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                  2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited


    2023 Annual Report

     DR Corporation Limited

           April 2024

      2023 Annual Report
                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                  Part I. Important Notes, Contents and Terminology
The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the Directors, Supervisors and senior management
of DRCO warrant that the information of this annual report is true, accurate and complete without any false
statements, misleading statements or material omissions, and they shall assume individual and joint legal

Both Zhang Guotao, the legal representative of DRCO and Huang Shuirong, the head of the financial
department in charge of the corporate accounting confirm the financial statements contained in the annual
report are true, accurate and complete.

All directors have attended the board meeting at which this report was deliberated.

Despite the steady growth across China’s jewelry industry During the Reporting Period, the diamond market
was definitely influenced by aggravated structural differentiation, intense competition, sluggish demands for
diamond jewelry as consumer discretionary and obviously increasing gold safe-haven demands. According
to statistics from the Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China, the diamond products market declined
about 27% year-on-year in 2023. With a fully self-managed sales model and diamond jewelry as the
mainstay, the Company’s operating revenue dropped 40.78% year-on-year in 2023, which was consistent
with the diamond market trend.

In context of strategic brand upgrading, DRCO has adjusted corporate channel strategy and optimized the
channel layout to enhance brand image and service experience. Some low-potential stores and those
incompatible with the brand image were closed, relocated or replaced. According to the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises and the Company’s accounting policies, DRCO made provisions for
asset impairment on stores that showed signs of impairment, and made bad debt provision for lease
deposits that could not be recovered due to early closure of the stores, based on the prudence principle of
accounting. The above-mentioned matters had a major impact on the Company’s performance in net profits
during the reporting period, with the net profits attributable to shareholders down by 90.54% year-on-year.

In face of ever-changing market, DRCO will make active response and proactively adjust strategies to boost
brand potential and product competitiveness. In particular, we will focus on sound business operation and
store profitability, and take actions to reduce costs and increase efficiency, with a view to promoting
sustainable and stable development of the Company.

During the reporting period, there were neither material adverse changes in DRCO's principal business and
core competitiveness, nor overcapacity or persistent decline in the jewelry industry without any significant
risks to sustainable operation of the Company (see details in “I. Industrial situation during the reporting
period”, “II. DRCO main business during the reporting period” and “III. Analysis of core competitiveness”
under Part III. Management Discussion and Analysis).

Any forward-looking statements in this report that address future plans and objectives do not constitute
material commitments by DRCO to investors and investors and related parties should be aware of the risks
involved and should understand the differences between plans, projections and commitments.

DRCO is required to comply with the disclosure requirements for jewelry-related business specified in the

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Self-disciplinary Supervision Guidelines No.3 for Companies Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Industry
Information Disclosure.

According to the profit distribution plan approved by the Board of Directors, a cash dividend of
RMB5.00(including tax) for every 10 shares and zero bonus share (including tax) to all shareholders, as well
as zero share to be transferred to all shareholders from capital reserve for every 10 shares.

                                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                     Table of Contents

Part I.     Important Notes, Contents and Terminology ...................................................................1

Part II. Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators ................................................................8

Part III. Management Discussion and Analysis ...........................................................................14

Part IV. Corporate Governance ......................................................................................................68

Part V. Environmental Protection and Social Responsibility ................................................. 103

Part VI. Important Matters ........................................................................................................... 104

Part VII.Changes in Shares and Information of Shareholders .................................................188

Part VIII. Information about Preferred Shares ............................................................................ 204

Part X. Financial Report ................................................................................................................ 205

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                            Documents Available for Inspection
I     Financial statements signed and sealed by DRCO's legal representative, and the head of the financial
department in charge of the corporate accounting;

II    Original copy of the auditors’ report sealed by the accounting firm, and signed and sealed by the
certified public accountants;

III   All original copies of DRCO’s announcements and documents publicly disclosed on the websites
designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) in the reporting period;

IV    Original copy of the 2023 annual report, which has been signed by DRCO’s legal representative;

V     Other documents available for inspection.

The above-mentioned documents are kept at the Board Secretary Office of DRCO.

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Terms                           Definition
Company,      DRCO    and   DR DR Corporation Limited
Darry Corporation               Shenzhen Darry Jewelry Co., Ltd., the predecessor of DR
                                Corporation Limited
DR Investment                   DR Investment (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd., formerly known as Shenzhen DR
                                Investment Co., Ltd., is the controlling shareholder of DRCO.
Wendi No.1                      Gongqingcheng Wendi No.1 Investment Management Partnership
                                (LP), a shareholder of DRCO
Wendi No.2                      Gongqingcheng Wendi No.2 Investment Management Partnership
                                (LP), a shareholder of DRCO
Wendi No.3                      Gongqingcheng Wendi No.3 Investment Management Partnership
                                (LP), a shareholder of DRCO
Darry Qianhai                   Shenzhen Darry Commercial Management Services Co., Ltd., a
                                wholly-owned subsidiary of DRCO
Love Only AI                    Shenzhen Love Only AI Cloud Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly- owned
                                subsidiary of DRCO.
Haoduo Diamond                  Haoduo Diamond (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Shanghai Darry                  Shanghai Darry Diamond Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Chongqing Darry                 Chongqing Darry Jewelry Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Couple Shenzhen                 Couple Only (Shenzhen) Jewelry Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned
                                subsidiary of DRCO
He’er Culture                  He’er Culture (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., formerly known as Shenzhen
                                Shechushe Jewelry Co., Ltd., is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DRCO.
He’er Culture (Hainan)         He’er Culture (Hainan) Co., Ltd., a first-tier wholly-owned subsidiary
                                of DRCO
DR LUXURY Singapore             DR LUXURY (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., a wholly-owned subsidiary
                                of He’er Culture (Hainan) Co., Ltd.
DR LUXURY Netherlands           DR Luxury Netherlands Holding B.V., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
                                DR LUXURY (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.
LOVEMONT Malaysia               LOVEMONT ( MALAYSIA ) SDN.BHD., a wholly-owned subsidiary
                                of DR LUXURY (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.
DR LUXURY USA                   DR LUXURY USA INC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of DR Luxury
                                Netherlands Holding B.V.'
Love of My Love Wedding Love of My Love Wedding Planning (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., a first-tier

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Planning (Shenzhen)             wholly-owned subsidiary of DRCO
Shenzhen DR Jewelry Sales       Shenzhen DR Jewelry Sales Co., Ltd., a first-tier wholly-owned
                                subsidiary of DRCO
Happy     Love     Psychological Happy Love Psychological Research Center (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., a
Research Center                 first-tier wholly-owned subsidiary of DRCO
Love of My Love Wedding Love of My Love Wedding Planning (Sanya) Co., Ltd., a first-tier
Planning (Sanya)                wholly-owned subsidiary of DRCO
Lovemont Hong Kong              Lovemont Hong Kong Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of DR
                                LUXURY (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.
Haoduo Diamond Zhizao           Haoduo Diamond Zhizao (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned
                                subsidiary of Haoduo Diamond (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong DR GROUP              DR GROUP COMPANY LIMITED, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
                                Shenzhen Love Only AI Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong DR                    DARRY JEWELRY (HK) LIMITED, a wholly owned subsidiary of DR
                                GROUP COMPANY LIMITED
Couple Hong Kong                Couple Only Jewelry HongKong Company Limited , a wholly owned
                                subsidiary of DR GROUP COMPANY LIMITED
French DR JEWELRY               DR JEWELRY, a wholly owned subsidiary of DR GROUP COMPANY
Qianhai Wendi                   Shenzhen Qianhai Wendi Management Consulting Co., Ltd.
EveryYear Travel Photography Shenzhen EveryYear Travel Photography Culture Co., Ltd.
Wendi Design                    Zhuhai Wendi Design Consulting Co., Ltd.
Wendi Technology                Zhuhai Wendi Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Wendi No.1               Zhuhai Wendi No.1 Investment Partnership (LP)
DR                              A jewelry brand owned by DR Corporation Limited
Reporting Period                January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023
Articles of Association         Articles of Association of DR Corporation Limited
Listing                         Listing and trading of DRCO’s shares on the Shenzhen Stock
Yuan or RMB                     Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC
CSRC                            China Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSE                            Shenzhen Stock Exchange
SDE                             Shanghai Diamond Exchange
Shenzhen Administration for Shenzhen Administration for Market Regulation
Market Regulation
Company Law                     Company Law of the People's Republic of China
Securities Law                  Securities Law of the People's Republic of China
Carat (in Ct)                   A unit of mass (weight) of gems. The weight of a carat of diamonds is
                                equal to 200 milligrams or 0.2 grams of diamonds. One carat can be
                                subdivided into 100 points for calculation of smaller diamonds;

                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                   therefore, a 50-point diamond is 0.5 carat.
Finished Diamond   The diamond after cutting, polishing and other processing that can be
                   used to make jewelries
Gold jewelry       Jewelry with gold as the main raw material
Gold lease         DRCO leases physical gold from the bank for an agreed term and
                   upon expiration, returns physical gold of the same quantity and
                   variety and pays the bank a gold leasing fee as agreed.
㎡                 Square meter, a unit to measure the area
DTC                Direct to Customer, a direct-to-consumer business model

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

              Part II.         Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators

I.    Basic Information

Stock abbreviation             迪阿股份                   Stock Code                301177

Chinese name                   迪阿股份有限公司

Chinese abbreviation           迪阿股份

English name (if any)          DR Corporation Limited

English   abbreviation   (if

Legal representative     of
                               Zhang Guotao

                               Room 306, Wing Building of Luohu Investment Holding Building, No. 112
Registered Address             Qingshuihe 1st Road, Qingshuihe Community, Qingshuihe Street, Luohu
                               District, Shenzhen

Postal code                    518023

                            On February 18, 2022, the registered address of DRCO was changed from
                            "Room 1108-1115 (Room 8~15, 11th floor), Fu Ga Park Building at Intersection
History of changes       in of Cuishan Road and Wenjin North Road, Dongxiao Street, Luohu District,
registered address          Shenzhen" to "Room 306, Wing Building Luohu Investment Holding Building,
                            No. 112 Qingshuihe 1st Road, Qingshuihe Community, Qingshuihe Street,
                            Luohu District, Shenzhen”

                               12th and 13th Floor, Tower C, China Resources Land Building, Nanshan
Office address
                               District, Shenzhen

Postal code                    518057

Company’s global website http://www.darryringgroup.com

E-mail                         IR@darryring.com

II. Contact Information

                                        Board secretary                    Securities affairs representative

Name                                    Huang Shuirong                     Wang Tong
                                        13th Floor, Tower C, China 13th Floor, Tower C, China
Address                                 Resources      Land      Building, Resources      Land      Building,
                                        Nanshan District, Shenzhen         Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Telephone                               0755-86664586                      0755-86664586
Fax                                     0755-86725390                      0755-86725390
E-mail                                  IR@darryring.com                   IR@darryring.com

III. Information Disclosure and Place for Inspection

                                                                    2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Website of the stock exchange for publishing
                                                               Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE): www.szse.cn
DRCO’s annual report

                                                               Securities Times, Securities Daily, China Securities
Name     and    website      of    media    designated   for
                                                               Journal,         Shanghai      Securities        News,
publishing the annual report

Place for inspection of DRCO’s annual report                  The Board Secretary Office of DRCO.

IV. Other Relevant Information

Accounting firm engaged by DRCO

                                                               Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP (Special General
Name of accounting firm

                                                               Room 01-12, 17th Floor, EY Tower, Oriental Plaza,
Office address                                                 No.1 East Chang'an Street, Dongcheng District,
Names of signing accountants                                   Li Jianguang and Chen Huijin
Sponsor engaged by DRCO to perform continuing supervision during the reporting period

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                               Name      of       sponsor Continuous       supervision
Name of Sponsor                   Office address
                                                               representative             period
                           35th Floor, Shenzhen
                           Media Group Tower, Hu Fangxing and Fang December 15, 2021 -
China Securities Co., Ltd.
                           Pengcheng 1st Road, Yifeng              December 31, 2024
                           Futian District, Shenzhen
Financial advisers engaged by DRCO to perform continuing supervision during the reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

V. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether DRCO needs to retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of the previous years

□ Yes  No

                                           2023                  2022               YoY Changes                2021
Operating Revenue
                                    2,180,277,744.00      3,681,574,412.68                  -40.78%        4,622,729,780.48
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the                    68,957,568.40           729,241,946.67               -90.54%        1,301,768,398.86
parent company (RMB)
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the                  -120,482,993.14           613,246,940.64              -119.65%        1,248,508,013.88
parent company after

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

deducting non-recurring
gains and losses (RMB)
Net cash flow from
                                  36,965,507.81           818,011,112.24               -95.48%     1,544,212,850.71
operating activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share
                                              0.17                  1.82               -90.66%                     3.62
Diluted earnings per
                                              0.17                  1.82               -90.66%                     3.62
share (RMB/share)
Weighted average return
                                            1.04%                10.68%                 -9.64%               32.61%
on net assets
                                                                           YoY        Changes
                             At the end of 2023      At the end of 2022                       At the end of 2021
                                                                           preceding year
Total assets (RMB)             7,530,082,307.45        8,815,748,380.27                -14.58%     8,269,184,150.24
Total equity attributable
to shareholders of the         6,472,637,841.96        6,803,046,203.96                 -4.86%     6,866,575,701.17
parent company (RMB)
For each of the past three fiscal years, the annual net profit before or after deduction of non-recurring profit
or loss, whichever is lower, has been negative; the recent year's audit report indicates uncertainty about the
company's ability to continue operating.

□ Yes  No

The lower of DRCO's net profit before or after deduction of non-recurring profit or loss is negative.

Yes □ No

           Item                        2023                         2022                     Remarks
Operating Revenue
                                     2,180,277,744.00             3,681,574,412.68 /
                                                                                   It is mainly the revenue from
                                                                                   wedding planning business,
Revenue deductions                                                                 sales of products to be
                                           6,520,708.61              31,393,058.65 disposed,packaging
                                                                                   materials       and     other
Revenue after deduction
                                     2,173,757,035.39             3,650,181,354.03 /

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

VI. Key Financial Indicators on Quarterly Basis

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                Q1                     Q2                     Q3                 Q4
Operating Revenue          705,008,310.46           536,798,959.96         500,227,028.95     438,243,444.63
Net profit
attributable to
                           100,931,877.53           -47,520,815.11          20,731,956.90      -5,185,450.92
shareholders of the
listed company
Net profit
attributable to
shareholders of the
listed company after         50,459,166.64          -99,820,334.06         -18,185,975.49     -52,935,850.23
deducting non-
recurring gains and
Net cash flows from
                             92,814,601.29          -51,795,042.10         -46,916,743.66      42,862,692.28
operating activities
The above financial indicators or their aggregate amounts differ significantly from the relevant financial
indicators disclosed in the DRCO’s quarterly or semi-annual reports.

□ Yes  No

VII. Differences in Accounting Data Under Domestic and International Accounting Standards

1.   The differences in net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared according to
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS).

□ Applicable  Not applicable

This report is prepared in accordance with Chinese Accounting Standards and does not include differences
in net profit and net assets disclosed during the reporting period under both International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) and Chinese Accounting Standards.

2.   The difference in net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared according to both
overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards.

□ Applicable  Not applicable

This report is prepared in accordance with Chinese Accounting Standards and does not include differences
in net profit and net assets disclosed during the reporting period under both Overseas Financial Reporting
Standards and Chinese Accounting Standards.

VIII. Non-recurring Profit/Loss Items and Amounts

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

             Item                Amount in 2023       Amount in 2022        Amount in 2021     Description
Non-current asset disposal           1,483,669.10           1,244,949.25        -732,715.39

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

gains or losses (including the
write-off portion of previously
recognized asset impairment
Government grants
recognized in the current
period's income, excluding
those closely related to the
company's normal operations,
conforming to national policy         17,239,801.74        23,433,558.47     11,022,474.28
regulations, enjoyed under
established criteria, and
persistently impacting the
company's income and
Gains and losses on changes                                                                Gains and losses
in the fair value of financial                                                             on changes in fair
assets and liabilities held by                                                             value of financial
non-financial enterprises and                                                              assets held for
gains and losses on the                                                                    trading,        and
                                     232,611,194.40      128,297,407.98      59,197,417.83
disposal of financial assets                                                               investment income
and liabilities, except for                                                                from         wealth
effective hedging operations                                                               management
related to regular business                                                                products during the
operations of DRCO                                                                         reporting period.
                                                                                            Collection of long
Reversal of provision for
                                                                                            overdue payments
impairment of receivables
                                          1,476,671.46              0.00               0.00 from       shopping
subject to separate
                                                                                            malls during the
impairment test
                                                                                            reporting period.
                                                                                           Mainly increase in
Other non-operating income
                                                                                           damages      arising
or expenses other than the            -4,827,618.30          631,427.63        -747,789.79
                                                                                           from early closure
above items
                                                                                           of stores during the
                                                                                           reporting period.
Less: Income tax effect               58,543,156.86        37,612,337.30     15,479,001.95
Total                             189,440,561.54        115,995,006.03       53,260,384.98 --
Details of other gain/loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains/losses:
□ Applicable     Not applicable
DRCO has no other items in line with the definition of non-recurring gains/losses.
Explanation on defining the non-recurring items listed in Interpretative Announcement No. 1 on the
Disclosure of Information by Companies Issuing Securities Publicly — Non-recurring Gains and Losses as
recurring items
      Applicable □ Not applicable

                 Item                           Amount involved (RMB)       Explanation

The     value-added     tax   refund
                                                                            Government grants that comply
obtained due to the portion of the
                                                              8,266,133.90 with national policies and continue
actual tax burden on diamond
                                                                            to enjoy in accordance with certain
imports    exceeding    4%,       which

                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

qualifies for immediate refund.                           standard quotas or quantities

VAT     exemption     for   small-scale
taxpayers with monthly sales not
exceeding 100,000 yuan (or 300,000         1,118,925.88
yuan for quarterly sales if a quarter is
a tax period)

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                  Part III.     Management Discussion and Analysis

I.    Industrial situation during the reporting period

DRCO is required to comply with the disclosure requirements for "jewelry-related business" and "retail
industry" specified in the Self-disciplinary Supervision Guidelines No.3-Industry Information Disclosure of
companies listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

(I)   Overview of macroeconomic environment and market conditions

In 2023, world economic recovery was weak, inflation remained at a high level globally, the spillover effects
of tightened monetary policies in major economies became prominent, de-globalization and geopolitical risks
increased. The external environment became increasingly complex and severe.The domestic economic
recovery process is volatile, affected by the slowdown of China's economic growth and the lack of
consumption power caused by the real estate market entering the downward period, the overall recovery
speed of the consumer industry is less than the market expectations. According to an investigation of the
People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the willingness to save of Chinese depositors stayed at an all-time high in
2023, which, coupled with a setback in consumer confidence, led to the amount of new deposits substantially
exceeding that of new loans for the second consecutive year. Nevertheless, consumption still showed strong
resilience among the three drivers of growth. In 2023, China's GDP grew by 5.2% over the previous year,
with 4.3% of the growth fueled by final consumption expenditure, making it the principal driver of the
economic recovery. A further breakdown of the data on total retail sales of consumer goods suggests a wide
disparity in the recovery of different consumption types in China. The consumption of catering services was
better than that of commodities, and the consumption of consumer staples was stronger than that of
consumer discretionary. The consumption structure exhibited a divided trend.

“Recovery and expanding consumption” remained key words throughout the year. To boost consumption,
diversified consumption scenarios were reopened and developed in a more orderly fashion. Responding to
the strategy of expanding domestic demand, relevant policies gave full play to the fundamental role of
consumption in economic development and continued to enhance the lasting power of high-quality
development. For instance, the National Development and Reform issued the “Measures to Restore and
Expand Consumption”, which proposed 20 specific measures to stabilize spending on big-ticket items and
expand service consumption and formed a policy package. Several authorities proposed to stimulate
consumption with a focus on resident income, financial services and the consumption environment, etc., and
specific initiatives represented by consumption vouchers were launched one after another. The consumer
market is becoming increasingly complex and diversified. The consumers are both emotional and rational in
decision-making. In particular, as the quality of life improves, people tend to pursue individualized and
customized consumption. Consumption is getting more and more diversified no matter in terms of innovative
product design, individualized marketing strategy or cross-industry integrated development.

(II) Overview of the development of the jewelry industry

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

In 2023, the global jewelry market was US$353.26 billion, in which the Asia-Pacific jewelry market accounted
for 59.9%. This huge market share was mainly attributed to the high demand for jewelry in densely populated
countries. As a major player in the global jewelry market, China's jewelry industry has entered a new
business cycle. According to the “2023 Development Report of China's Jewelry Industry” issued by the
Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China, the total market size of China's jewelry industry in 2023 was
approximately RMB820 billion, an increase of 14% over 2022. The gold products market stood at
approximately RMB518 billion, up 26.3% year-on-year; the jade market was around RMB150 billion, rising
2% year-on-year; and the diamond products market was about RMB60 billion, down 26.8% year-on-year.
With the increase in disposable income, the iteration of jewelry craftsmanship and design, as well as the
ever-changing consumer demand, Statista expects China’s jewelry market to grow at a compound growth
rate (CAGR) of 4.39% from 2024 to 2028, and there is still room for growth in China's jewelry market.

By category, the natural diamond market remained sluggish in 2023, and the price of finished diamond was
declining. Due to supply control in the upstream and production cuts in the midstream, the B2B price of
natural diamond rebounded visibly in the last two months, but the Rapaport Diamond Price Index showed
that except for 0.30 carat, the other three segments all decreased in 2023, respectively by 25.9%, 20.6% and
11.3%, suggesting a weak market demand for natural diamond. According to the “Diamond Insight Report
2023” of De Beers, China's middle class is growing dramatically from one in five (21%) in 2010 to one in two
(51%) in 2022, and possibly to two-thirds by 2030. The diamond industry in China may benefit from this with
RMB140 billion of business opportunities.

In short, the jewelry industry is undergoing an unprecedented reform with the development of global
economy and the change of consumption concepts. The development of digitization in the jewelry industry,
the growing concern about sustainable development, and the pursuit of individualization and spiritual
satisfaction are driving multi-dimensional upgrading of the jewelry industry. China, as the most promising
consumer market for jewelry, will see a new development pattern. The diamond jewelry industry has begun a
cyclical adjustment filled with challenges and tests, and the leading players that would continue to improve
their core competitiveness and brand potential could seize the opportunity of industry adjustment to
exchange time for space and gain a bigger market share.
    1. Increase in residents disposal income drives steady growth of the industry, and the combined
    emergence of diversified consumer demands and customer behaviors
Consumption has become a key driver of China’s economic growth in which the residents disposal income
level is an important factor. In 2023, the per capita disposable income in China was RMB39,218, up 6.1%
from the previous year, which was faster than the growth of GDP. The growth in disposal income lays the
foundation for increasing the penetration rate of diamond jewelry as consumer discretionary. In the mid- and
long- run, there is much room for the penetration rate and per customer transaction of diamond jewelry to
rise in China. According to data from World Jewelry Association as quoted by Forward (Qianzhan Industrial
Research Institute), the penetration rates of diamond jewelry in tier-1, tier-2, and tier-3 cities and below were
respectively 61%, 48% and 37%, lower than the penetration rates of gold and platinum. The “Diamond
Insight Report 2023” showed that the penetration rate of diamond consumption, per capita annual spending

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

on diamond, and per capital possession of diamond in China were less than 50% of those in the US and
Japan. This shows that with the continuous improvement of per capita disposal income and penetration rate
is likely to spur the expansion of the jewelry industry.

In China, one of the largest consumer markets in the world, there is a strong demand for diversified and
innovative products and services. The ever-changing preferences and behavioral patterns of Chinese
consumers bring tremendous opportunities and challenges for jewelry brands. With a middle-income
population of 470 million, China is going through a consumer transition from focus on cost performance to
focus on appearance to focus on psychological satisfaction. In addition to the asset preservation and
appreciation function of jewelry, diversified consumption demands and consumer behaviors emerge in
combination as the consumer group and consumption scenarios expand. According to statistics from the
Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China and Ernst & Young, female consumers are primarily interested
in the design of jewelry. Therefore, the ability to thoroughly understand the emotional and scenario demands
of consumers, the research, development and design ability, and the value and meaning conveyed will be
increasingly important for brands in competition.
     2. Market fluctuation accelerates industry reshuffle, and the rise of self-owned brands
     leads to market concentration towards top brands
After the public health emergency and the withdrawal of capital from consumer goods, the transformation
and upgrading of traditional jewelers that rely on extensive channel coverage to build barriers to competition
and gain market share with stores accelerate the exit of small and medium-sized jewelry brands and the
concentration of market resources towards the top companies. Jewelers with brand appeal and influence
may integrate upstream and downstream resources and enlarge their market share more efficiently, leading
the market to move towards the top brands. According to data from Euromonitor, China’s jewelry industry
showed a tendency of concentration towards the top brands during 2016-2023, with CR10 increasing from
19.1% to almost 35.6%, and despite a relatively fragmented competition landscape, the top companies still
have room to further raise their market share. A research conducted by McKinsey for Chow Tai Fook in 2022
suggested that the sales of Chinese branded diamond would grow at 10%-14% annually in the coming years.

The continuous improvement in the concentration of jewelry brands is inseparable from the deep
involvement of China's self-owned brands in globalization. The diversification of brand innovation, the
development of new consumer brands and the creation of brand consumption atmosphere all fuel the rise of
self-owned brands. In the competition with international brands, self-owned brands continue to accumulate
product innovation ability and brand power. According to the “Diamond Insight Report 2023” of De Beers,
established brands represented a staggering 92% of all diamond jewelry purchases in 2022, while in 2016,
the percentage was only 44%. Among them, Chinese brands led the purchase of diamond jewelry and
contributed approximately 80% of the total purchases, indicating that consumers buy diamond jewelry for the
brand culture, emotional connotations, extensive recognition and brand influence. This phenomenon where
brand is the vehicle and culture is the language reflects the deep fusion of Chinese culture and modern
     3. The jewelry industry enters a new development stage, and structural differentiation intensifies

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

In 2023, catalyzed by multiple factors such as the sustained surge in gold prices in the short to mid term, the
further broadening of consumption scenarios, and the iteration and upgrading of new crafts and designs, the
gold jewelry industry showed a relatively impressive performance among consumer discretionary. Data from
the National Bureau of Statistics shows that the total retail sales of consumer goods in 2023 was RMB47.15
trillion, an increase of 7.2% over the previous year. The retail sales of gold and silver jewelry in the consumer
market was strong, with the total retail sales of gold and silver jewelry above the designated size amounting
to RMB331 billion, up 13.3% year-on-year, which was the second fastest growth.

Gold is a precious metal strongly correlated with the monetary system, the economic cycle, and the global
economy. Based on its inherent monetary attributes, gold continues to be a safe haven of assets for Chinese
consumers. According to the latest statistics released by China Gold Association, the whole country
consumed 1,089.69 tons of gold in 2023, an increase of 8.78% compared with the same period in 2022,
including 706.48 tons of gold jewelry, a year-on-year increase of 7.97%; 299.60 tons of gold bars and coins,
a year-on-year increase of 15.70%; and 83.61 tons of gold for industrial and other purposes, a year-on-year
decrease of 5.50%. Benefiting from the continuous rise in gold prices and the increasing demand of
residents for value preservation and risk hedging, investment in physical gold attracted greater attention and
the consumption of gold bars and coins, which have relatively low premiums, showed a quantitative growth.

However, the demand for diamond, which also belongs to jewelry, experienced cyclical adjustments. IDEX
data showed that the closing price of the finished diamond price index at the end of December 2023 was
16.53% lower than that at the end of December 2022, while the annual drop in 2022 was 6.4%. Moreover,
according to customs statistics for Shanghai Diamond Exchange, diamond transactions at Shanghai
Diamond Exchange totaled US$3.109 billion during January-December 2023, a decrease of 29.7% year-on-
year. Meanwhile, the emergence of lab grown diamonds aroused public discussion on the "value of
diamond", and consumers misunderstood the scarcity and uniqueness of natural diamonds to varying
degrees as a result of publicity by some We Media accounts. However, quite a number of industry
practitioners believe that lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds are two completely different markets
and segments, and that lab grown diamonds provide a new option for the diamond consumer market, which
will help to expand the volume of the diamond market as a whole. Frost & Sullivan projected that the global
diamond market would see a supply-demand gap of 159 million carats by 2030. Hence, some senior industry
analysts believe that the decline in natural diamonds is essentially a correction of the rapid rise in diamond
prices between 2020 and 2021. As diamond production falls, the long-term scarcity of diamonds will be
restored and the price index will gradually pick up.
    4. The transition from “channel model” to “new retail model” promotes digital transformation of
    the industry
In the past, consumers decided whether a brand was reliable mainly based on the size of its channels, so
popular jewelry brands penetrated the market mostly by expanding their channels to reach as many
consumers as possible. In recent years, however, as the "aesthetic consciousness" awakens, general
consumers can hardly form an independent consumer preference through repeated purchases of jewelry,
which is high-priced low-frequency consumer goods, making external reputation particularly important. As a

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

result, brand operators that focus on terminal marketing, product innovation and digital capacity building are
more likely to gain new growth momentum in the new consumer environment, which accelerates the
transition of the jewelry industry from the "channel model" to the "new retail model". Meanwhile, the rapid
development of online media influences transmission efficiency, which gives consumers enough options and
selective power. Thus, jewelry brands must accurately grasp the end consumer demands and respond
quickly. the importance of the whole-link digital capacity is increasingly highlighted in the demand-led stage.
In the demand-led stage, digital capability across the chain becomes increasingly important.

Over the past three years, changes in consumers, media, and brands have shaped a new direction for online
and offline integration. Digital transformation enables jewelry companies to deliver personalized services and
customized products better, and they can understand consumer preferences and needs more accurately
based on data collection and analysis. In addition to improvements in product development, design and other
tangible aspects, consumer experience and experiential consumption are becoming essential links in the
consumption chain. According to the "2024 Consumer and Media Trends Report" issued by GroupM, 84% of
consumers would experience a product before making a purchase offline, in which 31% would view a
product online and then experience and buy it offline. The influence of recommendations and co-branding on
consumers' final purchases increased by 25% year-on-year in 2023. The percentage of consumers who
searched for more information before making an online purchase grew from 58% in 2022 to 65 % in 2023.
The consumer buying behaviors show that, more and more consumers tend to buy from channels such as
official website, mini program and private traffic pool of shopping guides, and consumers are increasingly
influenced by the recommendations of celebrities and opinion leaders on We Media platforms.
    5. Deep insight into consumer needs is still a key factor in the long-term development of the
    jewelry industry
China's consumer market is changing rapidly, with the core element of competition shifting from production
and channels to the consumer's mentality. It is crucial for brands to gain deep insights into consumer needs,
secure a favorable position in consumers' minds, and build a cognitive advantage through a differentiated
positioning. In 2023, some jewelry brands combined traditional craftsmanship, wedding culture and Chinese
and Western aesthetic elements into their jewelry design based on a thorough understanding of traditional
wedding culture and modern consumer needs, and developed uniquely differentiated products that won the
hearts of consumers. Furthermore, brand impression that represents the products is the key to consumer
recognition. It requires jewelry brands to make prospective arrangements in terms of design concept
planning, selection of suitable technology, and cultivation of cultural connotations.

Given the strong link between jewelry brand and consumer trust, quality, personal taste and style, brand has
become a significant driver of consumers' purchasing decisions. Jewelry brands that have accumulated
certain brand assets tend to be more influential. According to the "2023 Jewelry Consumer Trends Report",
56% of respondents in China associated jewelry brands with trust and quality, while 53% associated brands
with the expression of personal taste and style. Consumers on the Chinese mainland were more brand-
conscious than their Hong Kong counterparts, as the report found that 86% of respondents on the Chinese
mainland attached more importance to brand. Thus, the credibility and quality of jewelry brands play a pivotal

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

role in influencing purchase decisions. Moreover, consumers expect to see values and emotions consistent
with their own in the image, story and underlying philosophy of the brand they choose, so jewelry brands with
emotional connotations, value propositions, attitudes and tonality are likely to further broaden their
consumption scenarios. According to the "2023 Jewelry Consumer Trends Report", the value proposition of
natural diamond is multifaceted and not limited to its scarcity and value preservation function. Chinese
consumers associate natural diamond with significant moments in their lives, anniversaries, love and
achievements. Female respondents showed the most striking emotional connection to diamond. 82% of
female consumers believed that diamond represented eternal love/true love or symbolised constant
commitment and fidelity in a proposal.

II. DRCO main business during the reporting period

DRCO abides by the disclosure requirements for jewelry-related business and retail industry specified in the
Self-disciplinary Supervision Guidelines No.3 - Industry Information Disclosure of Companies Listed on the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

(I)   Main business of DRCO

Insisting on the corporate vision of global leader in true love culture”, DRCO is a globalized public company
engaging in high-end diamonds and jewelry and related services with true love culture. Focusing on such
business scenarios as engagement, wedding, anniversaries and gold bridal gifts, DRCO continues to deliver
worldwide consumers with high-quality jewelry products and unique true love experience & services.

With the mission of "helping more people express love and making love happy for a long time" and to help
widely express love and make love forever, DR Diamond Ring, the company's high-end jewelry brand, is
dedicated to spreading and witnessing true love stories worldwide, and encourages everyone to bravely
seek true love, forging a global brand image characterized by romance, love, fashion and sincerity. Through
a global online and offline DTC (Direct to Consumer) retail network, our products are available in over 200
cities at domestic and overseas (e.g. Paris, France, and Hong Kong, China). Empowered by differentiated
positioning, professional designs and unique service experience, DR has become one of leading brands in
the worldwide market of diamond rings, and reaped many authoritative international awards, such as "Asia's
Top 500 Brands" by World Brand Lab, “Brand of the Year” by JNA Awards, and “Best International
Engagement Ring Brand of the Year” by HKCT, for several consecutive years. During the reporting period,
the Company was listed into Top 100 Luxury Goods Enterprises for 2023 by Deloitte. Moreover, DR
Diamond Ring also received the prestigious "Chinese Image Brands Award 2023” from CCTV.

At whatever time, everyone still yearns for a lifetime of true love deep in his heart, DR Condenses the most
devout and attitude of true love belief. Therefore, we sincerely hope to help more people express, find and
enjoy true love forever, and promote such belief around the world, which is original intention and aspiration
for creating DR brand. To this end, every DR diamond ring is customized for only one person. And around
the user's lifelong romance continues to expand, DR brand offers "Wedding+" services covering wedding
rings, proposal/wedding planning, anniversary gifts, and wedding photography or portrait. The beginning and
destination of DR brand is centered on witnessing, spreading and serving true love.

(II) Main products of DRCO

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

The Company is dedicated to creating high-quality innovative products and providing superlative services to
offer each customer a unique experience of true love. Our main products currently include engagement rings,
wedding rings, anniversary gifts, and gold bridal gifts. During the reporting period, the Company collaborated
with renowned domestic and international craftsmen, who pay tribute to the determination to love forever
with a deep dedication to craftsmanship. With a unique aesthetic attitude and stringent craftsmanship
standards, they meticulously crafted each piece of jewelry representing "the sole true love in one life".

(III)   An Overview of the Operational Status

        1.   Customized fully self-operated sales model

The company adopts an integrated omni-channel approach, providing consumers with a seamless online
and offline shopping experience. Channels such as the official website, mini-program, Tmall, and JD flagship
stores serve as online platforms for browsing and purchasing, while offline stores offer physical retail
experiences. This strategy leverages the efficiency of online platforms and the tactile experience of offline

For brand promotion, image building, and unified management, the DR brand follows a fully self-operated
model, with all stores managed and operated by the company. Both online and offline products are uniformly
priced, primarily offering customized products to customers. Under the customization model, customers
place orders and make payments (either deposits or full payments) online or offline. The company then
arranges production through outsourcing, delivers the products directly to customers' doorsteps after
receiving the final payment, or allows customers to collect the products from designated stores.

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

To enhance the romantic experience for customers, the company offers a range of value-added services,
including the "True Love Agreement," "Love Confirmation Certificate," and co-hosting of marriage proposal
ceremonies at stores. These services enrich the overall consumer experience, further reinforcing the brand's
identity and emotional connection with customers.

(1) Revenue by business segment during the reporting period

During the reporting period, the Company achieved revenue of RMB 2,180.28 million, a decrease of 40.78%
compared to the same period last year, and the corresponding order quantity decreased by 38.18% year-on-
year. However, the average transaction price remained relatively stable, a decrease of 3.28% year-on-year
(excluding other businesses).In terms of business model classification, the revenue from online self-operated,
offline directly operated, and offline jointly operated channels amounted to RMB227.09 million, RMB1,769.41
million, and RMB177.26 million respectively. This represents decreases of 42.45%, 40.63%, and 35.59%
respectively compared to the same period last year. Revenue from other business activities amounted to
RMB6.52 million, representing a decrease of 79.23% compared to the same period last year, mainly due to a
reduction in product disposals during the reporting period.

During the reporting period, the company's comprehensive gross profit margin was 68.83%, a decrease of
0.96 percentage points compared to the same period last year. Both online and offline business models are
the company's main business, accounting for over 99% of revenue. The gross profit margin of the main
business is basically consistent with the comprehensive gross profit margin, and the level of gross profit
margin remains relatively stable.

                         Revenue by business segments during the reporting period

                                                                                             Unit: RMB0’000

                                 2023                                 2022                             YoY
   Business                                                                                 change
                                Operating   Gross                   Operating    Gross                 e in
   Segment         Revenue                            Revenue                                  in
                                  cost      margin                    cost       margin               gross
Online     Self- 22,708.81   7,589.49 66.58% 39,459.33               12,847.89    67.44% -42.45% -0.86%
Offline  Direct- 176,941.40 54,320.50
                                      69.30% 298,037.34              86,718.60    70.90% -40.63% -1.60%
Offline   Joint- 17,725.50   5,664.30 68.04% 27,521.47                8,713.53    68.34% -35.59% -0.29%
Other                652.07    381.03 41.57%                                                           35.45
                                               3,139.31               2,947.23     6.12% -79.23%
Businesses                                                                                                %
Total            218,027.77 67,955.33 68.83% 368,157.45             111,227.25    69.79% -40.78% -0.96%

Note: The above figures are rounded to two decimal places. Some of the figures are slightly different in the
endings due to rounding and are not calculation errors.

(2) Stores in the reporting period

① Changes in number of stores

During the reporting period, the company proactively adjusted its store channel strategy to adapt to market
changes. It conducted assessments of existing stores and optimized channels based on factors such as

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 changes in commercial districts, alignment with customer demographics, and brand positioning. Throughout
 the reporting period, the company opened 24 new stores (8 in Q1, 7 in Q2, 4 in Q3, and 5 in Q4) and closed
 184 stores (9 in Q1, 18 in Q2, 86 in Q3, and 71 in Q4), resulting in a net reduction of 160 stores.

 As of the end of the reporting period, the company operated a total of 528 stores, all of which were self-
 operated. These stores were located in 209 cities across 31 provinces/autonomous regions/municipalities in
 China, with 2 non-mainland stores located in Paris, France, and Hong Kong, China. The majority of domestic
 stores were situated in third-tier cities and above, with 330 stores located in first and second-tier cities,
 accounting for approximately 62.74% of the total, and 196 stores located in third-tier cities and below,
 accounting for approximately 37.26% of the total.

                                                Store Movements

                                     Open                Close
               Classificatio Opening                                           Net                      Closing
Tier of city                              Change      in        Change      in change
               n             number New                  Closed                                         number
                                          business mode         business mode
               operated        411     11        2         122        1          -110                      301
Tier-1 and
tier-2           operated
                               38         1             1             9            2             -9        29

                 Subtotal     449        12             3            131           3            -119       330
               operated       218        11             -            49            1             -39       179
Tier-3, 4
and below        operated
                               19         1             1             4            -             -2        17

                 Subtotal     237        12             1            53            1             -41       196
               operated         2         -             -             -            -              -         2

Overseas          Joint-
                                -         -             -             -            -              -         -
                 Subtotal       2         -             -             -            -              -         2
               operated       631        22             2            171           2            -149       482

Total             Joint-
                               57         2             2            13            2             -11       46
               Total          688        24             4            184           4            -160       528

 ② Newly opened stores

 During the reporting period, DRCO opened 24 new self-operated stores, a decrease of 230 YoY. During the
 reporting period, the newly opened stores realized revenue of RMB 34.19 million, accounting for 1.57% of
 the total revenue; their gross profits reached RMB 23.91 million.

                                              Newly opened stores

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB0’000

                                                                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                            2023                                                   2022
Mode     Region       Number                     As % of                    Number                       As % of
                             Area                        Gross                     Area                          Gross
                      of                 Revenue total                      of                   Revenue total
                             (m)                         profit                    (m)                           profit
                      stores                     revenue                    stores                       revenue
         China           -         -            -        -          -           6      413.00    1,409.48    0.38%         986.49
         China           -         -            -        -          -           8      436.28     822.41     0.22%         538.26
Joint-   South
operated China           -         -            -        -          -           1      65.00      378.43     0.10%         265.26
         China           1      110.00      63.05     0.03%       44.49         1      31.00      398.99     0.11%         255.46
         Northwest       1       36.60     210.69     0.10%       128.52        -        -          -           -            -
Subtotal of joint-
operated stores          2      146.60     273.74     0.13%       173.00        16     945.28    3,009.31    0.82%     2,045.47

         Northeast       1       98.00     155.97     0.07%       95.24         17    1,443.78   2,269.53    0.62%     1,590.26
                         2      211.00     285.71     0.13%       199.52        27    2,639.87   5,281.82    1.43%     3,783.43
                         5      395.15     606.17     0.28%       435.06        84    7,630.04   9,425.75    2.56%     6,703.03
operated                 3      334.33     462.18     0.21%       326.37        25    2,561.07   3,133.24    0.85%     2,229.32
                         2      134.00     131.39     0.06%       89.97         26    2,629.97   3,324.86    0.90%     2,372.48
         Northwest       6      625.56     772.49     0.35%       542.54        18    1,535.64   3,107.10    0.84%     2,186.87
         Southwest       3      245.82     730.86     0.34%       529.02        41    4,692.06   3,135.16    0.85%     2,231.48
Subtotal of direct-
                        22     2,043.86 3,144.78      1.44%      2,217.72     238    23,132.43 29,677.45     8.06%     21,096.87
operated stores
Total                   24     2,190.46 3,418.52      1.57%      2,390.72     254    24,077.71 32,686.77     8.88%     23,142.34
        Note: The above figures are rounded to two decimal places. Some of the figures are slightly different in the
        endings due to rounding and are not calculation errors.

        ③ Impact of closed stores during the reporting period

        In 2023, the Company actively adjusted and optimized the store channel strategy to focus on improving the
        quality and profitability of the stores. During the reporting period, the Company closed 184 stores, including
        171 direct-operated and 13 joint-operated ones. These closed stores eared revenue of RMB 226.25 million
        during the reporting period. Based on the revenue of RMB 567.92 million in the same period of the preceding
        year, the impact of the closed stores on DRCO’s revenue during the reporting period was RMB -341.67
        million, representing -15.67% of the revenue in the reporting period.

                        Analysis of the impact of closed stores on revenue during the reporting period

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB0’000

                                                    Revenue       Revenue in the Impact     of Impact                    of
        Mode         Region            Closed       during    the same period of closed stores closed                stores
                                                    reporting     the  preceding on     DRCO as a                    % of

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                          period          year created by during              the revenue during
                                                          stores     closed reporting             the    reporting
                                                          during        the period                period
                                                          reporting period
           Northeast               1          143.64              404.14            -260.50           -0.12%
           North China             1           99.31              315.99            -216.68           -0.10%

Joint-     East China              6          493.88             1,225.73           -731.85           -0.34%
operated   South China             2          315.39              807.74            -492.34           -0.23%
           Central China           2          130.48              275.92            -145.44           -0.07%
              Southwest            1          122.50              388.57            -266.07           -0.12%
Subtotal of joint- operated
                                  13         1,305.21            3,418.09          -2,112.88          -0.97%
           Northeast               7          628.98             1,209.68           -580.70           -0.27%
           North China            16         2,445.51            6,164.20          -3,718.69          -1.71%
           East China             81         8,886.44            22,583.06         -13,696.62         -6.28%
           South China            22         2,652.14            9,065.46          -6,413.32          -2.94%
           Central China          12         2,102.24            5,221.35          -3,119.10          -1.43%
           Northwest              12         1,886.99            4,426.82          -2,539.83          -1.16%
           Southwest              21         2,717.32            4,703.26          -1,985.94          -0.91%
Subtotal of direct- operated
                                 171        21,319.62            53,373.82         -32,054.20         -14.70%
Total                            184        22,624.83            56,791.92         -34,167.08         -15.67%

Note1: Impact of closed stores on DRCO during the reporting period = Revenue of closed stores during the
reporting period - revenue of closed stores in the same period of preceding year

Note 2: The above figures are rounded to two decimal places. Some of the figures are slightly different in the
endings due to rounding and are not calculation errors.

④ Performance analysis for stores during the reporting period

During the reporting period, for direct-operated stores, the revenue of a single store was RMB 3.03 million,
down 47.24% from the same period of last year; the gross profit of a single store was RMB 2.10 million,
down 48.43% from the same period of last year, and the area efficiency of a single stores was RMB 0.03
million, down 46.29% from the same period of last year; for joint-operated stores, the revenue of a single
store was RMB 3.41 million, down 39.31% from the same period of last year; the gross profit of a single store
was RMB 2.32 million, down 39.57% from the same period of last year, and the area efficiency of a single
stores was RMB 0.05 million, down 39.13% from the same period of last year. This is primarily due to an
excessive density of stores in certain cities, leading to revenue dilution for individual stores. The company
also had significant room for improvement and enhancement in channel layout, site selection, customer flow
conversion, and store operation management. After adjusting and optimizing channels in the second half of
the year, the decrease in single-store revenue, gross profit, and sales per square meter (efficiency) was
reduced compared to the first half of the year. Additionally, the impact of external macroeconomic conditions

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

    and the diamond-studded market on the gold product market led to an overall decline in company sales,
    resulting in significant decreases in single-store revenue, gross profit, and efficiency compared to the same
    period last year.

                                            Store revenue and gross profit

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB0’000

                        2023                                    2022                                  YoY change
        Aver-Sing-                      Sing-                                       Singl
Class age                                 Aver- Single                                                             Single -
ificati numb le    - Single Single le - age             Single Single- e - Single Single-
                     - store -store store       - store - store store  store -store store
  on er of store reven gross area numb area             reven gross area Revenu gross
              area                             er of                                                               efficienc
        store           ue     profit   effici        ㎡        ue       profit     effici e            profit
              ㎡                               stores                                                              y
        s                               ency                                        ency
         584    89.11 302.98 209.97     3.40    519     91.00   574.25 407.17        6.33    -47.24% -48.43% -46.29%
         52     68.29 340.88 231.95     4.99     49     69.00   561.66 383.84        8.20    -39.31% -39.57% -39.13%
    Note: The average number of stores refers to the average of the number of stores at the end of each month
    of the reporting period (∑ number of shops at the end of the month / number of months)

    ⑤ Top 10 stores in terms of revenue

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB0’000

    N                                      Opening                   Business Revenu Operating Operating
       Store Name                                       Mode
    o.                                     time                      area (㎡) e     cost      profit
       DR Store in Guangzhou Tianhe                direct-
    1                                   2017/11/11                    266.00      1,267.19     403.44        -79.92
       Zhengjia Plaza                              operated
       DR Store in Xi'an SAGA                      direct-
    2                                    2018/7/28                    168.00      1,262.19     399.07        317.94
       International Shopping Mall                 operated
    3 DR A Store in Lanzhou Center       2021/6/22                    83.00       1,112.01     350.82        404.09
    4 DR Store in Chengdu IFS            2018/1/17                    93.00       1,063.22     339.52        334.64
    5 DR Store in Beijing IKEA Livat      2018/7/5                    60.00       916.63       288.75        417.94
       DR Store in Fuyang Yingzhou                 direct-
    6                                    2020/11/9                    111.99      884.20       256.17        396.22
       Wanda Plaza                                 operated
    7 DR Store in Jinhua Yiwu Zhixin     2018/4/18                    122.00      860.46       268.33        380.68
       DR Store in Langfang Wanda                  direct-
    8                                     2020/8/7                    98.70       852.29       265.08        399.54
       Plaza                                       operated
            DR Store in Foshan                     direct-
    9                                   2020/12/30                    110.00      795.35       264.00        327.39
            Wangfujing Ziweigang                   operated
            DR     Guojin   Store    in            direct-                        788.48     242.11       289.20
    10                                   2017/10/2                    74.00
            Changsha Wuyi Square                   operated
    Note: Operating profit = revenue - operating costs - store expenses, excluding expenses shared with the

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited


   (3) Online sales during the reporting period

   DRCO online business is mainly carries out through own sales platform (i.e. DRCO portal) and third-party
   sales platforms. During the reporting period, DRCO's revenue from online business was RMB 227.09 million,
   down 42.45% from the same period last year and accounting for 10.42% of the Company’s revenues.
   Specifically, the revenue from self-owned sales platform was RMB 33.73 million, down 53.96% from the
   same period last year; and the revenue from third-party sales platforms was RMB 193.35million, down
   39.82% from the same period last year.

   According to DRCO's purchase rules, all customers from the third-party sales platforms need to register on
   DRCO's self-owned sales platform ( i.e. DRCO portal). As of the end of the reporting period, the registered
   customers on DRCO portal totaled about 12.21 million including around 1.55million new ones during the
   reporting period. In 2023, the per customer transaction on DRCO portal was about RMB 5,800, down 7.94%
   from the same period last year.

                                                   Online Sales

                                                                                                Unit: RMB0’000
                                            2023                              2022              YoY change
Channel                       Sales               As % of Sales                      As % of Sales
                              order       Revenue online order               Revenue online order   Revenue
                              amount              revenue amount                     revenue amount
Self-owned sales platform      3,461.84     3,373.47   14.86%     7,983.61   7,327.52   18.57% -56.64% -53.96%

Third-party sales platforms 21,555.97 19,335.34        85.14% 34,988.44 32,131.81       81.43% -38.39% -39.82%

Total                         25,017.81 22,708.81 100.00% 42,972.05 39,459.33 100.00% -41.78%              -42.45%

   Note 1: The self-owned sales platform is DRCO portal, and the third-party sales platforms include the
   flagship stores on Tmall.com and Jd.com;

   Note 2: The sales order amount is the tax-inclusive amount placed by the customers during the reporting
   period, and the orders whose products have been returned are excluded.

          2.   Consigned production model
   Thanks to abundant industrial chain resources and deepening industrial division of labor, the company
   adopts a light-asset operation strategy, employing an outsourced processing production model for all
   finished products. On one hand, leveraging external production capabilities enhances operational efficiency,
   while on the other hand, the company focuses on brand building, channel expansion, product development,
   and supply chain integration, contributing to favorable operational performance. The company dynamically
   adjusts the allocation of orders to suppliers based on evaluation criteria such as supplier capacity, product
   qualification rate, and delivery delay rate to ensure product quality and delivery deadlines. The company has
   always attached great importance to product quality, continuously improving the product quality control
   system. It implements professional quality inspection personnel or related professional equipment control in
   various stages such as raw material procurement, outsourced production, and product circulation.

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

  Additionally, all products sold to end consumers undergo testing by national-level third-party inspection
  agencies and are equipped with relevant professional certificates.

        3.     Procurement mode

  In order to ensure standardized and quality raw material procurement, DRCO's supply chain department is
  fully responsible for purchasing raw materials, mainly end product diamonds. DRCO formulates and
  implements procurement plans based on business demands, inventory and short-term market price trends.
  During the reporting period, the Company introduced new services in gold leasing and platinum procurement.
  For the gold leasing service, the Company leases physical gold from a bank for a specified period, and
  returns gold with the same quantity and type to the bank and pays the leasing fees upon maturity as per the

  (1) Major procurements during the reporting period

  During the reporting period, the total procurement amount for the company's main raw materials and
  commissioned processing was RMB 517.52 million, a decrease of 59.79% compared to the same period last
  year. This decrease is mainly attributed to the decline in company performance and the decrease in new
  store openings, the demand for goods preparation has decreased.

  Out of this total, gold procurement amounted to RMB 58.59 million, which is gold leased by the company
  from banks. Diamond procurement amounted to RMB 252.14 million, a decrease of 50.47% compared to the
  same period last year. The total amount for commissioned processing procurement was RMB 200.23 million,
  a decrease of 74.26% compared to the same period last year. The proportion of commissioned processing
  procurement decreased by 21.76% compared to the same period last year.

  This adjustment is mainly due to the company's efforts to further reduce procurement costs, improve
  procurement efficiency and effectiveness by restructuring its procurement. During the reporting period, some
  jewelry materials that were previously provided by external processing vendors were changed to be supplied
  by the company to external processing vendors. Additionally, the company transitioned most of the
  diamonds with a weight of 0.03 carats and below from being provided by external processing vendors to
  being purchased directly by the company..

  Major procurement during the reporting period

                                                                                              Unit: RMB0’000

                                   2023                                      2022
        Item                       As % of total                                    As % of total YoY change
                   Purchase amount               Purchase amount
                                   purchases                                        purchases
Diamond                     25,214.39              48.72%               50,902.86         39.55%        -50.47%
Gold leasing                 5,858.99              11.32%                       -               -                -
Platinum                       655.89              1.27%                        -               -                -
processing                  20,022.91              38.69%               77,796.66         60.45%        -74.26%

Total                       51,752.18             100.00%              128,699.52        100.00%        -59.79%

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Note 1: The purchase amount in the table is based on the price excluding tax.

Note 2: The purchase of diamonds includes both finished and rough diamond.

(2) Purchase channels and quantities of diamonds and gold as the main raw material during the reporting

During the reporting period, DRCO's finished diamonds are mainly sourced from overseas and domestic
markets, and all of them were checked by the supply chain department before being stored. For overseas
purchases, Hong Kong DR GROUP is responsible for purchases from overseas suppliers, and then
Shanghai Darry, a member of Shanghai Diamond Exchange, is in charge of the custom clearance. DRCO
also purchases finished diamonds directly from domestic diamond suppliers or their affiliates, which are
members of the Shanghai Diamond Exchange. During the reporting period, the company's main raw material
diamond procurement quantity was 42,334.59 carats, a decrease of 36.97% compared to the same period
last year. The total amount of gold purchased during the reporting period was 148,000 grams.

Purchase channels and quantities of diamonds and gold as the main raw material during the reporting period

                                              2023                              2022
                    Purchase                                                                             YoY
Item        Unit     Channel                                                             As % of        change
                                 Purchase         As % of total Purchase
                                 quantity         purchase      quantity
                    Domestic                                75.28%        52,812.15         78.63%      -39.66%
                    Overseas          10,465.70             24.72%        14,350.32         21.37%      -27.07%
Diamond Carat markets

                    Total             42,334.59            100.00%        67,162.47        100.00%      -36.97%

Gold        Gram    Leasing          148,000.00            100.00%                   -            -              -

Platinum    Gram    Purchase          33,284.10            100.00%                   -            - -

Note : The purchase of diamonds includes both finished and rough diamond.

(3) Purchase quantity for consigned processing during the reporting period.

During the reporting period, the purchase quantity of DRCO's consigned processing business dropped
because of the decline of DRCO’s sales performance and lower demand for new stores.

                                                    2023                          2022
           Item               Unit      Purchase           Purchase      Purchase         Purchase      change
                                         quantity           quantity      quantity         quantity
Consigned processing        Pieces      302,042.00            100.00%     616,308.00        100.00%     -50.99%

Note: The above purchase quantity does not include product accessories (e.g., earring nuts, chain tail tags).

(4) Inventories during the reporting period

During the reporting period, the company's inventory consisted of raw materials, work in progress, finished

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

goods, materials for commissioned processing, goods dispatched, and operating supplies, with raw materials
and finished goods being the main components. As of the end of the reporting period, the balance of
inventory was RMB 537.18 million. During the reporting period, a provision for inventory depreciation of RMB
10.24 million was recorded, resulting in a net book value of inventory of RMB 526.94million.

The end-of-period balance for raw materials was RMB 126.51 million, a decrease of 6.06% compared to the
beginning of the period. The end-of-period balance for work in progress was RMB 4.02 million, an increase
of 42.18% compared to the beginning of the period, mainly due to an increase in dismantled goods awaiting
processing. The end-of-period balance for finished goods was RMB 392.19 million, a decrease of 24.00%
compared to the beginning of the period. The end-of-period balance for materials for commissioned
processing was RMB 11.43 million, a decrease of 30.64% compared to the beginning of the period, mainly
due to the impact of declining sales performance. The end-of-period balance for goods dispatched was RMB
0.32 million, a decrease of 73.65% compared to the beginning of the period, mainly due to a reduction in
inventory awaiting delivery to customers. The end-of-period balance for operating supplies was RMB 2.71
million, a decrease of 47.66% compared to the beginning of the period.

Inventory Breakdown as of the End of Reporting Period

                                                                                                Unit: RMB0’000

                            December 31, 2023                 December 31, 2022
Item                                                                                          YoY change
                     Amount            %                 Amount            %
Raw materials              12,650.75           23.55%         13,467.14           19.91%             -6.06%

Work in process               401.57            0.75%             282.43           0.42%             42.18%

Finished goods             39,219.00           73.01%         51,604.41           76.29%            -24.00%
processing                  1,143.18            2.13%          1,648.25            2.44%            -30.64%
Shipping goods                 31.86            0.06%             120.93           0.18%            -73.65%
                              271.32            0.51%             518.34           0.77%            -47.66%
Total                      53,717.68         100.00%          67,641.50         100.00%             -20.58%

Note: The above figures are rounded to two decimal places. Some of the figures are slightly different in the e
ndings due to rounding and are not calculation errors.

III. Analysis of Core Competitiveness
With original aspiration of expression of true love, DRCO has built up the long-term competitiveness on the
strategic positioning of integrating brand, channels and products. The "DR" brand represents the concept of
"the sole true love in one life" and purchase intention for eternal lover, infusing unique emotional associations
and value proposition into engagement rings and hence enjoying special brand advantage in the industry. In
the era of new retailing, DRCO seizes the opportunity of consumption and technology upgrading to create a

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

modern, efficient and consumer-oriented DTC (direct-to-consumer) operation model through mobile Internet.
We also fully leverage various new media such as social platforms, video media, e- commerce platforms and
search engines to convey brand connotations to consumers. In addition, the Company places a strong
emphasis on product design, craftsmanship, and quality. We collaborate with renowned jewelry designers
from both domestic and international markets through our Paris Design Center to create true love jewelry
pieces for customers from a global perspective.

(I) Advantage of the emotional connotation of the brand

In 2023, the Company's brand mission was upgraded from "Empowering More Beautiful Love" to "helping
more people express love, making love last forever". In this bustling and restless time seeking for efficiency,
wealth and value, the Company sticks to the values of “the sole true love in one life” highly in line with the
people’ pursuit of enduring, exclusive, and genuine love, which results in unique emotional connotation of
DR brand.DR engagement rings can be exclusively bounded with the couples by uploading their ID
information to blockchain instead of just engraving names. Such diamond rings are kind of testament to the
one and only true love and satisfy consumers’ emotional need for fidelity and lifelong love rather than simple
esthetic preferences for jewelry. In this way, the unique DR engagement rings evoke special emotional
connotation among customers and have differentiation compared to similar products.

(II) Advantage of being loved by fans

DR brand boasts a host of active fan base, including over 30 million followers from well-known social
platforms like Weibo, WeChat, Tik Tok, Kuaishou and Xiaohongshu, especially overseas TikTok achieves
more than 580,000 followers. Hence, DR brand is evaluated as "the most recognized jewelry brand among
the youth". DR brand is well positioned for love and lifestyle in vertical segments and attaches importance to
the consumer’s experience in true love. We devote to diversifying and improving the experience and
ceremonial sense in consumption. A great number of fans and consumers spontaneously spread our brand
philosophy by posting their love stories and highlight moments through Weibo, WeChat Moments and short
videos, becoming our brand spokespersons and resulting in a viral effect on DR brand promotion.

(III) Operational Advantage of Omnichannel DTC

The Company is an omni-channel DTC model combining offline stores with online operation. As to the offline
sales, DRCO adheres to proprietary operation to ensure consistently excellent consumer experience. During
the reporting period, the Company actively adjusted and optimized the channel strategy in accordance with
the changes in business circles, matching with customer bases and brand positioning. On the other hand,
DRCO seizes the opportunity of consumption and technology upgrading in the new retail era to establish
online modern and efficient brand operation model through mobile Internet. By integrating social platforms,
video media, E-platforms and search engines, we constantly push brand promotion and online business to
publicize brand proposition. In addition, DRCO True Love ecosystem has been established through DTC
model, composing of core and mass customers, suppliers and partners. It’s aimed to demonstrate ideal
journey of true love and lay solid foundation for offering products and services in a long run to the core

    (IV) Advantage of light customization and light asset

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

The customized marketing is adopted by DRCO, enabling our customers to select favored jewelry and
define 4Cs of diamond quality (e.g. cut, color, clarity, and carat), ring setting material, finger size,
personalized engraving, etc. this customized marketing can not only meet the couples’ psychological need
for sole love, but also facilitate us to control inventory level, keep lower costs and sound cash flow, and
finally improve business operating efficiency. As jewelry products are more sensitive to fashion trend, the
customized marketing allows DRCO to rapidly respond to market changes and keep up with new fashion.

(V) Advantage in product design and innovation

With the spirit of innovation and craftmanship, DRCO is committed to creating high-quality products that
highlights romance, maximalism and longevity, and delivering multi-dimensional offerings that merge and
expand with emotional, fashion and brand elements. In DR Paris Design Center, a lot of worldwide famous
jewelry masters work together at precious true-love jewels with their global perspective, exceptional design
inspiration and skillful technique. Additionally, we continuous to evolve product quality and processing by
constantly developing and optimizing our patented products. DRCO has won a host of prestigious design
awards at home and abroad, and currently possesses more than 200 national patents, far ahead of the
industry average.

IV. Analysis of Main Business
1. Overview

(I) Overview of operating performance in the reporting period

In 2023, the Company's net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 68.96 million,
a decrease of 90.54% over the same period of the previous year, which was mainly because: 1) affected by
the market situation and consumer demand, the Company's operating income dropped by 40.78% to RMB
2,180.28 million over the same period of the previous year; and 2) the Company proactively adjusted its
channel strategy and closed 184 stores during the reporting period. According to the principle of prudence,
the Company made an asset impairment loss of RMB 92.46 million for stores showing signs of impairment
based on the results of impairment calculation, which represented an increase of 282.34% over the same
period of the previous year; meanwhile, due to the early closure of stores, the loss of lease deposit that could
not be recovered amounted to RMB 16.31 million, representing an increase of 3,956.16% over the same
period of the previous year; (3) The investment income and gain/loss on changes in fair value from
investment in wealth management products during the reporting period was RMB 232.61 million,
representing an increase of 81.31% over the same period of the previous year; 4) the foregoing matters
combined resulted in a decrease in the total profits as compared with the same period of the previous year,
and the Company accrued corporate income tax expense of RMB 43.87 million, a decrease of 71.90% as
compared with the same period of the previous year.

During the reporting period, the Company's net profits after non-recurring gains and losses was RMB -
120.48 million, a decrease of 119.65% compared with the same period of the previous year. The impact of
non-recurring gains and losses on the Company's net profits was RMB 189.44 million, which was mainly the

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gains and losses on changes in the fair value of trading financial assets and the investment income from
wealth management products.

(II) Overview of business operation management during the reporting period

(1) Constantly build brand power with original aspiration

①The True Love Public Welfare Initiative continues its influence, triggering nearly 400 million engagements
worldwide and setting an example of true love.

In early 2023, the company launched a public welfare initiative with a theme of "Search for 100 Diamond
Wedding Couples Around the World". By the end of the year, we visited and presented the stories of 100
diamond wedding couples in 26 cities, and invited many media and the public to participate in this true love
journey. It triggered nearly 400 million interactions worldwide. We deeply believe that everyone deserves a
unique and lifelong love. Leveraging the genuine stories of love enduring through the years, we use our
brand's influence to continue advocating for the positive energy of love. Through the delayed ceremonial
sense from DR diamond rings, we helped these elderly couples realize their romance dream that was
impossible in the previous time. Through our efforts, they were able to rediscover romance in their later
years, feeling care and respect from the community. It not only highlights the sense of social responsibility of
DR as a famous brand, but also consolidates the Company's social image as a "global leader of true love
culture". Through this public welfare initiative, the concept of "the sole true love in one life" advocated by the
Company has also been highly recognized in the society, and empowers the young generation with the
courage and strength to pursue true love in the impatient era. We will continue to work hard to use our
products and services to convey the concept of true love, so that more people can feel the beauty and power
of love.

② True Love Academy joined hands with Fanshu to advocate the true love proposition

During the reporting period, the Company, by virtue of its leading position in the industry and deep

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accumulation of brand resources, founded the True Love Academy, aiming at exploring and researching the
essence of true love. Focusing on the current situation of marriage and dating and paying attention to social
topics such as the difficulty of young people to fall in love, the Company, together with the well-known
reading brand Fanshu (formerly Fan Deng Reading Club), held an offline intimate relationship sharing
session entitled "Love is an Ability" for our fans in the hope of exploring love and marriage with a more
professional and scientific attitude and easing the modern people's anxieties and uneasiness about their
relationships. The sharing session invited Liang Yongan, a professor from Fudan University, to interact with
Christopher Meng, the author of Intimacy, on the spot, aiming to help address young people's love confusion
based on their actual needs so as to provide them with some practical help through more in-depth interactive
exchanges offline. At the same time, DRCO also joined forces with Fanshu to introduce a list about books on
the intimate relationships, sharing the content of Mr. Fan Deng's personal reading about the books for free
for a limited period of time to more groups who are troubled by intimate relationships, in the hope that every
pair of love couples that should have come to the end of time will not regret due to the scarcity, and will reap
the wisdom and courage to love one person with their whole life through continuous learning of the ability to
love and to be loved.

③ On the Qixi Festival (Chinese Valentine's Day), DRCO provided emergency roses domestically and
internationally, serving as a cultural ambassador by promoting traditional Chinese culture worldwide.

During the Qixi Festival in 2023, the Company prepared "Emergency Roses" in various locations such as the
Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and along the Seine River in Paris, France, aiming to encouraging young couples to
express their love to each other bravely on the Qixi Day. Using emergency roses as a medium and
promoting Qixi Festival culture, the DRCO brought the French people in an immersive experience of the
Chinese Valentine's Day, conveying the brand concept of "true love knows no boundaries." This event
showcased the Company's brand as a bridge for the spirit of true love, shouldering the responsibility of a
major national brand. The effort aimed to promote the Chinese traditional cultural festivals, facilitate the
globalization of Chinese culture, and bring the brand into the international spotlight.

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④ Constructing a cliff auditorium with the art of red thread, creating traditional Chinese aesthetics, and
conveying the faith of true love with craftsmanship
During the reporting period, the Company inherited and promoted Chinese culture under the theme of "Red
Thread". On the Qixi Festival, the Company utilized the red thread as a medium closely associated with its
brand to create the DR cliff auditorium in Dali, blending traditional Chinese and Western love symbols. The
concept of the red thread consistently embodies the belief of "the sole true love in one life", continuously
spreading the brand's true love concept. Through the high-profile offline check-in activities, the Company
expanded its user base, demonstrating the brand's philosophy of "the sole true love in one life". This strategy
enhanced user engagement and experience, reaching the users on a deeper level and increasing brand
favorability. The DR cliff auditorium promoted the brand by combining online and offline activities, providing
users with a tangible and virtual experience. The related topics were played for more than 27 million times,
completing the transition of the brand from spiritual building to physical architecture. This initiative not only
became one of the brand's tangible assets but also established a new and powerful symbol in the brand's

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

⑤ Cultivate the mission of the brand, develop insights into the new media trends, and innovate the mode of
short videos

In 2023, the Company's new media base shifted from accounts to platforms to rise to the challenge of larger
market traffic capacity.Our traffic covers all mainstream platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, Xiaohongshu,
and WeChat Video Account. On the WeChat Video Account, DRCo produced several videos with 100,000+
likes, exposing our brand for more than 1.1 billion times. Our brand enjoys strong loyalty and stickiness. In
addition, our live sales on the Douyin platform hit a new high, with a YoY growth of over 300% in 2023.

(2) Focus on improving the operation quality of stores, and optimizing and upgrading channels
During the reporting period, based on the upgrading of the overall brand strategy, the Company took the
initiative to adjust its channel strategy to enhance our brand image and service experience. Focusing on
improving the operation quality and profitability of stores, the Company optimized and upgraded the existing
channels. After conducting an all-round inventory of all stores, the Company took the initiative to close,
relocate and replace some stores with low potential or inconsistent with the brand image to further improve
the channel network and optimize the channel upgrading, and made every effort to consolidate resources to
enter high-potential business circles and create urban benchmark flagship stores, such as Xi'an SKP store
and Changsha IFS store. To enhance brand momentum, attract online and offline traffic, and increase the
influence of individual stores while providing customers with an improved service experience and a better
ambiance, the company began implementing a plan in the second half of 2023 to optimize and upgrade
existing store spaces with a new image. The program focused on the culture of true love and the sense of
brand ceremony, and used the store space as an important touch point for brand content, interactive
ceremony and customer experience, creating an immersive space for trying on and experiencing true love by
creating a relaxed, comfortable and enjoyable light French romantic design style. At the same time, the
company and other brands jointly held online and offline activities to attract users to offline stores: online
activities helped promote private community activities, while offline activities generated traffic and attracted
users to online channels.

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(3) Innovate and upgrade product craftsmanship to create tokens of love with using utmost artisanal skills

Placing high importance on user needs, the Company collaborates with renowned international jewelry
designers to develop jewelry products and consistently drives innovation and improvement in product
craftsmanship. By enriching and enhancing product structures continuously, DRCO meticulously crafts each
piece of true love work with a unique aesthetic approach and stringent craftsmanship standards. In terms of
material innovation, the Company invented the double-layer electroplating process for 18K white gold. This
technique ensures that the plating layer is firmly fixed to the 18K base material, which reduces the wear of
the plating layer and guarantees the durability and color retention of the product. The 18K white gold double-
layer electroplating process has been certified by national authoritative testing agencies, and its authenticity,
wear resistance, and resistance to acid and alkali corrosion meet internationally recognized standards.
During the reporting period, the Company collaborated with master artisans from the Florence workshop in
Italy to develop the DR HEART "Italian Masterpiece Engagement Ring" series called "Ti Amo". The
craftsmen of the Italian workshop, who have inherited 60 years of excellence in jewelry craftsmanship, used
a woven gold carving technique to present the ancient art of gold jewelry and carving in an artistic manner,
creating engagement rings with a style reminiscent of the Renaissance period; in 2023, the unique D Series
pieces with distinctive DR brand characteristics were developed and launched. The entire series is crafted
with high quality diamonds and has received numerous awards at home and abroad, including the French
Design Award, the MUSE Gold Award, and the Bronze Prize of International Design Awards.

DR Bridal Gold inherits the essence of the traditional Chinese wedding culture, and integrates the design
concepts and advanced technology of fashional jewelry into high-quality gold jewelry, with each piece
containing the auspicious symbols of traditional culture. During the reporting period, the Company
cooperated with Cheng Shumei, a master craftsman of intangible cultural heritage, who supervised the
creation of the timeless masterpiece - gold series featuring the filigree inlay production skill, a technique of
intangible cultural heritage. This new offering demonstrates the original spirit of the Company's brand.

(4) Strengthen information security, empower business development with AI, build smart stores

During the reporting period, the Company actively participated in industry security operation training
sessions and seminars, and continued to strengthen internal information security construction, and
safeguarded the Company's information security and user privacy in all aspects by carrying out training on

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information security system and security awareness, formulating coding security specifications, and holding
network attack and defense drills. In accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Multi-Level
Information Security Protection, the Company conducted an annual assessment of the protection of
classified information, and the relevant application systems successfully passed the Level 3 protection
assessment. Following the trend of digital innovation technology, the Company combined the generative
capability of large models with offline retail scenarios to provide digital support for service processes of
stores thereby enhancing the expertise, memory and communication capability of the staff at stores and
enabling smart stores; based on the demand for business improvement and efficiency enhancement, the
Company used AI to empower a number of business links such as the multilingual AI customer service tool
for overseas business.

(5) Promote organizational transformation and build talent echelon

DRCO’s talent echelon strategy provides solid support for its "sustainable" and "high-quality" development.
The Company continually enhances its talent assessment system, utilizing a multi-dimensional competency
model for talent evaluation and establishing innovative criteria for talent selection and employment.
Mechanisms have been put in place to attract, develop, and retain a diverse and dedicated workforce.
During the reporting period, in alignment with business growth, the Company continuously optimized its
organizational structure and personnel composition, clearly defining departmental responsibilities,
establishing management incentive mechanisms, reducing human resource management costs, and
enhancing overall organizational efficiency. In line with the Company’s future strategic planning, new
business departments were rapidly established and put into operation, which provided a large talent pool for
the new directions in 2024 thereby driving the Company’s robust business development. for the new
direction in 2024 to ensure swift progress in business development.

2. Revenue and cost

(1) Composition of revenue

Overall revenue

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                2023                                  2022
                                     As    %      of                      As    %      of   YoY change
                  Amount                               Amount
                                     revenue                              revenue
Total revenue 2,180,277,744.00                 100% 3,681,574,412.68                100%          -40.78%

By industry
Jewelry           2,173,757,035.39           99.70% 3,650,181,354.03              99.15%          -40.45%
businesses            6,520,708.61             0.30%      31,393,058.65             0.85%         -79.23%

By product
diamond rings 1,699,139,354.11               77.93% 2,902,464,272.49              78.84%          -41.46%
diamond rings 449,380,892.69                 20.61%      713,611,440.73           19.38%          -37.03%

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accessories        25,236,788.59            1.16%       34,105,640.81          0.93%         -26.00%
businesses           6,520,708.61           0.30%       31,393,058.65          0.85%         -79.23%

East China        744,028,070.54           34.13% 1,330,407,724.72             36.14%        -44.08%
North China       322,536,502.42           14.79%      494,723,176.92          13.44%        -34.80%
South China       301,661,875.55           13.84%      569,475,102.89          15.47%        -47.03%
China             255,457,360.25           11.72%      403,596,567.80          10.96%        -36.70%
Central China     204,328,898.81            9.37%      385,624,889.68          10.47%        -47.01%
China             175,768,057.06            8.06%      254,084,920.53          6.90%         -30.82%
China             164,396,516.08            7.54%      236,390,244.31          6.42%         -30.46%
Hong Kong,
Macao     and        6,212,560.22           0.28%        5,045,201.05          0.14%          23.14%
Overseas             5,887,903.07           0.27%        2,226,584.78          0.06%         164.44%

Online Self-
Operated          227,088,072.66           10.42%      394,593,297.77          10.72%        -42.45%
Offline Direct-
operated        1,769,414,000.22           81.16% 2,980,373,391.95             80.95%        -40.63%
Offline Joint-
Operated          177,254,962.51            8.13%      275,214,664.31          7.48%         -35.59%
businesses          6,520,708.61            0.30%       31,393,058.65          0.85%         -79.23%

(2) Industries, products, regions, and sales models that account for more than 10% of DRCO's
revenue or operating profit

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                            YoY change
                                    Operating        Gross       YoY change              change          of
                 Revenue                                                    of operating
                                    costs            margin      of revenue              gross
By industry
Jewelry          2,173,757,035.39 675,742,928.54        68.91%       -40.45%       -37.59%       -1.43%
By product
                                                        70.19%       -41.46%       -38.14%       -1.60%
diamond rings 1,699,139,354.11 506,538,634.64
                449,380,892.69 158,007,633.73           64.84%       -37.03%       -36.88%       -0.08%
diamond rings
By region
East China        744,028,070.54 232,330,826.88         68.77%       -44.08%       -43.30%       -0.43%
North China       322,536,502.42 100,505,394.43         68.84%       -34.80%       -33.90%       -0.42%
South China       301,661,875.55     97,471,182.41      67.69%       -47.03%       -40.58%       -3.51%

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                    255,457,360.25      76,828,781.06       69.93%        -36.70%         -35.86%          -0.39%
By sales model
Online    Self-
                  227,088,072.66 75,894,918.38              66.58%        -42.45%         -40.93%          -0.86%
Offline Direct-
                1,769,414,000.22 543,205,041.64             69.30%        -40.63%         -37.36%          -1.60%
In the event that the statistical caliber of DRCO's main business data is adjusted during the reporting period,
DRCO's main business data for the most recent year has been adjusted according to the caliber at the end
of the reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Whether DRCO's sales revenue from physical goods is more than that from services

Yes □ No

Industry                                                      2023              2022            YoY change
                   Item               Unit
                   Sales                     Pieces             360,990             517,656            -30.26%

                   Inventory                 Pieces             225,982             284,930            -20.69%

                   Procurement               Pieces             302,042             616,308            -50.99%
Explanation of the reasons for the YoY change of over 30% in relevant data

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Note 1: The above statistics do not include product accessories (e.g., earring nuts, chain tail tags), and sales
statistics include after-sales and molten gold services.

Note 2: The procurement volume during the reporting period dropped 50.99% year on year due to the
declining demands for inventories as a result of the decrease in sales.

(4) Performance of material sales contracts and purchase contracts signed by DRCO as of the
reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(5) Composition of operating cost

Industry and product classification

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                2023                             2022
   Industry                                            As % of                          As % of           YoY
classification                    Amount               operating Amount                 operating        change
                                                       cost                             cost
Jewelry          Operating cost    675,742,928.54          99.44% 1,082,800,171.20            97.35%      -37.59%

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                 Operating cost         3,810,329.34          0.56%         29,472,295.09       2.65%       -87.07%
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                             2023                                 2022
   Industry                                                                                              YoY
classification                                      As % of                              As % of        change
                              Amount                operating Amount                     operating
                                                    cost                                 cost
                 Operating        506,538,634.64         74.54%       818,862,367.00        73.62%      -38.14%
                 Operating        158,007,633.73         23.25%       250,339,820.40        22.51%      -36.88%
Other       Operating               11,196,660.17         1.65%        13,597,983.80         1.22%      -17.66%
accessories cost
Other            Operating           3,810,329.34         0.56%        29,472,295.09         2.65%      -87.07%
businesses       cost

The total operating cost in the reporting period was RMB 680 million, a decrease of 38.9% compared with
the same period last year, mainly due to the decrease of 40.78% in DRCO's revenue in the reporting period.

(6) Whether there was a change in the scope of consolidation during the reporting period

Yes □ No

During the reporting period, the Company established 10 new subsidiaries/sub-subsidiaries and dissolved 8
subsidiaries. Details are as follows:

                                             Date                  of Method for changing

Company name                                   establishment/         the       consolidation Shareholding ratio

                                             Deregistration           scope

He’er Culture (Hainan) Co., Ltd.                   2023/05/29               New in 2023             100%

Shenzhen DR Jewelry Sales                           2023/07/21               New in 2023             100%

Forever True Love Wedding Planning
                                                    2023/07/21               New in 2023             100%

Happy Love Phycology Research Center
                                                    2023/10/19               New in 2023             100%

Forever True Love Wedding Planning
                                                    2023/11/06               New in 2023             100%

                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

DR LUXURY (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.             2023/6/9              New in 2023           100%

DR Luxury Netherlands Holding B.V.         2023/6/19              New in 2023           100%

LOVEMONT(MALAYSIA) SDN.BHD.              2023/6/20              New in 2023           100%

DR LUXURY USA INC                          2023/6/24              New in 2023           100%

LOVEMONT HONG KONG LIMITED                 2023/7/27              New in 2023           100%

Shangqiu DR Jewelry                       2023/10/13        Deregistered in 2023        100%

Wuhan DR Jewelry                          2023/10/26        Deregistered in 2023        100%

Nanchang DR Jewelry                       2023/10/17        Deregistered in 2023        100%

Handan DR Jewelry                          2023/10/8        Deregistered in 2023        100%

Guangzhou DR Jewelry                      2023/10/23        Deregistered in 2023        100%

Langfang DR Jewelry                       2023/10/19        Deregistered in 2023        100%

Foshan DR Jewelry                         2023/12/27        Deregistered in 2023        100%

Urumqi DR Jewelry                         2023/12/25        Deregistered in 2023        100%

(7) Significant changes or adjustments in DRCO's business, products or services during the
reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(8) Key sales customers and suppliers

Major sales customers of DRCO

Total sales amount of the top five customers                                           2,730,498.69
Sales to top five customers as % of total annual                                             0.12%
Related-party sales in the sales to top five                                                 0.00%
customers as % of total annual sales
Information about Top 5 Customers

                                                                              As % of total annual
No.                       Customer name            Sales (RMB)
1                         Xue*                                   684,299.84                  0.03%

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                             All           Gamers
2                            (Chengdu ) Network                       566,037.74                  0.03%
                             Technology Co Ltd
3                            Zhang*                                     542,725.65                  0.02%

4                            Ma*                                        497,200.03                  0.02%

5                            Fu*                                        440,235.43                  0.02%

Total                        --                                       2,730,498.691                0.12%2

Note: 1. The sales figures in the table are all exclusive of tax.
Note: 2. The numbers in the table are rounded to two decimal places. Due to rounding, there may be slight
differences in the final digits, which are not calculation errors.Other notes about key customers.
Note: 3. This client is one of the clients of wedding planning。
□ Applicable  Not applicable

Key suppliers of DRCO

Total purchase amount of top five suppliers                                                265,471,439.41
Total purchases from top five suppliers as % of                                                    51.30%
total annual purchase amount
Related-party purchases in the purchases from
top five suppliers as % of total annual                                                             0.00%
Information about Top 5 Suppliers

                                                          Purchase         amount As % of total annual
No.                          Supplier name
                                                          (RMB)                   purchase
1                            Supplier 1                             131,149,993.84                 25.34%
2                            Supplier 2                              44,231,873.55                  8.55%
                             China       Minsheng
3                            Banking Corp., Ltd.                     30,579,877.69                  5.91%
                             Shenzhen Branch
4                            Supplier 4                              29,846,398.46                  5.77%
5                            Supplier 5                              29,663,295.87                  5.73%
Total                        --                                                      1             51.30%
Note 1: The purchase amount is the tax-exclusive amount.

Other notes about key suppliers

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Expenses

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                              Explanation of significant
                            2023                2022           YoY change
                                                                              This was mainly due to the
                                                                              decrease in both the rent
                                                                              (commission              rent),
                                                                              measured          as       the
                                                                              unrecognized            lease
Selling expenses       1,228,761,165.59     1,422,037,537.50        -13.59%
                                                                              liability,  and      platform
                                                                              service fees as a result of
                                                                              the decrease in revenues,
                                                                              as well as the decrease in
                                                                              advertising expenses.
                                                                              This was mainly due to the
                                                                              decrease in non-deductible
                         151,996,111.88       164,205,877.87         -7.44%   input tax on intra-group
expenses                                                                      transactions during the
                                                                              reporting period.
                                                                              This was mainly due to the
                                                                              decrease       in     interest
                                                                              income     from      demand
                                                                              deposits      during       the
                          25,770,104.86        21,536,754.47        19.66%    reporting period as the
expenses                                                                      fund-raising projects were
                                                                              put into use and the
                                                                              Company purchased fixed-
                                                                              term financial products.
                                                                              This was mainly due to
                                                                              increasing                R&D
R&D expenditure           21,715,215.75        17,944,132.37        21.02%
                                                                              expenditure during the
                                                                              reporting period.
4. R&D expenditure

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                       Implications     on
Name of key R&D
                Project purpose           Project progress     Intended goals          DRCO's       future
                 While DR's main bu                            Cover scenarios suc
                 siness continues to                           h as engagement/w
                 grow, we are expan                            edding planning and
                 ding our Wedding+                              wedding photograp
                 new business, buildi                          hy. Conduct refined
                 ng the Wedding+ pl                            management of all a     The expansion of th
                 atform to support bu                          spects relating to m    e DR Wedding+ will
DR Engagement Pr siness diversificatio                         erchant entry, soluti   help improve user s
                                        Under R&D
oject            n, making internal c                          on uploading and do     ervice, expand the u
                 ollaboration transpa                          wnloading, sales, de    ser base, and increa
                 rent and efficient, an                        livery, merchant sett   se sales revenue.
                 d empowering merc                             lement, etc., which
                 hants to digitally ma                         helps the enterprise
                 nage their business                           standardize new bu
                 so as to build a stro                         siness and improve
                 ng connection.                                work efficiency.
                  With the developme                           Building the Diamon     The SAP Diamond
SAP Diamond Zhiza nt of the Company's                          d Zhizao account an     Zhizao System will
o System R&D Proj business, in order t Under R&D               d developing related    enable the manage
ect               o enhance the Com                            business processes      ment and optimizati
                  pany's competitiven                          based on business       on of the whole busi

                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                   ess, expand busine                     scenarios will enabl     ness chain from rou
                   ss lines and improv                    e online systematic      gh procurement to r
                   e efficiency, DRCO                     management over d        ough diamond proc
                   started to build a co                  ata and processes        essing, thus shorten
                   mplete set of busine                                            ing the diamond pro
                   ss lines covering the                                           curement cycle, red
                    whole process from                                             ucing business cost
                    rough procurement                                              s and injecting new
                   to diamond processi                                             vitality into the Com
                   ng, aiming to shorte                                            pany's future develo
                   n the procurement c                                             pment.
                   ycle and reduce cos
                                                                                   The operation staff
                                                                                   at headquarters will
                   The goal is to create                  Use the platform to
                                                                                   be able to accuratel
                    an integrated touch                   push potential custo
                                                                                   y identify potential c
                   point platform that c                  mers and contact ta
                                                                                   ustomers and timely
                   onnects headquarte                     ctics to shop assista
                                                                                    inform shop assista
                   rs, shop assistants,                   nts who will then ca
                                                                                   nts who will directly
                   and users, enabling                    n directly reach user
                                                                                   contact potential cu
                   timely responses an                    s to create more bu
Shop Assistant Wor                                                                 stomers to win busi
                   d feedback to user n Under R&D         siness opportunitie
kstation Project                                                                   ness opportunities.
                   eeds. Through this                     s. Meanwhile, the fe
                                                                                   This will greatly impr
                   platform, operationa                   edbacks will be sent
                                                                                   ove the sales efficie
                   l staff at headquarte                   to the backend offic
                                                                                   ncy and customer s
                   rs can instantly pus                   e for data collection
                                                                                   atisfaction, thus layi
                   h potential customer                   that will help develo
                                                                                   ng a solid foundatio
                   s and contact tactics                  p operation strategi
                                                                                   n for the Company’s
                    to shop assistants.                   es.
                                                                                    future developmen
                                                                                   The ticket managem
                                                                                   ent system will enab
                  Departments collab                      This project is desig    le the systematic m
                  orate frequently bot                    ned to build a flexibl   anagement of the c
                  h internally and exte                   e and configurable ti    ollaboration proces
                  rnally, but collaborat                  cket management s        s, so as to strengthe
                  ion lacks systematiz                    ystem according to t     n the teamwork with
                  ation, resulting in in                  he Company's vario       in the enterprise an
                  creased communica                       us business scenari      d improve the work
                  tion costs. In order t                  os, including collabo    efficiency. Meanwhil
Ticket management
                  o enhance efficienc Under R&D           rative forms, proces     e, the system will co
                  y, it is planned to es                  s models, approval       llect and analyze th
                  tablish a ticket man                    nodes, data permiss      e ticket data for man
                  agement system to r                     ions and other functi    agers to make accur
                  ealize real-time trac                   ons, so as to suppor     ate and comprehen
                  king and comprehen                      t the Company's div      sive business decisi
                  sive closed-loop ma                     ersified and rapidly     ons thus supporting
                  nagement of the coll                    changing business        the Company's com
                  aboration process.                      development needs.       petitiveness and sus
                                                                                   tainable developme
                    This project aims to                  The new system will      The project will build
                    build an overseas b                    be flexible and high     a flexible and efficie
                    usiness system to a                   ly customizable to m     nt official website sy
Overseas Official W
                    ddress the current b Under R&D        eet dynamically cha      stem to enhance the
ebsite Project
                    usiness challenges                    nging business nee        operational efficien
                    and lay a solid foun                  ds. System function      cy and competitiven
                    dation for future dev                 s will include the dis   ess of the Company

                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                    elopment. By impro                     play of official websi    's overseas busines
                    ving the operational                   te content, real-time     s. It will provide stro
                    efficiency and comp                     uploading and unlo       ng support for future
                    etitiveness of the ov                  ading of products, a       business expansion
                    erseas business, th                    nd the smooth oper         and lay a solid tech
                    e Company will be a                    ation of the entire cu    nical foundation for f
                    ble to cover more m                    stomer shopping pr        uture innovation and
                    arkets and improve                     ocess. At the same t       business growth. At
                    customer services.                     ime, the system will       the same time, it wil
                                                           be scalable enough        l provide broader op
                                                           to adapt to future bu     portunities for the C
                                                           siness development        ompany to expand o
                                                            needs.                   verseas markets an
                                                                                     d realize the strategi
                                                                                     c goal of long-term s
                                                                                     ustainable develop
                                                                                     With the influencer
                                                                                     management syste
                                                                                     m, the Company will
                                                                                      be able to centraliz
                                                                                     e the management
                                                                                     of private domain inf
                                                                                     luencer resources a
                                                                                     nd achieve compreh
                                                           In order to support t
                                                                                     ensive control over t
                                                           he expansion of the
                                                                                     he influencer cooper
                                                           Company's oversea
                                                                                     ation process. The s
                  Given the Company'                       s business, this proj
                                                                                     ystem will record th
                  s continuous busine                      ect will establish a s
                                                                                     e information of influ
                  ss growth and overs                      ophisticated influenc
                                                                                     encer cooperation a
                  eas market expansi                       er management syst
                                                                                     nd collect the perfor
                  on, this project is to                   em, including the m
Influencer manage                                                                    mance data of influe
                  promote DR product Under R&D             anagement of privat
ment system                                                                          ncers on a regular b
                  s by cooperating wit                     e domain influencer
                                                                                     asis, establish the p
                  h influencers and to                     pools, the managem
                                                                                     erformance data da
                  comprehensively ev                       ent of influencer coo
                                                                                     shboard and realize
                  aluate their perform                     peration information
                                                                                     the real-time monito
                  ance.                                     and the real-time m
                                                                                     ring of influencers' i
                                                           onitoring of influenc
                                                                                     nputs and outputs.
                                                           ers' performance da
                                                                                     This will provide acc
                                                                                     urate data support f
                                                                                     or managers and m
                                                                                     arketers to make bu
                                                                                     siness decisions, an
                                                                                     d facilitate the Com
                                                                                     pany's future busine
                                                                                     ss development and
                                                                                      brand promotion.
                    The data volume ha                     Build a highly availa     An efficient, shared,
                    s increased with the                   ble and scalable dat       secure and easy-to
                     Company's busines                     a storage system to       -use data platform w
                    s growth. In order to                  ensure data security      ill support the operat
Data Platform Proje support the busines                     and stability; build a   ional decision-makin
                                          Under R&D
ct                  s operation, meet th                   n efficient data proc     g, business innovati
                    e data needs of vari                   essing and analysis       on and economic be
                    ous departments, a                     system to support re      nefit management.
                    nd improve the deci                    al-time data process      The platform will rea
                    sion-making efficien                   ing and batch data p      lize centralized stor

                                                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                     cy, the Company es                      rocessing; provide ri   age, processing and
                     tablished a unified d                   ch data visualization    analysis of data, im
                     ata platform to provi                    and report generati    prove the efficiency
                     de reliable data sup                    on functions to meet    of data utilization, pr
                     port.                                    users' diversified d   omote the Company
                                                             ata presentation ne     's digital transformat
                                                             eds.                    ion of and enhance t
                                                                                     he Company's com
                                                                                     petitiveness. This wi
                                                                                     ll lay a solid foundati
                                                                                     on and provide sust
                                                                                     ainable growth mom
                                                                                     entum for the Comp
                                                                                     any's future develop
                                                             Setting up backend
                                                             marketing campaign
                                                                                    By configuring mark
                                                              configurations and
                                                                                     eting campaign act
                                                             monitoring user dat
                                                                                     ivities on the mini-p
                                                             a feedback help enh
                    This project is to intr                                          rogram, the compa
                                                             ance user experienc
                    oduce new member                                                 ny will be able to dr
                                                             e. Existing customer
                    ship card categories                                             ive customer acqui
                                                             s can invite new cus
                     to encourage custo                                              sition and retention
                                                             tomers to redeem v
Middle-end Platform mer retention and pr                                              and enrich the use
                                            Under R&D        ouchers. If the new
for Appointment     ovide users with a ri                                            r experience. This
                                                             customers successf
                    ch points redemptio                                              will help increase u
                                                             ully place an order a
                    n experience in the l                                            ser engagement, i
                                                             nd redeem the vouc
                    oyalty rewards stor                                              mprove user retent
                                                             her, the existing cus
                    e.                                                               ion, and ultimately
                                                             tomers will earn poi
                                                                                     drive business gro
                                                             nts that can be used
                                                                                     wth and brand imp
                                                              to redeem gifts in th
                                                             e points redemption
                    Improve product de
                    velopment and desi                       Increase investment
                    gn capabilities to ad                     in R&D and design,
                    dress market compe                        expand its in-house    Satisfy the needs of
                    tition; make more eff                     full-time R&D and d    end consumers and
Construction of the
                    orts to design classi Under R&D          esign team, and imp     enhance DRCO's br
Diamond Jewelry R
                    c style products to e                    rove                    and influence.
&D Design Center
                    nhance the product
                    uniqueness; introdu                      DRCO's independe
                    ce scarce IPs to enh                     nt R&D and design
                    ance the brand valu                      capabilities.
R&D Staff of DRCO

                                     2023                   2022                         Change
Number of R&D staff                             66                        47                       40.43%
R&D staff as % of labor
                                             2.06%                    1.05%                         1.01%
Education background of R&D staff
Bachelor’s degree                              48                        34                       41.18%
Master’s degree                                 4                         4                        0.00%

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Junior college and below                           14                           9                      55.56%
Age distribution of R&D staff
<30ys                                              30                          22                      36.36%
30-40ys                                            33                          24                      37.50%
>40ys                                                3                          1                     200.00%
R&D expenditure and Percentage in Revenue in Last Three Years

                                      2023                        2022                         2021
R&D         expenditures
(RMB)                                  21,715,215.75               17,944,132.37                16,822,042.92
R&D         expenditures
as % of revenue                                1.00%                       0.49%                          0.36%
Capitalized         R&D
expenditures (RMB)                               0.00                        0.00                          0.00
Percentage             of
capitalized         R&D                        0.00%                       0.00%                          0.00%
Capitalized         R&D
expenditure as % of
net profit in the current                      0.00%                       0.00%                          0.00%
Reasons and effect of material changes in the composition of R&D staff

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Reasons for the significant YoY change in the proportion of R&D expenditure in revenue

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Reasons and rationality for significant change in capitalization ratio of R&D expenditures

□ Applicable  Not applicable

5. Cash flow

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

Item                                   2023                       2022                       YoY change
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                    2,363,975,825.01            4,047,355,144.09                      -41.59%
from operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                    2,327,010,317.20            3,229,344,031.85                      -27.94%
from operating activities
Net cash flows from
                                       36,965,507.81              818,011,112.24                      -95.48%
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows
                                    8,574,936,260.32            5,412,132,131.53                       58.44%
from investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows
                                    8,121,047,907.58            9,725,178,220.62                      -16.49%
from investing activities
Net cash flows from
                                      453,888,352.74           -4,313,046,089.09                      110.52%
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow
                                      533,333,453.61              536,119,714.66                       -0.52%
from financing activities

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Subtotal of cash outflows
                                     1,319,525,263.45            1,266,121,911.18                      4.22%
from financing activities
Net cash flows from
                                      -786,191,809.84                 -730,002,196.52                 -7.70%
financing activities
Net increase in cash and
                                      -294,661,419.66            -4,219,885,422.83                   93.02%
cash equivalents
Explanation of key factors for significant YoY change of relevant data

 Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) The decrease in cash inflows from operating activities was mainly due to the decrease in sales revenue
during the reporting period.

(2) The decrease in cash outflows from operating activities was mainly due to the decrease in both the sale
revenue and the purchase volume of DRCO as well as the decline of corresponding taxes.

(3) The increase in cash inflows from investing activities was mainly due to the recovery of the principal
from wealth management products due and the increase in income from wealth management products
during the reporting period.

(4) The increase in cash outflows from investing activities was mainly due to the increase in the principal
paid to wealth management products during the reporting period.

(5) The decrease in the amount of cash inflows from financing activities was mainly due to DRCO's
borrowings for bill discounting during the reporting period and the proceeds raised from the public offering of
shares in the same period of the previous year.

(6) The increase in cash outflows from financing activities was mainly due to the distribution of cash
dividends and the repayment of borrowings for bill discounting during the reporting period.

Explanation of reasons for the significant difference between the net cash flow from operating activities
during the reporting period and the net profit for the current year

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Depreciation, amortization, and provision for asset impairment for the current year amounted to RMB731.0
8 million . This part of the cost and expenses reduced profits, but no cash outflow was generated;
2. The net income from investment and financing activities is RMB 209.54 million(including financial expense
s and income from wealth management products), which increases profits. However, the cash flow generate
d does not belong to operating activities;
3. The net decrease of operating receivables and payables was RMB 553.54 million (including the net decre
ase of notes and accounts payable by RMB 477.26 million), which increased the cash outflow. The main rea
son is that the outstanding purchase payments and taxes payable at the end of the previous year were paid i
n this period, and with changes in operating conditions, this part of the payment has also significantly decrea
sed at the end of this period.

V.   Non-primary Business

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                             As % of total                               Whether
                         Amount                             Reasons
                                             profit                                      sustainable
                                                            It   is    mainly      the
                                                            investment       income
Investment                                                  from redeeming the
                            201,459,628.10          178.55%                              No
income                                                      mature             wealth
                                                            management products
                                                            from banks.
                                                            Mainly     gains        on
Gains/losses from                                           changes in fair value of
changes in fair              31,151,566.30           27.61% financial          assets    No
value                                                       recognized during the
                                                            reporting period.
                                                            Mainly include the
                                                            provision for inventory
Asset impairment           -105,342,656.15          -93.37% impairment loss and          No
                                                            impairment of long-
                                                            term assets.
                                                            Mainly            include
                              2,881,923.18            2.55% compensations                No
                                                            received by DRCO.
                                                            Mainly include breach
                              7,709,541.48            6.83% penalties and overdue        No
                                                            Mainly gains on disposal
Gains on disposal of                                        of    long-term    assets
                             19,708,867.36           17.47%                             No
assets                                                      during     the   reporting
                                                                                       1.      Immediate
                                                                                       refund of VAT
                                                            Mainly immediate refund levied on diamond
                                                            of VAT levied on diamond imports:
Other incomes                26,746,998.56           23.71%
                                                            imports, and government sustainable.      2.
                                                            subsidies.                 Government
                                                                                       subsidies:    not
                                                            Mainly the provision for
                                                            unrecoverable       lease
Loss   on       credit
                             -7,519,950.73           -6.66% deposits due to the early No
                                                            closure of loss-making

VI. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities
1.   Significant changes in the composition of assets

                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                             2023                          2023
                                                                    As %
                                    As % of                         of    Change in          Explanation of
                Amount              total   Amount                  total proportion      significant changes
                                    assets                          asset
Cash      and     227,854,223.17       3.03%        521,904,818.30 5.92%        -2.89% Mainly due to the

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

cash                                                                                         fact     that     the
equivalents                                                                                  Company        bought
                                                                                             more           wealth
                                                                                             products during the
                                                                                             reporting period.
                    83,147,399.06       1.10%          84,478,911.52 0.96%          0.14%
Inventories        526,939,044.37       7.00%         669,886,638.00 7.60%          -0.60%
Fixed assets        12,617,322.42       0.17%          14,068,805.09 0.16%           0.01%
                                                                                           Mainly due to the
Right-of-use                                                                               declining number of
                   208,971,654.66       2.78%         590,506,167.36 6.70%          -3.92%
assets                                                                                     stores during the
                                                                                           reporting period.
                   389,995,277.14       5.18%         433,993,449.44 4.92%          0.26%
                   109,633,363.46       1.46%         126,705,661.82 1.44%          0.02%
                                                                                           Mainly due to the
Lease                                                                                      declining number of
                    67,781,149.67       0.90%         276,542,164.23 3.14%          -2.24%
liabilities                                                                                stores during the
                                                                                           reporting period.
Foreign assets account for a relatively high proportion.

□ Applicable  Not applicable

2. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                        and           Cumulati      Impairme
                        losses on     ve     fair   nt          Amount       Amount
                        changes       value         accrued     of           of
              Opening                                                                   Other    Closing
Item                    in     fair   change        during      purchase     disposal
              amount                                                                    change s amount
                        value for     recognize     the         in current   in current
                        the           d        in   reporting   period       period
                        current       equity        period
Financial assets
1. Held-
assets     5,609,891, 34,920,37                                 7,350,000, 8,152,865,               4,841,946,
(excludin      931.68      7.10                                     000.00     603.71                   705.07
Subtotal 5,609,891, 34,920,37                                   7,350,000, 8,152,865,               4,841,946,
of             931.68      7.10                                     000.00     603.71                   705.07

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

            5,609,891, 34,920,37                            7,350,000, 8,152,865,            4,841,946,
Total           931.68       7.10                               000.00     603.71                705.07
Financia l                                                   66,909,34 7,864,600.             62,813,55
                  0.00 3,768,810.
liabilities                                                       6.72         00                  7.52
Contents of other changes

Whether there were significant changes in the major measurement attributes of DRCO's assets during the
reporting period.

□ Yes  No

3. Restricted rights to assets as of the end of the reporting period

As at December 31, 2023, the Group utilized restricted cash totaling RMB 890,612.21 (December 31, 2022:
RMB 279,787.68), which was mainly due to preservation of law issue(As at the reporting date, the payment
has been made)or change of account types.

VII.        Investment Status Analysis

1. Overall situation

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Investment in        the   reporting Investment in the same period
period (RMB)                         of last year (RMB)

                    8,121,047,907.58                 9,725,178,220.62                          -16.49%

2. Significant equity investments acquired during the reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Significant non-equity investments pending during the reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

4. Investment in financial assets

(1) Investment in securities

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no securities investments during the reporting period.

(2) Investments in derivatives

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no derivative investments during the reporting period.

5. Use of raised funds

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

(1) Overall use of proceeds

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                Unit: RMB0’000

                                                        Accum    ntage
                                             t     of
                                                        ulated   of
                       Total                            ed       accum               Use      Amou
                       amoun       Accum                amoun    ulated   Total      and      nt of
                       t     of    ulated               t        amoun    amoun      destin   procee
Year    Metho                                intend                                                     Year
                Total procee       amoun                procee   t        t     of   ation    ds idle
of      d    of                              ed use                                                     of
                procee ds          t    of              ds       procee   unuse      of       for
fundrai fundrai                              was                                                        fundrai
                ds     used        procee               whose    ds       d          unuse    more
sing    sing                                 chang                                                      sing
                       in the      ds                   intend   whose    procee     d        than
                       current     used                 ed use   intend   ds         procee   two
                       period                           was      ed use              ds       years
                                                        chang    was
                                                        ed       chang
         Public     467,63 444,38 132,37 281,95                                  162,42
2021                                                         0        0    0.00%        s and 0
         offering     6.88   0.28   1.85   2.14                                    8.14
                   467,63 444,38 132,37 281,95                                   162,42
Total    --                                                  0        0    0.00%        --      0
                     6.88      0.28      1.85  2.14                                8.14
Explanation of the overall use of the proceeds
1. Actual amount and arrival date of proceeds
In accordance with the CSRC's "Approval on Agreeing the Registration of DR Corporation Limited
for Initial Public Offering of Shares (Zheng Jian Xu Ke No. [2021] 3043)" and the SZSE's
approval, DRCO conducted an initial public offering of 40,010,000 ordinary shares (A shares) with
a nominal value of RMB 1.00 and an issue price of RMB 116.88 per share, raising proceeds of
RMB 4,676,368,800. The sponsorship and underwriting fees (excluding VAT) for the IPO were
RMB 217,341,600. On December 10, 2021, the total proceeds of RMB 4,460,725,300 after
deducting the underwriting fees (excluding VAT) of RMB 215,643,500 were remitted by the
underwriter China Securities to DRCO's special account for proceeds.
The total proceeds raised by DRCO via the IPO were RMB 4,676,368,800, and the net proceeds were RMB
4,443,802,800 after deducting sponsorship and underwriting fees (excluding VAT) of RMB 217,341,600,
and other issuance fees (excluding VAT) of RMB 15,224,300 (including: audit and capital verification fees
of RMB 4,471,300, legal counsel fees of RMB 5,422,100, information disclosure fees of RMB 4,018,900,
issuance fees and other fees of RMB 1,312,100). The additional registered capital replenished by the IPO
has been verified by Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP (Special General Partnership) that issued a "Capital
Verification Report" (Ernst & Young Hua Ming (2021) Yan Zi No. 61403707_H01).
2. Amount used in the current year and year-end balance
As of December 31, 2023, the accumulated amount of the proceeds used by DRCO was RMB 2,819.52
million, of which RMB 1,209.52million was used to invest in committed items and RMB1,610 million was

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

used to permanently supplement the working capital.
As of December 31, 2023, the balance of idle funds (including surplus proceeds) for cash management was
RMB 1725 million.
As of December 31, 2023, the balance of DRCO's special account for the proceeds was RMB 21.96 million
(including interest income and investment income after deducting service charges).
(2) The situation of the project of fund-raising commitment

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB0'000

Committ       her                                                                       Cumul
                                                 Cumul                Date                                  Wheth
    ed        the                                         Invest               Benef     ative
                                                  ative               when                         Whet      er the
investm     proje     Total            Amou                ment                   its   benefit
                                                 amou                  the                           her    feasibil
   ent         ct    commi    Adjust      nt              progre               realiz       s
                                                    nt              project                          the      ity of
projects     has      tted      ed     invest              ss as                  ed    realize
                                                 invest             reache                         expec        the
   and      been     invest    total    ed in             of the                durin   d as of
                                                 ed as                 s its                         ted    project
investm     chan      ment    invest     the              end of                g the     the
                                                 of the              intend                        benefi      has
   ent       ged        of     ment    reporti               the               report   end of
                                                 end of                 ed                         ts are    chang
areas of    (inclu   proce      (1)      ng               period                 ing      the
                                                   the               servic                        realiz       ed
 surplus     ding      eds             period             (3)=(2                perio   reporti
                                                 period               eable                          ed     signific
proceed     partly                                          )/(1)                  d       ng
                                                   (2)                state                                   antly
     s      chan                                                                        period
Committed investment projects
Constru                                                              Dece
ction of    No        73,92   73,92     14,22    73,92     100.0     mber                19,35
                                                                               13,97                  No        No
channel                 1.4     1.4      6.72      1.4       0%        31,                4.61
network                                                              2023
ction of                                                                                             Not
            No        11,04   11,04    1,957.    6,506.    58.89     mber
informat                                                                                           applic
                       7.45    7.45        66        34       %        31,                                      No
ion                                                                                                 able
ction of
y    and                                                             Dece
Design      No       5,389.   5,389.   1,187.    2,476.    45.96     mber
Center                   93       93       47        95       %        31,                                      No
for                                                                  2025
shing                                                                                                Not
            No        38,00   38,00              38,04     100.1
working                                     0                                                      applic       No
                          0       0               7.45       2%
capital                                                                                             able

of                                                                                 -
              --      128,3   128,3     17,37    120,9                                   19,35
committ                                                        --         --   13,97                   --         --
                      58.78   58.78      1.85    52.14                                    4.61
ed                                                                              8.13

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited


Investment areas of surplus proceeds
use of                                                                                             Not
           No         132,0    132,0
surplus                                                                                          applic       No
                       21.5     21.5
proceed                                                                                           able
working      --       184,0    184,0     115,0    161,0     87.50
                                                                          --       --       --       --        --
capital                  00       00        00       00        %
(if any)
ents of      --       316,0    316,0     115,0    161,0
                                                                --        --                         --        --
surplus                21.5     21.5        00       00
Total        --       444,3    444,3     132,3    281,9                                  19,35
                                                                --        --   13,97                  --       --
                      80.28    80.28     71.85    52.14                                    4.61
                     1. Channel network construction project: the project generated cumulative benefits of
                     RMB 193.55 million by the end of the reporting period of 2023, and benefits of RMB -
                     139.78 million during the reporting period. The project achieved the estimated benefits by
                     the end of the reporting period of 2022, but failed to do so by the end of the current
                     reporting period mainly due to lower-than-expected sales under the influence of the
                     macro environment and market demands.
                     2. Information system project: on April 26, 2023, DRCO convened the fifth meeting of the
                     second session of the Board of Directors and the fifth meeting of the second session of
Describe the         the Board of Supervisors to review the Proposal on Postponing Certain Proceeds-funded
circumstances        Projects. Accordingly DRCO was approved to extend the date for the project to reach the
and reasons why      scheduled serviceability status of the proceeds-funded project from December 31, 2023
the planned          to December 31, 2024, without changing the implementation entity, the implementation
progress and         method, the use of proceeds and the intended investment amount;
expected             Factors as the market environment and the business expansion and stricter requirements
benefits have not    for corporate governance have resulted in higher requirements for the information system
been realized by     construction. As a result, DRCO needs to conduct adequate surveys and discussions
project (including   before implementing the information system construction project, so as to facilitate the
the reason for       sales growth or the increase of the operational efficiency. In order to better manage the
"not applicable"     progress of the project, on April 25, 2024, DRCO convened the ninth meeting of the
concerning           second session of the Board of Directors and the ninth meeting of the second session of
"whether the         the Board of Supervisors to review the Proposal on Postponing Certain Proceeds-funded
expected             Projects. Accordingly, DRCO was approved to extend the completion date of the
benefits are         proceeds-funded project from December 31, 2024 to December 31, 2026 in order to
realized")           more effectively utilize the proceeds.
                     3. R&D, Creativity and Design Center for Diamond Jewelries: It is Shenzhen Darry
                     Commercial Management Services that is responsible for constructing the project, which
                     is designed to take three years. As the market demands have been changing, the
                     company needs to optimize this non-profit project to better align with the actual
                     requirements and the corporate development strategy, leading to delayed construction
                     process. On April 26, 2023, DRCO convened the fifth meeting of the second session of
                     the Board of Directors and the fifth meeting of the second session of the Board of
                     Supervisors to review the Proposal on Postponing Certain Proceeds-funded Projects.
                     Accordingly DRCO was approved to extend the completion date of the proceeds-funded

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                      project from December 31, 2023 to December 31, 2025, without changing the
                      implementation entity, the implementation method, the use of proceeds and the intended
                      investment amount;

Explanation of        Not applicable.As of June 30, 2023, the "channel network construction project" has been
significant           implemented and reached the intended usable state, the second half of the year due to macro
changes in            environmental factors and market demand, resulting in project benefits less than expected.
project feasibility
                      1. On December 30, 2021, DRCO held the 14th meeting of the first session of the Board
                      of Directors and the sixth meeting of the first session of the Board of Supervisors; on
                      January 18, 2022, DRCO held the first Extraordinary General Meeting in 2022, reviewing
                      and approving the "Proposal on Cash Management for Part of Idle Proceeds and Self-
                      owned Funds”. The meeting authorized DRCO to use not more than RMB3,500,000,000
                      of idle proceeds (including surplus proceeds) and not more than RMB4,000,000,000 of
                      its own funds for cash management for a period of 12 months from the date of review
                      and approval. Such funds can be used on a revolving basis within the aforesaid amount
                      and term; on December 29, 2022, DRCO held the 4th meeting of the second session of
                      the Board of Directors and the 4th meeting of the 2nd session of the Board of
                      Supervisors, and on January 17, 2023, DRCO held the first Extraordinary General
                      Meeting in 2023, reviewing and approving the “Proposal on Cash Management for Part
                      of Idle Proceeds and Self-owned Funds”. The meeting authorized DRCO to use not more
                      than RMB3,000,000,000 of idle proceeds (including surplus proceeds) and not more than
                      RMB6,000,000,000 of its own funds for cash management for a period of 12 months from
                      the date of review and approval. Such funds can be used on a revolving basis within the
                      aforesaid amount and term; on December 28, 2023, the Company held the 8th meeting
                      of the 2nd session of the Board of Directors and the 8th Meeting of the 2nd Session of
Amount, use and       the Board of Supervisors at the Company’s meeting room; on January 16, 2024, the
progress of use       Company held the first Extraordinary General Meeting in 2024, reviewing and approving
of surplus            the “Proposal on Cash Management for Part of Idle Proceeds and Self-owned Funds”.
proceeds              The meeting authorized DRCO to use not more than RMB1,800,000,000 of idle proceeds
                      (including surplus proceeds) and not more than RMB6,000,000,000 of its own funds for
                      cash management for a period of 12 months from the date of review and approval. Such
                      funds can be used on a revolving basis within the aforesaid amount and term. As of
                      December 31, 2023, the balance of surplus proceeds for cash management was
                      2. On April 20, 2022, DRCO held the 15th meeting of the first session of the Board of
                      Directors and the 7th meeting of the first session of the Board of Supervisors, which
                      considered and approved the "Proposal on Using Part of the Surplus Proceeds to
                      Permanently Replenish Working Capital", and agreed that DRCO may use
                      RMB940,000,000 of surplus proceeds to permanently replenish the working capital,
                      representing 29.74% of the total surplus proceeds. This proposal was deliberated and
                      approved at the shareholders' meeting on May 20, 2022; on April 26, 2023, DRCO held
                      the 5th meeting of the 2nd session of the Board of Directors and the 5th Meeting of the
                      2nd session of the Board of Supervisors, which considered and approved the "Proposal
                      on Using Part of the Surplus Proceeds to Permanently Replenish Working Capital", and
                      agreed that DRCO may use RMB900,000,000 of surplus proceeds to permanently
                      replenish the working capital, representing 28.48% of the total surplus proceeds; this
                      proposal was deliberated and approved at the shareholders' meeting on May 26, 2023.
                      As of December 31, 2023, DRCO had transferred RMB1,610,000,000 from its special
                      account for the proceeds to permanently supplement the working capital.
Changes in the
implementation        Not applicable
location of
projects funded

                                                          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

by the proceeds
Adjustment of
method of          Not applicable
projects funded
by the proceeds

                   On April 20, 2022, DRCO held the 15th meeting of the first session of the Board of
                   Directors and the 7th meeting of the first session of the Board of Supervisors, which
                   considered and approved the "Proposal on the Replacement of Self-raised Funds
Early investment   Invested in Advance and Paid for Issuance Expenses with Proceeds", and agreed that
and replacement    DRCO may use the proceeds to replace the self-raised funds of RMB370,182,800
of projects        invested in advance and funds of RMB5,455,000 paid for issuance expenses, which
funded by the      totaled RMB 375,637,800. Ernst & Young Hua Ming (Special General Partnership)
proceeds           issued the "Capital Verification Report on DR Corporation Limited’s Investments in
                   Intended Projects with Self-owned Funds (Ernst & Young Hua Ming (2022) Zhuan Zi No.
                   61403707_H01). Before May 10, 2022, DRCO successively transferred a total of RMB
                   366,804,400 from its special account for proceeds for the replacement purpose, including
                   RMB361,349,400 for the investments in advance and RMB5,455,000 for issuance
Use idle
proceeds to
temporarily        Not applicable
working capital

                   1.The remaining raised funds for the "Supplementary Working Capital Project" amounted
The amount and     to RMB553,600, and for the "Channel Network Construction Project" amounted to
reasons for the    RMB16,159,900.
balance of         2.During the implementation of the raised capital projects, the company strictly adhered
proceeds after     to the relevant regulations on the use of raised funds and prudently utilized them. While
project            ensuring that the implementation of the raised capital investment projects was not
implementation     affected and that the raised funds were secure, the company engaged in cash
                   management of idle raised funds to improve the efficiency of their utilization. This
                   resulted in certain investment returns and interest income generated during the period of
                   DRCO's unused proceeds are used to purchase approved cash management products
Use and            and deposited in a special account. As of December 31, 2023, the balance of proceeds
destination of     deposited in the special account was RMB 21,960,000; the balance of the idle proceeds
unused             (including surplus proceeds) for cash management was RMB1,725,000,000, consisting
proceeds           of RMB1,660,000,000 as the balance of the wealth management products bought by
                   surplus proceeds and RMB65,000,000 as the balance of the wealth management
                   products bought by the capital of the committed investment projects.
Problems or
circumstances in   Not applicable
the use and
disclosure of

(3) Changes in projects funded by proceeds

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

    There is no change in the projects funded by proceeds during DRCO’s reporting period.

    VIII.    Disposal of material assets and equity interests

    1. Disposal of material assets

    □ Applicable  Not applicable

    DRCO did not dispose of any material assets during the reporting period.

    2. Disposal of material equity interests

    □ Applicable  Not applicable

    IX. Analysis of major subsidiaries and associates
     Applicable □ Not applicable

    Information about major subsidiaries and associates that may influence DRCO’s net profit by 10% or more

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

Company      Company                           Registere Total          Net                       Operatin
                       Main business                                                 Revenue                 Net profit
name         type                              d capital assets         assets                    g profit
Shenzhen               Information
Love Only AI           technology
             Subsidiar                          25,000,00 367,675,5 160,641,6 273,680,6 149,643,4 127,173,5
Cloud                  services,
             y                                       0.00     87.42     56.92     80.81     21.55     16.83
Technology             overseas sales
Co., Ltd.              business
                       Supply     chain
Shenzhen               R&D         and
Darry                  design,
Commercial   Subsidiar customized               10,000,00 162,053,2 133,864,8 186,268,3 143,309,5 120,944,1
Management y           product                       0.00     49.60     50.15     10.63     07.54     13.57
Service Co.,           services    and
Ltd.                   related
    The acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period

     Applicable □ Not applicable

                                           Method of acquiring and
                                                                            Impact on overall operation and
    Company name                           disposing of subsidiaries during
                                           the reporting period
    He’er Culture (Hainan) Co., Ltd.      Fund the establishment           No significant impact
    Shenzhen DR Jewelry Sales              Fund the establishment           No significant impact
    Forever True Love Wedding Planning
                                           Fund the establishment              No significant impact
    Happy Love Phycology Research
    Center (Shenzhen)
                                           Fund the establishment              No significant impact
    Forever True Love Wedding Planning
                                           Fund the establishment              No significant impact
                                           Fund the establishment              No significant impact

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

DR Luxury Netherlands Holding B.V.     Fund the establishment           No significant impact
                                       Fund the establishment           No significant impact
DR LUXURY USA INC                      Fund the establishment           No significant impact
LOVEMONT HONG KONG LIMITED             Fund the establishment           No significant impact
Shangqiu DR Jewelry                    Deregistered                     No significant impact
Wuhan DR Jewelry                       Deregistered                     No significant impact
Nanchang DR Jewelry                    Deregistered                     No significant impact
Handan DR Jewelry                      Deregistered                     No significant impact
Guangzhou DR Jewelry                   Deregistered                     No significant impact
Langfang DR Jewelry                    Deregistered                     No significant impact
Foshan DR Jewelry                      Deregistered                     No significant impact
Urumqi DR Jewelry                      Deregistered                     No significant impact
Information about major subsidiaries and associates

1. Subsidiary Love Only AI primarily engages in company information technology services and overseas
sales business. During the reporting period, it achieved a net profit of RMB 127.17 million, a decrease of
47.45% compared to the same period last year.

2. Subsidiary Darry Qianhai is primarily engaged in company supply chain management, research and
development design, customized product services, and related supporting services. During the reporting
period, it achieved a net profit of RMB 120.94 million, a decrease of 44.92% compared to the same period
last year.

X.   Structured entities under the control of DRCO

□ Applicable  Not applicable

XI. Prospect for DRCO’s future development
(I) Development strategy

Always putting great importance on the long-term development, DRCO focuses on the development strategy
of “diamond ring as No.1, multi-brand and multi-category” and proposes the strategic goal of “becoming a
new luxury group with multiple brands”. Centering around the overall development strategy, DRCO will seize
the important opportunities arising from the rapid development of Chinese and even the global jewelry
industries. By improving the image and influence of the brand, refining R&D and design capabilities and
enhancing the influence in international markets, each of the Company’s brands will be able to focus on the
differentiated value and leverage the core competitiveness of the company promotes the coordinated
development of multi-brands.

(II) Business development plan for 2024

The complexity and uncertainty of the market environment, fluctuations in the global economy, changes in
consumer behavior and the evolution of the competitive landscape have all had a profound impact on our
business. Against this backdrop, we've realized that only through continuous innovation, efficiency
improvement and brand value enhancement can we maintain our leading position in the fiercely competitive
marketplace. In 2024, the Company will continue to focus on the core brand DR and adhering to the concept
of "the sole true love in one life", enhance our brand value and market competitiveness, and actively respond

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

to market changes and challenges through brand building and refined business operation and management.

1. Brand power

(1) Increase brand value

① Upgrade brand image: Optimize standard store spaces, innovate in the development of display props;
establish a visual material library, unify visual standards, and upgrade the brand's primary colors; optimize
packaging materials and visual materials for activities; upgrade brand symbols and ensure full-channel
coverage; ② Accumulate brand assets: From brand stories to product stories, establish brand background
and brand paradigm, shoot high-energy brand films, and creative short films that range from brand stories to
product stories; ③ Brand events: actively participate in international exchanges and cooperation, enhance
the brand’s international awareness, create art experience spaces and love experience spaces, organize co-
branding activities for both the brand and products, press releases for brand upgrade and season-specific
love events, and so on.

(2) Optimize brand communication

Explore and guide user needs via the brand concept, look for micro-moments between the brand and users,
diversify the language and content of brand communication, refine the core of the brand communication,
align the contents with the products, strengthen the brand's emotional attributes, arouse the desire for the
brand, enhance the brand momentum and influence, gain popularity both online and offline; create the
extreme brand reputation through projects associated with the brand concept and the social value, improve
the brand communication and the brand impact; set up a special communication team to innovate the
content of the new platforms and the brand's sense of ceremony to form new touchpoints; disseminate warm
and grounded content with positive energy and characteristics of the era to reflect the attitude and warmth of
the brand.

2. Product competitiveness

DRCO always responds to market changes with emotionally appealing products, unique emotional
experiences, and an exclusive service system that matches the stores products, and users. The Company
continuously innovates and develops products that embody brand identity and true love emotion, spreads
the brand's true love concept and empower the brand through high-quality products that bridge the
communication between the brand and users to further enhance the brand image.

In 2024, the Company will continue to increase investment in product design and technology research and
development, explore the combination of jewelry and expression of love. Our R&D will focus on materials,
design, technology and other aspects to promote product innovation, launch new products to meet the
market demands, and create brand identity and classic works for brand communication to meet the needs of
different scenarios, different users and different channels. We will provide consumers with more unique and
high-quality choices, iteratively update the core products of the DR brand, improve product quality, diversify
designs, and set up a special team for gold to design and launch gold-themed wedding suits consisting of
five gold and one diamond products, so as to consolidate the brand's core competitiveness in the wedding
market; we will refine the "Wedding+" platform by including proposal/wedding planning, wedding

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

photography, portraits and other supporting services; we will integrate and promote prestigious works, create
a cross-department closed-loop from new product release to retail sales so as to enable the coordinated
management across the whole lifecycle of the products and establish a department-wide process and point-
in-time planning; we will trace diamonds in conjunction with industry partners, and collaborate with
professional organizations including Natural Diamond Council, Platinum Guild International and IGI to boost
the sustainable development of the diamond industry.

3. Sales channels

(1) Expand channel layout

In 2024, the Company will continue to optimize the channel structure and upgrade the channel hierarchy,
maintaining flexibility and sensitivity to the market at all times, so as to effectively address external threats
and seize the opportunities in leading channels in a timely manner, and further strengthen the brand
potential and enhance the operational efficiency through channel optimization and development. On the one
hand, we will continue to complete the optimization of projects in first- and second-tier cities and the tail end
of business circles, focusing our resources on building the potential of leading stores and enhancing the
overall financial benefits the cities; on the other hand, we will gradually return to the single-store model in
cities below the third-tier level. In terms of newly opened stores, we will focus on the leading commercial
projects in cities where we have not yet entered, and plan to build new brand flagship stores with leading
commercial real estate groups; adhering to the principle of prudent assessment, we will enter into some
important tier-3 and tier-4 cities without our footprints, so as to further improve the channel layout. With the
effective progress of the channel layout adjustment plan and the maturity of the advantageous newly opened
stores, the overall benefits generated by channels will be greatly improved.

(2) Operation of stores

Offline stores are the window of front-end user experience. In 2023, the Company conducted a host of
activities during holidays such as Valentine's Day, 520, Qixi, National Day, Christmas and New Year's Day.
We launched a series of DP checking-in projects in 52 cities nationwide, which enhanced the perception of
the DR brand among customers of related shopping malls through brand-specific displays and guided
passersby to share their experiences. In 2024, we will continue to optimize store operations and
management to enhance the user experience and provide customers with better solutions to express their

①Upgrade the operation system: Enhance the service quality and customer experience of stores by refining
service processes and strengthening the service skills and professionalism of employees; establish a training
and knowledge-sharing platform to provide training courses, management experience sharing, and best
practice cases to store managers in a digital manner; optimize store layout and displays to enhance product
presentation, utilize visual display tools such as showcases, models, and posters to highlight product
features and brand image, further solidifying the shopping environment guided by Dream Wedding values;
improve inventory management and supply chain distribution capabilities of stores, utilize sales data and
market trend analysis for sales forecasting and demand planning, so as to increase inventory turnover rate
and capital utilization efficiency; strengthen the operation and management capabilities of store managers;

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

provide store managers with data analysis tools for them to better understand the sales data, customer
behaviors and market trends. Develop an intelligent user opportunity identification system to better identify
the needs of users for rings, manage and follow the information, shopping records and feedbacks of

②Classify the operation of stores: Implement hierarchical management based on factors such as store size,
geographic location and customer demand to develop more accurate strategic planning and operational
strategies, and provide support and management resources to different levels of stores; provide tailored
training and support to stores at different levels to improve their operating results and customer satisfaction.

③User services: Design targeted links and focuses for user experience service based on the characteristics
and service expectations of different users, provide comprehensive product knowledge and personalized
recommendation services, emphasize brand awareness and engagement, and create more opportunities for
users to deepen understanding of works and engage in dialogue. Design and establish a membership
system to offer unique membership benefits; utilize analysis of membership data to implement personalized
promotions and services, enhancing customer satisfaction and shopping experience.

(III) Risks in corporate operation and countermeasures

1. Industry and market volatility risks

As a consumer good with a strong discretionary attribute, diamonds are sensitive to external macroeconomic
conditions and the disposable income of residents. In recent years, intensified competition within the
diamond industry, insufficient demand for diamond jewelry, slow economic recovery and increasing
preference for gold as a safe haven have led to rising demand for gold and adverse effects on the diamond
jewelry industry. The Company's revenues suffered a sharp decline due to our fully self-operated sales
model and main business focusing on diamond jewelry. In the future, if external economic growth slows or
stagnates and the disposable income of the population declines, this could affect consumer behavior and
further constrain market demand for diamonds. In addition, geopolitical crises in recent years have
heightened international trade tensions, which could create uncertainty for overseas diamond sourcing. The
Company has always firmly believed that a long-term perspective is essential for navigating through
economic cycles, and that competition in the industry and fluctuations in the market environment present
both risks and opportunities. In response to the above risks, the Company will respond to market changes,
make strategic adjustments, maintain our core competitive advantages, strengthen brand power, product
competitiveness and sales channels, and improve cost control and operational efficiency; and continue to
pay attention to the situation of the gold market and timely diversify product offerings to actively cope with
the impact brought by the industry cycle and fluctuations in the market environment. At the same time,
DRCO will keep paying attention to the overseas rough diamond markets and timely make structural
procurement adjustments, so as to actively respond to the impacts of fluctuations in the upstream supply

2. Risk of consigned production

As DRCO adopts the consigned production model, any delay in delivery or substandard quality of the
outsourced products will adversely affect DRCO's inventory management, brand reputation and even

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

operating results. Since its establishment, DRCO has always placed great importance on the quality of its
products. In the course of its daily operations, DRCO will continue to exercise strict quality control over the
procurement of raw materials, consignment processing and acceptance into the warehouse, further
strengthen qualification review over new suppliers and other indicators as on-site check and blind testing of
samples, monitor the diamond color an a monthly basis and conduct sample testing of the materials
produced by suppliers, and ensure that the full quality control system is effectively implemented in all

3. Risk of declining brand influence

The Company's brand influence has an important influence on the sustainable development of its
performance. In the era of mobile Internet, consumption habits and trends also continue to evolve, and new
brands and new business concepts continue to emerge, as a result of which the Company is still facing the
risk of a decrease in the attractiveness of its brand concept. As the social and network environment
continues to evolve, the risk of public opinion is also increasing. If the Company has internal management
problems in brand publicity, registered trademark protection, terminal store image, product quality, product
intellectual property rights and after-sales service, it will directly lead to a decline in brand influence and may
face negative public opinion reports, which will have a negative impact on the Company's brand reputation,
operating results and ability to sustain operations. The Company's brand reputation, business performance
and sustainability will be negatively impacted. In response, DRCO has taken the following measures: (1)
strengthen brand building, extend the creation and output of high-quality content with valuable connotations
based on the unique brand concept, and enhance and increase the value and the positive influence of the
brand; (2) Increase the investment in product design and technology R&D to encourage product innovation,
and continue to enhance the competitiveness of products, and consolidate the core competitiveness of the
brand in the wedding market; (3) adjust channel strategies in accordance with changes in the business
circles, the alignment between customer bases and brand positioning, and continuously optimize the channel
structure to upgrade the levels of channels; (4) protect intellectual property rights such as trademarks
involved in the course of business to protect the Company’s interests and brand image.

4. Risk of stores with low performance

The Chinese market is currently at a critical moment of economic recovery and transformation, and there are
also external uncertainties, leading to insufficient demand for discretionary consumer goods. Under the fully
self-operated sales model, the Company may face lower-than-expected sales results and impairment risk. In
response, DRCO has taken the following measures: (1) regularly conduct a comprehensive inventory check
of stores, and take the initiative to close, relocate and replace underperforming stores or stores that are
inconsistent with the brand image; (2) focus resources on creating momentum for outperforming stores to
improve the overall financial performance in cities; (3) hire an external professional consulting team to build
an ideal model of terminal stores in all aspects, and implement the city operation improvement plan for the
single-store-in-single-city projects; (4) refine store management, optimize internal processes, and strengthen
the control of rental costs to reduce fixed rental costs and improve operational efficiency.

5. Risks of large balance and write-down of inventories

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

To ensure timely response to product customization demands, the company maintains a certain number of
raw materials and inventory goods during operations. In the future, if there are significant fluctuations in
prices of key raw materials such as diamonds or market prices of inventory goods, the Company may face
the risk of further provision for inventory write-down. To address this risk, the Company will increase the
value added of and enhance the competitiveness of products by improving and upgrading products
according to market demand. Additionally, the Company will actively adjust procurement strategies,
strengthen safe and strategic inventory management, accelerate inventory turnover, dynamically monitor
inventory situations, and mitigate the risk of inventory write-downs.

XII.      Registration form for surveys, communication, interviews and other activities during the
reporting period

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                 Type        of
Date            Place           Method                          Interviewer           contents and Date
                                                                  Captial Group,
                                                                  GF Securities,
January     4, Online           Online
                                              Institution         New         China
2023           meeting          communication
                                                                  Management                           For      details,
                                                                  Guolian                              please refer
                                                                  Securities,                          to the record
January     5, Online           Online                                                market
                                              Institution         China Post &                         of      investor
2023           meeting          communication                                         landscape,
                                                                  Capital Fund                         relations
                                                                  Management                           activities
                                                                                      situation and
                                                                  Personnel                            disclosed by
                                                                                      prospect    of
                                                                  from           17                    DRCO          on
                                                                  institutions                         January 10,
                                                                  including                            2023          on
January     6, Company’s                                         Yinhua Fund,                         www.cninfo.c
                            Field survey         Institution
2023           meeting room                                       Dongfang Alfa                        om.cn
                                                                  Fund Manage
                                                                  ment,         and
                                                                  Infore Capital
                                                                  Personnel                            For      details,
                                                                    from              Industry         please refer
                                                                    institutions      prospect,        to the record
                                                                    including     8   market           of      investor
                                                                    Southwest         landscape,       relations
January    10, Online           Online                              Securities,       current          activities
2023           meeting          communication                       SWS         MU    situation and    disclosed by
                                                                    Fund              prospect    of   DRCO          on
                                                                    Management,       DRCO’s          January 19,
                                                                    and Bosera        business         2023          on
                                                                    Fund              operation        www.cninfo.c
                                                                    Management                         om.cn
January    11, Online           Online                            Sealand
2023           meeting          communication                     Securities,
                                                                  Caitong Fund

                                                          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

January    11, Company’s
                            Field survey    Institution      Ocean Link
2023           meeting room
January    12, Online        Online                          Security, HFT
2023           meeting       communication                   Investment
                                                             from           13
January    13, Company’s
                            Field survey    Institution      Huaxin Fund
2023           meeting room
                                                             Asia,        and
                                                             Penghua Fund
                                                             GF Securities,
January    18, Online        Online
                                           Institution       SWS Mu Fund
2023           meeting       communication
January    31, Company’s                                    CITIC
                            Field survey    Institution
2023           meeting room                                  Securities
                                                             from           40
                                                             Sachs, Huatai-
January    31, Online        Online                          pinebridge
2023           meeting       communication                   Fund
                                                                                                For      details,
                                                                                                please refer
                                                             Centennial          Industry
                                                                                                to the record
                                                             Insurance           prospect,
                                                                                                of      investor
                                                             Asset               market
                                                             Management          landscape,
                                                             Guosen              current
                                                                                                disclosed by
                                                             Securities,         situation and
February    1, Online        Online                                                             DRCO          on
                                           Institution       Schroder            prospect    of
2023           meeting       communication                                                      February 16,
                                                             Investment          DRCO’s
                                                                                                2023          on
                                                             Management          business
February    1, Company’s                                    Essence             operation
                            Field survey    Institution                                         om.cn
2023           meeting room                                  Securities
                                                             from           43
February    2, Online        Online
                                           Institution       Capital,
2023           meeting       communication
                                                             Fubon       Fund
                                                             and      Sinolink

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                              GF Securities,
February    3, Company’s
                            Field survey    Institution       Caitong Fund
2023           meeting room
                                                              GF Securities,
February    7, Company’s                                     New        China
                            Field survey    Institution
2023           meeting room                                   Asset
                                                              from          14
February    8, Company’s                                     Securities,
                            Field survey    Institution
2023           meeting room                                   Baoying Fund
                                                              and JPMorgan
                                                              from            8
                                                              including       E
February    9, Company’s
                            Field survey    Institution       Management,
2023           meeting room
                                                              Infore Capital
                                                              and       CSOP
February 10, Company’s                                       Securities,
                          Field survey      Institution
2023         meeting room                                     Wudi
February 13, Online         Online
                                          Institution         Ningyongfu
2023         meeting        communication
February 14, Company’s                                       Securities, T
                          Field survey      Institution
2023         meeting room                                     Rowe       Price
                                                              from            6
February 15, Company’s                                       China        Life
                          Field survey      Institution
2023         meeting room                                     Pension,
                                                              Cyber      Atlas,
                                                              Personnel           2022 Annual     For     details,
                                            Institution,      from         109    Report and      please refer
                 Online     Online
April 28, 2023                                retail          institutions        2023Q1          to the record
                 meeting    communication
                                              investor        including           Report          of     investor
                                                              CITIC               presentations   relations

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                              Securities,                         activities
                                                              China       Life                    disclosed by
                                                              AMP       Asset                     DRCO       on
                                                              Management                          May 4, 2023
                                                              and     Fortune                     on
                                                              Fund                                www.cninfo.c
                                                              Management,                         om.cn
                                                              as well as
                                                              some       retail
                Company’s                                    Securities,
May 6, 2023                  Field survey    Institution
                meeting room                                  Taikang Asset
May 12, 2023                 Field survey    Institution      Brilliance
                meeting room
                                                                                                 For      details,
                                                              from           6
                                                                                                 please refer
                                                              institutions        Industry
                                                                                                 to the record
                                                              including           prospect,
                                                                                                 of      investor
                                                              Guotai Junan,       market
                Company’s                                                                       relations
May 15, 2023                 Field survey    Institution      Wanli       Fuda    landscape,
                meeting room                                                                     activities
                                                              Investment,         current
                                                                                                 disclosed by
                                                              Wutong              situation and
                                                                                                 DRCO          on
                                                              Yinfeng             prospect    of
                                                                                                 May 24, 2023
                                                              Wealth              DRCO’s
                                                              Management          business
                                                              China               operation
                Company’s                                    Securities,
May 16, 2023                 Field survey    Institution
                meeting room                                  Eagle
                                                              First Beijing
                                                              Top       Wealth
                Company’s                                    Building,
May 17, 2023                 Field survey    Institution
                meeting room                                  Beyond
May 22, 2023                 Field survey    Institution      Asset
                meeting room
                Online        Online
July 14, 2023                               Institution       point72
                meeting       communication                                                       For      details,
                                                                                                  please refer
                                                              Personnel                           to the record
                                                              from         30                     of      investor
                                                              institutions                        relations
                                                              including                           activities
                Online        Online                                          situation and
July 20, 2023                               Institution       CITIC                               disclosed by
                meeting       communication                                   prospect    of
                                                              Securities,                         DRCO          on
                                                              Guosheng                            July 24, 2023
                                                              Securities and                      on
                                                              GF Securities                       www.cninfo.c
                                                            from         83                       For      details,
                                                            institutions    2023 Interim          please refer
August    29, Online          Online        Institution,
                                                            including       Report                to the record
2023          meeting         communication retail investor
                                                            Huitianfu Fund Presentation           of      investor
                                                            Management,                           relations
                                                            Sequoia                               activities

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                Capital      and                      disclosed by
                                                                China                                 DRCO       on
                                                                Resources                             August    31,
                                                                SZITIC Trust,                         2023       on
                                                                as well as                            www.cninfo.c
                                                                some        retail                    om.cn
                                                                Southern Fund        Industry         For      details,
August     30, Company’s
                            Field survey      Institution       Management,          prospect,        please refer
2023           meeting room
                                                                Founder              market           to the record
                                                                Securities           landscape,       of      investor
                                                                Tianfeng             current          relations
                                                                Securities,          situation and    activities
September 5, Company’s
                          Field survey        Institution       Wutong               prospect    of   disclosed by
2023         meeting room
                                                                Yinfeng              DRCO’s          DRCO          on
                                                                Capital              business         September 6,
                                                                Yinhua Fund,         operation        2023          on
September 6, Company’s                                                                               www.cninfo.c
                          Field survey        Institution       Changjiang
2023         meeting room
                                                                Securities                            om.cn
                                                                from           62
                                                                                                      For      details,
                                                                                                      please refer
                                                                                                      to the record
                                                                                                      of      investor
                                              Institution,                           2023Q3           relations
October    27, Online         Online                            Management,
                                               retail                                Report           activities
2023           meeting        communication                     Springs
                                               investor                              Presentation     disclosed by
                                                                                                      DRCO          on
                                                                                                      October 29,
                                                                                                      2023          on
                                                                Shining Asset
                                                                and        some
                                                                retail investors

XIII.     Implementation of “Quality Improvement & Return Increase” Action Plan

Whether the Company disclosed the “Quality Improvement & Return Increase” Action Plan.

□ Yes  No

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                      Part IV. Corporate Governance

I.Basic Information of Corporate Governance

In accordance with relevant laws, regulations and normative documents including the company Law of PRC,
the Securities Law of PRC, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, the Rules Governing
the Listing of Shares on the ChiNext Market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the No.2 Guidelines for Self-
disciplined Regulation of Listed Companies - Standardized Operation of Listed Companies on ChiNext
Market, as well as the requirements of the CSRC, DRCO constantly improves our corporate governance
structure through establishing and refining internal management and control systems, promoting
standardized operation and enhancing corporate governance. During the Reporting Period, the general
meeting, the board of directors and its special committees, the board of supervisors, the senior management
and the independent directors of DRCO well defined power and responsibilities; the general meeting, the
board of directors and its special committees, and the board of supervisors implemented standardized
operation, and the independent directors and the secretary of the board of directors were diligent in their
duties. The actual situation of DRCO’s governance complied with the requirements of rules, regulations and
normative documents released by the regulators including CSRC and SZSE.

(I) Corporate governance system

During the reporting period, DRCO revised the “Articles of Association”, the “Rules of Procedure of the Board
of Directors”, the “Rules of Work of the Audit Committee”, the “Working Rules of the Nomination Committee”,
the “Working Rules of the Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee”, the “Working Rules of the
Remuneration and Appraisal Committee”, the “Working System of the Independent Directors”, the “Working
Rules of the General Manager”, the “Internal Audit Management System”, the “Investor Relations
Management System”, the “Financing Management System”, the “Administrative Measures for Connected
Transactions”, the “Administrative Measures for External Investment”, and the “External Guarantee
Management System”, and formulated the “Management System for Shares Held by Directors, Supervisors
and Senior Managers and Changes thereof”, as well as the “System for Specialized Meetings of
Independent Directors”, thereby further improving the corporate governance system.

(II) Shareholders and general meetings

During the reporting period, DRCO held one annual general meeting and one extraordinary general
meetings, both of which were convened by DRCO's board of directors. The general meetings of
shareholders were held in accordance with relevant laws and regulations to perform duties and ensure that
all shareholders enjoy equal rights, facilitate shareholders' participation in the general meeting as far as
possible, and enable them to fully exercise their rights as shareholders. The convening method, procedure,
voting method and resolution content of DRCO's general meeting of shareholders are in line with the
requirements of relevant laws and regulations, normative documents, articles of association, rules of
shareholders' meeting of listed companies and rules of procedure of shareholders' meeting, and shall be
witnessed by lawyers on the spot and issue legal opinions. The convening and resolution of the general
meeting of shareholders are legal and effective. There is no violation of relevant laws and regulations to
exercise functions and powers.

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

(III) Directors and the Board of Directors

DRCO's board of directors has 9 directors, including 3 independent directors. The number and composition
of the board of directors satisfy the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association.
During the reporting period, DRCO held a total of four board meetings, all of which were convened and held
in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the Articles of Association, the Rules of Procedure of the
Board of Directors and other relevant laws and regulations, voted and formed resolutions in strict accordance
with the relevant provisions, submitted matters requiring consideration at general meetings for consideration
and decision at general meetings, effectively performed the duties authorized by the general meetings,
strictly implemented the resolutions passed by general meetings, diligently and conscientiously carried out
various tasks and actively safeguarded the interests of DRCO and its shareholders.The holding of board
meetings and the contents of resolutions of the company are legal and effective, and there is no violation of
relevant laws and regulations to exercise power.The independent directors conscientiously fulfilled their
responsibilities and gave full play to their functions of participation in decision-making, supervision and
counterbalance, and professional consulting on the Board of Directors, and remained independent, objective,
and prudent, to safeguard the overall interests of DRCO and the legitimate rights and interests of minority

(IV) Supervisors and the Board of Supervisors

DRCO's Board of Supervisors has 3 supervisors including 1 employee representative. The number and
composition of the Board of Supervisors meet the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and the Articles
of Association. During the reporting period, DRCO's Board of Supervisors held four meetings in accordance
with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. By attending the general meetings and the Board
meetings, supervisors exercised strict supervision over DRCO's standardized operation, business activities,
material matters, financial position and the performance of duties by directors and senior management,
effectively safeguarding the interests of shareholders. The meetings of the Board of Supervisors were
convened in a lawful and valid manner, and there was no violation of relevant laws and regulations by the
supervisors in exercising their powers.

(V) Information Disclosure and Transparency

In strict compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the
Administrative Measures for Information Disclosure of Listed Company, and other laws, regulations, rules
and regulatory documents, as well as the Articles of Association, DRCO earnestly fulfilled the obligation of
information disclosure and appointed the Board Secretary to take charge of the information disclosure work
and ensure information disclosure in a truthful, accurate, timely, fair and complete manner. During the
reporting period, DRCO designated Securities Times, Securities Daily, China Securities Journal, Shanghai
Securities News and CNINFO (www.cninfo.com.cn) as the newspapers and websites for information
disclosure to ensure all shareholders have equal access to information.

(VI) Management of Investor Relations

DRCO always values investor relations, and continues to build and explore an investor relations
management model, promote two-way communication with investors, and protect investor interests. During

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

the reporting period, DRCO strictly observed relevant laws and regulations such as the Guidelines on
Investor Relations Management for Listed Companies, and internal systems such as the “Articles of
Association”, and followed the basic principles of "full compliance, investor equality, proactive communication,
honesty and good faith", to ensure all investors had equal access to its information. DRCO built a perfect
investor relations management system, set up a special post for investor relations management, and
continuously standardized the investor relations management process to enhance communication with
existing and potential investors, and improve investors' understanding and recognition of the company.
Smooth communication with investors was ensured to the greatest extent through hotline, new media
platforms, official accounts, email and the “Investor Relations” column on its website, as well as on-site

(VII) Stakeholders

DRCO actively fulfills its corporate social responsibility, fully respects and safeguards the legitimate rights
and interests of relevant stakeholders, strives to achieve a harmonious balance among the interests of
shareholders, employees and society, and continues to promote the sustainable and healthy development of
DRCO. In accordance with relevant laws, regulations and regulatory documents such as the "The No.2
Guidelines of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-Discipline and Regulation of Listed Companies -
Standardized Operation of Companies Listed on ChiNext Market", DRCO has issued the 2023
Environmental, Social and Governance Report, as detailed in the “2023 ESG Report” disclosed by DRCO on
www.cninfo.com.cn on 27 April 2024.

Whether there is any significant difference between the actual situation of corporate governance and the
laws, administrative regulations and the provisions on the governance of listed companies issued by the

□ Yes  No

There is no significant difference between the actual situation of corporate governance and the laws,
administrative regulations and the provisions on the governance of listed companies issued by the CSRC.

II. Independence of DRCO from Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers in Asset, Personnel,
Finance, Institution and Business

DRCO operates in accordance with the requirements of The company Law of PRC, the Securities Law and
other relevant laws and regulations, and the Articles of Association; and has established and improved the
corporate governance structure. Therefore, DRCO is independent of the controlling shareholders, the actual
controllers and other enterprises controlled by them in terms of assets, personnel, finance, institutions and
business, and enjoys asset integrity and independence of business and the ability to operate independently
in the market.

(I) Asset integrity

DRCO has the business system and related assets related to the operation, legally owns the ownership of or
right to use the trademarks, patents and non-patented technologies related to the operation, and has its own
raw material procurement system and product sales system. DRCO has clear and complete ownership of its

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

assets, and enjoys independent control and domination over all assets. DRCO has not provided guarantees
for the debts of shareholders with its assets, interests or creditworthiness, and does not have assets or funds
being illegally occupied by controlling shareholders to the detriment of DRCO's interests and reliance on
shareholders and other institutions.

(II) Personnel independence

The directors, supervisors and senior managers of DRCO are elected in strict accordance with the relevant
provisions of DRCO Law and the Articles of Association; the general manager, the deputy general manager,
the person in charge of finance, the Board secretary and other senior managers of DRCO neither hold
positions other than director and supervisor in DRCO’s controlling shareholders, actual controllers and other
enterprises controlled by them, nor receive remuneration from DRCO’s controlling shareholders, actual
controllers and other enterprises controlled by them; the financial personnel of DRCO do not work part-time
in the organizations of controlling shareholders or the actual controllers and other enterprises controlled by

(III) Financial independence

DRCO has set up an independent financial department with full-time accounting personnel, and established
an independent financial accounting system and financial management policies to make financial decisions
independently in strict accordance with accounting laws and regulations including the Accounting Law of the
People's Republic of China. DRCO has a standardized financial accounting system and financial
management policies for branches and subsidiaries; DRCO doesn’t share bank accounts with controlling
shareholders, actual controllers and other enterprises controlled by them.

(IV) Institutional independence

DRCO has set up and defined the responsibilities and rights of the general meeting of shareholders, the
Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and other bodies for decision-making, operation management
and supervision. and supervision. Therefore, DRCO has established a standardized and effective corporate
governance structure. Based on the development needs, DRCO has established a series of internal
operation and management institutions that independently exercise the right of operation and management,
and there is no institutional mixing with the controlling shareholders, the actual controller and other
enterprises under their control.

(V) Business independence

DRCO has an independent and complete research and development, design, procurement and sales
business system, with the ability to directly conduct business operation by itself on the market. DRCO's
business is independent of the controlling shareholders, the actual controllers and other enterprises under
their control. Between DRCO and its controlling shareholders, the actual controllers and other enterprises
under their control, there is neither horizontal competition that has a material adverse effect on the issuer,
nor any connected transaction that materially impacted the independence and was obviously unfair.

III. Horizontal Competition

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

IV. Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings Held during Reporting Period

1. General meetings of shareholders during the reporting period

                                   Percentage   of
                                                     Date         of Date          of Resolution         of
Session            Type of meeting attending
                                                     convening       disclosure       meeting
                                                                                        For         details,
                                                         January 17,     January 17,
                                                                                        please refer to
                                                         2023            2023           the
                                                                                        on              the
                                                                                        Resolution       of
The        First
Extraordinary      Extraordinary                                                        the            First
General            General         88.19%                                               Extraordinary
Meeting       of   Meeting      of
Shareholders       Shareholders                                                         General Meeting
in 2023                                                                                 of Shareholders
                                                                                        in            2023
                                                                                        published        on
                                                                                        .cn (No. 2023-

                                                                                        For         details,
                                                         May     26,     May      26,
                                                                                        please refer to
                                                         2023            2023           the
                                                                                        for             the
2022 Annual                                                                             Resolution       of
               Annual general
               meeting      of 88.18%                                                   the 2022 Annual
Meeting     of
               shareholders                                                             General Meeting
                                                                                        of Shareholders
                                                                                        published        on
                                                                                        .cn (No. 2023-

2. Preferred shareholders whose voting rights have been restored request to convene an extraordinary
general meeting of shareholders

□ Applicable  Not applicable

V. Weighted Voting Right Arrangement

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

VI. Corporate Governance of Red-chip Company

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VII. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

1. Basic information

                                                       Numbe                                  of
                                                       r of                                   shar
                                                    shares Number of Number of Other es
                                                End held at sharesincr sharesincr increa held
                                        Start                                                         for
                              Employ            date the     eased      eased      ses or at
        Gen A                           date                                                          chan
Name               Position   ment              of   beginni during the during the decrea end
        der   ge                        of                                                            ges
                              status           tenu ng        of current    current    ses    of
                                        tenure                                                        in
                                               re   the          period     period     (share curre
                                                       period    (shares)   (shares)   s)     nt
                                                       (share                                 perio

                                                       s)                                     d

Zhang                                   July
                              Incumb            7,
Guota Male 38 Chairman                  11,            0         0          0          0      0
                              ent               202
o                                       2019

                   General    Appoint
Zhang                                   July    ust
                   Manager    ment
Guota Male 38                           11,     25,    0         0          0          0      0
                   (Presiden and
o                                       2019    202
                   t)         removal

Lu      Fem                   Incumb            7,
              37 Director               11,            0         0          0          0      0
Yiwen ale                     ent               202

                   General Appoint Augus July
Lu      Fem
              37 Manager ment      t 25, 7,   0                  0          0          0      0
Yiwen ale
                 (Presiden and     2023 202

                                                                   2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                  t)              removal               5

                  Deputy                                Mar
Wei               General                               ch
                                  Resigne July 1,
Qingxi Male 41 Manager                                  31,    0     0          0           0      0
                                  d         2019
ng                (Vice                                 202
                  President                             3

Huang             President                 July
                                  Incumb                7,
Shuiro Male 49 ),                           11,                0     0          0           0      0
                                  ent                   202
ng                Secretary                 2019
                  of        the
                  and Chief

Hu                                          July
                                  Incumb                7,
Xiaom Male 43 Director                      11,                0     0          0           0      0
                                  ent                   202
ing                                         2019

Chen                                        March
                                  Incumb                7,
Qishe Male 38 Director                      8,                 0     0          0           0      0
                                  ent                   202
ng                                          2021

Zhao                                        May
        Fem                       Incumb                7,
Ranra         34 Director                   26,                0     0          0           0      0
        ale                       ent                   202
n                                           2023

Li                Independ Incumb           Januar
        Male 41                                         7,     0     0          0           0      0
Yang              ent      ent              y     15,

                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                    Director                  2020        5

                    Independ                  Januar
Liang                               Incumb                7,
         Male 46 ent                          y     15,           0     0          0           0      0
Jun                                 ent                   202
                    Director                  2020

                                              Nove        July
Zhong                               Incumb    mber        7,
         Male 51 ent                                              0     0          0           0      0
Min                                 ent       24,         202
                                              2020        5

Huang               of     the
         Fem                        Incumb    July 8, 7,
 Yingf         35 Board        of                                 0     0          0           0      0
         ale                        ent       2022        202
 eng                Superviso

Shen     Fem                        Incumb    July 8, 7,
               34 r                                               0     0          0           0      0
Ai       ale                        ent       2022        202

                    Represen                  July
Yin                                 Resigne               10,
         Male 44 tative                       11,                 0     0          0           0      0
Luwen                               d                     202
                    Superviso                 2019

Wu                  Represen                  April
         Fem                        Incumb                7,
Wanh           30 tative                      10,                 0     0          0           0      0
         ale                        ent                   202
ong                 Superviso                 2023

Total    --    --   --              --        --          --      0     0          0           0      0     --

Whether any directors, supervisors and senior officers were dismissed during the reporting period

 Yes □ No

1. On March 31, 2023, the Board of Directors received a resignation in writing from Mr. Wei Qingxing, a
director and senior executive of DRCO, who applied for resignation from his positions as director, member of
the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee and deputy general manager (vice president) for personal

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

reasons. After his resignation, Mr. Wei Qingxing will no longer hold any position in DRCO.

2. On April 10, 2023, the Supervisory Committee received a written resignation from Mr. Yin Luwen, who
applied for resignation from his position as Employee Representative Supervisor as a result of work
adjustment. As at the end of the reporting period, he no longer held any position in DRCO.

3. On August 25, 2023, the Board of Directors received a written resignation from Mr. Zhang Guotao, who
applied for resignation from the position of General Manager (President) so as to focus more on DRCO's
long-term development strategy and planning, but he would continue to serve as Chairman of the Second
Session of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee.

Changes in directors, supervisors and senior management of DRCO

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Name              Position                    Type             Date                   Reason
                  Director, Deputy General                                            Resign for personal
Wei Qingxing                               Resigned            March 31, 2023         reasons
                  Manager (Vice President)
                  Employee representative
Yin Luwen                                 Resigned             April 10, 2023         Work Adjustment
                                                                                      Elected     by    the
                  Employee representative                                             employee
Wu Wanhong                                Elected              April 10, 2023
                  supervisor                                                          representative
                                                                                      Elected    by     the
Zhao Ranran       Director                    Elected          May 26, 2023
                                                                                      general meeting
                  General           Manager
Zhang Guotao                                  Dismissed        August 25, 2023        Work Adjustment
                  General           Manager                                           Appointed by the
Lu Yiwen                                      Appointed        August 25, 2023
                  (President)                                                         Board of Directors
2. Positions

Professional background and career experience of DRCO's incumbent directors, supervisors and senior
management and their current major responsibilities in DRCO.

(1) Profiles of the Board members

① Mr. Zhang Guotao

Mr. Zhang Guotao, Chairman of the Board, is a Chinese citizen without permanent residence permit outside
China. Born in 1985, he holds an EMBA degree from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business and is the
founder of DRCO. Mr. Zhang has received awards including the "Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award
(40 years and below)" and the "Top 10 Leaders of Asian Brands". He was the executive director and general
manager of Darry Corporation and now acts as DRCO’s chairman, as well as the executive director &
general manager of DR Investment, Qianhai Wendi, Wendi Design, Wendi Technology and EveryYear
Travel Photography.

② Ms. Lu Yiwen

Ms. Lu Yiwen is the director of DRCO. She is a Chinese citizen without permanent residence permit outside

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

China. Born in 1987, she holds an EMBA degree from China Europe International Business School (CEIBS).
As the founder of DRCO, she has received awards such as "Forbes 30 Under 30 China", "Hurun China
Under 30s To Watch" and "Top 10 Leaders of Asian Brands". Ms. Lu was ever the vice president and
supervisor of Darry Corporationand now acts as the director and general manager (president), the supervisor
of DR Investment, the supervisor of EveryYear Travel Photography, the supervisor of Wendi Design and
Wendi Technology.

③ Mr. Huang Shuirong

Mr. Huang Shuirong, the director of DRCO, is a Chinese citizen without permanent residence permit outside
China. Born in 1974, Mr. Huang received his master’s degree from Zhongnan University of Economics and
Law, and he is a senior accountant. Mr. Huang once served as the financial manager of Guangdong-based
Jianlibao Group, the chief financial officer of Xilong Chemical Co., Ltd., the general manager of the financial
center at Xilong Chemical Co., Ltd.,, and the financial manager of Tiandi No.1 Beverage Inc.; since joining
DRCO in 2018, he has held such positions as the vice president and financial manager of Darry Corporation
and now is the director, deputy general manager (vice president), Board secretary and financial manager of

④ Mr. Hu Xiaoming

Mr. Hu Xiaoming, the director of DRCO, is a Chinese citizen without permanent residence permit outside
China. Born in 1980, he received his bachelor’s degree from Shenzhen University. Mr. Hu used to be the
planning manager of Guangzhou Himalayan Advertising Co., Ltd., the senior brand planning manager of
Jiaduobao (China) Beverage Co., Ltd., the brand director of Shenzhen Shengzi Technology Co., Ltd., and
the deputy brand director of Yulong Computer Communication Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Since
joining DRCO in 2016, he has held such positions as the brand director and strategy director at the market
center of Darry Corporation , and now he acts as the director and strategy head at DRCO.

⑤ Mr. Chen Qisheng

Mr. Chen Qisheng, the director of DRCO, is a Chinese citizen without permanent residence permit outside
China. Born in 1986, he received his bachelor’s degree and holds the CMA certificate. He once worked in
Chow Tai Fook Jewelry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Kingdee Software (China) Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Jianjiaqin
Jewelry Co., Ltd. Since joining DRCO in 2015, he has ever held the position of a senior financial manager
and now acts as the director and the responsible head for business and finance.

⑥Ms. Zhao Ranran

Ms. Zhao Ranran, director of DRCO, s a Chinese citizen without permanent residence permit outside China.
Born in 1989, holds a bachelor's degree from Central China Normal University. She joined the company in
July 2013 and have served as Senior Manager and Deputy Director of User Operations; From July 2019 to
July 2022, served as the Chairman of the first Supervisory Board of the company; she have been serving as
the head of the company's brand communication department since July 2019.

⑦ Mr. Li Yang

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Mr. Li Yang, the independent director of DRCO, is a Chinese citizen without permanent residence permit
outside China. Born in 1983, he received his PhD degree from Columbia University and is an Associate
Professor of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. Since 2020, he has been an independent director
of DRCO, as well as an independent director of 360 Ludashi Holdings Co., Ltd., Westingarea Supply Chain
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and New Tianli Technology Co., Ltd.

⑧ Mr. Liang Jun

Mr. Liang Jun, the independent director of DRCO, is a Chinese citizen without permanent residence permit
outside China. Born in 1977, he received his master's degree from Renmin University of China, and the
EMBA degree from China Europe International Business School. Mr. Liang used to be the marketing
manager of consumer goods subsidiary under Humanwell Healthcare, the board secretary of Shenzhen
Sinobioway Xinpeng Biomedicine Co., Ltd., the senior partner and fund manager of Shenzhen-based Rabbit
Fund; he has been serving as the independent director of DRCO since 2020.

⑨ Mr. Zhong Min

Mr. Zhong Min, the independent director of DRCO, is a Chinese citizen without permanent residence permit
outside China. Born in 1973, he received his bachelor’s degree from Hangzhou Dianzi University and holds
the CPA certificate. Mr. Zhong ever served as a senior manager of Shenzhen Tongren Accounting Firm, a
salaried partner of Shenzhen Pengcheng Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd., the chief financial
officer of Shenzhen Yuezhong Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., the independent director of Guangzhou
Fangbang Electronics Co., Ltd.. He has been acting as the independent director of DRCO since 2020, and
also a director of Shenzhen Yuezhong Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. and an independent director of
Shenzhen Xunfang Technology Co., Ltd.

(2) Profiles of the members of the Board of Supervisors

① Ms. Huang Yingfeng

Ms. Huang Yingfeng, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, is a Chinese citizen without permanent
residence permit outside China. Born in 1989, she received her master's degree from Shenzhen University.
She used to be the screenwriter of Shenzhen All Things Growth Media Co., Ltd., the content director of
Beijing October 5th Film Media Co., Ltd, and the general manager of Shenzhen Weiwan Daixu Technology
Co., Ltd.; She joined DRCO in 2020 and now acts as the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the
responsible head for brand content Department.

② Ms. Shen Ai

Ms. Shen Ai, the supervisor of DRCO, is a Chinese citizen without permanent residence permit outside
China. Born in 1989, she received her bachelor’s degree from Shenzhen University. Since joining DRCO in
2012, she has held the positions including the copywriter, copywriter manager and copywriter expert at Darry
Corporation (戴瑞有限). Now she acts as the supervisor and UCC operation manager at DRCO.

③ Ms.Wu Wanhong

Ms. Wu Wanhong, the employee representative supervisor, is a Chinese citizen without permanent

                                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

residence permit outside China. Born in 1993, she received her bachelor’s degree from Guangzhou
University. She ever worked as an accountant in Minhua Furniture Manufacturing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Since
joining DRCO in 2017, Ms. Wu has held such positions as the retail accounting manager and the senior
accounting manager. Now she serves as the business and finance manager in DRCO.

(3) Profiles of senior management

① Ms. Lu Yiwen

Ms. Lu Yiwen currently serves as the director and deputy general manager (vice president). For her
biographies, please refer to the section “Profiles of Board Members”.

② Mr. Huang Shuirong

Mr. Huang Shuirong currently serves as the director and deputy general manager (vice president). For his
biographies, please refer to the section “Profiles of Board Members”.

Positions in shareholder entity

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                       Whether receive
                    Name             of Position held in
Name           of                                            Start     date    of End        Date   of remunerations in
                    shareholder           shareholder
employee                                                     tenure                 tenure             shareholder
                    entity                entity

                    DR       Investment
                                          Director,          November         24,
Zhang Guotao        (Zhuhai)       Co.,                                                                No
                                          General            2015

                    Wendi         No.1 Executive
                                                             December          1,
Zhang Guotao        Investment            Partner (with a                                              No
                    Management            proxy appointed)
                    Partnership (LP)

                    Wendi         No.2 Executive
                                                             December          1,
Zhang Guotao        Investment            Partner (with a                                              No
                    Management            proxy appointed)
                    Partnership (LP)

                                          Executive          December          4,
Zhang Guotao        Wendi         No.3                                                                 No
                                          Partner (with a 2017

                                                                   2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                     Management          proxy appointed)
                     Partnership (LP)

                     DR     Investment
                                                            November        24,
Lu Yiwen             (Zhuhai)     Co., Supervisor                                             No

Description     of
the position in
                     Not applicable
the shareholder

Position in other entity

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Name           of Name of other Position held Start date of End Date                       of receive
person            entity        in other entity tenure      tenure                            remunerations
                                                                                              in other entity
                     Qianhai Wendi
                                         Director,          September 5,                      No
Zhang Guotao         Management
                                         General            2017
                     Consulting Co.,
                     Zhuhai    Wendi
                     Design                                                                   No
Zhang Guotao         Consulting Co.,
                                         Director,          July 26, 2021
                     Zhuhai    Wendi     Executive
Zhang Guotao         Technology Co.,     Director,          July 27, 2021                     No
                     Ltd.                Manager
                                         Director,          August 10,                        No
Zhang Guotao         Travel
                                         General            2021
                     Culture Co., Ltd.
                                                            December 13,                      No
Lu Yiwen             Travel              Supervisor
                     Culture Co., Ltd.
                     Zhuhai    Wendi
Lu Yiwen             Technology Co.,     Supervisor         July 27, 2021                     No
                     Zhuhai     Wendi
Lu Yiwen                                 Supervisor         July 26, 2021                     No
                     Consulting Co.,

Huang Shuirong Shenzhen                  Executive          March 30,                         No

                                                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

            Rongzhi               Partner        2015
            Enterprise (LP)

            360         Ludashi
Li Yang                           Non- Executive June 5, 2019                          Yes
            Holdings Limited

            Cheung        Kong
            Graduate              Associate
Li Yang                                          July 1, 2017                          Yes
            School           of Professor

            Supply       Chain Independent       February 09,
Li Yang                                                                                Yes
            (Shanghai) Co., Director             2022

Li Yang     Technology Co.,                      July 11, 2022                         Yes

            Beijing Zhierxing
                                                 November 14,
Zhong Min   Culture      Media Director                                                No
            Co., Ltd.

            Yuezhong                             January 16,       September      1,
Zhong Min                         Director                                             No
            Culture      Group                   2019              2023
            Co., Ltd

            Tianze        Real                   January 5,
Zhong Min                         Director                         May 22, 2023        No
            Estate                               2013
            Co., Ltd.

            Shenzhen                             December 26,
Zhong Min   Yuezhong              Director                                             Yes

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                     Holding Co., Ltd.

                     Binhai      Penghui
                                                         November 15,
Zhong Min            Fund                  Chairman                                        No
                     Co., Ltd.

                     Fangbang              Independent   December 12,
Zhong Min                                                                                  Yes
                     Electronics Co., Director           2016

Description of
position     in None
other entity
Whether DRCO's current and resigned directors, supervisors and senior management were penalized by
securities regulators in the past three years

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Remunerations of directors, supervisors and senior management

     Decision-making process, basis for determination and actual payment of remunerations for directors,
supervisors and senior management

The remuneration of DRCO's directors and supervisors is determined in accordance with the following
principles: non-independent directors do not receive remuneration or allowances for directors but are
compensated according to the specific position they hold in DRCO; independent directors receive
allowances; supervisors do not receive remuneration or allowances but are compensated according to the
specific position they hold in DRCO. The remuneration of DRCO's directors, supervisors, senior
management and other core personnel consists mainly of basic salary, position benefits and performance-
based incentives.

The remuneration plan for directors are to be considered and approved by the Board and reported to the
general meeting through the Board for consideration and approval. The remuneration plan for supervisors
are considered and approved by the general meetings; the remuneration plan for senior management is
considered and approved by the board meetings; the remuneration plan for other core personnel who do not
concurrently serve as directors, supervisors or senior management is determined according to the
remuneration plan formulated by DRCO’s management.

During the reporting period, the remuneration of DRCO's directors, supervisors and senior management has
been paid in full.

    Actual payment for the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management
                                                                                             Unit: RMB0’000

                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                  Total pre-tax
              Position                               Employment   compensation
Name                     Gender   Age                                             from        any
              osition                                status       received from
                                                                                  party        of

              Male       38       Chairman           Incumbent           417.72 No

Lu Yiwen      Female     37                          Incumbent            190.8 No

Wei Qingxing Male        41                          Resigned             80.16 No

Huang                             (Vice
              Male       49                          Incumbent           134.11 No
Shuirong                          President),
                                  Secretary     of
                                  the Board and

Hu Xiaoming   Male       43       Director           Incumbent            67.12 No

              Male       38       Director           Incumbent            70.21 No

Zhao Ranran   Female     34       Director           Incumbent            56.05 No

Li Yang       Male       41       Independent        Incumbent              10 No

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited


Liang Jun         Male            46                               Incumbent             10 No

Zhong Min         Male            51                               Incumbent             10 No

                                                Chairman      of
                  Female          35            the Board of Incumbent                  84.3 No

Shen Ai           Female          34            Supervisor         Incumbent          43.26 No

Yin Luwen         Male            44            Representativ Resigned                12.11 No
                                                e Supervisor

Wu Wanhong Female                 30            Representativ Incumbent               33.04 No
                                                e Supervisor

Total             --              --            --                 --               1,218.88 --

Other notes

 Applicable □ Not applicable

During the reporting period, the pre-tax remuneration received by Chairman Zhang Guotao from DRCO
increased as compared to 2022, which was mainly due to an increase in the exchange rate for the
remuneration in Hong Kong dollars over 2022.

VIII. Performance of Duties by DRCO Directors during Reporting Period

1. Board of Directors in the reporting period

           Meeting                Date of convening          Date of disclosure     Resolution of meeting

                                                                                  For details, please refer
                                                                                  to the Announcement for
5th     Meeting        of   the                                                   the Resolution of the 5th
Second Session of Board April 26, 2023                 April 28, 2023             Meeting of the Second
of Directors                                                                      Session     of   Board    of
                                                                                  Directors   published    on
                                                                                  www.cninfo.com.cn (No.

                                                                   2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited


                                                                                           For details, please refer
                                                                                           to the Announcement for
                                                                                           the Resolution of the 6th
6th    Meeting        of     the
                                                                                           Meeting of the Second
Second Session of Board August 25, 2023                        August 29, 2023
                                                                                           Session     of        Board    of
of Directors
                                                                                           Directors    published        on
                                                                                           www.cninfo.com.cn (No.

7th    Meeting        of     the                                                           Review      and       pass    the
Second Session of Board October 25, 2023                                                   Resolution on the Third
of Directors                                                                               Quarter Report 2023

                                                                                           For details, please refer
                                                                                           to the Announcement for
                                                                                           the Resolution of the 8th
8th    Meeting        of     the
                                                                                           Meeting of the Second
Second Session of Board December 28, 2023                      December 30, 2023
                                                                                           Session     of        Board    of
of Directors
                                                                                           Directors    published        on
                                                                                           www.cninfo.com.cn (No.

2. Attendance of directors at the Board meetings and the general meetings

Attendance of directors at the Board meetings and the general meetings

                                                 in    Board                               Absence
                 attendance        Attendance                              Number     of
                                                 meetings                                  from      two Attendance
Name          of in        Board in     Board                  Attendance absences
                                                 via                                       consecutive at          general
director(s)      meetings          meetings in                 by proxy    from Board
                                                 communicat                                meetings or meetings
                 during      the person                                    meetings
                                                 ion                                       not

                 4                 3             1             0           0               No                1

Lu Yiwen         4                 3             1             0           0               No                1

Wei              0                 0             0             0           0               No                1

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited


             4             4             0             0             0             No            2

             4             4             0             0             0             No            2

             4             4             0             0             0             No            2

             3             3             0             0             0             No            1

Li Yang      4             0             4             0             0             No            2

Liang Jun    4             1             3             0             0             No            2

Zhong Min    4             0             4             0             0             No            2

Description of absence from two consecutive Board meetings in person

Not Applicable。

3. Dissent of directors to corporate issues

Dissent of directors to relevant issues of DRCO

□ Yes  No

During the reporting period, the directors did not raise any objection to the relevant matters of DRCO.

4. Other information on duty performance of directors

Whether the suggestions of the directors are adopted or not

Yes □ No

Descriptions on whether the suggestions of the directors are adopted or not

During the reporting period, all directors of DRCO performed their duties faithfully and diligently, actively
attended the Board meetings and general meetings, and deliberated all proposals in accordance with
relevant laws, regulations and normative documents including DRCO Law, the Securities Law, the Rules
Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the No.2 Guidelines of the Shenzhen Stock
Exchange for Self-Discipline and Regulation of Listed Companies - Standardized Operation of Companies
Listed on ChiNext Market, the Articles of Association, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors, and
the Work System for Independent Directors.Based on the actual situation of DRCO, all directors have made
in-depth discussions on DRCO's business activities, financial status, major issues and other matters to make
suggestions for DRCO's business development, fully consider the interests and demands of minority

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

shareholders, enhance the scientific decision-making of the board of directors in a timely manner, and
promote the sustainable and healthy development of DRCO/s operations.

IX. Special Committees under the Board of Directors during Reporting Period

                            Number                                                           Other
                                                                    Important                                        Details of
Name        of              of       Date      of Contents     of                            descriptions on
                 Members                                            opinions         and                             objections
committee                   meetings convening the meetings                                  duty
                                                                    suggestions                                      (if any)
                            held                                                             performance

                                                                    The             Audit
                                                                    reviewed          the
                                                                                             1. Guide         the
                                                                    matters under
                                                                                             internal        audit
                                                                                             work and play
                                                                    in              strict
                                                                                             the role of the
                                                                    with              the
                                                                                             Department         in
                                                                    Articles           of
                                                 Review       the the       Rules      of
                                                 “Resolution on Work          of     the
                                                                                             adding        value
                                                 the   4Q2022 Audit
                 Zhong                                                                       and       achieving
                                     January     Work Review Committee and
                 Min,                                                                        objectives”.
                                     9, 2023     and         2023 relevant          laws
Audit            Liang
                            5                                                                2. Communicate
                                                 Work Plan of and
Committee        Jun,
                                                                                             with             the
                                                 DRCO’s Audit regulations,
                                                                                             accounting firm
                                                 Department         fully
                                                                                             on      the     work
                                                                                             plan             and
                                                                    with        DRCO
                                                                    and               the
                                                                                             for the annual
                                                                    auditors         and
                                                                                             audit in 2023,
                                                                                             the        priorities
                                                                                             therein          and
                                                                                             other matters.

                                     April   25, 1. Review the The                  Audit 1. Communicate
                                     2023        “Resolution on Committee                   with             the

             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

the        2022 reviewed             the accounting firm
Annual Report matters under to ensure that
and            Its consideration           the        financial
Summary”;          in              strict statements give
                    accordance             a true, fair and
2. Review the
"Resolution         with             the complete
on           the
                    Articles          of reflection of the
Quarterly           Association,           overall financial
                    the     Rules     of position             of
3. Review the
“Resolution on     Work       of    the DRCO;
the        2022
Financial                                  2.    Guide      the
Results;            Committee and
                                           internal        audit
4. Review the
                    relevant        laws
"Resolution                                work and play
on the 2022         and
                                           the role of the
Control     Self                           Audit
assessment          and
                                           Department         in
5. Review the                              "improving
“Resolution on     approved
2022 Annual
Report        on                           governance,
Deposit and         resolutions
                                           adding        value
Use            of
Proceeds”                                 and      achieving
                    discussion with
6.Review the                               objectives”.
                    related parties.
“Resolution on
the    Storage
and    Use     of
Funds Raised
in 1Q2023”;

7. Review the
“Resolution on
of         Audit
Institution in
8. Review the
“Resolution on
the Work of
DRCO’s Audit
Department in

                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

           1. Review the The       Audit
           “Resolution on Committee
           the      2023 reviewed the
           Interim Report matters under
           and        Its consideration
           Summary”;          in              strict
           2. Review the                                Guide            the
                               with              the
           “Resolution on                              internal        audit
                               Articles           of
           2023      Interim                            work and play
           Report        on                             the role of the
                               the     Rules      of
           Deposit      and                             Audit
                               Work       of     the
           Use            of                            Department         in
August                         Audit
24, 2023   Proceeds”                                   "improving
                               Committee and
           3. Review the relevant              laws
           “Resolution on and
                                                        adding         value
           Revision       of regulations,
                                                        and      achieving
           the      Internal and
           Audit               unanimously
           Management          approved
           System”;           relevant

           4. Review the       resolutions
           “Resolution on     after
           the    2023Q2
           Work          of    discussion with
           DRCO’s Audit       related parties.

                               The             Audit
           1. Review the
                               Committee                Guide            the
                               reviewed    the internal audit
           on           the
                               matters under work and play
                               consideration the role of the
                               in       strict Audit
                               accordance      Department                  in
24, 2023   2. Resolution
                               with              the "improving
           on     reviewing
                               Articles            of corporate
           the     “2023Q3                             governance,
                               the     Rules       of adding value
           Report        on
                               Work       of     the and achieving
           Deposit      and                             objectives”
           Use            of
                               Committee and

                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                          Proceeds”          relevant        laws
                                          3. Review the
                                          “Resolution on
                                          the     2023Q3
                                          Work           of
                                          DRCO’s Audit
                                                              discussion with
                                                              related parties.

                                                              The             Audit
                                                              reviewed          the
                                                              matters under
                                                              in              strict
                                                              with              the
                                          Review       the
                                                              Articles           of
                                          “Resolution on
                                          Revision       of
                            December                          the     Rules      of
                                          the     Internal
                            28, 2023                          Work       of     the
                                                              Committee and
                                                              relevant        laws
                                                              approved          the
                                                              resolution after

Strategy and Zhang      2                 Review       the The         Strategy
                            April   26,
Sustainable   Guotao,                     “Resolution on and
Development Li Yang,                      the                 Sustainable

                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Committee   Hu                    Sustainable        Development
            Xiaoming              Development        Committee, in
                                  Report        for strict
                                  2022”             accordance
                                                     with             the
                                                     Articles          of
                                                     the      Working
                                                     Rules      of    the
                                                     Strategy        and
                                                     Committee and
                                                     relevant        laws
                                                     approved         the
                                                     resolution after

                                                     The      Strategy
                                                     Committee, in
                                  Review     the
                                                     with             the
                                  “Resolution on
                                                     Articles          of
                       December Formulating
                       28, 2023   the       ESG
                                                     the      Working
                                  System        of
                                                     Rules      of    the
                                                     Strategy        and
                                                     Committee and
                                                     relevant        laws

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                     approved         the
                                                                     resolution after

                                                                     and Appraisal
                                                                     Committee, in
                                                1.Review the strict
                                                “Resolution on accordance
                                                the Plan for with                     the
                                                Remuneration Articles                  of
                                                and                  Association,
                                                Allowance       of the       Working
Remuneration                                    Directors”;         Rules      of    the
                Jun      、       April   25,
and Appraisal                 1                                      Remuneration
                                                2. Review the
                Zhong             2023
Committee                                                            and Appraisal
                                                “Resolution on
                Min                                                  Committee and
                                                the Plan for
                                                                     relevant        laws
                                                Allowance       of
                                                                     after   in-depth

                                                Review         the The
                Li Yang,
                                              "Resolution   Nomination
Nomination                        April   26, on Nominating Committee
                Yiwen,        2
Committee                         2023          Zhao Ranran considered the
                                                as    a        Non matters under
                                                Independent          consideration

                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

           Director           in              strict
           Candidate for accordance
           the     Second with                  the
           Board         of Articles             of
           Directors"         Association,
                              the     Working
                              Rules      of     the
                              and     relevant
                              laws             and
                              and conducted
                              a          serious
                              review of the
                              of         director

                              considered the
           Review       the
                              matters under
           “Resolution on
August                        in              strict
25, 2023                      accordance
           of      DRCO’s
                              with              the
                              Articles           of
                              the     Working
                              Rules      of     the

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                and     relevant
                                                                laws          and
                                                                and conducted
                                                                a          serious
                                                                review of the
                                                                of      general

X. Work of Board of Supervisors

Whether the Board for Supervisors identified any risk to DRCO through supervisory activities during the

reporting period.

□ Yes  No

The Board of Supervisors had no objection to the matters under its supervision during the reporting


XI. Employees of DRCO

1. Employee number, professional composition, and educational background

Number of current employees of the parent
Company as of the end of the reporting period                                                         2,595
Number of current employees of major
subsidiaries as of the end of the reporting                                                               602
period (persons)
Total number of current employees as of the                                                           3,197
end of the reporting period (persons)
Total number of paid employees in the current                                                         3,197
period (persons)
Number of retired employees for whom the
parent company and its major subsidiaries are                                                               0
responsible for the retirement benefits (persons)
Professional composition

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Category                                                   Number of persons
Sales personnel                                                                                        2,890

Technical personnel                                                                                       88

Financial personnel                                                                                       59

Administrative personnel                                                                                160

Total                                                                                                  3,197

Education background
Category                                                   Quantity (person)

Master's degree and above                                                                                 43

Bachelor’s degree                                                                                      661

Junior college below                                                                                   2,493

Total                                                                                                  3,197

2. Remuneration policy

DRCO continues to improve the remuneration-driven incentive mechanism to ensure the compliance
ofvarious remuneration management activities, as well as external competitiveness and internal fairness and
effective incentives. DRCO has a perfect salary system with the compensation structure and range matching
the ranks and positions by taking into account the internal and external remuneration contexts. Sticking to
the strategy of setting positions and salaries based on skills, DRCO offers competitive compensation to top
talents. Performance-based incentives for employees align with DRCO’s business results, enabling all staff
to share the benefits of the corporate growth. The working environment with equal emphasis on efficiency
and fairness, Enable employees to work in a loving environment and lays a foundation for the enthusiasm
and stability for employees to achieve self-fulfillment.

3. Training program

During the reporting period, DRCO continued to improve its staff training program in line with the annual
strategic planning and staff development requirements. It developed separate training programs for new and
existing staff, and tailor-made training courses agreeing with its business objectives, so as to improve the
comprehensive quality of employees and boost overall operational results. Online learning and offline
intensive training were regularly organized for new employees in functional departments to help them better
understand the corporate culture, brand, products and processes, and fit into the workplace quickly. The
professional competence training for managers in functional departments improved the managers’
understanding of the Company’s strategic priorities and enhanced their strategic execution ability. Training
for retail staff focused on brand concept interpretation, professional improvement of works, and sales service
enhancement, and learning sessions of varied forms were launched nationwide, which raised the

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

professional knowledge of terminal stores, enhanced the professionalism, ability to explain the works and
service consciousness of employees, and improved customer experience. DRCO launched “True Love
Setting Sail” and “Setting Sail Premium+” programs through cooperation with external agencies to cultivate
new employees and help them pass the transition period and meet post requirements. A couple of practical
courses were developed to empower employees in terms of vocational psychology, sales skills and
continuous development. To help store managers fully understand the Company’s development strategy and
sales planning, DRCO worked out a store manager training program with a variety of specialized courses to
help store managers effectively manage business data and improve decision-making ability through online
learning and offline tutoring. The above-mentioned programs enhanced overall qualification and professional
skills of DRCO’s employees, addressed the needs of its staff for self improvement, and promoted continuous
development of the Company.

4. Labor outsourcing

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Total working hours for labour outsourcing                                                           71,494.00

Total remuneration paid for labour outsourcing

XII. Profit Distribution Plan and Plan to Convert Reserves into Share Capital

Formulation, implementation or adjustment of profit distribution policy, particularly cash dividend policy,
during the reporting period

 Applicable □ Not applicable

DRCO implements the profit distribution policy in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the Articles
of Association of DRCO. The profit distribution plan during the reporting period complied with the provisions
of the Articles of Association and the review procedures, fully protecting the legitimate rights and interests of
all shareholders of DRCO. On May 26, 2023, DRCO held the 2022 annual general meeting of shareholders
to consider and approve the Resolution on the Profit Distribution Plan for 2022. Based on the total share
capital of 400,010,000 shares as of December 31, 2022, DRCO distributed RMB10.00 in cash (tax inclusive)
for every 10 shares to all shareholders, amounting to a total cash dividend of RMB400,010,000 (tax
inclusive), No bonus shares were offered and no capital reserve was converted into share capital. This profit
distribution plan was completed on June 20, 2023.

Special notes on cash dividend policy
Whether complies with the provisions of the
Articles of Association or the requirements of Yes
the resolution of the general meeting of
Whether the criteria and proportion of dividend Yes
distribution are clear and unambiguous

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Whether relevant decision-making procedures Yes
and mechanisms are sound:
Whether independent directors have performed Yes
their duties and played their due roles:
If DRCO does not distribute cash dividends, disclose
specific reasons and propose measures to increase Not Applicable
investor returns:

Whether minority shareholders have the
opportunity to fully express their opinions and Yes
requirements, and whether their legitimate
rights and interests are fully protected:
If the cash dividend policy is adjusted or
changed,      whether     the    conditions and Not Applicable
procedures are compliant and transparent:
DRCO's profit distribution plan and plan to convert reserves into share capital during the reporting period are
in compliance with DRCO's Articles of Association and administrative measures for dividends

Yes □ No □ Not applicable

DRCO's profit distribution plan and plan to convert reserves into share capital during the reporting period are
in compliance with DRCO's Articles of Association

Profit distribution and capitalization of capital reserve for the year

Number of bonus shares to be distributed for every
ten shares (share)

Amount to be distributed for every ten shares (RMB)
(tax inclusive)

Number of shares to be converted into share capital
for every ten shares (share)

Share capital base in distribution proposal (shares)                                         400,010,000.00

Amount of cash dividend (RMB) (including tax)                                                200,005,000.00

Amount of cash dividend in other forms (e.g. share
repurchase) (RMB)

Total cash dividends (including other methods)

Distributive profit (RMB)                                                                  1,146,144,024.77

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Proportion of total cash dividends (including other
methods) in total profit distribution

Proposed Cash Dividend Distribution

If DRCO is at its growth stage of the development with significant capital expenditure planned, the minimum
cash dividend should be at least 20% of the profit distribution.
Details of the profit distribution plan or the plan to convert reserves into share capital
Audited by Ernst & Young Hua Ming Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership), the net
profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in the consolidated financial statements for the year
2023 amounted to RMB 68,957.568.40, of which the net profit attributable to the parent company was RMB
300,096,158.65. According to the relevant provisions of the Company Law and the Company's Articles of
Association, when distributing the current year's after-tax profit, the Company should set aside 10% of the
profit into the statutory surplus reserve. As of December 31, 2023, the cumulative balance of the statutory
surplus reserve has reached 50% of the Company's registered capital, and no further statutory surplus
reserve will be withdrawn in 2023. As of December 31, 2023, the cumulative undistributed profits in the
consolidated financial statements of the Company amounted to RMB 1,408,207,801.55, and the cumulative
undistributed profits of the parent company amounted to RMB 1,146,144,024.77.Taking full account of the
cash flow situation and ensuring the normal operation and long-term development of the company,
adhering to the principle of continuous return to shareholders and sharing the company's operating results
with all shareholders, the proposed profit distribution plan for the year 2023 is as follows: Based on the total
share capital of 400,010,000 shares of the Company as of December 31, 2023, a cash dividend of
RMB5.00 (including tax) will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares held, totaling a cash
dividend of RMB 200,005,000.00 (including tax), with no bonus shares and no capital reserve to be
converted into share capital. If there is a change in the total share capital of the Company before the
implementation of the distribution plan, the Company will adjust the distribution ratio accordingly while
keeping the total distribution amount unchanged.

DRCO records profits and the parent company records a positive undistributed profit during the reporting
period but there is no resolution for cash dividend

□ Applicable  Not applicable

XIII. Implementation of Share Incentive Scheme, Employee Stock Ownership Scheme or

Other Incentive Measures for Employees

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There are no share incentive schemes, employee stock ownership schemes or other incentive measures for
employees during the reporting period.

XIV. Construction and Implementation of Internal Control System during Reporting Period

1.Construction and implementation of internal control system

During the reporting period, in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Control and its supporting guidance as well as the other laws, regulations and normative documents, in
combination with the external environment, DRCO's own operating conditions and corporate governance
requirements, DRCO comprehensively sorted out various business modules and processes, further
improved its internal control system and established a scientific, standardized, concise and effective internal
control system.

(1) With regard to the corporate governance structure, the Board of Directors of DRCO has established the
Audit Committee which is responsible for the communicating, reviewing and supervising DRCO's internal
and external audits, and for monitoring and assessing DRCO's internal controls; DRCO has set up the Board
of Supervisors to monitor the Board of Directors to develop and implement the internal control system.
DRCO has set up an audit department as a routine office, which exercises its functions and powers
independently under the guidance of the Audit Committee. The audit department reviews and monitors the
establishment and implementation of DRCO's internal control system and the authenticity and integrity of
DRCO's financial information.

(2) As for the internal control system, DRCO has formulated a sound internal control system, which covers
the key business modules in DRCO's business activities, including: capital activities, procurement business,
asset management, supply chain management, sales management, engineering projects, financial reports,
comprehensive budget, contract and seal management, human resources management, information
systems, significant investments.

(3) In terms of the implementation and supervision of internal control, DRCO strengthens the compliance
training of employees and enhances the risk prevention awareness of business departments. In order to
ensure the effective operation of internal control, DRCO has formed an end-to-end supervision mode
involving the Risk Department, Legal Affairs Department and Audit Department.

2. Details of major deficiencies in internal control identified during the reporting period

□ Yes  No

XV. Management and Control over Subsidiaries During Reporting Period

Company           Integration    Progress      of                  Countermeas Working          Follow-up
name              plan           integration                       ures            progress     resolution

Not               Not            Not                Not            Not             Not          Not
applicable        applicable     applicable         applicable     applicable      applicable   applicable

XVI. Internal Control Self-Assessment Report or Internal Control Audit Report

1. Internal control self-assessment report

Disclosure date of the full text of
the    Internal      Control    Self- April 27, 2024
assessment Report

                                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Disclosure index of the full text of
                                             Please refer to see the "2023 Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report"
the     Internal       Control      Self-
                                             disclosed by www.cninfo.com.cn
assessment Report

Total assets of entities included in
the scope of assessment as a
percentage      of   total   assets     in                                                                   100.00%
DRCO's        consolidated       financial

Revenue of entities included in the
scope    of     assessment        as    a
percentage of revenue in DRCO's
consolidated financial statements

Criteria to evaluate deficiencies

Category                                     Financial report                     Non-financial report

                                             1) Material weakness: correction (1) Material weakness: Violation of
                                             of material errors in published the State’s laws, regulations or
                                             financial reports; failure of the regulatory documents; lack of
                                             audit committee and the audit decision-making procedures or
                                             department to oversee the internal unscientific decision-making
                                             control; findings of fraud involving process that results in material
                                             directors, supervisors and senior errors; lack of systems or systemic
                                             management of DRCO; material failures of the system for important
                                             misstatements in current financial businesses; failure to rectify
                                             reports identified by the CPA but material weakness identified by
Qualitative criteria                         not by DRCO's internal control the internal control assessment.
                                             department.                          (2) Significant errors resulting from

                                             (2)Significant deficiency: failure to deviations of DRCO's decision-
                                             select and apply accounting making process from the
                                             policies in accordance with GAAP; objectives; deficiencies in
                                             failure to establish anti-fraud significant business policies or
                                             procedures and control measures; systems; failure to correct
                                             and one or more deficiencies of significant deficiencies identified in
                                             the financial reporting, for which the internal control assessment.
                                             the truthfulness and accuracy of (3) General deficiency: Inefficiency
                                             the financial statements cannot be of  DRCO's       decision-making

                                                  2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                        reasonably assured.                       process; deficiencies in general
                                                                  business    policies   or    systems;
                        (3)General      deficiency:    Other
                                                                  failure    to    correct       general
                        control    deficiencies   related    to
                                                                  deficiencies    identified     in     the
                        financial reporting that do not
                                                                  internal control assessment.
                        constitute material weakness or
                        significant deficiency.

                        1. Losses resulting or likely to
                        result from deficiencies in internal
                        control are measured against
                        consolidated revenue if they have
                        impacts on the income statement.

                        (1) Material weakness:
                        Misstatement ≥ 2% of
                        consolidated revenue.
                                                                  Direct property losses resulting
                        (2) Significant deficiency: 1% ≤         from direct or potential negative
                        misstatement <2% of consolidated impacts of the deficiencies in
                        revenue.                                  internal control are measured
                                                                  against the total consolidated
                        (3) General deficiency:
                        Misstatement <1% of consolidated
                        revenue.                                  (1) Material weakness: direct

Quantitative criteria                                             property losses ≥ 1% of the total
                        2. Losses resulting or likely to
                                                                  consolidated assets.
                        result from deficiencies in internal
                        controls are measured against             (2) Significant deficiency: 0.5% ≤
                        total consolidated assets if they         direct property losses <1% of total
                        have impacts on the asset                 consolidated assets.
                                                                  (3)   General    deficiency:        direct
                        (1) Material weakness:                    property losses <0.5% of total
                        Misstatement ≥ 1% of the total           consolidated assets.
                        consolidated assets.

                        (2) Significant deficiency: 0.5%≤
                        misstatement <1% of the total
                        consolidated assets.

                        (3)        General        deficiency:
                        misstatement < 0.5% of the total
                        consolidated assets.

                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Number of material weaknesses in
financial reporting (#)

Number of material weaknesses in
non-financial reporting (#)

Number of significant deficiencies
in financial reporting (#)

Number of significant deficiencies
in non-financial reporting (#)

2. Internal control audit reports or assurance reports

Not Applicable

XVII.     Rectification in Self-Inspection Required By Special Campaign to Improve Governance Of
Listed Companies

Not Applicable

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                      Part V.   Environmental Protection and Social Responsibility

I.    Material Environmental Issues

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries are among key pollutant-discharging entities announced by
environmental protection authorities

□ Yes  No

Administrative penalties imposed for environmental issues during the reporting period

                                                                          Impact on the
Name of DRCO Reason             for                                       production    and
                                                        Penalty results                       rectification
or subsidiary     penalty              Violation                          operation of the
                                                                          listed company

 Not applicable    Not applicable      Not applicable   Not applicable    Not applicable      Not applicable

Refer to other environmental information disclosed by key pollutant-discharging entities

Not applicable.

Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effect

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Reasons for not disclosing other environmental information

Not applicable

II.   Social Responsibility

For details, please refer to the ESG Report for 2023 disclosed by DRCO at www.cninfo.com.cn on April 27,

III   Consolidating and Expanding Achievements in Poverty Alleviation While Revitalizing Rural

Not applicable

                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                    Part VI.     Important Matters

I.    Fulfillment of Commitments

1.    Commitments fulfilled during the reporting period or suspended at the end of the reporting
period by DRCO's de facto controllers, shareholders, related parties, acquirers and other committed

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                           Status of
               Commitment       Commitme                          Commitme    Commitme
     Reason                                      Description                               fulfillmen
                 maker           nt type                           nt time     nt period
nts made in
acquisition    Not
report or      applicable
nts made
during         Not
asset          applicable
                                               1.The company
                                               shares directly
                                               or indirectly
                                               held by DRCO
                                               prior to the
                                               offering shall
                                               not be
                                               transferred or
Commitme                                       entrusted to
nts made at                                    others; or be
               DR                                                             December
the time of                     Commitme       repurchased by
               Investment                                         December    15, 2021     Performi
the initial                     nts to lock-   DRCO, for a
               (Zhuhai) Co.,                                      15, 2021    to June      ng
public                          up             period of 36
               Ltd.                                                           15, 2025
offering or                                    months from
refinancing                                    the date of
                                               listing of
                                               2.If the closing
                                               price of the
                                               shares is lower
                                               than the issue
                                               price for twenty

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

trading days
within six
months after
the listing of
DRCO; or is
less than the
issue price at
the end of the
six months after
the listing (June
15, 2022,
extended in
case of non-
trading day),
the lock-up
period when
the company
shares are held
by DRCO shall
extended by six
months (subject
to adjustment in
with the
regulations of
CSRC and
SZSE in the
event of ex-
rights and ex-
dividend events
such as
bonus issue,
transfer of
shares, issue of
shares or rights
issue by DRCO
during the
3.In case of any
breach of the
DRCO will

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

relevant facts
and reasons,
and will publicly
apologize to the
and public
except of force
majeure or
other reasons
beyond control.
Any profit made
as a result of
the non-
fulfillment of the
will belong to
company shall
be held liable
investors in
with laws in the
event of any
loss that is
caused to
investors as a
result of the
of the relevant
DRCO shall
have the right
to temporarily
withhold the
cash dividends
(if any) to which
the company is
entitled until
adverse impact
arising from the
of the relevant
have been fully
The above
shall not be
terminated due

                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                           to the fact that
                                           the company
                                           steps down as
                                           the controlling
                                           shareholder of
                                           1.The company
                                           shares directly
                                           or indirectly
                                           held by DRCO
                                           prior to the
                                           offering shall
                                           not be
                                           transferred or
                                           entrusted to
                                           others; or be
                                           repurchased by
                                           DRCO, for a
                                           period of 36
                                           months from
              ng Wendi
                                           the date of
                                           listing of
              (LP),                        2.If the closing
Commitme      Gongqingche                  price of the
nts made at   ng Wendi                     company
the time of   No.2          Commitme       shares is lower
                                                               December   15, 2021     Performi
the initial   Investment    nts to lock-   than the issue
                                                               15, 2021   to June      ng
public        Management    up             price for twenty
                                                                          15, 2025
offering or   Partnership                  consecutive
refinancing   (LP),                        trading days
              Gongqingche                  within six
              ng Wendi                     months after
              No.3                         the listing of
              Investment                   DRCO; or is
              Management                   less than the
              Partnership                  issue price at
              (LP)                         the end of the
                                           six months after
                                           the listing (June
                                           15, 2022,
                                           extended in
                                           case of non-
                                           trading day),
                                           the lock-up
                                           period when
                                           the company
                                           shares are held
                                           by DRCO shall
                                           extended by six

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

months (subject
to adjustment in
with the
regulations of
CSRC and
SZSE in the
event of ex-
rights and ex-
dividend events
such as
bonus issue,
transfer of
shares, issue of
shares or rights
issue by DRCO
during the
3.In case of any
breach of the
DRCO will
relevant facts
and reasons,
and will publicly
apologize to the
and public
except of force
majeure or
other reasons
beyond control.
Any profit made
as a result of
the non-
fulfillment of the
will belong to
company shall
be held liable

                                                    2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                          investors in
                                          with laws in the
                                          event of any
                                          loss that is
                                          caused to
                                          DRCO or
                                          investors as a
                                          result of the
                                          of the relevant
                                          1.The company
                                          shares directly
                                          or indirectly
                                          held by DRCO
                                          prior to the
                                          offering shall
                                          not be
                                          transferred or
                                          entrusted to
                                          others; or be
                                          repurchased by
                                          DRCO, for a
                                          period of 36
                                          months from
                                          the date of
                                          listing of
Commitme                                  shares.
nts made at                                                              December
the time of   Zhang        Commitme       2.If the closing
                                                              December   15, 2021     Performi
the initial   Guotao and   nts to lock-   price of the
                                                              15, 2021   to June      ng
public        Lu Yiwen     up             company
                                                                         15, 2025
offering or                               shares is lower
refinancing                               than the issue
                                          price for twenty
                                          trading days
                                          within six
                                          months after
                                          the listing of
                                          DRCO; or is
                                          less than the
                                          issue price at
                                          the end of the
                                          six months after
                                          the listing (June
                                          15, 2022,
                                          extended in
                                          case of non-
                                          trading day),
                                          the lock-up
                                          period when

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

the company
shares are held
by me shall be
extended by six
months (subject
to adjustment in
with the
regulations of
CSRC and
SZSE in the
event of ex-
rights and ex-
dividend events
such as
bonus issue,
transfer of
shares, issue of
shares or rights
issue by DRCO
during the
3.Within six
months after
resignation, do
not transfer the
shares directly
or indirectly
held by oneself;
if I resign within
six months of
DRCO's shares
being listed, I
shall not
transfer any
shares held
directly or
indirectly in
DRCO within
18 months of
my resignation;
if I resign
between the
seventh and
twelfth months
of DRCO's

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

shares being
listed, I shall
not transfer any
shares held
directly or
indirectly in
DRCO within
12 months of
my resignation.
4.In case of any
breach of the
commitments, I
will promptly
announce the
facts and
reasons for the
breach of
and will publicly
apologize to
and public
except of force
majeure or
other reasons
beyond my
control. Any
profit made as
a result of the
of the relevant
will belong to
DRCO. I shall
be held liable
investors in
with laws in the
event of any
loss that is
caused to
investors as a
result of the
of the relevant
DRCO shall

                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                             have the right
                                             to temporarily
                                             withhold the
                                             cash dividends
                                             (if any) to which
                                             I am entitled
                                             and suspend
                                             the payment of
                                             remuneration or
                                             during my
                                             with DRCO
                                             until adverse
                                             impact arising
                                             from the non-
                                             fulfillment of the
                                             have been fully
                                             The above
                                             shall not
                                             terminate if I
                                             step down as
                                             the actual
                                             controller of
                                             DRCO or if I
                                             change my
                                             position or
                                             resign from
                                             In case of
                                             reducing the
                                             within two
                                             years after the
                                             expiry of the
Commitme                                     aforesaid lock-
nts made at                                  up period,
              DR                             DRCO will                       June 16,
the time of                   Commitme
              Investment                     exactly comply       June 16,   2025 to     Performi
the initial                   nts to share
              (Zhuhai) Co.,                  with relevant        2025       June 15,    ng
public                        reduction
              Ltd.                           regulations of                  2027
offering or
refinancing                                  the CSRC and
                                             the SZSE on
                                             formulate a
                                             share reduction
                                             plan; reduce

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

shareholding by
law; make an
three trading
days prior to
the reduction;
and fulfill
obligations in a
timely and
manner in
with the rules of
the SZSE. The
price for the
shall not be
lower than the
issue price
(subject to
adjustments in
with the
regulations of
CSRC and
SZSE in the
event of ex-
rights and ex-
dividend events
such as
bonus issue,
transfer of
shares, issue of
shares or rights
issue by DRCO
during the
In case of any
breach of the
DRCO will

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

relevant facts
and reasons,
and will publicly
apologize to the
and public
except of force
majeure or
other reasons
beyond control.
Any profit made
as a result of
the non-
fulfillment of the
will belong to
company shall
be held liable
investors in
with laws in the
event of any
loss that is
caused to
investors as a
result of the
of the relevant
DRCO shall
have the right
to temporarily
withhold the
cash dividends
(if any) to which
the company is
entitled until
adverse impact
arising from the
of the relevant
have been fully
The above
shall not be

                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                           terminated due
                                           to the fact that
                                           the company
                                           steps down as
                                           the controlling
                                           In case of
                                           reducing the
                                           within two
                                           years after the
                                           expiry of the
                                           aforesaid lock-
                                           up period,
                                           DRCO will
                                           exactly comply
                                           with relevant
                                           regulations of
                                           the CSRC and
              Gongqingche                  the SZSE on
              ng Wendi                     share
              No.1                         reduction,
              Investment                   prudently
              Management                   formulate a
              Partnership                  share reduction
              (LP),                        plan; reduce
Commitme      Gongqingche                  the
nts made at   ng Wendi                     shareholding by
                                           law; make an                   June 16,
the time of   No.2          Commitme
                                           official            June 16,   2025 to      Performi
the initial   Investment    nts to share
                                           announcement        2025       June 15,     ng
public        Management    reduction
                                           three trading                  2027
offering or   Partnership
refinancing   (LP),                        days prior to
              Gongqingche                  the reduction;
              ng Wendi                     and fulfill
              No.3                         information
              Investment                   disclosure
              Management                   obligations in a
              Partnership                  timely and
              (LP)                         accurate
                                           manner in
                                           with the rules of
                                           the SZSE. The
                                           price for the
                                           shall not be
                                           lower than the
                                           issue price
                                           (subject to
                                           adjustments in
                                           with the

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

regulations of
CSRC and
SZSE in the
event of ex-
rights and ex-
dividend events
such as
bonus issue,
transfer of
shares, issue of
shares or rights
issue by DRCO
during the
In case of any
breach of the
DRCO will
announce the
facts and
reasons for the
breach of
and will publicly
apologize to the
and public
except of force
majeure or
other reasons
beyond control.
Any profit made
as a result of
the non-
fulfillment of the
will belong to
company shall
be held liable
investors in

                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                            with laws in the
                                            event of any
                                            loss that is
                                            caused to
                                            DRCO or
                                            investors as a
                                            result of the
                                            of the relevant
                                            I. Treatment of
                                            profits before
                                            the offering
                                            According to
                                            the resolution
                                            of the Fourth
                                            Meeting of
                                            Shareholders of
                                            DRCO in 2020,
                                            profits realized
                                            before the
                                            proposed public
Commitme                                    offering of
nts made at                 Commitme        shares will be
the time of   DR
                            nts to profit   shared by the      December     Permanent Performi
the initial   Corporation
                            distribution    new and            15, 2021     ly valid  ng
public        Limited
                            policy          existing
offering or                                 shareholders of
refinancing                                 DRCO after the
                                            II. Dividend
                                            policy after
                                            initial public
                                            According to
                                            the resolution
                                            of DRCO's
                                            Meeting of
                                            Shareholders in
                                            2020, DRCO’s

           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

policy after the
offering and
listing is as
1. Principles of
implements a
continuous and
stable profit
policy that
importance to
investors with a
reasonable and
stable return on
their investment
and taking into
account the
long-term and
development of
2. Form of profit
DRCO may
dividends in
cash, stock, or
a combination
of cash and
stock. DRCO
will give priority
to paying
dividends in
cash; if DRCO
is growing
dividends may
be paid in
shares or a
combination of
cash and
3. Cash
dividend policy
In principle,
DRCO makes
an annual cash

         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

distribution if
the conditions
for cash profit
distribution are
met; DRCO
may make an
interim cash
distribution if
appropriate. If
profit for the
year are
positive and
there are no
plans or
material cash
DRCO's annual
distribution of
profits in cash
shall not be
less than 10%
of the
profits realized
for the year.
investment plan
or material
cash payment
may be one of
the following
(1) DRCO's
acquisition of
assets or
purchase of
equipment over
the next twelve
months meets
or exceeds
50% of DRCO's
latest audited
net assets and
RMB50 million;

                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                             (2) DRCO's
                                             acquisition of
                                             assets or
                                             purchase of
                                             equipment over
                                             the next twelve
                                             months meets
                                             or exceeds
                                             30% of DRCO's
                                             latest audited
                                             total assets.
                                             I. Commitment
                                             on avoiding
                                             1. As of the
                                             date of this
                                             letter, except
                                             for the
                                             company and
                                             its wholly-
                                             owned or
                              Commitme       the company/I
                              nts on         and other
Commitme      DR              horizontal     enterprises,
nts made at   Investment      competition    organizations
the time of   (Zhuhai) Co.,   , connected    or entities       December    Permanent Performi
the initial   Ltd., Zhang     transaction    controlled by     15, 2021    ly valid  ng
public        Guotao and      s, and         the
offering or   Lu Yiwen        capital        company/me
refinancing                   appropriatio   are not
                              n              currently
                                             directly or
                                             indirectly, in
                                             any business
                                             activities that
                                             with the main
                                             business of the
                                             company and
                                             its wholly-
                                             owned or
                                             2. No

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

engagement or
association with
others, directly
or indirectly, is
allowed in any
business which
is the same as,
similar to or in
any way
with the issuer.
3. All of efforts
shall be made
to ensure other
affiliates of the
makers not to
deal in any
business that is
the same as,
similar to or in
any way
with the issuer.
4. No
shall be
permitted in a
enterprise or
other entity or
business is the
same as,
similar to or in
any way
with the issuer.
5. Any know-
how or
secrets, such
as sales
channels or
shall be
disclosed to
any other
enterprise or
other entity,

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

organization or
person whose
business is the
same as,
similar to or in
any way
with that of the
6. If, in the
future, the
company/I get
any business
from any third
party that may
compete with
the issuer in the
same line of
business, the
company/I will,
in accordance
with the
principle of the
priority of the
issuer, inform
the issuer
and assist the
issuer to the
extent possible
in obtaining
such business
7. If the
breach the
and cause
financial loss to
the issuer, the
company/I shall
be jointly and
severally liable
for all losses
suffered by the
issuer as a
result, and the
obtained by
DRCO/I as a
result of such
breach shall

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

accrue to the
II. Commitment
on reducing
and regulating
1. The
company/I shall
try to avoid or
reduce the
occurrence of
with DRCO and
the subsidiary
entities, and
urge the
parities of the
company and
mine to avoid
or reduce the
with DRCO and
the subsidiary
2. If the
between I/the
company or
relevant parities
of mine/the
company with
DRCO and the
entities are
necessary and
I/the company
undertakes to
operate at
arm's length in
with market-
principles and
fair prices, and
comply with the
procedures and

           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

obligations in
with the
relevant laws
rules of the
stock exchange
and the Articles
of Association
of DRCO, and
ensure that the
legitimate rights
and interests of
the issuer and
its other
shareholders or
are not
prejudiced by
3. If I/the
company or the
party of
breaches the
I/the company
shall be held
liable for all the
liabilities arising
therefrom and
shall fully
compensate or
DRCO and its
shareholders or
for all losses
4. This
letter shall take
effect from the
date of the
signature of

                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                            company and
                                            shall expire on
                                            the date when
                                            12 months
                                            have elapsed
                                            since I/the
                                            company cease
                                            to be affiliated
                                            with DRCO.
                                            If, within three
                                            years after the
                                            listing of
                                            shares, the
                                            closing price of
                                            DRCO (subject
                                            to adjustments
                                            in accordance
                                            with the
                                            regulations of
                                            CSRC and
                                            SZSE in the
                                            event of ex-
                                            rights and ex-
                                            dividend events
                                            such as
Commitme                                    dividend
nts made at                                 distribution,                 December
                            Commitme        bonus issue,
the time of   DR                                                          15, 2021
                            nts to post-    transfer of        December                Performi
the initial   Corporation                                                 to
                            IPO price       shares, issue of   15, 2021                ng
public        Limited                                                     December
                            stabilization   additional
offering or                                                               14, 2024
refinancing                                 shares or rights
                                            issue by
                                            DRCO) is lower
                                            than DRCO's
                                            audited net
                                            asset value per
                                            share in the
                                            most recent
                                            period for 20
                                            trading days
                                            (excluding the
                                            trading days on
                                            which the
                                            trading of
                                            DRCO's shares
                                            is suspended
                                            for the whole
                                            day, the same
                                            below) not

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

because of
force majeure
referred to as
the "Triggering
DRCO and its
as well as
directors (other
directors) and
undertake to
implement the
following price
measures in
with the laws,
regulations and
Articles of
affecting the
listing condition
of DRCO:
1. When the
Condition is
met, DRCO will
convene the
Board Meeting
within 10
trading days to
discuss the
proposal. The
includes, but
not limited to,
the number of
shares to be
the repurchase
price range, the
source of funds

         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

for the
repurchase, the
impact of the
repurchase on
DRCO's share
price and
operation, etc.
After the
proposal is
passed by the
Board Meeting,
meeting will be
convened in
with laws to
review the
regarding share
buyback and
pass a
thereon, which
must be
approved by a
least 2/3 of the
voting rights
held by the
present at the
meeting. The
plan will be
after DRCO
makes a
resolution at
the Board
meeting and
the general
meeting in
with laws.
2. After the
meeting of
deliberates and
approves the

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

plan, DRCO will
notify the
creditors in
with laws, and
submit relevant
materials to the
regulators, the
stock exchange
and other
departments for
approval or
plan will be
initiated 10
trading days
after the
completion of
all necessary
approval, filing,
disclosure and
other relevant
Following the
DRCO's equity
distribution will
continue to
comply with the
3. The
period shall not
exceed three
months from
the date of
approval of the
final share
plan by the
meeting or the
Board of

         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

4. DRCO will
repurchase the
shares with its
own funds at a
price not higher
than the latest
audited net
asset value per
share (subject
to adjustments
in accordance
with the
regulations of
CSRC and
SZSE in the
event of ex-
rights and ex-
dividend events
such as
bonus issue,
transfer of
shares, issue of
shares or rights
issue by DRCO
after the base
date of the
audit), and the
buyback shall
be made by
way of call
auction trading,
tender offer or
other means
approved by
the securities
However, if
DRCO's share
price no longer
meets the
conditions for
initiating price
measures prior
to the
of the share
plan, DRCO
discontinue the

         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

5. The total
amount of
funds used by
shares shall not
exceed the total
amount of
funds raised
from DRCO's
initial public
offering of
ordinary shares
in RMB (A
shares), and
the amount of
funds used to
shares in a
single fiscal
year shall not
exceed 20% of
the audited net
attributable to
shareholders of
the parent
company for
the previous
fiscal year, and
the number of
repurchased in
a single fiscal
year shall not
exceed 2% of
the total share
capital of
6. If DRCO
breaches any
of the foregoing
commitments, it
will promptly
disclose the
facts and
reasons for the
breach and,
except of force
majeure or
other reasons

                                                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                              control, will
                                              apologize to
                                              and public
                                              investors and at
                                              the same time
                                              or alternative
                                              commitments to
                                              protect the
                                              interests of
                                              investors as far
                                              as possible.
                                              1. When the
                                              Condition for
                                              DRCO is met,
                                              the company
                                              will increase
                                              in DRCO in
                                              with laws and
                                              including the
                                              Measures for
Commitme                                      of the Takeover
nts made at                                   of Listed                      December
              DR              Commitme        Companies in
the time of                                                                  15, 2021
              Investment      nt to post-     any of the         December                 Performi
the initial                                                                  to
              (Zhuhai) Co.,   IPO price       following cases:   15, 2021                 ng
public                                                                       December
              Ltd.            stabilization
offering or                                                                  14, 2024
                                              ① The closing
                                              price of the
                                              DRCO is lower
                                              than its latest
                                              net asset value
                                              per share for
                                              each of the 10
                                              trading days
                                              from the day
                                              after DRCO
                                              completes its
                                              plan (subject to
                                              adjustments in
                                              with the

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

regulations of
CSRC and
SZSE in the
event of ex-
rights and ex-
dividend events
such as
bonus issue,
transfer of
shares, issue of
shares or rights
issue by DRCO
after the base
date of the
② The
Condition is
again triggered
within 3 months
from the day
after DRCO
completes the
of its share
implement the
2. Within two
trading days
after the
Condition is
satisfied, the
company will
notify the Board
of Directors of
DRCO which
will then publish
on the increase
of our holdings.
The company

         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

will commence
the increase on
the day
following the
and shall
complete the
increase within
30 trading days
after the
relevant legal
procedures are
3. To stabilize
the stock price,
the company
will buy shares
through auction
trading on the
market at a
price of not
higher than the
latest audited
net asset value
per share
(subject to
adjustments in
with the
regulations of
CSRC and
SZSE in the
event of ex-
rights and ex-
dividend events
such as
bonus issue,
transfer of
shares, issue of
shares or rights
issue by DRCO
after the base
date of the
However, if the
share price of
DR Corporation
Limited no

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

longer meets
the conditions
for initiating
within three
trading days
after it
discloses our
share purchase
plan, the
company may
discontinue the
proposed share
purchase plan.
4. The amount
of funds used
by the company
for every single
increase shall
not be less than
10% nor more
than 20% of the
cash dividends
received from
DRCO in the
last three fiscal
years; the total
amount of
funds used for
increases in a
single fiscal
year shall not
exceed 50% of
cash dividends
received from
DRCO in the
most recent
three fiscal
years; and the
number of
purchased in a
single fiscal
year shall not
exceed 2% of
the total share
capital of

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Following the
increase of our
the equity
distribution of
DRCO will
continue to
comply with the
5. The
undertakes not
to sell the
shares within
six months of
completion of
the proposed
6. If the
breaches any
of the foregoing
DRCO will
disclose the
facts and
reasons for the
breach and,
except of force
majeure or
other reasons
beyond our
control, we will
apologize to
and public
investors of
DRCO who
have the right
to temporarily
withhold the
cash dividends
(if any) that the
should enjoy
until the
measures are
taken and
implemented as

                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                             The above
                                             shall not be
                                             terminated due
                                             to the fact that
                                             the company
                                             stepped down
                                             as the
                                             shareholder of
                                             1. When the
                                             Condition for
                                             DRCO is met, I
                                             will increase my
                                             in DRCO in
                                             with laws and
                                             including the
                                             Measures for
                                             of the Takeover
                                             of Listed
              Zhang                          Companies and
              Guotao, Lu                     the Rules on
Commitme      Yiwen, Wei
nts made at                                  the                            December
              Qingxing,      Commitme
the time of                                  Management of                  15, 2021
              Huang          nt to post-     Shares Held by     December                 Performi
the initial                                                                 to
              Shuirong, Hu   IPO price       the Directors,     15, 2021                 ng
public                                                                      December
              Xiaoming,      stabilization   Supervisors
offering or                                                                 14, 2024
              Chen                           and Senior
refinancing   Qisheng and
              Lin Zhenghai                   Officers of
                                             Companies and
                                             the Changes
                                             Thereof in any
                                             of the following
                                             ① The closing
                                             price for each
                                             of the 10
                                             trading days
                                             from the day
                                             after the

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

increase plan is
implemented is
lower than the
latest audited
net asset value
per share (ex-
rights and ex-
treatment shall
be made in the
event of equity
conversion of
reserves into
share capital or
rights issue
after the base
date of the
② The
Condition is
again triggered
within 3 months
from the day
after the
completes its
increase plan.
③ The
implement the
2. Within two
trading days
after the
Condition is
satisfied, I will
notify the Board
of Directors of
DRCO which
will then publish
on my

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

increase. I will
commence the
increase on the
day following
and shall
complete the
increase within
30 trading days
after the
relevant legal
procedures are
3. To stabilize
the stock price,
I will buy
shares of
DRCO through
auction trading
on the
market at a
price of not
higher than the
latest audited
net asset value
per share (ex-
rights and ex-
treatment shall
be made in the
event of equity
conversion of
reserves into
share capital or
rights issue
after the base
date of the
However, if the
share price of
longer meets
the conditions
for initiating
within three
trading days
after DRCO

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

discloses my
share purchase
plan, I may
discontinue the
proposed share
purchase plan.
The funds used
for a single
increase in
shall not be
less than 20%
of the total
received from
DRCO in the
previous year;
the funds used
to increase
in a single fiscal
year shall not
be more than
50% of the total
received from
DRCO in the
previous year;
and the
increase in
shareholding in
a single fiscal
year shall not
exceed 2% of
the enlarged
share capital of
4. I undertakes
not to sell the
shares within
six months of
completion of
the proposed
increase, and
guarantee that
the increase in
shall not cause

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

distribution of
DRCO to fail to
meet the listing
5. If I breach
any of the
DRCO will
disclose the
facts and
reasons for the
breach and,
except of force
majeure or
other reasons
beyond my
control, I will
apologize to
and public
investors of
DRCO who will
cease to pay
remuneration or
within five
trading days
from the
foregoing, and
the shares of
DRCO held
directly or
indirectly by me
shall not be
DRCO shall
have the right
to temporarily
withhold the
cash dividends
(if any) that I
should enjoy
until the
measures are
taken and
implemented as
The above

                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                           will not be
                                           terminated due
                                           to the change
                                           of my position
                                           or resignation.
                                           If the issuer
                                           and its
                                           receive a notice
                                           of correction
                                           from the
                                           because the
                                           leased by them
                                           have not been
                                           registered for
                                           lease filing in
                                           with the laws,
                                           regulations and
                              Commitme     documents
                              nts to       currently in
Commitme      DR              compensati   force, the
nts made at   Investment      ng the       company/I will
the time of   (Zhuhai) Co.,   issuer for   actively              December   Permanent Performi
the initial   Ltd., Zhang     possible     supervise the         15, 2021   ly valid  ng
public        Guotao and      losses due   issuer and its
offering or   Lu Yiwen        to the       subsidiaries to
refinancing                   leased       make
                              property     rectification in
                                           with the
                                           In the event
                                           that the issuer
                                           and its
                                           suffer financial
                                           losses due to
                                           failure to
                                           register the
                                           lease, defects
                                           in the title of the
                                           leased property
                                           or defects in
                                           the rights of the
                                           lessor, defects
                                           in the
                                           properties built

                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                             on the leased
                                             collective land
                                             allocated land,
                                             the company/I
                                             shall agree to
                                             use our own
                                             funds to fully
                                             the issue and
                                             its subsidiaries
                                             so that they do
                                             not suffer any
                                             financial losses
                                             as a result.
                                             In the event
                                             that the issuer
                                             or its
                                             subsidiaries are
                                             required by the
                                             authorities to
                                             payments due
                                             to failure to
                              nt to
                                             make full
Commitme                      retroactive
              DR                             payment of
nts made at                   payment of
              Investment                     social security
the time of                   social
              (Zhuhai) Co.,                  contributions or    December   Permanent Performi
the initial                   security
              Ltd., Zhang                    housing fund in     15, 2021   ly valid  ng
public                        contribution
              Guotao and                     accordance
offering or                   s and
              Lu Yiwen                       with laws, the
refinancing                   housing
                                             company/I shall
                                             be fully liable
                                             for the
                                             payments and
                                             shall ensure
                                             that the issuer
                                             or its
                                             shall not suffer
                                             any financial
                                             loss as a result.

Commitme                      Binding        1. In the event
nts made at                   measures       of a breach of
the time of   DR              in case of     the relevant
                                             commitments,        December   Permanent Performi
the initial   Corporation     failure to
                                             DRCO will           15, 2021   ly valid  ng
public        Limited         fulfill
offering or                   commitmen      promptly
refinancing                   ts             disclose the
                                             fact and

                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                           reasons for the
                                           breach and,
                                           except for force
                                           majeure or
                                           other reasons
                                           control, DRCO
                                           will make a
                                           public apology
                                           to its
                                           and public
                                           2. If the failure
                                           to fulfill the
                                           caused losses
                                           to investors,
                                           DRCO shall
                                           investors for
                                           losses in
                                           with laws.
                                           1. In the event
                                           of a breach of
                                           the relevant
                                           the company
                                           will promptly
                                           disclose the
                                           fact and
                                           reasons for the
                                           breach and,
Commitme                      Binding      except for force
nts made at                   measures     majeure or
the time of                   in case of   other reasons
              Investment                                       December    Permanent Performi
the initial                   failure to   beyond our
              (Zhuhai) Co.,                                    15, 2021    ly valid  ng
public                        fulfill      control, the
offering or                   commitmen    company will
refinancing                   ts           make a public
                                           apology to
                                           and public
                                           2. Any profit
                                           made as a
                                           result of the
                                           of the relevant

                                                    2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                          will belong to
                                          the company.
                                          The company
                                          shall be held
                                          liable for
                                          DRCO or
                                          investors in
                                          with laws in the
                                          event of any
                                          loss that is
                                          caused to
                                          DRCO or
                                          investors as a
                                          result of the
                                          of the relevant
                                          3. In the event
                                          of a breach of
                                          the relevant
                                          DRCO shall be
                                          entitled to
                                          withhold the
                                          cash dividends
                                          (if any) to which
                                          the company is
                                          entitled until the
                                          adverse impact
                                          arising from the
                                          of the relevant
                                          has been fully
              Zhang                       1. In the event
              Guotao, Lu                  of a breach of
              Yiwen, Wei                  the relevant
              Qingxing,                   commitments, I
Commitme      Huang          Binding      will promptly
nts made at   Shuirong, Hu   measures     disclose the
the time of   Xiaoming,      in case of   fact and
              Chen                        reasons for the      December   Permanent Performi
the initial                  failure to
              Qisheng, Li                 breach and,          15, 2021   ly valid  ng
public                       fulfill
offering or   Yang, Liang    commitmen    except for force
refinancing   Jun, Zhong     ts           majeure or
              Min, Lin                    other reasons
              Zhenghai,                   beyond my
              Zhao                        control, I will
              Ranran, Yin                 make a public
              Luwen and                   apology to

                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Wang Tong   DRCO’s
            and public
            2. Any profit
            made as a
            result of the
            of the relevant
            will belong to
            DRCO. The
            obligator shall
            be held liable
            DRCO or
            investors in
            with laws in the
            event of any
            loss that is
            caused to
            DRCO or
            investors as a
            result of the
            of the relevant
            3. In the event
            of a breach of
            the relevant
            DRCO shall be
            entitled to
            withhold the
            cash dividends
            (if any) to which
            I am entitled
            and suspend
            the payment of
            remuneration or
            during my
            with DRCO
            until the
            adverse impact
            arising from the
            of the relevant
            has been fully

                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                             1. DRCO has
                                             disclosed the
                                             information of
                                             shareholders in
                                             the prospectus
                                             in a true,
                                             complete and
                                             2. There are no
                                             cases of proxy
                                             shareholding or
                                             shareholding in
                                             history, and
                                             there are no
                                             disputes or
                            Commitme         potential
                            nts relating     disputes over
                            to               equities, etc.
Commitme                    disclosing       3. No
nts made at                 shareholder      stockholders
the time of   DR            information      directly or         December   Permanent Performi
the initial   Corporation   when             indirectly hold     15, 2021   ly valid  ng
public        Limited       applying for     shares of the
offering or                 initial public   issuer, which is
refinancing                 offering and     prohibited by
                            listing on       laws and
                            the ChiNext      regulations.
                                             4. No
                                             into the offering
                                             or its
                                             management or
                                             directly or
                                             indirectly hold
                                             shares of the
                                             5. DRCO does
                                             not have any
                                             transfer of
                                             benefits with
                                             the issuer's

                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                       6. If DRCO
                                       breaches the
                                       commitments, it
                                       will be liable for
                                       all legal
                                       After the expiry
                                       of the lock-up
                                       commitment, I
                                       will declare
                                       annually to
                                       DRCO the
                                       shares I have
                                       owned directly
                                       or indirectly in
                                       DRCO and any
                                       therein during
                                       my tenure as a
                                       supervisor or
                                       senior manager
                                       of DRCO. The
Commitme                               transferred
nts made at                            each year will
                           Share                                       June 16,
the time of   Zhang                    not exceed
                           reduction                        June 16,   2025 to     Performi
the initial   Guotao and               25% of the total
                           commitmen                        2025       June 15,    ng
public        Lu Yiwen                 number of
                           t                                           2027
offering or                            shares I hold
refinancing                            directly or
                                       indirectly in
                                       In case of
                                       reducing the
                                       within two
                                       years after the
                                       expiry of the
                                       lock-up period,
                                       I will exactly
                                       comply with the
                                       regulations of
                                       the CSRC and
                                       the SZSE on

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

formulate a
reduction plan,
reduce the
through lawful
means, and
make an
through DRCO
three trading
days prior to
the reduction,
and fulfill
obligations in a
timely and
manner in
with the rules of
the SZSE. The
reduction price
shall not be
lower than the
issue price
(subject to
adjustments in
with the
regulations of
CSRC and
SZSE in the
event of ex-
rights and ex-
dividend events
such as
bonus issue,
transfer of
shares, issue of
shares or rights
issue by DRCO
during the
In case of any
breach of the

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

commitments, I
will promptly
announce the
facts and
reasons for the
breach of
and will publicly
apologize to
and public
except of force
majeure or
other reasons
beyond my
control. Any
profit made as
a result of the
of the relevant
will belong to
DRCO. I shall
be held liable
investors in
with laws in the
event of any
loss that is
caused to
investors as a
result of the
of the relevant
DRCO shall
have the right
to temporarily
withhold the
cash dividends
(if any) to which
I am entitled
and suspend
the payment of
remuneration or
during my

                                                    2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                         with DRCO
                                         until adverse
                                         impact arising
                                         from the non-
                                         fulfillment of the
                                         have been fully
                                         If, as a result of
                                         a false record,
                                         statement or
                                         omission in the
                                         prospectus for
                                         offering and
                                         listing, which
                                         constitutes a
                                         material and
                                         effect on the
                                         of whether
                                         complies with
Commitme                                 the offering
nts made at                 Share        conditions as
the time of   DR                         required by
                            repurchase                        December   Permanent Performi
the initial   Corporation                laws, within 10
                            commitmen                         15, 2021   ly valid  ng
public        Limited                    working days
offering or                              from the date
refinancing                              such illegal
                                         facts are
                                         determined by
                                         the CSRC, the
                                         stock exchange
                                         or a competent
                                         authority such
                                         as a judicial
                                         DRCO will
                                         initiate the
                                         procedure in
                                         with laws to
                                         repurchase all
                                         the new shares
                                         in the initial
                                         public offering.

                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                           The repurchase
                                           price shall be
                                           no less than the
                                           issue price of
                                           DRCO's shares
                                           plus interest on
                                           deposits with
                                           banks for the
                                           same period
                                           from the issue
                                           of the shares to
                                           the time of
                                           repurchase (the
                                           above price will
                                           be adjusted
                                           accordingly in
                                           the event of ex-
                                           dividend or ex-
                                           rights actions
                                           such as
                                           bonus issue,
                                           conversion of
                                           reserves into
                                           share capital,
                                           issuance of
                                           shares or rights
                                           issue after the
                                           listing of
                                           If, as a result of
                                           a false record,
                                           statement or
                                           omission in the
                                           prospectus for
Commitme                                   DRCO's
              DR                           proposed
nts made at   Investment      Share
the time of                                offering and
              (Zhuhai) Co.,   repurchase   listing, which       December   Permanent Performi
the initial   Ltd., Zhang     commitmen                         15, 2021   ly valid  ng
public                                     constitutes a
              Guotao and      t            material and
offering or   Lu Yiwen
refinancing                                substantial
                                           effect on the
                                           of whether
                                           complies with
                                           the offering
                                           conditions as
                                           required by

         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

laws, within 10
working days
from the date
such illegal
facts are
determined by
the CSRC, the
stock exchange
or a competent
authority such
as a judicial
authority, the
company/I will
initiate the
share buyback
procedure in
with laws to buy
back all
shares having
transferred, and
for such
buyback will not
be lower than
the issue price
of DRCO plus
the interest on
deposits with
banks for the
same period
from the time of
stock issuance
to the time of
(subject to
adjustment in
with the
regulations of
CSRC and
SZSE in the
event of ex-
rights and ex-
dividend events
such as
bonus issue,
transfer of
shares, issue of

                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                             shares or rights
                                             issue by DRCO
                                             during the
                                             period). At the
                                             same time, the
                                             company/I will
                                             urge DRCO to
                                             repurchase all
                                             of its new
                                             shares issued
                                             during the IPO.
                                             1. The
                                             undertake and
                                             guarantee that
                                             there is no
                                             fraud in the
                                             offering and
                                             listing of
                                             2. If DRCO
                                             does not meet
              DR                             the listing
Commitme                      Commitme
              Corporation                    conditions, but
nts made at                   nts to share
              Limited, DR                    fraudulently
the time of                   repurchase
              Investment                     obtains the        December    Permanent Performi
the initial                   in case of
              (Zhuhai) Co.,                  issuance           15, 2021    ly valid  ng
public                        fraudulent
              Ltd., Zhang                    registration and
offering or                   offering and
              Guotao and                     has been listed,
refinancing                   listing
              Lu Yiwen                       the company/I
                                             will take share
                                             process to buy
                                             back all new
                                             stocks publicly
                                             issued by
                                             DRCO within 5
                                             days after
                                             confirmed by
                                             authorities like
Commitme                      Measures       The proposed
nts made at                   for and        public offering
the time of   DR              commitmen      may lead to        December    Permanent Performi
the initial   Corporation     ts to cover    dilution of        15, 2021    ly valid  ng
public        Limited         diluted        investors'
offering or                   immediate      immediate
refinancing                   returns        returns. In

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

order to further
implement the
provisions of
the Opinions of
the General
Office of the
State Council
on Further
the Protection
of the
Rights and
Interests of
Small and
Investors in the
Capital Market
(Guo Ban Fa
[2013] No.
110), optimize
the investment
mechanism and
safeguard the
legitimate rights
and interests of
small and
DRCO intends
to take
measures to
profitability and
DRCO's ability
to sustain
1. Strengthen
the main
business and
mainly engaged
in brand

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

sales, R&D and
design of
jewelry, and
jewelry such as
and wedding
rings. To
consolidate its
core business,
DRCO will take
advantage of
the rapid
development of
China's jewelry
Through the
proposed public
offering and
listing, DRCO
will enhance its
brand image
and influence,
expand its
strengthen its
systems and
improve its
creative design
ability of
jewelry. DRCO
will consolidate
its industry
leadership and
sharpen its
profitability by
enhancing its
s in terms of
brand strength,
capital strength,
coverage and
product design
2. Accelerate

         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

the investment
progress of
improve the
efficiency of
utilization, and
strive to
achieve the
returns from the
projects soon
as possible
The proceeds-
funded projects
the R&D and
creative design
center for
jewelry and
working capital
all of which are
related to
DRCO's main
DRCO will
speed up the
progress of
these projects
and improve
the capital
utilization to
enhance its
profitability as
soon as
Meanwhile, the
use of the
proceeds will
be strictly
managed to
ensure the

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

progress of the
projects. These
projects will
help DRCO
further enhance
its market
s, consolidate
its existing
sales channel
and R&D and
expand the
market share of
its main
business, and
increase the
return for
3. Increase the
efficiency of
operating costs,
and improve
DRCO will
further reduce
its operating
costs through
means, and
internal control,
efficiency and
profitability. At
the same time,
DRCO will
strive to
improve the
and the

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

system to
employees at
all levels,
continue to
attract top
talents and
talent training,
optimize the
talent pools and
reduce the risk
of brain drain,
hence laying a
solid foundation
for its rapid
4. Refine the
policy, and
optimize the
return on
In order to
establish a
stable and
mechanism for
regarding the
return on
investment and
to ensure the
continuity and
stability of the
policy through
the systematic
DRCO has, in
with the
clarified the
conditions, ratio
and form of

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

improved the
procedures and
mechanism for
distribution as
well as the
principles for
adjusting the
policy. DRCO
will distribute
profits in strict
with the Articles
of Association
and other
formulate and
implement a
continuous and
stable cash
dividend plan,
and further
improve the
especially the
cash dividend
policy where
refine the
investor return
and effectively
safeguard the
legitimate rights
and interests of
investors and
improve the
mechanism for
protecting the
rights and
interests of
5. Further
improving the
system for

            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

DRCO has
formulated a
series of
systems such
as the Investor
System and the
System to fully
protect the
rights of
investors to be
informed and to
participate in
making, and
ensure their
rights to access
the corporate
officers and
participate in
undertakes to
further improve
the relevant
systems for
protectors in
with the
rules or
issued by
including the
CSRC and the
stock exchange

                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                           as well as the
                                           practices of
                                           listed peers.
                                           The above-
                                           measures are
                                           designed to not
                                           only ensure the
                                           effective use of
                                           the funds
                                           raised by
                                           DRCO and but
                                           also prevent
                                           the risk of
                                           diluting the
                                           return by the
                                           offering, which
                                           are conducive
                                           to sharpening
                                           DRCO's core
                                           s and
                                           increasing its
                                           future earnings
                                           and enhancing
                                           the return for
                                           However, due
                                           to the objective
                                           existence of
                                           internal and
                                           external risks
                                           faced by
                                           DRCO, the
                                           of the above
                                           measures does
                                           not represent a
                                           guarantee of
                                           future profits
                                           made by

              DR              Commitme     1. The
Commitme                                   company/I shall
nts made at   Investment      nts to
              (Zhuhai) Co.,   recovering   not abuse the      December    Permanent Performi
the time of                                position as a
the initial   Ltd., Zhang     diluted                         15, 2021    ly valid  ng
              Guotao and      immediate    controlling
public                                     shareholder/act
offering or   Lu Yiwen        returns
                                           ual controller,

                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

refinancing   shall not
              interfere with
              the operation
              activities of
              DRCO beyond
              authority, and
              shall not
              encroach on
              the interests of
              2. The
              company/I will
              actively urge
              DRCO to
              implement the
              measures to
              recover the
              3. After the
              CSRC or the
              SZSE has
              issued separate
              opinions and
              rules on
              measures and
              commitments to
              cover diluted
              returns, if the
              relevant rules
              of DRCO and
              commitments of
              are not in line
              with such rules,
              the company/I
              undertake to
              promptly make
              commitments in
              with the rules of
              the CSRC or
              the SZSE and
              actively urge
              DRCO to make

                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                            commitments to
                                            satisfy the
                                            requirements of
                                            the CSRC or
                                            the SZSE;
                                            4. If the
                                            breach the
                                            and cause
                                            losses to
                                            DRCO or
                                            investors, the
                                            company/I will
                                            bear the
                                            responsibility to
                                            DRCO or
                                            investors in
                                            with laws.
                                            1. I neither
                                            benefits to
                                            other entities or
                                            or on unfair
                                            terms, nor in
                                            any other way
              Guotao, Lu
                                            harm the
              Yiwen, Wei
                                            interests of
Commitme      Qingxing,
nts made at   Huang          Commitme
the time of   Shuirong, Hu   nts to cover   2. I exercise
                                                                 December   Permanent Performi
the initial   Xiaoming,      diluted        restraint in duty
                                                                 15, 2021   ly valid  ng
public        Chen           immediate      consumption.
offering or   Qisheng, Li    returns
                                            3. I shall not
refinancing   Yang, Liang
                                            use DRCO's
              Jun, Zhong
                                            assets to
              Min and Lin
                                            engage in
                                            investment and
                                            unrelated to the
                                            performance of
                                            my duties.
                                            4. I will actively
                                            promote the
                                            improvement of

         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

system to make
it better comply
with the
requirements of
covering diluted
returns; I will
support the
Board of
Directors or
Committee of
amending and
system in line
with the
of DRCO's
measures to
recover the
5. When
DRCO's share
scheme (if
any), I will
promote the
link between
the exercise
terms of the
share incentive
and the
of DRCO's
measures to
recover the
6. After the
CSRC or the
SZSE has
issued separate
opinions and
rules on
measures and
commitments to

                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                            cover diluted
                                            returns, if my
                                            are not in line
                                            with such rules,
                                            I undertake to
                                            promptly make
                                            commitments in
                                            with the rules of
                                            the CSRC or
                                            the SZSE to
                                            satisfy the
                                            requirements of
                                            the CSRC or
                                            the SZSE;
                                            7. If I breach
                                            the above
                                            and cause
                                            losses to
                                            DRCO or
                                            investors, I will
                                            bear the
                                            responsibility to
                                            DRCO or
                                            investors in
                                            with laws.
                                            1. The
                                            prospectus for
                                            DRCO's initial
                                            public offering
                                            and listing on
                                            the ChiNext
                                            Market does
                            Commitme        not contain any
Commitme                    nts to
nts made at                                 false records,
                            undertaking     misleading
the time of   DR
                            liability for   statements or       December   Permanent Performi
the initial   Corporation
                            compensati      material            15, 2021   ly valid  ng
public        Limited
                            on in           omissions, and
offering or                 accordance
refinancing                                 DRCO shall be
                            with laws       jointly and
                                            severally liable
                                            for the
                                            accuracy and
                                            of the

           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

2. If an investor
suffers loss in
trading as a
result of a false
statement or
omission in
DRCO shall
the investor for
the loss in
with laws;
3. In the event
of a breach of
the relevant
DRCO will
disclose the
fact and
reasons for the
breach and,
except for force
majeure or
other reasons
control, DRCO
will make a
public apology
to its
and public
investors. If
losses are
caused to
will be made in
with laws.
DRCO will
make timely
rectification in
with the

                                                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                              requirements of
                                              the CSRC or
                                              the stock
                                              1. The
                                              prospectus for
                                              DRCO's initial
                                              public offering
                                              and listing on
                                              the ChiNext
                                              Market does
                                              not contain any
                                              false records,
                                              statements or
                                              omissions, and
                                              the company/I
                                              shall be jointly
                                              and severally
                                              liable for the
                                              accuracy and
                                              of the
                              Commitme        information
Commitme      DR              nts to
nts made at                                   thereof.
              Investment      undertaking
the time of   (Zhuhai) Co.,   liability for   2. If an investor   December   Permanent Performi
the initial   Ltd., Zhang     compensati      suffers loss in     15, 2021   ly valid  ng
public        Guotao and      on in           securities
offering or   Lu Yiwen        accordance      trading as a
refinancing                   with laws       result of a false
                                              statement or
                                              omission in
                                              prospectus, the
                                              company/I shall
                                              the investor for
                                              the loss in
                                              with laws;
                                              3. In case of
                                              any breach of
                                              the foresaid
                                              DRCO will
                                              disclose the
                                              facts and

                                                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                             reasons for the
                                             breach and,
                                             except of force
                                             majeure or
                                             other reasons
                                             beyond our
                                             control, the
                                             company will
                                             apologize to
                                             and public
                                             investors of
                                             DRCO who
                                             shall have the
                                             right to
                                             withhold the
                                             cash dividends
                                             (if any) to which
                                             the company is
                                             entitled until
                                             such time as
                                             adverse impact
                                             arising from the
                                             of the relevant
                                             have been fully
                                             1. The
                                             prospectus for
                                             DRCO's initial
                                             public offering
              Zhang                          and listing on
              Guotao, Lu                     the ChiNext
              Yiwen, Wei                     Market does
              Qingxing,                      not contain any
              Huang                          false records,
Commitme      Shuirong, Hu                   misleading
                             nts to
nts made at   Xiaoming,                      statements or
the time of   Chen                           material
                             liability for                        December   Permanent Performi
the initial   Qisheng, Li                    omissions, and
                             compensati                           15, 2021   ly valid  ng
public        Yang, Liang                    I shall be jointly
                             on in
offering or   Jun, Zhong                     and severally
refinancing   Min, Lin                       liable for the
                             with laws
              Zhenghai,                      authenticity,
              Zhao                           accuracy and
              Ranran, Yin                    completeness
              Luwen and                      of the
              Wang Tong                      information
                                             2. If an investor
                                             suffers loss in

          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

trading as a
result of a false
statement or
omission in
prospectus, I
the investor for
the loss in
with laws.
3. In case of
any breach of
the relevant
DRCO will
announce the
facts and
reasons for the
breach of
and will publicly
apologize to
DRCO's other
and public
except of force
majeure or
other reasons
beyond my
control. DRCO
shall have the
right to
withhold the
cash dividends
(if any) to which
I am entitled
and suspend
the payment of
remuneration or
during my
with DRCO
until such time
as adverse

                                                          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                impact arising
                                                from the non-
                                                fulfillment of the
                                                have been fully
nts to           Not
equity           applicable
ts to            Not
minority         applicable
s of DRCO
Other            Not
commitmen        applicable
commitmen        Yes
t is fulfilled
on time
Details of
and next
steps for        Not applicable

2.    If there is a profit forecast for DRCO's assets or projects and the reporting period is still within
the profit forecast period, DRCO provides an explanation of the assets or projects meeting the
original profit forecast and the reasons thereof

□ Applicable  Not applicable

II.   Whether the Controlling Shareholders and Other Associates of DRCO Have Misappropriated
DRCO’s Funds for Non-Business Purpose

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No controlling shareholders and other associates of DRCO have misappropriated DRCO’s funds for non-
business purpose.

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

III.   Whether External Guarantees Are Provided in Violation of Provisions

□ Applicable  Not applicable

During the reporting period, DRCO didn’t provide external guarantees in violation of provisions.

IV. Statements of the Board of Directors on Latest "Non-standard Audit Report"

□ Applicable  Not applicable

V.     Statements of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the Independent Directors (if
any) on the "Non-standard Audit Report" Issued by the Accounting Firm for the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VI. Statements of the Board of Directors on Any Change in Accounting Policies and Accounting
Estimates or Any Correction of Significant Accounting Errors during Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VII. Statements on Changes in Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements Compared with Financial
Report for the Preceding Year

 Applicable □ Not applicable

During the reporting period, DRCO established or canceled subsidiaries. The details are as follows:

                                             Acquisition and disposal Whether this reporting period
Company name                                 of subsidiaries during the is included in the scope of
                                             reporting period             consolidation

He’er Culture (Hainan) Co., Ltd.            Invest to establish

DR LUXURY (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.              Invest to establish          Yes

DR Luxury Netherlands Holding B.V.           Invest to establish          Yes

LOVEMONT (MALAYSIA) SDN.BHD.                 Invest to establish          Yes

DR LUXURY USA INC                            Invest to establish          Yes

Shenzhen DR Jewelry Sales Co., Ltd.          Invest to establish          Yes

Love of My Love Wedding Planning
                                             Invest to establish          Yes
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

LOVEMONT HONG KONG LIMITED                   Invest to establish          Yes

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Happy    Love       Psychological   Research
                                               Invest to establish         Yes
Center (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

Love of My Love Wedding Planning
                                               Invest to establish         Yes
(Sanya) Co., Ltd.

Shangqiu DR Jewelry                            Cancellation                Yes

Wuhan DR Jewelry                               Cancellatio                 Yes

Nanchang DR Jewelry                            Cancellatio                 Yes

Handan DR Jewelry                              Cancellatio                 Yes

Guangzhou DR Jewelry                           Cancellatio                 Yes

Langfang DR Jewelry                            Cancellatio                 Yes

Foshan DR Jewelry                              Cancellatio                 Yes

Urumqi DR Jewelry                              Cancellatio                 Yes

Note: Overseas companies are sub-subsidiaries, and the other are subsidiaries.

VIII. Appointment and Dismissal of Accounting Firms

Currently appointed

                                         Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP (Special General
Name of domestic accounting firm         Partnership)
Remuneration of domestic accounting firm 228
Number of consecutive years of audit by 7 years
domestic accounting firm
Name of certified public accountants of Li Jianguang, Chen Huijin
domestic accounting firm
Number of continuous years of audit services by
certified public accountants of domestic 1 year, 2 years
accounting firm
Whether to change the accounting firm

□ Yes  No

Appointment of accounting firm for internal control audit, financial adviser or sponsor

□ Applicable  Not applicable

IX. Risk of Delisting after Disclosure of Annual Report

                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

□ Applicable  Not applicable

X.     Matters Relating to Bankruptcy and Reorganization

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No bankruptcy and reorganization-related matters occurred during the reporting period.

XI. Material Litigations and Arbitrations

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Basic                            Whether
                    Amount                     Progress of Ruling             Enforcemen
information                      estimated                                                      Date         of Index    for
                    involved                   litigation         results and t            of
on litigation                    liabilities                                                    disclosure     inquiry
                    (RMB0'000)                 (arbitration) impacts          judgment
(arbitration)                    are formed

There were
79        cases
that       don't
meet         the
criteria     for
                                                                              closed       at
of     material                                As    of     the
                                                                              the end of
litigation                                     end of the
(arbitration)                                  reporting
and           in                               period,      50
                                                                              period were
which                                          of           the
                                                                              executed in
DRCO           is                              aforementio                                                      Not
                    784.16       No                               No impact   accordance
the                                            ned    cases                                                    applicable
                                                                              with        the
plaintiff/clai                                 had        been
mant,                                          closed and
                                                                              ulings       or
including 66                                   29         were
claims                                         pending.
brought      by
DRCO         for
t             of

There        are                               As    of     the               Cases                             Not
                    591.44       No                               No impact
four      cases                                end of the                     closed       at                  applicable

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

that       don't                          reporting                   the end of
meet         the                          period, 3 of                the
criteria     for                          the                         reporting
disclosure                                aforementio                 period were
of     material                           ned   cases                 executed in
litigation                                had    been                 accordance
(arbitration)                             closed and                  with        the
and           in                          1      were                 judgments/r
which                                     pending.                    ulings       or
DRCO          is                                                      settlement
the                                                                   and
defendant/r                                                           mediation
espondent.                                                            programs.

XII. Punishment and Rectification

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no significant punishment or rectifications during the reporting period.

XIII. Integrity of DRCO and Its Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers

□ Applicable  Not applicable

XIV. Material Connected Transactions

1. Connected transactions related to daily operation

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no connected transactions related to daily operation during the reporting period.

2. Connected transactions related to the acquisition or disposal of assets or equity interests

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no connected transactions related to the acquisition or disposal of assets or equity interests
during the reporting period.

3. Connected transactions relating to common external investments

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no connected transactions relating to common external investments during the reporting


4. Related creditor’s right and debt transactions

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no related creditor’s right and debt transactions during the reporting period.

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

5. Transactions with financial companies with connected relationship

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no deposits, loans, credit facilities or other financial operations between DRCO and connected
parties or financial companies with connected relationships.

6. Transactions between financial companies controlled by DRCO and connected parties

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no deposits, loans, credit facilities or other financial operations between financial companies
controlled by DRCO and connected parties of DRCO.

7. Other material connected transactions

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no other material connected transactions during the reporting period.

XV. Contracts of Significance and Their Execution

1. Trust, contracting and leasing matters

(1) Trust

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There was no trust during the reporting period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There was no contracting during the reporting period.

(3) Leasing

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Description of leasing matters

DRCO’s leased assets are mainly leased for self-operated stores which have been recognized as right-of-
use assets according to the new accounting standards for lease, and there are no other significant leased
assets. For details, please refer to 11. Right-of-use Assets/VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial
Statement/Part X Financial Statements.

Projects whose gains/losses attributable to DRCO account for more than 10% of DRCO's total profit for the
reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no projects whose gains/losses attributable to DRCO account for more than 10% of DRCO's
total profit for the reporting period.

2. Material guarantees

                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB0’000

External guarantees provided by DRCO and its subsidiaries (excluding guarantees for subsidiaries)

          Date of
          re     of                          Actual                             Counter
                                   Actual                                                                        it   is   a
          announ      Guarant                amount       Type of Collater -               Guarant
                                   occurre                                                           Whether guarant
Debtor    cement      ee                     of           guarant     al     (if guarant   ee
                                   nce                                                               fulfilled   ee for a
          on          amount                 guarant      ee          any)      ee     (if period
                                   date                                                                          related
          guarant                            ee                                 any)

DRCO's guarantee for subsidiaries

          Date of
          re     of                          Actual                             Counter
                                   Actual                                                                        it   is   a
          announ      Guarant                amount       Type of Collater -               Guarant
                                   occurre                                                           Whether guarant
Debtor    cement      ee                     of           guarant     al     (if guarant   ee
                                   nce                                                               fulfilled   ee for a
          on          amount                 guarant      ee          any)      ee     (if period
                                   date                                                                          related
          guarant                            ee                                 any)

Compan                     4,950                      0               No        No                   No          No

Diamon                             October
          April 22,                                       and                              36
d                      20,000 26,             10,000                  No        No                   Yes         No
          2022                                            several                          months
(Shenzh                            2022

Beijing   August
                            700                       0 and           No        No                   No          No
DR        29,

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Jewelry 2022                                   liability

Beijing                                        Joint
          August           Septem
Huazua                                         and                          7
          29,       350 ber 1st,      169.96               No      No                Yes      No
n    DR                                        several                      months
          2022             2022
Jewelry                                        liability

Beijing                                        Joint
          August           January
Zhongz                                         and                          24
          29,       500 31,           192.65               No      No                No       No
uan DR                                         several                      months
          2022             2023
Jewelry                                        liability

Chengd August
u    DR 29,        1,000                  0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Chengd August
                                               and                          45
u    DR 29,         700               412.35               No      No                No1      No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022

Hangzh August              Februar
                                               and                          27
ou   DR 29,        1,000 y     1st,   119.15               No      No                No       No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022               2023

Hangzh August              October
                                               and                          12
ou   DR 29,         550 1st,          162.74               No      No                Yes      No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022               2022

Jinan     August           Septem
                                               and                          31
DR        29,       500 ber 1st,      396.49               No      No                No       No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022               2022

Kunmin August              Februar
                                               and                          46
g    DR 29,         500 y      1st,   109.75               No      No                No       No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022               2023

                                                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Ningbo   August         October
                                            and                          44
DR       29,      600 29,          173.36               No      No                No       No
                                            several                      months
Jewelry 2022            2022

Ningbo   August         January
                                            and                          47
DR       29,      600 1st,          95.97               No      No                No       No
                                            several                      months
Jewelry 2022            2023

Shangh August
ai   DR 29,       600                  0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Shangh August
ai   DR 29,       500                  0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Shangh August           October
                                            and                          41
ai   DR 29,       450 1st,         237.37               No      No                No       No
                                            several                      months
Jewelry 2022            2022

Shenzh   August
en   DR 29,       400                  0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Shenzh   August
                        May 1st,            and                          34
en   DR 29,       400              242.08               No      No                No       No
                        2023                several                      months
Jewelry 2022

Shenya   August         Septem
                                            and                          21
ng   DR 29,       450 ber 1st,     196.68               No      No                No       No
                                            several                      months
Jewelry 2022            2022

Shenya   August                             Joint
                  400                  0                No      No                No       No
ng   DR 29,                                 and

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Jewelry 2022                                      several

Suzhou August             April
                                                  and                          12
DR         29,      450 1st,              28.99               No      No                No       No
                                                  several                      months
Jewelry 2022              2023

Suzhou                                            Joint
Zhongz                                            and                          51
           29,      550                  404.87               No      No                No       No
uan DR                                            several                      months
Jewelry                                           liability

Tianjin    August         Decemb
                                                  and                          17
DR         29,      750 er        1st,   319.64               No      No                No2      No
                                                  several                      months
Jewelry 2022              2022

Wuhan      August
DR         29,      250                       0               No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Wuhan                                             Joint
Zhongz                                            and
           29,      100                       0               No      No                No       No
uan DR                                            several
Jewelry                                           liability

DR         August         October
                                                  and                          35
Jewelry 29,         450 1st,             161.14               No      No                No       No
                                                  several                      months
Accesso 2022              2022

Xi'an      August
DR         29,      100                       0               No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Changs August             Septem                Joint
ha      DR 29,      900 ber 1st,         894.06 and           No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022              2022                    several

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited


Changs August             Decemb
                                               and                          31
ha     DR 29,       100 er     1st,    85.25               No      No                No       No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022              2022

Henan     August
DR        29,       300                   0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Zhengz    August          January
                                               and                          45
hou DR 29,          350 1st,           141.9               No      No                No       No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022              2023

Chongqi August            Septem
                                               and                          21
ng     DR 29,       500 ber 1st,      431.92               No      No                No3      No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022              2022

Shenzh    October
                                               and                          7
en     DR 28,       200                64.64               No      No                Yes      No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022

Chongqi                                        Joint
ng                                             and                          40
          28,       530               476.66               No      No                No       No
Darry                                          several                      months
Jewelry                                        liability

Yiwu      October
DR        28,       250                   0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Zhouko    October         January
                                               and                          33
u      DR 28,        50 1st,           32.81               No      No                No       No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022              2023

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Xining    October
DR        28,       100                   0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Heze      October
DR        28,       100                   0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Donggu October            January
                                               and                          15
an     DR 28,       200 1st,           52.66               No      No                No       No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022              2023

Nancha October
ng     DR 28,       180                   0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Yinchua October
n      DR 28,       160                   0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Weifang October
DR        28,       300                   0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Mianyan October           Februar
                                               and                          32
g      DR 28,       140 y      1st,   117.83               No      No                No       No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022              2023

Shenzh    October         Februar
                                               and                          14
en     DR 28,       140 y      1st,    90.06               No      No                No       No
                                               several                      months
Jewelry 2022              2023

Shenya    October                              Joint
                    150                   0                No      No                No       No
ng     DR 28,                                  and

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Jewelry 2022                                    several

Jining     October              April
                                                and                          31
DR         28,            50 1st,       43.67               No      No                No       No
                                                several                      months
Jewelry 2022                    2023

Linyi DR                                        and
           28,           230               0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry                                         several

Fuyang     October
DR         28,           120               0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Shangqi October
u    DR 28,              100               0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Guangz Decemb
hou DR er         31,   1,180              0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Handan Decemb
DR         er     31,    120               0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Langfan Decemb
g    DR er        31,    150               0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Urumqi     Decemb
DR         er     31,    100               0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

                                                                   2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Baoding                                                Joint
DR                                                     and
           er     31,      88                     0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry                                                several
Sales                                                  liability

Guiyang Decemb
DR         er     31,     162                     0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Foshan     Decemb
DR         er     31,     100                     0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

Jiaxing    Decemb
DR         er     31,     100                     0                No      No                No       No
Jewelry 2022

           April 28,                                   and
Compan                  10,000                    0                No      No                No       No
           2023                                        several

                                                       and                          36
                                 23,          10,000               No      No                No       No
                                                       several                      months
Diamon                                                 Joint
d          April 28,                                   and                          36
                        30,000 er      1st,    8,000               No      No                No       No
(Shenzh 2023                                           several                      months
en) Co.,                                               liability
                                                       and                          36
                                 er     2,    10,000               No      No                No       No
                                                       several                      months

Total     guarantee               40,000 Total            actual                                    29,267.52

                                                                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

amount approved                               guarantee amount
for      subsidiaries                         for      subsidiaries
during              the                       during             the
reporting        period                       reporting       period
(B1)                                          (B2)

                                              Balance of total
Total     guarantee
                                              actual     guarantee
amount approved
                                              amount              for
for subsidiaries as                  63,850                                                                        33,195.39
                                              subsidiaries as at
at the end of the
                                              the end of the
reporting period
                                              reporting period

Guarantees by subsidiaries for subsidiaries

            Date of
            re       of                       Actual                              Counter
                                    Actual                                                                          a
            announ        Guarant             amount      Type of Collater -                 Guarant
                                    occurre                                                            Whether guarant
Debtor      cement        ee                  of          guarant       al     (if guarant   ee
                                    nce                                                                fulfilled    ee for a
            on            amount              guarant     ee            any)      ee     (if period
                                    date                                                                            connect
            guarant                           ee                                  any)
                                                                                                                    ed party

Total guarantee amount of DRCO (i.e., the sum of the first three items)

Total amount of                               Total            actual
approved                                      guarantee amount
guarantee during                              incurred        during
                                     40,000                                                                        29,267.52
the         reporting                         the         reporting
period (A1 + B1 +                             period (A2 + B2 +
C1)                                           C2)

Total     guarantee                           Balance of total
amount approved                               actual     guarantee
as at the end of                              amount as at the
                                     63,850                                                                        33,195.39
the         reporting                         end        of      the
period (A3 + B3 +                             reporting       period
C3)                                           (A4 + B4 + C4)

Total actual guarantee amount (i.e.,                                                                                    5.13%

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

A4 + B4 + C4) as a percentage of
DRCO's net assets


Balance of guarantees provided to
shareholders, actual controllers and                                                                     0
their related parties (D)

Balance of debt guarantees provided,
directly or indirectly, to those with a                                                            434.734
gearing ratio of more than 70% (E)

Difference between total guarantee
amount and 50% of net assets (F)

Total (D+E+F)                                                                                       434. 73

Details of the circumstances, if any,
under which the guarantee liability
arose during the reporting period or
                                               Not applicable
there is evidence of a likelihood of
joint   and     several     liability,   for
outstanding guarantee contracts

Details of external guarantees against
                                               Not applicable
established procedures (if any)

Note 1: As of the end of the reporting period, RMB456,500 of the actual guarantee amount for Chengdu DR
Jewelry Co., Ltd. had been honored.

Note 2: As at the end of the reporting period, RMB 728,300 of the actual guarantee amount for Tianjin DR
Jewelry Co., Ltd. has been honored.

Note 3: As at the end of the reporting period, RMB1,434,400 of the actual guarantee amount for Chongqing
DR Jewelry Co., Ltd. has been honored.

Note 4:The balance of this guarantee is all guarantees provided by the company to wholly-owned

Description of the use of composite guarantee

3. Entrusted cash and assets under management

(1) Entrusted wealth management

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Overview of entrusted wealth management during the reporting period

                                                                                                Unit: RMB0’000

                                                                                            Provision      for
                                                                                            impairment      of
                     Source of funds
                                          Entrusted wealth                  Amount overdue wealth
                     for      entrusted                      Outstanding
Specific type                             management                        and         not management
                     wealth                                  balance
                                          amount                            recovered       amount overdue
                                                                                            and           not

                     Funds raised         289,500.00         172,500.00     0               0
products        of

management           Proprietary
                                          310,850.23         293,571.33     0               0
products        of funds

products        of                        141,300.00         138,800.00     0               0

Total                                     741,650.23         604,871.33     0               0

Details of high-risk entrusted wealth management products featuring large amount, low safety and illiquidity

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Entrusted wealth management not expected to recover the principal, or other circumstances that may lead to

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Entrusted loans

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no entrusted loans during the reporting period.

4. Other contracts of significance

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

There were no other contracts of significance during the reporting period.

XVI. Other Important Matters

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There were no other significant matters that need to be explained during the reporting period.

XVII.    Significant Matters of DRCO's Subsidiaries

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                      Part VII. Changes in Shares and Information of Shareholders

I.   Changes in Shares

1.   Changes in shares

                                                                                            Unit: Shares

          Before           this
                                  Increase or decrease from the change (+,-)     After this change
                              Issue of               Convers
                      Percent          Bonus                                                   Percent
          Quantity            new                    ion   of Other     Subtotal Quantity
                      age              share                                                   age
                              shares                 reserves
subject    360,000,                                                                 360,000,
to                     90.00%                                                                   90.00%
                000                                                                     000
held by
the state
held by
held by 360,000,                                                                    360,000,
other                  90.00%                                                                   90.00%
                000                                                                     000
shares     360,000,                                                                 360,000,
held by                90.00%                                                                   90.00%
                000                                                                     000
c legal
held by
c natural
held by

                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

held by
s legal
held by
s natural
s      not
subject    40,010,0                                      40,010,0
to                     10.00%                                        10.00%
                 00                                           00
1. RMB-
denomin 40,010,0                                         40,010,0
ated                   10.00%                                        10.00%
                 00                                           00
4. Other

III. Total 400,010, 100.00%                              400,010,
shares          000                                          000

Reasons for changes in shares

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Approval of changes in shares

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Transfer of changes in shares

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Impact of changes in shares on financial indicators such as basic and diluted earnings per share and net
asset value per share attributable to DRCO's holders of ordinary shares for the most recent year and the
most recent period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Other disclosure deemed necessary by DRCO or required by securities regulatory authorities

□ Applicable  Not applicable

2. Changes in restricted shares

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                  Unit: shares

              Number of Increase in Number of
                                                       Number of
              restricted    the number restricted
                                                       restricted          Reason for
Name       of shares     at of restricted shares                                       Date               of
                                                       shares     at       selling
shareholder the             shares        released                                     release
                                                       end        of       restriction
              beginning of during     the during   the
              the period    period        period
Investment      342,000,000             0            0 342,000,000         Pre-IPO           June 16,
(Zhuhai)                                                                   shares            2025
Co., Ltd.
eng Wendi
                  7,200,000             0            0     7,200,000       Pre-IPO           June 16,
                                                                           shares            2025
t Partnership
eng Wendi
                  7,200,000             0            0     7,200,000       Pre-IPO           June 16,
                                                                           shares            2025
t Partnership
eng Wendi
                  3,600,000             0            0     3,600,000       Pre-IPO           June 16,
                                                                           shares            2025
t Partnership
Total            360,000,000               0             0   360,000,000 --                  --

II.   Issuance and Listing of Securities

1. Issuance of securities (excluding preferred shares) during the reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

2. Changes in the total number of shares and shareholder structure of DRCO, and changes in the
asset and liability structure of DRCO

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Existing internal employee shares

□ Applicable  Not applicable

III.   Shareholders and Actual Controllers

1. Number of shareholders and their shareholdings

                                                                                                       Unit: shares

                                            Total                     number
                                            number                    of
                       number                                         holders
                       of                                             of
                                            holders                   preferr
                                            of                        ed
Total                  of                                             shares
number                 ordinary                                       (if any)         Total
                                            d                         whose
of                     shares                                                          number
                                            shares                    voting
holders                as       of                                    rights           of
                                            (if   any)
of                     the end                                        were             shareho
                                            whose                     restore
ordinary               of      the                                                     lders
              14,636                 13,824 voting        0           d at the 0                  0
shares                 previous                                       end of           holding
                                            rights                    the
as       of            month                                                           special
                                            were                      previou
the end                precedi                                        s                voting
of      the            ng      the                                    month            shares
                                            at      the               precedi
reportin               date     of                                                     (if any)
                                            end      of               ng the
g period               publicati                                      date of
                       on       of                                    publicat
                                            reportin                  ion of
                                            g period                  the
                       annual                                         annual
                       report                                         report
                                            Note 9)                   (see
                                                                      Note 9)
Shareholdings of shareholders holding 5% or more or of the top 10 shareholders (excluding shares
borrowed via margin financing)

                     Numbe                  Increas       Numbe       Numbe Pledged, marked or frozen
                     r     of               e/decre       r      of   r    of
Name Nature
              Shareh shares                 ase           shares      shares
of     of
              olding held at                during        held        held
shareh shareh                                                                 Share status  Quantity
              ratio  the end                the           subject     not
older  older
                     of the                 reportin      to          subject
                     reportin               g             selling     to

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                               g         period       restricti selling
                               period                 ons       restricti
            c non-
Investm                        342,000                342,000
            state-    85.50%                      0                     0 Not applicable     0
            owned                 ,000                    ,000
Co., Ltd.
Wendi       Domesti
No.1        c non-
                               7,200,0                 7,200,0
Investm     state-     1.80%                      0                     0 Not applicable     0
ent         owned                   00                      00
Manage      legal
ment        person
hip (LP)
Wendi       Domesti
No.2        c non-
                               7,200,0                 7,200,0
Investm     state-     1.80%                      0                     0 Not applicable     0
ent         owned                   00                      00
Manage      legal
ment        person
hip (LP)
Wendi       Domesti
No.3        c non-
                               3,600,0                 3,600,0
Investm     state-     0.90%                      0                     0 Not applicable     0
ent         owned                   00                      00
Manage      legal
ment        person
hip (LP)
Zhirong     State-
No.1        owned              2,566,7                           2,566,7
                       0.64%             165,000             0              Not applicable   0
Investm legal                       35                                 35
ent         person
hip (LP)

Li          c
                       0.16% 637,500 604,600                 0 637,500 Not applicable        0
Rongjun natural

                                                    2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

es       -
es DR
No.     1                                     -
Strategi Other          0.15% 594,544             0 594,544 Not applicable    0
e Asset
Securiti    Oversea
es          s   legal   0.15% 587,828 363,112     0 587,828 Not applicable    0
Clearing person
y Ltd.

Bank of
China -
Industry Other          0.12% 482,784 187,000     0 482,784 Not applicable    0

Hongmi                  0.11% 428,255 253,221     0 428,255 Not applicable    0

                                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                              Zhuhai Runxin Zhirong No.1 Investment Partnership (LP) has become one of DRCO’s
Any           Strategic
                              top 10 shareholders as DRCO placed 2,566,735 shares that were locked up from
investor                 or
                              December 15, 2021 to December 14, 2022. These shares were released and traded on
general               legal
                              the market from December 15, 2022.
person        becomes
                              China Securities - CMB - China Securities DR No. 1 Strategic Placement Collective
one      of    top      10
                              Asset Management Plan is a special asset management plan through which DRCO’s
shareholder as a
                              senior management and core employees took part in the strategic allotment of DRCO’s
result        of       the
                              initial public offering. As a result, this asset management plan became one of DRCO’s
placement of new
                              top 10 shareholders after DRCO placed 978,952 shares that were locked up from
shares        (if     any)
                              December 15, 2021 to December 14, 2022. These shares were released and traded on
(see Note 4)
                              the market from December 15, 2022.

                              Zhang Guotao and Lu Yiwen, the actual controllers of DRCO, hold a 100% stake in DR
Relationship   or Investment (Zhuhai). DR Investment (Zhuhai), Gongqingcheng Wendi No.1 Investment
acting in concert Management Partnership (LP), Gongqingcheng Wendi No.2 Investment Management
among                         Partnership (LP) and Gongqingcheng Wendi No.3 Investment Management Partnership

the     aforesaid (LP) are all the enterprises controlled by Zhang Guotao, DRCO’s actual controller.
shareholders      Other than that, DRCO is not aware of any connected relationship among the aforesaid
                              shareholders, nor is DRCO aware of any parties acting in concert.

Whether                the
exercise             voting
                              Not applicable。
rights via a proxy
or as a proxy, or
waive their voting

Whether top 10
have                special
accounts                for Not applicable。
share repurchase
(if any) (see Note

Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                                                              Type of shares
Name                     of Number of unrestricted shares held at the end
                                                                              Type of shares      Quantity

                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

shareholder               of the reporting period

Zhuhai        Runxin
Zhirong          No.1
                                                    2,566,735 denominated             2,566,735
                                                             ordinary shares
Partnership (LP)

Li Rongjun                                           637,500 denominated                637,500
                                                             ordinary shares

The            shares
allotted to China
Securities - CMB -
China       Securities                                       RMB-
DR         No.       1                               594,544 denominated                594,544
Strategic                                                    ordinary shares
Collective       Asset
Management Plan

Hong             Kong
                                                     587,828 denominated                587,828
                                                             ordinary shares
Company Ltd.

Bank of China -
GF               China
Securities                                                   RMB-
Pension      Industry                                482,784 denominated                482,784
Index         Initiated                                      ordinary shares
Investment Fund

#Wang Hongming                                       428,255 denominated                428,255
                                                             ordinary shares

Li Xiuzhi                                            405,400 denominated                405,400
                                                             ordinary shares

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

#He Guixian                                                   264,800 denominated                   264,800
                                                                       ordinary shares

Ni Birong                                                     231,199 denominated                   231,199
                                                                       ordinary shares

ICBC       - China
Universal Private                                                      RMB-
Enterprise Vitality                                           218,066 denominated                   218,066
Hybrid Securities                                                      ordinary shares
Investment Fund

Relationship      or
acting in concert

the     top      10
shareholders      of
unrestricted           DRCO is not aware of any connected relationship among the aforesaid top 10

tradable shares, shareholders of unrestricted shares, or between the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted
and between the shares and the top 10 shareholders, nor is DRCO aware of any parties acting in
top          10 concert.
shareholders      of
tradable      shares
and the top 10

Description       of
                       Among the top 10 shareholders without trading limited condition, Wang Hongming holds
                       4,700 shares through a general securities account and 423,555 shares through a
involved in margin
                       customer credit transaction guarantee securities account with Huatai Securities,
financing       and
                       altogether 428,255 shares; He Guixian holds 0 shares through a general securities
securities lending
                       account and 264,800 shares through a customer credit transaction guarantee securities
(if any) (see Note
                       account with CITIC Securities, altogether 264,800 shares.

Share lending through margin financing among the top 10 shareholders

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: share

                                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Share lending through margin financing among the top 10 shareholders

              Beginning number of Beginning number of Ending                          number         of Ending        number     of
              shares         in      general shares      lent   through shares        in      general shares      lent      through
Sharehold account            and       credit margin financing and account            and       credit margin financing and
er    (full account                           not returned                 account                      not returned
              Total               % of total Total           % of total Total              % of total Total            % of total
              shares              equity      shares         equity        shares          equity       shares         equity

No.       1
Investmen 2,401,735.                          165,000.0                     2,566,735.
                                      0.60%                      0.04%                         0.64%           0.00          0.00%
t                       00                               0                           00
p (Limited

Changes of the top 10 shareholders from the previous period

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                         Unit: share

Changes of the top 10 shareholders from the previous period

                                                                                           Ending    number      of    shares    in
                                              Ending number of shares lent
                                                                                           general     account        and    credit
                                              through margin financing and not
Shareholder (full New/exit in the                                                          account, and shares lent through
name)                 reporting period                                                     margin financing and not returned

                                              Total shares            % of total equity Total shares           % of total equity

Bank of China-
Advantage             Exit                                      0               0.00%                     01                 0.00%

Choice Flexible

                                  2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Investment Fund

Bank - Hwabao
Ecological China Exit         0       0.00%                02          0.00%
Investment Fund

China AMC -
National      Social
                       Exit   0       0.00%                03          0.00%
Security      Fund
Portfolio 422

Aeon       Life   -
                       Exit   0       0.00%                04          0.00%

Bank of China-
Guotai Zhiyuan
                       Exit   0       0.00%                05          0.00%
Investment Fund

Bank - Hwabao
Event        Driven Exit      0       0.00%                06          0.00%
Investment Fund

Cigna & CMB
Life Insurance - Exit        0       0.00%                07          0.00%

Bank              of Exit     0       0.00%                08          0.00%

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

-         Zhonghai
Investment Fund

Li Rongjun              New                         0             0.00%           637,500              0.16%

Hong          Kong
                        New                         0             0.00%           587,828              0.15%
Company Ltd.

Bank of China-
GF            China
Pension Industry New                                0             0.00%           482,784              0.12%
Index       Initiated
Investment Fund

Wang Hongming New                                   0             0.00%           428,255              0.11%

Li Xiuzhi               New                         0             0.00%           405,400              0.10%

He Guixian              New                         0             0.00%           264,800              0.07%

Ni Birong               New                         0             0.00%           231,199              0.06%

ICBC - China
Enterprise              New                         0             0.00%           218,066              0.05%
Vitality     Hybrid
Investment Fund

Note 1: DRCO does not have the data because the “Bank of China-Guotai Jiangyuan Advantage Choice
Flexible Configuration Hybrid Securities Investment Fund” is not on the list of the top 200 shareholders as at
the end of the reporting period issued by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation.

Note 2: DRCO does not have the data because the “China Construction Bank-Hwabao Ecological China

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Hybrid Securities Investment Fund” is not on the list of the top 200 shareholders as at the end of the
reporting period issued by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation.

Note 3: DRCO does not have the data because the “China AMC - National Social Security Fund Portfolio
422”is not on the list of the top 200 shareholders as at the end of the reporting period issued by China
Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation.

Note 4: DRCO does not have the data because the “Aeon Life-Traditional Insurance Product” is not on the
list of the top 200 shareholders as at the end of the reporting period issued by China Securities Depository
and Clearing Corporation.

Note 5: DRCO does not have the data because the “Bank of China - Guotai Zhiyuan Advantage Hybrid
Securities Investment Fund” is not on the list of the top 200 shareholders as at the end of the reporting
period issued by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation.

Note 6: DRCO does not have the data because the “China Construction Bank-Hwabao Event Driven Hybrid
Securities Investment Fund” is not on the list of the top 200 shareholders as at the end of the reporting
period issued by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation.

Note 7: DRCO does not have the data because the “Cigna & CMB Life Insurance-Traditional” is not on the
list of the top 200 shareholders as at the end of the reporting period issued by China Securities Depository
and Clearing Corporation.

Note 8: DRCO does not have the data because the “Bank of Communications-Zhonghai Advantage Growth
Securities Investment Fund” is not on the list of the top 200 shareholders as at the end of the reporting
period issued by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation.

Does DRCO have weighted voting right arrangement

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Whether DRCO's top 10 holders of ordinary shares and top 10 holders of unrestricted ordinary shares
engaged in any repurchase agreement-based transaction during the reporting period.

□ Yes  No

DRCO's top 10 holders of ordinary shares and top 10 holders of unrestricted ordinary shares did not engage
in any repurchase agreement-based transaction during the reporting period.

2. Controlling shareholders of DRCO

Nature of controlling shareholder: natural person

Type of controlling shareholder: legal person

Name of controlling                         Date              of
                      representative/pers                          Organization code   Main business
shareholder                                 establishment
                      on in charge of the

                                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited


                                                                                                General           items:
                                                                                                investment activities
                                                                                                with   own    funds;
DR        Investment                                November 24,              9144030035876522 consulting services
                            Zhang Guotao
(Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.                                  2015                      74                (excluding licensing
                                                                                                consulting services);
                                                                                                marketing planning;
                                                                                                corporate     image
                                                                                                planning;          non-
                                                                                                residential         real
                                                                                                estate leasing.

Shareholdings          of
other domestic and
foreign           listed
controlled            and Not applicable。
participated     in    by
the          controlling
shareholders during
the reporting period

Changes in the controlling shareholder during the reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

here was no change in the controlling shareholder of DRCO during the reporting period.

3. DRCO's actual controller and its parties acting in concert

Nature of actual controller: domestic natural person

Type of actual controller: natural person

                                                                                           Whether     possess      the
                                     Relationship with actual
Name of actual controller                                       Nationality                right of abode in other
                                                                                           countries or regions

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Zhang Guotao                      Himself                  China                    No

Lu Yiwen                          Herself                  China                    No

Main       occupation      and Zhang Guotao is the chairman of DRCO, and Lu Yiwen is a director and the
position                          general manager (president) of DRCO.

Domestic      and       foreign
listed     companies      held Not applicable。
during the past 10 years

Change in actual controllers during the reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There was no change in the actual controller of DRCO during the reporting period.

Ownership and controlling relationship between DRCO and controlling shareholder

张国涛                                                     Zhang Guotao

卢依雯                                                     Lu Yiwen

                                                           Shenzhen Qianhai Wendi Management Consulting
                                                           Co., Ltd.

迪阿投资(珠海) 有限公司                                    DR Investment (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                      Gongqingcheng        Wendi         No.1   Investment
                                                      Management Partnership (LP)

                                                      Gongqingcheng        Wendi         No.2   Investment
                                                      Management Partnership (LP)

                                                      Gongqingcheng Wendi No.3 Investment
                                                      Management Partnership (LP)

迪阿股份有限公司                                      DR Corporation Limited

                                                      Note: The controlling relationship as of December 31,
注: 上图为截止 2023 年 12 月 31 日的控制关系图

The actual controller controls DRCO through trust or other asset management means

□ Applicable  Not applicable

4. The cumulative shares pledged by the controlling shareholder or the largest shareholder of DRCO
and its parties acting in concert accounts for 80% of the shareholdings they hold in DRCO

□ Applicable  Not applicable

5. Other legal-person shareholders holding more than 10% of DRCO’s shares

□ Applicable  Not applicable

6. Reduction of restricted shares by controlling shareholders, actual controllers, restructuring
parties and other commitment entities

□ Applicable  Not applicable

IV. Implementation of Share Repurchase during Reporting Period

Progress of the share repurchases

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Progress of the reduction of share repurchased shares by means of call auction trading

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                Part VIII. Information about Preferred Shares

□ Applicable  Not applicable

There are no preferred shares during the reporting period.

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                           Part X     Financial Report

    I. Auditor’s report

Auditor’s opinion                                        Unqualified opinion
Date of signing                                           April 25,2024
Auditor                                                   Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP
                                                          Ernst & Young Hua Ming (2024) Shen Zi No.
Report document number
Chinese Certified Public Accountant                       Li Jianguang, Chen Huijin

                                            Auditor’s Report (Body)

     To the board of directors of DR Corporation Limited

    (I)    Opinion

     We have audited the financial statements of DR Corporation Limited (the “Company”), which comprise t
     he consolidated and company balance sheets as at 31 December 2023, and the consolidated and comp
     any income statements, the consolidated and company statements of changes in equity and the consoli
     dated and company statements of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statem

     In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consoli
     dated and the Company’s financial position as at 31 December 2023, and the consolidated and the Co
     mpany’s financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Accounting S
     tandards for Business Enterprises (“ASBEs”).

    (II)   Basis for opinion

     We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing (“CSAs”). Our responsibilities
     under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial
     statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with China Code o
     f Ethics for Certified Public Accountants (the “Code”), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibiliti
     es in accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and a
     ppropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

    (III) Key audit matters

     Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our
     audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of o

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

ur audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provid
e a separate opinion on these matters. For each matter below, our description of how our audit address
ed the matter is provided in that context.

We have fulfilled the responsibilities described in the “Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financi
al statements” section of our report, including in relation to these matters. Accordingly, our audit include
d the performance of procedures designed to respond to our assessment of the risks of material misstat
ement of the financial statements. The results of our audit procedures, including the procedures perform
ed to address the matters below, provide the basis for our audit opinion on the accompanying financial s

Key audit matters:                                            How our audit addressed the matters:
Revenue recognition
For the year ended 31 December 2023, the conso           Our procedures in relation to revenue recognition
lidated revenue of DR Corporation Limited and its        mainly included:
subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as
the "Group") was RMB2.18 billion.                        1) Obtaining an understanding of the accounting p
                                                         olicies of revenue recognition and reviewing main s
The Group's current business model mainly includ         ales contract terms to assess the appropriateness
es: retail directly to the end consumers through off     of revenue recognition policies;
line direct-operated stores, e-commerce platforms
and offline joint-operated stores. And the Group re      2) Obtaining an understanding of and evaluating th
cognized revenue when the end customers receiv           e internal control of transaction process of revenue
ed goods.                                                 recognition, and testing the operation effectivenes
                                                         s of relevant control within the reporting period;
The total amount of revenue as a KPI is material t
o the financial statements as a whole and there is       3) Performing tests of details and reviewing custo
a huge volume of scattered revenue transactions.         mers’ orders, receipt records, express delivery rec
And there is an inherent risk that management ma         ords, bank slips and invoices, etc.;
y manipulate revenue to achieve specific purpose.
 Therefore, revenue recognition is identified as a k     4) Performing confirmation procedures for receivab
ey audit matter.                                         les;

For further disclosure, refer to Note V.26 Revenue       5) Obtaining an understanding of the settlement m
and Note VII..34 Revenue and costs of sales.             ethod between the Company and customers, inspe
                                                         cting the correspondence between cash receipts a
                                                         nd accounts receivable or contract liabilities, and a
                                                         greeing to the bank statements;

                                                         6) Performing revenue cut-off procedures, inspecti
                                                         ng the outbound bills and express delivery records
                                                         for one month before or after the balance sheet dat
                                                         e and agreeing with the vouchers, and checking w
                                                         hether they belonged to the same accounting perio

                                                         7) Performing analytical review procedures for reve
                                                         nue, including analysis of monthly revenue trend a
                                                         nd analysis of revenue trends for different types of
                                                         products, etc.

                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Key audit matters:                                         How our audit addressed the matters:
Existence of inventory and valuation of net realizable value
As at 31 December 2023, the outstanding balance            Our procedures in relation to existence of inve
 of the Group's inventory was RMB537 million (net          ntory and valuation of net realizable value mai
 of provision for decline in value of inventories of       nly included:
RMB10.24 million).
                                                           1) Obtaining an understanding of and evaluati
At the balance sheet date, inventories are stated a        ng internal control relating to inventory procur
t the lower of cost and net realizable value. The in       ement, stocktake and provision for decline in v
ventories are written down below cost to net realiz        alue of inventories, and testing the operation e
able value and the write-down is recognized in pro         ffectiveness of relevant control within the repo
fit or loss if the cost is higher than the net realizabl   rting period;
e value. Net realizable value is the estimated selli
ng price in the ordinary course of business less th        2) Attending the annual physical inventory cou
e estimated costs of completion, the estimated co          nt, inspecting the Company's physical inventor
sts necessary to make the sale and relevant taxe           y count plan and observing whether the plan
s, which involves significant management estimati          was implemented properly;
on. Furthermore, the unit price of inventory is high
and there is a higher inherent risk of easy theft an       3) Performing stocktaking procedures on a sa
d difficult to distinguish authenticity. Therefore, the    mple basis, checking the quantity and weight
 existence of inventory and valuation of net realiza       of the inventories, inspecting the certificates of
ble value is regarded as a key audit matter.                the inventories and verifying the certificate nu
                                                           mber on the website of the appraisal organizat
Further disclosure refers to Note V.14 Inventories,        ion;
 Note V.30 Other significant accounting policies a
nd accounting estimates and Note VII.6 Inventorie          4) Comparing the estimated selling price used
s.                                                          in the net realizable value with the recent pric
                                                           e in the market, comparing estimated selling e
                                                           xpenses and related taxes with the actual selli
                                                           ng expenses and taxes to assess the appropri

                                                            5) Retrospectively comparing provision for writ
                                                            e-down of inventories in prior year and its mov
                                                            ements in current year, and obtaining the list o
                                                            f defective and obsolete products to evaluate t
                                                            he sufficiency of the provision.

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Key audit matters:                                           How our audit addressed the matters:
Provision for impairment losses of stores’ asset groups
The asset groups of the Group’s stores mainly incl          Our procedures in relation to provision for imp
ude long-term assets such as long-term prepaid e             airment of stores’ asset groups mainly include
xpenses and right-of-use assets. As at 31 Decem              d:
ber 2023, the total carrying amount of the above a
ssets was RMB239 million, including RMB89.90 m               1) Obtaining an understanding of and evaluati
illion of provision for impairment made for stores’ a       ng internal control relating to impairment testin
sset groups whose recoverable amount was lower               g of stores’ asset groups;
 than their carrying amount.
                                                             2) Discussing with management the basis for
As stores’ asset groups are significant to these fin        determining indicators of impairment of stores’
ancial statements as a whole, and the provision fo           asset groups, and evaluating whether manag
r impairment of stores’ asset groups involves signi         ement’s judgment on indicators of impairment
ficant management judgments and estimates, we                of stores’ asset groups was reasonable;
consider the provision for impairment of stores’ as
set groups made by DR Corporation Limited as a               3) Communicating with management and inter
key audit matter.                                            nal valuation experts to evaluate key paramet
                                                             ers of valuation; evaluating, with the assistanc
For further disclosure, refer to Note V.20 Impairme          e of internal valuation experts, the reasonable
nt of long-term assets, Note V.21 Long-term prepai           ness of methods, assumptions and estimates
d expenses, Note V.29 Leases, Note V.30 Other si             used to discount expected future cash flows of
gnificant accounting policies and accounting estim           the asset groups based on ASBE requiremen
ates, Note VII.11 Right-of-use assets and Note VII.          ts;
13 Long-term prepaid expenses.
                                                             4) Evaluating whether disclosures related to i
                                                             mpairment of stores’ asset groups in these fin
                                                             ancial statements met ASBE requirements.

                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

(IV) Other information

The management of the Company is responsible for other information. The other information comprises
the information included in the Annual Report, other than the consolidated financial statements and our
auditor's report thereon.

Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we do no
t express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information
 and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the consolidated
financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially missta

If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this othe
r information, we are required to report the fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

(V) Responsibilities of the management and those charged with governance for the financial stat

The management of the Company is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financia
l statements in accordance with ASBEs, and for designing, implementing and maintaining such internal
control as the management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements th
at are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company’s abilit
y to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using t
he going concern basis of accounting, unless the management either intends to liquidate the Company
or to cease operations or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting proce

(VI) Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole ar
e free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that inc
ludes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an au

                                                          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

dit conducted in accordance with CSAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Missta
tements can arise from fraud or error and are generally considered material if, individually or in the aggr
egate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the ba
sis of these financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with CSAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professi
onal scepticism throughout the audit. We also:

(1)   Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fr
 aud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence
  that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material
 misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collu
 sion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

(2)   Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures
 that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effec
 tiveness of internal control.

(3)   Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting es
 timates and related disclosures made by the management.

(4)   Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of accountin
 g and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or
  conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If
 we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report
 to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify o
 ur opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s re
 port. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going co

(5)   Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the di
 sclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a
 manner that achieves fair presentation.

(6)   Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or bus
 iness activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are responsi
 ble for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for
 our audit opinion.

                                                          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned sco
 pe and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal
 control that we identify during our audit.

 We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant e
 thical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other
 matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related saf

 From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that
 were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current year and are therefore th
 e key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor's report unless law or regulation precludes
  public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matte
 r should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reas
 onably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

 Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP                                         Chinese Certified Public Accountant:

                                                                                 Li Jianguang

                                                                             (Engagement Partner)

                                                                    Chinese Certified Public Accountant:

                                                                                  Chen Huijin

Beijing, the People’s Republic of China                                         25 April 2024

                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

    II. Financial statements

The notes to financial statements are expressed in Renminbi Yuan.

    1. Consolidated balance sheet

Preparer: DR Corporation Limited
                                           31 December 2023
                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan
             Account                      31 December 2023                 31 December 2022
Current assets:
 Currency funds                                     227,854,223.17                  521,904,818.30
 Financial assets held for tradin
                                                  4,841,946,705.07                 5,609,891,931.68
 Accounts receivable                                 83,147,399.06                   84,478,911.52
 Prepayments                                         34,724,152.09                   74,226,434.15
 Other receivables                                     5,614,656.53                    8,184,551.61
 Inventories                                        526,939,044.37                  669,886,638.00
 Current portion of non-current a
                                                    446,602,964.10                  106,967,867.16
 Other current assets                               131,984,050.79                   73,454,925.61
 Total current assets                             6,298,813,195.18                 7,148,996,078.03
 Non-current assets:
 Debt investments                                   891,976,307.01                  794,553,996.36
 Fixed assets                                        12,617,322.42                   14,068,805.09
 Right-of-use assets                                208,971,654.66                  590,506,167.36
 Intangible assets                                     6,608,420.04                    4,262,597.76
 Long-term prepaid expenses                          50,207,871.43                  169,750,383.92
 Deferred tax assets                                 15,293,850.94                     8,191,216.36
 Other non-current assets                            45,593,685.77                   85,419,135.39
 Total non-current assets                         1,231,269,112.27                 1,666,752,302.24
 Total assets                                     7,530,082,307.45                 8,815,748,380.27
 Current liabilities:
 Short-term borrowings                              389,995,277.14                  433,993,449.44
 Trading financial liabilities                       62,813,557.52                                -
 Notes payable                                       47,986,785.70                  466,527,730.97
 Accounts payable                                    28,164,899.34                   86,880,869.77
 Contract liabilities                               109,633,363.46                  126,705,661.82
 Employee benefits payable                           52,933,070.66                   68,736,988.33
 Taxes payable                                       18,207,805.96                   59,885,139.66
 Other payables                                      44,381,542.05                  102,563,944.81
 Current portion of non-current li
                                                    195,515,150.71                  351,516,900.54
 Other current liabilities                           11,288,478.87                   13,670,511.44
 Total current liabilities                          960,919,931.41                 1,710,481,196.78

                                                          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Non-current liabilities:
Lease liabilities                                     67,781,149.67                     276,542,164.23
Provisions                                            14,103,391.00                      16,925,816.91
  Deferred tax liabilities                            14,639,993.41                       8,752,998.39
  Total non-current liabilities                       96,524,534.08                     302,220,979.53
  Total liabilities                                1,057,444,465.49                   2,012,702,176.31
  Share capital                                      400,010,000.00                     400,010,000.00
  Capital reserves                                 4,459,965,139.16                   4,459,777,716.81
  Accumulated other comprehen
                                                        4,449,901.25                      3,993,254.00
   sive income
  Surplus reserves                                   200,005,000.00                     200,005,000.00
  Retained earnings                                1,408,207,801.55                   1,739,260,233.15
  Total equity attributable to shar
                                                   6,472,637,841.96                   6,803,046,203.96
  eholders of the parent
  Total shareholders’ equity                      6,472,637,841.96                   6,803,046,203.96
  Total liabilities and shareholder
                                                   7,530,082,307.45                   8,815,748,380.27
  s’ equity
Legal representative: Zhang Guotao    Financial controller: Huang Shuirong   Accounting supervisor: Ou Zh

                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

     2. Parent company's balance sheet

                                                                          Currency: Renminbi Yuan
               Account                   31 December 2023               31 December 2022
Current assets:
  Currency funds                                  195,314,775.95                 219,622,694.30
  Financial assets held for tradin
                                                4,636,980,087.44                5,223,419,915.33
  Accounts receivable                             107,234,146.13                  84,598,028.47
  Prepayments                                      28,159,458.09                  66,437,718.07
  Other receivables                               224,498,084.63                 270,167,536.46
     Including: Dividends receivab
                                                   96,000,000.00                 131,000,000.00
  Inventories                                     517,950,509.71                 668,791,848.75
  Current portion of non-current a
                                                  347,035,401.68                 105,561,584.41
  Other current assets                             68,496,153.02                  47,317,542.08
Total current assets                            6,125,668,616.65                6,685,916,867.87
Non-current assets:
  Debt investments                                787,775,721.47                 650,014,736.30
  Long-term equity investments                    201,935,477.77                 207,935,477.77
  Fixed assets                                      7,674,038.14                  10,265,370.22
  Right-of-use assets                             176,707,741.44                 535,960,869.57
  Intangible assets                                  351,782.75                      829,361.80
  Long-term prepaid expenses                       45,849,747.57                 163,000,773.79
  Deferred tax assets                              12,146,753.43                    5,365,472.60
  Other non-current assets                         42,891,321.87                  81,537,896.29
Total non-current assets                        1,275,332,584.44                1,654,909,958.34
Total assets                                    7,401,001,201.09                8,340,826,826.21
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                            60,000,000.00                               -
  Trading financial liabilities                    62,813,557.52                               -
  Notes payable                                   359,262,543.58                 857,478,959.01
  Accounts payable                                106,655,119.15                 273,460,934.14
  Contract liabilities                            100,572,333.72                 122,481,130.76
  Employee benefits payable                        36,167,620.75                  54,833,838.35
  Taxes payable                                    14,344,956.11                  18,231,870.82
  Other payables                                  192,424,646.39                 102,895,296.16
  Current portion of non-current li
                                                  173,309,407.81                 311,609,516.04
  Other current liabilities                        10,288,264.17                  13,211,410.16
Total current liabilities                       1,115,838,449.20                1,754,202,955.44

                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Non-current liabilities:
  Lease liabilities                      52,972,065.86                  255,560,231.06
  Provisions                             13,919,541.00                   16,816,666.91
  Deferred tax liabilities               12,146,753.43                     8,396,162.20
Total non-current liabilities            79,038,360.29                  280,773,060.17
Total liabilities                      1,194,876,809.49                2,034,976,015.61
  Share capital                         400,010,000.00                  400,010,000.00
  Capital reserves                     4,459,965,366.83                4,459,777,944.48
  Surplus reserves                      200,005,000.00                  200,005,000.00
  Retained earnings                    1,146,144,024.77                1,246,057,866.12
Total shareholders’ equity            6,206,124,391.60                6,305,850,810.60
Total liabilities and shareholders’
                                       7,401,001,201.09                8,340,826,826.21

                                                  2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

    3. Consolidated income statement

                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
              Account                    2023                             2022
I. Total Revenue                          2,180,277,744.00                  3,681,574,412.68
        Including: Revenue                2,180,277,744.00                  3,681,574,412.68
II. Total Costs                           2,228,826,160.48                  2,939,356,663.12
        Including: Cost of sales           679,553,257.88                   1,112,272,466.29
             Taxes and surcharge
                                           121,030,304.52                    201,359,894.62
             Selling expenses             1,228,761,165.59                  1,422,037,537.50
             Administrative expens
                                           151,996,111.88                    164,205,877.87
             Research and develo
                                            21,715,215.75                     17,944,132.37
              pment expenses
             Finance expenses               25,770,104.86                     21,536,754.47
              Including: Interest e
                           xpense           22,148,238.97                     23,830,354.96
                         Interest inc
                                                8,288,198.44                  21,912,750.27
        Add: Other income                   26,746,998.56                     39,777,673.00
        Investment income (loss is
          expressed with negative          201,459,628.10                     89,003,045.62
            Fair value gains (loss
     is expressed with negative v           31,151,566.30                     39,294,362.36
            Credit impairment los
    ses (loss is expressed with n           (7,519,950.73)                       1,793,479.08
    egative value)
           Impairment losses of
    assets (loss is expressed wit         (105,342,656.15)                   (28,420,774.69)
    h negative value)
           Gains on disposal of
    assets (loss is expressed wit           19,708,867.36                        1,244,949.25
    h negative value)
III. Operating profit (loss is expres
                                           117,656,036.96                    884,910,484.18
sed with negative value)
        Add: Non-operating incom
                                                2,881,923.18                     1,237,090.46
      Less: Non-operating expen
                                                7,709,541.48                      768,433.58
IV. Profit before tax (total loss is e
                                           112,828,418.66                    885,379,141.06
xpressed with negative value)
       Less: Income tax expense
                                            43,870,850.26                    156,137,194.39
V. Profit (net loss is expressed wi
                                            68,957,568.40                    729,241,946.67
th negative value)

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

         1. Classified by continuity
      of operation
            (1) Profit from continuing
       operations (net loss is expre                       68,957,568.40                     729,241,946.67
      ssed with negative value)
            (2) Profit from discontinu
      ed operations (net loss is exp                                     -                                 -
      ressed with negative value)
         2. Classified by ownership
            (1) Profit attributable to s
      hareholders of the parent co                         68,957,568.40                     729,241,946.67
            (2) Loss attributable to n
                                                                         -                                 -
      on-controlling interests
VI. Other comprehensive income/
                                                              456,647.25                       6,687,238.92
(loss), net of tax
         Other comprehensive inco
      me/(loss), net of tax attributa                         456,647.25                       6,687,238.92
      ble to owners of the parent
       Other comprehensive incom
      e that may be reclassified to                           456,647.25                       6,687,238.92
      profit or loss
      Exchange differences on tran
      slation of foreign currency fin                         456,647.25                       6,687,238.92
      ancial statements
VII. Total comprehensive income                            69,414,215.65                     735,929,185.59
         Total comprehensive inco
      me attributable to owners of t                       69,414,215.65                     735,929,185.59
      he parent company
         Total comprehensive inco
      me attributable to non-control                                     -                                 -
      ling interests
VIII. Earnings per share
         1. Basic earnings per shar
                                                                     0.17                              1.82
         2. Diluted earnings per sha
                                                                     0.17                              1.82
Legal representative: Zhang Guotao         Financial controller: Huang Shuirong   Accounting supervisor: Ou Zh

                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

       4. Parent company's income statement

                                                                           Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Account                       2023                             2022
 I. Revenue                                    2,010,592,757.73                  3,534,932,354.30
  Less: Cost of sales                           665,347,541.25                   1,092,567,667.81
         Taxes and surcharges                   108,051,410.12                    194,895,366.29
         Selling expenses                      1,131,004,661.01                  1,515,688,864.56
         Administrative expenses                390,460,699.86                    624,911,561.61
        Research and developme
                                                             0.00                       71,920.44
nt expenses
         Finance expenses                        17,217,940.04                     17,360,792.79
            Including: Interest expe
                                                 14,229,104.56                     19,305,582.75
                         Interest inco
                                                     6,827,374.58                  19,773,708.70
  Add: Other income                                  9,632,263.68                  22,208,183.65
      Investment income (loss is
                                                653,594,748.45                    560,828,577.30
expressed with negative value)
       Fair value gains (loss is ex
                                                 29,656,965.02                     40,995,261.08
pressed with negative value)
        Credit impairment losses (l
oss is expressed with negative val               (7,385,315.73)                       1,836,341.83
         Impairment losses of asset
s (loss is expressed with negative             (100,643,050.35)                   (28,017,790.85)
         Gains on disposal of asset
s (loss is expressed with negative               18,585,721.49                        1,276,888.55
II. Operating profit (loss is express
                                                301,951,838.01                    688,563,642.36
ed with negative value)
  Add: Non-operating income                          1,837,867.01                     1,150,898.78
  Less: Non-operating expenses                       6,706,248.93                      627,988.18
III. Profit before tax (total loss is ex
                                                297,083,456.09                    689,086,552.96
pressed with negative value)
   Less: Income tax expenses                     (3,012,702.56)                    54,932,406.16
IV. Profit (net loss is expressed wit
                                                300,096,158.65                    634,154,146.80
h negative value)
   Profit from continuing operations
 (net loss is expressed with negativ            300,096,158.65                    634,154,146.80
e value)
  VI. Total comprehensive income                300,096,158.65                    634,154,146.80

                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

    5. Consolidated statement of cash flows

                                                                         Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Account                       2023                           2022
         Cash receipts from the sal
      e of goods and the rendering             2,278,366,294.04                3,968,278,134.60
       of services
         Receipts of taxes and surc
                                                 31,218,358.13                   16,421,754.59
      harges refunds
         Other cash receipts relatin
                                                 54,391,172.84                   62,655,254.90
      g to operating activities
Total cash inflows from operating
                                               2,363,975,825.01                4,047,355,144.09
         Cash payments for goods
                                               1,006,024,236.82                1,406,475,658.87
      and services
         Cash payments to and on
                                                558,894,605.16                  573,104,253.10
      behalf of employees
         Payments of all types of ta
                                                350,767,441.44                  621,952,499.15
      xes and surcharges
         Other cash payments relati
                                               411,324,033.78                   627,811,620.73
      ng to operating activities
Total cash outflows from operatin
                                               2,327,010,317.20                3,229,344,031.85
g activities
Net cash flows from operating act
                                                 36,965,507.81                  818,011,112.24
         Cash receipts from returns
                                               8,403,748,941.31                5,328,462,790.68
       of investments
         Cash receipts from returns
                                                171,066,968.49                   83,386,608.45
       on investments
         Net cash receipts from dis
      posal of fixed assets, intangi
                                                     120,350.52                     282,732.40
      ble assets and other long-ter
      m assets
Total cash inflows from investing
                                               8,574,936,260.32                5,412,132,131.53
         Cash payments to acquire
      fixed assets, intangible asset             77,196,087.26                  155,426,398.41
      s and other long-term assets
         Cash payments for invest
                                               8,043,851,820.32                9,569,751,822.21
Total cash outflows from investin
                                               8,121,047,907.58                9,725,178,220.62
g activities
Net cash flows from investing acti
                                                453,888,352.74               (4,313,046,089.09)
         Cash proceeds from invest
                                                           0.00                            0.00
      ments by others
         Cash receipts from borrowi
                                                517,721,409.20                  525,418,991.66
         Other cash receipts relatin
                                                 15,612,044.41                   10,700,723.00
      g to financing activities

                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Total cash inflows from financing
                                         533,333,453.61                  536,119,714.66
        Cash repayments for debts        559,721,849.22                   94,320,809.11
        Cash payments for distribu
     tion of dividends or profit and     408,807,640.15                  800,397,477.89
      interest expenses
        Including: Payments for dis
     tribution of dividends or profit
     s to non-controlling sharehol
     ders of subsidiaries
        Other cash payments relati
                                         350,995,774.08                  371,403,624.18
     ng to financing activities
Total cash outflows from financin
                                        1,319,525,263.45                1,266,121,911.18
g activities
Net cash flows from financing acti
                                        (786,191,809.84)                (730,002,196.52)
TE CHANGES ON CASH AND C                     676,529.63                     5,151,750.54
                                        (294,661,419.66)              (4,219,885,422.83)
        Add: Cash and cash equiv
                                         521,625,030.62                 4,741,510,453.45
     alents at beginning of period
                                         226,963,610.96                  521,625,030.62

                                                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

    6. Parent company's statement of cash flows

                                                                            Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Account                      2023                               2022
         Cash receipts from the sal
      e of goods and the rendering                2,347,244,990.19                3,991,469,167.77
       of services
         Receipts of taxes and surc
                                                    22,840,647.61                       56,556.06
      harges refunds
         Other cash receipts relatin
                                                   399,867,497.80                  265,606,344.91
      g to operating activities
Total cash inflows from operating
                                                  2,769,953,135.60                4,257,132,068.74
         Cash payments for goods
                                                  1,011,624,072.25                1,495,604,940.61
      and services
         Cash payments to and on
                                                   459,678,315.90                  484,718,641.12
      behalf of employees
         Payments of all types of ta
                                                   222,211,813.20                  474,368,886.96
      xes and surcharges
         Other cash payments relati
                                                  1,323,785,442.55                1,405,354,651.27
      ng to operating activities
Total cash outflows from operatin
                                                  3,017,299,643.90                3,860,047,119.96
g activities
Net cash flows from operating act
                                                  (247,346,508.30)                 397,084,948.78
         Cash receipts from returns
                                                  7,877,941,603.71                4,888,931,144.07
       of investments
         Cash receipts from returns
                                                   665,199,284.52                  622,149,442.68
       on investments
         Net cash receipts from dis
      posal of fixed assets, intangi
                                                       120,350.52                      282,732.40
      ble assets and other long-ter
      m assets
         Net cash receipts from dis
      posal of subsidiaries and oth                 14,008,195.97                             0.00
      er business units
         Other cash receipts relatin
                                                              0.00                            0.00
      g to investing activities
Total cash inflows from investing
                                                  8,557,269,434.72                5,511,363,319.15
         Cash payments to acquire
      fixed assets, intangible asset                72,009,896.77                  150,904,158.20
      s and other long-term assets
         Cash payments for invest
                                                  7,631,186,071.23                9,041,789,749.98
         Net cash payments for acq
      uisition of subsidiaries and ot                         0.00                            0.00
      her business units
         Other cash payments relati
                                                              0.00                            0.00
      ng to investing activities
Total cash outflows from investin
                                                  7,703,195,968.00                9,192,693,908.18
g activities
Net cash flows from investing acti                 854,073,466.72               (3,681,330,589.03)

                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

         Cash proceeds from invest
                                                   0.00                             0.00
      ments by others
         Cash receipts from borrowi
                                          60,000,000.00                             0.00
         Other cash receipts relatin
                                          15,195,224.09                   10,700,723.00
      g to financing activities
Total cash inflows from financing
                                          75,195,224.09                   10,700,723.00
         Cash repayments for debts                 0.00                             0.00
         Cash payments for distribu
      tion of dividends or profit and    400,122,500.00                  800,020,000.00
       interest expenses
         Other cash payments relati
                                         306,542,100.91                  350,987,128.44
      ng to financing activities
Total cash outflows from financin
                                         706,664,600.91                 1,151,007,128.44
g activities
Net cash flows from financing acti
                                        (631,469,376.82)              (1,140,306,405.44)
TE CHANGES ON CASH AND C                           0.00                             0.00
                                         (24,742,418.40)              (4,424,552,045.69)
         Add: Cash and cash equiv
                                         219,342,906.62                 4,643,894,952.31
      alents at beginning of period
                                         194,600,488.22                  219,342,906.62

                                                                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

     7. Consolidated statement of changes in equity

For the current period
                                                                                                                                  Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                             Attributable to shareholders of the Company                                        Minorit   Total sharehol
                      Share capital       Capital reserv Other comprehen Surplus rese       Retained earni     Subtotal         y inter   ders’ equity
                                          es                sive income         rve         ngs                                 ests
I. Balance at the
 end of the prior
year and the be       400,010,000.0       4,459,777,716.                     200,005,000.   1,739,260,233.     6,803,046,203.             6,803,046,203.
ginning of year                   0                   81      3,993,254.00             00               15                 96         -               96
II. Changes for t
he year
1. Total compre
hensive income                        -                -        456,647.25              -    68,957,568.40      69,414,215.65         -    69,414,215.65
2. Owners’ contr
ibutions and red
uction in capital
Amount of share
-based payment
s recognized in
equity                                -      187,422.35                  -              -                -         187,422.35         -       187,422.35
3. Profit distribut
Appropriation to
surplus reserve                       -                -                 -              -                -                  -         -                -
Distribution to s                                                                           (400,010,000.0     (400,010,000.0             (400,010,000.0
hareholders                       -                    -                 -              -               0)                 0)                         0)
III. Balance at e     400,010,000.0       4,459,965,139.                     200,005,000.   1,408,207,801.     6,472,637,841.             6,472,637,841.
nd of year                        0                   16      4,449,901.25             00               55                 96                         96

                                                                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

For the prior period
                                                                                                                               Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                       Attributable to shareholders of the Company                                          Minorit   Total sharehol
                    Share capital   Capital reserve Other compreh Surplus reser        Retained earni    Subtotal           y inter   ders’ equity
                                    s                 ensive income     ve             ngs                                  ests
I. Balance at th
e end of the pri
or year and th
e beginning of       400,010,000.    4,459,216,399.                     179,210,032.    1,830,833,254.     6,866,575,701.              6,866,575,701.
year                          00                61    (2,693,984.92)             06                42                 17                          17
II. Changes for
 the year
1. Total compr
ehensive inco                                                                          729,241,946.67     735,929,185.59              735,929,185.59
me                             -                -      6,687,238.92              -                                              -
2. Owners’ con
tributions and r
eduction in ca
Amount of sha
re-based paym
ents recognize
d in equity                    -        561,317.20                -              -                 -          561,317.20        -         561,317.20
3. Profit distrib
Appropriation t
o surplus reser                                                         20,794,967.9   (20,794,967.94)
ve                             -                -                 -               4                                   -         -                 -
Distribution to                                                                         (800,020,000.0     (800,020,000.0              (800,020,000.0
shareholders                  -                 -                 -              -                 0)                 0)                          0)
III. Balance at     400,010,000.0   4,459,777,716.8                    200,005,000.0   1,739,260,233.1    6,803,046,203.9             6,803,046,203.9
end of year                     0                 1    3,993,254.00               0                 5                  6      0.00                  6

                                                                                                   2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

    8. Parent company's statement of changes in equity

For the current period
                                                                                                                         Currency: Renminbi Yuan

                                                                                                                             Total shareholders’
                            Share capital           Capital reserves       Surplus reserve           Retained earnings
I. Balance at the end of
 the prior year and the
beginning of year            400,010,000.00           4,459,777,944.48            200,005,000.00         1,246,057,866.12        6,305,850,810.60
II. Changes for the year
1. Total comprehensive
 income                                     -                      -                           -          300,096,158.65          300,096,158.65
2. Owners’ contribution
s and reduction in capit
Amount of share-based
 payments recognized i
n equity                                        -          187,422.35                          -                         -            187,422.35
3. Profit distribution
Appropriation to surplu
s reserve                                       -                      -                       -                         -                          -
Distribution to sharehol
ders                                            -                      -                       -         (400,010,000.00)        (400,010,000.00)
III. Balance at end of ye
ar                           400,010,000.00          4,459,965,366.83             200,005,000.00         1,146,144,024.77       6,206,124,391.60

                                                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited
For the prior period
                                                                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan

                                                                                                                                Total shareholders’ e
                             Share capital           Capital reserves           Surplus reserve       Retained earnings
I. Balance at the end of t     400,010,000.00          4,459,216,627.28             179,210,032.06        1,432,718,687.26           6,471,155,346.60
he prior year and the beg
inning of year
II. Changes for the year
1. Total comprehensive i
ncome                                        -                          -                         -         634,154,146.80             634,154,146.80
2. Owners’ contributions
and reduction in capital
Amount of share-based p
ayments recognized in e
quity                                            -           561,317.20                           -                       -                561,317.20
3. Profit distribution
Appropriation to surplus r
eserve                                           -                          -        20,794,967.94          (20,794,967.94)                       0.00
Distribution to sharehold
ers                                              -                          -                     -       (800,020,000.00)           (800,020,000.00)
III. Balance at end of yea
r                              400,010,000.00          4,459,777,944.48             200,005,000.00        1,246,057,866.12           6,305,850,810.60

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

    III. General information

DR Corporation Limited (the “Company”) is a limited liability company registered in Shenzhen, Guangdong P
rovince of the People’s Republic of China. The Company was established on 8 April 2010 with a term of perp
etual operation. The Company is registered in Room 306, Wing Building of Luohu Investment Holding Buildin
g, No. 112 Qingshuihe 1st Road, Qingshuihe Community, Qingshuihe Street, Luohu District, Shenzhen.

The Company was established by Zhang Guotao and Jin Chong who contributed a capital of RMB15,300 an
d RMB14,700 with proportion of contribution of 51% and 49% respectively. The addition of capital has been
verified by Shenzhen Zhengsheng Accounting Firm that issued a “Capital Verification Report” (Shenzhengsh
eng (Internal) Yan Zi [2010] No. 376). The legal representative is Zhang Guotao, and the business scope is
marketing planning. The Company obtained the name pre-approval notice (No. 2583011 [2010]) from Shenz
hen Administration For Market Regulation and the approved name was Shenzhen Yinsaite Enterprise Manag
ement Consulting Co., Ltd.

According to the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting on 11 July 2011, Jin Chong transferred his 49% equ
ity interest to Lu Yiwen. On 20 July 2011, the shareholders’ meeting of Shenzhen Yinsaite Enterprise Manag
ement Consulting Co., Ltd. made a resolution to approve the change of the Company’s name to “Shenzhen
Darry Jewelry Co., Ltd.” (“Darry Corporation”), and the business scope was changed to “purchase and sale o
f jewelry, diamonds, platinum, gold, silver and related accessories, cosmetics, perfumes, leather products, cl
othing, shoes and hats; domestic trade; import and export of goods and technology.” On 28 July 2011, the C
ompany completed the corresponding industrial and commercial change registration process at Shenzhen A
dministration For Market Regulation for the equity transfer and the change of the Company’s name and busi
ness scope.

According to the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting on 5 September 2011, the Company applied to She
nzhen Administration For Market Regulation on 6 September 2011 for approval of increasing the registered c
apital from RMB30,000 to RMB1 million, and the new registered capital was RMB970,000, of which Zhang G
uotao subscribed and paid RMB494,700, Lu Yiwen subscribed and paid RMB475,300. The proportion of con
tribution of Zhang Guotao and Lu Yiwen were 51% and 49% respectively. The addition of capital has been v
erified by Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP that issued a “Capital Verification Report” (Ernst & Young Hua Ming
(2020) Yan Zi No. 61403707_H01).

According to the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting on 1 December 2014, the Company applied to Shen
zhen Administration For Market Regulation on 10 December 2014 for approval of increasing the registered c
apital from RMB1 million to RMB100 million, of which Zhang Guotao subscribed RMB50.49 million and Lu Yi
wen subscribed RMB48.51 million. On 1 April 2015, 2 April 2015 and 8 June 2015, Zhang Guotao paid capit
al contributions of RMB5 million, RMB5 million and RMB20 million respectively, and the paid in capital of the
Company after these series of capital contribution was RMB31 million, and the proportion of subscribed capit
al of Zhang Guotao and Lu Yiwen remained unchanged. Pursuant to the Company’s change decision on 18
December 2015, Zhang Guotao and Lu Yiwen transferred their 51% and 49% equity interest in the Company

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

  to DR Investment (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. (“DR Investment”), and on 29 January 2016 and 7 November 2016, DR
 Investment paid capital contributions of RMB18 million and RMB51 million, respectively, and the paid in capit
 al of the Company after these series of capital contribution was RMB100 million. The addition of capital has
 been verified by Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP that issued a “Capital Verification Report” (Ernst & Young Hua
  Ming (2020) Yan Zi No. 61403707_H02).

 According to the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting on 22 November 2017, DR Investment transferred it
 s 5% equity interest in the Company to Gongqingcheng Wendi No.1 Investment Management Partnership (L
 P) (“Wendi No. 1”), Gongqingcheng Wendi No.2 Investment Management Partnership (LP) (“Wendi No. 2”) a
 nd Gongqingcheng Wendi No.3 Investment Management Partnership (LP) (“Wendi No. 3”) respectively. On
 24 November 2017, the above equity transfer was completed, and the three limited partnerships held 2%,
 2% and 1% of the equity interests of the Company respectively.

 According to the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting of the Company on 19 June 2019, the Company ch
 anged from a limited company to a corporation limited company based on the audited net assets. The Comp
 any’s name changed from Shenzhen Darry Jewelry Co., Ltd. to DR Corporation Limited and the shareholdin
 g ratio of each shareholder before and after the change remained unchanged. As of 28 February 2019, the a
 djusted net assets of the limited company were RMB396,540,157.74, of which RMB360,000,000.00 was con
 verted into 360,000,000.00 ordinary shares of the corporation limited company. The registered share capital
 was changed to RMB360,000,000.00, with a par value of RMB1 per share. The portion of net assets exceedi
 ng the share capital of RMB36,540,157.74 was accounted as “capital reserve” and shared by all shareholder

 In accordance with the approval of the Listing Committee of the Growth Enterprise Market of the Shenzhen S
 tock Exchange and the CSRC’s “Approval on Agreeing the Registration of DR Corporation Limited for Initial
 Public Offering of Shares (Zheng Jian Xu Ke No. [2021] 3043)” on 16 September 2021, the Company condu
 cted an initial public offering of 40,001,000 ordinary shares (A shares) with an issue price of RMB116.88 per
 share. The additional registered capital from the IPO has been verified by Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP that
 issued a “Capital Verification Report” (Ernst & Young Hua Ming (2021) Yan Zi No. 61403707_H01). The Co
 mpany was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 15 December 2021.

 The parent and ultimate parent company of the Group is DR Investment (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd., which is incorpor
 ated in the People’s Republic of China.

 The financial statements were approved by board of directors on 25 April 2024.
IV. Basis of preparation of the financial statements
1. Basic of preparation
 These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Ente
 rprises - Basic Standard and specific accounting standards, implementation guidance, interpretations and ot
 her relevant provisions issued subsequently by the Ministry of Finance (the “MOF”) (collectively referred to a

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 s “ASBEs”). In addition, the financial statements also disclosed relevant financial information in accordance
 with the Rules for the Preparation and Reporting of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities
  to the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reports.
2. Going concern
 The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.
V. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
 Tips of specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:
 The Group has formulated specific accounting policies and accounting estimates based on the characteristic
 s of actual production and operation, which are mainly reflected in impairment allowance for receivables, inv
 entory valuation method, provision for decline in value of inventories, amortization of long-term prepaid expe
 nses, depreciation of right-of-use assets, impairment of long-term assets, revenue recognition and measure
 ment, etc.
1. Statement of compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
 The financial statements present truly and completely the financial positions of the Group and the Company
 as at 31 December 2023, and the financial performance and the cash flows for the year then ended in accor
 dance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.
2. Accounting year
 The Group has adopted the calendar year as its accounting year, i.e., from 1 January to 31 December.
3. Operating cycle
 The Group has adopted a normal operating cycle of 12 months as the criterion for classifying the liquidity of it
 s assets and liabilities.
4. Functional currency
 The Company’s functional and presentation currency is Renminbi Yuan (“RMB”). The currency unit is expres
 sed in RMB unless otherwise stated.

 Each subsidiary of the Group determines its own functional currency based on the primary economic environ
 ment in which it operates. In preparation of the financial statements, their functional currencies are translated
  into RMB.
5. Determination method and selection basis for criteria for significance
 Applicable □ Not applicable
                             Items                                      Criteria for significance
                                                         The amount of the recovery or reversal accounts for
 Significant recovery or reversal of impairment allow     more than 10% of the total impairment allowance f
 ance for receivables                                    or receivables and the amount is more than 5 millio
                                                         The amount of the write-off accounts for more than
 Significant actual write-off of receivables             10% of the total impairment allowance for receivabl
                                                         es and the amount is more than RMB 5 million
                                                         The amount of the debt investment accounts for mo
 Significant debt investments
                                                         re than 10% of the total debt investment

                                                                   2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                           The amount of the write-off accounts for more than
 Significant actual write-off of debt investments
                                                           10% of the total of debt investments
 Asset group with significant impairment amount for t      The impairment amount of a single store asset grou
 he current year                                           p is more than RMB 2 million
                                                           The amount of the prepayment and dividends recei
 Significant prepayments and dividends receivable a        vable aged over one year accounts for more than 1
 ged over one year                                         0% of the total of prepayments and dividends receiv
                                                           able and the amount is more than RMB 5 million
                                                           The amount of the contract liability aged over one y
 Significant contract liabilities aged over one year       ear accounts for more than 10% of the total of contr
                                                           act liabilities
                                                           The amount of the account payable and other paya
                                                           ble overdue or aged over one year accounts for mor
 Significant accounts payable and other payables ov
                                                           e than 10% of the total of accounts payable and oth
 erdue or aged over one year
                                                           er payables and the amount is more than RMB 5 mi
                                                           The amount of the overdue short-term borrowing ac
 Significant overdue short-term borrowings                 counts for more than 10% of total of short-term borr
                                                           The amount of the cash receipt or payment relating
 Significant cash receipts or payments relating to inv     to investing activities accounts for more than 10% o
 esting activities                                         f total of cash receipts or payments relating to inves
                                                           ting activities and is greater than RMB 5 million
                                                           The net profit of the subsidiary accounts for more th
 Significant subsidiaries
                                                           an 10% of the consolidated net profit of the Group
6. Accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under common control and b
 usiness combinations not involving enterprises under common control
 Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving entities under common control an
 d business combinations not involving entities under common control.

(2)Business combination involving entities under common control
 A business combination involving entities under common control is a business combination in which all of the
  combining entities are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combinatio
 n, and that control is not transitory.

 The assets and liabilities (including goodwill arising from the ultimate controlling party’s acquisition of the enti
 ty being absorbed) that are obtained by the absorbing entity in a business combination involving entities und
 er common control shall be measured on the basis of their carrying amounts in the financial statements of th
 e ultimate controlling party at the combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of the net a
 ssets obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination (or the aggregate face

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 value of shares issued as consideration) shall be adjusted to capital premium under capital reserves. If the c
 apital premium is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnin

(3)Business combination not involving entities under common control
 A business combination not involving entities under common control is a business combination in which all of
  the combining entities are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the co

 The acquirer shall measure the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired in t
 he business combination at their fair values on the acquisition date.

 Where the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable n
 et assets, the difference is treated as an asset and recognized as goodwill, which is measured at cost on initi
 al recognition. Where the cost of the combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the ac
 quiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer reassesses the measurement of the fair values of the acquiree’s
 identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and measurement of the cost of the combination. If afte
 r that reassessment, the cost of the combination is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the
  acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer recognizes the remaining difference immediately in profit or lo
 ss for the current period.
7. Determination criteria of control and preparation of consolidated financial statements
 The scope of the consolidated financial statements, which include the financial statements of the Company a
 nd all of its subsidiaries, is determined on the basis of control. A subsidiary is an entity that is controlled by th
 e Company (such as an enterprise, a deemed separate entity, or a structured entity controlled by the Compa
 ny). The control of an investor over an investee is achieved only when there are three elements: the investor
 has power over the investee; has rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee; and has th
 e ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee.

 If the accounting policies or accounting periods adopted by the subsidiary are inconsistent with those of the
 Company, necessary adjustments shall be made to the financial statements of the subsidiary in accordance
 with the Company’s accounting policies and accounting periods when preparing the consolidated financial st
 atements. All intra-group assets and liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows relating to transactio
 ns between members of the Group are eliminated in full on consolidation.

 When the amount of loss for the period attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the
 minority shareholders’ portion of the opening balance of shareholders equity of the subsidiary, the excess a
 mounts are still allocated against minority interests.

 For subsidiaries acquired through business combinations not involving entities under common control, the fin
 ancial performance and cash flows of the acquiree shall be consolidated from the date on which the Group o

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 btains control and continue to be consolidated until the date such control ceases. While preparing the consoli
 dated financial statements, the Group shall adjust the subsidiary’s financial statements, on the basis of the fa
 ir values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities recognized on the acquisition date.

 For subsidiaries acquired through business combinations involving entities under common control, the financ
 ial performance and cash flows of the entity being absorbed shall be consolidated from the beginning of the
 period in which the combination occurs. While preparing the comparative financial statements, adjustments a
 re made to related items in the financial statements for the prior period as if the reporting entity after the com
 bination has been in existence since the date the ultimate controlling party first obtained the control.

 The Group reassesses whether or not it controls an investee if any change in facts and circumstances indica
 tes that there are changes to one or more of the three elements of control.
8. Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents
 Cash comprises the Group’s cash on hand and bank deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cas
 h equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into known amounts of cas
 h and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
9. Foreign currency transactions and foreign currency translation
 The Group translates foreign currency transactions into its functional currency.

 Foreign currency transactions are initially recorded, on initial recognition in the functional currency using the
 spot exchange rates prevailing at the dates of transactions, but the funds invested by investors denominated
 in foreign currencies are translated at the spot exchange rates prevailing at the dates of transactions. Monet
 ary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the spot exchange rates ruling at the balance s
 heet date. Differences arising on settlement or translation of monetary items are recognized in profit or loss,
 with the exception of those relating to foreign currency borrowings specifically for the construction and acquis
 ition of qualifying assets, which are capitalized in accordance with the guidance for capitalization of borrowin
 g costs. Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated
  using the exchange rates upon initial recognition, and the amount denominated in the functional currency is
 not changed. Non-monetary items measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated using the exch
 ange rates at the date when the fair value was measured. The resulting exchange differences are recognize
 d in profit or loss or other comprehensive income depending on the nature of the non-monetary items.

 For foreign operations, the Group translates their functional currency amounts into RMB when preparing the
 financial statements as follows: as at the balance sheet date, the assets and liabilities are translated using th
 e spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date; and equity items other than “unappropriated profit” are transl
 ated at the spot exchange rates at the dates of transactions; revenue and expense items in profit or loss are
 translated using the spot exchange rates prevailing at the dates of transactions. The resulting exchange diffe
 rences are recognized in other comprehensive income. On disposal of a foreign operation, the component of
  other comprehensive income relating to that particular foreign operation is recognized in profit or loss. If the

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 disposal only involves a portion of a particular foreign operation, the component of other comprehensive inco
 me relating to that particular foreign operation is recognized in profit or loss on a pro-rata basis.

 Foreign currency cash flows and the cash flows of foreign subsidiaries are translated using the spot exchang
 e rates prevailing on the dates of cash flows. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is separately pres
 ented as an adjustment item in the statement of cash flows.
10. Financial instruments
 A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability o
 r equity instrument of another entity.

 (1) Recognition and derecognition
 The Group recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability when it becomes a party to the contractual provi
 sions of a financial instrument.

 A financial asset (or, where applicable, a part of a financial asset or part of a group of similar financial assets)
  is primarily derecognized (i.e., removed from the Group’s consolidated balance sheet) when:
 ① the rights to receive cash flows from the financial asset have expired; or
 ② the Group has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the financial asset, or has assumed an obli
 gation to pay the received cash flows in full without material delay to a third party under a “pass-through” arra
 ngement; and either has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the financial asset, or has neith
 er transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, but has transferred control of t
 he financial asset.

 A financial liability is derecognized when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled or expire
 s. When an existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different te
 rms, or the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treate
 d as a derecognition of the original liability and a recognition of a new liability, and the difference between the
  respective carrying amounts is recognized in profit or loss.

 Regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognized and derecognized using trade date acc
 ounting. Regular way purchases or sales of financial assets are purchases or sales of financial assets in acc
 ordance with the terms of contracts that require delivery within the period generally established by regulation
 or convention in the marketplace. The trade date is the date that the Group committed to purchase or sell a fi
 nancial asset.

 (2) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
 The Group’s financial assets are classified at initial recognition into financial assets at fair value through profi
 t or loss and financial assets at amortized cost, based on the Group’s business model for managing financial
 assets by enterprises and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial assets.

                                                                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

    Financial assets are measured at fair value on initial recognition but accounts receivable or notes receivable
    arising from the sale of goods or rendering of services that do not contain significant financing components o
    r for which the Group has applied the practical expedient of not adjusting the effect of a significant financing
    component due within one year, are initially measured at the transaction price.

    For financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly recognized in pr
    ofit or loss, and transaction costs relating to other financial assets are included in the initial recognition amou

    The subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification as follows:

1          Debt investments measured at amortized cost
    The Group measures financial assets at amortized cost if both of the following conditions are met: the financi
    al asset is held within a business model with the objective to hold financial assets in order to collect contractu
    al cash flows; the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are s
    olely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. Interest income of such financia
    l assets is recognized using the effective interest method. Gains and losses are recognized in current profit o
    r loss when the asset is derecognized, modified or impaired.

2          Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
    The financial assets other than the above financial assets measured at amortized cost and financial assets a
    t fair value through other comprehensive income are classified as financial assets at fair value through profit
    or loss. Such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value with net changes in fair value recogni
    zed in profit or loss.

    (3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
    Other than those arising from the gold leasing business, the Group’s financial liabilities are, on initial recognit
    ion, classified into financial liabilities measured at amortized cost. Transaction costs relating to the financial li
    abilities measured at amortized cost are included in the initial recognition amounts.

    The subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification as follows:
1          Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
    Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities designated upon initial recogni
    tion as at fair value through profit or loss. Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss are
    subsequently measured at fair value and gains or losses are recognized in profit or loss, except for the gain
    s or losses arising from the Group’s own credit risk which are presented in other comprehensive income. If g
    ains or losses arising from the Group’s own credit risk which are presented in other comprehensive income
    will lead to or expand accounting mismatch in profit or loss, the Group will include all the changes in fair valu
    e (including the amount affected by changes in the Group’s own credit risk) of such financial liabilities in profi
    t or loss.

                                                                        2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

    Financial liabilities are designated as upon initial recognition at fair value through profit or loss only if one of t
    he following conditions is met:
    (1) Such designation eliminates or significantly reduces accounting mismatches;
    (2) A combination of financial instruments is managed and evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance wit
    h the documented risk management or investment strategy, and information about them is reported to key m
    anagement personnel on that basis;
    (3) A hybrid instrument that contains one or more embedded derivatives, unless these embedded derivatives
    do not significantly change the cash flows of the hybrid instrument, or it is apparent that these embedded de
    rivatives should not be separated from the related hybrid instrument;
    (4) A hybrid instrument that contains embedded derivatives that need to be separated but cannot be measur
    ed separately on acquisition or at the balance sheet date.

    Financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition cannot be reclassi
    fied as other categories of financial liabilities; other categories of financial liabilities cannot be re-designated
    as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss after initial recognition.

    Based on the above conditions, such financial liabilities designated by the Group mainly include financial liab
    ilities held for trading arising from the gold leasing business.
1         Financial liabilities at amortized cost
    After initial recognition, such financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest m

    (4) Impairment of financial assets
    Based on expected credit losses, the Group undertakes impairment treatment and recognizes loss provision
    s for financial assets measured at amortized cost.

    For the receivables that do not contain a significant financing component, the Group applies the simplified ap
    proach to recognize a loss allowance based on lifetime ECLs.

    For financial assets other than above measured by the simplified approach, the Group evaluates at each bal
    ance sheet date whether the credit risk has significant increased since initial recognition. If the credit risk has
    not significantly increased since initial recognition (stage 1), the Group shall measure loss provisions based
    on the amount of expected credit losses for the next 12 months and calculate interest income according to th
    e outstanding balance and effective interest rate; if the credit risk has significantly increased since initial reco
    gnition but are not credit-impaired (stage 2), the Group shall measure loss provisions based on the amount o
    f expected credit losses for the entire lifetime and calculate interest income according to the outstanding bala
    nce and effective interest rate; if the credit impairment has occurred after initial recognition (stage 3), the Gro
    up shall measure loss provisions based on the amount of expected credit losses for the entire lifetime and ca
    lculate interest income at the amortized cost and effective interest rate. At the balance sheet date, if the Grou

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

p only has financial instruments with lower credit risk, the Group assumes that the credit risk of the financial i
nstrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition.

The Group evaluates the expected credit losses of financial instruments on an individual and portfolio basis.
The Group takes into account the credit risk characteristics of different customers and evaluates the expecte
d credit losses of relevant financial instruments on the basis of their common risk characteristics and the agin
g portfolio. The Group determines the aging according to the billing date. The Group assesses ECLs individu
ally, except for those of financial instruments evaluated based on the above portfolio.

For the Group’s disclosure of the criteria for determining the significant increase in credit risk and the definitio
n of assets that have incurred credit impairment, please refer to Note XII.

The Group measures expected credit losses on a financial instrument in a way that reflects: an unbiased and
probability-weighted amount that is determined by evaluating a range of possible outcomes; the time value o
f money; and reasonable and supportable information that is available without undue cost or effort at the bala
nce sheet date about past events, current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions.

When the Group no longer reasonably expects to collect all or part of the contractual cash flows of the financ
ial asset, the Group directly writes down the outstanding balance of the financial asset.

(5) Offsetting of financial instruments
Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the balance sheet if there
is a currently enforceable legal right to offset the recognized amounts and there is an intention to settle on a
net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously.

(6) Transfers of financial assets
A financial asset is derecognized when the Group has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of th
e asset to the transferee. A financial asset is not derecognized when the Group retains substantially all the ri
sks and rewards of the financial asset.

When the Group has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the financial a
sset, it either derecognizes the financial asset and recognizes the assets and liabilities created in the transfer
when it has not retained control of the asset; or continues to recognize the transferred asset to the extent of
the Group's continuing involvement, in which case, the Group also recognizes an associated liability.

Continuing involvement that takes the form of a guarantee over the transferred financial asset is measured at
the lower of the carrying amount of the financial asset and the guarantee amount. The guarantee amount is
the maximum amount of consideration that the Group could be required to repay.

The Company complies with the disclosure requirements of the “Jewellery Related Business” in the “Self-reg

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 ulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies on Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 3 - Disclosure of Industry Inform
11. Accounts receivable
 The method of determining expected credit losses on accounts receivable and related accounting treatment
 can be referred to the policies relating to financial instruments.
12. Other receivables
 The method of determining expected credit losses on other receivables and the accounting treatment can be
  referred to the accounting policies regarding financial instruments.
13. Contract assets
 The Group presents contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relationship betw
 een the fulfillment of performance obligations and payments from customers. The Group presents contract a
 ssets and contract liabilities under the same contract on a net basis after offsetting them against each other.

 A contract asset is the right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that the Group has transferre
 d to a customer, and that right is conditioned on something other than the passage of time.

 For details of how the Group measures and accounts for the ECLs of a contract asset, refer to Note V.10.
14. Inventories
 The Company is required to comply with the disclosure requirements for jewelry-related business specified in
  the Self-disciplinary Supervision Guidelines No. 3 for Companies Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Ind
 ustry Information Disclosure.

 Inventory includes raw materials, work in process, finished products, turnover materials, shipped commoditie
 s and commissioned processing materials.

 Inventories are initially carried at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, manufacture over
 head and other cost. The actual cost of inventories upon delivery is calculated using the specific identificatio
 n method. Turnover materials include low value consumables and packing materials, which are amortized us
 ing the immediate write-off method.
 The perpetual inventory system is maintained for the stock system.

 At the balance sheet date, inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value. The inventorie
 s are written down below cost to net realizable value and the write-down is recognized in profit or loss if the c
 ost is higher than the net realizable value.

 Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs
 of completion, the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. Inventories are written do
 wn item by item.

 The Company is required to comply with the disclosure requirements for retail industry specified in the Self-di

                                                                  2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 sciplinary Supervision Guidelines No. 3 for Companies Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Industry Infor
 mation Disclosure.
15. Debt investments
 For the determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of debt investments,
 refer to policies related to financial instruments.
16. Long-term equity investments
 Long-term equity investments include equity investments in subsidiaries.

 The long-term equity investment that the Company can control the investee is accounted by cost method in i
 ndividual financial statements of the Company. Control is the power over the investee, exposure or rights to
 variable returns from its involvement with the investee, and the ability to use its power over the investee to af
 fect the number of the investor's returns.

 Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at its initial investment cost. When additio
 nal investment is made or the investment is recouped, the cost of the long-term equity investment is adjusted
  accordingly. Cash dividends or profit distributions declared by the investee are recognized as investment inc
 ome in profit or loss.

 On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the carrying amount and the actual acq
 uisition price is recognized in profit or loss for the period.
17. Fixed assets
(1) Recognition criteria
 A fixed asset is recognized only when it is probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow
  to the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fix
 ed asset that meets the recognition criteria shall be included in the cost of the fixed asset, and the carrying a
 mount of the component of the fixed asset that is replaced shall be derecognized. Otherwise, such expenditu
 res are recognized in profit or loss as incurred.
 Fixed assets are initially measured at cost. The cost of a purchased fixed asset comprises the purchase pric
 e, relevant taxes and any directly attributable expenditure for bringing the asset to its working condition for its
  intended use.
 The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation meth
 od applied at least at each year end, and makes adjustments if necessary.
(2) Depreciation method

                          Depreciation meth      Depreciation perio    Residual value rat    Annual depreciatio
                                  od                      d                  e (%)                n rate (%)
 Transportation facil     Straight-line metho
                                                4 years                5%                    23.75%
 ities                    d
 Office equipment a       Straight-line metho
                                                3-5 years              5%                    19.00%-31.67%
 nd other facilities      d

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

18. Borrowing costs
 The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying
 asset are capitalized. The amounts of other borrowing costs incurred are recognized as an expense in the pe
 riod in which they are incurred.

 Borrowing costs are capitalized when expenditures for such asset and borrowing costs are incurred and activ
 ities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary to prepare the asse
 t for its intended use or sale have commenced.

 Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset being acquired, constructed or produced
 gets ready for its intended use or sale. Any borrowing costs subsequently incurred are recognized in profit or

 During the capitalization period, the amount of interest eligible for capitalization for each accounting period s
 hall be determined as follows:

 (1) where funds are borrowed specifically for the purpose of obtaining a qualifying asset, the amount of intere
 st eligible for capitalization is the actual interest costs incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank
  interest earned from depositing the borrowed funds before being used on the asset or any investment incom
 e on the temporary investment of those funds; or

 (2) where funds are borrowed generally for the purpose of obtaining a qualifying asset, the amount of interest
  eligible for capitalization is determined by applying a weighted average interest rate on the general borrowin
 gs to the weighted average of the excess of the cumulative expenditures on the asset over the expenditures
 on the asset funded by the specific borrowings.

 Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction or produ
 ction of a qualifying asset is suspended abnormally by activities other than those necessary to get the asset r
 eady for its intended use or sale, when the suspension is for a continuous period of more than 3 months. Bor
 rowing costs incurred during these periods are recognized as an expense in profit or loss until the acquisition,
  construction or production is resumed.
19. Intangible assets
(1) Useful life and its determination basis, estimation, amortization method or review procedures
 An intangible asset shall be recognized only when it is probable that the economic benefits associated with t
 he asset will flow to the Group probably and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.

 The useful life of an intangible asset is determined on the basis of the period for which it will provide economi
 c benefits to the Group. An intangible asset is regarded as having an indefinite useful life when there is no fo
 reseeable limit to the period over which the asset is expected to generate economic benefits for the Group.

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 An intangible asset with a finite useful life is amortized using the straight-line method over its useful life. For
 an intangible asset with a finite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and amortization method at least
 at each year end and makes adjustment if necessary.

 The intangible assets of the Group are mainly software products and trademarks, and they are amortized usi
 ng the straight-line method over their useful lives. Their useful lives are as follows:
  Category                                                                                             Useful life
 Software                                                                                               1-5 years
 Trademark                                                                                                5 years
(2) The aggregate scope of research and development expenditure and relevant accounting treatment
 The Group classifies the expenditures on an internal research and development project into expenditure on t
 he research phase and expenditure on the development phase. Expenditure on the research phase is recog
 nized in profit or loss as incurred. Expenditure on the development phase is capitalized only when the Group
 can demonstrate all of the following: (i) the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it wil
 l be available for use or sale; (ii) the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it; (iii) how the i
 ntangible asset will generate probable economic benefits (among other things, the Group can demonstrate th
 e existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used
 internally, the usefulness of the intangible asset); (iv) the availability of adequate technical, financial and othe
 r resources to complete the development and the ability to use or sell the intangible asset; and (v) the ability t
 o measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during the development phase. Expen
 diture on the development phase which does not meet these above criteria is recognized in profit or loss whe
 n incurred.
20. Impairment of long-term assets
 The Group determines the impairment of assets, other than the impairment of inventories, deferred tax asset
 s and financial assets, using the following methods:

 The Group assesses at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaire
 d. If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of the
 asset and performs impairment testing.

 The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and the present value of th
 e future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. The Group estimates the recoverable amount on
 an individual basis unless it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, in whi
 ch case the recoverable amount is determined for the asset group to which the asset belongs. Identification
 of an asset group is based on whether major cash inflows generated by the asset group are largely independ
 ent of the cash inflows from other assets or asset groups.

 When the recoverable amount of an asset or asset group is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amou
 nt is reduced to the recoverable amount by the Group. The reduction in the carrying amount is treated as an i

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 mpairment loss and recognized in profit or loss. A provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognized ac

 Once the above impairment loss is recognized, it cannot be reversed in subsequent accounting periods.
21. Long-term prepaid expenses
 Long-term prepaid expenses are amortized using the straight-line method as follows:

  Category                                                                               Amortization period
 Leasehold improvements                                                                             1-5 years
 Others                                                                                             1-3 years
22. Contract liabilities
 A contract liability is the obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the Company has re
 ceived consideration or an amount of consideration is due from the customer, such as an amount of consider
 ation that an entity has received before the transfer of the promised goods or services.
23. Employee benefits
(1) Accounting treatment of short-term employee benefits
 During an accounting period when employees render services to the entity, the amount of short-term employ
 ee benefits actually incurred should be recognized as a liability and be recognized in profit or loss for the curr
 ent period or in cost of related assets.
(2) Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits
 The employees of the Group participate in a pension scheme and unemployment insurance managed by the
 local governments, and the corresponding expenses shall be included in the cost of related assets or profit o
 r loss.
(3) Accounting treatment of termination benefits
 The Group provides termination benefits to employees and recognizes an employee benefits liability for termi
 nation benefits, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss, at the earlier of when the Group can no longer
 withdraw the offer of those benefits resulting from an employment termination plan or a curtailment proposal
 and when the Group recognizes costs involving the payment of termination benefits.
24. Provisions
 An obligation related to a contingency shall be recognized by the Group as a provision when (i) the obligation
  is a present obligation of the Group, (ii) it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits from the Group wil
 l be required to settle the obligation, and (iii) a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation,
 except for contingent considerations and contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination not involvi
 ng entities under common control.

 A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related present
 obligation, taking into account factors pertaining to a contingency such as the risks, uncertainties and time va
 lue of money as a whole. The carrying amount of provisions is reviewed at the balance sheet date. Where th
 ere is clear evidence that the carrying amount of a provision does not reflect the current best estimate, the ca
 rrying amount is adjusted to the current best estimate.

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25. Share-based payments
 A share-based payment is classified as either an equity-settled share-based payment or a cash-settled share
 -based payment. An equity-settled share-based payment is a transaction in which the Group receives servic
 es and uses shares or other equity instruments as consideration for settlement.

 An equity-settled share-based payment in exchange for services received from employees is measured at th
 e fair value of the equity instruments granted to the employees. If such equity-settled share-based payment c
 ould vest immediately, related costs or expenses at an amount equal to the fair value on the grant date are r
 ecognized, with a corresponding increase in capital reserves; if such equity-settled share-based payment co
 uld not vest until the completion of services for a vesting period, or until the achievement of a specified perfor
 mance condition, the Group at each balance sheet date during the vesting period recognizes the services re
 ceived for the current period as related costs and expenses, with a corresponding increase in capital reserve
 s, at an amount equal to the fair value of the equity instruments at the grant date, based on the best estimate
  of the number of equity instruments expected to vest. The fair value of equity instruments is determined bas
 ed on an assessment by a third-party independent asset appraiser, as described in Note XV.

 Where the terms of an equity-settled share-based payment are modified, as a minimum an expense is recog
 nized as if the terms had not been modified. In addition, an expense is recognized for any modification that in
 creases the total fair value of the share-based payments, or is otherwise beneficial to the employee as meas
 ured at the date of modification.

 Where an equity-settled share-based payment is canceled, it is treated as if it had vested on the date of canc
 ellation, and any expense not yet recognized for the payment is recognized immediately. If an employee or o
 ther parties can choose whether to meet a non-vesting condition, the Group treats the employee’s or other p
 arties' failure to meet that non-vesting condition during the vesting period as a cancellation. However, if a ne
 w award is substituted for the canceled award, and is designated as a replacement on the date that it is grant
 ed, the canceled and new awards are treated as if they were a modification of the original award. The cost of
  cash-settled transactions is measured at the fair value of the liability which is determined on the basis of sha
 res or other equity instruments of the Group.
26. Revenue
 Disclosure of accounting policies adopted for revenue recognition and measurement by type of business

 The Group recognizes revenue when it has fulfilled its performance obligations under the contract, that is, wh
 en the customer obtains control of the relevant goods or services. The acquisition of control of the relevant g
 oods or services is defined as the ability to dominate the use of the goods or the provision of the services an
 d to derive substantially all the economic benefits therefrom.

 Contracts for the sale of goods

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

A contract for the sale of goods between the Group and the customer usually includes commitments to transf
er the goods, which vary depending on the agreement with the customer. The amount of consideration to whi
ch the Group expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring control of the goods to the customer is deter
mined as the transaction price in accordance with the terms of the contract and in combination with past busi
ness practices.

The principal business of the Group is to retail goods to customers using the self-operated model through offl
ine direct-operated stores, offline joint-operated stores and e-commerce platforms. The Group recognizes re
venue at the point in the performance of each individual performance obligation taking into account a combin
ation of the acquisition of the current right to receive the goods, the transfer of significant risks and rewards o
f ownership of goods, the transfer of legal title to goods, the transfer of physical possession of goods, and th
e customer's acceptance of goods.

For the Offline Joint-Operated business model, cooperative shopping malls provide stores or counters to the
Group for the sale of goods, and the shopping malls receive a commission according to a certain percentage
of the turnover. Having considered the legal form of the contract and relevant facts and circumstances (the p
rimary responsibility for the transfer of goods to customers, the inventory risk bore before or after the transfer
of goods, and whether the Group is entitled to determine the transaction price of the goods), the Group cons
iders that the Group undertakes primary responsibility for the transfer of goods to customers, is entitled to de
termine the transaction price, and bears the inventory risk. Therefore, the Group is a principal and recognize
s revenue based on the total consideration received or receivable when customers receive the goods.

For sales with a right of return, the Group recognizes the revenue in the amount of consideration to which th
e Group expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring control of the goods to the customer, and recogni
zes the amount expected to be refunded as a result of the sales return as a refund liability. At the same time,
an asset recognized for an entity’s right to recover goods from a customer on settling a refund liability is me
asured by reference to the carrying amount of the goods less any expected costs to recover the goods (inclu
ding potential decreases in the value of the returned goods), that is, right-of-return assets, and recognized co
st of sales based on the carrying amount of the transferred goods at the time of transfer of the goods less the
net amount of the asset cost above. At each balance sheet date, the Group re-estimate the future sales retu
rn and remeasures the assets and liabilities above.

The Group provides a warranty in connection with the sale of a good in accordance with the contract and the
relevant laws and regulations, etc. The Group accounts for assurance-type quality assurance in order to ass
ure customers that the goods sold meet the established standards, in accordance with Note V.24 For service
-type quality assurance that provides a separate service in addition to the established standards for assuring
the customer that the goods sold meet the established standards, the Group apportions part of the transactio
n price to the service-type quality assurance in proportion to the relative proportion of the separate selling pri
ce for the provision of the quality assurance of goods and services, and recognizes revenue when the custo
mer acquires control of the service. When assessing whether a service-type warranty provides a customer wi

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 th a separate service in addition to the assurance that the good complies with agreed-upon specifications, th
 e Group considers whether the warranty is required by law, the length of the warranty coverage period and t
 he nature of the tasks that the Group promises to perform, etc.

 For contracts with additional customer purchase options, the Group evaluates the option to provide a materia
 l right to the customer when the customer acquires control of the relevant goods. Revenue is recognized on t
 he basis of the amount of consideration expected to be entitled to be received as a result of the transfer of g
 oods to the customer, and revenue is apportioned to each individual performance obligation based on the rel
 ative proportion to the individual selling prices of the goods committed to the individual performance obligatio

 Different revenue recognition methods and measurement methods involved in different operating models ad
 opted by similar businesses

 The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of “retail industry” in Shenzhen Stock Exchange
  Guideline No.3 on Self-Monitoring for Listed Companies – Industry Information Disclosure.

 The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements of “jewelry-related business” in Shenzhen Stock
  Exchange Guideline No.3 on Self-Monitoring for Listed Companies – Industry Information Disclosure.
27. Government grants
 Government grants are recognized when all attaching conditions will be complied with and the grants will be
 received. If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amount
 received or receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a non-monetary asset, it is measu
 re at fair value; if fair value is not reliably determinable, it is measured at a nominal amount.

 If government documents stipulate that it is used for the purchase, construction, or other forms of long-term a
 ssets, it shall be regarded as government grants related to assets; If the government documents are not clea
 r, the judgment shall be based on the basic conditions that must be met to obtain the government grant. If th
 e basic conditions are to form long-term assets through purchase, construction or other means, it shall be re
 garded as government grants related to assets, and otherwise it shall be regarded as government grants rela
 ted to income.

 A government grant related to income is accounted for as follows: (i) if the grant is a compensation for relate
 d expenses or losses to be incurred in subsequent periods, the grant is recognized as deferred income, and
 released in profit or loss or offset against related expenses over the periods in which the related costs are re
 cognized; or (ii) if the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred, it is recognize
 d immediately in profit or loss or offset against relevant expenses.

 A government grant relating to an asset shall be offset against the carrying amounts of relevant assets, or re
 cognized as deferred income and amortized in profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset by annual

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  installments in a systematic and rational way (however, a government grant measured at a nominal amount
 is recognized directly in profit or loss). Where the assets are sold, transferred, retired or damaged before the
 end of their useful lives, the rest of the remaining deferred income is released to profit or loss for the period i
 n which the relevant assets are disposed of.
28. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities
 Deferred tax is provided using the balance sheet liability method, on all temporary differences at the balance
 sheet date between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts, and temporary differen
 ces between the tax bases and the carrying amounts of the items, which have a tax base according to relate
 d tax laws but are not recognized as assets and liabilities.

 Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences, except:

 (1) when the taxable temporary difference arises from the initial recognition of goodwill, or an asset or liabilit
 y in a transaction that is not a business combination and, at the time of transaction, affects neither accountin
 g profit nor taxable profit or loss, and no equal taxable and deductible temporary differences arise on initial re
 cognition of the asset and liability in such transaction;

 (2) in respect of taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and j
 oint ventures, when the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences can be controlled and it is probabl
 e that the temporary differences will not be reversed in the foreseeable future.

 Deferred tax assets are recognized for all deductible temporary differences, and the carryforward of unused t
 ax losses and any unused tax credits. Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that
  taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, the carryforward of unuse
 d tax losses and unused tax credits can be utilized, except:

 (1) when the deductible temporary difference arises from a transaction that is not a business combination a
 nd, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss, and no equal
 taxable and deductible temporary differences arise on initial recognition of the asset and liability in such trans

 (2) in respect of the deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associate
 s and joint ventures, the temporary differences will be reversed in the foreseeable future and taxable profit wi
 ll be available against which the temporary differences can be utilized in the future.

 At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected
 to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, in accordance with the requirements
  of tax laws. The measurement of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities reflects the tax consequenc
 es that would follow from the manner in which the Group expects, at the balance sheet date, to recover the a
 ssets or settle the liabilities.

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 The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at the balance sheet date and reduced to the extent t
 hat it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available in future periods to allow the benefit o
 f deferred tax assets to be utilized. Unrecognized deferred tax assets are reassessed at the balance sheet d
 ate and are recognized to the extent that it has become probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available
  to allow all or part of the deferred tax assets to be recovered.

 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset if and only if the Group has a legally enforceable rig
 ht to set off current tax assets and current tax liabilities, and the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilitie
 s relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the same taxable entity or different ta
 xable entities which intend either to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis, or to realize the as
 sets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred ta
 x assets or liabilities are expected to be recovered.
29. Leases
(1) Accounting treatment for leases as lessee
 At inception of a contract, the Group assesses whether the contract is, or contains, a lease. If a party of the c
 ontract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset or identified assets for a period of time in ex
 change for consideration, the contract shall be a lease contract or contains lease.

 As lessee
 The Group recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for leases.

 (1) Right-of-use assets
 At the commencement date of the lease term, the Group recognizes its right to use the leased asset during t
 he lease term as a right-of-use asset and is initially measured at cost. Right-of-use asset costs include: the in
 itial measured amount of the lease liability; the amount of lease payments paid on or before the start date of t
 he lease period (deduct the amount related to the lease incentive already enjoyed); initial direct costs incurre
 d by the lessee; the costs expected of the lessee to incur to dismantle and remove the leased assets, restore
  the premises where the leased assets are located, or restore the leased assets to the state agreed in the ter
 ms of the lease. Where the Group remeasures a lease liability as a result of changes in lease payments, the
 carrying amount of the right-of-use asset is adjusted accordingly. The right-of-use assets are depreciated on
 a straight-line basis subsequently by the Group. If the Group is reasonably certain that the ownership of the
 underlying asset will be transferred to the Group at the end of the lease term, the Group depreciates the ass
 et from the commencement date to the end of the useful life of the asset. Otherwise, the Group depreciates t
 he assets from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful life of the asset or the end of th
 e lease term.

 (2) Lease liabilities
 At the commencement date of the lease, the Group recognizes the present value of the unpaid lease payme
 nts as a lease liability. Lease payments include fixed and substantial fixed payments net of lease incentives,

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 variable lease payments depending on index or ratio, amounts expected to be payable based on the residual
  value of the guarantee, and the exercise price of the purchase option or the amount to be required to exerci
 se the termination option, provided that the Group reasonably determines that the option or the term of the le
 ase reflects the Group’s exercise of the option to terminate the lease.

 In calculating the present value of lease payments, the Group uses the implied interest rate of the lease as th
 e discount rate; If the interest rate included in the lease cannot be determined, the interest rate of the lessee’
 s incremental borrowing shall be used as the discount rate. The Group calculates the interest expense of the
  lease liability during each period of the lease term in accordance with the constant periodic rate of interest a
 nd recognizes it in profit and loss for the current period, except otherwise stipulated in the cost of related ass
 ets. Variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of the lease liabilities are recognized
 in profit or loss as incurred, except those in the costs of the related asset as required.

 After the commencement date of the lease, the Group increases the carrying amount of the lease liability wh
 en it recognizes interest and reduces the carrying amount of the lease liability when it pays the lease payme
 nt. After a lease term commences, when there is a change in the amount of in-substance fixed lease paymen
 ts, a change in the amounts expected to be payable under a residual value guarantee, a change in future lea
 se payments resulting from a change in an index or a rate used to determine those payments, a change in a
 ssessment of an option to purchase the underlying asset, renew or terminate the lease, or change in the actu
 al exercise of an option, the Group remeasures the carrying amount of the lease liability by discounting the r
 evised lease payments.

 (3) Short-term leases and leases of low-value assets
 The Group considers a lease that, at the commencement date of the lease, has a lease term of 12 months or
  less, and does not contain any purchase option as a short-term lease; and a lease for which the value of the
  individual underlying asset is not more than RMB40,000 or USD5,000 when it is new as a lease of low-value
  assets. If the Group subleases an asset, or expects to sublease an asset, the head lease does not qualify a
 s a lease of a low-value asset. The Group has chosen to recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities fo
 r both short-term leases and low-value asset leases.
30. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
 The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make judgments, estimates and assum
 ptions that affect the reported amounts of revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities, and their accompanying
 disclosures, and the disclosure of contingent liabilities at the balance sheet date. Uncertainty about these as
 sumptions and estimates could result in outcomes that could require a material adjustment to the carrying a
 mounts of the assets or liabilities affected in the future.

 In the process of applying the Group’s accounting policies, management has made the following judgments
 which have the most significant effect on the amounts recognized in the consolidated financial statements:

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Business model
The classification of financial assets at initial recognition depends on the Group’s business model for managi
ng financial assets. Factors considered by the Group in judging the business model include enterprise evalu
ation, the method of reporting the results of financial assets to key management members, the risks affecting
the results of financial assets and the method for managing such risks, as well as the form of remuneration r
eceived by the management personnel of the businesses concerned. In assessing whether the business mo
del is aimed at receiving contractual cash flows, the Group is required to analyze and exercise judgment in r
espect of the reasons, timing, frequency and values of any disposals prior to maturity of the financial assets.

Whether a contract is, or contains, a lease
The Group entered into a service agreement under Offline Joint-Operated business model. The Group believ
es that, based on the agreement, there is an identified asset and the Group controls the right to use the asse
t during the lease period. Therefore, the service agreement contains a lease and the Group treats it as a leas

Estimation uncertainty
The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the balance s
heet date, which have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets a
nd liabilities within the future accounting periods, are described below.

Impairment of financial instruments
The Group uses the expected credit loss model to assess the impairment of financial instruments. The applic
ation of the expected credit loss model requires significant judgments and estimates and consideration of all
reasonable and supportable information, including forward-looking information. When making such judgment
s and estimates, the Group infers the expected changes in the debtor’s credit risk based on historical repaym
ent data combined with economic policies, macroeconomic indicators, industry risks and other factors. Differ
ent estimates may affect the impairment provision, and the amount of impairment provision made may not eq
ual to the actual amount of impairment loss in the future.

Impairment of non-current assets other than financial assets
The Group assesses whether there are any indications of impairment for all non-current assets other than fin
ancial assets at the balance sheet date. Other non-current assets other than financial assets are tested for i
mpairment when there are indications that the carrying amounts may not be recoverable. An impairment exis
ts when the carrying amount of an asset or asset group exceeds its recoverable amount, which is the higher
of its fair value less costs of disposal and the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived fr
om it. The calculation of the fair value less costs of disposal is based on available data from binding sales tra
nsactions in an arm’s length transaction of similar assets or observable market prices less incremental costs
for disposing of the assets. When the calculations of the present value of the future cash flows expected to b
e derived from an asset or asset group are undertaken, management must estimate the expected future cas

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 h flows from the asset or asset group and choose a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present va
 lue of those cash flows. Further details are included in Note VII.44.

 Deferred tax assets
 Deferred tax assets are recognized for all unused tax losses to the extent that it is probable that sufficient tax
 able profit will be available against which the losses can be utilized. Significant management judgment is req
 uired to determine the amount of deferred tax assets that can be recognized, based upon the likely timing an
 d level of future taxable profits together with future tax planning strategies.

 Inventory provision determined on net realizable value
 In accordance with the inventory accounting policy, the Group measures the lower of cost and net realizable
 value, and makes provision for inventory price decline when the cost is higher than the net realizable value.
 The Group re-estimates at each balance sheet date whether the net realizable value of individual inventory it
 ems is lower than the cost of inventory.

 Fair value of wealth management products and structured deposits
 The fair value measurement of non-principal protected floating income wealth management products and str
 uctured deposits linked to the spot exchange rate of EUR to USD requires the Group to estimate projected fu
 ture cash flows, credit risk volatility and discount rates, and is therefore uncertain.

 Provisions for store recovery
 As the lessee, the Group undertakes the obligation to restore the leased assets to the state agreed in the lea
 se terms in accordance the lease contract. The management estimates provisions arising from the fulfillment
  of recovery obligations based on industry conditions and historical experience. At the balance sheet date, m
 anagement reviews the carrying amount of the provisions and makes appropriate adjustments to reflect the c
 urrent best estimates.

 Lessee’s incremental borrowing rate
 If the interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be readily determined, the Group measures the lease liability at
  the present value of the lease payments discounted using the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate. Accordin
 g to the economic environment, the Group takes the observable interest rate as the reference basis for deter
 mining the incremental borrowing rate, then adjusts the observable interest rate based on its own circumstan
 ces, underlying assets, lease terms and amounts of lease liabilities to determine the applicable incremental b
 orrowing rate.
31. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
 (1) Changes in significant accounting policies
 □Applicable Not applicable
 (2) Changes in significant accounting estimates
 □Applicable Not applicable

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 (3) Items related to adjustment of the financial statements as at the beginning of the current year sinc
 e the initial application of the new accounting standard in 2023
 □Applicable Not applicable
VI. Taxes
1. Major categories of taxes and tax rates
              Category                                Basis                             Tax rate
                                       Difference between sales amount
                                       and output tax calculated at appli
 Value added tax                                                            3%, 6%, 13%, 20%
                                       cable tax rate after deducting inp
                                       ut tax allowed to be deducted
                                       Sales of taxable consumer goods
 Excise tax                                                                 5%
                                       (ad valorem)
 Urban maintenance and construc        Value added taxes and excise tax
                                                                            5%, 7%
 tion tax                              es actually paid
                                                                            15%, 16.5%, 17%, 20%, 21%, 2
 Corporate income tax                  Taxable income
                                                                            4%, 25%, 25.8%, 28%
                                       Value added taxes and excise tax
 Educational surcharge                                                      3%
                                       es actually paid
                                       Value added taxes and excise tax
 Local education surcharge                                                  2%
                                       es actually paid
 Disclosure of information on taxpayers with different corporate income tax rates
                   Name of taxpayers                                        Income tax rate
 DR Corporation Limited                                   25.00%
 He’er Culture (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd                       15.00%
 Shenzhen Darry Commercial Management Service
 s Co., Ltd
 Shenzhen Love Only AI Cloud Technology Co., Ltd          15.00%
 DR Group Company Limited                                 16.50%
 DARRY JEWELRY (HK) LIMITED                               16.50%
 Couple Only Jewelry HongKong Company Limited             16.50%
 LOVEMONT HONG KONG LIMITED                               16.50%
 DR LUXURY (SG) PTE.LTD                                   17.00%
 DR LUXURY USA INC                                        21.00%
 LOVEMONT (MALAYSIA)SDN.BHD                               24.00%
 Shanghai Darry Diamond Co., Ltd                          25.00%
 Haoduo Diamond (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd                       25.00%
 DR Luxury NL Holding B.V.                                25.80%
 DR Jewelry                                               28.00%
 Other subsidiaries of the Group incorporated in Chi
 nese mainland

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

2. Tax benefits
 (1) Income tax benefits
 According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Extending the
 Preferential Policies for Enterprise Income Tax in the Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Serv
 ice Industry Cooperation Zone (Cai Shui [2021] No. 30), from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2025, the ent
 erprise income tax policy of the Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperati
 on Zone will be continued, and eligible enterprises located in the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Ser
 vice Industry Cooperation Zone will be subject to enterprise income tax at a reduced rate of 15%. Shenzhen
 Darry Commercial Management Service Co., Ltd. and He’er Culture (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., subsidiaries of the
  Company, are established in the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone,
  and will be subject to corporate income tax at a reduced rate of 15% in 2023.

 According to the provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China, Shenzhen
 Love Only AI Cloud Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Love Only AI”), a subsidiary of the Com
 pany, obtained the qualification of high-tech enterprise on 16 October 2023, which is valid for three years, an
 d can enjoy a preferential income tax rate of 15% for high-tech enterprises from 2023 to 2025. In 2023, we wi
 ll levy corporate income tax at a rate of 15%.

 According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Pr
 eferential Income Tax Policy for Small and Micro Enterprises and Individual Industrial and Commercial Enter
 prises (No. 6 of 2023), from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2027, the annual taxable income of small and
 micro-profit enterprises does not exceed RMB1 million, on the basis of the preferential policies stipulated in
 Article 2 of the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Further
 Implementation of the Preferential Income Tax Policy for Small and Micro Enterprises (Cai Shui [2022] No. 1
 3), corporate income tax will be reduced by half. Some subsidiaries of the Company will meet the conditions
 of small and micro-profit enterprises in 2023 and apply the corresponding preferential policies on their own.

 (2) VAT tax benefits
 According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs and the State Adm
 inistration of Taxation on Adjusting the Relevant Tax Policies of the Diamond and Shanghai Diamond Excha
 nge (Cai Shui [2006] No. 65), polished diamonds imported through the customs declaration of the competent
  customs of the Diamond Exchange shall be levied and refunded immediately if the actual VAT burden excee
 ds 4% at the import stage. Shanghai Darry Diamond Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shanghai Darry”), a
  subsidiary of the Company, has the membership of the Shanghai Diamond Exchange and enjoys the tax tre
 atment of immediate refund for the part of the actual VAT burden in the import process exceeding 4%.

 According to the Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Tax Collection and Administration
  Matters Relating to VAT Relief and Other Policies for Small-scale VAT Taxpayers (SAT Announcement No.
 1 [2023]), small-scale taxpayers who engage in VAT taxable sales and their total monthly sales do not excee
 d RMB100,000 (or RMB300,000 if one quarter is a tax period) are exempted from VAT. According to the Ann

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 ouncement of the State Administration of Taxation of the Ministry of Finance on VAT Relief Policies for Small
 -scale VAT Taxpayers (Announcement No. 19 of 2023 of the State Administration of Taxation of the Ministry
 of Finance), small-scale VAT taxpayers with monthly sales of less than RMB100,000 (inclusive) are exempte
 d from VAT; for small-scale VAT taxpayers subject to taxable sales income at a levy rate of 3%, the VAT at a
  levy rate of 1% will be reduced; for items subject to a 3% pre-levy rate, the prepayment VAT at a pre-levy rat
 e of 1% will be reduced. Some of the Company’s branches are small-scale taxpayers and meet the above st
 andards, and will be exempt from VAT in 2023.

 (3) Additional tax incentives
 According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Furth
 er Implementing the “Six Taxes and Two Fees” Reduction and Reduction Policy for Small and Micro Enterpri
 ses (Announcement No. 10 of 2022 of the State Administration of Taxation of the Ministry of Finance), the pe
 ople’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Governm
 ent can determine that small-scale tax taxpayers of value-added tax, small and micro-profit enterprises and i
 ndividual industrial and commercial enterprises may reduce resource tax, urban maintenance and constructi
 on tax, real estate tax, urban land use tax, stamp tax (excluding securities transaction stamp tax), farmland o
 ccupation tax, education surcharge, and local education surcharge within a 50% tax amount range. In 2023,
 some of the Company’s branches are small and micro-profit enterprises, and some of the Company’s branch
 es are small-scale taxpayers and meet the above standards, so corresponding preferential policies for reduct
 ion and exemption will be applied.

 According to the Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Expanding th
 e Scope of Exemption for Relevant Government Funds (Cai Shui [2016] No. 12), the scope of education fee
 surcharge, local education surcharge and water conservancy construction fund will be exempted by the oblig
 or whose monthly sales or turnover currently taxed monthly does not exceed RMB30,000 (quarterly sales or
 turnover that pays quarterly tax does not exceed RMB90,000). Extended to payers whose monthly sales or t
 urnover for monthly tax does not exceed RMB100,000 (quarterly sales or turnover for quarterly tax does not
 exceed RMB300,000). Some branches of the Company meet the above standards and will be exempted fro
 m education surcharge, local education surcharge and water conservancy construction funds in 2023.
3. Others
VII. Notes to the consolidated financial statements
1. Currency funds
                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                 Item                          Closing balance                     Opening balance
 Cash on hand                                                434,213.76                           391,749.23
 Cash at banks                                          224,395,861.65                       513,078,584.94
 Others                                                    3,024,147.76                         8,434,484.13
 Total                                                  227,854,223.17                       521,904,818.30
      Including: Total amounts dep
                                                           7,753,196.85                         4,313,836.35
 osited overseas

                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Other descriptions:
 (1) The Group's other currency funds mainly included account balances on third-party payment platforms suc
 h as WeChat pay and Alipay.
   (2) As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s restricted currency funds totaled RMB 890,612.21 (31 Decembe
 r 2022: RMB279,787.68), which was mainly due to preservation of law issue(As at the reporting date, the p
 ayment has been made)or change of account types.
   (3) The Group obtains interest income on its bank deposits at the interest rate for demand deposits.

2. Financial assets held for trading
                                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                 Item                                  Closing balance                      Opening balance
 Financial assets at fair value thro
                                                             4,841,946,705.07                        5,609,891,931.68
 ugh profit or loss
 Structured deposits                                           445,437,534.25                         330,189,591.78
 Wealth management products                                  4,396,509,170.82                        5,279,702,339.90
 Total                                                       4,841,946,705.07                        5,609,891,931.68
 Other descriptions:
 (1) The structured deposits are capital protected floating income bank structured deposit investments linked
  to the CSI 500 index, CSI 300 index and the spot exchange rate of the euro against the US dollar.
 (2) The wealth management products are capital protected and non-capital protected floating income wealt
 h management products.
3. Accounts receivable
(1) Disclosed by aging
                                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                 Aging                       Closing outstanding balance              Opening outstanding balance
 Within 1 year, inclusive                                          85,531,799.66                          87,167,396.78
 1 to 2 years                                                        659,976.99                            2,359,626.25
 Total                                                             86,191,776.65                          89,527,023.03
(2) Disclosed by method of determining provision for credit losses
                                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                 Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                Outstanding b       Provision for bad                 Outstanding bala     Provision for bad
                      alance               debts           Carryin           nce                  debts         Carryin
                                              Provisi      g amo                                     Provisi    g amo
                Amo      Percen    Amoun                              Amoun     Percen     Amoun
                                              on rati        unt                                     on rati      unt
                unt       tage         t                                 t         tage       t
                                                   o                                                      o
 Accounts       0.00     0.00%        0.00     0.00%         0.00      1,476,      1.65%   1,476,     100.0        0.00

                                                          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

receivabl                                                 671.46            671.46      0%
e for whic
h provisio
n for bad
debts is i
y assess
                                                          1,476,            1,476,   100.0
Mall A        0.00   0.00%      0.00   0.00%       0.00            1.65%                       0.00
                                                          671.46            671.46      0%
e for whic
h provisio                                        83,14    88,05                              84,47
              91,7   100.0    3,044,                                 98.3   3,571,
n for bad                              3.53%     7,399.   0,351.                     4.06%    8,911.
              76.6     0%    377.59                                   5%    440.05
debts is c                                           06       57                                 52
e from P      29,7
                                                  29,79    22,63                              22,63
OS machi      97,9    34.5                                           25.2
                                0.00   0.00%     7,960.   0,287.              0.00   0.00%    0,287.
nes and e     60.8     7%                                             8%
                                                     89       88                                 88
-commer         9
ce platfor
receivabl                                         53,34    65,42                              61,84
              93,8    65.4    3,044,                                 73.0   3,571,
e from sh                              5.40%     9,438.   0,063.                     5.46%    8,623.
              15.7     3%    377.59                                   7%    440.05
opping m                                             17       69                                 64
                                                  83,14    89,52                              84,47
              91,7   100.0    3,044,                                100.0   5,048,
Total                                  3.53%     7,399.   7,023.                     5.64%    8,911.
              76.6     0%    377.59                                   0%    111.51
                                                     06       03                                 52
Impairment allowance which is individually assessed: 0
                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan

                                                                   2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                      Opening balance                                      Closing balance
       Name      Outstanding        Impairment       Outstanding      Impairment                        Reasons for
                    balance          allowance         balance        allowance                           provision
                 1,476,671.4        1,476,671.4
 Mall A                                                      0.00             0.00            0.00%
                              6                  6
                 1,476,671.4        1,476,671.4
 Total                                                       0.00             0.00
                              6                  6
 Impairment allowance which is collectively assessed: 3,044,377.59
                                                                                            Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                  Closing balance
                                  Outstanding balance        Impairment allowance                   Percentage
 Accounts receivable fro
 m POS machines and e-                   29,797,960.89                              0.00                         0.00%
 commerce platforms
 Accounts receivable fro
                                         56,393,815.76                   3,044,377.59                            5.40%
 m shopping malls
 Total                                   86,191,776.65                   3,044,377.59
 Description of the basis for determining the combination:
 Impairment allowance which is assessed by the combination of credit risk characteristics
 If the Group recognizes impairment allowance based on the general model of ECLs:
 □Applicable Not applicable
(3) Impairment allowance recognized, recovered or reversed for the current period
 Impairment allowance for the current period:
                                                                                            Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                       Changes for the period
                 Opening bal                                                                            Closing bala
   Category                                          Recovery or
                     ance            Provision                         Write-offs          Others           nce
 Accounts rec
 eivable from    5,048,111.5        2,997,697.8      5,003,734.0                                         3,044,377.5
                                                                              0.00          2,302.31
 shopping ma                  1                  0                3                                                   9
                 5,048,111.5        2,997,697.8      5,003,734.0                                         3,044,377.5
 Total                                                                        0.00          2,302.31
                              1                  0                3                                                   9

                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Including: significant recovery or reversal of impairment allowance for the current period:
                                                                                               Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                                                   The basis and ratio
                                                                                                   nality of determinin
                         Amount recovered      Reasons for revers          Methods for revers
   Name of entity                                                                                  g the ratio for origi
                            or reversed                     al                      al
                                                                                                   nal impairment allo
                                                                                                   It is not expected t
                                                                                                   o be recovered be
 Mall A                        1,476,671.46    Not applicable              Currency recovery       cause the mall has
                                                                                                   been in arrears for
                                                                                                   a long time.
 Total                         1,476,671.46

(4) The top 5 largest accounts receivable and contract assets at end of year categorized by debtor
                                                                                               Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                                   Proportion of to
                                                                                                       Closing balanc
                                                                 Closing balanc    tal closing bala
                     Closing balanc     Closing balanc                                                 e of impairment
                                                                 e of accounts r   nce of account
  Name of entity     e of trade recei   e of contract as                                                of accounts re
                                                                 eceivable and c   s receivable an
                          vables              sets                                                     ceivable and co
                                                                 ontract assets    d contract asse
                                                                                                        ntract assets
 No.1                  12,540,139.89                 0.00         12,540,139.89            14.55%                  0.00
 No.2                   5,483,230.73                 0.00          5,483,230.73                6.36%               0.00
 No.3                   4,261,580.43                 0.00          4,261,580.43                4.94%               0.00
 No.4                   2,736,504.30                 0.00          2,736,504.30                3.17%       147,728.12
 No.5                   2,469,627.90                 0.00          2,469,627.90                2.87%       133,321.00
 Total                 27,491,083.25                 0.00         27,491,083.25            31.89%          281,049.12
4. Other receivables
                                                                                               Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Item                             Closing balance                           Opening balance
 Other receivables                                                 5,614,656.53                          8,184,551.61
 Total                                                             5,614,656.53                          8,184,551.61
(1) Other receivables
1) Other receivables categorized by nature
                                                                                               Currency: Renminbi Yuan
              Nature                      Closing outstanding balance                Opening outstanding balance
 Social insurances and housing fu
                                                                   4,485,068.29                          5,805,962.39
 nd borne by employees
 Temporary loans for employees                                       327,705.15                          1,365,064.13

                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Others                                                             2,706,883.09                           2,918,525.09
 Total                                                              7,519,656.53                          10,089,551.61
2) Disclosed by aging
                                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan

                     Aging                     Closing outstanding balance            Opening outstanding balance

 Within 1 year, inclusive                                           5,614,656.53                           8,184,551.61
 1 to 2 years                                                                                              1,905,000.00
 2 to 3 years                                                       1,905,000.00
 Total                                                              7,519,656.53                          10,089,551.61
3) Disclosed by method of determining provision for credit losses
 Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                 Closing balance                                      Opening balance
              Outstanding bala        Provision for bad               Outstanding bala     Provision for bad
 Catego                nce                   debts        Carryin            nce                  debts         Carryin
     ry                                         Provisi   g amo                                      Provisi    g amo
              Amoun          Percen   Amoun                           Amoun     Percen     Amoun
                                                on rati    unt                                       on rati      unt
                 t            tage       t                               t         tage       t
                                                     o                                                    o
 nts rec
  for whi
 ch prov
 ision fo     1,905,           25.3   1,905,     100.0                 1,905,       18.8   1,905,     100.0
                                                            0.00                                                   0.00
 r bad d      000.00            3%    000.00         0%               000.00         8%    000.00          0%
 ebts is
 ually a
 on for
 bad de
 bts whi      5,614,           74.6                        5,614,      8,184,       81.1                         8,184,
                                        0.00     0.00%                                       0.00     0.00%
 ch is a      656.53            7%                        656.53      551.61         2%                         551.61
 d on a

                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

o basis
             7,519,      100.0       1,905,      25.3       5,614,                  100.0     1,905,         18.8      8,184,
Total                                                                    9,551.
             656.53        0%        000.00        3%      656.53                     0%      000.00          8%       551.61
Impairment allowance which is individually assessed:
                                                                                                 Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                        Opening balance                                           Closing balance
    Name         Outstanding          Provision for     Outstanding        Provision for    Provision rati    Reasons for
                      balance          bad debts           balance          bad debts             o             provision
                                                                                                              It is not expe
                                                                                                              cted to be re
                                                                                                              covered due
                  1,905,000.0         1,905,000.0        1,905,000.0       1,905,000.0                        to deteriorati
Company A                                                                                        100.00%
                                 0                 0                 0                  0                     ng operation
                                                                                                              condition of
                                                                                                              the counter
If the Group recognizes bad debt provision based on general ECL model:
                                                                                                 Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                 Stage 1                   Stage 2                  Stage 3
Provision for bad d      12-Month expecte             Lifetime expected       Lifetime expected
          ebts             d credit losses         credit losses (Non-       credit losses (Credi
                                                       credit-impaired)            t-impaired)
Balance at 1 Janu
                                                                                    1,905,000.00             1,905,000.00
ary 2023
Balance at 1 Janu
ary 2023 provided i
n the current perio
Balance at 31 Dec
                                                                                    1,905,000.00             1,905,000.00
ember 2023
Basis for the division of each stage and provision ratio for impairment allowance
Changes in outstanding balance with significant changes in the amount of loss provision in the current period
□Applicable Not applicable

                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

4) Impairment allowance recognized, recovered or reversed for the current period
 Impairment allowance for the current period:
                                                                                                   Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                         Changes for the period
                   Opening bal                                                                                   Closing bala
   Category                                            Recovery or       Transfer or
                      ance             Provision                                                 Others              nce
                                                         reversal          write-off
 allowance fo      1,905,000.0                                                                                    1,905,000.0
                                             0.00                0.00             0.00                  0.00
 r other recei                0                                                                                              0
                   1,905,000.0                                                                                    1,905,000.0
 Total                                       0.00                0.00             0.00                  0.00
                              0                                                                                              0
 Including: significant reversal or recovery of impairment allowance for the current period:

                                                                                                   Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                                                        The basis and ratio
                                                                                                        nality of determinin
                         Recovery or revers        Reasons for revers        Methods for recove
   Name of entity                                                                                        g the ratio for origi
                                  al                        al                          ry
                                                                                                        nal impairment allo
5) The top 5 largest other receivables at the end of the year categorized by debtor
                                                                                                   Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                                   Proportion of to
                                                                                                               Closing balanc
                    Nature of other       Closing balanc                               tal closing bala
  Name of entity                                                     Aging                                  e of impairment
                      receivables                  e                               nce of other rec
                    Payments for fi
 No.1                                       1,905,000.00         Over 1 years                    25.33%         1,905,000.00
                    xed assets
                    Temporary loa
 No.2               ns for employe            200,000.00         Within 1 year                    2.66%                    0.00
                    Temporary loa
 No.3               ns for employe             33,002.50         Within 1 year                    0.44%                    0.00
                    Temporary loa
 No.4               ns for employe             22,854.58         Within 1 year                    0.30%                    0.00
                    Temporary loa
 No.5               ns for employe             20,000.00         Within 1 year                    0.27%                    0.00

                                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

    Total                                        2,180,857.08                                   29.00%          1,905,000.00
5. Prepayments
(1) Prepayments presented by aging
                                                                                                 Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                            Closing balance                                 Opening balance
                                    Amount                 Percentage               Amount                 Percentage
    Within 1 year                  33,060,094.20                  95.21%            74,104,582.84                    99.84%
    1 to 2 years                     1,664,057.89                   4.79%              121,851.31                     0.16%
    Total                          34,724,152.09                                    74,226,434.15
    Description of the reason why significant prepayments aged over one year were not settled in time:
    As at 31 December 2023, the Group had no significant prepayments aged over one year (31 December 202
    2: nil).
(2) The top 5 largest prepayments at end of year categorized by receivers
                                                                   Proportion of total closin              Remarks
            Name of entity                Closing balance          g balance of prepayment
    No.1                                          1,856,560.99                         5.35%               Consultancy fees
    No.2                                          1,300,800.46                         3.75%                    Promotion fees
    No.3                                          1,035,000.00                         2.98%                       Design fees
    No.4                                             807,435.66                        2.33%                    Promotion fees
    No.5                                             807,318.97                        2.32%                    Promotion fees
    Total                                         5,807,116.08                         16.73%
6. Inventories
    Weather the Company has followed the disclosure requirements to real estate industry
(1) Category of inventories
                                                                                                 Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                        Closing balance                                     Opening balance
                                         Provision for
                                                                                            Provision for d
                                         decline in val
                                                                                            ecline in value
                                         ue of inventor
                                                                                            of inventories o
         Item          Outstanding       ies or provisio    Carrying a     Outstanding                            Carrying amo
                                                                                            r provision for i
                         balance         n for impairm        mount          balance                                  unt
                                                                                            mpairment of c
                                         ent of contrac
                                                                                            ontract perform
                                         t performance
                                                                                              ance costs
                       126,507,534.                        126,507,534.    134,671,437.                          134,671,437.4
Raw materials
                                   93                                 93               41                                      1
Goods on han           392,190,024.                        381,952,260.    516,044,105.                          509,515,703.5
                                         10,237,764.15                                        6,528,401.70
d                                  81                                 66               23                                      3

                                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Turnover mate                                          2,713,164.17
                   2,713,164.17                                          5,183,351.50                        5,183,351.50
Goods upon d
                    318,575.15                          318,575.15       1,209,323.01                        1,209,323.01
                   4,015,757.66                        4,015,757.66      2,824,345.36                        2,824,345.36
Outsourced pr
                   11,431,751.8                        11,431,751.8      16,482,477.1
ocessing mate                                                                                             16,482,477.19
                                  0                                  0                 9
                   537,176,808.                        526,939,044.      676,415,039.                     669,886,638.0
Total                                 10,237,764.15                                        6,528,401.70
                             52                                37                  70                                     0
  The Company should comply with the disclosure requirements about “Jewelry related business “in the Shenz
  hen Stock Exchange for Self-regulation of Listed Companies No. 3–Industry-specific Information Disclosure
                                  Distribution of inventories at the end of reporting period
                                                                                       Currency: RMB 10 thousand Yuan
                                                 Closing outstanding balance of inventories
          Item     Semi-finished p Goods on Outsourced processing Raw mate over Goods upon d
                      roducts             hand             materials             rials     mate    elivery
   Karat gold je                                                                                                  37,59
                      348.23           37,178.30             43.76                 -         -      23.63
  welry                                                                                                           3.92
   Platinum jew                                                                                                   1,002.
                       44.18             946.15              3.81                  -         -       8.01
  elry                                                                                                             15
   Gold jewelry          -               986.01              0.27                  -         -       0.22
                                                                               12,618.4                           13,71
   Diamond               -                  -              1,095.11                          -        -
                                                                                  1                               3.52
   Turnover ma                                                                             271.                   271.3
                         -                  -                  -                   -                  -
  terials                                                                                   32                      2
   Others              9.16              108.54              0.23               32.34        -        -
                                                                               12,650.7 271.                     53,717.
         Total        401.57           39,219.00           1,143.18                                 31.86
                                                                                  5         32                     68

                                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

(2) Provision for decline in value of inventories and impairment provision for contract performance cos
                                                                                                    Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                   Increase                            Decrease
                  Opening bal                                                                                      Closing bala
       Item                                                                  Reversal or
                      ance              Provision             Other                                Other               nce
 Goods on ha       6,528,401.7          12,880,040.                           9,170,677.8                          10,237,764.
 nd                             0                  30                                      5                                  15
                   6,528,401.7          12,880,040.                           9,170,677.8                          10,237,764.
                                0                  30                                      5                                  15

 Provision for decline in value of inventories which is assessed on a portfolio basis
                                                                                                    Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                    At end of period                                       At beginning of period
                                                             Provision                                               Provision r
                                         Provision for                                             Provision fo
       Name           Closing                                ratio for d         Opening                             atio for de
                                         decline in val                                            r decline in
                      balance                               ecline in v          balance                             cline in val
                                              ue                                                      value
                                                               alue                                                      ue
 Goods on ha      392,190,024.8          10,237,764.1                                              6,528,401.7
                                                                 2.61%        516,044,105.23                             1.27%
 nd                                 1                   5                                                      0
                  392,190,024.8          10,237,764.1                                              6,528,401.7
 Total                                                           2.61%        516,044,105.23                             1.27%
                                    1                   5                                                      0
 The standard of provision for decline in value of inventories which is assessed on a portfolio basis
 Net realizable value of inventories is the estimated selling price of inventories less further processing costs, e
 xpected selling expenses and related taxes.

 The reason for write-off of the provision for decline in value of goods on hand is that inventories have been s
 old or disposal of relevant write-off of the provision for decline in value of inventories.
7. Current portion of non-current assets
                                                                                                    Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                    Item                                    Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Debt investments due within one year                             390,061,500.32                               66,085,379.00
 Other debt investments due within one y
                                                                                0.00                                         0.00
 Deposits                                                          63,410,461.50                               41,240,679.30
 Bad debt provision for current portion of
                                                                -6,868,997.72                                      -358,191.14
 non-current assets
 Total                                                            446,602,964.10                              106,967,867.16

                                                                    2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

(1) Debt investments due within one year
 Applicable □ Not applicable
1) Debt investments due within one year
                                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                   Closing balance                                    Opening balance
                                       Provision f                                       Provision f
     Name          Outstanding b                       Carrying amo     Outstanding                      Carrying am
                                       or impairm                                        or impairm
                      alance                                  unt          balance                           ount
                                          ent                                                 ent
 Certificate of
  deposit with
  a maturity of
                   390,061,500.3                       390,061,500.3    66,085,379.0                       66,085,379.
  more than o                                 0.00                                               0.00
                                  2                                 2                0                               00
 ne year and
 due within o
 ne year
                   390,061,500.3                       390,061,500.3    66,085,379.0                       66,085,379.
 Total                                        0.00                                               0.00
                                  2                                 2                0                               00
 Changes in impairment provision for the current period for debt investments due within one year
                                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan
          Item           Opening balance                 Increase               Decrease            Closing balance
2) Important debt investments due within one year at end of period
                                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                    Effective interest rate      Overdue principal
                                      Coupon r       Maturity dat
    Item           Par value                                        Closing b    Opening       Closing b     Opening
                                        ate               e
                                                                     alance       balance       alance        balance
 of deposit                                          3 Decembe
                  90,000,000.00          3.55%                          3.42%                       0.00            0.00
 of Bank of                                          r 2024
 of deposit                                          07 Februar
                  50,000,000.00          3.65%                          3.65%                       0.00            0.00
 of China M                                          y 2024
 insheng B
                                                     19 Februar
 of deposit       50,000,000.00          3.65%                          3.65%                       0.00            0.00
                                                     y 2024
 of China M
 insheng B

                                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 of deposit                                        20 Februar
                50,000,000.00             3.65%                         3.65%                       0.00          0.00
 of Ping An                                        y 2024
8. Other current assets
                                                                                           Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Item                               Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Return cost of receivable                                           151,973.99                            272,853.07
 Wealth management products                                     85,819,724.44                        31,378,714.16
 Prepaid income tax                                              7,032,156.60                        23,359,776.18
 Input VAT to be certified, deducte
                                                                31,107,132.76                        15,125,504.86
 d, and retained
 Expenses to be amortized                                       7,873,063.00                          3,318,077.34
 Total                                                      131,984,050.79                           73,454,925.61
 Other descriptions:
9. Debt investments
(1) Details of debt investments
                                                                                           Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                               Closing balance                                     Opening balance
                                     Provision                                         Provision
      Item     Outstanding b                      Carrying amou       Outstanding b                 Carrying amou
                                     for impair                                        for impair
                   alance                              nt                 alance                             nt
                                       ment                                              ment
 e of depo
 sit with a
               891,976,307.0                      891,976,307.0        794,553,996.3                 794,553,996.3
 maturity o                               0.00
                             1                                  11                 6                                6
 f more th
 an one ye
               891,976,307.0                      891,976,307.0        794,553,996.3                 794,553,996.3
 Total                                    0.00
                             1                                  1                  6                                6

 As of December 31, 2023, the balance of book debts investments mainly consisted of large certificates of de
 posit with a maturity period of more than one year acquired by the Group, with maturity dates ranging from F
 ebruary 2025 to March 2026, and deposit interest rates ranging from 3.10% to 3.55% (December 31, 2022:
 maturity dates ranging from February 2024 to October 2027, and deposit interest rates ranging from 3.30% t
 o 4.05%)

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

(2) Important debt investments at end of period
                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                           Closing balance                                   Opening balance
                                                                                 Effectiv              Over
                               Effective             Overd
     Item   Par val   Coupo                Maturit              Par v   Coupo    e inter    Maturity   due p
                               interest              ue prin
              ue      n rate               y date               alue    n rate   est rat      date     rincip
                                 rate                 cipal
                                                                                    e                    al
 ate of
 deposit    100,00                         8 Nove               100,0                       8 Nove
 of Ban     0,000.    3.55%      3.55%     mber 2               00,00    3.55%    3.55%     mber 20     0.00
 k of Do        00                         025                   0.00                       25
 ate of
 deposit    100,00                         06 Feb
 of Chi     0,000.    3.30%      3.30%     ruary 2
 na Min         00                         026
 ate of
 deposit                                   1 Marc
            0,000.    3.30%      3.30%
 of Chi                                    h 2026
 na CITI
 C Bank
 Time d
            150,00                         14 Mar
 of Chi
            0,000.    3.25%      3.25%     ch 202
 na Eve
                00                         6

            550,00                                              100,0
 Total      0,000.                                              00,00                                   0.00
                00                                               0.00

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

10. Fixed assets
                                                                                        Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                 Item                         Closing balance                         Opening balance
 Fixed assets                                             12,617,322.42                         14,068,805.09
 Total                                                    12,617,322.42                         14,068,805.09
(1) Fixed assets
                                                                                        Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                    Transportation equipm     Office equipment and oth
                Item                                                                              Total
                                            ent                           ers
 I. Original book value:
     1. Opening balance                      5,057,888.38                 19,331,198.09         24,389,086.47
     2. Increase                                  16,433.15                4,611,716.20          4,628,149.35
          (1) Purchases                           16,433.15                4,610,381.30          4,626,814.45
          (2) Transfers from co
 nstruction in progress
          (3) Increase from bus
 iness combinations
 Exchange differences on trans
 lation of financial statements d
                                                                                  1,334.90           1,334.90
 enominated in foreign currenc
     3. Decrease                                                                359,869.85        359,869.85
          (1) Disposal or retire
                                                                                359,869.85        359,869.85

     4. Closing balance                      5,074,321.53                 23,583,044.44         28,657,365.97
 II. Accumulated depreciation
     1. Opening balance                      2,322,481.67                  7,997,799.71         10,320,281.38
     2. Increase                              768,004.07                   5,240,940.31          6,008,944.38
          (1) Provision                       768,004.07                   5,239,926.63          6,007,930.70
 Exchange differences on trans
 lation of financial statements d
                                                                                  1,013.68           1,013.68
 enominated in foreign currenc
     3. Decrease                                                                289,182.21        289,182.21
          (1) Disposal or retire
                                                                                289,182.21        289,182.21

     4. Closing balance                      3,090,485.74                 12,949,557.81         16,040,043.55
 III. Provision for impairment

                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

      1. Opening balance
      2. Increase
          (1) Provision

      3. Decrease
          (1) Disposal or retire

      4. Closing balance
 IV. Carrying amount
      1. Closing carrying amoun
                                      1,983,835.79                 10,633,486.63       12,617,322.42
      2. Opening carrying amou
                                      2,735,406.71                 11,333,398.38       14,068,805.09
11. Right-of-use assets
(1) Right-of-use assets
                                                                             Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Item                      Buildings                                Total
 I. Original book value:
      1. Opening balance                      1,050,335,607.36                      1,050,335,607.36
      2. Increase                               149,402,589.96                        149,402,589.96
 (1) Increase                                   148,955,722.58                        148,955,722.58
 (2) Exchange differences on tran
 slation of financial statements de                   446,867.38                           446,867.38
 nominated in foreign currency
      3. Decrease                               452,819,130.17                        452,819,130.17
 (1) Disposal                                   452,819,130.17                        452,819,130.17
      4. Closing balance                        746,919,067.15                        746,919,067.15
 II. Accumulated depreciation
      1. Opening balance                        436,053,985.67                        436,053,985.67
      2. Increase                               352,240,987.29                        352,240,987.29
          (1) Provision                         351,904,368.67                        351,904,368.67
 (2) Exchange differences on tran
 slation of financial statements de                   336,618.62                           336,618.62
 nominated in foreign currency
      3. Decrease                               310,828,690.17                        310,828,690.17
          (1) Disposal                          310,828,690.17                        310,828,690.17

      4. Closing balance                        477,466,282.79                        477,466,282.79
 III. Provision for impairment

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

      1. Opening balance                                      23,775,454.33                        23,775,454.33
      2. Increase                                             57,013,861.16                        57,013,861.16
             (1) Provision                                    56,741,019.03                        56,741,019.03
 (2) Exchange differences on tran
 slation of financial statements de                             272,842.13                               272,842.13
 nominated in foreign currency
      3. Decrease                                             20,308,185.79                        20,308,185.79
             (1) Disposal                                     20,308,185.79                        20,308,185.79

      4. Closing balance                                      60,481,129.70                        60,481,129.70
 IV. Carrying amount
      1. Closing carrying amount                          208,971,654.66                          208,971,654.66
      2. Opening carrying amount                          590,506,167.36                          590,506,167.36
(2) Impairment testing of right-of-use assets
 Applicable □ Not applicable
 The net recoverable amount is determined by fair value less disposal expenses
 □Applicable Not applicable
 The recoverable amount is determined according to the present value of the future cash flows
 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                           Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                                                           Basis for
                                                  Length o                                    Key par
                             Recovera   Impaire                                                           ning key
               Carrying                           f predicti    Key parameters of predic      ameters
    Item                     ble amou   d amou                                                             paramet
                amount                            on perio              tion period           of stabl
                                nt        nt                                                               ers of pr
                                                      d                                       e period

                                                  The earli
                                                  er of the
                                                                (1) Operating income: for
                                                                ecasts are based on the
                                                  n date of
  DR Gua                                                        company's strategic obje
                                                  the leas
  ngzhou                                                        ctives, the external envir
               5,312,28      1,164,79   4,147,4   e contra
 Tianhe C                                                       onment, consumer stimul         N/A          N/A
                  0.86         2.61     88.25     ct and th
 ity Plaza                                                      us policies introduced by
                                                  e expect
   store                                                         the state and the historic
                                                  ed closin
                                                                al revenue growth of the
                                                  g date of
                                                   the stor
                                                                (2) Operating costs: calc
                                                                ulated based on historica

                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                        l average gross margins;
                                                    (4)Operating expenses: calcu
                                                        lated based on historical
                                                        expenses as a percentag
                                                         e of operating income.
                                                    (5)Pre-tax discount rate: 14.4
                                                        (1) Operating income: for
                                                        ecasts are based on the
                                                        company's strategic obje
                                                        ctives, the external envir
                                            The earli
                                                        onment, consumer stimul
                                            er of the
                                                        us policies introduced by
DR Beiji                                                the state and the historic
                                            n date of
ng Zhon                                                 al revenue growth of the
                                            the leas
gguancu                                                            shops;
            4,631,33   811,267.   3,820,0   e contra
n Link S                                                (2) Operating costs: calc    N/A     N/A
             5.21        32       67.89     ct and th
hopping                                                 ulated based on historica
                                            e expect
Center st                                               l average gross margins;
                                            ed closin
  ore                                                   (3)Operating expenses:
                                            g date of
                                                        calculated based on hist
                                             the stor
                                                        orical expenses as a per
                                                        centage of operating inc
                                                        ome. (4)
                                                        Pre-tax discount rate: 14.

                                            The earli
                                            er of the   (1) Operating income: for
                                            expiratio   ecasts are based on the
                                            n date of   company's strategic obje
DR Kun                                      the leas    ctives, the external envir
ming PA     2,812,01              2,812,0   e contra    onment, consumer stimul
                        0.00                                                         N/A     N/A
RK1903       4.82                 14.82     ct and th   us policies introduced by
  store                                     e expect    the state and the historic
                                            ed closin   al revenue growth of the
                                            g date of              shops;
                                             the stor   (2) Operating costs: calc
                                                e       ulated based on historica
                                                        l average gross margins;

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                               (3)Operating expenses:
                                                               calculated based on hist
                                                               orical expenses as a per
                                                               centage of operating inc
                                                               (4)Pre-tax discount rate:

                                                               (1) Operating income: for
                                                               ecasts are based on the
                                                               company's strategic obje
                                                               ctives, the external envir
                                                   The earli   onment, consumer stimul
                                                   er of the   us policies introduced by
                                                   expiratio   the state and the historic
                                                   n date of   al revenue growth of the
DR Shan
                                                   the leas             shops;
ghai Gra
            3,075,01    685,741.     2,389,2       e contra    (2) Operating costs: calc
nd Gate                                                                                     N/A       N/A
              8.16          35        76.81        ct and th   ulated based on historica
way Stor
                                                   e expect    l average gross margins;
                                                   ed closin
                                                   g date of   (3)Operating expenses:
                                                    the stor   calculated based on hist
                                                       e       orical expenses as a per
                                                               centage of operating inc
                                                               (4) Pre-tax discount rate:
            15,830,6     2,661,80     13,168,
                49.05         1.28        847.77
Reasons for clearly differences between the foregoing information and information or external information us
ed for impairment testing in prior year
Reasons for clearly differences between the information used for impairment testing in prior year by the Com
pany and actual conditions in that year
Other descriptions:
The Group uses single stores as an asset group and performs impairment tests on each asset group with ind
icators of impairment. The recoverable value of an asset group is determined based on the present value of t
he estimated future cash flows of individual stores over the remaining lease term or the estimated operatin
g period. The impairment is the amount of carring value lessing recoverable value. The above shows the imp
airment test of the asset group for which the amount of impairment is significant in the current year, and the c

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 arrying value is the total amount of the asset group's right-of-use assets and long-term amortization expense
12. Intangible assets
(1) Intangible assets
                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                    Land use rig                Non-patent t
        Item                       Patents                         Software       Trademarks       Total
                        hts                      echnology
 I. Original bo
 ok value:
     1. Opening                                                   13,580,747.                   13,580,747.
 balance                                                                  83                               83
                                                                                  5,212,440.4   5,380,763.1
     2. Increase                                                  168,322.76
                                                                                           0               6
 (1) Purchase                                                                     5,212,440.4   5,380,763.1
 s                                                                                         0               6
 (2) Internal
 (3) Increase
 from busines
 s combinatio

     3. Decreas
                                                                  460,377.36                    460,377.36
 (1) Disposal                                                     460,377.36                    460,377.36

     4. Closing b                                                 13,288,693.     5,212,440.4   18,501,133.
 alance                                                                   23               0               63
 II. Accumulat
 ed amortizati
     1. Opening                                                   9,318,150.0                   9,318,150.0
 balance                                                                      7                            7
                                                                  2,288,302.1                   2,630,723.9
     2. Increase                                                                   342,421.77
                                                                              3                            0
                                                                  2,288,302.1                   2,630,723.9
 (1) Provision                                                                     342,421.77
                                                                              3                            0

     3. Decreas

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 (1) Disposal                                                     56,160.38                       56,160.38

  4. Closing b                                                  11,550,291.                      11,892,713.
 alance                                                                  82                               59
 III. Provision
 for impairme
  1. Opening
  2. Increase
 (1) Provision

  3. Decreas
 (1) Disposal

  4. Closing b
 IV. Carrying
  1. Closing c
                                                                1,738,401.4    4,870,018.6       6,608,420.0
 arrying amo
                                                                           1              3                4
  2. Opening
                                                                4,262,597.7                      4,262,597.7
 carrying amo
                                                                           6                               6
 Intangible assets arising from internal research and development at the end of the year account for 0.00% of
 the intangible assets balance.
13. Long-term prepaid expenses
                                                                                   Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                    Opening balan                                                             Closing balanc
         Item                            Increase       Amortization     Other decrease
                           ce                                                                       e
 Expenses on i
 mprovement of
 fixed assets un                       13,195,249.21    97,016,164.88    35,721,596.82        50,207,871.43
 der operating le
 Total                                 13,195,249.21    97,016,164.88    35,721,596.82        50,207,871.43
 Other descriptions:

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 (1) The Group uses a single store as an asset group, and conducts an impairment test on the asset group of
 the store showing any indication of impairment. The recoverable amount of the asset group is determined ac
 cording to the present value of the estimated future cash flow. The details are disclosed in notes Vll.11 in th
 e consolidated fnancial statements.

 (2) According to the result of impairment test, the carrying amount of some store asset groups is lower than t
 he recoverable amount, and the corresponding provision for impairment of long-term prepaid expenses is R
14. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities
(1) Deferred tax assets before offsetting
                                                                                         Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                    Closing balance                              Opening balance
         Item            Deductible tempor    Deferred tax asset     Deductible tempor       Deferred tax asset
                          ary differences              s               ary differences               s
 Provision for asset
                           111,821,826.34          26,138,406.75         40,067,827.14           10,003,234.08
 Unrealized profit o
 n inter-company tr          3,658,302.65             914,575.66           7,326,359.23           1,831,589.81
 Deductible losses          54,919,145.86           8,733,943.91           7,400,282.50             895,178.30
 Provision for store
 restoration obligati       10,493,433.70           2,623,358.43           8,561,231.41           2,140,307.85
 Difference betwee
 n tax and accounti        256,182,711.66          58,796,450.30        582,115,033.63          144,045,844.11
 ng of lease liability
 Total                     437,075,420.21          97,206,735.05        645,470,733.91          158,916,154.15

                                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

(2) Deferred tax liabilities before offsetting
                                                                                                Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                        Closing balance                                   Opening balance
         Item             Taxable temporary        Deferred tax liabiliti   Taxable temporary        Deferred tax liabiliti
                               differences                  es                  differences                    es
 Changes in fair val
 ue of financial ass           94,022,539.08            23,211,068.90             62,891,931.68            15,568,533.63
 Accrued interest o
 n certificates of de          55,022,301.44            13,112,046.59             21,709,575.40             5,402,625.35
 Difference betwee
 n tax and accounti
                              269,452,784.36            60,229,762.03           560,020,830.90           138,506,777.20
 ng of right-of-use a
 Total                        418,497,624.88            96,552,877.52           644,622,337.98           159,477,936.18
(3) Deferred tax assets or liabilities shown in the net amount after offsetting
                                                                                                Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                            The offset amount
                          The offset amount        Closing balance of                                Opening balance o
                                                                            of deferred tax ass
                          of deferred tax ass      deferred tax assets                               f deferred tax asse
         Item                                                               ets and liabilities at
                          ets and liabilities at   or liabilities after o                            ts or liabilities after
                                                                             beginning of perio
                             end of period               ffsetting                                         offsetting
 Deferred tax asset
                               81,912,884.11            15,293,850.94           150,724,937.79              8,191,216.36
 Deferred tax liabiliti
                               81,912,884.11            14,639,993.41           150,724,937.79              8,752,998.39
(4) Details of the Group's unrecognized deferred tax assets
                                                                                                Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                 Item                               Closing balance                           Opening balance
 Deductible losses                                               190,916,873.26                            31,521,098.68
 Unrecognized provision for impair
                                                                     134,635.01                            10,423,943.75
 Total                                                           191,051,508.27                            41,945,042.43

                                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

(5) Deductible losses on unrecognized deferred tax assets will become due in the following years
                                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan
             Year                     Closing balance            Opening balance                    Remarks
 2023                                                  0.00                          0.00
 2024                                                  0.00                 100,839.02
 2025                                        1,207,915.36                 1,930,613.69
 2026                                        2,014,907.27                 2,500,649.53
 2027                                        1,479,152.70                 2,508,965.13
 2028                                      159,995,313.06                            0.00
 Infinity                                   26,219,584.86                24,480,031.31
 Total                                     190,916,873.26                31,521,098.68
 Other descriptions:
 DR Jewelry, a subsidiary established in France, incurred a cumulative loss of RMB26,219,584.87 on 31 Dec
 ember 2023 (the cumulative loss incurred on 31 December 2022 was RMB24,480,031.31), which can be ma
 de up indefinitely in the future. As at 31 December 2023, the deductible tax losses that were not recognized
 by DR Corporation Limited as deferred tax assets were RMB154,330,960.63 (31 December 2022: Nil), which
  will expire in 2028.

 The Group calculates and recognizes deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences at th
 e applicable tax rate for the period in which the asset is expected to be recovered or the liability is liquidated,
 up to the taxable income that is likely to be acquired in future periods to offset deductible temporary differenc
 es and deductible losses.
15. Other non-current assets
                                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                     Closing balance                                    Opening balance
      Item          Outstanding       Provision for    Carrying am     Outstanding       Provision for    Carrying am
                      balance          impairment         ount           balance          impairment         ount
                    45,593,685.                         45,593,685.     85,069,135.                       85,069,135.
                                77                               77                39                               39
 Employee b
                                                                        350,000.00                         350,000.00
                    45,593,685.                         45,593,685.     85,419,135.                       85,419,135.
                                77                               77                39                               39
 Other descriptions:
 As at 31 December 2023, the Group assessed the expected credit loss ratio as low based on historical loss r
 ates and forward-looking macroeconomic data.

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

16. Assets with restricted ownership or right of use
                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                           Closing balance                                   Opening balance
            Outstandi      Carryin   Restrict                           Carryin    Restrict       Restrictions
     Item                                       Restri     Outstandin
            ng balanc      g amou    ed type                            g amou     ed type
                                                ctions     g balance
                e             nt                                            nt
                                                                                               No feedback on b
 Curren                                                                                        ank reconciliation
            890,612.2       890,61                                       279,78
 cy fund                               frozen              279,787.68                frozen    results, miscalcul
                       1      2.21                                          7.68
 s                                                                                             ation of banks, et
            890,612.2       890,61                                       279,78
 Total                                                     279,787.68
                       1      2.21                                          7.68

 Other descriptions:

 As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s restricted currency funds totaled RMB 890,612.21 (31 December 202
 2: RMB279,787.68), which was mainly due to preservation of law issue(As at the reporting date, the payme
 nt has been made)or change of account types.

17. Short-term borrowings
(1) Classification of short-term borrowings
                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Item                            Closing balance                     Opening balance
 Credit loans                                               60,000,000.00
 Discounted borrowing on bills                             329,995,277.14                      433,993,449.44
 Total                                                     389,995,277.14                      433,993,449.44
 Description of classification of short-term borrowings:
 The discounted borrowing on bills refers to the amount of bank acceptance bills issued between affiliated co
 mpanies within the scope of consolidation that have been discounted but not yet matured at the end of the y

 The credit loan is a short-term borrowing obtained by the Company from Shenzhen Hi-tech Zone Branch of
 Bank of China Limited. The borrowing period is from November 2023 to May 2024. The interest rate is a float
 ing rate, which is re-priced every 6 months. The first installment is the one-year loan market quotation interes
 t rate recently announced by the National Interbank Funding Center as of the working day before the actual
 withdrawal date minus 95 basis points (31 December 2023: 2.5%).

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

18. Trading financial liabilities
                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                   Item                       Closing balance                    Opening balance
 Trading financial liabilities

 Financial liabilities designated at f
                                                        62,813,557.52                                   0.00
 air value through profit or loss
 Gold leasing                                           62,813,557.52                                   0.00
 Total                                                  62,813,557.52                                   0.00
 Other descriptions:
 The Company borrowed gold from banks for production and operation. Before maturity date, the Company w
 ould return the gold to the banks with the same quantity and specification purchased through Shanghai Gold
 Exchange or borrowed from the banks, and pay the agreed lease interest. The lease term is within one year
 (one year inclusive). As at 31 December 2023, the cost of the financial liabilities was RMB59,044,746.72 and
  the change in fair value was RMB-3,768,810.80 (2022: Nil).
19. Notes payable
                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
               Category                       Closing balance                    Opening balance
 Bank acceptance bills                                  47,986,785.70                        466,527,730.97
 Total                                                  47,986,785.70                        466,527,730.97
 The total amount of notes payable due and unpaid at end of period was RMB0.00.
20. Accounts payable
 (1) Accounts payable are listed as follows
                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                   Item                       Closing balance                    Opening balance
 Accounts payable                                       28,164,899.34                         86,880,869.77
 Total                                                  28,164,899.34                         86,880,869.77
 (2) Significant accounts payable aged over 1 year or overdue
                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                         Reason for not being paid or carri
                   Item                       Closing balance
                                                                                       ed forward
                                                                         The supplier fails to reach the set
 Over 1 year                                             3,485,224.98    tlement conditions as agreed in th
                                                                         e contract
 Total                                                   3,485,224.98
 Other descriptions:

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

21. Other payables
                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                  Item                         Closing balance                      Opening balance
 Other payables                                           44,381,542.05                       102,563,944.81
 Total                                                    44,381,542.05                       102,563,944.81
    (1) Other payables
    1) Other payables categorized by nature
                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                  Item                         Closing balance                      Opening balance
 Rent and property management f
                                                          13,469,448.60                        11,248,679.47
 ees payable
 Renovation expenses payable                              15,322,612.68                        63,140,256.23
 Advertisement expenses payable                            2,429,097.28                        11,515,571.63
 Other expenses accrued                                    7,390,825.59                          9,961,766.20
 Deposit                                                   2,334,052.80                          1,639,911.88
 Others                                                    3,435,505.10                          5,057,759.40
 Total                                                    44,381,542.05                       102,563,944.81
 2) Significant other accounts payable older than 1 year or past due
                                                                            Reason for non-reimbursement o
                  Item                         Closing balance
                                                                                       r carry-over

 3)The top 5 largest other payables at end of period categorized by counterparty
 Other descriptions:
 As at 31 December 2023, there were no significant other payables aged over 1 year or overdue (31 Decemb
 er 2022: Nil).
22. Contract liabilities
                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                  Item                         Closing balance                      Opening balance
 Receipt in advance of order paym
                                                         109,633,363.46                       126,705,661.82
 Total                                                   109,633,363.46                       126,705,661.82
Note: 1 Contract liabilities mainly represent advance receipts collected from customers before the Group fulfills
  its performance obligations. Revenue relating to this contract will be recognized when the Group fulfils its pe
 rformance obligations. Normally, when the Group receives advance payments from customers, it will normall
 y fulfill its performance obligations and recognize revenue within 30 days.

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Significant contract liabilities aged over 1 year
                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                            Reasons for having not been paid
                 Item                            Closing balance
                                                                                     or carried forward
 The amount and reason for significant changes in carrying amount within the reporting period.
                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                 Item                                 Changes                             Reasons

23. Employee benefits payable
(1) Employee benefits payable are listed as follows
                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
          Item           Opening balance              Increase            Decrease          Closing balance
 I. Short-term empl
                             68,736,988.33           474,943,001.59      490,746,919.26         52,933,070.66
 oyee benefits
 II. Post-employme
 nt benefits - define                                 57,135,027.29       57,135,027.29
 d contribution plan
 III. Termination be
                                                      11,012,658.61       11,012,658.61
 Total                       68,736,988.33           543,090,687.49      558,894,605.16         52,933,070.66
 (2) Short-term employee benefits are as follows:
                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
          Item           Opening balance              Increase            Decrease          Closing balance
 1. Salaries, bonus
 es, allowances and          65,393,029.23           415,385,784.74      430,058,308.38         50,720,505.59
 2. Staff welfare             3,154,849.89             8,732,618.74       10,728,427.93          1,159,040.70
 3. Social security c
                                                      29,908,332.41       29,908,332.41
 Including: Medical i
                                                      28,004,917.61       28,004,917.61
 Work-related injury
                                                       1,085,367.16        1,085,367.16
 Maternity insuranc
                                                        818,047.64           818,047.64
 4. Housing funds                                     19,538,449.26       18,561,374.64             977,074.62
 5. Union fund and
 Employee educatio              189,109.21             1,377,816.44        1,490,475.90              76,449.75
 n fund
 Total                       68,736,988.33           474,943,001.59      490,746,919.26         52,933,070.66

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

(3) Defined contribution plan are as follows:
                                                                                        Currency: Renminbi Yuan
            Item          Opening balance           Increase                Decrease         Closing balance
 1. Basic pension in
                                                    55,518,960.79           55,518,960.79
 2. Unemployment i
                                                     1,616,066.50            1,616,066.50
 nsurance premium
 Total                                              57,135,027.29           57,135,027.29
 Other descriptions:
 As at 31 December 2023, the Group had no arrears in the nature of remuneration payable to employees.
24. Taxes payable
                                                                                        Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                   Item                          Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Value added tax                                           5,728,457.95                          8,465,825.13
 Excise tax                                                9,698,112.45                         14,173,620.72
 Corporate income tax                                          301,256.61                       34,164,857.66
 Individual income tax withheld                                869,148.96                          780,127.00
 Urban maintenance and construc
                                                               964,902.69                        1,347,723.05
 tion tax
 Education surcharge                                           375,449.44                          549,380.64
 Local education surcharge                                     250,299.91                          362,786.55
 Others                                                         20,177.95                           40,818.91
 Total                                                    18,207,805.96                         59,885,139.66
 Other descriptions:
25. Current portion of non-current liabilities
                                                                                        Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                   Item                          Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Lease liabilities due within 1 year                     195,515,150.71                        351,516,900.54
 Total                                                   195,515,150.71                        351,516,900.54
 Other descriptions:
26. Other current liabilities
                                                                                        Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                   Item                          Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Output VAT to be transferred                             11,288,478.87                         13,670,511.44
 Total                                                    11,288,478.87                         13,670,511.44
 Note 1: The Group has presented the output VAT portion of the advance receipts as the amount of VAT to b
 e resold tax.

                                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Changes in short-term bonds payable:
                                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
         Par                                       Openi             ed in
                Coupo                      Issue           Bonds                tion of p                      Closin Defaul
          v                  Issue   Ter            ng b             teres                  Repayme
Name             n rat                      amo             issu                remium                          g bal   t or n
          al                  date    m             alan             t at p                    nt
                      e                     unt              ed                 or depr                         ance     ot
          ue                                         ce              ar va

 Other descriptions:
27. Lease liabilities
                                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                      Item                            Closing balance                               Opening balance
 Lease payments payable                                            67,781,149.67                            276,542,164.23
 Total                                                             67,781,149.67                            276,542,164.23
 Other descriptions:
28. Provisions
                                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
               Item                   Closing balance             Opening balance                        Reasons
                                                                                             Provision for returns is made f
                                                                                             or sales of goods with sales r
                                                                                             eturn conditions. The Group
 Provision for returns                        487,409.00                      921,567.41
                                                                                             makes provision for returns b
                                                                                             ased on historical experience
                                                                                             data and sales.
                                                                                             Shop restoration obligations r
                                                                                             epresent costs that the Grou
                                                                                             p, as the lessee, expects to in
                                                                                             cur under the lease agreeme
 Shop restoration obligati                                                                   nt to restore the leased asset
                                           13,615,982.00               16,004,249.50
 ons                                                                                         s to the condition agreed und
                                                                                             er the terms of the lease. The
                                                                                             Group estimates restoration c
                                                                                             osts based on industry conditi
                                                                                             ons and historical experience.
 Total                                     14,103,391.00               16,925,816.91
 Other descriptions, including description of significant assumptions and estimates related to significant provis

                                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

29. Share capital
                                                                                                         Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                           Movements during the year
                                                                     Housing fu
                   Opening b                                                                                            Closing ba
                                 New share        Bonus issu         nd transfer
                    alance                                                               Others          Subtotal         lance
                                   s issued                e         red to shar
                   400,010,0                                                                                            400,010,0
                       00.00                                                                                                00.00
 Other descriptions:
30. Capital reserves
                                                                                                         Currency: Renminbi Yuan
           Item              Opening balance                   Increase                  Decrease             Closing balance
 Share premium               4,403,792,844.63                                                                 4,403,792,844.63
 Other capital reser
                                           -227.67                                                                         -227.67
 Share-based paym
 ents included in th             26,344,118.97                    187,422.35                                        26,531,541.32
 e capital reserve
 Shareholding syste
                                 29,640,980.88                                                                      29,640,980.88
 m transformation
 Total                       4,459,777,716.81                     187,422.35                                  4,459,965,139.16
 Other descriptions, including description of changes for the period and reasons:
31. Other comprehensive income
                                                                                                         Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                      Amount for the current period
                                                               Less: Re
                                             Less: Re                                      Profit attr
                               Amount i                        classifica
                                             classifica                                    ibutable t      Attributa
                              ncurred b                        tion from
                                             tion from                       Less: Inc     o shareh        ble to no
                  Opening      efore inc                       other co                                                  Closing b
    Item                                      other co                       ome tax       olders of      n-controll
                  balance     ome tax f                        mprehen                                                    alance
                                             mprehen                         expense       the paren      ing intere
                              or the cur                       sive inco
                                              sive inco                          s         t compan       sts after t
                              rent perio                       me to ret
                                             me to pro                                     y after ta         ax
                                  d                            ained ear
                                             fit or loss                                       x
 II. Other
                  3,993,25                                                                 456,647.                      4,449,90
 ensive in
                      4.00                                                                         25                         1.25
 come tha
 t may be

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 ed to prof
 it or loss
 e differen
 ces on tr
                 3,993,25                                                        456,647.                   4,449,90
  of foreig
                     4.00                                                             25                         1.25
 n currenc
 y financia
 l stateme
 Total oth
 er compr        3,993,25                                                        456,647.                   4,449,90
 ehensive            4.00                                                             25                         1.25
 Other descriptions, including adjustment to the transferred effective profit or loss arising from cash flow hedg
 e to initially recognized amount of the hedged item:
32. Surplus reserves
                                                                                             Currency: Renminbi Yuan
          Item              Opening balance          Increase                  Decrease            Closing balance
 Statutory surplus r
                              200,005,000.00                                                         200,005,000.00
 Total                        200,005,000.00                                                         200,005,000.00
 Description of surplus reserves, including description of changes for the period and reasons:
 According to the provisions of the Company Law and the Company’s Articles of Association, the Company a
 ppropriates 10% of the profit to the statutory surplus reserves. Where the accumulated amount of the surplus
  reserves reaches 50% or more of the Company’s registered capital, further appropriation is not required.
33. Retained earnings
                                                                                             Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                  Item                         For the current period                     For the prior period
 Balance at beginning of current p
                                                         1,739,260,233.15                          1,830,833,254.42
 eriod after adjustment
 Add: Net profit attributable to shar
 eholders of the parent company f                           68,957,568.40                            729,241,946.67
 or the current period
 Less: Appropriation to statutory s
 urplus                                                                 0.00                          20,794,967.94
       Declaration of dividends on o                       400,010,000.00                            800,020,000.00

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 rdinary shares
 Balance at end of current period                        1,408,207,801.55                        1,739,260,233.15
 Details of adjustment to balance at beginning of current period:
 1) No balance adjustment of retained earnings at beginning of current period was made in related to the appl
 ication of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises and other new regulations.
 2) No balance adjustment of retained earnings at beginning of current period was made in related to change
 s in accounting policies.
 3) No balance adjustment of retained earnings at beginning of current period was made in related to significa
 nt accounting error correction.
 4) No balance adjustment of retained earnings at beginning of current period was made in related to change
 s in scope of business combination under the same control.
 5) No balance adjustment of retained earnings at beginning of current period was made in related to other ad
34. Revenue and cost of sales
                                                                                        Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                               Amount for the current period                  Amount for the prior period
                              Revenue                   Cost                Revenue                   Cost
 Principal business      2,173,757,035.39           675,742,928.54    3,650,181,354.03           1,082,800,171.20
 Other business                6,520,708.61            3,810,329.34         31,393,058.65           29,472,295.09
 Total                   2,180,277,744.00           679,553,257.88    3,681,574,412.68           1,112,272,466.29
 Whether the lower of the audited net profit before and after deducting non-recurring profit or loss is negative
  Yes □ No
                                                                                        Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                               Details of deductio                           Details of deductio
         Item                Current year                                Prior year
                                                         ns                                            ns
 Revenue amount          2,180,277,744.00     /                       3,681,574,412.68      /
                                              It is mainly the rev                          It is mainly the rev
                                              enue from wedding                             enue from wedding
                                                  planning busines                              planning busines
 Total amount of re
                                              s, sales of product                           s, sales of product
 venue deduction it            6,520,708.61                                 31,393,058.65
                                              s to be disposed, p                           s to be disposed, p
                                              ackaging materials                            ackaging materials
                                                  and other revenue                             and other revenue
                                              s.                                            s.
 Proportion of total
 amount of revenue
                                      0.30%                                        0.85%
  deduction items in
 I. Revenue unrelat
 ed to the principal

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

1. Revenue from ot
her business other
than normal operat
ing business. For e
xample, the revenu
e from leasing fixe
d assets, intangibl
e assets and pack                          It is mainly the rev                       It is mainly the rev
aging materials, se                        enue from wedding                          enue from wedding
lling materials, exc                           planning busines                           planning busines
hanging non-mone                           s, sales of product                        s, sales of product
                           6,520,708.61                               31,393,058.65
tary assets with m                         s to be disposed, p                        s to be disposed, p
aterials, and opera                        ackaging materials                         ackaging materials
ting entrusted man                             and other revenue                          and other revenue
agement business.                          s.                                         s.
And the revenue i
ncluded in the reve
nue from principal
business but outsi
de the normal busi
ness operation of li
sted companies.
                                           It is mainly the rev                       It is mainly the rev
                                           enue from wedding                          enue from wedding
                                               planning busines                           planning busines
Subtotal of revenu
                                           s, sales of product                        s, sales of product
e unrelated to prin        6,520,708.61                               31,393,058.65
                                           s to be disposed, p                        s to be disposed, p
cipal business
                                           ackaging materials                         ackaging materials
                                               and other revenue                          and other revenue
                                           s.                                         s.
II. Revenue withou
t commercial subst
Subtotal of revenu
e without commerc                   0.00   N/A                                 0.00   N/A
ial substance
Amount of revenue
                       2,173,757,035.39    /                       3,650,181,354.03   /
after deduction
Disaggregation of revenue and cost of sales:

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                                   Currency: Renminbi Yuan
Category           Segment 1             Segment 2                                         Total
of contra                 Cost of s             Cost of s              Cost of s                Cost of s
               Revenue                Revenue               Revenue                 Revenue
      cts                   ales                  ales                    ales                     ales
Type of b      2,180,27   679,553,                                                   2,180,27   679,553,
usiness        7,744.00     257.88                                                   7,744.00      257.88
ment dia       1,699,13   506,538,                                                   1,699,13   506,538,
mond rin       9,354.11     634.64                                                   9,354.11      634.64
               449,380,   158,007,                                                   449,380,   158,007,
                892.69      633.73                                                    892.69       633.73
Other ac       25,236,7   11,196,6                                                   25,236,7   11,196,6
cessories        88.59       60.17                                                      88.59       60.17
Other bu       6,520,70   3,810,32                                                   6,520,70   3,810,32
sinesses           8.61        9.34                                                      8.61        9.34
d by regi      2,180,27   679,553,                                                   2,180,27   679,553,
on of ope      7,744.00     257.88                                                   7,744.00      257.88
               2,168,17   675,403,                                                   2,168,17   675,403,
               7,280.71     337.10                                                   7,280.71      337.10
Oversea        12,100,4   4,149,92                                                   12,100,4   4,149,92
s                63.29         0.78                                                     63.29        0.78
Market or
r type

Type of c

                                                                    2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

d by time      2,180,27     679,553,                                                          2,180,27     679,553,
    of goods   7,744.00         257.88                                                        7,744.00       257.88
Income r
ecognize       2,180,27     679,553,                                                          2,180,27     679,553,
d at a poi     7,744.00         257.88                                                        7,744.00       257.88
nt in time
d by cont
ract perio

d by sale      2,180,27     679,553,                                                          2,180,27     679,553,
s channe       7,744.00         257.88                                                        7,744.00       257.88
               2,180,27     679,553,                                                          2,180,27     679,553,
oyment i
               7,744.00         257.88                                                        7,744.00       257.88
               2,180,27     679,553,                                                          2,180,27     679,553,
               7,744.00         257.88                                                        7,744.00       257.88
Information about the performance obligations:
                                                                                      Amount ass
                                                                                                       Type of quali
                                                   Nature of the                      umed by the
                 Time for fulfil                                                                       ty assurance
                                   Significant p   goods the C                        Company th
                 lment of perf                                        Whether it is                    provided by
       Item                        ayment term     ompany com                         at is expecte
                 ormance obli                                         the principal                    the Compan
                                         s         mits to transf                     d to be refun
                      gations                                                                          y and related
                                                        er                            ded to the cu
                                   Under norm                                         The custome      Generally, g
                 when good
Sales of goo                       al circumsta                                       r has the rig    uarantee qu
                 s are deliver                     Jewelry            Yes
ds                                 nces, the Co                                       ht to return t   ality assuran
                                   mpany deliv                                        he product w     ce is provid

                                                                  2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                  ers the good                                      ithin 15 days       ed to the cus
                                  s within 15-6                                     after receivi       tomer. Refer
                                  0 days after t                                    ng it, so it is     to Note V.2
                                  he consumer                                       necessary to        6 for details
                                   has paid in                                      estimate the        of accountin
                                  advance for t                                     return rate b       g assets
                                  he order.                                         ased on the
                                                                                    historical sal
                                                                                    es situation
                                                                                    and calculat
                                                                                    e the provisi
                                                                                    on for return,
                                                                                    which is det
                                                                                    ailed in Note
 Other descriptions
 Under the self-operated business, the customer completes the performance obligations when receiving the g
 oods. Under normal circumstances, for stores directly operated, the goods are delivered within 30 days after
 receiving the contract price; for mall associates and e-commerce, the contract price is usually received within
  15-60 days after delivery. The customer has the right to return the product within 15 days after receiving it, s
 o it is necessary to estimate the return rate based on the historical sales situation and calculate the provision
  for return, which is detailed in Note VII.28.
 Information relating to the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations:
 At the end of the reporting period, the amount of revenue corresponding to the performance obligations that
 have been signed but have not yet been fulfilled or completed was RMB109,633,363.46. Among them, RMB
 is expected to be recognized in, RMB is expected to be recognized in, and RMB is expected to be recognize
 d in.
 Information about variable consideration in the contract:
 Significant changes in the contract or significant transaction price adjustments
                                                                                          Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                 Item                             Accounting treatment          Amount affected on revenue
 Other descriptions:
35. Taxes and surcharges
                                                                                          Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                 Item                     Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period
 Excise tax                                                   94,846,226.96                           161,139,856.39
 Urban maintenance and construc
                                                              14,685,678.85                            21,999,220.70
 tion tax
 Education surcharge                                           6,012,263.70                             9,396,015.92
 Resource tax                                                            0.00                                      0.00

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Property tax                                                     0.00                              0.00
 Land use tax                                                     0.00                              0.00
 Vehicle use tax                                              4,620.00                         4,300.00
 Stamp tax                                                1,469,675.40                     2,556,251.77
 Local education surcharge                                4,011,599.61                     6,264,009.84
 Others                                                         240.00                           240.00
 Total                                                 121,030,304.52                   201,359,894.62
 Other descriptions:
36. Administrative expenses
                                                                                Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Item                    Amount for the current period     Amount for the prior period
 Wages or salaries                                      76,131,686.65                     79,373,604.27
 Input tax not deductible for intra-g
                                                        24,529,983.06                     34,246,969.57
 roup transactions
 Depreciation and amortization                          20,230,746.21                     20,269,089.25
 Professional agency service expe
                                                        15,193,056.82                     12,916,862.65
 Office expenses                                          4,384,275.67                     5,786,187.86
 Property management and utility
                                                          3,898,623.79                     4,008,808.69
 Traveling expenses                                       1,356,038.53                     2,344,355.77
 Share-based payment expenses                               187,422.35                       561,317.20
 Others                                                   6,084,278.80                     4,698,682.61
 Total                                                 151,996,111.88                   164,205,877.87
 Other descriptions:
37. Selling expenses
                                                                                Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Item                    Amount for the current period     Amount for the prior period
 Wages or salaries                                     447,166,997.01                   474,286,451.10
 Marketing expenses                                    207,691,788.25                   339,084,488.01
 Depreciation and amortization                         435,539,360.20                   433,607,701.53
 Property management and utility
                                                        73,305,894.36                     57,143,404.37
 Platform service fees                                  11,837,832.98                     19,859,964.05
 Office expenses                                        13,981,781.58                     26,456,827.29
 Traveling expenses                                       8,109,667.15                     9,990,373.37
 Professional agency service expe
                                                          5,205,649.32                     3,107,987.63
 Rents excluded in the lease liabili
                                                          6,427,115.11                    37,374,018.79

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Courier expenses                                         2,383,810.20                        3,204,581.15
 Packaging expenses                                       1,043,861.83                        3,421,251.49
 Others                                                  16,067,407.60                       14,500,488.72
 Total                                                1,228,761,165.59                    1,422,037,537.50
 Other descriptions:
38. Research and development expenses
                                                                                    Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                   Item                 Amount for the current period        Amount for the prior period
 Wages or salaries                                       18,580,887.31                       14,846,366.43
 Commissioned development serv
                                                          2,596,996.98                        2,294,282.27
 ice expenses
 Depreciation and amortization                              536,909.46                          544,874.10
 Others                                                         422.00                          258,609.57
 Total                                                   21,715,215.75                       17,944,132.37
 Other descriptions:
39. Finance expenses
                                                                                    Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                   Item                 Amount for the current period        Amount for the prior period
 Interest expenses                                       22,148,238.97                       23,830,354.96
 Less: Interest income                                    8,288,198.44                       21,912,750.27
 Foreign exchange differences                             1,377,037.20                        1,548,872.47
 Bank charges                                            10,533,027.13                       18,070,277.31
 Total                                                   25,770,104.86                       21,536,754.47
 Other descriptions:
40. Other income
                                                                                    Currency: Renminbi Yuan
         Source of other income         Amount for the current period        Amount for the prior period
 Government grants related to rou
                                                         17,239,801.74                       23,433,558.47
 tine activities
 VAT levied and refunded1                                 8,266,133.90                       15,833,085.31
 Tax benefits2                                            1,118,925.88                          162,770.75
 Others                                                     122,137.04                          348,258.47
Note1 : According to the Notice of the General Administration of Customs of the Ministry of Finance and the St
 ate Administration of Taxation on Adjusting the Relevant Tax Policies of the Diamond and Shanghai Diamon
 d Exchange (Cai Shui [2006] No. 65), polished diamonds imported through the customs declaration of the co
 mpetent customs of the Diamond Exchange shall be levied and refunded immediately if the actual VAT burd
 en exceeds 4% at the import stage. Shanghai Darry, a subsidiary of the Company, has the membership of th
 e Shanghai Diamond Exchange and enjoys the tax treatment of immediate refund for the part of the actual V
 AT burden in the import process exceeding 4%.

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Note 2: According to the Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on the Exemption of Small-sc
 ale Taxpayers from VAT Collection and Administration (SAT Announcement No. 19 [2023]), small-scale taxp
 ayers who engage in VAT taxable sales and their total monthly sales do not exceed RMB100,000 (or RMB30
 0,000 if one quarter is a tax period). Some of the Company’s branches are small-scale taxpayers and meet t
 he above standards, and will be exempt from VAT in 2023.
41. Fair value gains
                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
        Source of fair value gains           Amount for the current period     Amount for the prior period
 Financial assets held for trading                           34,920,377.10                     39,294,362.36
 Financial liabilities held for tradin
                                                              -3,768,810.80                              0.00
 Total                                                       31,151,566.30                     39,294,362.36
 Other descriptions:
42. Investment income
                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                    Item                     Amount for the current period     Amount for the prior period
 Investment income of financial as
 sets held-for-trading during the h                         158,725,753.87                     71,309,897.15
 olding period
 Interest income earned during the
     holding period of debt investmen                        43,188,743.26                     17,693,148.47
 Investment income received from
     disposal of financial liabilities des
                                                                -454,869.03                              0.00
 ignated at fair value through profit
     or loss
 Total                                                      201,459,628.10                     89,003,045.62
 Other descriptions:
43. Credit impairment losses
                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                    Item                     Amount for the current period     Amount for the prior period
 Impairment loss for accounts rec
                                                               2,006,036.23                     3,698,479.08
 Impairment loss for other receiva
                                                                       0.00                    -1,905,000.00
 Impairment loss for non-current a
                                                              -9,525,986.96                              0.00
 ssets due within one year
 Total                                                        -7,519,950.73                     1,793,479.08
 Other descriptions:

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

44. Impairment losses of assets
                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                     Item              Amount for the current period          Amount for the prior period
 I. Losses from decline in value of
 inventories and losses from impai
                                                         -12,880,040.30                        -4,237,633.79
 rment of contract performance co
 XII. Others                                             -92,462,615.85                       -24,183,140.90
 Total                                                  -105,342,656.15                       -28,420,774.69
 Other descriptions:
 The amount for 2023, RMB-92,462,615.85, includes impairment loss of long-term prepaid expenses (RMB-3
 5,721,596.82) and impairment loss of right-of-use assets (RMB-56,741,019.03);
 The amount for 2022, RMB-24,183,140.90, includes impairment loss of long-term prepaid expenses (RMB-5,
 680,172.80) and impairment loss of right-of-use assets (RMB-18,502,968.10).
45. Gains on disposal of assets
                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
 Source of gains on disposal of as
                                       Amount for the current period          Amount for the prior period
 Gain or loss on disposal of long-t
                                                         19,708,867.36                          1,244,949.25
 erm assets
46. Non-operating income
                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                                    Amount included in non-
                             Amount for the current p   Amount for the prior peri
              Item                                                                  recurring profit or loss fo
                                      eriod                        od
                                                                                      r the current period
 Compensation                           2,632,045.72               1,166,242.21                 2,632,045.72
 Others                                   249,877.46                    70,848.25                 249,877.46
 Total                                  2,881,923.18               1,237,090.46                 2,881,923.18
 Other descriptions:
47. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                                    Amount included in non-
                             Amount for the current p   Amount for the prior peri
              Item                                                                  recurring profit or loss fo
                                      eriod                        od
                                                                                      r the current period
 Liquidated damages and
                                        7,042,543.67                 582,566.17                 7,042,543.67
  late fees
 Others                                   666,997.81                 185,867.41                   666,997.81
 Total                                  7,709,541.48                 768,433.58                 7,709,541.48
 Other descriptions:

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 The liquidated damages and late fees in 2023 were mainly the liquidated damages arising from the early clos
 ure of stores.
48. Income tax expenses
(1) Statement of income tax expenses
                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                  Item                      Amount for the current period       Amount for the prior period
 Current tax                                                45,086,187.04                      155,414,780.78
 Deferred tax                                                -1,215,336.78                            722,413.61
 Total                                                    43,870,850.26                        156,137,194.39
(2) Reconciliation of income tax expenses to the accounting profit
                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                          Item                                        Amount for the current period
 Profit before tax                                                                             112,828,418.66
 Tax at the statutory/applicable tax rate                                                       28,207,104.66
 Effect of different tax rates for some subsidiaries                                           -25,567,086.24
 Effect of adjustments to income tax in respect of pri
 or periods
 Effect of cost, expense and loss not deductible for t
 Effect of utilizing deductible loss not recognized for
 deferred tax assets for the prior period
 Effect of deductible temporary difference or deducti
 ble loss not recognized for deferred tax assets for th                                         40,333,986.11
 e current period
 R&D expenses are super-deducted                                                                 -2,250,149.11
 Income tax expenses                                                                            43,870,850.26
 Other descriptions:
 The income tax of the Group has been provided at the applicable rate on the estimated assessable taxable p
 rofits arising in Mainland China. Income taxes on profits assessable elsewhere have been calculated at the r
 ates of tax prevailing in the countries/jurisdictions in which the Group operates, in accordance with existing la
 ws, interpretations and practices.
49. Other comprehensive income
 Refer to Note VII. 31 for details.
50. Items in the cash flow statement
(1) Cash relating to operating activities
 Other cash receipts relating to operating activities
                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                  Item                      Amount for the current period       Amount for the prior period
  Recover store renovations and o
                                                              7,460,972.41                        8,835,864.26
 ther deposits

                                                                    2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Receipt of platform rebates                                    242,142.62                         4,325,330.25
 Bank interest income                                         8,288,198.44                        20,667,425.02
 Government grants                                          17,239,801.74                         23,433,558.47
 Others                                                     21,160,057.63                          5,393,076.90
 Total                                                      54,391,172.84                         62,655,254.90
 Description of other cash receipts relating to operating activities:
 Other cash payments relating to operating activities
                                                                                        Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Item                      Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period
 Payment of rent commission, pro
 perty management and utility exp                           76,949,766.73                         82,717,265.80
 Payment of marketing expenses                            217,121,618.34                        352,347,629.80
 Payment of office and travel expe
                                                            28,540,022.33                         44,110,164.16
 Payment of courier expenses                                  6,627,529.76                        10,942,674.44
 Payment of packaging expenses                              12,469,544.20                         37,612,628.87
 Payment of card fee                                        10,986,186.41                         18,070,277.46
 Payment of renovation and other
                                                              3,638,793.10                        10,025,830.66
 Payment of consultation and testi
                                                            34,787,513.75                         44,946,232.79
 Payment of e-commerce platform
                                                            11,643,632.23                         21,387,218.80
  service fee
 Others                                                       8,559,426.93                         5,651,697.95
 Total                                                     411,324,033.78                       627,811,620.73
 Other cash payments relating to operating activities
(2) Cash relating to investing activities
 Other cash receipts relating to investing activities
                                                                                        Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Item                      Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period
 Other significant cash receipts relating to investing activities
                                                                                        Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Item                      Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period
 Receipt of investments in bank fin
                                                         1,700,000,000.00                       770,000,000.00
 ancial products
 Receipt of investments in structur
                                                         6,703,748,941.31                     4,558,462,790.68
 ed deposits
 Total                                                   8,403,748,941.31                     5,328,462,790.68
 Description of other cash receipts relating to investing activities:

                                                                  2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Other cash payments relating to investing activities
                                                                                            Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                 Item                     Amount for the current period               Amount for the prior period
 Significant cash payments relating to investing activities
                                                                                            Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                 Item                     Amount for the current period               Amount for the prior period
 Payment of bank financial produc
                                                            1,610,000,000.00                      1,385,000,000.00
 ts investment
 Payment of structured deposit inv
                                                            6,433,851,820.32                      8,184,751,822.21
 Total                                                      8,043,851,820.32                      9,569,751,822.21
 Description of other cash payments relating to investing activities
(3) Cash relating to financing activities
 Other cash receipts relating to financing activities
                                                                                            Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                 Item                     Amount for the current period               Amount for the prior period
 Receipts of returned rental depos
                                                              12,925,343.87                             5,435,963.01
 Receipts of withholding dividend t
                                                               2,686,700.54                             5,264,759.99
 Total                                                        15,612,044.41                           10,700,723.00
 Description of other cash receipts relating to financing activities:
 Other cash payments relating to financing activities
                                                                                            Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                 Item                     Amount for the current period               Amount for the prior period
 Payment of fixed rent                                       343,219,838.63                          335,781,536.76
 Payment of rental deposit                                     5,089,234.91                           30,357,327.43
 Payment of withholding dividend
                                                               2,686,700.54                             5,264,759.99
 bonus tax
 Total                                                       350,995,774.08                          371,403,624.18
 Description of other cash payments relating to financing activities
 Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
 □Applicable Not applicable

                                                  Increase                        Decrease
                    Opening balanc       cash move      Non-cash m       cash movem          movement      Closing bal
         Item               e               ments           ovements           ents              s            ance
 Short-term borr
                     433,993,449.44      517,721,40                     561,719,581.                       389,995,27

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                   9.20                          50                           7.14
                                              15,612,04   406,809,90    414,585,843.   66,018,51      44,381,54
 Other payables        102,563,944.81
                                                   4.41          7.87            32          1.72             2.05
 Lease liabilities
 (Including leas
                                                                        343,219,838.   21,542,92     263,296,30
 e liabilities due     628,059,064.77
                                                                                 63          5.76             0.38
 within one yea
                       1,164,616,459.        533,333,45   406,809,90    1,319,525,26   87,561,43     697,673,11
                                        02         3.61          7.87          3.45          7.48             9.57
51. Supplement to cash flow statement
(1) Supplement to cash flow statement
                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
       Supplementary information             Amount for the current period      Amount for the prior period
 1. Reconciliation of profit/(loss) to
  cash flows from operating activiti
      Profit                                                 68,957,568.40                    729,241,946.67
      Add: Provision for impairment o
                                                            105,342,656.15                      28,420,774.69
 f assets
           Depreciation of fixed asset
 s, depletion of oil and natural gas
                                                               6,007,930.70                      3,974,151.64
 assets and depreciation of bearer
  biological assets
           Depreciation of right-of-us
                                                            351,904,368.67                    355,607,929.93
 e assets
           Amortization of intangible
                                                               2,630,723.90                      2,940,850.52
           Amortization of long-term
                                                             97,016,164.88                      91,898,732.79
 prepaid expenses
           Loss on disposal of fixed a
 ssets, intangible assets and other
                                                             -19,708,867.36                     -1,244,949.25
  long-term assets (gains are expr
 essed with negative value)
           Loss of retirement of fixed
 assets (gains are expressed with
 negative value)
           Loss on fair value changes
                                                             -31,151,566.30                    -39,294,362.36
  (gains are expressed with negati

                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

ve value)
         Financial expenses (gains
are expressed with negative valu         23,070,045.62                   24,133,902.03
         Investment losses (gains a
                                        -201,459,628.10                  -89,003,045.62
re expressed with negative value)
         Decrease in deferred tax a
ssets (increase is expressed with         -7,102,331.80                   -3,425,426.97
negative value)
         Increase in deferred tax lia
bilities (decrease is expressed wit       5,886,995.02                     4,146,880.41
h negative value)
         Decrease in inventories (in
crease is expressed with negativ        189,112,300.03                  -229,917,478.98
e value)
         Decrease in operating rec
eivables (increase is expressed w        19,295,931.37                      861,877.87
ith negative value)
         Increase in operating paya
bles (decrease is expressed with        -577,721,730.54                  -63,635,737.18
negative value)
         Others                           4,884,947.17                     3,305,066.05
         Net cash flows from operat
                                         36,965,507.81                  818,011,112.24
ing activities
2. Significant investment and fina
ncing activities not involving cash
receipts and payments
     Debts transferred to capital
     Convertible corporate bonds du
e within one year
     Fixed assets under finance lea
3. Net changes in cash and cash
     Cash at end of period              226,963,610.96                  521,625,030.62
     Less: Cash at beginning of peri
                                        521,625,030.62                 4,741,510,453.45
     Add: Cash equivalents at end o
f period
     Less: Cash equivalents at begi

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 nning of period
     Net increase in cash and cash
                                                         -294,661,419.66               -4,219,885,422.83
(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                  Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                   Item                        Closing balance                   Opening balance
 I. Cash                                                 226,963,610.96                  521,625,030.62
 Including: Cash on hand                                     434,213.76                      391,749.23
         Bank deposits on demand                         223,505,249.44                  512,798,797.26
         Other currency funds on d
                                                           3,024,147.76                     8,434,484.13
 III. Cash and cash equivalents at
                                                         226,963,610.96                  521,625,030.62
 end of period
52. Foreign currency monetary items
(1) Foreign currency monetary items
                                                                                  Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                             Closing balance denomi
            Item             nated in foreign currenci        Exchange rate      Closing balance in RMB
 Cash and bank balance
 Including: USD                           841,955.84     7.0827                             5,963,320.63
         EUR                                 47,495.39   7.8592                              373,275.77
         HKD                            1,563,197.08     0.9062                             1,416,600.46

 Accounts payable
 Including: USD                              30,245.26   7.0827                              214,218.10
      HKD                                    17,201.72   0.9062                               15,588.54

 Other payables
 Including: HKD                           127,913.12     0.9062                              115,917.43
      EUR                                     7,467.81   7.8592                               58,691.01
      USD                                    10,032.97   7.0827                               71,060.52
      SGD                                     1,993.20   5.3772                               10,717.84

 Accounts receivable
 Including: USD                              69,652.10   7.0827                              493,324.93
         HKD                              470,945.35     0.9062                              426,780.10

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Long-term borrowings
 Including: USD

 Other descriptions:
Foreign currency monetary items refer to non-RMB monetary items.
(2) Description of overseas operating entities. For key overseas operating entities, their major oversea
 s operating place, functional currencies and selection basis shall be disclosed. In case of any chang
 es in functional currencies, the reasons for such changes shall also be disclosed.
 □Applicable Not applicable
53. Leases
(1) The Company as a lessee
 Applicable □Not applicable
 Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities (if applicable)
 Applicable □ Not applicable
 As a lessee
                                                                        2023                         2022

 Interest expenses on lease liabilities                                    14,955,205.03            21,536,754.47
 Variable lease payments not included in the measure
 ment of lease liabilities (if applicable)                                   6,427,115.11           37,374,018.79
 Cash outflows for fixed lease payments                                   343,219,838.63           335,781,536.76
 Total cash outflow for leases                                            364,602,158.77           394,692,310.02
 The Group has lease contracts for various items of buildings, used in its operations, and leases are usually f
 or 1 to 5 years. Lease contracts usually stipulate that the Group cannot sublease the leased assets, and som
 e lease contracts require the Group's financial indicators to be maintained at a certain level. There are sever
 al lease contracts that include extension and termination options and variable lease payments. Refer to “Pot
 ential future cash outflows not included in the measurement of lease liabilities” for the impact of clauses relati
 ng to variable lease payments on future potential cash outflows.

 Potential future cash outflows not included in the measurement of lease liabilities
 The Group's potential future cash outflows not included in the measurement of lease liabilities are mainly deri
 ved from variable lease payments, exposure to leases that have been committed but not yet commenced.

 Variable lease payments
 Some of the property leases within the Company contain variable lease payment clauses that are linked to s
 ales generated from the underlying store. These clauses are used, when possible, in order to match lease pa
 yments with stores generating higher cash flows.
 As at 31 December 2023, the leasing status of the Group's premises and buildings was as follows:

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                       Number of shops and                                Variable pay
                            offices (pcs)         Fixed payments             ments           Total payments
 Fixed payments o
 nly                             284                 180,191,040.24                             180,191,040.24
 Variable payments               266                 163,028,798.39       6,427,115.11          169,455,913.50
 Total                           550                 343,219,838.63       6,427,115.11          349,646,953.74

 If the sales of all the Group's stores increase by 5%, the total lease payments are expected to increase by 0.
 13%; If the sales of all the Group's stores decrease by 5%, the total lease payment is expected to decrease
 by 0.11%

 Leases that have been promised but not yet commenced
 The Group's expected future cash outflows for of leases that have been promised but not yet commenced ar
 e as follows:
                                                                        2023                     2022

 Within 1 year, inclusive                                                   384,600.00            7,807,604.75
 1 to 2 years, inclusive                                                  1,056,600.00           11,664,137.21
 2 to 3 years, inclusive                                                    842,250.00            9,947,015.73
 Over 3 years                                                                540,000.00           3,088,983.25
 Total                                                                     2,823,450.00          32,507,740.94

 Other information relating to leases
 For right-of-use assets, refer to Note VII.11.

 Simplification of rental expenses for short-term leases and low-value asset leases (if applicable)
 □Applicable Not applicable
 Situations involving sale and leaseback transactions
(2) The Group as a lessor
 Operating lease as a lessor
 □Applicable Not applicable
 Operating lease as a lessor
 □Applicable Not applicable
 Annual undiscounted lease receipts for the next five years
 □Applicable Not applicable
 Reconciliation of undiscounted lease receipts to net lease investments
(3) Recognize profit or loss on sales of finance leases as a manufacturer or dealer
□Applicable Not applicable

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

VIII. Research and development expenditure
                                                                                        Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                  Item                  Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period
 Wages and salaries                                      18,580,887.31                          14,846,366.43
 Commissioned development serv
                                                          2,596,996.98                           2,294,282.27
 ice expenses
 Depreciation and amortization                              536,909.46                             544,874.10
 Others                                                          422.00                            258,609.57
 Total                                                   21,715,215.75                          17,944,132.37
 Including: research and develop
                                                         21,715,215.75                          17,944,132.37
 ment expenses
IX. Changes in scope of consolidation
1. Changes in scope of consolidation caused by other reasons
 Description of changes in scope of consolidation caused by other reasons (e.g., establishment and liquidatio
 n of subsidiaries) and other relevant conditions:
               Name of entity               Purpose for the establis    The way of change      Impact on overall
                                               hment/cancellation       s in scope of conso      performance

 He’er Culture (Hainan) Co., Ltd               Business needs             New in 2023          Not significant
 Shenyang DR Jewelry Sales Co., Ltd             Business needs             New in 2023          Not significant
 Lifetime Love Wedding Planning (Shen           Business needs             New in 2023          Not significant
 zhen) Co., Ltd
 Happy Love Psychology Research Cen             Business needs             New in 2023          Not significant
 ter (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd
 Lifetime Love Wedding Planning (Sany           Business needs             New in 2023          Not significant
 a) Co., Ltd
 DR LUXURY (SINGAPORE) PTE. LT                  Business needs             New in 2023          Not significant
 DR Luxury Netherlands Holding B.V.             Business needs             New in 2023          Not significant
 LOVEMONT (MALAYSIA) SDN.BHD.                   Business needs             New in 2023          Not significant
 DR LUXURY USA INC                              Business needs             New in 2023          Not significant
 LOVEMONT HONG KONG LIMITED                     Business needs             New in 2023          Not significant
 Shangqiu DR Jewelry Co., Ltd                Business adjustments       Canceled in 2023        Not significant
 Wuhan DR Jewelry Co., Ltd                   Business adjustments       Canceled in 2023        Not significant
 Nanchang DR Jewelry Co., Ltd                Business adjustments       Canceled in 2023        Not significant
 Handan DR Jewelry Co., Ltd                  Business adjustments       Canceled in 2023        Not significant
 Guangzhou DR Jewelry Co., Ltd               Business adjustments       Canceled in 2023        Not significant
 Langfang DR Jewelry Co., Ltd                Business adjustments       Canceled in 2023        Not significant

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

  Foshan DR Jewelry Co., Ltd                  Business adjustments        Canceled in 2023        Not significant
  Urumqi DR Jewelry Co., Ltd                  Business adjustments        Canceled in 2023        Not significant

X. Equity in other entities
1. Equity in subsidiaries
  (1) Composition of enterprise group
                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
  Name of th                  Principal o   Place of in                  Ownership interest (%)
                 Registered                               Nature of                                  Mode of a
  e subsidiar                 peration pl   corporatio
                   capital                                 business       Direct      Indirect       cquisition
        y                        ace            n
                                                          Store sale
                                                          s in Hong
  DR Group                                                Kong and
                 30,000,00    Hong Kon      Hong Kon
  Company                                                 overseas l                   100.00%      Set up
                      0.001   g, China      g, China
  Limited                                                 oose stone
                                                          Member of
  Shanghai                                                responsibl
  Darry Dia      5,000,000.                               e for the pr
                              Shanghai      Shanghai                      100.00%                   Set up
  mond Co.,              00                               ocurement
  Ltd                                                     and custo
                                                          ms declara
                                                          tion of ove
                                                          rseas loos
                                                          e stone
                                                          Store sale
  Darry Jew      4,000,000.
                              Chongqing     Chongqing     s in Chong      100.00%                   Set up
  elry Co., Lt           00
  Love Only
                 25,000,00                                n Technol
  AI Cloud T                  Shenzhen      Shenzhen                      100.00%                   Set up
                       0.00                               ogy Servic
  Co., Ltd.
  Couple On      5,000,000.                               Sub-brand
                              Shenzhen      Shenzhen                      100.00%                   Set up
  ly (Shenzh             00                               cultivation

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

en) Jewelr
y Co., Ltd.
                                                    Supply ch
                                                    ain manag
Shenzhen                                            ement, R&
Darry Com                                           D design,
mercial Ma    10,000,00                             customize
                              Shenzhen   Shenzhen                    100.00%               Set up
nagement           0.00                             d product
Service C                                           services a
o., Ltd                                             nd related
EWELRY        1,289,000.      Hong Kon   Hong Kon   Sub-brand
                                                                                 100.00%   Set up
(HK) LIMIT          002       g, China   g, China   cultivation
Couple On
ly Jewelry
              10,000,00       Hong Kon   Hong Kon   Sub-brand
HongKong                                                                         100.00%   Set up
                   0.00   3
                              g, China   g, China   cultivation
                                                    Regional s
DR Jewelr     1,000,000.
                              France     France     ales in Fra                  100.00%   Set up
y                   004
He’er Cult
                                                    Creative pl
ure (Shenz    10,000,00
                              Shenzhen   Shenzhen   anning ser       100.00%               Set up
hen) Co.,          0.00
Haoduo Di
                                                    le for dom
amond (Sh     60,000,00
                              Shenzhen   Shenzhen   estic bare       100.00%               Set up
enzhen) C          0.00
                                                    stone proc
o., Ltd
Xiamen D                                            Store sale
R Jewelry                     Xiamen     Xiamen     s in Xiame       100.00%               Set up
Co., Ltd                                            n
Shenyang                                            Store sale
DR Jewelr                     Shenyang   Shenyang   s in Sheny       100.00%               Set up
y Co., Ltd                                          ang
Tianjin DR    5,000,000.      Tianjin    Tianjin    Store sale       100.00%               Set up

                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Jewelry C            00                          s in Tianjin
o., Ltd
Chengdu                                          Store sale
DR Jewelr                  Chengdu    Chengdu    s in Cheng     100.00%               Set up
y Co., Ltd                                       du
Kunming                                          Store sale
DR Jewelr                  Kunming    Kunming    s in Kunmi     100.00%               Set up
y Co., Ltd                                       ng
Shanghai                                         Store sale
DR Jewelr                  Shanghai   Shanghai   s in Shang     100.00%               Set up
y Co., Ltd                                       hai
Suzhou Zh
                                                 Store sale
ongzuan D     3,000,000.
                           Suzhou     Suzhou     s in Suzho     100.00%               Set up
R Jewelry            00
Co., Ltd.
Jinan DR J
              4,000,000.                         Store sale
ewelry C                   Jinan      Jinan                     100.00%               Set up
                     00                          s in Jinan
o., Ltd
Shenzhen                                         Store sale
DR Jewelr                  Shenzhen   Shenzhen   s in Shenz     100.00%               Set up
y Co., Ltd                                       hen
Beijing Zh
ongzuan D     1,000,000.                         Store sale
                           Beijing    Beijing                   100.00%               Set up
R Jewelry            00                          s in Beijing
Co., Ltd
Suzhou D                                         Store sale
R Jewelry                  Suzhou     Suzhou     s in Suzho     100.00%               Set up
Co., Ltd.                                        u
DR Jewelr                                        Store sale
y Accessor                 Shenyang   Shenyang   s in Sheny     100.00%               Set up
ies Co., Lt                                      ang
Hangzhou                                         Store sale
DR Jewelr                  Hangzhou   Hangzhou   s in Hangz     100.00%               Set up
y Co., Ltd.                                      hou
Beijing DR
              1,000,000.                         Store sale
Jewelry C                  Beijing    Beijing                   100.00%               Set up
                     00                          s in Beijing
o., Ltd
Wuhan Zh      1,000,000.   Wuhan      Wuhan      Store sale     100.00%               Set up

                                                          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

ongzuan D            00                            s in Wuha
R Jewelry                                          n
Co., Ltd
Xi'an DR J
              1,000,000.                           Store sale
ewelry C                   Xi'an       Xi'an                       100.00%               Set up
                     00                            s in Xi'an
o., Ltd
                                                   Store sale
DR True L     1,000,000.
                           Chengdu     Chengdu     s in Cheng      100.00%               Set up
ove Jewelr           00
y Co., Ltd
Ningbo DR                                          Store sale
Jewelry C                  Ningbo      Ningbo      s in Ningb      100.00%               Set up
o., Ltd                                            o
Beijing Hu
azuan DR      1,000,000.                           Store sale
                           Beijing     Beijing                     100.00%               Set up
Jewelry C            00                            s in Beijing
o., Ltd
Chongqing                                          Store sale
DR Jewelr                  Chongqing   Chongqing   s in Chong      100.00%               Set up
y Co., Ltd                                         qing
                                                   Store sale
DR True L     5,000,000.
                           Hangzhou    Hangzhou    s in Hangz      100.00%               Set up
ove Jewelr           00
y Co., Ltd
Henan DR
              1,000,000.                           Store sale
Jewelry C                  Henan       Henan                       100.00%               Set up
                     00                            s in Henan
o., Ltd
Xi'an Zhon
gzuan DR      3,000,000.                           Store sale
                           Xi'an       Xi'an                       100.00%               Set up
Jewelry C            00                            s in Xi'an
o., Ltd
                                                   Store sale
u DR Jewe     3,000,000.   Zhengzho    Zhengzho
                                                   s in Zheng      100.00%               Set up
lry Co., Lt          00    u           u
Shenzhen                                           Store sale
DR Jewelr                  Shenzhen    Shenzhen    s in Shenz      100.00%               Set up
y Co., Ltd                                         hen
Shenzhen      1,000,000.                           Store sale
                           Shenzhen    Shenzhen                    100.00%               Set up
DR Jewelr            00                            s in Shenz

                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

y Orname                                         hen
nt Co., Ltd
Changsha                                         Store sale
DR Jewelr                  Changsha   Changsha   s in Chang     100.00%               Set up
y Co., Ltd.                                      sha
                                                 Store sale
DR Jewelr     1,000,000.
                           Shanghai   Shanghai   s in Shang     100.00%               Set up
y Orname             00
nt Co., Ltd
                                                 Store sale
DR Jewelr     1,000,000.
                           Shanghai   Shanghai   s in Shang     100.00%               Set up
y Sales C            00
o., Ltd
Zhoukou D                                        Store sale
R Jewelry                  Zhoukou    Zhoukou    s in Zhouk     100.00%               Set up
Co., Ltd.                                        ou
Yiwu DR J
              1,000,000.                         Store sale
ewelry C                   Yiwu       Yiwu                      100.00%               Set up
                     00                          s in Yiwu
o., Ltd.
Heze DR J
              1,000,000.                         Store sale
ewelry C                   Heze       Heze                      100.00%               Set up
                     00                          s in Heze
o., Ltd.
Dongguan                                         Store sale
DR Jewelr                  Dongguan   Dongguan   s in Dongg     100.00%               Set up
y Co., Ltd.                                      uan
Xining DR
              1,000,000.                         Store sale
Jewelry C                  Xining     Xining                    100.00%               Set up
                     00                          s in Xining
o., Ltd
Linyi DR J
              1,000,000.                         Store sale
ewelry C                   Linyi      Linyi                     100.00%               Set up
                     00                          s in Linyi
o., Ltd
Yinchuan                                         Store sale
DR Jewelr                  Yinchuan   Yinchuan   s in Yinchu    100.00%               Set up
y Co., Ltd                                       an
Weifang D                                        Store sale
R Jewelry                  Weifang    Weifang    s in Weifa     100.00%               Set up
Co., Ltd                                         ng
Jining DR
              1,000,000.                         Store sale
Jewelry C                  Jining     Jining                    100.00%               Set up
                     00                          s in Jining
o., Ltd

                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Mianyang                                           Store sale
DR Jewelr                  Mianyang    Mianyang    s in Miany       100.00%               Set up
y Co., Ltd                                         ang
Fuyang D                                           Store sale
R Jewelry                  Fuyang      Fuyang      s in Fuyan       100.00%               Set up
Co., Ltd                                           g
Baoding D
                                                   Store sale
R Jewelry     1,000,000.
                           Baoding     Baoding     s in Baodi       100.00%               Set up
Sales Co.,           00
Guiyang D                                          Store sale
R Jewelry                  Guiyang     Guiyang     s in Guiya       100.00%               Set up
Co., Ltd                                           ng
Haoduo Di
amond Zhi                                          Rough dia
zao (Shen                  Shenzhen    Shenzhen    mond cut                     100.00%   Set up
zhen) Co.,                                         production
Jiaxing DR                                         Store sale
Jewelry C                  Jiaxing     Jiaxing     s in Jiaxin      100.00%               Set up
o., Ltd                                            g
He’er Cult                                        Cultural an                            Newly set
ure (Haina                 Sanya       Sanya       d creative       100.00%               up in the c
n) Co., Ltd                                        services                               urrent year
                                                   Jewelry ret                            Newly set
DR Jewelr     10,000,00
                           Shenzhen    Shenzhen    ail busines      100.00%               up in the c
y Sales C          0.00
                                                   s                                      urrent year
o., Ltd
Lifetime Lo
ve Weddin                                          Wedding p                              Newly set
g Planning                 Shenzhen    Shenzhen    lanning ser      100.00%               up in the c
(Shenzhe                                           vices                                  urrent year
n) Co., Ltd
Happy Lov
e Psycholo
                                                   and love r                             Newly set
gy Resear     5,000,000.
                           Shenzhen    Shenzhen    elated res       100.00%               up in the c
ch Center            00
                                                   earch and                              urrent year
n) Co., Ltd
DR LUXU       10,000,00    Singapore   Singapore   Responsib                    100.00%   Newly set

                                                                    2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 RY (SING            0.005                                  le for over                            up in the c
 APORE) P                                                   seas inves                             urrent year
 TE. LTD.                                                   tment and
                                                            sales in Si
 DR Luxury
                                                            Investment                             Newly set
  Netherlan     100,000.0       The Nethe     The Nethe
                                                            Managem                      100.00%   up in the c
 ds Holding             06      rlands        rlands
                                                            ent                                    urrent year
                                                            Regional s                             Newly set
                     1.00   7
                                Malaysia      Malaysia      ales in Mal                  100.00%   up in the c
                                                            aysia                                  urrent year
                                                            Regional s
 DR LUXU                        United Sta    United Sta    ales in the                            Newly set
 RY USA I      75,000.008       te of Ameri   te of Ameri   United Sta                   100.00%   up in the c
 NC                             ca            ca            te of Ameri                            urrent year
 Lifetime Lo
 ve Weddin                                                  Wedding p                              Newly set
 g Planning                     Sanya         Sanya         lanning ser      100.00%               up in the c
  (Sanya) C                                                 vices                                  urrent year
 o., Ltd
 LOVEMO                                                     Overseas l
                                                                                                   Newly set
 NT HONG        100,000.0       Hong Kon      Hong Kon      oose diam
                                                                                         100.00%   up in the c
 KONG LIM               09      g, China      g, China      ond procur
                                                                                                   urrent year
 ITED                                                       ement
Note: 1. It is denominated in HKD.
2. It is denominated in USD.
3. It is denominated in HKD.
4. It is denominated in EUR.
5. It is denominated in SGD.
6. It is denominated in EUR.
7. It is denominated in MYR.
8. It is denominated in USD.
9. It is denominated in USD.

 Description of the reason why the shareholding proportion held in subsidiary is different from the voting right
 Not applicable.

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 The grounds for controlling the investees of which the Group is holding half or less than half of the voting righ
 ts, and the grounds for not controlling the investees of which the Group is holding more than half of the votin
 g rights:
 Not applicable.
 For significant structured entities included into the scope of consolidation, the basis for control:
 Not applicable.
 Basis for determining whether the Company is an agent or a principal:
 Not applicable.
 Other descriptions:
 Not applicable.
XI. Government grants
1. Government grants recognized at amounts receivable at the end of the reporting period
 □ Applicable  Not applicable
 Reasons for failing to receive the estimated amount of government grants at the estimated time point
 □ Applicable  Not applicable
2. Liability items relating to government grants
 □ Applicable  Not applicable
3. Government grants included in current profit or loss
  Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                         Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Item                     Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period
 Recognized in other income                                 17,239,801.74                         23,433,558.47
 Other descriptions
XII. Financial instruments and related risks
1. Risks arising from financial instruments
 (1) Financial instruments by category
 Carrying amounts of various financial instruments at the balance sheet date are as follows:

 As at 31 December 2023, financial assets at fair value through profit or loss were RMB4,841,946,705.07 (31
 December 2022: RMB5,609,891,931.68), mainly listed in financial assets held for trading; financial assets at
 amortized cost were RMB1,782,123,891.79 (31 December 2022: RMB1,627,082,032.11), mainly listed in cur
 rency funds, accounts receivable, other receivables, other current assets, debt investments, current portion o
 f non-current assets, and other non-current assets; financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss were
 RMB62,813,557.52 (31 December 2022: nil), mainly listed in financial liabilities held for trading; financial liabi
 lities at amortized cost were RMB510,528,504.23 (31 December 2022: RMB1,089,965,994.99), mainly listed
 in short-term borrowings, notes payable, accounts payable, other payables.

 (2) Risks of financial instruments

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

The Group is exposed to various financial instrument risks in its day-to-day activities, mainly including credit r
isk, liquidity risk and market risk (including exchange rate risk). The Group's risk management policies are ou
tlined below.

The Group diversifies the risk of financial instruments through appropriate diversification of investment and b
usiness portfolio, and reduces the risk of concentration on specific counterparties by formulating appropriate
risk management policies.

Credit risk
The Group trades only with recognized and creditworthy third parties. According to the Group's policy, a cred
it review is required for all customers who require credit transactions. In addition, the Group continuously mo
nitors the balance of accounts receivable to ensure that the Group does not face significant bad debt risks.

These financial instruments have low credit risk because the counterparties of currency funds and financial a
ssets held for trading are reputable banks with high credit ratings.

Other financial assets of the Group include accounts receivable, other receivables and other non-current ass
ets whose credit risk derives from counterparty defaults and whose maximum exposure is equal to the carryi
ng amount of these instruments.

Since the Group trades only with recognized and creditworthy third parties, there is no requirement for collat
eral. Credit risk is centrally managed by industry. As at 31 December 2023, the Group had a specific credit ri
sk concentration and 66.76% of the Group's accounts receivable (31 December 2022: 73.07%) were shoppin
g malls that collected orders on their behalf.

Determination of significant increase in credit risk
At each balance sheet date, the Group assesses whether the credit risk on the relevant financial instruments
has increased significantly since initial recognition.

Definition of credit-impaired financial assets
The Group's main criterion for determining that credit impairment has occurred is that the number of days pa
st due exceeds 90 days. However, in some cases, if internal or external information indicates that the contra
ct amount may not be recovered in full before considering any credit enhancements held, the Group will also
consider it as credit impairment.

The impairment of financial assets may not be necessarily due to a single discrete event, the combined effec
ts of multiple events may result in financial assets being credit-impaired.

Liquidity risk

                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

The Group's objective is to use a variety of financing instruments to maintain a balance between the continuit
y and flexibility of financing. The Group finances its operations through funds from operations and borrowing

As at 31 December 2023, the Group had no debt maturing for more than 1 year (31 December 2022: nil).

The tables below summarize the maturity profile of the Company’s financial liabilities and lease liabilities bas
ed on undiscounted contractual cash flows:

Financial liabilities and lease liabilities
                  Within 1 year          1-3 years        3-5 years           Over 5 year        Total
Sh or t- te r
     m borro
     wings        390,632,777.14                      -                   -             -       390,632,777.14
Notes pay
     able           47,986,785.70                     -                   -             -        47,986,785.70
     payable        28,164,899.34                     -                   -             -        28,164,899.34
Other pay
     ables          44,381,542.05                     -                   -             -        44,381,542.05
Provisions          10,178,765.00         3,056,709.00      380,508.00                           13,615,982.00
Current p
     ortion of
     rent liabi
     lities       201,537,017.35                      -                   -             -       201,537,017.35
Lease liab
     ilities                        -   56,118,094.107    13,994,560.27                          70,112,654.37
Total             722,881,786.58         59,174,803.10    14,375,068.27                         796,431,657.95

                    Within 1 year             1-3 years      3-5 years          Over 5 years             Total
     m borro
     wings        433,993,449.44                      -               -                     -   433,993,449.44
Notes pay
     able         466,527,730.97                      -               -                     -   466,527,730.97

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

     payable      86,880,869.77                  -                   -                 -     86,880,869.77
Other pay
     ables       102,563,944.81                  -                   -                 -    102,563,944.81
     s             7,025,902.00     5,636,047.50       2,263,200.00       1,079,100.00      16,004,249.50
Current p
     ortion of
     rrent lia
     bilities    351,516,900.54                  -                   -                 -    351,516,900.54
Lease lia
     bilities                  -   256,890,726.07      17,947,797.81      1,703,640.35      276,542,164.23
                 1,448,508,797.5   262,526,773.57      20,210,997.81      2,782,740.35     1,734,029,309.2
     Total                    3                                                                            6

Currency risk
The Group is exposed to transactional exchange rate risk resulting from sales or purchases made by busine
ss units in currencies other than their functional currency. In FY2023, approximately 0.55% (2022: 0.18%) of
the Group's sales were denominated in currencies other than the functional currency of business units in whi
ch the sales occurred, while approximately 0.61% (2022: 0.22%) of the cost was denominated in currencies
other than the functional currency of business units. The Group does not engage in foreign exchange hedgin

The table below provides a sensitivity analysis of exchange rate risk and reflects the impact of potential reas
onable changes in USD, EUR and HKD exchange rates on net profit or loss (due to changes in the fair value
of monetary assets and monetary liabilities) and other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax, under the as
sumption that all other variables remain unchanged.

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                          Net other compre
                                 Change in USD                             hensive income Total shareholders’ equ
                                               rate     Net profit/loss            after tax                      ity
                                 Increase/(decrea Increase/(decreas Increase/(decreas
                                               se)                   e)                  e)    Increase/(decrease)
 If RMB weakens against US
 D                                             3%          185,141.01                      -             185,141.01
 If RMB strengthens against
 USD                                          (3%)       (185,141.01)                      -           (185,141.01)

                                                                          Net other compreh
                                 Change in USD r                             ensive income Total shareholders’ equ
                                                ate     Net profit/loss            after tax                       ity
                                 Increase/(decrea Increase/(decrea Increase/(decreas
                                                se)                se)                    e)   Increase/(decrease)
 If RMB weakens against US
 D                                              3%      1,233,808.76                       -           1,233,808.76
 If RMB strengthens against U
 SD                                           (3%)     (1,233,808.76)                      -         (1,233,808.76)

1.   Capital management
 The primary objectives of the Group’s capital management are to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue a
 s a going concern and to maintain healthy capital ratios in order to support its business and maximize shareh
 olders’ value.
 The Group manages and adjusts its capital structure in response to changes in the economic situation and th
 e risk characteristics of the underlying assets. To maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may adju
 st the dividend payment to shareholders or issue new shares. The Group is not bound by any externally imp
 osed capital requirements. In 2023 and 2022, the capital management objectives, policies or procedures rem
 ain unchanged.
 The Group monitors capital using the debt-to-asset ratio, which is total liabilities divided by total assets. It is t
 he Group's policy to maintain a reasonable debt-to-asset ratio. The Group’s debt-to-asset ratio at the balanc
 e sheet date is as follows:

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                   2023                                       2022
  Total assets                                       7,530,082,307.45                           8,815,748,380.27
  Total liabilities                                  1,057,444,465.49                           2,012,702,176.31
  Debt-to-asset ratio                                           14.04%                                      22.83%
XIII. Disclosure of fair value
1. Closing balance of assets and liabilities measured at fair value
                                                                                          Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                              Closing balance
                           Fair value measure   Fair value measure     Fair value measure
                           ments within Level   ments within Level     ments within Level             Total
                                  1                      2                      3
  I. Recurring fair val
                                      --                 --                         --                 --
  ue measurements
  (I) Financial assets
                                                  4,841,946,705.07                              4,841,946,705.07
  held for trading
  1. Financial assets
  at fair value throu                             4,841,946,705.07                              4,841,946,705.07
  gh profit or loss
  Total assets meas
  ured at fair value o                            4,841,946,705.07                              4,841,946,705.07
  n a recurring basis
  (VII) Financial liabil
  ities designated as
  being measured a
                               62,813,557.52                                                       62,813,557.52
  t fair value and sub
  ject to current gain
  s and losses
  Total liabilities mea
  sured at fair value
                               62,813,557.52                                                       62,813,557.52
  on a recurring basi
  II. Non-recurring fa
  ir value measurem                   --                 --                         --                 --
2. Basis of determining the market prices of recurring and non-recurring measurements within Level 1
  The financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss refer to the physical gold leased by the Company fro
  m banks, and there is an active market for gold (i.e., Shanghai Gold Exchange), and the Shanghai Gold Exc
  hange publishes the closing price of gold contract transactions on each trading day. At the end of the reporti

                                                                 2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 ng period, the Company determines the market price based on the closing price of gold contract transactions
  published by Shanghai Gold Exchange on the same day or the latest previous trading day.
3. Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and significant parameter
 s in recurring and non-recurring measurements within Level 2
 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are bank financial products with fair value determined usin
 g expected future cash flows expected to be available in the market and discounted at an interest rate deter
 mined based on the best estimate of the expected level of risk.
4. Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and significant parameter
 s in recurring and non-recurring measurements within Level 3
 No recurring and non-recurring measurements within Level 3 at the end of the reporting period.
5. Reconciliation information between opening and closing carrying amounts and sensitivity analysis
 of unobservable parameters in recurring measurements within Level 3
 Not applicable
6. For items measured at fair value on a recurring basis, disclose the amounts of any transfers betwee
 n different levels of the fair value hierarchy, the reasons for those transfers and the policy for determi
 ning when transfers between levels are deemed to have occurred.
 No transfers between different levels occurred during the reporting period.
7. Changes in valuation techniques that occurred during the period and the reasons for the changes
 No valuation techniques occurred during the reporting period.
8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities that are not measured at fair value
 The Company has assessed its currency funds, accounts receivable, other receivables, other current assets,
  notes payable, accounts payable and other payables and the fair value is in line with the carrying amount du
 e to the short remaining period.
9. Others
XIV. Related party relationships and transactions
1. Parent
                                                                             Proportion of o    Proportion of v
  Name of the pa     Place of incorp   Nature of busin    Registered capi   wnership intere    oting power in t
       rent              oration                 ess              tal        st in the Comp     he Company
                                                                                any (%)              (%)
                                       Business mana
                                       gement consult
 DR Investment                         ing, business in
 (Zhuhai) Co., Lt   Zhuhai             formation cons                               85.50%             85.50%
 d.                                    ulting, investme
                                       nt managemen
                                       t, etc.
 Information about the parent
 The parent “Shenzhen DR Investment Co., Ltd.” changed its name to the current “DR Investment (Zhuhai) C
 o., Ltd.” in January 2022.

                                                                           2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 The ultimate controlling party of the Company is Mr. Zhang Guotao and Mrs. Lu Yiwen.
 Other descriptions:
2. Subsidiary
 Information about the subsidiaries of the Company is disclosed in Note X.1.
3. Other related parties
                            Name                                                     Related party relationships
 Lu Yiwen                                                          The actual controller of the Company
 Zhang Guotao                                                      The actual controller of the Company
                                                                   A wholly-owned subsidiary of DR Investment, the C
 Shenzhen Every Year Travel Photography Culture                    ompany's controlling shareholder; An enterprise indi
 Co., Ltd.                                                         rectly controlled by the actual controllers Zhang Gu
                                                                   otao and Lu Yiwen
 Director, general manager and other senior manage
                                                                   Key management personnel of the Company
 ment of the Company
 Other descriptions:
4. Related party transactions
(1) Leases by related parties
 The Company as a lessor:
                                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                   Rental income recogniz             Rental income recogniz
      Name of lessee                 Type of leased assets
                                                                   ed for the current period           ed for the prior period
 The Company as a lessee:
                                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                       Simplification o
                                             Variable lease
                       f rental expens
                                             payments not i
                       es for short-ter                                                    Interest expens
                                             ncluded in the        Rental paymen                                 Increase in righ
                       m leases and l                                                      e on lease liabil
                                             measurement o                   t                                    t-of-use asset
                       ow-value asset                                                       ities incurred
                                             f lease liabilitie
             Type      leases (if applic
  Name                                       s (if applicable)
             of lea          able)
  of les
             sed a                                                 Amo
             ssets     Amou       Amou       Amou       Amou       unt f                   Amou       Amou       Amou       Amou
                       nt for t   nt for t   nt for t   nt for t   or th                   nt for t   nt for t   nt for t   nt for t
                                                                             t for the
                       he cur     he pri     he cur     he pri     e cur                   he cur     he pri     he cur     he pri
                                                                                 prior p
                       rent p     or peri    rent p     or peri    rent                    rent p     or peri    rent p     or peri
                       eriod         od      eriod        od       perio                   eriod        od       eriod        od
 DR In       Opera
                                                                                 84,046.              2,070.
 vestm       ting le
                                                                                     00                    30
 ent (Z      ases

                                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 In December 2019, Shenzhen Darry Commercial Management Services Co., Ltd. entered into an operating l
 ease agreement with DR Investment (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Shenzhen DR Investment Co., Lt
 d.) at the market price, with a total lease cost of RMB1,539,077.98, the original lease period was from 13 De
 cember 2019 to 31 December 2022. Early termination of the leased asset on 28 February 2022 by making sc
 heduled rental payments.
(2) Compensation of key management personnel
                                                                                                 Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                   Items                        Amount for the current period              Amount for the prior period
 Compensation of key manageme
                                                                  12,556,600.01                              13,606,393.29
 nt personnel
 Including: share-based payment
                                                                        367,807.31                             356,652.33
XV. Share-based payment
1. Summary
 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                 Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                  Equity instruments gr       Equity instruments ex      Equity instruments      Equity instruments whic
 Category         anted in current perio      ercised in current peri     unlocked in curre      h became invalid in curr
  of recipi                    d                        od                    nt period                 ent period
       ent                                                                           Amou
                  Number           Amount     Number         Amount       Number                 Number          Amount
 ment per                  0          0.00            0         0.00             0        0.00                 516,361.18
   Total                                                                                                       516,361.18
 Stock options or other equity instruments issued and outstanding by the Company at end of period
 Applicable □ Not applicable

                               Stock options issued and outstanding by        Other equity instruments issued and outs
 Category of recipie                the Company at end of period              tanding by the Company at end of period
             nt                Range of exercise     Remaining term of        Range of exercise       Remaining term of
                                     prices               the contract               prices               the contract
 Sales, Manageme
 nt and R&D person         RMB1.67                   0-0.89 years

                                                                2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Other descriptions:
(1)   First equity incentive scheme
 On 18 January 2017, the Company approved the “Shenzhen Darry Jewelry Co., Ltd. Equity Incentive schem
 e” (the “Incentive scheme”) through a resolution of the shareholders’ meeting, and the Company's first equity
  incentive scheme granted the Company the number of restricted shares to 15 incentive recipients through th
 e Gongqingcheng Wendy No.1 Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), the Gongqingche
 ng Wendy No.2 Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) and the Gongqingcheng Wendy
 No.3 Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership)1,150,000 shares (after the Company’s conv
 ersion into a joint stock company, the number of restricted shares became 4,140,000 shares). Subsequently,
  the Company signed an equity grant notice with the incentive recipients on 20 November 2017, and the term
 s and conditions of the agreement between the enterprise and the employees on the share payment have be
 en agreed, so the grant price is RMB 1.67 per share (which has been adjusted in proportion to the number of
  shares after the Company’s conversion into a joint stock company) with 20 November 2017 as the grant dat
 e. Gongqingcheng Wendy No.1 Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), Gongqingcheng
 Wendy No.2 Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Gongqingcheng Wendy No.3 In
 vestment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) set restrictive conditions, that is, on the listed date
 of the Company, the incentive share held by the incentive recipients can meet the feasible rights conditions s
 tipulated in the incentive scheme, and the Company’s shares held by the incentive recipients shall not be tra
 nsferred within one year from the date of listing on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Share-based payment ex
 penses for restricted stock granted under the first equity incentive scheme were fully recognized in 2021.

(2)   Second equity incentive scheme
 On 20 November 2019, the Company approved the “DR Corporation Limited Equity Incentive scheme” throu
 gh the resolution of the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2019, and the Company’s s
 econd equity incentive scheme granted 2,412,000 restricted shares of the Company to 12 incentive recipient
 s through the Gongqingcheng Wendy No.1 Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) and t
 he Gongqingcheng Wendy No.2 Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), with 20 Novem
 ber 2019 as the grant date. The grant price is RMB1.67 per share. Gongqingcheng Wendy No.1 Investment
 Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Komsomolsk Wendy No.2 Investment Management Part
 nership (Limited Partnership) set restrictive conditions, that is, after 5 years from the grant date, the incentive
  share held by the incentive recipients can meet the feasible right conditions stipulated in the incentive sche
 me, and the Company’s shares held by the incentive recipients cannot be transferred within three years from
  the date of listing on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

 The second equity incentive scheme on 20 November 2019 also stipulates that this incentive scheme is appli
 cable to the recipients of the first equity incentive scheme. This change extends the service period of the first
  equity incentive recipients, which is not conducive to the change of incentive recipients, so the Company still
  recognizes share-based payment expenses for the first equity incentive scheme in accordance with the feas
 ible conditions before the amendment.

                                                               2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

(3)    Modification of the second equity incentive scheme and newly granted restricted stock
 On 11 March 2020, the Company passed the resolution of the second extraordinary general meeting of shar
 eholders in 2020, approving the amendment of the second equity incentive scheme “DR Corporation Limited
 Equity Incentive Scheme”, which added that in the case of the incentive recipients leaving the Company withi
 n 5 years and the Company has been listed, the incentive share held by the incentive recipients vesting after
  years of service since the grant date meets the feasible right conditions. Subject to the fact that the conditio
 ns for listing within 5 years of the Company can be met, the amendment acts as a number of separate share-
 based payment schemes, recognizing share-based payment expenses during their respective vesting period
 s. At the same time, pursuant to the revised second equity incentive scheme, the Group granted 810,000 ne
 w restricted shares to two incentive recipients through Gongqingcheng Wendy No. 1 Investment Manageme
 nt Partnership (Limited Partnership) on 11 March 2020 at a grant price of RMB1.67 per share.

 On 14 June 2023 and 26 July 2023, two incentive recipients of the original second equity incentive scheme l
 eft the Company, and the recognized share-based payment expense of RMB516,361.18 was reversed in 20

 Based on the fair value of restricted stock at the time of grant and the estimated exercise date and turnover r
 ate assessed by the valuation firm engaged by the Company according to the income method, the total shar
 e-based payment expenses recognized for the second equity incentive scheme in 2023 and the newly grante
 d restricted stock are RMB187,422.35 (2022: RMB561,317.20).
2. Equity-settled share-based payments
 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
 Methodology for determining the fair value of equity
                                                         Income method
 instruments at the grant date
 Significant parameters for determining the fair value   Expected income growth rate, perpetual growth rate
  of equity instruments at the grant date                 and discount rate
 Basis for determining the number of exercisable eq      Best estimate of the number of equity instruments e
 uity instruments                                        xpected to vest
 Reasons for material differences between the curre
 nt and prior period estimates
 Accumulated amount charged to capital reserve for
 equity-settled share-based payments
 Total expenses recognized for equity-settled share-
 based payments during the current period
 Other descriptions:
3. Cash-settled share-based payments
 □Applicable Not applicable
4. Share-based payment expenses
 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                      Equity-settled share-based paym      Cash-settled share-based payme
         Category of recipient
                                                ent expenses                         nt expenses
 Management personnel                                        187,422.35
                Total                                        187,422.35
 Other descriptions:
5. Modification and termination of share-based payments
XVI. Commitments and contingencies
1. Significant commitments
 Significant commitments existing as at the balance sheet date
 As at the date of approval of these financial statements, the Group had no commitments required to be discl

2. Contingencies
(1) Material contingencies existing as at the balance sheet date
 As at the date of approval of these financial statements, the Group had no contingencies required to be discl
(2) To state that the Company has no material contingencies required to be disclosed
 The Group had no material contingencies required to be disclosed.
3. Others
XVII. Other significant events
1. Segment information
(1) Determination basis and accounting policies of reporting segments
(2) Summarized financial information of reporting segment
                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                        Elimination among segm
            Item                                                                              Total

(3) Reasons should be provided where a company has no reporting segments or is unable to disclose t
 he total assets and total liabilities of each reporting segment
 The management of the Group considers the internal organizational structure, management requirements an
 d internal reporting system and other aspects to believe that the businesses of the companies in the Group h
 ave obvious similarities, all of which are in the jewelry retail industry. Management regularly reviews the Gro
 up's overall financial statements for resource allocation and performance evaluation, and as a result, accordi
 ng to Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 35 - Segment Reporting, the Group's operations con
 stitute a single operating segment and no segment reporting information is prepared.
(4) Other descriptions
 Information on products and services

                                                            2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Income from external transactions
                                         Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                            2023                           2022
  Engagement diamond rings                                   1,699,139,354.11              2,902,464,272.49
  Wedding diamond rings                                       449,380,892.69                 713,611,440.73
  Other accessories                                             25,236,788.59                 34,105,640.81
  Other business                                                6,520,708.61                  31,393,058.65
  Total                                                     2,180,277,744.00               3,681,574,412.68

 Geographic information

 The Group's geographical division is relatively concentrated, and 99.64% of the external transaction income
 was attributable to the Chinese mainland region in 2023 (2022: 99.80%); As at 31 December 2023, 99.85%
 of non-current assets were attributable to the Chinese mainland region (31 December 2022: 99.83%).

 Information about major customers

 The Group's customers are relatively fragmented and there is no single customer with more than 10% of the
 Group's transaction volume.
XVIII. Notes to key items of the Company’s financial statements
1. Accounts receivable
(1) Disclosed by aging
                                                                                   Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Aging                  Closing outstanding balance        Opening outstanding balance
 Within 1 year, inclusive                             109,571,866.94                       87,242,136.25
 1 to 2 years                                              659,976.99                        2,359,626.25
 Total                                                110,231,843.93                       89,601,762.50

                                                                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited
(2) Disclosed by method of determining provision for credit losses
                                                                                                                                              Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                     Closing balance                                                           Opening balance
                             Outstanding balance      Impairment allowance                            Outstanding balance        Impairment allowance
         Category                                                                  Carrying amo                                                             Carrying amo
                                         Percentag                 Provision rat                                                              Provision r
                             Amount                   Amount                            unt          Amount       Percentage      Amount                         unt
                                             e                         io (%)                                                                    atio (%)
Accounts receivable for
 which impairment allow                                                                              1,476,671.
                                  0.00      0.00%          0.00          0.00%                0.00                    1.65% 1,476,671.46         100.00%               0.00
 ance is individually ass                                                                                   46
Mall A                            0.00      0.00%          0.00          0.00%                0.00                    1.65% 1,476,671.46         100.00%               0.00
Accounts receivable for
 which impairment allow 110,231,84                    2,997,697.                   107,234,146.      88,125,09
                                          100.00%                        2.72%                                       98.35% 3,527,062.57           4.00% 84,598,028.47
 ance is collectively ass         3.93                       80                                13         1.04
Amounts due from subsi       31,063,66                                             31,063,668.5 2,071,189.
                                           28.18%          0.00          0.00%                                        2.31%            0.00        0.00%    2,071,189.38
 diaries                          8.50                                                          0           38
Accounts receivable fro
                             28,153,04                                             28,153,043.6      21,471,63
 m POS machines and                        25.54%          0.00          0.00%                                       23.96%            0.00        0.00% 21,471,639.56
                                  3.64                                                          4         9.56
 e-commerce platforms
Accounts receivable fro      51,015,13                2,997,697.                   48,017,433.9      64,582,26
                                           46.28%                        5.88%                                       72.08% 3,527,062.57           5.46% 61,055,199.53
 m the mall                       1.79                       80                                 9         2.10
                            110,231,84                2,997,697.                   107,234,146.      89,601,76
Total                                     100.00%                        2.72%                                      100.00% 5,003,734.03           5.58% 84,598,028.47
                                  3.93                       80                                13         2.50

                                                                          2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Impairment allowance which is individually assessed: 0

                                                                                         Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                        Opening balance                                     Closing balance
    Name           Outstanding       Impairment       Outstanding      Impairment     Provision rati   Reasons for
                     balance          allowance         balance        allowance          o (%)         provision
                   1,476,671.4       1,476,671.4
 Mall A                                                       0.00             0.00          0.00%
                               6                  6
                   1,476,671.4       1,476,671.4
 Total                                                        0.00             0.00
                               6                  6

 Impairment allowance which is collectively assessed: 2,997,697.80

                                                                                         Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                   Closing balance
                                   Outstanding balance        Impairment allowance            Provision ratio (%)
 Accounts receivable fro
                                          51,015,131.79                   2,997,697.80                       5.88%
 m the mall
 Total                                    51,015,131.79                   2,997,697.80

 Description of the basis for determining the collective assessment:

 Impairment allowance based on credit risk characteristics

 If the Group recognizes impairment allowance based on the general model of ECLs:

 □Applicable Not applicable

(3) Impairment allowance recognized, recovered or reversed for the current period

 Impairment allowance for the current period:

                                                                                         Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                        Changes for the period
                   Opening bal                                                                         Closing bala
   Category                                           Recovery or
                      ance            Provision                         Write-offs       Others            nce
 Accounts rec
                   5,003,734.0       2,997,697.8      5,003,734.0                                      2,997,697.8
 eivable from                                                                  0.00            0.00
                               3                  0                3                                                0
 the mall
                   5,003,734.0       2,997,697.8      5,003,734.0                                      2,997,697.8
 Total                                                                         0.00            0.00
                               3                  0                3                                                0

 Including: significant recovery or reversal of impairment allowance for the current period:

                                                                                         Currency: Renminbi Yuan

                                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                                                    The basis and ratio
                                                                                                    nality of determinin
                         Amount recovered        Reason for reversa         Methods for revers
   Name of entity                                                                                   g the ratio for origi
                               or reversed                    l                      al
                                                                                                    nal impairment allo
                                                                                                    It is not expected t
                                                                                                    o be recovered be
                                                                            Recovery in curren
 Mall A                          1,476,671.46    Not applicable                                     cause the mall has
                                                                                                    been in arrears for
                                                                                                    a long time.
 Total                           1,476,671.46

(4) The top 5 largest accounts receivable and contract assets at end of period categorized by debtor

                                                                                            Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                                    Proportion of to
                                                                                                        Closing balanc
                                                                  Closing balanc    tal closing bala
                     Closing balanc      Closing balanc                                                 e of impairment
                                                                  e of accounts r   nce of account
  Name of entity     e of accounts r     e of contract as                                                of accounts re
                                                                  eceivable and c   s receivable an
                        eceivable               sets                                                    ceivable and co
                                                                  ontract assets    d contract asse
                                                                                                         ntract assets
 No.1                  12,459,151.76                   0.00        12,459,151.76            11.30%                  0.00
 No.2                   6,279,055.21                   0.00         6,279,055.21                5.70%               0.00
 No.3                   5,451,977.15                   0.00         5,451,977.15                4.95%               0.00
 NO.4                   4,261,580.43                   0.00         4,261,580.43                3.87%               0.00
 No.5                   2,736,504.30                   0.00         2,736,504.30                2.48%       147,728.12
 Total                 31,188,268.85                   0.00        31,188,268.85            28.30%          147,728.12

2. Other receivables

                                                                                            Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                Item                         Closing outstanding balance              Opening outstanding balance
 Dividends receivable                                              96,000,000.00                        131,000,000.00
 Other receivables                                                128,498,084.63                        139,167,536.46
 Total                                                            224,498,084.63                        270,167,536.46

 (1) Dividends receivable

 1) Category of dividends receivable

                                                                                            Currency: Renminbi Yuan
          Item (or investee)                       Closing balance                          Opening balance

                                                                   2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Shenzhen Love Only AI Cloud Te
                                                        81,000,000.00                                  0.00
chnology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Darry Commercial Ma
                                                        15,000,000.00                        31,000,000.00
nagement Service Co., Ltd
He’er Culture (Shenzhen) Co., Lt
                                                                   0.00                     100,000,000.00
Total                                                   96,000,000.00                       131,000,000.00

2) Significant dividends receivable aged over 1 year

                                                                                   Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                                        Impairment or not
                                                                  Reasons for not be
Item (or investee)         Closing balance         Aging                                 and basis for judg
                                                                       ing recovered

3) Disclosed by method of determining provision for credit losses

□Applicable Not applicable

(2) Other receivables

1) Other receivables categorized by nature

                                                                                   Currency: Renminbi Yuan
               Nature                         Closing balance                      Opening balance
Amounts due from subsidiaries                          124,899,102.54                       132,210,236.41
Social insurances and housing fu
                                                           2,671,188.70                       4,697,357.08
nd borne by employees
Temporary loans for employees                               295,945.15                        1,337,667.07
Others                                                     2,536,848.24                       2,827,275.90
Total                                                  130,403,084.63                       141,072,536.46

2) Disclosed by aging

                                                                                   Currency: Renminbi Yuan
               Aging                     Closing outstanding balance         Opening outstanding balance
Within 1 year, inclusive                               128,498,084.63                       139,167,536.46
1 to 2 years                                                       0.00                       1,905,000.00
2 to 3 years                                               1,905,000.00                                0.00
Total                                                  130,403,084.63                       141,072,536.46

                                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

3) Disclosed by method of determining provision for credit losses

                                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                  Closing balance                                                  Opening balance
             Outstanding bala          Impairment allow                        Outstanding bala        Impairment allow
Catego               nce                      ance              Carryin                nce                      ance            Carryin
   ry                                            Provisi        g amou                                               Provisi    g amou
             Amoun        Percen       Amoun                                   Amoun        Percen     Amoun
                                                 on ratio         nt                                                 on ratio     nt
                t          tage           t                                       t          tage          t
                                                     (%)                                                               (%)
ment al
e whic       1,905,0       100.0       1,905,0       100.0                     1,905,0       100.0     1,905,0         100.0
                                                                   0.00                                                              0.00
h is ind      00.00          0%         00.00             0%                    00.00           0%       00.00           0%
y asse
ment al
             128,49                                             128,49         139,16                                           139,16
e whic                     100.0                                                             100.0
             8,084.6                     0.00        0.00%      8,084.6        7,536.4                    0.00         0.00%    7,536.4
h is coll                    0%                                                                 0%
                    3                                                  3              6                                                 6
             130,40                                             128,49         141,07                                           139,16
                           100.0       1,905,0                                               100.0     1,905,0
Total        3,084.6                                 1.46%      8,084.6        2,536.4                                 1.35%    7,536.4
                             0%         00.00                                                   0%       00.00
                    3                                                  3              6                                                 6

Impairment allowance which is individually assessed:

                                                                                                       Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                           Opening balance                                                Closing balance
    Name            Outstanding         Impairment         Outstanding          Impairment          Provision rati     Reasons for
                        balance          allowance             balance           allowance              o (%)            provision
                                                                                                                       It is not expe
                    1,905,000.0         1,905,000.0        1,905,000.0           1,905,000.0                           cted to be re
Company A                                                                                               100.00%
                                   0                  0                    0                   0                       covered due
                                                                                                                       to deteriorati

                                                                       2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                                                     ng operation
                                                                                                     condition of
                                                                                                     the counter
                 1,905,000.0     1,905,000.0       1,905,000.0      1,905,000.0
                            0               0                   0              0

If the Group recognizes impairment allowance based on the general model of ECLs:

                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                            Stage 1                 Stage 2                Stage 3
Impairment allowa
                                              Lifetime ECLs (Not     Lifetime ECLs (Cre              Total
         nce            12-month ECLs
                                                 credit-impaired)        dit-impaired)
Balance at 31 Dec
                                                                           1,905,000.00              1,905,000.00
ember 2023
Balance at 1 Janu
ary 2023 provided i
n the current perio
Balance at 31 Dec
                                                                           1,905,000.00              1,905,000.00
ember 2023

Basis for the division of each stage and provision ratio for impairment allowance

Changes in outstanding balance with significant changes in the amount of loss provision in the current peri


□Applicable Not applicable

4) Impairment allowance recognized, recovered or reversed for the current period

Impairment allowance for the current period:

                                                                                     Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                      Changes for the period
                Opening bala                                                                           Closing bala
    Category                                       Recovery or      Reversal or
                      nce         Provision                                              Others               nce
                                                     reversal         write-off
Impairment a
llowance for
                1,905,000.00              0.00              0.00             0.00             0.00     1,905,000.00
other receiva
Total           1,905,000.00              0.00              0.00             0.00             0.00     1,905,000.00

Including: significant reversal or recovery of impairment allowance for the current period:

                                                                              2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

                                                                                               Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                                                      The basis and ratio
                                                                                                      nality of determinin
                           Amount recovered        Reason for reversa        Methods for revers
      Name of entity                                                                                  g the original ratio f
                              or reversed                    l                        al
                                                                                                      or impairment allo

 5) The top 5 largest other receivables at end of period categorized by debtor

                                                                                               Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                                                                     Proportion of to
                                                                                                            Closing balanc
                                          Closing balanc                             tal closing bala
  Name of entity           Nature                                    Aging                                  e of impairment
                                                 e                                  nce of other rec
                       Amounts due fr
 No.1                                       88,165,382.48        Within 1 year                 67.61%                    0.00
                       om subsidiaries
                       Amounts due fr
 No.2                                       22,275,150.38        Within 1 year                 17.08%                    0.00
                       om subsidiaries
                       Amounts due fr
 No.3                                        7,015,514.31        Within 1 year                  5.38%                    0.00
                       om subsidiaries
                       Amounts due fr
 No.4                                        4,158,763.69        Within 1 year                  3.19%                    0.00
                       om subsidiaries
                       Amounts due fr
 No.5                                        1,750,180.83        Within 1 year                  1.34%                    0.00
                       om subsidiaries
 Total                                                                                         94.60%                    0.00

3. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                               Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                    Closing balance                                      Opening balance
       Item        Outstanding       Provision for    Carrying am       Outstanding         Provision for     Carrying am
                       balance        impairment         ount              balance           impairment           ount
                       201,935,47                      201,935,47         207,935,47                            207,935,47
 in subsidiari
                             7.77                                7.77             7.77                                   7.77
                       201,935,47                      201,935,47         207,935,47                            207,935,47
                             7.77                                7.77             7.77                                   7.77

                                                                    2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

(1) Investments in subsidiaries

                                                                                    Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                          Opening             Changes for the current period                       Closing b
              Opening                                                                  Closing b
                          balance o                                                                alance of
              balance                                         Provision                alance (c
  Investee                f provisio               Reductio                                         provisio
              (carrying                Additions               for impai   Others      arrying a
                          n for imp                  ns                                            n for imp
              amount)                                           rment                   mount)
                           airment                                                                  airment
  Darry Di    5,000,00                                                                  5,000,00
 amond C           0.00                                                                     0.00
 o., Ltd
 ng Darry     4,000,00                                                                  4,000,00
 Jewelry           0.00                                                                     0.00
 Co., Ltd
 n Love O
 nly AI Cl    25,000,0                                                                  25,000,0
 oud Tech        00.00                                                                    00.00
 nology C
 o., Ltd.
 Couple O
 nly (Shen
              5,000,00                                                                  5,000,00
 zhen) Je
                   0.00                                                                     0.00
 welry C
 o., Ltd.
 n Darry
              10,000,0                                                                  10,000,0
 cial Man
                 00.00                                                                    00.00
 Co., Ltd
 He’er Cul
 ture (She    9,935,47                                                                  9,935,47
 nzhen) C          7.77                                                                     7.77
 o., Ltd
 Haoduo       60,000,0                                                                  60,000,0
 Diamond         00.00                                                                    00.00

                                                                             2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 en) Co.,
 Other su         89,000,0                  8,000,00       14,000,0                              83,000,0
 bsidiaries         00.00                       0.00          00.00                                 00.00
                  207,935,                  8,000,00       14,000,0                              201,935,
                   477.77                       0.00          00.00                                477.77

4. Revenue and cost of sales

                                                                                           Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                        Amount for the current period                       Amount for the prior period
                                      Revenue                         Cost              Revenue                      Cost
   Primary business            2,005,711,510.45            662,886,503.09      3,504,011,054.08       1,059,821,992.30
       Other business              4,881,247.28              2,461,038.16          30,921,300.22            32,745,675.51
                   Total       2,010,592,757.73            665,347,541.25      3,534,932,354.30       1,092,567,667.81

 Disaggregation of revenue and cost of sales:

                                                                                           Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                                Segment 1              Segment 2                                         Total
 Category of contra
                             Revenu   Cost of     Revenu        Cost of      Revenu    Cost of     Revenu      Cost of
                               e       sales           e         sales         e        sales        e           sales
 Type of business

 Classified by geog
 raphical region

 Market or type of c

 Type of contract

 Classified by timin
 g of transfer of goo
 ds or services

                                                                         2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

Classified by contr
act duration

Classified by sales


Information about its performance obligations:

                                            The nature
          Timing of sa                      of the good                                               Types of war
                          Significant                      Whether
          tisfaction of                     s that the e                Amounts expected to be r      ranties and r
 Item                     payment te                       it is a pr
          performance                       ntity has pr                 efunded to a customer        elated obliga
                              rms                           incipal
            obligation                      omised to tr                                                  tions
                          when the C                                    Customers are entitled to     Generally, g
                          ompany re                                     return merchandise within     uarantee qu
                          ceives an a                                   15 days of receipt and th     ality assuran
                          dvance pay                                    erefore a return rate is es   ce is provid
Sales     when good
                          ment from         Jewelry and                 timated and a provision fo    ed to the cus
of goo    s are deliver                                    Yes
                          a custome         ornaments                   r returns is required base    tomer. Refer
ds        ed
                          r, it will deli                               d on historical sales. Prov   to Note V.2
                          ver the pro                                   ision for returns made at t   6 for details
                          duct within                                   he end of the year is deta    of accountin
                          15-60 day                                     iled in Note VII.28.          g assets

Other descriptions

Under the self-operated model, the performance obligation is completed when the customer receives the g

oods. Typically for direct store operations, goods are delivered within 30 days of receipt of the contract pric

e; for associated stores in cooperation with shopping malls and e-commerce platforms, the contract price i

s typically received within 15-60 days of delivery of the goods. The customer has the right to return the pro

duct within 15 days after receiving it, so it is necessary to estimate the return rate based on the historical s

ales situation and calculate the provision for return, which is detailed in Note VII.28.

                                                                      2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 Information related to transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligation:

 At the end of the reporting period, the amount of revenue corresponding to the performance obligations tha

 t have been contracted but have not yet been fulfilled or completely fulfilled is RMB100,572,333.72 yuan, o

 f which, revenue is expected to be recognized for RMB in the year Y, revenue is expected to be recognize

 d for RMB in the year Y, revenue is expected to be recognized for RMB in the year Y.

 Significant variations in contract or material adjustment to transaction price

                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                  Item                        Accounting treatment                     Effect of income

 Other descriptions:

5. Investment income

                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                  Item                     Amount for the current period          Amount for the prior period
 Dividend income of a subsidiary                          470,008,243.54                        480,000,000.00
 Investment income received from
  disposal of held-for-trading finan                      149,403,162.82                          65,266,805.97
 cial assets
 Investment income earned during
  the holding period of debt invest                        34,638,211.12                          15,561,771.33
 Investment income received from
  disposal of financial liabilities at f                      -454,869.03                                   0.00
 air value through profit or loss
 Total                                                    653,594,748.45                        560,828,577.30

XIX. Supplementary information

1. Breakdown of non-recurring profit or loss for the current period

 Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                      Currency: Renminbi Yuan
                  Item                               Amount                              Description
 Gains or losses on disposal of no
 n-current assets
 Government grants (except for go
 vernment grants which are closel                          17,239,801.74
 y related to normal business oper

                                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

ations of the Company, are in co
mpliance with national policies an
d regulations, are available at det
ermined standards and have cont
inuous impact on the gains or los
ses of the Company) charged to
gains or losses for the period
Gains or losses on changes in fai
r value of financial assets and fin
                                                                           Gains or losses arising on chang
ancial liabilities held and gains or
                                                                           es in fair value of financial assets
losses on disposal of financial as
                                                                           held for trading and investment in
sets and financial liabilities by no                    232,611,194.40
                                                                           come arising on wealth managem
n-financial enterprises, other than
                                                                           ent products during the reporting
those used in the effective hedgi
ng activities relating to normal op
erating business
Reversal of provision for account                                          During the reporting period, the lo
s receivable that are tested for im                        1,476,671.46    ng-term overdue payment was re
pairment losses individually                                               covered from the shopping mall.
                                                                           Mainly due to the increase in liqui
Other non-operating income and                                             dated damages arising from the e
expenses other than the above                                              arly closure of stores during the r
                                                                           eporting period.
Less: income tax effects                            58,543,156.86
Total                                                   189,440,561.54                        --

Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring income and loss:

□Applicable Not applicable

The Company had no other specific circumstances that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and loss i


The non-recurring profit and loss items listed in Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosur

e by Companies Offering Securities to the Public – Non-Recurring Profit or Loss are defined as regular pro

fit and loss items:

Applicable □Not applicable
                Item                           Amount (RMB)                              Reason
VAT refund upon collection for th                                          Government grants which are clo
e actual tax burden on diamond i                           8,266,133.90    sely related to normal business o
mports exceeding 4%                                                        perations of the Company, are in

                                                                     2023 Annual Report of DR Corporation Limited

 VAT exemption for small-scale ta                                           compliance with national policies
 xpayers with monthly sales not ex                                          and regulations, are available at
 ceeding 100,000 yuan (or 300,00                           1,118,925.88     determined standards and have c
 0 yuan for quarterly sales if a qua                                        ontinuous impact on the gains or l
 rter is a tax period)                                                      osses of the Company

2. Return on net assets and earnings per share
                                                                          Earnings per share
  Profit for the reporting p    Weighted average of ret
                                                          Basic earnings per shar    Diluted earnings per sha
            eriod                  urn on net assets
                                                              e (RMB/share)               re (RMB/share)
 Net profit attributable to
 ordinary shareholders of                        1.04%                        0.17                         0.17
  the Company
 Net profit after non-recur
 ring profit or loss attribut
                                                 -1.82%                      -0.30                       -0.30
 able to ordinary shareho
 lders of the Company

3. Differences in accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

      (1) Differences in net profit and net assets between financial reports under the international accountin

 g standards and the Chinese accounting standards.

 □Applicable Not applicable

      (2) Differences in net profit and net assets between financial reports under the foreign accounting stan

 dards and the Chinese accounting standards.

 □Applicable Not applicable

      (3) Reasons for differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards. Whe

 re adjustments are made for the difference in the data audited by an overseas audit institution, the name of

  the overseas institution shall be indicated.

 □Applicable Not applicable
