity investment accounted for by equity method

Long-term equity investments of associates and jointly controlled entities are calculated using equity method. Where the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment exceeds the investor's interest in the fair value of the investee's identifiable net
assets at the acquisition date, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investment cost; where the initial investment cost is less than
the investor's interest in the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference shall be charged to
the profit or loss for the current period. At the same time, the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted.

The Company recognizes the investment income and other comprehensive income according to the shares of net profit or loss and
other comprehensive income realized by the investee which it shall be entitled or shared respectively, and simultaneously makes
adjustment to the book value of long-term equity investment; The book value of long-term equity investment shall be reduced by
attributable share of the profit or cash dividends for distribution declared by the investee. In relation to other changes in the owner's
equity except for net profits and losses, other comprehensive income and profit distributions of the investee (hereinafter referred to as
“Changes in Other Owner's Equity”), the book value of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and included in owner's

When determining the amount of proportion of net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and other changes in the owner's equity
in the investee which it entitles, the fair value of each identifiable net assets of the investee at the time when the investment is obtained
shall be used as basis, and according to the accounting policies and accounting period of the Company, adjustment shall be made to
the net profit and other comprehensive income of the investee.

The unrealized profit or loss resulting from transactions between the Company and its associates or joint venture shall be eliminated in
proportion to the investor's equity interest of investee, based on which investment income or loss shall be recognized, except for those
assets invested or sold constituting a business. Any losses resulting from transactions, which are attributable to impa irment of assets,
shall be fully recognized.

The net loss incurred by the Company to the joint ventures or affiliates is capped when the carrying amount of long-term equity

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

investment and the long-term equity that substantially constitutes the net investment in the joint ventures or affiliates have been written
down to zero, except to the extent that the Company has an additional loss obligation. If the joint ventures or affiliates later realize net
profit, the Company will resume recognition of the income share after the income share makes up the unrecognized loss share.

③ Disposal of long-term equity investments

For disposal of long-term equity investment, the difference between the book value and the consideration actually received shall be
included in the current profit or loss.

If the remaining equity is still subject to the equity method in partial disposal of the long-term equity investment under the equity
method, other comprehensive income recognized in the original equity investment shall be carried forward at the appropriate proportion
on the same basis used by the investee for direct disposal of relevant assets or liabilities, and other changes in the owner' s equity shall
be carried forward into the current profit or loss at the appropriate proportion.

When losing the control or material influence over the investee due to disposal of the equity investment and other reasons, other
comprehensive income recognized in the original equity investment due to adoption of the equity method shall be subject to accounting
treatment on the same basis used by the investee for direct disposal of relevant assets or liabilities when ceasing to use the equity
method, and other changes in the owner's equity shall be carried forward into the current profit or loss in full when ceasing to use the
equity method.

If the control over the investee is lost due to partial disposal of the equity investment and other reasons, and if the remaining equities
can exercise common control or material influence over the investee in preparing the individual financial statements, the remaining
equities shall be accounted by the equity method and shall be adjusted as if such remaining equities have been accounted for under the
equity method since they are obtained. Other comprehensive income recognized before the control over the investee is obtained shall
be carried forward pro rata on the same basis used by the investee for direct disposal of relevant assets or liabilities, and other changes
in the owner's equity recognized under the equity method shall be carried forward into the current profit or loss pro rata. The remaining
equities which cannot exercise common control or material influence over the investee shall be recognized as financial assets, and the
difference between their fair value and book value on the date when the control is lost shall be included in the current profit or loss.

Other comprehensive income recognized and other changes in the owner's equity recognized before the control over the investee is
obtained shall be carried forward in full. If the disposal of the equity investment in the subsidiaries through multiple transactions until
loss of the control is a package deal, each transaction shall be subject to accounting treatment as a transaction to dispose of the equity
investment in the subsidiaries and to lose the control; the difference between the price for each disposal before loss of the control and
the book value of the long-term equity investment of the equity disposed of shall be first recognized as other comprehensive income
in the individual financial statements and shall then be carried forward to the profit or loss for the very period when the control is lost.
If it is not a package deal, each transaction shall be subject to accounting treatment.

21. Investment Properties

Investment property refers to the real estate held to generate rental income or capital appreciation, or both, including leased land use
rights, land use rights held for transfer after appreciation, and leased buildings (including buildings that are leased after completion of
self-construction or development activities and buildings in construction or development that are used for rental in the future).

The Company adopts the cost mode to measure the existing investment property. The subsequent expenditure related to the investment
property will be included in the cost of the investment property when relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in and costs can be

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

measured reliably, or otherwise be included in the current profit or loss when occurred. Investment property measured at cost - buildings
held for leasing shall adopt the same depreciation policy for fixed assets of the company, land use rights held for leasing shall adopt
the same amortization policy for the intangible assets.

22. Fixed Assets

(1) Conditions of Recognition

Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for
administrative purposes; and have a service life of more than one fiscal year. Fixed assets are recognized when they meet the following
conditions at the same time: ① It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the fixed asset will flow to the enterprise; ②
Its cost can be reliably measured.

The fixed assets are initially measured at cost (with the impact of predicted discard expense taken into account).

The subsequent expenditure related to the fixed assets will be included in the cost of the fixed assets when the economic benefits in
connection therewith are likely to flow in and costs can be measured reliably; the book value of the replaced part will be derecognized;
all other subsequent expenditure will be included in the current profit or loss when occurred.

(2) Methods for depreciation

                                                                  Useful lives of                                    Annual depreciation
          Category              Depreciation method                                        Residual Ratio
                                                                   depreciation                                             rate
   Housing and building        Straight-line method        20                         5%                         4.75%
   Machinery and
                               Straight-line method        5-10                       5%                         19.00%-9.50%
   Means of transport          Straight-line method        4-8                        5%                         23.75%-11.88%
   Electronic and other
                               Straight-line method        3-5                        5%                         31.67%-19.00%

Fixed assets are depreciated by categories using the straight-line method, and the annual depreciation rates are determined by categories
based upon their estimated useful lives and their estimated residual values. Where the parts of a fixed asset have different useful lives
or cause economic benefits for the enterprise in different ways, different depreciation rates or depreciation methods shall a pply, and
each part is depreciated separately.

(3) Disposal of Fixed Assets

When fixed assets are disposed of or when no economic benefits can be expected through use or disposal thereof, such fixed as sets
will be derecognized. The income from disposal of the fixed assets through sale, transfer, scrapping or damage with the book value
thereof and relevant taxes deducted is included in the current profit or loss.

23. Construction in Progress

The projects under construction are measured at the actual cost. The actual cost comprises the building cost, installation cost, borrowing
cost qualified for capitalization and other necessary expenditures incurred to bring the projects under construction to the c onditions
before they are made ready for the intended use. The projects under construction will be converted into fixed assets when they are

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

ready for intended use and will be depreciated from the next month on. The standards and time points for conversing the Compa ny’s
projects under construction into fixed assets are as follows:

              Category                                   The standards and time points for conversing into fixed assets
 Housing and building                      The completion and fire inspection, and water and electricity supply are completed as
                                           well as the conditions for occupancy are met.
 Machinery and equipment                   The equipment installation and debugging is completed and is ready for use.
 Electronic and other equipment            The equipment installation and debugging is completed and is ready for use.

24. Borrowing costs

(1) Criteria for recognition of capitalized borrowing costs

For borrowing costs incurred by the Company that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of assets
qualified for capitalization, the costs will be capitalized and included in the costs of the related assets. Other borrowing costs shall be
recognized as expense in the period in which they are incurred and included in profit or loss for the current period.

Assets qualified for capitalization are assets (fixed assets, investment property, inventories, etc.) that necessarily take a substantial
period of time for acquisition, construction or production to get ready for their intended use or sale.

(2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs

The capitalization period shall refer to the period between the commencement and the cessation of capitalization of borrowing costs,
excluding the period in which capitalization of borrowing costs is temporarily suspended.

Capitalization of borrowing costs begins when the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously:

① Asset expenditures (including cash paid, transferred non-currency assets or expenditure for holding debt liability for the acquisition,
construction or production of assets qualified for capitalization) have been occurred;

② Borrowing costs have been incurred;

③ Acquisition, construction or production necessary to enable the asset to reach its intended state of serviceability or marketability
have commenced.

Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which the qualifying asset under acquisition and construction
or production ready for the intended use or sale.

(3) Suspension of capitalization period

Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying
asset is interrupted abnormally, when the interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months; if the interruption is a necessary
step for making the qualifying asset under acquisition and construction or production ready for the intended use or sale, the
capitalization of the borrowing costs shall continue. The borrowing costs incurred during such period shall be recognized as profits and
losses of the current period. When the acquisition and construction or production of the asset resumes, the capitalization of borrowing

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costs commences.

(4) Calculation of capitalization rate and amount of borrowing costs

Specific borrowings for the acquisition, construction or production of assets qualified for capitalization, borrowing costs of the specific
borrowings actually incurred in the current period minus the interest income earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the
bank or as investment income earned from temporary investment will be used to determine the amount of borrowing costs for

General borrowings for the acquisition, construction or production of assets qualified for capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount
of interests on the general borrowing shall be calculated and determined by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of
the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the specifically borrowed loans by the capitalization rate of the gene ral
borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined according to the weighted average interest rate of the general

During the capitalization, the difference between the principal and interest of special borrowings in foreign currency shall be capitalized
and included in the cost of assets qualified for capitalization. The difference between the principal and interest of the borrowings in
foreign currency other than the special borrowings in foreign currency shall be included in the current profit or loss.

25. Intangible Assets

(1) Service life, determination basis, estimation, amortization method or review procedures

① Valuation method of intangible assets
a. Intangible assets are initially measured at cost upon acquisition
The costs of an externally purchased intangible asset include the purchase price, relevant taxes and expenses paid, and other
expenditures directly attributable to putting the asset into condition for its intended use.
b. Subsequent measurement
The service life of intangible assets shall be analyzed and judged upon acquisition.
As for intangible assets with a finite service life, they are amortized using the straight-line method over the term in which economic
benefits are brought to the firm; If the term in which economic benefits are brought to the firm by an intangible asset cannot be estimated,
the intangible asset shall be taken as an intangible asset with indefinite service life, and shall not be amortized.
② Estimation of service life of the intangible assets with limited service life
               Item                               Estimated useful lives                                Basis
          Land use rights                             40 or 50 years                             Land use certificate
     Non-patented technology                           5 to 10 years                           Expected benefited period
             Software                                  2 to 5 years                            Expected benefited period
         Trademark rights                                  6 years                             Expected benefited period
        Software copyright                                10 years                             Expected benefited period
For an intangible asset with a finite service life, review on its service life and amortization method is performed at the end of each year.
Upon review, service life and amortization method for the intangible assets are the same with the previous estimate at the end of this
③ The basis for the judgment of intangible assets with uncertain service life and the procedure for reviewing their service life
As at the balance sheet date, the Company has no intangible assets with uncertain service life.

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(2) The scope of R&D expenditure collection and related accounting treatment methods.

① The scope of R&D expenditure collection
Expenditures incurred by the Company in research and development include the compensation of the employees engaged in research
and development activities, consumable materials, depreciation and amortization expenses, and other related expenditures.
② Specific criteria for the division of research phase and development phase
The expenses for internal research and development projects of the Company are divided into expenses in the research phase and
expenses in the development phase.
Research phase: Scheduled innovative investigations and research activities to obtain and understand scientific or technological
Development phase: Apply the research outcomes or other knowledge to a plan or design prior to a commercial production or use in
order to produce new or essentially-improved materials, devices, products, etc.
③ Specific condition for capitalizing expenditure during the development phase
Expenses in the research phase are recorded into the profits and losses for the current period when they occur. The expenses in the
development phase are recognized as intangible assets if the following conditions are fulfilled, and are included in the current profit or
loss if following conditions are not fulfilled:
a. Complete such intangible asset to make it technically feasible for use or for sale;
b. There is intention to complete the intangible asset for use or sale;
c. The ways in which intangible asset generates economic benefits, including there is evidence that the products produced using the
intangible asset has a market or the intangible asset itself has a market; if the intangible asset is for internal use, there is evidence that
there exists usage for the intangible asset;
d. There is sufficient support in terms of technology, financial resources and other resources in order to complete the development of
the intangible asset, and there is capability to use or sell the intangible asset;
e. The expenses attributable to the development stage of the intangible asset can be measured reliably.

If the expenses in the research phase and expenses in the development phase cannot be distinguished, all the expenses incurred for
R&D are included in the current profit or loss.

26. Impairment of long-term assets

Long-term assets, such as long-term equity investment, investment properties that are measured at cost, fixed assets, construction in
progress, intangible assets with limited service life and oil and gas assets are tested for impairment if there is any indica tion that an
asset may be impaired at the balance sheet date. If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of the asset
is less than its book value, a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognized for the amount by which the asset's book
value exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and the present
value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is determined and recognized on
the individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of a
group of assets to which the asset belongs to is determined. A group of assets is the smallest group of assets that is able to generate
cash inflows independently.
For the goodwill arising from business combination, intangible assets with uncertain service life, and intangible assets which are not
ready for intended use, impairment test shall be conducted at least at the end of each year, regardless of whether there are signs of
impairment or not.
When the Company carry out impairment test to goodwill, the Company shall, as of the purchasing day, allocate on a reasonable basis
the book value of the goodwill formed by merger of enterprises to the relevant asset groups, or if there is a difficulty in allocation, to

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allocate it to the sets of asset groups. Relevant asset groups or the sets of asset groups mean those can benefit from the synergy of
business combination.
For the purpose of impairment test on the relevant asset groups or the sets of asset groups containing goodwill, if any evidence shows
that the impairment of asset groups or sets of asset groups related to goodwill is possible, an impairment test will be made first on the
asset groups or sets of asset groups not containing goodwill, thus calculating the recoverable amount and comparing it with the relevant
book value so as to recognize the corresponding impairment loss. An impairment test will be made on the asset groups or sets of asset
groups containing goodwill to compare the book value of these asset groups or sets of asset groups with the recoverable amount. Where
the recoverable amount is lower than the book value, the amount of impairment loss shall set off and be apportioned to the book value
of the goodwill in the asset groups or sets of asset groups, and then set off the book value of other assets pro rata according to the
proportion of the book value of other assets other than the goodwill in the asset groups or sets of asset groups.
Once the above asset impairment loss is recognized, it will not be reversed in the subsequent accounting periods.

27. Long-term Deferred Expenses

Long-term deferred expenses are expenses which have occurred but will benefit over 1 year and shall be amortized over the current
period and subsequent periods.
The amortization period and amortization method of various expenses are:

                                      Item                                            Amortization          Amortization period
    Improvement expenditure of fixed assets leased by operating lease             Straight-line method      By period of benefit
                           Renovation Cost                                        Straight-line method      By period of benefit

28. Contract liabilities

The Company lists contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet according to the relationship between performa nce
obligations and customer payments. The Company lists the obligation to transfer commodities or offer services to customers for the
consideration received or receivable from customers as contract liabilities. The contract assets and contract liabilities under the same
contract are presented in net amount.

29. Employee compensation

(1) Accountant treatment of short-term remuneration

During the accounting period when the staff provides service, the Company will recognize the short-term remuneration actually
incurred as liabilities, and the liabilities would be charged into current profits and loss or costs of assets.
The Company will pay social insurance and housing funds, and will make provision of trade union funds and staff education costs in
accordance with the requirements. During the accounting period when the staff provides service, the Company will determine the
relevant amount of employee benefits in accordance with the required provision basis and provision ratios.
Employee compensation actually incurred by the Company will be included in the current profit or loss or relevant asset costs when
actually incurred, in which non-monetary benefits will be measured at the fair value.

(2) Accountant treatment of retirement benefit plan

① Defined contribution plan

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The Company will pay basic pension insurance and unemployment insurance in accordance with the relevant provisions of the local
government for the staff. During the accounting period when the staff provides service, the Company will calculate the amount payable
in accordance with the local stipulated basis and proportions which will be recognized as liabilities, and the liabilities would be charged
into current profits and loss or costs of assets.
② Defined benefit scheme
The welfare responsibilities generated from defined benefit scheme based on the formula determined by projected unit credit method
would be vested to the service period of the staff and charged into current profits and loss or costs of assets.

(3) Accountant treatment of termination benefits

If the dismissal welfare is provided by the Company to employees, the employee compensation liabilities arising from the dismissal
welfare shall be determined at the earliest of the following two, and included in the current profits and losses: When the company
cannot unilaterally withdraw the dismissal welfare provided due to the termination of labor relations plan or layoff proposal; When the
company determines the costs or expenses associated with the restructuring involving the payment of dismissal welfare.

30. Estimated Liabilities

The Company shall recognize the obligations related to contingencies as estimated liabilities, when all of the following conditions are
(1) The obligation is a present obligation of the Company;
(2) It is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation;
(3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.
Estimated liabilities shall be initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related present obligation.
Factors pertaining to a contingency such as risk, uncertainties, and time value of money shall be taken into account as a whole in
reaching the best estimate. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the best estimate shall be determined by discounting
the related future cash outflow.
The expenses required have a successive range, in which the possibilities of occurrence of each result are the same, and the best estimate
should be determined as the middle value for the range; in other circumstances, the best estimate will be handled as follows, respectively:
(1) For the contingencies involving a single item, it will be determined according to the amount most likely to occur;
(2) For the contingencies involving several items, it will be determined according to the possible results and the relevant possibilities.
Where some or all of the expenditure required to settle an estimated liability is expected to be reimbursed by a third party, the
reimbursement is separately recognized as an asset when it is virtually certain that the reimbursement will be received. The amount
recognized for the reimbursement is limited to the book value of the estimated liability.
The Company will review the book value of the estimated liabilities on the balance sheet date, and if there are concrete evidences that
such book value cannot reflect the current best estimate, the book value will be adjusted according to the current best estimate.

31. Share-based payment

The Company's share-based payment refers to a transaction in which an enterprise determines the liabilities on the basis of equity
instruments granting or bearing for the acquisition of service from its employees or other parties. The Company's share -based payment
is equity-settled.
As to an equity-settled share-based payment in return for services of employees, calculation will be based on the fair value of the equity
instrument granted to the employees. The share-based payment transactions vested immediately after the date of grant will be included
in the relevant cost or expense based on the fair value of the equity instrument on the date of grant, and the capital reserve will be
increased accordingly. For the services within the waiting period or the share-based payment transactions that may only be vested when

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the specified performance conditions are met after the date of grant, the Company will include the services obtained in the current
period in relevant cost or expense and increase the capital reserve at the fair value on the date of grant according to the best estimate
of the number of the exercisable equity instruments on each balance sheet date in the waiting period.
If the terms of the equity-settled share-based payment are amended, the Company shall recognize the services received at least based
on the situation before the amendment was made. In addition, any amendment resulting in the increase of the fair value of the equity
instrument granted or changes that are beneficial to the staff on the amendment date, will be recognized as an increase in the service
If the equity instruments vested are canceled during the waiting period, the Company will take the vested equity instruments canceled
as accelerated exercise, and immediately include the amount to be recognized during the waiting period in the current profit or loss. At
the same time, the capital reserve will be recognized. However, if new equity instruments are vested and they are verified at the vesting
date of new equity instrument as alternatives vested to canceled equity instruments, the treatment on the new equity instrument is in
conformity with the modified treatment on disposal of equity instrument.

32. Income

(1) Accounting policies for revenue recognition and measurement

If the Company performed the obligations in the contract, revenue shall be recognized when the customer acquires the right of control
over relevant commodities or services. Acquisition of control over relevant commodities or services means gaining the ability to direct
the use of such commodities or services and obtain nearly all the economic benefits therefrom.

If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company shall apportion the transaction price to each individua l
performance obligation on the contract commencement date according to the relative proportion of the individual selling price of the
commodities or services promised by each individual performance obligation. The Company measures the revenue according to the
transaction price apportioned to each individual performance obligation.

The transaction price refers to the amount of consideration that the Company is expected to be entitled to collect due to the transfer of
commodities or services to customers, excluding the payments collected on behalf of third parties and the payments expected to be
returned to customers. The Company will determine the transaction price according to the contract provisions and its past prac tices,
and may take into account the impact from the variable consideration, the major financing components in the contract, the non-cash
consideration, the payable customer consideration and other factors when determining the transaction price. The Company shall
determine the transaction price containing the variable consideration according to the amount not exceeding the amount by which the
accumulative recognized revenue is much more unlikely to be significantly reversed when relevant uncertainties are eliminated. If there
are major financing components in the contract, the Company shall determine the transaction price according to the amount due
assumed to be paid in cash when the customer acquires the control over the commodities or services, and shall amortize the difference
between such transaction price and the contract consideration using the effective interest rate method during the contract period.

When one of the following conditions is met, it belongs to the performance obligation within a certain period of time, or otherwise it
belongs to the performance obligation at a certain point of time:

① The customer acquires and consumes the economic benefits arising from the Company's performance while the company performs
the contract;

② The customer can control the commodities in progress during the Company's performance;

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③ The commodities produced by the Company during the performance possess have irreplaceable usage, and the company has the
right to collect payment for the performance part accumulated so far during the entire contract period.

For the performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company shall recognize the revenue according to the
performance progress within that period of time, except that the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined. The Company
will determine the performance progress through the output or input method by taking into account the nature of commodities or
services. If the performance progress cannot be reasonably recognized and the costs incurred are expected to be compensated, the
Company will recognize the revenue according to the amount of costs incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably

For the performance obligations performed at a certain point of time, the Company will recognize the revenue when the custome r
acquires the right of control over relevant commodities or services. While determining whether the customer has acquired the control
over the commodities or services, the Company shall take the following into consideration:

① The Company has the current collection right for the such commodities or services, that is, the customer has the current payment
obligation for such commodities or services;

② The Company has transferred the legal title of such commodities to the customer, that is, the customer already has the lega l title of
such commodities;

③ The Company has transferred the physical commodities to the customer, that is, the customer has possessed the physical

④ The Company has transferred the major risks and rewards of the commodity title to the customer, that is, the customer has a cquired
the major risks and rewards of the commodity title.

⑤ The customer has accepted such commodities or services.

The Company determines whether it is a principal or agent when engaging in transactions based on its control over the goods or services
before transferring them to the customer. The Company is a principal and recognizes its revenue based on the total amount of
consideration received or receivable if it can control the goods or services before transferring them to the customer; otherwise, the
Company is an agent and recognizes its revenue based on the amount of commissions or fees it expects to be entitled to.
(2) Recognition and measurement methods of specific revenue disclosure by type of business
① Principles for recognizing revenue from domestic sales of standard products: The Company sells its security standard produc ts to
the project clients, dealers, and other customers through direct selling and marketing both. The Company sign sales contracts with and
customers, and send the goods to customers according to the contractual terms of delivery, or the customers pick up goods. The revenue
is recognized after the customer receives and accepts the goods and the Company obtains the evidence proving the client's receipt of

② Principles for recognizing revenue from overseas sales of standard products: If the domestic company makes direct export, the FOB
and CIF terms are generally adopted and the Company recognizes the sale income after the product is declared and exported. If a
foreign subsidiary sells the goods abroad, the goods will be sent to the customer or the customer will collect the goods according to the
delivery method agreed with the customer, and the income will be recognized when the customer receives and accepts the goods;

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③ Principles for recognizing revenue from sales of system-integrated products: The sales of the system-integrated products of the
Company include providing the supporting services such as plan design, supporting products, installation, debugging and system trial
running. The sales income will be recognized upon acceptance.

④ Principle for recognizing the income from labor services: The income is recognized when the labor service is provided.

33. Contract costs

The contract costs comprise the contract performance cost and the cost to obtain a contract.

The costs incurred by the Company for contract performance which fall outside the scope of the enterprise accounting standards such
as inventories, fixed assets or intangible assets will be identified as an asset of the contract performance costs upon satisfying all of the
following conditions:

1. The costs are directly related to one existing contract or one contract that is expected to be obtained;

(2) The costs enrich the Company's resources for future contract performance;

(3) The costs are estimated to be recovered.

The incremental costs which are incurred by the Company to obtain the contract and are expected to be recovered will be identified as
an asset of the costs to obtain a contract.

The assets related to the contract costs will be amortized on the same basis for recognition of the income from commodities or services
related to the assets; but if the amortization period of the costs to obtain the contract is no more than 1 year, the Company will include
such costs in the current profit or loss once occurred.

In case that the book value of assets related to contract costs is higher than the difference between the two items below, the Company
will accrue the impairment provision for the extra part, and recognize that part as impairment loss:

(1) Estimated residual consideration to be obtained from transfer of commodities or services related to the assets;

(2) Estimated costs incurred from transfer of relevant commodities or services.

If the factors for impairment in the previous periods are subsequently changed, making the aforesaid difference higher than the book
value of the assets, the Company will reverse the accrued impairment provision and include it in the current profit or loss, provided
that the book value of the reversed assets does not exceed the book value of the assets without impairment provision accrued on such
date of reversal.

34. Government subsidies

(1) Type
Government grants are monetary assets and non-monetary assets acquired by the Company from the government free of charge.
Government grants are classified into government grants related to assets and government grants related to revenue.

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Government grants related to assets refer to government grants acquired by the Company for the purpose of purchasing or constructing
or otherwise forming long-term assets. Government grants related to revenue refer to the government grants other than those related to
(2) Confirmation of time point
Government grants related to assets will be measured at the actual amount of money received at the time of receipt. The assets (bank
deposits) and deferred income shall be period by period included in the profits and losses of the current period in a reasonable and
systematic manner from the time the assets are available for use (those related to the Company's daily activities shall be included in
other income; those unrelated to the Company's daily activities shall be recognized as non-operating revenue). When the relevant assets
are disposed of (sold, transferred, scrapped, etc.) at or before the end of their service life, the balance of the deferred income that has
not yet been apportioned will be transferred to the current-period income from the disposal of the assets on a one-time manner, and
will not be deferred.
For government grants related to revenue, they will be recognized as profit and loss of the current period according to the a mount
receivable for government grants obtained under fixed quota standards, otherwise, they will be recognized as profit and loss of the
current period when it is actually received.
(3) Accounting treatment
Government grants related to assets shall write off the book value of relevant assets or be recognized as deferred income. When
recognized as deferred income, the government grant related to assets will be period by period credited to the profits and losses of the
current period in a reasonable and systematic manner within the service life of relevant assets (those related to the Company's daily
activities shall be recognized as other income; those unrelated to the Company's daily activities shall be recognized as non-operating
The revenue-related government grants shall be recognized as deferred income if they are used to compensate relevant expenses or
losses in subsequent periods, and they shall be included in profit and loss of the current period (those related to Company's routine
activities shall be included in other income; those unrelated to the Company's routine activities shall be included in non-operating
revenue) or used to offset relevant expenses or losses during the recognition of related expenses or losses; the grants used to compensate
related expenses or losses incurred shall be included in profit and loss of the current period (those related to Company's routine activities
shall be included in other income; those unrelated to the Company's routine activities shall be included in non-operating revenue) or
used to offset relevant expenses or losses.
The policy-oriented concessional loan discount interests obtained by the Company will be subject to accounting treatment in the
following two circumstances:
① Where the finance allocates the discount interest funds to the lending bank, and the lending bank provides loans to the Company at
the policy preferential interest rate, the Company will take the actually received loan amount as the entry value of the loan, and the
relevant borrowing costs shall be calculated according to the loan principal and the policy preferential interest rate;
② If the finance directly allocates the discount interest funds to the Company, the Company shall set off the corresponding discount
interest against the relevant borrowing costs.

35. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

Income tax comprises current income tax and deferred income tax. Except for the income taxes arising from the business combination
and the transactions or matters that are directly included in the owner's equity (including other comprehensive income), the Company
will include the current income tax and deferred income tax into the current profit or loss.
Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities will be calculated and recognized according to the difference (temporary
difference) between the tax basis and the book value of assets and liabilities.
Deferred income tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable income will be available against which
deductible temporary differences can be utilized. For deductible losses and tax credits that can be reversed in the future period, deferred

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income tax assets shall be recognized to the extent that it is probable that taxable income will be available in the future to offset the
deductible losses and tax credits.
Save as the exceptions, deferred income tax liabilities shall be recognized for the taxable temporary difference.
The exceptions where deferred income tax assets and liabilities are not recognized include:
(1) Initial recognition of the goodwill;
(2) Transactions or events that are neither business combinations nor affect profit and taxable income (or deductible loss) when
Taxable temporary difference related to investment in the subsidiaries, affiliates and joint ventures will be recognized as deferred
income tax liabilities, unless the Company can control the time to reverse such temporary difference and such temporary diffe rence is
much more unlikely to be reversed in the predictable future. Deductible temporary difference related to investment in the subsidiaries,
affiliates and joint ventures will be recognized as deferred income tax assets when such temporary difference is much more likely to
be reversed in the predictable future and is much more likely to be obtained to deduct the taxable income of the deductible temporary
On the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities will be measured at the tax rate
applicable during the recovery of relevant assets or payment of relevant liabilities as expected according to the provisions of the tax
On the balance sheet date, the Company will review the book value of the deferred income tax assets. If no sufficient taxable income
is likely to be obtained to offset the benefits of deferred income tax assets in the future, the book value of deferred income tax assets
shall be written down. The amount written down shall be reversed when it is likely to obtain sufficient taxable income.
After granted the legal rights of net settlement and with the intention to use net settlement or obtain assets and repay debt at the same
time, the net amount after offsetting its current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities shall be recorded.
On the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities will be presented by the net amount
after offsetting when the following conditions are fulfilled:
(1) The taxpayer is granted the legal rights to settle current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities on a net basis;
(2) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are related to income tax to be paid by the same entity liable for
paying tax to the same tax collection and management authority or related to different entities liable for paying tax, but the relevant
entity liable for paying tax is intended to apply net settlement of current income tax assets and liabilities or, at the same time, obtain
assets, repay debt whenever every deferred income tax assets and liabilities with importance would be reversed in the future.

36. Lease

Lease means the contract by which the lessor transfers the right to use the assets to the lessee for a given period to obtain the
consideration. On the commencement of the contract, the Company will assess whether the contract is a lease or contains the lease. If
a party to the contract conveys the right to control the use of one or more identified assets for a given period to obtain a consideration,
this contract is a lease or contains the lease.
If a contract contains several individual leases, the Company will split the contract and conduct accounting treatment of each individua l
lease separately. If a contact contains both lease and non-lease, the lessee and the lessor will split the lease and non-lease parts.
If all the following conditions are met, the Company will simplify all the lease options without assessing whether the lease is changed
or reassessing the lease classification:
(1) The lease consideration after reduction is less or remains substantially the same compared with the lease consideration before
reduction, and the lease consideration may either be undiscounted or discounted by the discount rate before reduction;
(2) Other terms and conditions of lease are identified without significant change after taking the qualitative and quantitative factors
into full account.

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(1) Accounting treatment of leases as a lessee

① Right-of-use assets
The Company recognizes the right-to-use assets for the lease other than short-term lease and low-value asset lease on the
commencement of the lease term. The right-to-use assets are initially measured at cost. which includes:
a. Initial measurement amount of lease liabilities;
b. The lease payment paid on or before the commencement of the lease term; if there are lease incentives, the relevant amount of lease
incentives enjoyed shall be deducted;
c. Initial direct cost incurred by the Company;
d. The estimated costs incurred by the Company for dismantling and removing the leased asset, restoring the site where the leased asset
is located or restoring the leased asset to the state agreed in the lease terms, but excluding the cost incurred to produce the inventory.
The Company will depreciate the right-to-use assets through the straight-line method. If it can be reasonably recognized that the title
of the leased asset is acquired at the expiration of the lease term, the Company shall accrue depreciation within the remaining service
life of the leased asset; or otherwise, the leased asset shall be depreciated within the shorter of the lease term and the remaining service
life of the leased asset.
The Company will determine whether the right-of-use assets are impaired and conduct accounting treatment over the identified
impairment loss according to the principles set out in this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting
Estimates - 26. Impairment of long-term assets.
② Lease liabilities
The Company recognizes the lease liabilities for the lease other than short-term lease and low-value asset lease on the commencement
of the lease term. Lease liabilities shall be initially measured at the present value of the unpaid lease payments. Lease payments include:
a. Fixed payment (including actual fixed payment), and if there are lease incentives, the relevant amount of lease incentives shall be
b. Variable lease payment depending on the index or ratio;
c. Predicted payment on the basis of the guaranteed residual value provided by the Company;
d. Exercise price of the call option, provided that the Company will exercise such option, as reasonably determined;
e. Payment for exercise of the lease termination option, provided that the lease term reflects the Company’s future exercise of the lease
termination option.
The interest rate implicit in lease is applied by the Company as the discount rate. If the interest rate implicit in lease ca nnot be reasonably
determined, the Company's interest rate on incremental borrowings is applied as the discount rate.
The Company shall calculate the interest expense of the lease liabilities during each period of the lease term at a fixed periodic interest
rate and include it in the current profit or loss or relevant asset cost.
The variable lease payment which is not included in the measurement of lease liabilities shall be included in the current profit or loss
or relevant asset cost when actually incurred.
If any of the following circumstances happens on commencement of the lease term, the Company will remeasure the lease liabilit ies
and adjust the corresponding right-of-use assets, and if the book value of the right-of-use assets has been reduced to zero, but the lease
liabilities still need to be further reduced, the difference shall be included in the current profit or loss:
a. When the assessment result of the call option, renewal option or termination option is changed or the actual exercise of the aforesaid
option is inconsistent with the original assessment result, and the Company remeasures the lease liabilities at the present value worked
out according to the changed lease payment and the revised discount rate;
b. When there are changes in the actual fixed payment, the estimated payable amount of guaranteed residual value, or the inde x or ratio
applied to determine the amount of lease payments, the Company remeasures the lease liabilities at the present value worked out
according to the changed lease payment and the original discount rate. If the change in the lease payment originates from the change
in the floating interest rate, the present value will be calculated using the revised discount rate.
③ Short-term lease and low-value asset lease

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The Company chooses not to recognize the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for the short-term lease and low-value asset lease,
and records relevant lease payment into the current profit or loss or relevant asset cost according to the straight-line method in each
period of the lease term. Short-term lease means the lease of no more than 12 months and excluding the call option on the
commencement of the lease term. Low-value asset lease means a lease of lower value when the single leased asset is brand-new. If the
Company sublets or is expected to sublet the leased assets, the original lease is not a low-value asset lease.
④ Lease change
If the lease is changed and meets all of the following conditions, the Company will conduct accounting treatment with respect to such
lease change as a single lease:
a. Such lease change has expanded the scope of lease by adding the right to use one or more leased assets;
b. The increased consideration and the separate consideration for the expanded part of the scope of lease shall be equivalent to the
amount adjusted according to this contract.
If the lease change is not taken as a separate lease for accounting treatment, on the effective date of the lease change, the Company will
re-apportion the consideration of the changed contract, re-determine the lease term, and remeasure the lease liabilities at the present
value worked out according to the changed lease payment and the revised discount rate.
If the lease change results in narrower scope of lease or shorter lease term, the Company will reduce the book value of the right-of-use
assets accordingly, and will include relevant gain or loss from partial or full termination of the lease in the current profit or loss. If
other lease changes result in re-measurement of the lease liabilities, the Company will adjust the book value of the right-to-use assets

(2) Accounting treatment of leases as a lessor

On commencement of the lease term, the Company will divide the lease into financial lease and operating lease. Financial lease means
the lease that has substantially transferred almost all the risks and rewards related to the title of the leased assets, whether or not the
title will be finally transferred. Operating lease means any lease other than financial lease. When the Company serves as a lessor of the
sublease, the sublease will be classified on the basis of the right-to-use assets resulting from the original lease.
① Accountant treatment of operating lease
The lease receipts for the operating lease will be recognized as the rental income according to the straight-line method during each
period of the lease term. The initial direct fee related to the operating lease to be incurred by the Company will be capitalized and will
be apportioned and included in the current profit or loss on the same basis as that for recognition of the rental income in the lease term.
The variable lease payments that are not included in the lease receipts shall be included in the current profit or loss when they ac tually
occur. In case of a change to the operating lease, the Company will conduct accounting treatment with respect to the changed operating
lease as a new lease as of the effective date of the change, and the lease payments received in advance or receivable with re spect to the
lease before the change will be taken as the lease receipts for the new lease.
② Accounting treatment of financial lease
On the commencement of the lease term, the Company will recognize the financial lease receivables for the financial lease, and
derecognize the financial lease assets. The Company will take the net lease investment as the entry value of the financial lease
receivables when initially measuring the financial lease receivables. The net lease investment is the sum of the unguaranteed residual
value and the present value of the unreceived lease receipts discounted according to the interest rate implicit in lease on the
commencement of the lease term.
The Company will calculate and recognize the interest income during each period of the lease term at a fixed periodic interest rate. The
derecognition and impairment of the financial lease receivables will be subject to accounting treatment according to this section
Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial instruments.
The variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of the net lease investment shall be included in the current profit
or loss when they actually occur.

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If the financial lease is changed and meets all of the following conditions, the Company will conduct accounting treatment with respect
to such change as a single lease:
a. Such change has expanded the scope of lease by increasing the right to use one or more leased assets;
b. The increased consideration and the separate consideration for the expanded part of the scope of lease shall be equivalent to the
amount adjusted according to this contract.
If the change in the financial lease is not subject to accounting treatment as a single lease, the Company will treat the cha nged lease in
the following circumstances:
a. If the change takes effect on commencement of the lease term and the lease is classified as operating lease, the Company will conduct
accounting treatment with respect to such lease as a new lease as of the effective date of the lease change, and will take the net lease
investment before the effective date of the lease change as the book value of the leased asset;
b. If the change takes effect on the commencement date of the lease, and such lease is classified as the financial lease, the Company
will conduct accounting treatment according to the policy regarding modification or re-negotiation of the contract in this section
Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial instruments.

(3) Sale and leaseback transaction

The Company evaluates and determines whether the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction belongs to a sale in accordance
with the provisions of this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 32. Income.

① Acting as a lessee

If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company as the lessee shall measure the right-of-use asset arising
from the sale and leaseback according to the part related to the right of use acquired from the leaseback in the original book value of
the asset, and only recognize relevant gain or loss on the rights transferred to the lessor; if the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback
transaction is not a sale, the Company as the lessee shall continue to recognize the transferred asset, and recognize a financial liabilit y
equal to the transfer income. For accounting treatment of the financial liabilities, refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant
Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial instruments.

② Acting as a lessor

If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company as the lessee shall conduct accounting tre atment with
respect to the asset purchase and conduct accounting treatment with respect to the asset lease according to the policy in the foregoing
"(2) Accounting treatment of leases as a lessor"; if the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is not a sale, the Company as
the lessor shall derecognize the transferred asset, but recognize a financial asset equal to the transfer income. For accounting treatment
of the financial assets, refer to this section Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11.
Financial instruments.

37. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Repurchase of the Company's shares

The Company's shares repurchased by the Company for reducing the registered capital or rewarding employees shall be treated a s the
treasury shares based on the actual amount paid, and shall be checked and registered at the same time. If the repurchased shares are
canceled, the difference between the actual amount paid for the repurchase and the total par value of shares calculated based on the par
value of the canceled shares and the number of canceled shares will be set off against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is

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insufficient, the retained earnings will be written off; if the repurchased shares are awarded to the employees of the Company, it shall
be categorized as equity-settled share-based payment. When the Company receives the payment made by employees who exercise their
rights to purchase such shares, the amount shall be used to write off the cost of treasury shares delivered to employees and the capital
reserve in the waiting period and meanwhile, the capital reserve (stock premium) shall be adjusted according to the difference.

(2) Debt restructuring

① The Company being the creditor

The Company derecognizes creditor’s rights when the contractual right to receive cash flows terminates. In case of debt restructuring
by paying off the debt with assets or converting into equity instruments, the Company will recognize relevant assets when the y meet
their definition and conditions of recognition.

In case of debt restructuring by paying off the debt with assets, the Company initially recognizes the transferred non-financial asset at
cost. The cost of inventory includes the fair value of the relinquished claim as well as taxes, transportation fees, handling fees and
insurance fees and other costs directly attributed to the asset that occur to bring the asset to its current location and condition. The cost
of investment in an associate or joint venture includes the fair value of relinquished claim and taxes and other costs directly attributed
to the asset. The cost of investment property includes the fair value of relinquished claim and other costs directly attributed to the asset.
The cost of fixed assets includes the fair value of relinquished claim as well as taxes, transportation fee s, handling fees, installation
fees, service fees for professionals and other costs directly attributed to the asset that occur to bring the asset to its intended usable
condition. The cost of biological assets includes the fair value of relinquished claim as well as taxes, transportation fees, insurance fees
and other costs directly attributed to the asset. The cost of intangible assets includes the fair value of relinquished rights and taxes and
other costs that are incurred to bring the asset to its intended use. In case that the debt restructuring by converting debt into equity
instruments results in the creditor converting its creditor’s rights into an equity investment in an associate or joint venture, the Company
shall measure its initial investment cost based on the fair value of the relinquished claim and taxes and other costs directly attributable
to the asset. The difference between the fair value of relinquished claim and the book value shall be included in the current profit or

In case of debt restructuring by modifying other clauses, the Company recognizes and measures the restructured creditor's rights
according to the Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial Instruments

In case of debt restructuring by paying off debts with multiple assets or combining them, the Company first recognizes and measures
the transferred financial assets and restructured creditor's rights according to Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and
Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial instruments in this section, and then allocates the fair value of the relinquished claims to the net
amount after deducting the recognized amounts of the transferred financial assets and the restructured claims in proportion to the fair
value of each of the assets other than the transferred financial assets and, based on that, determines the costs of the assets separately by
the method described in the preceding paragraph. The difference between the fair value of relinquished claim and the book value shall
be included in the current profit or loss.

②The Company as a debtor

The Company derecognizes debts when the present obligation for the liability is discharged.

In the case of debt restructuring by paying off debts with assets, the Company derecognizes the relevant assets and the debts when they

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

meet the conditions for derecognition, and the difference between the book value of the debts paid off and that of the transferred assets
is included in the current profits and losses.

In case of debt restructuring by transferring the debt into equity instruments, the Company will derecognize the debt paid off when it
meets the conditions of recognition. The Company initially recognizes equity instruments at their fair value, and at the fair value of the
debt paid off if it is not reliable to measure at the fair value of the equity instrument. The difference between the book value of the debt
paid off and the amount recognized for the equity instrument shall be included in current profits and losses.

In case of debt restructuring by modifying other clauses, the Company recognizes and measures the restructured creditor's rights
according to the Financial Report - V. Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates - 11. Financial Instruments.

In case of debt restructuring by paying off debts with multiple assets or combining them, the Company recognizes and measures equity
instruments and restructured debts according to the above methods, and the difference between the book value of the debt paid off and
the book value of the transferred assets as well as the difference between the equity instruments and the amount recognized of the
restructured debts shall be included in current profits and losses.

38. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Changes in significant accounting policies

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                       Name of statement item
            Contents and causes of changes in accounting policies                                                        Impact amount
                                                                                        influence significantly
   On October 25, 2023, the Treasury Department ("MOF") issued the
   "Interpretation No. 17 of Accounting Standards for Business
   Enterprises 17", providing for the "classification of current liabilities
                                                                                  None                                                 0.00
   and non-current liabilities", the "disclosure of vendor financing
   arrangements" and the "accounting treatment for sale and leaseback
   transactions", effective from January 1, 2024.

(2) Changes in significant accounting estimates

□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Adjustments to relevant items of financial statements as of the beginning of the year of first implementation of new
accounting standards since 2024

□ Applicable Not applicable

VI. Taxes

1. Major categories of taxes and tax rates

                    Tax Type                                          Taxation basis                                  Tax Rate
                                                   According to the provisions of the tax law, the        13%, 9%, 6%, simple collection
   VAT                                             sales tax shall be calculated on the basis of the      rate of 5%, simple collection
                                                   income by selling goods and taxable services.          rate of 3%, 0% and tax-free

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                  After deducting the input tax that is allowed to be
                                                  deducted from the sales tax in the current period,
                                                  the difference shall be the value added tax
   Urban Maintenance and Construction
                                                  Actually paid turnover tax                               7%、5%
   Corporate income tax                           Taxable income                                           15%、16.5%、20%、25%
   Education surcharges                           Actually paid turnover tax                               3%
   Local education surcharges                     Actually paid turnover tax                               2%
If there are multiple taxpayers with different enterprise income tax rates, specify the situation

                           Name of taxpayer                                                         Income tax rate
   Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.                                   15%
   Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd.                           15%
   Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd.                                  15%
   Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd.                                 15%
   Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology CO., LTD.                      15%
   Zhejiang Huaruijie Technology Co., Ltd.                               15%
   Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd.                                 15%
   Hangzhou Huacheng Software Co., Ltd.                                  15%
   Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd.                                  15%
   Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co. Ltd.                                 15%
   Xinjiang Dahua Zhixin Information Technology Co., Ltd.                15%
   Xinjiang Dahua Zhihe Information Technology Co., Ltd.                 15%
   Xinjiang Dahua Zhitian Information Technology Co., Ltd.               15%
   Xinjiang Dahua Huayue Information Technology Co., Ltd.                15%
   Xinjiang Dahua Xinzhi Information Technology Co., Ltd.                15%
   Inner Mongolia Dahua Zhimeng Information Technology Co.,
   Guangxi Dahua Zhicheng Co., Ltd.                                      15%
   Guangxi Huacheng Technology Co., Ltd.                                 15%
   Guizhou Meitan Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.                 15%
   Zhejiang Dahua Ju'an Technology Co., Ltd.                             20%
   Guangxi Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.                                    20%
   Zhejiang Huakong Software Co., Ltd.                                   20%
   Dahua Technology (HK) Limited                                         16.50%
   Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology CO., LTD.                                 20%
   Chengdu Zhichuang Yunshu Technology Co., Ltd.                         20%
   Chengdu Huishan Smart Network Technology Co., Ltd.                    20%
   Guizhou Huayi Shixin Technology Co., Ltd.                             20%
   Zhejiang Zhoushan Digital Development Operation Co. Ltd.              20%
   Tianjin Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd.                        20%
   Chengdu Dahua Zhishu Information Technology Service Co.,
   Chengdu Huazhiwei Technology Co., Ltd.                                20%
   Chengdu Dahua Wisdom Information Technology Co., Ltd.                 20%
   Nanyang Dahua Intelligent Information Technology Co., Ltd.            20%
   Zhejiang Huaqi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.                       20%
   Xi'an IMOU Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd.                               20%
   Guangdong Huaxiyue Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.                   20%
   Guangxi Dahua Yunlian Information Technology Co., Ltd.                20%
   Zhejiang Huajie New Energy Operation Service Co., Ltd.                20%
   Other domestic companies                                              25%
   Other overseas companies                                              Applicable to local tax rate

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Preferential tax rate

(1) According to the Notice on the Filing and Publicity of High-tech Enterprises Certified by the Certification Body of Zhejiang
Province in 2023 issued by the Office for the Administration of the Certification of National High-tech Enterprises on December 28,
2023, our subsidiaries Zhejiang Huaruijie Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Huacheng
Software Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd. were certified as high-tech enterprises, with validity for 3 years.
The corporate income tax for this year was paid at a reduced rate of 15%.
(2) According to the Announcement on the Filing of the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises of Zhejiang Province Certified in 2021
issued by the Office for the Administration of the Certification of National High-tech Enterprises on January 24, 2022, our subsidiaries
Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd. were certified as high-tech enterprises, validity
for 3 years. The corporate income tax for this year was paid at a reduced rate of 15%.
(3) According to the Announcement on the Filing of the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises of Zhejiang Province Certified and Filed
in 2023 issued by the Office for the Administration of the Certification of National High-tech Enterprises on Thursday, December 28,
2023, our subsidiaries Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd. were certified as
high-tech enterprises, validity for 3 years. The corporate income tax for this year was paid at a reduced rate of 15%.
(4) According to the Notice on the Filing and Publicity of High-tech Enterprises Certified by the Certification Body of Zhejiang
Province in 2022 issued by the Office for the Administration of the Certification of National High-tech Enterprises on December 24,
2022, our subsidiaries Zhejiang Huaruijie Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Huacheng
Software Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd. were certified as high-tech enterprises, with validity for 3 years.
The corporate income tax for this year was paid at a reduced rate of 15%.
(5) According to the Notice on the Filing and Publicity of High-tech Enterprises Certified by the Certification Body of Jiangsu Province
in 2023 issued by the Office for the Administration of the Certification of National High-tech Enterprises on Thursday, January 4,
2024, our subsidiaries Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co., Ltd. was certified as high-tech enterprises, with validity for 3 years. The
corporate income tax for this year was paid at a reduced rate of 15%.
(6) According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Further Implementing the
Preferential Income Tax Policies for Micro and Small Enterprises (Announcement No.13/2022 of the Ministry of Finance and the State
Taxation Administration), and the Announcement on Preferential Income Tax Policies for Small Low-Profit Enterprises and Individua l
Industrial and Commercial Households (Announcement No.6/2023 of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration)
of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration, the annual taxable income of the following subsidiaries tha t is no
more than RMB 1 million shall be taxed at a reduced rate of 25% for tax purpose, and the enterprise income tax shall be paid at a rate
of 20%; and the annual taxable income exceeding RMB 1 million but no more than RMB 3 million shall be taxed at a reduced rate of
25% and the enterprise income tax shall be paid at a rate of 20%: Zhejiang Dahua Ju'an Technology Co., Ltd., Guangxi Dahua
Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huakong Software Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Zhichuang Yunshu
Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Huishan Smart Network Technology Co., Ltd., Guizhou Huayi Shixin Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang
Zhoushan Digital Development Operation Co. Ltd., Tianjin Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Dahua Zhishu
Information Technology Service Co., Ltd., Chengdu Huazhiwei Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Dahua Intelligent Information
Technology Co., Ltd., Nanyang Dahua Intelligent Information Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huaqi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.,
Xi'an IMOU Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Huaxiyue Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Guangxi Dahua Yunlian
Information Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Huajie New Energy Operation Service Co., Ltd.
(7) According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs and the State Administration of Taxation
on Tax Policy Issues concerning Further Implementing the Western China Development Strategy (C.S.H.G. [2011] No. 58), and the
Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission
on Continuing the Enterprise Income Tax Policies for the Large-Scale Development of Western China (C.S.H.G. [2020] No. 23), the
following subsidiaries can enjoy preferential tax policies related to the Development of the West Regions Program from 2011 to 2030:
Xinjiang Dahua Zhixin Information Technology Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Dahua Zhihe Information Technology Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Dahua

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhitian Information Technology Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Dahua Huayue Information Technology Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Dahua Xinzhi
Information Technology Co., Ltd., Inner Mongolia Dahua Zhimeng Information Technology Co., Ltd., Guangxi Dahua Zhicheng Co.,
Ltd., Guangxi Huacheng Technology Co., Ltd. and Guizhou Meitan Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd. The corporate income
tax for this year was paid at a reduced rate of 15%.
(8) According to the Notice on Value-added Tax Policies for Software Products (CaiShui [2011] No.100) by the Ministry of Finance
and the State Administration of Taxation, the sales of software products independently developed by Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co.,
Ltd., Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Xiaohua Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology
Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huaruijie Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd.,
Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Huacheng Software Co., Ltd., and Zhejia ng
HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. shall be subject to a value-added tax at the rate of 13% first, and the actual tax burden of more than 3%
will be refunded after being reviewed and approved by the competent tax authorities.
(9) According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Clarifying the Value-Added
Tax Reduction and Exemption Policies for Small-Scale Value-Added Tax Taxpayers and Other Policies (CaiShui [2023] No.1), from
2023, the taxpayers from the productive and consumer-oriented service sectors may respectively increase 5% and 10% of current
deductible input tax to offset the taxable amount (hereinafter referred to as “Additional Deduction Policy”). The subsidiarie s of the
Company, Zhejiang Dahua Security Network Operation Service Co., Ltd., Beijing Huayue Shangcheng Information Technology
Service Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huashang Chengyue Information Technology Service Co., Ltd., Chengdu Dahua Zhilian Information
Technology Co., Ltd., Guangxi Dahua Zhicheng Co., Ltd., Tianjin Dahua Information Technology Co., Ltd., and Xinjiang Dahua
Zhihe Information Technology Co., Ltd. meet the requirements in the Additional Deduction Policy for value-added taxes and have
enjoyed preferential tax policies for additional deduction of input taxes from 2022.
(10) From January 1, 2023 to December 2027 On March 31, advanced manufacturing enterprises are allowed to deduct an additional
5% of the value-added tax payable based on the deductible input tax in the current period according to the provisions of the Treasury
Department and the State Administration of Taxation’s Announcement on the Additional Value-Added Tax (“VAT”) Credit Policy for
Advanced Manufacturing Enterprises” (Announcement No. 43 [2023] of the Treasury Department and the State Administration of
Taxation). Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. complies with the additional VAT credit policy for the advance manufacturing
industry, so it has been entitled to the preferential tax policy for advanced manufacturing industries.

VII. Notes to the Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Cash and bank balances

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                      Item                                    Closing Balance                              Opening Balance
   Cash on Hand                                                                     2,607.89                                    2,642.58
   Digital Currency                                                                                                           160,820.00
   Bank Balance                                                            9,447,832,551.94                           15,827,819,644.89
   Other Cash and Bank Balances                                              149,787,956.70                              143,022,007.00
   Total                                                                   9,597,623,116.53                           15,971,005,114.47
     Including: Total Amount Deposited in
                                                                             883,193,340.43                              930,951,357.54
   Overseas Banks
Other notes

Details of monetary funds that are restricted in use due to mortgage, pledge or freeze, are restricted in withdrawal due to centralized
management of funds, and are deposited in overseas banks but restricted in repatriation are as follows:

                    Item                                    Closing Balance                    Balance at the end of the previous year
 Bid/performance bond                                                        76,756,725.23                                68,981,082.99

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Frozen funds                                                                   13,262,530.45                               6,862,600.24
                    Total                                                       90,019,255.68                              75,843,683.23

2. Trading Financial Assets

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                      Item                                       Closing Balance                              Opening Balance
  Financial assets at fair value through
                                                                                370,191,151.06                                   1,470,000.00
  profit or loss in this period
              Financial products                                                                                                 1,470,000.00
              Derivative Financial Assets                                           384,471.06
              Stock                                                             369,806,680.00
  Total                                                                         370,191,151.06                                   1,470,000.00

3. Notes Receivable

(1) Disclosure of Notes Receivable

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                      Item                                       Closing Balance                              Opening Balance
  Bank Acceptance Notes                                                         544,568,788.14                             665,341,998.76
  Commercial Acceptance Notes                                                   100,892,192.19                             147,697,193.99
  Total                                                                         645,460,980.33                             813,039,192.75

(2) Disclosure by Bad Debt Accrual Method

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                    Closing Balance                                                    Opening Balance
                    Book balance            Bad debt provision                       Book balance          Bad debt provision
      y                                                Accrued        Book                                            Accrued        Book
                             Proporti                                 value                     Proporti                             value
                Amount                     Amount      proporti                    Amount                  Amount     proporti
                               on                                                                 on
                                                         on                                                             on
  ble with
  the Bad
  Provisio       659,847,                   14,386,6                 645,460,      834,798,                21,758,9                  813,039,
                             100.00%                     2.18%                                  100.00%                  2.61%
  n               601.08                       20.75                  980.33        129.64                    36.89                   192.75
  Bank           550,158,                   5,589,91                 544,568,      672,300,                6,958,69                  665,341,
                             83.38%                      1.02%                                   80.53%                  1.04%
  Accepta         698.95                        0.81                  788.14        691.46                     2.70                   998.76

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                 109,688,                   8,796,70                  100,892,      162,497,                   14,800,2                147,697,
   Accepta                     16.62%                      8.02%                                 19.47%                     9.11%
                  902.13                        9.94                   192.19        438.18                       44.19                 193.99
                 659,847,                   14,386,6                  645,460,      834,798,                   21,758,9                813,039,
   Total                      100.00%                                                           100.00%
                  601.08                       20.75                   980.33        129.64                       36.89                 192.75
Category name of bad debt provision based on combination: Bank and commercial acceptance bills
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                    Closing Balance
                                                 Book balance                     Bad debt provision                  Accrued proportion
   Bank Acceptance Notes                               550,158,698.95                           5,589,910.81                             1.02%
   Commercial Acceptance
                                                       109,688,902.13                           8,796,709.94                             8.02%
   Total                                               659,847,601.08                          14,386,620.75

If the bad debt provisions of notes receivable are made according to the general model of expected credit losses:
□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                            Amount of Changes in the Current Period
                             Opening                                                                                                Closing
      Category                                                     Recovered or
                             Balance             Accrued                                Written Off             Others              Balance
   Acceptance                6,958,692.70                            1,368,781.89                                                5,589,910.81
   Acceptance               14,800,244.19                            6,003,534.25                                                8,796,709.94
   Total                    21,758,936.89                            7,372,316.14                                               14,386,620.75

Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:
□ Applicable Not applicable

(4) Notes receivable that the Company has pledged at the end of the period

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                   Item                                                   Pledged amount by the end of period
   Bank Acceptance Notes                                                                                                       362,313,646.48
   Total                                                                                                                       362,313,646.48

(5) Notes receivable that the Company has endorsed or discounted at the end of the period and that have
not yet expired on the balance sheet date

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                    Derecognised amount at the end of            Not derecognised amount at the end of
                                                                 period                                         period
  Bank Acceptance Notes                                                                                                      25,409,130.30
  Total                                                                                                                      25,409,130.30

4. Accounts Receivable

(1) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                     Aging                                    Closing balance                              Opening balance
  Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                         14,715,647,410.56                          14,458,581,851.85
  1 to 2 years                                                              1,710,166,205.06                           1,675,541,614.13
  2 to 3 years                                                              1,017,969,012.88                             914,682,001.04
  3 years or above                                                          2,531,107,470.41                           2,359,337,149.65
    3 to 4 years                                                             715,221,245.03                              627,873,130.02
    4 to 5 years                                                             473,135,179.97                              605,039,214.61
    5 years or above                                                        1,342,751,045.41                           1,126,424,805.02
  Total                                                                    19,974,890,098.91                          19,408,142,616.67

(2) Disclosure by Bad Debt Accrual Method

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                     Closing Balance                                               Opening Balance
                   Book balance          Bad debt provision                       Book balance          Bad debt provision
      y                                             Accrued        Book                                            Accrued         Book
                             Proporti                              value                   Proporti                                value
                 Amount                  Amount     proporti                    Amount                  Amount     proporti
                               on                                                            on
                                                      on                                                             on
  les with
  the bad
  debt           452,375,                427,386,                 24,989,4      467,182,                433,667,                  33,515,7
                               2.26%                   94.48%                                  2.41%                 92.83%
  provisio        636.05                  235.86                     00.19       946.91                  151.15                      95.76
  based on
                 452,375,                427,386,                 24,989,4      467,182,                433,667,                  33,515,7
  le with                      2.26%                   94.48%                                  2.41%                 92.83%
                  636.05                  235.86                     00.19       946.91                  151.15                      95.76

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   n of bad
   les with
   the bad
                19,522,5                                          16,629,3       18,940,9                                      16,243,2
   debt                                    2,893,15                                                    2,697,67
                14,462.8      97.74%                   14.82%     63,334.9       59,669.7    97.59%                 14.24%     88,158.2
   provisio                                1,127.87                                                    1,511.49
                       6                                                 9              6                                             7
   based on
   Aging        19,522,5                                          16,629,3       18,940,9                                      16,243,2
                                           2,893,15                                                    2,697,67
   Analysis     14,462.8      97.74%                   14.82%     63,334.9       59,669.7    97.59%                 14.24%     88,158.2
                                           1,127.87                                                    1,511.49
   Portfolio           6                                                 9              6                                             7
                19,974,8                                          16,654,3       19,408,1                                      16,276,8
                                           3,320,53                                                    3,131,33
   Total        90,098.9     100.00%                              52,735.1       42,616.6   100.00%                            03,954.0
                                           7,363.73                                                    8,662.64
                       1                                                 8              7                                             3
Category name of individual provision for bad debts: Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but accrued for separate
provision of bad debt

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                 Opening Balance                                            Closing Balance

        Name                                                                                                              Reason for
                                               Bad debt                               Bad debt          Accrued
                       Book balance                             Book balance                                              making bad
                                               provision                              provision        proportion
                                                                                                                         debt provision
                                                                                                                        Expected to be
   Customer 1          225,140,645.36       225,140,645.36      225,140,645.36      225,140,645.36            100.00%   unable to
                                                                                                                        Expected to be
   Customer 2              49,001,963.55      49,001,963.55      49,001,963.55        49,001,963.55           100.00%   unable to
                                                                                                                        Expected to be
   Customer 3              38,612,198.42      38,612,198.42      38,612,198.42        38,612,198.42           100.00%   unable to
                                                                                                                        Expected to be
   Customer 4              20,596,426.50      20,596,426.50      20,596,426.50        20,596,426.50           100.00%   unable to
                                                                                                                        Expected to be
   Customer 5              18,790,253.00      18,790,253.00      18,790,253.00        18,790,253.00           100.00%   unable to
                                                                                                                        Expected to be
   Miscellaneous       115,041,460.08         81,525,664.32     100,234,149.22        75,244,749.03           75.07%    partially
   Total               467,182,946.91       433,667,151.15      452,375,636.05      427,386,235.86

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Category name of bad debt provision based on combination: Aging Analysis Portfolio
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                               Closing Balance
                                                 Book balance                  Bad debt provision               Accrued proportion
   Within 1 year (including 1
                                                    14,712,970,940.47                   735,648,233.66                           5.00%
   1 to 2 years                                      1,686,530,404.97                   168,653,040.50                          10.00%
   2 to 3 years                                      1,013,456,093.12                   304,036,827.94                          30.00%
   3 to 4 years                                        668,039,540.88                   334,019,770.44                          50.00%
   4 to 5 years                                        453,621,140.46                   362,896,912.37                          80.00%
   5 years or above                                    987,896,342.96                   987,896,342.96                         100.00%
   Total                                            19,522,514,462.86                 2,893,151,127.87

If the bad debt provisions of accounts receivable are made according to the general model of expected credit losses:
□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                           Amount of Changes in the Current Period
                           Opening                                                                                         Closing
       Category                                                 Recovered or
                           Balance               Accrued                            Written Off            Others          Balance
   Bad debt              3,131,338,662.                                                                                   3,320,537,363.
                                            217,728,284.41                           19,183,189.91       -9,346,393.41
   provision                         64                                                                                               73
                         3,131,338,662.                                                                                   3,320,537,363.
   Total                                    217,728,284.41                           19,183,189.91       -9,346,393.41
                                     64                                                                                               73
Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:


(4) Accounts receivable actually written off in this period

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                             Write-off amount
   Accounts receivable actually written off                                                                               19,183,189.91

Write-off of important accounts receivable:


(5) Accounts receivable and contract assets of the top five closing balances collected by debtors

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                     Closing balance of
                                                                                               As a percentage of
                                                                        Closing balance of                           provision for bad
                          Closing balance of                                                        accounts
                                                   Closing balance of        accounts                                debts on accounts
       Name of Unit            accounts                                                         receivables and
                                                     contract assets      receivable and                               receivable and
                              receivable                                                          total ending
                                                                          contract assets                              impairment of
                                                                                                                       contract assets

                                                                        2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Customer   1                 1,295,976,570.29                                1,295,976,570.29                    6.42%           64,798,828.51
  Customer   2                   471,567,845.08                                  471,567,845.08                    2.34%           23,578,392.43
  Customer   3                   354,656,063.52                                  354,656,063.52                    1.76%           68,115,702.49
  Customer   4                   345,825,793.96                                  345,825,793.96                    1.71%           17,291,289.70
  Customer   5                   331,966,086.53           21,815,847.00          353,781,933.53                    1.75%          223,020,674.95
  Total                        2,799,992,359.38           21,815,847.00        2,821,808,206.38                   13.98%          396,804,888.08

5. Contract Assets

(1) Contract Assets

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                            Closing Balance                                                 Opening Balance
          Item                                    Bad debt                                                       Bad debt
                         Book balance                               Book value          Book balance                                 Book value
                                                  provision                                                      provision
  Completed but
                            28,579,042.87           351,967.02       28,227,075.85       33,413,988.93             421,118.95        32,992,869.98
  unsettled assets
  O&M service               29,272,125.33           292,721.26       28,979,404.07         6,198,950.93             66,600.03           6,132,350.90
  guarantee                 71,042,020.31      13,718,512.34         57,323,507.97       62,344,437.16          14,755,441.70        47,588,995.46
  Total                  128,893,188.51        14,363,200.62        114,529,987.89      101,957,377.02          15,243,160.68        86,714,216.34

(2) Disclosure by Bad Debt Accrual Method

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                      Closing Balance                                                     Opening Balance
                     Book balance           Bad debt provision                         Book balance             Bad debt provision
      y                                                  Accrued       Book                                                  Accrued        Book
                               Proporti                                value                     Proporti                                   value
                 Amount                     Amount       proporti                    Amount                     Amount       proporti
                                 on                                                                on
                                                           on                                                                  on
  n of bad
  debts          128,893,                   14,363,2                   114,529,      101,957,                   15,243,1                    86,714,2
                              100.00%                     11.14%                                 100.00%                      14.95%
  based on        188.51                       00.62                    987.89        377.02                       60.68                       16.34
  ation of
                 128,893,                   14,363,2                   114,529,      101,957,                   15,243,1                    86,714,2
  nature                      100.00%                     11.14%                                 100.00%                      14.95%
                  188.51                       00.62                    987.89        377.02                       60.68                       16.34
  of the
               128,893,                14,363,2              114,529,    101,957,                               15,243,1                    86,714,2
  Total                   100.00%                  11.14%                            100.00%                                  14.95%
                188.51                    00.62               987.89      377.02                                   60.68                       16.34
Category name of bad debt provision based on combination: Combination of nature of the funds
                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Closing Balance
                                                  Book balance                    Bad debt provision                     Accrued proportion
  Combination of nature of the
                                                         128,893,188.51                         14,363,200.62                               11.14%

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Total                                               128,893,188.51                     14,363,200.62

Provision for bad debts based on general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                 Provisions of this        Recovered or reversed
            Item                                                                       Write-off in this period        Reasons
                                      period                 during the period
   Completed but
   unsettled assets
   O&M service                             226,121.23
   Quality guarantee
   Total                                   226,121.23                   1,106,081.29

Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:

6. Receivables Financing

(1) Disclosure of receivables financing

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                       Item                                   Closing Balance                               Opening Balance
   Bank acceptance bill                                                       685,382,779.93                             810,713,267.86
   Total                                                                      685,382,779.93                             810,713,267.86

(2) Financing of accounts receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                  Pledged amount by the end of period
   Bank acceptance bill                                                                                                  533,317,810.71
   Total                                                                                                                 533,317,810.71

(3) Financing of accounts receivable that the Company has endorsed or discounted at the end of the period
and that have not yet expired on the balance sheet date

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                      Derecognised amount at the end of          Not derecognised amount at the end of
                                                                   period                                       period
   Bank acceptance bill                                                        44,106,306.89
   Total                                                                       44,106,306.89

7. Other Receivables

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                       Item                                   Closing Balance                               Opening Balance

                                                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Dividends Receivable                                                    5,194,653.19                               5,784,225.02
   Other Receivables                                                     312,163,023.83                          331,740,463.34
   Total                                                                 317,357,677.02                          337,524,688.36

(1) Dividends Receivable

1) Classification of Dividends Receivable

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
             Project (or Invested Unit)                       Closing Balance                       Opening Balance
   Intelbras S.A.                                                          3,951,378.19                               5,784,225.02
   Smartsens Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                               1,243,275.00
   Total                                                                   5,194,653.19                               5,784,225.02

(2) Other receivables

1) Other receivables categorized by the nature of the funds

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
              Nature of the funds                        Closing balance                            Opening balance
   Deposits                                                              148,791,203.75                          148,419,383.42
   Prepaid or advance expense                                            132,035,501.55                          129,465,778.21
   Equity Transfer Fund                                                   26,671,858.40                           44,693,899.47
   Export tax rebate                                                                                                  26,923.43
   Employee home loan                                                     88,067,811.00                           89,695,884.00
   Others                                                                  2,203,616.92                              402,441.33
   Total                                                                 397,769,991.62                          412,704,309.86

2) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                      Aging                              Closing balance                            Opening balance
   Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                      189,378,055.13                          175,351,662.59
   1 to 2 years                                                           80,194,888.01                          117,075,815.72
   2 to 3 years                                                           50,912,295.59                           57,728,030.61
   3 years or above                                                       77,284,752.89                           62,548,800.94
     3 to 4 years                                                         39,186,192.68                           31,838,007.64
     4 to 5 years                                                         24,233,844.97                           17,297,622.38
     5 years or above                                                     13,864,715.24                           13,413,170.92
   Total                                                                 397,769,991.62                          412,704,309.86

3) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
   Categor                            Closing Balance                                       Opening Balance

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

       y              Book balance           Bad debt provision                        Book balance          Bad debt provision
                                                       Accrued       Book                                                Accrued        Book
                              Proporti                               value                     Proporti                                 value
                Amount                      Amount     proporti                  Amount                      Amount      proporti
                                on                                                               on
                                                         on                                                                on
   n of bad
   debts         397,769,                   85,606,9                312,163,     412,704,                    80,963,8                   331,740,
                              100.00%                    21.52%                                100.00%                    19.62%
   based on       991.62                       67.79                 023.83       309.86                        46.52                    463.34
                 397,769,                   85,606,9                312,163,     412,704,                    80,963,8                   331,740,
   Analysis                   100.00%                    21.52%                                100.00%                    19.62%
                  991.62                       67.79                 023.83       309.86                        46.52                    463.34
               397,769,                85,606,9               312,163,   412,704,                            80,963,8                   331,740,
   Total                  100.00%                 21.52%                                       100.00%                    19.62%
                991.62                    67.79                023.83     309.86                                46.52                    463.34
Category name of bad debt provision based on combination: Aging Analysis Portfolio
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Closing Balance
                                                Book balance                    Bad debt provision                    Accrued proportion
   Within 1 year (including 1
                                                        189,378,055.13                        9,468,902.76                               5.00%
   1 to 2 years                                          80,194,888.01                        8,019,488.80                              10.00%
   2 to 3 years                                          50,912,295.59                       15,273,688.68                              30.00%
   3 to 4 years                                          39,186,192.68                       19,593,096.34                              50.00%
   4 to 5 years                                          24,233,844.97                       19,387,075.97                              80.00%
   5 years or above                                      13,864,715.24                       13,864,715.24                             100.00%
   Total                                                397,769,991.62                       85,606,967.79
Provision for bad debts based on general model of expected credit losses:
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                         Phase One                Phase Two                    Phase Three
                                                            Expected credit losses        Expected credit losses
      Bad debt provision        Expected credit losses      for the entire extension      for the entire extension             Total
                                in the next 12 months            (without credit                (with credit
                                                                  impairment)                   impairment)
   Balance as of January
                                            40,311,666.81             38,930,999.37                   1,721,180.34                80,963,846.52
   1, 2024
   Balance in the current
   period as of January 1,
   --Transfer to phase two                  -1,065,155.77                1,065,155.77
   --Transfer to phase
                                               -75,224.54                  -45,300.00                  120,524.54
   Provisions of this
                                             1,003,690.33                3,997,489.89                  650,493.70                   5,651,673.92
   Write off in this period                     58,228.85                 142,605.54                      48,681.46                  249,515.85
   Other variations                           -759,036.80                                                                           -759,036.80
   Balance as of June 30,
                                            39,357,711.18             43,805,739.49                   2,443,517.12                85,606,967.79

Book balance changes with significant changes in loss provision in the current period

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

□ Applicable Not applicable

4) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                             Amount of Changes in the Current Period
                           Opening                                                                                            Closing
       Category                                                  Recovered or       Resale or write-
                           Balance               Accrued                                                  Others              Balance
                                                                  Reversed                off
   Bad debt
                         80,963,846.52           5,651,673.92                             249,515.85      -759,036.80        85,606,967.79
   Total                 80,963,846.52           5,651,673.92                             249,515.85      -759,036.80        85,606,967.79

Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:

5) Accounts receivable actually written off in this period

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                            Write-off amount
   Other accounts receivable actually written off                                                                               249,515.85
Write-off of other important receivables:


6) Other receivables of the top five closing balances collected by debtors

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                                As a percentage of
                                                                                                                        Bad debt provision
                             Nature of the                                                          total other
       Name of Unit                                 Closing Balance             Aging                                    at the end of the
                                funds                                                           receivables at the
                                                                                                 end of the period
                          Equity Transfer
   Company 1                                             26,671,858.40    1 to 2 years                      6.71%             2,667,185.84
   Company 2              Deposits                       11,832,000.00    3 to 4 years                      2.97%             5,916,000.00
                          Prepaid or advance
   Company 3                                               8,584,072.15   Within 1 year                     2.16%               429,203.61
                          Prepaid or advance
   Company 4                                               6,721,623.06   Within 1 year                     1.69%               336,081.15
                                                                          RMB 500,000.00
                          Prepaid or advance                              for 3 to 4 years,
   Company 5                                               5,500,000.00                                     1.38%             4,250,000.00
                          expense                                         RMB 5,000,000.00
                                                                          for 4 to 5 years
   Total                                                 59,309,553.61                                     14.91%            13,598,470.60

8. Prepayments

(1) Aging analysis of prepayments is as follows

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                               Closing Balance                                           Opening Balance
                                      Amount                     Proportion                    Amount                      Proportion
   Within 1 year                        252,373,333.14                    90.39%                168,576,768.97                      89.01%
   1 to 2 years                          16,069,941.30                        5.76%               11,544,945.31                         6.10%
   2 to 3 years                           2,406,695.84                        0.86%                  5,759,402.22                       3.04%
   3 years or above                       8,358,557.68                        2.99%                  3,507,600.49                       1.85%
   Total                                279,208,527.96                                          189,388,716.99

An explanation of the reasons why the prepayment with an aging of more than one year and significant amounts has not been settle d


(2) Advance payment of the top five closing balances by prepayment parties

The advance payment of the top five closing balances by the concentration of prepayment parties was summed up to RMB
133,738,616.85, accounting for 47.90% of the total closing balance of the advance payment.

9. Inventory

Does the company need to comply with disclosure requirements in the real estate industry?

(1) Categories of inventories

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                          Closing Balance                                               Opening Balance
                                            Provision for                                                 Provision for
                                           Impairment of                                                 Impairment of
           Item                            Inventories or                                                Inventories or
                       Book balance         Provision for     Book value              Book balance        Provision for       Book value
                                           Impairment of                                                 Impairment of
                                            Performance                                                   Performance
                                                Cost                                                          Cost
                       2,016,491,743.                        1,942,817,054.           1,817,465,527.                         1,752,715,827.
   Raw materials                            73,674,688.91                                                  64,749,700.02
                                   26                                    35                       90                                     88
                       597,604,646.54       13,675,494.63   583,929,151.91            419,964,218.05        8,473,870.92     411,490,347.13
                       2,462,308,875.                        2,367,737,513.           2,305,873,410.                         2,219,257,430.
   Finished goods                           94,571,362.02                                                  86,615,979.53
                                   18                                    16                       13                                     60
   Performance         526,011,307.70       21,503,611.47   504,507,696.23            727,101,492.76       22,396,500.68     704,704,992.08
   work-in-            312,960,416.18                       312,960,416.18            244,439,946.33                         244,439,946.33
                       5,915,376,988.                        5,711,951,831.           5,514,844,595.                         5,332,608,544.
   Total                                   203,425,157.03                                                182,236,051.15
                                   86                                    83                       17                                     02

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Provision for impairment of inventories and provision for impairment of contract performance cost

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                               Increased in the Current Period         Decreased in the Current Period
                             Opening                                                                                                Closing
          Item                                                                         Reversals or
                             Balance            Accrued              Others                                   Others                Balance
  Raw materials          64,749,700.02         33,444,166.73                            20,095,861.74        4,423,316.10          73,674,688.91
                           8,473,870.92         8,772,755.18                             5,246,980.85        -1,675,849.38         13,675,494.63
  Finished goods         86,615,979.53         15,496,434.30                             7,279,694.64             261,357.17       94,571,362.02
  Performance            22,396,500.68           4,863,624.11                            5,756,513.32                              21,503,611.47
  Total                 182,236,051.15         62,576,980.32                            38,379,050.55        3,008,823.89      203,425,157.03

10. Non-current Assets Due within 1 Year

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      Item                                      Closing Balance                                   Opening Balance
  Long-term accounts receivables due
                                                                                 257,902,249.66                                303,454,116.40
  within 1 year
  Total                                                                          257,902,249.66                                303,454,116.40

11. Other Current Assets

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      Item                                      Closing Balance                                   Opening Balance
  Return cost receivable                                                           9,991,372.46                                    11,228,032.04
  Not deducted input tax                                                         615,830,230.80                                555,798,264.68
  Prepaid enterprise income tax                                                   32,912,949.31                                 34,017,571.59
  National debt reverse repurchase                                                                                             338,331,000.00
  Issue expenses                                                                     397,041.66
  Total                                                                          659,131,594.23                                939,374,868.31

12. Long-term Receivables

(1) Long-term receivables

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                  Closing Balance                                           Opening Balance                             Range of
   Item                              Bad debt                                                  Bad debt                                 discount
                 Book balance                           Book value        Book balance                                Book value          rate
                                     provision                                                 provision
                 848,503,084.22        9,548,612.20   838,954,472.02       957,523,390.97         10,864,081.27      946,659,309.70

                                                                        2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Unrealize                                                                                                                              3.69%-
                 106,358,136.61                        106,358,136.61       128,884,735.86                          128,884,735.86
  d                                                                                                                                      5.88%
  g Income
  Total          848,503,084.22        9,548,612.20    838,954,472.02       957,523,390.97       10,864,081.27      946,659,309.70

(2) Disclosure by Bad Debt Accrual Method

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                       Closing Balance                                                   Opening Balance
                     Book balance           Bad debt provision                        Book balance            Bad debt provision
      y                                                Accrued        Book                                                Accrued        Book
                               Proporti                               value                    Proporti                                  value
                 Amount                     Amount     proporti                     Amount                    Amount      proporti
                                 on                                                              on
                                                         on                                                                 on
   n of bad
   debts         954,861,                   9,548,61                  945,312,      1,086,40                  10,864,0                   1,075,54
                              100.00%                      1.00%                               100.00%                      1.00%
   based on       220.83                        2.20                   608.63       8,126.83                     81.27                   4,045.56
   ation of
                 954,861,                   9,548,61                  945,312,      1,086,40                  10,864,0                   1,075,54
   nature of                  100.00%                      1.00%                               100.00%                      1.00%
                  220.83                        2.20                   608.63       8,126.83                     81.27                   4,045.56
               954,861,                9,548,61              945,312,    1,086,40                             10,864,0                   1,075,54
   Total                  100.00%                  1.00%                             100.00%                                1.00%
                220.83                     2.20               608.63     8,126.83                                81.27                   4,045.56
Category name of bad debt provision based on combination: Combination of nature of the funds
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                    Closing Balance
                                                Book balance                      Bad debt provision                   Accrued proportion
   Combination of nature of the
                                                         954,861,220.83                        9,548,612.20                               1.00%
   Total                                                 954,861,220.83                        9,548,612.20

(3) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                             Amount of Changes in the Current Period
                             Opening                                                                                                 Closing
      Category                                                     Recovered or       Resale or write-
                             Balance            Accrued                                                        Others                Balance
                                                                    Reversed                off
   Bad debt
                            10,864,081.27                            1,315,469.07                                                    9,548,612.20
   Total                    10,864,081.27                            1,315,469.07                                                    9,548,612.20

Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:

                                                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.


13. Long-term Equity Investments

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                     Decrease/Increase in the current period
                                                      ment                                                                  Closin
                        Openi                                   Adjust
                                                      profit                         Cash                                      g
              Openi       ng                                     ment                                              Closin
                                                       and                           divide    Provisi                      balanc
    The         ng      balanc                                    on                                                 g
                                   Invest   Invest     loss                Other    nds or     on for                         e of
  investe     balanc     e of                                    other                                             balanc
                                   ments     ment    recogn               change     profit    impair                       provisi
     d          e       provisi                                 compr                                    Others      e
                                  increas   decrea     ized                 s in    declare     ment                        on for
   entity     (book     on for                                  ehensi                                             (book
                                     ed      sed      under               equity      d to     accrue                       decline
              value)    impair                                    ve                                               value)
                                                        the                          distrib     d                             in
                         ment                                   incom
                                                     equity                            ute                                   value
  Ⅰ. Joint ventures
  II. Affiliates
               480,07                                 29,013                         10,693                    -   494,23
               9,908.                                 ,678.8                         ,541.1               4,166,   3,702.
  as S.A.
                   08                                      0                              2              343.69        07
  Digital      78,231                                       -                                                      71,748
  Techn        ,566.1                                  6,483,                                                      ,188.4
  ology             0                                 377.66                                                            4
  Inform                723,49                                                                                              723,49
  ation                   6.39                                                                                                6.39
  Digital                                                                                                422,43
  Techn                                                                                                    6.59
  Huaya        67,432                                                                                              67,650
  n            ,554.8                                                                                              ,506.8
  Chuan             0                                                                                                   9

                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

            3,444,   59,180                                                   3,503,
           758.26       .72                                                  938.98
Interne                   -
            1,121,                                                            1,030,
t of                 90,896
           844.56                                                            947.84
Things                  .72
xi FTZ
m Park
           598,28    94,898                                                  693,18
             7.37       .12                                                    5.49
e Co.,
o Cida
Intellig    1,163,                                                           837,62
ent        912.73                                                              1.29
ng         95,380          -                                                 91,933
Huach      ,797.8     5,152,                                                 ,140.3
uang            5    080.53                                                       4

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

              727,45                                     16,910                          10,693                    -   731,63
   Subtot                723,49                                                 1,704,                                           723,49
              3,629.                                     ,626.7                          ,541.1               3,743,   1,231.
   al                      6.39                                                423.02                                              6.39
                  75                                          9                               2              907.10        34
              727,45                                     16,910                          10,693                    -   731,63
                         723,49                                                 1,704,                                           723,49
   Total      3,629.                                     ,626.7                          ,541.1               3,743,   1,231.
                           6.39                                                423.02                                              6.39
                  75                                          9                               2              907.10        34
The recoverable amount is determined as the net of fair value less costs of disposal.
□ Applicable Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined as the present value of the expected future cash flows.
□ Applicable Not applicable

14. Other Non-current Financial Assets

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                       Item                                   Closing Balance                              Opening Balance
   Investment in equity instruments                                            46,844,731.16                             478,782,601.67
   Investment in financial products                                           961,583,353.80                           1,056,959,784.04
   Total                                                                    1,008,428,084.96                           1,535,742,385.71

15. Investment Properties

(1) Investment properties measured by cost method

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                       Buildings and                                      Projects under
               Item                                               Land use rights                                        Total
                                       constructions                                       Construction
   Ⅰ. Original book value
        1. Opening Balance                174,113,990.28                                                                174,113,990.28
       2. Increased in the
                                           16,948,653.39                                                                  16,948,653.39
   Current Period
             (1) Purchase
             (2) Transfer of
                                           16,948,653.39                                                                  16,948,653.39
   fixed assets\intangible assets
             (3) Acquisition
       3. Decreased in the
   Current Period
             (1) Disposal
             (2) Other
        4. Closing Balance                191,062,643.67                                                                191,062,643.67
   II. Accumulated
   Depreciation and

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

        1. Opening Balance                  44,476,986.28                                                             44,476,986.28
       2. Increased in the
                                             4,739,709.42                                                                 4,739,709.42
   Current Period
             (1) Accrual or
                                             4,203,002.06                                                                 4,203,002.06
         (2) Transfer of fixed
                                               536,707.36                                                                  536,707.36
   assets\intangible assets
       3. Decreased in the
   Current Period
             (1) Disposal
             (2) Other
        4. Closing Balance                  49,216,695.70                                                             49,216,695.70
   III. Impairment Provision
        1. Opening Balance
       2. Increased in the
   Current Period
             (1) Accrual
       3. Decreased in the
   Current Period
             (1) Disposal
             (2) Other
        4. Closing Balance
   IV. Book value
       1. Closing Balance on
                                          141,845,947.97                                                             141,845,947.97
   Book Value
       2. Opening Balance on
                                          129,637,004.00                                                             129,637,004.00
   Book Value

(2) Investment properties measured at fair value

□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Investment properties with certificates of title not granted

No investment properties with certificates of title not granted at the end of the period

16. Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                      Item                                     Closing Balance                          Opening Balance
   Fixed Assets                                                            4,988,539,382.64                        4,937,180,876.88
   Total                                                                   4,988,539,382.64                        4,937,180,876.88

                                                          2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(1) Fixed assets

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                       Housing and        Machinery and                           Electronic and other
         Item                                                Means of transport                               Total
                         building          equipment                                   equipment
  Ⅰ. Original book
      1. Opening
                       4,700,211,205.93     618,035,677.34        28,747,880.43      1,908,687,345.08      7,255,682,108.78
        2. Increased
  in the Current          41,164,833.36       2,125,592.76           713,404.00        327,733,972.86        371,737,802.98
                          12,678,294.88       2,125,592.76           713,404.00        327,733,972.86        343,251,264.50
  Transferred From
                          28,486,538.48                                                                       28,486,538.48
  Construction in
  (4) Transfer of
        3. Decreased
  in the Current          16,948,653.39       1,863,980.57         1,190,529.87         18,656,811.28         38,659,975.11
  Disposal or                                 1,863,980.57           975,924.06         15,263,428.52         18,103,333.15
  (2) Transfer to
  investment real         16,948,653.39                                                                       16,948,653.39
  (3) Disposal of
                                                                     214,605.81          3,393,382.76          3,607,988.57
  4. Currency
  Translation                -78,407.50         -47,657.77           -72,849.50          -1,085,973.64        -1,284,888.41
      5. Closing
                       4,724,348,978.40     618,249,631.76        28,197,905.06      2,216,678,533.02      7,587,475,048.24
  II. Accumulated
      1. Opening
                        743,791,548.93      216,453,185.63        21,774,098.02      1,336,482,399.32      2,318,501,231.90
        2. Increased
  in the Current        112,849,360.10       28,497,147.82         1,458,623.46        155,925,823.96        298,730,955.34
                        112,849,360.10       28,497,147.82         1,458,623.46        155,925,823.96        298,730,955.34
  (2) Transfer of
       3. Decreased         536,707.36          834,030.59           680,226.28         15,392,013.90         17,442,978.13

                                                             2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  in the Current
  Disposal or                                       834,030.59          476,350.76         13,103,228.99              14,413,610.34
  (2) Transfer to
  investment real                  536,707.36                                                                           536,707.36
  (3) Disposal of
                                                                        203,875.52           2,288,784.91              2,492,660.43
  4. Currency
  Translation                      -19,993.91       -46,656.80          -65,164.76            -721,728.04               -853,543.51
      5. Closing
                            856,084,207.76      244,069,646.06       22,487,330.44      1,476,294,481.34           2,598,935,665.60
  III. Impairment
      1. Opening
        2. Increased
  in the Current
        3. Decreased
  in the Current
  Disposal or
      4. Closing
  IV. Book value
       1. Closing
  Balance on Book         3,868,264,770.64      374,179,985.70        5,710,574.62        740,384,051.68           4,988,539,382.64
       2. Opening
  Balance on Book         3,956,419,657.00      401,582,491.71        6,973,782.41        572,204,945.76           4,937,180,876.88

(2) Fixed assets rent out under operating leases

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                              Item                                           Book Value at the End of the Period
  Buildings and constructions                                                                                  587,555,648.61
  Electronic and other equipment                                                                                80,984,949.89

(3) Fixed assets with certificates of title not granted

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                              2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                               Reasons for certificates of title not
                    Item                                   Book value
  Commercial housing in Cisco Intelligent                                                In the process of obtaining the real estate
  Technology Park                                                                        certificates

(4) Impairment test of fixed assets

□ Applicable Not applicable

17. Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                                 Closing Balance                                Opening Balance
  Projects under Construction                                       1,169,264,949.25                                  1,008,612,408.49
  Total                                                             1,169,264,949.25                                  1,008,612,408.49

(1) Construction in progress

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                       Closing Balance                                           Opening Balance
          Item                          Provision for                                              Provision for
                      Book balance                         Book value        Book balance                                Book value
                                         impairment                                                 impairment
  Phase I, Urban
                       37,183,163.71                       37,183,163.71       37,183,163.71                             37,183,163.71
  New project of
                      292,859,644.37                      292,859,644.37     263,076,398.23                            263,076,398.23
  R&D Center of
  Dahua Co., Ltd.
  New projects of
                      368,369,372.88                      368,369,372.88     335,849,207.03                            335,849,207.03
  Center of
  Henan Smart
  IoT base of         139,995,363.06                      139,995,363.06      111,780,241.11                            111,780,241.11
  project of
  intelligent         288,388,920.48                      288,388,920.48     101,525,907.86                            101,525,907.86
  Others               42,468,484.75                       42,468,484.75     159,197,490.55                            159,197,490.55
                      1,169,264,949.                      1,169,264,949.      1,008,612,408.                            1,008,612,408.
                                  25                                  25                  49                                        49

                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Changes in significant construction in progress

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                          Includi     alizat
                                                                             Project                         ng:       ion
                                            Amount       Other                                   mulat
                                                                             accumul                      Capital     rate
                                             of fixed   amoun                                      ed
                      Openi    Increase                            Closi       ative    Proje               ized     of the
                                              assets       ts                                   capital
   Item       Bud       ng      d in the                            ng      investme     ct               interes    intere     Capital
                                           transferre   decrea                                    ized
   Name       get     Balanc    Current                            Balan      nt as a   Prog                  t       st in     Source
                                             d in the    sed in                                 interes
                        e        Period                             ce      percenta    ress              amoun        the
                                             current    current                                      t
                                                                            ge of the                     t in the   curre
                                              period    period                                   amou
                                                                              budget                      current       nt
                                                                                                          period      perio
  Southw      RM
  est           B
                      263,07                                        292,8                76.4                                 funds/ra
  R&D         417              29,783,2                                      76.49%
                      6,398.                                        59,64                 9%                                  ised
  Center      milli               46.14
                          23                                         4.37                                                     funds
  of           on
  Southw      RM
  estern        B
                      335,84                                        368,3                90.0                                 Equity
  China       396              32,520,1                                     101.29%
                      9,207.                                        69,37                 0%                                  Fund
  Operati     milli               65.85
                          03                                         2.88
  on           on
  intellige           101,52                                        288,3                52.3                                 Equity
              600              186,863,                                      52.39%
  nt                  5,907.                                        88,92                 9%                                  Fund
              milli             012.62
  product                 86                                         0.48

                      700,45                                        949,6
  Total                        249,166,
                      1,513.                                        17,93
                          12                                         7.73

(3) Impairment test of construction in progress

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                             2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

18. Right-of-use Assets

(1) Right-of-use assets

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                            Buildings and constructions      Machinery and                 Total
  Ⅰ. Original book value
       1. Opening Balance                                518,737,508.83             8,884,640.73          527,622,149.56
       2. Increased in the Current Period                 65,484,854.24               111,961.08           65,596,815.32
       3. Decreased in the Current Period                 63,520,305.76                                    63,520,305.76
         (1) Expiration or early
                                                          49,621,144.74                                    49,621,144.74
  termination of lease contracts
          (2) Disposal of subsidiaries                    13,899,161.02                                    13,899,161.02
       4. Currency Translation Difference                  -3,116,106.39                                   -3,116,106.39
       5. Closing Balance                                517,585,950.92             8,996,601.81          526,582,552.73
  II. Accumulated depreciation
       1. Opening Balance                                226,494,557.71             1,925,005.29          228,419,563.00
       2. Increased in the Current Period                 73,885,826.67               472,222.28           74,358,048.95
          (1) Accrual                                     73,885,826.67               472,222.28           74,358,048.95
       3. Decreased in the Current Period                 51,378,894.12                                    51,378,894.12
         (1) Expiration or early
                                                          44,351,589.69                                    44,351,589.69
  termination of lease contracts
        (2) Disposal of subsidiaries                       7,027,304.43                                     7,027,304.43
       4. Currency Translation Difference                   -950,013.84                                      -950,013.84
       5. Closing Balance                                248,051,476.42             2,397,227.57          250,448,703.99
  III. Impairment Provision
       1. Opening Balance
       2. Increased in the Current Period
          (1) Accrual
       3. Decreased in the Current Period
          (1) Disposal
       4. Closing Balance
  IV. Book value
       1. Closing Balance on Book Value                  269,534,474.50             6,599,374.24          276,133,848.74
       2. Opening Balance on Book Value                  292,242,951.12             6,959,635.44          299,202,586.56

(2) Impairment test of right-to-use assets

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                            2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

19. Intangible Assets

(1) Details of intangible assets

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                  Patent   Non-patented                                     Software
     Item       Land use rights                              Software       Trademark                          Total
                                   right    technology                                      copyright
 Ⅰ. Original
 book value
 Opening        626,404,053.87             68,530,508.70   173,816,614.23   2,077,241.60   4,000,000.00    874,828,418.40
 Increased in
                   1,699,038.41                              7,209,598.45                                    8,908,636.86
 the Current
 (1) Purchase      1,699,038.41                              4,317,515.90                                    6,016,554.31
 (2) Internal
 research and
 from                                                        2,892,082.55                                    2,892,082.55
 in progress
 (5) Transfer
 Decreased in
                                                                37,285.01                                       37,285.01
 the Current
 (1) Disposal                                                   15,769.47                                       15,769.47
 (2) Transfer
 real estate
 (3) Disposal
 of                                                             21,515.54                                       21,515.54
 4. Currency
 Translation          -9,875.00                                -17,935.52      -9,480.00                       -37,290.52
 Closing        628,093,217.28             68,530,508.70   180,970,992.15   2,067,761.60   4,000,000.00    883,662,479.73

                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Opening          70,706,202.43   58,529,703.12   144,836,253.14   2,077,241.60   4,000,000.00    280,149,400.29
Increased in
                  6,996,724.64    2,248,671.33    12,913,877.98                                   22,159,273.95
the Current
(1) Accrual       6,996,724.64    2,248,671.33    12,913,877.98                                   22,159,273.95
(2) Transfer
Decreased in
                                                      37,285.01                                       37,285.01
the Current
(1) Disposal                                          15,769.47                                       15,769.47
(2) Transfer
real estate
(3) Disposal
of                                                    21,515.54                                       21,515.54
                                                     -17,823.01      -9,480.00                       -27,303.01
Closing          77,702,927.07   60,778,374.45   157,695,023.10   2,067,761.60   4,000,000.00    302,244,086.22
Increased in
the Current
Decreased in
the Current

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 IV. Book
                    550,390,290.21                7,752,134.25      23,275,969.05                                       581,418,393.51
 Balance on
 Book Value
                    555,697,851.44               10,000,805.58      28,980,361.09                                       594,679,018.11
 Balance on
 Book Value

Intangible assets formed through in-house research and development at the end of the period are 0.00% of intangible assets balance.

(2) No land use right without the certificate of title at the end of the period

(3) Impairment test of intangible assets

□ Applicable Not applicable

20. Goodwill

(1) Original book value of goodwill

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
    The invested                             Increased in the current period        Decreased in the current period
      entity or
                          Opening           Generated from                                                                  Closing
    matters which
                          Balance              business                              Disposal                               Balance
      goodwill                               combination

   Technology             6,615,294.18                                                                                      6,615,294.18
   Italy S.R.L.
   Total                  6,615,294.18                                                                                      6,615,294.18

(2) Impairment provision for goodwill

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
    The invested                             Increased in the current period        Decreased in the current period
      entity or
                          Opening                                                                                           Closing
    matters which
                          Balance              Accrued                               Disposal                               Balance
   Technology                        0.00                                                                                             0.00
   Italy S.R.L.
   Total                             0.00                                                                                             0.00

(3) Information about the asset group or asset group combination where the goodwill is located

                                       Composition and basis of the      Operational subsection and          Is it consistent with the
                                       asset group or its combination               basis                          previous year?

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                     The asset group relating to the
                                     goodwill formed by
                                     acquisition of Dahua               Recognition is based on
                                     Technology Italy S.R.L., that      whether the main cash inflow
   Dahua Technology Italy
                                     is, the long-term asset group,     generated is independent of       Yes
                                     including fixed assets and         other asset groups or their
                                     intangible assets, formed for      combinations.
                                     Dahua Technology Italy
                                     S.R.L. on June 30, 2024.

(4) Determination method of recoverable amount

The recoverable amount is determined as the net of fair value less costs of disposal.
□ Applicable Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined as the present value of the expected future cash flows.
Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                         Number of           Key               Key           n basis of
                                      Recoverable      Impairment        years of the   parameters of     parameters of         key
       Item          Book value
                                        amount           amount            forecast      the forecast       the steady     parameters in
                                                                            period          period            period        the steady
                                                                                                          Revenue          Predict
                                                                                        growth rate
                                                                                                          growth rate      cautiously as
                                                                                        of 9%-10%
   Dahua                                                                                                  of 0% over       the income
                     113,896,203.     199,959,154.                                      over the
   Technology                                                           2024 - 2028                       the forecast     will not
                               62               35                                      forecast
   Italy S.R.L.                                                                                           period;          increase in
                                                                                                          discount rate    the steady
                                                                                        discount rate
                                                                                                          of 15.60%        period.
                                                                                        of 15.60%
                     113,896,203.     199,959,154.
                               62               35

(5) Completion of performance commitment and goodwill impairment

There is a performance commitment when goodwill is formed and the reporting period or the previous reporting period falls within the
performance commitment period.

□ Applicable Not applicable

21. Long-term Deferred Expenses

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                  Increased in the       Prepaid Expenses      Other Amounts
           Item            Opening Balance                                                                            Closing Balance
                                                   Current Period         in This Period         Decreased
   expenditure of
                                69,962,883.75           9,785,412.65          21,524,163.88             457,179.99         57,766,952.53
   fixed assets leased
   by operating lease
   Renovation Cost              65,372,390.20           8,682,088.07          11,575,112.26                                62,479,366.01
   Total                       135,335,273.95         18,467,500.72           33,099,276.14             457,179.99        120,246,318.54

                                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

22. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets not written off

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                           Closing Balance                                    Opening Balance
            Item             Deductible temporary    Deferred Income Tax        Deductible temporary    Deferred Income Tax
                                 difference                Assets                   difference                Assets
  Provision for
                                  3,205,517,304.39            609,938,439.81         2,945,448,093.79            561,492,926.21
  Impairment of Assets
  Unrealized Profit from
                                  1,020,664,611.59            224,746,775.84         1,849,888,966.76            436,702,186.90
  Internal Transactions
  Deductible Losses                 856,640,588.66            134,988,610.23           615,050,031.87            101,761,861.84
  Equity incentive
                                    229,119,432.39              36,063,541.35          291,671,905.31              45,689,152.55
  Expected Liabilities              176,073,432.73              26,816,327.95          170,920,678.13              26,157,016.58
  Payroll payable                   254,325,121.69              41,896,652.95          253,599,826.64              41,664,283.10
  Costs from Tax
  Increase Due to                   549,070,434.14            104,747,239.03           557,868,000.15            107,970,125.57
  Absence of Invoice
  Changes in fair value
                                      3,733,125.73                559,968.86             1,458,799.36                364,699.84
  gains and losses
  Book-tax difference of
                                    174,953,943.19              32,342,008.44          188,753,783.73              35,399,648.53
  lease liabilities
  Investments in non-
                                    493,490,855.50              74,023,628.33          520,408,538.53              78,061,280.78
  monetary assets
  Others                            118,489,662.10              18,828,327.78          111,452,227.57              17,921,647.45
  Total                           7,082,078,512.11           1,304,951,520.57        7,506,520,851.84           1,453,184,829.35

(2) Non-offset deferred income tax liabilities

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                           Closing Balance                                    Opening Balance
            Item              Taxable temporary      Deferred Income Tax         Taxable temporary      Deferred Income Tax
                                 difference               Liabilities               difference               Liabilities
  The gross profit of
                                     53,362,899.96               9,502,419.95           58,360,423.87              10,150,707.92
  sales by installments
  Changes in fair value
                                    215,934,747.53              32,390,212.13          378,324,828.79              56,893,999.27
  of financial instruments
  Book-tax difference of
                                    169,055,310.96              31,273,331.58          182,618,578.98              34,371,567.43
  right-of-use assets
  Investments in non-
                                    323,116,498.20              48,467,474.73          430,682,928.47              64,602,439.27
  monetary assets
  Total                             761,469,456.65            121,633,438.39         1,049,986,760.11            166,018,713.89

(3) Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities Listed by Net Amount after Offset

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                             Amount of Deferred       Balance of Deferred       Amount of Deferred       Balance of Deferred
            Item             Income Tax Assets       Income Tax Assets or       Income Tax Assets       Income Tax Assets or
                                Offset against       Liabilities after Offset      Offset against       Liabilities after Offset

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                               Liabilities at the End of      at the End of the Period      Liabilities at the Start         at the Start of the
                                       the Period                                               of the Period                      Period
  Deferred Income Tax
                                           120,966,995.48            1,183,984,525.09               165,281,346.70               1,287,903,482.65
  Deferred Income Tax
                                           120,966,995.48                  666,442.91               165,281,346.70                      737,367.19

(4) Deferred income tax assets or liabilities listed by net amount after offset

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                        Item                                     Closing Balance                                  Opening Balance
  Deductible temporary difference                                                504,168,621.86                                    562,186,328.66
  Deductible Losses                                                           1,711,219,949.76                                   1,660,894,695.64
  Total                                                                       2,215,388,571.62                                   2,223,081,024.30

(5) Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                 Year                          Closing balance                      Opening balance                            Notes
  2024                                                 123,399,983.16                        123,399,991.24
  2025                                                 207,549,204.43                        260,522,250.84
  2026                                                 326,802,238.59                        331,413,381.74
  2027                                                 475,571,567.14                        476,126,194.63
  2028                                                 411,816,590.38                        469,432,877.19
  2029 and later                                       166,080,366.06
  Total                                               1,711,219,949.76                     1,660,894,695.64

23. Other Non-current Assets

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                             Closing Balance                                               Opening Balance
          Item                                Provision for                                                  Provision for
                         Book balance                               Book value           Book balance                               Book value
                                               impairment                                                     impairment
  Contract Assets         79,227,426.95         4,736,983.33        74,490,443.62         80,729,279.52         5,837,202.88        74,892,076.64
                          3,724,731,464.                           3,724,731,464.
  certificates of
                                      27                                       27
  deposit from
  for purchase of
                          67,793,168.63                             67,793,168.63        129,167,069.19                            129,167,069.19
  for acquisition          2,278,081.15                              2,278,081.15          5,893,664.25                                5,893,664.25
  of real estate
  Others                      327,614.66                               327,614.66            856,454.41                                 856,454.41
                          3,874,357,755.                           3,869,620,772.
  Total                                         4,736,983.33                             216,646,467.37         5,837,202.88       210,809,264.49
                                      66                                       33

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

24. Assets whose Ownership or Rights to Use is Restricted

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                            Ending                                                        Beginning
       Item            Book                          Type of        Restriction        Book                          Type of         Restriction
                                   Book value                                                      Book value
                      balance                       Restriction         s             balance                       Restriction          s
                                                 Guarantee                                                         Guarantee
                                                 letter                                                            letter
   Cash and                                      security                                                          security
                     90,019,255.   90,019,255.                     Restricted        75,843,683.   75,843,683.                      Restricted
   Bank                                          deposit and                                                       deposit and
                              68            68                     use                        23            23                      use
   Balances                                      other                                                             other
                                                 restricted                                                        restricted
                                                 funds                                                             funds
                                                 Pledge                                                            Pledge
                                                 used to                                                           used to
                                                 issue bank                                                        issue bank
                                                 acceptance                                                        acceptance
                     921,040,58     921,040,58   bills and         Restricted         951,747,36    951,747,36     bills and        Restricted
                           7.49           7.49   endorsed or       use                      2.20          2.20     endorsed or      use
                                                 discounted                                                        discounted
                                                 notes not                                                         notes not
                                                 derecognis                                                        derecognis
                                                 ed                                                                ed
                                                 Financial                                                         Financial
                                                 discount                                                          discount
                                                 and                                                               and
                                                 factoring                                                         factoring
   Accounts                                                        Restricted        7,238,385.6   7,238,385.6                      Restricted
                     973,205.56    973,205.56    not                                                               not
   receivable                                                      use                         4             4                      use
                                                 derecognis                                                        derecognis
                                                 ed in the                                                         ed in the
                                                 supply                                                            supply
                                                 chain                                                             chain
                     1,012,033,0   1,012,033,0                                       1,034,829,4   1,034,829,4
                           48.73         48.73                                             31.07         31.07

25. Short-term Loans

(1) Categories of short-term loan

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                       Item                                       Closing Balance                                Opening Balance
   Pledged loans                                                                  800,000,000.00                                  400,000,000.00
   Fiduciary loans                                                                                                                549,800,000.00
   Factoring loans in the supply chain
                                                                                      973,205.56                                    7,238,385.64
   Interest payable for short-term loan                                                                                               387,944.54
   Total                                                                          800,973,205.56                                  957,426,330.18

Description of the categories of short-term loan:

The secured borrowings refer to the acceptance bill and letters of credit issued between the affiliates within the scope of consolidation,
and are discounted and listed as a short-term loan at the level of the consolidated statement.

                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Unpaid short-term loans that have been overdue

No unpaid short-term loans that have been overdue at the end of this period

26. Trading financial liabilities

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                       Item                                 Closing Balance                          Opening Balance
   Transactional financial liabilities                                         1,196,685.79                             61,400.12
   Derivative Financial Liabilities                                                                                     61,400.12
   Contingent consideration                                                    1,196,685.79
   Total                                                                       1,196,685.79                             61,400.12

27. Notes payable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                      Types                                 Closing Balance                          Opening Balance
   Commercial acceptance bill                                           1,962,176,059.54                        2,050,859,385.48
   Bank acceptance bill                                                 1,103,287,269.37                        1,245,435,560.78
   Total                                                                3,065,463,328.91                        3,296,294,946.26

28. Accounts payable

(1) Details of accounts payable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                       Item                                 Closing Balance                          Opening Balance
   Payment for purchase of materials                                    5,253,401,908.88                        5,295,784,509.14
   Payment for engineering equipments                                     418,449,841.13                          519,338,686.41
   Total                                                                5,671,851,750.01                        5,815,123,195.55

(2) Significant accounts payable aged over 1 year or overdue

No significant accounts payable aged over 1 year

29. Other payables

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                       Item                                 Closing Balance                          Opening Balance
   Dividends Payable                                                          38,078,985.18                        23,667,047.02
   Other Payables                                                         716,602,240.38                          788,757,099.50
   Total                                                                  754,681,225.56                          812,424,146.52

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(1) Dividends payable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                      Item                                   Closing Balance                              Opening Balance
   Equity Incentive Restricted Stock
                                                                             38,078,985.18                              23,667,047.02
   Total                                                                     38,078,985.18                              23,667,047.02

(2) Other payables

1) Other payables listed by nature of funds

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                      Item                                   Closing Balance                              Opening Balance
   Deposits                                                                 130,873,847.95                             119,727,924.44
   Temporarily borrowed and advance
                                                                            273,017,723.42                            325,491,021.42
   Restricted share repurchase obligations                                  294,909,725.21                            326,740,652.18
   Others                                                                    17,800,943.80                             16,797,501.46
   Total                                                                    716,602,240.38                            788,757,099.50

2) Other significant payables aged over 1 year or overdue

No other significant payables aged over 1 year

30. Contract liabilities

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                      Item                                   Closing Balance                              Opening Balance
   Payments for sales of goods                                              221,406,172.51                            248,523,384.39
   Pre-payments from construction projects                                  435,360,583.43                            606,995,011.21
   Sales of points                                                           32,238,940.04                             40,987,601.52
   Service expense collected in advance                                     330,799,124.78                            298,028,309.92
   Total                                                                  1,019,804,820.76                           1,194,534,307.04

31. Payroll payable

(1) Details of payroll payable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                          Increased in the current     Decreased in the
             Item                Opening Balance                                                                  Closing Balance
                                                                  period                current period
   Ⅰ. Short-term
                                       1,927,465,906.51          3,064,233,026.69            4,068,302,261.22         923,396,671.98
   II. Dimission benefits -
   defined contribution                    4,356,958.15            229,052,411.42             228,095,368.32                5,314,001.25
   III. Dismissal welfare                  2,132,766.46             21,785,138.52               23,917,904.98
   Total                               1,933,955,631.12          3,315,070,576.63            4,320,315,534.52         928,710,673.23

                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Details of short-term remuneration

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                         Increased in the current      Decreased in the
            Item               Opening Balance                                                                    Closing Balance
                                                                 period                 current period
  1. Wages or salaries,
  bonuses, allowances              1,630,694,501.69             2,622,921,940.55             3,653,196,378.95         600,420,063.29
  and subsidies
  2. Staff welfare                                                 54,013,303.33                54,013,303.33
  3. Social insurance
                                          1,774,953.96            129,031,302.23              129,039,761.89                1,766,494.30
                                          1,551,779.16            122,654,625.86              122,546,765.38                1,659,639.64
  Medical insurance
  injury insurance                         222,341.68               5,814,061.83                 5,933,015.86                103,387.65
                                               833.12                 562,614.54                  559,980.65                    3,467.01
  insurance premium
  4. Housing funds                         121,261.43             211,142,866.92              211,203,012.96                   61,115.39
  5. Labor union and
                                     294,875,189.43                47,123,613.66                20,849,804.09         321,148,999.00
  education funds
  Total                            1,927,465,906.51             3,064,233,026.69             4,068,302,261.22         923,396,671.98

(3) Details of defined contribution plans

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                         Increased in the current      Decreased in the
            Item               Opening Balance                                                                    Closing Balance
                                                                 period                 current period
  1. Basic pension
                                          3,951,325.98            218,847,799.91              217,974,822.56                4,824,303.33
  2. Unemployment
                                           405,632.17              10,204,611.51                10,120,545.76                489,697.92
  Total                                   4,356,958.15            229,052,411.42              228,095,368.32                5,314,001.25

32. Taxes and fees payable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                      Item                                  Closing Balance                               Opening Balance
  VAT                                                                      178,326,380.90                             363,245,736.32
  Corporate income tax                                                     113,135,335.69                             762,303,704.91
  Individual income tax                                                     25,625,058.64                               34,441,288.75
  Urban Maintenance and Construction
                                                                              8,474,013.76                              21,936,677.77
  Education surcharges (including local
                                                                              6,060,895.93                              15,669,021.79
  education surcharges)
  House property tax                                                        17,828,601.33                               30,701,891.59
  Stamp Duty                                                                 5,519,357.69                               10,066,368.59
  Others                                                                    12,597,059.04                                5,117,671.36

                                                                          2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Total                                                                          367,566,702.98                              1,243,482,361.08

33. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                         Item                                       Closing Balance                             Opening Balance
  Long-term debt due within one year                                             100,000,000.00                                750,000,000.00
  Lease liabilities due within 1 year                                            138,291,093.19                                116,027,750.99
  Interest payable due within 1 year                                                  60,000.00                                    694,277.76
  Other loans due within 1 year                                                                                                 35,000,000.00
  Total                                                                          238,351,093.19                                901,722,028.75

34. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                         Item                                       Closing Balance                             Opening Balance
  To-be-transferred sales taxes in
                                                                                  29,785,156.20                                 34,104,924.61
  To-be-transferred sales taxes of contract
                                                                                  60,389,129.76                                 81,757,348.46
  Notes not derecognised                                                          25,409,130.30                                 39,320,431.95
  Total                                                                          115,583,416.26                                155,182,705.02

35. Lease liabilities

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                         Item                                       Closing Balance                             Opening Balance
  Lease payments                                                                 292,787,721.32                                313,410,607.81
  Less: Unrecognized financing costs                                              16,825,304.58                                 20,802,807.25
  Less: Lease liabilities due within 1 year                                      138,291,093.19                                116,027,750.99
  Total                                                                          137,671,323.55                                176,580,049.57

36. Estimated Liabilities

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                  Item                            Closing Balance                  Opening Balance                         Causes
  Pending litigation                                       27,186,725.10                     27,829,629.48     Pending litigation
  Others                                                      892,079.16                          469,642.57   Loss-making contract
  Expected after-sales
                                                          183,392,834.23                   178,727,096.75      After-sales maintenance
  maintenance cost
  Expected return amount after
                                                           15,486,016.17                     17,516,258.10     Expected sales return
  the period
  Total                                                   226,957,654.66                   224,542,626.90

37. Deferred income

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
           Item                 Opening Balance        Increased in the       Decreased in the       Closing Balance                Causes

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                     current period         current period
   Government                                                                                                               government
                              151,844,373.02             9,190,000.00            5,739,184.92         155,295,188.10
   subsidies                                                                                                                subsidies related to
   Government                                                                                                               government
                                 14,867,300.02                                   4,955,766.66            9,911,533.36
   subsidies                                                                                                                subsidies related to
   Total                      166,711,673.04             9,190,000.00          10,694,951.58          165,206,721.46

38. Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      Item                                     Closing Balance                                  Opening Balance
   To-be-transferred sales taxes in
                                                                              102,226,881.81                                    119,054,046.66
   Others                                                                      13,372,397.59
   Total                                                                      115,599,279.40                                    119,054,046.66

39. Share capital

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                      Increased or decreased amount in this period (+/-)

                       Opening                                               Shares                                                 Closing
                       Balance        Shares newly                         converted                                                Balance
                                                        Bonus shares                            Others           Subtotal
                                         issued                           from capital
                      3,294,468,99                                                                       -                 -       3,292,334,31
   Total shares
                              0.00                                                            2,134,680.00      2,134,680.00               0.00
Other notes:

According to the decision of the 5th Session of the 8th Board of Directors of the Company held on April 15, 2024 and the amended
Articles of Association and the solution of the 2023 Annual Shareholders' General Meeting of the Company, the Company repurchased
and canceled 2,134,680 Restricted RMB Ordinary Shares (A Shares) that had been granted but not been released to 204 incentive
objects, reduced the registered capital by RMB 2,134,680.00, and the registered capital after the change was reduced to RMB
3,292,334,310.00. The above capital reduction has been verified by Verification Report Xin Kuai Shi Bao Zi [2024] No. ZF11011
issued by BDO China Shu Lun Pan CPAs (special general partnership). The registration filed with Administration for Industry a nd
Commerce was completed in August 2024 by the Company.

40. Capital reserve

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                           Increased in the current          Decreased in the
               Item               Opening Balance                                                                       Closing Balance
                                                                   period                     current period
   Capital premium
   (capital share                     6,702,611,107.02                  1,833,839.60               16,785,624.93               6,687,659,321.69

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Other capital reserves               421,514,889.47               135,709,827.88               30,831,233.98                  526,393,483.37
   Total                               7,124,125,996.49              137,543,667.48               47,616,858.91             7,214,052,805.06

Other notes, including increases or decreases in this period and their reasons:

(1) The amount of employee service that the Company received in exchange by equity payments in this period was RMB
135,251,897.69, increasing capital reserves (other capital reserves) by RMB 133,418,058.09, and (share premium) by RMB
1,833,839.60; the portion of equity-settled share-based payments entitled to minority shareholders was RMB 23,724,480.56, decreasing
capital reserves (other capital reserves) by RMB 23,724,480.56. The income tax impact amount -RMB 7,106,753.42 for the deductible
amount before income tax which exceeds the costs and expenses related to share payments recognized under accounting standards is
recognized to decrease other capital reserves.

(2) In this period, the Company repurchased 2,134,680 restricted shares that had been granted but had not been unlocked by cancellation
of the share incentive subject, reducing the share capital by RMB 2,134,680.00, and reducing the capital reserves (share premium) by
RMB 15,284,308.80.

(3) The impact of changes in other owners' equity of the joint venture that the Company should enjoy under the current equity method
increased other capital reserves by RMB 1,704,423.02.

(4) The total capital reserve (share premium) decreased by RMB 1,501,316.13 in this period, due to the purchase and disposal of
minority shareholders' equity in subsidiaries.

(5) Some employees of the Company indirectly acquired part of the equity of Zhejiang Huanuokang Technology Co., Ltd. controlled
by the actual controller, involving the share-based payment, and the related share-based payments were included in the capital reserve
(other capital reserve) of RMB 587,346.77 as capital investment.

41. Treasury share

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                           Increased in the current        Decreased in the
              Item                Opening Balance                                                                       Closing Balance
                                                                   period                   current period
   Restricted shares                    326,740,652.18                                            31,830,926.97                  294,909,725.21
   Share buyback                        419,959,211.27                                                                           419,959,211.27
   Total                                746,699,863.45                                            31,830,926.97                  714,868,936.48

Other notes, including increases or decreases in this period and their reasons:

(1) In this period, the Company repurchased 2,134,680 shares of the granted but unlocked restricted shares, reducing the share capital
by RMB 2,134,680.00, reducing the capital reserves (share premium) by RMB 15,284,308.80, and reducing the corresponding treasury
stock amount by RMB 17,418,988.80 at the same time.

(2) Due to the reduction in treasury shares and related liabilities as a result of cash dividends distributed to restricted stock holders and
the recovery of cash dividends distributed to departing personnel, the treasury shares decreased by an aggregate amount of RMB

42. Other Comprehensive Incomes

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                           Amount Occurred in the Current Period

                     Opening                          Less:           Less:                                        Attributabl       Closing
       Item                        Before tax                                        Less:        Attributabl
                     Balance                       Recorded        Recorded                                         e to the         Balance
                                   balance in                                     Income tax       e to the
                                                   into other      into other                                       minority
                                   this period                                      expense       Company
                                                  comprehen       comprehen                                       shareholder

                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                     sive          sive                       after tax       s after tax
                                                incomes in     incomes in
                                                  previous       previous
                                                period and     period and
                                                transferred    transferred
                                                  to P/L in    to retained
                                                   current     earnings in
                                                   period        current
  I. Other
                   65,993,020.   7,219,753.9                                                  7,222,390.9                      73,215,411.
  income that                                                                                                   -2,636.94
                            83             7                                                            1                               74
  will be
  into P/L
  ncy              65,993,020.   7,219,753.9                                                  7,222,390.9                      73,215,411.
  conversion                83             7                                                            1                               74
                   65,993,020.   7,219,753.9                                                  7,222,390.9                      73,215,411.
  sive                                                                                                          -2,636.94
                            83             7                                                            1                               74
  income in

43. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                         Increased in the current       Decreased in the
            Item                 Opening Balance                                                                    Closing Balance
                                                                 period                  current period
  Statutory surplus
                                      1,647,234,495.00                                                                 1,647,234,495.00
  Total                               1,647,234,495.00                                                                 1,647,234,495.00

44. Undistributed profits

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                      Item                                    Current Period                                Previous Period
  Undistributed Profit before Adjustment
                                                                        23,334,051,186.55                             17,872,654,791.67
  at the End of Previous Period
  Undistributed Profit after Adjustment at
                                                                        23,334,051,186.55                             17,872,654,791.67
  the Start of the Period
  Add: Net profit attributable to parent
                                                                         1,809,589,445.46                              1,976,018,373.13
  company's owner in current period
  Less: Payable Dividends on Ordinary
                                                                         1,250,916,066.59                                   801,629,761.37
  Add: Common stock dividends
  corresponding to repurchase and                                              1,991,951.67                                   7,662,734.78
  cancellation of restricted stocks

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Undistributed Profit at the End of the
                                                                           23,894,716,517.09                             19,054,706,138.21

45. Operating revenue and operating cost

(1) Operating revenue and operating cost
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                    Amount Occurred in the Current Period                  Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
                                       Income                       Cost                        Income                      Cost
   Main Business                    14,675,102,571.72            8,600,361,651.89             14,469,809,650.17           8,240,387,614.63
   Other businesses                     191,519,998.09             131,063,986.64               163,737,630.47             123,600,285.01
   Total                            14,866,622,569.81            8,731,425,638.53             14,633,547,280.64           8,363,987,899.64

(2) Information related to operating revenue and operating cost (by product)
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                       Amount Occurred in the Current Period
                                                                Income                                            Cost
Smart IoT Products and Solutions                                         12,028,870,893.80                                6,806,823,631.23

Including: Software business                                                 758,033,553.36                                 252,248,321.27

Innovated Businesses                                                       2,461,115,617.88                               1,600,810,667.52

Others                                                                       376,636,058.13                                 323,791,339.78

Total                                                                    14,866,622,569.81                                8,731,425,638.53

(3) Information related to operating revenue and operating cost (by region)
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                       Amount Occurred in the Current Period
                                                                Income                                            Cost
Domestic                                                                   7,381,482,622.15                               4,712,943,582.38
Overseas                                                                   7,485,139,947.66                               4,018,482,056.15

Total                                                                    14,866,622,569.81                                8,731,425,638.53

Information about performance of obligations:

The Company fulfills its performance obligations in a timely manner as agreed in the contract and recognizes the related income when
the customer obtains control of the relevant goods, which is mainly divided into fulfilling the performance obligations at a certain point
in time and fulfilling the performance obligations within a certain period of time.
The Company recognizes income from the sales of goods when control of the goods passes, i.e., when the goods are delivered to the
counterparty's designated location, or to the counterparty's designated carrier, or when they are delivered to the counterparty for
The Company identifies part of the business as a performance obligation to be fulfilled within a certain period of time according to the
nature of the business. The Company shall recognize the income according to the performance progress within that period of time,
except where the performance progress cannot be reasonably recognized. The Company employs the output method or input method
to determine the performance progress. If the performance progress cannot be reasonably recognized and the costs incurred are expected
to be compensated, the income shall be recognized according to the amount of costs incurred until the performance progress ca n be
reasonably recognized.

                                                             2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

46. Taxes and surcharges

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                    Item                     Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
  Urban Maintenance and Construction
                                                                      34,216,090.98                            43,889,100.07
  Education surcharges                                                24,448,111.04                            31,363,812.17
  House property tax                                                  24,162,703.22                            29,761,364.19
  Land usage tax                                                       3,996,864.82                               917,177.94
  Vehicle and vessel use tax                                              15,824.33                                15,510.00
  Stamp Duty                                                          10,090,486.54                             9,103,927.09
  Others                                                               3,198,951.94                             1,132,923.07
  Total                                                              100,129,032.87                           116,183,814.53

47. Administrative expenses

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                    Item                     Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
  Labor cost                                                         310,623,600.96                           340,564,439.76
  Depreciation cost and asset amortization                            75,634,078.38                            94,767,007.12
  Administrative expenses                                             41,738,913.30                            46,095,106.28
  Consumables and service fees                                        14,240,718.82                            12,081,798.50
  Knowledge resource fee                                              35,685,104.17                            49,587,678.01
  Transportation and vehicle expenses                                  1,794,847.11                             1,232,107.90
  Traveling expense                                                    7,459,433.57                             4,803,169.65
  Business entertainment                                               8,780,555.32                             4,945,263.49
  Others                                                              15,524,270.68                            20,643,333.56
  Total                                                              511,481,522.31                           574,719,904.27

48. Sales expenses

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                    Item                     Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
  Labor cost                                                       1,411,604,077.93                         1,377,761,831.04
  After-sales service expense                                        159,829,118.41                           156,571,610.31
  Transportation and vehicle expenses                                 24,464,085.01                            21,706,516.27
  Marketing expense                                                  182,436,171.43                           165,481,310.04
  Administrative expenses                                             79,562,552.00                            71,422,657.28
  Traveling expense                                                  125,947,708.26                           114,091,416.69
  Business entertainment                                             113,613,780.43                            93,645,690.49
  Taxation and insurance expense                                      27,288,783.48                            56,829,765.54
  Communication expense                                               11,837,005.99                            13,263,245.01
  Knowledge resource fee                                              23,119,819.74                            21,686,620.89
  Depreciation cost and asset amortization                            89,988,383.91                            80,806,563.30
  Others                                                              18,545,009.52                            17,352,016.78
  Total                                                            2,268,236,496.11                         2,190,619,243.64

                                                             2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

49. R&D expenses

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                      Item                   Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
  Labor cost                                                       1,678,439,697.04                          1,643,019,116.19
  Research consumables and service fees                               80,309,482.62                             62,150,572.85
  Depreciation cost and asset amortization                            72,770,371.24                             51,399,973.80
  Traveling expense                                                   24,015,489.48                             25,060,775.54
  Administrative expenses                                             18,949,458.84                             14,542,301.96
  Communication expense                                               16,874,102.17                             12,116,451.51
  Others                                                               9,971,559.51                              6,331,523.21
  Total                                                            1,901,330,160.90                         1,814,620,715.06

50. Financial expenses

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                      Item                   Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
  Interest expense                                                    28,989,823.89                            58,636,214.41
  Including: interest expenses on lease
                                                                       6,617,980.91                              7,433,492.47
  Less: Interest Income                                              236,240,691.12                           139,792,759.54
  The profit or loss on foreign exchange                             -53,117,693.40                          -349,111,677.73
  Others                                                              10,556,921.90                             9,815,525.33
  Total                                                             -249,811,638.73                          -420,452,697.53

51. Other incomes

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
           Sources of other incomes          Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
  Government subsidies                                               498,234,879.66                           352,576,310.78
  Input tax credits                                                    5,067,660.66                                74,172.66
  Handling fee for withholding tax of
                                                                       6,894,163.10                              9,911,711.55
  personal income
  Others                                                                  16,150.00                                 8,459.42
  Total                                                              510,212,853.42                           362,570,654.41

52. Income from changes in fair value

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
    Source of the income from changes in
                                             Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
                   fair value
  Trading Financial Assets                                           -61,522,549.01
        Including: gains from changes at
  fair value of derivative financial                                     384,471.06
  Transactional financial liabilities                                  1,845,682.12                              2,138,038.50
  Other Non-current Financial Assets                                -100,305,121.85                           133,060,297.91
  Total                                                             -159,981,988.74                           135,198,336.41

                                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

53. Investment income

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                    Item                       Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
  Long-term equity investment income
                                                                        16,910,626.79                          -154,531,486.76
  measured by equity method
  Investment income from disposal of
                                                                       104,164,254.70                           173,111,849.54
  long-term equity investment
  Investment income from trading
  financial assets during the holding period
  Investment income from disposal of
                                                                        18,218,788.90                            -34,387,624.19
  trading financial assets
  Gain on debt restructuring                                               -70,000.00
  Investment income on other non-current
  financial assets                                                          26,592.41                             2,372,827.09
  during the holding period
  Investment income from national debt
                                                                           308,062.29                               569,386.14
  reverse repurchase
  Profits from recognition termination of
                                                                          -685,702.55                             -1,279,161.94
  financial assets
  Total                                                                140,115,897.54                            -14,144,210.12

54. Credit impairment loss

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                    Item                       Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
  Bad debt losses of notes receivable                                    7,372,316.14                            12,586,037.47
  Bad debt losses of accounts receivable                              -217,728,284.41                          -199,209,805.47
  Bad debt losses of other receivables                                  -5,651,673.92                             -1,966,013.56
  Bad debt losses of long-term receivables                               1,782,633.40
  Total                                                               -214,225,008.79                          -188,589,781.56

55. Asset impairment losses

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                    Item                       Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
  I. Loss from impairment of inventories
                                                                       -56,827,215.84                            -53,883,719.66
  and impairment of performance cost
  II. Impairment losses on contract assets                               1,980,179.61                             2,070,188.91
  Total                                                                -54,847,036.23                            -51,813,530.75

56. Asset disposal income

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
    Sources of the asset disposal income       Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
   Income from disposal of fixed assets                                    647,996.83                             1,395,021.50
   Income from the disposal of right-of-use
                                                                           438,548.26                               367,032.72

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Total                                                                     1,086,545.09                                  1,762,054.22

57. Non-operating revenue

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                          Amount recorded into non-
                                       Amount Occurred in the             Amount Occurred in the
                 Item                                                                                     recurring profit and loss in
                                          Current Period                     Previous Period
                                                                                                                 current period
  Gains and losses of non-
                                                       1,393,292.31                     1,025,738.07                       1,393,292.31
  current asset retirement
  Others                                               5,010,673.16                     6,265,024.42                       5,010,673.16
  Total                                                6,403,965.47                     7,290,762.49                       6,403,965.47

58. Non-operating expenditures

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                          Amount recorded into non-
                                       Amount Occurred in the             Amount Occurred in the
                 Item                                                                                     recurring profit and loss in
                                          Current Period                     Previous Period
                                                                                                                 current period
  Donations                                                478,287.26                        496,915.96                      478,287.26
  Gains and losses of non-
                                                       1,754,193.37                     1,213,612.70                       1,754,193.37
  current asset retirement
  Water conservancy fund                                   286,144.98                     172,476.39
  Others                                                   539,289.89                   2,254,707.67                         539,289.89
  Total                                                3,057,915.50                     4,137,712.72                       2,771,770.52

59. Income tax expense

(1) Income tax expense statement

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                        Item                     Amount Occurred in the Current Period         Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
  Current income tax expense                                              -121,751,030.82                               183,337,096.59
  Deferred income tax expense                                               87,912,569.72                                18,408,214.95
  Total                                                                     -33,838,461.10                              201,745,311.54

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expenses

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                Item                                              Amount Occurred in the Current Period
  Total Profit                                                                                                        1,829,538,670.08
  Income tax expense calculated at statutory/applicable tax rate                                                        274,430,800.51
  Impact by applying different tax rates to subsidiaries                                                                   7,528,496.25
  Impact of income tax before adjustment in this period                                                                -231,125,295.30
  Impact of the non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                                                14,840,446.81
  Impact of additional deduction of the research and development
  Others                                                                                                                153,707,009.45

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Income tax expense                                                                                                    -33,838,461.10

60. Other Comprehensive Incomes

See Note 42 for details

61. Items of Cash Flow Statement

(1) Cash relating to operating activities

Other cash receipts relating to operating activities
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                       Item                            Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
   Interest Income                                                             199,590,797.33                            98,282,325.78
   Government subsidies                                                        496,784,769.49                           435,552,183.85
   Tender and performance guarantee
                                                                                17,649,724.47                            67,899,798.11
   House rent                                                                   43,724,182.75                            11,560,349.57
   Others                                                                       10,316,091.98                             6,930,674.78
   Total                                                                       768,065,566.02                           620,225,332.09

Other cash payments relating to operating activities
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                       Item                            Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
   Administrative expenses                                                     178,852,211.19                           149,122,402.24
   Communication expense                                                        39,942,196.27                            38,779,887.00
   Business entertainment                                                      118,487,887.89                           102,420,881.92
   Traveling expense                                                           164,300,108.89                           149,346,782.15
   Marketing expense                                                           209,186,545.09                           160,316,584.19
   Transportation and vehicle expenses                                          32,067,105.82                            31,419,022.85
   Knowledge resource fee                                                       77,707,893.01                            76,423,481.68
   Research and development consumption
                                                                                40,064,926.81                            42,767,935.93
   and external inspection fee
   Taxation and insurance expense                                               26,894,680.80                            30,195,538.61
   Tender and performance guarantee
                                                                                22,640,806.33                            65,636,480.98
   Incomings and outgoings and advanced
                                                                                34,343,604.95                            20,590,104.91
   Consumables and service fees                                                142,226,682.97                           113,724,030.41
   Others                                                                       24,572,155.78                            12,289,260.58
   Total                                                                     1,111,286,805.80                           993,032,393.45

(2) Cash relating to investing activities

Other cash receipts relating to investing activities
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                       Item                            Amount Occurred in the Current Period    Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
   Receipts of cash from forward exchange
                                                                                10,722,864.17                             2,049,875.81
   Recovered frozen funds relating to the
                                                                                 5,307,995.26                             4,706,596.97

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Net cash paid for acquisition of
   Total                                                                          23,793,990.04                              6,756,472.78

Significant cash receipts relating to investing activities


Other cash payments related to investing activities
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                       Item                           Amount Occurred in the Current Period       Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
   Cash paid for forward exchange
                                                                                     429,000.00                             36,437,500.00
   Paid frozen funds relating to the
                                                                                   4,969,155.52                                520,497.39
   Total                                                                           5,398,155.52                             36,957,997.39

Significant cash payments related to investing activities
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                       Item                           Amount Occurred in the Current Period       Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
   Purchase of large-denomination
   certificates of deposit
   Total                                                                    3,813,937,125.38

(3) Cash relating to financing activities

Other cash receipts related to financing activities


Other cash payments related to financing activities
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                       Item                           Amount Occurred in the Current Period       Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
   Leasing fees paid                                                              75,803,609.32                             91,338,342.56
   Listing fees                                                                      400,000.00                              3,312,739.06
   Cash paid for purchasing minority equity                                       39,396,901.68                              1,300,000.00
   Equity repurchase cash paid                                                    17,418,988.80                            259,451,932.80
   Total                                                                         133,019,499.80                            355,403,014.42

Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                               Increased in the current period         Decreased in the current period
                              Opening                                                                                        Closing
           Item                                Changes in           Non-cash            Changes in         Non-cash
                              Balance                                                                                        Balance
                                                 cash               changes               cash             changes
   Short-term loan       957,426,330.18      919,437,200.00           343,668.00                                4,500.00   800,973,205.56
   Dividends                                                      1,248,924,114.       1,234,512,176.
                          23,667,047.02                                                                                     38,078,985.18
   Payable                                                                    92                   76
   Lease liabilities     176,580,049.57                            55,377,410.90                          94,286,136.92    137,671,323.55
   Liabilities Due       901,722,028.75                            94,286,136.92      757,657,072.48                       238,351,093.19
   within 1 Year
   Other payables        326,740,652.18                                                                   31,830,926.97    294,909,725.21

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  (restricted share
                        2,386,136,107.                             1,398,931,330.      3,068,398,741.                       1,509,984,332.
  Total                                       919,437,200.00                                            126,121,563.89
                                    70                                         74                  86                                   69

62. Supplementary Information on Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplementary information about the Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
           Supplementary information                           Amount of this period                    Amount of Previous Period
  1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash
  flows from operational activities:
    Net Profit                                                               1,863,377,131.18                            2,040,259,661.87
    Add: Provision for Impairment of
                                                                               269,072,045.02                              240,403,312.31
         Depreciation of fixed assets, oil
  and gas assets, productive biological                                        302,933,957.40                              277,966,321.24
           Depreciation of Right-of-use
                                                                                74,358,048.95                               69,601,736.93
           Amortization of Intangible Assets                                    22,159,273.95                               20,234,065.13
         Amortization of long-term
                                                                                33,099,276.14                               28,404,122.13
  deferred expenses
           Losses on disposal of fixed
  assets, intangible assets and other long-                                     -1,086,545.09                                -1,762,054.22
  term assets (mark "-" for incomes)
          Losses on scrapping of fixed
                                                                                    360,901.06                                 187,874.63
  assets (mark "-" for incomes)
         Losses on fair value changes
                                                                               159,981,988.74                             -135,198,336.41
  (mark "-" for incomes)
         Financial expenses (mark "-" for
                                                                               -24,127,869.51                             -290,475,463.32
          Losses on investment (mark "-"
                                                                              -140,871,600.09                               12,865,048.18
  for incomes)
          Decrease on deferred income tax
                                                                                96,812,204.14                               14,362,925.71
  assets (mark "-" for increases)
            Increase on deferred income tax
                                                                                    -70,924.28                                1,049,232.51
  liabilities (mark "-" for decreases)
          Decrease on inventories (mark "-"
                                                                              -400,532,393.69                            1,021,820,363.34
  for increases)
         Decrease on operational
                                                                              -281,980,571.10                             -231,086,828.89
  receivables (mark "-" for increases)
         Increase on operational payables
                                                                            -2,616,509,787.99                            -2,974,085,366.83
  (mark "-" for decreases)
           Others                                                              135,839,244.46                              168,150,131.40
          Net cash flow generated by
                                                                              -507,185,620.71                              262,696,745.71
  operating activities

                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  2. Major investing and financing
  activities that do not involve cash
  receipts and payment:
    Conversion of Debt into Capital
    Convertible corporate bond within 1
    Fixed Assets under Finance Lease
  3. Net changes in cash and cash
    Closing balance of cash                                            9,494,019,608.51                        11,798,049,495.81
    Less: opening balance of cash                                     15,880,659,594.95                         7,878,465,052.63
    Add: closing balance of cash
    Less: opening balance of cash
    Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                                                       -6,386,639,986.44                        3,919,584,443.18

(2) Net cash paid for disposal of subsidiaries in the current period

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
  Cash or cash equivalents paid for disposal of subsidiaries in the
  current period
  Dahua Technology USA Inc.                                                                                        85,260,000.00
  Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on the day
  of loss of control
  Dahua Technology USA Inc.                                                                                        12,081,703.52
  Net cash paid for disposal of subsidiaries                                                                       73,178,296.48

(3) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                     Item                                   Closing Balance                          Opening Balance
  Ⅰ. Cash                                                             9,494,019,608.51                        15,880,659,594.95
  Including: Cash on Hand                                                       2,607.89                                 2,642.58
         Bank deposit for payment at any
                                                                       9,420,985,769.15                        15,806,616,028.36
        Other cash and bank balances for
                                                                          73,031,231.47                            74,040,924.01
  payment at any time
  II. Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents
                                                                       9,494,019,608.51                        15,880,659,594.95
  at the End of the Period

                                                           2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(4) Monetary funds that are not cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                               Reasons for not being cash
                Item            Amount of this period          Amount of Previous Period
                                                                                                  and cash equivalents
  Bid/performance bond                        76,756,725.23                   68,981,082.99   Restricted rights to use
  Frozen funds                                13,262,530.45                    6,862,600.24   Restricted rights to use
  Bank interest receivable                    13,584,252.34                   14,501,836.29   Accrued interest
  Total                                     103,603,508.02                    90,345,519.52

63. Monetary Items in Foreign Currencies

(1) Monetary items in foreign currencies

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                              Closing balance in foreign                                       Closing Balance Converted
                Item                                           Exchange rate for conversion
                                      currencies                                                       into RMB
  Cash and Bank Balances
  Including: USD                            219,736,642.96    7.1268                                        1,566,019,107.05
          EUR                                 37,563,886.09   7.6617                                          287,803,226.06
          HKD                               838,969,431.64    0.9127                                          765,713,610.52
  INR                                    1,101,846,662.52     0.0854                                           94,074,019.96
  AED                                       26,895,070.86     1.9462                                           52,344,262.71
  VND                                  171,697,012,665.00     0.0003                                           48,066,395.70
  Total amount of other
  Accounts receivable
  Including: USD                            495,957,007.33    7.1268                                        3,534,586,399.84
          EUR                               104,532,788.36    7.6617                                          800,898,864.58
          HKD                                  1,159,770.19   0.9127                                             1,058,503.19
  INR                                      5,647,698,141.84   0.0854                                          482,192,019.83
  AED                                         94,097,649.91   1.9462                                          183,136,610.16
  AUD                                         26,593,625.28   4.7650                                          126,718,624.46
  Total amount of other
  Long-term loan
  Including: USD
  Accounts Payable
  Including: USD                            87,042,674.89     7.1268                                          620,335,735.43
  INR                                    1,993,414,018.84     0.0854                                          170,194,707.29
  COP                                   11,998,298,951.47     0.0017                                           20,445,807.27
  HUF                                      223,783,979.50     0.0192                                            4,305,193.91
  EUR                                           489,810.36    7.6617                                            3,752,780.00
  BRL                                        2,832,804.82     1.2955                                            3,669,757.00
  Total amount of other

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Notes on overseas business entities, including that for the important overseas business entities, the
overseas main premises, functional currency and selection basis shall be disclosed. If there are changes on its
functional currency, the causes for the changes shall be disclosed as well.

Applicable □ Not applicable
Since the overseas business entity of the Company, Dahua Technology (HK) Limited, does not have autonomy over its business
activities, which are the extension of the business activities of the Company, constituting the business activities of the Company, RMB
shall be used as its functional currency.

64. Lease

(1) The Company as a lessee

Applicable □ Not applicable
Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities
□ Applicable Not applicable
Simplified rental expenses for short-term leases or low-value asset leases
Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                               Item                                    Amount of this period             Amount of Previous Period

 Interest expenses on lease liabilities                                                6,617,980.91                        7,433,492.47
 Simplified rental expenses for short-term leases included in
                                                                                      35,631,536.76                       28,573,437.84
 the cost of related assets or current profit or loss
 Total cash outflows relating to leases                                             110,875,543.12                       119,911,780.40

Sale and leaseback transaction


(2) The Company as the lessor

As the lessor in operating leases
Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                   Including: Income from the variable
                       Item                                     Rental income                    lease payments that are not included in
                                                                                                             the lease receipts
   House leasing                                                                38,367,515.68
   Equipment leasing                                                            35,946,400.30
   Total                                                                        74,313,915.98

As the lessor in financial leases
□ Applicable Not applicable
Undiscounted lease receipts for each of the next five years
□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(3) Recognition of profits and losses on sales under finance leases as a manufacturer or distributor

□ Applicable Not applicable

VIII. R&D expenditures

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                        Item                      Amount Occurred in the Current Period            Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
   Labor cost                                                                1,678,439,697.04                              1,643,019,116.19
   Research consumables and service fees                                        80,309,482.62                                 62,150,572.85
   Depreciation cost and asset amortization                                     72,770,371.24                                 51,399,973.80
   Traveling expense                                                            24,015,489.48                                 25,060,775.54
   Administrative expenses                                                      18,949,458.84                                 14,542,301.96
   Communication expense                                                        16,874,102.17                                 12,116,451.51
   Others                                                                        9,971,559.51                                  6,331,523.21
   Total                                                                     1,901,330,160.90                              1,814,620,715.06
   Including: Expensive R&D expenditures                                     1,901,330,160.90                              1,814,620,715.06

IX. Changes in the Scope of Consolidation

1. No business consolidation not under common control in the current period

2. No business consolidation under common control during this period

3. Disposal of subsidiaries

Are there any transactions or events that lose control of subsidiaries in the current period?
Yes □No
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                     The                                                    Deter      The
                                                                   differe                                                 minati    amoun
                                                                     nce                    The          The                  on        t of
                                                                   betwee                  book          fair              metho       other
                                                                    n the                 value        value                d and    compr
                                                                    dispos                of the          of                main     ehensi
                                                                       al                remain       remain               assum         ve
                                                          Basis                Propor                           or loss
                          Propor    Dispos                          price                   ing          ing                ptions    incom
              Dispos                                       for                 tion of                            from
                          tion of      al                          and the                equity       equity               of the       e
                 al                                      determ                remain                              re-
                          dispos    metho      Time                 share                 at the       at the                fair    related
   Name        price                                      ining                   ing                           measur
                           als at    d at      point                of the               consoli      consoli               value        to
     of       at time                                      the                  equity                           ement
                            time     time     of loss                 net                 dated        dated                  of      equity
   Subsid      point                                      time                 on the                               of
                            point    point      of                  assets               financi      financi              remain     invest
   iaries     of loss                                     point                day of                           residua
                          of loss   of loss   control               of the                   al           al                 ing      ments
                 of                                      of loss               loss of                               l
                              of       of                          subsidi               statem       statem               equity        in
              control                                       of                 control                           equity
                          control   control                          ary                    ent          ent                at the   subsidi
                                                         control                    .                            at fair
                                                                   enjoye                  level        level              consoli      ary
                                                                     d at                on the       on the                dated    compa
                                                                      the                day of       day of               financi     nies
                                                                   consoli               loss of      loss of                 al        and
                                                                    dated                control      control              statem    transfe
                                                                   financi                                                   ent     rred to
                                                                       al                                                   level     invest

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                   statem                                             on the      ment
                                                                      ent                                             day of      profit
                                                                     level                                            loss of    or loss
                                                                   corres                                             control       or
                                                                   pondin                                                        retaine
                                                                      g to                                                          d
                                                                      the                                                        earnin
                                                                   dispos                                                          gs
                                                                     al of
                                                        g of
   Techn      85,260              Equity     Januar                104,16
                         100.00                         and
   ology      ,000.0              transfe    y 12,                 4,254.
                             %                          compl
   USA             0              r          2024                      70
Is the investment in subsidiaries disposed of step by step through multiple transactions or losing the right of control in the current
□ Yes No

4. Changes in the Scope of Consolidation for Other Reasons

Explanations on the changes in the scope of consolidation caused by other reasons (for example, newly established subsidiaries,
subsidiaries clearing, etc.) and relevant information:

(1) In the current period, the Company founded 11 overseas subsidiaries, including Qingdao Dahua Ruifa Intelligent Internet of Things
Technology Co., Ltd., Shandong Dahua Digital Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd., Fujian Dahua Qingchuang Digital Technology Co.,
DaHua Ideal Tech and accounting firms it controls, and the above subsidiaries were included in the scope of consolidation in the current

(2) The Company's subsidiaries, Yunnan Zhili Technology Co., Ltd. and Wuhu Huajian Technology Co., Ltd. were written off in the
current period and they will be no longer included in the scope of consolidation as of the date of write-off.

                                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

X. Equity in Other Entities

1. Equity in Subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the enterprise group

                                                                                      Shareholding Percentage      Acquisiti
    Name of        Registered    Main Place of       Registered        Business
   Subsidiaries     Capital       Business            Address           Nature         Direct        Indirect      Method
  Dahua                          Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
                  RMB 500                                                                                         Establish
  System                         District,         District,         and                100.00%
                  million                                                                                         ment
  Engineering                    Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
  Dahua           RMB            Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
  Vision          1,306.81       District,         District,         and                100.00%
  Technology      million        Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
  Dahua                          Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
                  RMB 100                                                                                         Establish
  Security                       District,         District,         and                100.00%
                  million                                                                                         ment
  Network                        Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
                                 Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
                  RMB 10                                                                                          Establish
  Dahua Ju'an                    District,         District,         and                 51.00%
                  million                                                                                         ment
                                 Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
  Guangxi                                                            Electronics
                  RMB 66.80      Youjiang          Youjiang                                                       Establish
  Dahua                                                              and                100.00%
                  million        District, Baise   District, Baise                                                ment
  Information                                                        information
                                 Qingxiu           Qingxiu
  Guangxi         RMB 20                                                                                          Establish
                                 District,         District,         Service            100.00%
  Yunlian         million                                                                                         ment
                                 Nanning           Nanning
                                 Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
  Hangzhou        RMB 10                                                                                          Establish
                                 District,         District,         and                 78.00%
  Xiaohua         million                                                                                         ment
                                 Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
                  RMB            Fuyang            Fuyang            Electronics       94.1669%
  Dahua                                                                                                           Establish
                  1,885.80       District,         District,         and
  Zhilian                                                                                  (1)                  ment
                  million        Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
  Dahua                          Fuyang            Fuyang
                  RMB 300                                            &                                            Establish
  investment                     District,         District,                            100.00%
                  million                                            investment                                   ment
  management                     Hangzhou          Hangzhou
                  RMB                                                Electronics
  Guangxi                        Youjiang          Youjiang                                                       Establish
                  109.5429                                           and                 65.00%
  Zhicheng                       District, Baise   District, Baise                                                ment
                  million                                            information
                  RMB            Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics         32.73%
  Hangzhou                                                                                                        Establish
                  77.905182      District,         District,         and
  Huacheng                                                                                (2)                   ment
                  million        Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
  Xinjiang        RMB 60         Shihezi,          Shihezi,                                                       Establish
                                                                     and                                92.00%
  Information     million        Xinjiang          Xinjiang                                                       ment
                  RMB            Binjiang          Binjiang
  HuaRay                                                             n and                                        Establish
                  78.264756      District,         District,                             32.58%
  Technology                                                         application                                  ment
                  million        Hangzhou          Hangzhou
                                 Fuyang            Fuyang            Electronics
  Fuyang          RMB 10                                                                                          Establish
                                 District,         District,         and                 51.00%
  Hua'ao          million                                                                                         ment
                                 Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
                                 Binjiang          Binjiang          Electronics
  Huafei          RMB 50                                                                                          Establish
                                 District,         District,         and                               100.00%
  Intelligent     million                                                                                         ment
                                 Hangzhou          Hangzhou          information
                                 Guanshanhu        Guanshanhu        Electronics
  Guizhou         RMB 22.5                                                                                        Establish
                                 District,         District,         and                100.00%
  Huayi           million                                                                                         ment
                                 Guiyang           Guiyang           information

                                                           2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

               RMB          Qira County,       Qira County,       Electronics
Xinjiang                                                                                                      Establish
               38.2846      Hotan,             Hotan,             and                               97.00%
Zhihe                                                                                                         ment
               million      Xinjiang           Xinjiang           information
Guangxi        RMB 35.80    Wuzhou,            Wuzhou,                                                        Establish
                                                                  and                               90.00%
Huacheng       million      Guangxi            Guangxi                                                        ment
Meitan                                                            Electronics
               RMB 10       Zunyi,             Zunyi,                                                         Establish
Dahua                                                             and                              100.00%
               million      Guizhou            Guizhou                                                        ment
Technology                                                        information
                            New District,      New District,
Inner                       Bai County,        Bai County,        Electronics
               RMB 20                                                                                         Establish
Mongolia                    Chahar Right       Chahar Right       and                               95.00%
               million                                                                                        ment
Zhimeng                     Wing Back          Wing Back          information
                            Banner             Banner
               RMB          Hetian County,     Hetian County,     Electronics
Xinjiang                                                                                                      Establish
               25.6526      Hetian,            Hetian,            and                               97.00%
Zhitian                                                                                                       ment
               million      Xinjiang           Xinjiang           information
                                               Shache County,
               RMB          County,                               Electronics
Xinjiang                                       Kashgar                                                        Establish
               335.5672     Kashgar                               and                              100.00%
Xinzhi                                         District,                                                      ment
               million      District,                             information
               RMB                                                Electronics
Xinjiang                    Kashgar,           Kashgar,                                                       Establish
               37.8413                                            and                              100.00%
Huayue                      Xinjiang           Xinjiang                                                       ment
               million                                            information
Tianjin        RMB 36       Hexi District,     Hexi District,                                                 Establish
                                                                  and                              100.00%
Dahua          million      Tianjin            Tianjin                                                        ment
                            Shuangpai          Shuangpai          Electronics
Dahua          RMB 39.48                                                                                      Establish
                            County,            County,            and                               90.00%
Zhilong        million                                                                                        ment
                            Yongzhou City      Yongzhou City      information
                            Fuyang             Fuyang
                            District,          District,          Electronics
Vision         RMB 10                                                                                         Establish
                            Hangzhou           Hangzhou City,     and               100.00%
Technology     million                                                                                        ment
                            City, Zhejiang     Zhejiang           information
                            Province           Province
                            Fuyang             Fuyang
                            District,          District,          Electronics
Huaxiao        RMB 70                                                                                         Establish
                            Hangzhou           Hangzhou City,     and                51.00%
Technology     million                                                                                        ment
                            City, Zhejiang     Zhejiang           information
                            Province           Province
                            Xi'an City,        Xi'an City,        Electronics
               RMB 989.60                                                                                     Establish
Xi'an Dahua                 Shaanxi            Shaanxi            and               100.00%
               million                                                                                        ment
                            Province           Province           information
                            Wuxi City,         Wuxi City,         Electronics
               RMB 50                                                                                         Establish
Huaruipin                   Jiangsu            Jiangsu            and                51.00%
               million                                                                                        ment
                            Province           Province           information
                            Xicheng            Xicheng            Electronics
Beijing        RMB 10                                                                                         Establish
                            District,          District,          and               100.00%
Huayue         million                                                                                        ment
                            Beijing            Beijing            information
Shanghai       RMB 1        Putuo District,    Putuo District,                                                Establish
                                                                  and               100.00%
Huashang       million      Shanghai           Shanghai                                                       ment
                            Wucheng            Wucheng
               RMB 60       District, Jinhua   District, Jinhua                                               Establish
Dahua Jinzhi                                                      and               100.00%
               million      City, Zhejiang     City, Zhejiang                                                 ment
                            Province           Province
                            Zhoushan City,     Zhoushan City,     Electronics
Zhoushan       RMB 100                                                                                        Establish
                            Zhejiang           Zhejiang           and                58.80%
Operation      million                                                                                        ment
                            Province           Province           information
                            Liuzhou City,      Liuzhou City,
Guangxi                     Guangxi            Guangxi            Electronics
               RMB 100                                                                                        Establish
Dahua                       Zhuang             Zhuang             and               100.00%
               million                                                                                        ment
Technology                  Autonomous         Autonomous         information
                            Region             Region

                                                           2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                             Binjiang         Binjiang           Electronics
                RMB 80                                                                                        Establish
Huayixin                     District,        District,          and                 51.00%
                million                                                                                       ment
                             Hangzhou         Hangzhou           information
                             Binjiang         Binjiang
                RMB 150                                          Automotive                                   Establish
Huaruijie                    District,        District,                              51.00%
                million                                          electronics                                  ment
                             Hangzhou         Hangzhou
                             Longquanyi       Longquanyi         Electronics
Chengdu         RMB 600                                                                                       Establish
                             District,        District,          and                100.00%
Zhilian         million                                                                                       ment
                             Chengdu          Chengdu            information
                             Longquanyi       Longquanyi         Electronics
Chengdu         RMB 554.70                                                                                    Establish
                             District,        District,          and                100.00%
Zhian           million                                                                                       ment
                             Chengdu          Chengdu            information
                             Longquanyi       Longquanyi         Electronics
Chengdu         RMB 50                                                                                        Establish
                             District,        District,          and                100.00%
Zhishu          million                                                                                       ment
                             Chengdu          Chengdu            information
                             Longquanyi       Longquanyi         Electronics
Chengdu         RMB 15                                                                                        Establish
                             District,        District,          and                100.00%
Zhichuang       million                                                                                       ment
                             Chengdu          Chengdu            information
Chengdu                                                          Electronics
                RMB 50       Dayi County,     Dayi County,                                                    Establish
Smart                                                            and                 90.00%
                million      Chengdu          Chengdu                                                         ment
Network                                                          information
Huakong         RMB 50       Wuyi County,     Wuyi County,                                                    Establish
                                                                 and                100.00%
Software        million      Jinhua City      Jinhua City                                                     ment
                             Binjiang         Binjiang           Electronics
Huacheng        RMB 30                                                                                        Establish
                             District,        District,          and                               100.00%
Software        million                                                                                       ment
                             Hangzhou         Hangzhou           information
Henan           RMB 30       Zhengzhou,       Zhengzhou,                                                      Establish
                                                                 and                100.00%
Dahua           million      Henan            Henan                                                           ment
                             Binjiang         Binjiang           Electronics
                RMB 50                                                                                        Establish
Huajian                      District,        District,          and               45.00%(3)
                million                                                                                       ment
                             Hangzhou         Hangzhou           information
Zhengzhou       RMB 30       Zhengzhou,       Zhengzhou,                                                      Establish
                                                                 and                100.00%
Dahua Zhian     million      Henan            Henan                                                           ment
Dahua           RMB 1                                                                                         Establish
                             Singapore        Singapore          and                100.00%
International   million                                                                                       ment
Anhui           RMB 30                                                                                        Establish
                             Hefei, Anhui     Hefei, Anhui       and                100.00%
Zhilian         million                                                                                       ment
Anhui           RMB 30                                                                                        Establish
                             Hefei, Anhui     Hefei, Anhui       and                100.00%
Zhishu          million                                                                                       ment
Changsha        RMB 100      Changsha,        Changsha,                                                       Establish
                                                                 and                100.00%
Dahua           million      Hunan            Hunan                                                           ment
Tianjin         RMB 30       Hexi District,   Hexi District,                                                  Establish
                                                                 and                               100.00%
Huajian         million      Tianjin          Tianjin                                                         ment
                RMB          Xiaoshan         Xiaoshan           Electronics
Zhejiang                                                                                                      Establish
                442.140448   District,        District,          and                 75.11%
Pixfra                                                                                                        ment
                million      Hangzhou         Hangzhou           information
                             Yiwu City,       Yiwu City,         Electronics
                RMB 10                                                                                        Establish
Yiwu Huaxi                   Zhejiang         Zhejiang           and                               100.00%
                million                                                                                       ment
                             Province         Province           information
                             Xiaoshan         Xiaoshan           Electronics
Dahua           RMB 100                                                                                       Establish
                             District,        District,          and                100.00%
Operation       million                                                                                       ment
                             Hangzhou         Hangzhou           information
                             Nanyang City,    Nanyang City,      Electronics
Nanyang         RMB 10                                                                                        Establish
                             Henan            Henan              and                100.00%
Intelligent     million                                                                                       ment
                             Province         Province           information
                             Yibin City,      Yibin City,        Electronics
Yibin           RMB 20                                                                                        Establish
                             Sichuan          Sichuan            and                100.00%
Huahui          million                                                                                       ment
                             Province         Province           information

                                                          2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                             Chengdu City,    Chengdu City,     Electronics
Chengdu        RMB 10                                                                                        Establish
                             Sichuan          Sichuan           and                100.00%
Huazhiwei      million                                                                                       ment
                             Province         Province          information
                             Xi'an City,      Xi'an City,       Electronics
               RMB 20                                                                                        Establish
IMOU Xi'an                   Shaanxi          Shaanxi           and                               100.00%
               million                                                                                       ment
                             Province         Province          information
                             Luoyang City,    Luoyang City,     Electronics
Luoyang        RMB 10                                                                                        Establish
                             Henan            Henan             and                100.00%
Zhiyu          million                                                                                       ment
                             Province         Province          information
                             Binjiang         Binjiang          Electronics
Huaqi          RMB 100                                                                                       Establish
                             District,        District,         and                               100.00%
Intelligence   million                                                                                       ment
                             Hangzhou         Hangzhou          information
                             Chongzhou        Chongzhou         Electronics
Chengdu        RMB 20                                                                                        Establish
                             City, Chengdu    City, Chengdu     and                100.00%
Information    million                                                                                       ment
                             City             City              information
                             Binjiang         Binjiang          Electronics
HJ             RMB 20                                                                                        on not
                             District,        District,         and                               100.00%
Technology     million                                                                                       under
                             Hangzhou         Hangzhou          information
                             Xiaoshan         Xiaoshan          Electronics
Shuhang        RMB 10                                                                                        Establish
                             District,        District,         and                               100.00%
Intelligent    million                                                                                       ment
                             Hangzhou         Hangzhou          information
                             Haizhu           Haizhu            Electronics
               RMB 10                                                                                        Establish
Huaxiyue                     District,        District,         and                100.00%
               million                                                                                       ment
                             Guangzhou        Guangzhou         information
                             Xiaoshan         Xiaoshan
Huajie         RMB 50                                           New energy                                   Establish
                             District,        District,                                           100.00%
Operation      million                                          operations                                   ment
                             Hangzhou         Hangzhou
Qingdao        RMB 7         Qingdao,         Qingdao,                                                       Establish
                                                                and                               100.00%
Ruifa          million       Shandong         Shandong                                                       ment
Shandong                                                        Electronics
               RMB 10        Jinan,           Jinan,                                                         Establish
Digital                                                         and                               100.00%
               million       Shandong         Shandong                                                       ment
Intelligence                                                    information
Fujian         RMB 10        Qingliu          Qingliu                                                        Establish
                                                                and                               100.00%
Qingchuang     million       County, Fujian   County, Fujian                                                 ment
               RMB                                              Electronics
Dahua Hong                                                                                                   Establish
               669.687347    Hong Kong        Hong Kong         and                100.00%
Kong                                                                                                         ment
               million                                          information
Dahua          EUR                                                                                           Establish
                             Netherlands      Netherlands       and                               100.00%
Europe         200,000                                                                                       ment
Dahua          AED 1         United Arab      United Arab                                                    Establish
                                                                and                               100.00%
Middle East    million       Emirates         Emirates                                                       ment
Dahua          MXN 90                                                                                        Establish
                             Mexico           Mexico            and                               100.00%
Mexico         million                                                                                       ment
               CLP 360                                                                                       Establish
Dahua Chile                  Chile            Chile             and                               100.00%
               million                                                                                       ment
               COP                                              Electronics
Dahua                                                                                                        Establish
               4616.709016   Columbia         Columbia          and                               100.00%
Colombia                                                                                                     ment
               million                                          information
Dahua          AUD                                                                                           Establish
                             Australia        Australia         and                               100.00%
Australia      150,000                                                                                       ment
Dahua          USD                                                                                           Establish
                             Singapore        Singapore         and                               100.00%
Singapore      220,000                                                                                       ment
Dahua South    ZAR 5                                                                                         Establish
                             South Africa     South Africa      and                               100.00%
Africa         million                                                                                       ment

                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

               PEN 2.2                                                                                    Establish
Dahua Peru                   Peru          Peru              and                               100.00%
               million                                                                                    ment
               BRL                                           Electronics
Dahua Brazil   41.334811     Brazil        Brazil            and                               100.00%
               million                                       information
Dahua          RUB 30                                                                                     Establish
                             Russia        Russia            and                               100.00%
Russia         million                                                                                    ment
Dahua          CAD                                                                                        Establish
                             Canada        Canada            and                               100.00%
Canada         250,000                                                                                    ment
Dahua                                                                                                     Establish
               USD 10,000    Panama        Panama            and                               100.00%
Panama                                                                                                    ment
Dahua          HUF 303                                                                                    Establish
                             Hungary       Hungary           and                               100.00%
Hungary        million                                                                                    ment
Dahua          PLN 2.2                                                                                    Establish
                             Poland        Poland            and                               100.00%
Poland         million                                                                                    ment
Dahua                                                                                                     Establish
               USD 89,000    Tunisia       Tunisia           and                               100.00%
Tunisia                                                                                                   ment
Dahua          KES 15                                                                                     Establish
                             Kenya         Kenya             and                               100.00%
Kenya          million                                                                                    ment
Dahua UK       GBP 100,000   UK            UK                and                               100.00%
Dahua          BGN                                                                                        Establish
                             Bulgaria      Bulgaria          and                               100.00%
Bulgaria       350,000                                                                                    ment
Dahua          RSD 23                                                                                     Establish
                             Serbia        Serbia            and                               100.00%
Serbia         million                                                                                    ment
Dahua          EUR                                                                                        Establish
                             Germany       Germany           and                               100.00%
Germany        150,000                                                                                    ment
Dahua          MYR 1                                                                                      Establish
                             Malaysia      Malaysia          and                               100.00%
Malaysia       million                                                                                    ment
               KRW 1,500                                                                                  Establish
Dahua Korea                  South Korea   South Korea       and                               100.00%
               million                                                                                    ment
Dahua          IDR 2,600                                                                                  Establish
                             Indonesia     Indonesia         and                               100.00%
Indonesia      million                                                                                    ment
               INR 234                                                                                    Establish
Dahua India                  India         India             and                               100.00%
               million                                                                                    ment
Dahua                                                                                                     Establish
               TRY 840,000   Turkey        Turkey            and                               100.00%
Turkey                                                                                                    ment
               CZK 5.4       Czech         Czech                                                          Establish
Dahua Czech                                                  and                               100.00%
               million       Republic      Republic                                                       ment
               ARS                                           Electronics
Dahua                                                                                                     Establish
               27.288503     Argentina     Argentina         and                               100.00%
Argentina                                                                                                 ment
               million                                       information
               EUR                                                                                        Establish
Dahua Spain                  Spain         Spain             and                               100.00%
               150,000                                                                                    ment
Dahua          KZT 23                                        Electronics                                  Establish
                             Kazakhstan    Kazakhstan                                          100.00%
Kazakhstan     million                                       and                                          ment

                                                         2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua          DKK 1.5                                                                                      Establish
                             Denmark        Denmark            and                               100.00%
Denmark        million                                                                                      ment
Dahua          EUR                                                                                          Establish
                             France         France             and                               100.00%
France         100,000                                                                                      ment
Dahua                                                          Electronics
               HKD 10                                                                                       Establish
Technology                   Hong Kong      Hong Kong          and                100.00%
               million                                                                                      ment
Holdings                                                       information
Dahua          AED                                                                                          Establish
                             Morocco        Morocco            and                               100.00%
Morocco        500,000                                                                                      ment
                                                                                                            on not
Dahua Italy    EUR 12,000    Italy          Italy              and                               100.00%
Dahua                                                                                                       Establish
               UZS 3,200     Uzbekistan     Uzbekistan         and                               100.00%
Uzbekistan                                                                                                  ment
Dahua                                                                                                       Establish
               EUR 10,000    Netherlands    Netherlands        and                               100.00%
Netherlands                                                                                                 ment
Dahua Sri      LKR 48                                                                                       Establish
                             Sri Lanka      Sri Lanka          and                               100.00%
Lanka          million                                                                                      ment
Dahua          PKR 20                                                                                       Establish
                             Pakistan       Pakistan           and                               100.00%
Pakistan       million                                                                                      ment
Dahua New      NZD                                                                                          Establish
                             New Zealand    New Zealand        and                               100.00%
Zealand        300,000                                                                                      ment
Dahua          THB 25                                                                                       Establish
                             Thailand       Thailand           and                                99.98%
Thailand       million                                                                                      ment
Dahua          RON 1                                                                                        Establish
                             Romania        Romania            and                               100.00%
Romania        million                                                                                      ment
Dahua          NGN 10                                                                                       Establish
                             Nigeria        Nigeria            and                               100.00%
Nigeria        million                                                                                      ment
               USD                                                                                          Establish
Dahua Israel                 Israel         Israel             and                               100.00%
               300,000                                                                                      ment
Dahua                                                          Electronics
Mexico         MXN 50,000    Mexico         Mexico             and                               100.00%
Service                                                        information
Huacheng       EUR                                                                                          Establish
                             Netherlands    Netherlands        and                               100.00%
Netherlands    900,000                                                                                      ment
               JPY 6                                                                                        Establish
Dahua Japan                  Japan          Japan              and                               100.00%
               million                                                                                      ment
               QAR 2.184                                                                                    Establish
Dahua Qatar                  Qatar          Qatar              and                               100.00%
               million                                                                                      ment
Huacheng       HKD 12.023                                                                                   Establish
                             Hong Kong      Hong Kong          and                               100.00%
Hong Kong      million                                                                                      ment
Dahua                                                                                                       Establish
               USD 10,000    Panama         Panama             and                               100.00%
Pacific                                                                                                     ment
Dahua Saudi    SAR 500,000   Saudi Arabia   Saudi Arabia       Electronics                       100.00%    Establish

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Arabia                                                                   and                                             ment
   Dahua            BDT 5                                                                                                   Establish
                                     Bangladesh          Bangladesh         and                                   100.00%
   Bengal           million                                                                                                 ment
   IMOU             AUD                                                                                                     Establish
                                     Australia           Australia          and                                   100.00%
   Australia        147,606                                                                                                 ment
                    18,569.6                                                Electronics
   IMOU                                                                                                                     Establish
                    million          Vietnam             Vietnam            and                                   100.00%
   Vietnam                                                                                                                  ment
                    (USD                                                    information
   HuaRay           USD                                                                                                     Establish
                                     Singapore           Singapore          and                                   100.00%
   Singapore        100,000                                                                                                 ment
   HuaRay           KRW 100                                                                                                 Establish
                                     South Korea         South Korea        and                                   100.00%
   KOREA            million                                                                                                 ment
   HuaRay                                                                                                                   Establish
                    EUR 25,000       Germany             Germany            and                                   100.00%
   GERMANY                                                                                                                  ment
   Dahua            EUR                                                                                                     Establish
                                     Belgium             Belgium            and                                   100.00%
   Belgium Co.      100,000                                                                                                 ment
   Dahua Saudi                                                                                                              Establish
                    SAR 10,000       Saudi Arabia        Saudi Arabia       and                                   100.00%
   Arabia Co.                                                                                                               ment
   Dahua                                                                    Electronics
                    USD                                                                                                     Establish
   Argentina                         Azerbaijan          Azerbaijan         and                                   100.00%
                    100,000                                                                                                 ment
   Co.                                                                      information
   Dahua                                                                    Electronics
                    VND 2,363.6                                                                                             Establish
   Vietnam Co.,                      Vietnam             Vietnam            and                                   100.00%
                    million                                                                                                 ment
   Ltd.                                                                     information
                    AOA                                                     Electronics
   Dahua                                                                                                                    Establish
                    176.303          Angola              Angola             and                                   100.00%
   Angola                                                                                                                   ment
                    million                                                 information
   TEKNOLO                                                                  Electronics
                    IDR 10                                                                                                  Establish
   GI                                Indonesia           Indonesia          and                                   100.00%
                    billion                                                                                                 ment
   INDONESI                                                                 information
   INDONESIA        IDR 10                                                                                                  Establish
                                     Indonesia           Indonesia          and                                   100.00%
   SENANTIA         billion                                                                                                 ment
   Hirige                                                                                                                   Establish
                    MYR 2,000        Malaysia            Malaysia           and                                   100.00%
   MaLaysia                                                                                                                 ment
                    USD                                                                                                     Establish
   Dahua Egypt                       Egypt               Egypt              and                                   100.00%
                    100,000                                                                                                 ment
   DAHUA            AED                                                                                                     Establish
                                     Abu Dhabi           Abu Dhabi          and                                   100.00%
   Abu Dhabi        100,000                                                                                                 ment
Explanations on the fact that the proportion of the shares held by a subsidiary differs from that of voting rights:

(1) Based on the industrial and commercial registration data, the CDB Development Fund holds equity in Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co.,
Ltd. According to the cooperation agreement between the Company and CDB Development Fund, CDB Development Fund shall not
appoint senior management personnel, such as directors and supervisors, to Dahua Zhilian; regarding its investment, the Company
shall pay an annual investment profit of 1.2% to CDB Development Fund through dividends, repurchase premiums, etc. In additio n,
the Company shall redeem the CDB Development Fund's equity in Dahua Zhilian period by period from 2022 to 2024. The Company
effectively holds 100% voting rights and equity in Dahua Zhilian.

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) The Company directly holds 32.7321% equity in Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., and as agreed upon, Ningbo
Huayu Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) grants 31.0505% of its voting rights to the Company. The Compan y
effectively holds 63.7826% of the voting rights in Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., which constitutes working
control so as to incorporate it into the scope of consolidation.
(3) The Company directly holds 45% equity in Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd., and as agreed upon, Ningbo Hualing Venture
Capital Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) grants 35% of its voting rights to the Company. The Company effectively holds
80% of the voting rights in Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd., which constitutes working control so as to incorporate it into the
scope of consolidation.

Basis for holding half or less of the voting rights but still controlling the investee, and holding more than half of the voting rights but
not controlling the investee:

As of June 2024, the Company held 32.58% equity in Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. and the Company was the largest
shareholder of HuaRay Technology. The remaining shareholders had a low and dispersed shareholding ratio, therefore, was
incorporated into the scope of consolidation.

2. The transactions that lead to changes in the shareholder's equity in the subsidiaries while still has working
control over the subsidiary

(1) Explanation of the changes in the shareholder's equity in the subsidiaries

1) In January 2024, the Company acquired 25% equity in Zhejiang Dahua Investment Management Co., Ltd. held by Zhejiang Huashi
Investment Management Co., Ltd. for a consideration of RMB 23.109 million, and the Company's shareholding in Dahua Investment
Management Co. increased from 75% to 100% after the acquisition, and Dahua Investment Management Co. became a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company.
2) In February 2024, the Company transferred 60.50% equity in Huafei Intelligence to its subsidiary Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co.,
Ltd. for a consideration of RMB 42.9098 million, and at the same time, Huafei Intelligence’s original minority shareholder Ningbo
Hualing Venture Capital Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) transferred 39.5% equity in Huafei Intelligence to Zhejiang
Huajian for a consideration of RMB 28.0155 million. After that, Huafei Intelligence became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhejiang
Huajian. The Company holds 45% equity in Zhejiang Huajian, with the voting right of 80%, so Company's shareholding in Huafei
Intelligence has changed from 60.50% to 45%, and Huafei Intelligence remains a subsidiary of the Company and is incorporated into
the scope of consolidation.

(2) The effect of the transactions on the equity of the minority shareholders and the shareholder's equity attributable to the
parent company

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                        Dahua investment management                         Huafei Intelligent
   Purchase cost/Disposal consideration                                        23,109,000.00                                 28,015,493.50
   -- Cash                                                                     23,109,000.00                                 28,015,493.50
   -- Fair value of non-cash assets
   Purchase cost/ Total disposal
                                                                               23,109,000.00                                 28,015,493.50
   Less: the share of net assets of the
   subsidiary calculated based on the ratio                                    23,226,187.37                                 26,396,990.00
   of equity obtained/disposed
   Difference                                                                    -117,187.37                                     1,618,503.50

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Including: adjust the capital reserve                                         117,187.37                                -1,618,503.50
           Adjusted surplus reserve
           Adjusted undistributed profits

3. Equity in joint venture arrangements or affiliates

(1) Financial Summary of Non-essential Joint Ventures and Affiliates

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                Closing balance / amount occurred in the      Opening balance / amount occurred in
                                                             current period                           the previous period
   Joint ventures:
   The total count of the following items
   based on the shareholding ratios
   Total book value of investments                                          731,631,231.34                               727,453,629.75
   The total count of the following items
   based on the shareholding ratios
   --Net profit                                                               16,910,626.79                              -154,531,486.76
   --Other comprehensive income                                               -4,166,343.69                                 9,366,194.55
   --Total comprehensive income                                               12,744,283.10                              -145,165,292.21

XI. Government Subsidies

1. Government grants recognized as accounts receivable at the end of the reporting period

□ Applicable Not applicable
Reasons for failure to receive the estimated amount of government subsidy at the estimated time point
□ Applicable Not applicable

2. Projects related to government subsidies

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                           Amounts        Other
                                      The amount      recorded as
                                                                        transferred to   changes                            Related to
   Accountin           Opening           of new            non-
                                                                        other gains in    in the    Closing Balance        assets/earnin
   g Accounts          Balance        subsidies in      operating
                                                                          the current    current                                gs
                                       this period     revenue in
                                                                            period        period
                                                       this period
   Deferred                                                                                                               Related to
                     151,844,373.02    9,190,000.00                      5,739,184.92                   155,295,188.10
   Income                                                                                                                 assets
   Deferred                                                                                                               Related to
                      14,867,300.02                                      4,955,766.66                     9,911,533.36
   Income                                                                                                                 income

                                                                         2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

3. Government subsidies recorded into current profits and losses

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
              Accounting Accounts                    Amount Occurred in the Current Period            Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
   Other Incomes                                                                  498,234,879.66                                   352,576,310.78

XII. Risks Relating to Financial Instruments

1. Various risks arising from financial instruments

In the business operation, the Company is facing with various financial risks: credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk (including
exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risks).

The overall objective of the Company's risk management is to formulate risk management policies that can minimize risks without
affecting the Company's competitiveness and adaptability to changes too much.

(I) Credit Risk

The credit risk refers to the risk of financial loss to the Company as a result of a counterparty's failure to fulfill its contractual obligations.
The Company is mainly facing with the customer credit risk arising from sales on account. Before signing a new contract, the Company
will assess the new customer's credit risk, including external credit rating and the credibility letter from a bank under some
circumstances (if such information is available). The Company has set a credit limit for sales on account for each customer. Such limit
shall be the maximum amount with no additional approval needed.

The Company ensures that the overall credit risk is within the controllable range through quarterly monitoring of credit ratings of
existing customers, and monthly review of aging analysis on accounts receivable. When monitoring customers' credit risk, the Company
groups them according to their credit characteristics. Customers rated as "high risk" will be placed on the restricted customer list. The
Company can provide them with O/A in the future period only when additional approval is obtained. Otherwise they must make
relevant payment in advance.

For overseas customers, the Company mainly uses wire transfer as a payment method. According to the credit evaluation of each
customer, the Company gives different credit lines and credit account periods, and agrees on the payment method and account period
in the commodity procurement contract between the two parties. After the sales of products, the Company has a dedicated person
responsible for tracking, reconciliation, and payment reminding. In addition, the Company introduced export credit insurance to ensure
that the return risk from overseas customers is within controllable range.

(II) Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk refers to the risk of a shortage of funds when an enterprise fulfills its obligation of settlement by cash or other financial

The Company's policy is to ensure that there is sufficient cash to repay the liabilities due. The liquidity risk is under the concentrated
control of the Company's Financial Department. Through monitoring the balance of cash and securities cashable at any time and rolling

                                                                          2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  forecasting the cash flow in the next 12 months, the Financial Department ensures that the Company has sufficient funds to re pay its
  debts under all reasonable predictions.

  The financial liabilities of the Company are listed as follows based on the undiscounted contractual cash flow:
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                             June 30, 2024
                                      Within 1 year                        1 years or above                         Total
       Short-term loan                             800,973,205.56                                                             800,973,205.56
       Notes Payable                             3,065,463,328.91                                                            3,065,463,328.91
                                                 5,671,851,750.01                                                            5,671,851,750.01
       Other Payables                              754,681,225.56                                                             754,681,225.56
       Liabilities Due                           247,922,156.90                                                               247,922,156.90
       within 1 Year
       Lease liabilities                                                       145,525,564.42                                 145,525,564.42
       Total                                  10,540,891,666.94                145,525,564.42                               10,686,417,231.36

                                                                          December 31, 2023
                                      Within 1 year                        1 years or above                         Total
       Short-term loan                           961,559,707.96                                                               961,559,707.96
       Notes Payable                             3,296,294,946.26                                                            3,296,294,946.26
                                                 5,815,123,195.55                                                            5,815,123,195.55
       Other Payables                              812,424,146.52                                                             812,424,146.52
       Liabilities Due                             924,321,195.99                                                             924,321,195.99
       within 1 Year
       Lease liabilities                                                       187,049,189.60                                  187,049,189.60
       Total                                 11,809,723,192.28                 187,049,189.60                               11,996,772,381.88
  (III) Market Risk
  The market risk of financial instruments refers to the risk of fluctuation at fair value of financial instruments or future cash flows with
  the change of market prices, including exchange rate risks, interest rate risks and other price risks.
  1. Interest rate risk
  The interest rate risk refers to the risk in which the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments changes due to the change of
  market interest rate. The interest rate risk faced with by the Company is mainly from bank loans. The Company's assets and liabilit ies
  relating to interest rate are respectively bank deposits and short-term loans, whose interest rate risk is low.
  2. Exchange rate risk
  The exchange rate risk refers to the risk in which the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments changes due to the change
  of foreign exchange rate. The Company will try its best to match the revenues with the expenses in foreign currency, to lower the
  exchange rate risk. In addition, the Company may also sign forward foreign exchange contracts or currency swap contracts to avoid
  exchange rate risks.
  The exchange rate risk faced with by the Company is mainly from financial assets and liabilities in USD. The amounts of assets and
  liabilities in foreign currencies and converted into RMB are listed as below:
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                  Closing Balance                                                          Opening Balance
Item                                Other foreign                                                           Other foreign
                     USD                                          Total                  USD                                            Total
                                     currencies                                                              currencies

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Cash and        1,566,019,107.05      1,484,043,096.15      3,050,062,203.20     1,211,603,667.27      3,821,528,161.46         5,033,131,828.73
Accounts        3,534,586,399.84      2,225,832,262.93      5,760,418,662.77     3,780,152,844.06      2,615,801,053.40         6,395,953,897.46
Accounts          620,335,735.43        208,904,480.93       829,240,216.36          734,434,093.99        242,813,777.12         977,247,871.11
Total           5,720,941,242.32      3,918,779,840.01      9,639,721,082.33     5,726,190,605.32      6,680,142,991.98        12,406,333,597.30

      2. Financial Assets

      (1) Classification of transfer methods

      Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                     Nature of financial       Amount of financial                                 Basis for derecognition
             Transfer methods                                                                Derecognition
                                     assets transferred         assets transferred                                        judgment
                                                                                                                  The notes receivable
                                                                                                                  are not derecognised as
                                                                                                                  the bankers'
                                                                                                                  acceptances and
                                                                                                                  acceptances are
                                                                                                                  accepted by banks with
                                   Bank acceptance bills
                                                                                                                  low credit ratings or by
                                   and commercial
         Endorsement or                                                                                           enterprises, the
                                   acceptance bills that               25,409,130.30    Not derecognised
         discount                                                                                                 recourse to endorsed or
                                   have not yet matured
                                                                                                                  discounted bills of
                                   among notes receivable
                                                                                                                  exchange is not
                                                                                                                  affected, and the credit
                                                                                                                  risk and the risk of
                                                                                                                  delayed payment
                                                                                                                  related to the notes
                                                                                                                  have not been
                                                                                                                  It can be judged that
                                                                                                                  the major risks and
                                                                                                                  rewards of ownership
                                                                                                                  of the notes have been
                                                                                                                  transferred and the
                                                                                                                  notes are derecognised
                                                                                                                  since the bankers'
                                                                                                                  acceptances in the
                                   Banker’s acceptance                                                           receivables financing
         Endorsement or
                                   not yet due in                      44,106,306.89    Derecognised              are accepted by banks
                                   receivables financing.                                                         with high credit
                                                                                                                  ratings, the credit risk
                                                                                                                  and risk of delayed
                                                                                                                  payment are minimal,
                                                                                                                  and the interest rate
                                                                                                                  risk relating to the
                                                                                                                  notes title has been
                                                                                                                  transferred to the

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                      According to the
                                                                                                                      accounts receivable
                                                                                                                      factoring agreement
                                                                                                                      with recourse, the main
   Discounting or              Accounts receivable
                                                                            973,205.56    Not derecognised            risks and rewards of
   factoring                   not yet due
                                                                                                                      the title have not been
                                                                                                                      transferred, so the
                                                                                                                      accounts receivable are
                                                                                                                      not derecognised.
                                                                                                                      For the accounts
                                                                                                                      receivable transferred
                                                                                                                      under accounts
                                                                                                                      receivable factoring
                                                                                                                      agreement without
   Discounting or              Accounts receivable
                                                                       66,650,967.39      Derecognised                recourse, the main risks
   factoring                   not yet due
                                                                                                                      and rewards of the title
                                                                                                                      have been transferred,
                                                                                                                      so the accounts
                                                                                                                      receivable are
            Total                                                     137,139,610.14

(2) Financial assets derecognised due to transfers

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                         Transfer ways of financial           Amount of financial assets          Gains or losses relating to
                                                  assets                           derecognised                         derecognition
   Banker’s acceptance not yet
                                       Endorsement/discount                                  44,106,306.89
   due in receivables financing.
                                       Factoring of accounts
   Accounts receivable                                                                       66,650,967.39                         -685,702.55
                Total                                                                       110,757,274.28                         -685,702.55

(3) Assets and transferred financial assets that the Company keeps recourse or retains part of corresponding rights or interests

□ Applicable Not applicable

XIII. Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Fair values of the assets and liabilities at the end of the period

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                            Fair values at period-end

            Item                       First level                Second level                 Third level
                                   measurement at fair         measurement at fair          measurement at fair                 Total
                                          value                      value                        value
   I. Constant
   measurement at fair                     --                          --                               --                        --
   (I) Trading Financial                 369,806,680.00                     384,471.06                                         370,191,151.06

                                            2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

1. Financial assets at
fair value through
                           369,806,680.00       384,471.06                                  370,191,151.06
profit or loss in this
(1) Investment in debt
(2) Investment in
                           369,806,680.00                                                   369,806,680.00
equity instrument
(3) Derivative
                                                384,471.06                                      384,471.06
Financial Assets
2. Financial assets at
fair value through
profit or loss in this
(1) Investment in debt
(2) Investment in
equity instrument
(II) Investment in
Other Creditor's Rights
(III) Investment in
Other Equity
(IV) Investment
1. Land use rights for
2. Buildings for rent
3. Land use rights held
and intended to be
transferred after
(V) Biological Assets
1. Consumable
biological assets
2. Productive
biological assets
(VI) Receivables
                                            685,382,779.93                                  685,382,779.93
(VII) Other Non-
current Financial                           961,583,353.80           46,844,731.16        1,008,428,084.96
 1. Financial assets at
fair value through
                                            961,583,353.80           46,844,731.16        1,008,428,084.96
profit or loss in this
  (1) Investment in debt
 (2) Investment in
                                                                     46,844,731.16           46,844,731.16
equity instrument

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

    (3) Derivative
   Financial Assets
    (4) Others                                                    961,583,353.80                                        961,583,353.80
     2. Financial assets
   that are designated to
   be measured at fair
   value through profit or
   loss in this period
     (1) Investment in debt
    (2) Others
   Total assets constantly
                                       369,806,680.00           1,647,350,604.79              46,844,731.16           2,064,002,015.95
   measured at fair value
   (VIII) Transactional
                                                                                                1,196,685.79               1,196,685.79
   financial liabilities
   Including: Trading
   bonds issued
   Financial Liabilities
           Others                                                                               1,196,685.79               1,196,685.79
   (IX) Financial assets
   that are designated to
   be measured at fair
   value through profit or
   loss in this period
   Total amount of
   liabilities constantly
                                                                                                1,196,685.79               1,196,685.79
   measured at their fair
   II. Non-continuous fair
                                         --                         --                         --                         --
   value measurement
   (I) Holding assets for
   Total assets not
   constantly measured at
   fair value
   Total liabilities not
   constantly measured at
   fair value

2. Basis for determining the market value of continuous and non-continuous third-level fair value
measurement items

The company determines the fair value based on the unadjusted quoted prices of the same assets or liabilities that are available at the
measurement date in the active market.

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

3. For the continuous and non-continuous second-level fair value measurement items, the valuation
techniques adopted and the qualitative and quantitative information of important parameters

The fair value of the derivative financial assets/derivative financial liabilities is measured and recognized with reference to different
parameters determined by the financial institutions on the basis of the market conditions then existing as well as the remaining term
and transaction term of such transaction.
Due to the short remaining term of the receivables financing, the book value is close to the fair value, and the nominal amount is used
as the fair value.
Other non-current financial assets are valued on the basis of quotations provided by financial institutions.

4. For the continuous and non-continuous third-level fair value measurement items, the valuation techniques
adopted and the qualitative and quantitative information of important parameters

Evaluate the value and net book assets based on the income method and asset-based method.

5. The fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value

The fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities measured by the Company at amortized cost is equivalent to the book value.

XIV. Related Parties and Related-party Transactions

1. The Company's Parent Company

                                                                                                     Shareholding ratio      Proportion of
     Name of parent               Registered                                            Registered
                                                          Business Nature                              of the parent      voting rights of the
       company                     Address                                               Capital
                                                                                                         company           parent company
                                                    Controlling shareholders
   Fu Liquan                                                                                                    31.08%                31.27%
                                                    and actual controller
   Chen Ailing                                      Actual controller                                            2.16%                 2.18%
The final controllers of the Company are Mr. Fu Liquan and Ms. Chen Ailing.

2. Information about the Company's subsidiaries

For details of subsidiaries of the Company, see Note "X. Equities in other entities".

3. Information about the Company's joint ventures and affiliates

For details of important associates or joint ventures of the Company, see Note "X. Equities in other entities".
Here is the information about other joint ventures and affiliates that have related-party transactions with the Company in the current
period or have balance from related-party transactions with the Company in the previous period:

                     Names of joint ventures and affiliates                                    Relationship with the Company
   Intelbras S.A.                                                           Affiliate
   Guangdong Zhishi Digital Technology Co., Ltd.                            Affiliate
   Ruicity Digital Technology Co., Ltd. And its subsidiaries                Affiliate
   Dezhou Shuzhi Information Technology Co., Ltd.                           Affiliate
   Zhejiang Huachuang Vision Technology Co., Ltd.                           Affiliate
   Ningbo Cida Yongshun Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.                    Affiliate
   Guangxi FTZ Huaqin Wisdom Park Technology Research                       Affiliate

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Institute Co., Ltd.

4. Information about other related parties

                       Names of other related parties                     Relationship between the Company and other related parties
   Zhejiang Huanuokang Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries         Enterprise controlled by the actual controller
   Huayan Capital (Hangzhou) Private Equity Fund Management
                                                                         Enterprise controlled by the actual controller
   Co., Ltd.
   Zhejiang Hyxi Technology Co., Ltd.                                    Enterprise controlled by the actual controller
   Ningbo Hualing Venture Capital Investment Partnership
                                                                         Enterprise controlled by the actual controller
   (Limited Partnership)
   Zhejiang Lancable Technology Co., Ltd.                                Enterprises where the actual controller has significant influence
   Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates
                                                                         Enterprises where the actual controller has significant influence
   (Note 1)
   China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. and its
                                                                         Shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares
   Beijing Haitian Ruisheng Science Technology Ltd.                   Enterprises where the Company’s supervisors serve as directors
   Company A and other companies under its control                    Related parties
                                                                      Enterprises significantly influenced by the major shareholder of
  Hangzhou Vision Robot Technology Co., Ltd. (Note 2)
                                                                      the Company
                                                                      Enterprises controlled by the major shareholder of the
  Hangzhou Xintu Technology Co., Ltd. (Note 2)
Note 1: "Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates" includes a total of eight companies that have related transactions
with the Company, namely Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology Co., Ltd., Leapmotor Automobile Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Leapmotor
Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd., Jinhua Leapmotor New Energy Automotive Parts Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing Lingdi
Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd., Jinhua Lingsheng Technology Co., Ltd.,Zhejiang Lingsheng Technology Co., Ltd., and Lingxiao
Energy Technology (Wuyi) Co., Ltd.
Note 2: Hangzhou Vision Robot Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Xintu Technology Co., Ltd. ended the affiliated relationship in
April 2024.

5. Information about related-party transactions

(1) Related-party transactions involving purchase and selling of merchandise and provision and acceptance
of labor services

Merchandise purchase and acceptance of labor services

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                              Content of the       Amount Occurred                                   Over the             Amount Occurred
     Related parties          related - party       in the Current                              transaction limit or       in the Previous
                                                                          transaction limit
                                transaction             Period                                          not                     Period
   Company A and
                            Purchase of
   other companies                                      165,464,165.81                          No                            87,944,986.38
   under its control
   China Mobile             Material
   Communications           procurement,
                                                         29,810,955.52                          No                            26,348,234.68
   Group Co., Ltd.          acceptance of
   and its affiliates       services
   Huachuang Vision         Purchase of
                                                         19,013,656.35                          No                            49,224,850.97
   Technology Co.,          materials
   Ruicity Digital          Purchase of                   8,517,077.21                          No

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Technology Co.,        materials
   Ltd. And its
   Technology Co.,                                       2,849,413.00                        No                           44,520.00
                          acceptance of
   Ltd. and its
   Technology Co.,                                         639,822.86                        No                           98,230.08
                          acceptance of
   Ltd. and its
   Beijing Haitian
                          Acceptance of
   Ruisheng Science                                          80,371.70                       No
   Technology Ltd.
   Hangzhou Vision
   Robot Technology                                          13,301.89                       No                          114,093.70
                          acceptance of
   Co., Ltd.
   Zhejiang Lancable
                          Purchase of
   Technology Co.,                                            1,061.95                       No
Sales of merchandise and provision of services

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                        Content of the related - party     Amount Occurred in the        Amount Occurred in the
           Related parties
                                                transaction                   Current Period                Previous Period
   Intelbras S.A.                     Sales of merchandise                            143,079,215.80                 446,779,132.82
   Zhejiang Leapmotor
                                      Sales of merchandise and
   Technology Co., Ltd. and its                                                       126,434,708.54                 120,340,837.10
                                      provision of services
   China Mobile
                                      Sales of merchandise and
   Communications Group Co.,                                                            86,084,408.42                102,813,489.29
                                      provision of services
   Ltd. and its affiliates
   Ruicity Digital Technology
                                      Sales of merchandise                               5,920,590.17                  8,946,222.30
   Co., Ltd. And its subsidiaries
   Dezhou Shuzhi Information          Sales of merchandise and
                                                                                         5,488,111.52                  2,199,876.10
   Technology Co., Ltd.               provision of services
   Ningbo Cida Yongshun
                                      Sales of merchandise and
   Intelligent Technology Co.,                                                           2,167,340.82                  7,655,090.67
                                      provision of services
   Guangdong Zhishi Digital
                                      Sales of merchandise                                891,772.36                   1,839,830.02
   Technology Co., Ltd.
   Zhejiang Huanuokang
   Technology Co., Ltd. and its       Sales of merchandise                                400,278.51                     549,768.52
   Zhejiang Huachuang Vision          Sales of merchandise and
                                                                                          380,435.50                   3,007,439.49
   Technology Co., Ltd.               provision of services
   Guangxi FTZ Huaqin
   Wisdom Park Technology             Sales of merchandise                                386,548.68                      63,004.88
   Research Institute Co., Ltd.
   Zhejiang Hyxi Technology
                                      Sales of merchandise                                 47,478.63
   Co., Ltd.
   Hangzhou Xintu Technology          Sales of merchandise and
                                                                                             1,362.74                      3,066.44
   Co., Ltd.                          provision of services

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Zhejiang Lancable
                                   Sales of merchandise                                        -10,619.47                           20,300.89
  Technology Co., Ltd.
  Company A and other
                                   Sales of merchandise                                                                             17,638.82
  companies under its control
  Hangzhou Vision Robot
                                   Sales of merchandise                                                                              4,513.28
  Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Related leasing

The Company being the lessor:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                          Rental income confirmed in          Rental income confirmed in
        Name of the lessee           Type of the leased assets
                                                                                   this period                    the previous period
  Zhejiang Huanuokang
  Technology Co., Ltd. and its     Buildings and constructions                                 876,922.77                          901,966.90
  Zhejiang Hyxi Technology
                                   Buildings and constructions                                 818,706.26
  Co., Ltd.
  Zhejiang Leapmotor
  Technology Co., Ltd. and its     Buildings and constructions                                 134,487.97                          134,487.98
  Huayan Capital (Hangzhou)
  Private Equity Fund              Buildings and constructions                                  46,467.27                           52,702.78
  Management Co., Ltd.
  Zhejiang Huachuang Vision
                                   Buildings and constructions                                  10,045.86                           10,045.87
  Technology Co., Ltd.
The Company being the lessee:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                         Simplified rental       Variable lease
                        expenses for short-      payments not
                                                                                                 Interest expense on
                          term leases and       included in the                                                         Increased right-of-
                                                                              Rent paid             lease liabilities
                         low-value asset       measurement of                                                               use assets
              Type of         leases (if      lease liabilities (if
   Name                      applicable)          applicable)
   of the
               leased   Amoun       Amoun     Amoun        Amoun         Amoun       Amoun       Amoun       Amoun      Amoun         Amoun
               assets       t          t          t           t              t          t            t          t           t            t
                        Occurre    Occurre    Occurre     Occurre        Occurre    Occurre      Occurre    Occurre     Occurre      Occurre
                        d in the   d in the   d in the    d in the       d in the   d in the     d in the   d in the    d in the     d in the
                        Current    Previou    Current     Previou        Current    Previou      Current    Previou     Current      Previou
                        Period     s Period   Period      s Period       Period     s Period     Period     s Period    Period       s Period
              ery and                                                     1,034,9    1,034,9     109,364     122,357
              equipm                                                        15.00      15.00         .41         .01
  and its

                                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(3) Related guarantee

The Company being the guarantor:

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                        Guarantee fulfilled
 Secured parties          Amount guaranteed         Starting date            Maturity date
                                                                                                        completely or not
                                                                             From the start of the
                                                                             guarantee period to
                                                                             three years after the
 Zhengzhou Dahua                                                             maturity date of each
 Zhian Information                  50,000,000.00   June 25, 2023            note discounted by the     Yes
 Technology Co., Ltd.                                                        Hangzhou Branch of
                                                                             China Merchants Bank
                                                                             within    the    credit
                                                                             extension period
 Zhengzhou Dahua
 Zhian Information                  30,000,000.00   August 25, 2022          August 25, 2025            No
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Huayixin
                                                                             Three years after the
 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                     2,000,000.00   May 16, 2022             maturity of the debts in   Yes
 (guarantee currency is
                                                                             the master contract
 US dollar)
                                                                             Three years after the
 Zhejiang Huayixin
                                    10,000,000.00   April 29, 2022           maturity of the debts in   No
 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                             the master contract
 Zhejiang Huayixin
                                     2,000,000.00   August 25, 2022          August 25, 2025            No
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Huayixin
                                     8,000,000.00   October 21, 2022         September 18, 2024         No
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Huaxiao
                                     2,000,000.00   August 25, 2022          August 25, 2025            No
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Huaxiao
                                     8,000,000.00   October 21, 2022         September 18, 2024         No
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Huajian
                                     2,000,000.00   August 25, 2022          August 25, 2025            No
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Pixfra
                                     5,000,000.00   August 25, 2022          August 25, 2025            No
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Huafei
 Intelligent Technology              2,000,000.00   August 25, 2022          August 25, 2025            No
 CO., LTD.
                                                                             From the start of the
                                                                             guarantee period to
                                                                             three years after the
                                                                             maturity date of each
 Zhejiang Fengshi
                                    20,000,000.00   June 25, 2023            note discounted by the     Yes
 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                             Hangzhou Branch of
                                                                             China Merchants Bank
                                                                             within    the    credit
                                                                             extension period
 Zhejiang Fengshi
                                   100,000,000.00   August 25, 2022          August 25, 2025            No
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Fengshi
                                    20,000,000.00   October 21, 2022         September 18, 2024         No
 Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                             Two years after the
 Zhejiang Dahua
                                   300,000,000.00   March 28, 2019           maturity of the debts in   Yes
 Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                                                                             the master contract
                                                                             From the effective date
                                                                             of the Commitment
                                                                             Letter to three years
 Zhejiang Dahua                                                              after the maturity date
                                   160,000,000.00   June 09, 2023                                       Yes
 Zhilian Co., Ltd.                                                           of each loan or other
                                                                             financing under the
                                                                             Credit Agreement or of
                                                                             the accounts receivable

                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                  claims granted by the
                                                                  Hangzhou Branch of
                                                                  China Merchants Bank
                                                                  or the advance date of
                                                                  each advance within the
                                                                  credit extension period;
                                                                  For     any     specific
                                                                  extension of credit, the
                                                                  guarantee period shall
                                                                  be extended for an
                                                                  additional three years
                                                                  after the expiration of
                                                                  the extension period.
Zhejiang Dahua
                         120,000,000.00   June 19, 2023           June 18, 2024              Yes
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua
                         350,000,000.00   June 19, 2023           June 18, 2024              Yes
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                           5,000,000.00   December 03, 2021       December 02, 2024          No
(guarantee currency is
US dollar)
Zhejiang Dahua
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                          12,500,000.00   July 13, 2023           July 12, 2024              No
(guarantee currency is
US dollar)
                                                                  Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua
                         165,000,000.00   July 26, 2021           maturity of the debts in   No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                                                                  the master contract
Zhejiang Dahua
                         200,000,000.00   August 25, 2022         August 25, 2025            No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua
                         150,000,000.00   September 19, 2022      September 18, 2024         No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                                                                  From the date of
                                                                  expiration     of    the
                                                                  performance period of
                                                                  each debt in the master
                                                                  contract until three
Zhejiang Dahua
                         500,000,000.00   July 24, 2023           years after the date of    No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                                                                  expiration     of    the
                                                                  performance period of
                                                                  the last due master debt
                                                                  under      all    master
                                                                  One year from the
                                                                  expiration date of the
Zhejiang Dahua
                          10,000,000.00   January 02, 2024        debtor's performance       No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                                                                  period as agreed in the
                                                                  master contract
                                                                  Two years from the
                                                                  expiration date of the
Zhejiang Dahua
                         300,000,000.00   March 29, 2024          debtor's performance       No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
                                                                  period as agreed in the
                                                                  master contract
                                                                  From the effective date
                                                                  of the Commitment
                                                                  Letter to three years
                                                                  after the maturity date
                                                                  of each loan or other
                                                                  financing under the
Zhejiang Dahua                                                    Credit Agreement or of
                         160,000,000.00   June 07, 2024                                      No
Zhilian Co., Ltd.                                                 the accounts receivable
                                                                  claims granted by the
                                                                  Hangzhou Branch of
                                                                  China Merchants Bank
                                                                  or the advance date of
                                                                  each advance within the
                                                                  credit extension period;

                                               2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                             For     any     specific
                                                             extension of credit, the
                                                             guarantee period shall
                                                             be extended for an
                                                             additional three years
                                                             after the expiration of
                                                             the extension period.
                                                             From the effective date
                                                             of the Commitment
                                                             Letter to three years
                                                             after the maturity date
                                                             of each loan or other
                                                             financing under the
                                                             Credit Agreement or of
                                                             the accounts receivable
                                                             claims granted by the
Zhejiang Dahua                                               Hangzhou Branch of
System Engineering   40,000,000.00   June 09, 2023           China Merchants Bank        Yes
Co., Ltd.                                                    or the advance date of
                                                             each advance within the
                                                             credit extension period;
                                                             For     any     specific
                                                             extension of credit, the
                                                             guarantee period shall
                                                             be extended for an
                                                             additional three years
                                                             after the expiration of
                                                             the extension period.
Zhejiang Dahua                                               Two years after the
System Engineering   10,000,000.00   August 30, 2019         maturity of the debts in    No
Co., Ltd.                                                    the master contract
Zhejiang Dahua
System Engineering    5,000,000.00   August 25, 2022         August 25, 2025             No
Co., Ltd.
                                                             Three years from the
                                                             effective date of the
                                                             Maximum         Amount
Zhejiang Dahua                                               Guarantee Contract to
System Engineering   50,000,000.00   July 25, 2023           the expiration date of      No
Co., Ltd.                                                    the performance period
                                                             of each debt under the
                                                             Credit          Business
                                                             One year from the
                                                             signing of the project
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                             contract or 6 months of
System Engineering    1,602,100.00   September 11, 2023                                  No
                                                             stable operation of the
Co., Ltd.
                                                             system       on      line
                                                             (whichever is later)
                                                             From the effective date
                                                             of the Commitment
                                                             Letter to three years
                                                             after the maturity date
                                                             of each loan or other
                                                             financing under the
                                                             Credit Agreement or of
                                                             the accounts receivable
Zhejiang Dahua
                                                             claims granted by the
System Engineering   40,000,000.00   June 07, 2024                                       No
                                                             Hangzhou Branch of
Co., Ltd.
                                                             China Merchants Bank
                                                             or the advance date of
                                                             each advance within the
                                                             credit extension period;
                                                             For     any      specific
                                                             extension of credit, the
                                                             guarantee period shall
                                                             be extended for an

                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                    additional three years
                                                                    after the expiration of
                                                                    the extension period.
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                          530,000,000.00    April 07, 2020          March 31, 2024              Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                         1,000,000,000.00   February 04, 2021       maturity of the debts in    Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                    the master contract
                                                                    From the effective date
                                                                    of the Commitment
                                                                    Letter to three years
                                                                    after the maturity date
                                                                    of each loan or other
                                                                    financing under the
                                                                    Credit Agreement or of
                                                                    the accounts receivable
                                                                    claims granted by the
                                                                    Hangzhou Branch of
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                          400,000,000.00    June 09, 2023           China Merchants Bank        Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                    or the advance date of
                                                                    each advance within the
                                                                    credit extension period;
                                                                    For     any      specific
                                                                    extension of credit, the
                                                                    guarantee period shall
                                                                    be extended for an
                                                                    additional three years
                                                                    after the expiration of
                                                                    the extension period.
                                                                    From the start of the
                                                                    guarantee period to
                                                                    three years after the
                                                                    maturity date of each
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                          200,000,000.00    June 25, 2023           note discounted by the      Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Hangzhou Branch of
                                                                    China Merchants Bank
                                                                    within     the     credit
                                                                    extension period
                                                                    Three years from the
                                                                    next day of ICBC
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                          200,000,000.00    November 20, 2023       Qingchun Sub-branch's       Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                    external        payment
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                                                                    Two years after the
Technology Co., Ltd.
                            40,000,000.00   September 21, 2018      maturity of the debts in    No
(guarantee currency is
                                                                    the master contract
US dollar)
                                                                    Two years after the
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                          220,000,000.00    October 13, 2017        maturity of the debts in    No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                    the master contract
                                                                    Five      years    upon
Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                               expiration     of debt
                          300,000,000.00    August 15, 2020                                     No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                period     of    master
                                                                    Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                          440,000,000.00    July 26, 2021           maturity of the debts in    No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                    the master contract
                                                                    Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                          200,000,000.00    October 20, 2021        maturity of the debts in    No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                    the master contract
                                                                    Three years after the
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                          200,000,000.00    July 22, 2022           maturity of the debts in    No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                    the master contract
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                          600,000,000.00    September 19, 2022      September 18, 2024          No
Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                               From the      date of
                          400,000,000.00    July 24, 2023                                       No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                expiration    of   the

                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                   performance period of
                                                                   each debt in the master
                                                                   contract until three
                                                                   years after the date of
                                                                   expiration      of    the
                                                                   performance period of
                                                                   the last due master debt
                                                                   under       all    master
                                                                   Three years from the
                                                                   effective date of the
                                                                   Maximum          Amount
                                                                   Guarantee Contract to
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                         500,000,000.00    July 25, 2023           the expiration date of       No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                   the performance period
                                                                   of each debt under the
                                                                   Credit          Business
                                                                   Calculated separately
                                                                   on the basis of a single
                                                                   credit business handled
                                                                   by     Dahua       Vision
                                                                   Technology for the
                                                                   debtor, i.e. from the
                                                                   date of signing of the
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                         900,000,000.00    September 26, 2023      master contract for a        No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                   single credit business to
                                                                   three years after the
                                                                   expiration date of the
                                                                   debtor's             debt
                                                                   performance        period
                                                                   under such master
                                                                   Three years from the
                                                                   expiration date of the
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                         330,000,000.00    September 26, 2023      debtor's performance         No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                   period as agreed in the
                                                                   master claim contract
                                                                   Three years from the
                                                                   next day after the
Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                              expiry date of each type
                        1,000,000,000.00   March 01, 2024                                       No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                               of financing business
                                                                   under      the     master
                                                                   Two years from the
                                                                   expiration date of the
Zhejiang Dahua Vision
                         530,000,000.00    April 01, 2024          debtor's performance         No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                   period as agreed in the
                                                                   master contract
                                                                   From the effective date
                                                                   of the Commitment
                                                                   Letter to three years
                                                                   after the maturity date
                                                                   of each loan or other
                                                                   financing under the
                                                                   Credit Agreement or of
                                                                   the accounts receivable
Zhejiang Dahua Vision                                              claims granted by the
                         400,000,000.00    June 07, 2024                                        No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                               Hangzhou Branch of
                                                                   China Merchants Bank
                                                                   or the advance date of
                                                                   each advance within the
                                                                   credit extension period;
                                                                   For      any      specific
                                                                   extension of credit, the
                                                                   guarantee period shall
                                                                   be extended for an

                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                  additional three years
                                                                  after the expiration of
                                                                  the extension period.
Zhejiang Dahua
Security Network
                           5,000,000.00   August 25, 2022         August 25, 2025            No
Operation Service Co.,
                                                                  From the start of the
                                                                  guarantee period to
                                                                  three years after the
                                                                  maturity date of each
Changsha Dahua
                          10,000,000.00   June 25, 2023           note discounted by the     Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                  Hangzhou Branch of
                                                                  China Merchants Bank
                                                                  within    the    credit
                                                                  extension period
Changsha Dahua
                          30,000,000.00   August 25, 2022         August 25, 2025            No
Technology Co., Ltd.
Changsha Dahua
                          20,000,000.00   October 21, 2022        September 18, 2024         No
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                  From the start of the
                                                                  guarantee period to
                                                                  three years after the
                                                                  maturity date of each
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian
                          50,000,000.00   June 25, 2023           note discounted by the     Yes
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                  Hangzhou Branch of
                                                                  China Merchants Bank
                                                                  within    the    credit
                                                                  extension period
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian
                         100,000,000.00   August 25, 2022         August 25, 2025            No
Technology Co., Ltd.
Xi'an Dahua Zhilian
                          25,000,000.00   October 21, 2022        September 18, 2024         No
Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Huaruipin
                           8,000,000.00   August 25, 2022         August 25, 2025            No
Technology Co. Ltd.
Jiangsu Huaruipin
                          15,000,000.00   October 21, 2022        September 18, 2024         No
Technology Co. Ltd.
Hangzhou Xiaohua
                           2,000,000.00   August 25, 2022         August 25, 2025            No
Technology CO., LTD.
Hangzhou Huacheng                                                 Two years after the
Network Technology        50,000,000.00   August 30, 2019         maturity of the debts in   Yes
Co., Ltd.                                                         the master contract
Hangzhou Huacheng                                                 Three years after the
Network Technology        55,000,000.00   July 26, 2021           maturity of the debts in   Yes
Co., Ltd.                                                         the master contract
Hangzhou Huacheng
Network Technology        65,000,000.00   August 25, 2022         April 29, 2024             Yes
Co., Ltd.
Dahua Technology
(HK) Limited
                           2,000,000.00   April 21, 2023          April 21, 2024             Yes
(guarantee currency is
US dollar)
Dahua Technology
(HK) Limited Ⅰ
                           3,000,000.00   April 22, 2024          April 22, 2025             No
(guarantee currency is
US dollar)
                                                                  From the start of the
                                                                  guarantee period to
                                                                  three years after the
Chengdu Dahua Zhian
                                                                  maturity date of each
                          80,000,000.00   June 25, 2023           note discounted by the     Yes
Technology Service
                                                                  Hangzhou Branch of
Co., Ltd.
                                                                  China Merchants Bank
                                                                  within    the    credit
                                                                  extension period

                                                                2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

 Dahua Technology UK
 Limited                                                                         Sign the Termination
                                     1,160,000.00     August 12, 2020                                    No
 (guaranteed currency is                                                         Notice Letter
 Dahua Technology UK
                                     1,000,000.00     March 04, 2024             March 03, 2025          No
 (guarantee currency is
 US dollar)
 MEXICO S.A. DE C.V                  1,000,000.00     October 18, 2023           October 20, 2024        No
 (guaranteed currency is
 US dollar)
 Dahua Technology
 Italy S.R.L Ⅰ
                                         500,000.00   March 04, 2024             March 03, 2025          No
 (guarantee currency is
 US dollar)
 Dahua Technology
 France Sas Ⅰ
                                         145,690.20   December 07, 2023          August 31, 2029         No
 (guarantee currency is
 Dahua Europe B.V. Ⅰ
 (guarantee currency is              1,500,000.00     March 04, 2024             March 03, 2025          No
 US dollar)

The Company being the guaranteed party

(4) Asset transfer and debt restructuring of related parties

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                  Content of the related - party         Amount Occurred in the         Amount Occurred in the
          Related parties
                                          transaction                       Current Period                 Previous Period
  Zhejiang Huachuang Vision
                                  Procurement of fixed assets                              2,654.86                     40,630.42
  Technology Co., Ltd.
  China Mobile
  Communications Group Co.,       Procurement of fixed assets                                                        1,767,786.05
  Ltd. and its affiliates
  Zhejiang Huachuang Vision
                                  Selling of fixed assets                                                              612,608.16
  Technology Co., Ltd.
  Zhejiang Huanuokang
  Technology Co., Ltd. and its    Selling of fixed assets                                                                2,792.34

(5) Remuneration to key management personnel

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                    Item                       Amount Occurred in the Current Period       Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
  Salary of key management personnel                                        8,958,819.43                             4,650,848.77

(6) Other related-party transactions

1) In January 2024, the Company acquired 25% equity in Zhejiang Dahua Investment Management Co., Ltd. held by its affiliate
Zhejiang Huashi Investment Management Co., Ltd. for a consideration of RMB 23.109 million, and the Company's shareholding in

                                                                2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Dahua Investment Management Co. increased from 75% to 100% after the acquisition, and Dahua Investment Management Co. became
a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.
2) In February 2024, the controlling subsidiary, Zhejiang Huajian, purchased 39.5% equity in Huafei Intelligence from an affiliate,
Ningbo Huaying Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership), at a consideration of RMB 28.0155 million.

6. Receivables and payables of the related parties

(1) Receivables

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                           Closing Balance                            Opening Balance
       Item Name           Related parties
                                                 Book balance        Bad debt provision      Book balance       Bad debt provision
                        China Mobile
   Accounts             Communications
                                                   167,988,128.18         20,275,762.13       140,286,722.77          15,390,276.69
   receivable           Group Co., Ltd.
                        and its affiliates
                        Technology Co.,            145,238,165.14            7,362,452.14     158,504,082.59            7,998,998.48
                        Ltd. and its
                        Intelbras S.A.             109,710,832.38            5,485,297.09     399,216,383.81          19,960,819.19
                        Ruicity Digital
   Accounts             Technology Co.,
                                                    17,071,064.35            1,185,568.97       18,610,308.67           1,161,880.61
   receivable           Ltd. And its
                        Technology Co.,              5,991,999.16            1,091,892.36        5,512,687.07            766,592.10
                        Ltd. and its
                        Dezhou Shuzhi
   Accounts             Information
                                                     4,785,898.00             239,294.90
   receivable           Technology Co.,
                        Ningbo Cida
                        Intelligent                  4,042,825.01             250,463.63         4,955,930.01            247,796.50
                        Technology Co.,
                        Guangdong Zhishi
                        Digital Technology           2,789,794.22             139,489.71         4,757,349.37            267,081.04
                        Co., Ltd.
   Accounts             Huachuang Vision
                                                     1,903,723.55             141,100.29         1,503,214.40              75,211.10
   receivable           Technology Co.,
                        Zhejiang Hyxi
                        Technology Co.,                508,674.11              25,433.70
                        Company A and
                        other companies                388,475.44             258,757.85         2,708,124.52           1,194,095.64
                        under its control

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                           Guangxi FTZ
                           Huaqin Wisdom
                           Park Technology                  156,000.00             7,800.00              31,200.00            1,560.00
                           Research Institute
                           Co., Ltd.
                           Zhejiang Lancable
                           Technology Co.,                                                               15,000.00                750.00
                           Hangzhou Xintu        N/A (Note 1)            N/A (Note 1)
                           Technology Co.,                                                                  81.60                   4.08
                           Huayan Capital
                           Private Equity                                                                  181.50                   9.08
                           Fund Management
                           Co., Ltd.
                           China Mobile
  Prepayments                                               121,876.47                                  473,044.59
                           Group Co., Ltd.
                           and its affiliates
                           Company A and
  Prepayments              other companies                1,009,420.72                                  685,807.08
                           under its control
                           China Mobile
  Contract Assets                                         6,427,785.75         1,766,289.93        7,708,740.44           1,807,246.75
                           Group Co., Ltd.
                           and its affiliates
                           Ruicity Digital
                           Technology Co.,
  Contract Assets                                           295,333.40            29,001.74             206,733.38          20,141.74
                           Ltd. And its
  Contract Assets          Technology Co.,                  152,727.27             7,636.36
                           Ltd. and its
                           China Mobile
  Other Receivables                                       3,079,695.93           370,757.68        1,965,652.24            265,848.14
                           Group Co., Ltd.
                           and its affiliates
  Other Receivables        Technology Co.,                  184,850.00             9,242.50              64,850.00            3,242.50
                           Ltd. and its
Note 1: The affiliated relationship has ended in the first half of 2024;

(2) Payables

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
             Item Name                       Related parties                  Closing balance                   Opening balance
                                     China Mobile
   Accounts Payable                  Communications Group Co.,                          38,344,992.37                    38,418,336.92
                                     Ltd. and its affiliates
                                     Zhejiang Huachuang Vision
   Accounts Payable                                                                      6,601,097.53                    12,132,312.24
                                     Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                        2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                         Zhejiang Huanuokang
   Accounts Payable                      Technology Co., Ltd. and its                          756,557.34                      61,513.26
                                         Ruicity Digital Technology
   Accounts Payable                                                                        12,227,782.84                     9,167,655.86
                                         Co., Ltd. And its subsidiaries
                                         Zhejiang Leapmotor
   Accounts Payable                      Technology Co., Ltd. and its                         1,121,921.09                    730,299.40
                                         Zhejiang Lancable
   Accounts Payable                                                                                                              3,970.00
                                         Technology Co., Ltd.
                                         China Mobile
   Contract liabilities                  Communications Group Co.,                         11,205,207.18                    12,139,953.98
                                         Ltd. and its affiliates
                                         Zhejiang Leapmotor
   Contract liabilities                  Technology Co., Ltd. and its                         2,899,859.47                   1,648,066.02
                                         Huayan Capital (Hangzhou)
   Contract liabilities                  Private Equity Fund                                       107.08
                                         Management Co., Ltd.
                                         Zhejiang Huanuokang
   Contract liabilities                  Technology Co., Ltd. and its                                                         340,855.09
                                         Hangzhou Xintu Technology
   Contract liabilities                                                                    N/A (Note 1)                          1,362.58
                                         Co., Ltd.
                                         Zhejiang Hyxi Technology
   Contract liabilities                                                                                                             0.02
                                         Co., Ltd.
                                         Ningbo Hualing Venture
                                         Capital Investment
   Other Payables                                                                          13,727,591.82
                                         Partnership (Limited
                                         China Mobile
   Other Payables                        Communications Group Co.,                            6,323,159.22                   5,363,787.00
                                         Ltd. and its affiliates
                                         Zhejiang Leapmotor
   Other Payables                        Technology Co., Ltd. and its                          300,000.00                     173,520.00
                                         Zhejiang Huanuokang
   Other Payables                        Technology Co., Ltd. and its                           63,070.00                      63,070.00
Note 1: The affiliated    relationship has ended in the first half of 2024.

XV. Share-based Payment

1. Overview of share-based payment

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

   Category of        Granted in the current          Exercising in the current    Unlocked in the current      Lapsed in the current
     granted                 period                            period                      period                     period
    recipients       Quantity          Amount         Quantity        Amount       Quantity        Amount      Quantity        Amount
   manageme                                                                                                   2,134,680.0     17,418,988.
   nt, other                                                                                                            0              80

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   nt, and key
                                                                                                               2,134,680.0    17,418,988.
                                                                                                                         0             80
Stock options or other equity instruments outstanding at the end of the period
Applicable □ Not applicable

                                The stock options outstanding at the end of the       Other equity instruments outstanding at the end of
     Category of granted                            period                                                the period
         recipients              Range of exercise         Remaining term of             Range of exercise          Remaining term of
                                      prices                   contract                       prices                    contract
   Senior management,
   other management, and       RMB 15.657/share          24 months                   RMB 8.16/share              24 months
   key business personnel
Other notes

(1) The employees of the Company and its subsidiaries hold the equity of HuaRay Technology through capital increase, direct or
indirect equity transfers. According to the fair value of the investors recently introduced by HuaRay Technology, the confirmed share-
based payment fee is RMB 36,032,191.13.
(2) The employees of the Company and its subsidiaries hold the equity of Huacheng Network through capital increase, direct or indirect
equity transfers. According to the fair value of the investors recently introduced by Huacheng Network, the confirmed share -based
payment fee is RMB 3,601,982.25.
(3) The employees of the Company and its subsidiaries hold the equity of Pixfra Technology through capital increase, direct or indirect
equity transfers. According to the fair value of the investors recently introduced by Pixfra Technology, the confirmed share-based
payment fee is RMB 11,236,464.16.

2. Situation of equity-settled share-based payment

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                        The fair value of the restricted stocks shall be determined based
                                                                        on the stock price and the grant cost of the stocks or stock price
   The method for determining the fair value of equity instruments
                                                                        of the most recent external investor entry as at the grant date,
   on the day of granting
                                                                        while the fair value of the stock options shall be determined
                                                                        under the Black-Scholes Model
   The basis for determining the amount of exercisable equity           Estimated according to equity instruments held by the
   instruments                                                          employees
   Reason for the significant difference between the estimation of
   current period and the previous period
   The accumulated amount of equity-settled share-based payment
   counted into the capital reserve
   Amount of equity-settled share-based payment confirmed in
   current period

3. Situation of cash-settled share-based payment

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

4. Share-based payments in the current period

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

         Category of granted recipients             Equity-settled share-based payments          Cash-settled share-based payments
   Senior management, other management,
   and key business personnel
                      Total                                                  135,251,897.69

5. Modification and termination of share-based payment


XVI. Commitments and Contingencies

1. Significant commitments

Important commitments on the balance sheet day

As of June 30, 2024, the Company's pledge information was as follows:
(1) On May 30, 2024, the Company and Hangzhou Branch of Zheshang Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the "Guarantee Contract for Pledge
of Asset Pool", with the number (33100000) Zheshang Asset Pool Quality (2024) No. 09915 (the contract term is from May 30, 2024
to May 30, 2025), to provide a guarantee for the "Asset Pool Business Cooperation Agreement" signed by the Company together with
the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd., the
subsidiary Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Xiaohua Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Branch of
Zheshang Bank Co., Ltd. The financing amount for the fund's pledge pool cannot be more than RMB 2.5 billion.
Under the notes pool business, as of June 30, 2024, the Company had undue notes receivable of RMB 354,023,995.81 (where RMB
350,000,000.00 was related party notes receivable that should be included in the scope of consolidation), the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua
Vision Technology Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB 460,285,734.37 (where RMB 150,240.28 was related party notes
receivable that should be included in the scope of consolidation).
Under the pledge, the Company issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 18,616,053.43, the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua
Vision Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 453,063,480.44, and the subsidiary Zhejiang
Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 32,955.32.
(2) On May 30, 2024, the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Branch of Zheshang Bank Co., Ltd. entered into
the "Guarantee Contract for Pledge of Asset Pool", with the number (33100000) Zheshang Asset Pool Quality (2024) No. 09483 (the
contract term is from May 30, 2024 to May 30, 2025), to provide a guarantee for the "Asset Pool Business Cooperation Agreement"
signed by Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. together with Hangzhou Branch of Zheshang Bank Co., Ltd. The financing amount for the
fund pledge pool cannot be more than RMB 0.5 billion.
Under the notes pool business, as of June 30, 2024, RMB 428,165,776.29 of undue notes receivable (of which RMB 290,000,0 00.00
was related party notes that should be included in the scope of the consolidated financial statements) of the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua
Zhilian Co., Ltd. was pledged for the issuance of acceptance bills.
Under the pledge, the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Zhilian Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB
(3) On June 1, 2022, the Company and Hangzhou Branch of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. signed the "Credit Agreement for Notes
Pool Business" (No.: 571XY2022013930), which promised a special credit limit of RMB 1.5 billion for the notes pool, and allocated
the same limit to the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co.,

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Ltd., the subsidiary Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co., Ltd., the
subsidiary Zhejiang Huafei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Huayixin Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary
Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd.,, the subsidiary Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Xi'an Dahua Zhilian
Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Intelligent IoT Operation Service Co., Ltd., and the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua
Zhilian Co., Ltd.
Under the notes pool business, as of June 30, 2024, the Company had undue notes receivable of RMB 250,148,691.16 (where RMB
250,000,000.00 was related party notes receivable that should be included in the scope of consolidation), the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua
Vision Technology Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB 185,128,867.91 (where RMB 100,000,000.00 was related party notes
receivable that should be included in the scope of consolidation), the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua System Engineering Co., Ltd. had
undue notes receivable of RMB 1,500,000.00, the subsidiary Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd. Had undue notes receivable of
RMB 3,056,074.09 and the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Intelligent IoT Operation Service Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB
466,827.20 pledged for issuing bank acceptance bills.
Under the pledge, the subsidiary Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amoun t
of RMB 72,499,490.30, the subsidiary Zhejiang Fengshi Technology Co., Ltd. Issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB
189,274,762.80, the subsidiary Zhejiang Huajian Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB
388,445.48, the subsidiary Zhejiang Huaxiao Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 242,622.30
and the subsidiary Zhejiang Huayixin Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 105,850.49.
(4) On May 17, 2024, the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. and Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd. entered into the
“Supplemental Agreement to the Asset Steward Pledge Contract” (No. E-C-B-18-2), and extended the term of “Pledge Contract for
Maximum Amount of Individual Asset Management” to May 16, 2027, agreeing on providing a guarantee for the “Asset Management
Service Agreement” signed by the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Bank Co., Ltd. The credit
limit of the notes pool cannot be more than RMB 0.2 billion.
Under the notes pool business, as of June 30, 2024, RMB 36,224,845.94 of undue notes receivable of the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua
Vision Technology Co., Ltd. were pledged for the issuance of acceptance bills.
Under the pledge, the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB
(5) Under the Asset Pool Charge-off Agreement PPHJQZCZ 20230731 No.001 (the contract term is from August 18, 2023 to August
17, 2024) made by and between the Company and Ping An Bank Limited Hangzhou Branch on August 18, 2023, a special credit line
of RMB 1 billion in note pool was granted and was also allocated to the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. , the
subsidiary Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co., Ltd., the subsidiary Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd. and the subsidiary Changsha
Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
Under the notes pool business, as of June 30, 2024, the Company had undue notes receivable of RMB 101,058,158.02 (where RMB
100,000,000.00 was related party notes receivable that should be included in the scope of consolidation), the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua
Vision Technology Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB 85,190,149.97, the subsidiary Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co.,
Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB 2,882,500.00, the subsidiary Changsha Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. had undue notes
receivable of RMB 541,842.30 and the subsidiary Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd. had undue notes receivable of RMB
571,790.95 pledged for issuing bank acceptance bills.
Under the pledge, the subsidiary Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB
57,046,965.00, the subsidiary Jiangsu Huaruipin Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB
4,987,674.26, the subsidiary Zhejiang Pixfra Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 310,844.25
and the subsidiary Changsha Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB 9,507,064.62.
(6) The subsidiary Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Branch of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the
"Credit Agreement for Notes Pool Business", agreeing on a credit limit of RMB 0.2 billion for notes pool business.

                                                                   2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Under the notes pool business, as of June 30, 2024, RMB 76,448,443.46 of undue notes receivable of the subsidiary Zhejiang HuaRay
Technology Co., Ltd. were pledged for the issuance of acceptance bills.
Under the pledge, the subsidiary Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB
(7) The subsidiary Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. and CITIC Bank Limited Hangzhou Branch entered into the "Asset Pool
Business Cooperation Agreement", agreeing on a credit limit of RMB 0.3 billion for asset pool business.

Under the asset pool business, as of June 30, 2024, RMB 88,000.00 of undue notes receivable of the subsidiary Zhejiang HuaRay
Technology Co., Ltd. were pledged for the issuance of acceptance bills.
Under the pledge, the subsidiary Zhejiang HuaRay Technology Co., Ltd. issued the bank acceptance bills in the amount of RMB

2. Contingencies

(1) Important contingent matters on the balance sheet day

No important contingent matters on the balance sheet day.

(2) Description required even if no important contingent matter is to be disclosed by the Company

No important contingent matter to be disclosed by the Company.

XVII. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

1. Profit Distribution

   Proposed dividend per 10 shares (RMB)                                                                                           1.84
   Proposed dividend per 10 shares (shares)                                                                                           0
   Proposed number of shares transferred for per 10 shares
   Number of dividends declared for every 10 shares after review
   and approval (RMB)
   Number of bonus shares declared for every 10 shares after
   review and approval (shares)
   Declared number of shares transferred per 10 shares after
   review and approval (shares)
                                                                      Based on 3,272,527,089 shares after deducting the re-
                                                                      purchased shares (19,819,601 shares), the Company paid a cash
                                                                      of RMB 1.84 (tax inclusive) every 10 shares to all
   Profit distribution plan
                                                                      shareholders, and distributed RMB 602,144,984.38 of cash
                                                                      bonus. It did not convert capital reserve into share capital or
                                                                      paid bonus shares, and the rest will be distributed in the future.

                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

XVIII. Other Significant Events

1. Subsection information

(1) Basis for determining the reporting subsection and the accounting policy

The Company determines the operation subsection based on internal organization structure, management requirements, internal
reporting system, etc. The Company has only one operational subsection, namely the R&D, production, and sales of intelligent IoT
products. The accounting policy of the reporting subsection is consistent with that of the Company.

(2) Financial information of the reporting subsection

Regional subsection
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
               Item                               Operating revenue                                   Operating Cost
             Domestic                                             7,381,482,622.15                                     4,712,943,582.38
             Overseas                                             7,485,139,947.66                                     4,018,482,056.15
                  Total                                          14,866,622,569.81                                     8,731,425,638.53

Product subsection
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
              Item                                Operating revenue                                   Operating Cost
 Smart IoT Products and Solutions                                12,028,870,893.80                                     6,806,823,631.23
   Including: Software business                                     758,033,553.36                                       252,248,321.27
       Innovated Businesses                                       2,461,115,617.88                                     1,600,810,667.52
              Others                                                376,636,058.13                                       323,791,339.78
                  Total                                          14,866,622,569.81                                     8,731,425,638.53

XIX. Notes to Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Parent Company

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                          Aging                             Closing balance                              Opening balance
   Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                      3,520,711,199.24                              6,181,011,320.94
   1 to 2 years                                                           278,767,366.37                                220,370,669.05
   2 to 3 years                                                           191,396,736.66                                205,500,322.81
   3 years or above                                                       240,199,560.55                                209,345,603.19
        3 to 4 years                                                      157,951,460.57                                139,992,165.49
        4 to 5 years                                                        56,782,246.68                                 48,597,714.50
        5 years or above                                                    25,465,853.30                                 20,755,723.20
   Total                                                                 4,231,074,862.82                              6,816,227,915.99

                                                             2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Disclosure by Bad Debt Accrual Method

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                Closing Balance                                          Opening Balance
                Book balance        Bad debt provision                   Book balance        Bad debt provision
     y                                         Accrued      Book                                        Accrued       Book
                         Proporti                           value                 Proporti                            value
              Amount                Amount     proporti                Amount                Amount     proporti
                           on                                                       on
                                                 on                                                       on
  les with
  the bad
  debt        39,711,3              39,711,3                           39,711,3              39,711,3
                           0.94%                  100.00%                           0.58%               100.00%
  provisio      90.05                 90.05                              90.05                 90.05
  based on
  le with
              39,711,3              39,711,3                           39,711,3              39,711,3
  amount                   0.94%                  100.00%                           0.58%               100.00%
                90.05                 90.05                              90.05                 90.05
  n of bad
  les with
  the bad
  debt        4,191,36              157,521,                4,033,84   6,776,51              135,569,                6,640,94
                         99.06%                    3.76%                          99.42%                   2.00%
  provisio    3,472.77               050.50                 2,422.27   6,525.94               555.41                 6,970.53
  based on
  1:          2,983,85                                      2,983,85   5,668,80                                      5,668,80
                         70.52%                                                   83.17%
  Related     6,187.77                                      6,187.77   0,812.35                                      0,812.35

                                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   2: Aging       1,207,50                   157,521,                1,049,98       1,107,71                    135,569,                 972,146,
                                28.54%                    13.05%                                   16.25%                    12.24%
   Analysis       7,285.00                    050.50                 6,234.50       5,713.59                     555.41                   158.18
                  4,231,07                   197,232,                4,033,84       6,816,22                    175,280,                 6,640,94
   Total                       100.00%                                                           100.00%
                  4,862.82                    440.55                 2,422.27       7,915.99                     945.46                  6,970.53
Category name of individual provision for bad debts: Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but accrued for separate
provision of bad debt
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                   Opening Balance                                                Closing Balance

        Name                                                                                                                     Reason for
                                                 Bad debt                                Bad debt                Accrued
                         Book balance                              Book balance                                                  making bad
                                                 provision                               provision              proportion
                                                                                                                                debt provision
                                                                                                                               Expected to be
   Customer 1                38,612,198.42      38,612,198.42       38,612,198.42        38,612,198.42              100.00%    unable to
                                                                                                                               Expected to be
   Other sporadic
                              1,099,191.63       1,099,191.63        1,099,191.63         1,099,191.63              100.00%    unable to
   Total                     39,711,390.05      39,711,390.05       39,711,390.05        39,711,390.05

Category name of bad debt provision based on combination: Aging Analysis Portfolio
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                                    Closing Balance
                                                 Book balance                     Bad debt provision                   Accrued proportion
   Within 1 Year                                         773,288,547.88                         38,664,427.40                              5.00%
   1 to 2 years                                          205,967,338.20                         20,596,733.82                             10.00%
   2 to 3 years                                          130,647,249.12                         39,194,174.74                             30.00%
   3 to 4 years                                           72,891,642.29                         36,445,821.15                             50.00%
   4 to 5 years                                           10,463,070.59                          8,370,456.47                             80.00%
   5 years or above                                       14,249,436.92                         14,249,436.92                            100.00%
   Total                                                1,207,507,285.00                       157,521,050.50

If the bad debt provisions of accounts receivable are made according to the general model of expected credit losses:
□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                              Amount of Changes in the Current Period
                              Opening                                                                                                 Closing
       Category                                                    Recovered or
                              Balance            Accrued                                Written Off              Others               Balance
   Bad debt
                         175,280,945.46         21,951,495.09                                                                   197,232,440.55
   Total                 175,280,945.46         21,951,495.09                                                                   197,232,440.55

Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:

                                                                  2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

(4) Accounts receivable and contract assets of the top five closing balances collected by debtors

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                   Closing balance of
                                                                                              As a percentage of
                                                                      Closing balance of                           provision for bad
                          Closing balance of                                                       accounts
                                                 Closing balance of        accounts                                debts on accounts
     Name of Unit              accounts                                                        receivables and
                                                   contract assets      receivable and                               receivable and
                              receivable                                                         total ending
                                                                        contract assets                              impairment of
                                                                                                                     contract assets
   Customer   1               2,244,848,035.21                          2,244,848,035.21                 52.53%
   Customer   2                 335,445,614.92                            335,445,614.92                  7.85%
   Customer   3                  78,471,394.93                             78,471,394.93                  1.84%
   Customer   4                  69,500,000.04                             69,500,000.04                  1.63%
   Customer   5                 173,725,290.13         4,033,607.19       177,758,897.32                  4.16%         32,220,570.94
   Total                      2,901,990,335.23         4,033,607.19     2,906,023,942.42                 68.01%         32,220,570.94

2. Other Receivables

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                       Item                                  Closing Balance                             Opening Balance
   Dividends Receivable                                                        1,243,275.00
   Other Receivables                                                   13,951,333,800.18                            11,736,609,900.41
   Total                                                               13,952,577,075.18                            11,736,609,900.41

(1) Dividends Receivable

1) Classification of Dividends Receivable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
           Project (or Invested Unit)                        Closing Balance                             Opening Balance
   Smartsens Technology (Shanghai) Co.,
   Total                                                                       1,243,275.00

(2) Other receivables

1) Other receivables categorized by the nature of the funds

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
              Nature of the funds                            Closing balance                             Opening balance
   Deposits                                                                43,108,287.06                                42,885,100.54
   Prepaid or advance expense                                              47,743,274.09                                55,413,467.31
   Employee home loan                                                      60,869,540.00                                70,683,455.00
   Incomings and outgoings                                             13,833,023,680.90                            11,602,342,723.04
   Others                                                                   2,060,890.30                                    401,773.49
   Total                                                               13,986,805,672.35                            11,771,726,519.38

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

2) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                       Aging                                   Closing balance                                Opening balance
   Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                         13,479,839,597.85                             11,151,113,722.07
   1 to 2 years                                                                 80,114,874.97                                152,050,338.67
   2 to 3 years                                                                 67,213,898.99                                103,271,253.97
   3 years or above                                                           359,637,300.54                                 365,291,204.67
        3 to 4 years                                                            69,388,836.67                                156,024,115.87
        4 to 5 years                                                          103,682,547.56                                    38,468,597.33
        5 years or above                                                      186,565,916.31                                 170,798,491.47
   Total                                                                    13,986,805,672.35                             11,771,726,519.38

3) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                      Closing Balance                                                Opening Balance
                    Book balance          Bad debt provision                       Book balance            Bad debt provision
      y                                              Accrued        Book                                               Accrued        Book
                               Proporti                             value                   Proporti                                  value
                  Amount                  Amount     proporti                    Amount                    Amount      proporti
                                 on                                                           on
                                                       on                                                                on
   n of bad
                  13,986,8                                         13,951,3      11,771,7                                            11,736,6
   debts                                  35,471,8                                                         35,116,6
                  05,672.3     100.00%                  0.25%      33,800.1      26,519.3   100.00%                      0.30%       09,900.4
   based on                                  72.17                                                           18.97
                         5                                                8             8                                                   1
   1:             13,833,0                                         13,833,0      11,602,3                                            11,602,3
   Related        23,680.9     98.90%                              23,680.9      42,723.0       98.56%                               42,723.0
   Parties               0                                                0             4                                                   4
   2: Aging       153,781,                35,471,8                 118,310,      169,383,                  35,116,6                  134,267,
                                 1.10%                  23.07%                                  1.44%                   20.73%
   Analysis        991.45                    72.17                  119.28        796.34                     18.97                    177.37
               13,986,8                                       13,951,3   11,771,7                                                    11,736,6
                                       35,471,8                                                            35,116,6
   Total      05,672.3 100.00%                                33,800.1   26,519.3           100.00%                                  09,900.4
                                          72.17                                                              18.97
                      5                                              8           8                                                          1
Category name of bad debt provision based on combination: Aging Analysis Portfolio
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Closing Balance
                                              Book balance                      Bad debt provision                  Accrued proportion
   Within 1 year (including 1
                                                        71,429,386.60                       3,571,469.33                              5.00%
   1 to 2 years                                         27,365,865.55                       2,736,586.56                             10.00%
   2 to 3 years                                         23,969,251.21                       7,190,775.36                             30.00%
   3 to 4 years                                         12,457,684.30                       6,228,842.15                             50.00%

                                                                      2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   4 to 5 years                                           14,078,025.09                     11,262,420.07                       80.00%
   5 years or above                                        4,481,778.70                      4,481,778.70                      100.00%
   Total                                               153,781,991.45                       35,471,872.17

Provision for bad debts based on general model of expected credit losses:
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                        Phase One                  Phase Two                  Phase Three
                                                             Expected credit losses      Expected credit losses
       Bad debt provision        Expected credit losses      for the entire extension    for the entire extension      Total
                                 in the next 12 months            (without credit              (with credit
                                                                   impairment)                 impairment)
   Balance as of January
                                            22,429,894.62              11,227,684.56                1,459,039.79       35,116,618.97
   1, 2024
   Balance in the current
   period as of January 1,
   --Transfer to phase two                    -332,408.86                  332,408.86
   --Transfer to phase
                                               -34,390.00                   -45,300.00                   79,690.00
   Provisions of this
                                                                          1,447,087.15                  667,514.00       2,114,601.15
   Reversals in this period                  1,649,916.95                                                               1,649,916.95
   Write off in this period                      9,431.00                  100,000.00                                     109,431.00
   Balance as of June 30,
                                            20,403,747.81              12,861,880.57                2,206,243.79       35,471,872.17

Book balance changes with significant changes in loss provision in the current period
□ Applicable Not applicable

4) Provision for bad debts accrued, recovered or reversed in this period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                             Amount of Changes in the Current Period
                              Opening                                                                                    Closing
       Category                                                  Recovered or        Resale or write-
                              Balance            Accrued                                                      Others     Balance
                                                                  Reversed                 off
   Bad debt
                            35,116,618.97        2,114,601.15       1,649,916.95          109,431.00                   35,471,872.17
   Total                    35,116,618.97        2,114,601.15       1,649,916.95          109,431.00                   35,471,872.17

Significant amount of recovered or reversed bad debt provision in this period:

5) Accounts receivable actually written off in this period

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                   Item                                                            Write-off amount
   Other accounts receivable actually written off                                                                         109,431.00

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Write-off of other important receivables:

6) Other receivables of the top five closing balances collected by debtors

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                             As a percentage of
                                                                                                                    Bad debt provision
                            Nature of the                                                        total other
       Name of Unit                                Closing Balance            Aging                                  at the end of the
                               funds                                                         receivables at the
                                                                                              end of the period
                                                                        within 1 year,
                         Incomings and
   Company 1                                        9,508,912,790.40    RMB 219.61 for 1-               67.98%
                                                                        2 years, RMB
                                                                        394,512.03 for 2-3
                         Incomings and
   Company 2                                        2,261,965,873.93    Within 1 year                   16.17%
                                                                        within 1 year,
                                                                        RMB 2,900,000.00
                                                                        for 1-2 years,
                         Incomings and                                  RMB 4,700,400.00
   Company 3                                          911,945,472.56                                     6.52%
                         outgoings                                      for 2-3 years,
                                                                        RMB 5,901,013.50
                                                                        for 3-4 years,
                                                                        34,193,886.49 for
                                                                        4-5 years
                         Incomings and
   Company 4                                          263,635,181.57    Within 1 year                    1.88%
                                                                        RMB 9,105,508.49
                                                                        within 1 year,
                                                                        RMB 9,080,630.14
                                                                        for 1-2 years,
                                                                        10,006,656.50 for
                         Incomings and
   Company 5                                          209,823,025.32    2-3 years, RMB                   1.50%
                                                                        8,757,718.98 for
                                                                        3-4 years, RMB
                                                                        8,918,883.13 for
                                                                        4-5 years, RMB
                                                                        163,953,628.08 for
                                                                        5 years or above
   Total                                           13,156,282,343.78                                    94.05%

3. Long-term Equity Investments

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                            Closing Balance                                       Opening Balance
           Item                              Provision for                                          Provision for
                        Book balance                            Book value        Book balance                           Book value
                                              impairment                                             impairment

                                                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Investment in         8,050,494,737.                       8,050,494,737.      8,003,642,515.                        8,003,642,515.
  subsidiaries                      88                                   88                  21                                    21
  Investment in
  affiliates and       179,139,117.95         723,496.39     178,415,621.56     188,883,917.03        723,496.39    188,160,420.64
  joint ventures
                        8,229,633,855.                       8,228,910,359.      8,192,526,432.                        8,191,802,935.
  Total                                       723,496.39                                              723,496.39
                                    83                                   44                  24                                    85

(1) Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                  Opening              Decrease/Increase in the current period                             Closing
                   Opening                                                                                Closing
       The                       balance of                                    Provision                                 balance of
                   balance                                                                                balance
    invested                      provision    Investment     Investment          for                                     provision
                    (book                                                                    Others        (book
      entity                         for       s increased    decreased       impairment                                 for decline
                    value)                                                                                 value)
                                 impairment                                     accrued                                   in value
                   544,717,88                  3,925,019.4                                                548,642,90
                         0.88                            1                                                      0.29
  g Co., Ltd.
                   102,235,99                                                                             102,274,02
  Network                                        38,030.34
                         6.18                                                                                   6.52
  Co., Ltd.
                   5,100,000.0                                                                           5,100,000.0
                             0                                                                                     0
  Co., Ltd.
  Informatio       6,221,853.6                                                                           6,256,907.0
  n                          5                                                                                     9
  Co., Ltd.
  Technology       669,687,34                                                                             669,687,34
  (HK)                   7.00                                                                                   7.00
                   1,301,496,1                 5,560,195.9                                               1,307,056,3
                         74.07                           7                                                     70.04
  Co., Ltd.
                   20,002,580.                                                                           20,002,580.
                            76                                                                                    76
  Co., Ltd.

                                             2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Xiaohua        9,463,819.7                                                         9,638,229.4
Technology               9                                                                   1
Dahua          1,853,882,5   35,725,666.                                           1,889,608,2
Zhilian              87.98            55                                                 54.53
Co., Ltd.
               62,175,000.   23,109,000.                                           85,284,000.
                        00            00                                                    00
nt Co., Ltd.
Dahua          71,342,564.                                                         71,382,714.
Zhicheng                89                                                                  91
Co., Ltd.
               33,452,823.   1,535,670.2                                           34,988,493.
                        33             5                                                    58
Co., Ltd.
HuaRay         43,042,525.   4,785,720.1                                           47,828,245.
Technology              36             7                                                    53
Co., Ltd.
               5,131,561.9                                                         5,142,082.5
Hua'ao                        10,520.64
                         1                                                                   5
Co., Ltd.
               39,020,809.                 36,097,000.                             3,064,461.8
Intelligent                  140,652.65
                        23                          00                                       8
               1,800,000.0                                                         1,800,000.0
                         0                                                                   0
Co., Ltd.
Fengshi        9,076,201.6                                                         9,099,814.7
Technology               2                                                                   4
Co., Ltd.
Technology     8,102,000.0                                                         8,102,000.0
Holdings                 0                                                                   0
Huaxiao        39,503,195.                                                         40,090,625.
Technology              53                                                                  41
Co., Ltd.
Dahua          991,403,69                                                           991,968,35
Zhilian              3.10                                                                 3.28

                                        2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.
Huaruipin    18,066,240.                                                      18,135,755.
Technology            73                                                               29
Co. Ltd.
             10,986,257.                                                      11,148,722.
Informatio                 162,465.26
                      22                                                               48
Co., Ltd.
             60,000,000.                                                      60,000,000.
                      00                                                               00
Co., Ltd.
Informatio   2,624,687.5                                                      2,990,413.6
n                      7                                                                7
Co., Ltd.
             17,640,000.                                                      17,640,000.
                      00                                                               00
Co. Ltd.
Dahua        30,000,000.                                                      30,000,000.
Technology            00                                                               00
Co., Ltd.
Huayixin     41,057,905.                                                      41,157,509.
Technology            45                                                               00
Co., Ltd.
Huaruijie    54,759,369.                                                      55,709,260.
Technology            02                                                               32
Co., Ltd.
             600,967,71                                                        601,153,32
Informatio                 185,610.83
                   1.17                                                              2.00
Co., Ltd.
Dahua        554,700,00                                                        554,700,00
Zhian              0.00                                                              0.00

                                           2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.
Smart          5,800,000.0                                                       5,800,000.0
Network                  0                                                                 0
Co., Ltd.
Huajian        25,438,594.                                                       26,255,942.
Technology              24                                                                33
Co., Ltd.
Informatio       2,055.08                                                           2,055.08
Co., Ltd.
               181,131.07     28,702.02                                          209,833.09
Co., Ltd.
Huacheng       4,537,212.6   1,405,896.3                                         5,943,108.9
Software                 1             6                                                   7
Co., Ltd.
                72,864.00                                                          72,864.00
Informatio     10,000,000.                                                       10,000,000.
n                       00                                                                00
Co., Ltd.
               30,000,000.                                                       30,000,000.
                        00                                                                00
Co., Ltd.
Technology     1,000,000.0                                                       1,000,000.0
Internation              0                                                                 0
al Pte. Ltd.
Dahua          100,029,57                                                         100,039,43
Technology           4.72                                                               2.96
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang       592,510,76    1,910,495.7                                          594,421,26

                                                                 2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

  Pixfra                 5.20                            0                                                          0.90
  Co., Ltd.
                16,050,203.                                                                                 16,396,856.
  IoT                                           346,653.10
                         52                                                                                          62
  Co., Ltd.
  Informatio     163,701.90                      54,567.30                                                   218,269.20
  Co., Ltd.
                     26,184.84                   13,092.42                                                    39,277.26
  Co., Ltd.
                10,000,000.                                                                                 10,000,000.
                         00                                                                                          00
  Co., Ltd.
  Zhilian            43,251.72                   21,625.86                                                    64,877.58
  Co., Ltd.
  Intelligent    126,189.87                     252,379.74                                                   378,569.61
  Co., Ltd.
                8,003,642,5                    82,949,222.     36,097,000.                                  8,050,494,7
                      15.21                             67              00                                        37.88

(2) Investment in affiliates and joint ventures

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                     Decrease/Increase in the current period
                        Openi                        Invest     Adjust
                                                                                       Cash                                      g
            Openi         ng                          ment       ment                                                Closin
                                                                                       divide    Provisi                      balanc
   Name       ng        balanc                        profit      on                                                   g
                                   Invest   Invest                            Other   nds or     on for                         e of
     of     balanc       e of                          and       other                                               balanc
                                   ments     ment                            change    profit    impair                       provisi
  Investe     e         provisi                        loss     compr                                      Others      e
                                  increas   decrea                             s in   declare     ment                        on for
    es      (book       on for                       recogn     ehensi                                               (book
                                     ed      sed                             equity     d to     accrue                       decline
            value)      impair                         ized       ve                                                 value)
                                                                                       distrib     d                             in
                         ment                         under     incom
                                                                                         ute                                   value
                                                        the        e

                                          2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Ⅰ. Joint ventures
II. Affiliates
Digital      78,231                   -                                                 71,748
Techn        ,566.1              6,483,                                                 ,188.4
ology             0             377.66                                                       4
Inform                 723,49                                                                     723,49
ation                    6.39                                                                       6.39
e            67,432                                                                     67,650
Capital      ,554.8                                                                     ,506.8
Invest            0                                                                          9
              3,444,            59,180                                                   3,503,
             758.26                .72                                                  938.98
Anhua                                -
              1,121,                                                                     1,030,
Interne                         90,896
             844.56                                                                     947.84
t of                               .72

                                                                    2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   uang       37,929                                           -                                                      34,482
   Vision     ,696.9                                      5,152,                                                      ,039.4
   Techn           2                                     080.53                                                            1
              188,16                                                                                                  178,41
   Subtot                723,49                          11,449               1,704,                                            723,49
              0,420.                                                                                                  5,621.
   al                      6.39                          ,222.1              423.02                                               6.39
                  64                                                                                                      56
              188,16                                                                                                  178,41
                         723,49                          11,449               1,704,                                            723,49
   Total      0,420.                                                                                                  5,621.
                           6.39                          ,222.1              423.02                                               6.39
                  64                                                                                                      56
The recoverable amount is determined as the net of fair value less costs of disposal.
□ Applicable Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined as the present value of the expected future cash flows.
□ Applicable Not applicable

4. Operating revenue and operating cost

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                    Amount Occurred in the Current Period                Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
                                      Income                        Cost                      Income                     Cost
   Main Business                     3,299,871,504.63              562,470,540.80             4,154,588,989.34          698,750,728.04
   Other businesses                      32,747,331.95              17,070,472.33                29,728,074.55           21,033,992.07
   Total                             3,332,618,836.58              579,541,013.13             4,184,317,063.89          719,784,720.11

5. Investment income

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                       Item                       Amount Occurred in the Current Period         Amount Occurred in the Previous Period
   Long-term equity investment income
   calculated by cost method
   Long-term equity investment income
                                                                             -11,449,222.10                            -189,891,800.93
   measured by equity method
   Investment income from disposal of
                                                                               6,812,806.50                                 539,223.39
   long-term equity investment
   Investment income from trading
   financial assets during the holding period
   Investment income from disposal of
   trading financial assets
   Investment income on other non-current
   financial assets                                                               26,592.41                               2,372,827.09
   during the holding period

                                                                     2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

   Investment income from national debt
                                                                                     308,062.29                                  569,386.14
   reverse repurchase
   Profits from recognition termination of
                                                                                   -5,686,129.53                               -3,617,354.24
   financial assets
   Total                                                                            7,008,809.30                             -188,877,854.91

XX. Supplementary Information

1. Breakdown of non-recurring gains and losses for this period

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                               Item                                         Amount                                  Note
   Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets                         104,889,898.73
   The government subsidies included in the current profits
   and losses (excluding the government subsidies closely
   related to regular businesses of the Company, in line with
   national policies, entitled to according to the established
   standard, and continuously impacting the Company’s
   profits and losses)
   Profits and losses resulting from the changes in fair value
   for financial assets and financial liabilities held by non-
   financial enterprises, and from disposal of financial assets                   -45,494,542.45
   and liabilities, excluding the effective hedging businesses
   related to the regular business operation of the Company
   Gains or losses from investment or asset management
   entrusted to others
   Reversal of the receivables depreciation reserves for
   separate impairment test
   Profits and losses on debt restructuring                                           -70,000.00
   Non-Operating Revenue and expenses other than the
   Other gains and losses items that fit the definition of non-
   recurring gains and losses
   Less: Impact of income tax                                                      -8,443,918.44
   Impact of minority equity (after tax)                                          11,237,589.47
   Total                                                                          47,351,975.93                         --

Other gains or losses that fit the definition of non-recurring gains or losses:
□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no other gains or losses that fit the definition of non-recurring gains or losses.
Note for the definition of non-recurring gains and losses listed in the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure
for Companies Issuance Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring gains and losses, as recurring gains and losses.
□ Applicable Not applicable

2. Return on net assets and earnings per share

                                                                                                   Earnings per share
   Profit for the reporting period         Weighted Average ROE
                                                                            Basic Earnings per Share           Diluted Earnings per Share

                                                       2024 Semi-Annual Report of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                  (RMB/Share)                    (RMB/Share)
  Net profit attributable to
  common shareholders of the                       5.10%                          0.56                           0.56
  Net profit attributable to
  common shareholders of the
  Company after deducting                          4.97%                          0.54                           0.54
  non-recurring gains and

3. Differences in accounting data between domestic and overseas accounting standards

(1) Differences of net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed according to the international
accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable Not applicable

(2) Differences of net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed according to the overseas
accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) For explanation of differences in accounting data between domestic and overseas accounting standards,
the name of the overseas accounting firm shall be indicated if the audited data by an overseas accounting
firm has been adjusted for difference.

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                                    Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                     Statutory Representative: Fu Liquan

                                                                                                August 24, 2024
