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拓普集团:Tuopu Group Semi-annual Report 20212021-09-03  

                        Stock Code: 601689                       Abbr.: Tuopu Group

               Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.
                    Semi-annual Report

                         August 2021
Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                        Semi-annual Report 2021

                                         Important Notes
I. The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
     of Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd. hereby guarantee that the information presented in this
     report shall be authentic, accurate and complete and free of any false records, misleading
     statements or material omissions, and they will bear joint and several liability for such
II. All directors attended the meeting of the Board of Directors.
III. This semi-annual report has not yet been audited.
IV. Jianshu Wu, a person in charge of the Company, Tieyang Hong, an officer in charge of
     accounting work and accounting institution (Accounting Officer) hereby declare and warrant
     that the financial statements in the annual report are authentic, accurate, and complete.
V. The profit distribution plan for the reporting period or the plan for converting public reserve
     funds into additional share capital after consideration by the Board of Directors
     No profit distribution or conversion of public reserve funds into additional share capital is made in
this reporting period
VI. Risk statement of forward-looking statements
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     The forward-looking description of the future development strategy, business plan, performance
forecast and other aspects in relation to the Company as contained herein will not constitute a substantial
commitment to investors. All investors of the Company are advised to be cautious about the investment
VII. Whether there is any non-operating capital occupation by the controlling shareholder and its
VIII. Whether there is any external guarantee provided in violation of the prescribed decision
IX. Whether there are more than half of the directors who cannot guarantee the annual report
     disclosed by the Company as to its authenticity, accuracy and completeness
X. Significant risk statement
     The Company has described the significant risks that may adversely affect the future development
of the Company and the realization of its business objectives herein. More details are available in
"Section III Discussion and Analysis of Business Conditions" under this report.

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Semi-annual Report 2021

XI. Other
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     On 28 August 2020, China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) approved the private
offering of A-shares of the Company by issuing the “Approval on private offering of shares by Ningbo
Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.” (Zheng Jian Permit [2020] No.1982).
     On 23 February 2021, the Company completed this private offering of shares and go through the
recording, custody and restricted sales procedures in relation to additional shares in this private offering
at the premises of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch.
In this private offering, the Company issued 47,058,823 ordinary shares at a price of RMB 42.50/share,
the total amount of raised funds is RMB 1,978,417,846.74.
     The restricted period for the shares subscribed by the intended subjects is 6 months from the end of
the private offering. These shares will be available for trading on August 23, 2021. In case of legal
holidays or rest days, it will be postponed to the next immediately trading day.
     This report is prepared in Chinese and English and if there is any disprepancy between two texts,
the Chinese text shall apply.

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                              Semi-annual Report 2021

Section I Definitions ................................................................................................................................... 5
Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators.......................................................................... 5
Section III Discussion and Analysis of Operation Conditions .................................................................... 8
Section IV Corporate Governance ............................................................................................................ 23
Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility................................................................................. 24
Section VI Significant Events ................................................................................................................... 32
Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders .................................................................................. 39
Section VIII Information about Preference Shares ................................................................................... 48
Section IX Information of Corporate Bonds ............................................................................................. 48
Section X Financial Report ....................................................................................................................... 49

                        (1) Full text and extracts of this semi-annual report affixed with the signature of
                        the company's legal representative and common seal.
                        (2) Financial statements signed and sealed by the legal representative of the
 Catalogue of Files for company, the officer in charge of accounting work and the person in charge of
  Future Inspection the accounting institution.
                        (3) Original and manuscript of all company documents and announcements that
                        are disclosed on the information disclosure media designated by the company
                        during the reporting period

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                                        Section I Definitions
In this report, unless the context requires otherwise, the following words and terms shall be construed as:
Common terms and definitions
The Company, issuer, Tuopu   Refers to        Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.
MECCA HK                     Refers to        MECCA INTERNATIONAL HOLDING ( HK )
                                              LIMITED, the controlling shareholder of the Company
Reporting Period                  Refers to   From January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021
Board of Directors, Board of      Refers to   Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, General Meeting
Supervisors, General Meeting                  of Shareholders of Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.
of Shareholders
1.00 Yuan, 10,000 Yuan, 100       Refers to   1.00, 10,000.00, 100,000,000.00
million Yuan

              Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators
I. Company Information
Company Name in Chinese                       Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.
Company Abbreviation in Chinese               拓普集团
Company Name in English                       Ningbo Tuopu Group Co.,Ltd.
Company Abbreviation in English               Tuopu Group
Legal Representative of the Company           Jianshu Wu

II. Contact Person and Contact Information

                                   Security of the Board             Representative of Securities Affairs
Name                               Mingzhen Wang                     Yuchao Gong
Contact Address                    268 Yuwangshan Rd, Beilun         268 Yuwangshan Rd, Beilun
                                   District, Ningbo                  District, Ningbo
Tel.                               0574-86800850                     0574-86800850
Fax                                0574-86800877                     0574-86800877
E-mail                             wmz@tuopu.com                     gyc@tuopu.com

III. General Information Summary

Registered Address of the Company            268 Yuwangshan Rd, Daqi Street, Beilun District, Ningbo,
Change History of Registered Address         On 16 June 2020, the company address was changed from
                                             “215 Huangshan West Road, Beilun, Ningbo, Zhejiang” to
                                             “268 Yuwangshan Rd, Daqi Street, Beilun District,
                                             Ningbo, Zhejiang”
Office Address of the Company                268 Yuwangshan Rd, Daqi Street, Beilun District, Ningbo,
Postal Code of Office Address                315806
Website                                      www.tuopu.com
E-mail                                       tuopu@tuopu.com
Search index of changes during the reporting NA

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IV. Information Disclosure and Location

The Media Selected by the Company for          
Website Designated by CSRC for Publishing      SSE website (www.sse.com.cn)
Semi-annual Report
Location for Annual Report of the Company      Office of Board Secretary
Search index of changes during the reporting   NA

V. Overview of Stock Information

    Stock Type           Stock Exchange      Stock Abbreviation       Stock Code        Stock Abbreviation
                                                                                          Before Change
      A-share            Shanghai Stock        Tuopu Group              601689                  -

VI. Other Related Information
√Applicable □Non-applicable

VII. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators over the Past Three Years

(1) Key Accounting Data
                                                                            Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                      During this reporting                            Increase/decrease
                                                                  Figures in previous
      Key Accounting Data                    period                                     compared with
                                        (January-June)                                previous year (%)
Operating income                          4,916,747,063.20           2,562,015,814.84               91.91
Net    profit    attributable   to
shareholders of the listed                   459,702,187.79           215,983,238.50                  112.84
Net    profit    attributable   to
shareholders of the listed
                                             444,689,918.25           197,851,324.09                  124.76
company       after      deducting
non-recurring gains and losses
Net cash flow generated by
                                             745,334,877.96           487,393,567.66                   52.92
operational activities
                                                                                         at the end of the
                                      End of this reporting                                current year
                                                               End of previous year
                                             period                                     compared with the
                                                                                        end of the previous
                                                                                             year (%)
Net    assets      attributable to
shareholders      of the listed            10,037,497,070.47        7,786,994,893.67                   28.90
Total assets                               15,616,389,881.17       12,115,228,519.89                   28.90

(2) Key Financial Indicators
                                                           During this     Figures
                                                            reporting         in
                Key Financial Indicators                                                 compared with
                                                              period       previous
                                                                                        previous year (%)
                                                         (January-June)     period
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                           Semi-annual Report 2021

Basic Earnings per Share (RMB/Share)                                 0.42       0.20                   110.00
Diluted Earnings per Share (RMB/Share)                               0.42       0.20                   110.00
Basic Earnings per Share after deducting
                                                                     0.41       0.19                   115.79
non-recurring gains and losses (RMB/Share)
Weighted Average ROE                                                                          Increased by
                                                                     4.81       2.93
Weighted     Average      ROE     after      deducting                                          Increased by
                                                                     4.65       2.68
non-recurring gains and losses (%)                                                                    1.97%

Notes to the key accounting data and financial indicators over the previous three years at the end of the
reporting period
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     The operating income for the current period increased by 91.91% over the previous period, which is
attributed to a substantial increase in NEV customers during the current period. The net profit, basic EPS
and diluted EPS attributable to shareholders of listed companies increased by 112.84%, 110.00% and
110.00% respectively over the previous period, which is attributed to the expansion of sales scale and
the increase in operating income.

IX. Differences in Accounting Data under Chinese and International Accounting Standards
□Applicable √Non-applicable

IX. Non-recurring Gains and Losses Items and Amounts
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
               Non-recurring Gains and Losses Items                           Amount         Note (if
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets                        -1,258,747.17
Approval beyond authority, or without formal approval document,
or incidental tax rebates, deducts and exempts
Government subsidies included in the current profit and loss, but                            Note X, VII, 84
closely associated with the regular business operations of the
Company, except for government subsidies that are consistent with           13,938,042.57
national policies and continuously granted at a fixed quota or
amount under certain national standard
Payment for the use of funds charged from non-financial
enterprises that is included in current profit and loss
Income generated from the investment cost of the Company in
acquiring subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures that is less than
the fair value of the identifiable net assets held by the invested
entity at the acquisition of investment
Gains and losses from exchange of non-monetary assets
Gains and losses from the engagement of others in investment or
Provisions for impairment of various assets due to force majeure
factors including natural disasters
Gains and losses from restructuring of debts
Expenses incurred in enterprise restructuring, including those
incurred in staff placement and integration
Gains and losses from the part of transactions whose prices are
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clearly unfair in excess of the fair value
Net profits and losses for the current period from the beginning of
the period to the date of the merger arising from a business
combination under the same control
Profits and losses generated from contingent events that are
unrelated to the regular business operations of the Company
Profits and losses resulting from the changes in fair value for
holding trading financial assets, derivative financial assets and
trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and
investment income from disposal of trading financial assets,
derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities, derivative
financial liabilities and other obligatory right investments, except
for valid hedging businesses associated with the regular business
operations of the Company
Reversal of the receivables and contract assets depreciation
reserves for separate impairment test
Gains and losses from external entrusted loans
Profits and losses generated from a change in the fair value of
investment real estates that are subsequently measured by the fair
value model
Impact of one-off adjustment to the current profit and loss under
the requirements of taxation, accounting and other laws and
regulations on the current profit and loss
Custody fee income from entrusted operations
Non-operating income and expenses other than the above                    3,641,696.58
Other gains and losses items that fit the definition of non-recurring
gains and losses
Impact of minority equity                                                   -56,934.88
Impact of income tax                                                     -2,962,928.98
Total                                                                    15,012,269.54

X. Other
□Applicable √Non-applicable

                   Section III Discussion and Analysis of Management
I. Main business operations, business model and profile of industry during the reporting period
     (1) Main business operations

     The Company is a modular supplier engaged in R&D, production and sales of automobile core
parts and its main product lines include dampers, interior trims, chassis products, automobile electronics,
and thermal management system.

     During the reporting period, the Company’s main business by industry, product, and region is listed

                                                                               Unit:Yuan Currency: RMB
                                 Main business operations by industry
                                             Gross Increase/Decr Increase/Decr              Increase/Decr
   By           Operating        Operating
                                              profit     ease of         ease of             ease of gross
industry         income            cost
                                               rate     operating     operating cost          profit rate
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                                                (%)        income over       over the        over the
                                                           the previous   previous year   previous year
                                                             year (%)          (%)             (%)
Automob      4,771,583,403.     3,848,796,98                                              Decreased by
                                              19.34            92.86           97.39
ile parts               09               0.15                                                     1.85%
                                 Main business operations by product
                                                      Increase/Decr Increase/Decr         Increase/Decr
                                              Gross       ease of        ease of           ease of gross
                  Operating       Operating   profit     operating    operating cost        profit rate
By product
                   income           cost       rate    income over       over the            over the
                                               (%)     the previous   previous year       previous year
                                                         year (%)          (%)                 (%)
AVS            1,701,953,814     1,291,943,0                                              Decreased by
                                              24.09            68.60           73.93
Products                 .51           66.33                                                       2.33%
Interior       1,529,285,656     1,286,788,6                                              Decreased by
                                              15.86            77.02           80.78
trims                    .54           66.00                                                       1.74%
Chassis        890,104,120.9    748,079,805                                               Decreased by
                                              15.96            68.92           69.13
products                   5              .64                                                      0.10%
Mechatroni                       59,520,323.                                              Decreased by
               80,898,354.46                  26.43              9.65          12.48
cs                                         30                                                      1.84%
               569,341,456.6    462,465,118
manageme                                        18.77               NA              NA               NA
                           3            .89
nt system
                                  Main business operations by region
                                                                             Increase or decrease of
                       Operating income in the current period               operating income over the
                                                                               previous period (%)
Domestic                                              3,500,559,144.09                             98.27
Overseas                                              1,271,024,259.00                             79.39

(2) Industry updates

     In the first half of 2021, the global automotive market drove to the lane of recovery. According to
data from MarkLines Global Automobile Information Platform, in the period of January 2021 to June
2021, the global automobile production and sales exceeded 40 million units, with a YoY growth of over
25%. In which, the cumulative sales of NEVs reached 2.5468 million units, in 6.3% of the global
automotive market sales.
     The production and sales of NEVs still outperforms fuel vehicles, both the month-on-month and
year-on-year rates can maintain rapid growth and break the record high. According to statistics from the
China Association of Automobile Manufacturers and the Ministry of Public Security, from January to
June 2021, the production and sales of NEVs in Chinese market reached 1.215 million and 1.206 million
untis respectively, with YoY growth of two folds. The production and sales increased by 94.4% and
92.3% respectively over the same period in 2019. As of the end of June 2021, the car parc of NEVs
reached 6.03 million units. In the first half of 2021, the number of registered NEVs was 1.103 million
units, with a YoY growth of 234.9%, an increase of 74.9% over the first half of 2019, breaking the
record high. The number of registered NEVs accounts for 7.8% of total registered units.

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     In the first half of 2021, as the global auto market is recovering, it is also impacted by short supply
of chips, raw material prices and rising freight rates. At present, uncertain factors cannot completely

II.Analysis of core competitiveness during the reporting period

√Applicable □Non-applicable

     The Company has been pooling its efforts to enhance core competitiveness, raise the threshold of
competition, and construct moat over three decades since its incorporation.

1. Strength of equity.
     The Company is run and operated by founder, which in turn maintains the prudence of major
decisions, values long-term benefits and development, makes quick decisions and assures good
execution. The founder holds a higher percentage of shares, keeps a clear equity structure, exercises
longstanding control on the Company from the top-level design, in order to keep the Company running
steadily for a long time and have an ample potential for capital expansion. The members of the Board of
Directors led by the chairman demonstrate impressive experience, have clear division of work, keep a
low profile, keep ambitious and energetic, and use their best endeavors to drive the Company to the
forefront of the industry in the right way.

2. Strength of management.
     Under the IATF16949 quality system, the Company has established a specific management system
with typical features through years of innovation efforts. For management structure, the division-based
management structure is laid down for the group, which can relieve the stress of management, highlight
the business operations, improve the efficiency of operation, and lead to relative competition; divisions
are subject to the horizontal flat management with sales activities standing in the core, for
market-oriented construction of the organization, pool resources and make quick response; under the
pyramid organization, business units enforce standard processes to improve efficiency and reduce cost.

     For management system, the Company has established a full set of standard processes, management
systems and assessment indicators as directed by process, information, standardization, and lean
production, and is leveraging some information tools such as SAP, PLM, OA, and MES to implement
exact processes, which in turn improves the efficiency of management and decision.

     For incentive mechanism, the Company lays up a career platform that is adequately authorized for
staff members, in which the Company tapes into internal development and promotion mode that is fair
and just, in order to keep the channel of promotion smooth, fit to the growth strategy, and form a
positive cycle for business growth and career path.

3. Strength of talents.

     The Company puts the screening and training of talents in priority. The post-doctoral workstation
within the Company solicits and recruits technical specialists globally. Adhering to the concept of

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“recruiting and promoting members on their merits”, the Company is committed to building a
competitive management team. The Company has established an integrated, specific and open financial
indicator system to transform officers from managers to operators and entrepreneurs.

     The Company encourages for the formation of a learning organization that is fully authorized, and
forges a young and experienced international team specialized in sales, R&D activities and production
who can pave the way for leapfrog development of the Company.

4. Strength of product lines.
     With a clear awareness of the industry development, the Company has prospectively programmed
the NEV track and is rolling out the "2+3" industrial mapping: automobile NVH vibration control
system, vehicle acoustic sets and lightweight chassis products, thermal management system, and
intelligent driving system.

     Chassis products as one of the core in-vehicle systems decides the key performance indicators such
as controllability and stability, which is subject to technical barriers and capital thresholds. It is the
priority product developed by the world’s large automobile parts companies. Chassis products is
composed of sub-frames, AVS products, and steering knuckles. The Company has cultivated in this
sector for nearly 20 years, solved and maintained a number of key technologies and processes, and
attained more favorable competitive edge. EV thermal management system comprises three modules:
cabin air conditioning system, battery thermal management system, and electronic control thermal
management system. The thermal management system with extraordinary features has integrated the
three modules to optimize the use of energy and solve the driving range of EV, especially the rapid
charge decay in winter and the cold region. Leveraging the electronic control and precision
manufacturing capabilities in R&D activities of IBS, the Company has developed heat pump assemblies,
electronic expansion valves, electronic water valves, electronic water pumps, gas-liquid separators, and
heat exchangers. Thermal management system is an incremental project for EVs, the amount of
mounting per vehicle is RMB 6,000-8,000 and the market scale is enormously large, so more production
resources are needed. In addition, the Company has demonstrated the strength in R&D of overall
solution package, system integration and software control.

     The intelligent driving system includes the intelligent braking system (IBS), the electric power
steering system (EPS), the electronic vacuum pump (EVP), and intelligent cockpit product. IBS and EPS
are considered as the two core executive ends of ADAS, in which IBS is the “bottlenecking project” in
China. The Company is able to provide IBS+EPS solutions for its customers, an integration of IBS and
EPS via the domain control unit (DCU) will make it more convenient for communication interface,
performance matching, and product calibration, which would in turn substantially reduce the R&D
workload of carmakers and bring value added to customers.

     The Company has a wide range of product lines which can provide customers with one-stop,
system-grade and modularized products and services, and some products are scarce in the global market

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of automobile parts, which in turn enhances customer satisfaction and paves the way for the Company to
get bigger and stronger.

5. Strength of customer group.
     The Company undertakes the mission statement of creating values for its customers and has been
generally accepted by customers in cooperation. The TUOPU brand reputation has been enhanced, along
with higher loyalty level of customers. Capitalizing on the core competitiveness generated from QSTP,
the Company has established and maintained stable cooperations with domestic and overseas carmakers,
and its major customers include GM, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, Daimler, BMW, Volkswagen, Audi, Honda,
Toyota and other global carmakers, as well as some domestic independent brands.

     Given the latest trends in the automotive industry, the Company has proactively collaborated with
some leading automakers such as RIVIAN, NIO, Xiaopeng, and Lixiang, experimented in the Tier0.5
grade cooperation, rendered to customers synchronous R&D and supply services of all product lines, and
led a new change in the division of labor.

6. Strength of R&D.
     The only way leading to a world-class automobile parts enterprise is to improve capabilities of
R&D and innovation. Sticking to R&D and innovation, the Company was the first participant within the
industry to lay down the forward R&D development strategy as early as twenty years ago. After the
technological accumulation for years, the Company has demonstrated the system-grade synchronous
forward R&D capabilities with respect to five modules and the integrated R&D capabilities of machines,
electronic control, and software, and has a number of independent intellectual property rights such as
invention patents. With uninterrupted investments in system construction, recruitment of talents and
testing capacity, the Company maintains the average percentage of annual R&D investments in
operating income at a level about 5%, signaling the continuous improvement of R&D competitiveness.

     With R&D centers set up in North America, Europe, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Ningbo, the
Company is able to provide better services to global customers and recruit quality talents at home and
abroad. Thanks to its efforts, the Company has put a scientific research team consisting of nearly 2,000
members in place, including more than 100 holders of doctoral and master degrees.

     The Company has set up a test center of global excellence which has the testing and validation
capabilities with respect to materials, products, systems and vehicles. With certified CNAS
ISO/IEC17025 system, the Company has been appointed by many automakers to conduct in-vehicle

7. Strength of plant layout
     The Company has set up manufacturing bases in Ningbo, Chongqing, Wuhan and other places
encircling major automobile industry clusters in China. To render better services to global customers, the
Company has established manufacturing plants or warehouse centers in the United States, Canada,
Brazil and Malaysia, the prospective plants in Poland and Mexico are in process. Under this plant layout,

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the Company is able to render faster and more efficient services to its customers and guarantee the
business development on global platforms. In addition, the automobile industry requires a large-sum
investment a in the plant layout, the construction period is long and the complex equipment and process
are involved, so it can hardly be replaced like the cellphone industry chain.

     Under the capacity request and the forecasts, the Company currently has 1,500 mu lands under
construction, and reached a general intention of construction as to 1,500 mu lands, which in turn
guarantees the resources for the 2025 development plan.

8. Strength of culture.
     The Company undertakes the mission statement of “making our customers, employees,
shareholders, the community and partners satisfied, and becomes a corporate citizen of excellence.

     The Company gives its employees an access to comfortable workplace, equal interpersonal
relationships, appealing salary and benefits, and an extraordinary career development platform, in order
to tap into the potentials of all employees. The Company has established partnerships with suppliers,
respected the business philosophy of seeking equality and win-win results, and driven the common
development of the supply chain. Adhering to the operation concept of legal compliance, the Company
undertakes social responsibility and is committed to infusing positive energy into social development.

     The Company values and protects the interests of investors, strictly abides by the rules governing
information disclosure and other provisions, and distributes dividends to investors even though the
capital expenditures have been increased. All staff members are united to improve operating
performance, in order to maximize the benefits to investors.

9. Strength of risk control.
     The Company keeps the debt-to-equity ratio at low level and has an abundant cash flow. The
well-established financial system and the strict risk control system can in turn guarantee the
implementation of strategic plan and investment plan, and allow the Company to seek mergers and
expansion whenever appropriate.

III. Discussion and Analysis of Operation Conditions

     In the first half of 2021, the automotive industry was impacted by several factors such as shortage
of chips, skyrocketing material price, and rising freight rates. Owing to the prospective programming of
the NEV industry, pooled efforts in the expansion of product line and customer group, and many orders
received, the Company maintained the fast growth rate and earned revenue at RMB 4,916,747,100, an
increase of 91.91%; its net profit attributed to the parent company was RMB 459,702,200, an increase
of 112.84%.

     As the shortage of chips is expected to ease up in the second half of the year and the peak season
comes, coupled with the rapid release of key models from key clients, and the batch supply of new

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products to FORD, RIVIAN and other new clients, it is expected that revenue and profits will maintain a
high growth rate and the future outcome is about to release quickly in the second half of the year.

     In the first half of 2021, the Company will concentrate on the following tasks:

 (1) Marketing and sales.
     As a platform-based company accessible to many product lines, the Company has implemented
Tier0.5 model with success. This model features a plurality of automotive components at higher amounts,
which can greatly improve efficiency and reduce costs for clients.

     With this model accepted by intelligent EV enterprises, the Company has established strategic
partnerships with some car makers and solicited many orders. In particular, the value of components per
vehicle partnered with RIVIAN is up to RMB 11,000. The Company initiated some products such as
lightweight chassis products for key models along with Chonqqing Jinkang, and initiated some products
related to thermal management system along with Huawei.

     Thanks to broad product line, R&D capacity, fast response and other integrated factors in the field
of NEV, the Company received many orders in the first half of the year, which in turn paves the road for
fast-track sustainable development in the future.

 (2) New project development.

     Leveraging the electronic control and precision manufacturing capabilities in R&D activities of IBS,
the Company has developed heat pump assemblies, electronic expansion valves, electronic water valves,
electronic water pumps, gas-liquid separators, and heat exchangers, and is quickly bringing these
products available in the market, and is pacing up the R&D and validation of V2.0 heat pump

     In joint development of digital QC technology partnered with some clients, the Company readily
built up the capacity for the volume supply of integrated heat pump assemblies, maintained the
zero-defect quality level, received good reviews from clients, and paved the road for soliciting more
follow-up orders.

     Lightweight chassis is a product extensively used on NEVs, the Company is equipped with some
technologies in relation with lightweight chassis and maintains the privileged presence in the industry
and first-mover advantage. The aluminum alloy one-piece vacuum casting chassis was approved by
clients and supplied in batches, and the aluminum alloy casting welded chassis was approved by some
clients including FORD and RIVIAN and supplied in batches.

     Ongoing efforts are made to hurry in the verification and matching of intelligent brake system and
steering system, and to seek approval of clients. Ongoing efforts are made to make materials, process
and equipment of dampers and vehicle acoustic sets in line with the NEV requirements.

  (3) Capacity layout.

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                          Semi-annual Report 2021

     With respect to new orders, the Company has paced up the capacity layout. The Company is
accelerating the construction of Xiangtan Base, Phase II, Phase III, Phase IV, Phase V bases in Ningbo
Hangzhou Bay New Area, and the production base in Yinzhou, Ningbo, in order to meet the surging
orders. The Company set up new factories in Shanghai, Huzhou, and Xi'an in order to render better
services to its clients.

     Given the fact that the Company is receiving more orders for chassis, integrated heat pump
assemblies and interior trims, the maximum value of components per vehicle is about RMB 6,000, the
Company made further investments in Poland and accelerated the building of production capacity in
order to render better services to clients. To reduce tariffs and distribution cost, render better services to
clients and support global platform project, the Company paced up the preparation for Mexican factory
at the client request, the Phase 1 project investment at USD 150 million is intended for capacity build-up
of lightweight chassis, thermal management, and interior trims. If the designed capacity of the above
project can be reached, the Company anticipates greater economic benefits.

(4) Cost control.

     During the reporting period, the cost of raw materials and labor services has obviously risen, the
Company implements cost control by purchasing in large quantity, technological innovation, strict
budget control and other measures. Its R&D expenditures have increased dramatically because of many
projects under development and recruitment of many technological specialists. The need for capacity
expansion and a substantial increase in capital expenditures have led to a drastic increase in the
percentage of depreciation and amortization. In future, R&D cost and capital expenditures are expected
to be diluted with the sales growth, so that a reasonable gross profit level would be maintained.

 (5) Intelligent manufacturing.

     The Company proceeds digital factory, implements MES management system, enables effective
management in respect of quality control, product traceability, lean production, equipment management,
and promotes the interconnectivity between the company-wide data and customer data, in order to build
an smart factory accredited with Industry 4.0.

 (6) Photovoltaic business.

     The Company is highly aware of eco-friendly development and plans to construct 150MW
distributed photovoltaic power station on available roofs, which not only delivers good economic
benefits, but also contributes to carbon peak and neutrality.

Significant changes in operating conditions of the Company during the reporting period, as well as
events that significantly impact its operating conditions during the reporting period and are
expected to have a significant impact in the future
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                       Semi-annual Report 2021

IV. Main business operations during the reporting period

(1) Analysis of main business operations
1. Analysis of changes in related subjects of income statement and cash flow statement

                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
Subject                               Amount in the current     Amount in previous     Change as
                                            period                    period         percentage (%)
Operating income                         4,916,747,063.20         2,562,015,814.84              91.91
Operating cost                           3,890,647,152.66         1,972,469,869.51              97.25
Cost of sales                               67,811,133.02            48,374,902.80              40.18
Overhead expenses                          138,616,680.48           100,232,074.78              38.30
Financial expenses                             -875,186.94           14,651,080.49            -105.97
R&D cost                                   233,873,710.58           165,130,113.43              41.63
Net cash flow from operating
                                           745,334,877.96       487,393,567.66                  52.92
Net cash flows from investing
                                       -1,866,786,551.76       -167,283,521.77                    NA
Net cash flow from financing
                                         2,153,875,320.02      -227,474,369.47                    NA
Note to the reason for changes in operating income: mainly due to a substantial increase in the orders
placed by NEV clients during the current period.
Note to the reason for changes in operating cost: mainly due to the year-on-year increase in operating
income for the current period.
Note to the reason for changes in cost of sales: mainly due to a substantial increase in operating income
during the current period, and an increase in sales service fees and business entertainment expenses.
Note to the reason for changes in overhead expenses: mainly due to the increase in management staff
and salary increase in the current period.
Note to the reason for changes in financial expenses: mainly due to a substantial increase in interest
income during the current period.
Note to the reason for changes in R&D expenses: mainly due to the continuous increase of the Company
in R&D and innovation efforts during the current period, and an increase in R&D investment.
Note to the reason for changes in net cash flow from operating activities: mainly due to a substantial
increase in cash received from sales of goods and provision of services during the current period.
Note to the reason for changes in net cash flows from investment activities: mainly due to a substantial
increase in cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets during the current period.
Note to the reason for the change in net cash flow from financing activities: mainly due to the receipt of
funds raised by private offering of shares during the current period.

2 Particulars of major changes in the business type, profit composition or source of profit
of the Company during the current period
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(2) Note to major changes in profits caused by operations other than main operations
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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(3) Analysis of assets and liabilities
√Applicable □Non-applicable
1. Assets and liabilities
                                                                                                     Change in the
                                                 Amount at                            Amount at      amount at the
                                                  the end of                          the end of       end of the
                        Amount at the end        the current                           previous      current period
                                                                Amount at the end
       Item              of the current          period as a                          period as a   as a percentage                       Remark
                                                                of previous period
                             period             percentage of                         percentage     of the amount
                                                 total assets                           of total      at the end of
                                                     (%)                                 assets     previous period
Cash and       bank                                                                                                   Attributed to the receipt of funds raised by
                          1,822,102,703.57             11.67        787,123,646.45           6.50           131.49
balances                                                                                                              private offering of shares in the current period
                                                                                                                      Attributed to the increase in bank financial
Trading financial
                               401,276,432.56           2.57            176,111.00           0.00       227,754.27    management products subscribed by the
                                                                                                                      Company in the current period
                                                                                                                      Attributed to the increase in the deposit paid in
Other receivable                51,992,724.93           0.33         31,087,166.38           0.26            67.25
                                                                                                                      the current period
                                                                                                                      Attributed to the increase in plants and
Construction       in
                          1,386,448,449.11              8.88        943,993,396.96           7.79            46.87    equipment under construction in the current
                                                                                                                      Attributed to the right-of-use assets recognized
                                22,447,341.16           0.14                                                   NA     by the Company in accordance with the “New
                                                                                                                      Lease Standards” in the current period
                                                                                                                      Attributed to the increase in received
Other non-current
                               559,073,830.90           3.58        296,957,402.06           2.45            88.27    prepayments for construction and equipment in
                                                                                                                      the current period
Short-term                                                                                                            Attributed to he increase in short-term bank
                               773,129,744.77           4.95        400,378,888.89           3.30            93.10
borrowings                                                                                                            loans in the current period
                                                                                                                      Attributed to the increase in VAT and
Taxes payable                  149,030,277.59           0.95         82,865,303.29           0.68            79.85
                                                                                                                      corporate income tax payable
Non-current                      7,333,430.63           0.05                                                   NA     Attributed to the lease liabilities due within
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                             Semi-annual Report 2021

liabilities   due                                                                               one year recognized by the Company in
within 1 year                                                                                   accordance with the “New Lease Standards”
                                                                                                during the current period
Other         current                                                                           Attributed to the increase in output tax to be
                                3,658,909.50    0.02       1,507,896.52         0.01   142.65
liabilities                                                                                     written off
                                                                                                Attributed to the lease liabilities recognized by
Lease liabilities              14,138,616.74    0.09                                            the Company in accordance with the “New
                                                                                                Lease Standards” during the current period
                                                                                                Attributed to the increase in the proceeds from
                                                                                                the private offering of shares received in the
Capital reserve           5,340,798,886.81     34.20   3,409,439,863.07        28.14    56.65
                                                                                                current period and the capital reserve-share

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2. Overseas assets
√Applicable □Non-applicable

(1) Scale of assets
Including: overseas assets RMB 555,820,112.75 (Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB), in 3.56 % of total assets.

(2) Notes to overseas assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

3. Major asset restrictions as of the end of the reporting period
√Applicable □Non-applicable

               Item                  Book value at the end of the       Reason for restricted use
Cash and bank balances                              112,805,901.59   Margins for bank acceptance
Notes receivable                                    350,653,610.60   Pledge
Fixed Assets                                         46,907,530.34   Mortgage
Intangible Assets                                     6,698,677.70   Mortgage
Receivable financing                                811,941,024.18   Pledge
Total                                             1,329,006,744.41   /

4. Other Notes
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(4) Investment condition

1. Overall analysis of external equity investments
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(1) Significant equity investment
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                            Semi-annual Report 2021

(2) Significant non-equity investment
□Applicable √Non-applicable
      ⅰ. Condition of purchased land
      On January 19, 2021, Tuopu EV Thermal Management System (Ningbo) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, was awarded the right to use
308 mu state-owned construction land in Hangzhou Bay New Zone, Ningbo, at a consideration of RMB 61.58 million in bidding process.
      On February 26, 2021, Tuopu EV Thermal Management System (Ningbo) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, was awarded the right to use
341 mu state-owned construction land in Hangzhou Bay New Zone, Ningbo, at a consideration of RMB 68.21 million in bidding process.
      ⅱ. Updates of investments
         Date         of                Title        of
NO.                        of                                Main content                             Update of event
         Signing                        announcement
1        November          2016-076     Tuopu     Group’s   The Company signed the "Investment       In January 2017, Ningbo Tuopu Automotive Electronics
         2016                           announcement on      Agreement" with the Development and      Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, was
                                        the    investment    Construction Management Committee of     awarded the right to use about 503 mu state-owned
                                        agreement signed     Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Zone, and        construction land in Hangzhou Bay New Zone, Ningbo
                                        with    Hangzhou     prospectively invests and constructs a   (Phase I), at a consideration of RMB 84.55 million in
                                        Bay New Zone         production base intended for the         bidding process, and this project has been completed and
                                                             automobile parts production project in   put into operation.
                                                             Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Zone.            In May 2020, Ningbo Tuopu Automotive Electronics Co.,
                                                                                                      Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, was
                                                                                                      awarded the right to use about 135 mu state-owned
                                                                                                      construction land in Hangzhou Bay New Zone, Ningbo
                                                                                                      (Phase II), at a consideration of RMB 27.06 million in
                                                                                                      bidding process, which is intended for implementing the
                                                                                                      "Hangzhou Bay Phase II Lightweight Chassis products
                                                                                                      Module Project" as a non-public offering equity
                                                                                                      investment project in 2020. To date, the main works have
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                Semi-annual Report 2021

                                                                                                         been substantially completed and it proceeds to the
                                                                                                         equipment installation.
2       January 2018      2018-002   Tuopu      Group’s   The Company and the Administration            In May 2020, the Company was awarded the right to use
                                     announcement on       Committee of Xiangtan Economic and            about 210 mu state-owned construction land in Xiangtan
                                     the     investment    Technological Development Zone signed         Economic and Technological Development Zone, at a
                                     intent agreement      the "Investment and Entry Contract" in        consideration of RMB 47.07 million, which is intended
                                     signed in Xiangtan    relation to Hunan Production Base Project,    for implementing "Hunan Factory Lightweight Chassis
                                                           and prospectively constructs the interior     products Module Project" as a non-public offering equity
                                                           trims project with an annual capacity of      investment project in 2020. To date, the main works have
                                                           300,000 sets and the chassis products         been substantially completed and it proceeds to the floor
                                                           production base project with an annual        construction phase.
                                                           capacity of 600,000 sets in Xiangtan
                                                           Economic          and       Technological
                                                           Development Zone.
3       February          2018-004   Tuopu      Group’s   Taizhou Tuopu Automobile Parts Co.,           In February 2018, Taizhou Tuopu Auto Parts Co., Ltd. was
        2018                         announcement on       Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the        awarded the right to use about 47 mu state-owned
                                     the     investment    Company, signed the "Investment               construction land in Toumen Port Economic Development
                                     intent agreement      Attraction     Agreement"      with     the   Zone, Linhai, at a consideration of RMB 16 million. To
                                     signed    by    its   Administration Committee of Toumen            date, the plant works have been completed and it proceeds
                                     wholly-owned          Port Economic Development Zone of             to the equipment acceptance and installation phase.
                                     Subsidiary            Zhejiang, and prospectively invests and
                                                           constructs the NVH interior trims system
                                                           project with an annual capacity of 300,000
                                                           sets in Toumen Port Economic
                                                           Development Zone.

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(3) Financial assets measured at fair value
□Applicable √Non-applicable

              Item                 Balance at the end of the period               Note
Short-term financial products                       400,000,000.00    Wealth management products
Equity instrument investment                          1,276,432.56    Debt payment by customer in
Total                                               401,276,432.56    /

(5) Disposal of major assets and equity
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(6) Analysis of major controlling and participating companies
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                               Unit:in 10,000 Yuan Currency:RMB
                                      Total          Total         Total net    Operating
                                                                                            Net profit
                                     assets in   liabilities in    assets in    income in
                      Registered                                                              in the
   Company name                         the           the             the           the
                         capital                                                             current
                                    reporting      reporting       reporting     reporting
                                      period         period          period        period    period
  Ningbo Intelligent      5,000.00    5,487.98       1,735.96        3,752.02      8,458.75      27.99
Tuopu Imp&Exp.          20,000.00    41,194.51      24,711.04       16,483.47     92,393.12  2,466.42
     Tuopu Parts        20,000.00 125,695.70 105,118.29             20,577.41 221,275.69       -461.93
  Tuopu Acoustics       20,000.00    80,036.32      64,596.46       15,439.86 139,661.53        360.92
   Sichuan Tuopu          2,000.00    6,378.93       3,808.64        2,570.29      8,457.26     397.32
    Yantai Tuopu          6,280.00    7,627.48       1,968.96        5,658.52      4,186.58     -17.52
    Pinghu Tuopu        20,800.00    26,422.65       8,443.06       17,979.58     19,977.05     892.98
   Sichuan Maigao       15,000.00    23,275.49       3,718.74       19,556.74      8,829.37     162.29
   Zhejiang Towin       18,000.00    54,029.66       9,615.58       44,414.08     19,033.73     542.08
 Tuopu Automotive 250,000.00 315,777.21             72,975.71 242,801.50 141,832.76 10,371.70
   Ningbo Qianhui         2,725.86    9,169.87       2,456.96        6,712.91      2,882.54      47.46
    Tuopu North               5.00    4,279.32       3,859.37          419.95     28,041.26     634.67
    American Ltd
  Tuopu Electrical        5,000.00   12,522.65       3,360.51        9,162.14      6,324.24     591.27
   Ningbo Borgers         2,100.00   24,558.91       7,477.31       17,081.60     20,437.71  1,153.32
    Antolin Tuopu         1,464.22    6,636.58       4,003.45        2,633.12      3,401.69     -72.25

(7) Structured entities controlled by the Company
□Applicable √Non-applicable

I.Other disclosures
(1) Potential risks
√Applicable □Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Semi-annual Report 2021

     1. The Company makes large-sum investments in NEVs industry chain, and capital expenditures
have increased significantly year by year. If the development direction of NEVs becomes ambiguous, its
fixed assets can hardly be returned, the surging percentage of depreciation and amortization will expose
it to an enormous risk.
     2. The Company is expected to resolve other risks such as exchange rate, tariffs, raw material price
fluctuations by enhancing its overall competitiveness.

(2) Other disclosures
□Applicable √Non-applicable

                                Section IV Corporate Governance
I. Brief Information about General Meetings
                              The search index
                               of the specified       Date of disclosure
                    Date of
    Session                       website to          to publication of             Resolution
                                   publish               resolutions
2021 The 1st March 15, www.sse.com.cn                 March 16, 2021       5 proposals including the
extraordinary    2021                                                      “Proposal on amendment of
general                                                                    the Articles of Association”
meeting       of                                                           were      deliberated    and
shareholders                                                               approved. More details are
                                                                           available        in       the
                                                                           "Announcement              on
                                                                           Resolutions of the 2021 First
                                                                           Extraordinary         General
                                                                           Meeting of Shareholders of
                                                                           Tuopu                 Group"
                                                                           (Announcement           No.:
2020 General       May         10,   www.sse.com.cn   May 11, 2021         17 proposals including the
meeting      of    2021                                                    "Proposal on the Full Text
shareholders                                                               and Summary of the 2020
                                                                           Annual       Report"     and
                                                                           "Proposal on the 2020 Profit
                                                                           Distribution"           were
                                                                           deliberated and approved.
                                                                           More details are available in
                                                                           the    "Announcement       on
                                                                           Resolutions of the 2020
                                                                           Annual General Meeting of
                                                                           Shareholders     of    Tuopu
                                                                           Group" (Announcement No.:

Preferred shareholders whose voting rights have been restored request to convene an
extraordinary general meeting
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Note to General Meeting
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II. Changes in directors, supervisors and officers
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Note to the changes in directors, supervisors and officers
□Applicable √Non-applicable

III. The plan for the profit distribution of common stocks or the transfer of capital reserves

The drafted semi-annual plan for the profit distribution of common stocks or the transfer of
capital reserves
Whether for the profit distribution or the transfer                            No
of capital reserves
Number of bonus issues (stocks) every 10 shares                                NA
Number of dividends distributed (Yuan) (with tax                               NA
included) every 10 shares
Number of additional shares (stocks) every 10                                  NA
     Note to the plan for the profit distribution of common stocks or the transfer of capital reserves

IV. Conditions and Impact of Equity Incentive Plan, ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) or
Other Employee Incentive Measures of the Company

(1) Related incentive events have been disclosed in the provisional announcement and there is no
progress or change in subsequent implementation
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2) Incentives that are not disclosed in the provisional announcement or there is a progress in
subsequent implementation
Condition of equity incentives
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notse
□Applicable √Non-applicable
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other incentives
□Applicable √Non-applicable

                   Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility
(I). Information about environment

 (1). Notes to the environmental protection conditions of companies and their important
subsidiaries announced by the environmental protection authority as key emission entities
√Applicable □Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                        Semi-annual Report 2021

1. Information about emissions
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     During the reporting period, the key emissions of relevant companies or subsidiaries announced by
the environmental protection authorities are provided as follows:
     (1) Under the "Notice of Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment on printing and
handing out the list of key emission entities in Ningbo in 2021", as circulated by Ningbo Municipal
Bureau of Ecology and Environment on April 30, 2021, the plant addressed at Guanhai Road, Chunxiao
Street, Beilun District, Ningbo (“Chunxiao Plant”) is included on the list of key water environment
emission entities and the list of key soil environment supervised entities; the plant addressed at
Longtanshan Rd, Beilun District, Ningbo (“Longtanshan Road Plant”) is included on the list of key soil
environment supervised entities.
     (2) Under the "Notice of Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment on printing and
handing out the list of key emission entities in Ningbo in 2021", as circulated by Ningbo Municipal
Bureau of Ecology and Environment on April 30, 2021, the wholly owned subsidiary plant Ningbo
Tuopu Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. (“Tuopu Automotive Electronics”) addressed in Hangzhou Bay
New Area, Ningbo, is included on the list of key soil environment supervised entities.
     (3) Under the " Notice on release of the list of key emission entities in Jinhua in 2021”, as
circulated by Jinhua Ecological Environment Bureau on 31 March 2021, Zhejiang Towin Automobile
Parts Co., Ltd., (“Zhejiang Towin”), the wholly-owned subsidiary addressed at Wuxi County Baihuashan
Industrial Park, Jinhua, is included on the list of key water environment emission entities and the list of
key soil environment supervised entities.
     (4) Under the "Notice on the list of key emission units in Sichuan in 2021 (Suining)”, as circulated
by Suining Ecological Environment Bureau on March 31, 2021, Sichuan Maigao Automobile Parts Co.,
Ltd. (“Sichuan Maigao”, the wholly-owned subsidiary addressed at Industrial Concentration
Development Zone of Anju, Suining, is included on the list of key soil environment supervised entities.

2. Construction and operation of pollution control facilities
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     All plants of the Company arrange production facilities in a reasonable way, improve processes and
increase the recycling of water, and reduce the emissions of sewage, waste liquid, general solid wastes
and hazardous wastes. The automatic waste monitoring system is running normally and transmitting data
to the environment protection authority in real time, allowing environment protection authorities at all
levels to perform real-time monitoring. Each plant has set up a yard for storage of hazardous wastes in
accordance with the measures applicable to the control of hazardous wastes, taken reasonable
measures against seepage, leakage and overflowing, maintained the hazardous waste management
account and transfer form, and subjected hazardous wastes to the transfer form system.
     The construction and operation of pollution control facilities in the plants or subsidiaries included
on the list of key emission entities are as follows:
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Semi-annual Report 2021

     (1) Guanhai Road Plant, Longtanshan Road Plant: diversion of rainwater and sewage, diversion of
clean water and sewage, obtain the permit for urban sewage to the drainage pipeline system, and the
emission permits granted by Ningbo Ecological Environment Bureau. The serial numbers of emission
permits are 91330200761450380T001V, 91330200761450380T002U, 91330200761450380T003W,
91330200761450380T004Y,              91330200761450380T006Z,              91330200761450380T005W,
     Production wastewater: the production wastewater as gathered from the plant area via the pipeline
to the regulating tank of sewage treatment station are subject to neutralization, flocculation, coarse
sedimentation, air flotation, acidifying, aerobic biochemistry reaction, sedimentation and regulating.
Once acceptable to the standard, the production wastewater will be discharged to the municipal sewage
pipeline, an intelligent sewage treatment control system that can prevent any unacceptable sewage from
accessing to the municipal sewage pipeline. An automatic monitoring system is implemented in the plant
area, which allows the environmental protection authority to monitor how the sewage station operates in
the plant area.
     Domestic sewage: The oily wastewater generated in the canteen is pretreated by the oil trapping
facility, and the domestic sewage is treated by the septic tank. Once acceptable to the pipeline
conveyance standard designated by Chunxiao Sewage Treatment Plant, the domestic wastewater will be
discharged to the municipal sewage pipeline system.
     The above wastewater and sewage subject to the treatment process are finally discharged to
Chunxiao municipal sewage pipeline system via a drain outlet, finally to Chunxiao Sewage Treatment
plant. The normative standard applicable to sewage discharge of Chunxiao Plant: total zinc is subject to
Grade 1 standard as contained in Table 4 of the "Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard"
(GB8978-1996), other contents are subject to the pipeline conveyance standard of Chunxiao Sewage
Treatment Plant. Actual data of production wastewater test: total zinc is 0.038mg/L, pH value is 8.31,
suspended matter is 10mg/L, COD is 55mg/L; domestic wastewater test data: pH value is 7.60,
suspended matter is 97mg/L, COD It is 354mg/L, all data are acceptable.
     In the plant, rubber scraps, non-conforming products in production, and scrap metal generated by
mold repair are identified as general solid wastes, sorted out by category, then disposed and recycled.
Waste activated carbon, waste paint slags, pickling and phosphate slags, and waste oil generated in the
production process are identified as hazardous wastes, a yard for storage of hazardous wastes has been
set up in accordance with the national applicable provisions. The application for transfer of hazardous
wastes has been submitted in accordance with the applicable management provisions of Ningbo
Ecological Environment Bureau. And the agreements for disposal of hazardous wastes have been signed
with Ningbo Beilun Environmental Solid Waste Disposal Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Fuyang Shenneng Solid
Waste Environmental Recycling Co., Ltd., and Ningbo Zhende Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
     (2) Tuopu Automotive Electronics: diversion of rainwater and sewage, diversion of clean water
and sewage, obtain the permit for urban sewage to the drainage pipeline system, serial no.: Zhe Zi
No.19119; obtain the emission permit granted from Hangzhou Bay New Area Ecological Environment

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Semi-annual Report 2021

Bureau, serial no.: 991330201MA2833A9XR.

     Production wastewater: the production wastewater as gathered from the plant area via the pipeline
to the regulating tank of sewage treatment station are subject to neutralization, flocculation, coarse
sedimentation, air flotation, acidifying, aerobic biochemistry reaction, sedimentation and regulating.
Once acceptable to the standard, the production wastewater will be discharged to the municipal sewage
pipeline of the Development Zone. Unacceptable sewage is prohibited from accessing to the municipal
sewage pipeline.
     Domestic sewage: The oily wastewater generated in the canteen is pretreated by the oil trapping
facility, and the domestic sewage is treated by the septic tank. Once acceptable to the pipeline
conveyance standard designated by Hangzhou Bay New Area Sewage Treatment Plant, the domestic
wastewater will be discharged to the municipal sewage pipeline system.
     Subject to the treatment process, one pipeline of the above wastewater and sewage is discharged via
02WS863 drain outlet, the other pipeline is discharged via 01WS703 drain outlet to the municipal
wastewater pipeline Hangzhou Bay New Area, finally treated in the Municipal Wastewater Treatment
     The normative standard applicable to sewage discharge of Tuopu Automotive Electronics: Grade 3
standard of "Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard" (GB8978-1996 Ammonia nitrogen and total
phosphorus are subject to the "Zhejiang Local Standard Industrial Enterprise Wastewater Nitrogen and
Phosphorus Pollutant Indirect Discharge Limits" (DB33/887-2013 ), then discharged into the municipal
sewage pipeline, and finally treated in the sewage treatment plant to meet the Grade 1 standard of the
"Urban Sewage Treatment Plant Pollutant Discharge Standard" (GB18918-2002) before being
discharged into the sea.

     Subject to treatment, the sewage from the Hangzhou Bay plant enters the urban pipe network
standard. Actual test data of production wastewater: pH value is 7.10, COD is 7.3mg/L, ammonia
nitrogen is 4.22MG/L, suspended solids is 8MG/L, petroleum is 0.06MG/L, total phosphorus is
0.08MG/L, Zinc is 0.05MG/L, and anionic surfactant is 0.06MG/L, all of which meet the specifications

     In the plant, metal scraps, non-conforming products in production, scrap metal from mold repairs,
rubber scraps, and waste packaging are identified as general solid waste, collected, then disposed and
utilized. Waste paint slags, pickling and phosphate slags, and waste oil generated in the production
process are identified as hazardous wastes, dedicated stacking field and storehouse for hazardous wastes
are set up under the national provisions applicable to collection, packaging, storage, conveyance and
disposal of hazardous wastes, the storage registration account is created on Zhejiang Solid Wastes
Monitoring Information System, the hazardous waste transfer declaration is made on the "National
Solid Waste and Chemical Management Information System" in line with the hazardous waste control
requirements of the Environmental Protection Bureau, and hazardous waste disposal agreements have
been signed with Ningbo Wanrun Special Oil Products Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Fuyang Shenneng Solid

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Semi-annual Report 2021

Waste Environmental Recycling Co., Ltd., Ningbo Beilun Environmental Solid Waste Disposal Co.,
Ltd., Dongyang Meichen Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., and Ningbo Bochuan Waste Liquid Disposal
Co., Ltd.

        (3) Zhejiang Towin: diversion of rainwater and sewage, diversion of clean water and sewage,
obtain the permit for urban sewage to the drainage pipeline system, serial no.: Zhe Wu Wu Pai Zi No.
2017069; obtain the emission permit granted from Jinhua Ecological Environment Bureau, serial no.:
       Production wastewater: the production wastewater as gathered from the plant area via the pipeline
to the regulating tank of sewage treatment station are subject to neutralization, flocculation, coarse
sedimentation, air flotation, acidifying, aerobic biochemistry reaction, sedimentation and regulating.
Once acceptable to the standard, the production wastewater will be discharged to the municipal sewage
pipeline of the Development Zone. An automatic monitoring system is implemented to prevent any
unacceptable sewage from accessing to the municipal sewage pipeline. The environmental protection
authorites at all levels across the nation can monitor how the sewage station operates in the plant area
and the emission indexes.
       Domestic sewage: The oily wastewater generated in the canteen is pretreated by the oil trapping
facility, and the domestic sewage is treated by the septic tank. Once acceptable to the pipeline
conveyance standard designated by Wuyi NO.1 Sewage Treatment Plant, the domestic wastewater will
be discharged to the municipal sewage pipeline system.
       The above wastewater and sewage subject to the treatment process are finally discharged to the
municipal sewage pipeline system of Wuyi Baihuashan Industrial Park via a drain outlet, finally to Wuyi
Sewage Treatment plant.
       The normative standard applicable to sewage discharge of Zhejiang Towin: total zinc is subject to
Grade 3 standard of "Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard" (GB8978-1996), the sewage subject to
treatment process is discharged into the municipal pipeline system. Actual data of production wastewater
test: pH value is 7.10, COD is 90mg/L, ammonia nitrogen is 6.6mg/L, all data are acceptable.
       In Zhejiang Towin Plant, rubber scraps, non-conforming products in production, and scrap metal
generated by mold repair are identified as general solid wastes, collected, then disposed and utilized.
Waste paint slags, pickling and phosphate slags, and waste oil generated in the production process are
identified as hazardous wastes, a dedicated storehouse for hazardous wastes is set up under the national
provisions applicable to collection, packaging, storage, conveyance and disposal of hazardous wastes,
the storage registration account is created on Zhejiang Solid Wastes Monitoring Information System,
and the agreements for disposal of hazardous wastes have been signed with Zhejiang Red Lion
Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Yulong Environmental Protection Technology Co.,
       Zhejiang Towin Plant arranges production facilities in a reasonable way, improves processes and
increase the recycling of water, and reduces the emissions of sewage. The automatic waste monitoring

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system is running normally and transmiting data to the environment protection authority in real time.
The access control facility (environmental protection authorities at the central, provincial, municipal and
county level can perform real-time monitoring) is added. The plant has set up a yard and storehouse for
hazardious wastes in accordance with the measures applicable to the control of hazardous wastes, and
maintained the hazardous waste management account and transfer form.
      (4) Sichuan Maigao: diversion of rainwater and sewage, diversion of clean water and sewage,
obtain the permit for urban sewage to the drainage pipeline system, and the emission permit granted
from Suining Ecological Environment Bureau of Sichuan (serial no.: 91510904071417225P001U).
     Production wastewater: the production wastewater as gathered from the plant area via the pipeline
to the regulating tank of sewage treatment station are subject to neutralization, flocculation, coarse
sedimentation, air flotation, acidifying, aerobic biochemistry reaction, sedimentation and regulating.
Once acceptable to the standard, the production wastewater will be discharged to Longyanjing Sewage
Treatment Plant. An automatic monitoring system is implemented, which allows the environmental
protection authorities at all levels in Sichuan to monitor how the sewage station operates in the plant
area and the emission indexes.
     The above wastewater and sewage subject to the treatment process are discharged into the
municipal sewage pipeline of Anju Industrial Concentration Development Zone, finally to Longyanjing
Sewage Treatment Plant.
     The normative standard applicable to sewage discharge of the plant is Grade 3 standard of
"Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard" (GB8978-1996).The sewage subject to treatment process is
discharged into the municipal pipeline system. Actual data of production wastewater test: total zinc is
<0.156 mg/L, pH value is 7.4, COD is 164 mg/L; ammonia nitrogen is 12.7 mg/L, total phosphorus is
1.63 mg/L, petroleum is 0.89 mg/L. Actual data of domestic wastewater test: pH value is 7, COD is 28
mg/L, ammonia nitrogen is 237 mg/L, all data are acceptable.
     In the plant, rubber scraps, non-conforming products in production, and scrap metal generated by
mold repair are identified as general solid wastes, collected, then disposed and utilized. Waste paint
slags, pickling and phosphate slags, and waste oil generated in the production process are identified as
hazardous wastes, a dedicated yard and storehouse for hazardous wastes is set up under the national
provisions applicable to collection, packaging, storage, conveyance and disposal of hazardous wastes,
the application for transfer of hazardous wastes has been submitted in accordance with the applicable
management provisions of Anju Environmental Protection Bureau, and the agreements for disposal of
hazardous wastes have been signed with Xide County Liangzai Silicon Industry Co., Ltd., Mianyang
XinkeYuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., and Sichuan Zhongming Environmental
Treatment Co., Ltd.
     The plant arranges production facilities in a reasonable way, improves processes and increase the
recycling of water, and reduces the emissions of sewage. The automatic sewage monitoring system is
operating normally and connected to the environmental protection authority for data transmission in real

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time, and the environmental protection authorities at the provincial, city and county levels can monitor it
in real time.
     Sichuan Maigao has been approved in the environmental protection acceptance procedure by
Suining Enviromental Protection Bureau and filed for urban rainwater and sewage pipeline. Acting in
strict accordance with the national emission standards, Sichuan Maigao is committed to improving the
environment, with minor impact on the surrounding environment.The sludge, waste oil, and waste paint
slag generated from the sewage station are disposed by Xide County Liangzai Silicon Industry Co., Ltd.,
Mianyang XinkeYuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., and Sichuan Zhongming
Environmental Treatment Co., Ltd.

3. EIA of construction projects and administrative permits granted to other environmental
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     All construction projects in each plant are subject to the project-specific EIA requirement and
comply with the national emission standards, approved by the environmental protection acceptance and
filed for urban rainwater and sewage pipeline. All environmental impact factors are acceptable to the
project-specific EIA requirement. Each plant is committed to improving the environment.

4. Emergency response for environmental contingencies
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     The Company has laid down the integrated and dedicated emergency responses to environmental
contingencies, which can direct the rescue operations in case of environmental contingencies. The
Company makes announcement on Zhejiang Business Announcement Platform for Environmental
Contingencies, under the record number: 330206-2015-007-L.

5. In-house environmental monitoring plan
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     The Company tests wastewater, waste gas, and noise at plant boundaries in all plants at regular
intervals every year, which are found to be acceptable under the national standards; the plan for disposal
of hazardous wastes is submitted earlier each year.

6. Administrative penalties due to environmental concerns during the reporting period
□Applicable √Non-applicable

7. Other environmental information that should be disclosed
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2) Notes to the environmental protection of the companies other than key emission entities
□Applicable √Non-applicable
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(3) Statement on the follow-up progress or changes in the environmental information disclosure
during the reporting period
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(4) Relevant information that benefits ecosystem protection, pollution control, and fulfillment
environmental responsibilities
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(5) Measures and effects taken to reduce carbon emissions during the reporting period
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     In light of business development and capacity extension, the Company has set up many plants. In
June and July 2021, the Company incorporated the wholly-owned sub-subsidiaries Tuopu Photovoltaic
Technology (Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Area) Co., Ltd., Tuopu Photovoltaic Technology (Ningbo
Beilun) Co., Ltd., and Tuopu Photovoltaic Technology (Pinghu) Co., Ltd., and intends to capitalize on
the roofs of these plants to build and operate distributed photovoltaic power stations, make full use of
clean energy, directly reduce carbon emissions, reduce energy consumption and cost.
     This project stays in line with the company vision and mission statement and improves eco-friendly
development level, signifying its attention to ESG control, contributing to the goal of peak carbon
dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality. The project is under construction.

II. Particulars of consolidating and expanding the deliverables of poverty alleviation, rural
  revitalization and other tasks
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2021

                                                                 Section VI Significant Events
I. Performance of commitments

(1) Commitments made by actual controllers, shareholders, related parties, acquirers of the Company, and the Company and other related parties making
commitments during the reporting period or continuing to the reporting period
√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                                                                                               If such
                                                                                                                                                               If such
                                                                                                   Date and    Whether       Whether      commitments
                                                                                                   deadline    there is a    performe        cannot be
Background of          Type of       Committe                                                                                                                 cannot be
                                                             Content of commitment                    of      deadline for   d strictly      completed
 commitment          commitment        d by                                                                                                                  completed
                                                                                                   commit     performanc        and        timely, state
                                                                                                                                                            timely, state
                                                                                                    ment           e          timely        the specific
                                                                                                                                                           the next plan

                     Restricted      14 specific   The shares subscribed by New China Asset        February   Yes            Yes          NA               NA
                     sale       of   investors     Management Co., Ltd., UBS AG, CITIC             2021, 6
                     shares          including     Securities Co., Ltd. (Self-run), China          months
                                     New           Securities Co., Ltd., HFT Investment
                                     China         Management Co., Ltd., CITIC Securities
                                     Asset         Co., Ltd. (Asset Management), New China
                                     Manageme      Fund Management Co., Ltd., China Galaxy
Commitment                           nt     Co.,   Securities Co., Ltd., Huaneng Guicheng
related to                           Ltd.          Trust Co., Ltd., Goldman Sachs & Co.
refinancing                                        LLC, MORGAN STANLEY & CO.
                                                   INTERNATIONAL             PLC.,     Zhejiang
                                                   Zhonghao Investment Co., Ltd., Chengdu
                                                   Fusen-Noble House Co., Ltd., Beijing
                                                   Renaissance Era Investment Management
                                                   Co., Ltd. as 14 specific issuance targets are
                                                   locked for 6 months from the date of end of
                                                   private offering.

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II. Whether there is any non-operating capital occupation by the controlling shareholder and its
□Applicable √Non-applicable

III. Violation of guarantee
□Applicable √Non-applicable

IV. Audit of the semi-annual report
□Applicable √Non-applicable

V. Changes and handling of matters involved in non-standard audit opinions in the previous year’s
  annual report
□Applicable √Non-applicable

VI. Matters concerning bankruptcy and reorganization
□Applicable √Non-applicable

VII. Significant Lawsuits and Arbitrations
□The Company is involved in any significant lawsuits and arbitrations in the current year √The
Company is not involved in any significant lawsuits and arbitrations in the current year

VIII. Listed companies and their directors, supervisors, officers, controlling shareholders, and
  actual controllers suspected of violations of laws and regulations, or subject to punishment and
□Applicable √Non-applicable

IX. Notes to the Credit Standing of the Company and Its Controlling Shareholders and Actual
Controllers during the Reporting Period
□Applicable √Non-applicable

X. Significant Related-party Transactions
(1) Related-party transactions related to daily operations

1. Events that have been disclosed in the provisional announcement and there is no progress or
change in subsequent implementation
□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. Events that have been disclosed in the provisional announcement, but there is no progress or
change in subsequent implementation
□Applicable √Non-applicable

3. Events that are not disclosed in the provisional announcement
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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(2) Related-party transactions in the acquisition or sale of assets or equity

1. Events that have been disclosed in the provisional announcement and there is no progress or
changes in subsequent implementation
□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. Events that have been disclosed in the provisional announcement, but there is a progress or
change in subsequent implementation
□Applicable √Non-applicable

3. Events that are not disclosed in the provisional announcement
□Applicable √Non-applicable

4. Where there is a performance agreement involved, the performance achieved during the
reporting period shall be disclosed
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3) Significant related-party transactions of joint external investment
1. Events that have been disclosed in the provisional announcement and there is no progress or
changes in subsequent implementation
□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. Events that have been disclosed in the provisional announcement, but there are progress or
changes in subsequent implementation
□Applicable √Non-applicable

3. Events that are not disclosed in the provisional announcement
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(4) Related credits and liabilities

1. Events that have been disclosed in the provisional announcement, but there is no progress or
change in subsequent implementation
□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. Events that have been disclosed in the provisional announcement, but there is a progress or
change in subsequent implementation
□Applicable √Non-applicable

3. Events that have not been disclosed in the provisional announcement
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(5) Financial business between the Company and the associated financial company, the Company's
holding financial company and the related party
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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(6) Other major related transactions
□Applicable √Non-applicable

 (7) Other
□Applicable √Non-applicable

XI. Major contracts and contract performance

1 Matters relating to trusteeship, contracting and leasing
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                Semi-annual Report 2021

2     Significant guarantees performed and unfulfilled during the reporting period
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                       Unit:Yuan Currency: RMB
                                            External guarantees by the Company (other than its guarantees to subsidiaries)
                                       Date of                                               Whether                                         Whether
        between                                                                                          Whether
                                     guarantee                        Type Mai               the                                             it is a
        the                 Guarante                                                                     the      Guarante
Guarant           Guarantee           occurred Fro                    of      n Collatera guarante                          Counter-guarante guarante Associating
        guarantor           ed                                  Until                                    guarante e overdue
or                d party             (date of  m                     guaran debt l (if any) e has                          e situation      e for    relation
        and the             amount                                                                       e is     amount
                                     agreement                        tee     s              been                                            related
        listed                                                                                           overdue
                                     execution)                                              fulfilled                                       parties

Total amount of guarantees during the reporting period (other than
guarantees to subsidiaries)
Total balance of guarantees at the end of the reporting period (A)
(other than guarantees to subsidiaries)
                                                            Guarantees by the Company to its subsidiaries
Total amount of guarantees to subsidiaries during the reporting
Total balance of guarantees to subsidiaries at the end of the
reporting period (B)
                                            Total amount of company guarantees (including its guarantees to subsidiaries)
Total guarantees (A+B)                                                                                                                                54,174,400
Total guarantees as a percentage of the Company's net assets (%)                                                                                             0.73
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2021

Amount of guarantees provided for shareholders, actual controllers
and their related parties (C)
Amount of debt guarantee provided directly or indirectly for the
guaranteed object whose asset-liability ratio exceeds 70% (D)
Amount of the total guarantees exceeding 50% of the net assets (E)                                                                                                    0
Total of the above three guarantees (C+D+E)                                                                                                                           0
Note to unexpired guarantees that may bear joint liability for
                                                                     Tuopu Poland sp.z.o.o, ("Tuopu Poland") is a wholly-owned subsidiary established by Tuopu
                                                                     Group in Poland in March 2021. It leases 7R PROJEKT 35 Sp. z oo ("7R Project Company").
                                                                     The customized plant will accept and produce European orders and has assigned a lease
                                                                     agreement with 7R Project Company on March 15, 2021. Given business practices and actual
                                                                     needs, the Company provided performance guarantee for the said plant lease agreement signed
                                                                     by Tuopu Poland.
                                                                     The total liability of the letter of guarantee is up to 7 million euros (calculated at the exchange
                                                                     rate on the day before the announcement on March 19, 2021, equivalent to RMB 54.174
                                                                     million), and the effective term covers the validity period of the said lease agreement (84
Statement of guarantees                                              months counted from March 15, 2021) and five months after its expiration or termination, but
                                                                     no later than August 1, 2029.
                                                                     Tuopu Poland is required to perform the obligations as tenant stipulated in the above lease
                                                                     agreement on time. Failing to do so, Tuopu Group shall perform the obligations within 15
                                                                     working days upon the receipt of the claim notice from 7R Project Company.
                                                                     The above performance guarantees have been reviewed and approved at the 5th meeting of the
                                                                     fourth Board of Directors. More details are available in “Announcement of Tuopu Group on
                                                                     Providing Performance Guarantees for the Lease of Industrial Plants for Overseas
                                                                     Wholly-owned Subsidiaries”disclosed by the company on the portal site of Shanghai Stock
                                                                     Exchange on March 19, 2021. (Announcement No. 2021-018).

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3 Other major contracts
□Applicable √Non-applicable
XII. Explanation of other important matters
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2021

                                            Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders
I. Condition in change of equity
(1) Condition in change of shares
1. Condition in change of shares
                                         Before this change          Increased or decreased amount in this period (+/-)         After this change
                                       Number of        Shares                   Bonus    converted                           Number of       Shares
                                                                  New issue                             Other     Subtotal
                                        shares         held (%)                  issue   from capital                          shares        held (%)
I. Shares held subject to restricted               0          0   47,058,823                                     47,058,823    47,058,823           4.27
1. Shares held by the state
2.Shares held by state-owned
3. Shares held by other domestic                                  38,352,472                                     38,352,472    38,352,472           3.48
Including: shares held by domestic
non-state-owned corporates
        Shares held by domestic
natural persons
4. Shares held by foreign capital                                  8,706,351                                      8,706,351     8,706,351           0.79
Including: shares held by foreign                                  8,706,351                                      8,706,351     8,706,351           0.79
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 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                               Semi-annual Report 2021

       shares held by foreign natural
II. Unrestricted tradable shares        1,054,987,749   100                              1,054,987,749        95.73
1. RMB ordinary shares                  1,054,987,749   100                              1,054,987,749        95.73
2. Foreign shares listed at home
3. Foreign shares listed overseas
4. Other
III.Total shares                        1,054,987,749   100   47,058,823    47,058,823   1,102,046,572          100

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                            Semi-annual Report 2021

2. Changes in shares

√Applicable □Non-applicable

    On February 23, 2021, the Company completed the private offering of A-shares. The Company issued 47,058,823 A-shares to 14 specific investors. Total

number of shares increased from 1,054,987,749 to 1,102,046,572.

    More details are available in the "Announcement of Tuopu Group's Private Offering of Shares and Changes in Share Capital" (Announcement No.: 2021-004)

disclosed on the portal site of the Shanghai Stock Exchange on February 25, 2021.

3. Impact of changes in common shares on financial indexes such as EPS and net assets per share from the reporting period to the disclosure of the

semi-annual report (if any)

□Applicable √Non-applicable

4. Other content as the Company deems necessary to disclose or required by the securities regulatory institution

□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2) Changes in restricted sale of shares

□Applicable √Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                                Unit: shares
          Name of shareholder              Number of     Number of        Number of     Number of          Reason for restricted sale      Date of removal of
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 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2021

                                                shares on         shares          additional         shares on                                               restricted sale
                                                restricted    removed from        shares on       restricted sale
                                                sale at the   restricted sale   restricted sale    at the end of
                                                beginning          in the            in the        the reporting
                                                  of the        reporting         reporting            period
                                                reporting         period            period
New China Asset Management Co., Ltd.                      0                0       11,764,705        11,764,705     6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                            August 23, 2021
                                                                                                                          in private offering
UBS AG                                                    0                0        5,764,705         5,764,705     6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                            August 23, 2021
                                                                                                                          in private offering
CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. (Self-run)                     0                0        5,764,705         5,764,705     6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                            August 23, 2021
                                                                                                                          in private offering
China Securities Co., Ltd.                                0                0        4,705,882         4,705,882     6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                            August 23, 2021
                                                                                                                          in private offering
HFT Investment Management Co., Ltd.                       0                0        3,529,411         3,529,411     6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                            August 23, 2021
                                                                                                                          in private offering
CITIC Securities       Co.,     Ltd.   (asset             0                0        2,211,302         2,211,302     6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                            August 23, 2021
management)                                                                                                               in private offering
New China Fund Management Co., Ltd.                       0                0        2,141,176         2,141,176     6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                            August 23, 2021
                                                                                                                          in private offering
China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd.                         0                0        2,117,647         2,117,647     6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                            August 23, 2021
                                                                                                                          in private offering
Huaneng Guicheng Trust Co., Ltd.                          0                0        1,882,352         1,882,352     6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                            August 23, 2021
                                                                                                                          in private offering
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC                                   0                0        1,529,411         1,529,411     6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                            August 23, 2021
                                                                                                                          in private offering
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                Semi-annual Report 2021

MORGAN    STANLEY              &     CO.          0               0       1,412,235       1,412,235      6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                August 23, 2021
INTERNATIONAL PLC.                                                                                             in private offering
Zhejiang Zhonghao Investment Co., Ltd.            0               0       1,411,764       1,411,764      6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                August 23, 2021
                                                                                                               in private offering
Chengdu Fusen-Noble House Co., Ltd.               0               0       1,411,764       1,411,764      6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                August 23, 2021
                                                                                                               in private offering
Beijing Renaissance Era Investment                0               0       1,411,764       1,411,764      6-month lock-up period of shares
                                                                                                                                                August 23, 2021
Management Co., Ltd.                                                                                           in private offering
Total                                             0               0      47,058,823      47,058,823                     /                               /

II. Condition of Shareholders

(1) Total shareholders
Total number (accounts) of common shareholders as of                                          32,899
the end of the reporting period
Total number (accounts) of preferred shareholders whose                                          NA
voting rights have been restored as of the end of the
reporting period

(2) Shares held by the top ten shareholders and top ten tradable shareholders (or shareholders not subject to restricted sale) as of the end of the reporting
                                                           Shares held by the top ten shareholders
                     Name of Shareholder                      Increas    Number of        Percenta     Number of            Condition of pledge of      Nature of
                        (Full Name)                           e/Decr    shares held at       ge        shares held                 freezing            shareholder

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 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2021

                                                                 ease      the end of the       (%)       subject to                                           s
                                                                during         period                     restricted sale
                                                                  the                                                           Status of    Number
                                                                reporti                                                          shares      of shares
MECCA INTERNATIONAL HOLDING (HK) LIMITED                                    693,680,000        62.94                             No
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited                                  29,793,506         2.70                         Unknown                   Unknown
New China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. - Dividend-Group
                                                                               12,479,254         1.13         11,764,705      Unknown                   Unknown
Dividend-018L-FH001 Hu
Kuwait Investment Authority–Own funds                                         10,179,542         0.92                         Unknown
CITIC Securities Co., Ltd.                                                     10,082,526         0.91          7,976,007      Unknown                   Unknown
Jianshu Wu                                                                      7,210,308         0.65                             No                    natural
Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd.-GT Intelligent Car Stock
                                                                                6,768,477         0.61                         Unknown                   Unknown
Securities Investment Fund
UBS     AG                                                                      5,853,548         0.53          5,764,705      Unknown
Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd.-New China Power
                                                                                5,612,035         0.51          1,411,764      Unknown                   Unknown
Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China- CIFM Domestic
                                                                                5,608,561         0.51                         Unknown                   Unknown
Demand Momentum Securities Investment Fund
                                               Shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to restricted sale
                      Name of Shareholder                        Number of tradable shares held not                         Class and number of shares
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 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2021

                                                                subject to restricted sale               Class         Number of shares
MECCA INTERNATIONAL HOLDING (HK) LIMITED                                         693,680,000    RMB common shares              693,680,000
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited                                        29,793,506   RMB common shares               29,793,506
Kuwait Investment Authority – Own funds                                             10,179,542   RMB common shares               10,179,542
CITIC Securities Co., Ltd.                                                           10,082,526   RMB common shares               10,082,526
Jianshu Wu                                                                            7,210,308   RMB common shares                 7,210,308
Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd.-GT Intelligent Car Stock
                                                                                      6,768,477   RMB common shares                 6,768,477
Securities Investment Fund
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China- CIFM Domestic
                                                                                      5,608,561   RMB common shares                 5,608,561
Demand Momentum Securities Investment Fund
Ningbo Zhuyue Investment Management Co., Ltd.                                         5,407,630   RMB common shares                 5,407,630
Shanghai Panjing Investment Management Center (Limited
Partnership)-Shengxin Phase 2 Private Placement Securities                            5,230,741   RMB common shares                 5,230,741
Investment Fund
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd.-Rongtong
China Wind No. 1 Tactic Assets Allocation Commingled                                  4,872,331   RMB common shares                 4,872,331
Securities Investment Fund
Description of the repurchase of special accounts among the
top ten shareholders
Notes to the above shareholders' entrusted voting rights,
entrusted voting rights, and waiver of voting rights

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    Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2021

                                                                    Among these shareholders:
                                                                    1. Mr. Jianshu Wu holds 100% of the shares in MECCA INTERNATIONAL HOLDING (HK)
Notes to the associated relationship or concerted action of the     2. Ningbo Zhuyue Investment Management Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of MECCA
above shareholders                                                  INTERNATIONAL HOLDING (HK) LIMITED, the controlling shareholder of the Company,
                                                                    and is a person acting in concert.
                                                                    In addition, the Company doesn’t know whether there is an associated relationship among the
                                                                    above shareholders or whether they are parties acting in concert.
Notes to the preferred shareholders whose voting rights have
been restored and the number of shares held

Number of shares held by the top ten shareholders subject to restricted sale and the conditions of restricted sales
□Applicable √Non-applicable
                                                                                                           Conditions of restricted shares available
                                                                                      Number of            for trading
                                                                                                                                                          Condition of
Seq.       Name of shareholders subject to restricted sale conditions                 restricted shares                            Additional shares
                                                                                                            Time available for                           restricted sale
                                                                                      held                                           available for
           New China Life Insurance              Co.,   Ltd.   -    Dividend-Group                                                                   lock-up period
1                                                                                            11,764,705 August 23, 2021                   11,764,705
           Dividend-018L-FH001 Hu                                                                                                                    of shares in
                                                                                                                                                     private offering
                                                                                                                                                     lock-up period
2          UBS      AG                                                                        5,764,705 August 23, 2021                    5,764,705
                                                                                                                                                     of shares in
                                                                                                                                                     private offering

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                             Semi-annual Report 2021

        Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd.-New China Power Flexible                                                         lock-up period
3                                                                                  1,411,764 August 23, 2021        1,411,764
        Allocation Hybrid Securities Investment Fund                                                                          of shares in
                                                                                                                              private offering
Notes to the associated relationship or concerted action of the above

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                   Semi-annual Report 2021

(3) Strategic investors or general legal persons become the top ten shareholders due to the
□Applicable √Non-applicable

III. Directors, supervisors and officers

(1) Changes in shareholding of current and resigned directors, supervisors and officers during the
reporting period
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Other notes
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2) Share incentives granted by directors, supervisors and officers during the reporting period
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3) Other notes
□Applicable √Non-applicable

IV. Changes in controlling shareholders or actual controllers

□Applicable √Non-applicable

                    Section VIII Information about Preference Shares

□Applicable √Non-applicable

                         Section IX Information of Corporate Bonds
I. Corporate bonds, debentures and non-financial corporate debt financing instruments
□Applicable √Non-applicable

II. Condition of convertible corporate bonds
□Applicable √Not applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                Semi-annual Report 2021

                                Section X Financial Report
I. Audit report
□Applicable √Non-applicable

II. Financial Statements
                                 Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                      As of 30 June 2021
Prepared by: Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                     Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                Item                   Note         June 30, 2021           December 31, 2020
Current assets:
  Cash and Bank Balances              7.1                1,822,102,703.57         787,123,646.45
  Deposit Reservation for Balance
  Loans to Banks and Other
Financial Institutions
  Trading Financial Assets            7.2                 401,276,432.56               176,111.00
  Derivative Financial Assets
  Notes receivable                    7.4                  350,653,610.60         296,283,951.73
  Accounts receivable                 7.5                2,211,356,399.61       1,783,267,007.65
  Receivables Financing               7.6                  874,151,202.33         742,203,122.21
  Prepayments                         7.7                   53,564,339.54          42,883,818.40
  Premium Receivable
  Reinsurance Accounts Receivable
  Reinsurance Contract Reserves
  Other Receivables                   7.8                  51,992,724.93           31,087,166.38
  Including: interest receivable
          Dividends Receivable
  Buying Back the Sale of Financial
  Inventory                           7.9                1,611,472,435.16       1,502,751,836.88
  Contract Assets
  Holding for-sale assets
  Non-current Assets Due within 1
  Other Current Assets                7.13                 202,498,278.42         173,824,691.82
     Subtotal of Current Assets                          7,579,068,126.72       5,359,601,352.52
Non-current Assets:
  Granting of loans and advances
  Investment in Creditor's Rights
  Investment in Other Creditor's
  Long-term Receivables
  Long-term Equity Investment         7.17                138,737,177.28          150,295,983.58
  Investment in Other Equity
  Other Non-current Financial
  Investment Property                 7.20                  30,766,317.44          31,603,418.12
  Fixed Assets                        7.21               4,613,026,763.88       4,248,257,966.73
  Projects under Construction         7.22               1,386,448,449.11         943,993,396.96
  Productive Biological Assets
  Oil and gas assets
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                  Semi-annual Report 2021

  Right-of-use Assets                   7.25                 22,447,341.16
                                                            864,200,803.89          678,561,105.86
  Development Expenditure
  Goodwill                              7.28                 253,310,074.24         253,310,074.24
  Long-term unamortized expenses        7.29                  68,292,727.75          57,679,259.94
  Deferred Income Tax Assets            7.30                 101,018,268.80          94,968,559.88
  Other Non-current Assets              7.31                 559,073,830.90         296,957,402.06
    Total Non-current Assets                               8,037,321,754.45       6,755,627,167.37
        Total Assets                                      15,616,389,881.17      12,115,228,519.89
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term loan                       7.31                773,129,744.77          400,378,888.89
  Borrowings from the Central Bank
  Borrowings from Banks and Other
Financial Institutions
  Transactional financial liabilities
  Derivative Financial Liabilities
  Notes Payable                         7.35               1,905,569,760.15        1,471,327,551.91
  Accounts Payable                      7.36               2,249,867,855.45        1,898,255,116.17
  Received Prepayments                  7.37
  Contract liabilities                  7.38                 28,149,493.14            22,685,660.41
  Financial Assets Sold for
  Deposit Taking and Interbank
  Receiving from Vicariously
Traded Securities
  Receiving from Vicariously Sold
  Payroll payable                       7.39                123,436,773.37          138,292,361.67
  Tax Payable                           7.40                149,030,277.59           82,865,303.29
  Other Payables                        7.41                 15,361,171.00           15,722,105.17
  Including: interest payable
           Dividends Payable
  Service Charge and Commission
  Reinsurance Accounts Payable
  Holding for-sale liabilities
  Non-current Liabilities Due within    7.43
1 Year
  Other Current Liabilities             7.44                   3,658,909.50            1,507,896.52
    Subtotal of Current Liabilities                        5,255,537,415.60        4,031,034,884.03
Non-current Liabilities:
  Insurance Contract Reserves
  Long-term loan
  Bonds Payable
  Including: Preferred Stocks
           Perpetual Bonds
  Lease Liabilities                     7.47                 14,138,616.74
  Long-term Payables
  Long-term payroll payable
  Expected Liabilities
  Deferred Income                       7.51                216,751,883.66          214,204,302.56
  Deferred Income Tax Liabilities       7.30                 57,717,645.00           51,907,987.42
  Other Non-current Liabilities
    Total Non-current Liabilities                           288,608,145.40          266,112,289.98
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                  Semi-annual Report 2021

       Total Liabilities                                   5,544,145,561.00       4,297,147,174.01
Owners’ Equity (or Shareholders'
  Paid-in capital (or share Capital)   7.53                1,102,046,572.00       1,054,987,749.00
  Other Equity Instruments
  Including: Preferred Stocks
          Perpetual Bonds
  Capital Reserves                     7.55                5,340,798,886.81       3,409,439,863.07
  Less: Treasury Share
  Other Comprehensive Incomes          7.57                  -18,697,516.09          -20,631,668.74
  Special Reserves
  Surplus Reserves                     7.59                 474,769,630.86          474,769,630.86
  General Risk Reserves
  Undistributed Profits                7.60                3,138,579,496.89       2,868,429,319.48
  Total Shareholders' Equity
                                                          10,037,497,070.47       7,786,994,893.67
Attributable to the Parent Company
  Minority Shareholders' Equity                               34,747,249.70          31,086,452.21
     Total Shareholders' Equity                           10,072,244,320.17       7,818,081,345.88
       Total Liabilities and
                                                          15,616,389,881.17      12,115,228,519.89
Shareholders' Equity

Legal Representative: Jianshu Wu Accounting Work Officer: Tieyang Hong Accounting Institution
Officer: Tieyang Hong

                            Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
                                      As of June 30, 2021
Prepared by:Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                       Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                Item                    Note         June 30, 2021            December 31, 2020
Current Assets:
  Cash and Bank Balances                                   1,471,609,822.89         191,701,837.06
  Trading Financial Assets                                   400,000,000.00
  Derivative Financial Assets
  Notes receivable
  Accounts receivable                  17.1                1,257,297,454.89       1,840,937,312.96
  Receivables Financing                                       20,499,293.48
  Prepayments                                                 33,622,965.24          20,784,751.77
  Other Receivables                    17.2                   37,523,577.06          76,146,034.58
  Including: interest receivable
         Dividends Receivable
  Inventory                                                 654,580,335.92          658,887,785.40
  Contract Assets
  Holding for-sale assets
  Non-current Assets Due within 1
  Other Current Assets
     Subtotal of Current Assets                            3,875,133,449.48       2,788,457,721.77
Non-current Assets:
  Investment in Creditor's Rights
  Investment in Other Creditor's
  Long-term Receivables
  Long-term Equity Investment          17.3                5,472,901,460.36       4,071,774,944.06
  Investment in Other Equity

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                           Semi-annual Report 2021

  Other Non-current Financial
  Investment Property                                  30,766,317.44           31,603,418.12
  Fixed Assets                                      2,248,882,303.68        2,125,534,955.22
  Projects under Construction                         235,522,479.65          324,037,109.77
  Productive Biological Assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use Assets
  Intangible Assets                                  257,194,011.20          261,540,370.50
  Development Expenditure
  Long-term unamortized expenses                       17,605,139.13           18,012,648.52
  Deferred Income Tax Assets                           29,859,647.26           33,565,021.69
  Other Non-current Assets                             84,955,147.78           53,576,040.76
     Total Non-current Assets                       8,377,686,506.50        6,919,644,508.64
        Total Assets                               12,252,819,955.98        9,708,102,230.41
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term loan                                    550,393,750.00          400,378,888.89
  Transactional financial liabilities
  Derivative Financial Liabilities
  Notes Payable                                       232,215,340.00          165,480,933.26
  0Accounts Payable                                 1,235,003,526.97        1,070,753,965.63
  Received Prepayments
  Contract liabilities                                 1,954,994.80             1,448,964.90
  Payroll payable                                     56,020,223.07            73,653,497.54
  Tax Payable                                        120,859,046.03            54,138,713.22
  Other Payables                                       7,390,581.99             5,126,892.30
  Including: interest payable
           Dividends Payable
  Holding for-sale liabilities
  Non-current Liabilities Due within
1 Year
  Other Current Liabilities                               254,149.33              188,365.44
     Subtotal of Current Liabilities                2,204,091,612.19        1,771,170,221.18
Non-current Liabilities:
  Long-term loan
  Bonds Payable
  Including: Preferred Stocks
            Perpetual Bonds
  Lease Liabilities
  Long-term Payables
  Long-term payroll payable
  Expected Liabilities
  Deferred Income                                     67,496,572.31            70,962,922.25
  Deferred Income Tax Liabilities                     34,854,159.59            28,630,095.25
  Other Non-current Liabilities
     Subtotal of Non-current
                                                     102,350,731.90            99,593,017.50
        Total Liabilities                           2,306,442,344.09        1,870,763,238.68
Owners’ Equity (or Shareholders'
  Paid-in Capital (or Share Capital)                1,102,046,572.00        1,054,987,749.00
  Other Equity Instruments
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Semi-annual Report 2021

  Including: Preferred Stocks
          Perpetual Bonds
  Capital Reserves                                         5,340,798,886.81           3,409,439,863.07
  Less: Treasury Share
  Other Comprehensive Incomes
  Special Reserves
  Surplus Reserves                                           474,769,630.86             474,769,630.86
  Undistributed Profits                                    3,028,762,522.22           2,898,141,748.80
    Total Owners’ Equity (or
                                                           9,946,377,611.89           7,837,338,991.73
Shareholders' Equity)
       Total Liabilities and Owners’
                                                          12,252,819,955.98           9,708,102,230.41
Equity (or Shareholders' Equity)

Legal Representative: Jianshu Wu Accounting Work Officer: Tieyang Hong Accounting Institution
Officer: Tieyang Hong

                                  Consolidated Income Statement
                           From the Period from January 2021 to June 2021
                                                                      Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                     Item                       Note      Semi-annual 2021      Semi-annual 2020
I. Total Operating Revenue                                  4,916,747,063.20      2,562,015,814.84
Including: Operating Revenue                  7.61          4,916,747,063.20      2,562,015,814.84
       Interest Income
       Earned Premiums
       Service Charge and Commission
II. Total Operating Cost                                       4,363,907,911.44       2,326,053,060.58
Including: Operating Cost                      7.61            3,890,647,152.66       1,972,469,869.51
        Interest Expenditures
        Service Charge and Commission
        Surrender Value
        Net Claims Paid
        Net Amount of Withdrawn Reserve for
Insurance Liability Contract
        Policyholder Dividend Expense
        Reinsurance Cost
        Taxes and Surcharges                   7.62               33,834,421.64          25,195,019.57
        Sales Expenses                         7.63               67,811,133.02          48,374,902.80
        Administration expenses                7.64              138,616,680.48         100,232,074.78
        Research and development expense       7.65              233,873,710.58         165,130,113.43
        Financial Expenses                     7.66                 -875,186.94          14,651,080.49
        Including: interest expenses                               8,718,663.63          13,230,815.39
                Interest Income                                   16,268,492.45           7,272,076.83
   Add: Other income                           7.67               11,183,175.51           9,330,641.71
        Investment Income (Mark"-" for Loss)   7.68               12,766,068.35          17,689,222.45
        Including: Investment Income from
                                                                   8,441,193.70            6,747,676.66
Affiliates and Joint Ventures
               Profits from derecognition of
Financial Assets at Amortized Cost
        Exchange Gains (Mark"-" for Losses)
        Profit of Net Exposure Hedging
(Mark"-" for Loss)
        Incomes from changes in fair value
(losses marked with "-")
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                    Semi-annual Report 2021

        Credit Impairment Losses (Mark"-" for       7.71
                                                               -25,601,468.87            5,903,018.41
        Asset Impairment Losses (Mark"-" for        7.72
                                                                -9,508,691.87           -1,976,118.60
         Asset Disposal Income (Mark"-" for         7.73
                                                                -1,258,747.17           -1,048,280.34
III. Operating Profit (Mark"-" for Loss)                       537,805,754.48          265,861,237.89
   Add: Non-operating Revenues                      7.74         6,804,870.60            2,773,493.50
   Less: Non-operating Expenses                     7.75           436,761.83              773,265.73
IV. Total Profit (Mark"-" for Total Loss)                      544,173,863.25          267,861,465.66
   Less: Income Tax Expense                         7.76        80,832,042.80           52,311,704.48
V. Net Profit (Mark"-" for Net Loss)                           463,341,820.45          215,549,761.18
(1) Classified by operation continuit
      1. Net Profit as a Going Concern (Mark"-"
                                                               463,341,820.45          215,549,761.18
for Net Loss)
      2. Net Profit of Discontinued Operation
(Mark"-" for Net Loss)
(2). Classified by the attribution of ownership
      1. Net Profit Attributable to Shareholders
                                                               459,702,187.79          215,983,238.50
of Parent Company
      2. Minority Shareholders' Profit and Loss                  3,639,632.66             -433,477.32
VI. Net Amount of Other Comprehensive
                                                                 1,955,317.48          -10,939,297.92
Incomes after Tax
     (1) Net Amount of Other Comprehensive
Incomes after Tax Attributable to the Parent                     1,934,152.65          -10,939,297.92
Company's Owner
      1, Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified as P/L
     (1) Re-measure the variation of the defined
benefit plan
     (2) Other comprehensive income that
cannot be transferred to P/L under the equity
     (3) Changes in the fair value of investment
in other equity instruments
     (4) Changes in the fair value of the credit
risk of the enterprise
      2. Other comprehensive income that will
                                                                 1,934,152.65          -10,939,297.92
be reclassified as P/L
     (1) Other comprehensive income that can be
transferred to P/L under the equity method
     (2) Changes in the fair value of investment
in other creditor's rights
     (3) Financial assets reclassified into other
comprehensive income
     (4) Provisions for the credit impairment of
investment in other creditor's rights
     (5) Cash flow hedge reserves
     (6) Currency translation difference                         1,934,152.65          -10,939,297.92
     (7) Others
     (2) Net Amount of Other Comprehensive
Incomes After Tax Attributable to Minority                          21,164.83
VII. Total Comprehensive Income                                465,297,137.93          204,610,463.26
     (1) Total Comprehensive Income
                                                               461,636,340.44          205,043,940.58
Attributable to the Parent Company's Owner
     (2) Total Comprehensive Income
                                                                 3,660,797.49             -433,477.32
Attributable to Minority Shareholders
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Semi-annual Report 2021

VIII. Earnings per Share:
   (1) Basic Earnings per Share                                               0.42                     0.20
   (2) Diluted Earnings per Share                                             0.42                     0.20

If there is a business combination under the same control in the current period, the net profit earned by
the combined party before the combination is: RMB 0, and the net profit earned by the combined party
in the previous period is: RMB 0.
Legal Representative: Jianshu Wu Accounting Work Officer: Tieyang Hong Accounting Institution
Officer: Tieyang Hong

                                 Income Statement of the Parent Company
                               From the Period from January 2021 to June 2021
                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                       Item                         Note     Semi-annual 2021 Semi-annual 2020
I. Operating Revenue                              17.4         2,751,171,906.11    1,531,170,033.86
    Less: Operating Cost                          17.4         2,155,104,009.66    1,136,771,164.60
          Taxes and Surcharges                                    18,491,588.19       15,537,365.61
          Sales Expenses                                            1,374,060.32       1,017,251.40
          Administration expenses                                 68,430,398.07       54,964,680.04
          Research and development expense                       172,022,046.93      126,107,509.90
          Financial Expenses                                       -5,028,375.59      11,015,053.19
          Including: interest expenses                              7,741,372.22      13,203,733.47
                  Interest Income                                 13,195,796.71        2,347,053.01
    Add: Other income                                               4,261,349.94       2,113,303.24
          Investment Income (Mark"-" for          17.5
                                                                  12,766,068.35      127,689,222.45
          Including: Investment Income from
                                                                    8,441,193.70       6,747,676.66
Affiliates and Joint Ventures
                 Profits from Derecognition of
Financial Assets at Amortized Cost
          Profit of Net Exposure Hedging (loss
in "-")
          Incomes from changes in fair value
(loss in "-")
          Credit Impairment Losses (loss in "-")                  26,251,726.10          400,384.96
          Asset Impairment Losses (loss in "-")                    -7,959,800.58      -1,789,265.35
          Asset Disposal Income (loss in "-")                      -1,195,076.16        -417,287.32
II. Operating Profit (loss in "-")                               374,902,446.18      313,753,367.10
    Add: Non-operating Revenues                                     1,350,175.15       1,405,561.06
    Less: Non-operating Expenses                                      116,965.18          27,236.88
III. Total Profit (total loss in “-“)                          376,135,656.15      315,131,691.28
       Less: Income Tax Expense                                   55,962,872.35       30,115,159.70
IV. Net Profit (Mark for Net Loss)                               320,172,783.80      285,016,531.58
    (I) Net Profit as a Going Concern (net loss
                                                                 320,172,783.80      285,016,531.58
in “-“)
    (II) Net Profit of Discontinued Operation
(net loss in “-“)
V. Net Amount of Other Comprehensive
Incomes After Tax
    (1) Other comprehensive income that

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                       Semi-annual Report 2021

cannot be reclassified as P/L
      1. Re-measure the variation of the
defined benefit plan
      2. Other comprehensive income that
cannot be transferred to P/L under the equity
      3. Changes in the fair value of
investment in other equity instruments
      4. Changes in the fair value of the credit
risk of the enterprise
   (2) Other comprehensive income that will
be reclassified as P/L
      1. Other comprehensive income that can
be transferred to P/L under the equity method
      2. Changes in the fair value of
investment in other creditor's rights
      3. Financial assets reclassified into other
comprehensive income
      4. Provisions for the credit impairment
of investment in other creditor's rights
      5. Cash flow hedge reserves
      6. Currency translation difference
      7. Others
VI. Total Comprehensive Income                                   320,172,783.80         285,016,531.58
VII. Earnings per Share:
     (I) Basic Earnings per Share                                           0.29                     0.27
     (II) Diluted Earnings per Share                                        0.29                     0.27

Legal Representative: Jianshu Wu         Accounting Work Officer: Tieyang Hong Accounting
Institution Officer: Tieyang Hong

                                    Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                               From the Period from January 2021 to June 2021
                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                    Item                         Note      Semi-annual 2021        Semi-annual 2020
I. Cash Flow Generated by Operational
   Cash from Sales of Merchandise and
                                                               5,385,942,651.69        2,753,017,968.76
Provision of Services
   Net Increase in Customer's Bank Deposits
and Interbank Deposits
   Net Increase in Borrowings from the
Central Bank
   Net Increase in Borrowings from Other
Financial Institutions
   Cash Arising from Receiving Premiums
for the Original Insurance Contract
   Net Amount Arising from Reinsurance
   Net Increase in Deposits and Investments
from Policyholders
   Cash Arising from Interests, Service
Charges and Commissions
   Net Increase in Borrowings from Banks
and Other Financial Institutions
                                                    56 / 205
Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                     Semi-annual Report 2021

   Net Increase in Repurchase Business
   Net Amount of Cash Received from the
Vicariously Traded Securities
   Tax Refund                                                  160,277,646.26            84,099,026.05
   Other Received Cashes Related to
                                               7.78             32,450,469.95            34,220,387.59
Operational Activities
     Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                             5,578,670,767.90         2,871,337,382.40
operational activities
   Cash Paid for Merchandise and Services                    3,842,870,640.13         1,646,987,196.40
   Net Increase in Loans and Advances to
   Net Increase in Deposits with Central
Bank and Other Financial Institutions
   Cash Paid for Original Insurance Contract
   Net increase of funds lent
   Cash Paid for Interests, Service Charges
and Commissions
   Cash Paid for Policy Dividends
   Cash Paid to and for Employees                              632,322,899.02           366,032,283.95
   Cash Paid for Taxes and Surcharges                          153,927,551.25           163,993,755.99
   Other Paid Cashes Related to Operational
                                               7.78            204,214,799.54           206,930,578.40
     Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                             4,833,335,889.94         2,383,943,814.74
operational activities
        Net cash flow generated by
                                                               745,334,877.96           487,393,567.66
operating activities
II. Cash Flow from Investment Activities:
   Cash Arising from Disposal of
                                                               504,584,367.13           830,941,545.79
   Cash Arising from Investment Incomes                         20,000,000.00
   Net Cash Arising from Disposal of Fixed
Assets, Intangible Assets and Other                                591,135.78               325,100.00
Long-term Assets
   Net Cash Arising from Disposal of
Subsidiaries and Other Business Units
   Other Received Cashes Related to
Investment Activities
     Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                               525,175,502.91           831,266,645.79
investment activities
   Cash Paid for Purchase and Construction
of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and Other                 1,491,962,054.67           408,550,167.56
Long-term Assets
   Cash Paid for Investments                                   900,000,000.00           590,000,000.00
   Net Increase in Pledge Loans
   Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of
Subsidiaries and Other Business Units
   Other Paid Cashes Related to Investment
     Subtotal of Cash Outflow from
                                                             2,391,962,054.67           998,550,167.56
Investment Activities
        Net amount of cash flow generated
                                                             -1,866,786,551.76         -167,283,521.77
by investment activities
III. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
   Cash Arising from Absorbing
   Including: Cash Arising from
                                                  57 / 205
Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                       Semi-annual Report 2021

Subsidiaries Absorbing Investments by
Minority Shareholders
   Cash Arising from Borrowings                                  560,132,949.77          140,000,000.00
   Other Received Cashes Related to
Financing Activities
     Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                                                2,538,550,796.51         140,000,000.00
   Cash Paid for Debts Repayment                                 187,396,955.00          355,000,000.00
   Cash Paid for Distribution of Dividends
                                                                 197,278,521.49            12,474,369.47
and Profits or Payment of Interests
   Including: Dividends and Profits Paid to
Minority Shareholders by Subsidiaries
   Other Paid Cashes Related to Financing
     Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                                 384,675,476.49          367,474,369.47
financing activities
         Net cash flow generated by
                                                                2,153,875,320.02        -227,474,369.47
financing activities
IV. Impact of Fluctuation in Exchange
                                                                    2,006,733.68           -8,821,736.48
Rate on Cash and Cash Equivalents
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                                                1,034,430,379.90           83,813,939.94
   Add: Cash and Cash Equivalents at the
                                                                 674,866,422.08          715,182,068.12
Commencement of the Period
VI. Cash and Cash Equivalents at the
                                                                1,709,296,801.98         798,996,008.06
End of the Period

Legal Representative: Jianshu Wu Accounting Work Officer: Tieyang Hong Accounting Institution
Officer: Tieyang Hong

                                Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                 For the Period from January 2021 to June 2021
                                                                           Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                      Item                          Note      Semi-annual 2021      Semi-annual 2020
I. Cash Flow Generated by Operational Activities:
   Cash from Sales of Merchandise and Provision
of Services
                                                                2,871,660,298.41       1,005,798,064.20
   Tax Refund
   Other Received Cashes Related to Operational
                                                                   15,259,971.88           14,115,969.97
      Subtotal of cash inflow from operational
                                                                2,886,920,270.29       1,019,914,034.17
   Cash Paid for Merchandise and Services                       1,099,743,097.74         394,425,381.89
   Cash Paid to and for Employees                                 293,579,139.82         202,026,277.93
   Cash Paid for Taxes and Surcharges                              80,386,119.16         111,801,665.38
   Other Paid Cashes Related to Operational
                                                                  103,714,219.65         106,566,862.87
      Subtotal of cash outflow from operational
                                                                1,577,422,576.37         814,820,188.07
   Net cash flow generated by operating activities              1,309,497,693.92         205,093,846.10
II. Cash Flow from Investment Activities:
   Cash Arising from Disposal of Investments                      504,584,367.13         830,941,545.79
   Cash Arising from Investment Incomes                            20,000,000.00         110,000,000.00
   et Cash Arising from Disposal of Fixed Assets,
Intangible Assets and Other Long-term Assets
                                                                    8,921,586.13           18,795,778.23
   Net Cash Arising from Disposal of Subsidiaries
                                                     58 / 205
Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Semi-annual Report 2021

and Other Business Units
   Other Received Cashes Related to Investment
      Subtotal of cash inflow from investment
                                                                614,705,953.26           959,737,324.02
   Cash Paid for Purchase and Construction of
Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets and Other                       216,749,664.00           159,714,219.21
Long-term Assets
   Cash Paid for Investments                                  2,312,685,322.60           769,458,199.92
   Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of Subsidiaries
and Other Business Units
   Other Paid Cashes Related to Investment
                                                                 46,000,000.00            11,400,000.00
      Subtotal of Cash Outflow from Investment
                                                              2,575,434,986.60           940,572,419.13
         Net amount of cash flow generated by
investment activities
                                                              -1,960,729,033.34           19,164,904.89
III. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
   Cash Arising from Absorbing Investments                    1,978,417,846.74
   Cash Arising from Borrowings
   Other Received Cashes Related to Financing
      Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
   Cash Paid for Debts Repayment                                                         355,000,000.00
   Cash Paid for Distribution of Dividends and
Profits or Payment of Interest
                                                                197,278,521.49            12,447,287.55
   Other Paid Cashes Related to Financing
      Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                                                197,278,521.49           367,447,287.55
         Net cash flow generated by financing
                                                              1,931,139,325.25          -367,447,287.55
IV. Impact of Fluctuation in Exchange Rate on
Cash and Cash Equivalents
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents                  1,279,907,985.83          -143,188,536.56
   Add: Cash and Cash Equivalents at the
Commencement of the Period
                                                                191,701,837.06           381,071,584.55
VI. Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the
                                                              1,471,609,822.89           237,883,047.99

Legal Representative: Jianshu Wu Accounting Work Officer: Tieyang Hong Accounting Institution
Officer: Tieyang Hong

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                      Semi-annual Report 2021

                                                                        Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity
                                                                            For the Period from January 2021 to June 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                                                                Semi-annual 2021

                                                                  Shareholders' Equity Attributable to the Parent Company's Owner
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Minority         Total
      Item                                                                               Less:                                              General
                                       Other Equity Instruments                                                                                                                                    Shareholders   Shareholder s'
                  Paid-in Capital                                                                    Other        Special
                                                                          Capital       Treasur                               Surplus        Risk      Undistributed    Other                        'Equity         Equity
                     (or Share                                                                    Comprehensiv    Reserve                                                          Subtotal
                                    Preferre    Perpetua    Other                                                                                                         s
                                                                         Reserves         y                                   Reserves      Reserve       Profits
                     Capital)       d Stocks    l Bonds           s                                e Incomes         s
                                                                                        Shares                                                 s
I. Balance at
                  1,054,987,749.0                                     3,409,439,863.0             -20,631,668.7             474,769,630.8             2,868,429,319.4           7,786,994,893.6    31,086,452.2   7,818,081,345.8
the End of                      0                                                   7                         4                         6                           8                         7               1                 8
Last Year
Add: Changes
in Accounting
n of Errors in
the Previous
ated under the
Same Control
Balance at the    1,054,987,749.0                                     3,409,439,863.0             -20,631,668.7             474,769,630.8             2,868,429,319.4           7,786,994,893.6    31,086,452.2   7,818,081,345.8
Start of This                   0                                                   7                         4                         6                           8                         7               1                 8

III. Increases
or Decreases
                                                                      1,931,359,023.7                                                                                           2,250,502,176.8                   2,254,162,974.2
in This Period     47,058,823.00
                                                                                                   1,934,152.65                                       270,150,177.41
(Decreases in
      (I) Total
      Compreh                                                                                      1,934,152.65                                       459,702,187.79            461,636,340.44     3,660,797.49   465,297,137.93
                                                                                                             60 / 205
 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     Semi-annual Report 2021

                                  1,931,359,023.7                               1,978,417,846.7                1,978,417,846.7
Contribution      47,058,823.00
                                                4                                             4                              4
and Reduction
in Capital
1. Common
                                  1,931,359,023.7                               1,978,417,846.7                1,978,417,846.7
stock invested    47,058,823.00
                                                4                                             4                              4
by the owner
2. Capital
Invested by
Holders of
Other Equity
3. Amount of
Recorded into
4. Others
(III) Profit                                                   -189,552,010.3
                                                                                -189,552,010.38                -189,552,010.38
Distribution                                                                8

of Surplus
of General
Risk Reserves
3. Distribution
to Owners (or                                                               8
                                                                                -189,552,010.38                -189,552,010.38
4. Others
(IV) Internal
                                                    61 / 205
 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.              Semi-annual Report 2021

1. Capital
into Capital
(or Share
2. Surplus
into Capital
(or Share
3. Surplus
earnings of
the variation
of the defined
benefit plan
5. Other
Earnings of
6. Others
(V) Special
                                62 / 205
 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                     Semi-annual Report 2021

1. Withdrawal
in this period
2. Used in this
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at
                  1,102,046,572.0                                   5,340,798,886.8             -18,697,516.0              474,769,630.8             3,138,579,496.8            10,037,497,070.    34,747,249.7     10,072,244,320.
the End of                      0                                                 1                         9                          6                           9                        47                0                 17
This Period

                                                                                                                 Semi-annual 2020

                                                                        Shareholders' Equity Attributable to the Parent Company's Owner

                                                                                                                                            Gener                                                     Minority           Total
      Item                             Other Equity Instruments                                     Other
                  Paid-in Capital                                      Capital         Less:                     Special       Surplus       al       Undistributed                                 Shareholders'    Shareholders'
                                                                                                 Comprehen                                                              Other                          Equity           Equity
                     (Or Share                                                        Treasur                    Reserve                     Risk                                   Subtotal
                                    Preferre    Perpetua    Other                                                                                                         s
                                                                      Reserves                       si ve                    Reserves                    Profits
                      Capital)      d Stocks    l Bonds       s                       y Share                       s                       Reserv
I. Balance at
                  1,054,987,749.0                                   3,409,439,863.0                                         412,680,608.9             2,502,765,125.4           7,375,492,362.8     29,156,922.1    7,404,649,285.0
the End of                      0                                                 7
                                                                                                                                        1                           3                         8                2                  0
Last Year
Add: Changes
in Accounting
n of Errors in
the Previous
ated under the
Same Control
Balance at the    1,054,987,749.0                                   3,409,439,863.0
                                                                                                                            412,680,608.9             2,502,765,125.4           7,375,492,362.8     29,156,922.1    7,404,649,285.0
Start of This                   0                                                 7                                                     1                           3                         8                2                  0

     III.                                                                                        -10,939,297.9
                                                                                                                                                        15,535,566.19              4,596,268.27      -433,477.32      4,162,790.95

                                                                                                         63 / 205
 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Semi-annual Report 2021

Increases or
Decreases in
This Period
(Decreases in
      (I) Total
      Compreh                   -10,939,297.9
                                                  215,983,238.50    205,043,940.58       -433,477.32   204,610,463.26
ensive                                      2

and Reduction
in Capital
1. Common
stock invested
by the owner
2. Capital
Invested by
Holders of
Other Equity
3. Amount of
Recorded into
4. Others
(III) Profit                                      -200,447,672.31   -200,447,672.31                    -200,447,672.31
of Surplus
                                       64 / 205
 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                  Semi-annual Report 2021

of General
Risk Reserves
3. Distribution
to Owners (or                              -200,447,672.31   -200,447,672.31                -200,447,672.31
4. Others
(IV) Internal
1. Capital
into Capital
(or Share
2. Surplus
into Capital
(or Share
3. Surplus
earnings of
the variation
of the defined
benefit plan
5. Other
                                65 / 205
Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                            Semi-annual Report 2021

Earnings of
6. Others
(V) Special
1. Withdrawal
in this period
2. Used in this
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at
                     1,054,987,749.0                               3,409,439,863.0                  -15,320,281.4              412,680,608.9              2,518,300,691.6             7,380,088,631.1     28,723,444.8   7,408,812,075.9
the End of                         0                                             7                              5                          1                            2                           5                0                 5
This Period

Legal Representative: Jianshu Wu Accounting Work Officer: Tieyang Hong Accounting Institution Officer: Tieyang Hong

                                                            Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity of the Parent Company
                                                                     For the Period from January 2021 to June 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                                                               Semi-annual 2021
                                                                         Other Equity Instruments                                              Other
                  Item                                                                                                            Less:        Compre
                                       Paid-in Capital (Or Share                                                                                           l
                                                                                                            Capital Reserves     Treasur                           Surplus Reserves      Undistributed Profits
                                                                     Preferred   Perpetua                                                                Reser                                                       Shareholders'
                                                                      Stocks     l Bonds
                                                                                              Others                             y Share       hensive    ves
I. Balance at the End of Last Year           1,054,987,749.00                                              3,409,439,863.07                                         474,769,630.86        2,898,141,748.80          7,837,338,991.73
Add: Changes in Accounting
     Correction of Errors in the
Previous Period
II. Balance at the Start of This
                                             1,054,987,749.00                                              3,409,439,863.07                                         474,769,630.86        2,898,141,748.80          7,837,338,991.73
                                                                                                           66 / 205
Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          Semi-annual Report 2021

III. Increases or Decreases in This
                                        47,058,823.00    1,931,359,023.74                     130,620,773.42    2,109,038,620.16
Period (Decreases in “-“)
  (1) Total comprehensive income                                                              320,172,783.80     320,172,783.80
II) Shareholders' Contribution and
                                        47,058,823.00    1,931,359,023.74                                       1,978,417,846.74
Reduction in Capital
1. Common stock invested by the
                                        47,058,823.00    1,931,359,023.74                                       1,978,417,846.74
2. Capital Invested by Holders of
Other Equity Instruments
3. Amount of Share-based
Payments Recorded into
Shareholders' Equity
4. Others
  (III) Profit Distribution                                                                  -189,552,010.38     -189,552,010.38
1. Appropriation of Surplus
2. Distribution to Owners (or
                                                                                             -189,552,010.38     -189,552,010.38
3. Others
(IV) Internal Carry-forward of
Shareholders' Equity
1. Capital Reserves Transferred
into Capital (or Share Capital)
2. Surplus Reserves Transferred
into Capital (or Share Capital)
3. Surplus Reserves Covering
4. Carry-forward retained earnings
of the variation of the defined
benefit plan
5. Other Carry-forward Retained
Earnings of the Comprehensive
6. Others
(V) Special Reserves
1. Withdrawal in this period
2. Used in This Period
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at the End of This
                                      1,102,046,572.00   5,340,798,886.81   474,769,630.86   3,028,762,522.22   9,946,377,611.89

                                                         67 / 205
Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2021

                                                                                                                      Semi-annual 2020
                                                                      Other Equity Instruments                                     Other
               Item                                                                                                      Less:    Compre
                                      Paid-in Capital (Or Share                                                                               l
                                               Capital)           Preferre                         Capital Reserves     Treasur             Reser
                                                                                                                                                     Surplus Reserves   Undistributed Profits
                                                                             Perpetua                                                                                                           Shareholders'
                                                                      d                   Others                        y Share   hensive    ves
                                                                             l Bonds
I. Balance at the End of Last Year          1,054,987,749.00                                       3,409,439,863.07                                  412,680,608.91      2,539,788,223.59       7,416,896,444.57
Add: Changes in Accounting
      Correction of Errors in the
Previous Period
II. Balance at the Start of This
                                            1,054,987,749.00                                       3,409,439,863.07                                  412,680,608.91      2,539,788,223.59       7,416,896,444.57
III. Increases or Decreases in This
                                                                                                                                                                             84,568,859.27        84,568,859.27
Period (Decreases in “-“)
(I) Total Comprehensive Income                                                                                                                                              285,016,531.58       285,016,531.58
(II) Shareholders' Contribution
and Reduction in Capital
1. Common stock invested by the
2. Capital Invested by Holders of
Other Equity Instruments
3. Amount of Share-based
Payments Recorded into
Shareholders' Equity
4. Others
(III) Profit Distribution                                                                                                                                                  -200,447,672.31      -200,447,672.31
1. Appropriation of Surplus
2. Distribution to Owners (or
                                                                                                                                                                           -200,447,672.31      -200,447,672.31
3. Others
(IV) Internal Carry-forward of
Shareholders' Equity
1. Capital Reserves Transferred
into Capital (or Share Capital)
                                                                                                   68 / 205
 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                         Semi-annual Report 2021

 2. Surplus Reserves Transferred
 into Capital (or Share Capital)
 3. Surplus Reserves Covering
 4. Carry-forward retained
 earnings of the variation of the
 defined benefit plan
 5. Other Carry-forward Retained
 Earnings of the Comprehensive
 6. Others
 (V) Special Reserves
 1. Withdrawal in this period
 2. Used in this period
 (VI) Others
 IV. Balance at the End of This
                                    1,054,987,749.00                   3,409,439,863.07                     412,680,608.91   2,624,357,082.86   7,501,465,303.84

Legal Representative: Jianshu Wu Accounting Work Officer: Tieyang Hong Accounting Institution Officer: Tieyang Hong

                                                                       69 / 205
Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2021

III. Basic Information about the Company

1. Company Profile
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company" or "The Company"), a
company limited by shares changed from Ningbo Tuopu Brake System Co., Ltd., incorporated by
Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Ningbo Jinrun Equity Investment Partnership (Limited
Partnership), holder of the Corporate Business License (Registration No.: 91330200761450380T), listed
on Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) in March 2015, is specialized in manufacturing - automobile
     As of 30 June, 2021, the Company has issued a total of 1,102,046,572 shares, with a registered
capital of RMB 1,102,046,572, registered address: 268 Yuwangshan Road, Daqi Street, Beilun District,
Ningbo, Zhejiang, headquartered in 268 Yuwangshan Road, Daqi Street, Beilun District, Ningbo,
Zhejiang, is engaged in production and sales of automobile parts. MECCA INTERNATIONAL
HOLDING (HK) LIMITED is the parent company of the Company is, and Jianshu Wu is the actual
controller of the Company.
     This financial statement was approved for release by the Board of Directors on August 19, 2021.

2. Scope of consolidated statement
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     As of June 30, 2021, the subsidiaries included in the scope of consolidated statement of the
Company are as follows

                                                   Name of Subsidiary

1.Ningbo Tuopu Import and Export Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Imp&Exp.")

2. Ningbo Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Parts")

3. Ningbo Tuopu Acoustics Vibration Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Acoustics Vibration")

4. Yantai Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yantai Tuopu")

5. Liuzhou Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Liuzhou Tuopu")

6. Shenyang Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenyang Tuopu")

7. Ningbo Tuopu Intelligent Brake System Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Intelligent Brake")

8. Tuopu North American Ltd (hereinafter referred to as " North American ")

9. Ningbo Qianhui Automobile Trim Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ningbo Qianhui")

10. Tuopu North American USA Limited,INC (hereinafter referred to as " Tuopu North American USA")

11. Sichuan Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sichuan Tuopu")

12. Wuhan Tuopu Maigao Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wuhan Tuopu")

                                                        70 / 205
Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2021

                                                    Name of Subsidiary

13. Pinghu Tuopu Special Fabric Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Pinghu Tuopu")

14. Shanghai Towin Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Towin")

15. Ningbo Tuopu Industrial Automation Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Industrial Automation")

16. Ningbo Tuopu Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Investment")

17. Ningbo Yuxiang E-commerce Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yuxiang E-commerce")

18. Tuopu Group International Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu International")

19. Baoji Tuopu Maigao Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Baoji Tuopu")

20. Taizhou Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Taizhou Tuopu")

21. Ningbo Tuopu Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Automotive Electronics")

22. Tuopu Do Brasil Autopeas Ltda. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Brasil")

23. Tuopu Sweden Technology AB (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Sweden")

24. Jinzhong Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jinzhong Tuopu")

31. Ningbo Tuopu Chassis products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Chassis")

32. Tuopu EV Thermal Management System (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Thermal


27. Sichuan Maigao Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sichuan Maigao")

28. Hunan Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hunan Tuopu")

29. TUOPU (MALAYSIA) SDN.BHD. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Malaysia")

30. Tuopu USA, LLC (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu USA")

31. Ningbo Tuopu Chassis products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Chassis")

32. Tuopu EV Thermal Management System (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuopu Thermal


33. Huzhou Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Huzhou Tuopu”)

34. TUOPU POLAND SP.Z.O.O (hereinafter referred to as “Tuopu Poland”)

35. Shanghai Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shanghai Tuopu”)

36. Xi’an Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Xi’an Tuopu”)

37. Tuopu Photovoltaic Technology (Ningbo Beilun) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Photovoltaic Technology


38. Tuopu Photovoltaic Technology (Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Area) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Photovoltaic

Technology Hangzhou Bay”)

    More details about the changes in the scope of consolidation are available in “VIII. Changes in the
scope of consolidation”.

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                       Semi-annual Report 2021

IV. Basis for Preparing the Financial Statement

1. Basis for the preparation
     The Company prepares the financial statement, as a going concern.
     Based on transactions and matters that have actually occurred, in accordance with “Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises - Basic Standards” issued by the Ministry of Finance and all specific
accounting standards, application guidelines for accounting standards for business enterprises,
explanations on the accounting standards for business enterprises and other related regulations
(hereinafter collectively as "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises"), and the disclosure
provisions in the “Preparation Rules for Information Disclosures by Companies Offering Securities to
the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reports” issued by CSRC.

2. Going concern
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     The Company has the capability to continue as a going concern for at least 12 months as of the end
of current reporting period, without any significant item affecting the capability for continuing as a
going concern.

V.   Significant Accounting Polices and Accounting Estimates
Notes to specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     The following disclosures cover the specific accounting policies and accounting estimates
formulated by the Company according to the characteristics of its production and operation.

1.    Statement on compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
     This financial statement is in compliance with the requirements in the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and presents truly and completely the
financial position, operating results and cash flows of the Company.

2. Accounting period
     The accounting period of the Company is from 1 January to 31 December of each calendar year.

3. Operating cycle
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     The Company's operating cycle is 12 months.

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4. Functional currency
     The reporting currency is Renminbi ("RMB").

5. The accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under common control
and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     Business combination under common control: The assets and liabilities acquired by the merging
party in business combination shall be measured at the book value of the assets, liabilities of the merged
party (including goodwill incurred in the acquisition of the merged party by ultimate controlling party)
in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party on the date of combination. The
difference between the book value of the net assets obtained and the book value of the consideration
paid for the combination (or total nominal value of the issued shares) is adjusted to capital premium in
capital reserve. Adjustments shall be made to retained earnings in the event that the share premiums in
the capital reserves are not sufficient for write-down.
     Business combinations involving entities not under common control: The assets paid and liabilities
incurred or committed as a consideration of business combination by the merging party were measured
at fair value on the date of acquisition and the difference between the fair value and its book value shall
be charged to the profit or loss for the period. Where the cost of combination is higher than the fair value
of the identifiable net assets acquired from the merging party in business combination, such difference
shall be recognized as goodwill; where the cost of combination is less than the fair value of the
identifiable net assets acquired from the merging party in business combination, such difference shall be
charged to the profit or loss for the period. The identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of
the merged party obtained in business combination that meet the recognition conditions are measured at
their fair values on the purchase date.
     The fees which are directly related to the business combination shall be recognized as the profit or
loss in the period when the costs are incurred; the transaction expenses of issuing equity securities or
debt securities for business merger shall be initially capitalized for equity securities or debt securities.

6. Preparation method of consolidated financial statements
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     1. Scope of Consolidation
     The scope of consolidation of the consolidated financial statements is based on controlling interests
and includes the Company and all the subsidiaries. Control means that the Company has the rights over
the investee, enjoys variable returns through participating in relevant activities of the investee, and has
the ability to influence the amount of returns by exercising its rights over the investee.
     2. Procedures of consolidation
     The Company regards the Enterprise Group as an accounting entity and prepares consolidated
financial statements in accordance with unified accounting policies to reflect the overall financial

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position, operating result and cash flow of the Enterprise Group. The influence of internal transactions
between the Company and the Subsidiaries and between the Subsidiaries shall be offset. Where internal
transaction indicates the occurrence of impairment loss to relevant assets, such loss shall be recognized
in full. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, where the accounting policies and the
accounting periods are inconsistent between the Company and subsidiaries, the financial statements of
subsidiaries are adjusted where necessary in accordance with the accounting policies and accounting
period of the Company.
     The owner's equity, the net profit or loss and the comprehensive income attributable to minority
shareholders of a subsidiary of the current period are presented separately under the owners' equity in the
consolidated balance sheet, the net profit and the total comprehensive income in the consolidated income
statement respectively. Where losses attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary of the
current period exceed the minority shareholders' interest entitled in the shareholders' equity of the
subsidiary at the beginning of the period, the excess is allocated against the minority shareholders
       (1) Acquisition of subsidiaries or Business
     For acquisition of subsidiaries or business due to business combination involving entities under
common control during the reporting period, the operating results and cash flows of such subsidiaries or
business from the beginning to the end of the reporting period when the acquisition occurs shall be
included in the consolidated financial statements. Adjustments shall be made to the opening balance of
the consolidated financial statements and the related items in the comparative statements simultaneously
as if the consolidated reporting entity has been in existence since the beginning of the control by the
ultimate controlling party.
     Where the control over the investee under common control is made possible due to additional
investment or other reasons, the equity investment held before gaining control of the combined party is
recognized as relevant profit or loss, other comprehensive income and changes of other net assets at the
later of the date of acquisition of the original equity and the date when the combining and the combined
parties are under common control, and shall be written down to the opening retained earnings or current
profit or loss in the comparative reporting period.
     For acquisition of subsidiaries or business due to business combination involving entities not under
common control during the reporting period, the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities
shall be included in the consolidated financial statements based on the fair value determined on the date
of the acquisition.
     In connection with imposing control over the investee not under joint control due to additional
investment and other reasons, the equity of acquiree held before acquisition date shall be remeasured by
the Company at the fair value of such equity on the acquisition date and the difference between fair
value and book value shall be recognized as investment income in current period. Other comprehensive
income related to the equity held by the Acquiree before the acquisition date which can be reclassified
into future profit or loss, and other changes of owners’ equity accounted for under equity

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     (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
     ①General Treatment
     When losing control of the investee due to partial disposal of the equity investment, or any other
reasons, the remaining equity investment is remeasured at fair value at the date in which control is lost.
The sum of consideration received from disposal of equity investment and the fair value of the
remaining equity investment, net of the difference between the sum of the Company's previous share of
the subsidiary's net assets recorded from the acquisition date or combination date and the sum of
goodwill, is recognized in investment income in the period in which control is lost. Other comprehensive
income related to the equity investment of the original subsidiary that can be reclassified into future
profit or loss, and other changes of owners’ equity accounted for under equity method shall be
recognized in investment income in the period in which control is lost.
     ②Disposal of Subsidiary Achieved by Stages
     When disposal of equity interests of subsidiaries through multiple transaction until the control is
lost, generally transactions in stages are treatment as a package deal in accounting if the transaction
terms, conditions, and economic impact of disposal of the subsidiary's equity interests comply with one
or more of the following:
      i. These transactions are achieved at the same time or the mutual effects on each other are
     ii.   A complete set of commercial results can be achieved with reference to the series of
transactions as a whole;
     iii. Achieving a transaction depends on at least achieving of one of the other transaction;
     iv. One transaction recognized separately is not economical, but it is economical when considered
together with other transactions.
     When losing control of a subsidiary in disposal of equity interests through multiple transactions is
recognized as a package deal, these transactions shall be in accounting treated as loss control of a
subsidiary in disposal of equity interests achieved. However, the differences between price on each
disposal and disposal of investment on the subsidiary's net assets shall be recognized in other
comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements, and included in profit or loss for the
period when the control is lost.
When all transactions in disposal of equity interests of subsidiaries are not a package deal, accounting
treatment for partial disposal of equity investments of subsidiary without losing control shall be applied
before control is lost. When the control is lost, general accounting treatment for disposal of a subsidiary
shall be used.
      (3) Acquisition of Minority Interest of Subsidiaries
     The Company shall adjust the share premium in the capital reserve of the consolidated balance
sheet with respect to any difference between the long-term equity investment arising from the purchase
of minority interest and the net assets attributing to the parent company continuously calculated on the

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basis of the newly increased share proportion as of the acquisition date or date of combination, adjust the
retained earnings if the share premium in the capital reserve is insufficient for write-down.
      (4) Partial Disposal of Equity Investment in Subsidiaries without Losing Control
     Disposal price and disposal of long-term equity investment shall be entitled to the difference
between the shares of the net assets of the subsidiaries calculated continuously from the date of purchase
or acquisition. Adjustments shall be made to the equity premiums in the capital reserve of consolidated
balance sheet. When the equity premiums in the capital reserve are not sufficient for write-down, the
retained earnings shall be adjusted.

7.   Classification of Joint Arrangement and Accounting Treatment Methods of Joint Operation
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     Joint arrangement can be divided into joint operation and joint venture.
     Joint operation refers to a joint arrangement in which the parties have rights to the assets and
obligations for the liabilities relating to the joint operation.
     The Company recognizes the following items related to the share of interests in the joint operation:
      (1) Recognize the assets held separately by the Company and the assets jointly held in accordance
with the share of the Company;
      (2) Recognize the liabilities assumed separately by the Company and the liabilities jointly
assumed in accordance with the share of the Company;
      (3) Recognize the income generated through the sale of the Company's share of the output of the
joint operation;
     (4) Recognize the income generated through the sale of the output of the joint operation in
accordance with the share of the Company;
     (5) Recognize the expenses incurred separately, and the expenses incurred in joint operation in
accordance with the share of the Company .
The Company's investment in joint venture is accounted for by the equity method, as specified in the
note “V. 21. Long-term Equity Investment”.

8.   Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents
Cash equivalents refer to investments held by the Company featuring short duration (it generally refers
to the maturity within three months from the purchase date), strong liquidity, easy conversion into cash
of known amount and low risk of changes in value.

9.   Conversion of transactions and financial statements denominated in foreign currencies
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     1. Foreign currency transactions

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        Foreign currency transactions shall be translated into RMB at the spot exchange rate on the day
when the transactions occurred, or at an excahgne rate fixed in accordance with a systematic and
reasonable method that is similar to the spot exchange rate on the day when the transactions occurred.
        Balance sheet date foreign currency monetary items shall be translated using the spot exchange rate
at the balance sheet date. The resulting exchange differences are recognized in profit or loss for the
current period, except for those differences related to the principal and interest on a specific-purpose
borrowing denominated in foreign currency for acquisitions, construction or production of the qualified
assets, which should be capitalized as cost of the assets.
        2. Translation of foreign currency financial statements
All assets and liabilities items in balance sheet are translated based on spot exchange rate on the balance
sheet date; owners' equity items other than "undistributed profits" are translated at a spot exchange rate
when accrued. Revenue and expense items as contained in the income statement are translated at a spot
exchange rate at the transaction occurrence date.
        For disposal of overseas operation, the translation difference as stated in the foreign currency
financial statements relating to overseas operation, is accounted for in the profit and loss account in the
current period from owners' equity items.

10. Financial instruments
√Applicable □Non-applicable
        The Company recognizes a financial asset, financial liability or equity instrument when it becomes
a party to a financial instrument contract.
        1. Classification of the financial instruments
According to the Company's business model for management of the financial assets and the contractual
cash flow features of the financial assets, the financial assets, when initially recognized, are classified as:
financial assets at amortized cost, financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.
For financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not designated to be measured at fair
value through the current profit or loss, the Company classifies them as financial assets at amortized

        — The business model is aimed at collecting contract cash flow;
        Contract cash flow is the payment of principal and interest based on the outstanding principal
For financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not designated to be measured at fair
value through current profit or loss, the Company classifies them as financial assets at fair value
through other comprehensive income (debt instruments).

        — The business model is aimed at both collecting contract cash flows and selling financial asset;
        — Contract cash flow is the payment of principal and interest based on the outstanding principal

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     The Company will, at the time of initial recognition, irrevocably designate non-trading investments
in equity instruments as financial assets measured at fair value and the change shall be included in other
comprehensive income (equity instrument). The designation is made on the basis of independent
investment, and the related investments fit the definition of an equity instrument from an issuer’s
     In addition to the aforementioned financial assets at amortized cost and at fair value through other
comprehensive income, the Company classifies all other financial assets as financial assets at fair value
through current profit or loss. At the time of initial recognition, for financial assets that should have been
classified as financial assets at amortized cost or fair value through other comprehensive income, the
Company can irrevocably designate them as financial assets at fair value through current profit or loss in
order to eliminate or significantly reduce the accounting mismatch.
The financial liabilities, when initially recognized, are classified as: financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss and financial liabilities at amortized cost.

Financial liabilities which meet one of the following conditions will be, when initially measured,
designated as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss:

     1)   Such designation may be able to eliminate or significantly reduce the accounting mismatch.
    2) The portfolio of financial liabilities or the portfolio of financial assets and financial liabilities
shall be subject to management and performance evaluation on the basis of fair value according to the
enterprise risk management or investment strategy contained in the formal documentations, and a
report shall be made to the key management personnel within the enterprise on this basis.
     3)   Such financial liabilities shall contain embedded derivatives to be split separately.
     2.   Recognition and measurement of financial instruments
     (1) Financial assets at amortized cost
Financial assets at amortized cost include notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables,
long-term receivables and creditors investment, which shall be initially measured at fair value, and the
relevant transaction expenses should be initially capitalized; The accounts receivable that do not
contain material financing compositions and those for which the Company decides to not take into
account the financing compositions of no more than one year shall be initially measured at the contract
transaction price.

The interest calculated by effective interest method during the holding period is recorded into the current
profit and loss.

At the time of recovery or disposal, the difference between the price obtained and the book value shall
be included in the current profit or loss.

     (2) Financial assets measured at fair value and its changes are included in other comprehensive
income (debt instruments)
Financial assets measured at fair value and its changes are included in other comprehensive income

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(debt instruments) include receivables financing and investments in other creditor's rights. They are
initially measured at fair value, and the value, other than the interest, the impairment loss or profit and
the profit or loss on foreign exchange, shall be included in other comprehensive income.

Upon derecognition, the cumulative profits or losses previously included in other comprehensive
income shall be removed from other comprehensive income and included in the profit or loss for the

       (3) Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity instruments)
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity instruments) include
investment in other equity instruments. They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction
expenses shall be initially capitalized. These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value,
and the change in fair value shall be included in other comprehensive income. The dividends obtained
shall be included in the profit or loss for the period.

Upon derecognition, the cumulative profits or losses previously included in other comprehensive
income shall be removed from other comprehensive income and included in the carry-forward retained

       (4) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss in this period
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include trading financial assets, derivative financial
assets and other non-current financial assets. They are initially measured at fair value, and the
transaction expenses related to them are included in the profit or loss for the period. These financial
assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and the change in fair value shall be included in the
profit or loss for the period.

       (5) Financial Liabilities Measured in Fair Value with Changes Recorded into Current Profit and
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include trading financial liabilities and derivative
financial liabilities. They are initially measured at fair value, and the transaction expenses related to
them are included in the profit or loss for the period. These financial liabilities are subsequently
measured at fair value, and the change in fair value shall be included in the profit or loss for the period.

Upon derecognition, the difference between their book value and the consideration paid is included in
the profit or loss for the period.

       (6) Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Financial liabilities at amortized cost include short-term loans, notes payable, accounts payable, other
payables, long-term loans, bonds payable, and long-term payables. They are initially measured at fair
value, and the transaction expenses shall be initially capitalized.

The interest calculated by effective interest method during the holding period is recorded into the current
profit and loss.

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Upon derecognition the difference between the consideration paid and the book value of these financial
liabilities is included in the current profit or loss.
     3. Derecognition and transfer of financial assets
The Company derecognizes financial assets when any one of the following conditions is satisfied:

     -    The contractual right to receive cash flows of the financial assets has been terminated;
     -    The financial asset have been transferred and virtually all the risks and rewards related to the
          ownership of the financial asset shave been transferred to the transferee;
     -    The financial assets have been transferred, and while the Company has neither transferred nor
          retained virtually all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial assets, it
          has not retained control of the financial assets.

     The financial assets have been transferred, and while the Company has neither transferred nor
retained virtually all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial assets, it has not
retained control of the financial assets.
The substance-over-form principle shall be adopted while making judgment on whether the transfer of
financial assets satisfies the above conditions for termination of recognition.

The transfer of financial assets can be classified into entire transfer and partial transfer. If the transfer of
an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for termination of recognition, the difference between the
two amounts below shall be recorded into profit or loss for the period:
     (1) The book value of the financial asset transferred;
     (2) The consideration received as a result of the transfer, plus the accumulative amount of the
change in fair value previously recorded into the owners' equities (in cases where the transferred
financial assets are financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt
     If the partial transfer of financial assets satisfies the conditions for termination of recognition, the
overall book value of the transferred financial asset shall be apportioned according to their respective
relative fair value between the recognition terminated part and the remaining part, and the difference
between the two amounts below shall be recorded into profit or loss for the current period:
     (1) The book value of the recognition terminated portion;
     (2) The sum of consideration of the recognition terminated portion and the corresponding portion of
accumulated change in fair value previously recorded into owners' equity (in cases where the transferred
financial assets are financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt
Financial assets will still be recognized if they fail to satisfy the conditions for termination of recognition,
with the consideration received recognized as a financial liability.
     4. Recognition for termination of financial liabilities
When the current obligation under a financial liability is completely or partially discharged, the
recognition of the whole or relevant portion of the liability is terminated; an agreement is entered
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between the Company and a creditor to replace the original financial liabilities with new financial
liabilities with substantially different terms, terminate the recognition of the original financial liabilities
as well as recognize the new financial liabilities.

If all or part of the contract terms of the original financial liabilities are substantially amended, the
recognition of the original financial liabilities will be terminated in full or in part, and the financial
liabilities whose terms have been amended shall be recognized as a new financial liability.

When recognition of financial liabilities is terminated in full or in part, the difference between the book
value of the financial liabilities terminated and the consideration paid (including transferred non-cash
assets or new financial liability) is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

Where the Company repurchases part of its financial liabilities, the book value of such financial
liabilities will be allocated according to the relative fair value between the continued recognized part
and terminated part on the repurchase date. The difference between the book value of the financial
liabilities terminated and the consideration paid (including transferred non-cash assets or new financial
liability) is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

     5. Method of determining the fair values of financial assets and liabilities
The fair value of a financial instrument that is traded in an active market is determined at the quoted
price in the active market. The fair value of a financial instrument that is not traded in an active market
is determined by using a valuation technique. The Company uses the valuation technique when it is
applicable under current conditions and there are enough available data and other information to support
and the technique should maximize the use of relevant observable. It chooses the inputs which are
consistent with the asset or liability's characteristics considered by market participants in the transaction
of the relevant asset or liability and makes the maximum use of relevant observable inputs.
Unobservable inputs are used under the circumstance that the relevant observable inputs cannot be
obtained or not feasible.

     6. Test method and accounting treatment for impairment of financial assets
The Company estimates the expected credit loss on the financial assets at amortized cost and the
financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments), and financial
guarantee contracts, either alone or in combination.

The Company calculates the probability-weighted amount of the current value of the difference between
the cash flows receivable under the Contract and the cash flows expected to receive, and recognizes the
expected credit loss, by taking into account all the reasonable and well-founded information, including
past events, current condition and forward-looking economic situation, and weighting the risk of

If the credit risk of this financial instrument has been significantly increased upon initial recognition, the
Company measures its loss provision in accordance with the amount equivalent to the expected credit
loss of the financial instrument throughout the duration; if the credit risk of this financial instrument is
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not significantly increased upon initial recognition, the Company will measure the loss provision of this
financial instrument by the amount of its expected credit loss in the twelve months to come. The
increased or reversed amount of the loss provision resulting therefrom is included in the current profit or
loss as the impairment loss or profit.

The Company recognizes the relative changes in the risk of default within the expected duration of
financial instruments, and assesses whether the credit risk of financial instruments has significantly
increased since the initial recognition by comparing the risk of default of financial instruments on the
balance sheet date with the risk of default on the initial recognition date. If the financial instrument
becomes overdue for more than 30 days, the Company believes that the credit risk of this financial
instrument has been significantly increased, unless there are concrete evidences that the credit risk of
this financial instrument has not been significantly increased upon initial recognition.

If the financial instrument carries low credit risk at the balance sheet date, the Company believes that
the credit risk of this financial instrument is not significantly increased upon initial recognition.

If there are objective evidences showing that a certain financial asset has been subject to credit
impairment, the Company will accrue impairment provision for this financial asset on the individual
asset basis.

The Company will always measure the loss provision for the accounts receivable and contract assets
generated by transactions regulated by “Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 14 – Revenue”
(2017), whether they contain material financing compositions or not, by the amount of the expected
credit loss throughout the duration.

The Company will always measure the loss provision for the lease receivable by the amount of the
expected credit loss throughout the duration.

     The Company shall write down the book balance of a financial asset directly if it no longer
reasonably expects that the contract cash flow of the financial asset can be recovered in whole or in part.

11. Notes receivable

Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of notes

12. Accounts receivable

Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of accounts

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13. Receivables financing

14. Other accounts receivable

Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of other accounts
□Applicable √Non-applicable

15. Inventories
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     1. Category and cost of inventories
     Inventories are classified as raw materials, turnover materials, commodity stocks, products in
progress and materials commissioned for processing.
     Inventories are initially measured at cost. Inventory costs include procurement costs, processing
costs, and other expenses incurred to bring the inventory to its current location and condition.
     2. Determination of cost for delivered inventory
     Cost of inventories is determined using the weighted average method.
     3. Basis for the determination of net realizable value and different type of inventories
     On the balance sheet date, inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost and net realizable
value. A provision shall be made for inventory price drops if inventory costs exceed the net realizable
value. Net realizable value refers to the amount after deducting the estimated costs to be incurred at the
time of completion, the estimated selling expenses and taxes from the estimated sales price of
inventories during daily activities.
     Net realizable value of held-for-sale commodity stocks, such as finished goods, goods-in-stock, and
held-for-sale raw materials, during the normal course of production and operation, shall be determined
by their estimated sales less the related selling expenses and taxes; the net realizable value of material
inventories, which need to be processed, during the normal course of production and operation, shall be
determined by the amount after deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated selling expenses
and relevant taxes from the estimated selling price of finished goods; the net realizable value of
inventories held for execution of sales contracts or labor contracts shall be calculated on the ground of
the contracted price. If an enterprise holds more inventories than the quantity stipulated in the sales
contract, the net realizable value of the exceeding part shall be calculated on the ground of general
selling price.
     The inventory falling price reserves withdrawn shall be reversed within the amount withdrawn, and
the reversed amount shall be included in current profit or loss, if the net realizable value of an inventory
is higher than its book value after the withdrawal due to the disappearance of the factors that influence
the writing-down of its value.
     4. Inventory system

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     The perpetual inventory system is adopted.
     5. Amortization of low-value consumables and packaging materials
    (1)Low-value consumables are amortized using the immediate write-off method;
    (2)Packaging materials are amortized using the immediate write-off method.

16. Contract Assets

(1). Recognition methods and standards of contract assets
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     The Company shall show the contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet in
accordance with the relationship between the performance of the contract obligations and the Customer
payment. The Company shall list its right to receive consideration due to the transfer of goods or
services to the Customer (and such rights are subject to factors other than the passage of time) as
contractual assets. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract shall be shown on a
net basis. The Company’s unconditional right (depending solely on the passage of time) to collect
consideration from the Customer shall be shown separately as a receivable.

(2). Determination method and accounting treatment for the expected credit loss of contract assets
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     See “V. 10. 6. Testing methods and accounting treatment methods for impairment of financial
assets” for specified determination method and accounting treatment for the expected credit loss of
contract assets.

17. Held-for-sale assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

18. Debt investment

Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of debt
□Applicable √Non-applicable

19. Other debt investment

Determination methods and accounting treatment methods of expected credit losses of other debt
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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20. Long-term receivables

Determination method and accounting treatment method of long-term expected credit loss of
□Applicable √Non-applicable

21. Long-term Equity Investment
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     1. Joint control or significant influence criterion
Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, and exists only when
requiring the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control before making decisions about the
relevant activities of the arrangement. The Company together with the other joint venture parties can
jointly control over the investee and are entitled to the right of the net assets of the investee, as the
investee is joint venture of the Company.

Significant influence refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the financial and
operating policies of an enterprise, but not the power to control, or jointly control, the formulation of
such policies with other parties. Where the Company can exercise significant influence over the
investee, the investee is an associate of the Company.

     2. Determination of initial investment cost
     (1) Long-term equity investments formed through business combination of entities
     For long-term equity investment in a subsidiary generated due to business combinations involving
entities under common control, the share of the book value in the consolidated financial statements of
the ultimate controlling party on the date of combinations shall be taken as the initial investment cost of
the long-term equity investments. For difference between the initial cost of long-term equity investment
and the book value of the consideration paid, adjustments shall be made to the equity premiums in the
capital reserve. When the equity premiums in the capital reserve are not sufficient for write-down, the
retained earnings shall be adjusted. Where control over the investee under common control is available
due to additional investment or other reasons, for difference between the initial cost of long-term equity
investment recognized in accordance with the above principles, and the sum of the book value of
long-term equity investment prior to the combination and the book value of newly paid consideration for
the acquisition of further shares on the date of combination, adjustments shall be made to equity
premiums. When the equity premiums are not sufficient for write-down, the retained earnings shall be
written down.
     For long-term equity investment in a subsidiary generated due to business combinations involving
entities not under common control, the cost of the combination recognized on the date of combination
shall be taken as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investments. In relation to imposing
control over the investee not under common control as a result of additional investment and other
reasons, the initial investment shall be the sum of the book value of the equity investment originally held
and the newly increased investment cost.
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     (2) Long-term equity investments acquired by means other than business combination
     The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by cash payment shall be the purchase
costs actually paid.
     The initial cost of investment of a long-term equity investment obtained by means of issuance of
equity securities shall be the fair value of the equity securities issued.
     3. Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss
      (1) Long-term equity investment calculated by cost method
     Long-term equity investment in subsidiaries of the company is calculated by cost method, unless
the investment meets the conditions for holding for sale. except for the actual consideration paid for the
acquisition of investment or the declared but not yet distributed cash dividends or profits which are
included in the consideration, investment gains are recognized as the Company' shares of the cash
dividends or profits declared by the investee.
      (2) Long-term equity investment accounted for by equity method
     Long-term equity investments of associates and jointly controlled entities are calculated using
equity method. Where the initial investment cost exceeds the investment, the difference between the
share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets shall be enjoyed and no adjustment shall be
made to the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment;where the initial investment cost is
less than the investment, the difference between the share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable
net assets shall be enjoyed and be included in current profit or loss, and adjustments shall be made to the
initial investment cost of long-term equity investment.
     The Company recognizes the investment income and other comprehensive income according to the
shares of net profit or loss and other comprehensive income realized by the investee which it shall be
entitled or shared respectively, and simultaneously makes adjustment to the book value of long-term
equity investments; the book value of long-term equity investment shall be reduced by attributable share
of the profit or cash dividends for distribution declared by the investee; in relation to other changes of
owner's equity except for net profits and losses, other comprehensive income and profit distributions of
the investee (hereinafter referred to as "changes in other owners' equity"), the book value of long-term
equity investments shall be adjusted and included in owner's equity.
     When recognizing the amount of proportion of net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and
other changes of owner’s equity, in the investee which it entitles, fair value of the identifiable assets of
the investee at the time when the investment is obtained shall be used as basis, and adjustment shall be
made to the net profit, other comprehensive income and others of the investee in accordance with the
accounting policies and accounting period of the Company.
     The unrealized profit or loss resulting from internal transactions between the Company and its
associate or joint venture shall be offset in portion to its equity interests, based on which investment
income shall be recognized, except when the assets invested or sold constitute transaction. Any losses
resulting from transactions, which are attributable to impairment of assets, shall be fully recognized.

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     The Company shall be liable for net loss incurred by the Company to the joint venture or associate,
and shall write it down to zero with the book value of the long-term equity investment and other
long-term equity which substantially constitute net investment in the joint venture or associate. Where a
joint venture or associate later realizes net profits, the Company shall resume recognition of its share of
income after the share of income has made up for the unrecognized share of loss.
      (3) Disposal of long-term equity investments
     For disposal of long-term equity investment, the difference between the book value and the
consideration actually received shall be included in the current profit or loss.
     For long-term equity investments accounted by partial equity disposal method, the remaining equity
is still accounted by the equity method. Other comprehensive income recognized by the original equity
method shall be carried forward in a corresponding proportion on the same basis as the direct disposal of
related assets or liabilities by the investee. Changes in the interests of the owners are carried forward to
the current profit and loss on a pro ratio basis.
     When losing joint control or significant influence over the investee due to disposal of equity
investment or other reasons, other comprehensive income of the original equity investment recognized
accounted by equity method shall be treated using the same basis as the direct disposal of related assets
or liabilities by the investee upon the termination of the use of equity methods. Other changes of owner’s
equity shall be converted to the current profit or loss upon the termination of use of equity methods.
     When losing the control over the investee due to partially disposal of equity investment and other
reasons, the remaining equities after disposal shall be accounted for under equity method in preparation
of individual financial statements provided that joint control or significant influence over the investee
can be imposed, and shall be adjusted as if such remaining equities has been accounted for under the
equity method since they are obtained. Other comprehensive income recognized prior to the acquisition
of controls over the investee shall be carried over proportionally using the same basis as the direct
disposal of related assets or liabilities by the investee. Other changes of owner’s equity due to the use of
equity method shall be carried over into the current profit or loss proportionally. Where the remaining
equities after disposal cannot impose joint control or significant influence over the investee, it shall be
recognized as financial asset, and the difference between fair value and the book value on the date of
losing control shall be included in the current profit or loss. All the other comprehensive incomes and
other changes of owners’ equity recognized prior to the acquisition of controls over the investee shall be
carried over.
     When losing control over a subsidiary in step-by-step disposal of its equity interests through
multiple transactions is recognized as package deals, these transactions shall be in accounting treated as
loss of control of a subsidiary in disposal of equity interests. The differences between price on each
disposal prior to loss of control and the long-term equity investment book value of the disposed equity
shall be recognized as other comprehensive income in individual financial statements, and included in
the current profit or loss when the control is lost. Transactions not recognized as a package deal shall be
accounted for separately.

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22. Investment property

(1). In case of cost measurement:
Depreciation or amortization method
     Investment property refers to the real estate held to generate rental income or capital appreciation,
or both, including leased land use rights, land use rights held for transfer after appreciation, and leased
buildings (including buildings that are leased after completion of self-construction or development
activities and buildings in construction or development that are used for rental in the future).
     Subsequent expenditures related to fixed assets shall be included in the cost of fixed assets when
the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in and the cost can be measured reliably; otherwise, it
shall be included in the current profit and loss when occurred.
     The Company adopts the cost mode to measure the existing investment property. Other subsequent
expenditures shall be included in current profit or loss at the time of occurrence. Investment property
measured at cost - buildings held for leasing shall adopt the same depreciation policy for fixed assets of
the company, land use rights held for leasing shall adopt the same amortization policy for the intangible

23. Fixed Assets

(1). Conditions for recognition of fixed assets
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services,
for rental to others, or for administrative purposes; and have a service life of more than one accounting
year. Fixed asset is recognized when it meets the following conditions:
     (1) It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the fixed asset will flow to the
     (2) Its cost can be reliably measured.
     Fixed assets are initially measured at cost (with the influence of expected disposal costs taken into
     Subsequent expenditures related to fixed assets shall be included in the cost of fixed assets when
the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in and the cost can be measured reliably; the book value
of the replaced part is derecognized; other subsequent expenditures shall be included in current profit or
loss at the time of occurrence.

(2). Methods for depreciation
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                       Depreciation            Useful Lives of                                Annual
     Category                                                        Residual Ratio
                          Method                 Depreciation                               Depreciation
Housing and         Straight-line             20                  10%                    4.50%
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building              method
Machinery and         Straight-line
                                            5-10                   10%                     18.00%-9.00%
equipment             method
Means of              Straight-line
                                            5                      10%                     18.00%
transportation        method
Office equipment      Straight-line
                                            5                      10%                     18.00%
and others            method
                                            Land use
                                            certificate ndicates
Buildings for         Straight-line
                                            the remaining          10%
commercial use        method
                                            years but no longer
                                            than 40 years

(3). Recognition basis, valuation and depreciation method of fixed assets under financing lease
□Applicable √Non-applicable

24. Projects under construction
√Applicable □Non-applicable
Construction in progress is measured at the actual costs incurred. The actual cost includes construction
costs, installation costs, borrowing costs that meet the capitalization conditions, and other necessary
expenditures incurred before the construction in progress reaches its intended use status. Construction in
progress reaching predetermined serviceable conditions shall be converted to fixed assets and begin
counting for depreciation the following month.

25. Borrowing Costs
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     1. Criteria for recognition of capitalized borrowing costs
     For borrowing costs incurred by the Company that are directly attributable to the acquisition,
construction or production of assets qualified for capitalization, the costs will be capitalized and
included in the costs of the related assets. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as expense in the
period in which they are incurred and included in profit or loss for the current period.
     Assets qualified for capitalization are assets (fixed assets, investment property, inventories, etc.)
that necessarily take a substantial period of time for acquisition, construction or production to get ready
for their intended use or sale.
     2. Capitalization period of borrowing costs
     The capitalization period shall refer to the period between the commencement and the cessation of
capitalization of borrowing costs, excluding the period in which capitalization of borrowing costs is
temporarily suspended.
     Capitalization of borrowing costs begins when the following three conditions are fully satisfied:
     (1) Expenditures for the assets (including cash paid, transferred non-currency assets or expenditure
for holding debt liability for the acquisition, construction or production of assets qualified for
capitalization) have been incurred;
     (2) Borrowing costs have been incurred;
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     (3) Acquisition, construction or production that are necessary to enable the asset reach its intended
usable or salable condition have commenced.
     Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which the qualifying asset
under acquisition and construction or production ready for the intended use or sale.
     3. Suspension of capitalization period
     Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which the acquisition,
construction or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally, when the interruption is for a
continuous period of more than 3 months; if the interruption is a necessary step for making the
qualifying asset under acquisition and construction or production ready for the intended use or sale, the
capitalization of the borrowing costs shall continue. The borrowing costs incurred during such period
shall be recognized as profits and losses of the current period. When the acquisition and construction or
production of the asset resumes, the capitalization of borrowing costs commences.
     4. Calculation of capitalization rate and amount of borrowing costs
     Specific borrowings for the acquisition, construction or production of assets qualified for
capitalization, borrowing costs of the specific borrowings actually incurred in the current period minus
the interest income earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as investment
income earned from temporary investment will be used to determine the amount of borrowing costs for
     General borrowings for the acquisition, construction or production of assets qualified for
capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing shall be calculated and
determined by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset
disbursements minus the specifically borrowed loans by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing
used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined according to the weighted average
interest rate of the general borrowing.
     During the period of capitalization, the exchange balance on the principals and interests of special
foreign currency borrowings shall be capitalized and shall be included in the cost of assets eligible for
capitalization. The exchange balance on the principals and interests of foreign currency borrowings other
than the special foreign currency borrowings shall be included in current profit or loss.

26. Biological Assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

27. Oil and Gas Assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

28. Right-of-use assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable
     More details are available in Note V. 42. Lease

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29. Intangible Assets

(1). Valuation method, useful life, impairment test
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     1.     Intangible assets are initially measured at cost upon acquisition
     (1) Intangible assets are initially measured at cost upon acquisition
     The costs of an externally purchased intangible asset include the purchase price, relevant taxes and
expenses paid, and other expenditures directly attributable to putting the asset into condition for its
intended use.
     (2) Subsequent measurement
     The service life of intangible assets shall be analyzed and judged upon acquisition.
     As for intangible assets with a finite service life, they are amortized using the straight-line method
over the term in which economic benefits are brought to the firm; If the term in which economic benefits
are brought to the firm by an intangible asset cannot be estimated, the intangible asset shall be taken as
an intangible asset with indefinite service life, and shall not be amortized.
     2. Estimated useful lives for the intangible assets with finite service life

            Item                  Estimated useful life              Amortization Method              Basis

Land use rights                38-50 years                     Straight-line method        Land use certificate

Software                       2-10 years                      Straight-line method        Expected benefited period

Eission rights                 5 years                         Straight-line method        Eission permits
     3.     basis for the judgment of intangible assets with uncertain service life and the procedure for
reviewing their service life
     As of December 31st, 2020, the Company has no intangible assets with uncertain useful life.
     4. Specific      criteria for the division of research phase and development phase
     The expenses for internal research and development projects of the Company are divided into
expenses in the research phase and expenses in the development phase.
     Research phase: Scheduled innovative investigations and research activities to obtain and
understand scientific or technological knowledge.
     Development phase: Apply the research outcomes or other knowledge to a plan or design prior to a
commercial production or use in order to produce new or essentially-improved materials, devices,
products, etc.
     5. Specific      condition for capitalizing expenditure during the development phase
     Expenses in the research phase are recorded into the profits and losses for the current period when
they occur. Expenditure during the development phase that simultaneously satisfies the following
conditions shall be recognized as intangible assets. Otherwise shall be included in current profit or loss:
     (1) It is technically feasible to complete such intangible asset so that it will be available for use or
for sale;
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     (2) There is intention to complete the intangible asset for use or sale;
     (3) The intangible asset can produce economic benefits, including there is evidence that the
products produced using the intangible asset has a market or the intangible asset itself has a market; if
the intangible asset is for internal use, there is evidence that there exists usage for the intangible asset;
     (4) There is sufficient support in terms of technology, financial resources and other resources in
order to complete the development of the intangible asset, and there is capability to use or sell the
intangible asset;
     (5) The expenses attributable to the development stage of the intangible asset can be measured
     The R&D expenditures incurred shall be included in current profit or loss if it is impossible to
distinguish expenditure during the research phase and expenditure during the development phase.

(2). Accounting policies for internal research and development expenditures
□Applicable √Non-applicable

30. Impairment of long-term assets
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     Long-term assets, such as long-term equity investment, investment properties, fixed assets and
construction in progress that measured at cost, and intangible assets and oil and gas assets with limited
service life, are tested for impairment if there is any indication that an asset may be impaired on the
balance sheet date. If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of the asset
is less than its book value, a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognized for the
amount by which the asset's book value exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the
higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future cash flows expected to
be derived from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is determined and recognized on the individual
asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable
amount of a group of assets to which the asset belongs to is determined. A group of assets is the smallest
group of assets that is able to generate cash inflows independently.
     Goodwill formed due to business combination, intangible assets with uncertain service life and
intangible assets that have not yet reached serviceable conditions, shall be tested for impairment at least
at the end of each year, regardless of whether there is any indication of impairment.
     When the Company carry out impairment test to goodwill, the Company shall, as of the purchasing
day, allocate on a reasonable basis the book value of the goodwill formed by merger of enterprises to the
relevant asset groups, or if there is a difficulty in allocation, to allocate it to the sets of asset groups. The
relevant asset group or combination of asset groups is the asset group or combination of asset groups
that can benefit from the synergies of business combination.
     For the purpose of impairment test on the relevant asset groups or the sets of asset groups
containing goodwill, if any evidence shows that the impairment of asset groups or sets of asset groups

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related to goodwill is possible, an impairment test will be made first on the asset groups or sets of asset
groups not containing goodwill, thus calculating the recoverable amount and comparing it with the
relevant book value so as to recognize the corresponding impairment loss. Asset group or combination
of group assets containing goodwill are tested for impairment and the book value and recoverable
amount shall be compared. If the recoverable amount is less than the book value, the amount of
impairment loss shall be deducted and apportioned to the book value of goodwill in asset group or
combination of asset groups, before deducting to the book value of all other assets proportionally based
on the proportion of the book value of all assets other than goodwill in the asset group or combination of
asset groups. Once the above asset impairment loss is recognized, it will not be reversed in the
subsequent accounting periods.

31. Long-term prepaid expenses
√Applicable □Non-applicable
        Long-term prepaid expenses are expenses which have occurred but will benefit over 1 year and
shall be amortized over the current period and subsequent periods.
        The amortization period and amortization method of all expenses are:

                  Item                             Expected useful life                   Basis

Decoration cost                        5 years                            Expected benefited period

Software maintenance fee               5 years                            Expected benefited period

Other                                  3-5 years                          Expected benefited period

32. Contract liabilities

Recognition method of contract liabilities
√Applicable □Non-applicable
        The Company shall show the contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet in
accordance with the relationship between the performance of the contract obligations and the Customer
payment. The Company’s obligation to transfer goods or provide services to customers for which
consideration has been received or receivable are presented as contractual liabilities. Contract assets and
contract liabilities under the same contract shall be shown on a net basis.

33. Employee remuneration
(1). Accountant arrangement method of short-term remuneration
√Applicable □Non-applicable
        During the accounting period when the staff provides service, the Company will recognize the
short-term remuneration actually incurred as liabilities, and the liabilities would be charged into current
profits and loss or costs of assets.

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     The Company will pay social insurance and housing funds, and will make provision of trade union
funds and staff education costs in accordance with the requirements. During the accounting period when
the staff provides service, the Company will determine the relevant amount of employee benefits in
accordance with the required provision basis and provision ratios.
     The expenses on employee benefit incurred by the Company shall be included in the current profit
or loss or related asset cost based on the actual amount when actually incurred, and the non-monetary
benefit shall be measured at its fair value.

(2).Accounting treatment method of retirement benefit plan
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     (1) Defined contribution plan
     The Company will pay basic pension insurance and unemployment insurance in accordance with
the relevant provisions of the local government for the staff. During the accounting period when the staff
provides service, the Company will calculate the amount payable in accordance with the local stipulated
basis and proportions which will be recognized as liabilities, and the liabilities would be charged into
current profits and loss or costs of assets.
     (2) Defined benefit plan
     The welfare responsibilities generated from defined benefit scheme based on the formula
determined by projected unit credit method would be vested to the service period of the staff and
charged into current profits and loss or costs of assets.
     The deficit or surplus formed by the present value of obligations of the defined benefit plan minus
the fair value of the assets of the defined benefit plan is recognized as a net liability or net asset of the
defined benefit plan. If there is a surplus in the defined benefit plan, the Company shall use the lower of
the surplus of the defined benefit plan and the asset ceiling to measure the net assets of the defined
benefit plan.
     All defined benefit plan obligations, including obligations expected to be paid within twelve
months after the end of the annual reporting period in which employees render services, are discounted
at the market rate of return in respect of the national debts matching the term and currency of the defined
benefit plan, or in respect of high-quality corporate bonds available on the active market on the balance
sheet date.
     The service cost incurred by the defined benefit plan and the net interest of the net liabilities or net
assets of the defined benefit plan are included in the current profit and loss or the related asset cost; the
changes in the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan are recorded in other comprehensive
income, and it will not be reversed to profit or loss in the subsequent accounting period. When the
original defined benefit plan is terminated, all that originally included in other comprehensive income
will be carried forward to undistributed profit within the scope of equity.

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     At the settlement of the defined benefit plan, the gain or loss from the settlement is recognized by
the difference between the present value of the obligation of the defined benefit plan and the settlement
price determined on the settlement date.

(3).Accountant arrangement method of termination benefits
√Applicable □Non-applicable
Where the Company pays termination benefit to employees, the liabilities of employee remuneration
generated by termination benefit shall be recognized at the earlier of the following date and included in
the current profit or loss: when the company cannot unilaterally withdraw termination benefit provided
by labor relationship termination plan or layoff proposal; when the Company recognizes costs or
expenses related to a restructuring of the payment of termination benefits.

(4).Accountant arrangement method of other long-term employee benefits
□Applicable √Non-applicable

34. Lease liabilities
□Applicable √Non-applicable
     More details are available in Note V, 42. Lease

35. Estimated liabilities
□Applicable √Non-applicable

36. Share-based payment
□Applicable √Non-applicable

37. Preference shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments
□Applicable √Non-applicable

38. Revenue
(1). Accounting policies for revenue recognition and measurement
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     The Company has fulfilled its contractual obligation to recognize income when the Customer
obtains    control   over the relevant goods or services. Obtaining control over related goods or services
means to be able to dominate the use of the goods or services and obtain virtually all economic benefits
from it.
     Where the Contract contains the performance of two or more obligations, the Company shall, on
the commencement date of the Contract, apportion the transaction price to each individual performance
obligation on the basis of the relative proportion of the individual selling price of the goods or service

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committed by each individual performance obligation. The Company shall measure its income on the
basis of the transaction price apportioned to each individual performance obligation.
     The transaction price refers to the amount of consideration the Company is expected to be entitled
to receive for the transfer of goods or services to the Customer, excluding payments received on behalf
of third parties and the amounts expected to be refunded to the Customer. The Company determines the
transaction price in accordance with Contract terms and by taking into consideration its past practices. In
determining the transaction price, it takes into consideration the impact of variable consideration,
material financing elements in the Contract, non-cash consideration, consideration payable to customers
and other factors. The Company determines the transaction price that includes the variable consideration
at an amount not exceeding the amount of accumulated recognized income which is not likely to be
materially reversed when the relevant uncertainty is eliminated. Where there is material financing
components in the Contract, the Company shall determine the transaction price on the basis of the
amount payable based on the assumption that the Customer pays in cash upon obtaining control over the
goods or services, and shall amortize the difference between the transaction price and the Contract
consideration by effective interest method during the Contract period.
     It shall be deemed as fulfilling performance obligation within a certain period of time if one of the
following conditions is satisfied. Otherwise, it shall be deemed as fulfilling performance obligation at a
certain point in time:
          The Customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits arising from the Company's
performance of obligations at the same time of that the Company perform its obligations.
          The Customer can control the goods under construction during the process that the Company
perform its obligations.
          The product produced by the Company during the performance of its obligations is
irreplaceable in use, and the Company shall be entitled to receive payment for the accumulated part of
the performance completed so far during the whole Contract period.
     For obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company shall recognize income on
the basis of the performance progress during that period, except when the performance progress cannot
be reasonably determined. The Company will adopt output method or input method to determine the
performance progress by taking the nature of the goods or services into consideration. Where the
performance progress cannot be reasonably determined and the costs incurred are expected to be
compensated, the Company shall recognize income on the basis of the costs incurred until the
performance progress can be reasonably determined.
     For obligations performed at a certain point of time, the Company recognizes income at the point
when the Customer obtain control over relevant goods or services. The Company takes the following
indications into consideration when determining whether the Customer has obtained control over
relevant goods or services:
          The Company is entitled to collect payment in respect of the goods or services immediately,
i.e. the Customer is obliged to make payment in respect of the goods or services immediately

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          The Company has transferred legal ownership of the goods to the Customer, i.e. the Customer
has legal ownership of the goods.
          The Company has physically transferred the goods to the Customer, i.e. the Customer has
physically possessed the goods.
          The Company has transferred the principal risks and rewards in the ownership of the goods to
the Customer, i.e. the Customer has obtained the principal risks and rewards in the ownership of the
          The Customer has received the goods or services, etc.

(2). Different business models adopted for similar businesses leading to differences in revenue
recognition accounting policies
□Applicable√ Non-applicable

39. Contract costs
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     Contract costs include contract performance costs and contract acquisition costs.
     The Company recognizes the costs incurred for performing the contract and that not fall within the
scope of inventories, fixed assets or intangible assets as stipulated by related standards as an asset when
the following conditions are met:
            The cost is directly related to a current or anticipated contract.
            The cost increases the Company's future resources to perform obligations.
            The cost is expected to be recovered
     The Company regards the incremental cost incurred to acquire the contract and that are expected to
be recovered as contract acquisition costs, and recognizes them as an asset.
     Assets related to contract costs shall be amortized using the same basis as income recognition of
goods or services related to the asset. However, the Company shall include the amount in current profit
or loss if the amortization period of the contract acquisition cost is less than one year.
     The Company shall draw an impairment provision for the excess part when the book value of an
asset related to the contract cost is higher than the difference between the following two items, and
recognize it as an impairment loss of the asset:
     1.   The remaining consideration expected to be obtained due to the transfer of goods or services
related to the asset;
     2. Estimated costs to be incurred for the transfer of goods or services related to the asset.
     The Company shall reverse the impairment provision withdrawn and include it in current profit or
loss if the impairment factors of the previous period change and cause the aforementioned difference
higher than the book value of the asset. However, the book value of the asset after reverse shall not
exceed the book value of the asset on the reverse date under the assumption that no provision for the
impairment is withdrawn.

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40. Government subsidies
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     1. Type
     Government grants are monetary assets and non-monetary assets acquired by the Company from
the government free of charge. Government grants are classified into government grants related to assets
and government grants related to revenue.
     Government grants related to assets refer to government grants acquired by the Company for the
purpose of purchasing or constructing or otherwise forming long-term assets. Government grants related
to revenue refer to the government grants other than those related to assets.
     The company classifies government grants into asset-related grants in accordance with the
following criteria:
     If the government document specifies the specific intended project of subsidies, it will be classified
according to the relative ratio of the amount paid of the asset and the amount paid included in the
expenses as part of the specific project project, and the classification ratio needs to be checked and if
necessary, changed on each balance sheet date.
     The company classifies government grants into revenue-related grants in accordance with the
following criteria:
     The government document only makes a general statement on the use and no item is specified, as
revenue-related government subsidies.
     2. Confirmation of timing
     Government subsidies are confirmed when the company can meet its attached conditions and can
be received.
     3. Accounting treatment
     Government grants related to assets shall write off the book value of relevant assets or be
recognized as deferred income. When recognized as deferred income, the government grant related to
assets will be period by period credited to the profits and losses of the current period in a reasonable and
systematic manner within the service life of relevant assets (those related to the Company's daily
activities shall be recognized as other income; those unrelated to the Company's daily activities shall be
recognized as non-operating income).
     The revenue-related government grants shall be recognized as deferred income if they are used to
compensate relevant expenses or losses in subsequent periods, and they shall be included in profit and
loss of the current period (those related to Company's routine activities shall be included in other income;
those unrelated to the Company's routine activities shall be included in non-operating income) or used to
offset relevant expenses or losses during the recognition of related expenses or losses; the grants used to
compensate related expenses or losses incurred shall be included in profit and loss of the current period
(those related to Company's routine activities shall be included in other income; those unrelated to the
Company's routine activities shall be included in non-operating income) or used to offset relevant
expenses or losses.
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41. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

√Applicable □Non-applicable
     Income tax includes current income tax and deferred income tax. The Company will include current
income tax and deferred income tax in the current profit or loss, except for income tax arising from
business combination and transaction or event directly included in the owners’ equity (including other
comprehensive income).
     Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be calculated and recognized on
the basis of the difference (temporary difference) between the tax basis of the assets and liabilities and
their book value.
     Deferred income tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits
will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilized. For deductible losses
and tax credits that can be reversed in the future period, deferred tax assets shall be recognized to the
extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available in the future to offset the deductible losses
and tax credits.
     Save as the exceptions, deferred income tax liabilities shall be recognized for the taxable temporary
     Special circumstances in which deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities are not
recognized include:
              Initial recognition of goodwill;
              Transaction or event that is not a business combination and would not affect accounting
profit and taxable income (or deductible loss) at the time of occurrence.
     For taxable temporary differences related to investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint
ventures, deferred income tax liability is recognized, unless the Company can control the timing of
reversal of such temporary differences and such temporary differences are not likely to be reversed in
the foreseeable future. For deductible temporary differences related to the investments of subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures, deferred tax asset is recognized when the temporary differences are likely
to be reversed in the foreseeable future and the taxable income amount used to offset the deductible
temporary differences is likely to be obtained in the future.
     On the balance sheet date, the Company reviews the book value of the deferred income tax assets.
The book value of the deferred income tax asset will be written down if sufficient taxable income is not
likely to be obtained to offset the benefit of the deferred income tax asset in the future period. The
write-down amount will be reversed when sufficient taxable income is likely to be obtained.
     After granted the legal rights of net settlement and with the intention to use net settlement or obtain
assets and repay debt at the same time, the net amount after offsetting its current income tax assets and
current income tax liabilities shall be recorded.

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     On the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be, as
stipulated by tax law, measured by the applicable tax rate of the period of expected recovery of the
relevant assets or settlement of the relevant liabilities.
             The taxpayer has the legal right to settle the current income tax assets and current income tax
liabilities on a net basis;
             Deferred income tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are related to the income tax to be paid
by the same entity liable to pay tax to the same tax collection and management authority or related to
different entities liable to pay tax. The relevant entity liable to pay tax is intended to apply net settlement
of current income tax assets and liabilities or, at the same time, obtain assets and repay debt in every
future period that deferred income tax assets and liabilities with importance would be reversed.

42. Lease

(1). Accounting of operating lease
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Accounting treatment method of financing lease
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Determination method and accounting treatment method of lease under the new lease
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     Accounting policy effective from January 1, 2021
     Lease refers to a contract in which the landlord transfers the right to use the asset to the tenant in a
given period to obtain consideration. On the commencement date of the contract, the Company assesses
whether the contract is a lease or includes a lease. If a party in the contract transfers the right to control
the use of one or more identified assets in a given period in exchange for consideration, the contract is a
lease or includes a lease.
     If the contract contains a plurality of separate leases at the same time, the Company will split the
contract and perform accounting treatments for each of the separate leases. If the contract contains both
lease and non-lease parts, the tenant and landloard shall separate the lease and non-lease parts.
     1. The Company as tenant
        (1) Right-of-use assets
     On the start date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the right-of-use asset for leases other
than short-term leases and low-value asset leases. Right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost,
which includes:
      The initial measurement amount of the lease liability;
      For lease payments paid on or before the start of the lease term, if there is a lease incentive, the
amount of the lease incentive already enjoyed is deducted;
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      Initial direct expenses incurred by the Company;
      The Company's estimated cost for dismantling and removing the leased assets, restoring the site
where the leased assets are located, or restoring the leased assets to the state as set out in the lease terms
and conditions, except for the costs incurred for the production of inventory.
     The Company subsequently uses the straight-line method to depreciate the right-of-use assets. If it
can be reasonably determined that the ownership of the leased asset will be obtained at the end of the
lease term, the Company shall depreciate the leased asset over the remaining useful life; otherwise, the
leased asset will be depreciated over the lease term or the remaining useful life of the leased asset,
whichever is shorter.
     The Company determines whether the right-of-use asset has been impaired under the principles as
set out in "Note V. 30. Long-term asset impairment", and performs accounting treatment for the
identified impairment loss.
      (2) Lease liabilities
     On the commencement of the lease term, the Company recognizes lease liabilities for leases other
than short-term leases and leases of low-value assets. Lease liabilities are initially measured based on the
present value of the unpaid lease payments. Lease payments include:
      Fixed payment (including the actual fixed payment), if there is a lease incentive, the relevant
amount of the lease incentive will be deducted;
      Variable lease payments that depend on an index or rate;
      The amount expected to be paid based on the residual value of the guarantee provided by the
      The exercise price of the purchase option, provided that the Company reasonably determines that
it will exercise the option;
      The amount to be paid to exercise the option to terminate the lease, provided that the lease term
reflects that the company will exercise the option to terminate the lease.
     The Company takes the interest rate implicit in the lease as the discount rate, but if the interest rate
implicit in the lease cannot be reasonably determined, the company's incremental borrowing interest rate
is used as the discount rate.
     The Company calculates the interest expense of the lease liability during each period of the lease
term according to a fixed periodic interest rate, and includes it in the current profit and loss or the cost of
related assets.
     Variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of lease liabilities are included in
the current profit and loss or the cost of related assets when they actually occur.
     After the commencement of the lease term, in any of the following circumstances, the Company
re-measures the lease liability and adjusts the corresponding right-of-use asset. If the book value of the
right-of-use asset has been reduced to zero, but the lease liability still needs to be further reduced, it will
The difference is included in the current profit and loss:

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      When the evaluation results of the purchase option, the renewal option or the termination option
change, or the actual exercise of the aforementioned option is inconsistent with the original evaluation
result, the company will discount the lease payment after the change and the revised discount The
present value of the rate calculation remeasures the lease liability;
      When the actual fixed payment changes, the expected payable amount of the guarantee residual
value changes, or the index or ratio used to determine the lease payment changes, the company
calculates the present value based on the changed lease payment and the original discount rate
Remeasure the lease liability. However, if changes in lease payments originate from changes in floating
interest rates, the revised discount rate is used to calculate the present value.
      (3) Short-term leases and low-value asset leases
     The Company elects not to recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases
and low-value asset leases, and calculates the relevant lease payments in the current profit and loss or
related asset costs on a straight-line basis in each period of the lease term. Short-term lease refers to a
lease that does not include purchase options for a lease period not exceeding 12 months at the beginning
of the lease period. Low-value asset leasing refers to a lease with a lower value when a single leased
asset is a new asset. If the Company subleases or expects to sublease the leased assets, the original lease
is not a low-value asset lease.
      (4) Lease change
     If the lease is changed and the following conditions are met at the same time, the company shall
treat the lease change as a separate lease for accounting treatment:
      The lease change expands the scope of the lease by adding one or more use rights to leased assets;
      The increased consideration is equivalent to the amount of the individual price of the expanded
part of the lease scope adjusted according to the contract conditions.
     If the lease change is not accounted for as a separate lease, on the effective date of the lease change,
the Company reapportions the consideration of the contract after the change, re-determines the lease
term, and calculates the current lease payment based on the lease payment after the change and the
revised discount rate. The value of the lease liability is remeasured.
     If the lease change causes the scope of the lease to be reduced or the lease term is shortened, the
Company will correspondingly reduce the book value of the right-of-use asset, and the relevant gains or
losses from the partial or complete termination of the lease are included in the current profit and loss. If
other lease changes cause the lease liability to be remeasured, the company adjusts the book value of the
right-of-use asset accordingly.
     2. The Company as .landlord
     On the commencement date of the lease, the Company divides the lease into financial lease and
operating lease. Finance lease refers to a lease in which almost all the risks and rewards related to the
ownership of the leased asset are transferred regardless of whether the ownership is ultimately
transferred. Operating leases refer to leases other than financial leases. When the Company acts as a
sublease lessor, it classifies subleases based on the right-of-use assets generated from the original lease.

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     (1) Accounting treatment of operating leases
     The lease receipts of operating leases are recognized as rental income in each period of the lease
term according to the straight-line method. The Company capitalizes the initial direct costs incurred
related to operating leases, and allocates them to the current profit and loss on the same basis as the
confirmation of rental income during the lease term. Variable lease payments that are not included in the
lease receipts are included in the current profit and loss when they actually occur. If an operating lease is
changed, the company will account for it as a new lease from the effective date of the change, and the
amount of advance receipts or lease receivables related to the lease before the change shall be regarded
as the receipts of the new lease.
      (2) Accounting treatment of financial leasing
     On the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognizes the financial lease receivables for
the financial lease and terminates the recognition of the financial lease assets. When the Company
initially measures the financial lease receivables, the net lease investment is taken as the entry value of
the financial lease receivables. The net lease investment is the sum of the unguaranteed residual value
and the present value of the lease payment that has not been received at the beginning of the lease term,
discounted at the interest rate implicit in the lease.
     The Company calculates and recognizes the interest income for each period of the lease term based
on a fixed periodic interest rate. The derecognition and impairment of financial lease receivables shall be
accounted for in accordance with this Note "V. 10. Financial Instruments".
     Variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of the net lease investment are
included in the current profit and loss when they actually occur.
     If a financial lease is changed and the following conditions are met at the same time, the Company
shall treat the change as a separate lease for accounting treatment:
      The change expands the scope of the lease by adding one or more use rights to leased assets;
      The increased consideration is equivalent to the amount of the individual price of the expanded
part of the lease scope adjusted according to the contract conditions.
     If the change of the financial lease is not accounted for as a separate lease, the company shall deal
with the changed lease in the following situations:
      If the change takes effect on the lease start date, the lease will be classified as an operating lease,
and the Company will start accounting for it as a new lease from the lease change effective date, and use
the net lease investment before the lease change effective date as The book value of the leased asset;
      If the change takes effect on the lease start date, the lease will be classified as a financial lease,
and the company will conduct accounting treatment in accordance with the policy of this note "V. 10.
Financial Instruments" on the modification or renegotiation of the contract.
     3. Sale and leaseback transaction
     The Company evaluates and determines whether the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback
transaction is a sale in accordance with the principles described in "V. 38. Revenue".
      (1) As tenant

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     If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the company as the lessee
measures the right-of-use asset formed by the sale and leaseback based on the portion of the original
asset's book value related to the right to use obtained from the leaseback, and only transfers it to the
lease The rights of the person confirm the relevant gains or losses; if the asset transfer in the sale and
leaseback transaction does not belong to the sale, the company as the lessee continues to confirm the
transferred assets and at the same time confirms a financial liability equal to the transfer income. For the
accounting treatment of financial liabilities, see "V. 10. Financial Instruments".
      (2) As landlord
     If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the company acts as the lessor to
account for the purchase of the asset, and the asset lease is accounted for in accordance with the
aforementioned "2. The company as the lessor" policy; in the sale and leaseback transaction If the
transfer of assets is not a sale, the company as the lessor does not recognize the transferred assets, but
recognizes a financial asset equal to the transfer income. For the accounting treatment of financial assets,
see "V. 10. Financial Instruments”.
     Accounting policy effective before January 1, 2021
     Leases are divided into financial leases and operating leases. Finance lease refers to a lease that has
substantially transferred all the risks and rewards related to asset ownership. Operating leases refer to
leases other than financial leases.
     1. Accounting treatment of operating leases
     (1) The lease fee paid by the Company for rented assets shall be apportioned on a straight-line basis
during the entire lease period without deducting the rent-free period and included in the current expenses.
The initial direct expenses related to the lease transaction paid by the Company shall be included in the
current expenses.
     When the asset lessor bears the lease-related expenses that should be borne by the company, the
company deducts this part of the cost from the total rent, amortizes the deducted rent during the lease
term, and counts it into the current expenses.
     (2) The lease fee charged by the Company for lease of assets shall be apportioned on a straight-line
basis during the entire lease period without deducting the lease-free period and recognized as
lease-related income. The initial direct expenses paid by the company related to the lease transaction
shall be included in the current expenses; if the amount is large, it shall be capitalized and included in
the current income in installments based on the same basis as the lease-related income recognition
during the entire lease period.
     When the Company bears the lease-related expenses that should be borne by the lessee, the
company deducts this part of the expenses from the total rental income, and distributes the deducted
rental expenses during the lease term.

43. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
□Applicable √Non-applicable
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44. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
(1). Changes in significant accounting policies
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                            Remark (Name and amount of
 Content and reason of changes
                                            Approval procedure              the items subject to significant
    in accounting policies
The Ministry of Finance issued       "Accounting Standards for
the "Accounting Standards for        Business Enterprises No.
Business Enterprises No.             21-Lease (2018 Revision)" (Cai
21-Lease (2018 Revision)" (Cai       Kuai [2017] No. 35)
Kuai [2017] No. 35) on Dec.7,
2018, the Company will
implement the updated version
of revenue standards from
January 1, 2020.
Other Notes
     The Company will implement the updated version of revenue standard from January 1, 2021. Under
the updated standard, for contracts existing before the first execution date, the company chooses not to
reassess whether it is a lease or includes a lease on the first execution day.
     (1) The Company as tenant
     Under the original lease standard, the Company will transfer all risks and rewards related to asset
ownership to the Company based on whether the lease is substantially transferred to the Company, and
the lease is divided into financial lease and operating lease.
     Under the new lease standards, the Company no longer distinguishes between financial leases and
operating leases, and recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for all leases (except short-term
leases and low-value asset leases that choose simplified treatment methods).
     The Company elects to adjust the amount of retained earnings and other related items in the
financial statements at the beginning of the year when the new lease standard was first implemented
based on the cumulative impact of the new lease standard implementation for the first time, without
adjusting the comparable period information.
     For operating leases before the first implementation date, the company measures the lease liabilities
based on the present value of the remaining lease payments discounted by the Japanese company’s
incremental borrowing interest rate for the first implementation on the first implementation date, and
measures the right-of-use assets at the same amount as the lease liabilities, and Make necessary
adjustments based on the prepaid rent. While applying the above methods, the company adopts one or
more of the following simplified treatments according to each lease option:
     1) Leases that will be completed within 12 months after the first implementation date are treated as
short-term leases;
     2) To measure lease liabilities, use the same discount rate for leases with similar characteristics;
     3) The measurement of right-of-use assets does not include initial direct costs;

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     4) If there is an option to renew the lease or to terminate the lease, the lease term shall be
determined according to the actual exercise of the option before the first execution date and other latest
     5) As an alternative to the impairment test of the right-of-use asset, according to the "Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13-Contingent Events", assess whether the contract containing
the lease is a loss-making contract before the first execution date, and record it in the balance sheet
according to the first execution date Adjust the amount of loss reserves for the right-of-use asset;
     6) For lease changes that occur before the beginning of the year when the new lease standard is first
implemented, no retrospective adjustment will be made, and the accounting treatment will be carried out
in accordance with the new lease standard according to the final arrangement of the lease change.
     (2) The Company as landlord
     Under the new lease standards, the company, as a sublease lessor, should classify subleases based
on the right-of-use assets generated by the original lease, rather than the underlying assets of the original
lease. For sub-leases that are classified as operating leases before the first implementation date and
continue after the first implementation date, the Company reassesses them based on the remaining
contract duration and terms of the original lease and sub-leases on the first implementation date, and
classifies them in accordance with the new lease standards. If it is reclassified as a finance lease, the
company treats it as a new finance lease for accounting treatment.
     Except for sub-lease, the Company does not need to adjust its lease as a lessor to adjust the amount
of retained earnings at the beginning of the year and other related items in the financial statements for
the first time implementing the new lease standard. The Company conducts accounting treatment in
accordance with the new lease standard from the date of first implementation.

(2). Changes in significant accounting estimates
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Since 2020, the company first implemented the revised revenue standards, the new rent
standards, and adjusted related items of the financial statements at the beginning of the year
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(4). Notes to compared data before and after the adjustment according to the first implementation
of the new lease accounting standard in 2021
□Applicable √Non-applicable

45. Others
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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VI. Taxes

1.     Major categories of taxes and tax rates
Main categories of taxes and tax rates
√Applicable □Non-applicable
         Tax category                        Taxation basis                        Tax rate
                                  Calculate the output tax based on     13%, 9%, 6% (Note 1)
                                  the sales of goods and taxable
                                  labor income calculated under the
VAT                               tax law. With the input tax
                                  allowable for deduction in the
                                  current period deducted, the
                                  difference is the VAT payable
Consumption tax
Business tax
Urban Maintenance and             Calculated based on the actual        7%、5%、1%(Note 2)
Construction Tax                  VAT paid
                                  Calculated based on the taxable       34%、28%、25%、24%、22.2%、
Enterprise income tax
                                  income                                16.5%、15%、13%
                                  Calculated based on the actual        3%
Education Surcharges
                                  VAT paid
                                  Calculated based on the actual        2%, 1.5% (Note 3)
Local Education Surcharges
                                  VAT paid

     Note 1: The VAT tax of technology development service fees are calculated at 6% of the taxable
income; if other VAT taxable sales activities are occurred in the Company, under the “Announcement of
the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and the General Administration of
Customs on deepening the policies of VAT reform" (Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the
State Administration of Taxation, and the General Administration of Customs, 2019 No.39), the tax rate
applicable to VAT will be adjusted to 13% and 9% from April 1st, 2019.
     Note 2: If there are taxable entities applicable to different corporate city maintenance and
construction tax rates, make a disclosure of statement:

                   Name of Taxpayer                          Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax Rate

Liuzhou Tuopu                                                                                              5%

Ningbo Qianhui                                                                                             5%

Sichuan Tuopu                                                                                              5%

Pinghu Tuopu                                                                                               5%

Taizhou Tuopu                                                                                              5%

Tuopu Automotive Electronics                                                                               5%

Zhejiang Towin                                                                                             5%

Sichuan Maigao                                                                                             5%

Shanghai Towin                                                                                             1%

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                   Name of Taxpayer                            Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax Rate

Other companies                                                                                               7%

    Note 3: If there are taxpayers applicable to different corporate local education surcharge rates,
make a disclosure of the description:

                   Name of Taxpayer                                  Local Education Surcharges Rate

Wuhan Tuopu                                                                                                  1.5%

Other company                                                                                                 2%

If there are taxable entities applicable to different corporate income tax rates, disclose statement
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                  Name of Taxpayer                                      Income Tax Rate (%)
The Company                                                                                                  15
Ningbo Qianhui                                                                                               15
Tuopu Intelligent Brake                                                                                      15
Baoji Tuopu                                                                                                  15
Tuopu Automotive Electronics                                                                                 15
Zhejiang Towin                                                                                               15
Sichuan Maigao                                                                                               28
Tuopu North American Ltd                                                                                     13
Tuopu North American USA Limited, INC                                                                        13
Tuopu International                                                                                       16.50
Tuopu Sweden                                                                                              22.20
TUOPU (MALAYSIA) SDN.BHD.                                                                                    24
Tuopu Brasil                                                                                                 34
Tuopu Poland                                                                                                 19
Other company                                                                                                25

2. Preferential tax rate
     √Applicable □Non-applicable
     1. Under the provisions of the “Administrative measures for the accreditation of hi-tech enterprises”
(Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] No. 32) and the “Guidelines for the accreditation management of hi-tech
enterprises” (Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] No.195), Ningbo Science and Technology Bureau, Ningbo Finance
Bureau, and Ningbo Tax Service, SAT issued the certificate of hi-tech enterprise (No.
GR201833100473). As set out in the certificate, the Company was accredited as a hi-tech enterprise and
this accreditation is valid for 3 years. Within this period of validity, the preferential tax rate for corporate
income tax is 15%, which is effective from 2018 to 2020.
     The Company has submitted relevant documents for re-certification of hi-tech enterprise and as of
the date of this financial report, the Company has not yet passed the certification. Under the “SAT
Circular of 2017” (No.24), the enterprise income tax will be prepaid at 15% in the year when the
qualification as hi-tech enterprise expires, the corporate income tax is prepaid at 15% until the date of
re-certification. The corporate income tax rate for the period from January 2021 to June 2021 is 15%.

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     2. Under the provisions of the “Administrative measures for the accreditation of hi-tech enterprises”
(Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] No. 32) and the “Guidelines for the accreditation management of hi-tech
enterprises” (Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] No.195), Ningbo Science and Technology Bureau, Ningbo Finance
Bureau, and Ningbo Tax Service, SAT issued the certificate of hi-tech enterprise (No.
GR202033100564). As set out in the certificate, Ningbo Qianhui was accredited as a hi-tech enterprise
and this accreditation is valid for 3 years. Within this period of validity, the preferential tax rate for
corporate income tax is 15%, which is effective from 2020 to 2022. The corporate income tax rate for
the period from January 2021 to June 2021 is 15%.
     3. Under the provisions of the “Administrative measures for the accreditation of hi-tech enterprises”
(Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] No. 32) and the “Guidelines for the accreditation management of hi-tech
enterprises” (Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] No.195), Shaanxi Department of Science and Technology, Shaanxi
Department of Finance, and Shaanxi Tax Service, SAT issued the certificate of hi-tech enterprise (No.
GR201961001257). As set out in the certificate, Baoji Tuopu was accredited as a hi-tech enterprise and
this accreditation is valid for 3 years. Within this period of validity, the preferential tax rate for corporate
income tax is 15%, which is effective from 2019 to 2021. The corporate income tax rate for the period
from January 2021 to June 2021 is 15%.
     4. Under the provisions of the “Administrative measures for the accreditation of hi-tech enterprises”
(Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] No. 32) and the “Guidelines for the accreditation management of hi-tech
enterprises” (Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] No.195), Ningbo Science and Technology Bureau, Ningbo Finance
Bureau, and Ningbo Tax Service, SAT issued the certificate of hi-tech enterprise (No.
GR201933100261). As set out in the certificate, Tuopu Automotive Electronics was accredited as a
hi-tech enterprise and this accreditation is valid for 3 years. Within this period of validity, the
preferential tax rate for corporate income tax is 15%, which is effective from 2019 to 2021. The
corporate income tax rate for the period from January 2021 to June 2021 is 15%.
     5. Under the provisions of the “Administrative measures for the accreditation of hi-tech enterprises”
(Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] No. 32) and the “Guidelines for the accreditation management of hi-tech
enterprises” (Guo Ke Fa Huo [2016] No.195), the Office of the Steering Group for the National Hi-tech
Enterprise Accrediation Management Work announced the list of hi-tech enterprises prospectively
accredited in Zhejiang Province in 2019, in which Zhejiang Towin was accredited as a hi-tech enterprise.
The preferential tax rate for corporate income tax is 15%, which is effective from 2019 to 2021. The
corporate income tax rate for the period from January 2021 to June 2021 is 15%.
     6. Under the "Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs, and the
State Administration of Taxation on taxation policy issues concerning the further implementation of the
Western Development Strategy" (Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of
Customs, and the State Administration of Taxation [2020] No.23), any enterprise engaged in an
encouraged industry in Western China will pay corporate income tax at 15% from January 1st, 2021 to
December 31st, 2030. Under the “Letter of confirming the main operations of Sichuan Maigao as the
state encouraged industry” (Chuan Jing Xin Gui Chan Han No. [2019]890), as circulated by Sichuan

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Department of Economic and Information, the main operations of Sichuan Maigao are confirmed as the
state encouraged industry in the “Catalogue of Guidelines for Adjustment of Industrial Structure” and
“Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in Western China”, so the tax reduction policy applies. The
corporate income tax rate for the period from January 2021 to June 2021 is 15%.

3. Others

VII. Notes to the Items in the Consolidated Financial Statement

1. Cash and bank balances
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                           Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                           Balance at the Beginning of the
                  Item                  Balance at the End of the Period
Cash on Hand                                                 10,329.69                          8,899.73
Bank Balance                                          1,709,286,472.29                    674,857,522.35
Other Cash and Bank Balances                            112,805,901.59                    112,257,224.37
Total                                                 1,822,102,703.57                    787,123,646.45
   Including: Total Amount Deposited
                                                        132,717,659.65              70,846,825.02
          in Overseas Banks
Other notes
Schedule of the cash and bank balances restricted for use
Item                               Balance at the End of the Period Balance at the End of Previous
Documentary Credit Deposit                            112,805,901.59                112,257,224.37
Total                                                 112,805,901.59                112,257,224.37

2. Trading Financial Assets
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                             Balance at the End of the        Balance at the Beginning of
                                                      Period                          the Period
Financial assets that are measured at fair
value and whose changes are included in                     401,276,432.56                      176,111.00
the current profit and loss
        Short-term financial products                       400,000,000.00
        Equity instrument investment                          1,276,432.56                      176,111.00
Financial assets that are designated to be
measured at fair value and whose
changes are included in the current
profit and loss

                   Total                                    401,276,432.56                      176,111.00

Other Notes
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 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                  Semi-annual Report 2021

 □Applicable √Non-applicable

 3. Derivative Financial Assets
 □Applicable √Non-applicable

 4. Notes Receivable

 (1) Notes receivable presented by category
 √Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                     Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                     Balance at the Beginning of the
                Item                Balance at the End of the Period
Bank Acceptance Notes                                 350,653,610.60                  296,283,951.73
Commercial Acceptance Notes
            Total                                      350,653,610.60                296,283,951.73

 (2). Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period
 √Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                     Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                       Item                             Pledged amount by the end of period
 Bank Acceptance Notes                                                             350,653,610.60
 Commercial Acceptance Notes
                       Total                                                       350,653,610.60

 (3). Notes receivable that the Company has endorsed or discounted at the end of the period and
 that have not yet expired on the balance sheet date
 □Applicable √Non-applicable

 (4). Notes that the Company has transferred to accounts receivable due to a failure of contract
 performance at the end of the period.
 □Applicable √Non-applicable

 (5). Categorical disclosure of accounts receivable
 □Applicable √Non-applicable

 (6). Provision for bad debts
 √Applicable □Non-applicable

 (7). Notes receivable actually written off in the current period
 Other notes:

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5. Accounts receivable

(1). Disclosure by aging
                                                            Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                       Aging                    Book Balance at the End of the Period
Within 1 year
Including: sub-item within 1 year
Within 1 year                                                          2,297,430,093.66
Subtotal within 1 year                                                 2,297,430,093.66
1 to 2 years                                                              20,926,705.04
2 to 3 years                                                              12,488,487.23
Over 3 years                                                               8,463,231.93
3 to 4 years
4 to 5 years
Over 5 years                                                               5,627,793.14
Provision for bad debts                                                 -133,579,911.39
                       Total                                           2,211,356,399.61

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                               Semi-annual Report 2021

(2). Categorial disclosure by provision for bad debts

                                                                                                                                 Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                   Balance at the End of the Period                                       Balance at the Beginning of the Period

  Category             Book Balance             Bad Debt Provision                            Book Balance               Bad Debt Provision
                                                            Accrued                                                                  Accrued
                                 Percentag                               Book Value                       Percentag                                 Book Value
                   Amount                       Amount      Proportio                      Amount                        Amount      Proportio
                                   e (%)                                                                    e (%)
                                                             n (%)                                                                    n (%)
Bad       debt
accrued           7,536,306.12         0.32    7,536,306.12    100.00                      7,929,510.12         0.42    7,929,510.12     100.00
based       on
single item
Bad       debt
accrued           7,536,306.12         0.32    7,536,306.12    100.00                      7,929,510.12         0.42    7,929,510.12     100.00
based       on
single item
Bad       debt
accrued        2,337,400,004.8                126,043,605.2             2,211,356,399.6 1,885,685,399.7                102,418,392.1               1,783,267,007.6
                                      99.68                      5.39                                          99.58                       5.43
based       on               8                            7                           1               6                            1                             5

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2021

Bad      debt
              2,337,400,004.8               126,043,605.2                 2,211,356,399.6 1,885,685,399.7                102,418,392.1                 1,783,267,007.6
based      on                       99.68                          5.39                                          99.58                          5.43
                            8                           7                               1               6                            1                               5
              2,344,936,311.0       /       133,579,911.3      /          2,211,356,399.6 1,893,614,909.8        /       110,347,902.2      /          1,783,267,007.6
                            0                           9                               1               8                            3                               5

Bad debt provision accrued based on single item
                                                                                                                                    Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                    Balance at the End of the Period
                                             Book Balance                  Bad Debt Provision         Accrued Proportion (%)               Reason for Accrual
Henan Dongqi Chenfei Rubber and                     2,438,745.39                     2,438,745.39                       100.00       Expected to be unable to
Plastic Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                    recover
Chongqing Hyosow Parts Co., Ltd.                     4,682,782.60                     4,682,782.60                         100.00    Expected to be unable to
Zhejiang Green Field Motor Co.,                        414,778.13                         414,778.13                       100.00    Expected to be unable to
Ltd.                                                                                                                                 recover
              Total                                  7,536,306.12                     7,536,306.12                         100.00                   /

Notes to Bad debt provision accrued based on single item:
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Bad debt provision accrued based on combinations
√Applicable □Non-applicable
Accrued items based on combinations: accounts receivable with bad debt provision by aging portfolio
                                                                                                                                    Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                      Balance at the End of the Period
                                               Accounts Receivable                          Bad Debt Provision                       Accrued Proportion (%)
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Within 1 year (including 1 year)                               2,297,430,093.66                               114,871,504.69                                     5.00
1-2 years (including 2 years)                                     20,926,705.04                                 2,092,670.50                                    10.00
2-3 years (including 3 years)                                     12,073,709.10                                 3,622,112.73                                    30.00
3-5 years (including 5 years)                                      3,780,449.33                                 2,268,269.60                                    60.00
Over 5 years                                                       3,189,047.75                                 3,189,047.75                                   100.00
                Total                                          2,337,400,004.88                               126,043,605.27                                     5.39

Recognition criteria for and notes to bad debt provision by combinations
□Applicable √Non-applicable

If the bad debt provision is made by the general expected credit loss model, e refer to the disclosure of other receivables:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Bad debt provision
                                                                                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                Balance at the                                Amount Changed in the Current Period
                                                                                                                                                  Balance at the End
        Category               Beginning of the                                Withdrawal or
                                                          Provision                                   Write-off                Other Changes        of the Period
                                   Period                                        Reversal
Bad debt provision                  7,929,510.12             7,929,510.12                                 393,204.00                                     7,536,306.12
accrued based on single
Bad debt provision               102,418,392.11           102,418,392.11           23,625,213.16                                                      126,043,605.27
accrued based on
         Total                   110,347,902.23           110,347,902.23           23,625,213.16              393,204.00                              133,579,911.39

Significant withdrawal or reversal amount of provision for bad debts in the current period:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(4). Accounts receivable actually written off in the current period
□Applicable √Non-applicable
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(5). Accounts receivable of the top five closing balances collected by debtors

√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                Balance at the End of the Period

           Name of Entity                                             Proportion in Total
                                         Accounts Receivable                                       Bad Debt Provision
                                                                   Accounts Receivable (%)

                No.1                         1,070,467,059.43                          45.65             53,523,352.97

                No.2                           339,484,850.86                          14.48             16,974,242.54

                No.3                           268,728,678.08                           11.46            13,436,433.90

                No.4                           102,505,770.89                            4.37             5,125,288.54

                No.5                            83,466,268.17                            3.56             4,173,313.41

                Total                        1,864,652,627.43                          79.52             93,232,631.36

(6).Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(7). Amount of assets and liabilities formed by the transfer of accounts receivable and continued
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Other Notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

6. Receivables Financing
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                    Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                               Balance at the End of the            Balance at the Beginning of the
                                                        Period                                   Period
Notes receivable                                            874,151,202.33                          742,203,122.21
               Total                                        874,151,202.33                          742,203,122.21

Changes in the financing of receivables and changes in fair value in the current period:
√Applicable □Non-applicable

Item             Balance at the         Increase in the    Derecognition in         Other               Balance at the
                 End         of         Current Period     the Current Period       Changes             End of the
                 Previous Year                                                                          Period
Bank               714,860,797.35       2,877,137,811.80        2,750,625,657.48      -20,000,000.00     821,372,951.67
Commercial              27,342,324.86      59,186,053.33           30,972,324.86       -2,777,802.67       52,778,250.66
Total              742,203,122.21       2,936,323,865.13        2,781,597,982.34      -22,777,802.67     874,151,202.33

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If the bad debt provision is made by the general expected credit loss model, e refer to the disclosure of
other receivables:
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes:
√Applicable □Non-applicable
       1. Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period
Item                                                    Pledged amount by the end of period
Bank Acceptance Notes                                                                     766,338,805.85
Commercial Acceptance Notes                                                                45,602,218.33
Total                                                                                     811,941,024.18

       2. Notes receivable that the Company has endorsed or discounted at the end of the period and that
have not yet expired on the balance sheet date
Item                                    Derecognised amount at the end       Non-derecognised amount at the
                                        of the period                        end of the period
Bank Acceptance Notes                                 1,893,265,656.73
Total                                                 1,893,395,656.73

       3. Provision for impairment of accounts receivable financing
       As of June 30th, 2021, the amount of commercial acceptance notes was RMB 55,556,053.33, the
Company managed the unmatured commercial acceptance notes as accounts receivable according to the
principle of prudence and made a provision for bad debts of unmatured commercial acceptance notes in
RMB 2,777,802.67according to the principle of continuous calculation in respect of the age of its
corresponding accounts receivable.

7. Prepayments

(1). Aging analysis of prepayments is as follows
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                            Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                        Balance at the End of the Period               Balance at the Start of the Period
                         Amount             Percentage(%)               Amount              Percentage(%)
Within 1 year            49,242,145.75                   91.93          38,834,366.57                    90.56
1-2 years                 2,840,257.74                    5.30           2,579,881.03                     6.02
2-3 years                   850,500.09                    1.59             838,134.84                     1.95
Over 3 years                631,435.96                    1.18             631,435.96                     1.47
     Total               53,564,339.54                 100.00           42,883,818.40                   100.00

(2).Particulars of advance payment of the top five closing balances by prepayment parties
√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                                     Proportion in total balance
                                                         Balance at the end of the
                  Prepayments made to                                                of prepayments at the end
                                                                                            of the period

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                                                                                      Proportion in total balance
                                                          Balance at the end of the
                  Prepayments made to                                                 of prepayments at the end
                                                                                             of the period

 GLOBAL GLORY GROUP LIMITED                                            2,399,517.09                           4.48

                                                                       2,255,140.27                           4.21
 Lianyi Dawang Rubber Co., Ltd.

 Johnson Electric (Guangdong) Co., Ltd.                                2,057,903.56                           3.84

 Sri Trang Agro-Industry (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                          1,290,566.03                           2.41

 Groz-Beckert Trading (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                               752,132.98                           1.40

                          Total                                        8,755,259.93                          16.34

Other Notes
□Applicable √Non-applicable

8. Other Receivables
Presentation of items
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                               Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                               Balance at the beginning of the
                Item                      Balance at the end of the period
Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
Other Receivables                                           51,992,724.93                         31,087,166.38
                Total                                       51,992,724.93                         31,087,166.38
Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Interest receivable

(1). Category of interest receivable
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Important late payment interest
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Particulars of bad debt provision
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other Notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Dividend receivable

(1). Dividend Receivable
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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(5). Important dividend receivable with an aging over 1 year
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Particulars of bad debt provision
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other Notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Other Receivables
(4). Disclosure by aging
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                         Aging                                     Book Balance at the End of the Period
Within 1 year
Including: sub-item within 1 year
Within 1 year                                                                                53,597,851.23
Subtotal within 1 year                                                                       53,597,851.23
1-2 years                                                                                       537,251.95
2-3 years                                                                                       336,230.00
Over 3 years                                                                                    889,696.23
3-4 years
4-5 years
Over 5 years                                                                                    237,800.00
Bad debt provision                                                                           -3,606,104.48
                       Total                                                                 51,992,724.93

(5). Categorized by the nature of funds
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                          Book balance at the end of the     Book balance at the beginning
         Nature of Funds
                                                    period                           of the period
Petty cash funds                                              316,225.00                         122,815.13
Security deposit                                           50,221,574.97                      29,417,358.76
Other                                                       5,061,029.44                       4,122,370.20
              Total                                        55,598,829.41                      33,662,544.09

(6). Particulars of bad debt provision
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                               Phase 1            Phase 2                   Phase 3
                                            Expected credit loss     Expected credit loss
     Bad debt          Expected credit        throughout the            throughout the
     provision         loss in the next     duration (no credit        duration (credit
                         12 months              impairment             impairment has
                                                 occurred)                 occurred)
Balance         on
                          2,575,377.71                                                         2,575,377.71
January 1, 2021
Balance of the
current period on
January 1, 2021
--Transfer      to
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Phase 2
--Transfer       to
Phase 3
--Transfer       to
Phase 2
--Transfer       to
Phase 1
Provision made in
                           1,030,726.77                                                      1,030,726.77
the current period
Reversal in the
current period
Write-off in the
current period
Write-off in the
current period
Other changes
Balance on
December 31,               3,606,104.48                                                      3,606,104.48

Notes to significant changes in the book balance of other receivables that have changed in the current
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Amount of bad debt provision in the current period and the basis for assessing whether the credit risk of
financial instruments has increased significantly:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(7). Particulars of bad debt provision
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                      Balance at the         Amount Changed in the Current Period       Balance at
   Category           Beginning of                   Withdrawal                   Other the End of
                                          Provision                 Write-off
                       the Period                     or Reversal               changes the Period
receivable with
bad debt
                    2,575,377.71      1,030,726.77                                          3,606,104.48
accrued based
on aging
     Total          2,575,377.71      1,030,726.77                                          3,606,104.48
Bad debt provision in the current period with significant amount of withdrawal or reversal:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(8). Particulars of other receivables actually written off in the current period
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(9). Particulars of other receivables of the top five closing balances collected by debtors
√Applicable □Non-applicable
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                                                                         Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                Proportion in total Balance of bad
                                 Balance at the
                     Nature of                                  other receivables at debt provision at
 Name of Unit                     end of the            Aging
                      funds                                        the end of the     the end of the
                                                                     period (%)           period
Ningbo             Security      46,237,313.00 Within 1                        83.16     2,311,865.65
Hangzhou Bay       deposit                     year
New Zone
Committee for
Special            Security         982,393.23 Within 1                       1.77          49,119.66
custody            deposit                     year
account of
Customs of the
Republic of
Zhejiang Geely     Security         800,000.00 Within 1                       1.44          40,000.00
Holding Group      deposit                     year
Sales Co., Ltd.
Ningbo             Security         666,000.00 Within 1                       1.20          33,300.00
Hangzhou Bay       deposit                     year
New Area
Industrial Co.,
Liu Hongsong       Other            455,000.00 2-4 years                      0.82         259,500.00
     Total                 /     49,140,706.23       /                       88.39       2,693,785.31

(10). Accounts receivable related to government subsidies
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(11). Other accounts receivable derecognised due to transfer of financial assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(12). Amount of assets and liabilities generated due to transfer of other receivables and continued
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                              Semi-annual Report 2021

9. Inventories
(1).Category of inventories
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                              Balance at the End of the Period                                 Balance at the Start of the Period
                                                  Inventory depreciation                                            Inventory depreciation
            Item                                    provision or contract                                             provision or contract
                                Book Balance                                   Book Value         Book Balance                                    Book Value
                                                      performance cost                                                  performance cost
                                                   impairment provision                                              impairment provision
Raw materials                    298,956,473.92                                298,956,473.92      217,685,102.37                                 217,685,102.37
Finished goods                  463,604,033.64           44,191,371.19    419,412,662.45           617,392,628.62              38,312,844.14     579,079,784.48
Revolving materials              47,125,476.98                             47,125,476.98            15,283,612.95                                 15,283,612.95
Consumptive biological
Contract performance cost
Production cost                 271,130,489.15                            271,130,489.15           244,417,226.39                              244,417,226.39
Delivered goods                 574,847,332.66                            574,847,332.66           446,286,110.69                              446,286,110.69
           Total              1,655,663,806.35           44,191,371.19 1,611,472,435.16          1,541,064,681.02              38,312,844.14 1,502,751,836.88
(2). Inventory depreciation provision and contract performance cost impairment provision
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                  Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                          Balance at the Start        Increase in the Current Period                  Decrease in the Current Period          Balance at the
                             of the Period           Accrued                  Other             Reversal or Write-off           Other        End of the Period
Raw materials
Finished goods                  38,312,844.14          9,508,691.87                                      3,630,164.82                             44,191,371.19
Revolving materials
biological assets
performance cost
        Total                   38,312,844.14          9,508,691.87                                      3,630,164.82                             44,191,371.19
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(3). Notes to the balance at the end of the inventory period with the capitalized amount of
borrowing costs
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(4). Notes to the amortized amount in the current period of contract performance cost
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

10. Contract Assets
(1). Particulars of contract assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Amount and reason for the significant change in the book value during the reporting period
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Particulars of impairment provision of contract assets in the current period
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

11. Held-for-sale assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable
12. Non-current assets due within one year
□Applicable √Non-applicable
13. Other Current Assets
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit: Yuan Currency:RMB
                                        Balance at the End of the       Balance at the Beginning of
                                                 Period                         the Period
Contract acquisition cost
Return cost receivable
Unpaid VAT                                           201,241,840.10                  168,424,657.71
Prepaid income tax                                     1,256,438.32                    5,400,034.11
               Total                                 202,498,278.42                  173,824,691.82

14. Debt Investment

(1). Particulars of debt investment
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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(2). Important debt investment at the end of the period
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Particulars of provision for impairment
□Applicable √Non-applicable

15. Other Debt Investments

(1). Particulars of other debt investments
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Other important debt investments at the end of the period
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Particulars of provision for impairment
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

16. Long-term Receivables

(1). Particulars of long-term receivables
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Particulars of provision for bad debts
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Long-term receivables derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(4). The amount of assets and liabilities formed by the transfer of long-term receivables and
continued involvement
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                Semi-annual Report 2021

17. Long-term Equity Investment
√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                                                                                    Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                         Decrease/Increase in the current period                                         Balan
                                                                                                                                                          ce of
                                                                                                                            Provi                        impair
                                                                                    Adjustm    Other
                                                                   Investment                                                sion                         ment
                                Balance at the    Inves   Inves                       ent on   chan                                       Balance at the
                                                                  profit and loss                       Cash dividends        for                        provis
     Invested Entity           Beginning of the   tment   tment                        other    ges                                 Oth     End of the
                                                                   recognized                          or profit declared   impai                         ion at
                                   Period         Incre    Decr                     compreh      in                                  er      Period
                                                                    under the                             to distribute     rment                          the
                                                   ased   eased                       ensive   equit
                                                                  equity method                                             accru                        end of
                                                                                     income      y
                                                                                                                              ed                           the
I. Joint ventures
Tuopu Electrical
Appliances Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as      62,576,414.03                      2,956,361.83                           20,000,000.00                   45,532,775.86
“Tuopu Electrical
Ningbo Borgers Tuopu
Automobile Parts Co.,
                                 77,081,863.30                      5,766,621.32                                                           82,848,484.62
Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as “Ningbo Borgers)
Subtotal                        139,658,277.33                      8,722,983.15                           20,000,000.00                  128,381,260.48
II. Affiliates
Chongqing Antolin
Tuopu Overhead System
Co., Ltd. (hereinafter           10,637,706.25                       -281,789.45                                                           10,355,916.80
referred to as
“Chongqing Antolin”)
Subtotal                         10,637,706.25                       -281,789.45                                                           10,355,916.80
            Total               150,295,983.58                      8,441,193.70                           20,000,000.00                  138,737,177.28

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18. Other equity instrument investments

(1). Particulars of other equity instrument investments
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Particulars of investment in non-trading equity instruments
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

19. Other non-current financial assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

20. Investment property
Measurement options of investment property

(1). Investment properties measured by cost method

                                                                            Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                   Buildings and
               Item                                    Land use rights     Projects under        Total
I . Original book value
     1. Balance at the                                                                        55,752,294.93
                                   49,063,282.93          6,689,012.00
beginning of the period
     2. Increased in the Current
     (1) Purchase
     (2) Transfer-in of
assets\Construction in
     (3) Increase from business
     3. Decreased in the
Current Period
     (1) Disposal
     (2) Other Transfer-out
      4. Balance at the end of
                                   49,063,282.93          6,689,012.00                        55,752,294.93
the period
II. Accumulated Depreciation
and Amortization
      1. Balance at the                                                                       24,148,876.81
                                   21,687,451.18          2,461,425.63
beginning of the period
      2. Increased in the                                                                        837,100.68
                                      746,933.78               90,166.90
Current Period
     (1) Accrual or                                                                              837,100.68
                                      746,933.78               90,166.90
      3. Decreased in the
Current Period
     (1) Disposal

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     (2) Other transfer-out
      4. Balance at the end of                                                           24,985,977.49
                                 22,434,384.96       2,551,592.53
the period
III. Provision for Impairment
      1. Balance at the
beginning of the period
      2. Increased in the
Current Period
     (1) Accrual
      3. Decreased in the
Current Period
      (1) Disposal
      (2) Other Transfer-out
      4. Balance at the end of
the period
IV. Book value
     1. Book value at the end
                                 26,628,897.97       4,137,419.47                        30,766,317.44
of the period
     2. Book value at the
                                 27,375,831.75       4,227,586.37                        31,603,418.12
beginning of the period

(2). Particulars of investment property without the property right certificate granted
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other note
□Applicable √Non-applicable

21. Fixed assets
Presentation of items
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                      Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                         Balance at the end of the    Balance at the beginning of the
                                                 period                           period
Fixed assets                                       4,613,026,763.88                 4,248,257,966.73
Disposal of fixed assets
                Total                              4,613,026,763.88                 4,248,257,966.73

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Fixed assets
(1). Particulars of fixed Assets
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                         Houses and         Means of       Machinery and      Office and       Buildings for
                        Item                                                                                                                    Total
                                                          buildings      transportation     equipment    equipment and others commercial use
I . Original book value
      1. Balance at the beginning of the period        2,073,264,004.72 3,846,134,511.39    31,988,613.22    199,000,728.36   68,200,328.83 6,218,588,186.52
      2. Increased in the Current Period                  13,078,376.93   602,982,926.19     1,461,747.71     12,921,559.93                   630,444,610.76
         (1) Purchase                                        201,492.45   102,450,430.80     1,461,747.71     10,163,459.09                   114,277,130.05
         (2) Transfer-in of construction in progress      12,876,884.48   500,532,495.39                       2,758,100.84                   516,167,480.71
         (3) Increase from business combination
       3. Decreased in the Current Period                                  28,195,028.09       535,977.18        456,571.95                    29,187,577.22
         (1) Disposal or scrapping                                         28,195,028.09       535,977.18        456,571.95                    29,187,577.22
      4. Balance at the end of the period              2,086,342,381.65 4,420,922,409.49    32,914,383.75    211,465,716.34   68,200,328.83 6,819,845,220.06
II. Accumulated Depreciation
      1. Balance at the beginning of the period         357,206,206.02 1,493,030,127.66     23,887,832.93     93,777,434.96    2,428,618.22 1,970,330,219.79
      2. Increased in the Current Period                 46,221,286.31   190,228,349.98      2,049,061.34     10,016,266.62      792,441.95 249,307,406.20
         (1) Accrual                                     46,221,286.31   183,511,553.81      2,049,061.34      9,831,737.49      792,441.95 242,406,080.90
         (2) Other increases                                               6,716,796.17                          184,529.13                     6,901,325.30
      3. Decreased in the Current Period                                  11,973,817.25        505,359.51        339,993.05                    12,819,169.81
         (1) Disposal or scrapping                                        11,973,817.25        505,359.51        339,993.05                    12,819,169.81
      4. Balance at the end of the period               403,427,492.33 1,671,284,660.39     25,431,534.76    103,453,708.53    3,221,060.17 2,206,818,456.18
III. Provision for Impairment
      1. Balance at the beginning of the period
      2. Increased in the Current Period
         (1) Accrual
      3. Decreased in the Current Period
         (1) Disposal or scrapping
      4. Balance at the end of the period
IV. Book value
      1.Book value at the end of the period            1,682,914,889.32 2,749,637,749.10     7,482,848.99    108,012,007.81   64,979,268.66 4,613,026,763.88
      2. Book value at the beginning of the period     1,716,057,798.70 2,353,104,383.73     8,100,780.29    105,223,293.40   65,771,710.61 4,248,257,966.73

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(2). Particulars of temporarily idle fixed assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Particulars of fixed assets rented under financial leasing
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(4). Fixed assets rented under operating leases
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(5). Particulars of fixed assets without property right certificate granted
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                         Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                        Reason for non-granted property
               Item                           Book Value
                                                                                right certificate
Houses and buildings                                  475,629,099.61               In process

Other Notes:
√Applicable □Non-applicable
The above factories are under construction with a full set of documents and relevant procedures are gone
through. The process of obtaining property right certificates is expedited, some construction projects
have been accepted and recorded by competent authority, and there is no substantial obstacle in this

Disposal of Fixed Assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

22. Construction in progress
Presentation of items
√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                         Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                          Balance at the End of the      Balance at the Beginning of the
                                                   Period                             Period
Construction in progress                             1,386,448,449.11                    943,993,396.96
Construction supplies and
               Total                                 1,386,448,449.11                     943,993,396.96

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Construction in Progress
(1). Particulars of construction in progress
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                Balance at the end of the period                         Balance at the beginning of the period
               Item                                  Provision for decline                                       Provision for decline
                                     Book Balance                           Book value           Book Balance                          Book value
                                                     in value                                                    in value
Equipment and software               670,942,694.26                             670,942,694.26    682,154,841.45                             682,154,841.45
installation project
Molds of the group under               85,502,602.27                             85,502,602.27     83,278,532.30                             83,278,532.30
Intelligent Brake project of the       11,700,259.32                             11,700,259.32     10,760,304.53                             10,760,304.53
group headquarter
Wuhan Tuopu Project                    4,310,110.11                              4,310,110.11        5,106,988.41                              5,106,988.41
Liuzhou Tuopu Project                    869,724.78                                869,724.78
Taizhou Tuopu Project                 46,982,354.92                             46,982,354.92      43,526,245.62                             43,526,245.62
Mechatronics Project                 103,846,158.54                            103,846,158.54      25,674,905.15                             25,674,905.15
Sichuan Maigao Project                13,001,251.20                             13,001,251.20      11,545,959.74                             11,545,959.74
Hunan Tuopu Project                   85,413,703.66                             85,413,703.66      27,462,126.30                             27,462,126.30
Tuopu Thermal Management             235,668,333.75                            235,668,333.75      10,706,712.33                             10,706,712.33
Tuopu Chassis Project                128,211,256.30                            128,211,256.30      43,776,781.13                             43,776,781.13
               Total                 1,386,448,449.11                         1,386,448,449.11    943,993,396.96                            943,993,396.96

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(2). Changes in significant construction in progress during the current period
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                              Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                                     Project                    Includin
                                                                             amoun                                     Accum              Capitaliza
                                                                                                   accumulati                       g:
                                                                             ts                                        u                   tion rate
                                                                                                        ve                      capitaliz
                                                                 Transfer     decre                                    lated                 of the
                               Balance at      Increased in                         Balance at the investment                       ed                Capital
                                                               amounts of ased                                 Project capitali           interest in
   Item           Budget       the Start of     the current                          End of the        as a                      interest
                                                               fixed assets     in                            progress z                      the     Source
                                the Period        period                               Period      percentage                    amount
                                                              in this period curre                                     ed                   current
                                                                                                      of the                      in the
                                                                                nt                                     interest             period
                                                                                                     budget                      current
                                                                              perio                                    amount                 (%)
                                                                                                       (%)                        period
and                                                                                                             Under
                               682,154,841.4 440,294,123. 451,506,271.                                                                              Self-funde
software                                                                            670,942,694.26              constructio
                                           5          85           04                                                                               d or raised
installatio                                                                                                     n
n project
Molds of
the group                                      54,027,263.0 51,803,193.1                                                                            Self-funde
                               83,278,532.30                                            85,502,602.27           constructio
under                                                     8            1                                                                            d
project of                                     12,688,671.0 11,748,716.2                                                                            Self-funde
              530,000,000.00 10,760,304.53                                              11,700,259.32   99.25 constructio
the group                                                 2            3                                                                            d or raised
Taizhou                                                                                                       Under
Tuopu          45,000,000.00 43,526,245.62 3,456,109.30                                 46,982,354.92   97.45 constructio
Project                                                                                                       n
Chassis                                        84,434,475.1                                                     Under                               Self-funde
              240,000,000.00 43,776,781.13                                          128,211,256.30      53.42
Project                                                   7                                                     constructio                         d
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Mechatron                                                                                                     Under
                                          78,171,253.3                                                                                   Self-funde
ics Phase   130,000,000.00 25,674,905.15                                          103,846,158.54        79.88 constructio
                                                     9                                                                                   d or raised
II Project                                                                                                    n
Thermal     1,100,000,000.0               224,961,621.                                                                                   Self-funde
                            10,706,712.33                                         235,668,333.75        21.42 constructio
Managem                   0                         42                                                                                   d
ent Project
house and                                                                                                                                Self-funde
                            98,598,566.91 6,105,523.17 1,109,300.33               103,594,789.75              constructio
building                                                                                                                                 d
            2,045,000,000.0 998,476,889.4 904,139,040.4 516,167,480.7             1,386,448,449.1   /             /               /           /
                          0             2             0             1                           1

(3). Provision for impairment of construction in progress in the current period
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Construction materials and supplies
□Applicable √Non-applicable

23. Productive biological assets

(1). Productive biological assets measured at cost
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Productive biological assets measured at fair value
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes
□Applicable √Non-applicable
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24. Oil and gas assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable
25. Right-of-use assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable
                                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                               Item                 Houses and buildings                     Total
I . Original book value
  1. Opening Balance
      2. Increased in the Current Period                              25,409,428.46                      25,409,428.46
         (1) Purchase                                                 25,409,428.46                      25,409,428.46
      3. Decreased in the Current Period
      4. Balance at the end of the period                             25,409,428.46                      25,409,428.46
II. Accumulated amortization
      1. Balance at the beginning of the period
      2. Increased in the Current Period                                   2,962,087.30                    2,962,087.30
         (1) Accrual                                                       2,962,087.30                    2,962,087.30
      3. Decreased in the Current Period
         (1) Disposal
      4. Balance at the end of the period                                  2,962,087.30                    2,962,087.30
III. Provision for Impairment
      1. Balance at the beginning of the period
      2. Increased in the Current Period
         (1) Accrual
      3. Decreased in the Current Period
         (1) Disposal
      4. Balance at the end of the period
IV. Book value
     1.Book value at the end of the period                            22,447,341.16                      22,447,341.16
      2.Book value at the beginning of the period

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26. Intangible assets
(1). Particulars of intangible assets
√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                                                                     Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
              Item                      Land use rights    Patent rights                  Softwares       Emission rights           Total
I . Original book value
1. Opening Balance                        703,393,774.52                                  67,847,717.99      1,548,222.50          772,789,715.01
      2. Increased in the Current
                                          195,887,989.84                                   2,157,254.01                            198,045,243.85
         (1) Purchase                     195,887,989.84                                   2,157,254.01                            198,045,243.85
         (2) Internal research and
         (3) Acquisition
3. Decreased in the Current
         (1) Disposal
4. Balance at the end of the
                                          899,281,764.36                                  70,004,972.00      1,548,222.50          970,834,958.86
II. Accumulated amortization
      1. Balance at the
                                           67,825,404.83                                  25,669,301.94        733,902.38           94,228,609.15
beginning of the period
      2. Increased in the Current
                                            8,411,259.95                                   3,828,960.30        165,325.57           12,405,545.82
         (1) Accrual                        8,411,259.95                                   3,828,960.30        165,325.57           12,405,545.82
      3. Decreased in the
Current Period
         (1) Disposal
      4. Balance at the end of
                                           76,236,664.78                                  29,498,262.24        899,227.95          106,634,154.97
the period
III. Provision for Impairment
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     1. Balance at the
beginning of the period
     2. Increased in the Current
        (1) Accrual
     3. Decreased in the
Current Period
        (1) Disposal
     4. Balance at the end of
the period
IV. Book value
1.Book value at the end of the
                                       823,045,099.58                                                 40,506,709.76           648,994.55              864,200,803.89
2.Book value at the beginning
                                       635,568,369.69                                                 42,178,416.05           814,320.12              678,561,105.86
of the period

Intangible assets formed through the R&D activities within the company at the end of the period as a percentage in the balance of intangible assets
(2). Particulars of land use rights without property right certificate granted
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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27. Development expenditure
□Applicable √Non-applicable
28. Goodwill
(1) Original book value of goodwill
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                            Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                         Increased in the      in the
                                                          current period      current
                                   Balance at the
Name of invested entity or                                                    period    Balance at the
                                  beginning of the
 matter forming goodwill                                 Generated                     end of the period
                                                           from             Dispos
                                                          business            al
Tuopu North American
                                      1,080,371.29                                             1,080,371.29
USA Limited,INC
Ningbo Qianhui                        6,058,537.77                                             6,058,537.77
Goodwill formed by the
acquisition of chassis
business from Zhejiang              279,645,980.89                                          279,645,980.89
Towin and Sichuan
           Total                    286,784,889.95                                          286,784,889.95

(2). Provision of impairment in goodwill

√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                             Increased in   Decreased in
                                        Balance at the        the current    the current
Name of invested entity or matter                                                         Balance at the
                                       beginning of the         period         period
      forming goodwill                                                                   end of the period
                                                             Accrual        Disposal
Goodwill formed by the
acquisition of chassis business
                                         33,474,815.71                                       33,474,815.71
from Zhejiang Towin and
Sichuan Maigao
               Total                     33,474,815.71                                       33,474,815.71

(3). Information about the asset group or combination of asset groups where the goodwill is a part
√Applicable □Non-applicable

For the goodwill impairment test concerning Zhejiang Towin and Sichuan Maigao, the chassis business
comprising Zhejiang Towin and Sichuan Maigao, and Tuopu Parts that ultimately carries out the sales of
the chassis business are deemed as asset groups for impairment testing. The main cash inflows are
independent of cash inflows from other assets or asset groups.

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(4). Explain the process of impairment testing of goodwill, key parameters (for example, the
forecast period growth rate, stable period growth rate, profit rate, discount rate, forecast period,
etc., if applicable) and business Recognition method of reputation impairment loss
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     (1) Impairment test of goodwill formed by the acquisition of chassis business of Zhejiang Towin
and Sichuan Maigao
     The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated at the present value of the expected future cash
flow. The expected cash flow is based on the cash flow forecast approved by the Company for a period
of five years(the period from 2021 to 2025 and the stable period after 2025), and estimated from sales
revenue growth rate, gross profit and other key data determined based on the historical experience and
market development forecast. The discount rate applicable to the Company is a pre-tax interest rate that
reflects the time value of currency in the current market and the particular risks of related asset group.

(3). Impact of goodwill impairment test
√Applicable □Non-applicable
After testing, the recoverable amount of the asset group containing goodwill formed by the acquisition
of chassis business of Zhejiang Towin and Sichuan Maigao exceeds the book value of the asset group
containing goodwill. Referring to the result of impairment test, no provision for goodwill impairment is
required at the end of the period.

Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

29. Long-term prepaid expenses
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                              Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                  Balance at the                              Prepaid            Other     Balance at the
                                     Increased in the
    Item          beginning of                              Expenses in        Amounts      End of the
                                      current period
                    the period                              This Period        Decreased      Period
Decoration         22,615,107.37                             5,640,684.43       144,777.77 16,829,645.17
cost et al.
Others             35,064,152.57      34,249,670.86        17,310,617.39        540,123.46    51,463,082.58
    Total          57,679,259.94      34,249,670.86        22,951,301.82        684,901.23    68,292,727.75

30. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities
(1). Deferred income tax assets not written off
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                            Balance at the beginning of the
                                Balance at the end of the period
           Item                     Taxable               Deferred           Taxable             Deferred
                                   temporary            Income Tax          temporary          Income Tax
                                   difference            Liabilities        difference          Liabilities
Provision for impairment
                                184,155,189.70          40,811,411.41       152,675,193.81     33,337,345.97
of assets
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Unrealized profits from
                                100,134,827.73      24,037,036.89       111,200,512.26      25,696,889.57
internal transactions
Deductible loss
Deferred income                 216,751,883.66      36,169,820.50       214,204,302.56      35,934,324.34
            Total               501,041,901.09     101,018,268.80       478,080,008.63      94,968,559.88

(2). Deferred income tax liabilities not written-off
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                           Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                         Balance at the beginning of the
                                Balance at the end of the period
            Item                  Taxable                                 Taxable
                                                 Deferred Income                          Deferred Income
                                 temporary                               temporary
                                                  Tax Liabilities                          Tax Liabilities
                                 difference                              difference
Assessed appreciation of
assets from business
combination of the               45,103,667.40      11,275,916.85        46,761,294.44      11,690,323.61
companies not under the
same control
Changes in the fair value
of other equity
instrument investments
Changes in the fair value
of other debt investments
Accelerated depreciation
                                309,611,521.00      46,441,728.15       268,117,758.73      40,217,663.81
of fixed assets
           Total                354,715,188.40      57,717,645.00       314,879,053.17      51,907,987.42

(3) Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities Listed by Net Amount after Offset

□Applicable √Non-applicable

(4).Particulars of unrecognized deferred income tax asset
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(5). The deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will expire in the following
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

31.     Other non-current assets
                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                               Balance at the end of the period              Balance at the beginning of the period
                                          Provision                                         Provision
        Item                                                                   Book
                        Book balance     for decline       Book value                      for decline Book value
                                           in value                                          in value
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acquisition cost
performance cost
Return        cost
Contract assets
Prepayments for
                                                                              296,957,402.                  296,957,402
construction            559,073,830.90                     559,073,830.90
                                                                                       06                            .06
                                                                              296,957,402.                  296,957,402
      Total             559,073,830.90                     559,073,830.90
                                                                                       06                            .06

32. Short-term loans
(1). Categories of short-term loan
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                            Balance at the beginning of the
               Item                    Balance at the end of the period
Pledge loan
Mortgage loan                                           550,393,750.00                       400,378,888.89
Guaranteed loan
Credit loan                                             222,735,994.77
             Total                                      773,129,744.77                       400,378,888.89

(2). Short-term loans that have been late for repayment
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

33. Transactional financial liabilities
□Applicable √Non-applicable

34. Derivative financial liabilities

□Applicable √Non-applicable

35. Notes payable

√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                            Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                          Balance at the beginning of the
         Category               Balance at the end of the period
Commercial acceptance
Bank acceptance bill                              1,905,569,760.15                       1,471,327,551.91
          Total                                   1,905,569,760.15                       1,471,327,551.91
At the end of the current period, total amount of notes payable that have not yet been paid is 0 Yuan.

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36. Accounts payable
(1). Presentation of accounts payable
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                       Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
               Item                   Balance at the end of the       Balance at the beginning of the
                                              period                              period
Within 1 year (including 1                      2,200,772,909.89                       1,853,269,995.18
1-2 years (including 2 years)                     35,568,125.74                          31,986,841.31
2-3 years (including 3 years)                      7,641,626.24                           7,239,675.36
Over 3 years                                       5,885,193.58                           5,758,604.32
             Total                             2,249,867,855.45                       1,898,255,116.17

(2). Important accounts payable aged over 1 year
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

37. Advance receipts
(1). Presentation of advance receipts
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Important accounts payable aged over 1 year
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

38. Contract liabilities

(1). Particulars of contract liabilities
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                     Unit:元 Yuan Currency:RMB
               Item                                                    Balance at the beginning of the
                                    Balance at the end of the period
Within 1 year (including 1                            17,978,909.33                      11,522,861.56
1-2 years (including 2 years)                          6,142,833.02                       6,673,269.49
2-3 years (including 3 years)                            742,273.75                         838,769.34
Over 3 years                                           3,285,477.04                       3,650,760.02
              Total                                   28,149,493.14                      22,685,660.41

(2). The amount and reason for significant change in the book value during the reporting period
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other Notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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39. Payroll payable
(1). Presentation of payroll payable
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                Balance at the Beginning    Increased in the current    Decreased in the current    Balance at the End of the
                                                     of the Period                  period                      period                       Period
I . Short-term remuneration                               138,178,109.47             588,139,234.88              603,299,420.99               123,017,923.36
II. Dimission benefits - defined contribution
                                                              114,252.20                29,262,349.25              28,957,751.44                   418,850.01
III. Dismissal benefits
IV. Other benefits due within 1 year
                     Total                               138,292,361.67                617,401,584.13            632,257,172.43               123,436,773.37

(2). Presentation of short-term remuneration
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                               Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                Balance at the Beginning    Increased in the current    Decreased in the current     Balance at the End of the
                                                     of the Period                  period                      period                        Period
1. Wages or salaries, bonuses, allowances
                                                          135,935,768.57               509,425,452.57            524,965,476.64               120,395,744.50
and subsidies
2. Staff welfare                                              106,560.80                40,522,060.01              40,526,404.03                   102,216.78
3. Social insurance contributions                             204,154.27                15,598,657.61              15,513,151.99                   289,659.89
Including: medical insurance premium                          159,475.74                14,113,234.61              14,039,045.62                   233,664.73
        Work injury insurance premium                          -1,680.08                 1,372,145.87               1,334,076.90                    36,388.89
        Birth insurance premium                                46,358.61                   113,277.13                 140,029.47                    19,606.27
4. Housing funds                                              110,395.00                17,257,095.47              17,224,234.67                   143,255.80
5. Labor union and education funds                          1,821,230.83                 5,335,969.22               5,070,153.66                 2,087,046.39
6. Short-term paid absences
7. Short-term profit sharing plan
                     Total                                138,178,109.47               588,139,234.88            603,299,420.99               123,017,923.36

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(3). Presentatioon of defined contribution plan
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                           Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                 Balance at the                                          Balance at the
                                                     Increased in the   Decreased in the
            Item                beginning of the                                          end of the
                                                      current period     current period
                                     period                                                 period
1. Basic pension insurance
                                     104,394.92        28,010,859.88        27,716,982.72        398,272.08
2. Unemployment
                                       9,857.28         1,251,489.37         1,240,768.72         20,577.93
insurance premium
3. Corporate annuity
           Total                     114,252.20        29,262,349.25        28,957,751.44        418,850.01

Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable
40. Taxes payable
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                      Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                      Balance at the beginning of the
               Item                  Balance at the end of the period
VAT                                                     54,399,747.16                   37,476,861.48
Consumption tax
Business tax
Enterprise Income Tax                                     60,560,837.61                      13,247,733.04
Individual income tax                                      1,048,780.70                       1,126,989.40
Urban Maintenance and
                                                               587,913.99                      2,555,965.45
Construction Tax
Property tax                                              20,098,111.37                      17,409,122.91
Education surcharges                                         287,571.80                       1,124,111.62
Local education surcharges                                   161,020.77                         748,551.75
Land use tax                                               9,835,675.11                       8,463,193.68
Environmental protection tax                                     454.86                             454.86
Disabled security fund                                     1,663,759.84                         313,642.20
Special funds for water
                                                                 6,973.11                          8,547.00
conservancy construction
Stamp duty                                                   379,431.27                         390,129.90
              Total                                      149,030,277.59                      82,865,303.29

41. Other payables
Presentation of items
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                            Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                           Balance at the end of the        Balance at the beginning of the
                                                   period                               period
Interest Payable
Dividends Payable
Other payables                                             15,361,171.00                     15,722,105.17
                Total                                      15,361,171.00                     15,722,105.17

Interest Payable
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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Dividends payable
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Other payables
(1) Other payables presented by nature of funds
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                     Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
               Item               Balance at the end of the period   Balance at the beginning of the
Security deposits                                    7,883,598.94                        8,120,598.94
Other                                                7,477,572.06                        7,601,506.23
             Total                                  15,361,171.00                      15,722,105.17

(2). Significant other payables aged over 1 year
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable
42. Held-for-sale liabilities
□Applicable √Non-applicable
43. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                     Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
               Item               Balance at the end of the period   Balance at the beginning of the
Long-term loans due within 1
Bonds payable due within 1
Long-term payables due within
1 year
Lease liabilities due within 1                        7,333,430.63
               Total                                  7,333,430.63

44. Other current liabilities
√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                     Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                 Balance at the end of the period    Balance at the beginning of the
            Item                                                                 period
Short-term bonds payable
Return payment payable
Prepaid and deferred output
                                                     3,658,909.50                       1,507,896.52
            Total                                    3,658,909.50                       1,507,896.52

Changes in short-term bonds payable:
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other Notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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45. Long-term loans

1). Category of long-term loans
√Applicable □Non-applicable
Other note: including interest rate range
□Applicable √Non-applicable

46. Bonds payable

(1). Bonds payable
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Changes in bonds payable: (excluding preferred stocks, perpetual bonds and other financial
instruments classified as financial liabilities)
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Conversion conditions and time of convertible corporate bonds
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(4). Notes to ther financial instruments classified as financial liabilities
General particulars of other financial instruments such as preferred stocks and perpetual bonds issued at
the end of the period
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Changes in financial instruments such as preferred stocks and perpetual bonds issued at the end of the
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Notes to the basis for classification of other financial instruments as financial liabilities:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Other Notes:

□Applicable √Non-applicable

47. Lease liabilities
□Applicable √Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                             Balance at the beginning of the
                 Item                   Balance at the end of the period
Lease liabilities                                           21,472,047.37
Less: Lease liabilities due within                          -7,333,430.63
one year
                 Total                                      14,138,616.74

48. Long-term payables
Presentation of items
□Applicable √Non-applicable
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Long-term payables
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Special payables
□Applicable √Non-applicable

49. Long-term payroll payable
□Applicable √Non-applicable

50. Estimated liabilities
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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51. Deferred income
Deferred income
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                               Balance at the beginning                                                 Balance at the end of the
            Item                                        Increased in the period Decreased in the period                                    Reason
                                    of the period                                                               period
Government grants                       214,204,302.56            11,615,416.00            9,067,834.90           216,751,883.66
        Total                           214,204,302.56            11,615,416.00            9,067,834.90           216,751,883.66             /

Items related to government grants:
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                   Amount       Amount
                                                   Balance at the                included in included in           Balance at the
                                                                      grants                                Other
                       Item                       beginning of the              non-operating other income          end of the Assets-related/income-related
                                                                   increased in                            changes
                                                       period                   income in the    in this              period
                                                                    the period
                                                                                   period        period
Machine substitution for human project with
an annual capacity of 700,000 sets of damping        2,242,000.00                              235,999.98           2,006,000.02 Assets-related
Automobile composite fiber production project         441,666.67                                49,999.98            391,666.69 Assets-related
Tuopu Intelligent Mechatronics Industrial Park
                                                    25,520,238.10                              692,857.14          24,827,380.96 Assets-related
Production line transformation project of
high-performance vibration control system for        2,756,190.00                              275,619.04           2,480,570.96 Assets-related
Production and application technology
transformation project of lightweight materials      4,375,000.00                              437,499.98           3,937,500.02 Assets-related
for vehicles
Technological Transformation Project of
Automobile High-Performance Vibration                7,130,088.73                              445,630.56           6,684,458.17 Assets-related
control system
Technological Transformation Project of
                                                     6,877,766.12                              407,733.24           6,470,032.88 Assets-related
Automobile Interior and Exterior Trim Parts
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Technological Transformation Project of
                                                    7,003,001.06                         437,687.58     6,565,313.48 Assets-related
Automobile Lightweight Control Arms
Technological Transformation Project of
                                                    7,322,051.57                         457,628.16     6,864,423.41 Assets-related
Automobile Lightweight Parts Production Line
Technological Transformation Project of
Automobile High-Performance Vibration               1,723,800.00                          86,190.00     1,637,610.00 Assets-related
control system
Technological transformation project of
                                                    1,875,120.00                          93,756.00     1,781,364.00 Assets-related
lightweight auto parts
Digital workshop project with an annual
capacity of 120,000 sets of intelligent brake       3,696,000.00    345,000.00           190,748.28     3,850,251.72 Assets-related
Auto parts production and industrial
                                                   80,166,861.65                        2,250,000.00   77,916,861.65 Assets-related
automation projects
Technological transformation project for the
production line of automotive lightweight alloy     8,790,289.93                         500,000.04     8,290,289.89 Assets-related
parts with an annual capacity of 300,000 sets
Technological Transformation Project of
Automobile High-Performance Vibration               5,471,561.66                         278,215.02     5,193,346.64 Assets-related
control system
Tuopu Automobile Electronics Auto Parts
                                                                   7,729,116.00           26,379.24     7,702,736.76 Assets-related
Production Project
Shenyang Tuopu Auto Parts Base Project              1,298,611.20                         291,666.66     1,006,944.54 Assets-related
Intelligent factory construction project with an
annual capacity of 2 million sets of automotive      705,833.31                           55,000.00      650,833.31 Assets-related
interior trims
Technological transformation project of car
roof, carpet assembly and other interior trims       990,000.00                           82,500.00      907,500.00 Assets-related
with an annual capacity of 1.6 million sets
Auto Parts Production Project of Liudong New
                                                    1,362,511.63                          42,139.54     1,320,372.09 Assets-related
Automobile Fabric Production Line Project           3,686,810.05                         345,358.18     3,341,451.87 Assets-related
Pinghu Tuopu Auto Parts Production Project         12,733,600.00                         397,925.00    12,335,675.00 Assets-related
Production line project with an annual capacity
                                                     661,542.22                           43,399.14      618,143.08 Assets-related
of 300,000 sets of related auto parts
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Automobile chassis parts project with an
                                                  4,507,688.04                                   51,614.75               4,456,073.29 Assets-related
annual capacity of 500,000 sets
Tuopu Chassis Auto Parts Industry Base
                                                  8,000,000.00                                            -              8,000,000.00 Assets-related
Auxiliary project outside the factory             6,485,266.63                                  196,523.24               6,288,743.39 Assets-related
Hunan Xiangtan Auto Parts Industry Base
                                                  2,000,000.00                                            -              2,000,000.00 Assets-related
Relocation project with an annual capacity of
                                                    774,156.58                                   55,296.90                718,859.68 Assets-related
300,000 sets of automotive interior trims
Technological transformation project for the
production line of automobile front and rear      1,543,602.08                                  189,055.38               1,354,546.70 Assets-related
axle with an annual output of 200,000 sets
Technological transformation project of AVS
products & chassis production line with annual      274,247.86                                   24,344.27                249,903.59 Assets-related
capacity of 300,000 sets
Production line of AVS products & chassis
                                                  1,411,833.95                                  120,249.34               1,291,584.61 Assets-related
with an annual capacity of 300,000 sets
Passenger vehicle chassis AVS products
                                                  2,376,963.52 3,541,300.00                     306,818.26               5,611,445.26 Assets-related
project with an annual capacity of 500,000 sets
Total                                           214,204,302.56 11,615,416.00                  9,067,834.90          216,751,883.66

Other notes:
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     1. Under the "Notice of Ningbo Economic and Information Commission on Announcement of 2016 As-built Technical Transformation Projects in Ningbo"
Yong Jing Xin Ji Gai [2016] No. 95, as circulated by Ningbo Economic and Information Commission, the Company received the grants at RMB 4,720,000.00 for
machine substitution for human project with an annual capacity of 700,000 sets of damping products. As of September 30, 2015, the said project was substantially
completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the depreciation years (10 years) corresponding to the machinery and equipment purchased using the
above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of 2,006,000.02 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     2. Under the “Notice on releasing incentives for 2016 Ningbo Strategic Emerging Industry Development Projects” Yong Cai Zheng Fa 【2016】 No.584, as
circulated by Ningbo Finance Bureau, the Company received the grants at RMB 1,000,000.00 for automobile composite fiber production project in September 2016.
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As of September 30, 2015, the said project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the depreciation years (10 years)
corresponding to the machinery and equipment transformed using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 391,666.69 to be
amortized over the remaining years.
     3. The Company received two grants at RMB 17,000,000.00 and RMB 10,000,000.00 respectively in September 2016 and October 2020, in a gross sum of
RMB 27,000,000.00, and used the sums for Tuopu Intelligent Mechatronics Industrial Park Project. In May 2019, this project was completed step by step and put
into production operation. Amortized by the depreciation years (20 years) corresponding to the buildings and structures constructed using the above grants, as of
June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 24,827,380.96 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     4. Under the “Notice on releasing the subsidies for the first and second batches of district-level partial as-built projects of 2017 Industrial Investment (Technical
Transformation) in Ningbo” Lun Jing Xin 【2018】 No.55, as circulated by Beilun District Finance Bureau of Ningbo, the Company received the automobile
composite fiber production project. The Company received the grants at RMB 4,409,904.0 for automobile composite fiber production project in September 2018. As
of January 2018, the said project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the
machinery and equipment purchased using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 2,480,570.96 to be amortized over the
remaining years.
     5. Under the “Notice on releasing the subsidies for the first and second batches of district-level partial as-built projects of 2017 Industrial Investment (Technical
Transformation) in Ningbo” Lun Jing Xin 【2018】 No.55, as circulated by Beilun District Finance Bureau of Ningbo, the Company received the grants at RMB
7,000,000.00 for production and application technology transformation project of lightweight materials for vehicles. As of January 2018, the said project was
substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the machinery and equipment purchased using
the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, 2020, there was a remaining sum of RMB 3,937,500.02 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     6. The Company received three grants at RMB 2,772,000.00, RMB 3,840,000.00 and RMB 1,638,992.00 respectively in February 2019, November 2019 and
July 2020 respectively, and used the sums for Technological Transformation Project of Automobile High-Performance Vibration control system. As of December
2018, the said project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the machinery and
equipment transformed using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 6,684,458.17 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     7. The Company received three grants at RMB 2,654,400.00, RMB 3,600,000.00 and RMB 1,539,712.00 respectively in February 2019, December 2019 and
July 2020 respectively, and used the sums for Technological Transformation Project of Automobile Interior and Exterior Trim Parts. As of June 2019, the said
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project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the machinery and equipment
transformed using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 6,470,032.88 to be amortized over the remaining years.
    8. The Company received three grants at RMB 2,532,000.00, RMB 3,890,000.00 and RMB 1,663,312.00 respectively in February 2019, November 2019 and
July 2020 respectively, and used the sums for Technological Transformation Project of Automobile Lightweight Control Arms. As of December 2018, the said
project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the machinery and equipment
transformed using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 6,565,313.48 to be amortized over the remaining years.
    9. The Company received three grants at RMB 2,544,000.00, RMB 4,130,000.00 and RMB 1,769,472.00 respectively in February 2019, November 2019 and
July 2020 respectively, and used the sums for Technological Transformation Project of Automobile Lightweight Parts Production Line. As of December 2018, the
said project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the machinery and equipment
transformed using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 6,864,423.41 to be amortized over the remaining years.
    10. The Company received the grants at RMB 1,723,800.00 in September 2020 and used the sums for Technological Transformation Project of Automobile
High-Performance Vibration control system. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the machinery and equipment transformed using the above
grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 1,637,610.00 to be amortized over the remaining years.
    11. The Company received the grants at RMB 1,875,120.00 in September 2020 and used the sums for technological transformation project of lightweight auto
parts. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the machinery and equipment transformed using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a
remaining sum of RMB 1,781,364.00 to be amortized over the remaining years.
    12. The Company received the grants at RMB 3,696,000.00 in September 2020 and RMB 3,450,000,000 in May 2021 and used the sums for digital workshop
project with an annual capacity of 120,000 sets of intelligent brake systems. Amortized by the depreciation years corresponding to the machinery and equipment
transformed using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 3,850,251.72 to be amortized over the remaining years.
    13. Tuopu Automotive Electronics received two grants at RMB 60,000,000.00 and RMB 30,000,000.00 in August 2017 and December 2018 and used the sums
for auto parts production and industrial automation projects. The said project was substantially completed and put into production operation in 2018. Amortized by
the depreciation years (20 years) corresponding to the buildings and structures constructed using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum
of RMB 77,916,861.65 to be amortized over the remaining years.

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     14. Tuopu Automotive Electronics received two grants at RMB 9,462,800.00 and RMB 537,200.00 in October 2019 and July 2020 and used the sums for
technological transformation project for the production line of automotive lightweight alloy parts with an annual capacity of 300,000 sets. As of December 2018, the
said project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the machinery and equipment
transformed using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 8,290,289.89 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     15. Tuopu Automotive Electronics received the grants at RMB 5,564,300.00 in November 2020 and used the sums for technological transformation project for
Technological Transformation Project of Automobile High-Performance Vibration control system. As of November 2020, the said project was substantially
completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the machinery and equipment transformed using the above
grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 5,193,346.64 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     16. Tuopu Automotive Electronics received the land grants at RMB 7,729,116.00. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the remaining
useful life corresponding to the land using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 7,702,736.76 to be amortized over the
remaining years.
     17. Tuopu Automotive Electronics received two grants at RMB 1,000,000.00 and RMB 1,000,000.00 in October 2018 and August 2020 respectively, in a gross
sum of RMB 2,000,000.00, and used the sums for Shenyang Tuopu Auto Parts Base Project. The said project was completed and put into operation in 2013.
Amortized by the depreciation years corresponding to the fixed assets using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 1,006,944.54
to be amortized over the remaining years.
     18. Under the “Notice on issuing special funds for information and industrial development of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in 2017” Gui Cai Gong
Jiao 【2017】 No.57, as circulated by Department of Finance of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Liuzhou Tuopu received the technological transformation
project funds at RMB 1,100,000.00 and used the sums for Intelligent factory construction project with an annual capacity of 2 million sets of automotive interior
trims in August 2017. As of May 31, 2017, the said project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the depreciation years
corresponding to the machinery and equipment purchased using the above funds, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 650,833.31 to be
amortized over the remaining years.
     19. Under the “Notice on issuing the first batch of Liuzhou enterprise support funding project investment plans in 2017” Liu Gong Xin Tong 【2017】 No.164,
as circulated by Liuzhou Industry and Information Technology Commission and Liuzhou Finance Bureau, Liuzhou Tuopu received the potential exploitation
transformation funds at RMB 1,650,000.00 and used the sums for technological transformation project of car roof, carpet assembly and other interior trims with an
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annual capacity of 1.6 million sets in December 2017. As of December 26, 2016, the said project was substantially completed and put into production operation.
Amortized by the depreciation years (10 years) corresponding to the machinery and equipment purchased using the above funds, as of June 30, 2021, there was a
remaining sum of RMB 907,500.00 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     20. Liuzhou Tuopu received the grants at RMB 1,510,000.00 and used the sums for Auto Parts Production Project of Liudong New District in April 2019. As
of February 2017, the said project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the
buildings and structures constructed and acquired using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 1,320,372.09 to be amortized over
the remaining years.
     21. Wuhan Tuopu received the grants at RMB 427,000.00,RMB 1,767,000.00 and RMB                   1,910,000.00 in January 2019, April 2020 and June 2020
respectively, and used the sums for Fabric Production Line Project. As of November 2017, the said project was substantially completed and put into production
operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the machinery and equipment purchased using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a
remaining sum of RMB 3,341,451.87 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     22. Pinghu Tuopu received two grants at RMB 7,235,000.00 and RMB 7,235,000.00 in January 2016 and May 2020 respectively, in a gross sum of RMB
14,470,000.00, and used the sums for Automotive Interior Trims Production Project. As of January 2017, the said project was substantially completed and put into
production operation. Amortized by the depreciation years (20 years) corresponding to the buildings and structures constructed and acquired using the above grants,
as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 12,335,675.00 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     23. Under the “Request for application of special funds for Technological Transformation and Transformation and Upgrading of Sichuan Province in 2015” Sui
Jing Xin 【2015】 No.28, as circulated by Suining Industrial and Information Technology Commission and Suining Finance Bureau, Sichuan Maigao received the
technological transformation and upgrading funds in October 2015 at RMB 1,110,000.00, and used the sums for production line project with an annual capacity of
300,000 sets of related auto parts. As of October 2015, the said project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining
useful life corresponding to the purchased machinery and equipment and constructed plants using the above funds, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum
of RMB 618,143.08 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     24. Under the “Investment Agreement” Nr. B-ZS-GY/(2013)4 signed between and by Anju Industrial Concentration Development Committee of Suining and
Zhejiang Fortuna Auto Parts Co., Ltd. On January 28, 2013, Sichuan Maigao received land subsidies at RMB 5,032,438.00 in December 2015 and used the sums for
Automobile chassis parts project with an annual capacity of 500,000 sets. As of December 2015, the said project was substantially completed and put into
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production operation. Amortized by the depreciation years (48.75 years) corresponding to the land subsidies, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of
RMB 4,456,073.29 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     25. Tuopu Chassis received the grants at RMB 8,000,000.00 in September 2020 and used the sums for Tuopu Chassis Auto Parts Industry Base Project. As of
June 30, 2021, this project has not yet been completed and no amortization is made in this period.
     26. Under the investment contract made between Yantai Tuopu and the Investment Promotion Bureau of Yantai Economic and Technological Development
Zone, Yantai Tuopu received five grants at RMB 2,330,000.00, RMB 290,000.00, RMB 301,458.00, RMB 1,810,000.00 and RMB 2,268,533.00 in July 2018, May
2019, July 2019, December 2019 and September 2020 respectively, and used the sums for auxiliary project outside the factory. As of July 2018, the said project was
substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the buildings and structures using the above
grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 6,288,743.39 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     27. Tuopu Chassis received the grants at RMB 2,000,000.00 in September 2020 and used the sums for Hunan Xiangtan Auto Parts Industry Base Project. As of
June 30, 2021, this project has not yet been completed and no amortization is made in this period.
     28. Under the “Notice on issuing special fiscal funds for provincial industrial and information development of Linhai in 2018” (Lin Cai Qi [2018]30), as
circulated by Linhai Finance Bureau and Linhai Economic and Information Bureau, Taizhou Tuopu received four grants at RMB 175,100.00, RMB 193,300.00,
RMB 70,900.00 and RMB 526,000.00 in September 2018, November 2019 and December 2019, and used the sums for relocation project with an annual capacity of
300,000 sets of automotive interior trims. As of January 2018, the said project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the
remaining useful life corresponding to the machinery and equipment purchased using the above grants, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB
718,859.68 to be amortized over the remaining years.
     29. Under the “Review comment on the second batch of technological renovation and industrial and information project grants for industrial enterprises in
2016”, as circulated by Wuxi County People’s Government and Wuyi County Economic and Commercial Bureau, Zhejiang Towin received the technological
transformation and upgrading funds at RMB 3,056,045.00 in December 2016, and used the sums for technological transformation project for the production line of
automobile front and rear axle with an annual output of 200,000 sets. As of December 2016, the said project was substantially completed and put into production
operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life corresponding to the machinery and equipment purchased using the above funds, as of June 30, 2021, there was a
remaining sum of RMB 1,354,546.70 to be amortized over the remaining years.

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    30. Under the “Review comment on the first batch of technological renovation and industrial and information project grants for industrial enterprises in 2017”,
as circulated by Wuxi County People’s Government and Wuyi County Economic and Commercial Bureau, Zhejiang Towin received the county-level robot purchase
grants at RMB 448,715.00 in May 2017, and used the sums for Technological transformation project of AVS products & chassis production line with annual
capacity of 300,000 sets. As of May 2017, the said project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the depreciation years
corresponding to the machinery and equipment purchased using the above funds, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 249,903.59 to be
amortized over the remaining years.
    31. Under the “Notice on appropriating special fiscal funds (Investment and Development) for provincial industrial and information development in 2016”, as
circulated by Wuyi County Economic and Commercial Bureau and Wuyi County Finance Bureau, Zhejiang Towin received technological transformation funds at
RMB 2,133,330.00 in December 2017 and used the sums for technological transformation project of AVS products & chassis production line with annual capacity
of 300,000 sets. As of January 2018, the said project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining useful life
corresponding to the machinery and equipment purchased using the above funds, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB1,291,584.61 to be
amortized over the remaining years.
    32. Zhejiang Towin received technological transformation funds at RMB 2,539,990.00 for passenger vehicle chassis AVS products project with an annual
capacity of 500,000 sets in July 2020. As of July 2020, the said project was substantially completed and put into production operation. Amortized by the remaining
useful life corresponding to the machinery and equipment purchased using the above funds, as of June 30, 2021, there was a remaining sum of RMB 5,611,445.26 to
be amortized over the remaining years.

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52. Other non-current liabilities
□Applicable √Non-applicable
53. Equity
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                  Increased or decreased amount in this period (+/-)
          Balance at the                                Shares                        Balance at the
         beginning of the                     Bonu converte                             end of the
              period            New issue       s       d from               Subtotal     period
                                              issue     capital
        1,054,987,749.0        47,058,823.0                               47,058,823.0       1,102,046,572.0
                      0                   0                                          0                     0
Other notes:

     In February 2021, the Company increased its registered capital by RMB 47,058,823.00 through
private offering of shares. After this capital increase, its registered capital became RMB
1,102,046,572.00. The capital contribution has been verified by BDO CHINA SHUn LUN PAN
CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS LLP, and a capital verification report of Xin Kuai Shi Bao Zi
[2021] No. ZF10047 has been issued.

54. Other equity instruments
(1). Basic information of other financial instruments such as preferred stocks and perpetual bonds
issued at the end of the period
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Changes in financial instruments such as preferred stocks and perpetual bonds issued at the
end of the period
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Changes in other equity instruments during the current period, the reason for the changes, and the basis
for related accounting treatments:
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other note:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

55. Capital reserve
□Applicable √Non-applicable
                                                                         Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                Balance at the                           Decreased
                                                     Increased in the              Balance at the end
           Item                beginning of the                            in the
                                                          period                     of the period
                                    period                                period
Capital premium (equity
                              3,409,429,514.29       1,931,359,023.74                   5,340,788,538.03
Other capital reserves                 10,348.78                                               10,348.78
          Total               3,409,439,863.07       1,931,359,023.74                   5,340,798,886.81
Other notes, including changes in the current period and note to the reason for the changes:
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                       Semi-annual Report 2021

     In February 2021, the Company recorded the share premium of RMB 1,931,359,023.74 in the
capital reserve through private offering of stocks. The capital contribution has been verified by BDO
report of Xin Kuai Shi Bao Zi [2021] No. ZF10047 has been issued.

56. Treasury stocks
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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57. Other comprehensive income
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                   Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                       Amount incurred in the current period
                                                                                                ed into
                                                                                        d into             L
                                                                                         other            es
                                                                                       compre              s:
                                                                                        hensiv            In
                                                                                           e              co
                                                                      Amount                       s in                           Attributable
                                                Balance at the                         income             m
                                                                  incurred before                previo         Attributable to      to the      Balance at the end
                    Item                       beginning of the                           s in             e
                                                                   income tax in                    us          the Company         minority       of the period
                                                    period                              previo             T
                                                                     the current                 period            after tax      shareholder
                                                                                           us             ax
                                                                       period                      and                             s after tax
                                                                                        period             E
                                                                                          and              x
                                                                                                 rred to
                                                                                       transfe            pe
                                                                                        rred to           ns
                                                                                        P/L in             e
1. Other comprehensive income that cannot
be reclassified into profit and loss
Including: re-measurement of changes in
defined benefit plans
Other comprehensive income that cannot be
transferred to profit and loss under the
equity method
   Changes in the fair value of other equity

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 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                            Semi -annual Report 2021

instrument investments
   Changes in fair value of the enterprise's
own credit risk
2. Other comprehensive income that will be
                                                 -20,631,668.74   1,955,317.48      1,934,152.65   21,164.83      -18,697,516.09
reclassified into profit and loss
Including: other comprehensive income that
can be transferred to profit or loss under the
equity method
   Changes in the fair value of other debt
   Amount of financial assets reclassified
and included in other comprehensive
   Provision for impairment of other debt
Cash flow hedge reserves
Translation difference of foreign currency
                                                 -20,631,668.74   1,955,317.48      1,934,152.65   21,164.83      -18,697,516.09
financial statements
Total                                            -20,631,668.74   1,955,317.48      1,934,152.65   21,164.83      -18,697,516.09

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58. Special reserves
□Applicable √Non-applicable
59. Surplus reserve
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
       Item              Balance at the     Increased in the     Decreased in the Balance at the end
                        beginning of the     current period       current period    of the period
Statutory surplus        474,769,630.86                                                 474,769,630.86
surplus reserve
Reserve fund
development fund
       Total            474,769,630.86                                                  474,769,630.86

60. Undistributed profit
√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                            Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                       Item                                Current period            Previous period
Undistributed Profit before Adjustment at the
                                                              2,868,429,319.48          2,502,765,125.43
End of Previous Period
Adjust the total undistributed profits at the start
of the period (increase +, decrease -)
Undistributed Profit after Adjustment at the
                                                              2,868,429,319.48          2,502,765,125.43
Start of the Period
Add: net profit attributable to parent company's
                                                                459,702,187.79            628,200,888.31
owner in current period
Less: withdrawal of statutory surplus reserve                                              62,089,021.95
     Withdrawal of discretionary surplus
     Withdrawal of general risk reserve
     Ordinary stock dividend payable                            189,552,010.38            200,447,672.31
     Ordinary stock dividends converted into
Undistributed profit at the end of the period                 3,138,579,496.89          2,868,429,319.48
Adjust the particulars of undistributed profit at the beginning of the period:
1. The impact of the retrospective adjustment of the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises"
and updated regulations on undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is RMB 0.
2. The impact of changes in accounting policies on undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is
RMB 0.
3. The impact of the correction of major accounting errors on undistributed profit at the beginning of the
period is RMB 0.
4. The impact of change in the scope of business combination as a result of the same control on
undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is RMB 0.

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5. The gross impact of other adjustments on the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is
RMB 0.
Other notes to undistributed profits:
     According to the resolution passed at 2020 Annual General Meeting, the Company distributed
RMB 1.72 per 10 shares (tax included) to all shareholders as cash dividends with total shares on the
record date for distribution plan as the base number, and total dividends at 189,552,010.38 were

61. Operating income and operating cost

(1).Particulars of operating income and operating cost
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                      Amount incurred in the current period          Amount incurred in previous period
                        Income                   Cost                  Income                 Cost
                      4,771,583,403.09        3,848,796,980.15      2,474,078,712.50         1,949,836,859.05
                        145,163,660.11           41,850,172.51           87,937,102.34          22,633,010.46
     Total            4,916,747,063.20        3,890,647,152.66      2,562,015,814.84         1,972,469,869.51

(2). Particulars of the income generated from contract
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(3). Notes to discharge of obligation
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(4). Notes to allocation to remaining performance obligations
□Applicable √Non-applicable
62. Taxes and surcharges
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                        Amount incurred in the current       Amount incurred in previous
                                                  period                              period
Consumption tax
Business tax
Urban Maintenance and
                                                           6,987,224.84                           5,145,221.44
Construction Tax
Education Surcharges                                       3,097,328.39                           2,243,231.45
Resource tax
Property tax                                              10,863,776.45                           9,774,405.02
Land use tax                                               7,573,624.46                           5,402,129.57
Vehicle and vessel use tax                                     2,940.00                               2,254.20
Stamp duty                                                 3,239,904.97                           1,130,206.25
Local education surcharges                                 2,064,885.50                           1,495,487.08
Environmental protection tax                                   2,796.57                               2,084.56
Franchise tax                                                  1,940.46
              Total                                       33,834,421.64                         25,195,019.57

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63. Cost of sales
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                           Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                     Amount incurred in the       Amount incurred in
                                        current period              previous period
Service expense                                 29,531,427.34             23,142,909.69
Payroll                                         17,233,933.57             12,950,448.75
Business hospitality expense                    11,056,660.16              6,068,149.72
Repair cost                                      6,047,882.34                205,042.20
Travel expense                                     602,156.99                476,473.31
Packaging fee                                       96,467.24                413,278.89
Vehicle cost                                       903,723.57                885,612.70
Exhibition fee                                      26,663.16
Other                                            2,312,218.65              4,232,987.54
                    Total                       67,811,133.02             48,374,902.80

64. Overhead expense
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                      Item           Amount incurred in the      Amount incurred in
                                        current period             previous period
Payroll                                        80,651,461.49             51,553,859.19
Depreciation expense                           16,725,375.77             15,055,379.93
Business hospitality expense                    2,026,288.73              1,040,805.06
Vehicle cost                                    1,932,384.37              1,443,969.29
Taxes                                           1,303,839.64                754,997.59
Travel expenses                                   897,665.31                769,304.69
Amortization of intangible assets               9,358,516.34              7,773,710.50
Office expenses                                 2,620,048.32              1,934,306.52
Insurance premiums                              2,281,744.16              2,040,700.64
Intermediary fee                                2,363,351.13              2,296,375.51
Utility bills                                   1,674,698.17              1,161,219.34
Service charge                                  4,887,204.46              4,994,618.55
Rent                                              927,544.88                326,112.10
Other                                          10,966,557.71              9,086,715.87
                    Total                     138,616,680.48            100,232,074.78

65. R&D expenses
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                           Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                      Item           Amount incurred in the       Amount incurred in
                                        current period              previous period
Material                                       75,976,147.05              45,099,044.76
Payroll                                       103,433,263.82              76,277,851.01
Depreciation and amortization                  30,240,100.76              27,617,482.73
Transportation and storage fee                  1,499,838.43               1,371,914.97
Energy consumption fee                         10,086,641.70               5,841,507.97
Travel expense                                  1,479,159.73                 785,181.94
Trial production expense                        2,023,727.07               4,107,806.75
Other                                           9,134,832.02               4,029,323.30
                   Total                      233,873,710.58             165,130,113.43

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66. Financial expense
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                      Item                         Amount incurred in the      Amount incurred in
                                                      current period             previous period
Interest expense                                              8,718,663.63             13,230,815.39
Less: interest income                                       -16,268,492.45              -7,272,076.83
Gain and loss from exchange                                   5,154,538.67               7,599,266.37
Handling charge                                               1,520,103.21               1,093,075.56
                    Total                                      -875,186.94             14,651,080.49

67. Other income
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                Item                                   Amount incurred      Amount
                                                                        in the current    incurred in
                                                                            period      previous period
Pinghu Tuopu Auto Parts Production Project                                   397,925.00      253,225.00
Machine substitution for human project with an annual capacity               235,999.98      236,000.00
of 700,000 sets of damping products
Automobile composite fiber production project                                49,999.98         50,000.00
Auto parts production and industrial automation projects                  2,250,000.00      2,123,234.20
Intelligent factory construction project with an annual capacity of          55,000.00         55,000.00
2 million sets of automotive interior trims
Technological transformation project of car roof, carpet assembly            82,500.00         82,500.00
and other interior trims with an annual capacity of 1.6 million sets
Production line project with an annual capacity of 300,000 sets of           43,399.14         43,399.14
related auto parts
Automobile chassis parts project with an annual capacity of                  51,614.75         51,614.75
500,000 sets
Technological transformation project of production line for                 189,055.38        189,055.36
automobile front and rear axle with annual output of 200,000 sets
Technological transformation project of production line with                 24,344.27         24,344.28
annual capacity of 300,000 sets of AVS products & chassis
Technological transformation project of production line with                120,249.34        120,249.38
annual capacity of 300,000 sets of AVS products & chassis
Production line transformation project of high-performance                  275,619.04        275,619.00
vibration control system for cars
Production and application technology transformation project of             437,499.98        437,500.02
lightweight materials for vehicles
Auxiliary project outside the factory                                       196,523.24        226,881.18
Relocation project with an annual capacity of 300,000 sets of                55,296.90         59,637.72
automotive interior trims
Shenyang Tuopu Auto Parts Base Project                                      291,666.66        124,999.98
Tuopu Intelligent Mechatronics Industrial Park Project                      692,857.14        247,916.66
Production line transformation project of high-performance                  445,630.56        163,026.74
vibration control system for cars
Technological Transformation Project of Automobile Interior and             407,733.24        186,418.95
Exterior Trim Parts
Technological      Transformation      Project    of Automobile             437,687.58        152,388.85
Lightweight Control Arms
Technological      Transformation      Project    of Automobile             457,628.16        155,125.29
Lightweight Parts Production Line
Wuhan Automobile Fabric Production Line Project                             345,358.18         84,035.57

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Semi-annual Report 2021

Auto Parts Production Project of Liudong New District                      42,139.54          42,139.58
Technological transformation project for the production line of           500,000.04         473,140.02
automotive lightweight alloy parts with an annual capacity of
300,000 sets
Technological       Transformation    Project   of Automobile              86,190.00
High-Performance Vibration control system
Lightweight auto parts technological transformation project                93,756.00
Digital workshop project with an annual capacity of 120,000 sets          190,748.28
of intelligent brake systems
Auto parts production and industrial automation projects                  278,215.02
Production Project of Tuopu Automobile Electronics auto parts              26,379.24
Passenger vehicle chassis AVS products project with an annual             306,818.26
capacity of 500,000 sets
Baoji Technological Transformation project subsidies                                          33,333.33
Tax subsidies                                                                              1,245,120.75
Special funds for epidemic prevention                                                         20,000.00
Stable employment subsidies                                               390,070.02         682,915.55
Slope protection project construction subsidies                                               30,000.00
Statistical funding subsidies granted                                                          6,000.00
Tax incentives                                                                                   350.23
Subsidies for resumption of work and epidemic response supplies                                2,250.00
Social security premium subsidies                                             897.00         566,466.18
District foreign trade incentives                                                             90,200.00
Patent subsidies                                                                              55,000.00
Energy saving subsidies                                                                      130,000.00
Subsidies granted from finance bureau                                                         50,000.00
Power grants                                                             1,066,871.59         54,360.00
Subsidies offered for resumption of work and production                                      507,194.00
Capacity increase incentives                                               450,000.00
Subsidies for “on-the-job training”                                      102,000.00
R&D subsidies                                                              105,502.00
                                Total                                   11,183,175.51      9,330,641.71

68. Investment income
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                           Amount incurred in      Amount incurred in
                                                            the current period      previous period
Long-term equity investment income measured by
                                                                   8,441,193.70            6,747,676.66
cost method
Long-term equity investment income measured by
equity method
Investment income from disposal of long-term equity
Dividend income from other equity instrument
investments during the holding period
Interest income from debt investment during the
holding period
Interest income from other debt investments during
the holding period
Investment income from disposal of trading financial

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Investment income from the disposal of other equity
instrument investments
Investment income from disposal of debt investments
Investment income from the disposal of other debt
Income from debt restructuring
Investment income from wealth management
                                                                      4,324,874.65           10,941,545.79
                       Total                                         12,766,068.35           17,689,222.45

69. Net exposure hedging income
□Applicable √Non-applicable
70.Gains from changes in fair value
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                Amount incurred in     Amount incurred in
Sources of income from changes in fair value
                                                                 the current period     previous period
Transactional financial assets                                         -2,613,733.23
Including: income from changes in fair value generated
by derivative financial instruments
Transactional financial liabilities
Investment real estate measured at fair value
                          Total                                       -2,613,733.23

71. Credit impairment loss
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                         Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                Amount incurred in the   Amount incurred in previous
                                                   current period                  period
Bad debt loss on accounts receivable                       -1,338,732.94                  119,653.36
Bad debt loss on accounts receivable                     -23,131,411.91                -1,422,975.30
Bad debt loss on other receivables                         -1,131,324.02                7,206,340.35
Impairment loss of debt investment
Impairment loss of other debt
Bad debt loss of long-term receivables
Impairment loss of contract assets
                  Total                                       -25,601,468.87                   5,903,018.41

72. Asset impairment loss
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                              Amount incurred in      Amount incurred in
                                                               the current period      previous period
1. Loss of bad debts
2. Loss of inventory falling price and loss of contract
                                                                     -9,508,691.87            -1,976,118.60
performance cost impairment
3. Long-term equity investment impairment losses
4. Impairment loss of investment real estate
5. Impairment loss of fixed assets
6. Impairment loss of construction materials
7. Impairment loss of construction in progress
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8. Impairment loss of productive biological assets
9. Impairment losses of oil and gas assets
10. Intangible assets impairment loss
11. Goodwill impairment loss
12. Others
                         Total                                  -9,508,691.87            -1,976,118.60

73. Income from disposal of assets
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                       Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
               Item                  Amount incurred in the current    Amount incurred in previous
                                               period                           period
Income from disposal of assets                        -1,258,747.17                   -1,048,280.34
            Total                                     -1,258,747.17                   -1,048,280.34

Other note:

74. Non-operating income
√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                      Unit:Yuan      Currency:RMB
                                                                                   Amount included in
                                     Amount incurred in     Amount incurred in         the current
                                      the current period     previous period       non-recurring profit
                                                                                        and loss
Total gains from disposal of
non-current assets
Including: gains from disposal
of fixed assets
        Gains from disposal of
intangible assets
Gains from debt restructuring
Gains from non-monetary asset
Capital from donation
Government grants                           2,754,867.06          2,708,400.00            2,754,867.06
Compensation income                         3,931,684.14                                  3,931,684.14
Other                                         118,319.40             65,093.50              118,319.40
              Total                         6,804,870.60          2,773,493.50            6,804,870.60

Government grants included in current profit and loss
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                      Unit:Yuan      Currency:RMB
                                    Amount incurred
                                                     Amount incurred
                 Item                in the current                    Assets-related/Income-related
                                                    in previous period
Import and export project subsidies                       1,200,000.00 Income-related
District Foreign Trade Reward                               528,400.00 Income-related
High-tech subsidies                                         700,000.00 Income-related
Industrial transformation and                                          Income-related
upgrading subsidies
Industrial Development Bureau                                          Income-related
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                          Semi-annual Report 2021

Enterprises Billboard Bonus                                     50,000.00 Income-related
Special fund subsidies for scientific                                     Income-related
and technological development
"Made in Zhejiang Selected                                                   Income-related
Products" Award
Tax refund                                   410,369.58                      Income-related
VAT exempts for veterans and                                                 Income-related
poor households
Tax exempt in two years and tax                                              Income-related
reduced by half in three years
VAT additional deduction                      65,225.48                      Income-related
"Economy Billboard" subsidies                100,000.00                      Income-related
Production safety subsidies                   10,000.00                      Income-related
Invention patent subsidies                     4,200.00                      Income-related
Technology subsidies                         490,500.00                      Income-related
Positive incentives for steady                                               Income-related
“Specialized and specific new”                                             Income-related
SMEs incentives
Plant expansion incentives                   150,000.00                      Income-related
Total                                      2,754,867.06       2,708,400.00

Other note:
□Applicable √Non-applicable
75. Non-operating expenses
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                         Unit:Yuan       Currency:RMB
                                                                                         Amount included
                                        Amount incurred in     Amount incurred in          in the current
                                         the current period     previous period           non-recurring
                                                                                          profit and loss
Total loss from disposal of
non-current assets
Including: Loss on disposal of
fixed assets
        Loss on disposal of
intangible assets
Loss from debt restructuring
Loss from exchange of
non-monetary assets
External donation
Special funds for water                           28,454.87               44,509.74
conservancy construction
Other                                            408,306.96              728,755.99              408,306.96
               Total                             436,761.83              773,265.73              408,306.96

(76. Income tax expense
(1). Schedule of income tax expense
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                         Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                        Amount incurred in the current    Amount incurred in previous
                                                  period                           period
Income tax expense in the current                       78,718,313.52                    49,948,061.03
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Semi-annual Report 2021

Deferred income tax expense                                 2,113,729.28                  2,363,643.45
              Total                                        80,832,042.80                 52,311,704.48

(2). Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                      Item                                     Amount incurred in the
                                                                                  current period
Total profits                                                                          544,173,863.25
Income tax expense calculated at the statutory/applicable tax rate                      81,626,079.49
Impact of different tax rates applied to subsidiaries                                   -5,786,263.60
Adjusted impact of income tax in prior periods
Impact of non-taxable income
Impact of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                       4,992,226.91
Impact of using deductible losses of deferred income tax assets that have not
been recognized in the previous period
Impact of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses on
unrecognized deferred income tax assets in the current period
Income tax expense                                                                      80,832,042.80

Other note:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

77. Other Comprehensive Income
√Applicable □Non-applicable
More details are available in“Note VII. 57. Other comprehensive income”
78. Cash flow statement items
(1). Other cash received related to operating activities
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                 Item                     Amount incurred in the current Amount incurred in previous
                                                     period                       period
Receipt of temporary loans                                -4,343,921.23                  8,074,520.09
Interest income                                           16,268,492.45                  7,272,076.83
Government grants                                         16,475,895.19                18,667,256.71
Income from compensation and fines                         3,931,684.14
Other                                                        118,319.40                    206,533.96
                 Total                                    32,450,469.95                34,220,387.59

(2). Other cash paid related to operating activities
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                  Item                 Amount incurred in the current     Amount incurred in previous
                                                 period                            period
Payment of temporary loans                                                                  310,455.18
Transportation expense                                                                  56,405,466.66
Storage expense                                                                         19,474,853.58
Business hospitality expense                               13,082,948.89                  7,108,954.78
Repair cost                                                 6,035,707.07                    205,042.20

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Semi-annual Report 2021

R&D spending                                                                                61,234,779.69
Travel expense                                              1,499,822.30                     1,245,778.00
Insurance premium                                           2,281,744.16                     2,040,700.64
Office expense                                              2,620,048.32                     1,934,306.52
Vehicle expense                                             2,836,107.94                     2,329,581.99
Service charge                                             34,418,631.80                    26,209,658.82
Intermediary fee                                            2,185,372.26                     2,296,375.51
Packaging fee                                                  96,467.24                       413,278.89
Utility bill                                                1,674,698.17                     1,161,219.34
Rent                                                          927,544.88                       326,112.10
Other                                                      36,355,360.51                    24,234,014.50
                 Total                                    204,214,799.54                   206,930,578.40

(3). Other cash received related to investment activities
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(4). Other cash paid related to investment activities
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(5). Other cash received related to financing activities
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(6). Other cash paid related to financing activities
□Applicable √Non-applicable
79. Additional information on cash flow statement
(1). Additional information on cash flow statement
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit:Yuan       Currency:RMB
                                                                  Amount in the            Amount in
                   Additional Information
                                                                  current period         previous period
1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from
operational activities:
Net profit                                                         463,341,820.45          215,549,761.18
Add: provision for impairment of assets                              9,508,691.87            1,976,118.60
Credit impairment provision                                         25,601,468.87           -5,903,018.41
Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets, productive       243,243,181.58
biological assets
Depreciation of right-of-use assets
Amortization of Intangible Assets                                    12,405,545.82          10,093,483.56
Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses                           22,951,301.82          16,770,882.46
Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                      1,258,747.17            1,048,280.34
other long-term assets (income as in “-”)
Losses on scrapping of fixed assets (income as in “-”)
Losses on fair value changes (income as in “-”)                     2,613,733.23
Financial expenses (income as in “-”)                               7,745,204.27           11,113,253.95
Losses on investment (income as in “-”)                           -12,766,068.35          -17,689,222.45
Decrease on deferred income tax assets (increase as in “-”)        -6,049,708.92             -935,368.31
Increase on deferred income tax liabilities (decrease as in
                                                                      5,809,657.58            3,299,011.76
Decrease on inventories (increase as in “-”)                     -114,599,125.33         101,550,734.64
Decrease on operational receivables (increase as in “-”)         -717,851,822.93         190,358,408.01
Increase on operational payables (decrease as in “-”)             802,122,250.83        -248,395,492.65
Net cash flow generated by operating activities                    745,334,877.96          487,393,567.66
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                          Semi-annual Report 2021

2. Major investing and financing activities not involving
cash receipts and payment:
Conversion of debt into capital
Convertible corporate bonds due within one year
Fixed assets under financing lease
3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:
Closing balance of cash                                            1,709,296,801.98         798,996,008.06
Less: opening balance of cash                                        674,866,422.08         715,182,068.12
Add: closing balance of cash equivalents
Less: opening balance of cash equivalents
Net additions to balance of equivalents                            1,034,430,379.90          83,813,939.94

(2). Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries in this period

□Applicable √Non-applicable
(3). Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries in the current period
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(4). Composition of cash and cash equivalents
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                            Balance at the beginning of
                  Item                   Balance at the end of the period
                                                                                    the period
1. Cash                                                1,709,296,801.98                  674,866,422.08
Including: cash on hand                                        10,329.69                        8,899.73
      Bank deposits that can be used
                                                       1,709,286,472.29                  674,857,522.35
for payment at any time
      Other cash and bank balances
that can be used for payment at any
      Deposits in the central bank that
can be used for payment
      Deposits in Other Financial
      Call loans from Other Financial
2. Cash equivalents
Including: bond investments due
within three months
3. Balance of cash and cash                            1,709,296,801.98
equivalents at the end of the period
Includnig: cash and cash equivalents
that are restricted for us by the parent
company or subsidiary within the

Other note:

√Applicable □Non-applicable
     “Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period” as contained in the current cash
flow statement is RMB 112,805,901.59 less than the " Cash and bank balances" at the end of the period

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                        Semi-annual Report 2021

as contained in the consolidated balance sheet, because the note margin deposit for security at RMB
112,805,901.59 is not deemed as cash and cash equivalents.

80. Notes to items in the statement of changes in owners' equity
Give the name of the item “others” adjusting the balance at the end of previous year and the amount of
□Applicable √Non-applicable

81. Assets with restricted ownership or use rights
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
               Item                   Book value at the end of the period   Reason for restricted use
Cash and bank balances                                                    Bank Acceptance Draft
Notes receivable                                         350,653,610.60 Pledge
Fixed assets                                               46,907,530.34 Mortgage
Intangible assets                                           6,698,677.70 Mortgage
Receivables financing                                     811,941,024.18 Pledge
                Total                                   1,329,006,744.41                  /

82. Foreign currency balance at the end of the period
(1). Foreign currency balance at the end of the period
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                    Foreign currency                                Balance converted to
                                                             Converted exchange
              Item                 balance at the end of                             RMB at the end of
                                        the period                                       the period
Cash and bank balances                                  -                      -         134,802,841.82
Including: USD                            10,735,701.11                   6.4601           69,353,702.74
       EUR                                   171,142.09                   7.6862            1,315,432.31
       AUD                                         0.56                   4.8528                    2.72
       CAD                                   869,179.60                   5.2097            4,528,164.96
       SEK                                   581,275.41                   0.7579              440,548.63
       BRL                                25,240,456.81                   1.3037           32,905,983.54
       RM                                 10,734,828.79                   1.5560           16,703,393.60
       PLN                                 5,617,974.79                   1.7009            9,555,613.32
Accounts receivable                                   -                        -          398,464,440.61
Including: USD                            39,975,089.32                   6.4601          258,243,074.52
       EUR                                 3,470,895.04                   7.6862           26,677,993.46
       CAD                                19,764,367.57                   5.2097          102,966,425.73
       BRL                                 3,389,196.79                   1.3037            4,418,495.86
       RM                                  3,935,284.18                   1.5560            6,123,302.18
       GBP                                     3,931.20                   8.9410               35,148.86
Long-term loans                                       -                        -
Including: USD
Accounts payable                                      -                        -              87,994,808.51
Including: USD                             6,550,089.01                   6.4601              42,314,230.01
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     EURO                                    541,155.32                   7.6862             4,159,428.02
     CAD                                   7,408,048.44                   5.2097            38,593,709.94
     BRL                                     272,241.82                   1.3037               354,921.66
     RM                                    1,374,696.93                   1.5560             2,139,028.43
     PLN                                      65,322.41                   1.7009               111,106.89
     SEK                                     425,364.24                   0.7579               322,383.56

(2). Notes to overseas business entities, overseas business locations, functional currency and the
basis for selection in respect of important overseas business enttiies should be disclosed; if there is
a change in the functional currency, the reason for the change should be further disclosed.
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     The Company has seven subsidiaries outside of China, i.e.: Tuopu North American USA
Limited,INC, currently operating in Canada and with Canadian dollars as the functional currency; Tuopu
North American USA Limited, INC, currently operating in the United States and with U.S. dollars as the
functional currency; Tuopu Brasil, currently operating in Brasil and with Brasilian Real as the functional
currency; Tuopu Sweden, currently operating in Sweden and with Swedish krona as the functional
currency; Tuopu International, currently operating in Hong Kong and with Hong Kong dollar as the
functional currency; TUOPU (MALAYSIA) SDN.BHD., currently operating in Malaysia and with
Ringgit as the functional currency; Tuopu USA, LLC,, currently operating in the United States and with
U.S. dollars as the functional currency; Tuopu Poland sp.z.o.o, currently operating in Poland and with
PLN as the functional currenc.

83. Hedging
□Applicable √Non-applicable
84. Government subsidies
1. General information of government subsidies
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit:Yuan       Currency:RMB
                                                                                         Amount included
                    Category                            Amount                             into current
                                                                                          profit and loss
Machine substitution for human project with
an annual capacity of 700,000 sets of damping           4,720,000.00                            235,999.98
Automobile composite fiber production project                          Deferred
                                                        1,000,000.00                             49,999.98
Tuopu Intelligent Mechatronics Industrial Park                         Deferred
                                                       27,000,000.00                            692,857.14
Project                                                                income
Production line transformation project of
high-performance vibration control system for           4,409,904.00                            275,619.04
Production and application technology
transformation project of lightweight materials         7,000,000.00                            437,499.98
for vehicles
Technological Transformation Project of
Automobile High-Performance Vibration                   8,250,992.00                            445,630.56
control system

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                       Semi-annual Report 2021

Technological Transformation Project of                                 Deferred
                                                         7,794,112.00                         407,733.24
Automobile Interior and Exterior Trim Parts                             income
Technological Transformation Project of                                 Deferred
                                                         8,085,312.00                         437,687.58
Automobile Lightweight Control Arms                                     income
Technological Transformation Project of                                 Deferred
                                                         8,443,472.00                         457,628.16
Automobile Lightweight Parts Production Line                            income
Technological Transformation Project of
Automobile High-Performance Vibration                    1,723,800.00                          86,190.00
control system
Technological transformation project of                                 Deferred
                                                         1,875,120.00                          93,756.00
lightweight auto parts                                                  income
Digital workshop project with an annual
capacity of 120,000 sets of intelligent brake            4,041,000.00                         190,748.28
Auto parts production and industrial                                    Deferred
                                                        90,000,000.00                       2,250,000.00
automation projects                                                     income
Technological transformation project for the
production line of automotive lightweight alloy         10,000,000.00                         500,000.04
parts with an annual capacity of 300,000 sets
Technological Transformation Project of
Automobile High-Performance Vibration                    5,564,300.00                         278,215.02
control system
Tuopu Automobile Electronics Auto Parts                                 Deferred
                                                         7,729,116.00                          26,379.24
Production Project                                                      income
Shenyang Tuopu Auto Parts Base Project                                  Deferred
                                                         2,000,000.00                         291,666.66
Intelligent factory construction project with an
annual capacity of 2 million sets of automotive          1,100,000.00                          55,000.00
interior trims
Technological transformation project of car
roof, carpet assembly and other interior trims           1,650,000.00                          82,500.00
with an annual capacity of 1.6 million sets
Auto Parts Production Project of Liudong New                            Deferred
                                                         1,510,000.00                          42,139.54
District                                                                income
Automobile Fabric Production Line Project                               Deferred
                                                         4,104,000.00                         345,358.18
Pinghu Tuopu Auto Parts Production Project                              Deferred
                                                        14,470,000.00                         397,925.00
Production line project with an annual capacity                         Deferred
                                                         1,110,000.00                          43,399.14
of 300,000 sets of related auto parts                                   income
Automobile chassis parts project with an                                Deferred
                                                         5,032,438.00                          51,614.75
annual capacity of 500,000 sets                                         income
Tuopu Chassis Auto Parts Industry Base                                  Deferred
Project                                                                 income
Auxiliary project outside the factory                                   Deferred
                                                         7,000,011.00                         196,523.24
Hunan Xiangtan Auto Parts Industry Base                                 Deferred
Project                                                                 income
Relocation project with an annual capacity of                           Deferred
                                                           965,300.00                          55,296.90
300,000 sets of automotive interior trims                               income
Technological transformation project for the
production line of automobile front and rear             3,056,045.00                         189,055.38
axle with an annual output of 200,000 sets
Technological transformation project of AVS
products & chassis production line with annual             448,715.00                          24,344.27
capacity of 300,000 sets
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Semi-annual Report 2021

Production line of AVS products & chassis                                 Deferred
                                                        2,133,330.00                            120,249.34
with an annual capacity of 300,000 sets                                   income
Passenger vehicle chassis AVS products                                    Deferred
                                                        6,081,290.00                            306,818.26
project with an annual capacity of 500,000 sets                           income
Capacity increase incentives                              450,000.00      Other income          450,000.00
employment retention grants                               390,070.02      Other income          390,070.02
Subsidies for “on-the-job training”                     102,000.00      Other income          102,000.00
R&D subsidies                                             105,502.00      Other income          105,502.00
Power grants                                            1,066,871.59      Other income        1,066,871.59
Social security premium subsidies                             897.00      Other income              897.00
Special fund subsidies for scientific and                                 Non-operating
                                                          900,000.00                            900,000.00
technological development                                                 income
"Made in Zhejiang Selected Products" Award                                Non-operating
                                                          200,000.00                            200,000.00
Tax refund                                                                Non-operating
                                                          410,369.58                            410,369.58
VAT exempts for veterans and poor                                         Non-operating
                                                              26,850.00                          26,850.00
households                                                                income
Tax exempt in two years and tax reduced by                                Non-operating
                                                          277,722.00                            277,722.00
half in three years                                                       income
VAT additional deduction                                                  Non-operating
                                                              65,225.48                          65,225.48
"Economy Billboard" subsidies                                             Non-operating
                                                          100,000.00                            100,000.00
Production safety subsidies                                               Non-operating
                                                              10,000.00                          10,000.00
Invention patent subsidies                                                Non-operating
                                                               4,200.00                           4,200.00
Technology subsidies                                                      Non-operating
                                                          490,500.00                            490,500.00
Positive incentives for steady growth                                     Non-operating
                                                              20,000.00                          20,000.00
“Specialized and specific new” SMEs                                     Non-operating
                                                          100,000.00                            100,000.00
incentives                                                                income
Plant expansion incentives                                                Non-operating
                                                          150,000.00                            150,000.00
Total                                                263,168,464.67                         13,938,042.57

2. Refund of government subsidies
□Applicable √Non-applicable
85. Others
□Applicable √Non-applicable
VIII. Changes in the scope of consolidation
1. Business combination not under common control
□Applicable √Non-applicable
2. Business combination under the same control
□Applicable √Non-applicable
3. Reverse purchase
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                    Semi-annual Report 2021

4. Disposal of subsidiaries
Whether there is a situation where a single disposal of the investment in the subsidiary will immediately lead to loss of control
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other note:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

5. Changes in the scope of consolidation due to other reasons
Notes to changes in the scope of consolidation due to other reasons (e.g.: incorporated new subsidiaries, subsidiaries on liquidation) and relevant conditions:
     √Applicable □Non-applicable
     6 combined entities were added during the reporting period, due to:
     The Company incorporated TUOPU POLAND SP.Z.O.O, Huzhou Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd, Xi’an Tuopu Automobile Parts Co., Ltd, Shanghai Tuopu
Automobile Parts Co., Ltd, Tuopu Photovoltaic Technology (Ningbo Beilun) Co., Ltd., and Tuopu Photovoltaic Technology (Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Area) Co.,
Ltd., which were included into the scope of consolidation from the date of establishment.

6. Other
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                 Semi-annual Report 2021

IX. Equity in Other Entities
1. Equity in Subsidiaries
(1). Composition of the group
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                     Principal                                   Percentage of
      Name of                     Registered     Business       shares held (%)      Method of
     subsidiary                    Address        Nature                             Acquisition
                        Site                                   Direct Indirect
Tuopu Imp&Exp.       Ningbo       Ningbo       Trading         100.00             Business
                                                                                  combination under
                                                                                  the same control
Tuopu Parts            Ningbo     Ningbo       Trading         100.00             Business
                                                                                  combination under
                                                                                  the same control
Tuopu Acoustics        Ningbo     Ningbo       Trading         100.00             Business
Vibration                                                                         combination under
                                                                                  the same control
Yantai Tuopu           Yantai     Yantai       Manufacturing   100.00             Business
                                                                                  combination under
                                                                                  the same control
Liuzhou Tuopu          Liuzhou    Liuzhou      Manufacturing   100.00             Business
                                                                                  combination under
                                                                                  the same control
Shenyang Tuopu         Shenyang   Shenyang     Manufacturing   100.00             Establishment
Tuopu Intelligent      Ningbo     Ningbo       Manufacturing   100.00             Establishment
Tuopu North            Canada     Canada       Trading          51.00             Business
American                                                                          combination not
                                                                                  under the same
Ningbo Qianhui         Ninghai    Ninghai      Manufacturing    51.00             Business
                                                                                  combination not
                                                                                  under the same
Tuopu North            USA        USA          Trading                   51.00    Establishment
American USA
Limited, INC
Sichuan Tuopu          Lingshui   Lingshui     Manufacturing   100.00             Establishment
Wuhan Tuopu            Wuhan      Wuhan        Manufacturing   100.00             Establishment
Pinghu Tuopu           Jiaxing    Jiaxing      Manufacturing   100.00             Establishment
Shanghai Towin         Shanghai   Shanghai     Manufacturing   100.00             Establishment
Tuopu Industrial       Ningbo     Ningbo       Manufacturing   100.00             Establishment
Tuopu Investment       Ningbo     Ningbo       Investment      100.00             Establishment
Yuxiang                Ningbo     Ningbo       Service         100.00             Establishment
Tuopu                  Hong       Hong         Investment      100.00             Establishment
International          Kong       Kong
Baoji Tuopu            Baoji      Baoji        Manufacturing   100.00             Establishment
Taizhou Tuopu          Linhai     Linhai       Manufacturing   100.00             Establishment
Tuopu Automotive       Ningbo     Ningbo       Manufacturing   100.00             Establishment
Tuopu Brasil           Brasil     Brasil       Manufacturing    99.96     0.04    Establishment
Tuopu Sweden           Sweden     Sweden       R&D                      100.00    Establishment
Jinzhong Tuopu         Jinzhong   Jinzhong     Manufacturing   100.00             Establishment
Shenzhen Towin         Shenzhen   Shenzhen     Manufacturing   100.00             Establishment
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Zhejiang Towin         Jinhua      Jinhua        Manufacturing    100.00               Business
                                                                                       combination not
                                                                                       under the same
Sichuan Maigao         Suining     Suining       Manufacturing    100.00               Business
                                                                                       combination not
                                                                                       under the same
Hunan Tuopu            Xiangtan    Xiangtan      Manufacturing    100.00               Establishment
TUOPU                  Malaysia    Malaysia                                 100.00     Establishment
(MALAYSIA)                                       Manufacturing
Tuopu USA, LLC         USA         USA           Trading          100.00               Establishment
Tuopu Chassis          Ningbo      Ningbo        Manufacturing    100.00               Establishment
Tuopu Thermal          Ningbo      Ningbo                         100.00               Establishment
Tuopu Poland           Poland      Poland        Manufacturing    100.00               Establishment
Huzhou Tuopu           Huzhou      Huzhou        Manufacturing    100.00               Establishment
Shanghai Tuopu         Shanghai    Shanghai      Manufacturing    100.00               Establishment
i’an Tuopu            Xi’an      Xi’an        Manufacturing    100.00               Establishment
Photovoltaic                                                                           Establishment
                       Ningbo      Ningbo        Manufacturing             100.00
Technology Beilun
Photovoltaic                                                                           Establishment
Technology             Ningbo      Ningbo        Manufacturing             100.00
Hangzhou Bay

(2). Important non-wholly owned subsidiaries
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                              Profit and loss                            Balance of
                       Percentage of                              Dividends declared
                                              attributable to                             minority
    Name of            shares held by                                 to minority
                                                 minority                               shareholders'
   Subsidiary             minority                                shareholders in the
                                            shareholders in the                       equity at the end
                        shareholders                                current period
                                              current period                            of the period
Tuopu North                     49.00              3,109,869.44                           2,057,754.36
American USA
Limited, INC
Notes to the percentage of shares held by minority shareholder that is different from the percentage of
voting rights:
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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(3). Main financial information of important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                                           Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
Name of                                 Balance at the end of the period
                                                                                                                            Balance at the beginning of the period
   y            Current       Non-curren       Total         Current       Non-curren      Total         Current       Non-curren    Total       Current Non-curren         Total
                 assets        t assets        assets       liabilities    t liabilities Liabilities      assets        t assets     assets     liabilities t liabilities Liabilities
Tuopu North
American       39,671,843.0                  42,793,208.6   38,593,709.9                 38,593,709.9   17,873,744.6                    24,341,065.3   27,491,819.9                27,491,819.9
                              3,121,365.58                                                                             6,467,320.70
USA                       5                             3              4                            4              8                               8              2                           2
Limited, INC

                                             Amount incurred in the current period                                                    Amount incurred in previous period
                                                                    Total        Cash flow from                                                            Total        Cash flow from
   Name of Subsidiary             Operating                                                                        Operating
                                                 Net profit   comprehensive         operating                                           Net profit    comprehensive       operating
                                    income                                                                          income
                                                                   income           activities                                                            income           activities
Tuopu North American            280,412,603.97 6,346,672.32      6,346,672.32      11,115,861.92
                                                                                                                143,869,719.63          -821,466.97         -866,978.43        -1,527,841.01
USA Limited, INC

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Semi-annual Report 2021

(4). Significant restrictions on the use of group assets and the settlement of group debts
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(5). Financial support or other support provided to structured entities included in the scope of
consolidated financial statements
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Other note:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. Transactions leading to a change in the share of owner's equity in the subsidiary and the control
over the subsidiary remains
□Applicable √Non-applicable

3. Rights and interests in joint ventures or associates
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(1). Important joint ventures or associates
□Applicable √Non-applicable
                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
 Name of joint        Principal                                    Percentage of  Accounting treatment
                                    Registered      Business      shares held (%) of investment in joint
   venture or         Business
                                     Address         Nature
   associate            Site                                      Direct Indirect ventures or associate
Tuopu Electrical     Ningbo         Ningbo        Manufacturing   50.00           Equity method
Ningbo Borgers       Ningbo         Ningbo        Manufacturing   50.00              Equity method
Antolin Tuopu        Chongqing      Chongqing     Manufacturing   39.00              Equity method

(2). Main financial information of important joint ventures
√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                    Balance at the end of the          Balance at the beginning of the
                                 period/Amount incurred in the       period/Amount incurred in previous
                                         current period                            period
                               Tuopu Electrical Ningbo Borgers       Tuopu Electrical Ningbo Borgers
                                 Appliances                            Appliances
Current assets                   88,352,024.40      210,065,642.81    138,270,376.94     195,623,586.03
     Including: cash and
                                   6,134,984.58      66,032,557.54        21,987,735.55      37,219,502.34
cash equivalents
Non-current assets               36,874,516.36       35,523,468.77     36,800,692.85        33,719,670.26
Total assets                    125,226,540.76      245,589,111.58    175,071,069.79       229,343,256.29
Current liabilities              33,605,109.38       74,773,116.93     49,632,204.32        73,608,535.10
Non-current liabilities
Total liabilities                 33,605,109.38      74,773,116.93        49,632,204.32      73,608,535.10
Minority shareholders'

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Semi-annual Report 2021

Equity attributable to
shareholders of the            91,621,431.38      170,815,994.65      125,438,865.47     155,734,721.19
parent company
Share of net assets
calculated at the
                               45,810,715.69         85,407,997.33     62,719,432.74      77,867,360.60
percentage of shares
Adjusted events                    -277,939.83       -2,559,512.71       -143,018.70        -785,497.31
--Unrealized profits
from internal                      -277,939.83       -2,559,512.71       -143,018.70        -785,497.31
Book value of equity
investment in joint            45,532,775.86         82,848,484.62     62,576,414.04      77,081,863.29
Fair value of equity
investment in joint
ventures with public
Operating income               63,242,426.20      204,377,100.32       44,353,074.46     179,258,283.48
Financial expenses                 81,910.01         -445,129.03         -278,259.13         126,656.79
Income tax expense              1,043,421.81        2,160,269.23          883,012.09       3,525,086.15
Net profit                      5,912,723.66       11,533,242.64        5,003,735.18       9,615,010.33
Net profit from
discontinued operations
Other comprehensive
Total comprehensive
                                5,912,723.66         11,533,242.64      5,003,735.18       9,615,010.33
Dividends received from
joint ventures in this

(3). Main financial information of important associates
√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                                         Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                         Balance at the end of the       Balance at the beginning of the
                                      period/Amount incurred in the        period/Amount incurred in
                                              current period                    previous period
                                     Antolin Tuopu                      Antolin Tuopu
Current assets                       60,695,988.94                      74,131,960.92
Non-current assets                     5,669,768.74                       6,611,365.37
Total assets                         66,365,757.68                      80,743,326.29
Current liabilities                  40,034,510.50                      53,467,156.43
Non-current liabilities
Total Liabilities                    40,034,510.50                      53,467,156.43
Minority shareholders' equity
Equity attributable to
shareholders of the parent           26,331,247.18                      27,276,169.86
Share of net assets calculated
                                     10,269,186.40                      10,637,706.25
by the percentage of shares held

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Adjusted events                          86,730.40
--Unrealized profits from
internal transactions
Book value of equity
                                     10,355,916.80                        10,637,706.25
investment in associates
Fair value of equity investment
in associates with public offers
Operating income                     34,016,896.86                        32,485,456.91
Net profit                             -722,537.06                        -1,339,172.95
Net profit from discontinued
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income             -722,537.06                         -1,339,172.95
Dividends received from
associates in this year

(4). Summary of financial information of unimportant joint ventures and associates
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(5). Notes to significant restrictions on the ability of joint ventures or associates to transfer funds to
the Company
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(6). Excess losses suffered by joint ventures or associates
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(7). Unconfirmed commitments related to joint venture investment
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(8). Contingent liabilities related to investment in joint ventures or associates
□Applicable √Non-applicable

4. Important joint operations
□Applicable √Non-applicable

5. Equity in structured entities not included in the scope of consolidated financial statements
Notes to structured entities not included in the scope of the consolidated financial statements:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

6. Other
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                          Semi-annual Report 2021

X. Risks related to financial instruments
√Applicable □Non-applicable
     The Company faces various financial risks in the course of its operations: credit risk, liquidity risk
and market risk (including exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risks). The said financial
risks and the risk management policies adopted by the Company to reduce these risks are described
     The Board of Directors is responsible for planning and establishing the risk management structure
applicable to the Company, laying down the risk management policies and guidelines, and supervising
the implementation of risk management measures. The Company has laid down some risk management
policies to identify and analyze the risks exposed to it. These risk management policies clearly identify
specific risks, ranging from market risk, credit risk to liquidity risk management. The Company assesses
the market environment and changes in its business activities at regular intervals in order to decide
whether to update the risk management policy and system or not. Its risk management is carried out by
the financial department in accordance with the policies approved by the Board of Directors. Financial
Division will identify, evaluate and avoid related risks by maintaining a close cooperation with other
business units within the Company. The internal audit division conducts regular audits on risk
management control and procedures, and reports the audit results to the Auditing Committee of the
     The Company carries out the diversification of risks in financial instruments through appropriate
diversified investment and business portfolios, and prepares appropriate risk management policies to
reduce the risk concentrated in a single industry, specific region or specific counterparty.
     (1) Credit risk
     Credit risk refers to the risk of the company's financial losses due to the failure of the counterparty
to perform its contractual obligations.
     The credit risk exposed to the Company mainly arises from Cash and bank balances, notes
receivable, accounts receivable, accounts receivable financing, other receivables, as well as those debt
instrument investments and derivative financial assets that are not included in the scope of impairment
assessment and are measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profit and loss.
On the balance sheet date, the book value of the Company's financial assets has represented its
maximum credit risk exposure.
     The Cash and bank balances owned by the Company are mainly bank deposits deposited in
well-repuated state-owned banks with high credit ratings and other large and medium-sized listed banks.
In the opinion of the Company, there is no significant credit risk, and there will be almost no critical loss
caused by bank defaults.
     The Company lays down relevant policies to control credit risk exposure in respect of notes
receivable, accounts receivable, financing receivables and other receivables. The Company assesses the
credit profile of each customer and defines the credit term based on its financial standing, the possibility
of obtaining guarantees from a third party, credit record and other factors such as current market
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                           Semi-annual Report 2021

condition. The Company will monitor the credit record of each customer at regular intervals. For thos
found with poor credit record, the Company will maintain its overall credit risk to the extent controllable
by written demand, shortening or cancellation of credit term.
     (2) Liquidity risk
     Liquidity risk refers to the risk of a shortage of funds when an enterprise fulfills its obligation of
settlement by cash or other financial assets.
     The Company's policy is to ensure that there is sufficient cash to repay the liabilities due. The
liquidity risk is under the concentrated control of the Company's Financial Department. Through
monitoring the balance of cash and securities cashable at any time and rolling forecasting the cash flow
in the next 12 months, the Financial Department ensures that the Company has sufficient funds to repay
its debts under all reasonable predictions. And it will continue to monitor whether the Company
complies with the provisions of the borrowing agreement and obtains commitments from major financial
institutions to provide sufficient reserve funds to meet its funding needs, whether short term or long
     (3) Market risk
     The market risk of financial instruments refers to the risk of fluctuation at fair value of financial
instruments or future cash flows with the change of market prices, including exchange rate risk, interest
rate risk and other price risks.
     1. Interest rate risk
     The interest rate risk refers to the risk in which the fair value or future cash flow of financial
instruments changes due to the change of market interest rate.
     Interest-bearing financial instruments applicable to fixed interest rates and floating interest rates
bring the Company up to fair value interest rate risk and cash flow interest rate risk respectively. The
Company ascertains the ratio of fixed interest rates to floating interest rate instruments based on the
market environment, and maintains an appropriate portfolio of fixed and floating interest rate
instruments at regular intervals. If necessary, the Company will adopt interest rate swap instruments to
hedge interest rate risk.
     On June 30, 2021, if other variables remain the same, the borrowing interest rate calculated by
floating interest rate rises or falls by 100 base points, the Company's net profit will decrease or increase
by RMB 7,731,297.45. In the opinion of the management,100 base points can reasonably reflect the
reasonable range of possible changes in interest rates in the next year.
     2. Exchange rate risk
     Exchange rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value of financial instruments or future cash flows
will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates.
     The Company will try its best to match the revenues with the expenses in foreign currency, to lower
the exchange rate risk. In addition, the Company may also sign forward foreign exchange contracts or
currency swap contracts to avoid exchange rate risks. In the current period and the previous period, the
company did not sign any forward foreign exchange contracts or currency swap contracts.

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                                 Semi-annual Report 2021

     The exchange rate risk faced with by the Company is mainly from financial assets and liabilities in
USD. The amounts of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies and converted into RMB are presented
as below:
                            Balance at the end of the period               Balance at the beginning of the year
        Item                 US         foreign                         US            Other foreign
                                                      Total                                                    Total
                            dollars    currencie                       dollars         currencies
  Cash and bank          69,353,702.7   65,449,139.0   134,802,841.   32,195,685.4
    balances                        4              8            82               0                                      3
                         258,243,074.   140,221,366.   398,464,440.   210,244,792.                           322,987,297.
Accounts receivable               52             09             61             96
                         42,314,230.0   45,680,578.5   87,994,808.5   39,794,482.9                           75,271,306.1
 Accounts payable                   1              0              1              3
                         369,911,007.   251,351,083.   621,262,090.   282,234,961.                           459,152,380.
       Total                      27             67             94
                                                                               29                                     88
     On June 30, 2021, if all other variables remain the same, if the exchange rate of renminbi against
any of foreign currencies (principally USD, Euro, CAD, BRL) appreciates or depreciates by 5%, the
Company will Increase or decrease the net profit by RMB 22,263,623.70. In the opinion of the
management, 5% can reasonably reflect the reasonable range of possible changes in the exchange rate of
RMB against USD in the next year.
     3. Other price risks
     Other price risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments will
fluctuate due to changes in market prices other than exchange rate risk and interest rate risk.
     Other price risks exposed to the Company mainly arise from investments in various equity
instruments, and there is a risk of changes in the price of equity instruments.

XI. Disclosure of Fair Values
Fair values of the assets and liabilities at the end of the period
√Applicable □Non-applicable
Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                             Fair value at the end of the period
                             Fair value            Fair value       Fair value
                             measurement at measurement at measurement at                       Total
                             the first-level       the second-level the third-level
I. Constant measurement
at fair
(I) Trading Financial           401,276,432.56
1. Financial assets at fair     401,276,432.56
value through profit or                                                                               401,276,432.56
loss in this period
(1) Investment in debt
(2) Investment in equity           1,276,432.56
3)Derivative Financial
(4) Short-term wealth           400,000,000.00
management products
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                             Semi-annual Report 2021

2. Designated financial
assets that are measured at
fair value and whose
changes are included in
the current profit and loss
(1) Investment in debt
(2) Investment in equity
(II) Investment in Other
Creditor's Rights
(III) Investment in Other
Equity Instruments
(IV) Investment Property
1. Land use rights for
2. Rented buildings
3. Land use rights held
and prepared to transfer
after appreciation
(V) Biological assets
1. Consumable biological
2. Productive Biological
(VI) Receivables                                             874,151,202.33     874,151,202.33
Total assets constantly         401,276,432.56               874,151,202.33   1,275,427,634.89
measured at fair value
(VIII) Transactional
financial liabilities
1. Financial liabilities that
are measured at fair value
and whose changes are
included in the current
profit and loss
Including: issued trading
Derivative Financial
2. Designated Financial
Liabilities Measured in
Fair Value with Changes
Recorded into Current
Profit and Loss
Total amount of liabilities
constantly measured at
their fair values
II. Non-continuous fair
value measurement
(1) Held-for-sale assets
Total assets that are not
continuously measured at
fair value

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Total liabilities not
continuously measured at
fair value

1. Determination basis for the market price of continuous and non-continuous first-level fair value
measurement projects
□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and important
parameters for continuous and non-continuous second-level fair value measurement items
□Applicable √Non-applicable

3. Continuous and non-sustainable third-level fair value measurement projects, qualitative and
quantitative information on valuation techniques and important parameters used
□Applicable √Non-applicable

4. Continuous third-level fair value measurement items, adjustment information between the book
value at the beginning of the period and that at the end of the period and sensitivity analysis of
unobservable parameters
□Applicable √Non-applicable

5. Continuous fair value measurement items, if there is a conversion between levels occurred in the
current period, the reasons for the conversion and the policies for determining the time point of
the conversion
□Applicable √Non-applicable

6. Changes in valuation technique in the current period and reasons for the changes
□Applicable √Non-applicable

7. The fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value
□Applicable √Non-applicable

8. Other
□Applicable √Non-applicable

XII. Related Parties and Related-party Transactions
1. The parent company
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                           Unit:Yuan Currency:HKD
                                                                      Percentage of the  Percentage of
                                                                         Company’s     the Company’s
   Name of parent          Registered   Nature of       Registered
                                                                       shares held by    voting rights
     company                address     business         capital
                                                                         the parent       held by the
                                                                          company       parent company
INTERNATIONAL              Hong
                                        Investment     1,000,000.00             62.94               62.94
HOLDING (HK)             Kong
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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                        Semi-annual Report 2021

The ultimate controlling party of the Company is Jianshu Wu.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company
More details of the subsidiaries of the Company are available in “Note IX. Equity in Other Entities”.
√Applicable □Non-applicable

3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company
     More details of important joint ventures or associates of the Company are available in “Note IX.
Equity in Other Entities”.
□Applicable √Non-applicable
The situation of other joint ventures or associates that have related party transactions with the company
during the current period or the balance of the related party transactions with the Company in the
previous period is listed as follows.
√Applicable □Non-applicable
   Name of Joint Ventures or Associates                      Relationship with the Company
Tuopu Electrical Appliances                     Joint venture of the Company
Ningbo Borgers                                  Joint venture of the Company
Antolin Tuopu                                   Associate of the Company

Other note
□Applicable √Non-applicable

4. Other Related Parties
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                  Name of Other Related Party                       Relationship between Other Related
                                                                           Party and the Company
Ninghai Jinsuoer Auto Parts Factory (hereinafter referred to as   A company controlled by the niece of
"Ninghai Jinsuoer")                                               the actual controller of the Company
Ninghai Jinsuoer Auto Parts Factory (hereinafter referred to as   A company controlled by the niece of
"Ninghai Jinsuoer")                                               the actual controller of the Company
Ninghai Saipu Rubber and Plastic Parts Factory (hereinafter       A company controlled by the niece of
referred to as "Ninghai Saipu")                                   the actual controller of the Company
                                                                  A company controlled by the young
Ninghai Jinxin Packaging Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
                                                                  sister of the actual controller of the
"Ninghai Jinxin")
                                                                  A company controlled by the
Ninghai Zhonghao Plastic Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
                                                                  brother-in-law of the officer of the
referred to as "Ninghai Zhonghao")
                                                                  A company controlled by the elder
Ninghai Xidian Qingqing Plastic Factory (hereinafter referred
                                                                  sister and brother-in-law of the officer
to as "Ninghai Qingqing")
                                                                  of the Company
                                                                  A company controlled by the niece’s
Ningbo Hongke Auto Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to
                                                                  husband of the actual controller of the
as "Ningbo Hongke")
Ningbo Gloyel Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd. (hereinafter        Other company controlled by the actual
referred to as "Gloyel Intelligent”)                             controller of the Company
Ningbo Gloyel Motor Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter             Other company controlled by the actual
referred to as "Ningbo Gloyel”)                                  controller of the Company

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                        Semi-annual Report 2021

Gloyel Electrical (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as    Other company controlled by the actual
" Gloyel Electrical”)                                              controller of the Company

Other note:
     Note: Ningbo Gloyel Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd. was formerly known as “Ningbo Gloyel
Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.” before October 2020.

5. Related party transactions
(1). Related-party transactions of purchase and sale of goods, rendering and acceptance of labor
List of purchase of goods/acceptance of labor services
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                       Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                  Related-party        Amount incurred in the  Amount incurred in
        Related party
                                   transaction            current period         previous period
Ningbo Hongke               Material                           40,937,837.26           27,140,831.80
Ninghai Jinsuoer            Material                            6,563,661.02            4,873,697.05
Ninghai Saipu               Material                            1,424,042.76            1,101,835.90
Ninghai Jinxin              Material                            6,908,172.56            2,414,671.66
Ninghai Zhonghao            Material                            7,989,179.29            5,188,217.35
Ninghai Qingqing            Material                            2,946,705.13            2,469,393.63
Tuopu Electrical                                                  793,100.56              571,615.71
Ningbo Borgers              Material                            5,159,310.50            4,463,648.28
Gloyel Motor                Material, equipment                13,211,110.14           13,124,686.35
Gloyel Intelligent          Equipment                           5,175,221.23               28,318.59
Total                                                          91,108,340.45           61,376,916.32

List of sale of goods/rendering of labor services
□Applicable √Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                   Content of related      Amount incurred in the   Amount incurred in
        Related party
                                      transaction             current period         previous period
Tuopu Electrical               Goods, labor services,               3,982,471.60            2,100,976.08
Appliances                     et al.
Ningbo Borgers                 Goods, labor services,              57,294,993.02            49,116,653.23
                               et al.
Antolin Tuopu                  Goods, labor services,                3,080,494.76            4,043,360.77
                               et al.
Total                                                              64,357,959.38            55,260,990.08

Notes to related-party transactions in the purchase and sale of goods, rendering and acceptance of labor
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Related trusteeship management/contracting and entrusted management/outsourcing
List of trusteeship management/contracting of the Company:
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Related trusteeship/contracting
□Applicable √Non-applicable
List of entrusted management/outsourcing

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□Applicable √Non-applicable
Related management/outsourcing
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Related leases
The Company as landlord:
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                Rental income recognized Rental income recognized in
  Name of tenant         Kind of lease assets
                                                  in the current period          previous period
Ningbo Borgers          Houses and structures                   337,500.00                   325,000.00
Gloyel Motor            Houses and structures                   108,000.00                   108,000.00
Total                                                           445,500.00                   433,000.00

The Company as tenant:
□Applicable √Non-applicable
                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                Rental income recognized Rental income recognized in
  Name of tenant         Kind of lease assets
                                                  in the current period          previous period
Gloyel Electrical       Houses and structures                 3,129,489.91                       0.00

Affiliated leases
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(4). Related guarantees
The Company as guarantor
□Applicable √Non-applicable
The Company as guaranteed party
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Notes to related guarantees
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(5). Borrowed funds from related parties
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(6). Asset transfer and debt restructuring of related parties
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(7). Remuneration of key management members
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                           Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                            Amount incurred in the current        Amount incurred in
                                                      period                        previous period
Remuneration from key                                          2,707,471.80                 2,646,987.58
management members

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(8). Other related-party transactions
□Applicable √Non-applicable

6. Accounts receivable and payable of related parties
(1). Receivables
                                                                           Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                          Balance at the beginning of the
                                     Balance at the end of the period
       Item          Related party
                                                         Bad debt                             Bad debt
                                     Book balance                         Book balance
                                                         provision                            provision
Accounts          Ningbo               23,677,969.25     1,183,898.46      29,293,492.21      1,464,674.61
receivable        Borgers
                  Tuopu                 2,206,002.44         110,300.12       2,638,160.39      131,908.02
Accounts          Antolin               2,083,239.87         104,161.99       2,326,696.22      116,334.81
receivable        Tuopu
Other non-current Gloyel               31,125,255.00                       16,200,000.00
assets            Intelligent

(2). Payables
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                         Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
            Item                Related party        Book balance at the Book balance at the beginning
                                                      end of the period          of the period
Accounts payable           Ningbo Borgers                    1,184,149.75                 5,202,246.00
Accounts payable           Ninghai Jinsuoer                  4,866,872.90                 5,293,108.17
Accounts payable           Ninghai Saipu                     1,333,115.40                 1,108,699.60
Accounts payable           Ninghai Jinxin                    5,495,590.77                 5,191,550.61
                           Tuopu Electrical                    511,566.94                   160,365.20
Accounts payable
Accounts payable           Ninghai Zhonghao                    7,724,971.72                   4,949,234.52
Accounts payable           Ninghai Qingqing                    5,223,923.06                   2,135,445.47
Accounts payable           Ningbo Hongke                      39,169,025.52                  35,419,299.60
                           Gloyel Motor                        6,296,698.16                   7,111,998.16
Accounts payable

7. Related-party commitments
□Applicable √Non-applicable

8. Others
□Applicable √Non-applicable

XIII. Share-based payment

1. General situation of share-based payment
□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. Particulars of equity-settled share-based payment
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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3. Particulars of cash-settled share-based payment
□Applicable √Non-applicable

4. Modification and termination of share-based payment
□Applicable √Non-applicable

5. Other
□Applicable √Non-applicable

XIV. Commitments and Contingencies

1. Important commitments
√Applicable □Non-applicable
Important external commitments, nature, and amount on the balance sheet date
     (1) On 13 July 2020, the Company signed a loan contract with the Export-Import Bank of China
Ningbo Branch, with the granted credit line at RMB 210 million, under the loan contract number (2020)
Jin Chu Yin (Yong Xin He) No. 1-061, the length of maturity of short-term loans is up to 24 months, the
revolving use of credit loans is allowed, with the length of each sum up to 12 months. The form of
guarantee is setting houses and structures on mortgage, under the guarantee contract number (2020) Jin
Chu Yin (Yong Zui Xin Di) No. 1-004. As of December 31, 2020, the short-term loan balance under the
contract is RMB 210 million, the original value and net value of properties on mortgage is RMB
118,839,780.32 and RMB 46,907,530.34 respectvely; the original value and net value of land on
mortgage is RMB 10,659,462.00 and RMB 6,698,677.70 respectvely.
     (2) On 27 August 2020, the Company signed a loan contract with the Export-Import Bank of China
Ningbo Branch, with the granted credit line at RMB 190 million, under the loan contract number (2020)
Jin Chu Yin (Yong Xin He) No. 1-068, the length of maturity of short-term loans is up to 24 months, the
revolving use of credit loans is allowed, with the length of each sum up to 12 months. The form of
guarantee is setting houses and structures on mortgage, under the guarantee contract number (2020) Jin
Chu Yin (Yong Zui Xin Di) No. 1-004. As ofJune 30, 2021, the short-term loan balance under the
contract is RMB 190 million, the original value and net value of properties on mortgage is RMB
118,839,780.32 and RMB 46,907,530.34 respectvely; the original value and net value of land on
mortgage is RMB 10,659,462.00 and RMB 6,698,677.70 respectvely.
     (3) On 24 June 2021, the Company signed a loan contract with the Export-Import Bank of China
Ningbo Branch, with the granted credit line at RMB 150 million, under the loan contract number (2020)
Jin Chu Yin (Yong Xin He) No. 1-068, the length of maturity of short-term loans is up to 24 months, the
revolving use of credit loans is allowed, with the length of each sum up to 12 months. The form of
guarantee is setting houses and structures on mortgage, under the guarantee contract number (2020) Jin
Chu Yin (Yong Zui Xin Di) No. 1-004. As of June 30, 2021, the short-term loan balance under the
contrtact is RMB 190 million, the original value and net value of properties on mortgage is RMB
118,839,780.32 and RMB 46,907,530.34 respectvely; the original value and net value of land on
mortgage is RMB 10,659,462.00 and RMB 6,698,677.70 respectvely.
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      (4) On April 18, 2016, the Company signed the state-owned construction land use rights
assignment contract No. 3302062016A21006 with Ningbo Bureau of Land and Resources, and signed
the industrial land invesmtnet agreement with Administration Committee of Ningbo Economic &
Technological Development Zone (NETD). Under the said industrial land invesmtnet agreement, if the
Company fails to pay taxes at RMB 20.00/mu in any year within the period from October 31, 2019 to
October 31, 2022, it must pay RMB 5 million as penalty to Ningbo Economic & Technological
Development Zone (NETD).
     On July 21, 2016, the Company signed the "Irrevocable Bank Guarantee" at the maximum sum of
RMB 5 million with Bank of China Ningbo Branch in the beneficiary of Administration Committee of
Ningbo Economic & Technological Development Zone (NETD), under the bank guarantee number
GC1901316000107, with the term of bank guarantee effective from 1 May 2022 to 30 April 2023. The
bank guarantee specifies that the Company must pay a penalty up to RMB 5 million to Administration
Committee of Ningbo Economic & Technological Development Zone (NETD), upon the time in which
the Bank of China Ningbo Branch receives the original written notice of notice in printed form and the
proof of default from Administration Committee of Ningbo Economic & Technological Development
Zone (NETD).
     (5) Tuopu Parts signed the note pool cooperation agreement 33100000 Zhe Shang Piao Chi Zi 2017
No.01470, the asset pool cooperation agreement 33100000 Zhe Shang Zi Chan Chi Zi 2017 No.01470,
and the asset pool pledge guarantee contract 33100000 Zhe Shang Zi Chan Chi Zi 2017 No.01471 with
China Zheshang Bank Beilun Branch. As of June 30, 2021, there were bank acceptance notes in a sum
of RMB 563,979,236.34 under pledge and a part of the pledged notes receivable converted into pledged
bank deposits in a sum of RMB 74,301,803.59, and the notes payable in a sum of RMB 632,281,039.93
were issued.
     (6) Tuopu Acoustics Vibration signed the note pool cooperation agreement 33100000 Zhe Shang
Piao Chi Zi 2017 No.01472, the asset pool cooperation agreement 33100000 Zhe Shang Zi Chan Chi Zi
2017 No.01472, and the asset pool pledge guarantee contract 33100000 Zhe Shang Zi Chan Chi Zi 2017
No.01473 with China Zheshang Bank Beilun Branch. As of June 30, 2021, there were bank acceptance
notes in a sum of RMB 350,653,610.60 under pledge and a part of the pledged notes receivable
converted into pledged bank deposits in a sum of RMB 35,961,339.23, and the notes payable in a sum of
RMB 309,853,212.61 were issued.
     (7) On July 5, 2018, Tuopu Parts signed the note pool cooperation and note pledge agreement
05101PC20188002 with Bank of Ningbo Beilun branch, and 7 November 2018, signed the additional
note pool cooperation and note pledge agreement 05101PC20188002 with Bank of Ningbo Beilun
branch. As of June 30, 2021, there were bank acceptance notes in a sum of RMB 228,688,761.20 under
pledge, and the notes payable in a sum of RMB 189,953,767.34were issued.
     (8) Tuopu Intelligent Brake signed the note pool cooperation agreement 9411202000000006 and
the maximum pledge contract ZZ9411202000000006 with SPDB Ningbo Development Zone

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Sub-branch. As of June 30, 2021, the bank acceptance notes in a sum of RMB 23,140,000.00 were put
under pledge and the notes payable in a sum of RMB 15,969,585.96 were issued.
     (9) Ningbo Qianhui signed the maximum pledge contract 06001PC20198005 with Bank of Ningbo
Ninghai Branch. As of June 30, 2021, there were bank acceptance notes in a sum of RMB 13,633,026.64
under pledge and a part of the pledged notes receivable converted into pledged bank deposits in a sum of
RMB 2,542,758.77, and the notes payable in a sum of RMB 15,450,827.54 were issued.

2. Contingencies
(1). Important contingencies existing on the balance sheet date

□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Even if the Company has no important contingencies to be disclosed, also state:

□Applicable √Non-applicable

3. Others

□Applicable √Non-applicable

XV. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

1. Important non-adjusting events

□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. Profit distribution

□Applicable √Non-applicable

3. Sales return

□Applicable √Non-applicable

4. Notes to Other Events after the Balance Sheet Date

□Applicable √Non-applicable

VI. Other Significant Events

1. Correction of previous accounting errors

(1). Retrospective restatement
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Pospective application
□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. Debt restructuring
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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3. Replacement of assets
(1). Exchange of non-monetary assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(2). Exchange of other assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable
4. Annuity plan
□Applicable √Non-applicable
5. Discontinuing operation
□Applicable √Non-applicable
6. Segment information
(1). Determination basis and accounting policies of the reportable segment
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(2). Financial information of the reportable segment
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(3). If the Company has no reportable segments or cannot disclose the total assets and total
liabilities of individual reportable segment, state the reason
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(4). Other notes
□Applicable √Non-applicable
7. Other significant transactions and event that have an impact on investors' decisions
□Applicable √Non-applicable
8. Others
□Applicable √Non-applicable

XVII. Notes to the Main Items of the Financial Statements of the Parent Company
1. Accounts receivable
(1). Disclosure by age
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                    Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                       Aging                              Book balance at the end of the period
Within 1 year
Including: sub-items within 1 year
Within 1 year                                                                      1,119,078,106.37
Subtotal within 1 year                                                             1,119,078,106.37
1 to 2 years                                                                         154,974,823.30
2-3 years                                                                             78,137,018.39
Over 3 years
3 to 4 years
4 to 5 years
Over 5 years                                                                             323,215.01
Bad debt provision                                                                   -95,215,708.18
                        Total                                                      1,257,297,454.89

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(2). Categorial disclosure by provision for bad debts
                                                                                                                                     Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                     Balance at the End of the Period                                         Balance at the Beginning of the Period
                        Book Balance                                                             Book Balance                 Bad Debt Provision
                                                  Bad Debt Provision
                                                              Accrued       Book value                                                       Accrued        Book Value
                                   Percentage                                                                 Percentage
                    Amount                        Amount     Proportion                        Amount                         Amount        Proportion
                                      (%)                                                                        (%)
                                                                (%)                                                                            (%)
Bad        debt
accrued based
on single item

Bad        debt
                1,352,513,163.07       100.00 95,215,708.18          7.04 1,257,297,454.89 1,965,908,204.74      100.00 124,970,891.78              6.36 1,840,937,312.96
accrued based
on single item
Bad        debt
accrued based 1,352,513,163.07         100.00 95,215,708.18          7.04 1,257,297,454.89 1,965,908,204.74      100.00 124,970,891.78              6.36 1,840,937,312.96
on       aging
     Total      1,352,513,163.07       /        95,215,708.18    /        1,257,297,454.89 1,965,908,204.74       /        124,970,891.78       /        1,840,937,312.96

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Bad debt provision accrued based on single item:
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Bad debt provision accrued based on combinations
√Applicable □Non-applicable
Accrued items based on combinations: accounts receivable with bad debt provision by aging portfolio
                                                                      Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                               Balance at the End of the Period
                          Accounts Receivable        Bad Debt Provision        Accrued Proportion(%)
Within 1 year                  1,119,078,106.37               55,953,905.32                       5.00
1 to 2 years                     154,974,823.30               15,497,482.33                     10.00
2 to 3 years                      78,137,018.39               23,441,105.52                     30.00
3 to 5 years
Over 5 years                         323,215.01                  323,215.01                    100.00
         Total                 1,352,513,163.07               95,215,708.18                       7.04

Recognition criteria for and notes to bad debt provision by combinations
□Applicable √Non-applicable

If the bad debt provision is made by the general expected credit loss model, refer to the disclosure of
other receivables:
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(3). Bad debt provision
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                          Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                  Balance at the          Amount Changed in the Current Period               Balance at the
  Category      Beginning of the                 Withdrawal or                      Other      End of the
                                    Provision                       Write-off
                     Period                         Reversal                    Changes          Period
Bad debt
accrued           124,970,891.78                  29,755,183.60                              95,215,708.18
based on
     Total        124,970,891.78                  29,755,183.60                              95,215,708.18

Significant withdrawal or reversal amount of provision for bad debts in the current period:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(4). Accounts receivable actually written off in the current period
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(5). Accounts receivable of the top five closing balances collected by debtors
√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                        Balance at the End of the Period

     Name of Entity                                   Proportion in Total Accounts Receivable         Bad Debt
                               Accounts Receivable
                                                                        (%)                           Provision

 No.1                                266,499,051.55                                        19.70      13,324,952.58

 No.2                                265,819,553.17                                        19.65      13,290,977.66

 No.3                                193,165,299.23                                        14.28      12,177,502.69

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                                                        Balance at the End of the Period

     Name of Entity                                   Proportion in Total Accounts Receivable         Bad Debt
                               Accounts Receivable
                                                                        (%)                           Provision

 No.4                                169,639,799.62                                        12.54      10,645,624.31

 No.5                                 94,265,738.35                                         6.97       4,713,286.92

          Total                      989,389,441.92                                        73.14      54,152,344.16

(6).Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(7). Amount of assets and liabilities formed by the transfer of accounts receivable and continued
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Other Notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. Other Receivables
Presentation of items
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                 Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                 Balance at the beginning of the
                  Item                     Balance at the end of the period
Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
Other Receivables                                             37,523,577.06                          76,146,034.58
                Total                                         37,523,577.06                          76,146,034.58

Other Notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Interest receivable

(1). Category of interest receivable
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(2). Important late payment interest
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(3). Particulars of bad debt provision
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other Notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Dividend receivable

(4). Dividend Receivable
□Applicable √Non-applicable
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(5). Important dividend receivable with an aging over 1 year
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(6). Particulars of bad debt provision
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other Notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

Other Receivables
(7). Disclosure by aging
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                       Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                               Aging                             Book Balance at the End of the Period
Within 1 year
Including: sub-items within 1 year
Within 1 year                                                                            12,120,025.66
Subtotal within 1 year                                                                   12,120,025.66
1 to 2 years                                                                              9,857,500.00
2-3 years                                                                                18,133,500.00
Over 3 years                                                                             11,110,881.71
3 to 4 years
4 to 5 years
Over 5 years                                                                                205,800.00
Bad debt provision                                                                      -13,904,130.31
                            Total                                                        37,523,577.06
(8). Categorized by the nature of funds
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                         Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                       Book balance at the end of the   Book balance at the beginning
         Nature of Funds
                                                 period                         of the period
Temporary borrowings                                    49,415,981.71                    84,615,981.71
Petty cash funds                                           137,500.00                         88,700.00
Security deposit                                            19,250.00                         19,250.00
Other                                                    1,854,975.66                     1,822,775.68
              Total                                     51,427,707.37                    86,546,707.39

(9). Categorized by the nature of funds
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                       Book balance at the end of the   Book balance at the beginning
         Nature of Funds
                                                 period                         of the period
Temporary borrowings                                    49,415,981.71                    84,615,981.71
Petty cash funds                                           137,500.00                         88,700.00
Security deposit                                            19,250.00                         19,250.00
Other                                                    1,854,975.66                     1,822,775.68
              Total                                     51,427,707.37                    86,546,707.39

(10). Particulars of bad debt provision
√Applicable □Non-applicable
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                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                Phase 1              Phase 2            Phase 3
                                                 Expected credit    Expected credit
                                                 loss throughout    loss throughout
                            Expected credit                                                   Total
 Bad debt provision                              the duration (no     the duration
                           loss in the next 12
                                                       credit            (credit
                                                   impairment       impairment has
                                                    occurred)          occurred)
Balance on January 1,           10,400,672.81                                              10,400,672.81
Balance of the current
period on January 1,
--Transfer to Phase 2
--Transfer to Phase 3
--Transfer to Phase 2
--Transfer to Phase 1
Provision made in the             3,503,457.50                                               3,503,457.50
current period
Reversal      in   the
current period
Charge-off in the
current period
Write-off     in   the
current period
Other changes
Balance on June 30,             13,904,130.31                                              13,904,130.31

Notes to significant changes in the book balance of other receivables that have changed in the current
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Amount of bad debt provision in the current period and the basis for assessing whether the credit risk of
financial instruments has increased significantly:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(10). Particulars of bad debt provision
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                        Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                    Balance at            Amount Changed in the Current Period
                                                                                      Balance at the
                        the                                     Charge-of
   Category                                       Withdrawal                    Other  End of the
                   Beginning of       Provision                    f or
                                                  or Reversal                 Changes    Period
                    the Period                                   write-off
with bad debt      10,400,672.8
                                     3,503,457.50                                          13,904,130.31
accrued based                 1
on aging
     Total         10,400,672.8
                                     3,503,457.50                                          13,904,130.31
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Bad debt provision in the current period with significant amount of withdrawal or reversal:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(12). Particulars of other receivables actually written off in the current period
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other note to write-off of receivables:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(13). Particulars of other receivables of the top five closing balances collected by debtors
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                            Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                    Proportion in total Balance of bad
                                  Balance at the
                      Nature of                                     other receivables at debt provision at
 Name of Unit                      end of the           Aging
                       funds                                           the end of the     the end of the
                                                                         period (%)           period
Shanghai           Temporary      49,415,981.71 1 to 4 years                       96.09    13,286,239.03
Towin              borrowings
Liu Hongsong       Other             455,000.00     2 to 4 years                  0.88         259,500.00
Li Dongmei         Other             255,800.00     3 to 5 years                  0.50         229,800.00
Xu Longhui         Other             183,500.00     1 to 2 years                  0.36          16,850.00
Cao Yuzhuo         Other             114,000.00     Within 1 year                 0.22           5,700.00
     Total               /        50,424,281.71            /                     98.05      13,798,089.03

(14). Accounts receivable related to government subsidies
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(15). Other accounts receivable derecognised due to transfer of financial assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(16). Amount of assets and liabilities generated due to transfer of other receivables and continued
□Applicable √Non-applicable
Other Notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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3. Long-term Equity Investment
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                        Balance at the end of the period                        Balance at the beginning of the period
                   Item                                          Impairment                                                  Impairment
                                              Book balance                            Book value          Book balance                           Book value
                                                                   provision                                                  provision
Investments in subsidiaries                   5,334,164,283.08                       5,334,164,283.08     3,921,478,960.48                      3,921,478,960.48
Investments in joint ventures and               138,737,177.28                         138,737,177.28
                                                                                                            150,295,983.58                       150,295,983.58
                  Total                       5,472,901,460.36                       5,472,901,460.36     4,071,774,944.06                     4,071,774,944.06

(1). Investments in subsidiaries
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                  Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                                                                            Balance at the end
                                     Balance at the                                                                 Impairment provision
                                                       Increased in current   Decreased in     Balance at the end                            of the period of
       Invested Entity              beginning of the                                                                accrued in the current
                                                              period          current period     of the period                                 impairment
                                         period                                                                            period
Tuopu Imp&Exp.                        178,081,940.48                                              178,081,940.48
Tuopu Parts                           196,984,594.91                                              196,984,594.91
Tuopu Acoustics Vibration             184,685,004.03                                              184,685,004.03
Yantai Tuopu                           62,800,000.00                                               62,800,000.00
Liuzhou Tuopu                         100,000,000.00                                              100,000,000.00
Shenyang Tuopu                         10,000,000.00                                               10,000,000.00
Tuopu Intelligent Brake                20,000,000.00                                               20,000,000.00
Ningbo Qianhui                         31,210,000.00                                               31,210,000.00
Sichuan Tuopu                          20,000,000.00                                               20,000,000.00
Huzhou Tuopu                                                10,900,000.00                          10,900,000.00
Wuhan Tuopu                           150,000,000.00                                              150,000,000.00
Wuhan Tuopu                           208,000,000.00                                              208,000,000.00
Shanghai Towin                         10,000,000.00                                               10,000,000.00
Tuopu Industrial Automation            17,700,000.00                                               17,700,000.00
Tuopu Investment                          100,000.00                                                  100,000.00
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Yuxiang E-commerce                      3,500,000.00             200,000.00                            3,700,000.00
Tuopu Poland                                                  18,000,000.00                           18,000,000.00
Baoji Tuopu                            18,980,000.00                                                  18,980,000.00
Taizhou Tuopu                          64,650,000.00          35,350,000.00                          100,000,000.00
Tuopu Automotive                    1,457,800,000.00         665,200,000.00                        2,123,000,000.00
Jinzhong Tuopu                          8,000,000.00                                                   8,000,000.00
Shenzhen Towin                         11,300,000.00                                                  11,300,000.00
Tuopu Brasil                           80,776,216.50                                                  80,776,216.50
Zhejiang Tuowin                       571,320,000.00                                                 571,320,000.00
Sichuan Maigao                        290,000,000.00                                                 290,000,000.00
Hunan Tuopu                            50,000,000.00         111,000,000.00                          161,000,000.00
Tuopu USA, LLC                         35,091,204.56                                                  35,091,204.56
Tuopu Chassis                         107,500,000.00         104,800,000.00                          212,300,000.00
Tuopu Thermal Management               33,000,000.00         467,235,322.60                          500,235,322.60
            Total                   3,921,478,960.48       1,412,685,322.60                        5,334,164,283.08

(2). Investments in joint ventures and associates
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                       Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                  Decrease/Increase in the current period                                                    Balan
                                                                                                                                                              ce of
                                                        Investment       Adjustme                                       Provisio                              ment
                  Balance at the    Inves   Inves
  Invested                                             profit and loss   nt on other     Other      Cash dividends        n for           Balance at the End provis
                 Beginning of the   tment   tment                                                                                  Oth
   Entity                                               recognized       comprehe       changes    or profit declared   impairm              of the Period    ion at
                     Period         Incre    Decr                                                                                   er
                                                         under the          nsive      in equity      to distribute        ent                                 the
                                     ased   eased
                                                       equity method       income                                        accrued                             end of
I. Joint
                    62,576,414.03                        2,956,361.83                                 20,000,000.00                          45,532,775.86
                                                                               201 / 205
 Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                    Semi-annual Report 2021

                     77,081,863.30   5,766,621.32                                82,848,484.62
Subtotal           139,658,277.33    8,722,983.15               20,000,000.00   128,381,260.48
II. Associates
                     10,637,706.25   -281,789.45                                 10,355,916.80
Subtotal            10,637,706.25     -281,789.45                                10,355,916.80
     Total         150,295,983.58    8,441,193.70               20,000,000.00   138,737,177.28

Other Notes:
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                           Semi-annual Report 2021

4. Operating Income and Operating Cost
(1).Particulars of operating income and operating cost
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                            Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                               Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in previous period
                                   Income                Cost              Income                 Cost
Main business                  2,608,935,777.52    2,065,485,916.16
                                                                       1,453,977,894.42    1,083,822,438.24
Other business                   142,236,128.59       89,618,093.50
                                                                          77,192,139.44       52,948,726.36
         Total                 2,751,171,906.11    2,155,104,009.66    1,531,170,033.86    1,136,771,164.60

(2). Income generated by contracts
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(3). Notes to discharge of obligations
□Applicable √Non-applicable
(4). Notes to allocation to remaining discharge of obligations
□Applicable √Non-applicable
5. Investment income
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                Amount incurred in     Amount incurred in
                                                                 the current period     previous period
Long-term equity investment income measured by cost
Long-term equity investment income measured by                          8,441,193.70
equity method
Investment income from disposal of long-term equity
Investment income of trading financial assets during                    4,324,874.65
the holding period
Dividend income from other equity instrument
investments during the holding period
Interest income from debt investment during the
holding period
Interest income from other debt investments during the
holding period
Investment income from disposal of trading financial
Investment income from the disposal of other equity
instrument investments
Investment income from disposal of debt investments
Investment income from the disposal of other debt
Investment income from wealth management products
                         Total                                         12,766,068.35         127,689,222.45

6. Others
□Applicable √Non-applicable

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Semi-annual Report 2021

XVIII. Additional Information
1. Current non-recurring profit and loss schedule
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                             Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
Item                                                                      Amount          Note
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets                      -1,258,747.17
Approval beyond authority, or without formal approval document,
or incidental tax rebates, deducts and exempts
Government subsidies included in the current profit and loss, but         13,938,042.57      附注十、七、
closely associated with the regular business operations of the                               84
Company, except for government subsidies that are consistent with
national policies and continuously granted at a fixed quota or
amount under certain national standard
Payment for the use of funds charged from non-financial
enterprises that is included in current profit and loss
Income generated from the investment cost of the Company in
acquiring subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures that is less than
the fair value of the identifiable net assets held by the invested
entity at the acquisition of investment
Gains and losses from exchange of non-monetary assets
Gains and losses from the engagement of others in investment or
Provisions for impairment of various assets due to force majeure
factors including natural disasters
Gains and losses from restructuring of debts
Expenses incurred in enterprise restructuring, including those
incurred in staff placement and integration
Gains and losses from the part of transactions whose prices are
clearly unfair in excess of the fair value
Net profits and loss for the current period from the beginning of the
period to the date of the merger arising from a business
combination under the same control
Profits and losses generated from contingent events that are
unrelated to the regular business operations of the Company
Profits and losses resulting from the changes in fair value for           1,711,141.42
holding trading financial assets, derivative financial assets and
trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and
investment income from disposal of trading financial assets,
derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities, derivative
financial liabilities and other obligatory right investments, except
for valid hedging businesses associated with the regular business
operations of the Company
Reversal of the receivables and contract assets depreciation
reserves for separate impairment test
Gains and losses from external entrusted loans
Profits and losses generated from a change in the fair value of
investment real estates that are subsequently measured by the fair
value model
Impact of one-off adjustment to the current profit and loss under
the requirements of taxation, accounting and other laws and
regulations on the current profit and loss
Custody fee income from entrusted operations
Non-operating income and expenses other than the above                    3,641,696.58
Other gains and losses items that fit the definition of non-recurring
gains and losses

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Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Semi-annual Report 2021

Impact of income tax                                                -2,962,928.98
Impact of minority equity                                           -56,934.88
Total                                                               15,012,269.54

For items defined as non-recurring gains and losses according to the No. 1 Explanatory Announcement
on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to Public - Non-recurring Gains and
Losses, or non-recurring gains and losses items listed in the said document defined as recurring ones,
state the reasons.
□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. ROE and EPS
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                   Weighted Average                         EPS
 Profit for the reporting period
                                       ROE (%               Basic EPS                 Diluted EPS
Net profit attributable to
common shareholders of the                      4.81                    0.42                        0.42
Net profit attributable to
common shareholders of the
                                                4.65                    0.41                        0.41
Company after deducting
non-recurring gains and losses

3. Differences between international and Chinese accounting standards
□Applicable √Non-applicable

4. Others
□Applicable √Non-applicable

                                                                               Chairman: Jianshu Wu
                                     Date of Submission to Board of Directors: August 19th, 2021

□Applicable √Non-applicable

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