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买入研报查询: 按股票 按研究员 按机构 高级查询 意见反馈
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研究员 推荐股票 所属行业 起评日* 起评价* 目标价 目标空间
20日短线评测 60日中线评测 推荐
最高价* 最高涨幅 结果 最高价* 最高涨幅 结果
华润三九 医药生物 2015-08-31 24.25 24.26 26.72% 26.89 9.35%
28.32 16.78%
Q215 earnings miss consensus. 2Q15 earnings was up8% y-o-y to Rmb288m, 8% below consensus estimates. We believe this is due to sales growth slowdown. Publichospitals’ cost control and decrease of drug store numbersresulting from industry consolidation should have impactedthe sales generated from these two channels. Thus, the yo-y sales growth of the company slowed down from 8% in1Q to 4% in 2Q. With net cash of Rmb1.1bn (Jun-15), thecompany's balance sheet remained strong. But CCMG and margin expansion can drive stablegrowth ahead. Total earnings in 1H15 was Rmb627m. Webelieve the company can achieve our earnings estimates ofRmb1.19bn for 15F and earnings growth of 12%/12% in16F/17F, thanks to: 1) CCMG business is projected to makeup 11-16% of the company’s revenue in 15F-17F. Due tosubstantial increase of production capacity and strongdemand, we forecast the sales of this segment to grow by50%/30%/30% in 15F/16F/17F. As CCMG is a moreprofitable product for the company, increasing contributionfrom CCMG will help to expand its net margin from 14.2%in 2014 to 15.4% in 2017F; 2) thanks to persistent effortsto control cost, operating cost % (distribution + admin +others) in sales has dropped by 0.7ppt y-o-y in 2Q15. Webelieve this trend will continue and the ratio will drop from45% in 2014 to 44% in 2015. Maintain BUY. In view of the stable earnings growthmainly driven by CCMG, we maintain our BUY call with TPunchanged at Rmb36.2 (based on 28x 12-month forwardPE, representing 20% discount to our target PE of CCMGindustry leader China Traditional Chinese Medicine (570HK)).
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