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                        2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                        To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

                      Operating Summary for the First Quarter of 2024

     The Company and all members of the Board of Directors warrant that the contents of the Semi-annual Report are true,

accurate and complete, without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

Important Notes:

1. The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior management warrant that the contents of the

Quarterly Report are true, accurate and complete, without false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and shall

bear individual and collective legal liabilities.

2. The legal representative of the Company, the chief accountant in charge, and the chief of the accounting institution

(accounting supervisor), stated that the financial report in the Quarterly Report is true, accurate and complete.

3. Whether the First Quarter Report is audited

□ Yes No

                       2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                          To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

                                                      I. Key Financial Data

(I) Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether the Company needs to retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years
□ Yes No
                                                                                                       Year-on-year increase or
                                                Q1 2024                        Q1 2023
                                                                                                            decrease (%)
Operating income (RMB)                           2,693,191,598.95                2,233,266,009.68                         20.59%
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the Company                        152,843,351.25                 182,814,094.72                          -16.39%
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the Company
                                                   151,462,097.05                 182,952,103.05                          -17.21%
excluding non-recurring gains
and losses (RMB)
Net cash flow from operating
                                                  -297,983,503.10                 -438,843,869.41                          32.10%
activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share
                                                               0.55                          0.66                         -16.67%
Diluted earnings per share
                                                               0.54                          0.65                         -16.92%
Weighted average return on
                                                              2.29%                         2.91%                          -0.62%
net assets
                                                                                                      Increase/Decrease at the
                                                                                                     end of the current reporting
                                             End of Q1 2024                   End of 2023
                                                                                                      period compared with the
                                                                                                     end of the previous year (%)
Total assets (RMB)                              15,058,876,550.60               14,897,954,098.13                           1.08%
Equity attributable to
shareholders of the Company                      6,795,513,988.12                6,546,153,851.24                           3.81%

(II) Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Gains and Losses

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                   Item                                   Amount of Q1 2024                                Notes
Gains and losses on disposal of non-
current assets (including write-offs of                                    116,607.39
asset impairment provisions)
Government subsidies included in the
current gains and losses (excluding the
government subsidies closely related to
regular businesses of the Company, in
line with national policies, received by a
standard quota or quantity, and
consecutively affecting the Company's
gains and losses)
Gains and losses arising from changes in
the fair value of financial assets and

                        2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                        To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

liabilities held by non-financial
companies, and gains and losses from
the disposal of financial assets and
liabilities, other than the effective
hedging business related to the normal
operation of the Company
Other non-operating revenue and
expenditure other than those                                               -325,600.88
mentioned above
Less: affected amount of income tax                                         248,594.24
     Affected amount of minority
shareholders' equity (after tax)
Total                                                                     1,381,254.20                      --
Other gains and losses items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains and losses
□ Applicable  Not applicable
There are no other gains and losses items of the Company that meet the definition of non-recurring gains and loss.
Reasons for the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public No.1 - Non-recurring Gains and Losses recognized as recurring gains and losses items
□ Applicable Not applicable
There is no circumstance where the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in Explanatory Announcement on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public No.1 - Non-recurring Gains and Losses are recognized as recurring
gains and losses items.

(III) Changes to Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators and Reasons

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Balance sheet items

                                                                                                Percentage of
                     Item                        March 31, 2024          December 31, 2023         change         Reason for change
                                                                                                               Mainly due to the
                                                                                                               decrease in endorsed
              Notes receivable                         26,894,863.25           55,955,879.66           -51.94% promissory notes
                                                                                                               outstanding during the
                                                                                                               reporting period
                                                                                                               Mainly due to the
                                                                                                               increase in pre-
                Pre-payments                         247,513,918.87           129,020,462.65            91.84% payments for materials
                                                                                                               during the reporting
                                                                                                               Mainly due to the
                                                                                                               increase in capitalized
                                                                                                               expenditures such as
         Development expenditure                       86,991,768.53           36,791,601.49           136.44% test fees related to
                                                                                                               partial registration
                                                                                                               during the reporting
                                                                                                               Mainly due to the
                                                                                                               increase in bank
               Short-term loan                     3,007,176,826.17          2,261,455,023.95           32.98%
                                                                                                               borrowings during the
                                                                                                               reporting period
                                                                                                               Mainly due to the value
        Derivative financial liabilities                          0.00          4,141,579.45          -100.00% fluctuation of forward
                                                                                                               exchange settlement

                      2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                       To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

                                                                                                              business during the
                                                                                                              reporting period
                                                                                                              Mainly due to the
                                                                                                              increase in rent of
            Advance receipts                            490,412.00             232,358.87             111.06%
                                                                                                              Runke's building during
                                                                                                              the reporting period
                                                                                                              Mainly caused by
                                                                                                              increase in customer
             Contract liability                      46,778,786.28          29,592,998.73              58.07% payments accepted in
                                                                                                              advance during the
                                                                                                              reporting period
                                                                                                              Mainly due to the
                                                                                                              increase in tax payable
              Taxes payable                         125,548,394.22          77,730,510.55              61.52%
                                                                                                              during the reporting
                                                                                                              Mainly due to the
                                                                                                              decrease in long-term
Non-current liabilities due within one year           4,560,445.18           9,623,075.76             -52.61% loans due within one
                                                                                                              year during the
                                                                                                              reporting period
                                                                                                              Mainly due to the
                                                                                                              decrease in endorsed
         Other current liabilities                   23,007,785.61          57,442,707.33             -59.95% promissory notes
                                                                                                              outstanding during the
                                                                                                              reporting period
                                                                                                              Mainly due to the
                                                                                                              increase in borrowings
             Long-term loan                         111,160,672.69          77,624,331.91              43.20% of the subsidiary Ningxia
                                                                                                              Gerui during the
                                                                                                              reporting period

2. Income statement items

                                                                                      Percentage of
               Item                   January-March 2024       January-March 2023        change               Reason for change
                                                                                                     Mainly due to the increase in
                                                                                                     overseas market expansion
                                                                                                     expenses, employee
          Sales expenses                      136,012,126.19          75,879,447.34           79.25%
                                                                                                     remunerations and registration
                                                                                                     expenses during the reporting
                                                                                                     Mainly due to the decrease in
                                                                                                     R&D costs and expenses
        R&D expenditures                       36,086,891.09          56,162,380.67          -35.75% caused by the decrease in R&D
                                                                                                     material prices during the
                                                                                                     reporting period
                                                                                                     Mainly due to investment
                                                                                                     income from disposal of
        Investment returns                      5,221,370.46         -35,302,194.73          114.79%
                                                                                                     derivative financial assets
                                                                                                     during the reporting period
                                                                                                     Mainly due to the changes in
                                                                                                     fair value of derivative financial
Income from changes in fair value               8,508,624.49          96,528,024.70          -91.19%
                                                                                                     assets during the reporting
                                                                                                     Mainly due to credit
                                                                                                     impairment losses of accounts
     Credit impairment losses                 -15,533,971.25          27,806,314.28         -155.86%
                                                                                                     receivable during the reporting

                        2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                      To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

                                                                                                     Mainly due to reserve for
     Asset impairment losses                      -534,514.34          -1,406,215.58          61.99% inventory depreciation during
                                                                                                     the reporting period
                                                                                                     Mainly due to the increase in
                                                                                                     deferred income tax arising
                                                                                                     from the offsetting of
       Income tax expenses                      24,726,415.53           9,733,671.77         154.03%
                                                                                                     unrealized internal trading
                                                                                                     gains and losses during the
                                                                                                     reporting period

3. Cash flow statement items

                                                                                          Percentage of
                 Item                      January-March 2024      January-March 2023        change           Reason for change
                                                                                                         Mainly due to the year-on-
Net cash flow from operating activities          -297,983,503.10        -438,843,869.41           32.10% year decrease in collected
                                                                                                         Mainly due to the increase
Net cash flow from financing activities           283,264,392.84         649,322,860.48          -56.38% in cash paid for repayment
                                                                                                         of bank borrowings

                                                II. Shareholder Information

(I) The number of common shareholders, the number of preferred shareholders whose voting rights have
been restored and the shareholdings of the top ten shareholders

                                                                                                                     Unit: Share
                                                       Number of preferred shareholders whose voting
Number of common shareholders
                                                6,225 rights have been restored as of the end of Q1 2024                     0
as of the end of Q1 2024
                                                       (if any)
                  Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders (excluding shares lent through stock pledge repos)
                                                                            Quantity of            Pledge, mark or freeze
    Name of          Shareholder       Shareholding      Shareholding
  shareholder           nature           ratio (%)          quantity                          Share status         Quantity
                                                                            shares held
                   Domestic non-
                   state-owned                41.24% 114,911,237.00 114,911,237.00 Pledge                       22,880,000.00
Investment Co.,
                   legal person
                   Overseas legal
KONKIA INC                                    21.96%     61,191,800.00     61,191,800.00 Not applicable                   0.00
Rainbow            Domestic non-
Agriculture        state-owned                  4.70%    13,105,690.00     13,105,690.00 Not applicable                   0.00
Investment Co., legal person
Jinan Xinbo        Domestic non-
Investment Co., state-owned                     2.81%      7,840,686.00               0.00 Pledge                 6,827,700.00
Ltd.               legal person
Pei Xubo                                        2.80%      7,799,613.00               0.00 Not applicable                 0.00
                   natural person
Securities         Other                        2.79%      7,780,085.00               0.00 Not applicable                 0.00

                       2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                       To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

Limited -
Value Pioneer
Industrial and
Bank of China
Co., Ltd. -
                     Other                      2.67%         7,428,254.00            0.00   Not applicable                0.00
Schroder Trend
Priority Hybrid
Bank Co., Ltd. -
Schroder             Other                      1.08%         3,004,957.00            0.00   Not applicable                0.00
Qicheng Hybrid
Industrial and
Bank of China
Co., Ltd. - E
Fund ChiNext
                     Other                      0.66%         1,832,083.00            0.00   Not applicable                0.00
Trading Open-
End Index
Guotai Asset
Co., Ltd. - Social   Other                      0.54%         1,500,241.00            0.00   Not applicable                0.00
Security Fund
                                   Shareholding of top ten shareholders of unrestricted shares
                                                                                                       Type of shares
       Name of shareholder                     Quantity of unrestricted shares held
                                                                                              Type of shares       Quantity
Jinan Xinbo Investment Co., Ltd.                                              7,840,686.00                        7,840,686.00
Pei Xubo                                                                      7,799,613.00                        7,799,613.00
Orient Securities Company Limited
- Zhonggeng Value Pioneer Equity                                              7,780,085.00                        7,780,085.00
Securities Investment Fund
Industrial and Commercial Bank of                                             7,428,254.00   RMB-                 7,428,254.00

                     2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                          To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

China Co., Ltd. - BOCOM Schroder                                                              denominated
Trend Priority Hybrid Securities                                                              common
Investment Fund                                                                               shares
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. -
BOCOM Schroder Qicheng Hybrid                                               3,004,957.00                           3,004,957.00
Securities Investment Fund
Industrial and Commercial Bank of                                                             RMB-
China Co., Ltd. - E Fund ChiNext                                                              denominated
                                                                            1,832,083.00                           1,832,083.00
Trading Open-End Index Securities                                                             common
Investment Fund                                                                               shares
Guotai Asset Management Co.,                                                                  denominated
                                                                            1,500,241.00                           1,500,241.00
Ltd. - Social Security Fund 421                                                               common
Hong Kong Securities Clearing                                                                 denominated
                                                                            1,498,300.00                           1,498,300.00
Company Ltd. (HKSCC)                                                                          common
China Construction Bank
Corporation - Guotai Great Health                                           1,389,088.00                           1,389,088.00
Equity Securities Investment Fund
Yuanxin (Zhuhai) Private Equity
Fund Management Co., Ltd. -
Yuanxin China Value Growth No. 9                                            1,350,024.00                           1,350,024.00
Private Securities Investment
                                                       1. Shandong Runyuan Investment Co., Ltd., KONKIA INC, Shandong
                                                       Rainbow Agrosciences Investment Co., Ltd. are enterprises controlled
Explanation of the above-mentioned shareholder         by Wicky Wang, Sun Guoqing and Qiu Hongbing, the actual controllers
relationship or concerted action                       of the Company.
                                                       2. The Company is not aware whether the above-mentioned other
                                                       shareholders are associated or are persons acting in concert.
                                                       1. Pei Xubo holds 6,799,613 shares through the customer credit
                                                       transaction guarantee securities account of CITIC Securities (Shandong)
                                                       Co., Ltd., and 1,000,000 shares through common securities. A total of
                                                       7,799,613 shares are held by Pei Xubo.
Engagement of the top 10 shareholders in securities
                                                       2. Yuanxin (Zhuhai) Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd. - Yuanxin
margin trading business (if any)
                                                       China Value Growth No. 9 Private Securities Investment Fund holds
                                                       1,350,024 shares through the customer credit transaction guarantee
                                                       securities account of CITIC Securities Co., Ltd., and 0 shares through
                                                       common securities, totaling 1,350,024 shares.
Participation of the shareholders holding more than 5% of shares, top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders with unlimited
shares outstanding in lending out shares under stock pledge repo transactions
 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                      Unit: Share

     Participation of the shareholders holding more than 5% of shares, top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders with
                   unlimited shares outstanding in lending out shares under stock pledge repo transactions
                                           Shares lent through stock
                Common account and                                                                    Shares lent through stock
                                           pledge repo transactions       Common account and
 Name of       credit account holdings                                                                pledge repo transactions
                                            at the beginning of the      credit account holdings
shareholde     at the beginning of the                                                                 at the end of the period
                                              period and not yet         at the end of the period
 r (in full)            period                                                                          and not yet returned
                 Total       Proportion       Total         Proportion     Total        Proportion       Total       Proportion

                      2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                          To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

                quantity        to total      quantity       to total       quantity       to total      quantity        to total
                                 shares                       shares                        shares                        shares
l Bank of
China Co.,
Ltd. - E
                1,268,569          0.46%       110,900          0.04%        1,832,083        0.66%        103,400          0.03%
Changes from the previous period due to lending/returning via stock pledge repo transactions by top 10 shareholders and top 10
shareholders with unlimited shares outstanding
□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                           III. Quarterly Financial Statements

(I) Financial Statements

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Shandong Weifang Rainbow Chemical Co., Ltd.

                                                         March 31, 2024
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                  Item                                   Closing balance                              Opening balance
Current assets:
   Monetary funds                                                    2,610,782,485.67                           3,271,577,916.51
   Deposit reservation for balance
   Lending to banks and other financial
   Financial assets held for trading                                     6,000,000.00                                 6,000,000.00
   Derivative financial assets                                           4,504,554.15
   Notes receivable                                                     26,894,863.25                              55,955,879.66
   Accounts receivable                                               5,137,700,424.79                           4,707,041,417.82
   Receivables financing                                                                                              500,000.00
   Pre-payments                                                         247,513,918.87                            129,020,462.65
   Premium receivable
   Re-insurance accounts receivable
   Reserves for re-insurance contract
   Other receivables                                                     53,768,593.58                               44,646,181.87
      Including.: interest receivable
              Dividends receivable
   Financial assets purchased under
resale agreement
   Inventory                                                         3,480,329,471.17                           3,336,332,619.58

                      2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                     To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

     Including: data resources
  Contracted assets
  Assets held for sale
  Non-current assets that mature within
one year
  Other current assets                                          323,583,331.44                               329,901,506.56
Total current assets                                         11,891,077,642.92                            11,880,975,984.65
Non-current assets:
  Disbursed loans and advances
  Debt investments
  Other debt investment
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investment                                       1,306,518.96                               1,445,021.57
  Other equity instrument investment
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment real estate                                             8,356,156.61                              8,512,192.20
  Fixed assets                                                   2,189,183,083.45                          2,008,437,417.28
  Construction in progress                                         296,063,689.71                            395,645,781.60
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Assets with rights of use                                        16,340,375.31                              14,463,991.44
  Intangible assets                                               232,333,780.83                             214,122,877.97
     Including: data resources
  Development expenditure                                          86,991,768.53                              36,791,601.49
     Including: data resources
   Goodwill                                                      94,866,025.56                                94,866,025.56
   Long-term deferred expenses                                   31,909,393.75                                34,125,613.10
   Deferred income tax assets                                   118,308,739.01                               117,262,810.63
   Other non-current assets                                      92,139,375.96                                91,304,780.64
Total non-current assets                                      3,167,798,907.68                             3,016,978,113.48
Total assets                                                 15,058,876,550.60                            14,897,954,098.13
Current liabilities:
   Short-term loan                                               3,007,176,826.17                          2,261,455,023.95
   Borrowings from the central bank
   Borrowing from banks and financial
   Financial liabilities held for trading
   Derivative financial liabilities                                                                            4,141,579.45
   Notes payable                                                 3,164,565,144.94                          4,057,148,069.12
   Accounts payable                                              1,160,483,609.93                          1,096,628,295.09
   Advance receipts                                                    490,412.00                                232,358.87
   Contract liability                                               46,778,786.28                             29,592,998.73
   Financial assets sold for repurchase
   Deposits and interbank deposits
   Amount received from agency trading
of securities
   Amount received from agency
underwriting of securities
   Payroll payable                                                156,692,121.15                             218,457,162.23
   Taxes payable                                                  125,548,394.22                              77,730,510.55
   Other payables                                                  80,407,289.60                              81,107,290.26
      Including: Interests payable
              Dividends payable
   Charges and commissions payable

                      2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                        To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

  Re-insurance accounts payable
  Liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due within one
                                                                        4,560,445.18                              9,623,075.76
  Other current liabilities                                            23,007,785.61                            57,442,707.33
Total current liabilities                                           7,769,710,815.08                         7,893,559,071.34
Non-current liabilities:
  Provision for insurance contracts
  Long-term loan                                                      111,160,672.69                            77,624,331.91
  Bonds payable
     Including: Preferred shares
               Perpetual bonds
  Lease liability                                                       8,903,219.19                              8,219,602.23
  Long-term payables
  Long-term payroll payable
  Accrued liabilities
  Deferred income                                                      11,476,461.96                            11,713,887.21
  Deferred income tax liabilities                                      51,863,304.55                            67,145,243.72
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                         183,403,658.39                           164,703,065.07
Total liabilities                                                   7,953,114,473.47                         8,058,262,136.41
Owner’s equity:
  Share capital                                                       278,662,094.00                           278,662,094.00
  Other equity instruments
     Including: Preferred shares
               Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserve                                                   2,388,187,702.28                         2,382,932,252.27
  Less: Treasury stock
  Other comprehensive income                                           33,105,376.93                           -53,797,771.67
  Special reserve                                                      42,954,447.55                            38,596,260.53
  Surplus reserve                                                     158,674,657.07                           158,674,657.07
  General risk reserve
  Undistributed profit                                              3,893,929,710.29                         3,741,086,359.04
Total owners' equity attributed to
                                                                    6,795,513,988.12                         6,546,153,851.24
parent company
  Minority shareholder’s interest                                    310,248,089.01                           293,538,110.48
Total owner’s equity                                               7,105,762,077.13                         6,839,691,961.72
Total liabilities and owners’ equity                             15,058,876,550.60                         14,897,954,098.13
Legal Representative: Wicky Wang       Chief Accountant in Charge: Xing Bingpeng Chief of Accounting Institution: Zhang Baolin

2. Consolidated income statement

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                    Item                          Amount incurred in Q1 2024                 Amount incurred in Q4 2023
I. Gross Operating Income                                        2,693,191,598.95                           2,233,266,009.68
   Including: Operating income                                   2,693,191,598.95                           2,233,266,009.68
           Interest income
           Premium earned
           Handling charges and
commissions income
II. Total Operating Costs                                           2,502,450,985.18                          2,118,502,804.32
  Including: Costs of business                                      2,151,930,798.44                          1,814,538,181.24
          Interest expenses
          Handling charges and

                        2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                    To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

commission expenses
           Surrender value
           Net payments for insurance
         Net withdrawal of reserve for
insurance responsibility contracts
           Expenditures of policy
           Re-insurance expense
           Taxes and surcharges                                       9,639,670.98                              9,314,127.45
           Sales expenses                                           136,012,126.19                             75,879,447.34
           Management expenses                                       95,232,946.97                            102,590,984.82
           R&D expenditures                                          36,086,891.09                             56,162,380.67
           Financial expenses                                        73,548,551.51                             60,017,682.80
              Including: Interest expenses                           21,851,106.77                              5,399,475.19
                     Interest income                                 11,765,988.38                             15,704,126.01
  Add: Other incomes                                                  1,590,381.16                              2,246,880.15
        Income from investment (“-”
                                                                      5,221,370.46                            -35,302,194.73
for loss)
            Including: Income from
investment in associated enterprises and                               -138,502.61                                 -31,308.03
joint ventures
                     Income recognized
at termination of financial assets
measured at amortized cost
         Foreign exchange gain ("-" fro
         Net exposure hedging income ("-
" for loss)
        Income from changes in fair
                                                                      8,508,624.49                             96,528,024.70
value ("-" for loss)
         Credit impairment losses ("-" for
                                                                    -15,533,971.25                             27,806,314.28
         Asset impairment losses ("-" for
                                                                       -534,514.34                              -1,406,215.58
           Gains from asset disposal ("-" for
III. Operating Profit ("-" for loss)                                190,339,748.10                            204,636,014.18
    Add: Non-operating income                                         5,194,095.82                              3,582,516.56
    Less: Non-operating expenses                                      5,506,355.00                              5,029,861.03
IV. Total Profit Before Tax (“-” for total
                                                                    190,027,488.92                            203,188,669.71
    Less: Income tax expenses                                        24,726,415.53                              9,733,671.77
V. Net Profit ("-" for net loss)                                    165,301,073.39                            193,454,997.94
    (I) Classification by business continuity
        1. Net profit from continuing
                                                                    165,301,073.39                            193,454,997.94
operations (“-” for net loss)
        2. Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” for net loss)
    (II) Classification by ownership
        1. Net profit attributable to the                           152,843,351.25                            182,814,094.72

                     2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                        To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

owners of the parent company
       2. Profit or loss of minority
                                                                     12,457,722.14                                10,640,903.22
VI. Net Amount after Tax of Other
                                                                     91,155,404.99                               -30,738,258.68
Comprehensive Income
   Net amount of other comprehensive
income after tax attributed to the                                   86,903,148.60                               -23,060,863.19
owners of parent company
       (I) Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified into profit or
           1. Changes due to re-
measurement on defined benefit plan
           2. Other comprehensive income
that cannot be converted into profit and
loss under the equity method
           3. Changes in fair value of other
equity instrument investments
           4. Changes in the fair value of the
credit risk of the enterprise
           5. Other
       (ii) Other comprehensive income
that will be reclassified into profit and                            86,903,148.60                               -23,060,863.19
           1. Other comprehensive income
that can be converted to profit or loss
under the equity method
           2. Changes in fair value for other
investment on bonds
           3. Amount of financial assets
reclassified into other comprehensive
           4. Provision for credit
impairment of other creditor's rights
           5. Cash flow hedge reserve
           6. Difference of foreign currency
                                                                     86,903,148.60                               -23,060,863.19
financial statement translation
           7. Other
   Net amount of other comprehensive
income after tax attributed to minority                                4,252,256.39                               -7,677,395.49
VII. Total Comprehensive Income                                     256,456,478.38                              162,716,739.26
   Total comprehensive income
                                                                    239,746,499.85                              159,753,231.53
attributed to parent company owners
   Total comprehensive income
                                                                     16,709,978.53                                 2,963,507.73
attributed to minority shareholders
VIII. Earnings per Share:
   (i) Basic earnings per share                                                 0.55                                       0.66
   (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                              0.54                                       0.65
For business combination under the same control in the current period, the net profit of the merged party before the business
combination is RMB , and the net profit of the merged party in the previous period is RMB .

Legal Representative: Wicky Wang     Chief Accountant in Charge: Xing Bingpeng     Chief of Accounting Institution: Zhang Baolin

                      2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                        To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

3. Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                    Item                          Amount incurred in Q1 2024                 Amount incurred in Q4 2023
I. Cash Flows Generated from Operating
    Cash received from sales of goods and
                                                                    2,443,204,075.57                          2,869,711,130.95
  Net increase in deposit from
customers and interbank
  Net increase in borrowing from
central bank
   Net increase in borrowings from other
financial institutions
   Cash receipts from premiums under
direct insurance contracts
  Net cash receipts from re-insurance
  Net cash receipts from policyholders'
deposits and investments
  Cash receipts from interest, handling
fees and commissions
  Net increase in capital borrowed from
banks and other financial institutions
  Net increase in repurchase business
   Net cash received from securities
trading brokerage
  Cash receipts from tax refunds                                     204,868,799.71                             178,247,213.87
  Cash received relating to other
                                                                      18,550,465.36                              21,452,425.86
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflow in business
                                                                    2,666,623,340.64                          3,069,410,770.68
  Cash payments for goods acquired
                                                                    2,509,486,886.84                          2,919,345,383.14
and services received
  Net increase in customer loans and
  Net increase in deposits in central
bank and interbank
  Cash payments for original insurance
contract claims
  Net increase in lending funds from
banks and other financial institutions
  Cash payments for interest, fee and
  Cash payments for insurance
policyholder dividends
  Cash payments to employees and on
                                                                     246,717,193.22                             209,366,726.26
behalf of employees
  Cash payments for taxes                                             70,929,152.34                              66,508,397.97
  Other cash payments relating to
                                                                     137,473,611.34                             313,034,132.72
operating activities

                      2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                      To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

Subtotal of cash outflow in business
                                                                  2,964,606,843.74                          3,508,254,640.09
Net cash flow from operating activities                            -297,983,503.10                           -438,843,869.41
II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
    Cash receipts from investment
    Cash receipts from return on
    Net cash receipts from disposals of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                            8,431,646.84                                 983,079.15
long-term assets
    Net cash receipts from disposal of
subsidiary or any other business unit
    Other cash receipts relating to
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow in investment
                                                                     8,431,646.84                                 983,079.15
  Cash payments to acquire or
construct fixed assets, intangible assets                          209,319,241.56                             187,607,144.42
and other long-term assets
  Cash payments for investment
  Net increase in pledged loans
    Net cash payments to acquire
subsidiary and other business units
    Other cash payments relating to
investment activities
Subtotal of cash outflow in investment
                                                                   209,319,241.56                             222,044,340.17
Net cash flow in investment activities                             -200,887,594.72                           -221,061,261.02
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
    Cash received from capital
      Including: Cash received from
investment of minority shareholder from
    Cash receipts from borrowings                                 1,406,622,528.15                            312,883,880.00
    Other cash receipts relating to
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow in financing
                                                                  1,406,622,528.15                            749,802,593.08
  Cash repayments of borrowings                                   1,097,060,211.08                             96,010,893.21
   Cash payments for distribution of
dividends, profits, or cash payments for                            26,297,924.23                               4,468,839.39
interest expenses
      Including: Dividends and profits
paid to minority shareholders by
   Other cash paid related to financing
Subtotal of cash outflow in financing
                                                                  1,123,358,135.31                            100,479,732.60
Net cash flow from financing activities                            283,264,392.84                             649,322,860.48
IV. Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on
                                                                    12,180,350.46                             -11,563,948.54
Cash and Cash Equivalents
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                                                   -203,426,354.52                            -22,146,218.49

                      2024 First Quarter Report of Rainbow                          To be a Global Leading Crop Protection Company

   Add: Beginning balance of cash and
                                                                      1,185,554,395.09                          2,076,062,785.79
cash equivalents
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash
                                                                       982,128,040.57                           2,053,916,567.30

(II) Audit Report

Whether the First Quarter Report is audited
□ Yes No
The Company's First Quarter Report has not been audited.

Should there be any difference in the interpretation of the contents, the Chinese version of the First Quarter Report 2024 shall

                                                                       SHANDONG WEIFANG RAINBOW CHEMICAL CO., LTD.

                                                                                                              Board of Directors

                                                                                                              Date: 10/05/2024
