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研究方向: 房地产行业


工作经历: 证书编号:S1010510120047,中信证券研究部房地产行业分析师。 剑桥大学城市规划硕士,南开大学金融学学士。 毕业后曾于戴德梁行从事物业整栋收购,2007年初进入中信证券研究部...>>

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研究员 推荐股票 所属行业 起评日* 起评价* 目标价 目标空间
20日短线评测 60日中线评测 推荐
最高价* 最高涨幅 结果 最高价* 最高涨幅 结果
陈聪 3
付瑜 2
金地集团 房地产业 2014-04-23 7.64 5.87 -- 10.29 32.26%
10.11 32.33% -- 详细
Event: On 21 Apr, Gemdale was informed that Sino Life held 885,748,901 shares (19.8%) in Gemdale, among which 670,748,901 (15.0%) are voting shares, according to Gemdale’s announcement. Comments: Long-term funds continued to boost investment in the Company, reflecting industrial capitalists’ positive outlook. Since 2H13, long-term funds have been continuously increasing their stake in Gemdale. Sino Life and Anbang Insurance consecutively announced changes in their equity stake, and designated directors to the Company’s Board of Directors through revision of the Company’s Articles of Association. This suggests that the industrial capitalists believe the Company’s capitalization is absolutely underestimated. In fact, many mainstream real estate stocks including Gemdale are trading at significant discounts relative to their respective NAV. For investors with real industry concept (such as insurance funds), buying real estate stocks are better choice than buying housing properties. More importantly, another important reason for the free float shareholders to continuously increase their investment is that they have essential influence on the target listed company and that leverage ratio of the listed company is basically safe. A small step for Gemdale, a big step for the real estate sector: attractiveness of the undemanding real estate stocks to industrial capitals. In our view, on one hand, the divided opinions of the capital market about the real estate sector’s long cycle enable long-term investors to select appropriate investment targets at ease; on the other hand, long-term investors bring new changes to the listed companies, such as reducing their fund cost and even providing land resources support etc. As long as overall valuation of the real estate sector is not changed systemically, industrial capitalists’ boost to investment will occur again. Of course, a moderate market capitalization size, good stock liquidity and trustable management made Gemdale the first stock to reflect the industrial investment value. Although the Company’s valuation is already relatively high among the leading stocks to some investors, it is still lower than the real value of the Company’s assets to the industrial investors. Additionally, the Company’s management is reliable. In order to maintain their influence in the Company, the long-term investors are expected to continue increasing their stake in specific companies. Rise of Gemdale: the right rhythm and the premium products.Gemdale became prudent about land acquisitions and active about de-stocking in 2H13. This effectively improved the quality of its land bank, and made room for the land acquisition after 2Q14E. Additionally, the Company has inherent brand premium and achieved solidsales performance against the huge supply and fierce competition in southeast China. Its previous shortest slab (poor quality of land bank, improper timing of land acquisition) has been filled up completely. In our view, boost of investment by long-term investors is expected to deliver a boost to its income statement in 2014E. Potential risks: restrictions on the settleable resources in 2013-14; earnings growth is mainly due to changes in the accounting policy. Valuation, earnings forecast and investment rating: we reiterate the Company’s 2013/14/15E EPS at Rmb0.91/0.95/1.49. Given that a) continuous boost of investment by industrial capitalists and their appointment of members to the Board of Directors help raise the say of free float shareholders, b) monthly sales of the Company are expected to increase along with increase in the property projects launched, and c) the Company is expected to see frog-leap development after 2014 (due to increase in the settlement scale and profitability, its 2015 earnings growth is relatively high considering the time lag in settlement of sold properties), we assign the Company a 6x 2015E PE and keep its target price to Rmb8.94. Reiterate the BUY rating on the last share price of Rmb7.76.
陈聪 3
付瑜 2
金融街 房地产业 2014-04-22 5.16 5.79 32.28% 6.18 19.77%
6.39 23.84% -- 详细
The Company’s controlling shareholder (Financial Street Group) boosted its stake by more than 41.58mn shares. Following the deal, the Financial Street Group and companies acting in concert jointly hold more than 845mn shares (27.92%) of the Company. Financial Street Group consolidated its position and boosted its share of Financial Street’s profit at relatively small cost. At the current stock price, the purchase of shares will cost a total of ~Rmb220mn. The purchase will raise the controlling shareholder’s stake in the Company. Currently, Financial Street has a dividend yield of more than 4.6% and is trading at a notable discount to its NAV. In our view, the deal is a wise investment choice for the Financial Street Group. Resource value is undisputed. Financial Street currently holds 682k m2 of rental properties (~450k m2 is located in prime districts of Beijing) and over 5mn m2 of above-ground construction area reserve (>1mn m2 is located in prime areas within the third ring road of Beijing). Stripping out reserves in other cities and other areas of Beijing, the Company’s properties and land reserves in core areas within the third ring road are valued at an estimated Rmb40bn-plus (assuming property price > Rmb50,000/m2 and land price > Rmb20,000/m2). After deducting net liabilities, its net asset value (NAV) is notably higher than its current market capitalization. Additionally, projects in core areas of Beijing boast stable value even though China’s new housing developments are reaching a peak. Strong ability to acquire land: Financial Street is expected to actively expand its land bank in 2H14E. Financial Street verified sustainability of its development over the recent years. It successfully bought high-quality land plots on which to build Guangan Plaza, Yuetan Plaza and Jingxi Commercial Center amid stiff competition in Beijing’s land market. In 2013, the Company slowed its acquisition of new land plots due to the overheated land market. We forecast it will actively expand its land bank in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area and other tier-1/2 cities after 2Q14 (opportunities for land acquisition could emerge after 2Q14). Risks associated with investing in the company: (i) YoY decline in 2Q14E earnings due to limited size of related sales proceeds during the period and (ii) excessive investment in non-core areas. Earnings forecast, valuation and investment rating: The Yuetan project sales are expected to be booked in 2014. This will lock up its earnings growth for the year. We maintain the Company’s forecast 2014/15/16E EPS at Rmb1.19/1.45/1.79 and NAV at Rmb11.18/share. Among the stocks trading at high discounts to NAV, no others are posting such rapid earnings growth and trade at a prospective 2014E PER of only 5x. Additionally, among the companies trading at attractive valuation, none of these other companies have such abundant resources reserve. Looming REITS could offer an institutional opportunity. The incremental investment by Financial Street Group confirms the Company’s investment value. We value Financial Street at a 30% discount relative to its NAV and maintain our target price of Rmb7.83. We maintain our BUY rating.
陈聪 3
付瑜 2
金地集团 房地产业 2014-04-11 7.23 5.87 -- 10.29 39.81%
10.11 39.83%
Event: Gemdale amended its articles of association and expanded its Board of Directors to 14 members. Ke Ling, Juncan Huang, Aihong Chen, Bi’an Chen, Juyi Sun, Jiajun Chen, Lili Liang, Shengde Lin and Dafeng Yao were nominated as candidates for directors of the seventh Board of Directors, and another five people were nominated as candidates for independent directors, according to its announcement. Comments: Sino Life and Anbang Insurance were allowed to designate directors to the Company's Board of Directors. Upon the adjustment, the four largest shareholders would all have representatives on the Board. The Company plans to expand its Board of Directors from 12 members to 14; and except an independent director who left the position upon expiry of his term, all the other members on the Board were retained. Additionally, both Sino Life and Anbang Insurance were allowed to designate directors to the Company’s Board of Directors. Upon the adjustment, all of the Company’s four largest shareholders would have positions on the Board of Directors, and these four largest shareholders collectively control an estimated stake of more than 25% in the Company. The adjustment reflects the long-term shareholding willingness of Sino Life and Anbang Insurance, and suggests that the major shareholders are relatively united and confident in the management. Since Sino Life took stake in the Company in 2013, other investors have been speculating on its shareholding intention. Although designation of directors doesn’t equal to restriction of the sale of free float shares, it indicates that both insurance companies agree to the medium to long term investment value of the Company. In our view, the adjustment also reflects that the four largest shareholders (i.e. Sino Life, Futian Investment, Anbang Insurance and Futian Construction) are relatively united and confident in the Company’s core management members, such as Ke Ling, Juncan Huang and Jiaun Xu of the Board of Directors. Optimization of the equity structure is forecast to further improve the Company’s corporate governance but not dampen its decision-making efficiency. In our view, both Sino Life and Anbang Insurance are bullish on the Company’s long-term prospect and have good faith in its core management team, as evidenced by their continuous increase of stake in the Company through the secondary market and their designation of directors. The shareholders with great influence on the Company’s operation management and intention to hold stake in thelong term will help improve the Company’s governance mechanism and make sure the management works for the interests of shareholders. Additionally, the Board of Directors comprising of representatives of the major shareholders and core management members of the Company will guarantee great efficiency in the routine decision-making process. Rise of Gemdale: the right rhythm and the premium products. Gemdale became prudent about land acquisitions while active about de-stocking in 2H13. It effectively improved the quality of land bank, and made preparations for the land acquisition after 2Q14E. Additionally, the Company has inherent brand premium and achieved solid sales performance against the huge supply and fierce competition in southeast China. Its previous shortest slab (poor quality of land bank, improper timing of land acquisition) has been filled up completely. Adjustment of the Board of Directors is expected to deliver a boost to its income statement in 2014E. Potential risks: restrictions on the settleable resources in 2013-14; earnings growth is mainly due to alternation of accounting policy. Valuation, earnings forecast and investment rating: we reiterate the Company’s 2013/14/15E EPS at Rmb0.91/0.95/1.49. Given that a) adjustment of the Board of Directors is in favour of the free float shareholders, b) monthly sales of the Company are expected to increase along with increase in the property projects launched, and c) the Company is expected to see a frog-leap development after 2014 (due to increase in the settlement scale and profitability. The Company’s 2015 earnings growth is relatively high considering the time lag in settlement of sold properties), we assign the Company a 6x 2015E PE and raise its target price to Rmb8.94 (from Rmb7.73). Reiterate the BUY rating on the last share price of Rmb7.24.
陈聪 3
保利地产 房地产业 2012-05-10 10.32 6.00 109.55% 11.50 11.43%
12.94 25.39%
4月销售表现亮丽:公司4月实现签约面积71.9万平,签约金额91.48亿元,同比分别增长45%和37%,单月销售金额为历史第三高;前4月累计实现签约240.14亿元,同比增长16%。 尽可能满足主流市场需求,理性定价:公司本身理性定价,对于价格敏感的刚需盘实行促销,提升产品性价比;市场的首套利率出现折扣,也降低了潜在购房者成本。公司这样主要针对自住刚需的发展商占据了市场的有利位置。 货量供应灵活,5月销售或将挑战单月历史高点:公司2011年以来推行灵活的供应策略,加大了市场恢复较快区域如西南省市的推货,同时加快写字楼、商铺、投资型公寓等商用物业开发速度,积极推动大宗成交。我们认为,由于公司未来两个月推货可能继续放大,且主要城市销售速度良好,月销售额数字很可能超过公司成立以来的历史最高点,即达到百亿以上。 快周转的行业龙头,高成长公司本色:我们判断房价将在二季度见底。公司在快速去化存货之后,预计在下半年会加大土地获取,从而增加弹性。我们认为,公司从2003年财务数据公布以来能跨越牛熊保持每年业绩增长30%以上,是整个A股市场当之无愧的高成长典范。 风险因素:未来房价上涨超预期引发再次调控风险。 盈利预测、估值及投资评级:我们维持公司2012/2013/2014年EPS1.43/1.86/2.31元/股的业绩预测,对应2012/13/14年9/7/6倍PE,给予公司NAV15.69元/股。考虑到整个行业或将迎来更广泛的差别化和销售环比增长,我们给予公司2012年12倍PE,目标价17.16元/股,维持公司“买入”的投资评级。
陈聪 3
万科A 房地产业 2012-05-07 8.79 6.99 63.06% 9.21 4.78%
9.79 11.38%
公司公布4月月报,2012年4月份公司实现销售面积76.7万平,销售金额74.4亿元,2012年1-4月份累计销售金额385.1亿元;4月份新增加项目5个,总拿地金额11.4亿元。 销售稳健,略低于市场预期。公司2012年4月份销售面积同比增长13.1%,销售金额同比下降5.82%,销售均价9700元,为自2009年7月以来的最低单月销售均价。行业调控继续卓有成效,公司理性定价促进资金回笼。但由于推盘本身不足,因此销售略低于市场预期,料随着推盘增加该情形将得到改善。 资金充沛,开始拿地动作。公司截至一季报货币资金位于历史高点,达390亿元,季度经营性现金流净额大幅为正,净负债率、短借/总资产均位于历史低点,资金充沛。在今年2-3月未拿地之后,公司4月份共获得五个项目,分别位于青岛、唐山、南充、贵阳市。我们认为公司在市场低点适当补充土地储备是必要的。 行业集中度上升,大龙头企业继续受益。在行业基本面底部,企业信贷紧张的情况下,大企业的拿地、拿钱优势继续凸显。我们预计未来龙头公司的品牌溢价将会逐渐显现,公司作为行业第一大龙头,各个方面均表现出色,并不断加强合作开发的模式,是地产龙头股的重要选择,风险提示:调控造成销售速度下降超预期的风险;对公司来说地价的上涨也是一种经营风险。 盈利预测、估值和投资评级:我们维持公司2012/2013年1.12/1.46元/股的业绩预测(2011年EPS0.88元/股),对应2012/2013年PE8.1/5.8倍,NAV9.65元/股。我们给予公司2012年10倍PE的目标价,即11.20元/股,维持公司“买入”的投资评级。
陈聪 3
中南建设 建筑和工程 2012-04-25 10.53 4.30 92.63% 13.07 24.12%
14.06 33.52%
公司业绩略低于市场预期:公司2011年实现营业收入123.0亿,同比增长34.6%;实现归属上市公司股东的净利i闰9.3亿,同比增长25.8%。2012年一季度实现营业收入18.6亿,确认归属上市公司股东净利润1.4亿,同比分别下降7.6%和28.6%。 特殊因素拖累业绩:公司建筑施工业务的负债不能进行资本化,使得全公司全年财务费用达到3.0亿。另外公司为履行社会责任,慈善捐赠5000万,也使得全年业绩略低于预期。 商品房销售势头强劲,施工业务稳健增长:公司2011年实现销售面积105.4万平米,销售额84.5亿,均大幅增长。为缓解负债和存货压力,公司累计完成非货币性资产交换以房抵款9.7亿元,即使扣除后销售也显著超过了年初制定目标。2012年一季度公司销售情况良好,季末预收款项达119.1亿元。 在销售拉动下,最近两个季度公司经营性现金流净额均为正数,有效改善负债结构。建筑施工内部关联交易抵消后实现收入70.6亿,亦完成全年目标。 区域市场和盈利模式共同维护盈利能力稳定:尽管公司在盐城、青岛、儋州等项目毛利率较低,但海门、南通、常熟三地房价稳定,销售放量。因此,尽管预计公司结算毛利率在2012午三季度后或下行,但当前销售额的潜在盈利已经稳定了。另外,公司所开发大盘到后期,大建安投入往往使品质鹤立鸡群,商业配套也会集聚大量人流。公司盈利模式本身能创造出产品增值(而非土地增值),从而改善今天低毛利项目(如盐城)的盈利。 风险因素:地产行业调控引起销售不畅风险;建安成本上涨过快的风险;施工业务的回款风险。 盈利预测、估值及投资评级:由于公司所在区域房价跟随全市场下行,我们微调公司2012/2013/2014年EPS分别至1.09/1.40/1.46元/股(原2012/13年预测1.20/1.43元/股),NAV13.62元/股(原估算14.18元/股)。考虑到公司主要区域房价基本见底,我们给予公司NAV5%的折价,目标价12.94元/股,维持“买入”评级。
陈聪 3
保利地产 房地产业 2012-04-25 9.66 5.19 81.21% 11.13 15.22%
12.94 33.95%
公司业绩符合预期。公司2012年一季度营业收入49.2亿,同比增长36.4%,实现归属于上市公司股东净利润5.4亿,同比下降23.5%。公司一季度可结算资源太少造成毛利率波动较大,同时三项费用由于偶然因素增加较多,使得业绩下降。 短期进入推货高峰。公司在一季度实现销售金额148.7亿,同比增长9.0%。 我们估计,二季度,尤其是6月份是公司推货密集期,大量新盘在当时入市可能使得短期销售额放量。 受益于历史上新开工持续增长,在建面积大幅同比增长,意味着潜在可销售资源迅速增长。公司目前土地储备达到6165万平米。公司一季度在建面积达到2568万平米,同比大幅增长50.8%。由于公司的拿地方向在过去几年没有大幅偏向三四线城市,估计成交均价未来不会有显著下降趋势,这意味着2012年二季度后潜在的可销售资源将迅猛增长。随时可推的资源是公司提高业绩的基础。 需支付地价少,当前新开工下降快。公司在报告期新拓展项目3个,增加规划容积率面积182.9万平米。考虑到公司在2011年下半年已经拿地谨慎,则我们认为当前公司土地款支付压力极低。同时公司在2012年一季度新开工面积仅243.6万平米,客观上降低了未来的剐性工程款支付压力。 风险因素:公司有息负债占总资产比重比年底略有提高,货币资金占总资本比重略有降低,但仍足够覆盖短期有息负债。 盈利预测、估值及投资评级:由于公司近期销售情况良好,我们小幅上调公司业绩预测至2012/2013/2014年EPS l.43/1.86/2.31元/股(原预测分别为1.35/1.73/2.20元),对应2012/13/14年PE 8.5/6.6/5.3倍。我们给予公司2012年11倍的目标价14.84元/股,维持公司“买入”的投资评级。
陈聪 3
万科A 房地产业 2012-04-25 8.34 6.99 63.06% 9.01 8.03%
9.79 17.39%
业绩符合预期:公司公布一季报,一季度营业收入103亿元,同比增加29.8%;归属上市公司股东净利润14亿元,同比增加15.8%; EPS为0.13元,符合预期。 销售有为,拿地无为:公司一季度去化积极,共实现销售签约310.7亿元,当前现房占存货不足4%。未来预计公司推货量平稳,供应结构明显顺应市场自住化的浪潮。公司一季度销售产品中,144平米以下户型占比已经升至90%。在土地市场上公司奉行无为,客观上保持了更多的现金,以等待更好的机会出现,避免可能的风险。 继续回流资金和降低短期还款压力。公司并没有过分降低杠杆,而是提升了长期借款占有息负债比例,保留了接近400亿的现金择机而行。由于基本不拿地,少开工,公司季度经营性现金流净额大幅为正。这种“无为”的态度在现在不会造成公司可销售资源不足,如果地价能进一步下行则公司将占据有利位置。事实上,目前开发贷款供给决定了地价大幅上涨的可能性也不大。 行业环境有利于龙头企业:企业的规模优势在土地资源获取,公司在信贷资金获取、节约建安成本和提高产品溢价方面都具备较大优势。这种全方位优势,特别是在地方政府和银行方面的优势正在增大,足以克服规模增加带来的管控风险。公司仍是地产龙头股的重要选择。 风险提示:调控造成销售速度下降超预期的风险;对公司来说地价的上涨也是一种经营风险。 盈利预测、估值和投资评级:我们维持公司2012/2013年1.12/1.46元/股的业绩预测(2011年EPS0.88元/股),对应2012/2013年PE7.7/5.9倍,NAV9.65元/股。我们给予公司2012年10倍PE的目标价,即11.20元/股,维持公司“买入”的投资评级。
陈聪 3
冠城大通 房地产业 2012-04-25 5.44 6.15 18.13% 5.80 6.62%
6.30 15.81%
陈聪 3
招商地产 房地产业 2012-04-19 20.99 17.14 72.59% 23.74 13.10%
26.73 27.35%
公司2012年一季度实现营业收入36.1亿,同比增长27.3%;实现归属于上市公司股东的净利润4.3亿,同比下降23.5%。业绩同比下降的主要原因是原本较少的结算中含少数股东权益部分较大。 一季度销售回款增长明显,成为公司发展最重要支持。公司一季度销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金56.2亿,同比增长27.0%,环比2011年四季度增长1.8%。 尽管公司除了地产销售还有租赁等业务,但其他板块现金回流极为稳定。因此我们认为,在没有大规模推盘的情况下,公司一季度的销售情况是明显好于行业的,估计销售回款在50亿以上,签约在60亿以上。 杠杆和现金同向增长,现金占资产比重继续提高。在一季度末,公司现金占总资产比重为20.2%,是2009年底以来的新高。不过公司有息负债,特别是长期负债提高也很快。我们认为,公司正在利用融资渠道优势,聚集资金,抄底资源。从周期来看,目前至少不是资源价格的高点,同时也是有很多机会可供挑选的时候。 毛利率水平维持平稳。公司2012年一季度毛利率47.4%,尽管比2011年略有下降,但仍维持在很高的位置。综观全年,公司的确面临着结算毛利率下行的压力,但这种毛利率下行也有利于土增税顸提额的减少。而且大量区域市场二季度价格的趋势稳定,也有利于缓解投资者对公司毛利下降的担心。 风险因素:行业调控升级造成的风险;公司以资金换资源过程中,资源品种选择的风险。 盈利预测、估值及投资评级:维持招商地产2012/13/14年EPS预测为2.09/2.99/3.27元(2011年1.51元/股),对应2012/13/14年PE 10/7/7倍,NAV24.75元/股。考虑公司融资渠道独特性,资源的稀缺性和销售的弹性,我们仍然给予公司2012年13倍的PE,维持27.21元/股的目标价和“买入”的投资评级。
陈聪 3
保利地产 房地产业 2012-04-11 9.12 4.14 44.55% 10.61 16.34%
12.64 38.60%
公司2012年3月实现销售签约97.4亿元,销售面积93.6万平,均价10403元/平米。公司一季度签约额和签约面积双双实现同比增长,表现远好于行业平均水平。 价格体系平稳,加推效果良好。公司3月份房屋销售均价基本保持平稳,各地楼盘虽有理性定价,但无恶性降价,潜在毛利率水平稳定。3月份公司迎来了推盘小高峰,成绩良好。我们认为,公司下一个推盘高峰在二季度末,当前销售速度平稳,预计二三季度销售额环比应能保持持续增长。 开工庞大,可销资源充裕:公司2011年新开工高达1503万平,同比增长50%,庞大的新开工资源足以保证2012年公司潜在的可新推货量大幅增长。 尽管我们相信,在正常的情况下公司的新推货量在1000亿元左右,但一旦未来两个季度销售良好,则企业确实有能力继续加大推货。 预收款规模大,深耕单体市场:公司去年年底预收款规模709.3亿元,相当于2011年公司营业收入的151%。这使得即使可结算资源利润率下行,公司静态业绩确定性也极强。公司在单个市场的市场占有率普遍不低,因此其对于市场相对熟悉,在同等销售定价条件下去化可能会更加顺利。 风险因素:行业调控深化风险;公司长期借款是有息负债主体,但2013年内到期的长期借款和债券比重颇大。 盈利预测、估值及投资评级:我们维持公司2012/2013/2014年1.35/1.73/2.20元/股的业绩预测(2011年EPSl.10元/股),对应2012/13/14年PE分别为8.4/6.5/5.1倍,NAV12.02元/股。我们给予公司2012年11倍PE的目标价,即14.84元/股,维持公司“买入”的投资评级。
陈聪 3
保利地产 房地产业 2012-04-09 9.19 5.19 81.21% 10.61 15.45%
12.01 30.69%
公司2011年实现营业收入470.4亿,同比增长31.0%,毛利率37.2%,归属母公司净利润65.3亿,同比增长32.7%,EPSl.10元,符合我们预期。这是公司2004年以来连续第8年业绩增长超过30%。 销售得力,资金充沛。公司全年实现销售面积650.3万平米,销售额732.4亿元,同比增长10.7%。加之融资渠道通畅,期末公司资产负债率略有下降,扣除预收款后的其他负债占总资产的比例则比2010年下降了3.08个百分点,一年内到期的有息负债仅占总有息负债20.4%。 拿地稳健,资源丰裕:公司坚持等量拓展原则,新增权益容积率面积677万平,不计权益总建面积933万平,超过销售、结算和竣工规模。新拓展资源平均楼面地价2582元/平方米,相对目前公司超过10000元/平米的房价来说成本压力小。除了新进入6城市外,绝大多数新增资源位于旧有城市,预期将使单城市市场占有率在当前的4.7%基础上进一步提高。 业绩确定性和弹性齐备。公司年底预收款规模709.3亿元,相当于2011年公司营业收入151%。这使得即使可结算资源利润率下行,公司静态业绩确定性也极强。如2012年住宅销售下行,公司仍有大规棋商业物业可供销售。 2011年公司新开工面积1503.3万平,同比增长约50%,今年货量弹性大。 风险因素:行业调控深化风险;公司长期借款是有息负债主体,但2013年内到期的长期借款和债券比重颇大。 盈利预测、估值及投资评级:我们给予公司2012/2013/2014年1.35/1.73/2.20元/股的业绩预测(2011年EPS l.10元/股),对应2012/13/14年PE 8.5/6.6/5.2倍,NAV 12.02元/股。我们给予公司2012年11倍PE的目标价,即14.84元/股,维持“买入”的投资评级。
陈聪 3
万科A 房地产业 2012-04-09 8.13 6.99 63.06% 9.01 10.82%
9.21 13.28%
公司销售继续符合我们判断,超过市场预期:公司3月实现销售面积109.9万平米,销售金额115.2亿元,销售均价10482元/平米。第一季度公司实现销售面积300.9万平米,销售金额310.7亿元,分别同比下降1.0%和12.5%。 公司第一季度的表现好于我们跟踪样本市场销售情况,销售额同比降幅大于销售面积,显示其以价换量取得明显成果。 可以对市场趋势谨慎,但不会坐失销售去化的窗口:万科对2012年上半年销售情况判断并不乐观,公司推货也不在最高峰。但这不代表公司会失去销售去化的窗口,公司应变重于预测的理念确保企业以需定产。我们对二季度的行业销售有信心,公司的销售数据随着推货量增加而渐入佳境。 主客观原因造成公司持续不拿地:除了一个【日改项目之外,公司在整个一季度都没有新增土地储备。我们认为,这一方面是由于公司对后市相对谨慎,不愿意放大投资规模,但另一方面也是因为其缺乏境外融资渠道和低成本资金来源,加杠杆拿地还不如去杠杆卖房。目前来看,这样做是符合股东利益的,因为土地市场尚处于下行通道中。我们认为买地的时间窗口即将到来,预测公司买地的规模也可能在三季度前后显著上行。 我们认为以价换量逐渐接近尾声:公司的定价策略是随行就市,当前销售速度提升,二季度房价见底的可能性极大。且公司超额毛利已经牺牲了一部分,我们认为公司以价换量的行动已经接近尾声,毛利率具备很高的安全性。 风险提示:调控造成4月之后房屋销售下降的风险;公司的综合资金成本高于其他一些龙头企业的风险。 盈利预测、估值和投资评级:我们维持公司2012/2013年EPS分别为1.12/1.46元/股的业绩预测(2011年EPS 0.88元/股),对应2012/2013年PE分别为7.5/5.7倍,NAV为9.65元/股。我们给予公司2012年10倍PE的目标价,即11.20元/股,维持公司“买入”的投资评级。
陈聪 3
金隅股份 非金属类建材业 2012-04-02 7.70 3.79 80.51% 8.73 13.38%
8.73 13.38%
2011年利润实现较快增长,业绩略低于预期。公司2011年共实现营业收入287.45亿元(其中房地产、水泥、物业投资管理及新型建材板块占比分别为46%、18%、31%和5%),同比增长24.25%,;实现归属于母公司所有者净利润34.28亿元,同比增长26.8g%;摊薄EPS为0.80元,略低于之前预期。 水泥及房地产板块双轮驱动公司业绩实现较快增长。公司2011年业绩实现较快增长之主因是水泥销量大幅增长及房地产结转单价有所提升。2011年公司实现水泥及熟料综合销量3672万吨,同比增长2g%,水泥销售均价为270元/吨,同比下降4元/吨;房地产全年实现结转面积83.56万平米,同比减少4.17%,房地产结转单价为10507元/平米,比上年提升1977元/平米。 京津冀水泥市场首度积极协同,“大十字”战略打开水泥主业增长空间。公司主战场“京津冀”地区需求保持稳步增长,产能投放高峰逐渐退潮,后续供需格局有望逐步好转。“京津冀”地区呈现寡头垄断格局,“两会”期间龙头企业协同大幅提价50-100元/吨,近期区域需求有所回暖,加之河北地区首度大规模联合停窑,后续价格有望再度上涨;公司贯彻立足北京,走进津冀、辐射华北的“大十字”战略,预计通过兼并收购公司2012年产能有望达到5000万吨,外延式的扩张战略将助公司打开后续业绩增长空间。 受益保障房建设,坐拥优质土地资源。公司拥有土地储备总面积616万平方米,其中近一半位于北京市内,预计未来随着调控政策走向差别化,信贷政策适度放松,北京市场将持续保持销售回暖;公司是京内最大的保障房建设企业,保障房用地相当一部分来自于自有工业用地转换,地价成本几乎为零,预计未来保障房建设需求将呈现快速增长趋势(全国2012年将完工400万套),公司通过保障房建设既可大幅盈利,又可取得融资和土地获得上的便捷。 风险因素:房地产调控持续严厉、产能抑制政策放开、协同效应破裂等。 盈利预测、估值及投资评级。我们测算公司2012/2013/2014年EPS分别为0.66/0.85/0.83元,采用SOTP估值方法(建材行业用PE法,房地产及物业投资用NAV法)得到相应估值后汇总得到公司分类加总价值为9.5元/股,对应2012年14倍PE,维持公司“买入”评级。
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首开股份 房地产业 2012-03-21 6.78 6.73 146.34% 8.08 19.17%
9.18 35.40%
公司业绩快报大幅超越市场一致预期和前期业绩提示性公告。公司披露2011年实现营业收入90.42亿元,同比增长16.44%,归属于母公司股东的净利润18.77亿元,同比增长39.58%,EPS l.26元。特别值得注意,公司结算营业收入仍远低于预期全年销售额,可见公司并未透支未来业绩成长。 北京市场调整充分,公司资源稀缺。公司在北京有约400万平权益面积土地储备。且公司不因为资源稀缺而放慢销售,也未非理性甩卖核心资源。至今,公司仍拥有二环附近等多处核心土地储备。北京执行全国最严厉的限购政策,需求调整之早,投机性需求挤出之彻底,远超过二三线城市。我们认为当前北京外围房价明显调整,就是调控成效的表现一一而核心区房价维持稳定,则是北京庞大自住需求释放的结果(而不是泡沫)。 供应体系完全符合国家政策导向,销售弹性完全立足刚需释放。我们认为,政策方面将采取继续推进保障性住房建设,鼓励自住需求,继续严格遏制投机投资需求的思路。而公司产品体系则包括部分保障性住房,大量中端刚需住房和少部分高档刚需住房。即使是方庄等高房价项目的买家,也大多有居住的需要。公司的这种产品线完全符合国家政策导向,因此公司可能最为受益首套房按揭利率下行。 保障房对接回流资金,努力拓宽融资渠道。公司积极参与保障房建设,预计2012对接能回笼部分资金,同时公司努力拓宽多元融资渠道。 风险提示:行业调控深化风险,部分京外项目盈利风险。 盈利预测,估价和投资评级:公司结算更加积极,我们上调公司2012/2013年的盈利预测至1.45/1.83元/股(原预测为1.24和1.61元),对应2012/2013年PE7.4/5.8倍,NAV16.98元/股。我们给予公司2012年11倍的PE,即15.95元/股的目标价,维持“买入”的投资评级。
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