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研究员 推荐股票 所属行业 起评日* 起评价* 目标价 目标空间
20日短线评测 60日中线评测 推荐
最高价* 最高涨幅 结果 最高价* 最高涨幅 结果
陆家B股 房地产业 2012-04-23 0.95 0.34 -- 1.02 7.37%
1.10 15.79%
Valuation and recommendation We lower 2012/2013e EPS to Rmb0.53/Rmb0.60 to reflecthigher-than-expected financial expenses. With land leasing revenuefalling, a rapid turnaround in earnings is unlikely in the short term. Lujiazui-A is trading at 23.7x/21.3x 2012/2013e P/E and at a 28%discount to 2012 NAV, relatively fair value. Maintain HOLD rating. Lujiazui-B is trading at a 64% discount to 2012 NAV. Maintain BUYrating and US$1.29 target price.
陆家B股 房地产业 2012-03-15 0.94 0.34 -- 0.91 -3.19%
1.07 13.83%
We cut 2012e EPS by 19% to Rmb0.56 to reflect falling revenuefrom high-margin land leasing business, and we expect 2013 EPS tobe Rmb0.63 (+13% YoY). Lujiazui-B is trading at 11.3x/10.0x2012/13e P/E and at a 66% discount to 2012 NAV. Maintain BUYrating and US$1.29 target price.
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